CONFIDENCE INDEX 2019 - CBRE AIB Logistics & supply Chain - AIB Business Banking
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CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 3 Contents Introduction 4 CBRE Market Outlook 6 AIB Viewpoint 8 Measuring Confidence 10 Respondents 12 How Confident is the Irish Logistics Sector? 14 Business Confidence Compared to 12 Months Previous 16 Business Confidence Forecast for Next 12 Months 18 Growth Opportunities 20 Anticipated Changes in Turnover 21 Anticipated Changes in Profitability 23 Forecasts of Capital Expenditure 25 Forecast Changes to Employment 26 Key Issues 27 Brexit 28 All figures and data relating to the CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Eircode 34 Confidence Index within this report have been researched by Analytiqa. Ecommerce 35 Analytiqa is a market analysis and Logistics Property 38 business intelligence company providing published reports, custom Innovation 39 research and strategic advisory for New Business 40 multinational clients across all sectors and industry verticals of the global M&A Activity 40 supply chain. 3PL in Ireland 40 Analytiqa delivers high quality, commercially relevant research to Investment in Ireland 41 assist clients to grow and profit in challenging and competitive markets. Skills and Talent 42 Business Priorities 44 About The Sponsors 46
4 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 5 Introduction CBRE Ireland, AIB and the FTAI, in conjunction with specialist sector research agency Analytiqa, have recently undertaken the fourth in a series of annual surveys to assess confidence and expectations in the Irish logistics and supply chain sector. This survey mirrors similar analysis that is undertaken by Analytiqa in other countries on this specialist sector of the economy. We are once again delighted that more than 50 logistics operators, after a rise in 2018, has dropped senior decision makers have expressed their views back to below 2017 levels. and insights to facilitate this important industry research. In addition to sharing their views on Continued uncertainty over the terms of the UK’s the recent performance of the logistics sector, departure from the EU, and any future trading respondents also outlined their expectations over the agreement has played a large part in our survey near term. respondents’ opinions this year. However, this is just one of many challenges that the logistics and supply Respondents included CEO’s, Managing Directors chain sector continues to face on a day-to-day basis. and senior management of some of the largest Skills and talent shortages remain, whilst the careful logistics providers and buyers of supply chain management of rising costs is increasingly vital. services across the island of Ireland. Over 75% of These issues are set against a backdrop of slowing respondents have taken part in either three or all four global economic performance, with forecast growth of our surveys, giving us really valuable consistency projections lower in 2019 across many advanced of participation. economies and European markets, including Ireland and the UK. The resulting report examines key performance indicators for businesses operating within the Despite these challenges, there are opportunities logistics and supply chain sector, including revenue, for growth across the sector. Amidst economic profitability, capital expenditure and employment. growth, a number of logistics operators have also It provides insights from both logistics buyer and seen a temporary upside, as risk-averse customers provider perspectives giving us a 360 degree stockpile products, whilst changing trade regulations view of sentiment and addresses current issues and could offer chances to expand customs services topics affecting the sector, such as Ecommerce, to clients. Companies across the supply chain are technological innovation, skills shortages, logistics also using technology to streamline their businesses, property, supply chain finance and Brexit. better manage processes and improve customer relationships to drive long-term growth. This year’s survey reports a decline in confidence amongst supply chain professionals across the We trust you will enjoy reading this year’s edition of island of Ireland. For the first time in our series of the CBRE AIB Logistics and Supply Chain Confidence surveys, we see a degree of pessimism amongst Index. manufacturers and retailers, whilst optimism amongst Garrett McClean Pat O’Sullivan Executive Director, Head of Industrial & Logistics, CBRE Ireland Head of Real Estate Research, Corporate & Institutional Banking, AIB
CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 7 Across Europe, demand has been increasing for final demand for even higher clear internal heights is mile delivery solutions around major conurbations. being incorporated into new buildings, with the This is now materialising in Dublin and likely to current norm of 12 metres clear internal heights occur in Cork, Limerick and Galway, aligned with increasing to clear internal heights of up to 14 the steady growth in online sales activity. Indeed, metres. Yard depths are also becoming increasingly Dublin City Council are currently trialing a final mile important – an element that needs to be borne in delivery concept. While demand is predominately mind from a design perspective when planning new CBRE Market focussed on large modern purpose-built logistics logistics schemes. facilities close to major road networks, final mile/ urban logistics can be accommodated in older Demand for industrial and logistics buildings in Outlook buildings with lower clear internal heights, which provincial locations is likely to remained muted for could provide opportunities to reposition some older the foreseeable future. With rents in most provincial stock in the capital in due course. locations still not justifying new development, there is likely to be limited supply of new stock in 2019. The current strength of demand for modern buildings We do not expect to see any provincial speculative Transactional activity in the industrial & logistics sector of the property market in Ireland is encouraging some developers to proceed with development outside of Cork, where JCD are has been compromised for several years by a shortage of modern buildings with most additional phases of development, albeit much of speculatively developing at Blarney Business Park. development activity in the last couple of years comprising ‘Build-to-Suit’ projects. Indeed, this industrial & logistics stock will not be delivered a scarcity of modern premises has for many years featured as an issue of concern to until 2020 and beyond. We expect to see additional Unlike the office sector, where some occupiers now respondents to the CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index. However, phases coming on stream at Park Developments opt for shorter leases with options to extend as a industrial rents rose to a level in 2018 where new development was again viable and Group’s Northwest Logistics Park in addition to result of Lease Accounting rules, many occupiers in as a result, we saw the first signs of speculative development occurring in this sector Horizon Logistics Park, Dublin Airport Logistics Park, the industrial and logistics sector are still willing to in Dublin - a trend that has continued in the opening months of 2019. Encouragingly, North City Business Park, Mountpark Baldonnell, and commit to long leases to avail of tenant inducements, several of the new buildings that are being constructed are being let prior to practical additional builds at Greenogue Business Park over with most of the larger transactions in the market in completion, such is the demand for modern stock. the course of the next 12 months. 2019 in this sector likely to extend to between 10- and 15-years’ duration. This in turn will add to the Having achieved take-up of in excess of 300,000m2 in 2018, take-up in the Dublin Encouraged by the strength of appetite for new attractiveness of the logistics sector for investment industrial & logistics sector reached an impressive 95,623m2 in the first quarter of 2019, buildings, there has been a notable increase in purposes being that most investors are now focussed with 33 individual transactions signed in the three-month period. In addition to the planning activity in this sector of late which should on securing long-term income streams. Sourcing core volume of stock transacted in Dublin during the first quarter of the year, there is a large see some new supply coming on stream in due investment opportunities remains challenging but volume of industrial & logistics accommodation reserved at present, which bodes well for course. Encouragingly, the majority of developers with new stock now being developed and let, this transactional activity in the coming quarters. are taking professional advice in advance of lodging may create investible product in due course. planning for new schemes and additional phases Although there are some new entrants, take-up is largely emanating from the expansion of existing schemes to ensure they are developing The value of industrial zoned land is expected to of existing companies across a range of different sectors, with a notable increase in industrial & logistics product that will satisfy end user keep growing solidly over the course of the next 12 requirements for large buildings of late. A number of occupiers are now in the process of requirements in terms of location, size, specification months, particularly for land that is serviced and relocating out of Dublin Port, which is creating additional demand for serviced sites along and fit-out. With all buildings having to comply with has good accessibility to the M50. We also expect the northern section of the M50. Demand in the industrial & logistics sector is primarily Near Zero Energy Rating (NZEB) regulations from to see continued rental growth in this sector during emanating from companies involved in Ecommerce, logistics, pharmaceuticals and food next January, this is also now beginning to have the next year, with headline rental rates for best-in- manufacturing. There is also increased evidence of some Brexit-related demand - a trend an impact from a design perspective, and in turn is class buildings expected to increase from €106 per that is likely to become even more tangible as companies continue to make efforts to starting to impact on construction costs in this sector. m2 (€9.85 per sq. ft.) to reach approximately 113 streamline and adapt their supply chains, with some UK-based E-commerce occupiers per m2 or €10.50 per sq. ft. by year end 2019 - an expected to take a physical presence in Ireland for the first time over the course of the The specification in modern industrial and logistics uplift of 6.5%. next 12 months. buildings has increased significantly over recent years. However, much of the innovation is occurring All in all, the prospects for the industrial sector at The evolution of Ecommerce will increasingly be a substantial driver of demand within the within the envelope of the building. Technical this juncture are positive although supply will remain logistics sector with every percentage increase in online penetration fueling additional requirements for new buildings have become relatively tight for tenants for the foreseeable future. demand for industrial & logistics stock to facilitate storage, distribution, final mile delivery extremely detailed, which in turn impacts on The extent to which Brexit drives demand in this and reverse logistics. New EU Geo-blocking legislation, which gives shoppers the same development costs. With robotics increasingly being sector will ultimately depend on whether a hard or access to goods and services wherever they are in the EU, came into force late last year used to pick goods stored at height, cubic capacity soft outcome materialises, but the logistics sector of and is likely to further intensify demand for logistics and distribution accommodation in is becoming more important to occupiers within the the Irish property market is set to witness increased the Irish market in due course. storage sector of the supply chain. This increased activity in either scenario.
CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 9 AIB Viewpoint Supply Chain Inflation A key area for concern is that supply chain inflation Chain Confidence Index still plan to make significant capital expenditure over the next 12 months. appears to be remerging on a global basis for the first Warehousing capacity is now a major issue for the time in many decades. A combination of rising fuel sector and this is not only a Dublin phenomenon as we pressures, tight labour markets, a hot logistics property are also seeing this in pockets throughout the country. market and growing infrastructure constraints are now This has not been helped by Brexit where certain stoking supply chain cost inflation. The current costs sectors have begun stock piling in the run up to Brexit pressures in the global logistics and last mile markets deadlines. The lack of warehousing capacity follows are largely unprecedented – driver shortages and tight a decade of under investment in this property type labour markets have pressured ground base rates in following the financial crisis when values plummeted road and warehousing costs well ahead of inflation. to well below construction costs effectively making These pressures are now becoming more apparent in it uneconomical to build. As values have improved the Irish market as well. we are now seeing speculative and owner occupier development in this property space. Our Corporate As supply chains alter and evolve in the run up to logistics customers tend to prefer an asset light model Brexit and beyond we also see working capital as a seeking to lease warehouse capacity. In contrast key issue for businesses to manage with 8% of index demand remains from our Business customers for respondents feeling it was the ‘Greatest Challenge’ self-build or build to specification warehousing with for their business in the wake of Brexit. Stock piling many business customers still preferring to own their of inventory is already happening across the UK and warehouse asset where possible. We are currently Ireland as Manufacturers and Retailers seek to put assisting a number of our Business customers with contingency plans in place for Brexit. The requirement funding to increase their warehousing capacity. to hold additional stock ensures that the requisite product levels are maintained on shelves is of great Brexit uncertainty is also influencing fleet investment The prevailing clouds of Brexit and global trade ESRI does warn that greater orders of disruption could concern for retailers. This is most acutely felt by those behaviours of Logistics providers. There was a tensions weighed heavily on the logistics and supply occur as ‘…53 per cent of Irish trade volumes are FMCG retailers, such as grocery and convenience contraction in new HGV registrations from Q1 chain industry in Ireland, as highlighted by the sharp transported to or through the UK. Thus any significant stores that turn stock quickly and source a high volume 2016 through 2017 following the Brexit referendum fall in the CBRE AIB Logistics and Supply Chain land bridge frictions pose the risk of significantly of the ambient product lines from the UK. This will which has now stabilised. The weaker sterling has Confidence Index for 2019. Despite this sharp fall limiting Irish trade performance and international lead to significant capacity issues for the logistics made UK imports of used HGVs more attractive in industry confidence, we believe the longer-term competitiveness.’ sector while also leading to cash being tied up in the with used imports increasing dramatically since the prospects for the industry remain very positive. business for Manufacturers and Retailers. This is a risk Brexit referendum with a 44% increase in used HGV It is clear from the research completed for the CBRE which will need to be managed carefully. registrations in Q1 2019 alone. Although the mix Nevertheless, the industry does face significant shorter- AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index that between new and used has shifted it is clear that term challenges that will need to be managed carefully. Although only 3% of Manufacturers & Retailers and Brexit remains the dominant issue facing this sector. overall fleet sizes are increasing in line with economic The Irish economy has been confronted with a The index once again asked respondents what they 6% of logistics operators felt currency fluctuations was growth. We are also seeing a growing trend of slowdown in global growth this year, most notably felt were the greatest challenges or threats for their the ‘Greatest Challenge’ from Brexit. The volatility in placing a portion of fleet on contract hire. in its main export markets in Europe, as well as the organisation from Brexit. It was not surprising that 36% sterling exchange rates since 2016 should be a key deepening uncertainty in relation to Brexit. However, of logistics operators, given how intrinsically linked concern particularly for those with a UK customer The logistics and supply chain industry is critical to the the general consensus is that the Irish economy their success is to macro-economic conditions, felt base or supply chain impacted by the UK land-bridge. success of the Irish economy and AIB is very actively should perform strongly again in 2019, with GDP that an economic downturn caused by Brexit was the Given the ongoing uncertainty in regard to Brexit involved in the industry, in terms of providing finance, projected to grow by around 4%. This would represent biggest threat. Manufacturers and Retailers, however, negotiations, Sterling fluctuations are likely to remain a working capital solutions and other supports. Despite a moderation on the underlying growth rate of the at 26% also felt increased administrative burden would feature in the short term and could inflate supply chain the heightened level of uncertainty in the industry at economy of recent years, which has been put at be the biggest issue. costs. the moment and the short-term problems it faces, we between 4.5 to 5%. However, it would still be a believe the longer-term prospects are very positive There has been little or no certainty provided by the Investment very impressive growth performance given the more as it will benefit from a growing Irish economy, ongoing saga that is the negotiation of the Brexit It is clear from this confidence index and from AIB’s future infrastructural investments by the government challenging external environment. Withdrawal Agreement. Given the lack of consensus own Brexit Sentiment Index that uncertainty associated under the Ireland 2040 plan and the ongoing shift to The ESRI have recently produced forecasts examining in the UK it is still uncertain if a deal can be reached with Brexit is making it difficult for businesses to plan Ecommerce. the impact of Brexit on the Irish economy in the short- by October 1st 2019. The ongoing delays also which in turn is effecting investment decisions. It is term (2019 and 2020). It produced a baseline set suggests the possibility that Brexit may not happen evident that some businesses are now postponing of forecasts under a no-Brexit scenario, along with at all, however, the UK can still leave with no deal at capital expenditure plans due to this uncertainty. forecasts associated with certain Brexit outcomes. any time, therefore the threat of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit is According to AIB’s Brexit Sentiment Index, 35% of Overall, this results in a baseline real GDP forecast of still very much alive. It is this level of uncertainty which businesses have postponed investment plans. We are 3.8 per cent for the Irish economy in 2019 and 3.4 is making it increasingly challenging for businesses also seeing this across sectors such as Manufacturing per cent in 2020. However, under a disorderly no-deal to plan for Brexit. We continue to encourage our and Retail, where businesses have exposure to exit for the UK, Irish GDP is expected to grow by just customers to plan for a ‘Hard’ Brexit which will put Brexit and noting these sectors intrinsic link to the 1.2 per cent in 2019 and 2.5 per cent in 2020 – a their businesses in a stronger position to meet all Logistics sector. However, on a positive note 62% of Robert Quill significant shock to the Irish economy. Furthermore, the eventualities. Head of Transport & Logistics, Business Banking, AIB respondents to the CBRE AIB Logistics and Supply
10 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 11 Measuring Confidence In undertaking this survey, we have adopted the same methodology used across similar surveys conducted by Analytiqa research for other jurisdictions. In this, the fourth recording of the CBRE AIB Logistics and Supply Chain Confidence Index, we have for the most part followed the same questioning to aid comparison and analysis, whilst updating key elements to reflect more recent market developments. Our index takes into account the proportion of respondents quoting improvement, no change or deterioration in the sector. In the calculation of the index, a reading of over 50.0 indicates an improvement, or expectation of future growth, while below 50.0 suggests a decline. The further away from 50.0 the index is, the stronger the change over the period. The insights recorded take a dual perspective across the sector, with responses from those operating as logistics providers and buyers of these services. This report was supported by senior decision makers some of Ireland’s most successful PLCs, prominent MNCs and large logistics providers including:
CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 13 There was a total of 53 respondents to this year’s survey of which 28 were from logistics firms and 25 were manufacturers and retailers. 47% of respondents were classified as either CEOs or Managing Directors, while a further 21% of respondents were either Directors or senior Operational and 47% Procurement professionals at their firms. A further 17% described themselves as Supply Chain Directors with 15% being Logistics 21% 17% Directors of their firms. 15% Across 82% of firms in the logistics sector, the survey was completed by either the CEO or the Managing Director. Meanwhile, 58% of respondents from manufacturers and retailers were either Supply Chain Directors or Logistics Directors. Job Title of Respondents Ceo/ Director/ Supply Chain Logistics Managing Operations/ Director Director Director Procurement 4% 4% 11% 11% 20% 20% 24% 24% Food & Drink Food & Drink 11% 11% 3PL 3PL Industrial Industrial Freight Forwarder Freight Forwarder 53% 53% Pharma Pharma Express Express 16% Retail Retail Haulier 16% 25% 25% Haulier Tech Tech 36% 36% Description of Logistics Respondents Description of Manufacturer and Retailer Respondents Respondents Of the logistics firms that responded to this Of the manufacturers and retailers that survey, 53% were categorised as a 3PL responded to this survey, 36% were company, 25% as a Forwarding company, described as Pharmaceutical companies, 11% were Hauliers with the remaining 11% 24% as Food and Drink companies, 20% being Express firms. as Retailers, 16% as Industrial firms and 4% described as Technology firms.
CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 15 Confidence levels decline in 2019, as logistics operators remain more confident than manufacturers and retailers The CBRE AIB Logistics and Supply Chain Confidence Index for 2019 has been set at 53.8. Whilst we are once again able to report an overall positive outlook from the sector, this represents a significant decline from 2018, from 63.3, and is the lowest level of confidence expressed in our four surveys so far. Similar to 2018, logistics operators are more confident than manufacturers and retailers. However, after an upturn last year, confidence amongst logistics operators has dropped in 2019, more closely reflecting their opinions of 2017. Confidence amongst manufacturers and retailers has dropped for the third successive year. For the first time in our series of reports, the level of sentiment within this sector has dropped below the 50.0 mark, at 48.8, reflecting an expectation of marginal decline in markets in the months ahead. Confidence Index 2016 - 2019 81.1 How 72.7 75.4 60.4 63.3 59.7 58.2 64.0 61.2 53.8 Confident 50.0 48.8 2016 2017 is the Irish 2018 2019 Logistics Overall Confidence Logistics Operators Confidence Manufacturers and Retailers Confidence Sector?
16 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 17 Business Brexit delays contribute to operational uncertainty and Confidence inventory challenges, set against a background of rising costs Compared to Only 26% of respondents to our survey this year say they are more confident about business conditions in the logistics and supply chain sector than they were only 12 months ago, a figure down 21% on last year. At 40%, the number of respondents who said that conditions were ‘somewhat more difficult’ compared to 12 Months 12 months ago was up by 16% year-on-year. When asked how confident they were compared a Brexit ‘Deal’ were fading, with political outcomes Previous to 12 months previously, 22% of respondents say that conditions are ‘somewhat more favourable’, which is less than half the level of 2018. Only 4% seemingly veering towards either a ‘No-Deal’ / ‘Hard’ Brexit, or alternatively an extension to the negotiation process. These outcomes, or indeed of respondents say that conditions are ‘much more that of a ‘softer’ Brexit with no customs agreements favourable’ than last year. 28% of respondents in place, risk the introduction of trade tariffs and see current conditions as broadly the same, up greater bureaucracy across supply chains, or the marginally on last year, while 6% of respondents extension of the period of uncertainty. This will see current conditions as ‘much more difficult’. inevitably make longer-term planning more difficult and leave logistics operators to continue to help In the context of slowing economic growth support customers’ requests to ‘de-risk’ their supply and continued delays to the Brexit process, a chains until a solution is found. deterioration in confidence year-on-year was perhaps to be expected. Manufacturers and Logistics providers are more optimistic about retailers continue to face considerable challenges to current business conditions than their supply chain secure supplies of materials and manage inventory, counterparts. 36% of logistics operators say that set against a background of rising costs and conditions are ‘somewhat more difficult’ compared uncertainty, which makes capital planning more to the same period last year, compared to 44% of difficult. manufacturers and retailers. For the large majority of logistics operators, Brexit Whilst 21% of logistics operators view current remains the ‘number one’ challenge. Concerns conditions as ‘the same’ as last year (down 11%), expressed by our respondents in previous surveys this figure is 36% for manufacturers and retailers, are being realised, with prolonged uncertainty up 20% from last year. contributing to lower levels of economic growth, though it must be noted that Ireland’s GDP growth For manufacturers and retailers, only 16% perceive forecast for 2019 is amongst the highest in the EU. current market conditions to be ‘somewhat more favourable’ than 12 months ago, down from 40% As our survey was being conducted in Q1, 2019, last year, whilst 29% of logistics operators share hopes that the UK may be in a position to negotiate that view, albeit down from 50% a year ago. Business Conditions vs 12 Months Previous 0% Manufacturers & Retailers Much more Favourable 7% Logistics Somewhat more 16% Favourable 29% The Same 36% 21% Somewhat more 44% Difficult 36% Much more 4% Difficult 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
18 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 19 Business Continued delays to the Brexit process and forecasts of slower economic growth are behind declining levels of optimism for the next 12 months Confidence When asked how confident they are about business conditions over the next 12 months, 72% of respondents expect conditions to be more difficult, up from 38% in 2018. 51% of respondents say that conditions will be Forecast for ‘somewhat more difficult’, which is up from 28% on last year. A further 21% of respondents say that conditions are likely to be ‘much more difficult’ next year, a rise from the 10% share of 2018. Next 12 15% of respondents expect business conditions to be the same in the year ahead, while 11% expect The responses differ somewhat between logistics operators and manufacturers and retailers. Though Months conditions to be ‘somewhat more favourable’ over both sets of respondents are less confident about the the next 12 months, down from 30% last year. Only year ahead than they were 12 months ago, logistics 2% of respondents are expecting business conditions companies are once again more optimistic. to be ‘much more favourable’ over the next 12 months. 18% of logistics operators say that conditions over the next 12 months are likely to be ‘somewhat This declining optimism is being driven by lower more favourable’ compared to the same period anticipated levels of GDP growth in the year ahead, last year (down from 39%) compared to just 4% of though it should be noted that countries across manufacturers and retailers (down 16%). Europe are experiencing similar economic trends. Continued uncertainty surrounding the outcome Meanwhile, 3% of logistics operators say that of Brexit is also a decisive factor. These figures conditions are likely to be ‘much more favourable’ support our overall finding of a decline in confidence over the next 12 months, whilst, for the second year-on-year. Many respondents that expressed a successive year, no manufacturers and retailers marginally positive, or neutral outlook last year, have shared this opinion. Almost one-third (32%) of this year switched their opinions to a more negative manufacturers and retailers forecast no change year- expectation of future conditions. on-year. Business Conditions Over Next 12 Months Much more 0% Manufacturers & Retailers Favourable 3% Logistics Somewhat more 4% Favourable 18% The Same 32% 0% Somewhat more 40% Difficult 61% Much more 24% Difficult 18% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 21 Anticipated When asked about anticipated changes in turnover over the next 12 months, it remains encouraging to note that 69% of Changes in respondents said they expected turnover in their organisation to increase over the next year, though this figure represents a 16% Turnover decline year-on-year. 34% of respondents expect a relatively modest increase of between 2% and 5% in turnover over the next 12-month period, with a further 21% anticipating an increase of between 5% and 8% in turnover in the period. 6% of respondents forecast an even higher increase in year-on-year turnover of between 8% and 10%, while another 8% expect turnover in their business to increase by more than 10% over the next 12 months. Just 6% of respondents expect turnover to deteriorate in 2019, broadly in line with the 7% response noted in 2018, and once again, no respondents are expecting turnover to decline by more than 5% in the year ahead. The remaining 25% of respondents, up from an 8% share last year, expect turnover to remain stable over the next 12 months. Change in Turnover over next 12 months 8% 6% 25% No change (-2% to +2%) 21% Decrease 2-5% 6% Growth Increase 2-5% 69% of respondents expect turnover Increase 5-8% in their organisation to increase over Increase 8-10% Opportunities the next year Increase 10%+ 34% 61% forecast higher profits for their companies in 2019 (2018: 60%) 62% of companies are either ‘likely’ The study aims to uncover the confidence indicators to or ‘very likely’ to make significant validate the index score. We asked participants to reveal capital expenditure in the year ahead their projections and plans for the year ahead across four key metrics. In this section, we will look at turnover, Only 6% of respondents expect to profitability, capital investment and workforce projections reduce headcount over the next 12 to determine the changes in key business indicators and decisions, supporting confidence levels throughout the months (2018: 12%) industry.
22 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 23 In line with last year’s results, logistics operators are more confident of increasing turnover in their businesses over the next 12 months when Anticipated Whilst respondents are generally confident about increasing turnover of their businesses, when asked about anticipated changes in profitability compared to manufacturers and retailers, though the level of disparity in confidence has narrowed considerably. Changes in over the next 12 months, growing profitability can be a more challenging objective. Profitability 71% of respondents in the logistics sector are expecting to increase It is therefore encouraging to see that respondents are generally positive, turnover over the next 12 months (compared to 96% last year), while 68% with 61% expecting increased profitability over the next 12 months, a of manufacturers and retailers expect to grow turnover over the next 12 figure broadly the same as the 60% who shared this view in 2018. months (down from 72% of respondents last year). 23% of respondents expected no change in profitability this year (down 30% of logistics operators (46% in 2018) expect to see turnover growth of from 27%) and while 16% expected deterioration in profitability this year between 2% and 5% this year, with a further 19% forecasting growth of (up from 8% in 2017 and 13% last year), three-quarters of those (12% of between 5% and 8%. 15% of logistics operators expect revenue growth in respondents) expect profitability to decline by between 2% and 5%. excess of 10% in 2019. Respondents in this category were drawn from all categories of service provide, across freight forwarding, contract logistics and courier and express. Profitability in Next 12 Months Similarly, the majority of manufacturers and retailers (40%) expect to 36% see turnover growth of between 2% and 5% this year, with a further 24% forecasting growth of between 5% and 8%. In 2019, 12% of manufacturers and retailers have switched expectations of a negative 23% turnover outlook, to a more ‘neutral’ view. 28% are forecasting no change in turnover for 2019 (up from 12%), whilst only 4% (down from 16% in 2018) expect turnover to decline in the year ahead. 12% 11% 8% 6% 2% 2% Change in Turnover in next 12 months (Logistics v Manufacturers and retailers) 0% % t ange -5% -8% % % % + + 0% 0% ) 10% 10% 2-5 5-8 Increase 10%+ -10 2% 15% e2 e5 8-1 ch o+ e8 ase ase ase 4% s s se Increase 8-10% ase rea rea No s 7% rea cre cre rea cre Inc Inc cre (-2 24% Inc De De Inc De Increase 5-8% De 19% Increase 2-5% 40% 30% Decrease 10%+ 0% 0% Decrease 8-10% 0% 0% Manufacturers & Retailers Decrease 5-8% 0% Logistics 0% 4% Decrease 2-5% 7% No change (-2% to +2%) 28% 22% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
24 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 25 Logistics operators are considerably more confident of increasing profitability in their businesses over the next 12 months when compared Forecasts When asked about the likelihood of their company making significant logistics and supply chain related capital expenditure over the next 12 to manufacturers and retailers. 71% of respondents in the logistics sector of Capital months, respondents are marginally less positive than they were 12 months ago. are expecting to increase profitability over the next 12 months compared, up from a 70% share of respondents last year. In contrast, one-half (50%), Expenditure of manufacturers and retailers expect to increase profitability in 2018 32% of respondents said it was likely that they would make significant (up from 48% last year). 14% of logistics operators expect no change in capital expenditure in these areas over the next 12 months (down from profitability in 2019, compared to 33% of manufacturers and retailers. 38% in 2018), while 30% said they were very likely to do so, which is encouraging and an increase from 27% last year and 22% in 2017. Reflecting a downturn in confidence is the statistic that 15% of logistics operators expect a deterioration in profitability over the next 12 months 64% of respondents in the logistics industry said they were likely or very (up from 4% in 2018). This compares to 17% of manufacturers and likely to incur significant capital expenditure over the next 12 months retailers, a figure that more positively, is down from 24% last year. (compared to 81% last year, but a better reflection on the 58% share in 2017), while the equivalent figure for manufacturer and retailer Of those respondents forecasting a drop in profits in 2019, the majority respondents was 60%, compared to a 48% share in 2018. 40% of are anticipating a fall at the lower end of our scales. 11% of logistics manufacturers and retailers said they were unlikely to incur significant operators expect profitability to decrease by between 2% and 5% this capital expenditure in their supply chains this year compared to 36% of year, while 13% of manufacturers and retailers expect to see the same logistics companies. decline. Likelihood of Significant Capital Expenditure over Next 12 Months Profitability in Next 12 Months (Logistics v Manufacturers and Retailers) 0% Manufacturers & Retailers Increase 10%+ 14% 0% Logistics Likely Increase 8-10% 11% Increase 5-8% 7% 17% 33% 32% Increase 2-5% 39% 0% Decrease 10%+ 4% Unlikely Very Likely 0% 38% Decrease 8-10% Decrease 5-8% 0% 4% 30% 0% Decrease 2-5% 13% 11% No change (-2% to +2%) 33% 14% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
26 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 27 Key Issues Forecast Changes to Employment When we asked our respondents if they would be (up from 20% last year and at the same levels as making additions, or reductions, to their supply 2017). Over 39% of logistics operators expect to chain-related headcount over the next 12 months, increase headcount by between 2% and 5% over the 43% didn’t anticipate making any changes, next 12 months, compared to 36% of manufacturers compared to 36% this time last year. and retailers, i.e. all the manufacturers that are forecasting growth in headcount expect this increase Despite the significant business challenges facing our to be between 2% and 5%. respondents, 51% intend to increase their logistics- related headcount to some extent over the next Almost one-third (32%) of logistics operators expect 12-month period (in line with 52% last year) with no change in headcount year-on-year, which is the largest cohort (37%) expecting to increase their up considerably from 14% compared to last year headcount by between 2% and 5% year-on-year. while 56% of manufacturers and retailers are Only 6% of respondents expect to see a reduction expecting supply chain headcount to remain steady in headcount over the next 12 months (down from in 2019, down slightly from 60% one year ago. 12% last year), with two-thirds of these expecting to Encouragingly, less than 4% of logistics operators reduce headcount by between 2% and 5%. expect to see a decline in headcount this year while amongst manufacturers and retailers, only 8% of More than 64% of respondents in the logistics sector respondents are expecting to reduce staff numbers expect to increase headcount in their organisations in 2019 (down from 20% last year and unchanged in the next 12 months (down from 82% last year) from 2017 levels). compared to 36% of manufacturers and retailers Expectations for Headcount in Next 12 months 37% 6% 6% 6% 43% Increase Increase Increase Increase 2 - 5% 5 - 8% 8 - 10% 10%+ 0% 0% 2% 4% No Change (-2 to +2%) Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease 10%+ 8 - 10% 5 - 8% 2 - 5%
CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 29 Brexit The UK’s decision to leave the EU continues to influence business confidence across all sectors on the island of Ireland. For the third year in challenges. For some operators, Brexit is an opportunity to deepen customer relationships, offer additional services and advise customers succession, it has affected the outlook of our on the way forward. For others, it has been a respondents. Uncertainty around the outcome of cause of commercial tension, with changes to Brexit negotiations continues, having heightened operating processes being dictated to them by over the course of the last 12 months. As we customers looking to modify their supply chains. launch this, our fourth survey, in May 2019, the future relationship between the EU and UK post- In this section, we asked our respondents to Brexit is yet to be defined, both politically and in update their opinion on the issue of Brexit and terms of trade. also assess how their attitude had changed, if at all, from their position 12 months ago. For many manufacturers and retailers, the threat of extensions and significant delays 84% of our respondents believe Brexit will have to their supply chains, and the subsequent a negative impact on supply chains across the consequences, such as disrupted production island of Ireland, up from 71% 12 months ago. lines or empty store shelves, remain. Just 7% believe the outlook will be ‘neutral’ Additionally, the imposition of customs whilst 9% foresee a positive outcome. tariffs, an increase in non-tariff costs (such as administrative costs and border clearance costs) Over three-quarters (76%) of logistics operators and the possible requirement to source new expect a negative impact on supply chains, up suppliers, or identify alternative trade routes to from 69% last year, as do 95% of manufacturers European markets, are very real concerns. and retailers. Whilst 12% of logistics operators feel that Brexit can have a positive impact on Logistics operators arguably face even greater supply chains across the island of Ireland (down complexity and uncertainty, often managing from 19% in 2018), only 5% of manufacturers customer requirements across multiple industry and retailers feel the same way (a drop from sectors, each with their own Brexit-related 10% 12 months ago). Brexit – Current Opinion Logistics 12% 76% 12% Manufacturers & Retailers 5% 95% 0% 84% of respondents believe Brexit will have a negative impact on supply chains across the island of Ireland (2018: 71%) The impact of Brexit The impact of Brexit The impact of Brexit will be positive will be negative will be neutral Whilst the opinions of 67% of respondents towards Brexit have not changed, 26% have become more pessimistic in their outlook In the event of a ‘‘Hard Brexit / No-Deal’ scenario, two thirds of respondents forecast a drop in profits
30 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 31 In the last 12 months, over two-thirds (67%) of our respondents state that their Impact to Key Financial Metrics in 2019 Under Each Brexit Scenario feelings towards Brexit have not changed, up from 47% last year, whilst more than one-quarter (26%) have become more pessimistic in their outlook, with MANUFACTURERS the majority of these respondents moving from a ‘neutral’ view to a negative Hard Brexit with No-Deal OVERALL LOGISTICS & RETAILERS perspective. Turnover Increase 24% 37% 6% The remaining 7% of respondents are now more optimistic in their outlook for Decrease 44% 46% 41% supply chains in a post-Brexit world than they were 12 months ago, though over half of this band of respondents have moved to a ‘neutral’ position from a No Change 32% 17% 53% negative viewpoint. Sub-Total 100% 100% 100% In a change in position from our 2018 survey, logistics operators have become marginally more pessimistic than their customers, the manufacturers and retailers, about the outcome of Brexit. 27% of logistics operators state that they Profitability Increase 22% 38% 0% have become more pessimistic in their outlook for supply chains over the last 12 months (as opposed to 25% of manufacturers and retailers). Decrease 66% 54% 82% No Change 12% 8% 18% Brexit – Change in Attitude Sub-Total 100% 100% 100% 0% More optimistic (from a negative view to a positive view) Manufacturers & Retailers Cashflow Increase 22% 17% 29% 0% Logistics 10% More optimistic (from a negative view to a neutral view) Decrease 29% 29% 29% 0% 0% More optimistic (from a neutral view to a positive view) No Change 49% 54% 42% 4% 0% Sub-Total 100% 100% 100% More pessimistic (from a positive view to a negative view) 4% 0% More pessimistic (from a positive view to a neutral view) 4% MANUFACTURERS A Brexit Deal iS AGREED OVERALL LOGISTICS & RETAILERS 25% More pessimistic (from a neutral view to a negative view) 19% 65% Turnover Increase 29% 29% 28% My attitude has not changed 69% Decrease 12% 17% 5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% No Change 59% 54% 67% Sub-Total 100% 100% 100% With the outcome of Brexit negotiations yet to be concluded, we asked our respondents to consider the impact on their businesses of two key scenarios, the UK leaving the EU in a ‘Hard Brexit / No-Deal’ scenario, or the UK exiting the Profitability Increase 29% 29% 28% EU with a Deal agreed and in place. Decrease 14% 21% 5% In the event of a ‘‘Hard Brexit / No-Deal’ scenario: No Change 57% 50% 67% • 46% of logistics operators expect to see a decline in turnover Sub-Total 100% 100% 100% • Two thirds of respondents, including 82% of manufacturers and retailers, forecast a drop in profits Cashflow Increase 15% 21% 6% However, if a Brexit ‘Deal’ is agreed: Decrease 12% 8% 18% • 17% of logistics operators expect to see a decline in turnover No Change 73% 71% 76% • 14% of respondents, and just 5% of manufacturers and retailers, forecast a drop in profits Sub-Total 100% 100% 100%
32 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 33 Our survey once again asked respondents to identify For manufacturers and retailers, the greatest the greatest challenges or threats posed to their challenge is expected to be managing the greater organisation by Brexit. For logistics operators, the bureaucracy and administrative burdens that possibility of an economic recession as a result of may arise from a change in trade relationships Brexit is, by some considerable margin, their greatest post-Brexit, whilst the possibility of a recession or fear. This is followed by managing, and coping with downturn in economic performance features second the consequences of, the possible introduction of amongst their fears. Close behind this, manufacturers trade tariffs, followed by greater bureaucracy and and retailers appreciate that finding alternative, administrative burdens. optimal, supply chain solutions for international trade will be a considerable challenge. Brexit – Greatest Challenges Manufacturers & Retailers Logistics Introduction of trade tariffs 18% 18% Finding optimal supply chain solutions for 21% international trade lanes / export markets 14% 8% Managing working capital / cashflow 8% Greater bureaucracy and administrative burden 26% 18% 24% A recession or downturn in economic performance 36% 3% Foreign currency trading 6% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Share of Top Two Rankings
34 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 35 47% of respondents are now more positive towards A higher share of respondents are reporting higher levels of Ecommerce-related activity, Eircode (2018: 30% and 2017: 20%) as companies seek opportunities beyond the UK and EU Technology is a key facilitator to managing expected growth levels in Ecommerce operations Eircode We are delighted to report a significantly more positive view towards the Eircode system in the last 12 months, compared to our respondents’ opinion at Ecommerce When asked what growth rate (year on year) our respondents’ companies achieved in 2018 in their Ecommerce related activity the same time last year. (in both B2B and B2C segments) across the island of Ireland, an increasing share are reporting higher levels of growth. 57% reported Just under one-half (49%) of respondents said there had been no change growth of up to 5%, down from 82% last year. However, 26% of in their attitude (down from 66% in 2018). However, 47% of respondents respondents reported growth of between 6% and 10% (up from 7% in however said they were more positively disposed towards the Eircode system 2018), whilst 4% saw growth of between 10% and 15% (down from than they were 12 months ago (up from 30% last year and 20% in 2017). 11%) and 13% registered growth in excess of 15%. Just 4% of respondents, the same level as 2018, describe themselves as more negative towards Eircode than they were 12 months ago. 53% of logistics operators achieved growth of up to 5% in their Ecommerce related activity in 2018 (up from 50%), whilst 67% of Interestingly, logistics operators have overtaken manufacturers and retailers manufacturers and retailers reported the same level of growth (down as being more positively disposed towards Eircode in the last 12 months with from 69%). 55% saying they are more positive about the system now than they were last year (up from 22% in 2018) compared to 37% of manufacturers and retailers Our respondents were asked to identify the share of their Ecommerce (down slightly from 39%). activity in 2018, by geography. 56% of Ecommerce activity has the island of Ireland as its basis (up from 49% last year), with the UK 37% of logistics companies said they felt no different about Eircode compared accounting for a further 12%, down from 20%. The remaining share of to last year, while almost two-thirds (63%) of manufacturers and retailers said activity is segmented between the European Union (14%) and the rest there was no change in their attitude towards the postcode system year-on-year. of the World (18%). Respondents noted that the greater adoption of Eircode is benefitting their In anticipation of a more challenging future trade relationship with the business in a number of ways. In addition to route and delivery planning UK, and tougher economic conditions across the EU, both logistics becoming more effective, in the parcel sector, in particular, on time delivery operators and manufacturers and retailers are reporting higher shares performances are improving. of their Ecommerce activity attributable to the ‘Rest of the World’. Change in Attitude towards Eircode in the Last 12 Months Share of Ecommerce activity by Geography (Logistics v (Logistics v Manufacturers and Retailers) Manufacturers and Retailers) Significantly 0% Manufacturers & Retailers Rest of World 26% Manufacturers & Retailers more negative 4% Logistics 12% Logistics Marginally 0% more negative EU 19% 4% 11% No change in 63% attitude 37% 5% UK 17% Marginally 12% more positive 29% 50% Significantly 25% Ireland 60% more positive 26% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Whilst there is a significant upsurge in positivity towards Eircode, it remains the case that 82% of respondents say they have not adapted their business processes in the last 12 months in order to exploit Eircode. This opinion is reflected similarly across both logistics and manufacturer and retailer respondents.
36 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 37 Looking ahead, when asked how their companies would accommodate growth in Ecommerce in 2019, 45% of respondents said that they would do this by improving technology in their organisations, a similar share compared to 44% who opted for this answer last year. A further 29% said they would do so by improving levels of collaboration between customers and service providers (up from 22% last year), while 13% also stated that investment in warehousing and / or fleet operations would be required. 10% said that they would have to recruit additional people to accommodate Ecommerce growth. The responses from logistics operators and manufacturers and retailers differed somewhat, as they have done in the last three years, with a greater role outlined for physical assets (be they people, fleet or warehouses) at logistics operators. However, both audience groups shared the belief that improvements in technology will allow for more streamlined processes and enable growth to be effectively managed. 47% of logistics companies said they would utilise technology improvements (up from 36% last year) as opposed to 42% of manufacturers and retailers, down 11%, as they place greater emphasis on collaboration with service providers. Accommodating Growth in Ecommerce Extended 0% Service Windows 0% Improved 42% Technology 47% Better collaboration 42% with customers / providers 21% Additional resource 8% (warehouse and fleet) 16% Manufacturers & Retailers Additional resource 0% Logistics (people) 16% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
38 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 CBRE AIB Logistics & Supply Chain Confidence Index 2019 39 77% of respondents expect an increase in demand for Ahead of Big Data, blockchain, robotics and automation, upgrades of existing technology logistics property in 2019 (2018: 71%) applications will have the greatest impact on supply chains in 2019 Logistics 2018 was characterised by severe shortages of modern industrial and logistics stock to satisfy demand across the island of Ireland. Rents increased at the start of Innovation Respondents were asked to identify which supply chain technology applications are likely to have the biggest impact on their business over the Property year, but stabilised throughout the second half. next three years. 77% of our respondents expect an increase in demand for logistics property in Whilst many technology applications are often perceived as very ‘futuristic’ 2019 (up from 71% in 2018 and 56% in 2017), with logistics operators once solutions, such as the use of drones, or driverless trucks, for our respondents, again considerably more bullish in this respect, mirroring trends in all three the biggest impact on their supply chains in the next three years is expected previous surveys. to be derived from the upgrade / replacement of existing transport management, warehouse management, enterprise resource planning or fleet 92% of respondents from the logistics industry expect to see an increase in software solutions (TMS/ WMS/ ERP/ Fleet solutions), as chosen by one- demand for logistics properties in 2019 (similar to 93% last year and up from quarter (25%) of respondents. Close behind, however, will be the impact 77% in 2017) compared to 57% of manufacturers and retailers (up from 43% in made by the application of big data, analytics and blockchain solutions, as 2018). highlighted by 20.0% of respondents, followed by the use of robotics and automation, as identified by 16% of logistics operators, manufacturers and When asked what challenges they expect to encounter in relation to supply or in retailers. securing additional warehouse accommodation, the issues which resonated most with respondents (27% and 24% respectively) was the location and the cost of Innovation in Supply Chain Solutions facilities. In a change from 2018, location took over as the most important issue from cost. A further 20% of respondents overall said the attributes and quality of 30% Manufacturers & Retailers new facilities was a concern, with 19% of respondents concerned about of the 26% Logistics 26% size accommodation on offer. 24% 25% 21% Analysing these challenges by type of occupier, we see that the biggest issues for 20% 19% logistics operators are the location and costs of new accommodation, with the 16% 16% availability of facilities of a sufficient size rated as the third most important issue. 15% For manufacturers and retailers, the cost of a new facility rates as the joint-most 11% 12% important issue, alongside attributes and quality, which saw a significant increase 10% in importance this year. 7% 7% 5% 5% 3% 3% 4% Looking to address these issues, the industrial and logistics property sector is 0% 0% 0% expected to see an increase in prime industrial rents in Dublin of up to 6.5% over 0% the course of the next 12 months, rendering speculative development viable in g usto omy e/ s chai & s s ion Auto and s s plat / intin rvice ruck rone hing ERP TMS/W ment form et s MS/ ions mer and or c econ rativ lock ata n mat some instances. otics Pr ss T d Se of T of D olut / B Big d ce ing labo 3D xisti repla erle Rob Clou rnet Use shar he col Driv /Fle of e rades/ Inte ng s lytic ng t Upg Issues in Securing Logistics Property ana ragi Leve Manufacturers & Retailers 35% For logistics operators, the upgrade / replacement of existing TMS/ Logistics 30% WMS/ ERP/ Fleet solutions is likely to have the biggest operational 30% 27% 27% impact over the next three years, ahead of the use of the collaborative 25% 23% / sharing economy, or the use of customer platforms. In joint-third 20% 20% place, the application of cloud services and big data, analytics and 20% 17% 17% blockchain solutions are expected to have significant roles to play. 15% For manufacturers and retailers, the application of big data, analytics 10% 10% and blockchain solutions is seen as having the greatest impact over the 6% next three years, followed the upgrade / replacement of existing TMS/ 5% WMS/ ERP/ Fleet solutions and the use of robotics and automation. These three ‘applications’ stood out clearly as the three most important 0% Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility technologies for manufacturers and retailers. Location Size Attributes Cost Contract & Quality Terms
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