Coconut oil: key to be a centenarian with healthy and happy life
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Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 coconut oil: key to be a centenarian with healthy and happy life Narong Chomchalow Chairman, Conservation and Development of Coconut Oil Forum of Thailand c/o Horticultural Research Institute, Department of Agriculture Bangkok, Thailand abstract CO can help a person to live Our modern society is presently up to a century through: (i) prolong- suffering from many emerging new ing the onset of aging through preven- diseases such as heart disease, cancer tion of free radical formation, thyroid and diabetes. Yet, Thailand ranks third hormone production and prevention of in the world in having the highest peroxidation, (ii) being healthy, active number of centenarians, with 26.80 and lively, (iii) preventing/curing ail- persons/100,000, and a total of 17,883 ments of infectious and non-infectious centenarians in 2012. Many new drugs diseases. have been formulated to treat stubborn CO plays a part in making the old diseases while an old drug can cure old-age person happy through: (i) be- many new diseases, and that old drug is ing strong and active by stimulating the coconut oil (CO). thyroid gland to function efficiently, CO has the following unique and completely metabolized as energy properties that make it the most in the liver, (ii) through having versatile oil for health and beauty in beautiful body, complexion and hair, the world: (i) saturated fatty acids that (iii) having sound mind in the sound do not produce hazardous free radical body, (iv) having improved sexual and trans fats (ii) medium chain fatty activities through stimulating thyroid acids that move so fast to the liver gland and sex hormone production, where it is transformed into energy, (iii) as a substitute of natural lubricant, anti-microbial property that makes it protection/prevention of ED symptom. able to kill pathogenic micro-organisms CO can be used through direct including bacteria, fungi and yeasts, consumption, topical application and viruses and protozoa, and (iv) effective oil pulling. anti-oxidants that prevent the forma- Keywords: Saturated fatty acids, me- tion of free radicals that are hazardous dium chain fatty acids, antimicrobial to health. property, anti - oxidants, free radicals, trans fats 119
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 introduction The Chinese had used it for more than 2,000 years to cure 69 diseases. Like- The advancement of public wise, people from most other lands health in Thailand is reflexed in having where the coconut palms are grown a greater number of old-age people have made use of it to cure ailments than in the past several decades. for thousands of years. The average age of Thai people now Our modern society is presently stands at 73.63 years, with that of the suffering from many emerging new male of 71.24 years and of the female diseases such as heart disease, cancer of 76.68 years. It is estimated that in and diabetes. Although they were 2021 Thailand would approach the recorded to have occurred way back “old-age society” with people of 65 in history, some of which were known years of age upto 12.59%, the highest since the Egyptian era, yet only in the ASEAN countries. This would recently that they were recognized as place Thailand in the category of number one, two and three killers of “complete old-age society”, and only mankind. Around eight to ten million ten years afterwards, Thailand would people around the globe died from be “ultimate old-age society” (Anon. each from these diseases annually, 2012). and the incidence of each is increasing It comes as a surprise that every year. Together with some brand Thailand ranks third in the world in new diseases such as HIV, SAR, and having the highest number of cen- the 2009 pandemic influenza, all of tenarians (persons who live to or which are caused by new strains of beyond the age of 100 years), with viruses; these emerging new diseases 26.80 persons/100,000, and a total of are all potentially cured through the 17,883 centenarians in 2012, versus use of CO (Chomchalow, 2010d). Japan (1st) with 34.85 persons/100,000 and a total of 51,375 centenarians in PROPERTIES OF THE COCONUT 2012, and France (2nd) with 27.01 OIL persons/100,000 and a total of 20,106 persons in 2013 (Anon. 2013). CO has the following unique In our modern world, we are properties that make it the most fortunate that many new drugs have versatile oil for health and beauty in been formulated to treat stubborn old the world (Chomchalow, 2009c). diseases. In addition, we also have an old drug that can cure many new Saturated Fatty Acids (SFAs): diseases, and that old drug is the CO contains the highest amount coconut oil (CO). CO has a record in of SFAs of 92.5% as compared to the Ayurveda of being used to cure 15-20% of most vegetable oils. Its illness as far back as 6,000 years ago. molecule is made up of a chain of car- 120
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 bon atoms connected by single bonds, the liver right away where it is trans- which are stabilized and not replaced formed into energy. On the contrary, by oxygen atom, or oxidation, known the LCFAs having larger molecules, to create free radicals. This is not thus move slowly and do not enter the case of other oils having one or the liver, but deposited in the fat cells more double bonds, known as mono- where they are stored there as an unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or energy stock when the body needs. In polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), addition, consumption of CO results in which their molecules are subjected in thermogenesis, in which the body to oxidation. In addition, these temperature is raised 1-2oC, which is unsaturated oils are hydrogenated enough to burn fats stored earlier in at high temperature like when used the body. in deep frying or in industrial food Antimicrobial Property: CO production when hydrogen gas is contains four MCFAs, namely lauric pumped into the oil to make it solid, acid (C-12, 50%), capric acid (C-10, the end result of which is partially 7%), caprylic acid (C-8, 8%) and hydrogenated oil in which an isomer, caproic acid (C-6, 0.5%). When known as “trans fats”, is formed. Only inside the body, they are transformed recently that trans fats are known to into corresponding monoglycerides, be hazardous to health, causing heart namely monolaurin, monocaprin, mo- disease, cancer and diabetes, among nocaprylin and monocaproin, all of others. SFAs, on the other hand, are which are able to kill pathogenic micro- not hydrogenated as their bonds are organisms including bacteria, fungi all single. and yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Medium Chain Fatty Acids Effective Anti-oxidants: Not (MCFAs): CO has 62.5% of MCFAs, only possessing 92.5% of SFAs in having 6-12 carbons atoms, considered which no oxidation can take place, to be small molecule as compared to CO also contains several effective that of other oils, which consist of anti-oxidants - vitamin E, phytosterol long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) having and phenolic compounds - which from 14 to 20 carbon atoms. As a prevent oxidation to take place in the result it does not need to be broken unsaturated fatty acid portion of the down by pancreatic enzyme, thus oil as well as in the body. Anti-oxi- could move from the mouth, through dants ultimately prevent the formation esophagus to the stomach where it is of free radicals that are hazardous to absorbed into the intestine and enters health. 121
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 STAY ALIVE TO A CENTURY oxidized. Several research results WITH CO provided evidence that aging of the brain was closely associated with CO can help a person to live peroxidation, or oxidation of fat up to a century through the following molecules. It was shown in one processes: experiment that reducing the ratio of Prolonging the Onset of unsaturated oil to saturated oil in food Aging: Aging is the law of nature as well as in the body tissues resulted in which every human being must in delaying aging. It was concluded encounter. In addition to declining that the presence of unsaturated oil in beauty or handsomeness when ap- the skin tissue is the major cause of proaching old age, one’s health is also aging. declining. CO is one thing to prolong Being Healthy, Active and the onset of aging easily, unsofisticat- Lively: CO stimulates thyroid gland edly, economically and without any to function effectively, resulting in ill-effect, but most effectively (Chom- transforming foods into energy at chalow, 2013c). CO’s role in delay- a faster rate. Thus there is plenty of ing the onset of aging is through the energy for the body to use sufficiently following: throughout the day. In addition, coco- 1. Prevention of Free Radi- nut oil moves fast to the liver where cal Formation: Possessing effective it is metabolized into energy, does anti-oxidants, CO helps to prevent not deposit as fat reserve in the body. oxidation from occurring. As a result, Thus the person who consumes coco- no free radicals are formed, the conse- nut oil regularly is healthy, active and quence of which is healthy body as no lively. cells are damaged by bombarding free radicals. It is well known that so many Preventing/Curing Ailments: diseases are the result of free radical Several diseases could be prevented or bombardment. cured through the use of CO. Among 2. Thyroid Hormone Pro- the major groups of diseases are the duction: Upon aging, thyroid gland’s following: function is deteriorated. CO reacti- 1. Infectious Diseases: CO vates the thyroid gland to continue contains many anti-microbial saturated producing thyroid hormone that fatty acids, namely lauric, capric, changes LDL to anti-aging hormones, caprylic and caproic acids (which such as DHEA (dihydro - epiandro- contain medium chain), as well as sterol) and testosterone. myristic acid (which contains long 3. Prevention of Peroxi- chain). These are effective in treating dation: Being saturated oil with pathogenic microorganisms including anti - oxidants, coconut oil is not 122
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 bacteria, fungi and yeasts, viruses and attack is occurring! protozoa. 2.2 Cancer: Devel- 2. Non-Infectious Diseases: oped as the result of abnormal cell CO prevents the formation of free behavior such that the cells keep on radicals and trans fats which are the dividing with no differentiation into main cause of several non-infectious tissues and organs, but forming a diseases such as heart disease, cancer, cancerous tumor, which is getting diabetes, stroke, etc. How CO is larger and larger and causes problem effective in treating these diseases are to the body. The main cause of descibed below: abnormal cell division is a mutation of 2.1 Heart Disease: the genetic material or DNA, which is One of the causes of heart disease is inherited or affected by environmental the presence of oxidized LDL as the factors such as toxic substances result of exposing to unsaturated oil. (including free radicals and trans fats), If such oxidized LDL is present in the or pathogens (Chamchalow 2008b). artery, its free radicals cause injuries CO with no free radicals and/or to the wall, the result of which is the trans fats will not cause a problem of leak of blood from the artery. The having mutated cells in the first place. immunity system of the blood Due to the presence of antimicrobial stimulates the blood platelets to ooze agents, the body is free from cancer- the leak to prevent further blood flow causing pathogens or their toxins. from the artery. This is followed by Furthermore, CO depresses the growth the accumulation of plaque, consisting of cancerous cells as CO is not the food of protein, fiber, unsaturated fat of the cancerous cells (Peat, 2005); it and calcium (the one that makes also alters the activity of these cells the plaque hardened and causes the thereby inhibiting their growth. inner side of the artery to swell 2.3 Diabetes: As the inward, thereby narrowing the artery). result of insulin resistance of the Note that no cholesterol is deposited cells, insulin which carries glucose as plaque, but as the composition of into the cells cannot enter the cells, the membrane of the new cells formed the end result of which is the death of to heal the wound. When the plaque the cells due to starvation. This ends fills the entire artery, blood cannot up as deterioration of the tissue and flow passing through the plaque, the the symptom of diabetes. CO, having result of which, if it is the artery that a smaller molecule than glucose, feeds the heart, is that the heart is can enter the cell without the help of lacking blood that ends up as a heart insulin, thus rejuvenates the dying attack (Chomchalow, 2008a). If CO is cells. The tissues regain their function, used to replace unsaturated oil, LDL the end result of which is the recovery will not be oxidized and no heart of diabetes. CO is the only oil in the 123
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 world that can treat diabetes because accumulate as fat in the body, (b) con- it has the following unique properties verts stored fat into energy as it not (Chomchalow, 2009b): (1) Serves as only changes into energy rapidly, but food for the cells: Being medium- also stimulates the rate of metabolism, chain fatty acids with small molecule, thereby resulting in the formation of CO can enter the cells by itself with- higher heat in the process known as out the help of insulin; once inside the thermogenesis, thus stimulates thyroid cell, it acts as food for the cell, thus gland to work faster, and also burns solving the problem of diabetes. (2) stored fat to obtain energy (Chom- Increase the efficiency in synthesis chalow, 2009a), and (c) stimulates and response of insulin: By increasing thyroid gland to work efficiently in the efficiency of the pancreas, suffi- order to control metabolic rate, thus cient insulin is produced. Moreover, reducing the weight. insulin resistance of the cell is mini- 2.5 Stroke: Originates mized, thus the need for insulin is not as the result of the deterioration of more than normal, as CO helps to: neurological system of certain organs, (a) stimulate metabolism, (b) induce such as arms and legs as the result of the pancreas to produce insulin, (c) abnormality of blood arteries in the increase response to insulin of the cell, brain which causes instant neurologi- (d) adjust the level of glucose in the cal symptom, or instant disruption in blood stream, and (e) utilize glucose the function of the brain. As a result, efficiently and build up endurance to the brain cells are deprived of blood increase the level of blood glucose. and cannot perform their function, 2.4 Obesity: Occurs as thus unable to control other organs the result of the accumulation of fat (Chomchalow, 2011b). From the in different parts of the body, with the research result of McGee, et al. body mass index (BMI) higher than (1985), it can be concluded that stroke 30. People with deteriorated thyroid is related to consumption of unsatu- gland has reduced rate of metabolism; rated oils, while the consumption thus reducing the burning of food into of saturated oil improves the stroke energy. CO is the only oil in the world symptom. The factors that help to that does not make people getting prevent stroke are: (1) Free from the fatter, but on the contrary, making danger of free radicals: Free radicals them leaner (Chomchalow 2009a) are the main factor causing injuries in because it: (a) changes into energy the blood artery that leads to hardening instantly as it has medium-chain of the artery known as athero-sclerosis. molecule that does not need enzymatic The most dangerous food to the artery digestion, but passes to the stomach is unsaturated or vegetable oil, while into the blood arteries, then changes coconut oil, with its high anti-oxidants, into energy rapidly; thus it does not can act against free radicals efficiently. 124
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 (2) Free from the danger of tran ENJOY HAPPY LIFE TO A fats: Trans fats originate from hydro- CENTURY WITH CO genation of unsaturated oil at high To live a long life up to a hunded temperature such as in deep frying, years is a dream of most people. With or in industrial use of unsaturated oil through pumping of hydrogen CO consumption, such dream comes gas into the container of unsaturated true. However, no one is happy even oil to make it turns into saturated oil when he or she could live to a hundred that is solid at room temperatures and years by staying in bed or on wheel does not turn rancid upon exposure to chair and could not do anything on oxygen. CO, on the other hand, is his or her own wish. This is rather a saturated oil that, under normal condi- torture to any one who would prefer tion, cannot be hydrogenated, thus no to die than to live up to a hundred trans fats are produced. (3) Kill path- years in such a condition. The ideal ogenic microorganisms that cause centenarian would be the one who is inflammation in the artery: Contain- happy even when he or she is aging. ing 50% of lauric acid, CO can kill all CO plays a part in making the old-age pathogenic microorganisms, includ- person happy through the following: ing those that cause injuries in the artery that leads to hardening of the Strong and Active: CO artery. provides sufficient energy for daily 2.6 Alzheimer’s Dis- uses through the following: ease (AD): AD originates as the result of death of the brain cells that causes 1. Stimulating thyroid gland the loss of cognitive function, such as to function efficiently: CO stimulates loss of memory, ability to think and thyroid gland to function efficiently, speak, and cannot perform the work resulting in burning the consumed that the patient could do it before food to produce energy, instead of (Chomchalow, 2011a). Nerve cells in depositing as fat reserve in the body. certain part of the brain cannot take 2. Completely metabolized in glucose because they are insulin as energy in the liver: CO moves resistant. They slowly die down, quickly to the liver and turns into causing the patient to lose the ability energy there without being stored as of the nerve cells to act as neurotrans- fat in the body. Being Beautiful: CO mitter, thus losing memory, ability to helps in achieving an ideal beauty by think and speak. Newport (2009), who having the following: was successful in using CO in treating 1. Beautiful body: “Eat AD, explained that the recovery from fat - look thin”, if that fat is CO, as the symptom was the result of ketone it does not deposit as fat in the body substance originated from MCFAs of through: (1) conversion of itself the CO. into energy instantly in the liver, (2) 125
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 metabolizing consumed food into it strong and moist, and also reduces energy, and (3) utilizing stored fat the hair to break at the end or turning as energy through the process of reddish. In addition, its anti-oxidant thermogenesis - raising the tempera- can negate the effect of free radicals o ture 1-2 C. Slim is beautiful indeed. that endanager the skin of the head, 2. Beautiful complexion: To thus not wrinkle but is in good health, make complexion beautiful, CO plays with dark, shiny hair, which is not dry the following roles: (1) Protecting or turn reddish with broken end. (2) the skin from wrinkles, as coconut oil Not getting bald: due to aging, as CO counteracts free radicals that destroy maintains the head in good health, connective tissue fibers through its resulting in good hair growth and does anti-oxidant, as well as increases the not fall off, thus not turn bald. (3) Not amount of fats underneath the skin, turning grey: due to aging as CO helps keeping the skin moist, soft and to maintain keratin protein of the hair brilliant. (2) Prevention of acne, blem- in good health with enough moisture ish or freckle formed as the skin is in the hair, thus maintaining dark hair. exposed to UV, thereby stimulating Sound Mind in the Sound Body: As melanocyte to form melanin pigment a person is aging, memory is affected responsible for all skin abnormalities. to some extent due to the death of the When CO is applied on the skin, it is brain cells, which results in the loss quickly absorbed inside the skin, and of cognitive function such as memory, upon reaching the melanin, it reduces ability to think and speak (Chomch- free radicals which are formed when alow, 2011). When CO enters the exposed to UV. (3) Prevention of liver, it is converted into a ketone - a having dry skin, rash and itchiness superfood that feeds the dying brain resulting from exposure to free cells - resulting in rejuvenating the radicals. CO moisturizes the skin and cognitive function of the brain. also kills fungi and bacteria that cause Having Improved Sexual skin diseases and inflammation. Activities: As a person is aging, a 3. Beautiful hair: CO keeps reduction in sex hormones is obvious, the underlining skin of the head resulting in the loss or reduction of moist and in good health as it inhibits sexual activities. CO can help old-age the growth of fungi which cause people to regain sexual activities dandruff. It also keeps the head moist (Chomchalow, 2010b) through the and free from skin diseases, as well as: following: (1) Making the hair black and shiny: 1. Stimulating thyroid gland: as CO binds with the hair protein, The old-age person normally has thus preventing the loss of protein; deteriorated thyroid gland. CO is able it also provides strength to the hair to stimulate thyroid gland to perform as it penetrates into the hair to make 126
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 its task efficiently such that metabo- no harmful effect to the organs of lism is accomplished at a higher rate. both sexes. It can be applied topically Thus more energy is released resulting on the penis or in the vagina prior to in better strength and rejuvenation intercourse or masturbation (Anon. of the old-age person, thus regaining 2010). sexual activities. 4. Protection/prevention of 2. Stimulating sex hormone ED symptom: Many old-age men production: CO helps in the produc- suffer from having the symptom of tion of HDL, which is needed for the ED, or erectile dysfunction, as the production of sex hormones of both result of the lack of sex hormones, men and women. Old-age peole who the result of which is the difficulty have low amount of such hormones in hardening the penis to perform could increase them by consuming sexual intercourse. As CO increases CO. Having adequate amount of the production of HDL, which, in sex hormones is useful through the turn, is used to produce testosterone following: (1) Improving the symp- and androgen – men’s sex hormones, tom of the menopausal women: The thus help the penis to stay erect when ovary of the menopausal women can- aroused (Chomchalow, 2012). not produce enough sex hormone, 5. By-product of regaining which results in various habitual sexual activities: Old-age men of- abnormalities such as hot flashes, mood ten encounter the health problem changes and unpredictable manner. of the prostate gland, particularly Consumption of CO could solve such prostate cancer. In addition to helping problem. In addition to solving the the old-age men to perform sexual symptom of the menopausal women, activities better, CO also has a big CO makes the vaginal lining thicker role to play in the prevention and with adequate natural lubricant treatment of prostate cancer in the as well as having soft and moist skin following ways: (1) Production of complexion. (2) Increasing hormones more testosterone: CO stimulates the of the old-age men: The main rea- production of testosterone, a male sex son that old-age men attains the hormone that helps in reduction of the symptom similar to that of women’s risk of attaining prostate cancer (De menopause is the lack of sex hor- Lourdes, et al., 2007). (2) Increasing mones. CO can boost the production production of cholesterol: Having of sex hormones of men of all ages low level of cholesterol increases (Chomchalow, 2010b). the risk of having prostate cancer 3. As a substitute of natural (Mearini, et al. 2008), while having lubricant: CO is a natural substance normal or higher level of cholesterol having similar property to that of helps to reduce prostate cancer as natural lubricant of the vagina, thus well as, in contrast to general believe, 127
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 heart disease (Bain, 2007; Mearini, et the semen, either through sexual inter- al. 2008). It is generally accepted that course or masturbation. CO increases HDL that plays a role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. HOW TO USE CO TO LIVE (3) Reduction in the accumulatuion HEALTHILY AND HAPPILY TO of cancer-causing substance in the A CENTURY prostate gland: Cancer-causing sub- Using CO can be made through stance, which is present in the fume the following: of cigarette smoking, will accumu- Through Direct Consump- late in the prostate gland and keep on tion: Several methods are available, increasing if no ejaculation of the viz: semen takes place on a regular basis 1. Plain CO directly: Through (Giles, et al. 2003). The Australian the use of a spoon or pouring from medical authority recently advises the bottle at the amount of two table- every man to ejaculate his load of spoons before breakfast and dinner, or semen regularly (five times per week) a total of four tablespoons per day. in order to reduce risk of prostate 2. Mix with other liquids: cancer due to the large amount of For those who do not want to take CO accumulated cancer - causing sub- directly, it can be mixed with any stance in the semen. Semen ejacula- drink (coffee, tea, orange or other tion helps to reduce prostate cancer juices) or liquid foods (curry, soup). through: (a) releasing the tension of 3. Mix with food during pressure, (b) reducing the amount of preparation: CO can be used as toxic and cancer-causing substance in cooking oil, or mixing with other the tissue of the prostate gland, and foods during their preparation. (c) eliminating the accumulation of toxic substance in the ejaculatory duct Through Topical Applica- of the prostate gland. tion: CO can be applied topically on One of the reasons that the the skin of any organs to moisturize old-age men are having higher rate skin and hair, prevent suntan, prevent of prostate cancer than young men is acne, prevent skin disease, reduce because the former have less chance muscle pain and relax muscle. of ejaculation due to the inability to attain penile erection as the result of Through Oil Pulling: The the lack of sex hormones. Thus the easiest and most rewarding is the put old-age men are advised to consume CO in the mouth immediately after CO regularly so that CO will help to waking up in the morning and swish achieve erection and able to ejaculate it vigourly for 15 minutes to kill the germs and remove all toxic substances in the mouth cavity produced by the 128
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 germs during overnight sleep. The CDCOT, Bangkok (in Thai). result is having good health and the Chomchalow, N. (2009c). Miracles mouth is clean and refreshing. of the Coconut Oil, Revised Edition. TB No. 4/2552. CD- BIBLIOGRAPHY COT, Bangkok (in Thai). Anon. (2010). Coconut oil as lubricant Chomchalow, N. (2010a). Having at sex support forum. . Oil. TB No. 1/2553. CDCOT, Anon. (2012). Thailand is approach Bangkok (in Thai). ing old-age society after the Chomchalow, N. (2010b). Using finding that it has the highest Coconut Oil to Stimulate Sexual number of old-age people in Activities. TB No. 2/2553. ASEAN countries (in Thai). CDCOT, Bangkok (in Thai). . the Onset of Aging with Co- Anon. (2013). Centenarian. . Chomchalow, N. (2010d). Using Bain, J. (2007). The many facaes of the world’s oldest oil as a rem- testosterone. Clin. Investig. edy to cure emerging new Aging 2: 567-576. diseases. AU J.T. 14(2): 106- Chomchalow, N. (2008a). How Does 110. Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure Chomchalow, N. (2011a). How Does Heart Disease? TB No. 1/2551. Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure Conservation and Develop- Alzheimer’s Disease? TB No. ment of Coconut Oil of Thai- 1/2554. CDCOT, Bangkok (in land (CDCOT), Bangkok (in Thai). Thai). Chomchalow, N. (2011b). How Does Chomchalow, N. (2008b). HowDoes Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure Stroke? TB No. 2/2554. CD- Cancer? TB No. 2/2551. CD- COT, Bangkok (in Thai). COT, Bangkok (in Thai). Chomchalow, N. (2012). How Does Chomchalow, N. (2009a). How Does Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure ED Symptom? TB No. 1/2555. Obesity? TB No. 2/2552. CD CDCOT, Bangkok (in Thai). COT, Bangkok (in Thai). Chomchalow, N. (2013). Live Chomchalow, N. (2009b). How Does Happily to a 100 Years Coconut Oil Prevent and Cure through the Use of Coconut Diabetes? TB No. 3/2552. Oil. TB No. 2/2556. CDCOT, 129
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2014 Bangkok (in Thai). tionship of dietary fat devel- De Courdes, A.M.; Molina, V.; Mas, opment of ischemic stroke in R.; Carbajal, D.; Marreno, man. Int. J. Epidemiol. 14: 97- D.; Gonales, V.; and Rodri- 105. guez, E. (2007). Effects of Mearini, L.; Costanini, E.; Zucchu, coconut oil on testosterone- A.; Mearini, L.; Bini, V.; and induced prostatic hyperplasia Porena, M. (2008). Testoster- in Sprague-Dawley rats. J. one levels in benign prostatic Pharm. Pharmacol. 59: 995- hypertrophy and prostate cancer. 999. Urolog. Int. 80: 134-140. Giles, G.G.; Severi, G.; English, D.R.; Newport, M. (2009). What if there McCredies, M.R.; Borland, R.; was a cure for Alzheimer’s Boyle, P.; and Hopper, J.L. disease…and no one knew? (2003). Sexual factors and . prostate cancer. BJU Inst. 92: Peat, R. (2005). Coconut oil: You 211-216. want a food loaded with real McGee, D.; Reed, D.; Stemmerman, health benefits? You want G.; Rhoads, G.; Yano, K.; and coconut oil. . 130
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