Collectively Speaking - University of Saskatchewan Faculty ...

Page created by Kent Jacobs
Collectively Speaking
                                                                                                               March 2021

                                 Message from the Chair
Colleagues,                           Keep in mind that purchases made with            Finally, we congratulate the mem-
   We have seen a number of develop- this one-time allowance will be your            bers of the RSAW Committee of Uni-
ments since our last issue of Collec- own property and maintenance will be           versity Council, whose motion on
tively Speaking.                      your responsibility.                           the “active/inactive researcher” des-
                                           In recent weeks, the USFA Member          ignation passed by a significant mar-
  We are working with the employer                                                   gin at Council on March 18. The mo-
on a Letter of Understanding that will   Engagement Committee has met with
                                         Department Heads, Faculty Association       tion read:
allow the use of sabbatical travel
funds for other expenses in support      Representatives, and small groups of            It is recommended that Univer-
of sabbatical projects or for deferred   members. These meetings have focused            sity Council support in principle
travel. We are hoping to have details    on assignment of duties, workload, and          a) the rejection of the use of
worked out in the coming days.           tenure and promotion. In terms of               “active/inactive” designations
                                         workload, USFA has noted an issue               for researchers and b) the re-
   We have agreed with the employer emerging that is specifically related to
on eligibility of USFA members to par- faculty at the ranks of Instructor and            quest that the Integrated Plan-
ticipate in the option to access a one- Lecturer. Units should keep in mind              ning and Assessment Office and
time taxable allowance from their                                                        all other administrative units
                                         that, while teaching assignments for
accountable professional expense                                                         abandon the concept of and
                                         faculty at these ranks will not exceed 30
fund. This allowance is to defray ex-    credit units per academic year, that            metrics associated with the des-
penses associated with establishing a maximum is not necessarily an appropri-            ignation of individual faculty
home office/remote workspace to          ate teaching assignment in every cir-           members as “active” or
conduct teaching, research, and relat- cumstance. In fact, it should be uncom-           “inactive” researchers for all
ed professional activities. This alloca- mon, since that was the understanding           planning and budgetary alloca-
tion of up to $2,200 is without prece- we had with the Employer when we ne-              tion purposes.
dent or prejudice to continued use of gotiated reinstatement of the rank of
the APEF in the manner it has always Instructor and clarification of the rank of        We have seen at USFA that this
been used. Payments will be pro-                                                     designation can be very damaging to
                                         Lecturer: the maximum was proposed
cessed with the regular payroll and                                                  individuals, not only because a “non-
                                         as a limitation and not as an expansion.
are subject to the same deductions as When compared to every other faculty           active researcher” designation is
regular pay. We expect the current       member in an academic unit, even if an      derogatory and insulting, especially
application window will be open until Instructor or Lecturer is assigned noth-       when it is mis-applied due to a lack
May 14, 2021, with a payment date of ing else, 30 credit units of teaching is        of recognition of what ought to
June 15, 2021, and that another appli- likely inequitable. Equitability is deter-    “count” as research. The designation
cation window will be open in June       mined by comparison to the assignment       is also damaging in that it can be
through to the end of July. This will    of duties of others in an academic unit     inherently racist if oral dissemina-
allow anyone who has used up all of      and, in some cases, by what was consid-     tion of knowledge rather than publi-
their 2020–21 professional expense       ered full-time work during any giv-         cation in peer-reviewed journals is
allowance to request funds from their en erm prior to the negotiated maxi-
2021–22 allocation. These dates are                                                  the primary means of communi-
                                         mum.                                        cating a faculty member’s research
yet to be confirmed by the employer.

Collectively Speaking

or scholarship—especially if a Dean declines to accept oral dissemination as a justification for designating that person as an
“active” researcher. Units have been harmed by this designation as well in some cases where having too many faculty des-
ignated “inactive” resulted in a significantly increased teaching load for everyone in the unit, thus diminishing their ability
to conduct research or scholarship. We hope Senior Leadership takes note of the strong endorsement by Council of this
important motion.

Allison Muri, USFA Chair

    USFA Opposes IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism
  At its February 5 meeting, the         policies and practices of the State of       ed its support for the stance of Inde-
USFA Executive Committee passed a        Israel and who conduct anti-racist and       pendent Jewish Voices against the
motion to join the Academic Alli-        decolonial scholarship. The Canadian         definition, the Association of Academ-
ance Against Anti-Semitism, Racism       Association for University Teachers          ic Staff University of Alberta has de-
and Colonialism in Canada initiative     (CAUT) provides several examples in its      clared that the IHRA definition poses
in opposing the International Holo-      December-January 2021 Bulletin of the        a serious threat to faculty members’
caust Remembrance Alliance’s             IHRA definition being invoked both in        anti-racist initiatives and work to im-
(IHRA) Working Definition of Anti-       Canada and internationally in order to       plement the Truth & Reconciliation
semitism.                                brand support for Palestinian rights and     Commission calls to action at the Uni-
   The USFA opposes antisemitism         criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic.         versity of Alberta and within AASUA,
and all forms of racism and hatred,         Several municipal councils have reject-   and last October faculty associations
and while the IHRA’s short definition    ed efforts to implement the definition       across Ontario passed motions to op-
itself seems innocuous, some of the      (including Calgary, Montreal, and Van-       pose Bill 168 in Ontario, which would
examples of antisemitism intended        couver) and the British Columbia Civil       enshrine into law the flawed defini-
as guidance pose a serious threat to     Liberties Association has stated its oppo-   tion of antisemitism and its illustrative
academic freedom by equating criti-      sition to the international campaign for     examples.
cism of Israel with antisemitism.        its adoption.                                  The USFA is united with academic
  The IHRA definition can be used to       While there is pressure on Canadian        unions and other organizations across
censor political speech and restrict     university administrations to adopt the      Canada in protecting the rights of our
the academic freedom of teachers         IHRA definition, to date no university or    members to pursue and disseminate
and researchers who have devel-          college in Canada has done so. The Ca-       their research free from institutional
oped critical perspectives on the        nadian Federation of Students has stat-      censorship.

                            News and Information from CAUT
   With the CAUT Bulletin currently not being delivered to campus mailboxes, you can access the current issue, as well as
 past issues, on the CAUT website.
   You can also subscribe to the CAUT Newswire to receive news and information via email. Scroll down on CAUT’s
 homepage to enter your contact information.

Collectively Speaking

             External Relations: Meetings with USSU and GSA
   Members of the USFA External Rela-      link on the GSA website’s homepage           a concern being voiced by students,
 tions Committee have been meeting         and the service is available to any U of S   though there has been some improve-
 with representatives of the GSA and       student.                                     ment in recent months. It was noted
 USSU regularly for several months            Tuition increases have outraged many      that with communication primarily by
 now. These meetings have been in-         students, particularly because there is      email right now and professors receiv-
 formative for all of our organizations.   no real consultation with students in        ing upwards of a hundred emails daily,
   Both GSA and USSU report that,          advance, despite that being a stated         students are unlikely to get a fast re-
 while some students are doing well,       part of the process for setting tuition.     sponse. It was also noted that many
 many are struggling in the pandemic       Students are questioning the quality of      opportunities to interact with profes-
 environment due to financial challeng-    their education and see no clear reason      sors or to get help with course material
 es and poor mental health. The GSA is     to increase tuition this year. Students      has very low uptake by students.
 again offering Empower Me, a free         feel frustrated and powerless. Increases       These meetings will be continuing and
 24/7 counselling service and is asking    to Graduate tuition is a major concern       we will continue to pass along infor-
 faculty to let students know this ser-    for faculty.                                 mation.
 vice is available. There is a prominent      Communication with professors is still

                                              Education for All
    The Education for All campaign is        longer, better quality of life; our uni-   while also being expected to deliv-
 a joint initiative of the Canadian As-      versities, colleges, and polytechnics      er the highest-quality education
 sociation of University Teachers, the       make many important social, cultur-        and to engage in the foundational
 Canadian Federation of Students,            al, and economic contributions, rais-      research necessary to unlock the
 the Canadian Union of Public Em-            ing the quality of life for all. High-     best potential of our citizens and
 ployees, the Public Service Alliance        quality post-secondary education is        our country.
 of Canada and the National Union of         also essential to a robust democracy       Our system is surviving on the ex-
 Public General and Public Employ-           and to the research and civic en-          ploitation of international students
 ees. Their combined memberships             gagement that are necessary to ad-         and a highly precarious workforce,
 of more than one million students           dress some of our most challenging         while many students - especially
 and workers are putting forward a           social, economic, and environmental        low-income students, Indigenous,
 vision of a more affordable, accessi-       problems today and tomorrow.               Black, and racialized students, and
 ble, high quality, publicly-funded          Yet access to PSE is increasingly a        persons living with disabilities - are
 post-secondary education system in          challenge for many low- and middle-        either excluded or marginalized.
 Canada; a system that is ready to           income Canadians and residents.            Embracing Education for All would
 take on the challenges of today and         Some are unable to attend at all due       have many benefits for our country
 tomorrow.                                   to cost; but the economic im-              and our communities, for research
    The coalition released a report on       portance of post-secondary educa-          and policy, and for students, gradu-
 February 16, highlighting the strug-        tion means that many more are              ates, and workers at our post-
 gling education sector, and making          attending even though they cannot          secondary institutions. It would
 an urgent call for a national strate-       afford to do so, leaving them bur-         help to promote equity, reconcilia-
 gy.                                         dened with significant debt.               tion and social inclusion. It is an
    From the report’s executive sum-         Meanwhile, post-secondary educa-           essential element of any post-
 mary:                                       tion workers are being forced into         COVID just recovery plan.
      Participating in high-quality PSE      increasingly precarious employment       Read the full report here: https://
      not only helps individuals to          or seeing their positions contracted
      achieve higher earnings and a          out to private, for-profit employers,
Collectively Speaking

         What are your thoughts about returning to campus?
   The Saskatchewan Employment Act           the Administration has obligations to           requisite to returning to campus for
provides workers with the right refuse       accommodate specific individuals with           anyone eligible to be vaccinate? If
work if they                                 underlying health concerns and caregiv-         yes, what should be done for inter-
   reasonably believe they are being         ing responsibilities, the majority of fac-      national students who may be com-
asked to engage in work that is              ulty will be expected to return to cam-         ing from jurisdictions where vac-
“unusually dangerous” to their health        pus under whatever business-as-usual            cines are not available?
or safety. The legislation does not de-      looks like.                                   • How frequently should public spac-
fine what unusually dangerous means.           The USFA wants to ensure that faculty         es be cleaned?
Instead, employers are expected to           voices are heard and are considered           • Should access to buildings be lim-
either to take sufficient steps to satisfy   before the Administration decides what          ited to those with offices, labs, or
workers that they are not at risk or         steps are sufficient to address the risk        classes in those buildings?
have the occupational health com-            of COVID infections on campus. Please         • Where should students go between
mittee investigate and determine             respond to this email to share your             classes?
whether the workers’ concerns are            views on what steps need to be in place       • How should the Administration han-
founded.                                     to ensure you are safe working on cam-          dle a positive COVID case in a class-
                                             pus. The questions below are provided           room in the middle of the term or in
   The Administration has expressed a
                                             to get the conversation started.                a shared departmental office?
desire to have faculty resume teach-
ing, research and service from campus         • Should vaccination be a pre-                What do you think? Let us know by
as soon as it is safe to do so. While                                                     email.

                            USFA Executive Committee Elections
    Nominations for USFA Executive               Associate Professor or Associate              Identify ways that the Association
Committee elections close at 11:59               Librarian                                     can improve equity within the As-
p.m. on March 24. While not the only          • one vacancy (2 year term) from                 sociation.
way to be involved in the work of the            among those holding the rank of               Advocate for equity issues on be-
Association, being elected to the Exec-          Professor or Librarian                        half of our members.
utive is one of the most in depth ways        • one vacancy (2 year term) for an             Possible equity areas include but are
to be involved. There are approxi-               equity officer                           not limited to the following groups:
mately two Executive meetings per             • three vacancies (one is a 1 year          Women, LGBTQ2S, BIPOC. Equity offic-
month and, depending on the particu-             term, two are a 2 year term) from        ers have the opportunity to create so-
lar interests of those elected to the            the membership at large.                 cial connections within the USFA com-
Executive, the opportunity to be on             In 2019 the USFA Constitution was         munity and to develop special interest
various Association Committees.              amended to create two Equity Officer         caucuses to provide information to the
    This is a very unusual year in that      positions on the Executive Committee.        executive that can be used in collective
there are 9 vacancies to be filled:          Last year the first Equity Officer was       bargaining and the development of
 • two vacancies (one is a 1 year            elected to a two-year term. This year        collegial standards. Individuals nomi-
     term, one is a 2 year term) from        there is a vacancy for the 2nd Equity        nated for an equity officer position are
     among those members holding             Officer. Equity Officers may be from         asked to identify the equity area of in-
     the rank of Instructor, Lecturer,       among the membership at large.               terest and consider how they will ad-
     Special Lecturer, Assistant Librari-       Section 8(e) of the USFA Constitu-        vance the concerns of the identified
     an or Assistant Professor               tion states:                                 group through their role on USFA exec-
 • two vacancies (one is a 1 year                                                         utive.
                                                 The Equity Officers shall:
     term, one is a 2 year term) from                                                        Nomination forms are available by
                                                 Co-chair, where appropriate, equity
     among those holding the rank of                                                      contacting the USFA Office.
                                                 committees of the Association.
Collectively Speaking

      USFA Scholarship: Apply Online, Deadline June 1, 2021
    Online applications for the USFA Scholarship will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
    The USFA Scholarship Program is open to students who are immediate family members of USFA members. Immediate
  family includes spouse/partner, sons, daughters or children whom USFA members have served as legal guardians.
    The application form for the 2020-2021 USFA Scholarship Fund Program is now available exclusively online at: Students can apply online through their PAWS account as follows:
      Log into the Scholarships and Bursaries channel in PAWS:
      Click on the green “Apply for awards” button
      Click on the “Select Application Form” scroll-down menu under “Current Students”
      Select the “2020-2021 USFA Tuition Scholarship Fund Application”; click “Apply”
    Once the student has completed the application, an automated email will be sent to the Faculty member’s University
  of Saskatchewan email address prompting them to go into the ASPA/USFA Award Relationship Verification channel in
  PAWS and confirm the relationship with the applicant. Both the student and the faculty member will get a confirmation
  email that the application has been successfully submitted. If you do not get the confirmation email please contact
  student awards immediately at 306-966-2897.
    Each year $250,000 is contributed to the USFA Scholarship Fund. The $250,000 is divided by the number of credit units
  eligible applicants have successfully completed for credit courses taken in the 2020-2021 academic year (May 1, 2020-
  April 30, 2021). Eligible students graduating in 2021 can still receive the award for courses taken in the 2020-2021 aca-
  demic year, even if they are not taking any further courses at the University. Credits completed after April 30 2021 will
  not be counted for this year’s application, as per the scholarship terms of reference, so 3rd year medical students who
  complete their credit units after April 30 2021 even though they start their studies during the 2020-2021 academic
  year can apply for next year’s scholarship. Recipients will be emailed in late July 2021 with the results of their applica-
    Scholarship money will be applied directly to the recipient’s student account. Any balance of account, after outstand-
  ing tuition and fees are paid, will be refunded by cheque and will be mailed to the student’s address listed on PAWS.
  Please note that if the scholarship is awarded to a non-eligible applicant steps will be taken to recover the amount
    For further information contact Awards and Financial Aid at or 306-966-2897or the Faculty Associa-
  tion Office at or 966-5611.

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