Computer Science - University of Canterbury

Page created by Rodney Page
Computer Science - University of Canterbury
What can I do with a degree in
Computer Science?


Career planning:                                          getting involved in clubs, mentoring, cultural
                                                          groups, part-time work or volunteering
                                                                                                            What is Computer
what do I need to know?                                 • Be open to professional and personal              Science?
Knowledge of yourself is important for career             development opportunities. Whether it is          As well as programming, there are many aspects
decision making. Start by looking at your                 undertaking an internship, overseas exchange,     to Computer Science including interaction design,
personal goals, abilities, values and interests to        skills seminar, or joining an industry            communications and networks, software design,
explore study and career options that are relevant        group — these activities will enhance your        computer security, information systems, big data,
to you. Some of these may change over time, so            employability.                                    machine learning, graphics, operating systems,
it is important to self-reflect and evaluate your       What else should I know?                            educational systems, artificial intelligence
career on an ongoing basis.                                                                                 and embedded systems (processors that are
                                                        The career options in this brochure are examples    embedded in everything from mobile phones
What do employers look for?                             only and the list is not exhaustive. Some careers   to cars). All of these areas are experiencing
Many employers look for generic skills such             may require further study beyond a first degree     rapid growth in Aotearoa New Zealand
as communication, customer-focus, cultural              or additional work experience. Some pathways        and internationally.
awareness and teamwork. With technology and             and degrees have a recommended school
                                                        background. Find more subject details at            Computer Science is about helping people
globalisation changing the nature of society,                                                               by analysing their needs and coming up with
skills such as resilience, problem solving and   
                                                                                                            appropriate solutions. It is about knowing how
adaptability are valuable at work as well as in life.   If this brochure does not answer your questions,    to design systems that are fast, usable, reliable,
                                                        talking to an expert such as a career consultant    secure, scalable and make a positive impact.
How can I develop these skills?                         can help you to identify the next steps in your     Computer scientists tackle a wide range of
• Some skills are developed through your degree         career decision making journey.                     applications, such as monitoring patients in
• Extra-curricular activities can help, for example                    hospitals or designing educational apps.

               CAREERS | Te Rōpū Rapuara
Computer Science - University of Canterbury
AT A GLANCE                                                What skills have UC                                   Recent UC graduates have found roles in:

                                                           graduates gained?                                     • Internet and technology giants eg, Google,
                                                                                                                   Microsoft, Mozilla Corporation
                                                           There is an overlap between software engineering      • Software companies eg, SLI systems, Aderant,
                                software                   and computer science, particularly in skills like       Concept Engineering Ltd, Orion Health, Wynyard
                                engineers,                 programming. Software engineers tend to work            Group, SunGard, Tourplan, Land Technologies,
                                software                   in teams to produce very large products, whereas        Vault GRC, Telogis, Intergen, Cortexo, Databasics,

                                testers, and               computer scientists work in more technical areas        Digital Fusion, Trineo Ltd
                                web developers             such as algorithms, graphics and networks.            • Telecommunications and networking
                                are needed in              Through their Computer Science degree graduates         eg, Tait Communications, Allied Telesis
                                Aotearoa                   develop valuable transferable skills such as:         • Electronics manufacturers eg, Hewlett Packard,
                                New Zealand*               • Technical skills and systems knowledge                IBM, Harvest Electronics, Dynamic Controls
                                                           • Analytical and problem solving skills               • Energy companies eg, Meridian Energy,
                                                           • Logical and quantitative thinking                     Powershop NZ, Solid Energy NZ
                                                           • Programming and design                              • App developers eg, Smudge Apps, Carnival Labs
                                growth in                                                                        • E-commerce eg, eStar, Trade Me Ltd, Amazon
                                                           • Creativity and innovation
                                employment of
                                                           • Commercial awareness                                • Financial services eg, ANZ, Kiwibank, Westpac

                                business and
                                systems analysts,          • Coping with rapid technological changes.            • Agri-tech eg, CropLogic, Indigo Systems
                                and programmers            Applied learning is an integral part of your degree   • Web design/development eg, Activate Design,
                                expected by                through lab work, course projects, and project          Iceberg Web Development
                                2020+                      courses. These experiences can deepen your            • Digital marketing eg, E2 Digital
                                                           skillset, awareness of others, and employability.     • Game developers eg, Grinding Gear Games,
                                                           Where have UC graduates                               • Grocery sector eg, Foodstuffs
                                                           been employed?                                        • Media and Entertainment eg, Weta Digital
                                                                                                                 • IT services eg, Link Technologies
                                                           There is demand for Computer Science graduates,
                                                           particularly those who combine technical skills       • Consultancies eg, Assurity
                                                           with communication skills and teamwork ability.       • Automation companies eg, Street Automation
    Immigration New Zealand’s 2017 long-term skill
    shortage list   Some students even start up their own software        • Government or state-owned enterprises eg,
    2017 MBIE Occupational Outlook                         company and become an employer.                         Inland Revenue, Metservice
• Global Positioning Systems eg, Trimble
                                                       Mobile developer, application developer
                                                                                                            What professional bodies
• Cyber security eg, Cisco
                                                       • Researches a client’s brief, an organisational
                                                         need, or a gap in the market                       can people link to?
• Education eg, University of Canterbury, Unitec       • Codes, designs, produces and tests prototypes      As they progress, students and graduates often
  Institute of Technology, Navitas.                    • Creates new and improved version releases          join professional bodies relevant to their area of
For more examples of employers go to                                                                        interest. These organisations can provide regular             Data analyst / engineer, intelligence analyst        communications and offer the chance to network.
                                                       • Understands industry domains and processes         • IT Professionals New Zealand
What jobs and activities                               • Analyses large datasets                       

do graduates do?                                       • Solves complex data problems                       • New Zealand Information and Communication
                                                                                                              Technologies Group
                                                       Telecommunications / infrastructure engineer         • New Zealand Game Developers Association
Computer Science graduates are employed in a
wide variety of jobs — see some examples below.        • Designs and maintains telecommunications     
                                                         equipment and systems                              • Association for Computing Machinery
Note: Some of the jobs listed may require
postgraduate study. See the ‘Further study’ section.   • Monitors the installation and use of equipment
                                                       • Provides training to staff after installation      Social media networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook
Programmer, software developer
                                                                                                            and Twitter can provide avenues to keep up-
• Determines specifications and writes code            Business analyst / developer                         to-date with industry knowledge, networking
• Builds prototypes of software programs               • Utilises data and analytical models for            opportunities, events and job vacancies.
                                                         organisational information purposes
• Tests and fixes computer programs and systems
• Maintains and upgrades programs and systems
                                                       • Provides insight to assist with decision making    Why do further study and
• May develop and integrate technical aspects of
                                                       • Liaises with different business functions
                                                                                                            what are my options?
  websites/mobile apps along with other workers        Communications / computer / support technician
                                                                                                            Postgraduate study can facilitate many career
Web developer                                          • Identifies and solves computer software,           benefits such as entry into a specific occupation,
                                                         hardware and website issues                        higher starting salary, and advanced research
• Develops website functionality and security
                                                       • Installs and tests software, networks, servers     capability. Advanced study can lead to a career
• Designs back-end web structure such as servers                                                            in tertiary teaching or research. It is important to
                                                       • Updates and repairs equipment
• Maintains and updates the website as required                                                             determine which, if any, further study will help
                                                       Entrepreneur, Director, CEO                          you in your future career.
Game developer / programmer
                                                       • Leads and manages an organisation                  Computer Science graduates are able to progress
• Researches the user market, to meet their needs                                                           their studies from honours through to PhD level.
                                                       • Sets values, objectives and policies
• Writes computer code, sources graphics/sounds                                                             UC also offers a Master of Human Interface
                                                       • Ensures plans are in place, laws complied with     Technology.
• Tests games and fixes any issues
                                                         and risks managed
• Creates new and improved version releases
                                                       • Monitors financial performance and profitability
                                                                                                             UC Careerhub
Computer / systems consultant                          • Communicates with staff and external groups
                                                                                                             UC students and alumni can find details of
• Maintains and monitors an organisation’s             Entrepreneurship and innovation are an increasing     internships, job vacancies and employability
  computer functions and ICT systems                   part of the working landscape. Get started at         tips at
• Recommends the programs and systems that     
  an organisation should use                           Entrepreneurship/getting_started.shtml
• Designs computer networks

Software engineer
                                                                                                             Useful links
• Analyses customer needs, evaluates computer
  software and researches new technologies                                                                   UC Careers, Internships & Employment
• Develops software programs for new products
                                                                                                             Computer Science and Software Engineering
• Manages software development projects
Software tester, test analyst, quality assurance                                                             schools/csse
• Designs and creates testing tools                                                                          Careers New Zealand
• Carries out software compatibility testing with
  hardware and operating systems                                                                             Future in Tech
• Sets quality standards for release-ready
  products                                                                                                   IT Jobs in Christchurch
Aaron Stockdill                                   Why did you choose to study                            What are your career goals?
                                                  Computer Science?                                      Research in Computer Science is the big
                                                  When I left high school, I knew I hadn’t finished      dream, either at a university or at a dedicated
                                                  with my education and that it had to involve           research lab, specifically in the fields of artificial
                                                  computers. In my first year I took a range of          intelligence and machine learning. The chance
                                                  subjects and quickly found that I didn’t want to       to push the world forward and make something
                                                  give up Maths either!                                  truly new is just too exciting to pass up!

                                                  What is interesting about it?                          Any words of encouragement for
                                                                                                         new students?
                                                  Everything is new and exciting! Computer Science
                                                  is so young, there is so much left to create and       Technology and maths have no limits on who
                                                  discover. We haven’t even begun to dream of what       can do them, and where they can go. Never
                                                  is possible — look how far we’ve come in 50 years,     programmed before? Give it a go! This is a
                                                  think what another 50 will reveal. Combine this        growing industry, and any mathematically
                                                  with Maths and you discover a beautiful harmony        inclined programmers really are in huge demand.
                                                  between the two subjects.                              You can’t go wrong with Computer Science!
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and            How does it tie in with your goal of
Computer Science
Bachelor of Science with Honours in               helping others?                                           Read more online
Computer Science                                  I chose Computer Science initially because it was         Read Aaron’s full story about his university
Co-Founder, Web Designer and                      just plain fun, but I realised I had another motive:      experience on our profiles site. UC alumni
Programmer, Potato Softworks                      it enables me to make people’s lives better.              like Aaron make a difference in varied ways
                                                                                                            around the globe. Find out where Computer
                                                  How have you put your studies into                        Science graduates are now at
                                                  I founded Potato Softworks with Kaleb McCall, a
                                                  fellow Computer Science student. Already we have
                                                                                                         The information in this brochure was correct at the time
                                                  clients from multiple cities in the South Island,      of print but is subject to change.
                                                  and we hope to continue helping other small
                                                  businesses get an online presence: we want to
                                                  make technology accessible to everyone.

More information
UC students seeking study advice.                 Anyone seeking careers advice.                         Prospective students seeking study advice.
Department of Computer Science and Software       Careers, Internships & Employment                      Student Liaison
Engineering                                       Te Rōpū Rapuara                                        Te Rōpū Takawaenga
Te Rāngai Pūkaha | College of Engineering         CIE offers intending and current students and          Student Liaison provides intending students
The Department has a strong global reputation     recent graduates a wide range of services,             with information about the university system in
and courses that are benchmarked against          including individual career guidance, seminars,        general and the courses, qualifications, support
international standards. Staff are active         career resources and student and graduate              and facilities available at UC.
researchers, with collectively one of the         employment opportunities.                              Ōtautahi | Christchurch
best records of research publications in the      T: +64 3 364 3310                                      T: 0800 VARSITY (0800 827 748)
Pacific region.                                   E:                            E:
Our graduates are in strong demand. Come and                         Tāmaki-makaurau | Auckland
see us about your study goals and future plans.                                                          T: 0800 UCAUCK
T: +64 3 369 2777                                                                                        E:
E:                                                                      Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington                                                                      T: 0800 VARSITY (0800 827 748) ext 93231
schools/csse                                                                                             E:

Te Rāngai Pūkaha
                                                                                                                                                                    3rd Edition
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