Page created by Milton Guzman

Parnassus Preparatory School scholars are expected to dress in a way that aligns with our philosophy
of maintaining a learning environment that focuses on the development of each student’s academic
potential, personal character, and leadership skills. The uniform policy and dress code seek to
create a safe learning environment with a formal and unique look for each school that highlights and
emphasizes the academic culture and seriousness of learning at Parnassus. Students and parents
are asked to commit to this idea as well.

All Parnassus scholars are required to be in school uniform during school hours, on the school bus,
and during all school activities and events unless otherwise specified. Attire which attracts undue or
negative attention or which infringes on the rights or values of others is not considered to be in the
spirit of the dress code. Attire is expected to be clean, in good condition, and properly sized to fit.
Please account for your child’s growth throughout the year when purchasing items such as skirts and
pants to ensure they remain at the appropriate length.

The distinct uniform pieces are meant to represent the different stages of schooling at Parnassus.
Scholars in The School of Grammar (Prima-4G) are represented with jumpers, skirts, and ties in the clear
blue plaid. Scholars in The School of Logic (1L-4L) wear navy bottoms and skirts, while scholars in The
School of Rhetoric (1R-4R) wear khaki bottoms and navy blazers.

It is the school’s policy that the school logo be visible at all times. The outermost layer of your child’s
uniform should be embroidered with the school logo. This includes shirts, jumpers, blazers, and
fleeces/sweaters. For logo embroidery and uniform ordering information, see the guide on the next

Please remember to clearly label your child’s uniform items with his or her name. All uniform items look
alike in the lost and found and items have a much better chance of being recovered if staff can identify
the child to whom they belong.

Any medical or religious concerns or limitations that might preclude meeting the uniform guidelines
should be addressed with the school’s principal to determine if reasonable accommodations are
necessary. All requests for exceptions to the school uniform policy and guidelines must be submitted
in writing to the school principal.

The uniform guidelines at Parnassus are not meant to be financially prohibitive for any student’s ability
to attend our school. Families that qualify for the free lunch program may also request assistance with
certain uniform requirements. Assistance will be handled confidentially by contacting School
Administration at

           Any questions regarding the uniform dress code and standards should be sent to

Parnassus Preparatory School partners with Tommy Hilfiger and Rodriguez Embroidery to offer school uniform items. We
recognize that families may choose to order from Tommy Hilfiger or purchase items from another company. Rodriguez
Embroidery will embroider the school logo on uniform items from other vendors, including blazers, sweaters, shirts, and
fleece, at their retail store, The ‘Sota Shop, as long as the color and style are acceptable. Please Note: To ensure color
fidelity, a l l plaid items must be purchased from Tommy Hilfiger. The light blue shirts must be purchased at either Tommy
Hilfiger or The ‘Sota Shop.

 Online Ordering from Tommy Hilfiger School Uniforms

    1. Go to
    2. On the Find Your School page, please enter either your Partner School Number (PARN01) or simply enter the name
       of your school and the state. Select your school to begin shopping.
    3. You will be asked for your child’s grade. The website will then display your uniform needs specifically for your
       school. Please note that for each product displayed, the website informs you whether the item is Required, Meets
       Requirements, or is an optional purchase.
    4. The website will also inform you which products require a school logo as well as those products for which a logo
       application is optional.
    5. Once you have identified a product for purchase, select your color, logo, and quantity. The items will be added to
       your shopping cart, and you will be prompted to either check out or to continue shopping.
    6. If you have questions about sizing, click on the Simple Sizing Guide link, and follow the instructions. If you still have
       questions after using the Simple Sizing Guide, please call the toll free customer service number below. The customer
       service team will be happy to assist. You will then be ready to select the correct sizes with confidence.
    7. Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation that your order has been received. Once your order
       has shipped, you will receive an email confirming shipping date and tracking information.
    8. Your order history will be stored in your account, and you can come back to the website anytime, 24/7, to place
       additional orders.

For all customer service questions, please call (800) 217-7761 - 24/7 (Customer Service available in Spanish)

 Rodriguez Embroidery/The 'Sota Shop Logo Information
 Parnassus partners with Rodriguez Embroidery, a locally owned and operated business, to embroider our school crest on
 uniform items purchased from vendors other than Tommy Hilfiger if items are approved as a substitution.

 Rodriguez Embroidery offers services at their retail location, The ‘Sota Shop, conveniently located near school at 11502
 96th Ave. N. in Maple Grove. They can be contacted at 763-400-7380 or at For more information
 and detailed directions, please visit their website,

 The cost of adding the school crest to a shirt, sweater, fleece, or vest will be $8.00 per item.

 Please note that The ‘Sota Shop will not embroider t h e light blue oxford or polo shirts from other vendors, but
 will embroider white shirts, navy blazers, sweaters, vests, and fleeces from any vendor. The ‘Sota Shop has a list of uniform
 guidelines available at their store.

Parnassus Preparatory School of Grammar (Prima – 4G) – Uniform Guidelines

                                             Face Coverings (All Students)
In compliance with Governor Walz’s Executive Order 20-81, all students in Prima through Fourth Level Rhetoric (4R) must
wear a face covering while they are in school buildings and on school provided transporation (such as buses). Faculty, staff,
and all other individuals present in the building will also be required to wear a face covering.

The school will be providing all students with a reusable face mask. The school uniform vendor, Tommy Hilfiger School
Uniforms, sells masks that coordinate with the school uniform colors.

If a student wishes to wear a face covering that is not school-provided or purchased from Tommy Hilfiger School
Uniforms, he or she may do so, provided that the face covering meets the following requirements:

    •   The face covering must be a solid color with no text, graphics, patterns, logos, or other designs*.
    •   The face covering should cover the nose and mouth completely, should not be overly tight or restrictive, and
        should feel comfortable to wear.
    •   Types of allowable face coverings include: paper or disposable masks, cloth face masks, religious face coverings,
        or medical grade masks and/or respirators.

A face covering is not meant to substitute for social distancing, but is especially important in situations when maintaining
a 6-foot distance is not possible.

There are special cases where a plastic face shield may be worn in place of a face covering. If you believe that this is the
best option for your child, please contact your child’s school principal or, if applicable, the IEP case manager.

For more information, please consult Parnassus’ Board Policy 808 – Face Covering Policy.

*The masks that Parnassus will distribute to students, which are being provided to us by state agencies, along with the
masks sold by Tommy Hilfiger School Uniforms, have a small logo on them. These are the only masks that are permitted
to have any sort of text, graphics, logo, or other design.

Color & School Logo                                       Specifications
Collared Polo or          White, Light Blue*                  May be short or long-sleeved
Button Down               School Logo is required             Shirt must be kept tucked in at all times.
Shirt or Blouse                                               No more than the top button may be left undone.
                                                              *Please note that light blue shirts may only be purchased from
                                                              Tommy Hilfiger or The 'Sota Shop to ensure color fidelity.
Sweater, Vest, or         Navy                                An approved collared uniform shirt must be worn underneath.
Fleece                    School Logo is required             No hoods or sweatshirt material are permitted.
                                                              Cardigans must be no longer than fingertip length.
Pants and Shorts*         Navy                                Pants must be long enough so that the hem reaches the top of
                                                              the foot and covers the ankle bone. No
                                                              cargo pockets are permitted.
                                                              No denim is permitted.
                                                              *Knee length shorts are permitted only in August - September
                                                              and May – June

Jumper                     Clear Blue Plaid                   Length must be modest and appropriate.
                           School Logo is required            Skirts & jumpers must be worn with shorts, tights, or leggings
Skirt                     Clear Blue Plaid                    underneath.
Socks, Tights, Leggings   When wearing shorts or              Leggings and socks must cover the ankle bone and must not have trim or
                          skits, socks must be solid          embellishments such as lace.
                          colors only: White, Navy,           Knee socks are permitted.
                          Black, Gray                         Socks are required with leggings or shorts.
                                                              Sock color does not matter when wearing pants.

Belt                      Solid colors only: Black,           Recommended for students in Prima – 1G.
                          Brown, Navy                         Required for students in 2G -4G when wearing pants or shorts

Shoes & Shoelaces         White, Black, Brown, Blue, Gray     Shoes must cover the bridge of the foot and have a closed toe
                                                              and closed heel.
                                                              Maximum heel height of one inch or lower.
                                                              No sandals, crocs, moccasins, boots, Uggs, high-tops or ballet flats.
                                                              No light-up shoes or shoes with retractable wheels
Undershirts               Solid White only                    Recommended under uniform shirts.

Necktie                   Clear Blue Plaid                    Optional; not required

Jewelry                   n/a                                 Stud earrings only

Watches                   n/a                                 No toy or smart watches may be worn at school. Must stay in backpack if
                                                              taken to school.
Face Coverings                                    See section on Face Coverings on page three of this document.
Hair Accessories          Clear Blue Plaid or one             Must be plain in appearance with no embellishments such as
                          solid color of Black, White,        sequins, glitter, jewels, tassels, etc.
                          Navy, Light Blue, Gray
Head Coverings            Solid colors only: Black,           Head coverings may be worn for religious purposes. These must
                          White, Navy, Light Blue, Gray       be plain in appearance without patterns or embellishments.
Hair                      n/a                                 Hair must be clean and neat.
                                                              Hair styles or arrangements which are distracting are not
Other                     n/a                                 All permanent or temporary body art must be covered and not visible.
                                                              Hats, scarves, or bandannas are not permitted in school.
                                                              Undergarments must not be visible.

Parnassus Preparatory School of Logic (1L – 4L) – Uniform Guidelines

                                 Color & School Logo                                          Specifications
            It                      Requirements
Collared Poloe or          White, Light Blue*                    May be short or long-sleeved
Button DownmShirt          School Logo is required               Shirt must be kept tucked in at all times.
or Blouse                                                        No more than the top button may be left undone.
                                                                 *Please note that light blue shirts may only be purchased from Tommy
                                                                 Hilfiger or The 'Sota Shop to ensure color fidelity.
Sweater, Vest, or Fleece   Red                                   An approved, collared uniform shirt must be worn underneath.
                           School Logo is required               No hoods or sweatshirt material are permitted.
                                                                 Cardigans must be no longer than fingertip length.
Pants and Shorts*          Navy                                  No cropped or skinny pants. Pants must be long enough so that the hem
                                                                 reaches the top of the foot and covers the ankle bone.
                                                                 No denim is permitted.
                                                                 No cargo pockets are permitted.
                                                                 *Knee length shorts are permitted only in August - September and
                                                                 May – June
Skirt                      Navy                                  Skirt must be knee-length.
                                                                 Must be worn with shorts, tights, or leggings underneath
Socks or Tights            When wearing a skirt or shorts,       Knee socks are permitted. When wearing pants, sock color does not
                           socks must be Black,                  matter.
                           White, Navy, Light Blue, Gray
Leggings                   Black, White, Navy, Light Blue,       Leggings must be full length – to the foot
                           Gray                                  No trim, lace, or embellishments

Belt                       Solid colors only: Black, Brown,      Required when wearing pants or shorts
Shoes & Shoelaces          Black, White, Brown, Blue, Gray       Shoes must cover the bridge of the foot and have a closed toe and closed
                                                                 heel .Maximum heel height is one inch.
                                                                 No sandals, crocs, moccasins, boots, Uggs, high-tops, or ballet flats.
                                                                 No light-up shoes or shoes with retractable wheels.

Undershirts                Solid White only                      Recommended under uniform shirts
Neckties                   Navy                                  Optional, not required
Jewelry                    n/a                                   Stud earrings only
Watches                    n/a                                   No toy or smart watches may be worn at school. Must stay in backpack if
                                                                 taken to school.
Face Coverings                                       See section on Face Coverings on page three of this document.
Hair Accessories           Solid colors only: Black,             Must be plain in appearance with no embellishments such as
                           White, Navy, Light Blue, Gray         sequins, glitter, jewels, tassels, etc.
Head Coverings             Solid colors only: Black,             Head coverings may be worn for religious purposes. These must be plain
                           White, Navy, Light Blue, Gray         in appearance without patterns or embellishments.

Hair & Grooming            n/a                                   Hair must be clean and neat. Hair styles or arrangements which are
                                                                 distracting are not permissible.
                                                                 No beards or mustaches.
Other                      n/a                                   All permanent or temporary body art must be covered and not visible.
                                                                 Hats, scarves, or bandannas are not permitted in school.
                                                                 Undergarments must not be visible.

Parnassus Preparatory School of Rhetoric (1R-4R) – Uniform Guidelines

   Item                       Color & School Logo                                               Specifications
Blazer                     Navy                                   A traditional, professional-style blazer with brass or navy buttons is required
                           School Logo is required                to be worn at all times. Blazers purchased from vendors other than Tommy
                                                                  Hilfiger MUST BE APPROVED by the School of Rhetoric Principal or designee.

Collared Button Down       White or light blue                    May be short or long-sleeved.
Dress Shirt or Blouse                                             Shirt must be kept tucked in at all times.

Sweater Vest               Red, Gray                              Optional; may be worn under the blazer. No sweatshirt material.
                                                                  An approved, collared uniform shirt must be worn underneath.
Necktie / Ascot *          Simple patterns or solid               A necktie or bowtie is required for all students when in uniform.
                           color; must coordinate with            Pocket squares are optional and must follow the same color guidelines as
                           colors of school crest                 ties. *An ascot is an option to wear in place of a tie on Fridays only. Patterns
                                                                  must be the same as tie requirements.

Dress Slacks               Khaki                                  Pants must be long enough so that the hem reaches the top of the foot and
                                                                  covers the ankle bone. No cargo pockets are permitted.
Skirt                      Khaki                             Length must be modest and appropriate.
                                                             Must be worn with shorts, tights, or nylons underneath.
Socks                      When wearing a skirt socks must Dress socks only. Knee socks are permitted.
                           be Navy, Red, White, Gold or Gray When wearing dress slacks, color does not matter.

Tights & Nylons            Solid colors: White, Navy,             Full-footed tights or nylons only.
                           Gray, Skin-tone                        Leggings are not permitted.
Belt                       Solid colors only: Black,              Required when wearing dress slacks.
Shoes                      Solid colors only: Black or            Solid brown or black dress shoes are required.
                           Brown                                  Shoes must have a closed toe and closed heel. Maximum heel height of
                                                                  two inches. No boots or sandals are allowed.

Undershirts                Solid White only                       Recommended under uniform shirts.

Physical Education         Solid gray T-Shirt (required)          Solid gray t-shirt with no designs. No tank tops, sleeveless shirts, or
Uniform                    Navy Shorts/Navy Track                 compression shirts. (Required)
                           Pants                                  Shorts or track pants need to be solid navy and from the
                           Running shoes                          Parnassus Tommy Hilfiger school uniform site.
                           Sweatshirt (optional)                  If a sweatshirt is desired, it needs to be a plain red and free of text or
                                                                  Blazers are not to be worn during physical education.
Jewelry                    n/a                                    Stud earrings only.
Watches                    n/a                                    No toy or smart watches may be worn at school. Must stay in backpack if
                                                                  taken to school.
Face Coverings                                         See section on Face Coverings on page three of this document.
Hair Accessories and       Solid colors only: Black, White,       Must be plain in appearance with no embellishments such as
Beads                      Navy Blue, Light Blue                  sequins, glitter, jewels, tassels, etc.

Head Coverings             Solid colors only: Black,              Head coverings may be worn for religious purposes. These must
                           White, Navy, Light Blue                be plain in appearance without patterns or embellishments.

Hair & Grooming            n/a                                    Hair must be clean and neat. Hair styles or arrangements which are
                                                                  distracting are not permissible. No beards or mustaches.
Other                      n/a                                    All permanent or temporary body art must be covered and not visible.
                                                                  Hats, scarves, or bandannas are not permitted in school .
                                                                  Undergarments must not be visible.

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