COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

Page created by Carlos Pearson
COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly
2020 - 2021

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

§ Artist
§ Born in Casablanca, Morocco.
§ Graduated from the THUR Beaux-Art
  Workshop - Paris.
§ Exhibits regularly since 1970.
§ Lives and works in Casablanca.

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly
PREAMBLE   Graduated from Beaux Art Workshops in Paris in the 70s, Abderrahmane
           OUARDANE learned to draw the human body. He devoted his first exhibitions to
           the theme of artistic Nude. His spiritual retreats in the High Atlas, on the high
           plateaus of Imilchil, represented a decisive step in his artistic imprint. The timeless
           silhouettes he encountered there; all the treasures of signs and traces of Amazigh
           heritage inspired him, awaken his memory, influenced his creations and gave birth
           to his transcendent claw. His gatherings with Casablanca school artistic academy
           and his participation to international residences allowed him to mature in
           extremely rich and varied creative experiences. His career led him to
           Contemporary Art. His creations has diversified between paintings, sculptures,
           installations and performances. His message is devoted to his activism for the
           cause of women and for the enhancement of intangible heritage.
           "I can no longer paint for purely aesthetic purposes. It is important for me to let my
           imagination go free and to give meaning to creations and performances that bring
           to the work a worldwide testimony" says OUARDANE.

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

Dea Africa means African goddess - Ifri symbolizes the sun goddess,
protector of the source and family.

OUARDANE materializes his unspeakable emotion through the sketch of
mystical woman. Dressed in her drapery, adorned with her prodigy
turban, the goddess overlooks a landlocked universe sometimes of mist,
sometimes of light.

The goddess with a timeless body wanders through a sublime landscape
where water and fire, heaven and earth form a fertile alloy.

For the painter, the heroine becomes a language, that of an essential
energy that passes through the ages. Through the esoteric expression of
the character, the painter reconnects with his roots and sanctifies its

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

OUARDANE materializes his fascination for Imilchil's wife through the
sketch of her figure. Dressed in her drapery, adorned with her prodigy
turban, the stroller overlooks a dreamlike universe.

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

Casablanca is the trendy urban destination. The economic capital of Morocco is the North African hub of major international
brands. An urban and trendy living environment that defines a lifestyle fantasized by many young women from the countryside
and mountains of the kingdom. But how can traditional women dream of themselves as a modern woman without weaving a
safeguard net that combines her timelessness between past, present and future?

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

The prophetess of the Atlas Mountains, with divinatory foresight, announces the oracle of the degeneration of the world of
men. The prophecy of anomaly, destruction, materialism and loss of harmony.

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly
«Révélation du Sage», Mixte sur Toile 110 x 100

                                SACRIFICES OF NOMADS

The ancient Berbers worshipped the moon and the sun, to which they offered sacrifices: "The sacrifices of the nomads." These
are ancestral beliefs and customs that were intended to ward off fate.
Like a language between humans and spirits. The Berbers remain attached to certain deep- seated traditions. The “chibanis”
(the elders) still speak of the "old way of the ancestors" and still retain certain ancestral rites.

COLLECTION 2020 2021 - Abderrahmane OUARDANE - Fastly

Splendor and nostalgia of Al-Andalus.
Al-Andalus, a region of Spain that was under the
sovereignty of the Moors from the 8th to the 15th century.
During these centuries of history, all the communities of
the three denominations coexisted side by side and gave
birth to a culture of coexistence, "the convivencia" which
finds one of its most beautiful expressions in Arabic,
Hebrew and Romance literature.
In Al-Andalus, freedom of thought, freedom of expression,
integrity and intellectual creativity are three essential
characteristics of Al-Andalus's original intellectual
creation. Scientists were philosophers, mathematicians,
doctors and practitioners, theologians, judges and
politicians. A bygone era when society was very developed
compared to the rest of the world.


Women from Morocco, between past, present and future. Today, the
traditional Moroccan woman has given way to a modern woman who
tries to combine the fundamentals of her traditions with her modernity.
Recently, Moroccan women began to create their space of freedom in
order to fight for their hard-to-obtain rights in a traditionally patriarchal
These contemporary imperials are gaining ground through their struggle,
gradually enjoying their rights and have high hopes for the future. But is
this acquired freedom valid for all the women of the kingdom? How does
today's Moroccan woman consider herself? how does she see herself in
her diversity? What about the real living conditions of Moroccan women,
their wishes, their hopes, their projects?
It is important to note that despite all the progress that has been made in
the condition of Moroccan women, this growth is still ambiguous,
because to date not all Moroccan women have taken possession of all
their rights and this specifically in rural areas.

«Vol Plané»,
                            Mixte sur Toile 130 x 130

                                                                  FINAL BOARDING

                                                        Imilchil is a Berber village in northern Morocco where a
                                                        mythical tradi6on is held every year: the Moussem Imilchil,
                                                        an engagement fes6val. This tradi6onal fes6val of love,
                                                        originally reserved for the indigenous inhabitants of the
                                                        surrounding villages and peaks of the Atlas, today resembles
                                                        a large folk fair. Now this gathering is a vic6m of mass tourism
                                                        and     the      "folkloriza6on"    of     intangible  heritage.
                                                        The work "Final Boarding" illustrates the abbreviated sketch
                                                        of an ancient muse goddess, my tradi6onal "Chelha of
                                                        Imilchil", means "Berber of Imilchil". But in her contemporary
                                                        version, The Authen6c Amazon is reincarnated as a new age
                                                        heroine. Under her new esoteric features, she seems
                                                        devastated. Her new universe is constellated, but in reality,
                                                        she has lost all the depth of her original beauty. Pressed to
                                                        modernize without a safeguard nor of her orality, nor of her
                                                        iden6ty, nor of her legend. The muse took off not back. From
                                                        her genesis to her contemporaneity: final des6na6on – "Final

« Confiserie Vagabonde »,   «Mèche Rebelle»,
Mixte sur Toile 120 x 100   Mixte sur Toile 110 x 100

The originality of the rock bes6ary represented evokes the
early mastery of pictorial techniques and the crea6vity of the
figura6ons of the rock areas discovered in three dis6nct
geographical and bioclima6c domains, in the Atlas Ranges,
the Sahara Meadow and the Moroccan Atlan6c Sahara.
Despite research on rock art in Morocco, the Moroccan
Atlan6c Sahara and Mauritania, the problems related to its
classifica6on and its rela6onship to its cultural context are
not iden6fied in an intact way. In the current state of
knowledge, this area is characterized by the con6nuous
succession, from north to south, of large rock areas, relayed
by                        small                       sta6ons.
These areas have experienced many tradi6ons of parietal art
crea6on. This implies that some sites contain engravings or
pain6ngs from a wide variety of periods. This fact is noted in
the overlay of drawings belonging to different categories of
rock art. The importance of this rock art as an archaeological
and historical source is considerable. It will certainly
contribute to the reconstruc6on of prehistoric history and its


Over time, urbanization spreads, contributes to the degradation of nature and threatens all forms of life on earth. This work denounces the pollution of the
Earth and the Oceans by humans, it particularly blames, the polluting industries that release into the environment tons of toxic products and waste, as
well as the massive urbanization that replaces green spaces and makes our cities gray and ugly. The seasons are no longer distinguishable. We live in an
overrated and artificial world.

                                                     « Goutte de Feu »                                                                                         14
                                                     Mixte sur Toile 110 x 100

The contemporary world is damaged by materialism at the expense of noble values related to the spirit. Yet it is these spiritual values that give true
meaning to our existence. The sacred is at the heart of creation. The aesthetic experience finds its true essence in the interiority. The work of art must be
transcendent and incorruptible.


As recent research on the genealogy of matter that composes us shows, we
are alive and the entire solar system, 97% of our billions of billions of
atoms would come from the cosmos. We are therefore made up of atoms
forged through various cosmic events that have marked the 13.8 billion
years of history of the universe.

We are made up of "stardust."


                                             « NUS DE CHTOUKA »

« Nu à Fleurs» ; 140x115                    « Diamant Bleu» ; 170x115             « Yamna sur Herbe Verte » ;
Collection 2020 « Nus de Chtouka ».         Collection 2020 « Nus de Chtouka ».   Collection 2020 « Nus de Chtouka ».

Athena Tritonis_fev2021_115x115   Malaîka_Fev2021_100x100

                                                             CRÉATIONS 2021

Coiffe Au Zénith_fev2021_120x120
                                    Précieuse Métallique_fev2021_100x100

                                                                      CRÉATIONS 2021

Azawzaw_120x120                    Aérienne Sur Reliefs 120x120

                  CRÉATIONS 2021

Tangerine_Fev2021_100x100   Atlas Grand Cru_fev2021_100x100                    Procession_Fev2021_100x100

                                                              CRÉATIONS 2021

EmpireDuSoleil_Mars2021_120x120   PalabresAtlantique_Mars2021_100x100            DawyaLaRouge_Mars2021_115x115

                                                                CRÉATIONS 2021

Tanouwart1_Mars 2021_68x90   Jour de Moussem_Mars 2021_68x90                    Tanouwart2_Mars 2021_68x90

                                                               CRÉATIONS 2021

Space Rockets_Mars2021                    Candy Pink_Mars2021

                         CRÉATIONS 2021


Menthe H2O _Mars2021            Paysage Imaginaire_Mars2021   Capitaine Némo_Mars2021
Galactic Filaments _Mars2021

                                                      CRÉATIONS 2021

La Venus Vertueuse   Poulain_Mars2021

q   Abderrahmane OUARDANE, Visual Artist Graduated From Thur Beaux Art Workshops In Paris, Has Presented His Work In Dozens Of Exhibitions In
               Morocco And Around The World While Multiplying Initiatives To Contribute To The Promotion Of Art And Culture. Convinced Of The Role Of
               Culture As An Essential Lever For The Development, Abderrahmane Ouardane Actively Participates In The Cultural And Creative Activities Of His
               Country. Organizing Events, Promoting Arts, Curating Exhibition.

           q   Since 2018. Vice-president Of The Federation Of Cultural And Creative Industries (FICC). Head Of The Visual Arts Sector.

           q   Since 2007. Founding President Of The Arkane Association (Association For The Promotion Of Art And The Safeguarding Of Heritage); Organizer Of
               Several Events Including The 6 Editions Of The International Exhibition Of Contemporary Art Of Africa And Diaspora "Arkane-afrika.

               2007 Secretary General Of The Moroccan Association Of Plastic Arts (Amap).

           q   2005 - 2006 - 2007 Curator Of The Great National Exhibition Of Plastic Arts (Genap) 3 Editions.

           q   Former President Of The Casablanca Art And Culture Association (Aacc).

           q   Founding Member Of The Permanent Conference Of The Mediterranean Audiovisual - Rome (Copeam).

           q   Member Of The Office Of The "World Cultures Foundation."

           q   Member Of The Office Of The Association Village Of Artist Workshops (Avaa).


1970 Salon Des Artistes Indépendants, Casablanca.                   2007 Galerie Mémo Arts, Casablanca. "Petits Formats, Grandes      2010 Exposition Au Théâtre Mohamed V À Rabat                      "AFRIQUE RENCONTRE MOYEN ORIENT". Casablanca.
1981 Hôtel Casablanca. "Authenticité De L’art Pictural Au Maroc".                                                                     2010 Exposition Journées Portes Ouvertes À L'hôpital D'enfants    2014 Exposition À La "Morocco Solar Festival" À Ouarzazate.
                                                                    2007 Exposition Du Collectif "Al Lemma" En Hollande,              Ibn Rochd De Casablanca.
1982 Galerie Alif Ba, Casablanca. "Petits Formats De Grands         Amsterdam.                                                                                                                          2015 Exposition Artistique À La Cathédrale Du Sacré Cœur,
Peintres Du Maroc".                                                                                                                   2010 Exposition Artistique À Chefchaouen.                         "Harmonia", "L’art Au Service De L’environnement" (
                                                                    2007 "Hommage À Matisse", Galerie Linéart, Tanger.                                                                                  Organisateur: Association Arkane )
1983 Faculté De Médecine, Casablanca. Fresques.                                                                                       2010 Exposition Artistique À La Villa Des Arts.
                                                                    2008 "Peindre Aujourd’hui Au Maroc", El Jadida.                                                                                     2015 Exposition Artistique "Expression Pour Femme",
1985 Hôpital 20 Août, Pavillon Psychiatrie. Fresques.                                                                                 2010 Exposition Artistique Cathédrale Du Sacré Cœur, Sous Le      Bibliothèque Nationale, Rabat.
                                                                    2009 "Sacrés Signes", Forum Des Cultures, Cathédrale Sacré        Thème "Peintre De La Femme".
1986 Orlando, Usa. "Maison Du Maroc". "Regard Sur L’atlas".         Coeur, Casablanca.                                                                                                                  2015 Exposition Artistique "Arkane Afrika" À La Cathédrale Du
                                                                                                                                      2010 Galerie Bertucci À Chaouen Sous Le Thème "La Peinture        Sacré Cœur De Casablanca, "Exposition Internationale Art
1989 Le Caire, Egypte. "Itinéraires De La Créativité, Massir Wa     2009 Fresque À L’hôpital Des Enfants Ibn Rochd, Casablanca.       Émergente Au Maroc".                                              Contemporain D’afrique".
                                                                    2009 "Casa Art", Hommage À La Ville De Casablanca, Forum Des      2010 Faculté Des Sciences, Juridiques Économiques Et Sociales     2016 Exposition Internationale Art Contemporain D’afrique "À
2000 Atelier Partage, Rencontre Entre Poètes Et Plasticiens,        Cultures.                                                         De Ain Sebaa, Sous Le Thème "Symboles Et Signes" À L’occasion     L’écoute De L’environnement" À La Cop 22, Marrakech.
Organisée Par L’avaa, Casablanca.                                                                                                     De La 5ème Édition De La Nuit Des Galeries.
                                                                    2009 Exposition Artistique Dans Le Cadre De 1ère Rencontres                                                                         2017 Exposition Art Contemporain "Au Service Du Patrimoine" À
2001 Tunis, "Rencontre".                                            Euromed, Tournon-sur-rhône, France.                               2010 Expositions Artistiques "Marrakech Art".                     La 2ème Édition "Les Journées Du Patrimoine De Ait Ben
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Haddou", Ouarzazate.
2002 Bab Rouah, Rabat, Exposition Sur Le Thème "Partage".           2009 Exposition À Monaco "Émotions Partagées".                    2011 Exposition Artistique À Pullman Mazagan Royal Golf, El
                                                                                                                                      Jadida.                                                           2016 Exposition Internationale D’art Contemporain Dans Le
2002 Galerie Art Et Architecture. Petits Formats.                   2009 Exposition "Langages Spirituels" À Casablanca - Cathédrale                                                                     Cadre De La 19ème Édition Du Festival Du Cinéma Africain À
                                                                    Sacré Cœur.                                                       2011 Exposition Peinture Sur Sculpture De Chevaux, El Jadida      Khouribga.
2003 Fondation De L’étudiant. Exposition En Soutien Aux                                                                               (Commissaire De L’exposition).
                                                                    2009 Exposition À Antibes, France.                                                                                                  2017 Exposition Internationale D’art Contemporain Dans Le
                                                                                                                                      2012 Exposition Artistique À La Cathédrale Du Sacré Cœur,         Cadre De La 20ème Édition Du Festival Du Cinéma Africain À
                                                                                                                                      "Ecologi Art" Sous Le Thème "Préservation De                      Khouribga.
2004 Galerie Venise Cadre", Casablanca.                             2010 Exposition À La Foire Internationale De L’art, Casablanca.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        2017 Exposition Artistique Internationale "Arkane Afrika" 3ème
2005 Fondation Ona, Casablanca. "Mois Du Patrimoine".               2010 Exposition "Mondiathèque" Sur Le Thème "Journée
                                                                    Internationale Du Livre" À Nouasseur.                             2012 Biennale De Casablanca.                                      Édition Sous Le Thème "Citoyenneté Et Art Contemporain
2005 Villa Des Arts, Mois Du Patrimoine, Casablanca. "Figures De
L’abstraction".                                                     2010 Exposition, Rencontre D’art Actuel, Azemmour, El Jadida      2013 Exposition Artistique À La Cathédrale Du Sacré Coeur, Sous
                                                                                                                                      Le Thème "Afrique Rencontre Moyen Orient".                        2018 Arkane Afrika 4ème Édition, Fondation De La Mosquée
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hassan Ii –Casablanca.
2005 Arts In Marrakech : 1er Festival International D’art Et De
Littérature.                                                        2010 Exposition Artistique À L’occasion De La Journée De La       2013 Exposition Artistique, 3ème Édition Du Festival "Jawhara",
                                                                    Terre (Anciens Abattoirs Casablanca).                             El Jadida.                                                        2018 Arkane Afrika Édition Spéciale À Dakhla En Concomitance
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Avec Le Fima (Festival International De La Mode D'afrique) À
2005 Galerie Venise Cadre, Casablanca. "Formats Unis, Regards                                                                                                                                           Dakhla, Maroc Et À Niamey, Niger, Avec Alphadi.
Croisés ".                                                          2010 "L’art De Donner". Exposition En Faveur De La Ligue          2013 Exposition Artistique À Dar Zagora, Marrakech
                                                                    Marocaine De L’enfance. Casablanca.
                                                                                                                                      2014 Exposition Artistique À La Cathédrale Du Sacré Cœur,         2019 Exposition Artistique "Arkane Afrika" 5ème Édition sous le
2007 GENAP, Rabat : "Retour À La Figuration".                                                                                                                                                           thème "Patrimoine d’Afrique et Universalité de son Art".          30
1981 "Authenticité De L’art Pictural Au Maroc", Paris, France.

                  1986 "Regard Sur L’atlas", Maison Du Maroc, Orlando, Usa.

                  1989 "Itinéraires De La Créativité, Massir Wa Massar", Le Caire, Egypte.

                  2001 "Rencontre Afrique Du Nord Moyen Orient" Tunis, Tunisie.

                  2009 Exposition Artistique Dans Le Cadre De La 1ère Rencontre Euromed À Tournon Sur Rhône, France.

                  2009 Exposition "Émotions Partagées" À L’atelier Du Comité Monégasque De La Aiap De L'unesco À Monaco.

                  2009 Exposition À La Galerie Des Associations, Antibes, Nice, France.

                  2010 Exposition " Maroc, Lumières De Création " À La Galerie Monégasque "L'entrepôt", Espace Culturel À

                  2010 Exposition "Rencontres Artistiques Franco-marocaines" À La Salle De L’aiguiller À Martigues, Marseille, France.

EXPOSITIONS       2011 Exposition Artistique "4 Ème Édition Rencontres Méditerranéennes" Tournon - Guilherand-granges, France.

INTERNATIONALES    2012 Invité D'honneur De La Biennale De Dakar. Exposition Avec L'artiste Kalidou KASSE, Hôtel Méridien, Dakar,

                  2012 Exposition Inauguration "Dar Al Maghrib" À Montréal, Canada.

                  2012 Exposition Sous Le Thème "Les Chemins Des Domaines" À Montpellier, Bézier, France.

                  2013 Participation Au Carnaval International De Québec De Sculpture Sur Neige. Canada.

                  2013 Exposition À La Rencontre "Dialogue & Cultures", Sète, France.

                  2014 Galerie Palace Fahd. Dakar, Sénégal.

                  2015 Exposition À Bézier, Montpellier, France.

                  2015 Participation À L’édition 2015 Du Carnaval International De Sculpture Sur Neige De Québec. Canada.

                  2017 Dar Al Maghribia. Montréal,canada

                  2019 Galerie Fondation Alphadi. Niamey, Niger.

                  2020 Participation À La Sélection Internationale Luxembourg Art Price.

1980 Galerie 88, Casablanca.

                            1981 Hôtel Méridien, Mohammedia.

                            1982 Galerie Nadar, Casablanca.

                            1983 : La Mamounia, Marrakech.

                            1987 Hôtel De Fès, Fès.

                            2001 Hammate, Tunis.

                            2003 Galerie Bab El Kebir, Rabat.

                            2004 Espace Darna Le Comptoir, Marrakech.
EXPOSITIONS INDIVIDUELLES   2005 "Traces De Femme" Galerie Art Et Architecture.

                            2006 "Le Cercle", Galerie Le Chevalet, Casablanca.

                            2009 Galerie Municipale Antibes - Nice France.

                            2010 Exposition Galerie Venise Cadre Sous Le Thème "Griffes De Lumière".

                            2010 Exposition Galerie Bab Rouah, Rabat.

                            2012 Action Bénévole Auprès Des Enfants Malades "La Maison De L’enfant", Hôpital Harouchi, Casablanca.
                            Réalisation D’une Fresque De 2m X 1.5m Avec La Participation Des Enfants.

                            2014 Exposition "Zoom Sur Abderrahmane Ouardane" Galerie Ambre, Casablanca.

                            2014 Galerie Palace Fahd Dakar . Sénégal.

                            2017 Dar Al Maghribia, Montréal, Canada.

                            2019 Galerie Fondation Alphadi. Niamey, Niger.

1987 Faculté De Médecine De Casablanca.

                   1990 Hôpital Psychiatrique De Casablanca.

                   2005 Hôpital Des Enfants Ibn Rochd De Casablanca.

                   2005 - 2006 -2007 Université D’été, Assilah.

FRESQUES MURALES   2009 Association De Bienfaisance Du Centre Social De Hanchene Province D’essaouira.

                   2010 Siège Rtm Ain Chok À Casablanca.

                   2010 Exposition En Plein Air In Situ, Bd Al Massira Al Khadra À L'occasion De La Journée De La Terre.

                   2010 Hôpital Des Enfants De Casablanca Ibn Rochd.

                   2010 Faculté Des Sciences De Ain Sebaa.

2010 Exposition Artistique In Situ Sur Bd Al Massira Al Khadra À L'occasion De La Journée De La Terre.

                  2012 Biennale De Casablanca. Performance.

                  2012 Exposition Ain Diab. " Les Journées De L’environnement".
INSTALLATIONS &   2012 Exposition Au Festival De Settat.

PERFORMANCES      2012 Exposition À El Jadida, À L Occasion Du La Fête Du Cheval.

                  2019 Installations Sur Le Thème De L'environnement, Mazagan El Jadida.

Palais Royal, Rabat, Maroc.

                  Ministère De La Culture, Rabat, Maroc.

                  Musée National De Rabat, Maroc.

                  Musée Mohammed Vi D'art Moderne Et Contemporain Mmvi, Rabat Maroc.

                  Musée De Marrakech, Maroc.

                  Fondation Ona, Casablanca, Maroc.

                  Bank Al Maghrib, Casablanca, Maroc.

PARMI LES         Fondation Sgmb, Casablanca, Maroc.

                  Mazagan, El Jadida, Maroc.

                  Banyan Tree Tamouda Bay, Fnideq, Maroc.

                  Privé, Heidelberg, Allemagne.

                  Privé, Florence, Italie.

                  Privé, Monte-carlo, Monaco.

                  Privé, Antibes, France.

                  Privé, Sydney, Australie.

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