Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Ltd (Administrators Appointed) ACN 002 933 922 ("the Company")

Page created by Lynn Edwards
Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Ltd (Administrators Appointed) ACN 002 933 922 ("the Company")
Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Ltd
(Administrators Appointed)
ACN 002 933 922 ("the Company")
Administrators' Section 439A Report
18 May 2015

Key Contacts:

Andrew Sallway
Joint and Several Administrator
T +61 2 8297 2532

Andre Lakomy
Senior Manager
T +61 2 8297 2540

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015
Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Ltd (Administrators Appointed) ACN 002 933 922 ("the Company")
Section                                                                                                        Page   Appendices

1. Executive summary                                                                                              4   A. DIRRI
2. Introduction                                                                                                   7   B. Administrators' Remuneration Report
3. Company's History and Reasons for Failure                                                                     12   C. Notice of second meeting of creditors
4. Actions undertaken to date                                                                                    23   D. Proof of Debt form
5. Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading                                                         27   E. Proxy form
6. Estimated return to creditors                                                                                 37
7. Employees and Employee Entitlements                                                                           41
8. Administrator's recommendation                                                                                44
9. Remuneration                                                                                                  46
10. Meeting                                                                                                      48

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                     2
Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Ltd (Administrators Appointed) ACN 002 933 922 ("the Company")
The Act                         Corporations Act 2001                                                          ERV                  Estimated Realisable Value
Administrators                  Andrew Sallway and Said Jahani of Grant Thornton Australia                     FEG                  Fair Entitlements Guarantee Scheme
                                Ltd, Voluntary Administrators of the Company
                                                                                                               FY12/13/14           Financial Year ending 30 June 2012, 30 June 2013 and 30 June
ALL PAAP                        All Present and after-acquired property                                                             2014
ARITA                           Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround                             GST                  Goods and Services Tax
                                                                                                               ILGA                 Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority
ASIC                            Australian Securities and Investments Commission
                                                                                                               k                    Thousands
ATO                             Australian Taxation Office
                                                                                                               m                    Millions
BAS                             Business Activity Statements
                                                                                                               MYOB                 Mind Your Own Business Accounting Program
BCU                             Banana Credit Union
                                                                                                               NAB                  National Australia Bank Limited
c.                              Circa
                                                                                                               OLGR                 Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing
The Company or                  Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators
                                                                                                               p.a.                 Per Annum
The Club                        Appointed)
                                                                                                               PPSR                 Personal Property Securities Register
Crown                           NSW Crown Lands Division
                                                                                                               RATA                 Report as to Affairs
Directors                       William Mabey, Geoffrey Parker, Lee Beckett, Paige Sinclair,                   S439A Report         A report on the company's business, property, affairs and
                                Richard Wilson, Garry Thomas                                                                        financial circumstances required to be given to creditors
DIRRI                           Declaration of Independence, Relevant Relationships and                                             pursuant to Section 439A(4) of the Act
                                Indemnities                                                                    Statutory Priorities The priority for the payment of unsecured creditor claims set
DOCA                            Deed of Company Arrangement                                                                         down in Section 553, 560 and 561 of the Act
                                                                                                               YTD                  Year to Date, being the period 1 July 2014 to 21 April 2015
EOI                             Expression of Interest

EOS                             Estimated Outcome Statement

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                        3
Section 1                                  Executive summary

01. Executive summary

02. Introduction

03. Company's History and Reasons for Failure

04. Actions undertaken to date

05. Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

06. Estimated return to creditors

07. Employees and Employee Entitlements

08. Administrator's recommendation

09. Remuneration

10. Meeting

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015
Executive summary

Executive summary
 Introduction                                                       Andrew Sallway and Said Jahani were appointed Joint and Several Administrators of the Company on 21 April 2015.
                                                                    The first meeting of creditors was held on Friday, 1 May 2015.
 Refer to Section 2
                                                                    At the first meeting of creditors, creditors confirmed the Administrators' appointment and elected not to appoint a Committee of

 Background Information                                             The Company operates a licensed club which was established in 1964 by a group of fishing anglers and currently has 3,532 members.
                                                                    It is situated on Jordan Esplanade in one of Coffs Harbour's most iconic and scenic locations.
 Refer to Section 3
                                                                    The Club is well equipped with restaurant and dining facilities, large bar and gaming section which includes 36 active poker machines.
                                                                     The Club also offers function and catering services, boat washing bay and fish catch cleaning amenities, with ample parking on site.

 Actions Since Appointment                                          The Administrators traded the Company from 22 April 2015 to 26 April 2015.
                                                                    After careful consideration the Administrators decided to cease trading the business on 27 April 2015 to ensure further losses were not
 Refer to Section 4
                                                                    All wages for the period of trading by the Administrator have been paid. Wages due on appointment were paid following a funding
                                                                     contribution provided by the NAB.
                                                                    The Administrators have been reviewing options to restructure the Company including an amalgamation with another club, a DOCA
                                                                     from the members of the Club and/or sale of assets in order to maximise the return to creditors.

 Offences, voidable                                             Voidable transactions
                                                                     −    Based on our investigations, we have identified some unfair preference payments to third party creditors. However we do not
 transactions and insolvent                                               anticipate that this will result in a material return to creditors.
 trading                                                        Insolvent trading
 Refer to Section 5                                                  −    Based on our review of the books and records and analysis of the financial position of the Company, it is the Administrators' view
                                                                          that the Company was insolvent from at least December 2014.

 Estimated Return to                                                No DOCA proposal has been received and as such we are unable to comment on any potential return under a DOCA scenario.
                                                                    In the case the Company is placed into liquidation, we anticipate a shortfall to the secured creditor and it is not anticipated that there
 Creditors                                                           will be a return to unsecured creditors.
 Refer to Section 6

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                                      5
Executive summary

Executive Summary (cont'd)

 Employee Entitlements                                              On appointment 21 people were employed by the Company (comprising 11 full time, 1 part time and 9 casuals).
                                                                    Based on information provided by the Company we estimate pre-appointment employee entitlements could be c.$614,000 – this
 Refer to Section 7
                                                                     includes a potential claim by the former manager of c.$400,000.
                                                                    In the case the Company is placed into liquidation, employees will be referred to FEG (the Government funded safety net for
                                                                     employees) as there will be insufficient funds to pay employee claims.

 Administrators'                                                    Section 439A(4)(b) of the Act requires the Administrators of the Company to prepare a statement setting out their opinion on the future
                                                                     options for the Company.
 recommendation                                                     In this report, we have recommended that creditors resolve to wind the Company up for the following reasons:
 Refer to Section 8                                                  −    A winding up would allow time for more detailed investigations into the Company's affairs and the conduct of the Directors;
                                                                     −    At this stage, we have not received a DOCA proposal. Accordingly, we are unable to recommend a DOCA at this stage; and
                                                                     −    The Company is insolvent, therefore ending the Administration is not a viable option for creditors.
                                                                    We note that a number of the Clubs members are considering submitting a DOCA proposal prior to the second meeting of creditors on
                                                                     26 May 2015. If this occurs, it maybe appropriate for creditors to adjourn the meeting for up to 45 business days to allow the
                                                                     Administrators to assess the proposal and provide a recommendation to creditors.

 Remuneration                                                       The Administrators will be seeking approval from creditors for their remuneration at the forthcoming meeting of creditors.
                                                                    A Remuneration Report is enclosed at Appendix B, providing details of work performed to date, estimated future remuneration up to
 Refer to Section 9
                                                                     the second meeting of creditors and estimated remuneration of the liquidators, depending on the creditors' decision at the second

 Meeting                                                            The second meeting of creditors will be held at 11:00AM on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at the Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club,
                                                                     Jordan Esplanade, Coffs Harbour NSW 2540. Registration will open 30 minutes prior to the meeting
 Refer to Section 10
                                                                    The notice in regards to this meeting is enclosed at Appendix C.
                                                                    A Proof of Debt and Proxy Form are enclosed at Appendices D and E and are to be returned to our office by 4:00PM Monday, 25 May

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                                   6
Section 2                                  Introduction

01. Executive summary

02. Introduction

03. Company's History and Reasons for Failure

04. Actions undertaken to date

05. Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

06. Estimated return to creditors

07. Employees and Employee Entitlements

08. Administrator's recommendation

09. Remuneration

10. Meeting

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015

Appointment and Meetings of Creditors
Appointment of Administrators                                                                                   At the meeting, creditors will be required to determine the future of the
 Andrew Sallway and Said Jahani were appointed Joint and Several Administrators                                 Company and to resolve one of the following resolutions for the Company:
  of the Company under Part 5.3A of the Act on 21 April 2015 by the Company's                                     − That the Administration end;
  Board of Directors. The appointment was approved by the Independent Liquor
                                                                                                                  − That the Company executes a DOCA;
  and Gaming Authority ("ILGA") on 21 April 2015.
                                                                                                                  − That the Company be wound up; or
 The purpose of the appointment of an administrator is to allow for an
  independent insolvency practitioner to take control of and investigate the affairs                              − That the meeting be adjourned for up to 45 business days.
  of an insolvent company. During that time creditors' claims are put on hold. At                               At this stage a DOCA proposal has not been received and, as the Company is
  the end of that period we are required to provide creditors with information and                               insolvent, it is not appropriate that the Administration end.
  recommendations to assist creditors to decide upon the company's future.                                      The Administrators understand that the members are considering submitting a
                                                                                                                 DOCA proposal, which may include amongst other things, a proposal to provide
First Meeting of Creditors                                                                                       a return to creditors and re-establish the Club. On the basis that this proposal is
 The first meeting of the Company's creditors was held on Friday, 1 May 2015 at                                 received prior to the meeting on 26 May 2015, it may be appropriate for creditors
  the Company's premises.                                                                                        to resolve to adjourn the meeting for up to 45 business days to allow the
                                                                                                                 Administrators to consider the DOCA proposal and provide a recommendation
 At this meeting, creditors confirmed the appointment of Andrew Sallway and
                                                                                                                 to creditors.
  Said Jahani and elected not to form a Committee of Creditors.
                                                                                                                In the event that creditors elect not to adjourn the meeting or a DOCA
 A copy of the minutes of the first meeting of creditors is available on the ASIC
                                                                                                                 proposal is not received, the Administrators recommend that creditors
  and Grant Thornton websites.
                                                                                                                 resolve to wind-up the Company.

Second Meeting of Creditors
 The second meeting of creditors will be held at 11:00AM on Tuesday, 26 May
  2015 at the Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club, located at Jordan Esplanade,
  Coffs Harbour NSW 2450. The notice of meeting is attached as Appendix C.
 The purpose of the second meeting is to consider the Administrators' report on
  the Company's business, property, affairs and financial circumstances and to
  consider the Administrators’ statement of opinion in respect of each of the
  options available to creditors.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                     8

Report to creditors
 The purpose of this report is to provide creditors with sufficient information for                              − Discussions with the ILGA, OLGR, Coffs Harbour City Council, NAB,
  them to make an informed decision about the future of the Company, including:                                     ClubsNSW and members of the Club;
    − Background information about the Company;                                                                   − Creditors of the Company;
    − Reasons for the Company's failure;                                                                          − Advice obtained from our legal advisors;
    − The results of our investigations;                                                                          − Information available from public sources, such as ASIC and the PPSR; and
    − The estimated return to creditors; and                                                                      − A review of the Company's books and records provided to date.
    − The options available to creditors and our opinion on each of these options.                              We have not performed an audit and we reserve the right to alter our
 In the time available to us, we have undertaken preliminary investigations to                                  conclusions, should the underlying data prove to be inaccurate or change
  prepare this report and formulate our opinion.                                                                 materially from the date of this report.
 At the meeting of creditors to be held on 26 May 2015, creditors will be asked to                             In the event that the Company proceeds to liquidation, this report will form the
  make a decision by passing a resolution in respect of options available to them.                               basis of our further investigations. Provided that funding is available, the
  In this report we have recommended to creditors that the Company be                                            investigations will be more extensive than those undertaken to date, particularly
  placed into liquidation and detailed why this option, in our opinion, is in                                    due to the time constraints of the administration process.
  creditors' best interest.                                                                                     Further investigations may be supported by public examinations of the Directors,
 Creditors also have the option to adjourn the meeting for up to 45 business days.                              and others who may be able to provide information about the Company's
  We understand that a group of the Company's members are considering                                            examinable affairs as that expression is defined in the Act.
  submitting a DOCA proposal prior to the second meeting and if this occurs prior                               It is the Administrators' view that this report provides sufficient information to
  to the second meeting of creditors, it may be appropriate to adjourn the meeting                               creditors to allow them to make an informed decision as to the Company's future
  to allow the Administrators time to assess the proposal and provide a                                          and allows the Administrators to make a reasoned and fair recommendation
  recommendation to creditors.                                                                                   based upon their opinions and the options available to creditors.
 The Administrators have relied on information provided from numerous sources
  to prepare the report, including:
    − Discussions with the Directors of the Company to understand the business'
      underlying activity, financial position and reasons for failure;
    − Discussions with the Company's accountant;
    − Discussions with employees and contractors;

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                         9

Compliance and Independence
Compliance with best practice                                                                                  − This report is not for general circulation, publication, reproduction or any use
 We confirm that this report complies with the statements of best practice issued                               other than to assist creditors in evaluating their position as creditors and must
  by the Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association                                         not be disclosed without the prior approval of the Administrators.
  ("ARITA"), with regard to content of the Administrators' report and the Code of                              − The Administrators do not assume or accept any responsibility for any liability
  Professional Practice with regard to remuneration.                                                             or loss sustained by any creditor or any other party as a result of the
                                                                                                                 circulation, publication, reproduction or any use beyond that permitted above.
Independence                                                                                                   − The statements and opinions given in this report are given in good faith and
 As disclosed in our First Notice to Creditors dated 23 April 2015, the                                         in the belief that such statements are not false or misleading. Except where
  Administrators undertook a proper assessment of the risks in relation to their                                 otherwise stated, we reserve the right to alter any conclusions reached on the
  independence prior to accepting the appointment. Our assessment identified no                                  basis of any changed or additional information which may be provided to us
  real or potential risk to our independence.                                                                    between the date of this report and the date of the second meeting.
 An updated DIRRI has been prepared to bring to creditors attention an                                        − Neither the Administrators, nor any member or employee thereof are
  indemnity provided by the secured creditor of $40,000 ($25,000 in time costs and                               responsible in any way whatsoever to any person in respect of any errors in
  $15,000 in disbursements) in connection with activities around the sale of non-                                this report arising from incorrect information.
  circulating assets. A copy of the updated DIRRI is attached as Appendix A.                                   − Creditors should seek their own independent legal advice as to their rights and
                                                                                                                 the options available to them at the second meeting of creditors.
 In reviewing this report, creditors should note the following:
    − This report is based on information from the books, records and other
      information provided by the Directors. Whilst the Administrators have
      reviewed the information, there has been no independent verification of the
    − In considering the options available to creditors and formulating their
      recommendations, the Administrators have necessarily made forecasts of asset
      realisation and total creditors. These forecasts and estimates may change.
      Whilst the forecasts and estimates are the result of the Administrators' best
      assessments in the circumstances, creditors should note that the outcome for
      creditors may differ from the information provided in this report.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                    10

Key events in the Administration
    The timeline below details the key milestones during the administration.
    Since the date of appointment, we have undertaken an urgent assessment of the possible options to maximise the return to creditors (including an amalgamation), and
     conducted investigations into the reasons for the Company's failure.

                                                                                       The Administrators have undertaken the following key actions:
                                                                                       • Preparation of the s.439A report;
                                                                                       • Held discussions with various parties with respect to asset realisations
                                                                                         and the DOCA process;
                                                                                       • Undertaken a preliminary review of creditor and employee claims; and
                                                                                       • Undertaken investigations into the Company's affairs.

21 April 2015               27 April 2015                   1 May 2015                     5 May 2015                             12 May 2015                              18 May 2015                    26 May 2015

Date of                                                                                Advertised on the                           Date non-                                                 Second meeting of creditors when creditors
                            Administrators                                                                                                                            The Administrators     will decide on the outcome of the Company,
appointment of                                          First creditors'               ClubsNSW website to                         binding
                            ceased operations                                                                                                                         issued their s439A     which will determine whether:
Voluntary                                               meeting held                   identify potential                          expressions of
                            at the Club                                                                                                                               report to creditors.         1. The Administration ends; or
Administrators.                                                                        amalgamation partners.                      interest due.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2. The company executes a DOCA;
                                                                                                                                                                                                   3. The company is wound up; or
                                                                                                                                                                                                   4. Adjourn for up to 45 business days.

                                                                                Preliminary investigations undertaken by the Administrators in relation to voidable
                                                                                                    transactions and potential insolvent trading.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                                                                11
Section 3                                  Company's History and Reasons for Failure

01. Executive summary

02. Introduction

03. Company's History and Reasons for Failure

04. Actions undertaken to date

05. Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

06. Estimated return to creditors

07. Employees and Employee Entitlements

08. Administrator's recommendation

09. Remuneration

10. Meeting

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Principal Activities and Officeholders
Principal Activities                                                                                           Current Officeholders
 The Company operates a licensed club which was established in 1964 by a group                                                                                              Date appointed
  of fishing anglers and currently has 3,532 members.
                                                                                                                William Ross Mabey (Director and President)                 1 November 2007
 It is situated on Jordan Esplanade in one of Coffs Harbour's most iconic and
  scenic locations.                                                                                             Geoffrey Stuart Parker (Director)                           27 September 1998

 The Club is well equipped with restaurant and dining facilities, large bar and                                Lee Raymond Beckett (Director)                               24 October 2011
  gaming section which includes 36 active poker machines. The Club also offers
                                                                                                                Paige Sinclair (Director and Treasurer)                       23 March 2014
  function and catering services, boat washing bay and fish catch cleaning
  amenities, with ample parking on site.                                                                        Richard Wilson (Director)                                     23 March 2014

 In 2008, major renovations to the Club's facilities were undertaken including                                 Garry Thomas (Director)                                      27 January 2015
  extension of the restaurant, new kitchen, construction of new offices, and
                                                                                                                Linda Jeanette Jones (Director)                              25 October 2009
  renovations of the large BBQ area.
 The Company holds a current lease with the Coffs Coast State Park Trust which                                 Malcolm Clive Devine (Secretary)                             30 August 2001
  expires on 30 June 2021.
                                                                                                                The Company's officeholders are detailed above, as identified from a search of
 The following fishing sections operate under the banner of the Coffs Harbour                                   the ASIC database.
  Deep Sea Fishing Club:
                                                                                                                At this point, we have not identified any other person who may be considered or
     − Deep Sea Fishing Club;                                                                                    deemed to be a shadow director of the Company.
     − Game Fishing Club; and                                                                                   According to the ASIC database, there were three changes to the officeholders in
     − Beach Rock & Estuary Fishing Club.                                                                        the 12 months prior to the appointment date;
                                                                                                                  − Brett Andrew Williams (ceased directorship on 27 January 2015);
                                                                                                                  − Victor Rullis (ceased directorship on 27 January 2015); and
                                                                                                                  − Frederick Maxwell Glenn (ceased directorship on 28 October 2014).
                                                                                                                It is also our understanding Linda Jeanette Jones resigned as a director of the
                                                                                                                 Company on 14 April 2015, however the ASIC database has not been updated.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                       13
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Secured Parties
Overview                                                                                                         Purchase Money Security Interests / Retention of Title claims
 A review of the Personal Property and Securities Register ("PPSR") identified                                   The Administrators contacted all registered parties on 24 April 2015. The
  numerous registered security interests, which are summarised in the table below.                                 majority of these claims relate to perishable stock and beverages subject to the
                                                                                                                   respective suppliers security interest as per their registration on the PPSR. Where
 Chargee                                    Charge                                   Date                          possible such stock has been returned to suppliers.
 National Australia Bank                    All PAAP (6), Motor                      30 January 2012, 13 July     The remainder of these claims are being reviewed.
 Limited                                    Vehicle (1), Other Goods                 2012, 4 December 2013, 24
                                            (1)                                      January 2014
                                                                                                                 Secured creditor
 Foster's Australia Limited                 Other Goods (1)                          30 January 2012
                                                                                                                  The Secured Creditor holds a registered circulating and non-circulating charge
 Treasury Wine Estates                      Other Goods (1)                          2 February 2012               over the Company's assets which was registered on the PPSR. The value of their
 Australia Limited                                                                                                 debt is $2,665,466 as at 4 May 2015.
 Various Corporate Entities                 All PAAP (1), Other Goods                21 May 2013, 8 November      As at the date of appointment there were total credit funds of $57,110 in the
                                            (2)                                      2013                          Company's bank accounts made up of various debit and credit balances.
                                                                                  The secured creditor has applied a right of set-off to a term deposit of $40,000
 "Various Corporate Entities" comprise Australian Liquor Marketers (WA) Pty
                                                                                   and is reviewing its right of set-off in relation to other bank accounts held.
  Ltd, Australian Liquor Marketers Pty Limited, Australian Liquor Marketers
  (QLD) Pty Ltd, IGA Distribution (SA) Pty Limited, Scanning Systems (Aust.) Pty  We have been liaising extensively with the Secured Creditor in relation to the sale
  Ltd., Metcash Food & Grocery Pty Ltd, M-C International Australia Pty limited,   and/or amalgamation of the Club and its assets, and their rights under the
  Metcash Food & Grocery Convenience Division Pty Limited, Metcash trading         circulating and non-circulating charges.
  Limited, IGA Distribution (VIC) Pty Limited, IGA Distribution (WA) Pty          On appointment of Administrators, c. $18,000 pre-appointment wages (including
  Limited.                                                                         on-costs) were owing to employees. As the Company had insufficient cash
                                                                                   available to meet pre-appointment wages, the secured creditor provided
Leased Assets                                                                      additional funds to allow the Administrators to process payment of theses wages.
 The Company leased a Fuji Xerox printer. Pursuant to Section 443B of the Act,
  the Administrators elected not to exercise their rights in relation to such property
  and notified the financier to collect their asset.
 The Company also leased a motor vehicle from the NAB. The lease has
  terminated and the Administrators are in the process of selling the motor vehicle.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                        14
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Books and Records and Related Entities
Books and records                                                                                                 ― Brett Andrew Williams (former director) has lodged a claim totalling $3,800
 Pursuant to Section 286 of the Act, a company must keep written financial                                         relating to a loan provided to the Company.
  records that correctly record and explain its transactions, financial position and                              ― Fredrick Maxwell Glenn (former director) has lodged a claim totalling
  performance and enable true and fair financial statements to be prepared and                                      $17,095. This relates to a loan of $10,000, repairs to the Club of $1,289, and
  audited. Financial records must be kept for seven (7) years after the transactions                                services rendered by BluFi Digital media of $5,806.
  covered by the records are completed.
                                                                                                                  ― Linda Jeanette Jones (former director) has lodged a claim totalling $10,000
 Failure to maintain books and records may give rise to a presumption of                                           relating to a loan provided to the Company.
  insolvency pursuant to Section 588E of the Act. This presumption may be relied
                                                                                                                  ― Reginald Latter (former director ) has lodged a claim totalling $10,000 relating
  upon by a Liquidator in an application for compensation for insolvent trading
                                                                                                                    to a loan provided to the Company to assist with payment to creditors.
  and other actions for recoveries pursuant to Part 5.7B of the Act.
                                                                                                               • All related party transactions have been investigated by the Administrators. Please
 During the limited time available to the Administrators to undertake
                                                                                                                  refer to Section 5 of this report for further information.
  investigations, the Company's financial records have not been adequately
  maintained and that there was inadequate:
    − Internal financial reporting; and
    − Controls over accounts payable.
 If the Company is placed into liquidation we will further investigate whether the
  Company maintained sufficient books and records as required under the Act.

Related entities
 The following creditors are related parties of the Company:
    ― Lee Beckett (Director) has lodged a claim against the Company for $5,000
      which relates to a loan to help secure overdraft facilities with the NAB. Lee
      Beckett is also the current regional manager of Handybin Waste Services
      (Coffs Harbour) Pty Ltd which has lodged a claim against the Company
      totalling $6,217 relating to waste disposal services.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                      15
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Reasons for failure
Directors reasons for failure                                                                                     − Trading Losses
 A questionnaire was sent to all current officers of the Company following the                                      − The audited accounts reveal the Company recorded losses after tax of c.
  appointment of the Administrators.                                                                                   $538,000 in FY12, c. $585,000 in FY13 and c. $220,000 in FY14.
 All Directors returned the completed questionnaire by 11 May 2015, and all                                         − During the period from 1 July 2014 to 21 April 2015 the Company
  Directors submitted the RATA (discussed further in this section on page 20) by                                       recorded a loss of c. $174,000. In October 2014, the Club received a
  15 May 2015.                                                                                                         $245,000 insurance pay-out concerning water damage to the Club's roof.
 The Directors have listed the following reasons for the failure of the Company:                                      Excluding this one-off insurance receipt, the Company's YTD15 loss to 21
                                                                                                                       April 2015 was c. $419,000.
     – Poor day to day management of the Company over the past five to six years,
       leading to consecutive trading losses over the past four financial years                                   − Decreasing Net Asset Position
       (totalling c. $2 million), and no changes to the day to day management of the                                 − The Company's financial position has deteriorated significantly from 30
       Company to mitigate these losses;                                                                               June 2012 (c.$765,000 decrease in net assets to 21 April 2015). This is
     – The Company's lack of reserves for employee entitlements including the                                          primarily due to depreciation of property plant and equipment, sale of nine
       significant amount of leave accrued by the former Manager;                                                      Poker Machine Entitlements and increase in trade and other payables. The
                                                                                                                       sale of Poker Machine Entitlements for $90,000 (excl. GST), incurred a
     – Inability to meet budgeted projections;
                                                                                                                       loss of c. $60,000.
     – Lack of reliable accounting software leading to the inability to produce basic
                                                                                                                  − Audited Accounts
       financial reports;
                                                                                                                     − From as early as November 2012, the Company's former auditor, WHK
     – Lack of contract enforcement with caterers; and
                                                                                                                       Cameron's Audit Services, raised concerns in the audited reports that the
     – Poor restaurant reviews leading to decline of patronage.                                                        Company may not be able to continue as a going concern due to the
                                                                                                                       Company's inability to discharge its debts.
Administrators' comments                                                                                             − In September 2014 HQB Chartered Accountants issued their opinion that
 The Administrators concur with the reasons expressed by the Directors regarding                                      the Company was a "going concern" based on improved trading results for
  the reasons for the Company's failure and it is evident that the Company has                                         the Club, a continuation of such a trend, and receipt of c.$245,000
  operated under serious financial stress for a number of years.                                                       insurance payout proceeds which were received on 30 September 2014.
                                                                                                                       However deteriorating performance ultimately lead to the Directors
 Highlighted opposite are the key indicators leading to this opinion, and more
                                                                                                                       resolving that the Company was insolvent in April 2015.
  detail can be found in Section 5 where the issue of insolvent trading is addressed.
                                                                                                                Further investigation into the reasons for the failure of the Company will be
                                                                                                                 undertaken should the Company be placed into liquidation.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                       16
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Historical financials
Historical Profit and Loss – FY12 to YTD FY15                                                                                 Expenses includes costs associated with daily trading including employee costs,
                                                                FY12               FY13                FY14        YTD15       depreciation and amortisation, professional fees, advertising, insurance, repairs
                                                                   $                  $                   $            $       and maintenance and, borrowing costs.
Sales Revenue                                               1,733,936          2,577,177          2,629,794      2,263,896    "Other Income" includes interest received, merchandise, nominations, insurance
Cost of Sales                                               (370,371)          (707,383)          (727,577)      (679,709)
                                                                                                                               recoveries, sundry income, and grant income. The significant increase in "Other
Gross Profit                                                1,363,565          1,869,794          1,902,217      1,584,187
                                                                                                                               Income" for YTD15 is primarily due to the $245,000 insurance pay-out received
Gross Margin (%)                                                79%                73%                72%            70%
Other Income                                                  114,467            163,308            133,222        271,037     in September 2014.
Total Expenses                                            (2,016,556)        (2,618,158)        (2,255,573)    (1,966,494)    Excluding "Other Income", the Company has incurred ongoing losses from
Net Profit / (loss) before tax                              (538,524)          (585,056)          (220,134)      (111,270)     operations since FY12 of c. $2.2m – this is reflective of the fact that any
Source of information                                                                                                          restructuring efforts made by previous management were ineffective to generate
                                                                                                                               net income from operations.
 The Company's historical financial performance is summarised in the above table.
                                                                                                                              Including "Other Income", the Company has recorded losses for each of the
                                                                                                                               previous three financial years, and YTD15, totalling c. $1.5 m.
    − The financial performance for FY12, FY13 and FY14 is based on financial
      reports compiled by HQB Chartered Accountants.
    − The financial performance for the period 1 July 2014 to 21 April 2015 is based
      on management accounts. These have been prepared based on information
      provided from Clubline, the Company's previous accounting software, and
      MYOB, the Company's current accounting software.
 Since FY13 the Club has generated sales revenue from the bar, restaurant,
  functions and gaming in excess of c. $2.0m p.a. and achieved a gross margin of c.
  70%; and
 The increase in revenue from FY12 to FY13 reflects the fact that the restaurant
  started to be operated by the Club as opposed to being sub-leased out, i.e. as
  opposed to merely generating lease income in FY12, in FY13 the full trading
  income of the restaurant was recorded – there was also a corresponding increase
  in expenses.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                                       17
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Historical financials
 Historical Balance Sheet - as at 30 June 2012 to 21 April 2015
                                                                                                                                     Balance Sheet Overview
                                           as at June 2012        as at June 2013       as at June 2014        as at 21 April 2015
                                                          $                      $                    $                          $
Current Assets                                                                                                                        Cash and cash equivalents as at 21 April 2015 as detailed opposite is overstated
Cash and cash equivalents                          115,500                 98,941                130,436                 174,762       and does not accurately reflect the amount available to the Administrators at
Receivables                                         12,726                  3,226                     70                  18,353       appointment.
Inventories                                         14,662                 19,075                 13,964                  13,964
Other current assets                                 5,127                  1,776                  2,416                   3,859
                                                                                                                                      Cash and cash equivalents at date of appointment was c.$100,000, inclusive of
Total Current Assets                               148,015                123,018                146,876                 210,938       $19,556 in cash on hand, $40,000 term deposit and $17,110 in various cash
Non Current Assets                                                                                                                     accounts with the NAB, and $23,719 held in bank accounts with the BCU.
Property, plant and equipment                    2,653,769              2,407,917              2,220,968               2,230,545      The Administrators have realised $43,274 of cash and cash equivalents. The NAB
Intangible assets                                  749,673                749,673                599,739                 599,739
                                                                                                                                       however has frozen the Company's bank accounts and applied a right of set-off
Total Non Current Assets                         3,403,442              3,157,590              2,820,707               2,830,284
Less Suspense                                            -                      -                      -                 (22,534)
                                                                                                                                       to the term deposit, and is reviewing its right of set-off for the other accounts.
Total Assets                                     3,551,457              3,280,608              2,967,583               3,018,688      Receivables relate to monies payable in connection with functions held at the
Current Liabilities                                                                                                                    Club and sponsorship. To date the Administrators have realised $8,285.
Trade and other payables                           235,998                341,747                345,253                 477,403
                                                                                                                                      Inventory includes beverages and perishable stock on hand. The majority of this
Financial Liabilities                            2,648,708              2,770,815              2,761,952               2,699,225
Short-Term Provisions                              169,002                183,001                157,992                 172,649       being subject to the suppliers security interest registered on the PPSR. Whilst it
Other Accruals                                      30,000                      -                 20,353                  20,353       appears unusual that the inventory as at 30 June 2014 and 21 April 2015 is the
Total Current Liabilities                        3,083,708              3,295,563              3,285,550               3,369,630       same amount, this is as per the Company's books and records.
Non Current Liabilities
                                                                                                                                      Property, plant and equipment is the written down value of the leasehold
Financial Liabilities                               60,006                120,188                 61,310                   5,936
Total Non Current Liabilities                       60,006                120,188                 61,310                   5,936
                                                                                                                                       property, various furniture fit-outs, and a motor vehicle.
Total Liabilities                                3,143,714              3,415,751              3,346,860               3,375,566      Intangible assets comprise 36 poker machine entitlements. The decrease between
Net Assets / (Liabilities)                         407,743              (135,143)              (379,277)               (356,879)       30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014 is due to the sale of nine poker machine
Equity                                                                                                                                 entitlements to the Riverina Australian Football Club Limited.
Retained Profits                                   407,743              (159,143)              (379,277)                (379,277)
Asset Revaluation Reserve                                -                 24,000                      -                        -
Current Year Earnings                                    -                      -                      -                   69,908
Historical Balancing                                     -                      -                      -                 (47,509)
Total Equity                                       407,743              (135,143)              (379,277)                (356,879)
Sources: 1. Audited Financial Reports, 2. Company Management Accounts

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                                              18
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Historical financials
 Trade and other payables relate to amounts owing to trade creditors. A review of
  the aged payables as at April 21 2015 indicates c. 55% of these payables were
  outstanding for in excess of 30 days which we understand were the typical
  payment terms for the suppliers.
 Current financial liabilities include a number of loans provided to the Company
  by current and former directors, including the $40,000 put in to a term deposit
  with the NAB in May 2012, as well as the outstanding loan facilities with the
  secured creditor.
 Short term provisions include provisions for employee leave. It is our
  understanding this may not include the full amount claimed by the former
  Manager of c. $90,000 and as such may be understated.
 Non Current financial liabilities refer to the balance facilities with the NAB. The
  decrease in this amount is due to the repayment of the facilities from the sale of
  nine poker machine entitlements to the Riverina Australian Football Club

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015   19
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Directors' Report as to Affairs
Report as to Affairs – Summary                                                                                                 Director's Report as to Affairs ("RATA")

 Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Ltd                                                                                        Pursuant to Section 438B(2) of the Act, the directors of a company are required
                                                                                                                                 to provide a statement about the company's business property, affairs and
                                                                                                                  Estimated      financial circumstances, also known as the RATA. The RATA is a snapshot in
                                                                                                                                 time as at the date of our appointment of the assets and liabilities of the
 Description                                                                            Notes    Valuation ($)     Value ($)
                                                                                                                                 company, disclosing book values and the estimated realisable value ("ERV") for
 Assets not specifically charged
                                                                                                                                 the assets.
 Interest in land                                                                            1      1,900,000             -
 Sundry debtors                                                                              2         19,577        19,577     On 21 April 2015 a written request was issued to each Director to complete the
 Cash on hand                                                                                3       Unknown       Unknown       RATA for the Company.
 Cash at bank                                                                                4        192,177       192,177
                                                                                                                                Individual RATA's were completed by each Director and these were received by
 Stock                                                                                       5       Unknown       Unknown
 Plant and equipment                                                                         6        179,000       135,000
                                                                                                                                 15 May 2015. We note that RATA's received by the Directors were completed
 Other assets                                                                                7        600,000       600,000      based on the same information available and result in the same information being
 Net assets not subject to specific charge                                                          2,890,754       946,754      reported.
                                                                                                                                A summary of the RATA's received is detailed in the table opposite.
 Assets subject to specific charges                                                          8         10,000        25,000
 Less amount owing                                                                           8         (8,000)       (8,000)    You will note there are a number of differences between the RATA and the
 Total Assets                                                                                       2,892,754       963,754      financial position per the management accounts as at 21 April 2015. We
                                                                                                                                 comment on each asset and liability in greater detail on the following pages of
 Less: Amounts owing for employee entitlements                                              9       Unknown        Unknown       this report.
 Less: Amounts owing and secured by debenture or floating charge                           10     (2,612,000)    (2,612,000)
 Less: Amounts owing to preferential creditors                                             11        (72,698)       (72,698)
 Surplus / (Deficit) before the claims of unsecured creditors                                         208,056    (1,720,944)

 Less: Amount owing to unsecured creditors                                                 12       (203,750)      (203,750)
 Surplus / (Deficit) before realisation and administration costs                           13           4,306    (1,924,694)

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                                       20
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Directors' Report as to Affairs
RATA – Commentary

 Note      Assets                      Commentary

 1         Interest in Land                Interest in land includes the leasehold property at cost less depreciation. Pursuant to the terms of the Crown lease, the leasehold improvements revert
                                            to the Crown at the expiration of the lease which occurs on 30 June 2021.

 2         Sundry Debtors                  Sundry debtors of $19,577 comprise amounts owing from 17 parties in connection with functions and sponsorship .To date debtor collections total
                                            $8,285. The Administrators are reviewing outstanding amounts to determine whether the balance is fully recoverable.

 3         Cash on hand                    Whilst the Directors were not aware of the amount of cash on hand at the date of appointment, cash on hand including petty cash, floats etc. totalled

 4         Cash at bank                    Cash at bank at the date of appointment totalled $80,828. Of this amount, $40,000 has been withheld by the NAB as a right of set-off pursuant to their
                                            charge over the Company's assets. The NAB is reviewing its right of set-off in relation to the remaining accounts with a balance of $17,110. The
                                            amounts withheld by the NAB will not be available to be distributed to the Company's priority and unsecured creditors. The Administrators also took
                                            control of six accounts held by the Company with the Banana Credit Union with a balance of $23,718.

 5         Stock                           Whilst the Directors were not aware of the amount of stock on hand, a stock-take undertaken shortly after the appointment by the Administrators was
                                            undertaken which indicated stock on hand was c. $14,000. The majority of this stock is subject to the respective suppliers security interest as per their
                                            registration on the PPSR and where appropriate has been returned to the suppliers.

 6         Plant and                       Plant and equipment includes fixtures and fittings, IT equipment and fit-out costs. The Administrators are in the process of commissioning an external
           equipment                        valuation to assess its value.

 7         Other Assets                    Other Assets comprise 36 poker machine entitlements (licenses). Whilst the Directors have indicated the ERV of these licences is $600,000, the ERV of
                                            these licences will become better known once a valuation is prepared.

 8         Assets subject to               These assets include poker machines (as opposed to poker machine licences) and a motor vehicle (which we understand were all financed through the
           specific charges                 NAB). The Administrators are in the process of selling the motor vehicle. A decision with respect to the poker machines will be made once the future of
                                            the Company is determined.

 9         Employee                        Whilst the Directors were not able to estimate the amounts owing to employees, based on information provided by the Company estimated employee
           entitlements                     entitlements at the date of appointment including unpaid wages, leave, pay in lieu of notice, and redundancy is c. $614,000. The Secured Creditor
                                            funded the outstanding wages during the week prior to the appointment which assisted the Administrator trade the business subsequent to the

 10        Amounts secured                 At the date of appointment the NAB was owed c.$2.7 million – this was secured pursuant to its circulating and non-circulating charge registered on the
           by debenture                     PPSR.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                            21
Company's History and Reasons for Failure

Directors' Report as to Affairs
RATA – Commentary

 Note      Assets                      Commentary

 11        Amounts owing                   Whilst the Directors have indicated the ATO was a preferential creditor for the amount of $72,698 (relating to unpaid PAYG and BAS), this amount is in
           to preferential                  fact an unsecured creditor.

 12        Unsecured                       The Director's RATA indicates that there are 76 unsecured creditors of the Company with a combined amount owing to them of $230,000. Including the
           Creditors                        amount owing to the ATO, the total amount owing to unsecured creditors per the Directors at the date of appointment is c. $300,000.
                                           Should creditors elect to place the Company into liquidation, the liquidator will seek formal proofs of debt from all creditors.

 13        Surplus /                       The Directors RATA indicates that at the date of appointment the estimated deficiency based on ERV of assets is c. $1.9 m before administration costs
           Deficient before                 and expenses.
           realisation and

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                         22
Section 4                                  Actions undertaken to date

01. Executive summary

02. Introduction

03. Company's History and Reasons for Failure

04. Actions undertaken to date

05. Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

06. Estimated return to creditors

07. Employees and Employee Entitlements

08. Administrator's recommendation

09. Remuneration

10. Meeting

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015
Actions undertaken to date

Actions undertaken to date
Key actions undertaken during the appointment                                                                  Other actions
 All creditors and employees were notified of the Joint and Several Administrators  Other actions undertaken by the Administrators since their appointment include:
  appointment, and were advised of the Administrators' intention to continue          − Attended to all statutory lodgements;
  trading the business in the short term whilst an urgent assessment was undertaken
  into the Company's ongoing viability.                                               − Addressed all employee queries concerning their entitlements and the
                                                                                        Administration process;
 After careful consideration the Administrators made the decision to cease trading
  on 27 April 2015 to ensure no further trading losses would be incurred.             − Liaised with the NAB regarding payment of employee wages;

 The first meeting of the Company's creditors was held on Friday, 1 May 2015.        − Liaised with the Directors and in relation to their statutory duties;

 The Administrators have undertaken an urgent expression of interest campaign                                   − Attended to creditor and supplier enquiries including retention of title claims;
  seeking interest from parties to explore an amalgamation and/or sale of assets. An                             − Collected outstanding debtors;
  advertisement was published with ClubsNSW on 5 May 2015. Further detail                                        − Liaised with the ATO and the Office of State Revenue;
  regarding the Administrators EOI campaign is provided on page 26 of this report.
                                                                                                                 − Liaised with lessors and essential services providers;
 The Administrators have been liaising with the Directors and the Company's
                                                                                                                 − Liaised with the ILGA, OLGR and Council;
  external accountants in order to obtain the books and records of the Company.
                                                                                                                 − Liaised with the Company’s accountant and the Administrators' legal
 The Administrators have undertaken a review of the reasons behind the
                                                                                                                   representatives concerning ongoing matters in connection with the
  Company’s failure and undertaken preliminary investigations.
                                                                                                                   administration; and
                                                                                                                 − Attend to an orderly shutdown of the Company's operations.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                     24
Trading during the Administration

Trading during the Administration
Trade during the Administration and rationale for ceasing to trade                                              The summary below excludes any remuneration incurred by the Administrators
 The appointment of the Administrators was made on the evening of 21 April                                      in connection with trading the business to 27 April 2015, disbursements such as
  2015. The first effective day of trade during the administration was 22 April 2015.                            valuation and insurance costs, and wages funded by the NAB for pre-
                                                                                                                 appointment wages.
 On 22 April 2015 the Administrators undertook an urgent assessment of the
  ability to trade while an urgent EOI campaign was commenced for the Club and                                 Estimated trading position as at 18 May 2015
  its assets.
 The Secured Creditor funded the immediate payment of the c.$18,000 wages and                                                                                                                  ($)
  on costs to enable the Club to continue trading.                                                             Trading Receipts
 However, after careful consideration the Administrators decided to cease trading                             Bar                                                                           8,758
                                                                                                               Catering                                                                      9,083
  on 27 April 2015 to ensure no further trading losses were incurred. This decision
                                                                                                               Gaming                                                                       10,640
  was based on unfavourable weekly forecasts prepared with the assistance of key                               Other                                                                           244
  management.                                                                                                  Total Trading Receipts                                                       28,725
 As a result of this decision, all employees were terminated on 27 April 2015. A                              Trading Expenses
  number of key staff were retained on a contract basis to assist with the orderly                             Wages and salaries                                                           (6,593)
                                                                                                               Direct purchases                                                             (3,528)
  shutdown, collating information required to assist with the sale of the business,
                                                                                                               Gaming payouts                                                               (9,019)
  debtor recoveries, PPSR and third party asset claims, gathering employee data                                Utilities                                                                    (1,200)
  required to calculate entitlements and provision of various information required                             Sub-contractors                                                              (7,474)
  by the Administrators.                                                                                       Other/General contingency                                                    (2,343)
                                                                                                               Total Trading Expenses                                                      (30,159)
                                                                                                               Net Trading Position                                                         (1,434)
Trading performance
 Detailed opposite is a summary of the sales and estimated trading expenses
  incurred by the Administrators during their appointment. It is estimated the
  Company traded at a marginal loss of $1,434 during the administration.
 Sales revenue received during the trade-on period totalled $28,725 which related
  to daily takings from the bar, restaurant and gaming facilities.
 Expenses primarily comprise employee related costs, food and beverage supplies,
  gaming pay-outs, contractors and utilities. Some of the expenses are
  approximations only as a number of invoices are yet to be received for services
© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                    25
Actions undertaken to date

Sale of the business
Overview                                                                                                        The EOI campaign was conducted in a compressed timeframe to ensure any
 The Administrators commenced an urgent expression of interest campaign                                         offers received could be considered prior to the convening of the second meeting
  shortly after their appointment. On 23 April 2015 the Administrators contacted                                 of creditors.
  ClubsNSW to arrange for an advertisement to be placed in their publication. An                                The EOI campaign has received strong interest in the Club and its assets,
  advertisement was sent to ClubsNSW to be published on 28 April 2015, however                                   including the leasehold property. To date we have liaised with a total of 20
  it was not published until 5 May 2015.                                                                         parties.
 The advertisement published with ClubsNSW sought expressions of interest                                      Of the interest received, four parties have indicated they are interested in
  from registered clubs with a view to exploring an amalgamation and/or sale of                                  continuing operations at the existing premises and are therefore interested in the
  assets.                                                                                                        leasehold property as part of their offer. Three parties are private entities, and the
 In addition to the advertisement with ClubsNSW, the Administrators circulated a                                remaining party is a club interested in exploring an amalgamation.
  one page expression of interest flyer to a number of potential interested parties                             As at the date of this report, the Administrators have not accepted an offer and
  identified through Grant Thornton's network of contacts in the pubs and clubs                                  are continuing to liaise with these parties whilst their offers are assessed.
                                                                                                                In addition to the EOI campaign, there is a group of individuals within the Coffs
   The proposed amalgamation/sale of assets timetable
                                               Date is summarised below:                                         Harbour community who are seeking to save the Club through community
                                                                                                                 supported efforts. Many of these individuals are members of the Club. A public
 1. Advertisement placed with ClubsNSW                                    5 May 2015
                                                                                                                 information meeting is scheduled to be held on Monday, 18 May 2015 at 6.00pm
 2. Interested parties executed confidentiality deed On request                                                  at the Club's premises to discuss such a plan. It is hoped that such a plan may
 and receive information pack                                                                                    result in a DOCA proposal being put to the Administrators.
 3. Non-binding expression of interest offers to be                       12 May 2015

 4. Review of expression of interest offers                               13 May 2015 – 21 May 2015

 5. Preferred party advised                                               22 May 2015

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                         26
Section 5                                  Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

01. Executive summary

02. Introduction

03. Company's History and Reasons for Failure

04. Actions undertaken to date

05. Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

06. Estimated return to creditors

07. Employees and Employee Entitlements

08. Administrator's recommendation

09. Remuneration

10. Meeting

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015
Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

Investigations overview – summary of key findings
 Insolvent Trading                                 •    Based on our review of the books and records and analysis of the financial position of the Company, it is the Administrators'
                                                        view that the Company was insolvent from at least December 2014 based on the cash deficiency and its inability to pay
 Refer to page 37 to 41                                 creditors. Should the Company be placed into liquidation, further analysis will be undertaken prior to this period in
                                                        connection with ascertaining the point of insolvency.

 Books and Records                                 •    In accordance with Section 286 of the Act, we have not identified any material deficiencies in the books and records provided.
                                                        However based on our preliminary investigations to date it would appear that the Company had inadequate financial reporting
                                                        procedures and system in place, in particular the ability to produce regular financial reports for management in a timely manner.

 Unfair Preferences                                •    During our investigations we have identified some unfair preference payments to third party creditors. However we do not
                                                        anticipate this will result in a material return to unsecured creditors.
 Refer to page 32
                                                   •    The recovery of any unfair preferences would be limited to the period of insolvency.

 Uncommercial transactions • Based on our investigations, we have not identified any uncommercial transactions to third parties or related parties that would
                                                        result in a material recovery for the benefit of creditors.
 Refer to page 33

 Directors transactions                            •    We have undertaken preliminary investigations into a number of potential director related transactions. Based on these
                                                        investigations, the Administrators are of the view that these transactions do not constitute unreasonable director related
 Refer to page 33                                       transactions. Should a liquidator be appointed, the reasonableness of these transactions will be investigated further.
                                                   •    We have not identified anything to indicate the Directors intentionally avoided the payment of employee entitlements.

 Breaches of director duties                       •    Our brief investigations undertaken during the administration period have not identified any material breaches of director duties.
                                                        However, should the Company be placed into liquidation, the liquidators will review any potential breaches of directors' duties
 Refer to page 36                                       further.

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                 28
Offences, voidable transactions and insolvent trading

Investigations Overview
Antecedent transactions recoverable by a Liquidator                                                             The prospect of recovery of any antecedent transactions will depend on two key
 In accordance with Regulation 5.3.A.02, the administrator of a company, in                                     issues:
  setting out his or her opinions in a statement mentioned in paragraph 439A (4)(b)                               − Availability of funding to allow the cost of further investigation and litigation
  of the Act, must specify whether there are any transactions that appear to the                                    to be met. At this stage, we have no funds available to pursue such actions. As
  administrator to be voidable transactions in respect of which money, property or                                  such, any actions would need to be funded by an external third party. A cost
  other benefits may be recoverable by a liquidator under Part 5.7B of the Act.                                     benefit analysis would be conducted prior to instigation of actions as well as
 The administration process set down in Part 5.3A of the Act, provides a very                                      consultation with the creditors and/or a Committee of Inspection; and
  short time within which to conduct investigations into potential recoveries from                                − The ability of the party (potential defendant) to be able to meet and pay any
  voidable transactions. At this stage, due to the short time frame allowed, it is                                  successful judgement against it in favour of the liquidators. A cost benefit
  difficult to definitively identify the likely courses of actions and/or recoveries that                           analysis will need to be conducted on each case to determine if there is merit
  may be available to a liquidator. Such conclusions would usually be made after                                    and a net recovery to creditors in pursuing any action.
  more detailed investigations have been undertaken. Such investigations may
                                                                                                                  − It is our understanding that whilst the Company had pre-appointment
                                                                                                                    director and officer insurance in place it is unlikely it will cover any claims
     − A detailed review of documentation produced by relevant parties upon                                         brought against the Directors in light of the policy being terminated due to
       enquiry by a liquidator/Administrator; and                                                                   the Company's insolvency.
     − The public examination under oath, of relevant parties regarding the
       transactions concerned.
 Accordingly, whilst we have conducted the necessary enquiries required of an
  Administrator, the conclusions drawn herein with respect to our investigations
  into the Company's affairs should be viewed as preliminary and may be
  confirmed, or otherwise, by way of other sources of investigation should any of
  the Company proceed to liquidation.
 The transactions generally fall into two categories, being insolvent trading and
  voidable transactions (comprising unfair preferences, uncommercial transactions
  and unfair loans).

© 2015 Grant Thornton | Coffs Harbour Deep Sea Fishing Club Limited (Administrators Appointed) | 18 May 2015                                                                                          29
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