Comparative study of antioxidative properties of Jhelum valley fruits

Page created by Bernard Mitchell
Pure Appl. Biol., 11(3):861-870, September, 2022

Research Article

Comparative study of antioxidative
properties of Jhelum valley fruits
Ismat Karim1, Munnaza Khalid2 and Abid Ali Mughal3,4*
1. Department of Chemistry, The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
2. Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Holy Family Hospital RMU Rawalpindi, Pakistan
3. Department of Biology, Islamabad Model Postgraduate College for Boys H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan
4. Department of Environmental Sciences, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
*Corresponding author’s email:
Ismat Karim, Munnaza Khalid and Abid Ali Mughal. Comparative study of antioxidative properties of Jhelum
valley fruits. Pure and Applied Biology. Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp861-870.
Received: 16/11/2021 Revised: 13/01/2022 Accepted: 22/01/2022 Online First: 29/01/2022
The significance of antioxidant are well known in biosphere, recently become more evident
with circular economy and recycling methodologies. Owing to this property of fruits and
vegetables, are effective in prevention of chronic diseases. The use of fruits as antioxidants is
of global importance because of their accessibility and affordability when compared with
conventional medicine. In the current study we performed antioxidant activities in selected fruit
samples using the 2,2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) antioxidant analysis. DPPH the free
radical removal method provides first approach to assess the potential antioxidant compound,
extract, or other biological sources. A simplified method, in which the extract of potential
compound is mixed with the solution of DPPH reagent and the absorbance, is noted after a
specified period. Results of DPPH antioxidant analysis of Jhelum Valley, Azad Jammu &
Kashmir (AJK) showed that all the three samples i.e. Apple, Peach and Pomegranate are good
scavengers of free radicals. The overall trend of decrease in radical scavenging activity is
Pomegranate > Apple > Peach. The fruits samples also have phenolic and flavonoids properties.
Experimental findings demonstrate that almost all the fresh fruits are rich in antioxidant with
and added ability of free radical scavenging.
Keywords: Anti-oxidative properties; Apple; DPPH; Fruits; Moisture; Peach; Phenolic
content; Pomegranate
Introduction Antioxidant compounds, act as free radical
Free radicals are the molecules having scavenger, which neutralize free radicals by
unpaired electron those are highly reactive mediated oxidative chain either with one of
biologically and chemically. Free radicals the known phenomena’s such as initiation,
are necessarily produced in biological termination and propagation. Varity of such
systems by exposure to different antioxidants are naturally formed and
physiochemical or pathological state present in number of organic products, e.g.
endogenously [1-5]. The attacks of free fruits, vegetables, etc. [1-8]. Natural
radicals, in living cells to continuous antioxidants have great importance that
damage, known as oxidative stress results may protect human cells against the
in various retrogressive disorders, like dangerous effects of free radicals produced
mutagenesis, fibrosis, atherosclerosis, [9]. In human body, these antioxidants are
neurodegenerative carcinogenesis, arthritis, first defense line against free radical
cardiovascular diseases and ageing [6, 7]. damage or abnormal tissue growth. Regular

Published by Bolan Society for Pure and Applied Biology 861
Karim et al.

consumption of various vegetables and flavonoids contents in these fruit samples
fruits has been recognized as reducing the [1-3].
risk of degenerative diseases [10, 11]. Materials and Methods
One of the objectives of this study was to The fruit samples were collected from
estimate total moisture contents in three Chikar, District Jhelum valley of AJK,
commonly consumed fruits i.e. Pakistan. About 50 g of each fruit sample
Pomegranate (Punica granatum), Peach such as pomegranate, peach, and apple
(Prunus persica) and Apple (Malus were taken in weighed petri dishes
pumila); the source samples of this study separately. Samples were kept in
were collected from common species of microwave oven at 50℃ for 10 days for
Jhelum valley of Azad Jammu and getting average constant weight and its
Kashmir, Pakistan. Another objective was moisture content is calculated using below
to determine antioxidant activity by formula:
estimating total phenolic contents and total

 . − . 
 = x 100

Evaluation of antioxidant potential of fruits contents were expressed as ascorbic acid
samples, DPPH-radical scavenging equivalent (AAE) mg/ g of said dry weight
potential were conducted for total phenolic (DW) [13].
content and total flavonoid content. Total phenolic contents (TPC)
Preparation of methanolic extract of Contents of total phenolic compound were
fruits samples evaluated using Folin-Ciocalteu solution
The 50g pulp of fruits samples were dried [14]. In a test tube, 1 ml of methanolic
at 50℃ for 10 days, until constant weight. extract from each sample was added to 1 ml
Every fruit sample was ground to powder of Folin-Ciocalteu solution. After 3
form using pistol and mortar. Then 2g of minutes, 1 mL sodium carbonate solution
each fine dried fruit powder was soaked in (20%) was added to the mixture. For 30
100ml of 80% methanol and stirring at minutes, the mixture was left to sit at room
room temperature (25℃) for about 24 temperature in a dark area. At 725nm,
hours and filtered using Whatman paper. absorbance was measured against a blank
After evaporation, the residues were diluted reagent. The experiment was carried out
to 20 ml using 80% methanol [12]. three times. A standard Gallic acid
DPPH scavenging activity calibration curve, developed by running
In order to determine the DPPH scavenging solutions in the concentration range of
activity, methanolic extract of 2.5ml of 0.05–0.25 mg/ml (R2 = 0.9987), was used
every sample were mixed with 1ml of 3mM to calculate the TPC quantity. Gallic acid
DPPH-methanol solution. The mixture was equivalent (GAE) mg/g were used to
incubated at room temperature in dark for measure overall antioxidant activity [14].
30 min. Finally, the mixture's absorbance Total flavonoids contents
was measured at 517nm in comparison to a Total flavonoid contents were determined
blank (without DPPH). Assay performed in by taking 0.5 ml of sample extracts. Each
triplicate [13]. For the quantification of the fruit sample's methanolic extract was
antioxidant activity, standard ascorbic acid diluted in 2 ml distilled water and mixed
calibration curve (R2 = 0.9899) was created with 0.5 ml of 10% AlCl3 (aluminum
by running solutions in the concentration chloride) and the same volume of sodium
range of 0.02-0.1 mg/ml; by using acetate (1M). Finally, 2 mL distilled water
spectrophoto meter. The total phenolic was added and allowed to sit for 30

Pure Appl. Biol., 11(3):861-870, September, 2022

minutes. The absorbance of a 4ml Results and Discussion
methanolic extract without aluminum Total moisture contents of fruits samples
chloride was then measured at 415 nm Following (Table 1) shows that the total
against a blank sample. The experiment was moisture contents in fruits samples, i.e.
carried out three times [15]. Quantitative Apple, Peach and Pomegranate. Peach has
data were calculated using a standard highest moisture contents and the
calibration curve with Rutin hydrate Pomegranate has least percent moisture
concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 contents. The overall trend of decrease in
mg/ml [1-3, 15]. Rutin hydrate equivalent the percent moisture content is Peach >
in milligrams per gram of dried fruit sample Apple > Pomegranate
weight was used to calculate total phenolic

Table 1. Results of total moisture contents in fruits samples
 Sr. No. Fruits Samples Percent moisture contents
 1 Apple (Malus pumila) 83.7%
 2 Peach (Prunus persica) 84.96%
 3 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) 79.8%

Results of antioxidant activity with DPPH assay. A standard curve for ascorbic
DPPH Assay acid has been drawn (Fig. 1) to compare the
All the experimental work performed on radical scavenging activity of fruits
three fruits samples has given the following samples using DPPH radical scavenging
results of their antioxidant potential with activity.

 0.035 y = 0.325x + 0.0023 0.036
 R² = 0.9899

 0.02 0.021

 0.015 0.016

 0.01 0.009
 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
 Concentration, mole/dm3

Figure 1. Standard curve of Ascorbic acid for DPPH radical scavenging Assay

Antioxidant potential of fruits samples antioxidants, the violet color of DPPH is
using DPPH radical scavenging assay decreased to a pale-yellow tint in this assay.
The stable free radical DPPH has a deep Antioxidant potential of fruits samples
violet color and a maximum absorption were determined by using DPPH radical
wavelength of 515 nm (Fig. 2). Due to the scavenging activity shown by (Table 2).
abstraction of hydrogen atoms from

Karim et al.


 concentration, mg/g
 8 71.9% 6.42
 6 57.9%
 4 2.81


 ascorbic acid apple pomegranate peach

Figure 2. Graphical representation of % DPPH scavenging activity of fruits samples
Table 2. Antioxidant potential of fruits samples
 Sr. No. Fruit samples mg/g of ascorbic acid equivalent
 1 Apple (Malus pumila) 4.21
 2 Peach (Prunus persica) 2.81
 3 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) 6.42

The (Table 2) show that the pomegranate And the percentage radical scavenging
has highest concentration of antioxidant activity of (%RSA) was quantified using
potential and peach has least concentration. the formula:

 [( − )]
 % = x 100
Where A control represents absorbance of had the lowest (42.9 percent) scavenging
control reaction for A fruit sample. ability respectively, which is almost similar
In the literature, there are numerous to present result. Drogoudi et al. reported
researches about analysis of antioxidant that the greatest antioxidant activity was
activity in pomegranate apple and peach, found in apple varieties at commercial
which give slightly different results (Table maturity (11.9 to 3.7 mg /g DW) from an
3). The obtained results have been indicated experimental orchard at Pomology Institute
that antioxidant activity of the Egyptian in Naoussa, Greece [19]. Manzoor et al.
pomegranate extract, which is similar to the [20] found that DPPH radical scavenging
results reported by Soulemana and Ibrahim activity of 80 percent methanolic extracts
[16]. The Methanol extracts of from several kinds of peach from Swat
Pomegranate (Ripened Pomegranates from (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Quetta
Khorasan province in Iran) seed had the (Baluchistan) had the highest (49.1%) and
highest antioxidant activity 0.15mg/g were lowest (43.4%) scavenging capacity,
reported by Basiri et al. [17]. Manzoor et al. respectively. Mokrani et al. [21] reported
[18] measured the DPPH radical the antioxidant activity of peach cultivars
scavenging activity of 80 percent (from Algeria) by DPPH method using
methanolic extracts of pulp from different tolrox equivalent as standard, 16.0 to 48.9
cultivars of apple from Pakistan, finding mg/g TE which is higher than current result.
that Red Delicious had the highest (51.1 The variation in the results due to the
percent) and Kashmiri Amri (apple type) modification in assays or using different

Pure Appl. Biol., 11(3):861-870, September, 2022

standards or varieties from different antioxidant capacity, followed by apple and
regions. Sahin et al. [22] reported that peach. And the values were of the same
Pomegranate exhibited the highest order as reported in this publication.

Table 3. Comparison of antioxidant activity by DPPH
 % scavenging
 Sr. No. Fruit sample mg /g Reference 1 Reference 2
 1 Pomegranate 6.42 71.% 70% [16] 0.15 [17]
 2 Apple 4.21 57.9% 51% [18] 3.7 [19]
 3 Peach 2.81 35.6% 49.1% [20] 16.0 [21]

Results of phenolic contents organic compound with phenolic
Total phenolic contents were determined properties. The standard Gallic acid curve
using Gallic acid standard method. The is drawn to compare total phenolic contents
standard curve is drawn (Fig. 3) by using of each fruits sample.
Gallic acid which is naturally occurring

 0.35 0.32
 y = 1.56x - 0.075
 R² = 0.9987

 0.2 0.16
 0.05 0.005
 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
 concentration mole/dm3

Figure 3. Standard curve of Gallic acid as standard for total phenolic contents

Total phenolic contents of fruits samples and flavonoid contents of pomegranate
using Folin-ciocalteu cultivators throughout the world. These
Total phenolic contents of every fruit studies suggest that the PG 1-5 cultivators
sample was measured by using folin- of Egypt are quite rich in polyphenols
ciocalteu (Fig. 4). The (Table 4) show that (86.7-123.7 mg/g GAE), while the Turkish
the Apple has least concentration of cultivars are quite low in phenolic content
phenolic properties and apple has highest (0.117-0.177 mg/g GAE as compared to our
concentration of phenolic properties. The sample (1.94 mg/g GAE). The same trend
overall trend of decrease in the activity is: is seen in the pomegranate juices of these
Peach > Pomegranate > Apple cultivators (Table 5). However, the results
Same order of decreasing TPC such as are comparable to the juice of Italian
peach 2.6 mg/g GAE > Pomegranate 2.4 cultivars (2.06mg/ml GAE), while the
mg/g GAE > apple 1.9 mg/g GAE were Chinese varieties show slightly higher
reported by Sahin et al. [22]. Bassiri- values (4-7 mg/g GAE) [23]. Henriquez et
Jahrom et al. [23] recently presented a al. reported that the phenolic content in pulp
comprehensive profile of total polyphenolic extract of apple varieties (from Molina,

Karim et al.

Curicó, Maule Region, Chile, during the varieties (of Pakistan) ranged from 711.7–
summer 2007) by Folin-ciocalteau using 881.3 mg GAE/100 g (mean = 791mg/100g
standard Gallic acid. The phenolic contents which is equal to 7.91mg/g) of DW for pulp
ranging from 1.5 to 2.3 mg/g GAE, which extracts were recorded by Manzoor et al.
is similar to present result [24]. The amount [20].
of total phenolic content in three peach

 concentration, mg/g

 1.91 1.94 2.25
 Gallic acid Apple Pomegranate Peach

Figure 4. Total phenolic contents with reference to standard Gallic acid

Table 4. Total phenolic contents of fruits samples
 mg/g of Gallic acid
 Sr. No. Fruits Samples
 1 Apple (Malus pumila) 1.91
 2 Peach (Prunus persica) 2.25
 3 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) 1.94

Table 5. Comparison of total phenolic contents mg/g GAE
 Sr. Fruit sample Current result Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference
 1 Pomegranate mg /g GAE
 1.94 2.4 [20] 0.117 [21] 8.673[14]
 2 Apple 1.91 1.9 [20] 1.5 [22] 2.475 [23]
 3 Peach 2.24 2.6 [20] 7.91 [18] 0.4 [24]

Phenolic contents in the Egyptian results due to the modification in assays or
pomegranate cultivars ranged from 8.67- different varieties from different regions or
12.37 mg/g GAE were reported by the different stages of the ripening of fruits
Soulemana and Ibrahim [16] which was etc.
slightly higher than current results. Result of total flavonoids contents in
Leontowicz et al. [25] reported that total fruits samples
phenolic contents of apple 2475mg/kg Total flavonoids contents of fruits samples
GAE (which is equal to 2.475mg/g GAE) were measured by standard curve of Rutin
which is almost similar to current result. hydrate (RE) as standard. A standard curve
Campbell et al. [26] were presented a of Rutin hydrate is drawn (Fig. 5) to
phenolic contents of New York peach compare the flavonoids properties of fruits
varieties ranged from 40- 95 mg/100g GAE samples. The (Table 6) shows that
(0.4-0.95mg/g GAE) which is also similar pomegranate has highest concentration of
to current result. The variations in the flavonoids contents. The overall trend of

Pure Appl. Biol., 11(3):861-870, September, 2022

decrease in activity is: Pomegranate > that the total flavonoid contents of apple
Apple > Peach (Fig. 6). Sahin et al. [22] 14mg/100g CE (0.14mg/g CE) which is
reported that Peach exhibited the highest almost similar to current result. The mean
flavonoid contents as compared to value of the amount of total flavonoid
pomegranate and apple. Elfalleh et al. [27] content in the three different varieties of
identified the flavonoid contents in Gabsi peach (Pakistan) 349mg/100g CE
pomegranate variety (Southern Tunisia) (3.49mg/g CE) was reported by Manzoor et
was 6.79mg/g RE which is similar to al. [20]. Zhang et al. [29] were reported that
current result. Li et al. [28] reported that the the flavonoid contents in the pulp extract of
flavonoid content of pomegranate Chinese 33 peach cultivars from China varied from
variety was 17.2mg/g RE which is higher 4.35- 35.51 µg RE/g (0.00435-
than the current result. Total flavonoid 0.03551mg/g RE) which is slightly lower
contents in apple varieties (from Pakistan) than current result (Table 7). The variation
varied from 7.11-9.99mg/g Catechin in the results may be due to the peach
equivalent (CE) were reported by Manzoor varieties from different region.
et al. [20]. Leontowicz et al. [25] reported

 0.2 0.168

 0.15 0.134

 0.058 y = 0.384x - 0.0224
 0.05 R² = 0.9976

 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
 Concentration mole/dm3

Figure 5. Standard curve of Rutin hydrate for flavonoids contents

Table 6. Total flavonoids contents of fruits samples
 Sr. No. Fruits Samples mg/g of Rutin hydrate equivalent
 01 Apple (Malus pumila) 3.48
 02 Peach (Prunus persica) 7.53
 Pomegranate (Punica
 03 4.30

 12 10
 concentration, mg/g

 6 4.3
 Rutin hydrate10 Apple Pomegranate Peach

Figure 6. Graphical representation of flavonoids contents in fruits samples with reference
to Rutin hydrate as standard

Karim et al.

Table 7. Comparison of total antioxidant activity
 Current result mg /g RE
 Sr. No. Fruit sample Reference 1 Reference 2
 or CE
 1 Pomegranate 7.53 6.79 [27] 17.2 [28]
 2 Apple 4.3 7.11 [18] 0.14 [25]
 3 Peach 3.48 3.49 [20] 0.035 [29]

Correlation among antioxidant potential, controlling and weight reducing programs.
phenolic contents and flavonoids contents The minor differences in nutritional
in fruits samples: The result show that all composition may be due to the difference in
the three fruits samples are good scavenger fruit variety, origin and growth condition.
of free radicals. A comparative observation Peach contain the antioxidant elements
among antioxidant potential, total phenolic which reduce the risk of prostate cancer,
contents and total flavonoids contents of amount of vitamin C and glutathione,
fruits samples shows that these fruits have powerful antioxidant which strengthens
highest concentration of flavonoids immune system and it improve overall
contents. The overall trend of decrease in blood flow by acting as vasodilator.
these activities: Pomegranate provides antioxidants
Flavonoids contents > Phenolic contents > vitamins A, C and E. All this make
Antioxidant potential pomegranate very suitable for skin and
Good relationships between antioxidant retinal conditions. Antioxidants are helpful
activities and total phenolic content were in the treatment of a variety of diseases
identified by Mokrani et al. [21] indicating because of their ability to scavenge free
that the phenolic compounds contained in radicals. Antioxidant activity was
these fruit peach cultivars are substantial determined in term of ability of
contributors to their total antioxidant antioxidants in the fruits to inhibit
potential. oxidation. Therefore, in short, a balanced
Conclusion diet contain fruits and vegetables provide
Many fruits have medicinal characteristics, desired antioxidants for good health.
and their inclusion in our diet on a regular Authors’ contributions
basis can help us avoid oxidative stress Conceived and designed the experiments: I
illnesses. Antioxidants are found in fruits in Karim & AA Mughal, Performed the
the form of phenolic compounds, ascorbic experiments: I Karim, Analyzed the data: I
acid, carotenoids, and tocopherols, among Karim, M Khalid & AA Mughal,
other things. It is well recognized that Contributed materials/ analysis/ tools: I
phenolic chemicals, such as flavonoids Karim, M Khalid & AA Mughal, Wrote the
from plants, are responsible for the majority paper: I Karim & M Khalid.
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