COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...

Page created by Clyde Barker
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
Table of Contents
                                                                                  YACS Graduates                 P.3
WELCOME                                                                           Philosophy of Education        P.4
Thank you for your interest in Young Americans Christian School for your
child’s Christian education. Young Americans Christian School is the largest      Statement of Faith             P.5
private school in Rockdale and Newton counties and was recently voted “Best
Private School” by the Readers Choice Award. Our desire is to make                Expected Outcomes              P.6
Christian education an exciting and fulfilling experience for your child. Young
Americans Christian School is committed to partnering with the family and         STEM/Technology               P. 7
school community to cultivate an educational environment that will promote
and enhance sound spiritual, academic, and social growth through quality          High School Requirements       P.8
academics, fine arts, and athletic opportunities for all students.
Young Americans Christian School was founded in 1988 and has been                 Spiritual Life/Chapel          P.9
providing quality Christian education for over 30 years. The school began
with twenty-four preschool students and has grown in enrollment to over 500       Missions                     P.10
students. The 26 acre campus supports an educational facility for grades
K4-12, gymnasium, fine arts center, and baseball, football, and soccer fields.    Others Day                   P.11
The school is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools
International and AdvancED and offers both a college preparatory and a            Athletics                    P.12
college preparatory with distinction diploma. YACS students have
matriculated into over 70 colleges and universities. Young Americans              Fine Arts                    P.13
Christian School still remains a non-denominational, non-profit, independent
Christian school providing educational excellence framed within a Christian       Field Trips                  P.14
Again, thank you for your interest in Young Americans Christian School.           Washington DC Trip           P.15
Sincerely,                                                                        Admissions Policy          P.16-17
Dr. David Taylor
Administrator                                                                     Tuition Schedule           P.18-19

                                                                                  Financial Policy             P.20

                                                                                  Lunch Program                P.20

                                                                                  School Hours/Dress Code      P. 21

                                                                                  Alumni Information         P.22-23

2 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
At Young Americans Christian School we believe that a Christian education begins in the home and is the
primary responsibility of the family. The school is to assist the parent (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) in providing our
students with educational and spiritual opportunities that develop the whole person (Luke 2:52) and lead
them to be what God has truly intended. We want our students to grow spiritually, academically, and
socially, through serving mankind (Ephesians 2:10) while reflecting the character of God and impacting
society with His truth. Students are encouraged to deepen their understanding of God’s Word, and how it
relates to every aspect of their life (II Timothy 2:15).

At Young Americans Christian School we believe in
providing an educational environment where students are
encouraged to do what is right. It is a place where students
realize what a valuable creation they are to God. It is a
place where students grow spiritually, academically, and
socially while being encouraged to always strive to do their
best for the glory of God (Colossians 3:23). The
educational philosophy of Young Americans Christian
School is based on the infallible word of God, which is the
final authority in everything we do. (I Timothy 3:16-17).

At Young Americans Christian School we believe the mind and the spirit must continually interact to affirm
the glory of God. Educators must instill the knowledge that there is one God over all and in all (Ephesians
4:6). It is through God that our mind and spirit come together. Mankind can only be free to reach its
greatest potential when we understand that God is the means for our existence, and that our life has a higher
purpose. Our happiness in life and our eternal security is the end result.

                          VISION STATEMENT
Young Americans Christian School desires for all students to come to a saving relationship with Christ and
for that relationship to be real and vibrant. The school seeks to teach students to serve God with a whole
heart and to be a light to an unsaved world. The school welcomes the opportunity for the family and school
to come together in shaping each student spiritually, emotionally, morally, and academically.

                                  Mission Statement
                   Young Americans Christian School is a college preparatory school working
                   hand in hand with the family to cultivate students who will be academically
                          successful and will grow to be a light in the world for Christ.
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
 Although parents, students, and family members may have differing Biblical perspectives we adhere
                                  to the following statement of faith:

We believe in the Divine verbal inspiration, infallibility, integrity, finality, and sole-sufficiency of the
Bible as the Word of God. (II Timothy 3:16, Heb. 1:1, 2 Peter 1:20)

We believe in the Holy Trinity of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - three
persons co-equal in substance, power,
and eternity in the unity of the God-
head. (Matthew 28:19, John 15:26, II

We believe that Salvation and
Justification of sinners is a gift of
grace through faith in the finished
work of Christ. (Romans 3:24, John
6:40, Phil. 3:9)

We believe in the Sanctification of believers: First, having been sanctified by the offering of the body
of Christ once for all; second, being sanctified by the Holy Spirit and the Word; third, to be sanctified
and glorified at the coming of Christ. (Romans 15:16, I Corinthians 1:2, I Peter 1:2)

We believe that those who come to God through faith in Christ, repentance of sin, confession of
Christ as the Son of God, and baptism are given eternal life and shall not perish, as is the promise of
His Word. (John 3:16, John 14:6, Acts 2:37-38)

We believe in New Testament Baptism of believers by immersion, which is the sign God’s people
receive in the New Testament pointing to the atoning work of Jesus Christ showing forth the death,
burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and our identification with Him. (Romans 6:1-7,
Matt. 3:13, John 3:23, Acts 8:36)

We believe in the Resurrection of the Body, both of the just and the unjust: the just at the coming of
our Lord, and the unjust at the final judgment and eternal punishment of the same. (I Corinthians 15,
John 3:15, Matt. 25:46)

                                                                                             I 5
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
                  The Expected Student Outcomes of Young Americans Christian School are to
                    cultivate students who will grow spiritually, academically, and socially.
Spiritually to:
   have a personal and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ
   have and sustain a Christian worldview
   filter morality through the word of God to instill a biblical framework of right and wrong
   live out the Great Commission locally and globally
   be proficient in the disciplines of prayer, biblical study, memorization of scripture, and remain connected
    to a fellowship of believers
Academically to:
   be academically prepared for the challenges of college and careers
   have a desire for lifelong learning
   be critical thinkers that will impact our society
   articulate their thoughts in both written and verbal formats
   know how to responsibly obtain resources to acquire, analyze, and synthesize information to make
    informed decisions
Socially to:
   value and embrace their Christian principles and their American inheritance
   understand that all people are created in the image of God and should be treated with respect and dignity
   be a servant leader within their communities
   develop and foster a healthy self-image based upon Biblical principles
   live in harmony within an ever-changing society in accordance with Biblical standards

                         ADVANCED STUDIES
                           To encourage higher learning opportunities for students,
                          the school offers the following advanced courses of study:

     Dual Enrollment Composition I          Honors Pre-Calculus              Honors Literature
     Dual Enrollment Composition II         Honors Algebra II                Honors World Literature
     Dual Enrollment Algebra                Honors Geometry                  Honors U.S. Literature
     Dual Enrollment US History             Honors Spanish I                 Honors Biology
     Dual Enrollment Psychology             Honors Spanish II                Honors Conceptual Physics
     Dual Enrollment Sociology              AP Calculus                      Honors Chemistry
                                            AP Macro-economics

6 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
                                                          STEM is incorporated into the curriculum at every
                                                          grade level at YACS. STEM is the integration of
                                                          science, technology, engineering, and math that
                                                          incorporates the skills of inquiry, logical reasoning,
                                                          and collaboration. On the elementary level, the
                                                          LEGO STEM curriculum is incorporated into math
                                                          centers. Each grade level also has one big STEM
                                                          project incorporated into the curriculum every
                                                          year. The middle school students have a STEM
                                                          class as an elective. The high school students can
                                                          participate in the Rube Goldberg STEM class and
                                                          club. YACS Robotics team is also the reigning
                                                          STATE Champions.

          What technology does YACS have
             available to the students?
   Projectors in every classroom that connect to the
    Apple TVs
   White board technology in elementary classrooms
   Stem lab with Autocad on the computers
   Mobile laptop labs
   Mobile IPad labs
   Students can also bring their own devices in Middle
    School and High School.

                                                                                                 I 7
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
To promote and enhance student academic achievement and success, the school offers both a college
preparatory and a college preparatory with distinction diploma. The school offers honors classes, Advance
Placement classes, and Accel (Dual Enrollment) college classes.
Students are required to take Bible class each year they attend Young Americans Christian School. Students
transferring to Young Americans Christian School must complete at least two units of Bible to meet
graduation requirements. Students transferring to Young Americans Christian School as a sophomore (10th
grade) will be allowed to use one earned elective credit in lieu of one Bible unit. Students transferring to
Young Americans Christian School as a junior (11th grade) will be allowed to use two earned elective credits
in lieu of two Bible units. Exceptions to this policy are made at the discretion of the School Administration.

          College Preparatory with Distinction                          College Preparatory

              Bible                         4 Units                Bible                      4 Units
          Mathematics                       4 Units             Mathematics                   4 Units
             English                        4 Units               English                     4 Units
             Science                        4 Units               Science                     4 Units
         Social Studies                     3 Units            Social Studies                 3 Units
       Foreign Language                2 Units (same         Foreign Language              2 Units (same
                                         language)                                           language)
       Health and Physical                 1 Unit           Health and Physical                1 Unit
           Education                                            Education
            Fine Arts                       1 Unit               Fine Arts                     1 Unit
            Electives                       2 Units              Electives                    2 Units
     Total Units Required                 25 Units         Total Units Required               25 Units

                      Minimum GPA of 3.25                           Minimum of passing average for
             3 AP or Accel credits 8 Honors credits                          all credits

   8 EAGLE Magazine I 2017
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
                                                            “My children excelling academically is
                                                            extremely important to me and YACS provides
                                                            a solid educational foundation. However, I am
                                                            most impressed by their commitment to
                                                            nurturing all aspects of their students’ well being.
                                                            They partner with parents with a common goal
                                                            of instilling Christian principles, building strong
                                                            character traits and exhibiting love for all people
                                                            which results in fully preparing our children to
                                                            make a remarkable impact in the world.”
                                                             -The James Family

   Young Americans is Christian not only in name,
   but in all we do. The school uses Christian
   curriculum. The students have Bible class in all
   grades from Elementary to High School. The
   students are also required to memorize weekly
   Bible verses. High school students also have
   the option of trying out for the Chapel Praise
   Team and also the YACS Mission Team.

                                                      "We have lived here for 10 years and have only heard
          CHAPEL                                      great things about the school. Only until this school year
                                                      were we able to get our son in for his high school years.
Young Americans Christian School strongly             Yeah, we knew it was the Christian surroundings we
emphasizes students’ spiritual growth. The            wanted him in and yes it was the education we wanted
weekly chapel service is an integral part of
this spiritual growth process. Chapel is              for him, but not until today did I realize that YACS is so
taught in an enthusiastic manner and is               much more than that! I stopped in today for chapel
designed to be a joyful, upbeat experience.
Parents are always invited to attend. The             because I needed to give my son lunch money. What a
elementary students have chapel on Friday             blessing it was for me to stand in the back to listen and
mornings. The middle school and high                  watch these children. Wow, I had no idea what I was in
school students have chapel on Wednesdays.
                                                      for. As I got into my car to drive away, tears of joy ran
                                                      down my face praising God for YACS. The chapel service
                                                      today really touched my heart. As a parent it brought
                                                      even more comfort knowing my son is in the right place!"
                                                                                          I 9
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
YACS 11th and 12th graders are welcome to try out
for the Mission Team if they choose. Students from
Young Americans Christian School have worked in
Brazil, Haiti, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and
Nicaragua over the years. The Mission Team is led
by School Director, Jan Taylor and several YACS

The number one goal of the week is to go into high
schools everyday teaching teenagers about Jesus
through skits, stories and testimonies. One exciting
event that took place during one trip was that the
YACS group paid for and took 80 orphans on their
first ever field trip and served them in a restaurant. It
was many of the orphans first time to ever leave the

Every year the end of the week is very emotional for
the group as they say their goodbyes. On one trip,
one of the girls who had given her life to Christ
that week said to the group as they were leaving,
“We will see you again one day as we meet togeth-
er in Heaven.”

10 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
COME SOAR WITH THE - Young Americans ...
Others Day is one of our favorite days at YACS. Others Day is an annual event when all
students from K4-12th grade go out into the local community to serve others. The school
serves over 23 places and organizations on this day. Some examples of the groups from the
community that benefited from YACS Others Day were Camp Westminster, Elks Aidmore,
Crosspoint Christian Church, The Remington House, Magnolia Nursing Home, Salvation
Army, Covington YMCA, Uniting Hope 4 Children, Covington’s Chimney Park, and the
FISH food pantry. As a part of Others Day, students get sponsors from relatives, friends,
and businesses, for their work which helps the school fund large projects. Over the years
the school has been able to purchase items such as buses, enhancing the facility or
acquiring additional equipment for the school. This year was Young America’s most
successful Others Day in the history of the school. The goal for the students to raise was
$45,000. The students raised over $55,000 for the school to purchase new items in their
                                                 fine arts, technology, and athletic depart-

                                                          “The goal of YACS Others Day has
                                                          always been to bless others. It also
                                                          helps teach the students of YACS
                                                          the joy of helping and working for
                                                          others in the name of Jesus Christ.”

                                                          - Dr. David Taylor
                                                          YACS Administrator

                                                                           I 11
It’s great to be a YACS Eagle!

The athletic programs at YACS are designed to develop physical skills and to teach Christ-like
sportsmanship. YACS strives to have athletic programs that are an integral part of the
student's educational experience to promote athleticism and school spirit. Students at YACS
enjoy cheering on their teams at many school activities such as Homecoming dress up spirit
week, pep-rallies, pink out games, and senior nights.
Young Americans Christian School holds membership in and participates in GISA.

                                             What sport teams does YACS offer?
                                             Football     Men’s               MS and Varsity

                                             Cheerleading Women’s             MS and Varsity

                                             Volleyball   Women’s             MS, JV, and Varsity

                                             Basketball   Men’s and Women’s MS and Varsity

                                             Soccer       Men’s and Women’s Varsity

                                             Cross Country Men’s and Women’s Elem, MS, and Varsity

                                             Baseball     Men’s               Varsity, MS

                                             Archery      Men’s and Women’s MS and Varsity

                                             Swimming     Men’s and Women’s MS and Varsity

12 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
The Show Must Go On...

The YACS Drama Department desires to promote students'
involvement in the Fine Arts, through acting, dancing, singing, technology, leadership, directing, and
script-writing. We want to give students a creative outlet in which to express themselves. The school has
presented one-act plays, spring musicals, and full-length plays. Shows have included: The Little Mermaid,
Seussical, Singin in the Rain, Peter Pan, Meet Me in St. Louis, Beauty and the Beast, Oklahoma!, Valjean, I
Never Saw Another Butterfly, The Necklace, The Nutcracker: A Modern Version (written by one of our dra-
ma students, Trevor McCoy), The Night Before Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas, The Wizard of Oz
and Fiddler on the Roof. The YACS One Act Team has won the GICAA State competition the last 4 years in
a row.

                            YACS FINE ARTS AND CLUBS
                   Young Americans Christian School offers a variety of clubs
                           and Fine Arts for student involvement.

                       Beta Club                           Spanish Club
                       Math Bowl                           Quiz Bowl
                       Student Government                  Literary
                       Drama                               Book Club
                       Chess Club                          Band
                                                                                            I 13

                           We love our field trips at YACS. Field trips are
                           useful learning experiences that can enrich a
                           student’s spiritual, academic, and social life. Young
                           Americans Christian School offers numerous field
                           trips throughout the year, and student participation is
                           strongly encouraged. Elementary classes go on 3 field
                           trips a year. They include places like the William
                           Harris Homestead, the zoo, the state capital, puppet
                           theaters, and the pumpkin patch. Overnight field trips
                           begin in 6th grade at YACS and include Space Camp,
                           Chattanooga, Beach Retreat, Washington, DC,
                           historical tour of Georgia, mission trip, Marine
                           Biology trip, and other local learning trips.

14 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
10th grade trip to Washington, D.C.
One of the most anticipated trips at Young Americans is the 10th grade Washington,
D.C. trip. Students, teachers and parents charter a bus to visit numerous sites in
Washington, D.C as well as Virginia. The students learn how our country’s forefathers
founded the United States on Godly principles. They are able to learn of the history of
specific buildings, monuments, memorials, and peo-
ple who have made a difference in our nation.
                                                           “It was an enjoyable and
Missy Shelnutt, teacher at YACS, stated, “The trip to      memorable experience.
Washington, DC is definitely worthwhile, and as my         Seeing all the monuments
eighth time going with students, I continue to learn       and going into the different
more and see something new each time I go. I think         museums and federal
the students will look back on this trip and               buildings is something I
appreciate the opportunity they have had that few          am going to remember.”
               people get to experience.”                  - Jai Harris

                                            Senior Marine Biology trip
                                            The YACS Senior Marine Biology trip visits
                                            the University of Southern Mississippi and
                                            enjoys putting the things they have learned in
                                            class into practice. They helped researchers
                                            tag sharks. YACS students also learned about
                                            salinity and ocean differences around the
                                            Mississippi sound.

                                                                    I 15
Young Americans Christian School is a private institution and attendance is a privilege. Admittance to the
school is competitive and is based on academic, citizenship, conduct, academic testing, teacher
recommendations, overall positive impact the student and family can bring to the school, and other entrance
criteria deemed appropriate by the school. It is the policy of Young Americans Christian School to admit
students only after established requirements and entrance criteria have been fully met, including student
testing. The school considers those students and parents that are in accord with the schools’ purpose, mission,
values, philosophy of education, and Biblical Lifestyle Statement.

Young Americans Christian School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the
rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The
school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin in the administration of its
educational policies, admission policies, scholarship policies, athletic policies, and other school administered

Young Americans Christian School reserves the right to deny entrance to any student if, in the opinion of the
Administration, it is in the best interest of the school and/or student. The school reserves the right to deny
admission to any student who is evaluated by the School Administration as ineligible. Young Americans
Christian School does not accept students that have been previously expelled from another school or has a
history of discipline issues or concerns.

Requirements for K4 and Kindergarten Admissions:
(Students seeking admissions to K4 must reach age 4 by September 1st.)
(Students seeking admissions to Kindergarten must reach age 5 by September 1st.)

1. Online Application submitted at with $125 Application Fee (non-refundable).

2. If there are spaces available, you will then re-
ceive an acceptance email. During this process, you
will        complete the enrollment process which
includes information such as medical information,
pick up, etc. Before the first day of school, please
submit the following forms to the school. You may
upload them during the enrollment process or
bring them to the front      office.
       a. Copy of student’s birth certificate
       b. Copy of Social Security Card
       c. Certificate of Immunization (GA Form

16 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
Requirements for grades 1st – 5th:
(All students seeking admission to 1st Grade must reach age 6 by September 1st.)
1. Online Application submitted at with $125 Application Fee (non-refundable)
2. During the online application process, please submit Authorization to Release Records Form in order for
    Young Americans to request the following from current school. Most of the following information will
    come directly from the student’s current school to Young Americans.
        a. Current year’s report card plus last two
        full years’ report cards
        b. Two most recent achievement test
        c. Disciplinary records from last school
        d. Copy of student’s birth certificate
        e. Copy of Social Security Card
        f. Certificate of Immunization (GA Form
        3231 or 3032)
        g. Certificate of Eye, Ear, and Dental
        exam (GA Form 3300)
3. During the online application, you will be asked
to submit the student’s current teacher’s email address for a teacher recommendation. The email will go
straight to the teacher and come back to us.
4. Once the school has received the student’s records and teacher recommendation, the school will contact
you to set up a testing date. Academic testing is required for 1st-5th grades.

Requirements for grades 6th – 12th:
1. Online Application submitted at with $125 Application Fee (non-refundable)
2. Submit Authorization to Release Records Form in order for Young Americans to request the
   following from current school. Most of the following information will come directly from the student’s
   current school to Young Americans.
       a. Current year’s report card plus last two full years’ report card
       b. Transcript
       c. Two most recent achievement test results
       d. Disciplinary records from last school
       e. Copy of student’s birth certificate
       f. Copy of Social Security Card
       g. Certificate of Immunization (GA Form 3231 or 3032)
       h. Certificate of Eye, Ear, and Dental exam (GA Form 3300)
3. During the online application, you will be asked to submit two of the student’s current teacher’s email
   addresses for a teacher recommendation. The email will go straight to the teacher and come back to us.
4. Once the school has received the student’s records and teacher recommendation, the school will contact
you to set up a testing date. Academic testing and an interview is required for 6th-12th graders.

                                                                                       I 17
Application Fee:       Only required with each new application for enrollment: $125
Enrollment Fee:        Preschool $100, Kindergarten - 12th $175, Due at time of student enrollment.
Matriculation Fee: Preschool $200, Kindergarten - 12th $375, Due by May 4, 2021
(These fees are all non-refundable)

The Matriculation Fee includes student textbooks, technology fees, media licensing, FACTS enrollment,
AdvancEd/ACSI Accreditation and membership fees, GAPPS and GISA membership fees, and yearbook.
Matriculation fees must be submitted through FACTS by May 4, 2021 to secure the student’s acceptance
into the school and remain on the school’s roster.
Tuition payments, including the Annual Prepayment, must be made through FACTS tuition manage-
ment services. FACTS allows multiple payment options including automatic prescheduled bank payments
from a checking or savings account, or by credit card.
Student Withdrawal
The school’s staffing, budget, and tuition is determined based upon student enrollment for the entire year.
Therefore, if a student is withdrawn from the school during the school year, the remaining month’s tuition
plus an additional month’s tuition will apply as an early withdrawal fee. No school records, including report
cards, transcripts, teacher recommendations, or diplomas will be released to the family or to another school
until the student’s financial account is paid in full.

                                               LOWER SCHOOL
                                             (Preschool- 5TH GRADES)

                                    Yearly            *Prepay      12 Months       10 Months
    Preschool (4 yr old):           $3,600             $3,420         $300            $360

    Kindergarten -5th Grade:        $7,420            $7049           $618           $742
    Each Additional Student         $6,680            $6,680          $557           $668
    (10% discount)
                                                UPPER SCHOOL
                                               (6TH- 12TH GRADES)

                                    Yearly        *Prepay          12 Months      10 Months
    6th-12th Grade:                 $8,322         $7,906             $694           $832
    Each Additional Student         $7,490         $7,490             $624           $749
    (10% discount)

    Advanced Placement Courses:     $150 per course
    Graduation Fee:                 $100 due by January 26, 2022
    Athletic Participation Fee:     $200 per year (Elementary)     $300 per year (Middle/High School)

18 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
FACTS tuition payment options:
10 Month Payment Plan: Payments are due on the 5th or the 20th of each month beginning in August and
ending in May. All families must be enrolled in FACTS by June 15, 2021, to participate in this plan.
12 Month Payment Plan: Payments are due on the 5th or the 20th of each month beginning in June and
   ending in May. All families must be enrolled in FACTS by May 4, 2021, to participate in this plan.
Annual Prepayment Plan: A 5% discount on tuition is given if full payment is received by
June 15, 2021. Families must be enrolled in FACTS by May 4, 2021 to participate in this plan. Since each
   additional child receives a 10% discount, the 5% prepay discount only applies to the first/oldest child.
Delinquent Accounts
If a student account becomes thirty (30) days delinquent, the student may be withdrawn from the school until
the account is deemed current. Accounts must be paid in full before a student can graduate or be considered
for re-enrollment for the next school year.
Return Payment Policy
A $30.00 fee will be assessed on all returned payments.
A $30.00 fee will be assessed on late tuition payments.
Early Care is available for students needing to arrive before 8:05 am.
Preschool - 5th students arriving between 7:00 am – 8:05 am: $3.00 a day.
6th – 12th students arriving between 7:00 am – 7:40 am: $3.00 a day.
K4 - 5th grade students arriving with a middle or high school sibling between 7:40 am - 8:05 am will not incur
an Early Care charge.
Eagle Land is available for Preschool students from 12:00 pm till 2:45 pm for $12.00 per day.
After School Program is available for students immediately after school until 6:00 pm for $12.00 per day or
$175 per month (based on 180 school days).
    Preschool – 5th grade students, without a middle or high school sibling, will be sent to After School if not
       picked up by 3:00 pm. After School charges will apply.
   All other students will be sent to After School if not picked up by 3:25 pm. After School charges will

Early Release Day late pick up fees will start at $25.

Early Care, Eagle Land, and After School fees are invoiced monthly.

                                                                                             I 19
Young Americans Christian School is a nonprofit, independent, private Christian school, which does not
receive any church, federal, state, or local government assistance. Prompt payment of tuition and activity fees is
vital to the operation of Young Americans Christian School. A parent/guardian’s account is a binding financial
obligation. Enrollment at Young Americans Christian School is a privilege; therefore, delinquent accounts may
constitute a student being asked to withdraw from Young Americans Christian School until the account is paid in
full. The school reserves the right to suspend educational services, the administering of tests or exams, the
issuing of grades or report cards, or release of any stu-
dent's records for delinquent accounts.

Young Americans Christian School utilizes FACTS, a
leading tuition management service, for tuition payments.
FACTS allows multiple payment options including
automatic prescheduled bank payment from a checking or
savings account, or by credit card. Any account that
becomes 30 days delinquent will result in that student
being automatically withdrawn. The total balance of the
account will be due at that time.

A student that is financially withdrawn may be allowed to
return to school only if there is a space available, and the
account is paid in full.

Accounts must be paid in full before a student can be considered for re-enrollment for the next school year or

Young Americans Christian School does not accept cash payments for tuition. Payment for athletic participation
fees will be invoiced at the time of student participation.

There is an adjustment fee in the amount of one month’s tuition for withdrawal, which is agreed upon at the time
of enrollment and must be paid before any records can be released or transferred. Should you have questions
concerning your account or need to request special arrangements, you may contact the Business Office.

Students participating in athletic programs or extracurricular programs may forfeit their privilege to participate if
their financial account becomes delinquent.

                                         EARLY CARE
                                      Early Care is available starting at 7:00 a.m.

                                      AFTER SCHOOL
                                  YACS After School Program is available until 6:00 p.m.
                                  Both Early Care and After School require an additional
                                  fee. Families are invoiced at the end of the month.
20 EAGLE Magazine I 2020
                                  K4                     8:30-12:00

                                  K5-5th                 8:30-2:45

                                  6th-12th               8:10-3:10

                                     DRESS CODE
YACS is committed to providing our students with the highest quality education framed within a Christian
worldview. The school continues to seek strategies and best practices that promote higher student learning
and Christian character development within a safe, orderly, and caring school environment. Student dress
expectations communicates the Christ centered focus of YACS and should be a valuable testimony in
sustaining the school’s reputation as a school of excellence. The school does not mandate a uniform but
adheres to the following:
       Boys and Girls:
       A solid, striped, plaid or print collared shirt is required Monday through Thursday.
       (Sleeveless, flannel, tee, or camouflage shirts are not allowed.)
       YACS apparel, excluding tee shirts, is allowed Monday through Thursday. A solid, striped,
       plaid, or print collared shirt or YACS apparel, including YACS tee shirts are allowed on Fri-
       Boys: Solid navy, khaki, black, gray, or brown khaki-style/dress pants or shorts are required
       Monday through Thursday. (Jeans are allowed on Fridays.)
       Girls: Solid navy, khaki, black, gray, or brown khaki-style/dress pants, shorts, capris, or skirts
       are required Monday through Thursday. (Jeans are allowed on Fridays.)
       Dresses can be solid, plaid, or striped dresses with collars can be worn.
       Solid colored leggings or tights may be worn underneath the dress or skirt.

       Boys and girls may wear dress shoes, casual shoes, loafers, dress boots, cowboy boots,
       sandals, or tennis shoes. (Flip flops and open-toe shoes without a back strap are not allowed.)

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