Community Update: Friday, February 18, 2022 - Palmyra ...

Page created by Johnnie Cox
Community Update: Friday, February 18, 2022
Panther families,

Before we head into the weekend, I wanted to send another district update to all of you. It has been almost a month
since our last community update and the situation dealing with the Covid virus has changed quite a bit; this time in a
positive direction as the number of positive Covid cases in the area (and our district) continues to sharply drop.
Compared with the positive case numbers we experienced from the beginning of January until the 22nd of January
(where we experienced a very high rate of positivity), we feel very fortunate that we are trending in the right

In alignment with the decision today from the Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) regarding the
current Directed Health Measure (DHM), District OR-1 will no longer be requiring masks at the elementary school
in Bennet effective Saturday, February 19th. Masks will still be recommended to assist with the mitigation of
possible continued viral spread, but they will no longer be required in our district. This recommendation also
includes transportation on our district vehicles. Masks are still recommended, but not required at Palmyra High

Please note that this situation could change again if cases rise again in the future and we will continue to adjust as
needed. For now, we will continue to follow the updated guidelines provided from our local health departments.
Moving forward, we will still continue to remain vigilant against outbreaks of the virus and there still could be
possible variants that arise in the coming weeks or months, but we feel equipped to handle those on a case by case
and school by school level. Thanks to all of you for your patience and support as we continue to adjust to the ever
changing conditions presented by the virus.

In summary, beginning Saturday, February 19th, masks will be recommended, but not required for all students and
staff at all buildings in the district. This includes masks being recommended, but not required for transportation on
all district vehicles.

Board of Education Update:
   ● We just recently had our Board of Education regular meeting this past Monday, February 14th here at
        Palmyra High School. Listed below are some highlights from the meeting.

    ●    2022-2023 District Calendar:
             ○ The district calendar was approved for the 2022-2023 school year. I am attaching a copy of the
                 calendar to this communication and the calendar will also be available on our district website at:
                      ■ www.district
             ○ Specifically, school will start in the fall on Thursday, August 11th and the last day of school next
                 year is Thursday, May 18th for high school students (and Wednesday, May 17th for elementary
                 students). High school graduation next year will be Saturday, May 13th.
    ●    “Draft” Options for Facility Improvements:
             ○ In alignment with the results of a recent facility audit and in-depth analysis of our current district
                 enrollment study, board members discussed some possible “draft” options for consideration as we
                 look at ways to effectively and proactively address future student and district growth.
             ○ The current “draft” options being considered for Bennet Elementary are adding some classroom
                 space on the west side of the building, expanding the lunchroom, office, and main commons area
                 to the east side of the building, and adding some additional student common space southeast of the
                 elementary gym.
○   Possible “draft” options at the high school include consideration of a new Career Technical
            Education (CTE) wing complete with an expanded wood shop, metal and welding, and
            agricultural area. Possible options also include adding some additional classrooms on the northeast
            side of the building, repurposing the current “shop” area into a weight room/ community fitness
            center, and repurposing the current weight deck to accommodate our high school wrestling
            program and equipment. Special note: Repurposing the current weight deck at the high school in
            turn creates additional space at the elementary school because the wrestling team doesn’t have to
            conduct practice or store its equipment at the elementary gym. Having wrestling practice and
            storing equipment at the elementary school currently impacts after school activities for our
            elementary students at Bennet.
        ○   Feedback from our staff and community members on these “draft” options has been extremely
            helpful and this input has helped us prioritize some possible options to consider which best meets
            the specific needs of our students and our community.
        ○   More opportunities for community input on these “draft” options will be forthcoming in the
            coming weeks and months.

●   Grade Reconfiguration:
       ○ Earlier this fall, we sent out a survey to our families and our community stakeholders regarding
           their thoughts on the strengths, needs, and challenges of the district.
       ○ One of the recurring themes that emerged throughout the surveys and the meetings was how to
           best address the projected growth in student population (especially at the elementary) over the next
           several years. According to the results of our recent comprehensive enrollment study, our district
           is expected to grow by about 18% or 120 students in the next five years.
       ○ Space at the elementary school continues to be very limited and an immediate concern. One option
           contained within the enrollment analysis to immediately increase space at the elementary school
           was the idea of a grade reconfiguration, specifically with the sixth grade.
       ○ To gather stakeholder feedback, we hosted a parent meeting for those families with students going
           into the sixth grade next year to discuss the possibility of having our sixth graders move to the
           high school next year. The feedback from the students and parents was overall very positive and
           survey results from our current 5th grade students also indicated a favorable response to this
       ○ Based upon this feedback, the board approved adding the sixth grade class to the junior / senior
           high school in Palmyra beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. This decision is a cost effective
           and efficient way to provide much needed space at the elementary level next year. We believe this
           grade reconfiguration will be an exciting opportunity for our incoming 6th and 7th grade students.
       ○ Transition plans have been developed to provide opportunities for additional feedback and
           experiences for our students to prepare for this transition. Information about transition dates are
           listed later in this document.

●   Community Engagement Meetings:
       ○ Special thanks to those of you who were able to attend our recent community engagement
         meetings. Your input and insight is extremely valuable.
       ○ Please be looking for additional community engagement opportunities coming up as we move
         deeper into the spring season.

●   Staffing Changes:
        ○ The board accepted the resignations of Mr. Brad Gabriel and Ms. Shaylee Truax at the meeting on
             Monday. Both of these staff members have decided to pursue other opportunities and we wish
them the best of luck in their future endeavors. Special thanks to Mr. Gabriel and Ms. Truax for
                 their service and education to our students, district, and the community.
            ○    The board approved a teaching contract for Ms. Elizabeth Johnson. Ms. Johnson will be teaching
                 agricultural education and she will also be our new FFA sponsor at the high school.

    ●   Student and Staff Kudos: Listed below are some notable recent achievements from some of our students
        and staff.
            ○ Congratulations to Andrew Waltke on signing with Northwest Missouri State!
            ○ Congratulations to Hailey Darrah on signing with Buena Vista College!
            ○ Congratulations to Emily Van Meter for her selection to perform at the state FFA convention!
                  Also, a special thank you to Mrs. McCreight for helping Emily with her audition materials.
            ○ Congratulations to Betty Chambers for being the first girl from Palmyra to ever qualify for the
                  NSAA state wrestling championships.
            ○ Special congratulations to our other state qualifying wrestlers: Diedrick Dowding and Evan Bryan-
                  Aldrich. Go Panthers!

Activities: Streaming Event Update:

    ●   Some of you may have noticed that our current school YouTube account is no longer working. We hope this
        is a temporary situation and we are currently working to resolve the issue.
    ●   In order to be able to still stream these events to our community members, we have created a new
        (temporary) link and we will be streaming the upcoming basketball games tonight, Saturday's JH games,
        and next week's Sub-District games on this new channel. Listed below is the new link:
    ●   We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to have our original channel back up and working soon.

Current Job Openings

    ●   District OR-1 is still looking for some outstanding applicants to help us fill our current job openings in
        several areas. These openings are listed below. If you are interested in any of the following positions (or
        know someone who may want to join our team) please have them contact our school office at (402)
            ○ Bennet Elementary Secretary
            ○ Industrial Technology Teacher
            ○ Substitute Bus Drivers
            ○ Substitute Teachers
            ○ Substitute Paraprofessionals
    ●   Applications for employment are also available on our school website at:

Upcoming District Dates:

    ●   Monday, February 28th - First day of spring sports (Track, Boys Golf)
    ●   Friday, March 4th - No school for students or staff.
    ●   Thursday, March 10th: End of the 3rd quarter
    ●   Friday, March 11th: - No school for students or staff.
    ●   Monday, March 14th: Board of Education Regular Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Palmyra High
        School in the Media Center.
    ●   Monday, March 14th: No school for students. This is a staff development day for our teachers.
    ●   Friday, March 25th: Home Track Meet (Triangular: Palmyra, Sterling, Freeman) at the Olson Complex.
●    Monday, April 11th: Board of Education Regular Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Palmyra High School
         in the Media Center.
    ●    Thursday, April 14th: 1:30 p.m. early dismissal for students
    ●    Friday, April 15th: No school for students or staff: Easter Break
    ●    Monday, April 18th: No school for students or staff: Easter Break
    ●    Saturday, April 30th: ECNC Conference Track Meet at the Olson Complex.
    ●    Friday, May 6th: 5th and 6th Grade Transition Day at the high school. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
    ●    Saturday, May 7th: High School Graduation
    ●    Monday, May 9th: No school for high school students only due to district music (ECNC). Please note:
         elementary students have a full day of school on this day.
    ●    Wednesday, May 18th: Last day of school for elementary students
    ●    Thursday, May 19th: Last day of school for high school students. 1:30 p.m. dismissal.
    ●    May/ June/ July: TBD: Possible morning/evening meeting dates for students/ families
    ●    Monday, June 6th -Thursday, June 23rd: Summer Enrichment for 5th / 6th Grade at PHS
    ●    Monday, August 8th: 5-6 High School Orientation

Thank you again for your support of our students, staff, and district.

Have a safe weekend,


Go Panthers!
                                                         CALENDAR 2022-2023
     August 2022                                                     August 2022                                          January 2023
SU M T W TH              F    SA     8-Aug   Start of Fall Practice                                             SU   M      T W TH F          SA
   1 2 3 4               5     6   Aug 8 / 9 Faculty Inservice-8:00-4:00                                         1   2      3 4 5 6            7
 7 8 9 10 11             12   13    10-Aug   Teacher Work Day                                                    8   9     10 11 12 13        14
14 15 16 17 18           19   20    11-Aug   First Day of School                                                15   16    17 18 19 20        21
21 22 23 24 25           26   27                                  September 2022                                22   23    24 25 26 27        28
28 29 30 31                          5-Sep   NO SCHOOL -Labor Day                                               29   30    31
       18 Teacher Days              20-Sep Dismiss @ 1:30 P.M. P-T conf. 2:00-8:00 P.M.                                19 Teacher Days
       15 Student Days              21-Sep Collab. PD/WD - No School for students                                      18 Student Days
                                                                    October 2022
    September 2022                  14-Oct End of First quarter                                                      February 2023
SU M T W TH F                 SA    17-Oct Start 2nd Quarter                                                    SU M   T W TH F               SA
              1 2              3    21-Oct   Fall Break; NO SCHOOL                                                         1 2 3               4
 4 5 6 7 8 9                  10                                   November 2022                                5 6 7 8 9 10                  11
11 12 13 14 15 16             17    14-Nov Start Winter Practice                                                12 13 14 15 16 17             18
18 19 20 21 22 23             24    15-Nov Teacher Inservice No School                                          19 20 21 22 23 24             25
25 26 27 28 29 30                   23-Nov NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break                                         26 27 28
       21 Teacher Days              24-Nov NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break                                                19 Teacher Days
       20 Student Days              25-Nov NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break                                                18 Student Days
                                                                   December 2022
       October 2022                 21-Dec End of Second Quarter                                                      March 2023
SU M    T W TH F  SA                22-Dec Winter Vacation December 22-January 4                                SU M  T W TH             F    SA
                   1               23-27-Dec Five day moratorium period est. by NSAA                                      1 2            3     4
2 3 4 5 6 7 8                                                       January 2023                                5 6 7 8 9                10   11
9 10 11 12 13 14 15                 1-4-Jan Winter Vacation                                                     12 13 14 15 16           17   18
16 17 18 19 20 21 22                 4-Jan   Collab PD/WD - No School for Students                              19 20 21 22 23           24   25
23 24 25 26 27 28 29                 5-Jan   School Resumes, Start 3rd Quarter                                  26 27 28 29 30           31
30 31                               16-Jan No School - Martin Luther King Day                                          21 Teacher Days
       20 Teacher Days                                              February 2023                                      20 Student Days
       20 Student Days               1-Feb   Collab PD/WD - No School for Students
     November 2022                   7-Feb   Dismiss @ 1:30 P.M. P-T conf. 2:00-8:00 P.M.                                  April 2023
SU M T W TH F                 SA    10-Feb NO SCHOOL Winter Break                                               SU M       T W TH        F    SA
       1 2 3 4                 5                                     March 2023
 6 7 8 9 10 11                12     1-Mar   Start of Spring Practice                                                             1
13 14 15 16 17 18             19     3-Mar   NO SCHOOL Spring Break                                             2 3 4 5 6 7 8
20 21 22 23 24 25             26     9-Mar   End of Third Quarter                                               9 10 11 12 13 14 15
27 28 29 30                         10-Mar NO SCHOOL Spring Break                                               16 17 18 19 20 21 22
               18 19                13-Mar Collab PD/WD - No School for Students                                23 24 25 26 27 28 29
       19 Teacher Days              14-Mar Start 4th Quarter                                                    30
       18 Student Days                                                April 2023                                       18 Teacher Days
                                     6-Apr   Dismiss at 1:30 P.M. for Easter Break                                     18 Student Days
     December 2022                   7-Apr   NO SCHOOL: Easter Break                                                   May 2023
SU M T W TH F                 SA    10-Apr   NO SCHOOL: Easter Break                                            SU M T W TH F SA
              1 2              3                                      May 2023                                     1 2 3 4 5 6
 4 5 6 7 8 9                  10    13-May High School Graduation                                                7 8 9 10 11 12 13
11 12 13 14 15 16             17    17-May Elementary End of 2nd Semester Reg. Dismissal                        14 15 16 17 18 19 20
18 19 20 21 22 23             24    18-May End of Second Semester-1:30 Dismissal H.S.                           21 22 23 24 25 26 27
25 26 27 28 29 30             31    19-May Teacher Work Day                                                     28 29 30 31
       15 Teacher Days               Note:   Early dismissal times of 1:30 will result in an elementary                15 Teacher Days
       15 Student Days                       dismissal time of 1:10 p.m                                          13 Elem./14 HS Student Days
93 Teacher Days First Semester                                                                                  92 Teacher Days Second Semester
88 Student Days First Semester                 176 Student days                                                 88 Student Days Second Semester
                                               185 total for teachers
                                                                  Legend for Colors
                                               Regular Dismissal for High School Students
                                               Elementary Students: End of Second Semester
                                               Vacation Days
                                               Parent Teacher Conferences
                                               Early Dismissal: 1:30 p.m. / 1:10 p.m. for elementary
                                               Professional Development Day for Staff: No school for students
                                                  Updated February 14, 2022
                                                 Board Approved February 14, 2022
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