Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools

Page created by Andy Diaz
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
St. Michael-Albertville
Community Education

                 Registration Now Open!
       Lifelong Learning For All Ages
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Registration is now open for all classes and events. In this issue, you’ll find shorter class
         descriptions. More information is available online at
     Scan the QR Codes throughout the brochure to register. For more information or
                         questions, please contact the staff below.

Office Staff                                  Registration
Community Education Director                  Online
Maryellen Barthel (763) 497-6511    
                                              By Phone
Administrative Assistant                      763-497-6550, ext. 1
Mary Chabot (763) 497-6550, ext 1             For credit card registrations.
Early Childhood Coordinator                   We do not send confirmations via U.S.
Jane Helgestad (763) 497-6512                 mail. Accounts with an email address will                              receive email confirmation.

Kids Play Coordinator                         UCare Discounts
Lisa Becker (763) 497-6513                    Members of UCare may take up to a $15                              discount on most classes in this catalog.
                                              Contact the office for more information.
Youth/Adult Enrichment
Coordinator                                   Photo Policy
Kayleigh Sonterre                             There are occasions when representatives         SCHOOL ABBREVIATIONS
(763) 497-6550, ext 7                         of STMA and/or the media photograph or           AP   Albertville Primary                          videotape students while attending/              SE   St. Michael Elementary
                                              participating in school sponsored                BW   Big Woods Elementary
Facilities/Activity Center                    functions. Parent/guardians not wanting
                                              their child to be identified in photographs
                                                                                               FE   Fieldstone Elementary
Coordinator                                                                                    MW   Middle School West
                                              or on videotape, should notify, in writing,
Jina Houts (763) 497-6554
                                              the community education office.                  ME   Middle School East
                                                                                               HS   High School
                                              Refunds                                          CE   Community Education Center
                                              Cancellations must be made by phone or           AC   Activity Center @ High School
                                              in person at least 5 business days prior to
Advisory Councils                             the start. If we cancel a class, you will be
The Community Education and Early             notified and your money will be refunded
Childhood Advisory Councils represent a       in full. Please see entire refund details
cross-section of District 885. The Advisory   online at
Council meets quarterly to help identify,
coordinate, and evaluate the educational,     Inclement Weather Emergencies
recreational, social, and cultural            If weather is threatening, cancellations will
opportunities for district residents of all   be announced on the Community
ages.                                         Education weather line, 763-497-6549 or
                                              (763) 497-6550, ext. 2. If school is canceled,
If you would like to become an Advisory       all Community Education, youth and adult
Council member, contact Maryellen             activities are canceled and all school
Barthel, Director of Community Education:
                                              buildings are closed.

    2                       We are proud to offer programs for people of all ages and abilities.
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Adult Enrichment
A free Community Education program to help
adults age 17 or older develop their basic skills; such
as reading, writing, math, work skills, English and
technology. (Students must not be enrolled in
secondary school)

English As A Second Language (ESL)
For individuals whose first language is not English.
Morning Classes:
M/W     8:45-11:15 am
Beginning Wednesday, January 3
STMA Community Education Center, Room 209
60 Central Ave. W, St. Michael.
Free childcare/preschool is available by calling
763-497-6550 at least two days prior to class.

Evening Classes:
T/Th   6:30-8 pm
Beginning Tuesday, January 4                                            TRIPS AND TOURS
STMA Community Education Center, Room 305                                See full trip descriptions online.
60 Central Ave. W., St. Michael.                          Trips leave from the St. Michael Elementary front parking lot.
No childcare available during the evening class.
ESL/ABE Transitions Class                                             433W • Chanhassen Dinner Theater
This class is open to ESL students who have exited                       Wednesday, February 23, 2022
                                                                                 10:15 am Depart
ESL or are at a high advanced level. Students can
                                                             $115 (includes lunch, show ticket, and transportation)
study for their GED, college prep, or basic skills.                     Registration Deadline: January 24
T/Th    9-11:30AM
CE, Room 209
FREE                                                           Spam Museum & Hormel Mansion
                                                                               223W • Austin, MN
GED & Basic Skills Information                                             Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Improve your math, reading, and writing for                                      7:45 am Depart
                                                             $95 (includes museum tour, lunch, and transportation)
yourself, a job, a GED, or college entrance.
                                                                       Registration Deadline: February 28
Beginning Tuesday, January 4
Th     6:30-9 pm
CE, Room 304                                                St. Paul Gangsters and Cathedral Tour
                                                                                227W • St. Paul
                                                                             Friday, April 22, 2022
GED Testing                                                                     9:00 am Depart
                                                                          3:30pm Approximate Return
Register to take the official test at                            $99 (includes tours, lunch, and transportation), or call 763-272-2040                                        Registration Deadline: March 21, 2022
There are 4 parts to the test.
Science (90 min),
Social Studies (75 min),                                         Bayfield & Apostle Islands Tour
Reasoning/Language Arts (155 min),                                  229S • Bayfield & Apostle Islands, WI
                                                                     Wednesday & Thursday, May 25 & 26
Mathematical Reasoning (120 min)
                                                                                6:30 am Depart
Computer test only.                                                      6:00pm Approximate Return
$30 for each test                                                  $399 Double Occupancy or $455 Single
Scholarships are available                                 (includes lodging, tours, most meals, and transportation)
                                                                   Registration Deadline: Monday, March 28

                             Register NOW at                                                     3
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Crochet Cowl Class
TRY SOMETHING NEW!                      Adult Beginner/Advanced Beginner       Photography & History
                                        Teen/Adult                             Virtual Classes
                                        Abbey Swanson, The Firefly Hook         Course descriptions available online
                                        Learn crochet basics or a new          Jay Grammond
                                        stitch or two. Everyone leaves with    $19    6:30-7:30 pm
                                        a cowl around their neck!
                                        420W T     Feb 22                      A Cure for Cabin Fever:
                                             $35 6-8:30 pm                     Backyard Photography
                                             HS, Room 1684                     207W1 Th     Jan 20
                                                                               A Look Back:
                                                                               Stories from the Attic
                                        Crochet Spa Basket &                   207W2 T      Jan 25
                                        Washcloths                             Barn Storming:
                                        Adult Beginner/Advanced Beginner       A Tour of MN Barns & Quilts
                                        Teen/Adult                             207W3 Th     Jan 27

Cake Decorating Wars –                  Abbey Swanson, The Firefly Hook         One Last Time:
                                                                               World War II Veteran Stories
Parent/Child                            Create a spa basket and a
                                                                               Part 1 207W4 Th          Feb 3
Ages 5 and Up                           washcloth. You will be sent home
                                                                               Part 2 207W6 Th          Feb 17
                                        with a hook and yarn to complete
Kris Holtmeyer, Artistic Moments
                                        the set.                               A Road Trip Around MN:
You will enjoy learning how to color,                                          Lakes & Waterfalls
roll, cut, and drape colorful pieces    420S Th    Apr 28                      207W5 T      Feb 22
                                             $39 5:30-8:30 pm
of fondant to create a variety of
                                             HS, Room 1684                     Armchair Travels:
designs for your 8-inch cake                                                   The Mighty Five (NEW!)
461W2 S    Mar 19                                                              207S1 Th     Mar 3
      $55 10 am-Noon                                                           Discovering Our Past:
      HS, Room 1412                     Adult Abstract Cold Wax Oil            Lost and Found (NEW!)
                                        Painting                               207S2 T      Mar 15
                                        Kris Holtmeyer, Artistic Moments
Barn Quilt Painting                                                            Building Your Vision:
                                        Cold wax medium is an interesting      Taking Your Photography From
Susan Edwards, The Barn Quilt Lady      dense paste that allows light          Good to Great!
Create your own Wyoming Valley          movement in your painting, giving it   207S3 Th     Mar 24
barn quilt painting on a 2x2 ft board   a luminous surface.
                                                                               An American Love Affair:
for your home. Supply list online.      461W1 Th    Apr 14                     Cars of the 1950’s (NEW!)
                                              $45 6-9 pm                       207S4 Th     Apr 7
213W S     Mar 12
     $85 9 am-5 pm                            CE, Cafeteria
                                                                               U.S. - Dakota War of 1862:
     HS, Art Room 2222                                                         Pieces of the Puzzle
                                                                               207S5 T      Apr 12
Northern Lights Canvas                  Mini Cake Decorating with
                                                                               A Road Trip Around MN:
Painting                                Fondant                                Veteran Memorials
                                        Kris Holtmeyer, Artistic Moments       207S6 Th     Apr 21
Kris Holtmeyer, Artistic Moments
                                        Learn how to color, roll, cut, and     Fading Ads of the Twin Cities
Bring the Northern Lights to life                                              (NEW!)
                                        drape colorful pieces of fondant to
with a variety of paintbrushes and                                             207S7 T      May 17
                                        create a variety of designs for your
                                        5-inch cake.                           Armchair Travels:
461W3 Th    Mar 24                                                             Theodore Roosevelt
      $45 6-9 pm                        461W4 Th    May 19
                                              $45 6-9 pm                       National Park
      CE, Cafeteria                                                            207S8 Th     May 19
                                              CE, Cafeteria

   4            ADULT
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Adult Enrichment
 2nd Wednesday Book Club               Adult Dance
 This book club meets on the 2nd       Monica Mohn
 Wednesday of each month at 6:30
    pm in the Library. It is free to   Couples only please.
  attend and no pre-registration is    2-Left Feet Social
    required. A different book is
                                       153W1 Th Feb 3
     discussed each month. For               $29 7-9 pm
 complete information contact the            ME, Cafeteria
        St. Michael Library at
                                       Wedding Dance – It’s Not
                                       Too Late To Look Great
Technology 101
                                       153S2   Th March 24
Marc Olig, Instructor                          $29 7-9 pm
Assistance with Word & Excel, using            ME, Cafeteria
your smart phone for Androids,
Google Drive and windows               Swing Dance Workshop
computer and tablets.                  153S3   Th April 7
488W W    Apr 20 & 27                          $29 7-9 pm
     $16 4-5 pm                                ME, Cafeteria
     HS, Media Center
                                       Social Ballroom Dancing
Basic Dog Obedience                    153S4 Th May 12 & May 19
                                             $40 7-8:30 pm
Monticello Dog Academy                       ME, Cafeteria
This class will work on basic
commands such as sit, stay, come,      No Partner Needed!
heel and down.                         Party Line Dancing
123W W    Jan 5-Feb 2                  153S5   Th May 12
     $90 5-5:45 pm                             $10 6-7 pm
     4300 School Blvd, Monticello              ME, Cafeteria

Instant Piano for
Hopelessly Busy People                 Woodworking
                                       Scott Danielson
Craig Coffman
                                       Participants in this class will
Learn to play piano like the
                                       learning skills in woodworking for
professionals at home on Zoom.
                                       the crafter to the cabinetmaker.
Participants must have their own
keyboard.                              629W1 M     Feb 14-Mar 28
                                             No class Mar 7
239W1 M     Apr 4                            $105 5-8 pm
      $55 6:30-9:30 pm                       HS, Room 2761

Instant Guitar for                     Beginner Welding
Hopelessly Busy People                 Scott Danielson
Craig Coffman                          Designed for the beginning welder,
                                       a variety of techniques will be
Learn to play the guitar like the
professionals at home on Zoom.
                                       629W3 Th    Feb 3-Mar 17
239W2 T     Apr 5
                                             No Class Mar 10
      $55 6:30-9:30 pm
                                             $115 5-8 pm
                                             HS, Room 2766

                             Register NOW at              5
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
FINANCIAL PLANNING                     Home Buying Process 101
                                                                                Learn how to personalize the
                                         Savvy Tax Strategies                   home-buying plan that fits you best.
                                         Efficient retirement tax strategies    Jacob Olson, Realty ONE Group
                                         can help avoid mistakes.               Choice
                                         Justin Bettinger, Thrivent Financial
                                                                                177W1 S   Feb 26
                                         979W3 T     May 17                           $10 10-11:30 am
                                               $10 6:30-7:30 pm                       TBD
                                               CE, Room 209                     177W2 T     Mar 15
                                                                                      $10 6:30-8 pm
                                                                                      CE, Room 209
                                         Savvy Social Security
                                         Strategies for maximizing your         177W3 T     Apr 12
                                                                                      $10 6:30-8 pm
                                         Social Security benefits.                     CE, Room 209
                                         Justin Bettinger, Thrivent Financial

                                         979W5 T     Feb 22                     Sell Your Home 101
                                               $10 6:30-7:30 pm                 Real estate secrets to get you top
                                               CE, Room 209                     dollar.
                                                                                Jacob Olson, Realty ONE Group
                                         Medicare 101                           Choice
                                         What exactly is Medicare? What’s
                                                                                177W4 T     Feb 22
                                         part A? This class will take the
                                                                                      $10 6:30-8 pm
                                         mystery out of Medicare.                     CE, Room 209
                                         Stefany Jessen, Senior Healthcare
                                                                                177W5 S     Mar 19
                                         Solutions Inc                                $10 10-11:30 am
                                                                                      HS, Room 1685
                                         619W1 W    Feb 23
                                               $10 5:30-7 pm
                                               CE, Room 209                         COLLEGE BOUND
                                         619W2 W    May 18                      Financial Aid 101
                                               $10 5:30-7 pm
                                                                                How to make a plan to pay for a
                                               CE, Room 209
                                                                                quality college education.
                                                                                Chadd Perkins, Thrivent Financial
Planning for the                                                                979W6 M        Mar 21
                                                                                         $10 6-7 pm
Unexpected by Getting                                                                    CE, Room 209
Your Legal Affairs in Order
Planning now can help prevent                                                   College Planning 101
difficulties and family conflicts later                                          How to prepare your child – and
and ensure that your wishes are                                                 your family- for college logistically,
respected.                                                                      academically, and financially.
                                                                                Chadd Perkins, Thrivent Financial
Heidi Van De Berg, Gries Lenhardt                                               979W7 T        Feb 8
Allen P.L.L.P                                                                           $10 6-7 pm
                                                                                        CE, Room 209
979W4         W      Apr 27
              $10    6:30-7:30 pm
              CE, Room 307                                                      Need-to-Know Changes to the
                                                                                College Planning Process
                                                                                Virtual Class
                                                                                Cozy Wittman, College Inside Track
                                                                                412W M     Feb 7
                                                                                      $10 7-8 pm

   6             HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Health and Wellness
                    ACTIVITY CENTER                                                            Open Gym
                                                                                              Monday - Friday
                5800 Jamison Ave NE, St. Michael, Enter Door C.                                 5-8:30 am
                  For more information call (763) 497-6541.                                 6-9 pm (Under 18)
                                                                                             6-10 pm (Adults)
                                                               Memberships                  Saturday & Sunday
                                                                                              8 am-5 pm
 Individual, family and student memberships are available for purchase at the
                                                                                           AC Members: Free
    High School Activity Center. The Activity Center has six basketball courts,
                                                                                        Non-Members: $5 at door
 baseball/softball cages, a 5,000 sq. ft. fitness center, and an indoor running/
                                             walking track for the public to use.      Note: The Activity Center Policy
                                                                                    states that children under the age of
                                                    Activity Center Hours            12 must be supervised by an adult!
                                                                  Monday – Friday
                                                                5–8:30 am and                   Aquatics
                                                          3:30–9 pm (under 18)             The pool is located at
                                                           3:30-10 pm (Adults)
                                                                                         STMA Middle School East
                                                             Saturday & Sunday
                                                                                            4862 Naber Ave NE
                                                                      8 am–5 pm
                                                                                                St. Michael
                                                                                      Lap Swim: M/W/F 7:30-8:30 AM
                                                                                     Activity center members swim for
Pickleball                                 Aqua Aerobics                             FREE during Lap Swim! Check out
Pickleball is a cross between tennis,      ME Swimming Pool                          Activity Center Memberships for
racquetball and badminton                  Lori Schoenborn                                   more information.
T      Ongoing                                     M/W/F
       50+ 6:30-7:45 pm                            Ongoing
       21+ 7:45-9:45 pm                            Schedule/payment at class
       AC, Court 2                                 7:30-8:20 am
       $2 per person                               $90 punch card (12 classes)

Senior Workouts                            Over 40 Basketball
Senior Citizens (62+ years old) are        Ages 40 and older
invited to use the Upper Walking/          Pre-registration is not required.
Running Track for free.                    W       Ongoing
M/T/Th/F   Ongoing                                 6-9 pm
      FREE for District Residents                  MW, Gym
      AC   5-9:30 am                               $1 per night

STMA Progressive Triathlon                 Men’s Basketball League
Please sign up at the Activity Center      Get your buddies together and form
front desk. Online registration is not     a basketball team. Call 763-497-
available for this event.                  6541 to register your team by
                                           December 21.
February 1st-28th        $10                                                               Activity Center
                                           W       Jan 5-Mar 16                        Birthday Party Rentals
                                                   $100 per team
                                                                                        Contact 763-497-6541
                                                                                    Weekends only, call for availability.

                          Register NOW at                                                     7
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Power Flow Yoga
Get your blood flowing & body
moving as we perform more
asana movement.
Nicole Roddy, Roddy’s Remedies

517W1 T     Jan 25-Mar 22
      No Class Feb 1 & Mar 8
      $138 5:00-6:00 pm
      SE, Room 127

517W2 Th    Jan 27-Mar 17
      No Class Mar 10
      $138 5:00-6:00 pm
      SE, Room 127
                    SPRING YOGA SESSIONS
                    AVAILABLE ONLINE!
Gentle Flow Yoga
Blending breath-work, gentle move-
ments and techniques to mindfully
promote relaxation.                      Double Time Bootcamp                    Group Hypnosis
Nicole Roddy, Roddy’s Remedies           A hybrid of high-intensity, cardio,     Seminar 1
            Jan 25-Mar 22                and strength-training movements.        Weight Loss Hypnosis
517W3 T
      No Class Feb 1 & Mar 8             Elizabeth Govrik- McCoy & Tereza        Seminar 2
      $138 6:30-7:30 pm                  Govrik-Hufnagle                         Stop Smoking/Chewing Tobacco
      SE, Room 127                                                               Mary Fischer, D.C.H-c,C.HT
517W4 Th    Jan 27-Mar 17                230W1 T/Th Jan 4- 27
                                         230W2 T/Th Feb 1-24                     5:45 pm      Check-In, Get Materials
      No Class Mar 10                    230W3 T/Th Mar 15-Apr 7
      $138 6:30-7:30pm                                                           6 pm         Introduction
                                                    5:30- 6:15 am                             (All participants must
      SE, Room 127                                  $40 (AC Members)                          attend)
                                                    $50 (Non-Members)            7-7:45 pm    Weight Loss Hypnosis
Pound                                               AC Court 3                                (Smokers/Chewers
A full-body cardio jam session that                                                           take a break)
combines conditioning and                                                        8-8:45 pm    Stop Smoking/
strength training with yoga and          SWEAT                                                Chewing Hypnosis
Pilates-inspired movements.              This fitness class offers a series of
                                         energetic routines that provide         424W Th Feb 3
Casey Smith, Certified Personal Trainer                                                $65 per seminar or $110
                                         participants with a great cardio
                                         workout!                                     for both seminars
167W1 T    Jan 4-25         $30
                                                                                      CE, Room 105
167W2 Th   Jan 6-27         $30          Elizabeth Govrik- McCoy & Tereza             Enter Door D
167W3 T/Th Jan 4-27         $45          Govrik-Hufnagle
167W4 T    Feb 1-22         $40                                                  424S   Th May 12
167W5 Th   Feb 3-24         $30          231W1 T/Th Jan 4-27                            $65 per seminar or $110
167W6 T/Th Feb 1-24         $55          231W2 T/Th Feb 1-24                            for both seminars
                                                    5:45-6:30 pm                        CE, Room 105
167S7 T     Mar 1-29        $40                     $40 (AC Members)                    Enter Door D
167S8 Th    Mar 3-31        $30                     $50 (Non-Members)
167S9 T/Th Mar 1-31         $55                     AC Court 3
      (No class Mar 8 &    10)
167S10 T    Apr 5-28        $30
167S11 Th   Apr 7-28        $40           Share your skills! STMA Community Education is seeking instructors
167S12 T/Th Apr 5-28        $55          for all ages and abilities. If you have a passion or interest to share, we
167S13 T    May 3-24        $30          would love to hear from you. Have an idea for a class? Send it our way!
167S14 Th   May 5-26        $40
167S15 T/Th May 3-26        $55                    Contact Kayleigh Sonterre at
SE, Room TBD
6:15-7 pm

   8            HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
Health and Wellness
Virtual Health & Wellness              Personal Mantras
Virtual Class                          Virtual Class
Course descriptions available online   Remove the negative thoughts from
                                       your headspace!                          Adult & Family Cooking
Janice Novak
                                       Sarah Nelson, Sabbatical Vibrations      Virtual Class
$25     6-7:30 pm
                                                                                Course descriptions available online
                                       221W1 T   Jan 18
The Art of De-Aging: Peel Years              $40 6:30-8:30 pm                   Tess Georgakopoulos
Off Your Bio Age
140W1 T        Jan 25                                                           $35      Saturdays, 4:30-6:30 pm
                                       Mindful Baking                           InstantPot 101
Womens Heart Health                    Parent/Child Class
140W2 W        Feb 2                                                            206W1        Jan 8
                                       Minimum Age 8 years
Abdominal Strengtheners That           Not only will you bring home a           InstantPot Freezer Meal
Won’t Make You Get On The Floor        dozen decorated cookies, you’ll also     Bootcamp
140W3 Th       Feb 17                  have tools to be present with food       206W2        Jan 15
                                       and in life!
Women, Weight & Hormones                                                        Air Fryer Hype! Copycat KFC &
                                       Sarah Nelson, Sabbatical Vibrations      Recipes for All Ages!
140W4 Th       Mar 10
                                                                                206W3        Jan 22
                                       221W3           S Feb 26
Improve Your Health at Any Age                         $100 per pair
140W5 M        Mar 14                                                           InstantPot Classic Chili, Loaded
                                                       9-11:45 am               Bake Potato Soup & Rolls
                                                       HS, Room 1412            206W4        Feb 5
De-Age Your Brain
140W6 Th       Mar 24
                                                                                InstantPot BBQ Pulled Chicken,
                                       Mindfulness in a Busy Life               Twice Baked Potatoes, Rolls &
Stress Busting Strategies for Busy
People                                 Mini-Retreat                             Quick Slaw
140S7 W        Apr 13                  Spend time learning foundations of       206W5        Feb 12
                                       mindfulness, practicing exercises
Metabolism Boosters & Busters          and leaving with resources to            Taste of the Mediterranean:
140S8 T        Apr 19
                                                                                Skewers, Dips & Pita Bread
                                       continue your journey.
                                                                                206W6        Feb 26
                                       Sarah Nelson, Sabbatical Vibrations
Overcome Your Carbohydrate
Cravings                                                                        Taste of the Mediterranean:
                                       221W2 M     Mar 14                       Sheet Pan, Oven roasted Lemon
140S9 T        May 3                         $39 9:30-11:30 am                  Chicken and Potatoes, Tzatziki &
                                             CE, Room TBD                       Greek Orzo Pasta Salad
Just Breathe: Techniques to Calm,
Center and Balance                                                              206W7        Mar 12
140S10 W       May 4                   Mindful Spring                           InstantPot Gyros & Carnitas with
                                       Enjoy the season with intention.         Homemade Pita Bread
                                       Sarah Nelson, Sabbatical Vibrations      207W8        Mar 26

                                       221W4 Th    May 12                       Detroit Style Pizza & Pizza
                                             $39 6:30-8:30 pm                   Madness!
                                             CE, Room 209                       206W9         Apr 9

                                                                                Homemade Pierogies
                                       Foot Pain Relief                         206W10       Apr 30
                                       Feet are your foundation - give
                                       them the attention they deserve.         InstantPot Pastabilities:
                                       What you podiatrist isn’t telling you.
                                                                                Lasagna, Creamy Broccoli-
                                                                                Cheddar, Chicken with Pasta &
                                       Kristie Walker, Just Breathing, LLC      Homemade Dinner Rolls
                                                                                206W11        May 14
                                       945W W     March 23
                                            $35 6-8 pm
                                            CE, Room 209

                          Register NOW at                                                 9
Community Education St. Michael-Albertville - Lifelong Learning For All Ages - St. Michael-Albertville Schools
                                        Valentines                               Movie and Popcorn
Cake Decorating Wars                    Kindergarten                             Kindergarten
Parent/Child                            Students will use various mediums        Join friends and snack on popcorn
Ages 5 and Up                           to create gifts full of love. Hearts     while watching an age-appropriate
You will enjoy learning how to color,   galore will fill the room! Paint, glue,   movie. Relax after school - bring a
roll, cut, and drape colorful pieces    and a surprise or two help make          stuffed friend to cuddle with!
of fondant for your masterpiece.        this class fun for all students!         Noelle Vogt
Kris Holtmeyer, Artistic Moments        Laura Bezanson
                                                                                 347W5 Th Feb 24
                                        347W2 Th Feb 10                                $8 2-3:30 pm
461W2 S    Mar 19
                                              $19 2-3:30 pm                            AP, Room 200
      $55 10 am-Noon
      HS, Room 1412                           AP, Room 200
                                                                                 347W5 Th Mar 24
                                                                                       $8 2-3:30 pm
Mindful Baking                          Spring                                         AP, Room 200
Parent/Child Class                      Kindergarten
Minimum Age 8 years                     Spring has sprung! Create colorful
Not only will you bring home a          crafts celebrating the season. Dig       Seasonal Bingo
dozen decorated cookies, you’ll also    in the dirt, paint some flowers,          Kindergarten
have tools to be present with food      explore the outside! (Weather            Monthly bingo games played with
and in life!                            permitting)                              prizes along with a seasonal craft.
Sarah Nelson, Sabbatical Vibrations     Laura Bezanson                           Michelle Zahler

221W3 S     Feb 26                      347S4 T     Apr 5                        347W1     T    Jan 11
      $100 per pair                           $19 2-3:30 pm                                $19 2-3:30 pm
      9-11:45 am                              AP, Room 200                                 AP, Room 200
      HS, Room 1412
                                                                                 347W2     T    Feb 15
                                                                                           $19 2-3:30 pm
                                                                                           AP, Room 200

                                                                                 347W3     T    Mar 15
                                                                                           $19 2-3:30 pm
                                                                                           AP, Room 200

                                                                                 347W4     T    Apr 12
                                                                                           $19 2-3:30 pm
                                                                                           AP, Room 200

                                                                                 Design a Plate
                                                                                 Parent/Child Class
                                                                                 Ages 5 and Up
                                                                                 Children will work to create their
                                                                                 own keepsake plate by drawing and
                                                                                 coloring a design onto a special
                                                                                 paper that will transpose onto the
                                                                                 Kayleigh Sonterre

                                                                                 242W M    Feb 21
                                                                                      $19 6:30 pm
                                                                                      CE, Room 209

   10           YOUTH
Youth Enrichment
                                         Australian Art Adventure               Sweet Treats and Other
                                         Grades 1-4                             Arty Eats
                                         Let’s travel to Australia to learn     Grades 1-4
                                         about their animals, architecture      Ice cream Sundays, hamburgers,
                                         and aboriginal art forms. In this      candy castles and picnics! Let’s get
                                         sessions of KidzArt you will use       our hands messy with our very own
                                         colored pencils to draw a platypus     Great Arty Bake-Off! In this unique
                                         swimming underwater, create            KidzArt session explore different
                                         watercolor crayon-resist painting of   mediums like air dry clay,
                                         a kangaroo, draw Sydney Opera          watercolors, and scratch art.
                                         House and more. Projects never
                                         repeat! With KidzArt if you can
                                can draw!                  202W3 M    Mar 28-Apr 25
                                         KidzArt                                      $55 2:15-3:15 pm
                                                                                      BW, Art Room, 330
                                         202W1 M    Jan 31-Feb 28               202W4 T    Mar 15-Apr 5
                                               $55 2:15-3:15 pm
Art Studio                                     BW, East Commons
                                                                                      $44 4-5 pm
Grades 1-4                                                                            SE, Cafeteria
Learn tricks that make art magic!        202W2 T    Feb 1-Mar 1
In this award winning program you              $55 4-5 pm
will learn techniques that artists use         SE, Cafeteria
in their studios to create astonishing                                          Crochet Club
effects.                                                                        Cowl and Bunny
Abrakadoodle                                                                    Grades 3-8
                                                                                Basics of crochet and hand
911S1   T     Apr 19-May 10
        $60 2:20-3:20 pm                                                        stitching for all levels! Everyone
        FE, Cafeteria                                                           leaves with a new cowl and pom
                                                                                pom bunny. Supplies included!
911S2 W    Apr 20-May 11                                                        Abbey Swanson, The Firefly Hook
      $60 2:20-3:20 pm
      BW, East Commons                                                          678W S     Jan 15
                                                                                     $39 9:30 am-12:30 pm
911S3 Th    Apr 21-May 12                                                            HS, Room 1684
      $60 2:20-3:20 pm
      SE, Room 138

                                                                                Crochet Frenzy
Sparkles & Glitter                                                              Stuffed Animal and Scarf
Grades 1-4                                                                      Grades K-5
Do you love glitter, rhinestones and                                            Learn to make chains and crochet
sparkles? Tons of glitter and gems                                              stitch. No experience necessary.
to take your project to the next                                                All levels welcome!
level of awesome!
                                                                                Abbey Swanson, The Firefly Hook
                                                                                678S   S     Apr 23
911W1 Th    Feb 3-24                                                                   $39 9:30 am-12:30 pm
      $60 4-5 pm                                                                       HS, Room 1684
      SE, Room 138

                          Register NOW at                                           11
Science Olympiad Youth                    RC Car Racing                              Engineering for Kids Jr
Tournament                                Grades 2-8                                 STEM Club
Grades K-5                                Come join us for some fun as we            Grades 1-4
One day event to introduce your           explore what makes the cars work           Calling new and returning students!
child to science! If your child loves     and try them out. Participants will        The Engineering for Kids Jr STEM
to explore, take things apart, ask        leave with a better understanding of       Club introduces students to a new,
questions and has dreams of being         the hobby, and get some time               hands-on, lesson every week from
an astronaut, doctor, or engineer,        testing out their driving skills on a      various engineering disciplines.
this is the place to learn more!          few different types of RC Cars and         Now 6 weeks!
                                          Trucks. Participants can bring their
                                                                                     Engineering for Kids
Students will select from materials       own RC Cars on approval.
and activities covering the many                                                     514W1 M    Mar 28-May 2
                                          Chris McKellips,                                 $165 2:15-3:15 pm
areas of science.
                                          Party Crashers RC Racing                         BW, Room 332
Sponsored by our very own STMA            225W1 Grades 2-4                           514W2 W     Mar 30-May 4
Middle & High School Olympiad                   Th March 17                                $165 2:15-3:15 pm
Team. Concessions available.                    $19 6-7:20 pm                              SE, Room 142
                                                SE, Cafeteria
Questions to Marc Olig at                                                            514W3 Th    Mar 31-May 5                          225W2 Grades 5-8                                 $165 2:15-3:15 pm
                                                Th March 17                                FE, Room 216
613W1    Grades K-1                             $19 7:30-8:50 pm
         S Feb 19                               SE, Cafeteria
         $10 9-10 am
         HS Cafeteria
613W2    Grades 2-3                      The STMA School District will be using the electronic flyer communication tool
         S Feb 19                       called PEACHJAR again this year. To view school-approved Digital flyers, simply
         $10 10:30-11:30 am                      click the Peachjar button on your school’s website homepage.
         HS Cafeteria
613W3    Grades 4-5                     This “green” initiative will save our schools tons of paper and reduce copy costs
         S Feb 19                                                      by thousands of dollars.
         $10 12-1:30 pm                   On top of that, posting school flyers in this electronic backpack removes a
         HS Cafeteria                    significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers.

                                        For those that used it last school year, your account should still be active and
                                           ready to go! If you have any issues please contact us at 763-497-6550
                                                         Thank you, STMA Community Education Staff

   12           YOUTH
Youth Enrichment
Prairie Fire Children’s
Theatre: The Wizard of Oz
020W Grades 1-4
Auditions Monday, January 17                  FUN & GAMES
Information online!!
4-6 pm
$69 MW
                                        Gym Games
                                        Grades 1-4
                                        Kids will leave happy and active,
                                        playing old and new games with
                                        Kayleigh Sonterre

F.A.S.T. Kids –                         347W1    M   Jan 31
                                                 $12 2-3:30 pm
Staying Safe While Home                          AP Gym
(Ages 7-10)                             347W2 T   Feb 1
                                              $12 2-3:30 pm
First Aid and Safety Trained Kids is
                                              BW Gym
a 4-hour course for 7-10 year olds.
                                        347W3 W    Feb 2
Emergency Outfitters                           $12 2-3:30 pm
                                              SE Gym
543S1 M/T Apr 25 & 26
      $49 2:15-4:15 pm                  347W4 Th Feb 3
      BW, Room TBD                            $12 2-3:30 pm
                                              FE Gym
543S2 M/T May 2 & 3
      $49 2:15-4:15 pm
      FE, Room 216

543S3 M/T May 9 & 10                    Backyard Games
      $49 2:15-4:15 pm                  Grades 1-4
      SE, Room 142                      Get ready for some friendly
                                        competition. Beside large-group
                                        games, we will have jumbo connect
School of Fish                          four, jenga and more!
Grades 3 - Adult
                                        Kayleigh Sonterre
School of Fish is a 2 1/2 hour kids                                            Share your skills! STMA
fishing class open to kids (and                                                 Community Education is
                                        347S2    T   May 17
adults!) from grades 3 and up                    $12 2:15-3:30 pm             seeking instructors for all
taught by pro angler and fishing TV               BW Gym
show host Mike Frisch. Students                                               ages and abilities. If you
learn about lakes, finding fish in        347S3    W    May 18                have a passion or interest to
those lakes, and some great ways                 $12 2:15-3:30 pm           share, we would love to hear
to catch them. They also learn to tie            SE Gym
                                                                            from you. Have an idea for a
a fishing knot and rig and use a
                                        347S4    Th  May 19                     class? Send it our way!
slip-bobber setup.                               $12 2:15-3:30 pm
                                                 FE Gym                     Contact Kayleigh Sonterre at
Mike Frisch, school of Fish                                          
275S   Th  May 12
       $60 6-8:30 pm
       MSW Auditorium

                              Register NOW at                               13
YOUTH SPORTS                   Karate                                  On Target Archery
                                      Boys and Girls Grades K-4               Boys and Girls Grades 3-8
                                      Learn respect, discipline and           We’ll learn how to safely shoot
Little Yogis                          patience while gaining basic            using the Genesis Compound Bow.
Yoga for Ages 4-9                     self-defense skills.
Nicole Roddy, Roddy’s Remedies                                                Byron Rasch
                                      Dojo Karate
565W1 S      Feb 5, 19                                                        127S1 (Grades 3-4)
                                      664W1 T    Jan 25-Feb 15
             Mar 5. 19                                                              Th   Apr 7-May 12
                                            $45 4-5 pm
             Apr 2, 16                                                              $60 2:15-3:15 pm
                                            SE, Gym
             $120 10-11 am                                                          BW, Gym
             HS Cafeteria             664S2 T    Apr 5-26
                                                                              127S2 (Grades 5-8)
                                            $45 4-5 pm
Munchkin Sports                             SE, Gym                                 Th   Apr 7-May 12
Boys and Girls Ages 3 & 4                                                           $60 3:30-4:30 pm
                                                                                    BW, Gym
214W M    Feb 7-21
     $25 6:30-7:15 pm
     AC, Court 4                                    GOLDEN KNIGHT GYMNASTICS
214S    M    April 4-18               Winter Session II: Jan 24-Mar 25        Spring Session: April 4-May 31
        $25 6:30-7:15 pm              (No classes Feb 1, 17 or Mar 7-10)      (No class Apr 8, 15 or May 30)
        AC, Court 4
                                      Mommy/Daddy and Me                      Mommy/Daddy and Me
Sports Sampler                        Girls and Boys Ages 2 to 3 with Adult   Girls and Boys Ages 2 to 3 with Adult
Boys and Girls Grades K-3             472W9 W       6:15-6:45 pm      $50     472S1 T        4:15-4:45 pm    $57
                                      472W10 W      6:45-7:15 pm      $50     472S2 T        5-5:30 pm       $57
Features basketball, T-Ball, soccer
                                                                              472S3 W        5:30-6 pm       $50
and kickball
                                      Tumbling Tots
270S1 (K- 1st Grade)                  Girls and Boys Ages 4 & 5               Tumbling Tots
       M      Mar 14-Apr 4            472W11 W      6:45-7:15 pm      $50     Girls and Boys Ages 4 & 5
       6:30-7:30 PM                   472W12 W      7:15-7:45 pm      $50     472S4    T      4:15-4:45 pm   $57
       AC, Court 4                                                            472S5    T      5-5:30 pm      $57
270S2 (2nd & 3rd Grade)               Beginner                                472S6    W      6:15-6:45 pm   $50
                                      Girls Ages 6 + or Coach Referral        472S7    W      7-7:30 pm      $50
      T     Mar 15-Apr 5
      6:30- 7:30 pm                   472W13 T 6:15-7:15 pm           $68
      AC Court 4                                                              Beginner
      $25 AC Members                  Intermediate                            Girls Ages 6 + or Coach Referral
      $35 Non- Members                Girls Age 6 + and Passed Beginner       472S8     T 5:15-6:15 pm       $88
                                      472W14 T 7:15-8:45 pm           $91     472S9     W 4:15-5:15 pm       $78
Boys and Girls Grades 2-4             Advanced                                Intermediate
                                      Girls with Coaches Referral             Girls Age 6 + and Passed Beginner
407W Th     March 3-31                                                        472S10 T 6:30-8 pm             $117
     no class 3/10                    472W15 Th      6-7:30 pm        $91
                                                                              472S11 Th 4:15-5:45 pm         $104
     6:15-7:15 pm
     AC Court 4                                                               Advanced
     $25 AC Members
     $35 Non-Members                                                          Girls with Coaches Referral
                                                                              472S12    T      6:30-8 pm    $117
                                                                              472S13    Th     4:15-5:45 pm $104
Boys and Girls Grades 2-3                                                     GKG Competitive Team
458S    Th    Apr. 28-May 19                                                  175S14       M/Th/F
        6:30-7:30 pm                                                                       5:45-8:45 pm      $385
        AC Courts 1 and 4                                                     Pre-Team
        $25 AC Members                                                        175S15       M/F
        $35 Non – Members                                                                  4:15-6:15 pm      $224
                                         Bre Fowler & Christy Dahmen

   14           YOUTH
Youth Enrichment
                  MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL

Babysitting 101                         Music lessons for Middle &             Tween & Teen Yoga
Grades 5-8                              High School students.                  Ages 10-15
This course follows the American        Students provide their own             Nicole Roddy, Roddy’s Remedies
Academy of Pediatrics – Babysitter      instruments.                           Yoga increases flexibility, tones the
Lessons And Safety Training                                                    body and teaches tweens and teens
(BLAST).                                All Instruments                        to make healthy choices in life.
Emergency Outfitters                     Rick Olson
                                                                               565W2 S        Feb 5, 19
                                        555W1 T 3:30-7 pm
312W1 M-Th Feb 21-24                                                                          Mar 5. 19
                                              ME, Band Room
      $69 3:15-5:15 pm                                                                        Apr 2, 16
                                              Grades 5-8
      ME, Health Room                                                                         $120 11:15 am-12:15 pm
                                        Lesson Rates (30 Mins)                                HS Cafeteria
312W2 M-Th Mar 21-24                    6 Lessons for $210
      $69 3:15-5:15 pm
      MW, Health Room
                                        Virtual Guitar Lessons
                                        Sandi Millar
                                                                                        High School
PrepStar Blast ACT Class
An ACT expert will introduce
                                                Virtual Lessons
                                                                                          Art Club
students to the test format and                 Ages 6-Adult
review essential strategies for all 5   Lesson Rates (30 Mins)
sections.                               6 Lessons for $210

Academic All Star Tutoring
                                        10 Lessons for $350                                Online
953W1 Th        Mar 31 & April 7
                5:30-8:30 pm
         S      April 9                                                        East Art Club
                9 am-1 pm                 Music Instructors wanted!            Grades 5-8
                $149                                                           Lea Iverson, MSE Art Teacher
                HS, Media Center          If interested in providing
                                         lessons for any age, please           240W1 W Dec 1-Dec 22
                                              contact Kayleigh at                    $59 3:15-4:45 pm
                                                       ME, Art Room (A112)
High School Intramural
PING PONG                                                                      240W2 W Feb 2-Feb 23
                                                                                    $59 3:15-4:45 pm
(Grades 9-12)                                                                       ME, Art Room (A112)
128W1 M         Jan 24-Feb 21           Firearms Safety                        240S3 W    Apr 6-Apr 27
                3:45- 5:30 pm                                                        $59 3:15-4:45 pm
                                        Participants must be 11 years by the
                HS Cafeteria                                                         ME, Art Room (A112)
                $5 per team             first day of the class.
                                        DNR course must be complete
                                        before registering. More course
                                                                               Drama Club West
                                        information online.
                                                                               Grades 5-8
  STMA Driver Education                 Crow river Sportsman Club
                                                                               Lauren Keyes
      Spring Session                    240S1 S    April 16
                                                                               931W W     Feb 16-Apr 13
   Information Coming                          $15 7 am-1 pm
                                                                                    No class Mar 9
                                               HS Cafeteria & Crow River
          Soon!                                Sportsman Club                       $69 3:15-4:30 pm
                                                                                    MW, Auditorium

                            Register NOW at                                        15
           It is our mission to provide each family with a positive introduction to STMA schools.
 STMA Early Childhood inspires to create engaging environments for young children and families. Each room is designed
           for all developmental learning levels and styles. Your children will play, explore and grow with us.

                                           What is ECFE?
                                           Early Childhood Family Education is a program to connect families within the
                                           STMA community. ECFE offers classes, separating and non-separating, for
                                           children ages birth through five and their families. Our licensed staff provides a
                                           safe, supportive, child-centered environment that enhances children’s growth
                                           and development while supporting parents and families. ECFE helps build
                                           relationships within your family and your community.

                                              Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is based on the idea that parents
                                               provide their child’s first and most significant learning environment and
                                                        parents are children’s first and most enduring teachers.

   We welcome all families with
  children ages birth through five
years to ECFE. Not only do moms
 attend, but dads, grandmas and
    grandpas, aunts and uncles,
  neighbors, friends, and nannies.
All are welcome. Occasionally we
hold special events in which older
      siblings are also invited.
 You do not need to be a resident
   of the STMA school district to
         register for classes.

 The components of most ECFE parent-child classes include:
 Parent-Child Interaction Time:Time together enjoying all the classroom has to offer. This is time to focus on your child
 and model behavior for interacting with others in the classroom. The licensed classroom teacher has planned
 developmentally appropriate activities for you and your child.
 Circle Time: A small portion of the parent-child interaction time will be set aside for a short group experience or “circle
 time.” During this time you and your child will sing simple songs, learn finger plays, hear stories, learn circle games and
 be involved in movement activities.
 Guided Play: Planned and intentional learning activities. Teachers and parents support play choices and assist in
 building friendships. In addition to our creative classrooms, each ECFE class utilizes our gym and gross motor activities.
 There are two types of classes.
 Parents and children begin class together, but spend time apart.               Find us on Social Media!
 A convenient and safe way for your child to gain independence.                          Facebook:
 Non-Separating                                                                        STMA ECFE
 Parent and children remain in an ECFE classroom together.
 Sibling Care
 Sibling care is provided for free for most ECFE classes.
                                                                          STMA Early Childhood – littlestknights

                   EARLY CHILDHOOD
Early Childhood
     New format for ECFE!
We now offer full 16 week classes,
 10 week evening, and 8 week
       specialty classes.
The 16 week classes are split into 2
 sessions for payment purposes.
 Change you mind or want to join
  midway? No problem! We will
    adjust the fee accordingly.
 All classes are taught by licensed
early childhood teachers and follow
   developmentally appropriate
 curriculum including an emphasis
        on literacy, STEM, and
      social-emotional growth.
   The Early Childhood Office
        is located in the
 Community Education Center at
  60 Central Ave W, St, Michael.
Behind the Historic Catholic Church

Worried about your child’s development?
Call 1-866-693-GROW (4769)
Some young children need extra
help to learn and grow
Help Me Grow provides resources
for families to look at
developmental milestones, to learn
if there are concerns, and to take
the lead in seeking additional
support or in referring their child
for a comprehensive, confidential
screening or evaluation at no cost.
Minnesota children from birth to
five-years-old, if found eligible, can
receive services in their home,
childcare setting or school. These
services are free regardless of
income or immigrant status.

                               Register NOW at   17
Congrats on your new little knight!
Connect with other parents of
newborns in the community, ask
questions, and share parenting
experiences. You and your child
will participate in age-appropriate
songs, creative art, and movement
We know children are
Families are free to come and go
as their child’s schedule allows!

Baby and Me
Newborn-12 months
Non Separating
Class is FREE to ECFE participants.
Sibling care available!

All participants will receive a free
welcome baby goodie bag!
We are excited to meet your little one
and join your family in this exciting
                                         Toddlers and Twos                       Home Visits
M      Jan 31-May 23                     12 months-30 months                     Family Visits:
no class 3/7                             Non Separating                          One-to one parenting home visits
10:15am-11:45am                          Join other toddler parents to share     are available in your home, our
                                         stories and swap resources. This is a   office, via email, google, or phone.
TH     Feb 3-May 26                      non-separating class, so children       Ask questions, discuss challenges, or
no class 3/10                                                                    discover new ideas! Struggling with
                                         will begin to feel comfortable with
8:15am-9:45am                                                                    behaviors? Wondering what typical
                                         school with you by their side.
                                                                                 development looks like?
S357                                     16 week fee applies                     If a group setting isn’t the right fit,
T     Mar 15-May 17
6pm-7:30pm                               S350                                    give us a call to schedule a visit.
CE: ECFE Rooms                           M      Jan 31-May 23                    We would love to meet your family!
                                         no class 3/7
                                         8:15am-9:45am                           Daycare Provider Visits:
                                                                                 Searching for home daycare
                                         S351                                    providers interested in partnering
         16 Week Class Fees              T      Feb 1-May 24
  (will be split into two payments,                                              with the ECFE program to promote
                                         no class 3/8                            early learning throughout the
      Registration and March)            8:15am-9:45am
        $216 - $125 and above                                                    district. The primary goal of the
         $204 - $100K-$125K              S352                                    program is to collaborate through
          $192 - $75K-$100K              Th     Feb 3-May 26                     developmentally appropriate
          $180 - $50K-$75K               no class 3/10                           activities and provide parent
       $168 - $50K and below             10:15am-11:45am                         resources.
 No family is ever turned away for       CE: ECFE Rooms                          A certified ECFE staff member will
          an inability to pay.                                                   provide monthly visits tailored
                                                                                 towards your specific age groups.

                                                                                 Jane Helgestad

                 EARLY CHILDHOOD
Early Childhood
A fun and creative environment for parents and children to explore
together. Balance between structured and non-structured play will                Grandparents Class
introduce families to school in a positive, spirited manner.                     All Ages
Science, art, literacy and movement activities will be developed for all
abilities and ages. In best interest to all participants, please utilize         We love having grandparents at
sibling care for infants.                                                        ECFE! Any grandparents or
                                                                                 grandparent-like persons welcome!
Mixers                                    Explorers                              W       Feb 2-May 25
Walking to 5 years                        Walking to 5 years                     no class 3/9
Separating with Parent Group              Non Separating                         8:15-9:45 am
16 week fee applies                       16 week fee applies                    CE: ECFE Rooms
S335                                      S340
M       Jan 31-May 23                     M       Jan 31-May 23
no class 3/7                              no class 3/7
8:15-9:45 am                              8:15-9:45 am

W      Feb 2-May 25
no class 3/9                              ECFE Plus
10:15am-11:45am                           All Ages
                                          Separating with Parent Group
                                          For the ECFE parent who has been
F       Feb 4-May 27
no class 3/4, 3/11, 4/15                  there - done that.
(Reduced fee for days missed)             S345
8:15-9:45 am                              T      Feb 1-May 24
CE: ECFE Rooms                            no class 3/8
                                          10:15am-11:45 pm
                                          CE: ECFE Rooms

Best Buddies
Birth to 5 years
Separating with Parent Group
A class specifically for families with children on IFSP/IEPs in the STMA school
district. If your child receives home visiting or attends preschool on an IEP
this is your class!
Families will spend time together exploring the room and participating in
group activities, then parents will have the opportunity to separate.
Conversations and resources, support and laughter are the key components to
parenting time.
This class is FREE to all participants.
F       Feb 4-May 27
no class 3/4, 3/11, 4/15
CE: ECFE Rooms

                               Register NOW at                                           19
Preschool classes fill early in our area! There are still options for your
child to receive a quality experience with licensed teachers.

Doing Preschool Together                 Creative Kids
33 months and up                         33 months and up
Separation with Parent Group             Child Drop-off
2nd Day Child Drop off                   Leave the mess at school as your
An excellent choice to introduce         child creates his or her next
your youngster to preschool!             masterpiece utilizing a variety of
                                         tools and materials. Parents will
One of our most popular classes!         connect with at-home ideas and
Children must have independent           weekly updates on how the creative
toilet skills.                           process promotes brain development
                                         and sets foundations for future
Day One (Tuesday)                        learning. Children must have
Parent/Child Day.                        independent toilet skills.
Children and their parents
participate in activities together.      TH     Feb 3-May 26
                                         no class 3/10
Day Two (Thursday)                       10:15am-11:45am
Child Alone Day.                         16 week fee applies
Child will gain independence, social
skills, and start a foundation for
school readiness skills.
                                                             SPECIALTY CLASSES - EIGHT WEEKS
S325                                                       Shorter specialty classes designed to enhance overall
T/Th Feb 1-May 26                                   development and follow the MN Early Childhood Indicators of
No class 3/8, 3/10
8:15-9:45 am Tuesdays
                                                                    Progress, assuring age-appropriate content.
8:15-10:15 am Thursdays                                                                      8 week Specialty Class Fees
CE: ECFE Rooms                          Strictly Science                                       $108 - $125K and above
                                        2-5 years                                                  $102 - $100K-$125K
                                                                                                      $96 - $75K-$100K
Doing Preschool Together Rates          Non-Separating
                                                                                                       $90 - $50K-$75K
Meets twice a week, 16 weeks            Our classroom becomes a lab of fun                       $84 - $50K and below
(will be split into two payments        experiments, curious thinkers and          No family is ever turned away for an
January and April)                      cool discoveries! Join your little                               inability to pay.
$504 - $125K and above                  scientist in learning about the fun of
$476 - $100K-$125K                      STEM and how it is incorporated          World Explorers
$448- $75K-$100K                        into play everyday.                      2-5 years
$420 - $50K-$75K                                                                 Non-Separating
$392 - $50K and below                   W        Starting Feb 2                  Pack your bags! Each week travel to
No family is ever turned away for       10:15-11:45 am                           a new place around the world! Learn
an inability to pay.                    CE: ECFE Rooms                           about different food, dances, and
                                                                                 crafts through stories and adventures
                                                                                 right in your classroom. A new stamp
                                                                                 added to your passport each week!
     Bright Beginnings Preschool registration information                        S314
     will be available in February 2022. Please watch the                        W        Starting Apr 6
                                                                                 10:15-11:45 am
             website and social media for updates.                               CE: ECFE Rooms

                EARLY CHILDHOOD
Early Childhood
We know families are busy!
Feel free to come late or leave early if necessary!
                                                                                   10 week Evening Class Fees
                                                                                     $135 - $125K and above
Baby and Me                             Wacky Wednesdays                              $127.50 - $100K-$125K
                                        Ages 2 to 5 years                               $120 - $75K-$100K
Newborn-12 months
                                                                                       $112.50 - $50K-$75K
Non Separating                          Non Separating
                                                                                      $105 - $50K and below
Congrats on your new little knight!     Every week brings something new!
Connect with other parents of           You never know what will happen         No family is ever turned away for an
newborns in the community, ask          on Wednesdays. It may be a                         inability to pay.
questions, and share parenting          parent/child project, Olympics in
experiences. The class is an            the gym, bouncy castles, a nature
excellent way to get a “successful      walk outside - the possibilities are
start” at parenting! We know            endless and our staff knows how to
babies are unpredictable! Families      bring on the fun!
are free to come and go as their        This is a great dad, grandparent, or
child’s schedule allows! Class is       special someone and child class!
FREE to ECFE participants. Sibling      Sorry, Sib care is not available for
care available!                         this class.
S357                                    S315
T       Mar 15-May 17                   W       Mar 16- May 18
6-7:15 pm                               6-7:15 pm
CE: ECFE Rooms                          CE: ECFE Rooms

Night Owl Explorers                     Family Mixers
Walking-5 years                         Walking-5 years
Non Separating                          Separating with Parent Group
Learn and grow together in a            Our traditional ECFE model in this
relaxing child-centered environment     separating class will bring smiles to
that provides hands-on learning.        children and parents! A fun and
Connect through creative, literacy-     creative environment for parents
based activities while you and your     and children to explore together. A
child socialize with other families.    balance between structured and
Explore and discover a space filled      non-structured play will introduce
with materials for all developmental    families to school in a positive,
ages. Run in the gym, on the            spirited manner. Science, art,
playground or on our special            literacy and movement activities
SMART courses!                          will be developed for all abilities
An informal parent discussion will      and ages. Parents will be provided
be held as well as circle/story time    with a relaxed setting for questions
and creative movement fun.              and conversation among other
                                        parents facilitated by a parent
S342                                    educator.
T       Mar 15-May 17
6-7:15 pm                               S346
CE: ECFE Rooms                          Th      Mar 17-May 19
                                        6-7:15 pm
                                        CE: ECFE Rooms

                             Register NOW at                                             21
SPECIAL EVENTS                     Family Dome Nights                        Online Afternoon
                                        All Ages
ECFE Dome Days                          Non Separating
                                                                                  All Ages
6 years and under                       Family night at the new all-purpose
                                        facility. Half of the field will be        Relax before naptime. Join the
Non Separating                                                                    ECFE staff as they share their
The STMA Dome will be available         available for families to play games,
                                        throw balls, jump and run! A great        favorite stories. A link will be
for the littles! Children 6 and under                                             provided on our social media
are invited to join us for some fun     way for the entire family to
                                        experience the facilities at STMA!        and district sites. Free to join!
open play in the dome this winter!
This is an open play opportunity        Children must be accompanied              FREE
                                        by an adult over 18. This event is        W     12:30 pm
but ECFE staff will be on-hand to                                                 Ongoing
join in the fun. No pre-registration    designed for children under 10.
necessary.                              Pre-register and pay at the door
W      Dec 8, 15, 22
       Jan 5, 12, 19, 26                DOME
       Feb 2, 9, 16, 23                 F      Dec 17, Jan 14, Feb 25,           Early Childhood Screening
       Mar 2, 16, 23, 30                6-7:15pm                                  Screening is a FREE service for all
       8:15-9:30 am                     HS: Dome                                   children. At screening, parents
                                        $5 per family, please pre-register          learn more about their child’s
F      Dec 10 and 17                                                             development and can ask questions
       Jan 7, 14, 21
                                                                                         regarding concerns.
       Feb 4, 11, 18, 25
       Mar 18 and 25
       Apr 1                                                                             Screening includes :
       8:15-9:390am                                                                 vision and hearing, height and
                                                                                 weight, immunization review, large
$2 per child/$5 Max Family
HS: Multipurpose facility                                                          and small muscle development,
                                                                                  cognitive thinking, language and
                                                                                         communication skills,
                                                                                 social and emotional development.
Drop-in and Play
All Ages            NEW TIME                                                        If a parent is a conscientious
Non Separating                   !                                               objector to the screening program
If families are not prepared for the                                              for their child, the child does not
commitment of a class or would like                                                need to participate in the state
something extra during the week                                                  screening but required forms are to
- Drop in and play is back! The                                                             be completed.
classroom will be appropriate for all   ECFE at the Library
ages. Toys, activities, story and       We are partnering with the library!      Early Childhood Screening is often
circle time along with the fellowship   In an effort to promote literacy for       called Kindergarten Screening.
of other families in the area.          all ages, join our staff for an ECFE
Parents and children can make           class full of imagination and            Screening can be scheduled online!
social connections in a casual, fun     creativity. There will be crafts,          Go to
setting.                                games, songs, and of course plenty        Select Early Childhood Screening
No pre-registration is necessary.       of children’s books and stories.           for upcoming dates and times.
$2 per family/$5 Max                                                                Screenings are held at STMA
                                        Families are encouraged to check-           Community Education Center
Th      Feb 3-May 26                    out related materials and explore                    in St. Michael.
no class 3/10                           the library. FREE to all participants.     Please contact Lindy Legatt at
10:30-11:45am                                                                  or
CE: ECFE Rooms                          T       10:30, starting January 4                  call 763-497-6528
                                                No library March 8

                 EARLY CHILDHOOD
Early Childhood
STEM Night                             Spring Fling
Explore the world of STEM through      All Ages
the eyes of a preschooler. The early   Spring has sprung! It is time fill the
childhood years are critical for       world with color and sunshine!
social emotional learning, fine         Children will decorate flower pots and
motor development, and executive       fill them with spring time bouquets of
functioning. There will be make and    flowers. We will celebrate the change
take activities, ideas from your own   of seasons through stories, dance and
kitchen, and exploratory toys and      play! Pre-registration is required.
manipulatives throughout the
                                       SE 162
building. STEM can be found            FREE EVENT!
everywhere - we will show you          M      Apr 18
where to look! Pre-registration        6-7 pm
required.                              CE: ECFE Rooms and Gym
SE 163
T      Feb 8
                                       ECFE Trip Around Town
6-7 pm                                 All Ages
CE: ECFE Rooms                         Explore our great community of
                                       STMA through the eyes of your child.
                                       We will ride the school bus around
Build a Bear PJ Party                  town, making stops at local
All Ages                               destinations. Maybe a trip to the
Wear you pajamas to school?            library to check out a book, stop at
During the evening, you will build a   the park, or learn about local stores
new sleepy-time friend, play some      and places of business. A terrific way
soothing games and read a bedtime      for your child to experience the bus
story while snacking on popcorn!       first-hand.
Each child over 18 months builds a     SE164
new stuffed friend to take home and    M       May 2
each family will take home a new       9-11 am
book. Pre-registration required.       $7 per child - Chaperones
SE 160                                 Bus leaves from STME front
T      Mar 29                          parking lot.
6-7 pm
$20 per child over 18 months
CE: ECFE Rooms and Gym
                                       Family Carnival
                                       All Ages
                                       Time to celebrate the end of a
Dad and Me                             fabulous school year! There will be
Walking-5 years                        games, prizes, bouncy houses and
Hang with dad or dad-like people!      face painting for all ages! The entire
We will explore the classroom,         family is welcome. Concession
make a project, read stories and       available for purchase or bring a
play in the gym!                       picnic supper for your family. We will
SE 165                                 also be collecting items for the
Th     Jan 6                           Hanover Food Shelf.
$8     6-7:15 pm                       Pre-registration required.
CE: ECFE Rooms and Gym
                                       SE 161
SE 166                                 FREE EVENT!
Th     Feb 17                          Th     May 19
$8     6-7:15 pm                       6-7:30 pm
CE: ECFE Rooms and Gym                 CE: ECFE Rooms and Gym

                               Register NOW at                23
Community Education                                                Carrier RT Presort
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   &HQWUDO$YH:HVW                                                863RVWDJH3$,'
   St. Michael, MN 55376                                            St Michael, MN 55376
                                                                         Permit No. 5

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             Community Education
       ity 76
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               at -65
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                                       Lifelong Learning For All Ages
                   n 9

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