Congrega on Achdut Yisroel Established in St. Louis in 1837 First Jewish Congrega on West of the Mississippi River January/February 2023/5783 ...
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Congrega on Achdut Yisroel January/February 2023/5783 Established in St. Louis in 1837 Volume XCXII No. 3 First Jewish Congrega on West of the Mississippi River
In-Person, Zoom, Livestream and Facebook January 2023 February 2023 Friday, January 6 Friday, February 3 14 Tevet 5783 13 Shevat 5783 Vayechi Beshalach 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service Nova Berger Children & Adult Birthday Blessings Children & Adult Birthday Blessings January 28, 2023 7:30 p.m. - Dessert Oneg 7:30 p.m. - Dessert Oneg 10:30 a.m. Saturday, January 7 Saturday, February 4 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 a.m. - Family Shabbat Service Friday, January 13 Friday, February 10 21 Tevet 5783 20 Shevat 5783 Shemot Yitro 6:30 p.m. - MLK Shabbat 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service Saturday, January 14 Saturday, February 11 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service Friday, January 20 Friday, February 17 28 Tevet 5783 27 Shevat 5783 Vaera Mishpa m 5:30 p.m. - Tot Shabbat 5:30 p.m. - Tot Shabbat 5:45 p.m. - Shabbat Nosh 5:45 p.m. - Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service Anniversary Blessings Anniversary Blessings Saturday, January 21 Saturday, February 18 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study Join us for UH’s annual Dr. Martin 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service Luther King remembrance and Friday, January 27 Friday, February 24 celebration service. Special guest 6 Shevat 5783 4 Adar speaker will be St. Louis County Police Bo Terumah 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Evening Service Officer Micah Shelton. Officer Shelton Saturday, February 25 will speak on his personal perspective Saturday, January 28 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study as an African American police officer 9:00 a.m. - Torah Study 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 a.m. - Shabbat Morning Service in our community today while B’Mitzvah of Nova Berger touching on the Ferguson events as Child of Stacy and Eric Berger a law enforcement officer. Officer Shelton will also offer his perspective on the Birmingham riots and Dr. King’s post riot perspectives. Officer Shelton is currently one of the recruiters for prospective St. Louis County Law Enforcement candidates and will be available after the service to answer questions about careers in law enforcement. 2
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UH Offices and School 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 6:30PM Shabbat Service 9AM Torah Study Closed 11:30AM AGA 7:30 PM Dessert Oneg 10:30AM Shabbat Service 1:30PM Book Club 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4:30PM UH Upper Class 2:30PM Chair Exercise— 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 7:30 PM Whiskey & 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 6:30PM MLK Shabbat 9AM Torah Study in person Wisdom 11:30AM AGA Service 10:30AM Shabbat Service 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 UH Offices and School 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 7PM Board of Trustees 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 5:30PM Tot Shabbat 9AM Torah Study Closed Mee ng 11:30AM AGA 5:45PM Shabbat Nosh 10:30AM Shabbat Service MLK Day 6:30PM Shabbat Service 6:30PM UH University Tailgate Party 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9AM RS K-5 2:30PM Chair Exercise 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 6PM Intergenera onal 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 9AM Torah Study 11:30AM RS 6-10 7PM Focus Israel 7PM Kolot Yisrael: A Game Night 11:30AM AGA 6:30PM Shabbat Service 10:30AM Shabbat Service Conversation about Israel B’Mitzvah of Nova Berger 29 30 31 FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 9AM RS K-5 2:30PM Chair Exercise 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 6:30PM Tu B’Shevat 9AM Torah Study 11:30AM RS 6-10 11:30AM AGA Shabbat 10:30AM Family Shabbat 1:30PM Book Club 7:30 PM Dessert Oneg Confirma on Retreat 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9AM RS K-5 2:30PM Chair Exercise— 10:30AM Women’s Study 7:30 PM Whiskey & 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 6:30PM Shabbat Service 9AM Torah Study 11:30AM RS 6-10 in person 1PM Crochet/Knit Group Wisdom 11:30AM AGA 10:30AM Shabbat Service 7PM Intro to Judaism 12:30PM Kolot Yisrael: Confirma on Retreat God 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9AM RS K-5 10:30AM Mitzvot Class 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 7PM Board of Trustees 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 5:30PM Tot Shabbat 9AM Torah Study 11:30AM RS 6-10 2:30PM Chair Exercise 7PM Intro to Judaism Mee ng 11:30AM AGA 5:45PM Shabbat Nosh 10:30AM Shabbat Service 4:30PM UH Upper Class 7PM Focus Israel 6:30PM Shabbat Service 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Offices & School Closed 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 6PM Intergenera onal 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 6:30PM Shabbat Service 9AM Torah Study 7PM Intro to Judaism Game Night 11:30AM AGA 10:30AM Shabbat Service 7:30PM DIY Holidays: Purim 26 27 28 MARCH 1 2 3 4 9AM RS K-5 2:30PM Chair Exercise 1PM Crochet/Knit Group 7PM Hamantaschen Bake 10:30AM Adult Hebrew 6:30PM Shabbat Alive! 9AM Torah Study 11:30AM RS 6-10 7PM Kolot Yisrael: A 11:30AM AGA 7:30 PM Dessert Oneg 10:30AM Shabbat Service Conversation about Israel 1:30PM Book Club 12PM Beauty Pageant: 7PM Intro to Judaism Unpacking Book of Esther 1PM Singing Bowls Meditation Family Shabbats 3rd Friday of the Month Together with our clergy and music teacher/soloist 5:30 p.m. Greta Rosenstock, we’ll celebrate Shabbat Spielberg Chapel “camp style.” Our hope is that students, especially, will help par cipate in This short service (30 minutes) is just right for our our service. The February Service li le ones ages zero to six. Come for the service will be led by UH’s 6th grade class. and stay for the Shabbat nosh a erwards. Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. January 20 March 17 May 19 February 4 and April 1 February 17 April 21 3
Rabbi David Reinhart Moreover, in doing so, we not only count ourselves in, but While the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, was 4+ months ago, we are lucky to have our affirma on, our response to their call, as we hear another chance to start fresh with the theirs. Hineini becomes both call and response, and, thus, secular New Year and celebrate all the our reciprocal “hineini”s, as they reverberate throughout possibili es it brings. For, marking me shared space, meld together into a resounding “Hineinu – throughout the year is an important way WE are here.” We become part of something larger than to give added significance to our lives. ourselves, greater and with more crea ve poten al – a Birthdays, holidays, lifecycle events, simchas, Shabbat!, and, of course, the new year are all opportunities to upli our spirits, imbue meaning in the moment, and reaffirm In my six months at United Hebrew, I have seen and felt how true our values, individual and communal. This is a main impetus for this is in our community, and I cannot express the importance of people to make New Year’s resolutions. While we can resolve this value enough. In a world where division is increasing and to do things – eat healthier, exercise more, get organized, be isola on is becoming more common, we need community and kinder to our siblings, learn a new hobby, etc. – at any point in relationship more than ever. So, again, I ask, I invite you, to raise the year, these things feel more important, more appropriate, your hand and say “Hineini – I am here.” Let’s find a way to connect. and more meaningful at this me of year, as we mark a new Now, in January, I hope we might all include this in our New beginning. Year’s resolu ons, to keep saying “Hineini.” Coming up we Four months ago, at Rosh Hashanah (well, really at Yom Kippur), have Tu B’shvat, Purim, and Passover, all with their unique in the spirit of the Jewish new year, I asked everyone to raise celebrations and multiple opportunities for engagement. Reach their hand and say “Hineini – I am here,” and, since then, many out to par cipate in one of our Crea ve Connec ons groups or of you have answered that call. Sukkot and Simchat Torah, even start your own! Join Rabbi Rosenberg for DIY Holidays. Join Chanukah Shabbat and Mascots and Menorahs were joyous Cantor Eichaker for the Amateurs of the Great Assembly. Join opportuni es to celebrate together! It has been wonderful me for Whiskey and Wisdom and the Intergenera onal Board seeing you at lifecycle events, from baby namings to b’nai mitzvahs, Game Nights (next one is January 25th). Join all three of us for and even at funerals, when the support of community is so Voices of UH: A Conversa on with the Clergy. And, once again, essen al. Our small group initiative, Creative Connections, is up of course, join us to celebrate Shabbat! There are so many and running, and new groups are being created (like the recent ways for us to engage, connect, and further strengthen our start of a Photography Group, welcoming people of all camera community. So, let’s say “Hineinu – We Are Here!” orienta ons, from phone to film and DSLR). Our book club, classes, Stitch ‘N a Prayer group all continue to be opportunities Happy New Year! to gather at United Hebrew. UH’s first Intergenera onal Board Game Night was endless fun; Whiskey and Wisdom (on Wednesdays, the second of each month) already has a strong following; DIY Holidays has created festive crafts and community; and our first two Voices of UH: A Conversa on with the Clergy were wonderful successes. This is all in addi on to the regular activities of our Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center, our religious school, the UH Ducks and Upper Class, and, of course, our weekly Shabbat services and Torah study. These and more are the moments we have said “Hineinu – we are here,” and I have so appreciated ge ng to know you all through them. As we enter 2023, I once again want to remind us of this value: the power of saying “Hineini – I am here.” As I said at Yom Kippur: By raising our hand and saying, “Hineini – I am here,” we count ourselves in, each of us, as individuals. Reluctantly, joyously, out of habit, out of despera on, whether we’re lost or whether we’re home, in that moment, we recognize that we are not alone. For, hineini is a response. Something or someone calls us to rela onship, to belonging. And, by saying, “Hineini,” by being present, we affirm connec on. 4
Sheryl Bauer November was the culmina on of several months of rewri ng our UH By-laws, which were 30 years old. Thank you to Naomi As 2022 comes to a close, I want to update Barasch for leading this challenging project, and thank you to you on some of our key ac vi es during our leaders and staff who contributed to this effort. this past year. Besides these events that I highlighted, our focus for 2022 was We began the year with the unveiling of on our six year strategic plan that was created in 2021 by our our new logo. Thanks to an Onboard long range planning committee. The plan focuses on three major Grant, the Branding Commi ee engaged categories, which are (1) Revenues & Expenses, (2) Membership with Novella, an outside marketing company, Reten on and Engagement and (3) Building & Facility. to design a modern logo that also highlights our rich history. Thank you to Cori Neidenberg for leading this effort. Revenues & Expenses · We introduced a new structure for the Scroll of Honor to Also, early in the year, our Rabbinic Search Commi ee was incorporate many of the events and donation opportunities very ac ve as we went through the process of iden fying a at UH. This new structure was well received by our congregants, successor for Rabbi Bellows, who moved to a new congregation and increased our revenue by more than $65,000. in June. We could not be more delighted that Rabbi Reinhart · The Development Commi ee, chaired by Lexie Goldsmith, joined our clergy team in July. His energy, creativity and passion launched a campaign to increase participation in the Legacy for our membership make him a perfect match for United Hebrew. Circle. In addi on, Avi Mazzeo was added to the UH staff Thank you to Naomi Barasch and Paul Kravitz for co-chairing as a part me development administrator. this commi ee, and to Rabbi Reinhart for choosing UH. · After extensive research, our Investment Committee, led by Mike Ferman, recommended a move of our endowment In April, we honored Rabbi Rosenberg for 10 years as Senior accounts from Alpine Investments to Raymond James. Rabbi at UH and Rabbi Kaplansky for 50 years in the rabbinate This has proven to be a good move, especially during this and it was a fun filled weekend with a special celebra on at vola le year. Meadowbrook Country Club. Thank you to Marcy & Rick Cornfeld · Our bookkeeper, Beverly Boucher, along with Cori and Leslie & Barry Yoffie for co-chairing this wonderful event, Neidenberg, Alyssa Banford, Elayne Grossberg and Esther and to Rabbi Kaplansky and Rabbi Rosenberg for your continued Olson, and Treasurer, Rob Ormont, have worked hard to service to UH. simplify our accounting structure, automate our membership In July, we were excited to welcome back the Shabbat nosh records, coordinate expenditures with each department and reintroduce the dessert oneg. If you have not already, and communicate with congregants. please join us for the oneg after the service on the first Shabbat · In August, the St. Louis AJC staff became full me tenants of each month, while the nosh occurs before the service on the at UH, and are renting some unused office space. In addition, third Shabbat of each month. Please consider sponsoring one we have seen an increase in kiddush luncheons and room of these events in honor of a special birthday, anniversary, rentals by outside groups. loved one, or just do it for your fellow congregants. Thank you · As you may know, we are hoping to sell 11 acres of our to Elayne Grossberg and the Kitchen Crew for coordina ng the cemetery. We have an interested buyer, but are in a holding food, setup and cleanup. pa ern on this sale due to requirements from U. City and necessary rezoning which have stalled the sale. Preschool and Religious School began the fall with some new curriculum, updated classrooms and renovated teachers’ lounge. Membership Reten on & Engagement Our staff is dedicated to the wellbeing and educa on of our · To better serve the needs of our congregants, Sari Levy was younger members. Thank you to Lauren Lourie, Lee Rosenberg, added to our staff as Membership Engagement Manager. Laura Wildman and Angie Klenke for your dedication and leadership Through the efforts of Sari and Cori, we established Creative in our schools. Connec ons, which are small interest groups. To date, five groups are ac ve and more will be formed as congregants In October, we shared that Cantor Eichaker will be re ring in come forward with sugges ons and par cipants. August 2024, a er 25 years of dedica on to UH and spiritual · Three focus groups, facilitated by Lindsay Melnick and Paul leadership through his music and many lessons. Cantor Eichaker Kravitz, were held in early 2022, to gain feedback from enriches all of us in so many ways, from the seniors down to congregants of various age demographics. This information the preschoolers, and he is eager to share his vast knowledge is being used for program planning as well as the Crea ve on so many subjects. He is a tough act to follow, so we are starting Connec ons groups. early and a Cantorial Search Committee has been formed. Thank · The Membership Engagement Commi ee, chaired by Judy you to Simcha Lourie and Rob Levinson for co-chairing this Babitz with sub-commi ees chaired by Judy Berger, committee. We look forward to honoring Cantor Eichaker in 2024. Shirley Gorman, Gail Kramer, Elaine Spielberg, and Suzy 5
Weber is in full swing, with ac ve par cipa on. New UH par cipa on on the Scroll of Honor and Legacy Circle, greater members are acknowledged and welcomed. The Shalom partnership commitments and increased fundraising efforts. Squad greets congregants on Shabbat. The Caring Committee makes healing blankets for the sick. Congregants receive I know these are very ambi ous goals, but with your help, we holiday cards and friendly phone calls and notes. This can accomplish so much. As you have heard me say, we do not commi ee exemplifies the welcoming side of UH. belong to United Hebrew. United Hebrew belongs to us, and it is up to us to care for its future. Building and Facility · An assessment of our building was completed in May by Thank you. real estate consultants, to help us plan for building expenditures and maintenance. · In July, Alyssa Banford joined our staff as Senior Director of Business Operations. She is tackling many of the facilities issues that need extra a en on. · In late October we had a leak in the youth lounge, which was caused by a faulty toilet. Thanks to the quick thinking of Rabbi Rosenberg, Dale Schwartz, Lee Rosenberg and Lauren Lourie, restora on was brought in to address the immediate issue. Other areas of concern in the lower level were also addressed while the damage from the flood was being repaired. · The roof is aging, and a roofing company was hired to seal problem spots and drains. This should extend the life of our roof by several years. · Fiber op cs was installed to improve our Wi-Fi and Murray Fishman Livestreaming. And speaking of Livestreaming, thank you to our amazing tech team, led by Art Zemon, for their me 2023 Board of Trustees and Clergy who a ended 2022 Annual Mee ng and help to keep our membership and visitors connected for our many services and programs. · Lastly, many maintenance projects have happened around the building and campus, with more to come. President: Sheryl Bauer As 2022 comes to a close, I want to give a special thank you to Vice President: David Kaiser our UH staff and clergy. I have a greater apprecia on for how Vice President: Arnie Sair hard they all work, and how many different hats they all wear. Vice President: David Spewak In addition, I want to thank the UH officers, Executive Committee Treasurer: Rob Ormont and full Board of Trustees. This is a dedicated group of individuals, Assistant Treasurer: Larry Weinberg who give their me and exper se to lead this congrega on. I Secretary: Lindsay Melnick want to give a special thank you to the following individuals Board of Trustees who are comple ng their tenure of service. · Naomi Barasch who has served as secretary for 6 years Fran Balk, Cheryl Banashek, Ben Cherry, Murray Fishman, · Paul Kravitz who is stepping down as vice president, a er Carolyn Satz, Barry Sharon, Helene Sherman, having previously served as VP and Board member Bob Sterneck, Jim Susman, David Wallace, Corey Wallis · Adam Herman who is stepping down as Assistant Treasurer, and Bruce Weingart who also had previously served as treasurer and Board Ac ve Life Members member Ed Becker, Rick Cornfeld, Paul Flotken, Phil Frischer, · Stacy Rolfe who is comple ng her four year leadership role on the Board Ron Gieseke, Lexie Goldsmith, Burton Greenberg, Steven Laiderman, Dan Raskas, David Rosenstock, As I look at 2023, my mission is twofold. First, I would like to Larry Steinman, Stan Towerman, Steven Toybes, see more congregants engage in our various programs, services, Lee Wielansky, Alan Wolff and Leslie Yoffie events and ac vi es. We welcome your sugges ons and need your help for UH to be be er and stronger each year. Second, I Thank you to Naomi Barasch, Adam Herman, Paul Kravitz would like to grow our congregational revenue, through increased and Stacy Rolfe who have completed their term of office. 6
Rob Ormont Infla on remains elevated, reflec ng supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic, higher food and energy On behalf of the officers, I would like to thank all of you for prices, and broader price pressures. In conjunction with our attending this year’s annual meeting. During last year’s meeting investment committee, led by Mike Ferman, and our investment we mentioned the disruption of COVID and the financial impact advisors we determined it would be best served to reduce our it had on UH as a result. Although COVID condi ons have line of credit exposure and elected to pay down our line of somewhat subsided, we are now faced with global economic credit by $300k leaving us with a current balance as of today of headwinds such as high inflation, rising oil, the war in Ukraine and approx. $800k. So where did we get that money? With the help supply chain issues. So for the second year in a row, unfortunately of Adam Herman and his firm, Wipfli, we applied and were it is unfair to say we are opera ng as “business as usual”. granted the Employee Retention Credit. The employee retention When I took over as treasurer in January, I wanted to accomplish tax credit is a broad based refundable payroll tax credit designed three primary goals: to encourage employers to keep employees on their payroll 1. Maintain fiscal financial responsibility for both the United and whose businesses were affected by COVID. We have Hebrew and UH Cemetery Opera ng Budgets with the received over $321k to date of the total $543k plus interest for objec ve of reducing the overall deficit over me tax years 2020-2021. When we receive our last payment of 2. Reduce the line of credit balance $222k we will again discuss with our investment advisors and 3. Grow the Endowment fund balance determine whether to pay down line, deposit the refunds in the endowment or perform some mix of both. Reduce the overall UH opera ng deficit. As of June 30, 2022 (FY21-22) we finished the year at an Operating Grow the endowment deficit of $47k rela ve to an opera ng budget deficit of $177k , This goal is a bit more challenging as it is more heavily impacted or $130k favorable to budget. This is primarily a ributable to by the global economy and other factors not necessarily in our exceeding expecta ons in dues and scroll of honor (as a result control. Up un l 2022 we have been fortunate that the market of our revamped annual membership structure), be er than and economy have flourished and has helped our endowment expected fund raising efforts, several employee posi ons open grow by double digit gains. This year however we have seen on both the synagogue and school sides, and overall con nued the S&P 500 down over 14% YTD. The good news is that by cost containment of our expenses. working closely with investment advisors and s cking to our risk averse investment philosophy we have been able to outpace For the current fiscal year 22-23, we approved an opera ng market performance with UH’s YTD performance down 11%. budget deficit of $100k. And I can inform you that we are Our endowment balance at the end of the fiscal year was slightly ahead of pace rela ve to the budget. Many of you may $7.8m and as of Nov 30th it is at $7.7m . be asking if we finished the year at a deficit of $47k why do we have a budget deficit of $100k? As members of the Board, it is Of course none of these achievements would be possible without our responsibility to engage in con nuous improvement and the support, dedica on, passion and leadership of our officers, business op miza on, requiring an ongoing evalua on of our Board of Trustees, clergy led by Rabbi Rosenberg, and our organiza onal structure and resource requirements. With that professional staff. This Team effort allows us to con nue to said, we were able to hire more staff to ensure folks are working offer amazing programs for all of you to enjoy with your families. on the right things u lizing their strengths and exper se to And remember, United Hebrew will always be here for you and help UH con nue to prosper. Other components that weighed your family so it is up to us to make sure it stays financially in include payroll increases for our staff, increases in insurance, strong for years to come. benefits, etc. As Treasurer of United Hebrew, I would like to remind you that As of June 30, 2022, the Cemetery Budget finished the fiscal your 2023 partnership commitments were sent out on year at a net operating surplus of $31k, primarily due to the 2 for November 23. I encourage you to consider increasing your 1 sale. For fiscal year 22-23, we approved a nominal loss of annual commitment or becoming a member of the Scroll of $2k. We are s ll in the process of selling 11 acres of land at our Honor which includes benefits like the recep on that took UH cemetery and if approved could create a nice financial place prior to this mee ng, 2 ckets our annual fundraiser and windfall. discounts at the UH gi shop! It is up to all of us together to make sure United Hebrew is here for years to come. Reduce the Line of Credit The line of credit balance at the end of the fiscal year was approximately $1.1m. As many of you may know, the Fed has raised interest rates 4 consecu ve mes by 75 basis points in the second half of the year alone, a pace not seen in 4 decades. 7
Presented to Robert Feldman Remarks by Rabbi Rosenberg at UH’s 2022 Annual Mee ng A er the 2009 High Holy Days, with Milton Rudy, our 30 year Ba’al Tekiah, re ring, we were le wondering what we were going to do. A Ba’al Tekiah, is the person who literally, “owns the sound of the shofar blast,” the person appointed to blow the shofar. What we knew then is that shofar is an art form, and the person who blows it, is responsible for mee ng the needs and expecta ons of the community for an empha c and memorable moment. We knew that this was a weighty task and we had to find the right person. But where does one find such a person, skilled in shofar blowing? I think it was a phone call, an email, or we passed each other in the school hallway, I’m not sure, but Robert Feldman, stepped Murray Fishman forward and offered his services. Robert, Tracy, Jacob and Maya Rabbi Brigi e Rosenberg, Robert Feldman and Sheryl Bauer had been members of UH for a few years. Robert let us know that he had been trained as a Ba’al Tekiah by his father, Paul. Robert’s father, Paul, of blessed memory, I believe, had been a Ba’al Tekiah in their own community. Rosh Hashanah 2010, Robert ascended the bimah steps and took on the responsibility of sounding the shofar for our community for the very first me. I can only imagine that moment for him, and the moment for the congrega on. All ears are literally turned toward him, wai ng, wondering, will he be able to do what the previous Ba’al Tekiah was able to do? The answer? A resounding yes! For the past twelve years, Robert, has dedicated himself to enabling all of us to fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the sound of the shofar. His tekiah, teruah, and shevarim are beau ful, but it is his tekiah gedolah, that has many of us, each year, looking at our watches to see how long it and he will last. One of the blessings of Robert being our Ba’al Tekiah, is that for many years his parents were able to join us for the holidays and the master could see his student, doing what he’d been taught so long ago. What a blessing for parents to see their child dedicate himself to an important communal responsibility. This past year, a er Paul died, Robert contacted me, not sure that he would be able to sound the shofar this year. He worried about the emo ons and not being able to complete the task. We decided it would be a game day decision, and Robert showed up both Rosh Hashanah mornings, and in his tekiah, teruah, and shevarim, one could hear his emo onal, mournful cry. Robert, you are truly a blessing to our UH family. And unlike any of our other recipients of the Irene Fox Ruach Award, you truly bring the “ruach” the air, the wind, the spirit, with the breath you give each year to sounding of the shofar. Thank you, for being a shining example of what it means to be responsible to and for the community, and to live the tradi ons of your own family – l’dor vador – by being a Ba’al Tekiah! Here’s to many more years of your ruach upli ing and helping to sustain the spiritual life of our UH family! “Sounding the shofar has always been a part of my family. My grandfather always sounded the shofar for our synagogue in El Salvador... and from there that’s where my dad learned to blow the shofar. Eventually, during the Civil War we moved to the United States, Dallas, TX, where my parents, along with a few other families helped start a new Conserva ve synagogue and my dad was the shofar blower… I never really realized how important it was un l I got older and I recall that every high holidays when it was me to go up to the bimah, he would let me hold the shofar…” “This has been a really wonderful and rewarding experience for me. I want to thank the congrega on as a whole for making this possible. My dad got to see me do it, my mom who is here today, my kids, and it’s a dream come true. I got to stand on the bimah and see my kids behind me, watching me from the stairs and that’s a memory I will always have and the part that a lot of you don’t know is that every year when I blow the shofar, there is a whole congrega on in El Salvador watching.” -Robert Feldman 8
United Cemetery Associa on Levy Fellows Appoints New Director Congratula on to Arnie Sair and David Kaiser who recently completed the Levy Fellows represen ng United Hebrew The United Cemetery Associa on (UCA), Congrega on. Levy Fellows is a new board leadership program through the Jewish Federation of St. Louis' Millstone Leadership manager of the B’nai Amoona, Chevra Ini a ves. Kadisha, and United Hebrew cemeteries in University City, announces the appointment of Rabbi Binyomin Mazer as its new Executive Director. He steps in as its long me director, Barry Needle, re red at the end of December. Mr. Needle served as the UCA Execu ve Director since its incep on, a total of 24 years. Rabbi Mazer, originally from Northern California, earned his B.A. degree at Yeshiva University in New York. He has also studied in Israel and most recently served as community chaplain for Jewish Family Services and SSM Health in St. Louis. He is known for his sincere care for others and his ability to guide individuals and families during challenging transi ons. Arnie Sair and David Kaiser being congratulated by Mont Levy. Earlier employment experience includes serving as a sales manager and Mashgiach. Rabbi Mazer and his wife, Tziporah, reside In University City along with their five children. 9
working and may not re re right away. We are excited about Membership Engagement Committee the opportuni es the group can lead to new friendships with a A lot has been happening with our hard-working membership diverse group of members who can share ideas and strategies engagement commi ee and we’d love to have you join us! We to navigate today's increasing challenges. Our goal is to be a are looking for congregants to join our Shalom Squad where mutual support group that can share ideas on approaching we will help greet people at services, special programs, and re rement and how to make good decisions on finances, events at United Hebrew and within our community. It’s a health, ac vi es and dealing with the future; and what that great way to get to know new people as well as reconnect with might bring for each of us dealing with mul ple issues around friends. Our new member welcome committee delivers Challah caring for ourselves, families, and older rela ves. We are going when new members join and ensures everyone feels welcome to be meeting monthly where every other meeting will be topical and at home at UH. Did you get a Happy New Year card at Rosh and social. We will also be looking to do some volunteer work Hashanah? That was thanks to our amazing membership outreach in the coming months. Contact Craig Bleyer for more information committee. Our caring committee has been hard at work knitting on the group at 314-402-5103 or email or croche ng blessing blankets and scarves as well as wri ng notes of care to congregants. The Membership Engagement UH Prime Timers Commi ee has been doing a lot, is looking to do even more, If you are a single UH member 65 or older, please join us for and would love for you to join! “UH Prime Timers”. We have fun, socialize, and enjoy the companionship of both new and familiar friends. Please join us The next mee ng is Wednesday, January 25 at 6:30pm. Please as we have fun and enjoy our Prime Time together! Contact contact Judy Babitz at to join this hard- Judy Berger at 314-374-5199 or Marilen Pitler at 314-225- working commi ee! 9723, with ques ons or to join the group. Photography Group Crea ve Connec ons This group will meet monthly on the second Sunday of the Make new friends or deepen exis ng rela onship by join one month at 1 pm at a place selected by the group members. of our several small interest groups, collec vely called Crea ve Anyone with an interest in photography and a camera, from a Connec ons. Below are the groups that have started or are smartphone on up, is welcome. For more informa on, please about to launch. Do you have an idea for a Creative Connection contact Susan Keyes at group? We’d love to hear from you! Contact Judy Babitz at Climate Change Would you like to be part of a group that helps the environment? Preschool Age Parent Group Are you a concerned ci zen? Or, do you have knowledge/ Ques ons about po y training? Wondering where the best exper se in renewable energy, carbon reduc on, conserva- play spots are? Not sure why your kid won’t eat vegetables? Need on, etc. All are welcome! Let’s come together to learn about help naviga ng the Pre-K sports world? Then this small group the issue, take action, and join others in the St. Louis community is for you! We will share experiences, informa on, and insights to help stop climate change. Our first mee ng will be at UH on about raising young children while forming friendships and February 26th, 1pm. For more informa on or to join the group, connec ons with parents in the same stage of life. And we please contact Diane Bleyer at or 314- might even do a bit of wine tas ng while we discuss! Please 402-3078. contact Lindsay Melnick at if you are interested in joining. Cra ing Calling all those crea vely-minded! We are pu ng together a group of people who like to cra for a weekday, once to twice- a-month gathering at Pinspiration in the Chesterfield Valley. We A S tch and a Prayer will work on a project and grab a nosh from a nearby restaurant, Crochet and Kni ng Group all abili es and experience welcome! Come with friends or Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Kaplanksy Center meet some new ones. Projects start at $15. If you are interest- ed, please contact Jenny Stempel at Join S tch and a Prayer to knit or crochet Blessing Blankets for UH members in need of healing and warm scarves for clients at Ge ng Ready for Re rement the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. Scarves are quick The Ge ng Ready for Re rement Group has had 2 mee ngs and easy to make and in high demand this me of year. All skill and will be mee ng again Jan 8th. The group ranges for men levels are welcome. The group meets every Tuesday, from 50 and older. We are a mix of re rees and people who are s ll 1-2:30 p.m. in the Kaplansky Center. 10
Adult Educa on Opportuni es Our adult educa on classes are mul -access, both virtual and in-person. Shabbat Morning Torah Study Cantor and Rabbis 2023 Saturday mornings 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. January 5 We Came, We Saw, We Le by Charles Wheelan Each week we will explore the por on for that Shabbat and February 2 The Nes ng Dolls by Alina Adams discover intricacies of the text, discuss lessons for our lives March 2 The Guest Book by Sarah Blake today, and wrestle with ques ons. May 4 Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan What's a Mitzvah? Rabbi Rosenberg June 1 Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell 2nd Monday of the Month (no Jan.) 10:30 a.m. July 6 Unthinkable by Jamie Raskin We explore Sefer Hachinuch, a book wri en in 13th century UH Book Club meets on the first Thursday of the month Spain, to serve as a guide to understanding mitzvot. Each one In the Spielberg Chapel. of the 613 is explained - the how to's, the why, and who is obligated to observe/follow each mitzvah. We will u lize the text found online at h ps:// Women’s Bible Study Rabbi Rosenberg 1st Tuesday of the Month (no Jan.) 10:30 a.m. New par cipants welcome! This year, given our UH theme of 7:30 p.m. in the Messing Auditorium Kolot Yisrael, we’ll study the voices of Israeli women. We’ll February 22 - Purim explore the many and varied female voices that have been March 29 - Passover significant in the life of pre-State Israel and the State of Israel April 26 - Israel/Yom Ha'atzma'ut from 1948 un l today. Enjoy an adult’s night out crea ng “on-trend” decora ons and Adult Intermediate Hebrew Suzy Weber more to help beau fy and celebrate Jewish holidays in your Thursdays 10:30 a.m. home! Drinks and projects provided! Amateurs of the Great Assembly Cantor Eichaker $18 per person/session Thursdays 11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Register on the UH website or by calling 314-469-0700 Currently, we are studying and discussing our Progressive liturgy through the CCAR publication “B’chol L’vavecha”. We are beginning our deep exploration of our Amidah (19 benedictions). Newcomers are always welcome and will find our divergent topics highly s mula ng and mely. Voices of UH: A Conversa on with the Clergy Saturdays 12:00 p.m. January 11, February 8 and March 8 February 11 (God) and April 1 (Israel) 7:30 p.m. in the Kaplansky Center Come for the whiskey; stay for the Torah! Or the other way around. We’ll do a little bit of learning, enjoy some good whiskey, and, most importantly, meet new people and be in community! Register on the UH website or by calling 314-469-0700 A Conversa on About Israel January 24, February 28, March 28, April 25 & May 23 7:00 p.m. on Zoom In celebra on of Israel’s 75th year of independence, join us monthly for what we hope will be a lively discussion about Israel. From peoplehood to politics, democracy, peace, Judaism, Wednesdays, January 25 & February 22 Chris anity, Druze, and Islam, we will explore the complexi es 6:00 p.m. in the Kaplansky Center and the nuance that make up the world’s only Jewish State. Join United Hebrew for an Intergenera onal Game Night! January 24 Topic: Support for Israel – condi onal or Bring your favorite games or play one of ours. Pizza and drinks unconditional? What does that mean? Discussion of this article: provided, bring a dessert to share. RSVP on the UH website for the link. Register on the UH website or by calling 314-469-0700 11
Focus Israel UH is happy to schedule a mee ng for Monday Mondays at 2:30 p.m. on Zoom evening, January 23 at 7pm. It will be our first program in a January 9-in person, January 23 and 30 via zoom long me and our first in-person gathering since the pandemic February 6-in person, February 20 and 27 via zoom began. Inbar, our new Shin-Shin, will join us to talk about her Join us for an exci ng and fun 50-minute movement class on life in Israel. It will be great to be together. Light refreshments Zoom with Joyce Hochberg, who will lead an EASY and safe will be served. Everyone welcome! chair exercise rou ne to upbeat music. No experience is RSVP to Sari Levy at necessary, just wear comfortable, easy moving clothes and closed-toe shoes. As always, please check with your physician And there's more! On Monday, February 13, at 7pm, FIUH before exercising. Contact Angie at 314-434-3404 or presents an evening with Rabbi Rosenberg who will discuss for a link to the class. Israel's new government. Everyone welcome! Joyce's UH Fitness/Wellness Corner Winter workout ps: 1. Physical exercise in the winter months requires more nutrients - balance protein with carbs. Hosted by the Reform Congrega ons of St. Louis Whether you are curious about or considering Judaism or s ll 2. Feeling blue? Step outside on sunny days. Sunlight is linked looking to answer those ques ons you’ve had since your days to more energy for working out. No sunshine? Turn on lights in in religious school, Introduc on to Judaism is a place to ask your home and give yourself a good morning stretch and walk your ques ons, learn mul ple perspec ves, and discover what in place to upbeat music for 15-30 minutes. is most meaningful to you in Judaism. Open to all, this course is 3. Home based ac vi es--walking, stretching, running in place, perfect for interfaith couples, those raising Jewish children, cycling, yoga, Pilates, jumping rope, dancing, sta onary floor spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, Jews who cycle. want a meaningful adult Jewish learning experience, and those who simply want to learn more about Judaism. You will explore 4. Tune in to YouTube workouts for cardio, weight training, holidays, lifecycle celebrations, prayer, theology, sacred texts and and stretching. more with St. Louis area Reform Jewish Clergy. The course will meet for 16 sessions on Tuesday evenings beginning February 7 5. Turn on the radio to upbeat music and dance, dance, dance. from 7pm-9pm at UH. The cost of the course is $72 per household. 6. Most of all be kind to yourself. Take me off, kick up your Registration includes the course book, Honoring Tradition, feet and enjoy some hot chocolate and a good movie and Embracing Change: Introduction to Judaism Sourcebook Reader. enjoy your family Register on the UH website. First Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. (resumes March 4) Jablon Youth Lounge Experience a guided sound journey with Singing Bowls, gongs, rain s cks, drums and more. Take me to rejuvenate and deepen your inten ons as your mind se les and relaxes while listening to the sounds. Bring items for personal comfort, i.e. pad or blanket, pillow and eye covering. 12
Jewish Summer Camp Happy 2023! It is me to start planning for Summer – How will you DO JEWISH? The best ways to keep and strengthen a Jewish connec on is by going to a Jewish Summer Camp! Then a er your Sophomore year, head to Israel! Want to discuss your op ons, call the School office and speak with Lee or Laura. United Hebrew is commi ed to support every high schooler in going to Israel. There are significant scholarships available to help make this a reality. Apply by January 31, 2023 for scholarship from the Spielberg Israel Fund. h p:// UH also has a limited amount of funding for Jewish Overnight Summer camps through the Mehlman Fund. Apply by January 31, 2023 at h p:// Ques ons and comments are welcome, contact the Director of Youth Engagement and Youth Groups Advisor, H. Lee Rosenberg by email, phone 314-469-0700 x265, Facebook (UH Ducks), Instagram or Twi er @UHducks 5th Annual Winter Outreach Drive As temperatures drop across the St. Louis region, those experiencing homelessness bear the brunt of the brutal cold. For the past four years, the Jewish community has come together to gather winter clothes, warm outerwear, and shoes to donate to those in need. In January and February 2023, you can par cipate in the 5th annual Winter Outreach, a joint project of the St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Associa on (STLRCA) and the Jewish Community Rela ons Council of St. Louis. Desired dona ons include coats, hats, scarves, gloves, mi ens, socks, underwear, blankets, towels, washcloths, boots, men’s hoodies, and men’s sweatshirts. Donations can be dropped off at UH and placed in one of the red collection bins in the chapel lobby. Backpack Buddies & The Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry United Hebrew is proud to support the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry as well as our own Backpack Buddies program that benefits students at Hanna Woods Elementary and their families. Your dona ons to both are appreciated. Non-perishable food items can be placed in the grocery carts or red bins located at the sanctuary entrance and on the school side of the building. If you would like to make a monetary donation to UH’s Backpack Buddies, you may do so at 13
THE CONGREGATION 1/1/23-1/7/23 Jacob Murray Albert Harriet Cohen Charles S. Gross Sam Portney Estelle Goodman EXTENDS ITS SINCERE Carolyn Sue Altman Rosanna Geishi Culp Abe Handelman Rose Posen Siteman CONDOLENCES TO THE Jack M. Arber Ann Lynn Cytron Harry Jasper Adeline Eichenberg Herman Sokolik FAMILIES OF Ne e Bailin Libbe Feigenbaum Jacob Kotler Poslosky Eva Esler Thesen Joseph Barg Morris Flotken Max Kusmer Samuel Potashnick Rebecca Wagner Geraldine S. Barnholtz Joseph C. Friedman Alex Lepowitch Jane F. Richter Margaret Wald MARTIN PAUL ALTMAN Nancy Jane Berger Harry W. Gast Ida Levi Frieda B. Roudman Florence Brother of Harvey Altman Morris Berk Jack B. Gentle Sylvan Levy Fannie M. Rovin Weinshelbaum Samuel Bing Lena Gidlowitz Louis P. Malpe Albert Saifer Clara Evans Weisman Clara Block Lo e Claris Glickman Bernard Mar n Bess Schneider Louis J. Wenneker MARILYN BABITZ Lillian Blumenfeld George Goldberg Perry L. Mehlman Morris Schneider Genie Jasper White Mother of Bryan (Judy) Ethel Simon Blustein Abe Goldstein Roswell Messing, Jr. Sophie Schneider Rose Pastel Wolff Sarah Brooks Cecelia Golluber Helen Packman Max Scholer Jeanne E. Zemliak Babitz Harry Cohen Samuel Gomberg Gertrude "Trudy" Paley Ruth Seigal Grandmother of Andrew Lena K. Cohen Rose B. Green Kenneth I. Pollack Sol Sincoff (Diana) Babitz 1/8/23-1/14/23 Grandmother of Daniel Joan Abrams Gloria Stern Ellis Harry Kaiser Jacob Sanofsky Jeane e Susman (Katelyn) Babitz Esther Alper Sigmund Esler Esther Koplin Katz Lucille J. Shanfeld David J. Unger Nathan Barg Hyman Feldman Jacob Koplin Lore a Mae Schulman Minne e K. Weinstein Grandmother of Joseph Lee Baris Geri Lynn Fox Anna Kretchmar Anna Siegel Arnold Weintrub (Alison) Babitz Lucille Berger Stan Friedman Bessie Kusmer Shea Silberberg Ben Weisman Grandmother of Amy Harry Birenbaum Palmir Gilbert Mitchell Alan Lending Elma Sincoff Be e J. Wohl Belle Block Jack Gilden Gustav Levy Joe Sirkin Eugene L. Wolff (Weston) Manley Bernard Bornstein Nathaniel M. Glick Francine Mariam John J. Starr Anne Wolkowitz Eva Cohen Ida Goldberg Roswell Messing, Sr. Rose A. Stone Bernard "Bernie" Cohen Edna H. Goldenberg Bertha A. Miller David Strauss DR. MARVIN MARSHALL Be y Lander Cowan Bess Catlin Green Ludwig Muhlfelder Marion Strauss BECKERMAN Morris Eisner Marcus Z. Hymes Sue Pfeiffer Herman Strifling Father of Lori (Stephen) 1/15/23-1/21/23 Raskin Leopold Abraham Frances Cremer Frank Kahn Ida M. Niss Alice Sincoff Miriam (Mary) Abrams Paul B. Davis Jr. Jack G. Kaiser Ida Polinsky Orenstein Irvin Sokolik Lawrence L. Ashinoff Eli E linger Gustav Katcher Lucille K. Pa z Morris Stern CAROL ANN BLINDER Sylvia R. Bierman Regina R. Feigenbaum Lawrence Kling David Podolsky Ida Mae Stone Mother of Kevin (Carol) Theodore Birke Judith A. Finkelstein Emil Koplin Sarah Raben Jules B. Stone Blinder Jo Ann Bierman Black Lillian Rachel Flegel Ann Kopman Minnie Romansky Carol Haffner Strauss Louis S. Block Jack Gi elman Celia Z. Kotler Sadie Rosenthal Marshall H. Tamarkin Sister of Sidney (Toby) Marvin Blum Max L. Goldberg May Kramer Dee Flotken Rosenthal Lucy T. Vi ert Brenner Lillian Bolozky Elaine Goldstein Aaron Abraham Benjamin G. Rubin Rebecca Warshasky Arthur Eugene Brimer Renee Kligman Lebedun Leonard Sanofsky Allen A. Weintrop Nathan Burack Goodman Jerome Sylvan Levy Rose Bobbye Sarasohn Jennie Werner MARK ALLEN DOW Charles Carl Phyllis Greenberg Mary C. Mamroth Beulah S. Schneider Balbina Wild Husband of Betsy (Rand) Dow Isaac Cohen Oscar Greenwald Theresa Marglous David Seslen Louis Wolkowitz Blanche Sievers Cohen Joan Claire Hoffman Leon Markovsky Fannie Brilliant Beverly June Yavitz Lena Cohnberg Anita Iskiwitch Alex R. Mendelson Siegelman Clara E. Yawitz ROSELLEN “ROSIE” Benjamin Coplan Morris Jaffe Minnie Millstone Be y M. Silverman Harvey Zucker FEINSTEIN 1/22/23-1/28/23 Wife of Mark J. Feinstein Philip Albert Dr. Lawrence Friedman Jackie Bernard Kleban Marion E. Papy David S. Schwartz Anita S. Alexander John J. Gersmann Joseph Lasky Ida Frank Pian Henry Schwartz Sam A. Aronoff Ely Glazer Frieda Levin Sara Siegelman Polleck Melvin Scissors HARVEY FENSTER Armin L. Bain Martha Glazer Blanche Levy Ann Poscover Lazarus Seigle Father of Neal (Dana) Fenster Samuel Barnholtz Celia Goldblum Roy M. Merinbaum Sara C. Prelutsky Gertrude Goorman Harry Berger Louis Gollin Jennie Miller Bessie Rader Stein Abraham Berk Jayne K. Goodman Goldie Gollin Millstone Herbert Raskas Max Stone JEROME DAVID FRIEDMAN Fred Bomze H. Paul Goruch Sylvia Moss Peggy Grosberg Ross Esther Thurman Brother of Susan (Don) Rachel F. Brilliant Suzanna Hammerman Louis Moss Sidney Rubin Hannah Warshaw Samuel J. Bronstein Ethel Jasper Gina Moss Stanley P. Sakowsky Robert D. Wehmer Siegel Leah H. Coffman Arthur Weil Johnson Essie Newman Pearl Sapin Benjamin Wexler Rose Florence Coplan Harry B. Kaplan Melvin L. Newmark Harry Scallet Samuel Zabrack Rose Feldman Dr. Milton Kardesch Marvin E. Nieberg Marvin Schneider (Con nued on page 15) Irvin Fisher Berkley Kirschman Rose Oxenhandler Eva Figlure Schnurman Each year on the anniversary of their death, his or her name will be read at Shabbat Services as part of the Kaddish prayer. Prior to this service, members of the family are notified of the date. In addition, the name appears in the Yom Kippur Memorial Book with all those who have been perpetually remembered. Each plaque is engraved with the name and English date of passing and displayed on United Hebrew’s Rabbi Samuel Thurman Memorial Wall. The cost of a plaque is $750. Questions or to order a plaque, please call 314-469-0700. 14
1/29/23-2/4/23 (Con nued from page 14) Dr. Edward J. Berger Elmer J. Gidlow Sam Lazerwitz Dorothy H. Rosenbla Sophia Goldblum Sosna Daniel Berk Ruth E. Goldstein Mollie Malpe Thelma Ross Virginia Spewak Kay Bialock Fred A. Goldstein Sam Michelson Rebecca Rossen Moses Stein MAURICE GULLER Lee White Block Arthur W. Sarah R. Miller Gertrude R. Roth Blanche Steinberg Lillian S. Brown Guenzburger Ben Muchnick Sophie Rothstein Goldie Torgove Brother-in-Law of Lois Guller William "Bill" Carl Anne Sue Hilecher Sara Munies Edward I. Roudman Karen C. Towerman Jacob N. Crasilneck Margaret Huber Shirley J. Pasch Fannie Rubin Richard J. Weinstein DOROTHY HERSHENHORN Herman Esler Mendal Jacobs Gene B. Pa z Dorothy M. Sapin Eugene H. Wieder Herman Feigenbaum Ida Jaffe Lena Rosenblum Poger Joy Schetzer Michael B. Winthrop Joseph Feldman Freda S. Joseph Morris Polleck Aaron H. Shanvet Esther Wolff CHARLES JAY HILTON Frances Feldman Howard I. Kaye Gary Stuart Poscover Gertrude Sherman Rose Zucker Husband of Linda Hilton Rebecca D. Franklin Leah B. Klamen Kay Preston Sam Silverberg Miriam Aurne E a Klayman Benjamin Roman Jack N. Simberg Father of Lisa Weiss Frieberger Grace Kraizer Esther G. Rosen Gus Slumpsky Ida Friedman Eva Lamberg Isidor Rosen Morris Sophir BARRY EDWARD IKEN 2/5/23-2/11/23 Husband of Sharon Iken May Ruth Abramsky Sol H. Engel George Gus Grossman Dr. Abraham A. Marion Schamest Brother of Barbara (Don) Kurt Aschner Frank Fierman John Grossman Margulis Mollie Schneider Rubin Raye Ruth "GG" Sam Finbloom Marcus Haffner Nathalia Latz Meyer Benjamin Schwartz Bankendorf Arthur A. Fishel, Sr. Sophia A. Hoffman Mayer D. Mitchell Helen Margulis Simon Rosa Beck Faye Fox Florence Hya Bessie Moss Eunice P. Solomon SUSAN KAPLANSKY Dena Berger Rowena Kram Lionel J. Kaiser David Moulton Debbie Lynn Soule Zelda Bidnick Friedman Be y Schram Kanter Lorene "Lori" Sarah Steinberg Wife of Rabbi Howard Florence Block Abraham Ginsburg Mallie R. Kauffman Newmark Anna R. Strauss Kaplansky Gertrude Bothman Goldie Goldberg Be y Kaufman Mary Ann Millstone Monte L. Strauss Mother of Mindy Be y Buffen Robert Goldman Sanford A. Kravetz Pappas Dorothy S. Tamarkin Davis W. Canis Mary Goldstein David Laiderman Morris Prager Jacob Urbach (Dr. Edward) Kirsh Philip Crown Sco Phillip Goldstein Stanley Laiderman Maury E. Reichman Bernadine Winter Mother of Emily (Dr. Daniel) Robert F. Eichaker Stephen A. Green Delphine Loomstein Maxwell J. Rodenberg Judy Wolff Eva Engel Sophie Greenwald Nat E. Rosenblum Cohen Grandmother of Julia & Zoe 2/12/23 – 2/18/23 Kirsh Shirley Askuvich Harrie Mae Dardick Rowena Henschel David Mosinger Charles Serenco Grandmother of Alex & Sylvian Backerman Sarah Eisner Henry Hirschfeld Phil Pizer Bonnie Shainman Jennie Baron John Ellman Regina Holstein Dorothy L. Poslosky Dorothy Shanvet Samantha Cohen Samuel B. Barron Mildred R. Feldman David S. Hyman Albert E. Rain Mrs. Marlene Sherman Lois L. Bauer Lucille Feldman Celia Joseph Sylvia Sidel Raymond Ann Shipper Ellio S. Bender Joseph Felsen Bertha M. Klein Louis K. Romansky Sheldon Solomon ROSALIND ROSEN Rose Y. Biederman Dr. Gerald Allen Franzel Phillip R. Kravetz Harold Rosenberg Ida Sparber Mother of Gregory (Caryn) Jack L. Binder Marcus Fuhrer Blima Laba Rebecca H. Rosenblum Annie Stameisen Rosen Frieda Blank Jennie R. Gardner Alexander Laventhal Dr. Joseph F. Roufa Mayme J. Stone Jean B. Blanke Minnie Getzlow Ronald Lending Morris J. Rudman Samuel Tischler Jack Harris Brimer Charles S. Goldberg Rachel Levy Abraham Samelson Dr. Elmer Wagman MARTIN LOUIS WEISS Saul Herman Bronson Emily N. Grafman Sylvia Adele Loomstein Rose Samelson Norma Ruth Blanche H. Burack Joseph Greenspon Ida Magidson Sadie Schiffer Weintraub Mollie Cohen Abraham H. Grossman Dr. Jack Mallen Siebert Schwartz Ida Wexler Because of space limita ons, Celia H. Cohen Morris P. Harris Mark Mitgang Mary Bassin Schwartz Eva Winterman condolences are listed for members Dorothy A. Cohen Alfred I. Harris Harry S. Mosinger Jacob Carl Selner and their immediate rela ves. In 2/19/23-2/25/23 addi on, only immediate rela ves of John P. Abell, Jr. Diane E. Ezell Ken Heller Edgar Donald Millstone Fannie Sophir the deceased who are members are Leah K. Arbe er Ira Frederick Feldman Morris Hershenhorn Samuel Niederberg Arthur Steinberg listed. Ruth C. Aronson Lillie Y. Ferman Jennie Hirshberg Harold G. Oglander Hannah Kaufman Stern Dr. Donald J. Bauer Earl M. Fishgall Lillian Hurwitz Bess Olian Emanuel Nathan Stern Mollie Berie Henry L. Fishman Harry C. Josephson Joan Frank Pla ner Bernhard Susskind No fica on of Illness, Surgery Dr. Max John Bierman Philip Fredman Hyman Kaufman Eileen Polinsky Rabbi Samuel Thurman & Hospital Visits Morris Birnbaum Selma H. Gidlow Leah Kranzberg Cecile I. Raskas Rudolph A. Tuteur Due to HIPAA laws, United Hebrew is Jennie Blumenthal Joseph L. Glaser Gary Kunin Greta Rosenberg Alvin R. Ukman unable to gain access to patient Jean Branner Sarah Glaser Sophie Harris Lending Al Rosenbla Lillian Wolkowitz Dr. Frank Cohen Clarence Goldberg Max Lending Sam Schneider Evelyn S. Wurdack information from local hospitals. We Bertha W. Crasilneck Frieda Goldberg Louis Lurie Leon S. Schwartz Jennie Yawitz rely solely on word-of-mouth from Harry L. Crown Fred A. Goldberg, M.D. Sam Marcus Joseph Sessel Jeane e Zetcher family members and other Esther Doischman Sana Guckenheim Arthur Mathes Sylvia Shapiro congregants to make clergy visits. Sarah Halle Edison Leon Harris Solomon Meyer Max Silverman If you know someone in the hospital or desiring a visit from a clergy member, please contact us at 314- 469-0700. Once received, the informa on will be entered into our system and shared with the clergy. 15
THIS LIST REPRESENTS *Arthur Jaffee GENERAL FUND Debbie & John Greenberg TRIBUTES MADE FROM Lois & Rick Mariam Anonymous Melissa & Ethan Hafner OCTOBER 8-DECEMBER 20 *Sylvia Jaffe Anonymous & Family Lois & Rick Mariam IN HONOR OF: Jason & Wendy Heltzer JOAN S. ABRAMS EDUCATION *Susan Kaplansky *Leonard Frankel’s Interfaith Eleanor & Myron Holtzman FUND FOR LIFELONG Anne & Alan Amster Achievement Award Dolores Kling LEARNING & ENRICHMENT Renee Barnow Judy Berger Seymour & Janet Krout IN MEMORY OF: Marley & Jonathan Cyrluk *Eleanor & Myron Ruth-Ellen & Steve Lichtenfeld *Susan Kaplansky Barry & Lori Gavril Holtzman’s grandson Pamela Lookatch John & Jen Newmark Shirley & Alan Gorman Ben’s bar mitzvah Peter Maer Susan & Alan Wi e Lonnie & Susan Grosman Fran Kunitz Barry Newmark & Caryn Carlie *Lori Millner’s father Stuart Stephanie, Geoffrey, Norah, *Betty Lehrman’s 90th birthday & Families Myra & David Glazer & Sari Gross Goldie Kray Kara & Robert Newmark *Arthur Salk Bob & Marlene Gummers *Howard Seigel’s birthday Cheryl Perl Karen Yoffie Lisa, Peter, Lanie, & Griffin Roz Gad & Family Michelle Pinkert Katz *Don & Susan Seigel John & Eunice Reichman BUILDING FUND Debra & Mike Klevens Harvey Altman Dr. Rachael Green-Smith IN MEMORY OF: Don & Gwynn Loomstein *Barry Yoffie’s birthday & Shayna Smith *Susan Kaplansky Barry & Randi Polinsky Fred & Eva Ashner Karen Suroff Beth Feldman Gloria Ruben *Marriage of Stephen & Lexi Sherri & Frank Weintrop *Barbara Newmark Seligsohn & Foizey Families Yoffie *Robert Levy Newmark Family Skip & Elaine Spielberg Steve & Lexie Goldsmith Anonymous THINKING OF YOU: Bob & NJ Sterneck IN MEMORY OF: Teri & Mike Rosenblum *Bob Tegman Jody & Mickey Waldman *Carol Ann Blinder *Norman Peskind Shirley & Alan Gorman Harold & Doris Zinn Marcia & Joel Barasch Thelma Peskind *Stanley Maer Eliot & Nancy Planells & Family *Rosalind Rosen CLERGY DISCRETIONARY Helane & Craig Maer *Gary Davis Judy Finkelstein FUNDS *Francine Mariam Michele Ambach Michelle Oppenheim Eilene & Herb Schneiderman Lois & Rick Mariam *Ben Diamant *Mark Roudman Lawrence & Amy Perlmu er *Phillip Mariam Henry & Marlene Diamant Seymour & Janet Krout IN APPRECIATION OF: Lois & Rick Mariam *Regina Diamant *Steve Tockman *Cantor Eichaker’s years of *Victoria Ross Henry & Marlene Diamant Vicki Fenster service and support Alex & Alyssa Apter *Carol Fain ch THINKING OF YOU Barry Newmark *Herman Steinberg Emily, Dan, Alex, & Samantha *Steve Golder *Cantor Eichaker officia ng Helane & Craig Maer Cohen Adele Jagust Renee Herman’s funeral *Rosie Feinstein *Dale Sharon Charlotte Rosenblum & Family ADA & FRANK FRIEDMAN Fred & Sheri Seigel Steve & Susan Sherman *Cantor Eichaker YOUTH GROUP FUND *Marilyn Fixman *Jim Susman Floryne Marks IN APPRECIATION OF: Thelma Peskind Joel & Marcia Barasch *Rabbi Kaplansky’s years of *Rick Recht’s kindness to *Robert Grossberg *Bob Tegman service and support Carol Fain ch Richard & Eleanor S asny Cliff & Joan Segal Barry Newmark Kenneth & Marcia Thurman *Charles Hilton IN HONOR OF: *Streaming services Gary & Betsy Koenig JABLON YOUTH FUND *Cantor Eichaker Kenneth & Marcia Thurman *Barry Iken IN MEMORY OF: Garry & Mindy Po ruck IN MEMORY OF: Myron & Eleanor Holtzman *Eve Walzer *Randi Poscover’s birthday *Helga Eisen Bagan Fran Kunitz Mady & Arthur Jablon Marilyn Warren Karen Kra Yoffie *Susan Kaplansky *Charlo e Rosenblum’s new *Larry Greenwald Rabbis Amy Feder & Michael STANLEY LAIDERMAN FUND great granddaughter, Lyla Karen Kra Yoffie Alper IN HONOR OF: Regina Frederick *Sol W. Thurman & Marjorie Harvey Altman *Be y Lehrman’s birthday IN MEMORY OF: Thurman Cohen Mitch & Lynda Baris Lorraine Laiderman *Chuck Birke Kenneth & Marcia Thurman Betsy & Spencer Garland Marilyn Cohn Steve & Lexie Goldsmith & Family 16
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