Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited

Page created by Lorraine Norton
Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
Dohome Public Company Limited
Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
Table of Contents

        1   Q1’2021 Key Highlights

        2   Business Impact from COVID-19 Situation

        3   Operating Results for Q1’2021

        4   Business Outlook

Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
1   Q1’2021 Key Highlights
Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
Q1’2021 Key Highlights

                                                                                                   Business Impacts and
     Outstanding Q1’2021 Result                  Promising Performance Outlook                   Competitive Strategy during
                                                                                                    COVID-19 Situation

▪   Total sale increased from THB 4,569      ▪    The company begins to see results          ▪   Minimal impact from the 2nd wave as
    mn to THB 6,110 mn from Q1’2020 to            from recently implemented strategies           only three stores were closed for
    Q1’2021, equivalent to 33.7% growth           (including SKU rationalization,                around 1 month in January while no
    YoY and SSSG of 22.5% YoY                     enhancing sale team, and sourcing              stores have been closed during the
                                                  product with competitive price), while         ongoing 3rd wave of the pandemic
▪   Better margins in all product                 the margin improvement trends will still
    categories due to newly implemented           continue.                                  ▪   Promoting and pushing the existing
    strategies                                                                                   service channels of online (E-
                                             ▪    Targeted House Brand revenue                   Commerce) and direct phone ordering
       ▪   Gross profit margin (excluding         contribution to be 20% of total sale in
           steel) increased to                    2022                                       ▪   Adapting working processes to be in
           approximately 20.0-22.0% in                                                           line with the situation; such as,
           Q1’2021, compared to 16.6-18.5%   ▪    New stores has received positive               transferring employees from other
           in FY2018-FY2020                       feedback since the opening                     sales team to direct sales team
                                                                                                 (phone-call ordering), and promoting
▪   Net profit increased from THB 177 mn     ▪    The plan to open 3 more new stores             the electronic payment
    to THB 543 mn from Q1’2020 to                 this year is on time, with the Bowin
    Q1’2021, equivalent to 206.4% growth          branch (2nd branch this year) expected     ▪   Considering credit customers more
    YoY, with the margin expansion from           to be opened in June 2021, the                 tightly to prevent incurring bad debts
    3.9% to 8.9%                                  Chonburi (Amata) branch (3rd branch            which results in a decrease in the
                                                  this year) expected to be opened in            allowance for doubtful accounts
▪   Inventory days decreased from 180             November 2021, and the Surat Thani
    days in FY2020 to 168 days in Q1’2021         branch (4rd branch this year) expected     ▪   Preparing the strict public heath
                                                  to be opened in December 2021                  control to all employees, customers
                                                                                                 and partners
                                             ▪    The company is working on inventory
                                                  efficiency through inventory
                                                  replenishment system, with the
                                                  targeted inventory day of 150 days
                                                  within 2021

Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
2   Business Impact from
    COVID-19 Situation
Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
Business Impact from COVID-19 Situation

       22 MAR 2020                                    17 MAY 2020                          The government has
       According to the Government’s                  Opened additional 4 large            allowed the opening;
       measures to deal with COVID-19, we             branches and 6 Dohome
       temporarily closed 8 large branches and        To-Go                                27 JAN 2021
       6 Dohome To-Go                                                                      Map Ta Phut
                                                      Rangsit, Bang Bua Thong,
       Rangsit, Bang Bua Thong, Rama 2,
                                                      Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai,               1 FEB 2021
       Petchkasem, Korat, Udon, Khon Kaen,
                                                      and 6 Dohome To-Go                   Rama2 and Phetkasem
       Chiang Mai, and 6 Dohome To-Go

                                                 3 MAY 2020                       Due to the new wave of the epidemic
                                                 Opened 4 large branches          of COVID-19, we temporarily closed;
                                                                                  19 DEC 2020
                                                 Rama 2, Petchkasem,
                                                                                  Rama2 and Phetkasem
                                                 Korat, Udon
                                                                                  28 DEC 2020
                                                                                  Map Ta Phut

Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
3   Operating Results for
Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
Revenue from Sales and Services
 Revenue from Sales and Services
THB mn


                  18,445                                17,869                                18,777


                    2018                                 2019                                  2020                              Q1'2020                     Q1'2021

                                                  Annual Revenue from Sales and Services                                                   Growth

   Key Changes                                                                             Type             Revenue Growth Q1’2021             Product Mix FY2018-Q1’2021
   ◼    In Q1’2021, total revenue from sales and services                                                                                    Construction Materials: 42-48%
        increased 33.7% YoY due to:                                                  Dohome XL+L                       +33.0%                Repair & Maintenance: 35-38%
        ➢     positive SSSG of 22.5% YoY, despite having the                                                                                   Home Decoration: 17-20%
              COVID-19’s impact which temporarily closed
                                                                                                                                               Construction Materials: 5-8%
              Map Ta Phut, Rama2, and Phetkasem branch
                                                                                    Dohome To Go                       +122.6%                Repair & Maintenance: 46-50%
        ➢     additional revenue from new branch expansion,                                                                                     Home Decoration: 44-48%
              as well as the revenue increase from the
              branches in the ramp-up phase                                                                                                    Construction Materials: 9-11%
                                                                                      E-Commerce                       +129.0%                Repair & Maintenance: 19-20%
                                                                                                                                                Home Decoration: 70-71%

Note:       (1) Same store sales growth includes only the revenue from the branches that completed its full year operation.

Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
Gross Profit
 Gross Profit
THB mn / % to Revenue from Sales and Services

                                                      16.6%                                 16.2%                                 15.3%

                                                      2,958                                3,040

                2018                                  2019                                  2020                                Q1' 2020                        Q1' 2021

                                   Gross Profit                           Gross Profit Margin (GPM)                          Normalized Gross Profit Margin (GPM)

 Key Changes
                                                                                                                                                   Gross profit margin
        The YoY Gross profit margin experienced an upward trend, increasing                                          Period
                                                                                                                                                    (excluding steel)
        from 15.3% in Q1’2020 to 21.7% in Q1’2021 which is mainly from;

     ➢ improvement on gross profit margin from all product groups

     ➢ gross profit margin (excluding steel) increased to approximately 20.0-                                       Q1/2021                              20.0-22.0%
       22.0% in Q1’2021, compared to 16.6-18.5% in FY2018-FY2020

     ➢ an increase in gross profit margin from both house brand and non-
       house brand products                                                                                  FY2018 - FY2020                              16.6-18.5%
     ➢ an increase in revenue from distribution center

Note:      (1) Normalized GPM takes at the impact from changing the accounting policies on the provision for obsolete and slow-moving
           of inventory in 1Q2019 which results in the decrease of THB 73.3 mm in cost of goods sold in 1Q2019 due to the reversal
           of provision.
Company Presentation Q1'2021 - Dohome Public Company Limited
SG&A Expenses
 SG&A Expenses
THB mn / % to total revenue

               10.3%                       10.5%                       10.8%                         9.9%                           9.9%

              1,907                        1,879                                   (18)
                           33                         10
                                             375                         104

                 160                         93

                 162                         147

                 364                         369

                 223                         252                                                                                   606
                                                                                                     455                                           (1)
                                                                                                                    (5)                54
                                                                                                               77                     120
                                                                         696                            41 3
                 644                         643
                                                                                                       106                            118
                                                                                                       158                            215

               2018                         2019                       2020                        Q1' 2020                      Q1' 2021

      Selling Employee Expense              Admin Employee Expense                Depreciation and Amortization           Delivery Expense
      Marketing Expense                     Others                                SG&A to Total Revenue                   Allowance for bad debt (reverse)

 Key Changes
 ◼   Selling and administrative expenses (SG&A) of Q1’2021 increased by THB 150.9 mn or 33.2% YoY which is mainly from;
         ➢   an increase in both selling and administrative employee’s expenses for serving major branch expansion plans in 2021
         ➢   an increase in commission and transportation cost due to higher sales volume
         ➢   an increase in operating expenses from new branches
 ◼   However, the percentage of SG&A to sales between Q1’2020 and Q1’2021 still indicated a stable trend at 9.9%.

EBITDA, and Net Profit
  EBITDA & Net Profit
THB mn / % to total revenue

               6.8%           8.7%                 8.7%                    8.7%

                              1,563                1,652

               2018           2019                 2020                 Q1'2020   Q1'2021

                                      EBITDA               EBITDA Margin

               2.4%           4.0%                 3.8%                    3.9%

                              726                  727
               439                                                                 543

               2018           2019                 2020                 Q1'2020   Q1'2021

                                      Net Profit            Net Profit Margin

                0.31          0.34                 0.34                    0.08     0.23

Key Financial Highlight
                   Cash Cycle                                  Financial Ratios

             19        17        18      18
                                                                     1.81     1.93     1.95

            2018      2019      2020   Q1'2021          2018         2019     2020    Q1'2021

             49        49        54       55                         11.2%    10.1%
   AP                                                   9.2%

            2018      2019      2020   Q1'2021          2018         2019     2020    Q1'2021

                                 180      168
Inventory    149       162

            2018      2019      2020    Q1'2021

                      130        144     130

            2018      2019      2020   Q1' 2021

4   Business Outlook
Accelerate Growth through New Large Store Format

  ◼     Located in major cities with                                                              Existing Large Store              New Large Store
        smaller size, while maintaining                                                                  Format                         Format
        over 100,000 SKUs, and
        concept of “Completed
        Assortment, Competitive Price,
        Good Quality” similar to
        existing branches

                Construction Materials

                Repair & Maintenance
                                                                                               Construction Materials: 43-48%    Construction Materials: 25-33%
                                                          Product Mix                          Repair & Maintenance: 35-38%      Repair & Maintenance: 43-44%
                Home Decoration                                                                  Home Decoration: 17-19%           Home Decoration: 24-31%

                                                                                                                                          Retail Space
  ◼     Lower number of required                          Area per branch      (1)             Retail Space ~19,500 - ~30,000
                                                                                                                                       ~15,000 - ~20,000
        employees as the new large                                                                    Warehouse Space
                                                          (sq.m.)                                                                      Warehouse Space
                                                                                                      ~18,000 - ~35,000
        store format has smaller                                                                                                       ~12,000 - ~15,000
        branch area and utilizes
        automated storage and                             Target area
                                                                                               Major cities including Bangkok
                                                                                                                                           Major cities
        retrieval system (“ASRS”) to                                                                        vicinity
        manage warehouse space
                                                          Target product                      Construction Material / Repair &   Construction Material / Repair &
  ◼     Air conditioned area in retail                    offerings                           Maintenance / Home Decoration      Maintenance / Home Decoration
        space to increase customers
        shopping experience and                                                                                                           Approximately
        ease                                              Target revenue      (2)
                                                                                                             -                      THB 1,500 mn per branch
                                                          (per year)
                                                                                                                                    Y1:Y2:Y3 = 60%:80%:100%
  ◼     Increase ability to open new
        stores from lower CAPEX                                                                                                         Approximately
        requirement                                       CAPEX per branch           (3)                     -
                                                                                                                                    THB 450 mm per branch

Note:    (1) Service area excludes parking and traffic area
         (2) Target revenue after 3 years of ramp-up phase
         (3) Construction CAPEX per branch includes ASRS and miscellaneous expenses but excludes land and
         rental expense                                                                                                                                             13
Opened New Large Store Format Stores

    Phetkasem      Surin         Map Ta Phut   Laem Chabang
    Q4/2019        Q3/2020       Q3/2020       Q1/2021

Existing Branches and Future Branch Expansion
                            As of 31 March 2021                        Existing Branches
                                                                       North Region 1 branch; Chiang Mai (2015)
               Chiang Mai

                                                                       Northeast Region 5 branches; Ubon Ratchathani (1993), Nakhon
                                                                       Ratchasima (2007), Khon Kaen (2012), Udonthani (2013), Surin

      Large Store                        Khon Kaen
                                                                       Bangkok Metropolitan Region 5 branches; Rangsit (2010), Rama 2
       Branches                                   Ubon                 (2014), Bang Bua Thong (2015), Bangna (2018), Phetkasem (2019)
                              Nakhon Ratchasima                        Eastern Region 2 branches; Map Ta Phut (2020), Laem Chabang
                                 Distribution                          (2021)
            Rangsit              Center              Surin
                  Bang Bua Thong

                        Bangna                                         Future Branch Expansion
      Rama 2                Chonburi       Bowin
                                                                                          -   Laem Chabang (operated Q1’2021)
                        Laem Chabang, Chon Buri
                                                                                          -   Bowin           - Chonburi
                               Map Ta Phut, Rayong                                        -   Suratthani      - Hat Yai
                                                                        40                -   Phitsanulok     - etc.
                                                                                                                                  Total 36
                                 Focus on land lease model to get       35
                                 better IRR                             30
                                 New large store format with lower      25       - Surin
                                 CAPEX per store and lower operating             - Map Ta Phut
                                 expense                                20
          Suratthani                                                                                                 Total 16        36
                                 Accelerate ramp-up strategy roll-      15                         Total 12
                                                                               Total 10
                                 outs                                   10
           Hat Yai
                                 Expanding our investment in             5        10                   12
                                 potential area such as Eastern
                                 Economic Corridor (EEC) area
                                                                                 2019               2020              2021F     2022F-2025F
                                 Create Dohome’s network to cover
                                 all regions in Thailand

New: Dohome Bowin Branch

                                                                       Pre-research          acquiring
                          Pinthong                                    on the potential   customers before
                                                                          market          opening stores


                                       Amata city

                        Map Yang Phon, Pluak Daeng District, Rayong

Construction Progress   94%

Opening                 June 2021F

Continuously Increase in Profitability
                                                                                 Tools and Hardware
     1     House Brand Products
 ◼       More than 20,000 SKUs of the House Brand
 ◼       The Company targets to achieve revenue
         contribution from House Brand products at
         20.0% by 2022
 ◼       The Company focuses on product sourcing                                      Bathroom
         processes in order to obtain quality products
         at competitive prices
 ◼       The Company has a House Brand
         development team to ensure that a variety of
         product options are available for customers
 ◼       Conduct researches to study the
         requirements of customers and the
         competitive landscape in the market to
         optimize product selection                                        Furniture and Home Decoration
 ◼       House Brand product procured only from
         qualified suppliers, both domestically and
 ◼       High-quality products meeting product
         standards with over 115 certifications issued
         by Thai Industrial Standard
                                                                           Home Appliances and Light Bulbs
          Revenue Contribution from House Brand
% to revenues from sales and services
                                                     targets revenue
                                                 contribution from House
                                                     Brand products

   14%       16%       17%       17%     16%

  2018       2019     2020     Q1'2020 Q1'2021          2022F
Continuously Increase in Profitability
    2    Distribution Center                                          Inventory Management at the Distribution Center

◼       Located in Pathum Thani and began operation in June 2018
◼       Total warehouse area of 41,580 sq.m. (60% Utilization after                 Suppliers                Store
        ASRS is fully operating)
◼       Functions:
        ◼  Receiving inventory
        ◼  Picking inventory
        ◼  Dispatching Inventory to customers and branches
        ◼  Installing the ASRS system to increase inventory
           management efficiency
◼       Revenue from distribution center started to be higher than                      Receiving        Cross dock
        cost which would reduce cost of goods sold



                                                                        Customers               Stores

Continuously Increase in Efficiency

 1   More Efficiency through Inventory Replenishment System

 ▪   Start Implementing in January 2021
 ▪   A reduction in replenishment lead time to reduce
     safety stock
 ▪   Target inventory days to 150 days within 2021
     ➢   Better serve customers’ needs
         (Right product at the right amount)
     ➢   Lower stock levels
     ➢   Improve inventory turnover
     ➢   Increase cash flows

 2  Implement Learning Management                       3   Implement Robotic Process Automation
system (LMS)                                            (RPA)

                                                          Virtual          The Company implement Robotic
                                                                           Process Automation to manage day

                                                                           to day operation more efficiency

                                                                           The Robotic Process Automation
                                                          Robot            can be equal to human workforce
                                                                           of 8 people

Continuously Improve in Competitive Advantage

 1    CRM and Loyalty Program                                       2    Introduce New Product Categories
      Marketing Communication and Brand Awareness
      Enhancement through SMS and Direct Mail to Customer
     Register Channel                      SMS Membership              Products

 1     Web ERP @CS
                                              100906xxx เริ่ม       ECO Friendly
 2     QR Code–Self service                      สะสมคะแนน            and Aging
                                                 รับสิทธิพิเศษ         Products
                                                เพี ยงแจ้งเบอร์
                                               โทรศัพท์ เมื่อซื้อ

 3     ID Card reader @CS

                    Number of Membership

          2019                 2020                  Q1'2021
Dohome Activities during COVID-19 Situation

 1   Dohome Activities to Support Our Customer during COVID-19

Marketing Activities

   1   Dohome (Existing Store)



Marketing Activities

  2   Dohome (New Store)


Marketing Activities

 3   E-Commerce

Marketing Activities

 3   E-Commerce

Dohome’s History

   2019                                                 OCT-NOV 2020            FEB 2021
   Converted to                                         Opened new              Opened new
   publicly traded                                      Dohome To Go            Dohome To Go
   company in the SET                                   branches                branches
                                                        “Thai Somboon”          “Thap Yao Market”
   as “DOHOME” with            JUL 2020                 “Ruay Sub”
   first day trading on 6
                               Opened new               “Thairungthip Market”
   August 2019
                               branch “Surin”

                                            SEP 2020                JAN 2021               2H 2021
                                            Opened new              Opened new branch      Open new
                                            branch “Map Ta          “Laem Chabang”         branches
                JUN 2020                    Phut”                                          “Bowin”
                DOHOME was

                listed in SET100                                                           “Suratthani”

Dohome Business Overview
As of 31 March 2021

                    One-stop Home Products Destination
                                                                                38     years experience
         International Suppliers                      Domestic Suppliers         in retail and wholesale
                                                                                business of construction
                                                                                   materials and home
                                                                                     decoration items
                                                                                  Home Products Services & Solutions

                                                                                         Delivery Service

      Dohome:                   Dohome To Go:                E-Commerce:
      13 Branches               12 Branches                  4 Channels                  Repair and Maintenance Service
  ▶   Ubon Ratchathani      ▶   Makro Charan             ▶   Dohome’s Website
  ▶   Nakhon Ratchasima     ▶   Makro Sathorn            ▶   Chat&Shop
  ▶   Rangsit               ▶   Big C Bang Phli              (Line&Facebook)             Home Installation Service
  ▶   Khon Kaen             ▶   Tesco Lotus Korat        ▶   Lazada
  ▶   Udonthani             ▶   Pantip                   ▶   Shopee
  ▶   Rama II               ▶   Tesco Lotus Bangna       ▶   NocNoc                      Design Center
  ▶   Bang Bua Thong        ▶   Cosmo Walk               ▶   JD Central
  ▶   Chiang Mai            ▶   Chatchawan Market
  ▶   Bangna                ▶   Thaisomboon Market
  ▶   Phetkasem             ▶   Ruaysub Market                                           Special Order                    29
  ▶   Surin                 ▶   Thairungthip Market
  ▶   Map Ta Phut           ▶   Thap Yao Market
  ▶   Laem Chabang

                                   Sales Team
                          Call Center and Telesales

Key Corporate Strategy

We focus on offering a completed range of products and services under concept of
“Completed Assortment, Competitive Price, and Good Quality”

   “Completed Assortment”                                    “Competitive Price”                                     “Good Quality”
 We offer a variety of products with over 100,000   We are known for providing competitive price with      We offer product with good quality and high-
 SKUs and meet customers’ demand of both retail      various price levels according to the designs and    standard services, such as product consultants,
 and wholesale customers by displaying products                            brands                        delivery and installation services, and maintenance
                 from piece to box                                                                                       and repair services

P&L Summary

                                                                            Q1’2021               Q1’2020               Changes

                                                                    THB mm               %     THB mm          %     THB mm          %

Revenue from sales                                                    6,062.6          98.9     4,534.2      98.4     1,528.4      33.7

Revenue from services                                                       47.4        0.8        35.1       0.8        12.3       35.1

Other incomes                                                               22.1        0.4       38.2        0.8       -16.1      -42.1

Total revenue                                                          6,132.0        100.0    4,607.4      100.0     1,524.6       33.1

COGS                                                                  4,786.0          78.0     3,871.6      84.0       914.5      23.6
Gross profit                                                           1,323.9         21.6      697.7        15.1     626.2       89.8

Selling & Administrative expenses                                        605.9          9.9      455.0        9.9      150.9       33.2

Other expenses                                                               0.2      0.004         0.1     0.002         0.1      111.5

EBIT                                                                      739.9         12.1     280.8        6.1      459.1      163.5

Financial income                                                              7.3       0.1         5.3       0.1        2.0       37.5

Interest expenses                                                           63.5        1.0       64.4         1.4       -0.9       -1.4

Tax expenses                                                              140.5         2.3       44.3        1.0       96.2       217.1

Net income                                                                543.2         8.9       177.3       3.9      365.9      206.4

Depreciation & Amortization                                               132.5         2.2       118.0       2.6        14.5       12.3

EBITDA                                                                    872.3        14.2      398.7        8.7      473.6      118.8

Note: (1) Gross profit margin calculated based on revenue from sales and services
Balance Sheet at a Glance

                                                           31 March 2021             31 December 2020
Assets                                                    THB mm               %     THB mm                 %
Cash and Cash Equivalents                                   223.02           0.99        99.52            0.48

Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables                  1,095.90          4.85       903.19            4.35

Inventory                                                  9,523.45         42.13      8,559.71          41.22

Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible              10,712.05         47.39     10,381.62          50.00

Right of Use - Assets                                       673.26           2.98       523.90            2.52

Others                                                      376.74           1.67       297.21            1.43

Total Assets                                              22,604.41        100.00    20,765.16          100.00

Bank Overdrafts and Short-term Loan                        7,143.02         31.60     6,852.31           33.00

Accounts Payable and Other Payables                        3,742.04         16.55     2,845.06           13.70

Right of Use - Liabilities                                   288.13           1.27      261.32            1.26

Long-term Loan and Financial Lease Liabilities             3,478.85         15.39     3,539.37           17.04

Others                                                       315.47          1.40        177.35           0.85

Total Liabilities                                         14,967.50         66.21    13,675.40           65.86

Shareholder’s Equity
Issued and Paid-Up Capital                                 2,165.52          9.58      2,165.52          10.43

Premium on Share Capital                                  3,646.99           16.13    3,646.99           17.56

Shortage from business combination under common control    2,431.84         10.76     1,888.69            9.10

Retained Earnings                                             -9.05         -0.04        -13.05          -0.06

Others                                                      -598.39         -2.65      -598.39           -2.88

Total Shareholder’s Equity                                 7,636.91         33.79     7,089.76           34.14

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