Community Food Guide - COVID 19 Update - Supporting people in the City of Melbourne to access, grow and use healthy food

Page created by Dan Higgins
Community Food Guide – COVID 19
Supporting people in the City of Melbourne to access, grow
and use healthy food
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ......…. 3
Updates to the guide ....................................................................................................................................... 3
         Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Food banks, parcels and vouchers .................................................................................................................. 4
Community meals ........................................................................................................................................... 7
           City of Melbourne’s community meals subsidy .................................................................................. 15
Food education ............................................................................................................................................. 15
           Dietician outreach services ............................................................................................................... 16
Community Gardens ..................................................................................................................................... 18
           Public housing community gardens program ..................................................................................... 19
           Interested in growing your own food?................................................................................................ 19
Fresh food and groceries .............................................................................................................................. 19
           Fresh food markets........................................................................................................................... 19
           Food cooperatives ............................................................................................................................ 21
           Food delivery.................................................................................................................................... 21
           City of Melbourne’s meals service..................................................................................................... 25
Food rescue.................................................................................................................................................. 26
           How do I donate food?...................................................................................................................... 26
           Food safety and how you can provide free food in the City of Melbourne .......................................... 27
How to contact us ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Many people within the City of Melbourne face daily challenges in accessing enough nutritious food for a
healthy life. Most of us are not eating enough fruit and vegetables to meet our nutritional needs and an
increasing number of people are living in densely populated areas where there is less space to grow food.

This guide has been created to provide helpful information about food access programs, services and
resources within the City of Melbourne and surrounding suburbs across the following categories:

1.          Food banks, parcels and vouchers
2.          Community meals, including free and cheap meals
3.          Food education, including classes and community kitchens
4.          Community gardens
5.          Fresh food and groceries, including markets, co-ops, food delivery and shopping support
6.          Food rescue
The guide has been divided into these six sections to help you easily find the information you need. You can
also access this guide via City of Melbourne1.

Updates to the guide
If you’d like to suggest an inclusion or update to a program or service listed in this guide, visit Community
Food Guide2 and use the online form. We will update the guide as often as we are able to with the information
you provide.

The information contained in the Community Food Guide was correct at the time of publication (April 2020) but
bear in mind some information will have changed at the time of reading and it’s important that you confirm the
information in this guide with the agencies directly.

Programs and services listed in this guide are not endorsed or affiliated by the City of Melbourne (with
the exception of council-run or contracted services) and are subject to change at any time.

Food banks, parcels and vouchers
Do you know someone who would benefit from access to affordable or even free groceries?

These programs provide food parcels or groceries and food vouchers or gift cards, such as for a local
supermarket, to people in need*. Most of the services listed also offer information, support and financial or
material aid to meet an immediate need.

Note: There may be restrictions or exclusions, such as cigarettes or alcohol. Also note that level of
assistance is dependent on the availability of staff (often volunteers), as well as supplies of vouchers
or other assistance.

                                                                                                Cost and
Who and where                          What                              When

Parish of the Parks                    Food Parcels                      Tue                    Free
St Silas Church Hall
99 Bridport Street                     We offer food parcels,            1st Tuesday of         Only for residents
Albert Park, 3206                      which are given out on the 1st    each month:            of Port Phillip
9696 5116                              Tuesday of each month from                               Council who have
                                       10am to 12pm.                     10am - 12pm            a concession or
sundaysuppers@parishoftheparks.                                                                                          Health Care Card
                                                                         (in November,
Parish of the Parks3                                                     parcels are offered
                                                                         on the 2nd
                                                                         Tuesday of the

                                                                         They are
                                                                         changing to weekly
                                                                         if demand

Church of All Nations                  Food bank, vouchers and           Tue, Wed, Thu          Free
180 Palmerston Street                  food parcels
Carlton, 3053                                                            10am - 12pm            Fresh food $2
9347 7077                              Vouchers are available on a       Fresh food on          donation,                case-by-case basis.               Wednesdays             concession or
Church of All Nations4                                                                          Health Care Card
                                       Food parcels are provided to                             holders
                                       people who book an
                                       appointment beforehand.

Anglicare                              Food bank                         Tue and Thu            Free
Fitzroy Mission House                  and food parcels
118-120 Napier Street                                                    10am - 12pm            Must live in the
Fitzroy, 3065                          Provides assistance to people     Bill Assistance        following
Entry is off Little George Street      living in public housing and      Services               postcodes: 3000,
9486 0445                              rental properties with a Health                          3051, 3053,
                                                                         12.30pm - 3pm          3054, 3065,

Cost and
Who and where                     What                              When

                                  Care Card                         Food Relief            3066, 3067, 3068
                                                                    Services               and 3070.

Anglicare                         Food parcels                      Mon, Tue, Wed,         Free
St Marks Church Community                                           Thu, Fri
Centre                            Providing comfort and stability                          Rough sleepers
250 George Street                 in the form of food parcels for   11.30am - 2.30 pm      and people
Fitzroy, 3065                     people experiencing               food parcels are       experiencing
9419 3288                         homelessness.                     handed out             chronic
Anglicare5                                                          through a window       homelessness
Coordinator: Chris de Paiva                                         to reduce social

Collingwood Cottage               Collingwood Cottage               Fri                    Free
Food Bank                         Food Bank
                                                                    Register for a         Open to everyone
St Josephs Parish                 Food products are distributed     number at 9am.
46 Otter Street,                  to local people in need from      Return at 11am to
                                                                    choose foods.
Collingwood                       Wellington Hall in Otter St
9470 4483                         Collingwood                       Closed Good
Contact: Sis Mary Zita                                              Friday and for
                                                                    6 weeks over

Presbyterian and Scots            Food parcels                      Tue                    Free
Church Joint Mission
(Flemington Mission)              Food relief is provided 1st       10am - 1pm, 1st        Open to everyone
                                  and 3rd Tuesday of the            and 3rd Tuesday
St Stephen’s Church Hall          month.                            of the month.
28 Norwood Street,
Flemington, 3031                  People must call before           Closed public
9376 3777                         coming to collect prepared        holidays and from       food parcel.                      Christmas to end
Contact: Andrew Wong                                                of January

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre     Food bank                         Mon, Tue, Wed,         Free
(ASRC)                                                              Thu, Fri
                                  Shifted from grocery store set                           Asylum seekers
214-218 Nicholson Street,         up to pre-prepared                10am - 5pm.            and
Footscray, 3011                   emergency packs ready for                                refugees who are
9326 6066                         pick up.                          Contact ASRC for       members of the                                            details on closure     ASRC only.
                                                                    during public

                                                                    May be moving to
                                                                    a fortnightly
                                                                    service to reduce
                                                                    social interactions.

Cost and
Who and where                       What                             When

RISE Refugee                        Food bank                        Wed, Thu           Free

Level 1, 247 Flinders Lane,         The RISE Food Bank aims to       9am - 5pm          Refugees and
Melbourne, 3000                     address the initial critical                        asylum seekers
9639 8623                           needs of refugees and               asylum seekers by providing
Rise Refugee6                       access to free dry food, fresh
Contact: Eric                       fruits and vegetables.
                                    Donations welcome - see
                                    website for items needed.

Salvation Army                      Food Parcels                     Mon - Fri          Free to those
                                                                                        who live within
69 Bourke Street,                   Provides practical and           9.00am – 12.30pm   City of
Melbourne, 3000                     limited financial assistance     Closed public      Melbourne
                                    in a compassionate,              holidays           (Carlton,
Salvation Army7                     confidential manner. It offers                      Docklands,
                                    a wide selection of food,                           Flemington,
                                    clothing, and other                                 Kensington,
                                    necessities to people who are                       Melbourne,
                                    homeless or disadvantaged.                          North
                                                                                        Southbank and

                                                                                        Bring current
                                                                                        Health Care Card

Returned & Services League          Food vouchers and other          Mon, Tue, Wed,     Free
of Australia, Victorian Branch      services (veterans only)         Thu, Fri
                                                                                        For information
ANZAC House                         Support for former or            9am - 5pm          and to ascertain if
4 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000   serving members of the           Closed public      you are eligible
9655 5531                           Australian Defence Force         holidays           for assistance,              or Allied Forces and for                            please contact
RSL Victoria8                       their dependants who                                agency directly.
Contact: Jeff Jackson, Manager      are experiencing
Pensions Advocacy and Welfare       financial hardship.
Hotham Mission                      Food for Thought                 Thu                Free - Referrals
                                                                                        made through
North Melbourne                     Youth food                       9am - 2pm          organisations.       assistance program.                                 Primarily aimed
Hotham Mission9                     Not a drop-in service.                              at young people
                                    Food parcels are delivered                          accessing
                                    to organisations.                                   education.

Cost and
Who and where                               What                            When

Uniting Prahran                             Emergency Relief/               Mon, Tue,             Free
211 Chapel Street,                          Material Aid                    Wed, Thu
Prahran, 3181                                                                                     Open to everyone
9692 9500                                   Food parcels available.         9.30am - 12.15pm      with a Health
Uniting Prahran10                                                                                 Care Card.
Contact: Michael Scott, Community
Services Manager

Christ Church Mission Community             Food Relief- Food Bank          Mon to Fri            Free
Centre                                      and Food Parcels
                                                                            10.30am - 1.30pm      Open to everyone
14 Acland Street                            Providing a wide
St Kilda, 3182                              selection of food items
9534 9250                                   and other necessities
communitycentre@christchurchstkil           to those experiencing                                   financial hardship.
Christ Church Mission Community
Contact: Elizabeth Rooney,
Cultivating Community & Open                Free fresh food parcel and      Fridays at 2pm        Free
Table                                       some non perishable food
                                            items                                                 Open to
Fitzroy Community Food Centre,                                                                    everyone
next to 125 Napier St, Fitzroy

Community meals
Wondering where to go for an affordable, nourishing meal and eat with others? These programs provide free,
cheap or subsidised meals to members of the community, often within a social setting to allow warm
conversation and social connection.

Who and where                            What                     When                       Cost and conditions

Hare Krishna Food for Life               Food For Life            Daily                      Free
Melbourne                                community meals
                                                                  Place order up till 6am    Only available to
197 Danks Street,                        Delivery of vegetarian   on the day of delivery.    residents of City of
Albert Park, 3206                        meals for those in       Meals are delivered        Port Phillip who are in
9699 5122                                need.                    from 1-2pm.                genuine need.                                                              SMS 0438 716 335 with
Hare Krishna12                                                    your:

                                                                     name
                                                                     email address (if

Who and where                           What                       When                      Cost and conditions

                                                                      you have one)
                                                                     concession/ student
                                                                      card/ why you are in
                                                                    number of meals to
                                                                      be delivered
Parish of the Parks                     Sunday suppers             Sun                       Free

St Silas Church Hall                    The Sunday sit down        5pm                       Open to everyone
99 Bridport Street,                     meal has been              Closed over Christmas
Albert Park, 3206                       temporarily suspended.     and New Year
9696 5116                               Clients are now given
sundaysuppers@parishofthepa             their own takeaway                              container to eat
Parish of the Parks13                   elsewhere.

Church of All Nations                   Food parcels               Tue, Wed                  $2 donation

180 Palmerston Street,                  Community lunch has        11.30am - 1pm             Delivery is also
Carlton, 3053                           shifted to pre-prepared    Closed public holidays    offered only for people
9347 7077                               food parcels, for people                             in isolation in the                 who book an                                          Carlton area.
Church of All Nations14                 appointment for pick up

St Vincent de Paul Society              Collingwood soup           Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun        Free
Victoria                                van
Soup Van Program                                                                             Open to everyone
                                        Meals still being
9895 5800                               provided but currently                               Visit the website or                no street service.                                   contact the agency
St Vinnies15                                                                                 directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup           Food hampers or                                      up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager                  vouchers are delivered
                                        to managed
                                        accommodation and
                                        rooming houses.

                                        Rough sleepers can
                                        access the welfare
                                        phone on 1800 305 330
                                        and hampers or
                                        vouchers are arranged.

Anglicare                               Community lunch            Mon - Fri                 Free
St Marks Church Community
Centre                                  Community lunch has        10.30am – 2.30pm.         Rough sleepers and
250 George Street, Fitzroy,             been temporarily                                     people experiencing
3065                                    suspended.                                           chronic homelessness
9419 3288                               Currently providing                                  Refer to the website or
Anglicare5                              breakfast of toasted                                 contact agency

Who and where                   What                      When                     Cost and conditions

Coordinator: Chris de Paiva     sandwiches for pick up                             directly for more
                                only. They are also                                details
                                preparing food parcels
                                for lunch pick up only.

Open Table                      Community meal                                     Free

Bargoonga Nganjin               Community lunch has       Every Saturday at 1pm,   Open to everyone.
North Fitzroy Library,          been temporarily          if restrictions allow.
182-186 St Georges Rd,          suspended. We will
Fitzroy North
                                recommence our
Sign up to our newsletter to    weekly lunches as soon
stay updated.                   as it is safe to do so.
Open table16                    They have replaced
Contact: Angela O’Toole,        lunches with preparing
General Manager                 and delivering food

St Vincent de Paul Society      Fitzroy soup van          Daily                    Free
Soup Van Program                Meals still being                                  Open to everyone
                                provided but currently
9895 5800                       no street service.                                 Visit the website or                                                           contact the agency
St Vinnies15                    Food hampers or                                    directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup   vouchers are delivered                             up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager          to managed
                                accommodation and
                                rooming houses.

                                Rough sleepers can
                                access the welfare
                                phone on 1800 305 330
                                and hampers or
                                vouchers are arranged.

St Mary’s House of Welcome      Community meals           Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,      Open to
                                                          Fri, Sat                 disadvantaged people
165-169 Brunswick Street,       St Mary’s House of                                 experiencing
Fitzroy, 3065                   Welcome is a support      Breakfast: 8.30am -      homelessness and
9417 6497                       centre for                9.45am                   sleeping rough only.              disadvantaged people      Lunch: 12pm - 1pm
St Mary's House of Welcome17    experiencing              Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri       Visit the website or
                                homelessness.             Afternoon tea: 3pm       call the agency for the
                                                          Closed public holidays   most
                                Dining has been                                    up-to-date information
                                temporarily suspended.                             on times.
                                Packaged meals are
                                prepared for pick up

Who and where                    What                      When                      Cost and conditions


                                 Staff notify the public
                                 when their meals are

Asylum Seeker Resource           Community Meal            Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,       Free
Centre (ASRC)                                              Fri
                                 Community meal has                                  Asylum seekers and
214-218 Nicholson Street,        been temporarily          Lunch: 12.30pm            refugees who are
Footscray, 3011                  suspended. They are       Dinner: 6pm               members
9326 6066                        setting up pre-prepared   Wednesdays                of the ASRC only        emergency packs
                                 ready for pick up.                                  Visit the website or
                                                                                     call the agency for the
                                                                                     up-to-date information.

St Vincent de Paul Society       Footscray soup van        Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed,       Free
Victoria                                                   Thu, Fri
Soup Van Program                 Meals still being                                   Open to everyone
                                 provided but there is a
9895 5800                        temporary pause on                                  Visit the website or         street service.                                     contact the agency
St Vinnies15                                                                         directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup    Food hampers or                                     up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager           vouchers are delivered
                                 to managed
                                 accommodation and
                                 rooming houses.

                                 Rough sleepers can
                                 access the welfare
                                 phone on 1800 305 330
                                 to arrange hampers or

Anglicare - The Lazarus Centre   Community breakfast       Daily                     Free

St Peters Eastern Hill,          Community breakfast       7.30am - 9am              Rough sleepers and
15 Gisborne Street,              has been temporarily                                people experiencing
Melbourne, 3000                  suspended.                Refer to website or       chronic homelessness
0427 054 758                                               contact agency directly
Anglicare5                       A breakfast of toasted    for up-to-date
Contact: Chris de Paiva          sandwiches can be         information
                                 collected by pick up

Hare Krishna Food for Life       Food For Life             Daily                     Free
                                 community meals
Crossways                                                  Place order before 6am    Only available to
Level 1, 123 Swanston Street     CBD premises has          on the day of delivery.   residents of City of
Melbourne, Victoria 3000                                   Meals are delivered       Port Phillip who are in
Who and where                       What                       When                       Cost and conditions

9650 2939                           temporarily closed.        from 1pm to 2pm.           genuine need.
m                                   Albert Park premises is    SMS 0438 716 335 with
Contact: Mohan                      delivering vegetarian      your:
                                    meals for those in
                                    need.                         name
                                                                  email address (if
                                                                   you have one)
                                                                  concession/ student
                                                                   card/ why you are in
                                                                  number of meals to
                                                                   be delivered

Open Family                         Chatterbox                 Wed, Fri, Sat              Free
                                    Bus outreach service       Does not operate on        Disadvantaged young
St Paul’s Cathedral                 has been temporarily       public holidays            people aged 12-25
Corner Flinders & Swanston          suspended.
Melbourne, 3000                     Digital gift cards for
1300 669 600                        Coles supermarket are              provided instead of
Open Family18                       food.
Contact: Anthony

Salvation Army                      The Lighthouse Café        Daily                      Free
                                                               Breakfast 9am
69 Bourke Street,                   The lighthouse Café is                                Open to everyone
Melbourne, 3000                     currently closed.          Lunch 11:30am
9653 3299 1800 266 686                                                                    Contact the agency
Salvation Army 19                   Takeaway breakfast                                    directly for more
                                    and lunch are now                                     information.
                                    provided through the
                                    hatch in the laneway.

St Vincent de Paul Society          Federation Square          Daily                      Free
Victoria                            soup van
Soup Van Program                                                                          Open to everyone
                                    Meals still being
9895 5800                           provided but there is no                              Visit the website or            street service.                                       contact the agency
St Vinnies15                                                                              directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup       Food hampers or                                       up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager              vouchers are delivered
                                    to managed
                                    accommodation and
                                    rooming houses.

                                    Rough sleepers can
                                    access the welfare
                                    phone on 1800 305 330

Who and where                       What                     When                      Cost and conditions

                                    to arrange hampers or

St Vincent de Paul                  North Melbourne          Daily                     Free
Society Victoria                    soup van
Soup Van Program                                                                       Open to everyone
                                    Meals are still being
9895 5800                           provided but there is                              Visit the website or            no street service.                                 contact the agency
St Vinnies15                                                                           directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup       Food hampers or                                    up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager              vouchers are delivered
                                    to managed
                                    accommodation and
                                    rooming houses.

                                    Rough sleepers can
                                    access the welfare
                                    phone on 1800 305 330
                                    to arrange hampers or

Uniting Prahran                     Hartley’s community      Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri   Low cost lunch
                                    dining room                                        meals
211 Chapel Street,                                           11am - 1.45pm
Prahran, 3181                       Dining has been                                    Free lunch meals
9692 9500                           temporarily suspended.                             available for people
Uniting Prahran10                   Takeaway meals and                                 with a Centrelink
Contact: Michael Scott,             emergency relief                                   concession card
Community Services Manager          parcels available.                                 (conditions apply)

Uniting Prahran                     Winter Breakfast         June to August            Gold coin donation
                                                                                       appreciated for the
211 Chapel Street, Prahran,         Serves a hot breakfast                             winter breakfast.
3181                                during June, July and    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
9692 9500                           August.                  7.30am - 9.30am           Open to everyone.
Uniting Prahran10                                                                      Contact agency in
Contact: Michael Scott,                                                                June to check if still
Community Services Manager                                                             operating.

Meals @ the Bridge                  Meals at the bridge      Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,       Free
Lifeline Inc.                                                Fri
                                    Serves meals to                                    Aimed at people who
St Lukes Church Hall                marginalised, socially   9am-5pm                   are experiencing
210 Dorcas Street, South            disadvantaged people                               homelessness, are
Melbourne                           and those experiencing   Takeaway meals and        marginalised or
0402 252041                         homelessness.            food hampers provided     socially disadvantaged                                 through the office
Meals at the Bridge 20                                       window.
Contact: Michael Carter, CEO

Who and where                         What                       When                     Cost and conditions

St Vincent de Paul Society            Southbank                  Daily                    Free
Victoria                              soup van
Soup Van Program                                                                          Open to everyone
                                      Meals still being
9895 5800                             provided but currently                              Visit the website or              no street service.                                  contact the agency
St Vinnies15                                                                              directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup         Food hampers or                                     up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager                vouchers are delivered
                                      to managed
                                      accommodation and
                                      rooming houses.

                                      Rough sleepers can
                                      access the welfare
                                      phone on 1800 305 330
                                      to arrange hampers or

Sacred Heart Mission -                Meals program              Daily                    Free
Community Meals
                                      Provides nutritious        Takeaway breakfast and   Open to everyone
87 Grey Street,                       meals to people who        lunch package provided
St Kilda, 3182                        are socially               from 10am to1pm.
9537 1166                             disadvantaged and           isolated or experiencing
Sacred Heart Mission 21               homelessness.

Christ Church Mission                 Free and cheap meals       Wed                      Free
Community Centre
                                      Takeaway soup, main        5.30pm – 6.45pm          Open to everyone
14 Acland Street St Kilda, 3182       meal, dessert, bread,
9534 9250                             salad, tea or coffee.
Christ Church Mission
Community Centre 22
Contact: Elizabeth Rooney,

Sacred Heart Mission                  Women’s breakfast          Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,      Free
                                      and lunch                  Fri
Sacred Heart Mission Women’s                                                              Women only
House                                 Sit down breakfast and
65 Robe Street,                       lunch have been
St Kilda, 3182                        temporarily suspended.
9536 8464
womenshouse@sacredheartmi             Provide a backpack
ssion.org21                           with packaged food at
Sacred Heart Mission                  the front door. Limited
                                      food parcels are also

Who and where                    What                       When                       Cost and conditions


St Vincent de Paul Society       West Melbourne             Daily                      Free
Victoria                         soup van
Soup Van Program                                                                       Open to everyone
                                 Meals still being
9895 5800                        provided but currently                                Visit the website or         no street service.                                    contact the agency
St Vinnies15                                                                           directly for the most
Contact: Danusia Kaska - Soup    Food hampers or                                       up-to-date information.
Van Operations Manager           vouchers are delivered
                                 to managed
                                 accommodation and
                                 rooming houses.

                                 Rough sleepers can
                                 access the welfare
                                 phone on 1800 305 330
                                 to arrange hampers or

Cohealth                         Cafe meals program         Available during regular   $2 buys a meal to
Cafe Meals Program                                          café hours. Check with     the value of $12
                                 Subsidised meals at        each business to see if
Participating cafes in various   local cafes for people     they are still operating   People experiencing
locations in Melbourne           experiencing               and what is offered.       homelessness.
                                 homelessness.                                         Must be a member of
9448 5536                                                   Participants can get one   the program. To                               meal a day, every day of   enquire about
au                                                          the week. Members can      membership, contact
Cohealth23                                                  choose                     the program worker.
Contact: Susan Whitelock                                    breakfast, lunch or

Our Daily Bread                  Offers                     Every Tuesday              Free

23 Victoria Street, Coburg       Parcels – One full         9 -9.30am                  Open to everyone
Contact: Sophie Katoulas         grocery bag with non           perishables and
                                 toiletries (on request).

                                 Homeless packs –
                                 dispensable food and
                                 snacks ready to eat.
                                 Includes toiletries.

The Big Umbrella                 Cooked hot meals from      Every Thursday and         Free
                                 rescued and purchased      Saturday @ Fed Square
80 Harbour Esplanade             food.                      and Russell St ext         Open to anyone                                                                requiring food                                          7.30 – 9.00pm              support..

City of Melbourne’s community meals subsidy

Would you like information about how you can enjoy a meal with a local community group? The City of
Melbourne provides community meal subsidies for organisations that support older people to meet and share
a meal on a regular basis. Older people and organisations supporting older people, are eligible to apply for a
$4.50 subsidy per person for a maximum number of 12 community meal sessions, with a maximum subsidy
for 200 meals per session. There are currently more than 50 diverse community groups and organisations
including Lithuanian, Greek, Italian, Chinese and Spanish that regularly meet to share a meal in the
municipality. If you would like more information or if you have a group who is interested in applying for a
community meal subsidy, contact the City of Melbourne on 9658 9658.

Food education
Learn about how food is grown, sourced and how to cook delicious healthy meals affordably through
one of these food education programs. Includes cooking, food growing and nutrition classes and
community kitchens.

Who and where                     What                          When                   Cost and conditions

Collingwood Children’s Farm       School tours                  Contact agency         Contact agency directly
                                                                directly for more      for more information.
18 St Heliers Street,             The school tours which        information.
Abbotsford, 3067                  allow children to feed and
9417 5806                         touch a variety of farm             animals, while learning
Collingwood Children's Farm24     how to safely interact with
Contact: Anita Stec               them, have been
                                  temporarily suspended.

                                  The agency is now
                                  focussing on meal and
                                  grocery packages.

Brotherhood of St Laurence -      Cooking groups and            Contact agency         Free
Coolibah Centre                   gardening classes             directly for more
                                                                information.           For members only.
67a Brunswick Street,             All classes have been
Fitzroy, 3065                     temporarily suspended.                               Existing members,
9483 1323 or 1300 147 147                                                              annual fee is $50.            Agency is now focussing
Brotherhood of St Laurence 25     on its Independent Living
                                  service providing lunch and
Contact: Robert Lorenzetto,       dinner meals for members.
Welfare Coordinator

Who and where                    What                           When                Cost and conditions

Cultivating Community            Fitzroy Community Food         Daily               Free
                                 Centre Kitchen and
Fitzroy Community Food           Workshops                      Contact Peta        Open to everyone.
Centre                                                          Christensen for
Napier Street,                   This workshop which helps      more information.
Fitzroy, 3065                    people to access fresh
9429 3084                        food, and learn about    growing and preparing food
.au                              has been temporarily
Contact: Peta Christensen        suspended.

                                 The agency is now
                                 focusing on providing food

Open Table                       No Waste Cook Club             For dates and       Free
                                                                bookings visit
North Fitzroy Library            This workshop which helps      Open Table          For residents of City of
182-186 St Georges Road,         people reduce food waste       website.            Yarra,
Fitzroy North 3068               at home.
0403 218 123
Open Table16
Contact: Angela O’Toole,
General Manager

Cohealth                         cohealth nutrition             Mon, Tue, Wed,      Open to everyone
                                 education and support          Thu, Fri
12 Gower Street,                                                                    Fees may apply
Kensington, 3031                 Access by referral from        9am - 4.30pm
8378 3515                        health professional or         Not operating     contact us directly.           public holidays
Contact: Sujata Joshi            Limited support is currently
                                 available, mainly by phone.

Cohealth                         cohealth nutrition             Mon, Thu, Fri       Free
                                 education and support
53 Victoria Street,                                             10am - 4pm          Refugees and asylum
Melbourne, 3000                  Drop-in service currently      Not operating       seekers, Aboriginal
9448 5536                        not available. Limited         public holidays     and Torres Strait    support is currently                               Islander people and
au                               provided, mainly by phone.                         people experiencing
Cohealth23                                                                          homelessness
Contact: Susan Whitelock

Dietician outreach services

Do you know someone who needs advice and direction about their nutrition? Cohealth runs dietician outreach
sessions run at several locations across the City of Melbourne. These are either fortnightly or monthly
services. Contact the individual service via the relevant number below for dates.
   Ozanam Community Centre, 268 Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne, 3051, Phone 9329 6733 for an
   Frontyard Youth Services, 19 King St, Melbourne, 3000, Phone 9611 2411 for an appointment
   The Living Room, 7-9 Hosier Lane, Melbourne, 3000, Phone 9945 2100 for an appointment
Community Gardens
Due to COVID-19, many community gardens have either closed temporarily or restricted access applied as
per the current staged restrictions in place from the Victorian State Government. The list below reflects the
number of gardens open, but access may be restricted or limited.

If you know someone who’d like to grow their own fresh fruit and vegetables, but doesn’t have a garden or
balcony of their own, community gardens can play an important role.

Gardens and shared planter-boxes may be on public housing estates, vacant blocks, footpaths or land
awaiting development.

Who and where                                   What                           When                Cost and conditions

East Melbourne                                  Community garden               Open during         Fees set each year
Community Garden                                                               daylight hours      by the Committee of
                                                Community garden for East                          Management.
Sinclair’s Cottage, Fitzroy                     Melbourne residents. To be
Gardens, East Melbourne, 3002                   placed on the waiting list                         Must be a resident of                    send an email to the                               East Melbourne.
                                                membership secretary.

Kensington Community Garden                     Kensington Community           Contact agency      Kensington
                                                Garden                         for more            residents
118-128 Westbourne Road,                                                       information.
Kensington, 3031                                The gardens provide the                            There is currently a
9376 1633                                       opportunity for local                              waiting list for this
                                                residents to grow herbs                            garden                          and vegetables for
Kensington Community Garden26                   personal use. The gardens
Contact: YMCA, Kensington                       also provide a perfect
Community Recreation Centre                     community space for
                                                people to come together
                                                and socialise. Plots when
                                                available are allocated to
                                                3031 residents on the wait

Kensington Neighbourhood House                  Arden Street                   Garden is           Available for use
                                                Community Garden               publically          by the public
321 Arden Street,                                                              accessible at all
Kensington 3031                                 This street garden was built   times.
9376 6366                                       with support from business
                                                owner Frank Menis,                            Flemington Community
Kensington Neighbourhood                        Bank, City of Melbourne
House27                                         and Living Learning
                                                Australia. It is maintained
                                                and supported by


Who and where                                What                               When                  Cost and conditions

Kensington Neighbourhood House               Community herb share               Garden can be         $25 annual
                                             program and community              accessed all          membership
89 McCracken Street,                         garden                             times
Kensington, 3031                                                                                      2-3 hours
9376 6366                                    Shared planter boxes with                                volunteering
                                             freshly grown herbs                         accessible to members.                                   per month
Kensington Neighbourhood
House27                                                                                               Open to everyone

Public housing community gardens program

Do you live in public housing and wish to access a community garden? Cultivating Community currently
supports 21 public housing community gardens as well as non-public housing gardens. Funding comes
from the Victorian Government through the public housing section of the Department of
Human Services.

Listed are the public housing community gardens in inner Melbourne. You must be a public housing resident
to use these gardens and many require key access. Access times vary for each garden.

For more information call or email Ben Liney on 9429 3084, or Cultivating Community28.

Interested in growing your own food?

Save energy and water, reduce waste and live sustainably at Saving energy at home29.

Find out how to develop and manage a community or neighbourhood garden at Melbourne gardens and

Find out how to plant and maintain gardens on nature strips and medium strips through these street garden
guidelines at Melbourne gardens and greenspacesError! Bookmark not defined..

Find out about ways to play a role in greening our city, whether through green roofs or vertical green walls at
Melbourne greening the city31.

 Location                                              Address

 Alfred Street                                         33 Alfred Street, North Melbourne

 Buncle Street                                         Corner Buncle and Mark Streets,
                                                       North Melbourne

Crown Street                                 29 Crown Street, Flemington

 Emerald Street                               24 Emerald Street, Collingwood

 Fitzroy (Asherton Gardens Estate)            125 Napier Street, Fitzroy

 Flemington                                   120 Racecourse Road, Flemington

 Highett Street                               Cnr Belgium Ave and Vere Street, Richmond

 Hoddle Street 229                            229 Hoddle Street, Collingwood

 Hoddle Street 253                            40 Harmsworth Street, Collingwood

 Holmes Street                                1 Holmes Street, Northcote

 Inkerman Street                              150 Inkerman Street, St Kilda

 King Street (three small gardens)            25 and 27 King Street, Prahran

 Lennox Street                                13 Lennox Street, Richmond

 Lygon Street                                 530 Lygon Street

 Milarri                                      258 Malvern Road, South Yarra

 Neill Street                                 478 Drummond Street, Carlton

 Park Towers                                  255 Bank Street, South Melbourne

 Union Street                                 49 Union Street, Windsor

 Wingate Avenue                               22-24 Wingate Avenue, Ascot Vale

Fresh food and groceries
Love Melbourne’s markets, their fresh produce and being able to speak to growers and producers?

Or want to know how you can buy ethical fresh food and groceries without going to a supermarket?

There are a number of options in Melbourne to access fresh, locally produced fresh food and groceries.

Fresh food markets
We’re fortunate in Melbourne to have a number of fresh food markets operate regularly at public locations.
These often allow farmers and food producers to sell their fresh produce direct to the community, often for less
than you’d pay in the grocery store or supermarket. If you go towards the closing time of the market, some
vendors may sell their remaining perishable items at a discount. Entry is free to most markets, or it’s a gold
coin donation.Melbourne Farmers Markets are dedicated to Victorian food and producers, regional food
cultures, seasonal produce, biodiversity, sustainable farming practices and the strengthening of relationships
between the consumer and the producer. All upcoming markets are listed on Melbourne Farmers Market 32.

Food cooperatives

A food cooperative (or ‘co-op’) is a group of people who get together to buy food in bulk direct from
wholesalers or from farmers. Co-ops operate like grocery stores that is collectively started, owned and run by
its members. By buying in bulk, co-op members are able to get fresh, quality food at reduced prices. Buying
‘bulk’ doesn’t mean you have to buy lots of it, just come in and refill your container and pay by weight.

Most co-ops specialise in natural, organic and locally grown foods. Members usually pay an annual fee which
goes towards the co-ops running costs.

Food delivery
Get groceries delivered to your home with these programs, which offer online ordering and home delivery of
locally-grown produce. If you prefer to shop at the major supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, also offer
home delivery services.

For Coles, call 1800 455 400 or Coles.33 For Woolworths, call 1300 666 377 or Woolworths.34

                                                                                            Cost and
Who and where                           What                      When                      conditions

Melbourne Farmers Market                Collingwood               Sat                       Adults $2
                                        Farmers’ Market
St Heliers Street,                                                8am - 1pm                 To support projects
Abbotsford, 3067                                                  Open 2nd Saturday         at Collingwood
9499 3400                                                         of each month             Children’s Farm.                                                                             Free entry for                                                                        children.
Melbourne Farmers Market 35
Contact: MFM office

Melbourne Farmers Market                Slow Food                 Sat                       Gold coin
                                        Melbourne                                           donation
St Heliers Street,                      Farmers Market            8am - 1pm
Abbotsford, 3067                                                  Open 4th Saturday
9499 3400                                                         of each month
Melbourne Farmers Market35
Contact: MFM office

Cost and
Who and where                        What                     When                     conditions

Melbourne Farmers Market             Gasworks Farmers’        Sat                      Free entry
21 Graham Street,                                             8am - 1pm
Albert Park, 3206                                             Open 3rd Saturday
9499 3400                                                     of each month
Melbourne Farmers Market35
Contact: MFM office

Urban Orchard                        Urban Orchard            Sat                      Members of the
                                                                                       project leave their
Stewart Street and Roberts Street,   A collection of folk     10am - 1pm (when         excess fruit,
Brunswick East, 3057                 from over 200            CERES market is          vegetables, herbs            households across the    open)                    etc. on the swap
Contact: April                       inner northern suburbs                            table and take
                                     of Melbourne who                                  produce others
                                     swap and share                                    have dropped off
                                     excess produce from
                                     their backyard                                    Visit the stall on
                                     gardens.                                          market day to get

Melbourne Farmers Market             Carlton Farmers’         Sat                      Entry to the market
                                     Market                                            is by gold coin
Corner of Palmerston and                                      8am and 1pm              donation which
Drummond Streets, Carlton, 3053                               1st Saturday of each     supports the
9419 0826                                                     month                    school’s programs
Melbourne Farmers Market35
Contact: MFM office

Friends of The Earth                 Food co-op and cafe      Daily                    Low cost foods and
312 Smith Street,                    Provides affordable,     10am - 6pm Monday -
Collingwood, 3066                    locally grown, organic   Friday                   Annual
9417 4382                            food. Bring your own     10am - 5pm Saturdays     membership for co-                      bags and containers or   11am - 4pm Sundays       op is available.
Friends of the Earth36               cup for take away tea    (Café opens at 12pm)     Members get a 5%
Contact: Beth Cameron                and coffee.              Closed public holidays   discount and
                                                                                       volunteers a 15%
                                     The café also offers                              discount off their
                                     cheap, vegan meals                                shopping in the co-
                                     with gluten free                                  op. If you are
                                     options. Lunchtime                                interested in
                                     meals from 12pm                                   volunteering, visit
                                     using food from the

Cost and
Who and where                                 What                       When                      conditions

                                              co-op. Meals and                                     the website.
                                              drinks are all currently

                                              Offers pre-packed
                                              grocery items, and
                                              launched an online
                                              click and collect

Flemington Farmers Market                     Flemington Farmers’        Sun                       Free entry
169-175 Mount Alexander Road,                                            9am - 1pm
Flemington, 3031                              Stallholders sell fresh    Closed over Christmas
0407 411 198                                  food and local           produce, all grown and
Flemington Farmers Market37                   made themselves.
Contact: Don Linke
Ceres Fair Food                               Fair Food delivery         Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,       See website for
                                              service                    Fri                       pricing and delivery
8673 6288                                                                                          fees for your area                     Delivers fair, fresh       9am - 7pm
Ceres Fair Food 38                            food and groceries
Contact: Shell (Customer Service)             throughout
8am to 5pm, Mon to Fri                        Melbourne.

Queen Victoria Market                         Queen Victoria             Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat        Free entry
                                              Market -
Corner of Victoria Street and                 fresh produce              Tuesdays: 6am - 2pm
Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 3000                                        Thursdays: 6am - 2pm
9320 5822                                     Melbourne’s largest        Fridays: 6am - 5pm
Queen Victoria Market39                       market and historic        Saturdays: 6am - 3pm
                                              landmark, where you        Sundays: 9am - 4pm
                                              can shop for
                                              everything from            Check website for
                                              Australian fruit and       public holiday closures
                                              vegetables, and local      and Winter Markets on
                                              and imported gourmet       Wednesday nights
                                              to cosmetics, clothing
                                              and souvenirs.

Cost and
Who and where                               What                       When                      conditions

Prahran Market                              Prahran Market             Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat        Free entry

163 Commercial Road,                        Selling high quality       7am - 5pm
South Yarra, 3141                           fruit and veg, a wide
8290 8220                                   range of certified         Sun              organic produce,           10am - 3pm
u                                           sustainable seafood,       Check website for
Prahran Market40                            free range meat,           public holiday closures
                                            poultry and more.

South Melbourne Market                      South Melbourne            Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun        Free entry
Corner of Coventry Street                                              8am - 4pm
and Cecil Street,                           A village market,          closes 5pm on Fridays
South Melbourne, 3205                       where people come
9209 6295                                   not only to purchase
South Melbourne Market 41                   fresh local food, but to
                                            meet, eat, drink, shop,
                                            share and connect.

Veg Out St Kilda                            Veg Out St Kilda           Sat                       Free entry
Farmers Market                              Farmers’ Market
                                                                       7.30am - 1pm
Corner of Shakespeare Grove and             Directly supporting        1st Saturday of each
Chaucer Street                              primary producers          month
St Kilda, 3182                              from around the state,
                                            selling both certified                         organic and
Veg Out 42                                  conventional produce.

The One Box Group                           The One Box has            Free delivery is          Starting from
                                            launched the Fresh         available Tue & Fri for   $8.50, affordable
1/ 358 Arden Street                         Food Project in            City of Melbourne         boxes of fresh
Kensington 3031
                                            response to the            council residents or      produce and           increased need for low     choose Click & Collect    staples.                     cost, fresh food in our    Tue to Thu 9am –
                                            communities, and aims      12pm from Kensington
                                            to be culturally           3031.
                                                                       Bulk delivery for
                                            A range of seasonal        charities & community
                                            fruit and vegetables       organisations is also
                                            and staples is offered     available. Delivery is
                                            at approx. 50% off its     free within City of
                                            recommended retail         Melbourne or free with
                                            value.                     a 10 box minimum for
                                                                       other areas.

City of Melbourne’s meals service

Do you or someone you know need help preparing meals at home? Older people or younger people with
disabilities in the municipality may be eligible to access City of Melbourne’s home delivered meal service. The
service can cater for specific dietary needs and assistance with meal preparation is also available.

When                Meals delivered five days a week and weekend meals can be delivered on Fridays.

Cost                Cost for a three course meal is $8.10

Who                 Clients need to be eligible for either the Home
                    and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP) or the Community Home
                    Support Program (CHSP). Available for people who are unable to prepare meals at home.

For more information, contact City of Melbourne on (03) 9658 9658 or City of Melbourne.43

Food rescue

How do I donate food?

If you’d like to donate food, please contact the services directly to find out their specific donation requirements.

There are also larger organisations that collect surplus food for human consumption. The following is a list of
collectors that provide this service within the City of Melbourne.

Who and where                          What

FareShare                              FareShare rescues food that would otherwise go to waste and cooks
                                       it into free, nutritious meals for people in need. FareShare collects surplus
1-7 South Audley Street,               food from supermarkets, wholesalers, manufacturers and
Abbottsford, 3067                      farms and with the support of around 1000 volunteers cooks into
9428 0044                              ready to eat meals including casseroles, pastas, curries and savoury
FareShare44                            pastries. FareShare meals are distributed to more than front line 400
                                       charities around Victoria including soup vans, homeless shelters, women’s
                                       refuges and community food banks. Please note, FareShare does not
                                       distribute meals directly and cannot support individuals.

Foodbank Victoria                      Foodbank rescues food and grocery items from across the supply
                                       chain, including from manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, farmers,
4/2 Somerville Road,                   importers and exporters. It also accepts donations of non-perishable food
Yarraville, 3013                       and grocery items from individuals and organisations who host food drives,
9362 8300                              and partners with companies who donate ingredients           and services so it can produce essential pantry staples that are in
Foodbank45                             short supply.

OzHarvest Melbourne                    OzHarvest is the leading food rescue organisation in Australia, collecting
                                       quality excess food from commercial outlets and
Unit 2/854 Lorimer Street,             delivering it direct to more than 900 charities who support people
Port Melbourne, 3207                   in need across Australia.
9999 5070

SecondBite                             SecondBite breaks down barriers to people’s access of healthy food by
                                       working with more than 1400 community food programs across Australia to
93 Northern Road                       redistribute rescued food to those who need it most.
Heidelberg West 3081
9376 3800
Secondbite 47
Contact: Jim Mullan

Food safety and how you can provide free food in the City of Melbourne
If you offer a program or service that donates or provides free food to the community, you must contact
City of Melbourne’s Health and Wellbeing branch on (03) 9658 9658 to discuss your food safety requirements
with one of our Environmental Health Officers.

How to contact us

In person:

Melbourne Town Hall - Administration Building
120 Swanston Street, Melbourne
Business hours, Monday to Friday
(Public holidays excluded)

Telephone: 03 9658 9658, business hours, Monday to Friday (public holidays excluded)

In writing:

City of Melbourne
GPO Box1603
Melbourne VIC 3001

Fax: 03 9654 4854

We’re multilingual too!

Our interpreter service caters for people of all backgrounds.

03 9280 0716      ll"''(l"

03 9280 0717      JJJ!l

03 9280 0718      EMT]VIKci

03 9280 0719      Bahasa Indonesia

03 9280 0720      Italiano

03 9280 0721      "§A

03 9280 0722      Soomaali

03 9280 0723      Espafiol

03 9280 0724      Turkce

03 9280 0725      Vit Ngu

03 9280 0726      All other languages

National Relay Service: If you are deaf, hearing impaired or speech-impaired, call us via the National Relay
Service: Teletypewriter (TTY) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 03 9658 9658
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
(Public holidays excluded)
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