Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021

Page created by Milton Little
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
Community Leaders
Rethinking I-94 Phase 2
March 23, 2021
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
1. Welcome
         2. Study status update and look ahead
         3. Evaluation criteria overview
Agenda   4. Small group discussion
         5. Large group discussion
         6. Next Steps
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
 Present evaluation criteria
           Gather feedback on evaluation criteria
Meeting       Small group discussions
Goals      Gather feedback on engaging the
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
Project Status
Study Status       Policy Advisory Committee
Update and         Livability
Look Ahead         NEPA
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
Study Status
Update and     Status Update: Policy Advisory Committee
Look Ahead
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
Study Status
Update and     Status Update: Livability
Look Ahead
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
Study Status
Update and     Status Update: Public Involvement
Look Ahead
Community Leaders Meeting - Rethinking I-94 Phase 2 March 23, 2021
Study Status
Update and
Look Ahead
Phase 2
Scoping Decision Document
                    Mainline and access/interchange alternatives for
                     Tier 1 evaluation
                Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement
Process             Preferred mainline alternative and access locations
                Tier 2
                    Specific projects to integrate access alternatives
                     with mainline alternative
I-94 is a barrier that continues to divide
             Bikeability/walkability is a primary need
             Economic and environmental needs in the
              purpose and need
What we’ve       Reducing VMT is a need
heard from       Generator of unhealthy are - air quality is a need
                 Noise generator
you              Need transit advantages
                 Affordable housing, gentrification, equitable
X   X   X X X X X X X
Story       X   X   X X X X X   X
            X   X   X X X X X X X
Evaluation Criteria

                 Used to evaluate alternatives
                 First focuses on the
                  alternative’s ability to address
                  project needs
Evaluation       Secondly focuses on the
Criteria          alternative’s impacts to
                  identified social, economic
                  and environmental (SEE)
                 In Tier 1 EIS process will
                  incorporate the ability of an
                  alternative to address project
 The environmental process will result in documents
               at three distinct stages:
                1.   Scoping Document (SD)/Draft Scoping Decision
                     Document(DSDD) and Scoping Decision Document (SDD)
Evaluation      2.   Tier 1 EIS

Criteria        3.   Tier 2 – project document

              The Scoping Decision Document (SDD) will identify
               a reasonable range of alternatives that will be
               studied in greater detail in the EIS.
 The Tier 1 EIS will result in selection of a preferred
               mainline alternative for I-94 and
               interchange/access locations/overpasses where
               improvements will be needed. There will be more
               detail on the alternatives developed for the
Evaluation     mainline and interchanges/access during this
               process. A broad corridor aesthetic will be
Criteria       established.
              Tier 2 documents will be used to get into detailed
               concepts, operations, pedestrian/bicycle designs,
               landscaping, aesthetics, etc. These documents will
               identify what specifically will be constructed.
 At the Scoping stage, evaluation criteria will be
Evaluation     high-level and will be used to eliminate
               alternatives with fatal flaws and identify
Criteria       alternatives to move forward for additional
               study in the Tier 1
Category                Evaluation Criteria   Measurement
               Infrastructure Condition Pavement Condition   Does or does not address
                                                             pavement condition
                                       Bridge Condition      Does or does not address bridge
               Mobility                Systemwide            Vehicle Hours Traveled (VHT);

Evaluation                             Mobility
                                       Corridor Mobility
                                                             Person Hours Traveled (PHT)
                                                             Travel Speeds (average over

Criteria SDD                                                 corridor)
                                       Corridor Throughput Person Throughput (people per
                                                           mile, per hour)
                                       Interchange Area      Vehicles Hours Traveled (VHT) in
                                       Mobility              Interchange Area
                                       Interchange Area      Person Hours Traveled (PHT) in
                                       Thoughput             Interchange Area
Category   Evaluation Criteria Measurement
               Mobility   Freight Mobility      Freight Travel Times
                          Travel Time           How long it takes to drive the
                          Reliability           corridor during different times
                                                of the day. Is it consistent or
                                                does it vary?

Evaluation                Connectivity          Intersection density; Access to
                                                adjacent land uses along the

Criteria SDD              Transit Mobility
                                                Transit Travel Times in the
                                                Corridor; Transit Travel Times in
                                                Interchange Area
                          Transit Reliability   How long it takes for busses to
                                                drive the corridor during
                                                different times of the day. Is it
                                                consistent or does it vary?
Category                      Evaluation Criteria Measurement
               Environmental Justice         Potential for       Access to economic
                                             disproportionate    opportunities (jobs) and other
                                             impact and/or       daily needs for EJ populations;
                                             adverse effect to   Exposure to air, water, and noise
                                             EJ populations      pollution for EJ populations;
                                                                 Potential for relocation impacts
Evaluation     Historic/Archaeological       Potential impact
                                                                 to EJ populations
                                                                 Number of historical resources
Criteria SDD                                 to historical

                                             Potential impact    Number of archaeological
                                             to archaeological   resources impacted
               Section 4(f) - recreational   Potential impact    Number of Section 4(f)
               resources                     to resource         resources impacted
               Section 6(f) - recreational   Potential impact    Number of Section 6(f)
               resources with special        to resource         properties impacted
               federal funding
Category                  Evaluation Criteria Measurement
               Contaminated Properties   Impact to sites      Number of known contaminated
                                         with potential for   sites impacted
               Right of Way               Adjacent property Acreage of impacts and

                                         impacts            anticipated number of property

Criteria SDD
               Water Pollution /         Impervious           Acres
               Stormwater                Surface Area
               Cost                      Estimated            Dollars (risk-based cost range)
                                         Construction Cost
               Maintenance               Estimated            Dollars (risk-based cost range)
                                         Maintenance Cost
               Consistency with          Consistency with     Is the alternative consistent with
               Regional Plans            Regional Plans       regional plans?
Evaluation    The Tier 1 EIS and Tier 2 evaluation criteria will
               incorporate Livability Framework items related
Criteria       to: sense of place, economics, connectivity,
               health and the environment, and equity
Category                Evaluation Criteria   Measurement
                Infrastructure Condition Pavement Condition   Does or does not address
                                                              pavement condition
                                        Bridge Condition      Does or does not address bridge

Evaluation                              Other Infrastructure Does or does not address
                                        Condition - Retaining retaining wall condition

Criteria Tier   Safety
                                        Network Crashes       Crashes and Crash Rate

1 EIS                                                         Reduction; Crash Cost
                Mobility                Systemwide            Vehicle Hours Traveled (VHT);
                                        Mobility              Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT);
                                                              Person Hours Traveled (PHT)
                                        Corridor Mobility     Travel Speeds (average over
                                        Corridor Throughput Person Throughput (people per
                                                            mile, per hour)
Category   Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Mobility   Interchange Area   Vehicles Hours Traveled (VHT) in
                           Mobility           Interchange Area
                           Interchange Area   Person Hours Traveled (PHT) in
                           Thoughput          Interchange Area

Evaluation                 Freight Mobility
                           Travel Time
                                              Freight Travel Times
                                              How long it takes to drive the
Criteria Tier              Reliability        corridor during different times
                                              of the day. Is it consistent or

1 EIS                      Connectivity
                                              does it vary?
                                              Intersection density; Access to
                                              adjacent land uses along the
                           Transit Mobility   Transit Travel Times in the
                                              Corridor; Transit Travel Times in
                                              Interchange Area
Category                    Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Mobility                    Transit Reliability   How long it takes for busses to
                                                                  drive the corridor during
                                                                  different times of the day. Is it
                                                                  consistent or does it vary?

Evaluation      Drainage Capacity            Address
                                            Stormwater and
                                                                  Does or does not address
                                                                  stormwater and catch basin
Criteria Tier                               Catch Basin

1 EIS           Walkability / Bikeability   Non-Motorized
                                            Connectivity and
                                                                  Does the alternative address
                                                                  poor Multimodal Level of
                                            Performance           Service - ranking user comfort
                                                                  on pedestrian and bicycle
                                                                  facilities on a scale of A to F,
                                                                  with A being excellent and F
                                                                  being failed.; Distance between
                                                                  Crossings; Travel Time between
                                                                  Origin-Destination Pairs
Category                  Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Safety on Intersecting    Network Crashes     Crashes and Crash Rate
                Streets                                       Reduction; Crash Cost Reduction

                Environmental Justice     Potential for       Access to economic

                                          disproportionate    opportunities (jobs) and other
                                          impact and/or       daily needs for EJ populations;
                                          adverse effect to   Exposure to air, water, and noise
Criteria Tier                             EJ populations      pollution for EJ populations;
                                                              Potential for relocation impacts
1 EIS           Historic/Archaeological   Potential impact
                                                              to EJ populations
                                                              Number of historical resources
                                          to historical       impacted, and impacts
                                          resources           determined to be negative/bad.
                                          Potential impact    Number of archaeological
                                          to archaeological   resources impacted, and
                                          resources           impacts determined to be
Category                      Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Section 4(f) - recreational   Potential impact     Number of Section 4(f)
                resources                     to resource          resources determined to be
                                                                   negatively impacted
                Section 6(f) - recreational   Potential impact     Number of Section 6(f)

                resources with special        to resource          properties determined to be
                federal funding                                    negatively impacted

Criteria Tier   Contaminated Properties       Impact to sites      Number of known contaminated

                                              with potential for   sites impacted
                Right of Way                   Adjacent property Acreage of impacts and
                                              impacts            anticipated number of property
                Air Quality                    Potential impact    Does the alternative meet air
                                              to resource          quality standards
Category             Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Noise                Potential impact    Does the alternative exceed
                                     to public health    federal noise thresholds
                                     and welfare from
                                     traffic related
                                     noise pollution
Evaluation      Threatened &
                Endangered Species
                                     Potential impact
                                     to threatened and
                                                         What is the threat risk to
                                                         different species? It is
Criteria Tier                        endangered
                                                         anticipated that a “no effect”
                                                         and “no adverse effect” would
1 EIS                                                    be considered “low”. A “may
                                                         adversely affect” would be
                                                         considered “medium”, and
                                                         “adversely affect” would be
                                                         considered “high”.
                Wetlands             Potential impact    Acres and type of wetland
                                     to resource         resource impacted
                Floodplain            Potential impact   Acres of floodplain impacted
                                     to resource
Category            Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Flooding            Potential to         Locations with increased
                                    increase flood       flooding potential
                Water Pollution /   Impervious           Acres

                Stormwater          Surface Area
                Sense of Place      Opportunities for    Opportunities to create features

Criteria Tier                       gathering spaces,
                                    cultural and
                                                         or amenities in partnership with
                                                         communities to enhance sense

                                    historic             of place
                                    and art, and green
                Equity              Distribution of      Enhances transportation choices
                                    transportation       for individuals
                                    resources across
Category         Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Economics         Opportunities for    Employment opportunities
                                 job and business      (jobs) accessible within 30-
                                 accessibility, real   minute travel time
Evaluation                       revenue, housing
                                 opportunity and
Criteria Tier   Health and the
                                 Opportunities to      Acreage that supports green
1 EIS           Environment      improve quality of
                                 life, comfortable
                                                       spaces or land uses that benefit
                                                       quality of life and the
                                 environment, and      environment
                                 well-being through
                                 green spaces and
                                 land use
Category           Evaluation Criteria Measurement
                Connections        Opportunities to     Percent of planned non-
                                   use infrastructure   motorized facility-miles that are
                                   to connect           completed
                                   physically and
Evaluation      Cost
                                   Estimated            Dollars (risk-based cost range)
Criteria Tier                      Construction Cost

                                   Estimated Benefit-   Net Benefits; Benefits/Cost
                                   Cost                 Ration in Dollars
                Maintenance        Estimated            Dollars (risk-based cost range)
                                   Maintenance Cost
                Consistency with   Consistency with     Is the alternative consistent with
                Regional Plans     Regional Plans       regional plans?
Small Group    Questions
                  Are there additional evaluation criteria that should be
Discussion         considered?
                  Are there other measurements that should be considered?
                  How could I-94 better reflect the needs of your community?
 Small Group Discussion Report Out
               Flaw with purpose and need
               travel accessibility – efficient travel in both directions in ecologically
                friendly way
               Transit – fuel efficiency

What we        Disconnect of goals at different levels
               Reducing VMT central

heard          Continue to organize around public comment but concerns submitted
                are not represented in presentations
               Concern too many measures / evaluation criteria
               Agreement / statement that moving freight is important but we should
                be talking about moving people – how many people can move within
                the corridor
               Why assume this freeway needs to be rebuilt as is or expanded
               Goals within the corridor
               Continuing comment reducing fatalities/injuries
 Small Group Discussion Report Out (Continued)
               Prioritize safety around where people are injured or killed not fender
               Use access not mobility

What we        Reduce VMT / STAC recommendation
               15-minute city concept – access to things they need

               Equity and access should be tier 1 rather than tier 2 priorities
               If we cared about health of community adjacent we’d fill I-94 in
               Incorporate Environmental Quality Board climate change impacts
                measures that are under discussion at EQB
               Defeating induced demand as criteria,
               People hour traveled not vehicle travel
               Reduce VMT
               incorporate more of 280/94 area (just north and intersecting roads)
 Small Group Discussion Report Out (Continued)
               Include frontage roads
               Travel time variability not a priority – we expect to exist,
               Prioritize health impacts for neighborhoods – do no harm – air
                quality/access/food security/people to be healthier measures such as
                noise/particulate impacts on health

What we
               Social risk factors as they impact peoples health,
               Be explicit about trade-offs in the decision-making – EX: if we prioritize
                travel time what’s the trade off for air quality

heard      Other metrics
               The use and elevation of telecommuting recently, we’re working in
                different ways and the impact on the system – looking at future and
                document doesn’t reflect that yet
               Average emission CO2/NOX) per mile traveled per person along/across
                the corridor
               How wide are we thinking for corridor, so many trips are short trips= are
                we looking at holistically from Green Line to Marshall (B Line)
Next Steps   Next Community Leaders Meeting: 04/27/2021
                                        Time: 10:00 AM
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