Page created by Bill Maxwell
No. 2/2020

                                           The METRO PROPERTIES

             Why and how the community helps
             us get through these times too
2                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY – INTRO                                                                      3

    Contents                                                                                                                       Editorial
                                                     EXPLORE                                                                       Dear colleagues, associates, partners and friends,
    3   Editorial
                                                     14 O Christmas tree – can you also be sustainable?                            Advent is a time of anticipation and a time when we gladly seek
    MANAGEMENT VIEW                                                                                                                the company of others. This year has clearly shown us how just
    4   Jürgen Schwarze and Jean-Christophe Bretxa                                                                                 much we need interpersonal contact and face-to-face exchanges.
        on the topic of community – in the days of
        Covid-19                                                                                                                   After a turbulent year, we can now look forward to Christmas and
                                                                                                                                   New Year’s Eve. And, once again, we need to marshal our forces at
                                                                                                                                   a time when only a limited amount of community life is possible.
                                                                                                                                   WE MOVE is here to support you, inform you and provide inspiration.
    6   Community – where is the sense of
                                                                                                                                   We still have a multitude of wonderful things to make Advent,
                                                                                                                                   Christmas and New Year’s Eve a joyful and uplifting holiday season,
                                                                                                                                   such as purchasing a sustainable Christmas tree and baking tasty
                                                                                                                                   amaretti cookies – to enjoy yourself or give away as a present. And
                                                                                                                                   how about a relaxed evening by candlelight and an engaging,
                                                                                                                                   entertaining podcast?

                                                     Forester Antonius Becker practices organic farming                            Hopefully, you will also appreciate the new sections in the magazine.
                                                                                                                                   INVOLVEMENT, for example, is about energetic people who recog-
                                                     WE                                                                            nise problems and tackle them. This time we had an exciting mee-
                                                     16 Project manager Julian Sommer talks about working                          ting on the banks of the Rhine and came to the happy conclusion
                                                        from home                                                                  at the end of the year that community can make a real difference.

    Why a sense of togetherness is so important      WE CARE                                                                       We wish you a peaceful Advent season, a happy Christmas and a
                                                     17 Community is good for us – it’s what we need to                            healthy New Year!
    INVOLVEMENT – ‘WE NEED TO TACKLE IT                 stay healthy
    8   Heike Robin and Victoria Blocksdorf on       NEW PERSPECTIVES                                                              The WE MOVE editorial team
        cleaning up the banks of the Rhine           18 Time to calm down
                                                     19 A reflective moment of inspiration at the end of the year
    10 2020 – what a year: A review of the year      METRO AND US
       from our regions                              20 Delicious and awesome! – Karl Romboy on relaxed
                                                        holidays in the kitchen

    ARCHITECTURE &                                   PEOPLE
    PROJECTS                                         22 Season’s greetings from Warsaw and Istanbul

    12 METRO Campus of the future – living and       OUTLOOK
       working in a new dimension                    23 Starting the new year with great feedback

                                                                                                                                         Heike Robin       Annika Gründel

                                                                             Discover WE MOVE
    An urban vision                                                          on United!
4   COMMUNITY – MANAGEMENT VIEW                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5

    December is the month to reflect on the year that has passed,
    but it is also the time to look ahead and establish goals. Our
    managing directors have taken the time to give us a wealth of
                                                                                                                                                                 “Working                                                 The key to our success: the power of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The relocation of our Düsseldorf
    insights into their views on management.                                                                                                                                                                              colleagues to the METRO Campus not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          only marks a spatial transition, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          also a cultural one in terms of the way

    ‘The motto for                                                                                                                                               is key!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          we work together.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‘Fantastic teams can master big
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          changes.’ My words from the previous

    2020: back on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          magazine are both a motto and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          maxim. The Guiding Principles provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          us with good orientation here as well.

    road to success.’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          My favourite Guiding Principle is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‘Power of Relationships’. This is one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          our success factors and our strength
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          that we have to maintain.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          These are challenging times, but it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          up to us to make them successful.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Working hand in hand and in a
    Jürgen Schwarze, CFO: With the             and tackle new projects. We have had       project pipeline is filled – so now it’s   Jean-Christophe Bretxa, CEO: That’s       We must continue to position ourselves     focused manner. Likewise, we have to
    Cartagena and China transactions in        a number of very successful years. In      up to us.                                  right – because of Cartagena, we have     strategically                              maintain the momentum. We are
    2020, we have jointly brought major        2020, on the other hand, we suffered                                                  reduced our retail portfolio this year,   What does the focus on the wholesale       entering the new year, 2021, with
    projects to a successful conclusion.       some setbacks – and not all of them        The METRO Campus is a landmark             and now we have to focus our attention    business mean for METRO PROPERTIES?        confidence.
    The Fokus project is ‘in progress’.        were Covid-19-related. The sale of the     project that will allow us to demon-       on our specialty centres in Germany,      How do we contribute to the success
    These are outstanding landmarks that       Real hypermarkets has significantly        strate our expertise. We have reached      Poland and Turkey.                        of METRO’s operational business?
    have earned us a great deal of             reduced our retail business. The loss of   an important milestone this year with                                                METRO aims to be the ‘Champion for
    attention and respect – also in the        valued employees has left some gaps.       the launch of the urban design             Especially now that we are facing a       Independent Business’. So how can we
    METRO world. It goes without saying        Such a major shift certainly puts a        competition.                               pandemic, they are important and safe     support the national subsidiaries in
    that the workload was intensive and        damper on the amount of entrepreneu-                                                  sources for the supply of goods. The      this endeavour?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‘If we go back to
    required considerable effort and           rial drive in the company, in both big     This year we have shown that we are        aim here is to generate sales and
    energy. In addition, Covid-19 has been     ways and small, and now we have to         at our best when we work on projects       operate cost-effectively.                 METRO operates around 700 stores in
    a constant challenge – and continues       pull together to recharge our batteries.   together and in a highly focused                                                     34 countries, and roughly half of these

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the way things
    to keep us on our toes.                                                               manner. Taking this awareness with us      Although we are facing challenging        properties are owned by the group,
                                               New energy for 2021                        into the coming year, we will continue     times, we have succeeded in signing       while the other half are leased from
    The pandemic has had an impact on the      Our outlook for the future should be       to establish ourselves as a project-dri-   leases with new, big-name tenants like    third parties. Historically, we have
    real estate sector and consequently on
    us as well, resulting in everything from
                                               optimistic and positive: we want to get
                                               back on the road to success by
                                                                                          ven company and position ourselves
                                                                                          even more prominently as a group-
                                                                                                                                     Decathlon, FitX, Woolworth and Tedi.      focused on our role as owners. Today,
                                                                                                                                                                               however, following a series of sale-       were, we will have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          lost the lesson. May
    shortfalls in rent to transactions that    addressing our core issues, managing       wide service and solution provider.        Negotiations with other potential         and-leaseback transactions that were
    had to be postponed and important          operational tasks and delivering                                                      tenants are at an advanced stage –        successfully executed by our internal
    trade fairs that were cancelled. We were   excellent results. The medium and          We are entering the new year as a          also in Turkey and Poland.                Transactions team, the importance of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          we rise up and do
    able to minimise the negative aspects,     long-term business planning of METRO       close-knit and effective community.                                                  the leased portfolio cannot be ignored.
    but now we have to think big again         PROPERTIES has been completed, our
                                                                                                                                                                               How can we support METRO in further
                                                                                                                                                                               optimising its international store
                                                                                           Our thanks go
                                                                                                                                                                               network by assuring professional
                                                                                                                                                                               portfolio management in partnership

‘I feel like Jürgen Klopp with
                                                                                                                                     Community is the theme of the             with these external landlords? In this
                                                                                                                                     hour here, too, and it serves as          role, the team of InTecSol is a major

Liverpool. Last season we won                                                              out to you!                               an important source of inspira-
                                                                                                                                     tion, solidarity and energy that
                                                                                                                                     extends well beyond the work
                                                                                                                                                                               asset in combination with our real
                                                                                                                                                                               estate expertise. I see further growth
                                                                                                                                                                               opportunities on the horizon here for

everything and now, after a period
                                                                                                                                     context.                                  METRO PROPERTIES.
                                                                                           This year has been rough for
                                                                                           all of us. We would like to               We wish you a wonderful                   We are entering the new year with a

with mixed results, we have to show                                                        thank all of our colleagues for
                                                                                           their unwavering dedication
                                                                                           and commitment. Now is the
                                                                                                                                     Advent season and a merry
                                                                                                                                     Christmas. A happy and
                                                                                                                                     healthy New Year to all of you.
                                                                                                                                                                               full project pipeline. In terms of its
                                                                                                                                                                               dimensions, the METRO Campus is

that we can be successful again.’
                                                                                                                                                                               certainly the project with the greatest
                                                                                           time to find renewed strength,                                                      appeal – both a challenge and an
                                                                                           to recharge our batteries.
                                                                                                                                     Yours, Jean-Christophe                    opportunity. This is a unique landmark
                                                                                                                                                                               project that once again demonstrates
                                                                                           WE MOVE is here to give you a             and Jürgen                                our broad expertise in the property life
                                                                                           suggestion or two – and some                                                        cycle, as we have already successfully
                                                                                           food for thought.                                                                   shown with the Am Albertussee
                                                                                                                                                                               property in Düsseldorf.
6    COMMUNITY – BACKGROUND                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7

     Where is the sense                                                                                                                                          Let’s play
                                                                                                                                                                 Why do we play anyway? First of all, clearly no         Kapla Challenge

     of community?
                                                                                                                                                                 other species does this as intensively as humans.       The challenge here is to find the perfect balance
                                                                                                                                                                 We now know that it is immensely important for          – with 16 pinewood planks and 12 building cards.
                                                                                                                                                                 children to play freely – that they always engage
                                                                                                                                                                 in precisely the playful activities that they need
                                                                                                                                                                 for their development. Some adults no longer
                                                                                                                                                                 play at all, but they would also have something to
                                                                                                                                                                 gain: mental agility and relaxation, for instance –
     What happens to a community that has to keep its distance? How                                                                                              and a great social experience.
     does it remain strong and intact come what may? Nicole Wronski
     is a New Work advisor at Blackboat, a company that specialises in                                                                                           Pictures – Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year)
     New Work technologies. As a trained journalist and psychologist,                                                                                            2020
     she takes an analytical approach to the social impact of the                                                                                                 This delightful haptic family game calls for
     coronavirus pandemic.                                                                                                                                         creativity and the ability to think abstractly. All
                                                                                                                                                                    players receive material sets containing toy
                                                                                                                                                                     blocks, shoelaces, symbol cards and other
                                                                                                                                                                      things that can be used to depict motifs from

                                            ?      What impact do the contact restrictions have on
                                                                                                                                                                       photo cards and, ideally, make them
                                                                                                                                                                       recognisable. And that’s how you earn

    ‘We don’t have
                                                   We are social beings and we need interpersonal interactions,                                                       points. You can also add your own photos to
                                             also in a physical sense. For example, the ‘cuddle hormone’                                                              the game.

    to distance our-
                                             oxytocin has a positive effect on our stress levels. The restrictions
                                             have different impacts depending on each individual situation – a
                                             harmonious household with plenty of space and a large garden is                                                                                                  Music brings people together

    selves socially ...’
                                             certainly different than a relationship crisis and existential                                                                                                   How can we harness the community-generating energy of
                                             fears in a 2-room flat. The current crisis has been a great                                                                                                      music when collective concerts and singing in large groups is
                                             test of endurance for us all, with potentially serious                                                                                                           impossible? With Spotify, for example, shared playlists can be
                                             consequences. This is also reflected, for example, in                                                                                                            created. That way, people can use the Advent period to
                                             the rising incidence of domestic                                                                                                                                 create musical albums for the Christmas season and feel
                                             violence.                                                                                                                                                        connected to others – at least when it comes to your favouri-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              te music.

     ?      How do we maintain a sense of community despite
            working remotely?                                                                                                                                                                                 No celebrating this year
            Many people are literally exhausted from today’s                                                                                                                                                  Our tradition of festive Christmas celebrations has been put
     seemingly endless digital exchanges – and researchers have                                                                                                                                               on hold this year. The reasons for this are perfectly unders-
     even dubbed this phenomenon ‘Zoom fatigue’. This is                                                                                                                                                      tandable and essential. And yet – feelings such as melancholy
     especially true in a remote work context, where we often                                                                                                                                                 and frustration do not always listen to reason, but may be the
     attend one videoconference after the other. When evening                                                                                                                                                 driving force behind creating some minor alternatives. Via
     rolls around, we have no desire also to attend a social event                                                                                                                                            Teams, people get together for a mulled wine and biscuits,
     via a video link. As long as the coronavirus restrictions allow                                                                                                                                          send Christmas greetings via United, take a walk with a
     it, the better alternative is to exit the digital space entirely                                                                                                                                         colleague, exchange recipes, ideas for gifts or tips for cultural
     and meet someone face-to-face, for example, for a coffee                                                                                                                                                 events online and on the best streaming series. Despite the
     walk. After all, sunlight, fresh air and exercise are important                                                                                                                                          distance – or perhaps because of it: stay in touch!
     for our psyche, especially during the winter months..

                                      ?                                                                      ‘... it’s a
                                              In your opinion, does the new solidarity
                                              mentioned by sociologist Heinz Bude really exist?                                             More togetherness – because it feels good

                                                                                                             matter of
                                       I currently sense a greater degree of irritation in everyday life                                    Solidarity is experiencing a renaissance during the pandemic.                           Book tip:
                                       and the mood is different than it was last summer. This is also                                      German sociologist Heinz Bude argues that we have had a                                 ‘Die Corona-Gesellschaft’
                                       due to the prevention paradox: if measures such as the first                                         new experience during the coronavirus pandemic, namely

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (The Coronavirus Society)
                                       lockdown are effective, the reason why they were taken in the                                        that we are responsible for ourselves by being responsible for
                                       first place is no longer apparent. This can lead people to become                                    others. Bude believes that we may witness a shift from                                  M. Volkmer, K. Werner (eds.):

                                       less willing to restrict their personal freedom now that we have                                     neoliberalism to solidarity. This is driven by the feeling of                           The coronavirus crisis is above all a social
                                       entered the second wave.                                                                             one’s own vulnerability and the need for protection.                                    crisis, with profound impacts on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cohesion in our country. The essays
                                       And this brings us to the topic of framing: the term ‘social                                                                                                                                 gathered here were written during the
                                       distancing’ is still widely used in the media. We don’t have to        Nicole Wronski,                                                                                                       months of the state of emergency. They
                                       distance ourselves socially, just physically. Physical distancing      New Work Advisor, Blackboat   By the way, 20 December is                                                              take stock of the situation in the
                                       would be a more appropriate term for this. Or better yet – social                                                                                                                            coronavirus society and point to
                                       solidarity. We humans benefit when we do something good for                                          International Human Solidarity Day!                                                     prospects for the future once it is over.
                                       others, in this case staying at home.
8   COMMUNITY – INVOLVEMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9
                                                                                                                  Raising awareness is the first big step
                                                                                                                  Victoria Blocksdorf sees harnessing the community as

‘We need to
                                                                                                                  the key to overcoming the feeling of powerlessness            Setting an example for sustainability!
                                                                                                                  that many of us have as individuals. We are all in the        Victoria Blocksdorf also hosts what she calls the Corporate
                                                                                                                  same boat and we can solve our problems together. In          Cleanup for companies that want to raise their employees’
                                                                                                                  this context, collecting rubbish as a group can be an         awareness of environmental protection and organise a great

tackle it
                                                                                                                  empowering experience. Blocksdorf says that her               team event. In the introductory presentation to these events,
                                                                                                                  initiatives are always also a means of raising awaren-        she cites facts, illustrates how things are interconnected and
                                                                                                                  ess and appealing to people’s shared sense of                 provides concrete suggestions for our daily lives: why is each
                                                                                                                  responsibility. The focus on the rivers clearly illustrates   and every one of us responsible for combating plastic waste?
                                                                                                                  how everything is linked together. The waste that             What needs to be taken into account when disposing of waste

                                                                                                                  enters the Rhine here may soon find its way into the          and how can each of us simply reduce our use of plastic every
                                                                                                                  North Sea and become part of the torrent of plastics          day? School classes are also invited to take part. Practical
                                                                                                                  choking the world’s oceans. Becoming galvanised into          activities are a particularly effective way for children to learn
                                                                                                                  action also involves an understanding of how our              how the world around them is interconnected. And what could
                                                                                                                  refuse threatens the very basis of our existence – the        be more compelling than digging up decades-old vestiges of
                                                                                                                  sea, which produces 75% of the oxygen that we                 the past and understanding that today’s actions have an
                                                                                                                  breathe. This is a shocking realisation that we can           impact on the future – in both a negative and a positive sense.
                                                                                                                  perhaps simply push aside at a theoretical level, but it
                                                                                                                  is a different story when we can GRASP the problem            Looking to the future!
                                                                                                                  with our own hands. With every bag, lighter, plastic          Blockblocks Cleanup gGmbH is urging people during the
                                                                                                                  bottle and cigarette that we pick up, we feel that            coronavirus crisis to go out on their own to collect rubbish
                                                                                                                  much more responsible and experience first-hand that          and post the results on social media under the hashtag
                                                                                                                  we can make a difference in the here and now.                 #alleinsammeln. This allows each individual to make their very
                                                                                                                                                                                own contribution while still highlighting our shared successes.
                                                                                                                  Heike Robin also sees the seemingly pristine Rhine
                                                                                                                  River with slightly different eyes after this inspiring       But it’s also important to look to the future and Victoria
                                                                                                                  experience. The 2 women went to work immediately              Blocksdorf is upbeat about the wide array of possibilities. She
                                                                                                                  and quickly collected a large bag of litter. According        aims to branch out to sub-groups that independently organise
                                                                                                                  to the communicator at METRO PROPERTIES, such an              Cleanups, step up efforts to raise awareness by giving talks
                                                                                                                  undertaking could also conceivably be part of a future        and presentations, organise partnership-based sponsorships
                                                                                                                  corporate event. ‘Sustainable management, assuming            and plan large-scale campaigns to ‘globalise the impact,’ as
                                                                                                                  responsibility, setting an example – all of these are         she puts it. She cites Canadian David Katz and his environmen-
                                                                                                                  tenets of our corporate DNA as stated in the Guiding          tal organisation Plastic Bank, founded in 2013, as an example
                                                                                                                  Principles,’ says Robin, ‘and it is an important state-       of how the mechanisms of the capital market can be used to
                                                                                                                  ment that we convey to the outside world through              fight for a clean environment. The idea is to pay people,
                                                                                                                  such initiatives’.                                            especially in poor countries, an adequate amount of money to
                                                                                                                                                                                collect and sort plastic waste. ‘Collecting plastic in the oceans
                                                                                                                                                                                is one of the great opportunities for mankind to preserve a
                                                                                                                                                                                planet worth living on, with opportunities for all segments of
                                                                                                                                                                                the population,’ says Katz, who has also already lent a helping
                                                                                                                                                                                hand with one of the Blockblocks Cleanups in Düsseldorf.

                                                        It was on a trip around the world or, more precisely,
                                                        on a beach in Hawaii, that Victoria Blocksdorf decided
                                                        to tackle the problem. There was a huge fishing net in
                                                        which a bunch of rubbish was caught and which she
    The Rhine is showing its best side on this sunny    could not budge, even with the help of her husband. It
    autumn day. Heike Robin and Victoria Blocksdorf     was clear to her that something had to be done and
    have met not far from the METRO PROPERTIES          that it would take a lot of people to do it. She tied a
    headquarters to talk about sustainability and       blue cord from the net around her wrist to remind
    concrete involvement. They are standing right on    herself of this situation and back in Düsseldorf began
    the banks of the river, where Blockblocks Cleanup   organising clean-up operations on the Rhine, which
    gGmbH has already managed to achieve so             washes more than 10 tonnes of rubbish into the sea
    much with its initiatives.                          every year. That was back in 2018. Much has happened
                                                        since then: in late 2019, she founded the non-profit
    Victoria Blocksdorf raves about the collective      Blockblocks Cleanup gGmbH and swapped her job as
                                                                                                                                                                                             So far, over 10,000 kg of waste has been collected in the
    Cleanup operations. ‘Anyone who has been with       a graphic designer for an ongoing commitment to
    us sees the world with different eyes,’ she says    clean up bodies of water. About once a month,                    Follow Blockblocks online:
    with confidence. As far as the 39-year-old is       between 50 and 70 people attend the 2-hour Clean-                Detailed information about Cleanups,
    concerned, collecting rubbish along the Rhine       ups on the banks of the Rhine in Düsseldorf. A core              events and presentations can be found                                               MPULSE on ways of
    and other bodies of water is merely a means of      team of 5 to 10 people is almost always involved and             at as well as on                                                 stopping the deluge
    setting sustainable processes in motion.            helps with the organisation. Valuable support also               Facebook and Instagram.                                                             of plastic.
                                                        came from other sources, such as the city’s environ-
                                                        mental agency and the Fritz Henkel Stiftung.
10   COMMUNITY – INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11

     2020 – WHAT A YEAR!                                                                                                                   During negotiations with the landlord, the colleagues also
                                                                                                                                           managed to get the proprietor to shoulder part of the rent
                                                                                                                                           shortfall due to the lockdown. It was a truly Herculean task
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Furthermore, we have continued development on our
                                                                                                                                                                                                             research and analysis tools, such as Parking Space Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and the research database/market tracker, which form the
                                                                                                                                           that was only achieved through very intensive teamwork.           basis for our daily work.
                                                  A year of enormous challenges is drawing to a close. How has
                                                  METRO PROPERTIES dealt with this in the various regions? What                            We have succeeded in advancing and completing numerous            At the same time, we have gained insights into the develop-
                                                  do we look back on with pride and what makes us confident about                          projects, some of which had been in the pipeline for a long       ment and value enhancement potential of our entire portfolio
                                                  the new year?                                                                            time. Here are some examples:                                     and can use this as a basis for setting priorities for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             coming years.
                                                                                                                                           • Conclusion of an agreement to convert the disused first
                                                                                                                                             floor of the San Donato METRO store in Milan, Italy, into the   Effective and regular communication is and continues to be

                                       Region                            developments, rental improvements and refurbishments.               new head office of METRO Italy                                  the key to successful work. This includes all parties involved:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             our colleagues in the various countries, in Düsseldorf and in

                                                                         Our colleagues reacted professionally and thoroughly to the       • Opening of the first Ukrainian Ikea pick-up point               Saarbrücken. Take, for example, our first ‘virtual regional
                                                                         special management needs of our retail parks during the                                                                             workshop’, which included a joint tele-lunch in early October.
                                                                         pandemic and were able, for instance, to implement and            • A remote due diligence of the real estate portfolio of the
                                                                         successfully finalise the refurbishment concepts in Alzey and       recently acquired Portuguese FSD company Aviludo
                                                                         Erfurt – and also attain full occupancy. These are achieve-
                                                                         ments that we will certainly continue to celebrate in 2021.                                                                         ‘Impressive! A truly
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Herculean task.’
     Over the past year, we have overcome many unprecedented
     challenges. For example, we managed to switch to remote             We also worked on additional national and international
     working virtually overnight. This was a remarkable achieve-         project developments – above all our flagship project METRO
     ment, especially with such a large team as in the Region            Campus in Düsseldorf. With the launch of the urban design
     Germany. Contending with these initially unfamiliar work            competition, we have reached a milestone that we have been
     processes, we were nevertheless able to meet our responsibi-        working intensively to achieve for years. The project develop-
     lities and provide the customary level of quality. There are no     ments at our locations in Pforzheim, Hürth, Neuss, Brühl and
     issues or projects that have been left behind or ‘scorched’ on      Bad Hersfeld are at an advanced planning stage.
     the back burner – thanks to the performance of each indivi-
     dual and our collective efforts as a team.                          Another project that is particularly worth mentioning is one
                                                                         that also directly concerns us here at METRO PROPERTIES:                                                                             construction on-site. Furthermore, MCC Turkey had decided
     The Cartagena project has continued to largely dominate our         for the move of the Düsseldorf colleagues from the ‘Am                                                                               not to open any more stores at that location. An unfinished
     day-to-day business in 2020, but we have managed to strike          Albertussee’ premises to the Campus, the team is working on                                                                          building with no future tenant/buyer had been one of the
     a healthy balance. During the pandemic, our asset managers,         diverse office concepts that reflect our pioneering role as the                                                                      biggest challenges for quite some time.
     project developers and architects and engineers were                group’s real estate experts.
     confronted with a full range of tasks, from property hand-                                                                                                                                              • The first development project in St. Petersburg, Russia, is
     overs and lease extensions to the letting of vacant space, site
                                                                                                                                           Region Asia                                                         ready to be marketed. This will be the first step towards

                         ‘Each and every one of us has
                                                                                                                                                                                                               further development projects in this attractive market.

                                                                                                                                           BY GÜNDÜZ BAYER, DIRECTOR REGION ASIA                             • The China Twins project was concluded successfully in close

                         made a great contribution!’
                                                                                                                                           All of a sudden, everyone had to contend with a new way of          cooperation with our colleagues in Düsseldorf.
                                                                                                                                           working. We at METRO PROPERTIES Turkey had been trying
                                                                                                                                           to implement this new way of working for quite some time,         • Reducing vacancy in our M1 centres was another great
                                                                                                                                           but Covid-19 facilitated the transition. Nevertheless, keeping      accomplishment by the Leasing and Centre Management
                                                                                                                                           the team together and motivated was less challenging than           teams. It is really remarkable that our colleagues were able
                                                                                                                                           expected. Now, after nearly 8 months, the team is getting           to sign several new contracts in these challenging times

     Region Europe                                                                                                                         used to the advantages of the ‘new business life’ and is
                                                                                                                                           realising that there might be no going back. Not looking into
                                                                                                                                                                                                               while negotiating Covid-19 rent reductions and securing a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               safe shopping environment. Well done – you have earned
                                                                                                                                           people’s eyes and not having direct contact is very unusual         our respect!
     BY NILS KULMANN, DIRECTOR REGION EUROPE                                                                                               and challenging for someone like me who sets great store in
     It was a year of unexpected and profound changes in our             every member of our team, for                                     personal contact and observing those around me. Not being         For the first time in 22 years, there will be no New Year’s Eve
     business environment. After we had met the asset managers           which I would like to thank everyone.                             able to travel for the first time in 10 years was a huge perso-   celebration and none of our legendary terrace parties. But
     from all European countries in Düsseldorf in February for our                                                                         nal change for me. Before the coronavirus, I was used to          what is most important is that all METRO PROPERTIES
     usual regional workshop, we suddenly found ourselves con-           The commitment and effectiveness                                  being on the road for nearly 80 days out of the year. Now my      colleagues and their families are safe and healthy!
     fronted with a completely different reality: no site visits, no     of METRO PROPERTIES Poland’s M1                                   longest ‘trip’ is from my study to the living room.
     face-to-face negotiations, no meetings with colleagues on-site.     Centre Management team was impressive in this respect. The
                                                                         colleagues were confronted overnight with the challenge of        Several challenging issues were resolved in 2020:
     At the same time, the situation made it urgently necessary for      closing large sections of the centres and making continued        • Nearly an entire 10,000 m² shop next to our Bursa MCC
     us to coordinate very intensively, both internally and with our
     business partners and associates (above all tenants and
                                                                         business operations ‘virus-proof’.                                  store that had been empty for years was leased to a
                                                                                                                                             bookstore with the help of external and internal Microsoft         ‘Well done – you have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                earned our respect!’
     landlords), in order to effectively respond to the crisis. Thanks   In addition to an ongoing dialogue with policymakers, the           Teams meetings. The concept and decoration are unique
     to relationships that have been established over the years,         next step was to speak with each tenant and find tailored-ma-       and add great value to the location.
     this worked surprisingly well. It enabled us to reach agree-        de, sound solutions for operations and leasing. In total, more
     ments within a short period of time that strengthened               than 400 rental agreements were adjusted and extended             • Selling the unfinished MCC store in Kartal, Istanbul, was one
     METRO’s cash position at the height of the crisis while             within a few months.                                                of the highlights of the year. The contractor, DKY, had run
     stabilising tenant relationships. This was only possible thanks                                                                         into financial difficulties and was unable to pursue the
     to the tremendous flexibility and dedication of each and
12   COMMUNITY – ARCHITECTURE & PROJECTS                                                                                                                                                                                         13

                                                 METRO Campus of                                                      ‘With the urban design competition, we are calling on
                                                                                                                      architects and urban developers to develop ideas for the
                                                 the future – living                                                  integration of living and working space, retail, restau-
                                                 and working in a new                                                 rants, leisure and local recreation into the design of the
                                                 dimension                                                            MET RO Campus of the future. The vision is to create a
                                                                                                                      diversified and lively urban district in the heart of the
                                                                                                                      Düsseldorf metropolitan region.’
                                                                                                                                                                                               Stefan Herbert, Head of Studio,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Corporate Project Development

     We are responding to worldwide rapid urban growth by optimally
     and sustainably integrating our locations into the cities of tomor-
     row – with concepts that provide innovative solutions in response

     to demographic transitions along with changing environmental
     conditions, work surroundings and lifestyles. In a world with

     increasingly flexible ways of living, we provide spaces where
     people can meet and enjoy life.

     We intend to pave the way for these approaches with an open urban design                                                                                                                       Interview on United with
     competition. Our basic idea is to use the urban restructuring of the METRO Campus                                                                                                              Jean-Christophe Bretxa (CEO of
     area to create a diversified and lively urban district with an attractive mix of                                                                                                               METRO PROPERTIES) and
     innovative living and working space. It will be a city within the city, in the heart of                                                                                                        Christof Knop (CEO of METRO
     the Düsseldorf metropolitan region, with the international headquarters of METRO                                                                                                               Germany).
     AG right at its centre. This will feature a sustainable mixture of uses, including the
     METRO administration, residential uses, retail, restaurants, services and leisure,
     combined with highly attractive open spaces.

     The district is to be predominantly car-free and characterised by well-designed
     public parks and spaces. This will allow METRO to make a valuable contribution to
     society and show how economic, ecological and social objectives can all be
     successfully combined.
                                                                                                        METRO Campus of the future – a conceptual study

                                                                                               A prime location with outstanding prospects for development          In cooperation with the Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf,

                                                 ‘Working in close cooperation with the        Düsseldorf is an attractive city. There has been an ongoing
                                                                                               influx of new residents to the state capital of North Rhine-
                                                                                                                                                                    METRO PROPERTIES has launched a 2-phase urban
                                                                                                                                                                    design competition involving national and international

                                                 Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, we are
                                                                                               Westphalia. The demand for urban residential and commer-             architecture and urban planning offices. In the first
                                                                                               cial properties far exceeds the limited available inner-city         phase, a jury of experts will select the best 5 designs,
                                                                                               space.                                                               which will then be further elaborated in a second, more

                                                 committed to collaborative processes,
                                                                                                                                                                    in-depth phase.
                                                                                               The METRO Campus is an institution that has evolved over
                                                                                               decades in the Grafenberg district of Düsseldorf. Its location       In June 2021, the winner of the competition will be

                                                 participation and the acceptance of
                                                                                               between the city centre, Grafenberg Forest, Düsseltal and            selected by a jury of experts consisting of representati-
                                                                                               Flingern makes the area unique. When it was purchased in             ves of METRO PROPERTIES and Düsseldorf politicians
                                                                                               1967, the site was still in an industrial area on the outskirts of   and public officials.

                                                 all players and stakeholders.’                the city; today, decades later, it has become an inner-city
                                                                                               location. From an urban planning and property management
                                                                                               perspective, the location has enormous potential for develop-
                                                                                               ment. Our METRO Campus comprises 9.2 ha of space that                For the latest
                                                  Annika Gründel, Project Manager              could be used for alternative purposes.                              information, see
                                                  PR & Internal Communications                                                                            
14   COMMUNITY – EXPLORE                                                                                                                                                                        15

                                                                                                                            A pivotal experience and a plan
                                                                                                                            ‘There must be another way.’ This was the conclusion that

                                                                                                                            Becker, who takes an active interest in political issues, came to
                                                                                                                            after a friend invited him to take a sightseeing flight over the
                                                                                                                            Sauerland region. He was so appalled by the extent of conven-
                                                                                                                            tional plantations with their monocultures, which are of no use
                                                                                                                            to the native flora and fauna, that he decided to do things

                                                                                                                            differently. ‘The Sauerland region is the birthplace of the
                                                                                                                            springs that supply the Ruhr area,’ says the forester, adding:
                                                                                                                            ‘This is where the good water comes from.’ And this water has
                                                                                                                            to be protected from insecticides and herbicides that enter the
                                                                                                                            groundwater through the soil. The Waldgärtnerei am Odin
                                                                                                                            forest nursery is living proof that, although sustainable

                                                                                                                            cultivation is a laborious undertaking, it is well worth the
                                                                                                                            effort. These days, many consumers have no qualms about
                                                                                                                            paying a few euros extra for environmentally friendly cultiva-
                                                                                                                            tion and Christmas trees that have not been treated with
                                                                                                                            chemicals. Another option is to purchase a Christmas tree in a
                                                                                                                            pot, which the organic farm also offers. Here, too, it is import-
                                                                                                                            ant to take a closer look. Many consumers are not aware that
     The Sauerland region is one of the leading areas in Germany for                                                        digging up the plant damages the extensive root system and
     the growing and selling of Christmas trees. According to the                                                           the tree has no chance of growing later. It is better to grow the
     environmental organisation Robin Wood, about one third of the                                                          fir directly in a pot, even if it means that your own Christmas
     approximately 28 million trees sold in the country each year come                                                      tree is a bit smaller than the traditional trees purchased at the
     from this region in North Rhine-Westphalia. Most of the trees in                                                       market. ‘Anything else,’ says Becker, ‘is just a sham,’ or as
     the region are cultivated conventionally, using pesticides and                                                         people now call it: greenwashing.
     herbicides, on large plantations. Anyone who would rather not
     place such a tree in their living room, but prefers organic quality                                                    For further reading: MPULSE
     instead, will have to do some serious searching.                                                                       interviews Veronika Pountcheva,
                                                                                                                            Global Director Corporate
     WE MOVE has done the research and come up with a solution: in                                                          Responsibility, METRO AG.
     Sundern, in the heart of the picturesque Hochsauerland district,
     Antonius Becker runs a forest nursery called Waldgärtnerei am
     Odin. ‘Trees are my life,’ says the forester, and you can immediately
     sense that he has put his heart and soul into this venture. In
     addition to typical indigenous species, he is also experimenting
     with exotic varieties like sequoias, red oaks and sugar maple to
     do his bit for biodiversity in the age of climate change.                                                                 Where can I buy these Christmas trees?
                                                                                                                               The lovely plants from the forest nursery in Sundern
                                                                                                                               can be admired and purchased at Lammertzhof in
                                                        It takes time and compost
                                                                                                                               Kaarst-Büttgen – a conveniently close location for
                                                        Another area of focus is the cultivation of Christmas trees,
                                                                                                                               residents of Düsseldorf. Or you can mark 19 and 20
                                                        mainly Nordmann firs. The Germans’ most popular variety is
                                                                                                                               December on your calendar, which is when you can cut
                                                        native to Georgia, and this is also where Becker obtains his
                                                                                                                               and buy your own tree and enjoy a mulled wine and a
                                                        seeds, which he plants in small beds. This is a lengthy process
                                                                                                                               panoramic view of the surrounding Sauerland country-
                                                        because during the first few years the delicate seedlings grow
                                                        very slowly, at least above ground. A bit of sheep’s wool
                                                        keeps the deer from nibbling on the young trunk and dama-
                                                                                                                               Our recommendations:
                                                        ging it. Most of the plant’s energy goes towards growing a
                                                                                                                               – Buy from local growers
                                                        deep root system. ‘But the plants around it grow plenty fast
                                                                                                                               – Keep an eye out for high-quality organic seals like
                                                        by comparison,’ explains Becker, ‘and you have to constantly
                                                                                                                                 Bioland and Demeter
                                                        remove vegetation to keep the area free of weeds.’ It is well
                                                                                                                               – No clear-cutting, pesticides, fertilisers or drainage
                                                        worth the effort, though, because the herbicides used on
                                                                                                                                 measures are used in the cultivation of organic
                                                        other plantations to combat competing plants have a lasting
                                                                                                                                 Christmas trees
                                                        detrimental impact on the soil. In the Waldgärtnerei am Odin
                                                                                                                               – On the Robin Wood list you will find sales outlets in
                                                        forest nursery, a shovel of compost accelerates the growth,
                                                                                                                                 North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland
                                                        and so after 3 to 4 years the approximately 20–30 cm high fir
                                                        trees are finally ready to be planted in rows. Here, too, regular
                                                                                                                               GET YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TREE
                                                        mowing is required to prevent the weeds and shrubs from
                                                                                                                               When: on 19 and 20 December 2020
                                                        crowding out the young trees. The classic Christmas tree that
                                                                                                                               Where: Bergstraße in 59846 Sundern
                                                        adorns people’s living rooms at home is between 7 and 12
                                                                                                                               With: Antonius Becker
                                                        years old. It is a long process, but here in Sundern they
                                                        pursue it with a great deal of conviction.
                                                                                                                               Our tip for Saarland:
                                                                                                                               Daily Christmas tree sales at Gut Lindenfels in 66440
                 More images of the forest
                                                                                                                               Blieskastel (about 25 km from Saarbrücken)
                 nursery will soon be available
                 on United. Stay tuned!
16   COMMUNITY – WE AT METRO PROPERTIES                                                                                                      COMMUNITY – WE CARE                                                                                                                   17

                  k  w  e   c a n vi e w                                                                            !
      ‘ I t h i n                   a n                                                                 ?                                    How to stay
                       t  i o n a s
       this situa .’                                                                                                                         healthy
        opp  o r t u n i t y
                           Julian Sommer, Senior Project Manager Transactions, has been with                                                 During the first lockdown, we learned to reorganise our lives.
                           METRO PROPERTIES since autumn 2017. In our new section, WE AT                                                     Many people have become surprisingly adept at juggling working
                           METRO PROPERTIES, this father of 2, a passionate hobby craftsman                                                  at home, homeschooling and homework. Now, we all find oursel-
                           and nature lover, tells us about the pitfalls of working from home                                                ves in the second wave, which experts say will be more difficult to
                           with small children and talks about what helps to calm the nerves.                                                handle. What we all need now are well-defined daily routines,
                                                                                                                                             more time to reach out to others and, last but not least, good
                                                                                                                                             sources of light for those short winter days.
     After 9 months working almost entirely from                         What positive developments could be triggered
     home, what’s your conclusion?                                       or accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic?                                                                     Acclaimed psychotherapists Marie Bartholomäus and Leonhard
          As a preventive measure and for our protection, in                  In our fast-paced and increasingly digitalised world, I feel                                               Schilbach have developed a manual that recommends specific
     mid-March we switched to working from home from one day             that the coronavirus pandemic is helping people to be tuned                                                     exercises to help you stay psychologically healthy despite cons-
     to the next and have been doing so ever since. At first, of         in to their surroundings, to pay more attention to their own                                                    traints on socialising and going out.*
     course, this major transition took some getting used to, but        needs and the needs of their families, and to adopt a more
     we were able to adapt to the new daily routines relatively          relaxed attitude towards many things. To a certain extent, our
     quickly. Most importantly, it has paid off that we have given a     normal routines have had to slow down due to public policy          1. Reach out to others                                             3. Blow off some steam
     clear structure to the day, with times set aside for specific       decisions, although this has made it necessary to rethink how       Schilbach and his colleague recommend, for example, a              Regular exercise is not always easy to get during periods of
     activities (work, childcare, organisational matters and time        we live our daily lives. But it is also clear that this pandemic    clearly structured daily routine – it is extremely important to    restricted contact – without workouts at the gym, without
     off). This has been actually the biggest challenge so far,          has economic repercussions that we will continue to feel for        actively manage your own time, that is, to determine what          courses at local clubs and without team sports. And yet it is
     because my work is mainly project-oriented and there are            many years to come.                                                 you do and what is good for you. ‘Many people don’t give           essential to continue to be active, as it boosts your immune
     always phases in a project that are more intensive and require                                                                          enough thought to creating a counterweight to compulsory           system, enhances your inner balance and helps you blow off
     more time and attention.                                            Under the conditions imposed with Covid-19, social interac-         activities during the lockdown,’ Schilbach explains. A list of     steam if you’re feeling frustrated or dreary. At any rate, your
                                                                         tions are no longer so easy-going either these days. Not            activities that includes specific times can provide orientation    daily schedule should include 30 minutes of exercise. Let’s
     What measures or rituals can help maintain a                        everyone can rely on an intact social network, and this             and be helpful. Calling a friend or relative should also be        move!
     sense of community even during periods when                         increases the risk of social segregation, especially for senior     noted down here. ‘If we stand in solidarity with all those who
     people are practicing social distancing?                            citizens who live alone. But I also think that there are positive   are not doing so well in the crisis and help them, we alleviate    4. Light to beat the winter blues
          In our department, we immediately established a set time       aspects to this situation and it can be viewed as an opportu-       their suffering, but also help to keep ourselves healthy,’         If there is simply no time for a walk during your lunch break or
     every day to discuss general and specific issues. Technical         nity. By this I mean that in many respects we can rethink our       Schilbach says. This is an important insight and a call for        you have to head to work in the dark, there are alternatives for
     solutions like videoconferencing ensure that people do not          own actions and, above all, we should savour more intensively       more togetherness and reaching out to others.                      your workplace. Daylight lamps are used – also for medical
     ‘lose sight’ of each other and that the sense of community is       those special moments that have become a rarity.                                                                                       reasons – to alleviate light deficiency symptoms. The body
     maintained. We also engage in lively exchanges of ideas in                                                                              2. Get some fresh air                                              releases more serotonin and produces less melatonin, which
     smaller working groups within the department – at a profes-                                                                             Taking a walk should be an essential part of your daily            can help with fatigue and mood swings in winter. It is best to
     sional level and also privately. The boundaries between                                                                                 routine. People tend to get less exercise, fresh air and           position the lamp right next to your computer screen to
     professional and private life are often blurred here. But it also                                                                       daylight in winter, but this is extremely important for our        compensate for the high-energy blue light that is suspected of

                                                                             Daddy working from home
     helps at times like this if personal matters are not given short                                                                        well-being. When taking a walk in the fresh air, the luminous      causing eye diseases as well as sleep and concentration
     shrift.                                                                                                                                 intensity is 2,500 lux even on dull winter days, which is higher   disorders.
                                                                                                                                             than the 500 to 600 lux typically encountered indoors. So
                                                                             ‘My children (aged 2 and 5 in March) had no idea what           get out whenever you have the chance!
                                                                             work was and why we were suddenly all at home. In
                                                                             that respect, apart from the effort of getting everyt-
                                                                             hing halfway organised, there were also some hilarious
                                                                             moments, like when the children burst into the room
                                                                             and I was in the midst of a videoconference. You can’t
                                                                             switch off the microphone and webcam quickly
                                                                             enough! My direct colleagues already knew my
                                                                             children, but now many other colleagues and external
                                                                             business partners have also come to know them.                                                                                        Info+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Some things you should bear in mind when choosing a
                                                                             In the beginning, I also didn’t soften or change my                                                                                   lamp:
                                                                             own background in the videoconference because I                                                                                       • Minimum 10,000 lux
                                                                             simply wasn’t familiar with this function. As a result, of                                                                            • Between 5,300 and 6,500 kelvin
                                                                             course, my colleagues now know what my daughter’s                                                                                     • Designated as a full-spectrum lamp and certified
                                                                             room and other rooms at home look like’.                                                                                                medical device
              Julian Sommer, Senior Project                                                                                                                  * Download the guidelines on staying                  • Tablet design with a stand for flexible positioning
              Manager Transactions                                                                                                                             psychologically healthy (‘Psychisch                 • Dimming function – for brighter days and seasons
                                                                                                                                                               gesund bleiben …’, in German, PDF).
18   COMMUNITY – NEW PERSPECTIVES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19

                                                                                                                                      Christmas is:
     Time to calm down
     Social cocooning –
                                                                                                                                      A time to read,                                                        a time to listen,
     the new nest-building                                                                                                                                      ‘DIE ZEIT. Was mein Leben reicher                                In our foodie podcast ‘Deep Dive Gastro’,
                                                                                                                                                                macht: Neue Glücksmomente aus dem                                Joël Kaczmarek and diverse experts from
     trend                                                                                                                                                      Alltag’ (DIE ZEIT. The things that make                          METRO AG talk to restaurateurs and
     For many of us, it was a comfort to be in                                                                                                                  my life richer: new joyful moments from                          industry insiders about innovations and
     contact with the people in our immediate                                                                                                                   daily life): this German book is filled                          trends in the food service industry.
     surroundings during the first lockdown.                                                                                          with gems from the popular readers’ contribution column                                    Restaurant owners tell us about their
     Suddenly forced to stay at home, the                                                                                             published by DIE ZEIT weekly newspaper, which shows week                                   practical experience, world-class chefs
     focus of attention quickly shifted to                                                                                            after week that it is often life’s little things that get us through                       whisk us into their culinary worlds and
     those around us. Withdrawing to the                                                                                              the day. The perfect gift for your loved ones – or for yourself.                           start-up business personalities give us
     private sphere is also known as cocoo-                                                                                                                                                                                      insights into their product strategies.

                                                                                                                                      and a time to bake!
     ning, which is a recurring trend.

     What is new this time around is the
     social aspect, which includes interacting
     with other people. The home is a safe
     retreat where you can be with people
     from your close circle of friends and
     family, the antithesis of a world that has
     become overwhelmingly complex. In
     times of contact restrictions, this ‘old’
     trend becomes a pressing necessity.

                                                                     Discover a
                                                                     philosopher                                                      Amaretti morbidi – the soft side                                       Cocoa beans: a superfood that
                                                                                                                                      of the Italian classic                                                 makes you happy and healthy!
                                                                     Wilhelm Schmid, 67, is a philosopher who lives in Berlin. He
                                                                     calls his concept the philosophy of the art of living and is a   Ingredients                        • 60 g egg whites                   Not only does it taste great, but its beneficial effects on mind
                                                                     much sought-after lecturer on many of life’s big questions,      (makes about 20 biscuits)            (2 medium-sized eggs)             and body are just as remarkable. Cocoa contains high levels
                                                                     including the nature of happiness, serenity, friendship and      • 275 g ground almonds (or         • 11/2 tsp amaretto (or bitter      of iron, potassium and magnesium, it increases serotonin
                                                                     enmity – to name just a few. In essence, he promotes attitu-       125 g ground pistachios 		         almond essence)                   levels and thus our sense of well-being, has a positive effect
                                                                     des and ways of doing things that are closely connected with       and 150 g ground almonds)        • Grated rind of 1 orange           on blood vessels, its antioxidants boost our immune system
                                                                     people’s everyday lives and transcend conventional trends        • 140 g sugar                      • 50 g icing sugar                  and increased levels of dopamine help us get through the day
                                                                     and movements. Schmid also sees the coronavirus crisis as ‘a     • 1 pinch of salt                                                      feeling more cheerful and motivated. Sounds like a natural
                                                                     wonderful school of life that has the potential to put us back                                                                          remedy that you could enjoy every day!
                                                                     in touch with how life really works.’ He notes that our          Quick and easy:
                                                                     ideology of autonomy gives us the illusion of having absolute    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a tray with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a t c h :
                                                                     control over our entirely positive lives. ‘This is a totally     parchment paper. Mix the almonds and orange rind with 70 g

     The Twelve Days of Christmas –                                  misconceived notion of life,’ says Schmid, who sees strong       sugar and salt.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             The pe r fe c t m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a t e !
                                                                     relationships among people as a force that ‘makes them
     a time for inner reflection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              t c h  o c o l
                                                                                                                                                                                                             cookies & ho
                                                                     resistant to adverse conditions.’                                Beat the egg whites in a bowl until foamy, but not stiff.
                                                                                                                                      Gradually add 70 g of sugar. Add the amaretto. Then add the

                                                                            ‘The whole world
     What happened this past year, and what does the new year                                                                         almond mixture and mix well with a tablespoon until you have
     hold in store for us? What do you put behind you, what do                                                                        obtained a uniform, slightly sticky dough. Scoop up gener-
     you take with you? Sometimes it is not so easy to relax                                                                          ous walnut-sized portions, carefully form them into balls be-

                                                                            shares a common
     during Advent, but the Twelve Days of Christmas have always                                                                      tween the palms of your hands and roll them in icing sugar.
     been a time for inner reflection. This contemplative period
     consists of the 11 days and 12 nights that fall between the                                                                      Place the dough balls on the baking tray with some space

     lunar year with 354 days and the solar year with 365 days.                                                                       between them. Bake for 10–13 minutes. The amaretti are
     They begin with the night from 24 to 25 December and end                                                                         ready when the underside is slightly brown, but they are still
     with the night from 5 to 6 January. Since Celtic times, these                                                                    quite soft.
     nights have been deemed to have fallen out of time: nature
     stands still and the boundaries between our world and the                                                                        Remove the amaretti from the oven and let them cool on
     realm of magic seem to dissolve. There are countless rituals                                                                     the tray. Store in an airtight container. This classic Italian
     intended to help people come to terms with themselves and                                                                        delicacy can be kept for up to 2 weeks if well packed and
     the world during this transitional period.                                                                                       makes a great gift.
20   COMMUNITY – METRO AND US                                                                                                                                                                                                          21

  l i c i o u s  a n d                                                                                                                        After Christmas comes New Year’s Eve and, with the

                                                                                                                                              coronavirus-compliant pizza party, you’re all set to revel
                                                                                                                                              on the last evening of the year. Putting togetherness
                                                                                                                                              over refinement, Karl suggests making the kitchen the

          m  e !
                                                                                                                                              perfect place to congregate. It’s where people cook, eat

awes   o                                                                                                                                      and celebrate. This is where the small select group gets
                                                                                                                                              together and everyone designs and shares their pizza
                                                                                                                                              according to their tastes and preferences. The atmo-
                                                                                                                                              sphere may be loud and lively, but it’s clearly also highly
                                                                                                                                              communicative. It doesn‘t take much to create a cosy
     One of Karl Romboy’s great talents is the ability to get right to the
     heart of things. He speaks as boldly as he cooks. As a senior consultant
     at METRO, he acts primarily as an ambassador for the food service
     industry. After 20 years of professional experience, he has developed
     a keen sense of what the food service industry actually needs – and
                                                                                                                                                                    1. Pizza dough
                                                                                                                                                                    Ingredients: 500 g Caputo flour type 00 or flour type 550,
     he supports METRO in developing ideal products for its customers.                                                                                              300 ml lukewarm water, 2 tsp salt, 5 g fresh yeast

                                                                                                                                                                    Off we go:
                                                                                                                                                                    Briefly knead together flour and water, cover and leave to rest
     The help hotline                                                                                                                                               for 1 hour. Add salt and yeast. Knead slowly in a food proces-
     The food service industry is currently contending with a really                                                                                                sor (or with a mixer) for 3 minutes, then quickly for 7 minutes.
     difficult situation; many businesses are struggling to survive and                                                                                             The dough will become noticeably more elastic and pull away
     seeking help. As a trusted partner of the industry, METRO set up                                                                                               from the edge of the bowl.
     a hotline back in spring. It’s all about flying the flag. With a hint
     of pride in his voice, Karl Romboy talks about this successful and                                                                                             Cover with cling film and set aside for 5 to 6 hours. Gently
     highly popular service, which has also been adapted by other                                                                                                   shape into 4 balls without kneading the dough again. Leave
     countries. Solidarity and community are important to him – and                                                                                                 to rest for 30 minutes and roll out on a floured work surface.
     not just in the kitchen.                                                                                                                                       Add sauce and toppings and bake at 250 degrees Celsius,
                                                                                                                                                                    with both top and bottom heat. If you don’t have a pizza
     ‘Food is emotion, it appeals to everyone.’                                                                                                                     stone, you can bake the dough on a preheated baking tray.
     He refers to his signature style of cooking as a modern version
     of Grandma’s cuisine, meaning ‘all the grandmas in the world,’ as
     he quickly adds. He recognises a basic human need for home,

                                                                                                                                              2. Toppings
     familiarity and community, which can be satisfied by eating
     together. ‘Food is what brings us to the table – eating draws us
     together,’ says the 40-year-old. It is primarily about enjoying
     each other’s company: ‘And if the food is right, so much the
     better.’ He personally recommends celebrating what we have in
     common, including – or rather, especially – at Christmas time.                                                                           Everything goes that tastes good
     Because what so often and perhaps unnecessarily stresses us                                                                              Feel free to add anything that is in season and that your local
     during the holidays are the high expectations and the perfectio-
                                                                                                                                              region has to offer – as long as it is fresh and of high quality.
     nism with which we plan and prepare the feast. It’s often best to
                                                                                                                                              When making pizza together, everyone loves to pile on the
     seek perfection in imperfection.
                                                                                                                                              toppings. A diverse and creative mixture of ingredients could
                                                                                                                                              mark the beginning of the next pizza craze. So no holding back
                                                                                                                                              on the toppings!

     Boxing Day delights – what to do with all the leftovers from
                                                                             KitchenABreak                                                                          3. Champagne
     the opulent Christmas spread? Karl has some ideas:
                                                                             The global METRO campaign encourages you to simply have                                Sabrage – the art of opening a bottle …
     1. Goose trimmings make a superb pasta sauce! Finely
                                                                             this year’s festive meal delivered. In 18 different countries,                         It’s New Year’s Eve and we intend to ring
        chopped goose giblets, a ladleful of goose gravy, a
                                                                             people are asked under the hashtag #GiveYourKitchenA-                                  out 2020 with a very big bang. A stylishly
        spoonful of cranberries – bring to a simmer in a pan with
                                                                             Break to support their local restaurants and at the same time                          sabered champagne bottle is sometimes all
        some cream, season to taste. Add tagliatelle and toss until
                                                                             enjoy a little respite from their own lockdown routine. Check                          the festivities you need. It’s best to practise
        the noodles are evenly coated with the sauce.
                                                                             out the Youtube video!                                                                 a bit beforehand with inexpensive sparkling
     2. Cut leftover bread dumplings or potato dumplings into large
        chunks, toss briefly in a pan with bacon and apple, and serve
        with winter greens like lamb’s lettuce, radicchio and endive.
        Use a simple dressing with apple or herb vinegar.
22   COMMUNITY – PEOPLE                                                                                                                          COMMUNITY – OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                        23

     Health,                                                                For most German families, Christmas Eve is
                                                                            both the beginning and the heart of the
                                                                            Christmas season. But what takes place in
                                                                                                                                                 Goodbye for now –
     happiness and                                                                                                                               see you next year
                                                                            other countries on this special evening? We
                                                                            look forward here to fascinating insights
                                                                            and Christmas greetings from our colleagues

     all the best!                                                          around the world.

                                                                                                                                                                             We have received a great deal of positive
                                                                                                                                                                             feedback on our first issue. Thank you very
     The 12 dishes of                                                                                                                                                        much for that!
     Polish Christmas                                                                                                                                                        Your questions on topics that you would
     Christmas is the most important religious festival of the year
     in Poland. Traditions that go back centuries still play an                                                        Nesrin Özkan,
                                                                                                                                                                             like to know more about are also highly ap-
     important role on Wigilia, Christmas Eve.                                                                         Department Manager                                    preciated. We are happy to take this input
     • Straw under the tablecloth serves as a reminder of the birth
                                                                                                                       Marketing & Corporate
                                                                                                                                                                             on board as inspiration for future issues.
       of Jesus in a stable.
     • Festively decorated wafers are shared before the meal as a
       symbol of love, friendship and peace.
                                                                                                                                                                             And we are pleased that you enjoy being
     • Christmas dinner with the entire family begins at dusk,                                                                                                               able to hold a printed publication in your
                                                                            Yeni Yıl ve Noel saglıkla gelsin,
       when the first star in the sky can be seen. Traditionally, the
       meal consists of 12 dishes – a reverent nod to the 12
       apostles of Christ and the monthly cycles within a year. It
       certainly pays to observe the Nativity Fast before the feast,
       as you will definitely want to try every single dish.                hayatınıza gercek mucizeler                                                                      Sustainability is also an important issue for
                                                                                                                                                                             us, which is why we print carbon neutrally
     • An additional place setting is dedicated to the memory of
       departed loved ones and symbolises hospitality.                      getirsin, kalbiniz ve yuvanız nese                                                               on environmentally friendly paper. You can
                                                                            ve sevgiyle dolsun! Istanbul-
     • After the meal, presents are unpacked, Christmas carols are
       sung and, of course, everyone ends the evening by attending                                                                                                           look forward to the first issue in the new
       a Catholic mass.
                                                                                                                                                                             year ...
                                                                            Türkiye’den sevgilerimle!
                                                                                                                                                                             Stay tuned for more!
                                       Jakub Jarczewski,
                                                                            Noel Baba – our                                                                                  The WE MOVE editorial team
                                       Head of PR and Business
                                       Development Department
                                                                            Saint Nicholas has
                                                                            travelled far                                                        PUBLISHING INFORMATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Das Druckhaus, Korschenbroich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 If you would like to receive the WE MOVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 magazine as a print publication, please
                                                                                                                                                 METRO PROPERTIES GmbH & Co. KG                        Disclaimer:
                                                                            In Turkey, where Islam is the largest religion, Christmas            Am Albertussee 1                                      METRO PROPERTIES makes every reasonable effort            send an e-mail to:
                                                                                                                                                 40549 Düsseldorf                                      to provide correct and complete information in this
                                                                            doesn’t play much of a role. On Christmas, people in Turkey                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                       magazine and to not infringe third-party trademark
                                                                            go to work just like any other day, but they celebrate the New       Project management:                                   rights. METRO PROPERTIES cannot accept any

     „Z okazji zblizajacych sie Swiat Bozego                                Year, Yılbaşı, primarily in the large cities on the west coast.      PR & Internal Communications                          liability or vouch for providing information that is up
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to date, correct and complete in this magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 You will find the digital version of the

     Narodzenia, zycze wszystkim naszym
                                                                                                                                                 Project supervision:
                                                                            • In regions of the country with Western influences, there are       Annika Gründel:   In particular, users are not granted rights of any kind   WE MOVE magazine here:
                                                                              even Advent calendars with 31 flaps to count down the days                                                               to company names and other industrial property  

     kolegom duzo zdrowia, szczescia i                                        of the month and a magnificently decorated New Year’s
                                                                              tree. People celebrate with family and friends, give each
                                                                                                                                                 Concept and design:
                                                                                                                                                 Studio Morgen, Düsseldorf
                                                                                                                                                                                                       rights held by METRO PROPERTIES or its associated
                                                                                                                                                                                                       companies without the express permission of METRO

     wszelakiej pomyslnosci. Niech rok 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PROPERTIES. The reproduction or use of graphics or
                                                                              other presents and eat many delicious dishes together.             Text and editing:                                     text created by METRO PROPERTIES is not allowed
                                                                            • Saint Nicholas goes back to a historical figure, the Bishop        Nicole Fink, Düsseldorf                               without the express permission of METRO PROPER-

     okaze sie dla wszystkich nas lepszy
                                                                                                                                                                                                       TIES. METRO PROPERTIES remains the holder of the
                                                                              of Myra, who was born around 270 AD in what is now                 Photo credits:                                        copyright to such content.
                                                                              Turkey. Children believe that Noel Baba brings them                Celine Al-Mosawi, Düsseldorf (pp. 2/8/9/14/15/24)

     niz 2020!”                                                               presents for the New Year.                                         Shutterstock (pp. 11/12/17/19/20/21/recipe card)
                                                                                                                                                 Unsplash (pp. 18/19)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Any use of the industrial property rights held by
                                                                                                                                                                                                       METRO PROPERTIES for which approval has not been
                                                                                                                                                 All other photos: METRO PROPERTIES                    granted or which abuses the owner’s rights represents
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a violation of proprietary rights and/or an infringe-
     On the occasion of the upcoming holidays, we wish all our colleagues   We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year filled with   Illustrations:                                        ment of fair competition.
                                                                                                                                                 Rebecca Bernau, Munich, (title page, pp. 2/6/7)
     an abundance of health, happiness and all the best. May 2021 be        health, joy and love! Greetings from Istanbul, Turkey!               Julian Rentzsch, Hamburg, (pp. 2/4/5/10/11/16/22)
     better, happier and more prosperous than 2020.                                                                                              Studio Morgen, Düsseldorf, (fold-out poster)                                                                    © METRO PROPERTIES, December 2020
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