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CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...

Gatwick’s Case for a Second Runway July 2014
CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
connecting Britain to the future. faster. summary                 04

Our vision to connect the UK to the world                         06

Our commitments to deliver the best airport in the UK             08

THE TRANSFORMATION OF AVIATION                                    10

Connecting Britain to A changing world                            12

Our commitments

   01. A new runway by 2025 at half the cost and much less risk   16
   02. A stronger platform for economic growth                    20
   03. More competition, innovation and lower airfares            24
   04. Greater economic boost FOR THE UK                          26
   05. Connecting the UK regions to the world                     32
   06. Best passenger experience                                  34
   07. Most efficient and low cost operation for airlines         38
   08. Excellent transport links                                  42
   09. Minimised environmental impact                             50

   10. Our pledges for the local community                        52

Conclusion                                                        60

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
Connecting Britain to the Future. Faster.//

The UK is one of the best connected            Two world class airports                      THE BEST DECISION FOR UK PLC
countries in the world. But aviation
                                               Major global cities – New York, Paris         Expansion at Gatwick will deliver around
is undergoing a transformation.
                                               and Tokyo - have networks of airports.        £90 billion of economic benefit and create
Aircraft can now fly longer distances          They do not rely on a single mega-            around 120,000 jobs across the UK.
direct. Fewer passengers will need             hub. Mega-hubs tend to be based in            Expansion at Gatwick will deliver balanced
                                               smaller cities – Dubai, Amsterdam and         growth for London - and South London in
to transfer. The aircraft orders
                                               Atlanta - that are less significant global    particular - rather than simply overheat
of today are shaping the future.               destinations and have smaller populations.    one part of the Capital.
This puts a premium on the UK                  It is not a question of hub or no hub
having a new aviation solution                 but whether we need a mega-hub.

for the challenges of tomorrow.
                                               London’s position today derives from the
                                               strength of its airport system as a whole.
GATWICK’S VISION                               This is the model that can best serve the
                                               London of the future. Two world class
Gatwick’s vision is of two world class         airports, different but complementary, will
airports in London helping to connect the      together help deliver the connectivity and
country to the rest of the world. We want to   economic growth that the country needs        THE AIRPORTS COMMISSION
see Gatwick grow, and Heathrow improve.        – with much lower environmental impact.
                                                                                             In 2012, the Government established the
As connections to emerging markets             DELIVERABLE AND FUTURE-PROOF                  independent Airports Commission, led by
become more important, and the UK’s                                                          Sir Howard Davies. The Commission is
core European markets continue to              An extra runway at Gatwick will deliver       examining the nature, scale and timing
grow, we need a network of airports,           flights from London’s airports to 440         of any requirement for additional capacity
enabling London to function as a               destinations - significantly more than        to maintain the UK’s position as Europe’s
true global city and our economy               expansion at Heathrow. This extra             most important aviation hub.
and tourism to thrive as a result.             capacity will enable the UK to fly to
                                               more destinations . Greater competition       In December 2013, the Airports
This is the first time in many decades         will mean a better service and cheaper        Commission published its Interim
that expansion at Gatwick can be               fares for passengers. Gatwick will offer      Report. In this report, Sir Howard Davies
considered as it has been ruled out for        great connections across the UK, good         concluded that “there is a clear case for
40 years under previous governments.           transport links and a new airport designed    one net additional runway in London and
Competition and liberalisation have been       for smooth and enjoyable journeys.            the South East, to come into operation
at the heart of the UK’s aviation success.                                                   by 2030”. The Commission has short
The UK now has the opportunity to plan         Gatwick can deliver a second runway           listed Gatwick and Heathrow as options
for the next chapter in this success story     by 2025 at no additional cost to the          for the location of a new runway.
that can give passengers choice and the        taxpayer. An extra runway at Heathrow
UK the economic growth we need at an           would cost more than twice as much, be        The Commission will make its final
environmental cost that we can afford.         part-funded by the taxpayer, and involve      recommendations after the General
                                               tunnelling the M25 and introducing a road     Election in 2015.
                                               congestion charge at the airport.

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
Two World
Class Airports
in London will
  help the UK
economy grow

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
our vision//
to connect the uk
to the world
Our vision is of a thriving UK                 Our vision for UK
economy supported by two world                 economic growth
class airports in London.

                                               »»   Gatwick expansion will create
                                                    around 120,000 jobs for the UK

                                               »»   Gatwick expansion will deliver
                                                    around £90 billion of economic
                                                    benefits to the UK

                                               »»   Gatwick expansion will enhance
                                                    regional connectivity, with links
                                                    to 15 UK airports

                                               »»   Gatwick will enable Olympic-
                                                    scale regeneration for South
                                                    London and the South East

                                               »»   Gatwick expansion will increase
                                                    visitor numbers to the UK

                                               »»   Gatwick expansion will see
                                                    much lower airline charges
                                                    than Heathrow, making travel
                                                    cheaper for passengers.

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
Our vision for a                         Our vision for                                 Our vision for the
world class airport                      world class                                    future of aviation
                                         passenger service

»»   Gatwick expansion will see a new    »»   Gatwick expansion will deliver more       »»   Gatwick expansion will enable the UK
     state-of-the-art airport designed        choice for airlines and passengers,            to fly direct to more global destinations
     by world-class architects                with London serving 440 destinations
                                              across the globe by 2050                  »»   Gatwick expansion will suit all types
»»   Gatwick will deliver the most                                                           of airline due to lower airport charges
     efficient, lowest cost, most        »»   Gatwick expansion and transport                and greater efficiency
     competitive expansion option             upgrades will deliver the best rail
     for London                               connections of any airport in the         »»   Gatwick expansion will deliver
                                              UK with trains to Central London               around 5,000 additional weekly
»»   Gatwick expansion can be                 every two and a half minutes                   flights by 2050
     delivered by 2025 at least
     risk and no additional cost         »»   Gatwick expansion will deliver            »»   Gatwick expansion will generate
     to the taxpayer                          much shorter journey times through             more direct connections than
                                              the airport than Heathrow                      any other option
»»   Gatwick expansion will deliver
     260,000 more flights per            »»   Gatwick expansion will continue its       »»   Gatwick expansion is best suited
     year compared to our estimate            current transformation under new               to current aircraft order books
     of only 190,000 more with                ownership – Gatwick is already flying          and market trends.
     expansion at Heathrow                    to more destinations with a wider range
                                              of airlines than any other UK airport.
»»   Gatwick expansion will minimize
     environmental impacts such as
     noise, and London as a whole
     will become more resilient.

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
Our commitment is to grow the UK
economy by delivering the most efficient
and competitive airport in London:

                                                                                             Expansion at Gatwick rather than Heathrow
The cost of building the second runway          Gatwick expansion will create capacity       will see hundreds of thousands fewer
at Gatwick is £7.8 billion compared with        for more regional flights, connect           people affected and significantly lower
Heathrow’s £15.6 billion. Unlike Heathrow,      15 UK airports to Gatwick and support        environmental impacts. We will continue
growth at Gatwick will not require any          incentives and competitive charges           to meet all noise and air quality standards,
additional taxpayers’ money.                    for increased regional services.             deliver 60% public transport use by 2040
                                                                                             and aim to build a carbon neutral airport.

FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH                                                                          OUR PLEDGES FOR THE
                                                Gatwick expansion will deliver a modern,     LOCAL COMMUNITY
Gatwick expansion will deliver around           world class airport designed to make the
£90 billion of economic benefits to the UK,     passenger journey simple and efficient.      Gatwick expansion will offer a compensation
much higher than expansion at Heathrow,         Quality will be central, with access to      package, unmatched by Heathrow, of a 25%
because it will generate more traffic and       aircraft in less than 30 minutes and         premium on top of market value for
more connections to new destinations.           a minimum connection time between            homeowners directly affected, a £5,000
                                                aircrafts of under 45 minutes.               infrastructure contribution towards every
                                                                                             extra home that is built as a result of airport
MORE COMPETITION, INNOVATION                                                                 expansion and, uniquely, £1,000 per year
AND LOWER AIRFARES                              MOST EFFICIENT AND LOW COST                  contribution to council tax for local residents
                                                OPERATION FOR AIRLINES                       affected by noise.
Gatwick expansion will deliver two world
class airports serving London and the UK,       Gatwick expansion will deliver a world
delivering more competition between both        class service for airlines, with efficient
airports and within airlines, which will keep   turnaround and taxi times, more
airfares lower.                                 resilient designs for the future and low
                                                charges at £12 -£15 per passenger.

BOOST FOR THE UK                                EXCELLENT TRANSPORT LINKS

Gatwick expansion will create around            Gatwick expansion and dramatic
120,000 jobs. Gatwick will fund a £50           improvements in transport connections
million housing and jobs programme              will mean that 15 million people in the
to enable local authorities to deliver          UK will live within 60 minutes of Gatwick.
essential local community infrastructure        Trains to London will run every two and
and ensure local young people directly          a half minutes, and capacity will be
benefit from the new jobs being created.        doubled at local road junctions by 2025.

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...

Gatwick image

CONNECTING BRITAIN TO THE FUTURE. FASTER - Gatwick's Case for a Second Runway July 2014 - Gatwick ...
THE transformation of aviation//

                                                »»   Better regulation, new aircraft
»»   London is the world’s biggest aviation          technologies, increasing competition
     market and the best connected city              and innovation are reshaping aviation
     in the world, flying to over 360
     destinations - Paris serves around 300     »»   Low cost carriers account for over
     destinations and Frankfurt around 250           50% of the UK short haul market
                                                     and they are now expanding into
»»   The UK is the third largest aviation            the business sector and the medium
     network in the world - 75% of Fortune           and long haul markets
     500 companies have offices in London
                                                »»   easyJet carries more passengers
»»   The number of passengers using non-             than any other UK airline
     London UK airports has increased by
     over a third since 2000.                   »»   Dubai is now the busiest international
                                                     airport in the world
                                                »»   New ‘hub-buster’ aircraft are able
»»   Aviation supports around a million              to fly people further and at less cost
     jobs in the UK                                  than ever before, reducing the need
                                                     to transfer between flights.
»»   Aviation delivers £50 billion to the UK
     economy and £8 billion in tax revenues

»»   Aviation infrastructure and connectivity
     are key enablers for economic growth

»»   The cost to the wider economy
     of failing to address the demand
     for growth could amount to
     £30-45 billion over 60 years.

LONDON IS                  Low Cost Carriers
                            account for over
                         50%     OF THE                £8Bn
                                                            TO THE ECONOMY

                                                            IN TAX REVENUES

                                                        the cost to the uk
                                                      OF FAILING TO ADDRESS
                                                       DEMAND FOR GROWTH
                          short haul                        OVER 60 yearS

                            MARKEt                         £18 - £20bn
                        they are now expanding into          COST TO USERS
                        the business sector and the
    LONDON             medium and long haul markets         £30 - £45Bn

                                                        COST TO WIDER ECONOMY

                          carries more
                                                      UK AVIATION supports around
                                                      1 million JOBS
                        passengers than
          PARIS       any other uk airline

       300                                                 THE UK IS THE

                       more business passengers
                       are using low cost airlines         aviation network

Connecting Britain to
A changing world//

                                      Gatwick will deliver more                       Gatwick will serve the next

                                      flights to more markets                         generation of aircraft

                                      »»   Only Gatwick can cater for all types       »»   Gatwick can provide the lower
                                           of airlines flying to short and long            costs and efficient service to
                                           haul destinations - connecting                  cater for the next generation of
        of passengers
                                           the UK to all parts of the globe                airlines and aircraft and keep the
     in London airports                                                                    UK competitive as its proportion
    today are travelling              »»   Around 70% of passengers in London              of transfer passengers shrinks

        within Europe                      airports today are travelling within
                                           Europe. Between now and 2050, an           »»   The new generation of aircraft are
                                           extra 62 million people per year will           more fuel efficient and can fly further,
                                           fly within Europe                               reducing the need for hub transfer
          we need to
                                                                                           passengers to make some routes
         fly an extra                 »»   Around 6% of passengers in London’s             economic. Routes to countries such

                                           airports are travelling to or from              as Chile will be served directly
                                           emerging markets e.g. China, India              from London
                                           and South America. These markets
                                           are growing rapidly and between now        »»   Transferring passengers represent
                                           and 2050, an extra 18 million people            14% for London as a whole today but
            PEOPLE                         per year will fly to and mainly from            this will decline to 9% by 2050. About
                                           these markets                                   one fifth of Heathrow passengers and
             to and                                                                        less than 10% of Gatwick passengers
              from                    »»   Gatwick will be able to meet increased          currently transfer between flights
                                           demand for short haul European traffic.
            europe                         It will also deliver direct flights to     »»   69% of next generation long haul
                                           emerging markets like Sao Paulo in              aircraft on order by carriers are

                                           Brazil as well as adding frequencies and        ‘hub-busters’ such as Boeing
                                           destinations to its existing emerging           B787s and Airbus A350s.
                                           market routes such as China,
                                           Russia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

     People to emerging
      markets PER YEAR
     BETWEEN NOW & 2050

 passenger transfers
     will decline

       14%              9%
     now 2050
Gatwick will encourage more competition
                             and give more choice for airlines

                             »»   Only Gatwick will deliver a
                                  competitive proposition for both
                                  low cost and network carriers

                             »»   Competition between low cost carriers
Gatwick delivers                  and network carriers is intensifying.
                                  In the UK, Norwegian now fly direct

more competition                  to New York and Los Angeles from
                                  Gatwick and easyJet now carries more

  more flights                    passengers than other UK airlines.
                                  Low cost carriers are already growing

  lower fares                     rapidly in the Asian long haul market
                                  e.g. AirAsia X, Jetstar

                             »»   The vast majority of orders for new
                                  short haul aircraft are being placed
                                  by low cost carriers. easyJet currently
                                  have almost 80 new aircraft orders
                                  to grow their fleet to 300 aircraft.

 Expansion will lead
   to much higher
 charges at heathrow
 £   £   £   £     £

 £   £   £   £     £

 £   £   £   £     £

 £   £   £   £     £

 £   £   £   £     £

 £   £   £   £     £   £

 £   £   £   £     £   £

 £   £   £   £     £   £

 £   £   £   £     £   £

 £   £   £   £     £   £

AROUND £40        £12-£15
expansion        expansion

Connecting Britain to
A changing world//

Gatwick will enable the UK to compete                                                           Gatwick will deliver higher
                                                                                                quality and lower costs

»»    Only Gatwick will provide a model          »»   There is rapidly increasing competition   »»   Only Gatwick can provide a highly
      that is flexible enough to adapt to             in the market for transfer passengers          efficient airport and high service
      the dynamic and fast-changing                   particularly from Doha, Abu Dhabi,             quality standards, while also keeping
      aviation industry where transfer                Dubai and Istanbul                             airport charges low
      traffic’s importance is declining
                                                 »»   These new airports already handle         »»   Heathrow is already the world’s most
»»    The North America long haul market is           160 million passengers a year and              expensive airport and we estimate
      significant and well established, but is        plan to expand capacity to 475 million         that its airport charges with a third
      mature and growth will be modest                passengers a year by 2020. The flag-           runway would rise to around £40
                                                      carrier airlines which serve these hubs        per passenger. This compares to
»»    Emerging market airlines such as Air            (Qatar, Etihad, Emirates and Turkish)          expansion at Gatwick which would
      China will increasingly fly to London           have order books between 100%                  result in airport charges of £12
      over the next few years. The ‘hub’              and 200% of their current fleets               - £15 in today’s prices, together
      forthis traffic will generally be at                                                           with lower charges at Heathrow
      ‘the other end’ with low levels of         »»   European hubs have seen their overall
      transfers at London but a wide                  share of the market for Europe to the     »»   An additional runway at Heathrow will
      network of routes available at the              ‘rest of the world’ fall from 42% in           turn the clock back to the monopoly
           FLY DIRECT TO
      China end. 97% of passengers on                 2006/07 to 27% in 2012/13. In the              days before the break-up of BAA,

        NY LA
      Air China’s Heathrow-Beijing service            same time period, the market share of          with even higher airport charges,
      start or end their journey in London            Gulf hubs has grown from 9% to 32%.            less competition and higher fares

          From gatwick                                                                          »»   170 million extra passengers with
                                                                                                     a second runway compared to an
                                                                                                     expanded Heathrow between
                                                                                                     2025 and 2050.

     170 million
     extra passengers
     with a second runway
     compared to an
     expanded heathrow
     between 2025 and 2050
                                                         more Global
                                                       destinations to

                                                        help economic
                                                       growth through

                                                         and tourism

                   CAN PROVIDE
                     A HIGHLY
                    COSTS LOW

                    an additional
                      runway at
                    heathrow will
                 turn the clocks back
a 2nd runway          creating a
WILL CREATE A       monopoly with
balanced           less competition
airport system
A new runway by 2025 at half
the cost and much less risk
Gatwick is already the most efficient single    Flights to more DESTINATIONS                            Lower cost
runway operation in the world and it is
able to expand in a way that will improve       An extra runway at Gatwick will provide                 The cost of building the second runway
efficiency and the passenger experience.        capacity for 260,000 extra flights per                  at Gatwick is £7.8 billion compared to
Expansion will maintain London’s                year, as opposed to Heathrow which we                   Heathrow’s estimated £15.6 billion.
position as a global aviation hub.              estimate will deliver 190,000 extra flights.            Gatwick’s much lower cost is explained
                                                This is because we calculate that, due to a             by a number of factors:
Creating a network of world class airports in   variety of environmental and operational
London will deliver economic growth without     constraints, Heathrow’s total capacity will             »»   Capital costs and risks are
putting unacceptable strain on London and       be limited to 670,000 flights per year.                      substantially lower than at Heathrow
its population. Expansion at Gatwick will
add to London’s existing network of airport     Gatwick is almost full over the busy                    »»   The ‘up front’ costs are much
capacity and will be capable of serving all     summer months. This means that                               lower and the Gatwick build
airline business models. The process of         airlines cannot obtain the slots they                        will be phased over time
building a new runway at Gatwick to deliver     want to operate new all-year schedules.
that vision is relatively straightforward.      It also means there is no capacity                      »»   There are only limited additional
                                                to increase choice and competition,                          costs to improve Gatwick’s
The efficiency of Gatwick’s simple and          which keeps prices higher for passengers.                    road and rail infrastructure
elegant design, its less populated location
and strong business case make Gatwick           Expansion at Gatwick will enable 95 million             »»   Land has been safeguarded for a
expansion deliverable and low risk.             passengers to fly in and out of Gatwick                      second runway at Gatwick since 2005
The airport will pass these benefits onto       every year by 2050 – over 25 years that
airlines through lower airport charges          means an extra 170 million passengers                   »»   Any impacts of expansion on the local
and greater efficiency, which, combined         compared with expanding Heathrow -                           natural and built environment will be
with increased competition, will in turn        opening up competition and flying more                       limited compared to those at Heathrow
deliver lower prices for passengers.            UK passengers to all parts of the world.
                                                                                                        »»   The new runway at Gatwick can be
                                                                                                             developed without impacting on the
                                                                                                             existing operations of the airport.

                GATWICK expansion =                                                       HEATHROW expansion =
               260,000 EXTRA FLIGHTS PER YEAR                                             190, 000 EXTRA FLIGHTS PER YEAR

                                                                                     = 10,000 flights
          = 10,000 flights

                           BUILD COST                                                                   BUILD COST
                    £7.8 BILLION                                                              £15.6 BILLION

Delivered in 10 years                             World class design                                 Built for our airlines

The new runway at Gatwick can be                  The Master Plan for the new runway at              Low cost carriers need to operate a
operational by 2025, reflecting the               Gatwick will transform the airport. Our new        minimum of three journeys per aircraft
relative simplicity of the project.               international gateway to the world has been        per day in order to maximise fare revenue
Realistically, a third runway at Heathrow         developed within the vision of Sir Terry           and make their model viable. To deliver
is unlikely to open before 2030, if at all.       Farrell, one of the world’s leading architects.    this number of journeys, the aircraft has
This is due to the political and planning         Sir Terry has designed and delivered iconic        to be on the ground for less than 45
risks being significantly higher, with            global buildings, such as Incheon airport in       minutes. The entire process of boarding,
far more environmental damage and                 Seoul, and is at the forefront of sustainability   unboarding, servicing and taxiing the plane
population disruption. The challenge              as well as beautiful and efficient design.         needs to be very quick and efficient.
is exacerbated by the need for major
construction over the M25 together                Our design is based on three terminals, with       Central to our master plan is the need
with introducing a congestion charge.             an easy-to-navigate layout for passengers,         to build an airport that works for airlines,
                                                  providing ease of movement across the site         so that they can operate efficiently and pass
Between 2025 and 2030 – by when                   and minimal changes of levels. The existing        on the benefits to passengers through lower
existing runways at all London airports           North and South terminals will continue their      fares. Our design has four crucial elements
will essentially be full – only the Gatwick       programmes of upgrade and modernisation            to deliver this:
option is likely to be able to provide the        and increase the number of passengers they
UK with much needed additional capacity.          can accommodate. The new terminal will be          »»   A simple and efficient airfield layout,
Heathrow’s plan may not be deliverable at         a state-of-the-art, three-level facility with a         allowing the runways to be fully utilised
all given the huge environmental challenges       modular design allowing for expansion over
which have frustrated all previous attempts       time. The top floor will be used by departing      »»   A design that meets the needs
to expand beyond its existing two runway          passengers and sits under a high-level roof             of all airline operating models
operation and continue to restrict the way        allowing natural light to fill the area.
in which it is allowed to operate its runways.                                                       »»   An airport design which will enable
                                                  The entire airport will use the latest                  airlines to operate to maximum
                                                  technologies to ensure processes are                    efficiency, together with competitive
Designed for passengers                           seamless and non-intrusive for passengers.              airport charges
                                                  There will be a two minute shuttle time
Our plans began with the needs of our             to any terminal for passengers arriving            »»   A design that can deliver a new
passengers. Simplicity is our key design aim,     at the new public transport interchange.                runway by 2025, relieving the
to create easy, intuitive navigation through                                                              pressure on London as soon
the airport with quick, reliable journey times.                                                           as possible.
Our aim is to make passengers feel relaxed
and in control, able to access their flights                                                         Supporting freight
quickly and enjoy good food and shopping
at their leisure.                                                                                    The second runway at Gatwick has
                                                                                                     been designed to support significant
                                                                                                     growth in cargo. This is forecast to reach
                                                                                                     1,070,000 tonnes by 2050. While Heathrow
                                                                                                     is much the largest freight airport today,
                                                                                                     the growth of Gatwick, particularly in long
                                                                                                     haul markets will provide the opportunity
                                                                                                     for choice and competition within the
                                                                                                     air freight market. Gatwick’s Master
                                                                                                     Plan provides space for 65,000m2
                                                                                                     of state-of-the art cargo buildings.

Expanding London’s network of airports         Economic benefit for the UK                      Analysis of Gatwick’s case from leading
through a second runway at Gatwick will                                                         economists Oxera, suggests that expansion
deliver more flights and more passengers       A two-runway Gatwick competing with a            will deliver ‘lower costs and superior
and lower airfares at less cost which will     two-runway Heathrow on a level footing           economic benefits’ which would help
boost the UK economy. Gatwick is the           will encourage greater competition between       all passengers and businesses.
most efficient option and will also inject     airlines and airports, spur innovation, drive
the most competition and choice into           greater cost efficiencies and result in lower    Oxera’s findings show that the cost-benefit
the airport system.                            fares for passengers. Economic analysis          ratio of Gatwick’s second runway plans
                                               shows that benefits of a second runway           would be three times that for expansion
Expansion at Gatwick offers benefits similar   at Gatwick are around £90 billion over           at Heathrow, delivering boosts to travel
to other major infrastructure projects such    60 years, compared with £50 billion for          and the economy that would benefit the
as Crossrail and the London Olympic            Heathrow expansion on the same basis.            widest range of passengers and businesses.
Games. The UK as a whole will benefit from                                                      This figure is derived from weighing the
more flights to more destinations and more     The £90 billion economic benefit will            capital and operating cost of the scheme
choice, and London and the South East will     be created because:                              against its economic value to the UK.
benefit from regeneration and job creation.
                                               »»   Gatwick is by far the most cost effective
                                                    and efficient expansion option

                                               »»   Greater competition will stimulate
                                                    more growth and more innovation
                                                    at lower fares

                                               »»   Gatwick expansion will enable 10
                                                    million more passengers to travel
                                                    each year by 2050 compared with
                                                    expansion at Heathrow - good for
                                                    passengers and good for business

                                               »»   The runway can be delivered by
                                                    2025 at no additional cost to the
                                                    taxpayer, enabling the economy
                                                    to reap the benefits faster

                                               »»   The construction disruption will be
                                                    considerably less at Gatwick with
                                                    no requirement to tunnel the M25
                                                    and disrupt airfield operations.

Direct benefits to passengers                      Benefits to the wider UK                        Public accounts revenues to the
and airlines = +£51billion                         economy = +£28billion                           Exchequer = +£15billion

The largest economic benefits of expansion         These benefits are generated by increased       More air travellers will generate additional
will be enjoyed by the direct users of extra       levels of trade, inward investment and          tax revenues for the Government, in the
airport capacity, namely passengers,               inbound tourism created by extra air travel     form of Air Passenger Duty, VAT and fuel
airlines and the airport itself. Expansion         to and from the UK. These are also more         duties. In addition more air passengers
of Gatwick will enable an additional 45            local benefits such as the value of new jobs    travelling to the airport by rail will generate
million passengers every year to travel, on        at the airport itself and in the immediate      fare revenue for the rail companies.
business, holiday or visit friends or relatives.   area, together with the regenerative effect
                                                   on the South London and regional economy,
Oxera estimates the monetary value placed          through the greater wealth and economic         Environmental costs = -£14 billion
by these individuals on their ability to travel    activity created by a larger Gatwick.
to be £51 billion. This figure also captures                                                       There are inevitably some environmental
the increase in airline competition and a                                                          costs associated with increasing flights.
corresponding reduction in airfares.               Benefits of greater indirect competition in     These are principally increases in the
                                                   the aviation industry = +£10 – 14billion        number of people adversely affected
Finally, also included in the £51 billion are                                                      by aircraft noise, increases in greenhouse
the extra business revenues generated by           Increasing airport capacity at Gatwick will     gas emissions, and impacts on local air
additional passengers that benefit the             increase opportunities for more competition,    quality. Monetary values have been placed
airlines and airport itself.                       not only between airlines operating at          on these impacts using the standard
                                                   Gatwick, but also between airlines operating    Government appraisal methodology.
                                                   across the whole London airports system.
                                                   The result will be a general reduction in air
                                                   fares across the industry, in addition to the
                                                   fare reductions enjoyed by the passengers
                                                   of Gatwick themselves.

                                                                                                   Breakdown of Heathrow’s economic benefitS
                                                                                                     (Using approved Government methodology)

                                                                                                    Passenger and airline benefits £29 billion

                                                                                                    Wider economic benefits            £21 billion

                                                                                                    Indirect competition                       £0

                                                                                                    Public accounts benefit             £11 billion

                                                                                                    Environmental                      -£11 billion

                                                                                                    Total                             £50 billion

passenger and     WIDER ECONOMIC      INDIRECT
airline benefits      BENEFITS       COMPETITION
 £51bn              £28bn           £10-14bn

   BENEFITS         environment     ECONOMIC
 £15bn              £14bn            BENEFITs

The Competition Commission’s decision               Expansion at Gatwick will increase

to force the break-up of BAA has already            competition in the London market
led to passenger benefits in terms of                                                                     A
more choice, competition, innovation and            An expanded Gatwick will handle
lower fares. In the case of Gatwick, levels         more traffic than Heathrow today,
of service to passengers have improved              further increasing the competition
                                                                                                     Runway at gatwick
radically since the airport came under              that has been injected into the London         will help london fly to

new ownership and a series of industry-             system following the enforced breakup
leading innovations have been rolled out.           of the BAA (now Heathrow Airport Ltd)
                                                    by the Competition Commission.

                                                    The existence of two large airports in the
                                                    London market will encourage competition             destinations
                                                    in three ways:
                                                    »»   More competition between the airports

                                                    »»   More competition between the airlines
                                                         which use the airports

                                                    »»   More competition from low cost carriers
Competition at Edinburgh Airport                         as an expanded Gatwick is able to
                                                         satisfy fully this increasing demand,            1        2
Edinburgh Airport was bought by Global                   much of which would be choked off
Infrastructure Partners in 2012. Since                   by a high cost expanded Heathrow.
then, competition between airports
in Scotland has delivered significant
benefits. Edinburgh has signed the biggest
deal in the airport’s history with easyJet,
                                                    Research studies have shown that benefits
                                                    to passengers are greatest, particularly
                                                    in terms of lower fares, where these three
agreed a new deal with Ryanair that saw             elements are present.                           runway at heathrow
the airline return to growth at Edinburgh
                                                                                                   will help london fly to

and promoted innovation, introducing the            Expansion at Gatwick will give a much
UK’s first multi-airline bag drop facility. It is   greater stimulus to competition and can
competing vigorously with Glasgow Airport.          be expected to reduce air fares across
                                                    the entire system to the benefit of all
Prior to 2012, Edinburgh flew to only one           passengers. Airfares will be up to £30
long haul destination on a regular basis,           billion lower over 60 years with a second
compared to six long haul routes at                 runway at Gatwick. By contrast, an expanded
Glasgow. By 2014, four new long haul                Heathrow would mean the reinforcement                 worldwide
routes had been added to some of                    of Heathrow’s market dominance and
the world’s major hubs such as Doha,                would consolidate the high airport charges
Chicago, Philadelphia, and Toronto.                 which that dominant position protects.
Traffic at Edinburgh Airport has grown
from around 9 million passengers a year
in2012-13 to over 10 million passengers
a year in 2013-14.

                                                                                                     1         2        3
Benefits of competition – Gatwick leading
innovation since the break-up of BAA//

As we approach the fifth anniversary             Increasing flights                               Service for passengers with
of the sale of Gatwick, we can see                                                                reduced mobility
that competition has driven a series             As passenger and aircraft traffic increases,
of innovations at Gatwick, many of them          Gatwick is constrained by the number and         Passengers with reduced mobility are
leading to a positive response by other          mix of aircraft it can service from its single   a significant and growing part of Gatwick’s
London airports, including Heathrow.             runway. Improving the use of this key asset      customer base. When Gatwick’s new
                                                 is the only way to grow capacity. When the       management team took over, it was evident
Improvements in security                         airport was sold by BAA, it was the busiest      that there was a problem with the quality of
                                                 single runway airport in the world, with peak    service being provided to these passengers.
One of the main priorities of the new            movements up to 50 movements an hour.
Gatwick management team on change                                                                 New service standards for passengers
of ownership in December 2009 was                Under new ownership, Gatwick launched an         with reduced mobility have been set at
to increase the efficiency of the security       airfield capacity expansion project aimed at     Gatwick, which far exceed the regulated
processes. The South Terminal security           sustaining 55 aircraft movements per hour        service standards set by EU legislation.
project was a new £45 million development        – a target that was delivered in 2014.           For example, passengers can now expect
to consolidate the three separate security       Plans are underway to go even further and        support within ten minutes of arriving at the
facilities into one and to introduce             deliver peak capacity of 58 movements per        airport, and to remain in touch with airport
a completely redesigned process. This led        hour by 2018, with an ultimate target of 60      staff every 15 minutes throughout their
to an increase in the capacity of each           movements an hour.                               journey through the airport. We have also
security lane. The introduction of a                                                              introduced a comprehensive system of help
Family Assistance Lane and a new                 Streamlined check-in                             points to provide access to assistance.
premium security product has improved
the quality and range of services offered.       Gatwick has worked over three years with
                                                 Norwegian on a project to streamline the
This project has significantly improved          check-in process. Bag-drop at the baggage
the passenger experience and regularly           input point can now be done in less than
features as the best security area in any        15 seconds. Plans are now in process to
European airport. Security facilities at other   introduce this new system across the airport.
London airports have improved in response.
The new security product in Heathrow’s
Terminal 2 reflects many of the features
that were introduced first in Gatwick.

Later this year Gatwick will launch its
Generation 2 security product which will
introduce a further step change in efficiency.

Expanding Gatwick could ‘complete
the compass’ of London’s regeneration,
ensuring all four quarters of the capital
have the chance to grow and prosper.

North London is strong economically                More jobs                                       Strong communities
and will benefit from development around
Kings Cross, Eurostar and the proposed             At a local level, Gatwick is already the        The new runway, an enhanced transport
HS2. West London’s economy is equally              single largest company in the region,           system, and job creation, will require
well-established and, as the London Plan           employing 23,000 people directly,               investment in local infrastructure such
states, is already ‘overheated’, so its capacity   and a further 7,900 indirectly through          as 9,300 new homes. Gatwick recognises
to absorb further benefits from expansion          contracts placed with local businesses.         its responsibilities as the largest local
will be limited.                                   This strength in the local economy will         employer in the region and we will play
                                                   be bolstered further as a second runway         our part in ensuring growth and job
The South and East of London have always           would generate an additional 22,000             creation enhances our local communities.
been the Capital’s poor neighbours but are         direct and indirect jobs in the local area.     Our pledge is to commit £50 million
where major regeneration is needed most.                                                           to housing infrastructure and
The Olympics started to redress the balance        An expanded Gatwick will provide around         apprenticeship schemes.
with the East beginning to move forward.           120,000 jobs in total, figures which match
Expansion at Gatwick would help continue           the ambitions for Heathrow, but spread          Gatwick will establish a £3.75 million
this growth, delivering up to 14,000 new jobs      the employment and economic impact              apprenticeship fund to create 2,500 new job
for East London and Thames Gateway areas.          further with the ability to reach some of the   opportunities for local young people –grants
                                                   most deprived parts of the Capital and the      of £1,500 will be given to cover the start-up
This leaves the South and we believe the           South East.                                     costs of each new apprenticeship created.
airport expansion debate offers us a once-
in-a-lifetime chance to complete the               Approximately 54,000 of the jobs from           Gatwick will provide the 14 local authorities
compass of London’s growth. Around                 expansion at Gatwick will be created in         in the local area with £5,000 per new house
one million people within the 20% most             London and 46,000 in the wider South            to help fund improvements in local
deprived communities in the South East             East. Major transport improvements like         infrastructure to support these houses.
live within 25 miles of Gatwick. Expansion         Thameslink, which will have as great
at Gatwick could drive regeneration in             an impact as Crossrail, will bring job          Through the creation of new job
South London, doing for the South what             opportunities into the reach of Londoners       opportunities for young people and helping
the Olympics did for the East. Places like         across the Capital. The rest of the new         local authorities deliver essential new
Croydon, Lewisham, Sutton, Elephant                jobs will be generated across the UK.           infrastructure, the £50 million scheme
& Castle, Merton and Wandsworth present                                                            will ensure that local communities benefit
the clear need and opportunity for growth.         Croydon, one of the Mayor’s Opportunity         directly from the second runway.
They are well placed to take advantage             Areas, would significantly benefit from
of the thousands of new jobs, transport            expansion at Gatwick. Located 15 minutes
improvements and business opportunities            from an expanded international airport and
which expansion at Gatwick would generate.         15 minutes from London’s Central Activities
                                                   Zone, Croydon is perfectly located to take
                                                   advantage of expansion. A new runway at
                                                   Gatwick would create additional jobs and
                                                   a catalytic effect on the local economy,
                                                   positioning Croydon at the heart of a major
                                                   economic development programme.

 120,000 JOBS


                                                 28          27






                   New flights from London Gatwick in 2050

                   New flights from London HEATHROW in 2050

     Under Gatwick                                        FAR EAST                                                                      AFRICA

     expansion//                                      1   Taipei (TPE)               7
                                                                                          Nagoya (NGO)       13   Kunming (KMG)    18   Durban (DUR)
                                                      2   Jakarta (CGK)              8    Penang (PEN)       14
                                                                                                                  Wuhan (WUH)      19   Dar es Salaam (DAR)

     47 NEW destinations                                  Denpasar-Bali (DPS)             Yangon (RGN)            Shenyang (SHE)        Alexandria (HBE)
                                                      3                              9                       15                    20

                                                      4   Osaka (KIX)                10   Mactan (CEB)       16
                                                                                                                  Xiamen (XMN)     21   Harare (HRE)
     can be served from                               5   Kabul (KBL)                11
                                                                                          Phnom-Penh (PNH)   17   Fuzhou (FOC)

     the London Airport                               6   Koh Samui (USM)            12   Hangzhou (HGH)

     system by 2050


                      45             43
                           47        36
                                                                  5                                                                                            7
            20                            39                                                                              14
                                               38                                                                                   17
                                                                                                            13                 16         1


                                                                                 24                                                           10

                                19                                                                                    2



          ISC                                   North america                Latin America             Middle East                            Europe
     22   Amritsar (ATQ)                   27
                                                New Orleans (MSY)      31    Lima (LIM)           37   Erbil (EBL)                   40       Astana (TSE)         44   Samura,Kurumoch
     23   Ahmedabad (AMD)                  28
                                                Austin (AUS)           32    Santiago (SCL)       38   Dhahran (DMM)                 41
                                                                                                                                              Odessa (ODS)              (KUF)
     24   Cochin Intl (COK)                29   Honolulu (HNL)         33    Bogota (BOG)         39   Basra (BSR)                   42       Yekaterinburg /      45
                                                                                                                                                                        Ankara (ESB)
     25   Kolkata (CCU)                    30   Salt Lake City (SLC)   34    Caracas (CCS)                                                    Koltsovo (SVX)       46
                                                                                                                                                                        Sarajevo (SJJ)
     26   Trivandrum (TRV)                                             35    Quito (UIO)                                             43       Yerevan, Zvartnots   47   Adana (ADA)
                                                                       36    Montevideo (MVD)                                                 Intl (EVN)

Gatwick at the heart of the science,
research and the tech revolution

The Technology, Media and                      »»   King’s Cross Central - spearheaded by   Growth in the science and research
Telecommunications (TMT) sector                     development of Google’s London HQ       sector will also be enhanced
is one of the major growth areas for UK plc,                                                by an expanded Gatwick:
with a growth rate 2.7 times faster than all   »»   Croydon - witnessing a tech
other industries. Gatwick’s direct and fast         boom following Croydon Tech City        »»   The Thameslink rail investment
connections to Farringdon on Crossrail              in 2013, which has seen the area             programme will provide direct
will be pivotal for this industry, providing        become the second fastest growing            connections from Gatwick
connections to other European tech centres          technology cluster after Old Street          to Stevenage (location of the
such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Dublin,                                                        Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst),
Eindhoven, Tallinn, Rhein-Main-Neckar and      »»   Guildford - which has developed              Cambridge (UK’s life science
Helsinki. These tech centres will be able to        a strong gaming cluster                      cluster) and Welwyn Garden City
connect directly through Gatwick to UK hubs                                                      (location of Bio Park - a world
such as:                                       »»   Brighton – which has a burgeoning            class R+D laboratory centre)
                                                    tech scene, recently cemented
                                                    by the move of US tech giant            »»   Gatwick has a direct connection
                                                    Dyn and signing of £170 million              to Kings Cross / St. Pancras where
                                                    deal to create “Silicon Beach”               the £500 million Francis Crick
                                                                                                 Institute at King’s Cross will open
                                               »»   East Kent – becoming a hub                   soon as Europe’s largest laboratory
                                                    for technology start-ups as they
                                                    become priced out of London.            »»   The recently launched MedCity
                                                                                                 initiative by the Mayor of London
                                                                                                 seeks to transform the London-
                                                                                                 Oxford-Cambridge life sciences
                                                                                                 sector into a “world beating power-
                                                                                                 cluster”. Gatwick will also have a
                                                                                                 direct rail connection to Oxford.

connecting the uk
regions to the world
A BETTER CONNECTED UK                         A second runway at Gatwick is                Gatwick would put in place other measures
                                              the best option for improving                to enhance regional connectivity:
A decision on where to put additional         connectivity around the UK:
runway capacity is crucial to the                                                          »»   Incentives for additional
connectivity of the whole UK.                 »»   Gatwick already serves more                  and start-up regional services
                                                   domestic destinations than Heathrow
Over the last decade, regional connectivity        whose domestic services have            »»   Competitive ongoing charging
has been transformed. There are more direct        been progressively cut back                  structures for regional services
flights to more global destinations, with
regional passengers having a greater choice   »»   A second runway at Gatwick              »»   Ongoing marketing support
of airlines and international hub airports         will help deliver more domestic              to airlines offering regional services
for markets that are not served directly.          passengers (18 million in London
                                                   by 2050) to and from London             »»   Progressive development of the
It is also important that the regions              than a third runway at Heathrow              Gatwick Connect product by 2017
have good connectivity to London, not              (17 million in London by 2050)               to facilitate regional transfers
only as a destination in itself, but also
to provide access to the wide range           »»   Expansion at Gatwick would give         »»   Strong support for Government action
of global destinations as an alternative           regional passengers a genuine choice         to introduce Public Service Obligation
to connecting through overseas airports.           of two gateway airports in London            routes to maintain and enhance
                                                                                                regional connectivity.
A new runway at Gatwick will connect more     »»   Gatwick will provide transfer options
people to more places. The combination             for regional passengers across          GATWICK CONNECT
of more capacity, better operational               a much wider range of destinations.
efficiency, lower airport charges, better          The transfer experience would           Consumers are increasingly bypassing
convenience for passengers, the ability            also be better, with much lower         traditional ways of booking flights,
to handle low cost carriers and much               minimum connection times                and seeking out the cheapest options
greater competition will generate                                                          using multiple airlines and new airline
substantially more traffic.                   »»   Gatwick would facilitate transfers      alliances, exploiting all potential journey
                                                   to and from low cost carrier airlines   options. They are ‘self-connecting’.
»»   An expanded Gatwick will provide
     London with more destinations in         »»   Businesses in the regions travelling    Gatwick Connect is a service which
     2050 (440 destinations) than a new            to London would benefit from            saves our passengers time, and makes
     runway at Heathrow (413 destinations)         lower fares. This is particularly       their movement through the airport
                                                   important with the increasing           easier when they arrive and depart
»»   An expanded Gatwick will deliver more         numbers of business people              on independently booked flights.
     additional flights than a three-runway        using low cost carriers.
     Heathrow (over 1,300 per week by                                                      Gatwick Connect is a UK first. Passengers
     2050) and will generate greater                                                       can check their luggage into their onward
     economic benefits.                                                                    flight seconds after picking up their bag
                                                                                           in the arrivals reclaim hall, speeding up
                                                                                           their journey by avoiding the check-in hall.

                                                                                           By 2017 the service will be upgraded to
                                                                                           enable customers to book connecting flights
                                                                                           in one transaction, and have the bag routed
                                                                                           to the onward destination without needing
                                                                                           to be checked in again at Gatwick at all.

By 2050, 15 UK airports will
be served by Gatwick//


Improving the passenger experience is at         Creating an aviation market                    Designing an airport that
the centre of everything we do at Gatwick        that works for passengers                      works for passengers
Airport. Selecting Gatwick for a new runway
will encourage competition and drive             Expansion at Gatwick would create              Gatwick’s second runway has been designed
further benefits in passenger experience.        greater competition between airports           to make it the most efficient two runway
                                                 and airlines – the benefits of this would      airport in the world. Passengers will
Gatwick consistently achieves 100%               be lower fares, more choice and greater        benefit from punctual service and very
attainment of service quality for airlines       travel opportunities for passengers.           short queuing and taxiing times, more
and 95% of passengers taking part in our                                                        on-time departures and fewer delays.
survey rated service as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.   European travel, short haul traffic and low
                                                 cost carriers will continue to drive most      The simple, compact layout will mean short
This focus on our customers is not only          of the growth in traffic and an expanded       distances and journey times from arrival
driving more growth and better business          Gatwick would meet the growth in demand        at the airport through to the departure
for Gatwick, but also forcing other London       for these services. Expansion at Gatwick       lounges and gates. Whether arriving
airports to review their passenger offer,        would also be better placed to meet the        by public transport, or privately, access
improve quality and provide better value         growth and demand for low-cost long-haul       to the terminals will be quick and simple.
for the travelling public.                       travel – Gatwick’s lower airport charges       Over two-thirds of passengers will arrive
                                                 and faster turnaround times would make         via the Gatwick Gateway which will bring
Expanding Gatwick will deliver a number          these services more profitable for airlines;   together rail, bus, coach, hire car, pedestrian
of major benefits for passengers with            encouraging a wider range of destinations      and cycle access into a single interchange.
more flights from their local London             for passengers.
airport, and better and more flexible
airport infrastructure allowing much
quicker journey times through the airport.

Proposed Gatwick Gateway

                                                                                                                               Source: Farrells

Faster journey times to and from
                        the airport

                        Gatwick is located in one of the best
                        connected areas in the UK. The
                        transformational rail improvements
                        that are already planned, irrespective
                        of Gatwick expansion, will mean that
  ATTAINMENT OF         there will be a modern train to central
  SERVICE QUALITY       London every 2.5 minutes. Gatwick will
                        be directly connected to 175 stations and
   FOR AIRLINES         to over 1,000 rail and underground
                        stations with just one change.

                        Providing passengers with a choice of
                        airports for most destinations will enable
                        them to use the airport most convenient
                        to their home, office or hotel.

                        An exciting part of the Gatwick airport
                        scheme is the Gatwick Gateway. This
                        will be a world class transport interchange,
                        accessible for airport and non-airport users
                        with car, bus, coach, rail, cycling and walking
                        facilities. It will provide simple, swift and
                        inclusive access right to the heart of the
                        airport as well as providing an important
                        asset for local communities.

                        This single main access point will simplify
                        way finding, and minimise on-airport
                        connection times. Gatwick Gateway
                        will be at the South Terminal and will
                        be connected directly to the New Terminal
                        and North Terminal by automated
   SERVICE RATING       above ground people movers with
  FROM PASSENGERS       a journey time of around two minutes.


Faster journeys to and                         Getting on board
through the terminal
                                               It is equally important to provide a fast,         GATWICK KERB
New technologies will be used at Gatwick       reliable and efficient operation on the airfield
to ensure passenger and baggage
processes are quick and non-intrusive.
                                               to avoid delaying aircraft and passengers
                                               on the ground. Our scheme has a number
                                                                                                   TO GATE for
Remote check-in, self-service bag drops,
automated boarding gates and other
                                               of innovations to achieve this:
                                                                                                     will be
developments will ensure that queuing          »»   Taxiing times and runway delays will be
is avoided almost entirely. We have set             minimised by locating the new terminal

ourselves a new target that will allow              between the two runways, offering
all departing passengers to reach the               exceptionally short taxiing distances
departures gates from arrival at the airport
within 30 minutes and returning passengers     »»   Aircraft will land on the runway closest
to leave the airport within 45 minutes. For         to their gate
transferring passengers we will commit to
a minimum connect time of 45 minutes,          »»   High-capacity runways with flexibility
regardless of gate, airline or terminal.            to accommodate arriving and departing
                                                    flights will enable air traffic controllers
These journey time improvements                     to reduce taxiing distances.
are possible by designing out queues,
minimising walking distances, minimising       The resulting maximum taxiway and holding
the need to change levels and providing        times will be 15 minutes – this compares
travel assistance where needed such            with an estimated 45 minutes for a three
as moving walkways. Of course, where           runway Heathrow.
passengers want to spend time enjoying
the airport, there will be entertainment,
restaurants, shops, family zones and quiet
                                                                                                  GATWICK GATE
spaces so that everyone’s needs can be met.
                                                                                                   TO KERB for
                                                                                                     will be

Gatwick will charge airlines significantly
less than Heathrow. Combined charges
would be lower than today and competition
would be much greater leading to much
lower costs for passengers.

Gatwick will deliver a better                    Gatwick’s efficient airport will              Gatwick’s lOW CHARGES WILL
deal for airlines                                keep airline operating costs low              BE GOOD FOR AIRLINES

Airports charge airlines to use runway           Gatwick operates the most efficient single    Increasing the number of flights to and
space and infrastructure. These costs            runway infrastructure in the world and        from the UK depends on airports offering
are absorbed by airlines into the cost           its design of the airport expansion will      competitive charges for airlines. As well as
of passenger flights.                            enable it to deliver greater efficiencies     the airport charges, airlines have other costs
                                                 with the benefit of a new terminal            from operating out of an airport. On both
Airport charges at Gatwick are already           sited between the two runways and             counts expansion at Heathrow would be
relatively low at £9 per passenger, in           served by unconstrained airspace.             expensive and would constrain demand.
comparison to most other major European
airports, due to its operational efficiencies.   Gatwick handles 20 million low cost airline   By increasing its airport charges to around
Heathrow charges are among the highest           passengers a year compared with less than     £40, Heathrow will increasingly price itself
in the world at £22 per passenger.               half a million for Heathrow. No independent   out of the transfer passenger market.
                                                 low cost carriers operate out of Heathrow.    Transfer passengers would have to pay
The increase in charges at Gatwick that          Gatwick’s ultra-efficient new runway will     over £80 in airport charges alone to fly into
would enable the runway to be built is           stimulate this market.                        and out of Heathrow compared with much
relatively low – we would see charges                                                          lower charges at all Middle Eastern hubs.
increase to a range of £12 to £15 in the         Low cost airlines require swift access
long-term. Gatwick’s greater charges with        to airports, unconstrained by air traffic     Similarly, for point to point passengers,
the second runway would remain lower             control issues, short and quick aircraft      Heathrow’s charges would be around £40
than many other major European airports,         taxiing times and quick turnaround times      compared to between £12 - 15 for Gatwick.
such as Schiphol, Zurich, and Vienna.            at the gate. Heathrow cannot match            This would be crippling for short haul
This competitive pricing is possible due         Gatwick’s performance on any of these         airlines. The average one way fare
to the scheme’s low cost, low delivery           measures. This greater inefficiency which     (including airport charges) for easyJet
risks and phased delivery programme.             is inevitable because of the scale, layout    is currently £68. Airlines would be paying
                                                 and environmental constraints of the third    some £1.3 billion extra in annual airport
Heathrow has claimed that their airport          runway at Heathrow, together with the         charges with expansion at Heathrow rather
charges with a third runway will be £24 per      additional congestion caused by extra         than Gatwick by 2030, and this figure would
passenger, but this is based on unrealistic      traffic, would make the situation worse.      rise to more than £2 billion in today’s
assumptions and 2011/12 prices. We                                                             money by 2040. This represents a major
estimate that Heathrow’s charges to fund         The short-haul, low cost segment              additional cost for travel to the detriment
its new runway will need to rise to around       of the aviation industry will be the          of the UK economy.
£40, more than double the price of even          source of growth in the London
the most expensive other major European          market and only an expanded Gatwick
airports. This will place Heathrow at a          will provide the right type of capacity
significant commercial disadvantage,             at the right cost to meet this demand.
in transfer and long-haul markets and
would be prohibitive for the low cost
carriers who dominate short-haul. This
represents a major tax on air travel to
the detriment of the UK economy.

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