COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...

Page created by Brent Buchanan
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...


for living in the
San Francisco State
Residential Community
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS               Our Community

                   STAFF &
                                Our community is composed of people from
                                diverse racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds,
                 LEADERSHIP     national origins, religious and political beliefs,
                                physical abilities, and sexual orientations.
                                Out of this diversity, we take pride in being a

     07             09          community that not only encourages positive
                                interactions and mutual respect, but that also
 THINGS TO      SHARING YOUR    appreciates our common bonds as well as our
KNOW ABOUT       LIVING SPACE   individual differences.
   SPACE                        The success of being a connected and inclusive
                                residential community requires that we not only
                                adhere to these principles, but that we take
                                responsibility for our awareness and actions

     11              13         towards all of our community members.


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                                                                                     OUR COMMUNITY PHILOSOPHY   |2
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
COVID-19                                          Residents who violate the COVID-19 Regulations outlined in this

                                                                              guide and in the Addendum to the License Agreement will be
                                                                              subject to the Residential Life Conduct Process.

                                                                                                                                     MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS
                            University Housing and Residential Life are
                            committed to providing a safe and healthy
                            housing community for our residents.
                            Following the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
                            and Prevention (CDC) as well as State and                                                                  FACE COVERINGS
                            County guidelines, we have implemented                                                     SF State continues to require face
                            various practices and protocols in effort to                                                    coverings to be worn indoors
                            protect the well-being of the residential                                                  unless an individual is alone in an
                            community. Housing’s COVID-19 regulations                                                enclosed space with a door that can
                            are subject to change depending on the                                                      be closed. Face coverings are not
                            current conditions of the pandemic and                                                         required outdoors on campus.
                            any new recommendations from the State,
                            County, or CDC.

                                                                                                                                       COVID-19 TESTING
                                                                                                                        As a continued effort to keep our
                                                                                                                        residential communities as safe as
                                                                                                                possible and prevent the potential spread
                                                                                                                      of COVID-19 amongst our residents,
                                                                                                                   all residents (regardless of vaccination
                                                                                                                status) will be required to take COVID-19
                                                                                                                            tests throughout the semester.
WHAT TO DO IF YOU'RE SICK                                                                                           Residents with COVID-19 vaccination
STAY HOME                                 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES                                                      exemptions are required to take a
To minimize the risk of exposure to       PHONE | (415) 338-1251                                                        COVID-19 test on a weekly basis.
others, do not leave your home if you     WEB |                                                 Vaccinated residents will be notified prior
are sick (except to get medical care).                                                                                  to each COVID-19 testing period.
If you are feeling symptoms related       COVID-19 RESOURCES                                                          Tests will be administered at the top
to COVID-19, reach out to Student         Student Housing Information                                           floor of Lot 20 parking structure, Monday
Health Services or contact your                                                 through Thursday from 9 AM to 1 PM.
primary care provider or urgent care.                                                                                  Registration is required through the
                                          SF State’s Campus Comeback Plan                                                              MyHealth website at:
QUARANTINE PROTOCOL                                                             
Any resident who tests positive or        General Campus COVID-19 Inquiries
becomes exposed to COVID-19 will
need to notify Student Health Services
and the Student Housing Office            San Francisco Department                                                           Wash your hands often with
immediately. To ensure the safety         of Public Health                                                              soap and warm water for at least
of the residential community, the                                                        20 seconds or use an alcohol-based
affected resident may be moved to an      Centers for Disease Control &                                                    hand sanitizer that contains at
apartment designated for quarantine.      Prevention                                                                             least 70 percent alcohol.
3 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                           COVID-19 REGULATIONS   |4
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
                                                                                             RESIDENT ASSISTANTS
                                                                                                                                                                CONNECT WITH US
                                                                                    RA       Resident Assistants (RA) are students who have
                                                                                             experience living in residential communities and are
                                                                                                                                                               STUDENT LEADERS ON DUTY
                                                                                                                                                               CENTRAL NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                                                                                               MWH | (415) 840-5283
                                                                                             familiar with what it takes to make the most of your              TCS/TJS | (415) 840-5672
                                                                                             experience here. Each RA has been carefully selected              VCS | (415) 840-5387
                                                                                             based on their ability to show concern for students
                                                                                                                                                               NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                             and to help make your living environment positive and
                                                                                                                                                               UPN | (415) 840-5959
                                                                                             educationally enriching. RAs are trained to serve as
                                                                                             community builders, activity advisors, group facilitators,        SOUTH NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                             referral agents and to answer questions.                          MSQ/UPS | (415) 840-5856

                                                                                             LEAD DESK ASSISTANTS

                                                                                  LDA        The Lead Desk Assistant (LDA) position assists with the daily operations of their respective
                                                                                             community desk and provides quality customer service to the residential community. While co-
                                                                                             supervising Desk Assistants (DA), the LDA is expected to understand and perform all DA tasks
                                                                                             and procedures in addition to administrative and supervisory responsibilities.

                                                                                             PROGRAM ASSISTANTS
                                                                                   PA        Program Assistants (PA) are students who are specifically selected to facilitate learning,
                                                                                             programming, and outreach in designated learning topics such as: Social Justice, Community
                                                                                             Programs, Academics, and Wellness. They collaborate with RAs to meet residents’ needs around
                                                                                             their assigned focus area. PAs are trained to provide resources, support residents, and collaborate
                                                                                             with campus partners to bring different education opportunities to their respective residential

                                                                                 PROFESSIONAL STAFF LEADERSHIP
                                                                                 Professional staff leaders are skilled in conflict resolution, advising, crisis intervention, resource referral, and
                                                                                 administrative management.

                                                                                             AREA COORDINATORS
                                                                                   AC        A full-time professional Area Coordinator (AC) oversees each Residential Community and can be
                                                                                             contacted through your community front desk. ACs supervise Residential Coordinators and serve
                                                                                             in a case manager role to support student learning, development, and success.

Professional                                                                       RC
                                                                                             RESIDENTIAL COORDINATORS
                                          The residential community

Staff & Student
                                                                                             There are two types of Residential Coordinators (RC): Residential Education and Community Desk.
                                          is staffed with students and

                                                                                             Residential Education RC
                                          professional staff members that
                                                                                             Full-time professional team members who supervise Resident Assistants in a specific community.
                                          are dedicated to serve you in a                    Community Desk RC
                                          variety of ways and help you be                    Full-time professional team members who aid in overseeing each residential community desk and
                                                                                             supervise a team of Lead Desk Assistants. They can be contacted through your front desk.
                                          successful outside of the classroom.
5 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                        PROFESSIONAL & STUDENT LEADERSHIP   |6
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
Things to know about                      DECORATING YOUR LIVING SPACE                                                         CLEANING TIPS

                                          You have the freedom to arrange your room and apartment
                                          furniture to your liking (with the exception of furniture that is                    EMPTY TRASH
                                          bolted down or to the wall). Since you and your apartment-mates                       REGULARLY
                                          will likely be sharing an apartment for the entire year, you should
                                          talk about how you want to arrange and decorate. Together,                         Don’t let trash build
                                          you should be able to set up your living space so you can live in it                up to the last day.
                                          comfortably.                                                                       Sort and dispose of
XX The University is respectful
   of your privacy and will limit                                                                                           your recyclables on an
                                          DECORATING REMINDERS                                                                  ongoing basis.
   entering your apartment or
   room to the following occasions:       XX Just about any method you use to attach something to the wall
                                             will cause some damage. We recommend that you use blue
   hh Your request or agreement              painter’s tape or 3M “Command” Strips for hanging; however,                       CLEAN ON A
   hh Emergencies                            none of these methods are guaranteed to not damage the
                                             walls. Any damage charges are the responsibility of the                          REGULAR BASIS
   hh Health and safety inspections
                                             resident(s).                                                                  Sweep, mop or vacuum
   hh Management of applicable
                                          XX Mounting posters, signs, or other items on your door is                         floors and clean all
      rules and regulations
                                             prohibited as it is a fire hazard and can invite vandalism.                   surfaces and frequently
   hh Inspection and cleaning when                                                                                          touched objects on a
      you or your roommate moves          XX Your room and apartment furniture must remain in your
                                                                                                                                regular basis.
      out                                    room and should not be placed in common areas. In turn,
                                             furnishings from lounges or other common areas may not be
   hh Any lawful purpose
                                             put in your room. Violators will be expected to return furniture
XX The University is not responsible         to its proper location and will be subject to a fee and/or                      USE THE RIGHT
   for possessions lost or stolen            administrative action such as the cancellation of your Student                CLEANING SUPPLIES
   from your room, apartment,                Housing License Agreement.
                                                                                                                                 When cleaning
   or from any other area of the
   residential community.                 KEEPING YOUR LIVING SPACE CLEAN                                                    surfaces, use a mild
                                                                                                                               detergent instead
                                          When living with roommates, it’s necessary for everyone to do                      of chlorine bleach or
                                          their part to ensure a clean living space. We strongly recommend                    abrasive powdered
                                          that you decide on general cleanliness standards with everyone in                        cleansers.
                                          your living space as well as how the larger cleaning tasks will be
                                                                                                                           USE A SOFT SPONGE
                                          Remember, at the end of each semester, you and your
                                          roommate(s) are responsible for a thorough cleaning of your living                   OR CLOTH
                                          space. At move-out, your living space will be inspected and you will               Do not use any sharp
                                          be billed for any missing items or damages beyond “normal wear-                   objects when cleaning
                                          and-tear.”                                                                        surfaces, especially the
                                                                                                                             stove, refrigerator or

7 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                          THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR LIVING SPACE   |8
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
                              Communication is key when forming and maintaining new                                       One of the most important relationships you’ll have this year is the
                              relationships. Understand that people come from their own
         TO SUCCESSFUL        personal experiences, some of which you may not understand,                                 one you cultivate with your roommate(s).
ROOMMATE RELATIONSHIPS        which makes it important to stay respectful and flexible with
                              each other. Your room and apartment will serve as a second
                              home to each of you, so it is vital you all feel welcome and
       EXPECTATIONS           respected in your own home environment.
    Each person may
    have a different          ROOMMATE COMPLAINTS               despite our differences, are
      view of what                                              the hallmarks of a person’s
                              In SF State Housing, reports      development into adulthood.
     sharing space
                              of unjust behavior can be         During mediation, all
         means.               made to any staff member.         residents involved in the
                              The staff member will             situation will be asked to
                              assist or direct you to the       discuss their concerns and
     COMMUNICATION            appropriate resources to
                              support you with your
                                                                attempt to find a mutually
                                                                agreeable resolution with
      Open lines of           concern. If you are not           assistance from the staff
    communication;            comfortable on your               member present.
   talk to each other         floor or in your room or
    about needs and           apartment, speak with your        ROOM CHANGES
        concerns.             Resident Assistant or Area
                              Coordinator. Staff is available   For health and safety reasons
                              to assist if you wish to have     due to COVID-19, room
                              a mediation or conversation       changes will be minimized.
        FLEXIBILITY           with your roommate(s)             Every effort should be made
                                                                to resolve any conflicts with
                              about expectations in your
     Remain open              living space.                     your roommate and avoid
    to doing things                                             changing rooms.
    differently than          RESOLVING ISSUES                  If you feel that the
     what you are                                               differences are too extreme

                              If you encounter problems         or that your safety or
        used to.
                              with your roommate, we            security are a concern, speak

                                                                                                                                                 YOUR LIVING SPACE
                              strongly encourage you to         with your Area Coordinator
                              go through the mediation          about options that may be
          RESPECT             process with the Resident
                              Assistant to begin creating
                                                                available. If a room change
         Respect                                                is necessary, you will be
                              an environment that fosters       instructed to fill out a Room
      each other’s            open dialogue in an effort        Change Request form on the
   differences, needs         to resolve room/apartment         housing portal. The Room
     and priorities.          concerns. We believe              Change Request form will                                                                    You and your roommate(s) will be required to complete an
                              sharing space and learning        be available two weeks after                                                                    Apartment/Roommate Worksheet. Your RA will explain
                              to respectfully co-exist          move-in.                                                                                            how to fill it out at your first floor meeting.

VACANCIES IN YOUR APARTMENT                             your apartment clean.                                  of $50.00 and may be required to participate          the Student Housing Office reserves the right to
                                                        If you will be receiving a new roommate, the           in an administrative review (for information on       consolidate you with another person who also
If a vacancy occurs in your apartment, you should                                                              administrative reviews see the section on "Resident   does not have a roommate. This means that you
expect to receive a new roommate. This means you        Student Housing Office staff will notify you of
                                                        their arrival. Residents who fail to have their room   Conduct").                                            may be required to change rooms. Please consult
should be prepared for a roommate at all times                                                                                                                       the "Terms and Conditions Student Housing
by using only your assigned bedspace and keeping        prepared for a new roommate at the time of their       Depending upon the time of year that a room
                                                        arrival may be assessed an administrative charge       vacancy occurs, if you do not have a roommate,        License Agreement Section IV B".

9 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                     SHARING YOUR LIVING SPACE   | 10
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
Things to Know About                                                   PARKING

                                                               Due to limited parking on campus, we
                                                               strongly encourage students to use a bike or
                                                               public transportation. Any vehicle parked on
                                                               campus must display a valid permit. For more
                                                               information, visit
Your SF State Student ID provides access to the main doors     BICYCLES
of your building. If you lose this card, go to One-Stop
Student Services Center located across from Village Building
                                                               Be sure to properly lock all parts of your bicycle
                                                               to the bike rack.                                              CENTRAL NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                                                     Mary Ward Hall (MWH) | Towers at Centennial Square (TCS)
C to replace it.
                                                               BIKE RACK LOCATIONS                                  Towers Junior Suites (TJS) | Village at Centennial Square (VCS)
In order to maintain the security of our residential           TCS, VCS, MWH, UPS, & UPN | Near the front
communities, residents are required to show their Student      entrance of each building.                                  24 HOUR COMMUNITY DESK
                                                                                                                          MWH | 800 Font Blvd. | (415) 406-5703
ID to the Desk Assistant (DA) every time they enter their      MSQ | Ground level near the parking garage.
                                                                                                                           TCS | 796 Font Blvd. | (415) 405-9360
building. The DA must be able to clearly see the photo                                                                    VCS | 750 Font Blvd. | (415) 405-8000
identification on your Student ID. If you refuse to show               TRASH & RECYCLING
your Student ID, you may be documented and undergo the
Residential Life conduct process.                              LOCATIONS
                                                                MSQ Near elevators or at the end of the
RESIDENCE COMMUNITY CONSERVATION                                TCS  All floors near the elevators
The following controls have been installed to help the          TJS  All floors at the end of the hall
University meet our conservation responsibilities:              UPN Gardens: near the carports
XX Aerators are installed in showers and sinks to reduce             High-rises: near the elevators
   the amount of water used without reducing water              UPS  Near the carports
   pressure.                                                    VCS  All floors near the elevators
XX Water temperatures are reduced to 120°-130°
XX Toilets have been reduced to a 1.6-gallon flush.                    LAUNDRY ROOMS                                            NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                                                                     University Park North (UPN)
                                                               $1.75/wash and $1.25/dry. Support information
                                                                                                                           24 HOUR COMMUNITY DESK
DO YOUR PART TO CONSERVE                                       and instructions available in each laundry room.          UPN | 295 Buckingham | (415) 566-1556
                                                               At MSQ, all laundry machines are coin operated.
XX Regulate the use of window blinds to take full              A credit or debit card can be used through the
   advantage of the sunlight to warm your room.                Wash Connect App. Laundry machines in all other
XX Reduce the length of your showers to save water and         communities require a credit or debit card to
   the energy used in heating it.                              operate.
XX Don’t leave the water running while shaving or
   brushing your teeth.                                        LOCATIONS & ACCESS
XX Close faucets tightly and report leaky faucets.             MSQ     Main level near the front desk.
XX When possible, wash full loads of laundry and use the               Access: iButton
   cold water cycle.
                                                               TCS     1st floor
                                                               TJS     1st floor TCS
                                                               UPN     Throughout North neighborhood
                                                                       Access: external door key                                SOUTH NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                                                           Manzanita Square | University Park South (UPS)
                                                               UPS     Throughout South neighborhood
                                                                       Access: laundry door key                            24 HOUR COMMUNITY DESK
                                                               VCS     3rd Floor of Bldg. A/B & 2nd Floor of               MSQ| 2 Varela Ave. | (415) 338-0510
                                                                       Bldg. C
11 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                           THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR BUILDING           | 12
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
Services &
                                                        OUTGOING MAIL                                                                                                              CONNECTION & SUPPORT INFORMATION

                                                        Residential community desks do not offer outgoing                                                                          MSQ
                                                        mail services and are unable to hold packages.                                                                             Network | MyCampusNet
                                                        Outgoing mail and packages will need to be sent by
                                                        the Post Office or other package delivery service.                                                                         How to Connect | Log in with your
                                                                                                                                                                                   MyCampusNet account or use the default
                                                        Post Office | 1543 Sloat Blvd.                                                                                             password/key: internet. Visit housing.sfsu.
                                                        FedEx Office | 1597 Sloat Blvd.                                                                                            edu/tech-services for additional information.
                                                        UPS | 1559 Sloat Blvd., Ste. B
                                                                                                                                                                                   Support | (833) 548-4746 or email support@
                                                        FORWARDING MAIL                                            CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET                            

                                                        University Housing is unable to forward mail. To           Internet is provided by either Apogee or MyCampusNet,
                                                                                                                   depending on the building you live in. Detailed directions      MWH, TCS, TJS, VCS & UPN (furnished
                                                        avoid any complications, be sure to change your
                                                                                                                   on how to connect will be emailed to your SF State email        units at 1-197 and 225-235 Buckingham)
                                                        address directly with the Post Office (
                                                        umove) and all agencies that you receive mail from         account at check-in.                                            Network | Apogee
                                                        before moving out. In addition, be sure to update          Please Note: Not all smart devices are compatible in our        How to Connect | Visit and
                                                        your address with the University so that University        environment. If you have trouble setting up a device,           register your account using your SF State ID.
                                                        refunds and/or invoices reach you in a timely              contact your provider for assistance.
                                                        manner.                                                                                                                    Support | (888) 478-8864
                                                                                                                   IMPORTANT NETWORK REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                   XX Do not set up a router or wireless access point. Doing so    UPS & UPN (furnished units at 200-399
                                                                                                                      will cause interference for your neighbors and may slow      Buckingham & 400-460 Winston)
                                                                                                                      them down or cause them to lose access all together.         Network | Resnet
LETTER MAIL                                                                                                           Your services may be suspended if you are found to be
                                                                                                                      causing interference.                                        How to Connect | A password and voucher
Letter mail will be delivered                                                                                                                                                      was sent to your SF State email address
to your assigned mailbox in                                                                                        XX Do not share copyrighted materials illegally. Illegal file   at check-in. Visit
your building. Mail boxes are                                                                                         sharing on campus is tracked and legal action will be        oncampusresidentwifi for information about
located in the lobby area of all                                                                                      pursued.                                                     voucher codes.
communities and can be accessed
with your mailbox key. Please                                                                                                                                                      Support | (415) 338-1420 or submit a service
                                                                                                                                                                                   request at
Note: If you receive mail in your
mailbox addressed to someone                         PACKAGE PICK-UP
else, please return it to your                       Once your package is ready for pick up, you will be
community desk.                                      notified via your SF State email address. Packages are
                                                     generally processed within 72 hours of receipt and must
PACKAGE DELIVERY                                      be retrieved within 48 hours of processing. Please allow
                                                      for longer processing time during high volume package
To ensure proper delivery, your
                                                       times, such as the beginning of each semester and
packages should be addressed to:
[Full Name]
[Last 5 digits of SF State ID]   PICK-UP LOCATIONS
[Building address with
apartment/unit number &                     MSQ                  MWH, TCS, TJS,             UPN and UPS
space letter/number]                Packages are delivered         and VCS                Packages are delivered
San Francisco, CA 94132                to lockers on the                                      directly to each
                                                                   The mail room is          apartment. Some
MSQ | 2 Varela Avenue                      main floor.          located at the Towers      packages may be left
MWH | 800 Font Boulevard            The pick-up code from         Community Desk.         outside if the package
TCS | 796 Font Boulevard            your email notification                                                                       Keep your computer free of viruses and other forms of computer
                                                                  Your SF State ID is       carrier is unable to
UPN & UPS | Various                 is needed for pick-up.        needed for pick-up.       access the building.                  compromise by running current antivirus/anti-malware software.
VCS | 750 Font Boulevard

13 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                                SERVICES & AMENITIES   | 14
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
Services &                                                     RENTERS INSURANCE                                                     For your safety, keep your

                                                               As a benefit of living on campus, residents will                      door locked at all times.
                                                               have $100,000 in liability insurance provided for
                                                               them through SF State and GradGuard. Liability
                                                               coverage is now included in your housing fees
                                                               and protects you financially from unintentional                                            LOST KEYS & LOCK CHANGES
                                                               damage due to fire, water and other causes
                                                               of loss to University property caused by your               Your keys are valuable and you should make every
                                                               negligence.                                               effort to keep them secure and in your possession at
FACILITIES CONTACT INFORMATION                                                                                            all times. It is a violation of your License Agreement
                                                               OPTIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE
TCS, VCS, MWH, UPS, & UPN                                                                                                   to duplicate and/or distribute your keys to others.
                                                               In an effort to provide residents with a quality
Email |                                                                                                  If you lose your key(s), visit your community front
                                                               personal property insurance option, SF State
Phone | (415) 405-0579                                                                                                      desk to request a lock change. This is a mandatory
                                                               has partnered with GradGuard. If you choose
To submit a service request visit:                                                                                       action that will ensure the security of our community.
                                                               to obtain coverage for your personal property
                                                               on an optional basis, GradGuard can provide                          Lock change fee $50 | Additional key $5
MSQ                                                            protection from fire, water damage, theft and
Email |                     other causes of loss for about $11/month.
Phone | (415) 338-0510                                         For more information about GradGuard,
To submit a service request visit:                             visit                                                           LOCKOUT PROCEDURE                                 partners?school_id=5712.
                                                                                                                                   If you lock yourself out of your apartment,
                                                               The University will not be financially responsible
REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE                                          for replacement of any damaged or stolen items
                                                                                                                                you may check out a temporary key from your
                                                                                                                                  community front desk for up to 30 minutes.
For any facilities-related issues in your living space,        or for a resident's liability unless it is a direct and
                                                               proximate result of the University’s negligence.                    If the temporary key is not returned to the
you will need to put in a service request. Unless it is
                                                                                                                                desk within this time frame, an automatic lock
an emergency, service requests will be processed the
next business day.                                                                                                               change may be initiated for security purposes
                                                                                                                                   and you will be charged a lock change fee.
For facilities-related emergencies, contact the on-
duty Resident Assistant by going to your community                                                                              When checking out a temporary key, staff will
desk.                                                                                                                          need to verify your identity and bedspace prior
                                                                                                                                        to providing you access to your space.
For all other emergencies, contact the University
Police Department (UPD) at (415) 338-2222.                                                                                                                         Please Note:
                                                                                                                                   XX Residents are provided ONE [1] courtesy
PEST CONTROL                                                                                                                                       lockout per academic year.
If you have pest control issues or notice abnormal                                                                              XX If you have requested an excessive number
cracks or crevices that pests may be able to exploit                                                                              of temporary keys, you and your roommate
in your room or apartment, please submit a service                                                                                      may be required to verify possession of
request.                                                                                                                               your keys and a meeting with an Area/
                                                            Keeping your living space clean and storing                              Residential Coordinator may be necessary
All residents should take the following precautions         food properly will keep pests away.                                              due to the increased security risk.
to help ensure that your living space is free of pests:
                                                                                                                                     XX When locked out, you will be assisted
                                                                                                                                       within a time frame that is reasonably
                                                                                                                                          possible, but you may need to wait
      STORE IT                   CLEAN IT          RINSE IT
                                                                                                                                                           for available staff.
      Store food            Keep your room      Rinse food from
   properly and do           and apartment        cans before
    not leave food         clean. Don’t leave   placing them in
    out overnight.         damp clothing or     your recycle bin.
                              towels out.

15 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                               SERVICES & AMENITIES   | 16
COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS - A HOW-TO GUIDE for living in the San Francisco State Residential Community - San ...
Residential Dining                                             San Francisco State Dining                                          MEAL PLAN OPTIONS

                                                                                                         FLEX DOLLARS
                                                                  Services is focused on serving     Flex dollars can be used to      19 meals/week               +      $75 flex dollars
                                                                                                     purchase additional meals
                                                                  healthy and sustainable food       or retail items at City Eats     15 meals/week               +      $100 flex dollars
                                                                  options using fresh ingredients   or Bricks and are disbursed       12 meals/week               +      $250 flex dollars
                                                                                                    in two increments (half the       5 meals/week                +      $200 flex dollars*
                                                                  and our culinary expertise.         total amount in fall and        *University Park North residents only.
                                                                                                       half in spring) after the      Please Note:
   MEAL PLAN PARTICIPATION                                                                            deadline to change your
                                                                                                                                      XX Meals cannot roll over from week-to-week and are
                                                                                                      meal plan each semester.
   Participation in a meal plan is                                                                                                       not transferrable.
   mandatory for all Licensees residing in                                                                                            XX For mandatory meal plans, unused meals (swipes)
   the following communities:                                                                          GATOR DOLLARS                     expire at the end of Saturdays and load on Sunday
                                                                                                    Gator Dollars work just like         for the new week.
   XX Mary Ward Hall
                                                                                                      cash at residential dining
   XX Towers at Centennial Square                                                                     facilities and can be used      CHANGING YOUR MEAL PLAN
   XX Towers Junior Suites                                                                          to buy additional meals or        You can request a change of meal plan once a semester.
                                                                                                     snack and beverage items         The last day to submit a change of meal plan request is:
   XX Village at Centennial Square
                                                                                                    at the Bricks for yourself or     Fall 2021 - August 30, 2021
   XX University Park North                                                                         a guest. Gator Dollars may        Spring 2022 - February 7, 2022
   Residents at Manzanita Square                                                                       be purchased online at:        For instructions on how to change a meal plan go to
   and University Park South may                                                                 
   purchase voluntary meal plans at:

   YOUR MEAL CARD                                                                                   GRAB-N-GO MEALS                                                            CITY EATS
   Your meal card is also your SF State ID card and will be                                         If you do not wish to dine in-person, grab-n-go meals                         Weekdays
   swiped every time to pick up a meal. If your card is lost,                                       can be ordered using the Transact Mobile Ordering                     Breakfast | 7:30 AM-10 AM
   stolen, or damaged, go to One-Stop Student Services Center                                       App. Visit for more                              Lunch | 11 AM-2 PM
   to replace it. Because your Student ID is also a key to many                                     information on how to download and use the app.                          Dinner | 5 PM-9 PM
   of the main doors of our facilities, it cannot be given to                                                                                                                    Weekends
   another resident or guest to purchase a meal.                                                    WHAT’S INCLUDED IN A MEAL
                                                                                                                                                                            Brunch | 10 AM-2 PM
                                                                                                    When you arrive to pick up your grab-n-go meal,
                                                                                                                                                                         Snacks & Drinks | 2 PM-5 PM
                                                                                                    you may go to one of the entrée stations to make
   COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS                                                                             your selection. You can then move to the dessert
                                                                                                                                                                               (Saturday only)
                                                                                                                                                                             Dinner | 5 PM-9 PM
   Residential Dining Services has taken several precautions to                                     bar (lunch and dinner only), and the beverage bar to
   minimize risk of exposure to COVID-19 including: frequent                                        complete your meal.
   disinfecting of all surfaces, wearing face coverings and                                         Breakfast | Entrée and a beverage                                            BRICKS
   gloves, the installation of hand sanitizers stations, and a                                      Lunch & Dinner | Entrée, dessert, and a beverage                              Weekdays
   clear protective barrier at the cashier’s station.                                                                                                                   Breakfast & Lunch | 9 AM-2 PM
                                                                                                    STAY CONNECTED WITH THE BITE U APP                                   Snacks & Drinks | 2 PM-5 PM
   WHEN DINING IN-PERSON OR PICKING UP YOUR MEAL                                                                      Learn what’s on the menu each day,                     Dinner | 5 PM-9 PM
              WEAR A FACE COVERING                                                                                    find nutrition information about your                      Weekends
              Face coverings are required at all times (except                                                        meal, and more.                                         CLOSED Saturday
              when eating).                                                                                           Available for download at the App                     Brunch | 11AM-2 PM
              MANAGE YOUR DISTANCE                                                                                    Store or Google Play.                              Snacks & Drinks | 2 PM-5 PM
              Maintain as much distance as possible when                                                                                                                     Dinner | 5 PM-9 PM
              around others.

17 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                         RESIDENTIAL DINING & MEAL PLAN   | 18
Although there are limited in-person community programs this semester due
to COVID-19, there are still a number of ways you can get involved in your        RESIDENTIAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION (RHA)
community. One way is through our virtual learning communities in the areas
of Wellness, Academic Success, and Social Justice. For details, check your        RHA sponsors numerous activities to enhance your living/learning experience on
floor newsletter or contact your RA. There are also numerous organizations        campus. In addition to providing great activities and events for you to participate
available through the Residence Hall Association and an abundance of              in, RHA represents the student voice.
leadership opportunities available at the campus level within Residential Life.   RHA’s mission is to represent the views of undergraduate/graduate residents
                                                                                  to Residential Life, Housing, Dining & Conference Services, Associated Students,
                                                                                  and the University. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, contact
                                                                         or check with your RA.

                                                                                  HALL GOVERNMENT                               THE ACADEMY
                                                                                  Hall Government serves as the voice           The Academy provides a place for
                                                                                  of those in a particular residential          gamers to meet and form connections.
                                                                                  community. Through this leadership            This organization typically runs three
                                                                                  opportunity you can serve as an               event types: tabletop games, video
                                                                                  advocate for your peers while creating        games, and animé media nights. The
                                                                                  and sponsoring events/programs for the        Academy also collaborates with other
                                                                                  community in which you reside.                student organizations on campus.
                                                                                  EGAY (Everything Great About You)             WAVES
                                                                                  This student organization works to            Waves aims to create a safe and
                                                                                  provide a sense of belonging and              inclusive environment for AAPI
                                                                                  community for LGBTQ+ residents and            residents. This organization plans to
                                                                                  their allies. This is achieved through        bring awareness to the AAPI community
                                                                                  numerous educational programs, active         and the issues they face through both
                                                                                  discussions, and by providing a space for     social and educational programming.
                                                                                  camaraderie and personal development.         Waves aspires to connect the AAPI
                                                                                                                                community together, amplify their
                                                                                  NRHH (National Residence Hall                 voices, and advocate for their needs.
                                                                                  NRHH is dedicated to serving all              HOLA (Housing Organization for
                                                                                  communities through service,                  LatinX Ancestry)
                                                                                  recognition, and leadership. NRHH gives       HOLA aims to create a welcoming and
                                                                                  residents the ability to grow personally,     empowering space for learning about
                                                                                  academically and professionally               LatinX culture in a community-oriented
                                                                                  through providing community service           manner. This is accomplished by
                                                                                  and hands-on leadership opportunities,        focusing on its core values: social justice,
                                                                                  as well as academic and social                equity, and cultural humility.
                                                                                  programming. Membership in NRHH

Get Involved in
                                                                                  requires a written application and            BRUH (Black Residents United in
                                                                                  formal review process.                        Housing)
                                                                                                                                BRUH is a student-led, student-run

                                                                                  ECOLIFE                                       organization within Residential Life
                                                                                  EcoLife provides advocacy for                 that provides a fun and engaging space
                                                                                  sustainability initiatives by participating   for residents who identify with this
                                                                                  in on/off campus events such as               group by origin as well as for resident-
                                                                                  bringing leftover food to local food          allies who want to gain a deeper
                                                                                  pantries, and implementing energy             understanding of the Black community.
                                                                                  saving competitions.
19 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                             GET INVOLVED IN YOUR COMMUNITY    | 20
Things to Know About Your                                                  By signing the Student             CANCELLATION PROCESS                                        an ITV form. You will only be allowed to move out if

                                                                                                                                                                          you have received an official written approval from
                                                                           Housing License Agreement,         If you meet the cancellation criteria and are eligible      the Student Housing Office. If you choose to move
                                                                           you are expected to follow         to cancel your License Agreement, you will need             out even though your ITV notice has been denied,
                                                                           and agree to comply with           to provide 30 days’ notice by submitting an Intent          you may be required to pay full fees for the entire
                                                                                                              to Vacate form (ITV), which can be found on the             academic year as required by the License Agreement.
                                                                           the Terms and Conditions.          housing portal. Supporting documentation will need
                                                                                                              to be received within 3 business days. Failure to           Providing 30-days’ notice is not the only requirement
                                                                                                              provide documentation will result in your ITV request       for cancellation. Approval is only given if the
PAYMENTS                                              CANCELLATION DURING THE FEE PERIOD                      to be denied.                                               students meet the stated criteria AND provide 30-
                                                                                                                                                                          days’ notice. Students who meet the criteria must
                                                      A request to cancel a Student Housing License           The Student Housing Office will respond to ITV              provide verifiable documentation along with their
Payments are due on the payment date outlined                                                                 requests within 3 to 5 business days of receiving the
                                                      Agreement during the License Term requires                                                                          ITV form. Documentation must be objective or
in Part 2 of the License Agreement. Failure to                                                                form.
                                                      thirty (30) days’ notice prior to the date that the                                                                 verifiable and support the criteria for requesting
meet the appropriate payment date will result in
                                                      Licensee intends to vacate the facilities. A Licensee                                                               a cancellation. For example, if a student says he
a late charge of $20.00 and possible legal action
                                                      whose request is approved shall owe an amount           COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT CANCELLING                      or she will need to cancel their Student Housing
to collect delinquent housing fees. For details on
how to pay, visit          equal to a prorated charge for each day from                                                                        License Agreement because they are withdrawing
                                                                                                              Assuming that your License Agreement will be
                                                      the beginning of the fee period, through the end                                                                    from school, they need to provide a copy of their
                                                                                                              automatically cancelled because you have submitted
RETURNED CHECKS                                       of the required notice period unless otherwise                                                                      withdrawal form.
                                                      indicated in the Agreement. The University
If a check is returned on your account (whether
it is your check or someone else’s check)
                                                      may grant or deny the request to cancel. The
                                                      determination will be based on the following                                                 If you have an outstanding conduct record
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MOVE-OUT STEPS
it remains your responsibility to clear the
                                                                                                                                                   or violation of any License Agreement or

                                                      standards with appropriate verification:
obligation. If you are aware the check with
                                                                                                                                                   Community Living Standards terms, you
which you made your Housing payment is going          X End of Student Status – certification from
                                                                                                                                                   may be required to vacate your room or
to be returned by the bank, contact University          Registrar’s Office required.
                                                                                                                                                   apartment prior to the scheduled check-               PREPARE FOR
Housing so we may advise you as to the proper         X Marriage or Domestic Partnership – marriage                                                out date. In some cases, this may be
procedure to clear the check.                           or domestic partnership certificate required.                                                                                                     MOVE-OUT
                                                                                                                                                   immediate or within 24 hours of your last
Please Note:                                                                                                                                                                                            Review the move-out
                                                      X Hardship or Extraordinary Circumstances                                                    final.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      instructions at housing.
XX Your Housing fees are payments to the State          When occurring subsequent to the signing                                                   Violations occurring during finals week,   move-out-
   of California. Therefore, if your check bounces      of the Student Housing License Agreement                                                   which are not adjudicated before the                     information.
   you could be liable for three times the              determined by the University to be beyond                                                  resident leaves, will be placed on hold until
   amount of the check, or $100.00, whichever is        the control of Licensee. Appropriate                                                       the resident returns to campus. This could
   more, plus any court costs. For each returned
   check there is an immediate “Returned Check
   Fee” of $20.00 that must be paid in addition
                                                        documentation may be required.
                                                      If the request does not meet the above conditions,
                                                                                                                                                   affect your standing in Housing for the
                                                                                                                                                   next academic year.                                          2
                                                      it will not be approved, and:                                                                                                                      RETURN KEYS
   to the amount of the returned check or                                                                                                          IMPROPER CHECKOUT                                      Fill out check-out
                                                      XX If the University is able to find a suitable                                              In order to avoid being charged for an
   declined credit card payment.                                                                                                                                                                         paperwork at your
                                                         replacement for the Licensee so that the overall                                          improper checkout, please be sure to fulfill
XX A returned check places you in violation of           occupancy of the facilities is not adversely                                                                                                 community desk & turn
                                                                                                                                                   all of your responsibilities when you move
   your Student Housing License Agreement                impacted, and if the 30-day notice requirement                                                                                                 in all of your keys &
                                                                                                                 END OF YEAR MOVE-OUT
                                                                                                                                                   out. Charges can be applied for the
   and must be cleared immediately to prevent            has been met, the Licensee will be released                                                                                                         parking pass.
                                                                                                                                                   following (this is not an exhaustive list):
   termination of your License Agreement and             from the License Agreement and shall owe
   subsequently eviction.                                                                                           When moving out                X Not returning your room or apartment

                                                         an amount equal to a prorated charge for
                                                         each day from the beginning of the fee period                                               to the same condition
XX Until the financial obligation is cleared, a                                                                      at the end of the
                                                         through the end of the required notice period.                                            X Not returning key(s) at time of check
   hold will be placed on your University record,                                                                      academic year,                out. (Do not mail your keys)
   which restricts you from University services       XX If the University is not able to find a suitable          your room and any                                                                       PAY YOUR
                                                                                                                                                   X Missing/damaged furniture
   including registration, grades, and transcripts.      replacement for the Licensee, to the effect                                                                                                       BALANCE
                                                                                                                 shared spaces should              X Leaving belongings/objects in room
XX Payment for returned checks can only be in            that the overall occupancy of the facilities              be left in the same             X Damaged walls (holes, paint, stains,              Pay any outstanding
   the form of a cashier’s check, money order or         is adversely impacted, the Licensee will be                                                 etc.)                                             balances for Housing
                                                         charged for room and board fees through
                                                                                                                    condition as when
   cash.                                                                                                                                           X Improper cleaning                                   on your account.
                                                         the end of the fee period or a lesser fee as                      you arrived.
                                                         determined by the University.
21 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                      THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT   | 22
                                                                                                                        fire exit as shown on the map on the back of            XX Know the evacuation routes and meeting
For your safety and that of others, please
practice general safety precautions at all
                                                                      UPD CONTACT INFORMATION                           your door or building bulletin board. Do not use
                                                                                                                        the elevators.
                                                                                                                                                                                XX Keep an earthquake bag with:
times. To familiarize yourself with University                        EMERGENCIES                                    XX Because stairwells may also draw smoke, only use           hh Water
Police Department’s Crime Prevention and                              XX 911 (from campus phone line)                   the designated fire exit stairwells. Residents of
                                                                                                                        TCS should use the end stairwells.                         hh Extra change of clothes and shoes
Emergency Preparedness information visit                              XX (415) 338-2222 (from cell phone)                                                                          hh Flashlight with fresh batteries
                                                                                                                     XX Remain away from the building until the Police, If you observe any suspicious                           NON-EMERGENCIES                                   Fire Department, or staff member gives the all             hh Transistor radio with batteries
activity on campus, immediately contact the                           XX (415) 338-7200                                 clear.                                                     hh Medication and aspirin
University Police Department.                                                                                        XX Follow instructions of the University Police               hh Small first aid kit with water purifying tablets,
                                                                                                                        Department and University officials at all times.             scissors, small knife
                                                                                                                     Please Note: Residents who do not immediately                 hh Toilet paper and pre-packaged baby wipes
        FIRE SAFETY, RULES & REGULATIONS                    XX To activate the building alarm, pull down the
                                                                                                                     evacuate the building during a fire alarm are subject
                                                               lever inside the protective cover.                                                                                  hh Granola bars, candy bars, protein bars
                                                                                                                     to disciplinary action.
IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE                                      FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE                                                                                              hh Cash
                                                                                                                     RULES & REGULATIONS
1 | NOTIFY                                                  Location of Evacuation Procedures are posted on the                                                                    hh Remember to change the water, medication,
                                                                                                                     XX Fire codes (1988 UBC, Section 3305h1) require
Call UPD to report the incident.                            bulletin boards in each building or on the back of                                                                        food and batteries every month to keep them
                                                                                                                        doors to be self-closing. The California State
2 | TAKE ACTION                                             some resident room or apartment doors.                                                                                    fresh.
                                                                                                                        Fire Marshal requires that no doors be propped
XX Do not try to fight a fire yourself. Go to a fire        IMPORTANT REMINDERS                                         open with any object or dismantling of any door-        XX Keep a list of emergency numbers. Choose an
   alarm pull station and pull the lever to activate        XX Do not assume a fire alarm is false.                     closing device.                                            out-of-area friend or relative whom separated
   the building alarm.                                                                                               XX It is against University, State, and Federal               family members and friends can call after an
                                                            XX Do not stop to take valuables.                                                                                      earthquake to report their whereabouts and
XX After pulling the lever, immediately evacuate the                                                                    regulations to tamper with any part of a building
                                                            XX Before passing through any door, feel the door                                                                      condition.
   building.                                                                                                            fire alarm system, including smoke detectors, fire
                                                               with your hand. If the door is hot, DO NOT touch                                                                 XX Know the safe spots in each room: under sturdy
                                                                                                                        hoses, or extinguishers. Any person sending a
TO USE A PULL STATION                                          the doorknob and DO NOT open the door.                                                                              tables, desks, or against inside walls, etc. Keep
                                                                                                                        false fire alarm or violating any provision of the
Fire alarm pull stations are located in every public        XX If it appears safe to open the door, brace yourself      State fire laws is subject to University disciplinary      them clear of obstruction.
area of the Residential Community.                             against the door and open it slightly.                   action (revocation of his/her Housing License              hh Physically place yourself in those spots to
XX Pull up the cover. This will set off a local alarm       XX If heat or heavy smoke is present, close the door        and/or other formal disciplinary measures) and                make sure you fit.
   in the pull station, but does not activate the              and stay in the room.                                    criminal prosecution.
                                                                                                                                                                                   hh Keep those areas clear so you can access them
   building alarm.                                          XX Leave the building immediately through the main       FIRE DRILLS                                                      when an earthquake occurs.
                                                                                                                     In accordance with the University policy, staff            XX Know danger spots such as windows, mirrors,
WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE TRAPPED DURING A FIRE                                                                          members will conduct a fire drill in your building
                                                                                                                     each semester in order to familiarize residents with
                                                                                                                                                                                   hanging objects, tall bookshelves and unsecured
                                                                                                                     the correct procedures should an actual evacuation
    PREVENT SMOKE                    KEEP LOW TO                    NOTIFY                 IDENTIFY YOUR                                                                        XX Learn first aid and CPR.
                                                                                                                     be necessary.
    FROM ENTERING                     THE FLOOR                Call the University           LOCATION                                                                           XX Keep breakables and heavy objects on bottom
      THE ROOM                    Keep low to the floor        Police Department              Attract the Fire               EARTHQUAKE PROCEDURES                                 shelves.
                                 if there is smoke in the   immediately and report        Department or UPD’s                                                                   XX Secure heavy tall furniture that can topple:
   Place a towel at the
   base of the door to            room. The majority of      your situation. Be sure      attention by hanging       IN THE EVENT OF AN EARTHQUAKE                                 bookcases, or wall units.
   prevent smoke from            oxygen is present near       to give the name of         an object (bed sheet,      1 | BE PREPARED                                            2 | TAKE ACTION
   entering the room.                    the floor.          your building and your        jacket, etc.) out the
                                                                                                                     XX Develop a plan for yourself and your                    XX STAY CALM. Do not run or panic. If you take
                                                                 room number.                    window.
                                                                                                                        roommate(s) and conduct practice drills.                   proper precautions, chances are you will not get
23 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                                      EMERGENCY PROCEDURES   | 24
XX STAY WHERE YOU ARE                                   IN THE EVENT OF A POWER OUTAGE                            XX Barricade the door with furniture if possible.
   hh If you’re in a crowded place, do not rush for     1 | BE PREPARED                                           XX Turn off the lights.                                    SHELTER-IN-PLACE
      the doors. Most injuries occur as people are      XX Have a flashlight with fresh batteries or light        XX Block any windows that provide a view of the
      entering or leaving buildings.                       “glow” sticks on hand.                                    room to the outside.                                    Sheltering in place is a protective action
   hh If you’re outside, move away from the                                                                                                                                  taken inside a building to protect the building
                                                        XX Have a battery-operated radio with fresh               XX Stay away from windows/doors.                           occupants from external hazards, minimize
      building and utility wires. Once you are out in      batteries.
      the open, stay there.                                                                                       XX Seek cover of some kind under or behind furniture.      the chance of injury and/or provide the time
                                                        2 | TAKE PRECAUTIONS                                      XX Switch your cell phone to vibrate so it doesn’t alert   necessary to allow for a safe evacuation.
                                                        XX Only use the elevator if you must. The elevator           someone of your presence.                               Circumstances that may warrant a shelter-in-
   hh If the earthquake strikes when you are               will shut down and stay where it is until the                                                                     place action could include:
      indoors, take cover under a desk, table, and                                                                XX Do NOT answer the door under any circumstances.
                                                           power is restored. The doors to the elevator will                                                                 XX Severe weather
      bench or against inside walls or doorways.           NOT automatically open if there is a blackout.         XX Do NOT leave the room until directed to do so by
   hh If in a high-rise, stay away from windows and                                                                  emergency personnel.                                    XX Civil unrest
                                                        XX Make every effort to conserve energy at all times.
      outside walls. Get under a table. Do not use         Take advantage of natural light during the day         XX Remain calm and develop a plan to escape should         XX Active threat
      elevators.                                           and reduce use of electric lighting.                      it become necessary.                                    XX Biological incident
   hh The greatest danger is from falling debris just   XX Turn off your computer during Stage Three              2 | NOTIFY                                                 XX Radiological incidents
      outside doorways and close to outer walls.           Alerts.                                                XX Contact University Police to advise them of what is     XX Accidental chemical exposure.
3 | ACT ACCORDINGLY                                     XX Frequently save any work you are doing on your            happening.
XX After an earthquake, do not attempt to move             computer.                                              XX Notify anyone you encounter as you are leaving          The notice to Shelter-In-Place will be issued by
   seriously injured persons unless they are in                                                                      that they must exit immediately as well.                emergency personnel via the campus Public
                                                        3 | BE AWARE                                                                                                         Address System or via text messaging, email,
   immediate danger of further injury.                                                                            XX Do NOT signal the building occupants by activating
                                                        XX During a power outage, emergency lighting will                                                                    or phone call.
XX Check utility lines and appliances for damage. If       come on in the hallways and stairwells. Please be         a fire alarm.
   you smell gas:                                          careful when using the stairs.                         SEVERE WEATHER OR CIVIL UNREST THAT POSES A                GUIDELINES:
   hh Open windows and shut off main gas valve.         XX When the power goes off, there will be NO street       PHYSICAL THREAT                                            XX Select a small interior room with no or
   hh Leave the building and report gas leakage to         lighting. Go places in groups and take a flashlight.   XX Stay inside and move away from windows to the              few windows.
      authorities.                                      XX Locate Residential Life Staff if you need some            inner corridors.                                        XX Close and lock all windows and exterior
   hh Do NOT use candles, matches, or other open           extra support during the black out.                    XX Be sure to close all doors connecting exterior             doors.
      flames.                                           ADDITIONAL REMINDERS                                         offices to the corridor.                                XX Turn off all fans, heating and air
   hh Do NOT re- enter the building until a utility                                                               XX For extreme weather, relocate to lower levels in           conditioning systems, and close the
                                                        During power outages, do not drink alcohol, use                                                                         fireplace damper.
      official says it is safe.                         drugs, or have unprotected sex as a way to ward off          the building.
                                                        boredom. These activities will increase your risk of      EXTERNAL CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL OR                           XX Bring your disaster supply kit and make
                                                                                                                                                                                sure the radio is working.
        POWER OUTAGES                                   compromised health and safety.                            RADIOLOGICAL INCIDENT
                                                                                                                  XX Stay inside and move to an inner corridor or office.    XX Bring your pets into your shelter area.
We sometimes experience energy shortages. If the
campus experiences a rolling blackout during the day            OTHER EMERGENCIES                                 XX Close windows and turn off air conditioners and         XX Use duct tape and plastic sheeting
                                                                                                                     fans.                                                      (heavier than food wrap) to seal cracks
time, the University will remain open during business   IN THE EVENT OF AN ACTIVE THREAT                                                                                        around doors and vents during biological,
hours and regular classes will remain in session.                                                                 XX Move to higher levels of the building if possible to
                                                        1 | TAKE ACTION                                                                                                         radiological, chemical exposure, and
                                                                                                                     reduce the transfer of contaminated air from the
If the blackout occurs in the evening, evening and                                                                                                                              pandemic outbreaks.
                                                        Quickly leave the area or take shelter in another            outside.
night classes most likely will be cancelled. Please     building if possible.                                                                                                XX Listen to your radio or television for
confirm this with your instructors.                                                                               XX Move higher up in the building since many
                                                                                                                                                                                further instructions and updates.
                                                        If you cannot leave the area:                                chemical agents are heavier than air and tend to
                                                        XX Close and lock the door.                                  hug the ground.

25 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                         EMERGENCY PROCEDURES     | 26
Policies &                                  n GENERAL HOUSING POLICIES & REGULATIONS

                                            ALCOHOL                                                   BICYCLES, HOVER BOARDS, SKATES, SCOOTERS, & SKATEBOARDS   COMMERCIAL SOLICITATION, ADVERTISING, PROMOTION AND
                                            POSSESSION                                                University Police prohibits the use of skateboards,       TRANSACTIONS
                                            Possession of alcohol is not permitted in residential     skates, and scooters on campus grounds and bicycles       XX Commercial solicitation, advertising, publications,
                                            community buildings by residents under the age of         can only be ridden on designated routes. Bicycles,           and commercial transactions are prohibited in all
Part of learning to live successfully       twenty-one (21). The regulations governing alcohol in     skates, scooters and skateboards may be confiscated          areas.
within a community of residents with        the residence community are in accordance with state      if ridden or left in unauthorized areas or secured        XX Unapproved solicitation, filming, or publicity
diverse interests, backgrounds, and         and federal laws.                                         to an object, building or tree on campus. For bike           is prohibited in or around the residential
                                            HOSPITALIZATION                                           routes and parking information visit parking.sfsu.           community. This regulation extends to all forms
needs is becoming well acquainted                                                                     edu/biking.
with the community standards, which         Residents requiring hospitalization related to alcohol                                                                 of technology (e.g., video cameras, camera
                                            use or consumption will be required to submit to a        Please Note:                                                 phones, etc.) used in filming or photography for
are in place to support a comfortable,      clinical assessment and review of support measures.       XX Hover boards are not allowed to be stored inside          commercial use or publication.
safe, and secure living environment.                                                                     the residential community.
                                            CONSUMPTION, PARAPHERNALIA, AND OTHER                                                                               Please Note: For the comfort and privacy of our
Be sure to read the following four          USE                                                       XX Your bicycle must leave with you when you move         residents and in accordance with your license
                                            XX The use of alcoholic beverages must comply with           out of the residential community. Any bicycles left    agreement, filming and photography are prohibited
sections carefully, as they make clear                                                                   on our facility’s bike racks after move-out will be
the regulations and policies that ALL          California State Law and is limited to those persons                                                             in the residential community facilities unless prior
                                               21 years of age or older.                                 declared abandoned and donated to charity.             approval has been granted by the Director of the
community residents are expected to         XX Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in                                                                       Student Housing Program or the Executive Director
abide.                                         public areas (any area outside student rooms).         BUILDING EXTERIOR                                         of Housing, Dining & Conference Services. This
nn    GENERAL HOUSING RULES & REGULATIONS   XX Returning to the residence community under the
                                               influence of alcohol or in a manner that negatively
                                                                                                      Posting of unapproved signs or erecting of antennas
                                                                                                      or any other object on the exterior of buildings is
                                                                                                                                                                rule covers all forms of technology (video cameras,
                                                                                                                                                                camera phones, etc.) used in filming or photography
oo    OTHER RESIDENTIAL LIFE POLICIES          affects the community is prohibited.                   prohibited and may violate the University’s Time,         for commercial use or publication.
                                            XX Alcohol paraphernalia (empty bottles, cans, shot
pp    UNIVERSITY POLICIES                      glasses, cocktail shakers, beer bongs, etc.) is not
                                                                                                      Place, and Manner policy. No alteration that affects
                                                                                                      the building’s appearance shall be permitted without      COOKING
qq    RESIDENT CONDUCT                         permitted.
                                            XX Drinking games (water pong, King’s Cup, etc.) are
                                                                                                      prior written approval.                                   All assignments with kitchens must confine cooking
                                                                                                                                                                to the apartment kitchen. In assignments with
                                               considered alcohol paraphernalia and promote           CANDLES, FLAMMABLE MATERIALS, INCENSE AND OPEN FLAMES     patios, cooking is permissible with a charcoal grill so
                                               irresponsible drinking behavior and therefore are
                                               not permitted in the residential community unless      XX In accordance with California State Fire Codes,        long as the grill is 10 feet away from any structure
                                               it is a recognized educational program sponsored          open flames are prohibited.                            and used coals are disposed of properly.
                                               by the University or its affiliates.                   XX Possession or burning of flammable materials is
                                            XX Residents under the age of 21 are not permitted           prohibited inside the residential community.           DAMAGES OR MISUSE OF PROPERTY
                                               to host guests of any age who are in possession of     XX No fuel powered motor vehicles or associated           It is a violation to damage, misuse, alter, or vandalize
                                               alcohol.                                                  parts are permitted within residential community       University property. University property includes all
                                            XX Residents over the age of 21 are not allowed to           for use, maintenance, repair, or storage.              furnishings and structures in the residential living
                                               have alcohol in the presence of anyone under the       XX Arrangements may be made for special purposes          spaces and public areas. Violations include, but not
                                               age of 21.                                                that require use of an open flame through the          limited to, removing public area furniture from
                                            COMMON SOURCES, SALE, DISTRIBUTION, AND                      Director of Residential Life or designee.              the intended location, tampering with television,
                                            MANUFACTURING                                             Please Note:                                              telephone, or computer connections, chalking or
                                            XX Sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages to any     X Gas-filled engines such as motorcycles or other         marking on sidewalks or buildings, unauthorized
                                               person under the legal drinking age may lead to           gasoline-powered vehicles may not be parked or         removal of items from bulletin boards, hanging items
                                               License Agreement revocation.                             stored in or near the buildings.                       or coverings from exterior surfaces, flushing of non-
                                            XX Kegs and other similar oversized “common source”       X Highly flammable materials or open flame items          flushable items such as Clorox wipes, cleaning wipes,
                                               containers are expressly prohibited in or around          are not permitted in the residential community.        and feminine products, and removal of window
                                               the residential community.                                                                                       screens.
                                            XX Possession of a keg or accumulation of alcohol         CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL                                     Residents found responsible for violations may be
                                               deemed as “common source”, purchasing alcohol          In spaces containing a Circuit Breaker Panel, all items   assessed an administrative charge for replacement,
                                               for minors, or providing alcohol to others may         must be kept away from the wall (3 ft. minimum)           repair, or removal of items or damage.
                                               result in termination of the License Agreement.        and shall not block the Breaker Panel.
27 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                        REGULATIONS & POLICIES   | 28
Please Note:                                              HOSPITALIZATION                                             compatible with 110 volts 60 cycle AC and be UL           possession of their keys at all times.
XX Any damage or loss to a resident’s room,               Residents requiring hospitalization related to drug         approved.                                              XX All keys remain the property of the University and
   apartment, or other area within the residential        use or consumption will be required to submit to a       XX Surge protectors are permitted and encouraged.            must be returned upon the Licensee’s checkout.
   community will be charged to the responsible           clinical assessment and review of support measures.      XX Extension cords, power strips, and multi plug          XX Licensees are not allowed to duplicate, loan, sell,
   parties. When a student room or apartment              CONSUMPTION, PARAPHERNALIA, AND OTHER                       adapters are prohibited.                                  or transfer any University issued key or access
   is damaged, the residents of the room or               USE                                                      XX Appliances with open heat sources and no                  card or Gator Pass or iButton for the purpose
   apartment share the charge.                            XX Use of any illegal or controlled substance or            thermostat control (e.g. toaster oven, portable           of allowing any other person access to or use of
XX Administrative and legal action may be taken              abuse of prescription drugs other than their             heaters or heat plates, etc.) and halogen lamps           facilities.
   against any individual who defaces University             intended purpose for the person to whom they             are prohibited.
   property by graffiti or any other means or who is         are prescribed is prohibited in the residential       PERMITTED ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES                           LOCKS
   found to be damaging or destroying residential            facility and on campus.                               XX Electric coffee makers, irons and hair dryers.
   community equipment, furnishings, or any                                                                                                                                  XX Licensee(s) shall NOT change any lock or place
                                                          XX Use of marijuana is not permitted on campus.          XX Microwaves (apartment community only).                    additional locking devices upon any door or
   facilities. This includes group damages being             Drug paraphernalia includes ‘bongs’, pipes, and/      XX Toasters (apartment community only).
   applied to the dining center and other residential                                                                                                                           window of the Premises without the prior written
                                                             or other devices that may be used to facilitate       XX Small (5.5 cubic feet or smaller) refrigerators with      consent of the University.
   community common areas.                                   the consumption or use of illegal drugs and is           low wattage.
XX Damages to any common area will be charged                                                                                                                                XX Keys to the Premises are the exclusive property of
                                                             prohibited in the residential facility.               ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES NOT PERMITTED                          the University. Licensee(s) shall not consign keys
   to all students found responsible. In cases where      XX Returning to the residence community under the
   the responsible parties cannot be determined,                                                                   XX Household-size refrigerators.                             to the Premises to any other person without the
                                                             influence of drugs is prohibited. Possession of                                                                    University’s written consent.
   charges may be assigned to all students who have
   access to the shared space. This includes damage
                                                             medical marijuana cards are not recognized on         ELIGIBILITY                                               XX In the event keys to the Premises are lost or locks
                                                             campus and in the residential facilities.                                                                          are changed to secure the property, Licensee(s)
   done to lounges, wings, floors, the dining center,                                                              Licensee must be enrolled as a student at San
   or any other common areas.                             SALE, DISTRIBUTION, OR MANUFACTURING                                                                                  shall be liable for the entire cost of all key and
                                                          Sale or manufacturing of any illegal or controlled       Francisco State University and demonstrating                 lock replacement.
                                                                                                                   academic progress. Enrollment recommendations
DINING CENTER                                             substance or of prescription drugs other than for the
                                                                                                                   are 15 or more units a semester for Undergraduate
                                                                                                                                                                             XX All keys must be returned to The University when
                                                          person to whom they are prescribed, is prohibited in                                                                  Licensee(s) vacates.
No food, dishes, or utensils shall be taken from the      the residential facilities and on campus and may lead    students and 9 more units as semester for Graduate
                                                                                                                   students. Unit load requirements are in place to help
City Eats Dining Center. Meals may not be shared          to License Agreement revocation.
                                                                                                                   students matriculate through the university.              NETWORK POLICY
or transferred. Disorderly conduct is not permitted.      Please Note:
Being found responsible for initiating or participating                                                            Please note: Students with financially delinquent         Your access to the ResNet or MyCampusNet is an
in a food fight is grounds for termination of License     XX SF State is strongly committed to a drug-free         accounts are not eligible for student housing.            agreement between you and University Housing
Agreement and/or restitution for loss and damages.           environment. Residents found in possession of                                                                   and is subject to the University’s Appropriate Use
Please Note: Food fights are dangerous and
                                                             illegal drugs or prescription drugs belonging to      GAMBLING                                                  Policies. Any egregious violation of these policies
                                                             another person will be:                                                                                         will result in a suspension of your internet privileges
expensive. Each resident who is in the dining center         hh In direct violation of state and federal laws as   Gambling is prohibited in the residential communities
when a food fight occurs will be assessed charges for                                                                                                                        and a meeting with a Residential Life staff member
                                                                  well as University regulations.                  unless it is a University sponsored event.                or additional review through the Student Conduct
damage and loss. Criminal charges will be pursued            hh Subject to prosecution under applicable state                                                                Office.
as well as referrals to the campus student conduct                and federal laws. Residents could lose all       GUESTS AND VISITORS
officer and holds placed on academic records for                  forms of student financial aid if convicted of                                                             It is vital that all residents comply with the campus
those who are found participating in a food fight.                an offense.                                      Residents can have 1 guest/visitor with the approval      Computer Use Policy (available at
                                                          XX Possession of illicit drug paraphernalia (glass       of their roommate(s). All guest/visitors must be          guides/copyright-law), particularly the use of
DRUGS                                                        pipes, drug baggies, bongs, etc.) can imply drug      affiliated with the university and accompanied by         copyrighted materials. Misuse of computer facilities
                                                             use and are therefore not permitted in residential    their resident host at all times. Overnight guests are    or resources include:
All regulations governing drugs in the residential                                                                 permissible. This policy is updated from the current      XX File sharing is considered theft and expressly
community are in accordance with State and Federal           community buildings. Any paraphernalia found
                                                             will be confiscated.                                  License Agreement and may change in response to                prohibited under the Digital Millennium
laws.                                                                                                              current COVID-19 conditions.                                   Copyright Act.
                                                          XX Medical marijuana is not permitted and medical
POSSESSION                                                   marijuana cards are not recognized anywhere on                                                                  XX Unauthorized entry into a file, for any purpose.
Possession of any illegal, and/or controlled                 campus.                                               KEYS AND ACCESS                                           XX Use of another’s identification or password.
substance, and/or prescription drug other than the                                                                                                                           XX Use of computing facilities, campus network, or
                                                                                                                   XX Licensees must use their individually issued keys
person prescribed is prohibited in the residential        ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES                                       and/or access card or GatorPass or iButton to
                                                                                                                                                                                  other resources to interfere with the work of
community.                                                                                                                                                                        another member of the University Community.
                                                          XX All appliances or electrical devices should be           access secured residential areas and maintain
29 | SF STATE COMMUNITY LIVING STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                                  REGULATIONS & POLICIES   | 30
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