Concurrent Student Handbook 2021 2022 - Arkansas Tech ...

Page created by Harold Dennis
Concurrent Student Handbook 2021 2022 - Arkansas Tech ...
Concurrent Student Handbook
Concurrent Student Handbook 2021 2022 - Arkansas Tech ...
Arkansas Tech University
                             Concurrent Student Handbook


Concurrent Enrollment
  Arkansas Course Transfer System Course Listing                  3
  Eligibility Requirements for Concurrent Enrollment              3
  Syllabi                                                         4
  Academic Standing                                               4
  Grades                                                          4
  Student Code of Conduct                                         4
  Transcript Requests                                             4
  Academic Advising                                               4
  Add/Drop Procedure                                              5
  Assessment                                                      5
  Concurrent Academic Grievance Procedure                         5
  Concurrent Student Privileges                                   5
  Transferability of Courses                                      6

  Computer Assistance                                             6
  Disability Services                                             6
  Library, Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center (RPL)   6
  Student Accounts Office                                         6

Paying for Concurrent Classes                                     7

Concurrent Impact on Federal Financial Aid                        7

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act                         7

Student MOU Agreement                                             8

Concurrent Enrollment
Students may receive college credit from Arkansas Tech University while concurrently receiving high school credit
for the same course if approved by the student’s high school. The following courses may be available for
concurrent credit during the school year:

              ATU Course                          Course                 ACTS Common Course
              Experiencing Art                    ART 2123               ARTA 1003
              Beginning Spanish I                 SPAN 1013              SPAN 1013
              Beginning Spanish II                SPAN 1023              SPAN 1023
              College Algebra                     MATH 1113              MATH 1103
              College Mathematics                 MATH 1003              MATH 1003
              Composition I                       ENGL 1013              ENGL 1013
              Composition II                      ENGL 1023              ENGL 1023
              General Psychology                  PSY 2003               PSYC 1103
              Intermediate Spanish I              SPAN 2013              SPAN 2013
              Intermediate Spanish II             SPAN 2023              SPAN 2023
              Intro to Biological Sciences        BIOL 1014              BIOL 1004
              Intro to Computer Based Systems     COMS 1003              CPSI 1003
              Intro to Critical Thinking          PHIL 2053              PHIL 1003
              Intro to Education                  MLED 2003              No Common Course Index
              Intro to Music                      MUS 2003               MUSC 1003
              Intro to Statistical Methods        STAT 2163              MATH 2103
              Intro to Theatre                    TH 2273                DRAM 1003
              Personal Health & Wellness          HLED 1513              HEAL 1003
              Physical Activity - Badminton       PE 1411                No Common Course Index
              Plane Trigonometry                  MATH 1203              MATH 1203
              Precalculus                         MATH 1914              MATH 1305
              Public Speaking                     COMM/SPH 2003          No Common Course Index
              Survey of Chemistry                 CHEM 1113              CHEM 1214
              Survey of Chemistry Lab             CHEM 1111              CHEM 1111
              US History to 1877                  HIST 2003              HIST 2113
              US History since 1877               HIST 2013              HIST 2123
              World History to 1500               HIST 1503              HIST 1113
              World History since 1500            HIST 1513              HIST 1123

Eligibility Requirements for Concurrent Enrollment
For concurrent enrollment, students must meet admission requirements. Students will be admitted by Arkansas
Tech University as non‐degree seeking.
    Students must have a minimum subcomposite ACT score of 19 or equivalent test score in Reading.
    English, math, and science classes require an additional minimum subcomposite ACT score of 19 or
       equivalent test score in the respective subject area.
    A 2.00 cumulative GPA and completion of the eighth grade at a public high school or accredited nonpublic
       secondary school are also required.
    A student MOU, signed by their legal guardian and secondary school official, must be on file with the ATU
       Office of Admissions.
Concurrent students must apply and be admitted for their initial term or semester attended. Students are required
to reapply if there is a break in consecutive enrollment terms.
Course syllabi that have been approved by the university’s respective department heads will be given to each
student at the beginning of the semester by the concurrent instructor.

Academic Standing
Concurrent students will follow the University’s policy regarding academic standing as discussed in the course
catalog at

Final grades are reported to the Registrar’s Office at the end of the semester. A final grade of “I” may be recorded
for a student who has not completed all the requirements of a course only in situations where the student has an
illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control, and has completed seventy‐five percent of the course
requirements provided work already completed is of passing quality. If a grade of “I” is assigned, the instructor will
set a reasonable time limit within the following semester in which the work must be completed.

Beginning the first summer term, 1990, and thereafter, a grade of “I” will not be computed in the grade point
average for the semester recorded; however, the “I” will be automatically changed to a grade of “F” for grade and
grade point purposes at the end of the next regular semester (fall or spring) unless course requirements are
completed and the final grade is reported before the end of the semester. A grade of “I” recorded prior to the first
summer term, 1990, will be computed as an “F” for grade point purposes.

No grade other than “I” may be changed after it is recorded except if an instructor finds that a grade has been
erroneously recorded. The instructor may correct the grade by submitting a written request and explanation of the
error to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Grade points are awarded on the basis of: A, 4 points; B, 3 points; C, 2 points; D, 1 point; F, 0 points. Concurrent
course grades for high school students must be recorded permanently on the college/university transcript.

Student Code of Conduct
All concurrent high school students must comply with the Arkansas Tech University Code of Conduct or face
dismissal from the program permanently. Concurrent students who do not comply with their high school’s code of
conduct may also be dismissed from the program permanently. Arkansas Tech University student code of conduct
policy in its entirety can be accessed online via: Concurrent students are
expected to attend class, conduct themselves in a non‐disruptive manner in class, and refrain from cheating,
plagiarism, or other unfair and dishonest behaviors. Penalties for various levels of academic dishonesty vary from giving
an ‘F’ on a particular quiz or exam, to giving an ‘F’ on a term paper or other written work, or giving the student an ‘F’ or
‘W’ for the course.

Transcript Requests
To obtain a transcript, visit for options and instructions.

Academic Advising
Although academic guidance counseling via the university’s Admissions Office is available, students are also
assigned an academic advisor. Students taking concurrent courses are assigned to the Associate Director for
Jana Crouch
Associate Director for Enrollment
Office of Admissions
(479) 356‐2188

A student can also email anytime with questions or concerns.

Add/Drop Procedure
In order to drop a class, a student must complete the concurrent drop form from their high school counselor. This
form must be signed by a high school official and then sent to the Concurrent Office. Students will not be charged
for adding or dropping classes. However, students who incur other non‐course related charges (i.e. library fines)
will be responsible for those charges. Drop and withdrawal dates will be aligned with the university drop and
withdrawal processes and can be accessed online via the academic calendar at Please see the note on page 7 regarding the
“Concurrent Impact to Federal Financial Aid” before dropping a course.

All students are required to evaluate their concurrent course and instructor by the end of the semester in which they
complete the course. Students will be given ample class time to evaluate their experience via online resources. The
online evaluation must be administered by a colleague, a staff member, or a designated student in the class. The
instructor must be absent when it is administered.

Concurrent Academic Grievance Procedure
Concurrent students who disagree with their grade assigned by an instructor may follow the grade appeal
    1. Appeal of a grade must be made by the student directly affected.
    2. An appeal, in order to be heard, must be made during or immediately following the conclusion of the
         course involved. Immediately, for concurrent purposes, means within one month from the conclusion of
         the course.
    3. All appeals of a grade must begin with the student making a written appeal to the instructor involved
         explaining the nature of the problem.
    4. If the grade appeal is not resolved in step 3, the student wishing further consideration must take the issue
         to their high school principal, prior to bringing the grievance to the head of the ATU academic department
         in which the course is taught.
    5. If the appeal is not resolved in step 4, the concurrent student may appeal to the dean of the college and
         ask for a formal hearing. At the time the concurrent student asks for a formal hearing, the student must
         submit a written presentation of the case, with all related supporting documents, to the dean. The
         hearing committee can then either reject the grievance on the basis of its content or proceed to
         investigate further.
    6. The committee will have full cooperation of all parties in gathering information and conducting interviews
         and the hearing. Once an issue is before the committee, the committee shall have the authority to
         recommend a lower grade, a higher grade or no change.

Concurrent Student Privileges
Concurrently enrolled students are granted the same responsibility and privileges of full‐time Tech students.
Concurrent students are not only able to participate in Tech events, but are encouraged to do so. With a valid Tech
ID, students will have access to the university library, be able to attend athletic events, free movie nights, utilize
campus resources, etc. They will also be provided the opportunity for academic guidance counseling via the
university’s Admissions Office. Students who are added to this program will automatically be added to the
university’s recruitment database.
Once admitted, each concurrent student is provided an ATU student ID number (T number) and email account
which is communicated on your admit letter. The ATU email is considered the official means of communication
and you are expected to monitor the account. Concurrent students must activate their email and their student
OneTech portal by completing the activation process at

Transferability of Courses
Course transfer is not guaranteed for students transferring to Arkansas’ private institutions or out‐of‐state
institutions. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and equitable treatment in the application
of credits for admissions and degree requirements per the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) between
Arkansas public colleges and universities. For more information about the ACTS program, visit

For transferability of courses outside of Arkansas, contact the Registrar’s Office from the institution you are
transferring the credit to. Note: Classes with a grade of “D” or “F” may not be transferrable. Contact the
Registrar’s Office of the institution courses are being transferred to for clarification on acceptance of credit.

The services and programs described in the Concurrent Student Handbook are provided to enhance student
learning and personal development.

         Computer Assistance
         (479) 968‐0646 or (866) 400‐8022
         The Campus Support Center is open 24 hours a day excluding holidays.

         Disability Services
         Arkansas Tech is subject to and endorses both the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section
         504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. High schools will provide the accommodations to students agreed
         upon in the IEP plan or 504 plan; however, accommodations may not include modifications to course
         content or alter the rigor of the college course.

         Library, Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center (RPL)
         (479) 964‐0569
         Concurrent students have access to all the Tech library databases and online journal subscriptions, which
         they may need to navigate as part of their course requirements. Concurrent students can access these
         databases by using their OneTech email IDs and password communicated on your admit letter.

         Student Accounts Office
         (479) 968‐0271
         Concurrent students are responsible for any tuition and fees not paid by their high school. Concurrent billing
         and student ID cards are handled through our Student Accounts Office. The ATU student ID card permits
         admission to University‐ sponsored events at no cost to you.

Paying for Concurrent Classes
Students will be admitted by Tech as non‐degree seeking and are not eligible for federal financial aid.
Concurrent students are responsible for any tuition and fees not paid by their high school. High schools should
provide textbooks for concurrent courses provided on the high school campus, including virtual concurrent

For courses taken directly with ATU (whether online or on-campus), high school students will have 50% of the
undergraduate tuition waived. Students will be responsible for the remaining 50% of tuition, 100% of fees, and
any required textbook(s).

Concurrent Impact to Federal Financial Aid
The Federal Government requires universities to use all attempted hours and the student’s cumulative grade point
average when calculating a student’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP), which includes concurrent hours.
This means concurrent enrollment could affect a student’s eligibility for future Federal financial aid.
Federal guidelines state a student must complete at least 67% of the hours he/she enrolls in while attending college,
including concurrent classes. Example: If a student enrolls in 6 concurrent hours in Fall and drops (or only passes) 3
hours, the pace would be 50% after Fall and the student would be in violation of SAP.
(6 attempted hours / 3 passed hours = 50%)

Additionally, the student’s grade point average (GPA) from concurrent hours will be included in the cumulative
college GPA. The student must have a 2.0 cumulative college GPA after the 4th semester of attendance at ATU. If a
student fails to meet the SAP requirements, he/she will have the option to appeal for financial aid. The Financial Aid
office will notify the student of the violation and provide instructions on how to appeal.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) assures confidentiality of educational records
containing information directly related to a presently enrolled student, a former student or alumni. The institution,
according to the Act, may make public “directory information” about a student, i.e., student’s name, hometown,
electronic mail address, major field of study, enrollment status (undergraduate, graduate, full‐time or part‐time),
dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of
athletic teams, and degrees, honors and awards received.

A request to suppress from public distribution the above mentioned information can be submitted by completing
the form found at and sending
it to the Vice President for Student Services. This request will remain in effect until rescinded in writing by the
student. Further information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 may be obtained from
the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Doc Bryan, Suite 203, or by calling (479) 968‐0238.

High School Concurrent Student Enrollment
Memorandum of Understanding 2021-2022
Dear Student and Parents:
To participate in the Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) at all Arkansas Tech
University campuses (Russellville, Ozark, and the Arkansas Tech Career Center (ATCC)), please review the regulations,
and have your parent/guardian and school official sign and date this form. For additional details about the program,
you may review the Concurrent Student Handbook at (Russellville). You may also
contact us with questions at 479-356-2188 (Russellville) or 866-225-2884 (Ozark/ATCC).

        I understand I must submit my complete concurrent application and meet admission requirements by the
         date established by my school district and ATU. If I do not, I may not be eligible to participate.
        I understand I must comply with the Arkansas Tech University Code of Conduct or I may be dismissed from
         the program permanently. Students who do not comply with their high school’s code of conduct may also
         be dismissed from the program permanently. Dismissal from the program may result in a failing grade.
        I understand, by choosing to enroll in concurrent courses, I will earn college credits that will become part of
         my permanent academic record.
        I understand concurrent high schools students are not eligible to enroll in developmental courses in reading,
         mathematics and English.
        I understand the GPA I earn in my college courses may impact my high school GPA, and may also impact my
         future college admission and federal aid.
        I understand enrolling in college courses will incur tuition and fees.
        I understand with the CEP courses taught through my high school, I must meet the deadlines set forth by my
         school district to be eligible for tuition and fee assistance.
        I understand I am responsible for any course related expenses or fines I incur that are not paid by my school
         district, Ozark Campus, or ATCC.
        I understand for courses taken directly through the university campus (on-campus or online) rather than
         through my high school, I will be responsible for paying 50% of undergraduate tuition and 100% of fees, plus
         any required course materials.
        I understand that I will receive electronic bills and can access my bill via ATU OneTech.
        I agree to check my ATU OneTech and Blackboard account regularly.
        I have been provided an academic calendar with important semester dates and deadlines. The calendar
         may be viewed online at
        I understand that after taking CEP classes, if I have a break in enrollment terms (fall/spring), I must complete
         the application process for the CEP before I will be able to enroll again.
        I understand that I may enroll in a maximum of 15 hours of concurrent courses per semester. Maximum
         semester hours include all college credit courses offered through ATU to include both the Russellville and
         Ozark campuses.

    Please sign in pen.

              Student’s Legal Name (print)                           Student Signature                              Date

            Parent/Guardian’s Name (print)                      Parent/Guardian’s Signature                         Date

           High School Official’s Name (print)                 High School Official’s Signature                School/District

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