Collaboration Nation Digital services feasibility projects - Technology Strategy Board

Page created by Nelson Cannon
Technology Strategy Board
Driving Innovation

Collaboration Nation
Digital services feasibility projects
The entries in this directory were provided by the
individual companies. The Technology Strategy
Board cannot guarantee the accuracy or
completeness of any of the information about the
winning projects.

Technology Strategy Board
North Star House
North Star Avenue

Telephone: 01793 442700

© Technology Strategy Board October 2011 T11/063

This directory of projects we helped to fund provides an overview of
the opportunities highly innovative companies can offer across the
UK through their developing technologies. It can also be used to
help link those companies to the wider funding, business and public
sector community in order to develop their ideas into new products,
processes and services.

Feasibility studies in digital services
Digital is one of the core programmes at the Technology Strategy Board. Our mission is to help
innovative businesses unlock the economic potential of digital technology by identifying and
addressing digital challenges and by resolving tensions between people, processes and technology.

Stimulating the development of novel digital services in key emerging areas is one of our priorities. We
invested approximately £2m in 76 innovative feasibility studies in digital services proposed by small or
micro companies. They were successful in our January 2011 ‘Digital Services for Growth’ competition.

The competition sought proposals for innovative digital services in four challenge areas – adoption of
the cloud (services and technologies that enable the delivery of computing services over the Internet);
the Internet of Things (a network of things such as buildings, vehicles, clothing, portable devices and
other objects with the ability to sense, communicate, network and produce new information);
augmenting public services; and harnessing the value of open data.

Each three-month project received up to £25,000 to explore how to unlock business opportunities in
digital services in these areas and to help them to overcome the initial hurdles to development.

Some projects were conducted by single companies, while others were carried out by collaborative
consortia. The small and micro companies leading the 76 projects are well distributed nationally and
have an average of 7.1 employees.

Successful projects should be well positioned to seek support to develop their ideas, including
through future Technology Strategy Board competitions.

This directory provides a snapshot of the winning projects and companies so that
potential future collaborators, investors and companies interested in open innovation
can get to know the companies involved.
Index of companies

4D Creative..................................................... 46      Matter2Media................................................. 56
21media innovations ltd................................... 6             Medifit Instruments Ltd.................................. 32
AIMES Grid Services CIC..............................64                  Medilink West Midlands Ltd .......................... 33
Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd................ 65                     Mirada Medical Ltd........................................ 74
Angel Solutions Ltd ....................................... 22           Mobile Acuity.................................................. 57
Ask4 Limited................................................... 47       mySociety Ltd................................................. 34
BAFTA (British Academy                                                   New Wave Innovation.................................... 58
of Film & Television Arts)................................66             Nexor Ltd........................................................ 75
Blackroc Technology Ltd............................... 48                Obex Technologies........................................ 76
Broadband Access Strategies LLP............... 23                        ObjectSecurity Ltd......................................... 77
Bubblephone Ltd........................................... 67            OBS Medical Limited..................................... 35
Calvium............................................................. 7   Onteca Ltd................................................ 12, 78
Cambridge Healthcare Ltd............................ 24                  Opine Consultancy........................................ 13
Celestor Ltd....................................................68       Orangutrans Ltd............................................. 36
Cirrious Ltd.....................................................69      OSIC Limited.................................................. 37
Cotoco Limited .............................................. 25         Outlandish Ltd................................................ 79
Cybermoor Services Ltd................................ 49                PatAnalyse...................................................... 14
Deep Visuals Limited....................................... 8            Pitchie Ltd.......................................................80
Dream Machine Media Ltd ........................... 50                   PIXELearning.................................................. 59
Edesix Ltd ...................................................... 51     Placr Ltd.......................................................... 15
Exvine Plc....................................................... 70     Profit From Science........................................ 16
Festivals Edinburgh......................................... 9           read4sure Ltd ................................................ 17
Fire Arc Ltd..................................................... 52     RPPtv Ltd........................................................ 81
GeoLang Ltd.................................................. 53         Seamless Sensing Ltd................................... 82
getWell Media Ltd....................................26, 27              SES Construction Software Ltd..................... 18
GovEd Ltd....................................................... 10      Shoothill Ltd.................................................... 38 Ltd ................................................... 28       Sidekick Studios.................................39, 40, 41
Independent Networks Co-operative                                        Slider Studio Ltd............................................. 42
Association Ltd............................................... 71        Startup Intelligence........................................43
Infonote DataSystems Ltd............................. 54                 Substrakt........................................................44
Instinctive Creations....................................... 29          Techmatics Ltd............................................... 83
Intergence Systems Limited.......................... 72                  Tinley Media Ltd............................................. 19
i-Spy Digital Ltd.............................................. 30       Trusted Renewables Ltd ...............................60
KineticaRT Ltd................................................ 55        Virtual Technologies....................................... 61
Kyenesim........................................................ 11      WildKnowledge Ltd........................................ 62
LASSeO Ltd.................................................... 31        YorkMetrics..................................................... 20
Lexegesys Ltd................................................ 73

4 | Collaboration Nation
Collaboration Nation
Digital services feasibility projects

Harnessing the Value
of Open Data
21media innovations ltd
Public data service provision to internet-protocol-based television platforms

B78, Knowledge Business Centre                   Director
InfoLab21                                        Keith Mitchell
Lancaster                                           (0161) 408 5860
LA1 4WA                                             @21media

21media develops interactive applications for mobile, web,
internet protocol television (IPTV) and digital television platforms.
Our core product delivers high-quality and personalised
television content directly to any web browser on any platform.

What was the business need that                  What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                           Our study shows that the television
The purpose of this feasibility study was to     landscape is rapidly changing and that
identify the potential opportunities in          upcoming platforms will provide truly
providing public data services to internet-      interactive capabilities that go beyond the
protocol-connected televisions (IPTVs).          current ‘red button’ experience. While there
                                                 are a number of open data and public data
What approach did you take to                    initiatives looking to provide web-based
address the challenge?                           access to services, there is currently little
We reviewed the available open and public        or no effort targeting service provision to
data resources, identified the unique            hybrid-television, digital and next generation
challenges in bringing data applications to      set-top-box platforms.
the television environment and prototyped a
proof-of-concept data application suitable for
                                                 What are the next steps?
deployment on upcoming platforms, such as        We have identified a market opportunity
YouView.                                         and our next steps are to further develop
                                                 relationships with those organisations we
                                                 have talked to as part of this study – local
                                                 and county councils, broadcasters and
                                                 technology providers – in order to undertake
                                                 future projects and business ventures.

6 | Collaboration Nation
Enabling media designers to use public data
for new businesses and mobile apps

Pervasive Media Studio                            Product director
Leadworks                                         Tom Melamed
Anchor Square                             
Harbourside                                         (0117) 9157235
BS1 5DB                                             @thegingertom

Calvium makes tools and services that enable designers and
digital media agencies to create beautiful smartphone apps
using their own skills and content. We have been running for
almost two years and have strong mobile-development and
HTML5 expertise.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            Our suite of tools allows digital media
Our customers want to create applications         agencies to add value to their existing
that take advantage of live data from online      relationships with their customers by also
data sources. They want to do this with little    creating innovative and connected
or no programming, as their skills are in         smartphone apps for them using their
content creation and design rather than           existing skill sets. This means smaller brands
in Objective-C or Java programming.               can now afford to have associated apps, the
                                                  digital media agencies get increased revenue
What approach did you take to                     and we get fees from the use of our tools.
address the challenge?
The challenge was to create a system that
                                                  What are the next steps?
was flexible in terms of both the visual result   We are working on bringing our prototype
and the data that it could consume, without       up to production standard and hope to have
introducing complexity that only programmers      a fully commercial implementation of this
could understand. We achieved this by             technology in the market very soon. We are
creating graphical editing systems that           keen to meet people who are interested
allowed designers to create screen designs        in using our tools or investing in our
without programming and by creating a             development and marketing efforts.
series of widgets for this system that allowed
users to easily specify the data sources
and their rendering.

                                                                    Digital services feasibility projects | 7
Deep Visuals Limited
Creative learning from digital collections

B23 Science Park                               Director
Milton Road                                    Alan Payne
CB4 0EY                                           (01223) 437163

Deep Visuals was established as a spin-out from Kodak
Research in 2009. We are creating new ways to interact
with digital collections. Our first product, ViziQuest, is a
totally image-led way to explore collections using our novel
semantic browsing technology. Our first clients are museums.

What was the business need that                What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                         An important part of the project was to test
Following sales of our ViziQuest system to     the concepts with users, which we did with
museums, we saw a need for museums to          two different groups of school children.
engage with a wider section of the             We collected good evidence that the system
community, especially children. Many           will engage and educate users and, as a
museums have been investing in expensive       bonus, build skills of creativity and narrative
digitisation projects and we saw the need      construction. Feedback from pupils, teachers
to exploit these recently created assets to    and museum professionals was extremely
help maximise their investment.                positive. A fully developed product would
                                               appear to have demand in both museums
What approach did you take to                  and schools.
address the challenge?
We built on our semantic browsing
                                               What are the next steps?
application by adding a fun, creative layer.   We will develop a ‘hard-copy story’ product
The browser is used to stimulate creativity    based on selecting images with our browser
by exploring a collection of photos and        and printing them using customised
selecting a number of photos as props for      templates. We have formed a partnership
a story. The selected photos are imported      with the Fitzwilliam Museum and together
into a digital comic book where a narrative    we are actively exploring funding
is added. A novel interactive demonstrator     opportunities to develop the comic-style
has been created by adding to the narrative    demonstrator into a commercial product.
with a number of fun audio effects.

8 | Collaboration Nation
Festivals Edinburgh
Festival open data

Business Centre C1                                Head of marketing and innovation
Waverley Court                                    James McVeigh
4 East Market Street                      
Edinburgh                                           (0131) 529 7970
EH8 8BG                                   

Festivals Edinburgh is the organisation created by the directors
of Edinburgh’s 12 major festivals to lead on joint strategic
development and maintain their global competitive edge.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            This API pilot served both press/media and
The festivals’ core data asset is our listings.   web developer/entrepreneurial users and
Limited capacity means these are typically        resulted in services widely used and reported
presented in print, on proprietary websites       on during the peak festival time in August.
and a through a limited number of third-party     It also resulted in the participant festivals’
media syndications. Real and anticipated          first material open innovation activity and
demand from third parties suggested that an       has directly led to at least two new start-up
open data approach would lead to additional       projects that are being run as ongoing
services – providing new value for audiences,     concerns. Importantly to the festivals, the
the festivals and the third parties.              project has also created new sales channels
                                                  for tickets.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                            What are the next steps?
On the supply side we enlisted a technical        Following the summer festival season, there
specialist to create the 2011 listings            will be an in-depth review of the overall
application programming interface (API)           project which will inform future strategy and
which took data from seven summer festivals       iterations. This will include the potential of
and which was supported by some bespoke           using the listings API as the foundation for
licensing agreements negotiated with the          additional content, and commercial and
participant festivals. On the demand side,        social layers.
prior to the live API, we ran a high-profile
event to engage developers called Culture
Hack Scotland which was considered one
of the most successful such events by
the sector.

                                                                    Digital services feasibility projects | 9
GovEd Ltd
The Carbon Quilt – making carbon data visible,
for commercial and societal advantage

PO Box 1283                                     Managing director
Bedford                                         Ravi Kapur
MK44 1JY                                
                                                  07977 412739

GovEd is a communications consultancy, media production
company and creative agency, with particular specialism in
science, technology and education. We have extensive expertise
in communicating about climate change and greenhouse gases,
including through our joint venture company Carbon Visuals.

What was the business need that                 What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                          Our aim is for wider take-up of these visual
We have developed a unique set of software      tools to support more effective organisational
tools and visual techniques for communicating   and personal decision-making about
and supporting decision-making in carbon        carbon-reduction at all levels of society.
reduction, based around our ‘Carbon Quilt’      We believe this concept has significant
concept. Our project aimed to develop           commercial potential in the carbon-analysis
technical solutions for integration of these    and strategy sector, and we also see its
tools with existing decision-making tools       potential to support growth and innovation
and visualisation platforms, including in       in the wider economy by helping to support
areas such as supply chain management           and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon
and business strategy.                          economy.

What approach did you take to                   What are the next steps?
address the challenge?                          We are now looking both to secure further
We focused on three areas of development        client projects and to attract investment to
– advanced 3D visualisations and integration    enable the next stage of technical
with platforms such as Google Earth;            development and full commercial realisation
integration with carbon analysis and supply     of our products and services. We are also
chain management tools; and dynamic             seeking technical partners in areas such as
visualisations (including browser-based),       building management solutions, display
using real-time data-feeds. Our research,       technologies and low-energy technologies.
analysis and agile development process have
resulted in some unique solutions that have
already generated new commercial and
public sector interest, as well as a detailed
technical pathway for further development.

10 | Collaboration Nation

Kynesim Ltd                                       Managing director
190 Kendal Way                                    Richard Watts
CB3 0AX                                              (01223) 8501436

Kynesim provides high-quality embedded systems engineering,
software and hardware design to clients in a wide variety of high-
technology disciplines with particular expertise in communications
and digital video. Partner Sellekta is a London-based design
consultancy focusing on web/mobile user interfaces.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            Improved discoverability of video content is
The problem with over-the-top (OTT) digital       a benefit both for producers and for users.
video distribution (delivered over the Internet   Improved interactivity will benefit producers
or broadband) is that it is hard to make video    and advertisers primarily, though users may
discoverable, scalable or interactive. Search     also enjoy it. Scalability improvements accrue
technologies are underdeveloped, bandwidth        primarily to content distribution networks in
demands of a popular video are significant,       reduced contingency requirements, though
and interaction around a video is hampered        these will feed back to producers. It may
by the lack of connection between                 prove easier to monetise more interactive
companion devices and big screens.                content, though this would have to be the
The need is to visualise social media to          subject of a separate study.
provide interactivity/discoverability while
mining that data to predict bandwidth.            What are the next steps?
                                                  The two main next steps are to develop our
What approach did you take to                     recommendation/content management
address the challenge?                            application and try it out on real users,
We built a number of prototype implementations    probably via the Android app store; and to
which explore social media/video interaction.     partner with advertisers or producers to
It demonstrated the base set-top technology       explore whether the interactivity of the
platform plus the software components that        prototype can be translated into gains in
comprise it. A real-time hashtag social media     audience satisfaction and total viewers.
stream has been overlaid on top of a live
TV output, mirrored on Android mobile
phones.This is demonstrated as a prototype
tweet-linked electronic programme guide
to enable social-trending functionality.

                                                                   Digital services feasibility projects | 11
Onteca Ltd
Crowd-sourcing meaning from public data

37-45 Windsor Street                            Managing director
Toxteth                                         Jon Wetherall
Merseyside                                        (0151) 709 0028
L8 1XE                                  

Onteca is a digital entertainment developer and micro-publisher.
We develop applications for iPhone, Wii and other digital
channels. We also offer consultancy services on social,
interactive and multi-screen television usage and a number of
technology solutions in this area.

What was the business need that                 What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                          We observed the best results with augmented
Creating structured forms of information has    human content creation. This uses machine
been one of the major trends of the last 10     automation to do the initial pass on the data.
years. Wikipedia, Metadata Schema and           We then improve the data with human help.
even Twitter contain structured data that can   Understanding meaning in potentially loosely
be reused for other purposes. Algorithms that   structured information is difficult. It has direct
build meaningful content from structured        applications for us in reducing the cost of
data, and that crowd source the human           content creation and also has applications
intelligence necessary to put together          in areas such as search intelligence.
genuinely good quality information, can
reduce the cost of content creation.            What are the next steps?
                                                We will integrate crowd-sourced knowledge
What approach did you take to                   more closely into our applications. This can
address the challenge?                          be done in two ways, through metrics and
We created a system for constructing            through positive reward systems. We are
structured information around quiz and          able to manage large sets of information
learning content. It is built on HTML5 and      drawn from public data sources. We are
Javascript front-end with back-end server       looking for partnerships to further develop
technology running from the cloud to obtain     this work.
the information. We investigated a number of
techniques for storing, analysing and
improving this information. We also looked at
combining with Google Translate to translate
this content into multiple languages and to
create new applications that can be sold
around the world.

12 | Collaboration Nation
Opine Consultancy
Homebook: a new dimension in digital services for home-finding

The Grange                                        Founder
Church Street                                     Gareth Roberts
Great Shelford                            
Cambridge                                           07779 257636
CB22 5EL

Homebook is in the home-finding business. The company is
developing an application platform that will use an individual’s
personality profile to search for products and services in the
global market place.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            The impact of personality on purchase
A home is the largest purchase people make.       decisions and choice of products has been
This market drives more than 20 related           extensively studied. Homebook represents
business sectors worth more than £250bn           a world first in directly linking the personality
a year in the UK. A web platform that could       profile of an individual to specific objects
use an individual’s personality profile to find   and services. The system will require less
a property or homes could be a disruptive         personal effort for a better individual match
technology in the property market.                of available properties and services. Once
Homebook is a scaleable multi-million-pound       set up, the system could act autonomously
business that could be globalised.                and actively to present an individual with
                                                  desirable objects or services.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                            What are the next steps?
Homebook would offer a digital service that       Homebook is ready to scale up and enter
begins with identifying the home-finder’s         the market place. We are seeking angel/
personality, aspirations and desired              venture capital investors with an interest
outcomes. The system uses these attributes        and expertise in social networks, consumers
to define search queries and links these          or property. A collaborative relationship with
to offerings in the home marketplace. Such        a large social network or search company
a process driven by personal attributes           or a property company looking for the next
would be expected to deliver more ‘desirable’     generation of technology is possible.
properties and dramatically reshape the
home-finding process. The relevant technical
problems were solved and we now have
a working demonstrator.

                                                                    Digital services feasibility projects | 13
Improved automation for complex patent studies

77A Shelford Rd                                       Managing director
Cambridge                                             Victor Zhitomirsky
CB2 9NB                                        
                                                         (01223) 911576

PatAnalyse is an integrated technology consultancy specialising
in high-quality patent searching and strategic analysis.
Experience in technology consultancy allows us to provide an
interpretation of the competitive intelligence landscape; our
analysis is closely aligned to the client’s business strategy.

What was the business need that                       What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                                Efficient web-based interaction between
We have developed revolutionary techniques            experts, under the control of artificial
for patent-searching. Our tools improve               intelligence algorithms, greatly improves the
the reliability of patent searches using a            quality and efficiency of patent studies,
self-learning process. The core of our approach       which makes them more affordable for
is related to organising efficient web-based          smaller companies. The results of the project
interaction between experts. But reliance on          have enabled further development of the
human judgement does not necessarily                  ‘smart’ patent management tools. The tools
produce high-quality results. Artificial              aid efficient collaboration between users in
intelligence algorithms are required to identify      the client organisation and enable them to
and correct the most questionable data.               re-use the results of the intellectual property
                                                      intelligence studies provided by us.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                                What are the next steps?
We have successfully developed a                      We are organising trials with several
sophisticated predictive artificial intelligence      commercial partners to test our new patent
algorithm based on pattern recognition.               knowledge management tools for internal
The algorithm is specifically devised to learn        use in the clients’ R&D team. Efficient
an optimal combination of a huge number               collaboration between users under the
of features in the prediction of the classification   control of the self-learning artificial
task. This is to enable a robust quality audit        intelligence algorithm helps to organise
process in a system with multiple user input.         a better transfer of technical knowledge
The current study used a training set of              embedded in patent specifications.
100,000 patents screened and classified
by a dozen subject area experts.

14 | Collaboration Nation
Placr Ltd
Two-sided apps for digital services in public transport information

68 Herne Hill                                     Chief executive
London                                            Jonathan Raper
SE24 9QP                                  
                                                    (020) 3239 9551

Placr is a public-transport-data aggregator serving users,
developers and operators with timetables, departures, routes
and performance information through our transport application
programming interface (API) and our service. We are
a small company with three employees, established in 2008.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            There are benefits to users (free transport
Public transport information is complex,          app), to developers (timetables, service
difficult to access and not available in the      updates and social media in one place)
same form everywhere. Current apps do not         and to operators (social media content
allow the user to share/contribute information    management and analytics) from this new
from/to the service, or communicate with the      service. These benefits can each be
operators. Existing apps rarely have              monetised to create a sustainable business
sustainable business models as the revenue        model, which will allow Placr to roll out the
is based on one-off lifetime charges for app      service nationally. The funding for this
purchases or low-margin advertising.              feasibility study allowed Placr to build critical
                                                  new relationships with bus operators.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                            What are the next steps?
The key outcome of our feasibility study is the   The key step is the recruitment of operators
creation of a new transport information           to use the platform. Our aim is to offer social
platform designed to support digital services     media content management services to
and social media ( are    operators as a package with our web app.
now ‘activity streams’ for every route/stop in    We aim to carry out further market research
the service areas where messages can be           into the need for this kind of service among
posted and retrieved by users and apps.           operators.
This new platform can provide services to
users and developers and analytics to
operators, raising average revenue per user
for transport information distribution.

                                                                    Digital services feasibility projects | 15
Profit From Science
Solution-finding portal, matching SMEs with university innovations

14 Belvoir Street                                   Marketing director
Leicester                                           Andrew Hogbin
LE1 6QH                                     
                                                      07968 592215

Profit From Science offers online tools and services to help
companies and universities profit from science. We work
with companies to find science solutions and innovations
and we help universities to market and deliver their expertise
and capabilities to industry.

What was the business need that                     What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                              We envisage more instances of UK
Universities want to find out about industrial      companies finding new technical solutions
problems they can solve to generate income,         or innovations, leading to cost savings,
but do not always know how to find                  growth and increased competitive advantage.
companies with relevant needs. Companies            We also see more instances of universities
seek to profit from the science solutions and       finding opportunities to help industry, to
innovations universities can provide, but           create impact from research and to earn
knowing where to look and find the right            additional revenue. There will be more
solutions in the mass of public data available      value-creating connections made between
can be a difficult process.                         technology providers and commercial
                                                    exploiters, and the way in which universities
What approach did you take to                       are engaging with and contributing to
address the challenge?                              industry will be more visible.
We needed to understand the challenges
faced by companies seeking to extract
                                                    What are the next steps?
understandable information from the wide            We need to develop the demonstrator portal
variety of data sets held by universities. We       into a robust and scaleable platform suitable
talked to companies and universities and, out       for full trials and testing, use trials to inform
of these discussions, we developed the              optimisation, and then proceed to launch.
portal specification. We investigated and           We also need to raise awareness and
tested different ideas by combining a number        promote the portal and services to
of data techniques in new ways. Finally, we         companies and universities. We are seeking
built a proof-of-concept portal demonstrator        funding and partners for this next phase.
to test feasibility, functionality and usability.

16 | Collaboration Nation
read4sure Ltd
Integrating public data into intellectual property rights (IPR) management
tools for SMEs

273 High Street                                    Chief executive and founder
Linlithgow                                         Michael Fielding
West Lothian                               
EH49 7EP                                             (0131) 5640401

read4sure provides a web-based intellectual property (IP)
management dashboard for those with smaller IP portfolios.

What was the business need that                    What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                             The benefits include increasing an SME’s
Around 70% of UK patents are filed by small        competitiveness by cutting IPR management
and micro companies, yet traditional               burden, reducing outside attorney cost and
intellectual property rights (IPR) management      reliance, and enhancing IPR reporting to
tools require extensive training and familiarity   decision-makers and stakeholders (investors,
to be useful, and constant data input to           funders etc).
remain up to date.
                                                   What are the next steps?
What approach did you take to                      Our next step is a launch and to build up an
address the challenge?                             initial customer base. We are seeking
Our study established the requirements of          partnerships with other IP service providers
and potential for IPR management software          and will develop trademark functionality. We
designed for the distinct needs of small           will also undertake ongoing development of
companies (SMEs). We then built a                  the dashboard.
demonstrator. The Hawk IP Dashboard is
delivered through a software as a service
(SAAS) business model and extracts relevant
information from public data sources.

                                                                   Digital services feasibility projects | 17
SES Construction Software Ltd
Pitched roof covering specifications

PO Box 97                                         Managing director
Totnes                                            Andrew Frayling
TQ9 5WR                                             08451 665098

SES Construction Software was formed
in February 2003 and is the UK market
leader in estimating software for construction.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            The national/international roof tile
The roof is a complex construction. It has        manufacturers are agreed that it is not
many angles and pitches, creating                 feasible for them to develop their own
engineering challenges in fixing down the         approach. Our unique approach to the
roof coverings for a particular location and in   software development will allow each
particular weather conditions. The                participant to progress in their own way.
development of a ‘fixing specification’ is        The UK, Europe and USA are a multi-billion
essential for manufacturers to guarantee the      pound marketplace. To compete,
covering. This does not exist today in an         manufacturers have to guarantee the whole
industry-wide form.                               roof based on their products being fitted to
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                            What are the next steps?
Our study aimed to prove the feasibility of       In order to build the software, we will need
creating a web-based system that would            to formalise the original working party and
accurately create a fixing specification for      expand it to include European partners
any roof tile in the UK. The outcome of the       and government bodies in order to secure
study has shown conclusively that this is         the supply of the data required. Further
possible, that the technology is capable          grant funding will be necessary to finance
of doing this, that the data exists, and that     the project.
there is enough co-operation within the
market sector to achieve such a tool.

18 | Collaboration Nation
Tinley Media Ltd
Different story

8 Ryland Road                                   Director
Kentish Town                                    Dominic Tinley
NW5 3EA                                            (020) 7193 5313

Tinley Media is an interactive agency specialising in conceptual
design and prototype development of new interactive services.
Recent clients have included BBC R&D, BBC Vision, the
Welcome Trust, Wildscreen and WWF.

What was the business need that                 What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                          For us, project success is our businesses
People’s consumption of text media is           having both a product and practical
changing, and there are gaps in an emerging     knowledge of exploiting interactive media’s
market. News organisations are moving to        new frontier of apps and tablet devices.
a ‘paid content’ business model. Alternative    Success also means we have a larger
news sources are increasingly popular, with     portfolio of intellectual capital for use in other
blogging and micro-blogging leading to a rise   projects. Beyond our team, bloggers and
in ‘citizen journalism’. We have developed a    publishers will reach larger audiences and
concept to fill the gap between these two       thus be more successful themselves.
approaches. The concept is simple and has
market potential.                               What are the next steps?
                                                We will continue development to the point
What approach did you take to                   of a releasable prototype, recruit more test
address the challenge?                          users to learn as much as possible from
Our challenge was to build a responsive         our prototype, and use the prototype to
HTML5/JavaScript-based app, to filter large     create technologies we can exploit with
numbers of items down to a handful that         new clients. We will also research possible
should be of interest to a particular person,   models for revenue generation and seek
and to search and index large amounts of        investors to turn the prototype into a saleable
information. Our solution was to make use of    product.
existing open-source technologies and
libraries, namely Python, Django, SOLR and
Nutch. Our innovation was to reduce the
amount of information and choice people are
presented with to that which interests them.

                                                                  Digital services feasibility projects | 19
Delivering public data in context

6 Middlethorpe Business Park                       Director
Sim Balk Lane                                      Antony Powell
York                                                  (01904) 709684
North Yorkshire                             
YO23 2BD                                              @yorkmetrics

YorkMetrics is a spin-out company of the University of York
specialising in business analytics. We have conducted over a
decade of world-class research and development into state-of-
the-art semantic modelling technology requiring transition to
commercial exploitation.

What was the business need that                    What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                             Our approach lowers the barriers to data
The rapid growth in open and linked public         collection and analysis, particularly in
data offers exciting opportunities for             ‘white-space’ applications that are high-value
generating end-user value. However, the            but unmet because of the cost of current
release of this value is often inhibited by data   solutions, or where they span different
and analysis operating in ‘silos’ that reflect     stakeholders or organisations. For instance,
the disparate needs of users. The business         cross-platform tools for gathering and
need is therefore to develop and exploit new       querying rich semantic data from every
semantic technologies to overcome these            school, council or hospital in the country
problems and deliver improved digital              could prospectively be delivered in
services.                                          a matter of days and weeks instead of
                                                   months or years.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                             What are the next steps?
Our feasibility study trialled an innovative       The next steps are to deliver progressive
semantic data platform using contextual            case studies and incremental research and
metadata to move modelling and analysis            development towards commercialisation.
closer to the language of users and allow          We are looking to partner with public and
disparate data sets to be more readily             private organisations that require rich
integrated and synthesised. The case               multi-facetted data to support their
study was a local authority that needed            objectives, particularly where the information
to improve strategic decision-making by            needs are complex and evolutionary.
consolidating data collection and analysis
that is currently duplicated, inconsistent,
obscure and expensive.

20 | Collaboration Nation
Collaboration Nation
Digital services feasibility projects

Enhancing Public Services
Angel Solutions Ltd
Children’s centre unit-costing tool

131 Mount Pleasant                                Chairman
Liverpool                                         Andy Kent
L3 5TF                                    
                                                    (0151) 705 3665

Angel Solutions is a software development company
specialising in the education sector. Established in 1999, we
operate in every local authority area in the country and in
hundreds of schools and children’s centres.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            Our solution could bring a number of benefits
There is an increasing need for children’s        including a significant reduction in the time
centres to demonstrate that their services are    taken to assess services against
not only targeted at the needs of their users     benchmarks; monitoring of services/costs
and their surrounding area, but also that they    across communities of centres to provide
represent value for money. This is particularly   value for money; effective targeting of limited
the case as the Government is phasing in          resources to meet needs of specific centres
payment by results. We needed time and            or communities; creation of a ‘services and
resource to explore a solution.                   roles knowledge database’ giving
                                                  anonymised cost ranges for analytical
What approach did you take to                     purposes; and strengthening of our current
address the challenge?                            revenue stream in this sector and new
Some children’s centres use paper-based           business opportunities.
systems or spreadsheets that are complex
or time-consuming to complete these tasks,
                                                  What are the next steps?
but there is no national standard. Crucially,     We plan to steer development of the product
centres also have no way to benchmark             by partnering with Action for Children and
service delivery against successful projects      4Children, working with user groups, and
that have been delivered elsewhere. We            liaising with national policy groups. We are
looked to simplify and integrate these            conscious of the political environment that
systems within our web-based Perspective          affects the 15 local authorities involved in
tool and have created prototypes to               a pilot and consultation, so we have to time
demonstrate it.                                   this carefully.

22 | Collaboration Nation
Broadband Access Strategies LLP
Smart-device delivery of multi-modal real-time passenger information

33 Chapel Street                                  Partner
Buckfastleigh                                     Kevin Collis
TQ11 0AB                                  
                                                    07885 626420

BAS LLP is a technology and business strategy consultancy
specialising in broadband, transport and wireless issues and
with particular interest and experience in solutions for the
travelling public.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            The benefits include the promotion of public
Traditionally, all public transport information   travel within the Government’s wider green
was timetable based with scant information to     energy policies. This is a working solution
update the traveller on current conditions.       that will fuel the debate and help government
A third of travellers claim they would travel     deliver affordable access to travel data. It
by public transport if they felt ‘in control’.    delivers a smartphone-based ‘app’ that
This project offers a solution that allows        encourages sceptics to go back to trains,
the traveller to know what is happening,          planes and buses. There is also an
putting options at their fingertips and helps     opportunity in the field of integrated ticketing
them feel in control.                             to deliver responsive and real-time validated
                                                  travel documentation.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                            What are the next steps?
We structured the task so that the smart          We need to overcome the remaining barriers
device was not swamped with data and that         to market – an effective commercial
the updating in real time was practical. The      agreement for travel data, and the relative
demonstration showed the ability of the           lack of availability of real-time bus data from
assistant to re-plan a current journey and        a single, reliable aggregated source. We also
adopt an alternative mode whilst in transit.      need to take this forward by working with a
Other planners report a delay but do not          commercial partner to develop a product that
offer alternative travel plans, especially on     handles multiple modes in a city region.
other modes, in other words a bus alternative
to a failed train.

                                                                    Digital services feasibility projects | 23
Cambridge Healthcare Ltd e-health portal

Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust              Chief executive
Cambridge                                           Dawson King
CB23 3RE                                    
                                                      07898 934911

Cambridge Healthcare is working in partnership with the NHS
and Connecting for Health to develop, an e-health
portal for patients and healthcare professionals. The portal will
integrate with the NHS IT infrastructure and provide the platform
for healthcare applications.

What was the business need that                     What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                              We envisage improved patient outcomes
The UK spends 69% of its annual healthcare          and better support for self-management.
budget managing long-term conditions. By            The benefits of the portal include a reduction
engaging patients actively in their                 in the amount the NHS spends on managing
management, the portal seeks to improve             long-term conditions; opening up of the
patient outcomes and reduce healthcare              healthcare marketplace to third parties,
costs by encouraging and supporting                 who will drive innovation by designing
self-management. Past information                   healthcare applications and who will deliver
technology solutions for the NHS have been          consumer choice; a new level of scalability
expensive and unsustainable. is            and interoperability; and the ability to
provided free of charge and has a                   harness healthcare data to inform
commercial operating model.                         commissioning, improve efficiency and
                                                    inform public health decisions.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                              What are the next steps?
We built a prototype portal that included a         We will develop a number of fundamental
secure messaging service, natural language          applications, such as video consultations.
processing to select useful information to          We will also develop the application
build patients’ personal health plans,              programming interface for third-party
personalised information sources, the ability       applications. There will also be a clinical
to create a network through invitations and a       dashboard for healthcare professionals.
state-of-the-art security infrastructure. We also
hosted the portal within N3, the national NHS
network. We launched the portal a few months
ago and have over 50 active users already.

24 | Collaboration Nation
Cotoco Limited
Increasing patients’ ability to self-care

HTEC House                                       Managing Director
George Curl Way                                  Don Fuller
Hampshire                                          02380 689610
SO18 2RX                                 

Cotoco has researched and developed innovative ways of
managing and personalising information for key work groups in
commercial organisations, using digital technology in order to
engender improved performance and behavioural change.

What was the business need that                  What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                           Bournemouth University assessed our project
The Department of Health states that there       and reported a statistically significant
are 15 million people in the UK with long-term   improvement in the ability to self care of
conditions, and numbers are increasing.          people who had used the toolkit. More than
As a result, it has never been more important    45% of participants reported that they had
to empower people to self care. This study       modified how they managed their condition
sets out to see if digital techniques            as a result. The study demonstrated the
successfully used in industry could improve      potential of a digital toolkit to support
people’s ability to self care.                   people to self-manage their care effectively,
                                                 potentially improving quality of life and
What approach did you take to                    saving valuable NHS resources.
address the challenge?
Our study aimed to identify areas where
                                                 What are the next steps?
people lack competence and/or confidence         Our ambition is to apply these techniques
when managing their long-term condition.         to many other long-term conditions, and to
There is not a lack of information for these     help as many people as possible. We seek
people – quite the opposite, there is usually    to engage with the Department of Health,
too much. It is often too complex, too           NHS, pharmaceutical companies, and
general, and hard to put into action. The        patient associations in order to take this
challenge is to create an engaging and           successful approach forward.
personalised computer-based support toolkit
that helps people take appropriate action.

                                                                 Digital services feasibility projects | 25
getWell Media Ltd
Impact research

38 Kempe Road                                     Director
London                                            James Kinross
NW6 6SJ                                    
                                                     07989 344238

getWell Media is revolutionising the pre-publication peer review
process for scientists and academic publishers by measuring
the social impact of science as it spreads through social and
professional networks.

What was the business need that                   What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                            The benefits are significant – a rapid, robust
Peer review is the foundation of all science      and democratised peer review process for a
yet it is fundamentally flawed. Digital media     global population of academic and scientific
has radically changed how scientific data is      researchers; an incentivised and engaged
read and social networks have altered how         peer review community; novel metrics of the
opinions on scientific output are shared, yet     social benefit/impact of science for both
this is not reflected in impact measurements.     academic institutions and publishers seeking
A quantitative metric of the social impact of     to demonstrate the impact of their work; and
research is needed as a measure of research       cost-effective and efficient analysis of
quality.                                          individual performance for academic
                                                  institutions and industry.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                            What are the next steps?
We have worked with our partners at Equal         We are seeking a second round of funding to
Media Ltd to create new tools to measure          drive the demonstrator through to a fully
scientific opinion as it spreads through social   functioning tool ready for market and the
and professional networks. We have                engagement of a scientific publisher to serve
developed novel analytics to incentivise the      as a partner. We will also publish an evidence
peer review process and to help academics         base from the alpha test to demonstrate its
understand the impact of their work. We have      significant potential.
also designed an entirely novel pre-
publication platform to bring publishers and
peer reviewers together in a collaborative
work space.

26 | Collaboration Nation
getWell Media Ltd
Getwell media laboratory

38 Kempe Road                                       Director
Queens Park                                         James Kinross
NW6 6SJ                                                07989 344238

getWell Media provides digital information on medical device
technologies and procedures for patients and medical
professionals. It was founded by a practising surgeon who
understood that patient information is often not provided in the
digital medium used by patients.

What was the business need that                     What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                              This is the first approach of its kind. We see
Patients and doctors are not easily able to         it being rapidly expanded to provide a large
interpret metadata regarding medical and            number of games for hundreds of surgical
surgical therapies. Patients find it difficult to   and medical conditions. The aim is to alter
make informed decisions about treatments            people’s perceptions about how medical
because they are not able to gain access            education can be delivered to all patients
to appropriate medical information at the           and medical professionals and to transform
point of care. There are also limited               the medical education market. The financial
interactive tools for teaching doctors about        implications are significant for medical
the principles of medical procedures.               manufacturers who require affordable and
                                                    reliable marketing platforms.
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                              What are the next steps?
We have created a proof-of-principle                We need funding to allow us to continue
demonstrator game on a mobile platform.             developing a much larger selection of
It is based on real-world clinical outcome          games in numerous other surgical conditions
data and surgical approaches to hernia              and medical specialities. We also need
repair. This product uses structured clinical       engagement from governmental
outcome and efficacy data (for example              organisations with a remit in patient
randomised control trials) which are                education, for example National Institute
streamed into a mobile gaming environment.          for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
By encouraging users to engage in a fun             We would also like to introduce this
and interactive ‘game’, data is interpreted in      approach to an international audience
a more intuitive and personalised manner.           of healthcare providers.

                                                                     Digital services feasibility projects | 27 Ltd
People with autistic spectrum conditions making a world of difference

12 Avenue South                                 Director
Surbiton                                        Nicola Herbertson
KT5 8PJ                                            (0208) 123 4708

Hao2.Eu Ltd is a female-led social firm specialising in 3D social
media technologies, and providing training, design and
development services to the public and private sectors.
is a Business Professional Certificate accredited member of
Intellect, and 80% of its staff have autistic spectrum conditions.

What was the business need that                 What are the potential benefits?
motivated the project?                          Our feasibility study tested demonstrator
Services using traditional channels             products, created practical solutions to
(telephone, web/email and face to face)         overcome common technical/organisational
do not meet the disability/support needs of     barriers and identified what further R&D
people with autistic spectrum conditions        needs to be done. We identified the main
(ASC) because of the costs and the barriers     benefits for individuals with ASC and
they experience when using them. 3D social      organisations providing services to them –
media technologies could offer a cost-          significant cost, time, travel and premises
effective and sustainable fourth channel,       savings; increased participation of people
leading to increased participation and more     in remote locations; more accessible
positive outcomes.                              employment and learning opportunities;
                                                and access to new market opportunities
What approach did you take to
address the challenge?                          What are the next steps?
Our team of people, most of whom have           We need to carry out a longer term study
ASC, worked with three public sector            with more detailed cost-benefit analysis and
organisations to demonstrate and test our       a larger sample. We also need to carry out
products. The work confirmed the costs/         further R&D to design sector/disability-
benefits of using 3D social media               specific technical solutions and services and
technologies to better meet the needs of        to secure investment partners to continue the
people with ASC. Our collaborative, inclusive   R&D, protect intellectual property rights and
approach resulted in some practical/low-cost    to develop a social enterprise model to
solutions to overcoming technical/              rapidly scale activity in the UK and abroad.
organisational barriers to innovation and
subsequent adoption of this technology,
and identified further R&D needs.

28 | Collaboration Nation
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