Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Can Fair Trade, Organic, and Specialty Coffees Reduce Small-Scale Farmer Vulnerability in Northern Nicaragua?

Page created by Ray Chang
World Development Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 497–511, 2005
                                                                           Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
                                                                                          Printed in Great Britain                                                   0305-750X/$ - see front matter

          Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Can Fair
       Trade, Organic, and Specialty Coffees Reduce
       Small-Scale Farmer Vulnerability in Northern
                                  CHRISTOPHER BACON *
                            University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
        Summary. — This paper links changing global coffee markets to opportunities and vulnerabilities
        for sustaining small-scale farmer livelihoods in northern Nicaragua. Changing governance struc-
        tures, corporate concentration, oversupply, interchangeable commodity grade beans, and low farm
        gate prices characterize the crisis in conventional coffee markets. In contrast, certified Fair Trade
        and organic are two alternative forms of specialty coffee trade and production that may offer
        opportunities for small-scale producers. A research team surveyed 228 farmers to measure the im-
        pact of sales on organic and Fair Trade markets. The results suggest that participation in organic
        and Fair Trade networks reduces farmers’ livelihood vulnerability.
        Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

        Key words — coffee, Central America, Nicaragua, vulnerability, Fair Trade, livelihood

              1. INTRODUCTION                                and eco-labeled (i.e., organic, bird-friendly,
                                                             and Fair Trade) coffees (Goodman, 1999; Rice,
   Activist pressure and the expanding specialty
coffee market have provoked a small, but grow-
ing, percentage of those that daily drink 2.28               * Pedro Haslam, Byron Corrales, Nick Hoskyns, and
billion cups of coffee to remember the 20–25
                                                             Paul Katzeff are coffee and development professionals
million families that produce and process this
                                                             who taught me through experience the meaning of
valuable bean (Conroy, 2001; Dicum & Luttin-
ger, 1999). Small-scale family farms produce                 quality coffee, Fair Trade, and small-scale farmer co-
over 70% of the world’s coffee in 85 Latin                    operatives in northern Nicaragua. Henry Mendoza and
American, Asian, and African countries                       I worked with a group of 16 agricultural technicians to
(Oxfam, 2001). Most coffee producers live in                  help design, field-test, and conduct the survey. Nicholás
poverty and manage agroecosystems in some                    Arróliga at GeOdigital did an excellent job managing
of the world’s most culturally and biologically              the mountains of data created by these surveys. This arti-
diverse regions.                                             cle benefited from ideas and commentary from Daniel
   Changing patterns in global coffee commod-                 Press, Jonathan Fox, Roberto Sanchez-Rodriguez, Ern-
ity chains including the disintegration of the               esto Mendez, Stephen Gliessman, and David Goodman.
international coffee agreement in 1989, market                Many thanks to the three anonymous reviewers for their
liberalization, corporate consolidation, increas-            useful comments. Funding to cover my expen- ses came
ing production, and a worldwide coffee glut                   from The Switzer Foundation, The Center for Global
have plunged commodity prices to their lowest                Conflict and Cooperation International Field Disserta-
levels in a century (Ponte, 2002a, 2002b). How-              tion Scholarship, PASA-DANIDA, and the Department
ever, increasing consumer awareness regarding                of Environmental Studies at the University of Califor-
issues of quality, taste, health, and environment            nia, Santa Cruz. Final revision accepted: October 11,
have created a growing demand for specialty                  2004.
498                                    WORLD DEVELOPMENT

2001). Specialty and eco-labeled coffees offer          continue, and prices may remain low for the
price premiums. The volumes of coffee moved            coming years (CEPAL, 2002). The disintegra-
through specialty, organic, and Fair Trade            tion of the International Coffee Agreement
commodity chains remain relatively small and          (ICA) and market liberalization contributed
must be set within the context of changing glo-       to increasing global coffee production. The
bal coffee markets.                                    increasing coffee supply led to rising inventories
   During the last four years, green coffee prices     in consumer countries and coincided with slug-
have fallen from US$1.20/lb to between                gish demand and market concentration in the
US$0.45 and 0.75/lb. Low prices continue to           roasting and trading industries (Ponte,
devastate rural economies and threaten the            2002a). 1 Among the consequences are shifts
biodiversity associated with traditional coffee        in power to the roasting and retailing end of
production (CEPAL, 2002; IADB, 2002). Per-            the commodity chain and falling prices paid
manent employment in Central America’s cof-           to producers (Talbot, 1997).
fee sector has fallen by more than 50% and               The ICA was a set of international agree-
seasonal employment by 21% (IADB, 2002).              ments that set production and consumption
In Matagalpa, Nicaragua, falling coffee prices         quotas and governed quality standards for
have accelerated migration to urban poverty           most of the coffee industry from 1962 to 1989.
belts. A walk through a coffee farming commu-          A combination of processes, including (i)
nity in Coto Brus, Costa Rica, reveals eroded         increasing fragmentation in the geographies
hillsides where farmers recently replaced coffee       of production and consumption, (ii) shifting
agroforestry systems with treeless cattle pas-        geopolitical conditions as the United States
tures. Since the 1999–2000 harvest the value          perceived less of a threat from the Latin Amer-
of Central American coffee exports has fallen          ican left, and the (iii) changing development
from US$1.678 billion to US$938 million in            models as Indonesia and Brazil moved away
2000–01 and an estimated US$700 million for           from import substitution toward export led
the 2001–02 harvest (IADB, 2002). Declining           growth contributed to the disintegration of
export revenues have created debt that exceeds        the agreement (Ponte, 2002b). Free from inter-
US$100 million. As debt in the coffee sector in-       national quotas, green coffee prices initially fell,
creases, banks have foreclosed on farms and ex-       briefly rebounded during 1994–98, then plum-
port companies (Dı́az, 2001).                         meted before rebounding slightly in early 2004.
   This paper examines how changes in the glo-           The two primary coffee varieties are arabicas
bal coffee market and falling coffee commodity          and robustas. Farmers in Latin America, Ethi-
prices affect small-scale farmers’ livelihood vul-     opia, and Kenya have historically cultivated
nerability in northern Nicaragua. Section 2 is        most of the arabica beans that are generally
a synopsis of the changing tendencies in the          considered of higher quality and sold to spe-
global coffee trade. Section 3 briefly reviews          cialty markets at slightly higher prices than
theories linking price shocks to livelihood vul-      robustas. Brazil, Vietnam, and Uganda pro-
nerability and then applies this framework to         duce most of the world’s robusta coffees. Two
a farmer typology revealing the consequences          tendencies are eliminating the previous compet-
of the coffee crisis. Section 4 presents the results   itive advantages held by countries producing
of research that investigated the hypothesis that     arabica coffee varieties. In the last 10 years,
farmers selling Fair Trade and organic coffees         Brazil more than doubled its production of ara-
are less vulnerable than those linked only to         bic coffees and now produces close to half of
conventional coffee markets. In the final sec-          the world’s arabica coffee. Furthermore, many
tion, I discuss strategies to reduce vulnerability    roasting companies can substitute between ro-
without reproducing the same structures that          busta and arabica beans in their blends; thus,
created the coffee crisis.                             the price differential between robusta and arab-
                                                      ica coffees is rarely more than 10 cents/lb. The
                                                      price reported below is for other milds, arabica
  2. CHANGING STRUCTURES IN THE                       beans grown outside of Colombia Figure 1.
       GLOBAL COFFEE MARKET                              The disintegration of the ICA coincided with
                                                      geopolitical shifts, including the fall of the So-
  Booms and busts punctuate international             viet Union and the state’s declining role in com-
commodity price histories. The driving forces         merce. As many national agricultural ministries
behind the current four-year decline in green         dramatically decreased their role in coordinat-
coffee commodity prices suggest this cycle will        ing coffee production, commercialization, and
CONFRONTING THE COFFEE CRISIS                                                   499


    Price US$ per 100 lbs




                                     1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Figure 1. International coffee prices. Sources: Average yearly prices for arabica coffee beans (other milds) from
                                     International Coffee Organization (2003).

quality control, governments lost international                                    1999). These dominant trends mask the growth
negotiating power. Producers and exporters                                         and emergence of specialty and certified coffees.
gained flexibility and more direct market ac-
cess. Large-scale transnational trade and roast-                                              (a) The rise of specialty coffee
ing companies were quick to enter the spaces
opened by the retreating state. The combina-                                         The North American specialty coffee market
tion of market liberalization and increased                                        annually grows 5–10%, and it reached an esti-
coffee production coincides with high rates                                         mated retail value of $7.8 billion by 2001. This
of transnational corporate concentration. By                                       rapid growth contrasts to slow demand growth
1998, Philip Morris, Nestlé, Sara Lee, Proctor                                    for bulk commercial grade coffees. Unheard of
and Gamble and Tchibo controlled 69% of                                            30 years ago, the specialty or gourmet market
the roasted and instant coffee market (van                                          segment represents 17% of US coffee imports
Dijik, van Doesburg, Heijbroek, Wazir, &                                           by volume and 40% of the retail market by
Wolff, 1998, cited from Ponte, 2002a). Eight                                        value (Giovannucci, 2001). The United States
transnational export–import companies control                                      purchases one quarter of internationally traded
56% of the coffee trade (van Dijik et al., 1998;                                    coffee in the world (Giovannucci, 2001).
cited from Ponte, 2002a).                                                             In 1982, a handful of small-scale coffee roast-
   The changing structure of the global coffee                                      ing companies joined together to form the Spe-
commodity chain has led to declining prices                                        cialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA).
paid to producers. Since the fall of the ICA                                       The mission of the SCAA is to promote high
producers’ share of the final retail price has                                      quality gourmet coffee and sustainability
fallen from 20% to 13% (Talbot, 1997). Histor-                                     (SCAA, 2002). The SCAA’s 2600+ members
ically, coffee producing countries in Latin                                         are primarily small-scale roasting companies,
America, Asia, and Africa captured close to                                        traders, and sellers of coffee-related accessories,
55% of the coffee dollar, significantly more than                                    but the membership also includes larger com-
many other tropical export crops, such as bana-                                    panies (Starbucks and Folgers), farmer organi-
nas and cacao. However, power shifts and pro-                                      zations, and producing country representatives.
duction trends in the coffee commodity chains                                       Commercial grade coffees do not have equally
have decreased producing countries’ share to                                       strict quality requirements, are commonly sold
an estimated 22% (Talbot, 1997). These are                                         in tin coffee cans, and often cost the consumer
the trends in the conventional green coffee mar-                                    half the price. In addition to claims to superior
ket which in 1999–2000 moved an estimated                                          taste, specialty coffee companies celebrate
102.5 million 60 kg sacks of coffee with a                                          the craftsmanship of coffee roasting and
wholesale value of US$14 billion (SCAA,                                            preparation; they employ more specialized
500                                  WORLD DEVELOPMENT

roasting processes, focus on product freshness     from eliminating synthetic pesticides and fertil-
and use large marketing expenditures to differ-     izers. Coffee covers an estimated 2.8 million
entiate their product from the bulk commercial     hectares in Mexico, Colombia, Central Amer-
grade coffees. The specialty roasters depend on     ica, and the Caribbean. While some of this cof-
a higher quality coffee bean and are generally      fee is produced without shade trees, farmers
willing to pay producers price premiums for        grow more than 60% under the shade of native
better beans.                                      and exotic trees. These shade coffee landscapes
                                                   conserve biodiversity, soil, and water (Mendez,
 (b) Eco-labels and alternative coffee markets      2004; Perfecto, Rice, Greenberg, & Vand der
                                                   Voort, 1996).
   Small-scale specialty roasting companies pio-      In contrast to organic certification, which is a
neered the introduction of organic and Fair        set of standards that regulates inputs and prac-
Trade coffees into the United States and helped     tices in the production process, Fair Trade certi-
the specialty coffee market become the most ac-     fies the trade process. 3 Fair Trade supporters
tive space for eco-labeling in the food sector.    believe that trade has the potential to either
Nearly all eco-labeled coffees are also consid-     exploit or empower producers in the global
ered specialty coffee. The North American re-       South. Fair Trade advocates refute the basic
tail market for certified organic, Fair Trade,      Neoliberal assumption that expanded trade will
and shade grown coffee is approximately             increase social and environmental benefits for
US$188 million. The estimated worldwide retail     everybody, and assert that North–South trade
value of these coffees is roughly US$530 million    relations are plagued by power inequalities
(Giovannucci, 2001). Despite their relatively      and exploitation. Four international Fair Trade
small market share, coffee roasters and retailers   associations define Fair Trade as follows: ‘‘Fair
anticipate rapid and sustained growth for certi-   Trade is a trading partnership based on dia-
fied coffees.                                        logue, transparency and respect, that seeks
   Certified organic coffee currently accounts       greater equity in international trade. It contri-
for 3–5% of the US specialty coffee retail mar-     butes to sustainable development by offering
ket and remains the most widely recognized         better trading conditions to, and securing the
eco-label (Giovannucci, 2001). Most consumers      rights of, marginalized producers and work-
in the United States and Europe recognize the      ers—especially in the South. Fair Trade organi-
organic label from its widespread usage on         zations (backed by consumers) are engaged
fresh fruits and vegetables. The International     actively in supporting producers, awareness
Trade Center estimated the worldwide retail        raising, and in campaigning for changes in the
market value of all organic food and beverage      rules and practice of conventional international
products at US$21 billion in 2001 (Interna-        trade (IFAT, 2004).’’
tional Trade Center, 2002). Price premiums,           Fair Trade markets find their roots in more
and 10–20% growth rates in retail markets,         than 50 years of alternative trade relationships.
have contributed to an increasing number of        Long before certification existed, churches,
acres entering certified organic production.        disaster relief organizations, and solidarity
   In workshops, Nicaraguan farmers often list     groups had formed more direct trade relation-
the following among their motivations for mov-     ships with refugees and marginalized groups.
ing toward certified organic production: It is      They paid producers better prices, offered mar-
safer for their families and children without      ket access, and provided technical assistance.
agrochemicals on the farm, it lowers expendi-      These Northern organizations distributed Fair
tures for synthetic inputs, it is better for the   Trade crafts and foods through religious and
environment, and it helps protect the water.       solidarity networks. However, the volumes
In Latin America, thousands of coffee, cocoa,       of Fairly Traded goods remained small and
vegetables, and fruits farmers have solicited      the development impact limited. In 1988, a
and received organic certification. 2 Mexico ex-    church-based NGO in the Netherlands teamed
ported the first organic coffee and remains a        up with a Mexican smallholder coffee coopera-
pioneer in the organic industry (Nigh, 1997).      tive to launch the Max Havaalar Fair Trade
While health remains consumers’ primary moti-      product certification (IFAT, 2004). The certifi-
vation for purchasing organic products, devel-     cation started a Fair Trade mainstreaming pro-
opment agencies, environmental activists, and      cess that permitted wider participation by
many farmers’ associations also support the        industry actors. This initiative grew quickly;
certification for the ecological benefits gained     Northern countries formed national Fair Trade
CONFRONTING THE COFFEE CRISIS                                      501

labeling organizations, and more Southern pro-      the Latin American and Caribbean regions
ducer groups accessed these networks. In 1997,      experienced at least 38 major natural disasters
these organizations joined to form Fair Trade       and over 40 episodes when the GDP per capita
Labeling Organizations International (FLO-I),       fell by 4% or more (IADB, 2000). Scholars and
which promotes Fair Trade, establishes stan-        development professionals have considered
dards, and coordinates an international Fair        these phenomena in a special issue of World
Trade product monitoring and certification sys-      Development that examined the interplay be-
tem. This system now includes hundreds of           tween household vulnerability, coping strate-
companies, and more than 800,000 producers          gies, economic crises, natural disasters, and
in over 40 countries are involved in Fair Trade     household well-being (Skoufias, 2003).
networks (FLO, 2003).                                  The livelihood vulnerability framework offers
   The Fair Trade standards stipulate that trad-    a common approach for both economic crisis
ers pay a price that covers the costs of sustain-   and natural disasters (Combes & Guillaumont,
able production and livelihoods, provide a          2002; Moser, 1998). This approach examines
premium for social development, sign contracts      causes, impacts on household well-being and
that encourage long-term planning and stabil-       mechanisms to cope with and buffer damage
ity, and help provide preharvest credit (FLO,       (Blaikie, Cannon, Davis, & Wisner, 1994;
2003). In the case of both coffee and cocoa,         Skoufias, 2003). Vulnerability contains an
only small-scale producer organizations are         external source of stress or shock and an inter-
eligible for certification. However, the FLO’s       nal component describing the exposure and re-
certification organization also certifies large       sponse to this shock as it is interpreted through
agricultural businesses producing bananas,          the socioecological relationships that shape an
tea, and fruit. Certification standards vary be-     individuals or group’s livelihood assets. These
tween crop and social organization (large farm      descriptions of livelihood vulnerability respond
or cooperative), but they all share minimum         to critiques of a narrow focus on income-based
standards for social and economic development       definitions of poverty and draw from Sen’s pio-
supplanted by antiexploitation clauses. The         neering work on assets, entitlements and fam-
expanding list of Fair Trade certified products      ines (Moser, 1998; Reardon & Vosti, 1995;
includes coffee, cocoa, tea, fruits, wine, sugar,    Scoones, 1998; Sen, 1981, 1997; Shankland,
honey, bananas, rice, crafts, and some textiles     2000).
(EFTA, 2003). Coffee was the first certified Fair         Livelihood refers to the means of gaining
Trade product and remains ‘‘the backbone’’ of       a living, including the tangible and intangible
the system, accounting for the majority of the      assets that support an existence (Chambers &
Fair Trade retail sales (Raynolds, 2002b). Ana-     Conway, 1992). Bebbington added a cultural
lysts estimate that roughly 1–2% of the global      component to the material and economic focus
coffee trade is certified Fair Trade (Oxfam,          behind livelihood assets, simply defining liveli-
2001). A livelihood vulnerability framework         hoods as the way people make a living and
will help understand how participation in Fair      how they make it meaningful (Bebbington,
Trade and organic coffee networks impacts vul-       2000). The addition of meaning into the defini-
nerability to the coffee crisis.                     tion of livelihoods provides a theoretical space
                                                    for including farmer perceptions and narra-
                                                    tives, and an entry point for beginning to
  3. LIVELIHOOD VULNERABILITY,                      understand the subjective feelings of well-being
FARMER TYPOLOGY AND THE COFFEE                      and empowerment. In this way, livelihood vul-
 CRISIS IN NORTHERN NICARAGUA                       nerability = livelihoods (material and intangi-
                                                    ble assets) + (exposure to) a stress or shock.
    (a) Livelihood vulnerability framework             When vulnerable livelihood assets are ex-
                                                    posed to a stress, the stress can diminish the as-
  The regional impact of the coffee crisis can be    set’s productivity or quality and/or limit access;
considered an example of the frequent eco-          the consequences are declining resource flows
nomic crises that affect the global South. These     to the households. Intangible assets, such as
economy-wide shocks have many possible trig-        kin and friendship networks, are often the most
ger events, including hurricanes, earthquakes,      important relationships that households mobi-
rapid devaluations, recessions, market shifts,      lize to reduce vulnerability. Household liveli-
declining terms of trade, and commodity price       hood projects that are exposed to a stress will
crashes (Skoufias, 2003). From 1980 to 1999          likely reallocate their assets to cope with the
502                                           WORLD DEVELOPMENT

declining quality of life (Skoufias, 2003). Previ-            agro industrial plantations maintain a per-
ous studies have documented a wide variety of                manent labor force. Most large-scale and the
coping mechanisms to reduce damages and sur-                 agroindustrial plantations have integrated pro-
vive crises; many of these mechanisms such as                cessing facilities on the farm, occasionally
pulling children out of school to avoid expenses             exporting their own coffee (Table 1). These
can diminish long-term development potential                 farms usually provide living quarters and food
and maintain households in a ‘‘poverty trap’’                to farm worker families. Rural landless workers
(Skoufias, 2003; Varangis, Siegel, Giovannucci,               continue to live in extreme poverty. During the
& Lewin, 2003). Other common coping mecha-                   coffee harvest, the large plantations employ and
nisms include migration, increased borrowing,                house hundreds, sometimes thousands of coffee
crop substitution, and decreasing inputs.                    pickers.
Households will decide to reallocate their assets               Like most countries in Central America, Nic-
according to their perceptions and capabilities.             aragua’s coffee farm ownership is highly con-
                                                             centrated. In Central America, the largest
(b) A farmer typology for the Central American               plantations and agroexport businesses account
         and Nicaraguan coffee sector                         for 3.5% of the farms, 48.6% of the total land
                                                             in coffee production, and an estimated 57.8%
   Different farmers produce coffee in different                of the region’s coffee production (CEPAL,
ways, under different agroecological conditions,              2002). During the 2000–01 coffee harvest in
and in a variety of positions vis-à-vis the com-            Nicaragua, 404 (2.4%) of the country’s largest
mercialization chains leading to the market.                 farms accounted almost 25% of the land in cof-
Farm size provides a good general indicator                  fee production and roughly 52% of the produc-
to describe the different forms of coffee produc-              tion (UNICAFE, 2001).
tion and commercialization (CEPAL, 2002).
An estimated 85% or 250,000 of Central Amer-
ica’s coffee farmers are micro and small-scale                       (c) The coffee crisis in Nicaragua
producers. The family is the primary source
of labor on these farms. These households often                 It is difficult to isolate the impacts of the cof-
produce corn and beans and/or work off the                    fee crisis from the series of negative shocks
farm. In contrast to the microproducers, most                (Hurricane Mitch, drought, declining commod-
small-scale farmers employ day laborers during               ity prices) that continue to affect Central Amer-
the coffee harvest. The small-scale farmers I                 ica (Varangis et al., 2003; Wisner, 2001). In
surveyed in Nicaragua grow more than half of                 Nicaragua, the 1999–2001 droughts added fur-
the food they eat. These farmers intercrop ba-               ther stress to low coffee prices. In the tropical
nanas, oranges, mangos, and trees for firewood                dry regions, including the northern depart-
and construction within their coffee parcels.                 ments of Estelı́, Madriz, and Nueva Segovia,
Households measure annual yields in coffee                    the farmers did not harvest their subsistence
and associated crops. Medium, large and the                  crops. In focus groups, small-scale farmers told

                                 Table 1. Typology of coffee producers in Nicaragua
  Farm size (ha)                    Micro      Small-scale   Medium     Large     Agro-industry   Total/average
  Average productivity (qq/ha)a       2.51       5.55         11.00      19.91        29.87           16.62
  Number of producers               41,698       5,204         732        245          159           48,038
  Total area (sq ha)                36,000      45,000       14,000      8,000        5,000          108,000
  Production in (qq)a               263,000     599,000      284,000    394,000      260,000        1,800,000
  % of total farms                    86.8       10.83        1.52       0.51          0.33            100
  % of total surface area            33.25       41.83        13.11      7.09          4.72            100
  % of production by group            14.6       33.3         15.8       21.9          14.4            100
  Manzana (mz) = 0.7 ha
  Quintal (qq) = 100 lb or 46k
Source: CEPAL (2002); adapted from UNICAFE database. Estimated total harvest levels for 2000–01.
  Average productivity statistics were generated from previous studies, not from the 2000–01 harvest.
CONFRONTING THE COFFEE CRISIS                                      503

us how they lived off mangos, yucca, bananas,          structural problems underpinning the crisis
and the other subsistence crops that they inter-      (Varangis et al., 2003). However, after five
crop with their coffee.                                years of protests and three years since signing
   People’s vulnerability to the falling prices de-   an agreement with the government, the rural
pends upon their location in the coffee com-           landless workers union recently won titles for
modity chain and their access to assets such          more than 2,000 ha of land for some 3,000 rural
as land, credit, employment, and social net-          workers.
works. The coffee crisis is felt by most of the
country’s estimated 45,334 micro and small-
scale farmers. These smallholder households             4. THE IMPACT OF ORGANIC, FAIR
sell coffee as their primary source of cash in-           TRADE AND SPECIALTY COFFEE
come. Farmers talk about pulling their children
out of school, migration, and increased heath                  (a) Study design and methods
problems. The microproducers often work as
day laborers on large plantations because their          The research I conducted in Nicaragua
small parcels and current management prac-            started after 15 months accompanying a coffee
tices are not sufficient to support the family.         quality improvement project with coffee coop-
In the late 1990s coffee annually contributed          eratives. I developed a set of indicators combin-
US$140 million to the national economy and            ing my research interests with criteria suggested
provided an equivalent of 280,000 permanent           by the cooperatives’ administrative directors
agricultural jobs (Bandaña & Allgood, 2001;          and elected leadership. After designing and
CEPAL, 2002). Researchers estimate that Nic-          fieldtesting a survey, we scheduled a training
araguan laborers have lost over 4.5 million days      workshop attended by the cooperatives’ agri-
of work during the first two years of the coffee        cultural extension agents. Following the train-
crisis (CEPAL, 2002). The rural landless coffee        ing, extension agents decided to either
workers are more vulnerable than smallholders.        perform a complete census or I randomly se-
The large plantations that employ these work-         lected 12–15 farmers from their cooperatives’
ers have high monetary costs of production            membership lists. The larger unions of cooper-
(US$0.74–1.08/lb) due to dense cropping pat-          atives designated a representative first level
terns, dependence on paid labor, and intensive        cooperative from which farmers were randomly
chemical inputs. 4 In 2001, the banks stopped         sampled.
offering credit for coffee and foreclosed on               The survey primarily contained structured
debt-ridden farms.                                    closed ended interview questions and a walking
   In the mountains north of Matagalpa, banks         assessment of the farmer’s principal coffee par-
and plantation owners stopped paying and              cel. While the extension agents conducted the
later stopped feeding their workers. Hungry           survey, I followed up with multiple visits to
and without work, thousands of families               each research site. During these visits, I evalu-
marched down from their individual parcels            ated data quality and ensured comparative
and large plantations. People grouped together        methods. I also worked with a gender specialist
along roadsides and in public parks where they        to conduct 10 focus groups separated by sex. I
lived in miserable conditions surviving on food       drew focus group participants from the same
donations. They demanded food, work, health           list of farmers that participated in the sample
care, and land (Calero, 2001; Gonzalez, 2001).        and used these results to help triangulate re-
I interviewed one woman who had camped by             sponses given in the surveys. Finally, I inter-
the road for the last three days with her chil-       viewed the cooperatives’ elected leadership
dren, and she stretched out the palm of her cal-      and professional staff and reviewed the cooper-
loused hands and said, ‘‘You see these hands.         atives’ internal documents regarding coffee
These hands are for working not for receiving         sales.
donations.’’ The aid agencies have responded             The 228 farmers that participated in this
with food for work programs, providing pack-          survey are from a diverse social and ecological
ages of donated rice, beans, sugar, and oil to        terrain. The social landscape includes first
plantation owners who can supplement their            level cooperatives (20–50 members) and regio-
lower wages with food and entice the rural            nal cooperative unions (1500+ members).
laborers back for this season’s crop. As a recent     Although the distribution of farm sizes in this
World Bank study notes the Central American           sample resembles the percentages described in
governments have largely failed to address the        Table 2, this sample differs from the national
504                                        WORLD DEVELOPMENT

           Table 2. ANOVA results comparing altitude and certification with price as dependent variablea
                             DF     Sum of squares      Mean square      F-value    P-value     Lambda      Power
  Certification                1       1640169.310       1640169.310      78.945
CONFRONTING THE COFFEE CRISIS                                                505

tified markets or sign contracts with importers.               US$0.56/lb. In comparison, farmers selling to
The export cooperative manages external rela-                 conventional markets averaged US$0.40/lb.
tionships that move coffee to certified markets                   Many of these average farm gate prices are
and organizes an internal price structure that                below smallholders’ estimated monetary pro-
determines prices received at the farm gate.                  duction costs, which are between US$0.49 and
All cooperatives that commercialize coffee                     0.79/lb. 8 The consequences of low farm gate
penalize farmers for defects, but none that I                 prices are further exacerbated by long delays
observed provides clear incentives for high                   between depositing the dehulled coffee beans
quality coffee. As coffee roasters increase their               at the processing and export plant and receiving
push for higher quality and cooperatives in-                  the final payment. Most cooperatives pay farm-
crease their knowledge and infrastructure for                 ers in stages: first as credit for the harvest and
measuring quality, an incentive system will                   wet-milling, next a payment when they bring
likely emerge.                                                the wet coffee parchment to the dry processing
   The cooperatives allocate a portion of the                 facility, and a final adjustment when all has
higher prices offered by Fair Trade and organic                been exported and actual prices are calculated.
markets to invest in productive infrastructure,               A few export cooperatives treat farmers and
pay debts, provide credit, provide technical                  cooperatives as clients who own the inventory,
assistance, cover administrative and certifica-                and thus bear the risk, until the importer buys
tion costs, and to fund housing and education                 the coffee. If their coffee does not sell, the farm-
projects in farmer communities. Two coopera-                  ers receive no payment. Farmers waited an
tives in this study used up to half of the Fair               average of 73 days before receiving the full pay-
Trade and/or organic premiums to pay out-                     ment for their organic coffee. Farmers generally
standing debt. These practices result in lower                sell some of their coffee to low-paying middle-
coffee prices to producers. Table 3 summarizes                 men to satisfy the immediate need for cash as
the average prices received at the farm gate                  they wait for higher prices in the specialty mar-
for sales through different commodity chains.                  kets.
   Most farmers sell their coffee to multiple                    These smaller producer cooperatives have
markets. Nicaraguan cooperatives linked to or-                joined together to form unions of cooperatives
ganic and Fair Trade markets sell up to 60% of                that can manage the economies of scale, pool
their coffee through conventional markets.                     the resources, and export coffee. Export coop-
Thus, the average price for all the coffee sold                eratives need access to larger credit lines to
by the farmer may be significantly less than                   pay the farmers before their physical product
prices paid in the different alternative markets.              is actually exported. Banks, roasting compa-
For example, although the 11 cooperative                      nies, and importers are increasingly reluctant
members received US$1.09/lb for the portion                   to provide this credit to these cooperatives.
of their coffee sold directly to the roaster, the              Even well established export cooperatives with
average price for all their coffee was US$0.58/                over US$300,000 in working capital must rely
lb. 7 Thirteen members of a cooperative linked                on a handful of foundations and one roasting
to organic and Fair Trade markets averaged                    company for preharvest financing.

                     Table 3. Average prices reported at the farm gate for the 2000–01 harvest
  Where did you sell the coffee?          Price paid per             How long until            How many farmers
                                       pound green coffeea         you were fullya paid?      sold to each market?
  Cooperative-direct to roaster         US$1.09   (0.04)/lb          33 (6.1) days                    11
  Cooperative-Fair Tradeb               US$0.84   (0.07)/lb          41 (86.6) days                   36
  Cooperative-organicb                  US$0.63   (0.11)/lb          73 (78.4) days                   61
  Cooperative-conventional              US$0.41   (0.04)/lb          46 (62.9) days                   84
  Agroexport company                    US$0.39   (0.04)/lb          24 (50.3) days                   51
  Local middleman                       US$0.37   (0.02)/lb          9 (27.3) days                    72
Source: Participatory farmer survey conducted from July to August 2001.
  Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.
  Although, some coffee was certified as both Fair Trade and organic, most farmers understood and thus reported
that they were commercializing either Fair Trade or organic. They did not give a single price for both certifications.
506                                     WORLD DEVELOPMENT

      (c) Vulnerability and changes to the             enough to offset the many other conditions that
                 quality of life                       have provoked a perceived decline in the qual-
                                                       ity of one’s life.
   Farmers selling to a cooperative connected
only to conventional markets are four times
more likely to perceive a risk of losing the title      5. LEARNING FROM ALTERNATIVES
to their land due to low coffee prices than mem-             TO REDUCE VULNERABILITY
bers of cooperatives connected to alternative
coffee markets. In the survey, 224 farmers an-             What can the livelihood vulnerability frame-
swered the following questions: ‘‘Is there a risk      work reveal about the coffee crisis? In contrast
you will loose your farm this year? If there is a      to the narrowly focused income-based ap-
risk, why?’’ Of the 180 farmers who commer-            proaches to poverty, the livelihood approach
cialized a portion of their coffee to organic, Fair     provides a more detailed description that ex-
Trade, or roaster-direct market channels, eight        plores how people make a living and how they
farmers perceived a risk that they could lose          make it meaningful. It provides a theoretical
their farm this year due to low coffee prices.          space for incorporating the multiple household
Eight of the 44 farmers who belong to cooper-          and collective coping strategies, including sub-
atives selling only to conventional markets also       sistence production, kinship networks, barter,
indicated a risk of losing their farm due to bank      migrations, increased labor time, political
foreclosures and low coffee prices. 9                   mobilization, and protest. Linking vulnerability
   When I asked leaders from each cooperative          to livelihood projects and trade networks be-
to design project evaluation indicators, they          gins to suggest why some households are more
suggested I consider health, environment, edu-         vulnerable than others. The approach will lead
cation, and community development in addition          to an integrated response to the coffee crisis
to coffee price and quality. Measuring quality of       well beyond the current program of debt relief,
life is a difficult task. A small-scale farmer, from     quality improvement programs, and food
a cooperative in Jinotega, said that, ‘‘Well being     donations.
is to have health, food, education and tranquil-
ity in the family.’’ Farmers articulated the rela-        (a) Diversification to reduce vulnerability
tionships between low coffee prices and their
quality of life in focus groups. Their own words         Starting from a livelihood project approach
tell the story: A female coffee farmer from Jino-       implies interventions working with small-scale
tega, explained, ‘‘We can’t buy our clothing,          producers and laborers to increase access to
shoes. . . We are surviving off bananas.’’ Two          land, build stronger producer organizations,
other farmers added, ‘‘[We give] insufficient            participate in alternative markets, increase
management and attention to our coffee planta-          government investments in rural health and
tion.’’ and that there is ‘‘Deterioration [of the      education, and diversify production and com-
relationships] in our family.’’ 10 Another farmer      mercialization channels. Development actors
from the department of Madriz said, ‘‘We have          can learn from and support local coping mech-
a little help, a little room to breath, with the 50%   anisms. I asked farmers in the focus group to
the coop buys as Fair Trade.’’                         identify their activities and strategies to address
   In conclusion, the evidence from this survey        the coffee crisis. Their responses reveal a few
suggests that participation in alternative coffee       coping mechanisms: ‘‘Planting more bananas
trade networks reduces exposure and thus vul-          and citrus,’’ ‘‘Redoubling the labor that we
nerability to low coffee prices. The farmers            put in as a family in order to survive,’’ ‘‘Work
linked to cooperatives selling to alternative          organically to obtain better prices and lower
markets received higher average prices and felt        the costs of production, because chemical fertil-
more secure in their land tenure. However, 74%         izers are very expensive.’’ Diversifying the crops
of all surveyed farmers reported a decline in          on a farm, such as planting additional fruit
their quality of life during the last few years.       and/or the continued subsistence cultivation
The responses to this question about quality           of corn and beans has long been a key strategy
of life showed no significant difference between         to maintain food sovereignty and manage risk
farmers participating in conventional and alter-       within the household (Ellis, 1998; Reardon,
native trade networks. This finding and the re-         1997). The tendency of small farms to survive
sults of the focus groups suggest that income          price crashes by exploiting their own labor
from coffee sales to alternative markets is not         has been documented since Chayanov first
CONFRONTING THE COFFEE CRISIS                                                 507

investigated agrarian transitions in the former              ducers and their organizations must invest in
Soviet Union (Chayanov, 1966 [1925]). The                    coffee quality improvement infrastructure and
third quote represents two reasons—lower                     training (Table 4). 11
costs and price premiums—for moving toward                      Although the global demand for Fair Trade
organic agriculture. These are only a few cop-               labeled products grew by 42% during 2002–
ing mechanisms that farmers mobilize to nego-                04, Fair Trade remains a very small market seg-
tiate with the coffee crisis, other observed                  ment of the global market (FLO, 2003). Due to
activities include sharing resources through kin-            low demand and high quality requirements,
ship networks, local migration, and increased                many Fair Trade certified cooperatives must
barter.                                                      sell close to 70% of their coffee into the lower
   All of these activities may reduce vulnerabil-            paying conventional markets. Assuming that
ity without reproducing the same structures                  one accepts Fair Trade as one model that can
that created the coffee crisis. Diversification                help reduce vulnerability, the next question is
beyond coffee is important, and much can be                   on how to scale up.
learned from the failures of previous export-                   Markets are institutions that reflect the col-
oriented diversification projects (Sick, 1997).               lective results of socially agreed upon rules
However, the following discussion investigates               and practices. The North American public is
the role of diversifying into alternative coffee              increasingly aware of sustainable coffee market-
production and trade networks. What interven-                ing messages, and mainstream news has cov-
tions can help expand coffee production and                   ered the coffee crisis. Specialty roasting
trade models that reduce vulnerability and                   companies are forming campaign alliances with
move toward long-term sustainability?                        civil society organizations and producer coop-
                                                             eratives. A few roasting companies, such as
   (b) Making markets: the promise and peril                 Equal Exchange, have teamed up with the faith
   of coffee’s alternative trade and production               community (Lutherans, Quakers, Catholics,
                    networks                                 etc.) and civil society organizations (Oxfam)
                                                             to build campaigns promoting Fair Trade. Stu-
  Nicaragua has the potential to emerge as a                 dent activists have recently formed the United
world leader in the production and trade of                  Students for Fair Trade to coordinate a na-
specialty, organic, and Fair Trade coffee. In                 tional student fair trade movement in more
the last ten years, cooperatives, technical assis-           than 100 universities across the United States.
tance organizations, and the donor community                 People and their organizations are making mar-
have worked with Nicaraguan farmers and                      kets.
their organizations to increase participation in                Fair Trade and organic certifications are two
specialty coffee markets. Although 80% of Nic-                examples of attempts to build alternative pro-
araguan coffee is potentially specialty coffee,                duction and consumption networks. To the ex-
only about 10% of the 2000–01 harvest was ex-                tent that Fair Trade networks create a working
ported as specialty coffee (Bandaña & Allgood,               model of their principals in practice, they help
2001; USAID, 2002). To increase participation                coffee drinkers align their tastes to specialty
in the specialty coffee markets, including sales              coffee with their social justice values. Seen from
into the Fair Trade and organic segments, pro-               this perspective, Fair Trade offers a technology

               Table 4. Nicaraguan production of specialty, organic and Fair Trade coffee 1987–2007
  Period                        Area in production                                       Farmers
                         Hectares              Percentagea             Number of farmers                Percentagea
  Pre-1994                  420                    0.5                          156                         5.1
  1994–2002                6,089                   6.7                         3,927                        12.9
  2002–07b                 10,959                  12.0                        7,070                        23.3
Source: The Cooperative League of the United States of America (CLUSA) 2002.
  Both area and farmer percentage calculations use the data from the 1997–98 harvest. However, as the coffee crisis
continues, the national area in coffee production will likely decrease, so these are conservative estimates. It is still
unclear what the future holds for the total number of farmers involved in coffee production.
  CLUSA technicians derived these projections by multiplying the current numbers by 15% per year for the first four
years and 10% for the two final years.
508                                      WORLD DEVELOPMENT

that can help reimbed economic relationships             does not also promote consumer education
into a set of social values (Polanyi, 1944; Ray-         and expand alternative markets, these actors
nolds, 2000c).                                           risk pushing too many people toward a small
   The promise of re-embedding trade into a so-          exit (Oxfam, 2002).
cial value system is matched by the challenges
and contradictions involved in attempts to in-
fuse 21st century capitalism with social and                             6. CONCLUSIONS
ecological justice. In the United States, most
Fair Trade and organic products are consid-                 A few farmers also offered their strategies for
ered specialty items and sold at prices signifi-          the long-term resolution of the crisis. Byron
cantly above their conventional competitors;             Corrales says, ‘‘We need to apply agroecologi-
this links affluent consumers in the North to              cal coffee production practices and sell to a just
livelihood struggles in the South. Further re-           market.’’ And Jose Saturnino Castro Peralta of
search, action, and exploration would investi-           the La Providencia Cooperative said, ‘‘We need
gate and address these class differences and              to maintain and strengthen the cooperative and
escape the confines of this market niche. Mar-            improve the quality to get better prices.’’ These
ket-based approaches accept consumers as                 quotes represent individual responses to the
stakeholders in the international development            changing structures of the global coffee markets
process and downplay their role of citizens              and international development agendas. Eight
(Goodman & Goodman, 2001). Certification                  Nicaraguan cooperatives, that collectively
as a tool for producer empowerment is further            represent more than 7,000 small-scale farmers
challenged by the proliferation of certifications,        created a collective response. They formed
such as Rainforest Alliance and Utz Kapeh,               CAFENICA, the Nicaraguan association of
which offer lower social standards than Fair              small-scale coffee farmer cooperatives. CAFE-
Trade and lower environmental criteria than              NICA provides technical assistance helping
organic certification. However, in the short              member cooperatives coordinate and execute
term, many of the questions concern how to               their own development projects. It also pro-
grow these markets.                                      vides political representation for small-scale
   Changing markets and power shifts to the              producers and coordinates collective marketing
roaster and retailer end of the commodity chain          strategies.
suggest a set of demand side interventions that             Alternative models can help reduce liveli-
compliment more innovative supply side pro-              hood vulnerability to the crisis in conventional
jects. Donors such as the US Agency for Inter-           coffee markets. As the crisis deepens and alter-
national Development, European Union,                    native models mainstream, they will encounter
World Bank, and the Ford Foundation are                  increasingly large obstacles and contradictions.
funding projects to address the coffee crisis.            Addressing these issues requires a more diverse,
While some foundations have funded innova-               committed and critical dialogue that engages
tive approaches partnering business and civil            historical ideals and existing trading practices.
society organizations to expand alternative              This dialogue could stimulate Fair Trade praxis
markets, most of the multilateral funding re-            and the continued evolution of a process in-
mains narrowly focused on production prac-               tended to increase social justice in our food sys-
tices for niche markets. If multilateral funding         tems.


1. See Ponte (2002a) for a detailed discussion of the    2. Millions of peasant farmers around the world
causes, mechanisms, and consequences of the coffee        produce food without using synthetic inputs. Thousands
crisis. He also provides a good summary of the global    of coffee producers continue to manage their coffee trees
coffee commodity chain theory. He uses this approach to   applying the minimum amount of work and no inputs
carefully demonstrate how shifts in consumption pat-     from outside the farm. They may simply manually
terns and commodity chain governance structures have     remove the weeds once or twice per year and harvest the
led to declining revenues to producing countries and     cherries when they ripen. Although these farmers may
increased profits to the international roasting compa-    meet the basic requirements for organic certification, the
nies.                                                    fact that they do not actively manage their farms and
CONFRONTING THE COFFEE CRISIS                                                   509

have neither filled out necessary documentation nor             7. The prices in Table 3 are average prices for each
solicited third-party inspection legally prohibits them        market reported by the farmer. These prices are received
from selling certified organic products. Many classify          on the farm after deducting costs for dry processing,
this as passive organic production.                            organic certification, debt service, and export; other
                                                               costs including transportation to market, land, labor,
3. For additional information on the Fair Trade,               and capital have not been deducted.
consult Raynolds for conceptual frameworks and
research into Fair Trade bananas (Raynolds & Murray,           8. See endnote 5.
1998; Raynolds, 1997, 2002a, 2000c). Early work on Fair
Trade coffee has been published by Brown (1993); also
                                                               9. Land ownership in Nicaragua has been highly
see Renard (1999a, 1999b) and Rice (2001). Leclair
                                                               contested for more than a quarter century. These
(2002) provides a more comprehensive summary of the
                                                               perceptions are not ill founded; CEPAL estimates that
alternative trade organizations and the fair trade of
                                                               between 500 and 3,000 Nicaraguan coffee farms have
crafts as well as food products.
                                                               been lost due to the coffee crisis (CEPAL, 2002).
                                                               Follow-up research found that members of the coop-
4. Estimates for the costs of production vary widely.          erative selling all of their certified organic coffee to Fair
Many of the costs incurred on family labor farms do not        Trade markets were able to purchase additional land
show up in monetary values. It is clear that large technified   and the cooperative membership continued to expand,
farms have higher dollar expenditures. An internal report      while two of 18 members of a cooperative selling to
at National Union of Farmers and Ranchers (UNAG)               conventional markets sold their land (Bacon, forth-
estimates that monetary production costs on large farms        coming).
are double those on passively managed small-scale farms
(Corrales & Solorzano, 2000).
                                                               10. This direct translation refers to increased stress,
5. Recent research by Mendez describes the multiple            more arguments, and likely more abuse as the poor farm
roles that shade trees play in the livelihood strategies of    households try to make by with less. One leader of rural
small-scale producers in El Salvador (Mendez, 2004).           peasants has clearly linked falling coffee crisis to
See Bray et al. and Nigh for detailed descriptions of the      increased abuse and discrimination against women.
social dimensions of organic coffee production in Mex-
ico (Nigh, 1997; Hernández Castillo & Nigh, 1998; Bray,       11. Katzeff (2001) and Giovannucci (2001) concur that
Plaza Sanchez, & Murphy, 2002).                                flavor is the most important factor in the specialty coffee
                                                               roaster’s buying decision. Flavor is identified in coffee
6. In Matagalpa, cooperatives, municipal authorities,          tasting laboratories. Eight cooperatives in Nicaragua
exporters, and businesses recently sponsored the first fair     recently teamed up with Thanksgiving Coffee Company
to celebrate the beginning of the coffee harvest. People        and used funds from USAID and other donors to build
have long celebrated the end of the harvest. All festivities   cupping labs as part of the coffee infrastructure con-
were canceled during the first three years of the coffee         trolled by the cooperatives. The project has led to an
crisis. But the recent fair reflects the region’s determina-    improved reputation for Nicaraguan coffee, better prices
tion to keep planting this once golden bean. Folkloric         to the cooperatives, and an estimated 25 containers
dances often depict campasino families cultivating corn        (valued at more than $1 million) in additional coffee
and picking the red coffee cherries.                            sales (Bacon, 2001; Bacon, forthcoming).


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