Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church

Page created by Joe Harmon
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
Connect         November 2022

      Thanksgiving Box Outreach
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
                      We want to meet you, answer your questions
                            and help you get connected.

      Visit our                   Fill out the Connect card                      Go to
                      OR          located in the pocket on     OR       LAKEWOODLIFE.ORG/INFO
     Info Desk
                                   the back of each pew/
                                      chair. Drop it in the
                                  offering basket or take it
                                        to the Info Desk.

                               GET INVOLVED
                            Discover your place at Lakewood

 ATTEND DISCOVER                     FIND A GROUP                           JOIN A TEAM
    This basic intro to     We believe you grow to be like Christ       God has gifted each of us
  Lakewood is designed       as you do life with other people. In     differently and at Lakewood
to help you discover who    addition, we are convinced sustained       we have ways to serve that
we are and where we are       life-change happens best in the           match your gifting! Visit
    going as a church.       context of a small group. Visit our      LAKEWOODLIFE.ORG/SERVE
 NEXT DISCOVER CLASS          Info Desk to learn about Sunday          to see some of the ways to
       December 4              morning groups. We also have           serve using your personality,
  in the Fellowship Hall     groups that meet all week around               gifts and abilities.
        at 12:15 PM          Hall County. To find a group, go to

NEXT BAPTISM 		                                                        NEXT LORD’S SUPPER
November 13                                                     December 14 (Family Lord's Supper)

                            FOLLOW US! @LAKEWOODLIFE
2 / November 2022
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
Dr. Tyler Smiley
In the month of October, we learned
some of our fundamental beliefs
as Christians in our series called We
Believe. This was a wonderful time
of deepening our hope in the Lord by
reminding ourselves of these biblical truths
that shape us as Christians and shape our witness in the world.
Pumpkin Fest continues to be a great tradition at Lakewood and
an event our church family and community look forward to every
October. We are grateful for all the volunteers who made this night
a fun and inviting outreach to our community.
November is always an exciting month of ministry at Lakewood.
This month we will once again pack boxes filled with a
Thanksgiving dinner and distribute them to local families. We
will also partner with Samaritan’s Purse as an Official Operation
Christmas Child Collection Center. We encourage you to pack
shoeboxes of gifts that will be given to children all over the world.
Along with the shoeboxes, these children will also be presented
with the Gospel and opportunities for discipleship. Please consider
volunteering during National Collection Week at our collection
Center in the Chapel Foyer.

We are excited to be hosting two upcoming concerts: Ernie Haase
and Signature Sound Concert on November 13 and The Getty’s Irish
Christmas Concert on December 12.
Psalm 24 begins, “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof.”
Everything belongs to the Lord, who is our Creator. Indeed all                      Contents
we have “is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.”
This November, let your hearts be filled with thankfulness to God.
Thankfulness to the Lord is central to the Christian faith. Take time   2                 Welcome
this month to let the Lord cultivate in you a heart of thankfulness,    4     Ernie Haase Concert
and spend time giving thanks to the Lord.
                                                                        5   Irish Christmas Concert
                                                                        6          Pack a Shoebox
                                                                        7               Coming Up

 The VISION of Lakewood is to be a regional church that makes
                                                                        8            Looking Back
 disciples of Jesus Christ locally, nationally and globally.
 CROSSPOINT WORSHIP is a traditional blend of praise and
 worship at 9:30 AM in the Chapel.
 REAL LIFE is a vibrant, contemporary worship experience at
 11:00 AM in the Worship Center.                                          / 3
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
CRI BENEFIT Craft Fair • November 6
                                            After Each service • in the Breezeway
                                            Start your Christmas shopping
                                            early at our 5th Annual Craft
                                            Fair. Lakewood's Crafty Angels
                                            create and donate handmade
                                            jewelry, gifts, Christmas decor
                                            and much more for the Craft
                                            Fair. All proceeds benefit Lakewood's Prison Ministry.

Bob and Jane Smith* live and work
in Central Asia among multiple
unreached people groups. The Smiths
have served overseas for over twenty
years and now play a major role in
leading and shepherding missionary
teams in Central Asia. Through their
ministry, multiple missionary teams
are mentored as the teams undertake
the work of church planting in an
unreached context.

• For the continued encouragement
of the Smith family as they live
• For fruitful discipleship relationships
with missionary team members
• For the encouragement of their
sons who are now in the US for

For more Information please contact

*not actual names

44 // November
       2021     2020
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
Thursday, November 17 • 6:00 PM
If you are age 55+, make plans
to join our Senior Adults for a
barbecue and covered dish
meal in the Fellowship Hall
on November 18 followed
by a program. For more
information, visit

Saturday, November 19 • 8:30 AM
This Thanksgiving, you can
provide a meal for a local
family. A $30 donation provides                           MEET OUR NEW
one complete Thanksgiving
                                                         COR 3:6 CHURCH
                                                        PLANTING PARTNER
meal. On November 19,
volunteers will pack boxes and                      Rechab Gray, along with his friends
load them on trucks for local                       Ike Todd and Demetrius Hicks, is
delivery. To donate or sign up to volunteer, scan   planting New Creation Fellowship
the QR Code.                                        church in Orlando, Florida. Rechab,
                                                    Ike and Demetrius moved to Orlando
                                                    in February to reach a particular
                                                    area of Orlando with the gospel of
                                                    Jesus Christ. They began with a small
                                                    Bible study which has grown and
                                                    transitioned into Sunday meetings at
                                                    a local middle school.

                                                    PLEASE PRAY:
                                                    • For the health and encouragement
                                                    of New Creation Fellowship
                                                    • For God to draw people to Himself
                                                    through the sharing of the gospel in
                                                    • For the encouragement of Rechab,
                                                    Ike, Demetrius and their families as
                                                    they undertake the difficult work of
                                                    church planting

                                                    For more Information please contact

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Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
E  very year, Lakewood partners with Samaritan's Purse to pack, collect and
   send shoeboxes with Christmas gifts to children all over the world. The
unexpected gift offers hope in the life of a child as they hear of Jesus’ love for
                                                                                     IN 2021, LAKEWOOD
                                                                                        COLLECTED A
                                                                                       TOTAL OF 17,226
them. Simple gifts—packed with love in Jesus’ Name—deliver hope and joy to            SHOEBOXES AS A
children all around the world.                                                            REGIONAL
HERE ARE TWO WAYS TO BE INVOLVED:                                                     COLLECTION SITE.

 PACK A SHOEBOX Pick up a shoebox at Lakewood, decide if this will be a gift for
 a boy or girl and fill your shoebox with toys, personal care items and school supplies.
 Bring the box back to Lakewood where it will be delivered to a child and they will also
 hear the Gospel of Jesus. You can even track your gift and learn about the country it is
 delivered to. Scan the QR code on the right to learn how!

                VOLUNTEER Lakewood is an Official Operation Christmas                    NATIONAL
                Child Collection Center. We need volunteers of all ages and we          COLLECTION
                will train you onsite. Serve with your family or friends. Sign up         WEEK
                for a time slot using the QR code on the left.                          NOVEMBER
6 / November- 2022
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
 November 1		           Women on Mission | 10:30 AM
 November 2		           First Wednesday Men's Gathering | 6:15 AM
 November 2		           Discover Step 2 | 6:15 PM
 November 6		           Veteran's Recognition Sunday | 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM
 November 6		           CRI Craft Fair | 10:30 AM & 12:00 PM
 November 9		           Discover Step 3 | 6:15 PM
 November 12		          Tiny Stitches | 10:00 AM
 November 13		          Ernie Haase and Signature Sound Concert | 6:00 PM
 November 14-21		       Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week
 November 15		          Last Day of Upward Basketball Registration
 November 15		          LMI Fall Recital | 6:30 PM
 November 16		          Kid's Ministry Operation Christmas Child Box Parade | 6:00 PM
 November 16		          Discover Step 4 | 6:15 PM
 November 17		          Senior Adult Thanksgiving Dinner | 6:00 PM
 November 19		          Thanksgiving Box Outreach | 8:30 AM
 November 19		          JOY Respite | 5:00 PM
 Novmeber 23		          No Wednesday Night Activities
 November 27		          First Sunday of Advent
 December 2		           Family Christmas Caroling | 6:00 PM
 December 4		           Christmas Music Sunday | 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM
 December 4		           Discover | 12:15 PM
 December 6 		          Women on Mission | 10:30 AM
                                                                                 USE YOUR
 December 7		           First Wednesday Men's Gathering | 6:15 AM
                                                                              SMART PHONE
 December 10		          Joy Ministry Respite | 5:00 PM                         TO SCAN THE
 December 12		          Keith and Kristyn Getty Concert | 7:00 PM              QR CODE FOR
 December 14		          Family Lord's Supper | 6:00 PM                          THE LATEST
 December 20		          Senior Adult Luncheon | 12:00 PM                      INFORMATION.
 December 21		          No Wednesday Night Activities
 December 24		          Christmas Eve Services | 5:00 PM & 10:00 PM
 December 25		          Christmas Service (No Small Groups)
 December 28		          No Wednesday Night Activities

           SUNDAY MORNINGS                          WEDNESDAY NIGHTS

      Babies, Preschool & Children 9:30 & 11:00     Babies, Preschool & Children 6:00
        Middle & High School Students 9:30         Middle & High School Students 6:30
              Young Adult Groups 9:30                     Adult Bible Studies 6:15
       Adult Small Groups 8:30 & 9:30 & 11:00              Crosspoint Choir 6:15
           Worship Services 9:30 & 11:00                     DivorceCare 6:30
          TUESDAYSCelebrate   CelebrateRecovery
                                        Recovery• •6:30

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Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church

                                                                                            Ways to Give:
                                                                                                  GIVE ONLINE:

282 middle and high school students heard the gospel at our Student
Ministry's "One Night" event in September—including 42 first time guests.

Average Weekly Ministry Budget Need: $114,375
Average Weekly received 9/25-10/16: $95,583                                                   OFFERING BASKET:
New Members: Joel & Michele Mabrey, Donna Cagle, James Case,                                       cash or check
Thomas & Georgia Forbes, Justin & Danielle Holland, Marylen Kennedy, Mike                    ENDOWMENT FUND:
Sample, Darryl, Janice & Caroline Smallwood, Dan & Beth St. Andre, Bailey             
Jost, Anabel Davis, Tanner Brown, Riley Brown, Olivia Brown, Jiada Craven

The Real Life service may contain flashing lights that might cause difficulties for people with photosensitive epilepsy.

          SENIOR PASTOR 		                Dr. Tyler Smiley •
          EXECUTIVE/MISSIONS PASTOR Robert Puckett •
          WORSHIP PASTOR 		               Zak McQueen •
          ASSOCIATE/SR. ADULT PASTOR Don Ormsbee •
          DISCIPLESHIP PASTOR		           Scott Smith •
D         NEXT GENERATION PASTOR          Jamie Willis •
          Scan the QR Code to see a complete list of our Lakewood staff
Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church Connect November 2022 - Thanksgiving Box Outreach - Lakewood Baptist Church
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