Cobbs Brow - Whole School 'Return to School' Risk Assessment for Sept 2020 (amended Jan 7th 2021) - Cobbs Brow Primary School

Page created by Dan Santos
Cobbs Brow – Whole School ‘Return to School’ Risk Assessment
                for Sept 2020 (amended Jan 7th 2021)
Overarching Guidance for all staff:
This risk assessment outlines a series of actions to be implemented by Cobbs Brow to reduce the risk of spreading of coronavirus and dealing with direct
transmission (for instance, when in close contact with those sneezing and coughing) and indirect transmission (via touching contaminated surfaces). It can be
seen as a hierarchy of controls that, when implemented, creates a safer environment, where the risk of transmission of infection is reduced. These include:
        1) minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household
            who does, do not attend school
        2) cleaning hands more often than usual - wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly and use alcohol
            hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands and wrists are covered
        3) ensuring good respiratory hygiene - promote the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
        4) cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using products provided by school
        5) minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the environment (such as classroom layout) and timetables (such as staggered break

Staff Non-Negotiables
   1. Do not come to work if you have coronavirus symptoms or go home as soon as these develop (inform Mr Eaton) and access a test as soon as possible.
   2. Upon entering school via the main reception ensure you are wearing a facemask. Facemasks must be worn when travelling through school including
       corridors, photocopying room, resource areas and school hall.
   3. When you first enter the building hands must be sanitised before signing in. Once you have signed in wash your hands as detailed below.
   4. Clean your hands and wrists more often than usual - with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly, using sanitiser afterwards ensuring that all
       parts of the hands are covered.
   5. Use the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
   6. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
   7. Clean frequently touched surfaces often using standard products provided by school.
   8. Think about ways to modify your teaching approach to keep a distance from children in your class as much as possible, particularly close face to face
       support (noting that it’s understood that this is not possible at all times, which is why hygiene and hand cleaning is so important).
   9. Help your class to follow the rules on hand cleaning, not touching their faces, ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ etc. using posters provided by SLT.
   10. Remind class/children frequently to follow rules on hand washing, social distancing etc.
   11. Classes are able to share resources between themselves however children will have access to their own pencil and these will not be shared.
   12. Keep your classroom door and windows open if possible, for air flow.
   13. Where possible limit the number of children from your class using the toilet at any one time.
   14. Limit your contact with other staff members, and don’t congregate in shared spaces, especially if they are small rooms.
   15. Make sure you’ve read the school’s updated behaviour policy and know what role in it you’re being asked to take.
   16. Remain in your class base as much as possible.
Aspect          Measures to Implement                                                                                                                         Notes   Ris
Staffing                                                                                                                                                               H
including       ▪   Monday staff meeting led by headteacher – staff to sit in rows in a classroom, forward facing to minimise contact. This will take
communication       place remotely.
                ▪   Weekly / daily emails from headteacher to keep staff updated.
                ▪   Daily updates from SLT.
                ▪   Regular communication with staff not in work.
                ▪   Risk assessments shared with staff and reviewed on a weekly basis.
                ▪   Admin teams: Observe social distancing. Normal working in office. Limit contact with other adults. Other school staff to limit trips to
                    office / photocopier etc.
Staffing        ▪   Teachers and TA’s assigned to classes                                                                                                             M
                ▪   Specialist teaching (interventions, years one, four and five) to take place as normal.
                ▪   All teachers and other staff can operate across different classes and year groups in order to facilitate the delivery of the school
Pupils          ▪   All pupils to attend school.                                                                                                                      H
                ▪   Pupils will remain in their class group for the majority of time but may mix in other groups for specialist teaching and wraparound
                ▪   Staggered playtimes, lunchtimes, start and collection times to minimise mixing of classes.
Behaviour       ▪   Behaviour Policy. Children expected to follow guidelines on social distancing and good hygiene practice.                                          M
Policy          ▪   Children who do not follow strict rules will be given two warnings. (More relevant with older pupils in school) If they continue to
                    disobey the strict rules on social distancing and or hygiene routines, then the leadership team may ring parents and that pupil may
                    be sent home.
                ▪   Children are not to be inside the building alone during lunch time unless they have requested the toilet.
Need for        ▪   All staff to wear facemasks when travelling around school. Masks do not have to be worn when working in your class base or work                   H
Personal            area.
Protective      ▪   Adults to wear a facial covering, gloves and apron when in close contact with pupils i.e. when administering first aid and when
Equipment           dealing with intimate needs such as nappy changing.
(PPE) PPE       ▪   Adults should not wear disposable gloves unless directed to do so in medical emergencies.
                ▪   Staff to receive information sheet about safe removal and application of PPE masks and other equipment.
                ▪   PPE stations in designated areas
                ▪   Children should not enter school wearing face masks
                ▪   Children are not allowed to bring to school their own hand sanitisers. School will provide approved hand gels/soaps etc.
                ▪   Anti-bacterial wipes will be provided to wipe down shared equipment including photocopier, laminator and paper slices
Changes to      ▪   School regularly refers to official advice from the DfE, PHE, HS&Q and HR;
official        ▪   Coronavirus (Covid-19): guidance for schools and other educations settings
COVID-19        ▪   LCC Schools HR guidance
guidance and    ▪   LCC Health & Safety COVID-19 web page
advice          ▪   Headteacher or other senior person keeps up to date with official COVID-19 Guidance and informs employees/school arrangements
                    as required;
Class Size and   ▪   Each class base will operate as its own bubble as much as possible                                                                       M
Groups           ▪   Pupils will remain in their class group for the majority of time but may mix in other groups for specialist teaching and wraparound      M
‘Classroom           care.
Bubbles’         ▪   Social distancing measures in place i.e. forward-facing seating arrangements, minimised movement around the building, corridors,
                     cloakrooms, toilets (High Contact Areas). Children reminded about no contact with others.
                 ▪   Children who require educational and care support (1 to 1), support should be provided as normal. Staff providing support should be
                     sat alongside the pupil not directly facing.
                 ▪   Staff ratios for EYFS remain.
                 ▪   Classes should remain apart from other classes where possible.
                 ▪   Children should not mix with other classes.
                 ▪   All teachers and other staff can operate across different classes and year groups in order to facilitate the delivery of the school
                     timetable. Limit contact with other classes/bubbles as much as possible.
                 ▪   Large gatherings such as assemblies or collective worship with more than one group is prohibited;
                 ▪   Playtimes and lunchtimes will be supervised by the class teacher and/or teaching assistant. Strictly adhere to times.
                 ▪   Playtimes and lunchtimes will be staggered. For further information regarding lunch see notes below.
Physical         ▪   Children to sit in rows forward facing.                                                                                                  M
Building         ▪   Where possible channels for the teacher to be created behind the desks for teachers to move.
                 ▪   Where possible class groups will remain within their department and should not use corridors leading to other areas of the school.
                 ▪   Door closers to be removed and doors to be wedged open at all times including entrance to toilets (exceptions staff and disabled).
                 ▪   Children discouraged from bringing anything from home that is unnecessary. Children can bring a bag, water bottle, coat and
                     lunchbox if required.
                 ▪   Prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety and safeguarding), to limit use of door handles and aid ventilation.
                 ▪   Apart from Year 1 group, all classroom spaces should be accessed directly from outside if possible.
                 ▪   Windows opened to increase ventilation where necessary and if the weather permits it.
                 ▪   During the winter months/cold days windows can be left slightly open. During break and lunch times (when the class is vacant) open
                     doors and windows to allow the free flow of air.
                 ▪   Female staff toilets – 1 person in at a time. Remember to wipe down after use.
                 Isolation Room- Deputy Heads Office
                 Outdoor Spaces
                    ▪ Rotas for playtimes to be adhered to at all times.
                    ▪ Outdoor equipment if used by a class should be cleaned afterwards by a member of staff.
                    ▪ Children are not to enter the building alone during break time unless for the toilet. After toileting they must go straight back
                 ▪ Signs to demarcate drop off/pick up points with start and finish times on main gates
                 ▪ Signage for movement around external building for parents.
                 ▪ Use tape on floor to demarcate areas and walkways where needed.
Teaching,        ▪   Teachers to focus on pupil’s wellbeing and transition back into school via wellbeing weeks – stepped approach back to normal             L
Learning and         timetable over time.
Curriculum       ▪   Where possible adults to avoid close face to face contact with pupils and other adults.
                 ▪ Resources and equipment removed in Summer Term can be put back in classes for the Autumn Term as this is vital for pupil’s
▪    Pencils, drywipe pens to be stored on desk – can be placed in zip wallets/plastic wallets and placed in trays at the end of the day
Assemblies      ▪     Assemblies will take place via Microsoft teams - see timetable below:
                ▪     Tuesday KS2 - Lisa Pugh
                ▪     Tuesday KS1 - Sarah Charnock
                ▪     Thursday EYFS/KS1 - Paula Sharples
                ▪     Friday Whole School - Ian Eaton
Social          ▪    Physical contact should be avoided between educational staff/pupils.                                                                     M
Distancing      ▪    Staff, pupils and adults on site should endeavour to stay 2m+ apart where possible. Social distancing is not possible in the Early
                     Years. All adults to strictly adhere to social distancing between each other (toilet areas, staffroom etc).
                ▪ Strict adherence to this policy will be monitored.
                ▪ Parents not allowed on site for Reception, KS1/2.
                ▪ Nursery parents (Tiny/Little) allowed to drop off in first instances. Review once children are settled. One-way systems introduced
                     for Little Acorns. Tiny Acorns handovers to take place in garden / balcony where possible.
Timetable for   ▪ Classes will have staggered break times and lunch times.
Day             Start of School Day:                                                                                                                          M
                All staff need to aim to be in school for 8:30am.
                     • Reception – 8:45am – enter through the side gate and met by staff
                     • Year 1 and 2 – 8:50am – enter through the main gate met by staff
                     • KS2 – 8:55am – enter through the main gate and walk to classroom outside doors
                          - Junior 1 and Junior 2 Year 3 children – go straight to cloakrooms
                          - A.T. & G.C. children take coats and bags at 9:15am once early work is complete and before lesson 1 begins
                          - Junior 3, 4 & 5 children to be told by a TA when cloakrooms are free after Year 3 children have put theirs away

                End of School Day:
                   • Reception – 2:55pm – leave through the side gate
                   • Year 1 and 2 – 3:00pm – leave down the path and through the main gate (encourage parents to move away from the gate and
                        stand well back if waiting for older children)
                   • Junior 1 and 2 – 3:05pm – leave down the path and through the main gate
                   • Junior, 3, 4 and 5 – 3:10pm – leave down the path and through the main gate

                Breakfast Club and After School Club
                The hall will be used for breakfast and after school childcare provision. The hall will be sectioned into zones to ensure that key stage
                ‘bubbles’ can be maintained as much as possible.

                High Contact Areas i.e. toilets
                Where possible, each class bubble will have their own allocated time for toilet usage i.e. before going out to play and before eating their
                lunch (see designated times). TA’s will sanitise, toilet seats, sinks, taps and door handles at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm. This will
                be the same for nurseries. PPE must be worn by all staff when cleaning toilets. All procedures followed when taking off PPE and
                disposing of it.
Break and
Assembly            CLASS                         PLAYTIME                                                ASSEMBLY                                                  Daily Read
                                       M       T     W     T                F             M               T  W   T                               F      M         T     W     T                      F
                  JUNIOR 1           10:20   10:20 10:20 10:20            10:10                                                                                 10:30                              10:20

                                                                                                       KS2 ASSEMBLY

                                                                                                                                                CHOOSE OWN

                                                                                                                                                                         CHOOSE OWN

                                                                                                                                                                                      CHOOSE OWN
                  JUNIOR 2           10:20   10:20 10:20 10:20            10:10                                                                                 10:30                              10:20




                                                                                                          @ 10;50





                  JUNIOR 3           10:30   10:30 10:30 10:30            10:20                                                                                 10:40                              10:30
                  JUNIOR 4           10:40   10:40 10:40 10:40            10:30                                                                                 10:20                              10:10
                  JUNIOR 5           10:40   10:40 10:40 10:40            10:30                                                                                 10:20                              10:10

                   CLASS                PLAYTIME                                           ASSEMBLY                                                             MILK

                                                                                                                                                                                                    DAILY READ 11:45AM
                               M     T     W     T     F                      M           T   W  T                                   F           M       T       W          T             F
                   JQ Y1     10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10                                                                                      10:20   10:20    10:20   10:20         10:20

                                                                                        KS1 ASSEMBLY

                 INFANT    3 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10                                                                                      10:20   10:20    10:20   10:20         10:20




                                                                                           @ 10;30



                 INFANT    4 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20                                                                                      10:30   10:30    10:30   10:30         10:30

                 INFANT    5 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20                                                                                      10:30   10:30    10:30   10:30         10:30

Lunchtimes   ▪     LUNCH TIME – THIS WILL TAKE PLACE BETWEEN 12 AND 1.00PM.                                                                                                                                              M
             ▪     Lunchtime will be staggered to reduce social contact (See timetable below).
             ▪     All times must be adhered to.
             ▪     For those children eating lunch in class, lunch should be eaten at the same desk they sit at.
             ▪     Children are not to access the building during lunch time unless for toileting.
             ▪     A member of SLT available over lunchtime
             ▪     Teaching assistants to support giving out meals when needed
             ▪     If the staffroom is crowded, staff can eat their lunch at the teacher’s desk or designated area in class. Sanitise the area afterwards.
             ▪     Food should not be consumed in class (with the exemption of lunch) or any other area around school except for the staffroom

                                          Eat Lunch                  Play                                      Staff
                    Reception           12:00 – 12.25         12:25pm – 12.55pm                  EYFS staff to support in hall for
                                                                                                             5 mins.
                                                                                                2 x welfare to stay with children.

                 Year 1 and Year 2        12:30pm –           12:00pm – 12:25pm                 KS1 staff to support in hall for 5
                                           12:55pm                                                            mins.
                                                                                                2 x welfare to stay with children.
                  Junior 1 and 2       12:00 - 12:30pm        12:30pm – 12.55pm                  2 x welfare to oversee lunch in
Junior 3, 4 and 5.     12:30 – 12.55         12:00 – 12:30pm                 2 x welfare to oversee this
                                                                                         group on playground and eat
              (12:00 – 1:30)                                                                   lunch in classes.
Movement-   ▪ Some areas within school ‘masked’ off to limit pupil’s movement where needed.                                                           L
Children    ▪ Classrooms to have channels for teachers to move around where possible
            ▪ Children should be reminded to stay in their places (where possible) and staff should limit their movement around the class
            ▪ Staggered start times and finish times
            ▪ No children allowed in the office areas
Movement-   ▪ Teachers can sit in staffroom but no more than 5 in at any one time and must adhere to social distancing                                L
Staff       ▪ Teacher should stay in their teaching areas as much as possible.
            ▪ Limit the amount of times visiting the photocopying rooms
            ▪ INTERVENTION:
                   a. Where possible, TA’s should provide intervention at the same table outside the classroom
                   b. Tables must be cleaned/sanitised between sessions
                   c. Staff should not directly face pupils
                   d. Face masks or visors should be worn during the intervention
                   e. Resources should be cleaned after use
Movement-   ▪ Parents of children in reception, KS1 and 2 should not enter the school grounds unless they have an appointment, or a child requires    L
Parents        specialist support/provision.
            ▪ Parents of nursery children should drop the child off at the nursery main entrance but must adhere to social distancing
            ▪ OOSC- parents can drop children off in the morning at the side gate. A member of staff will monitor children’s arrival. Parents to
               inform staff if they will arrive early to collect a child. Parents can enter school via the side gate and wait outside OOSC doors,
               observing social distancing.
            ▪ Only one parent should drop off and collect children if necessary.
            ▪ Parents to observe social distancing guidance outside of the school gates.
            ▪ Staggered start and finish times – procedure for bringing children into school.
            ▪ Teachers to stand in school grounds when collecting and releasing pupils.
            ▪ Parents requested to wear masks whilst dropping off and picking children up.
Working     ▪ All staff to be onsite in enough time to support classes, recommend around 8.30am.                                                      L
Hours       ▪ Teaching staff can remain in class after school to prepare work for the next day but ensure they work at their desk/station and clean
               before they leave.
            ▪ All teaching staff off site by 5.00pm
Premises    Services:                                                                                                                                 M
checks      Cold water systems –
            Continue with frequency of outlet flushing and temperature monitoring to maintain water quality within the entire system.
            Domestic hot water services – including calorifiers/direct fired water heaters/ sinks/ basins/ showers
            ▪ Tech Compliance to continue water temperatures must be kept within limits recommended for the control of legionella bacteria in
               water systems.
            ▪ If the hot water system has been left operational the hot water should be circulating as normal and regular checks, in line with
               guidance, should be carried out.
            Gas safety
            ▪ Do not isolate gas supplies to boilers and hot water generation
            ▪ To avoid the risk of leaks and dangerous build-up of gases continue as normal.
▪ Continue planned gas safety checks including gas detection/interlocking Fire safety
                    Fire safety
                    • Review and if necessary, update fire management plans and ensure any changes to fire escape routes are clearly identified and
                    ▪ Carry out weekly checks of alarms systems, call points, and emergency lighting.
                    ▪ Carry out regular hazard spotting to identify escape route obstructions.
                    ▪ Check that all fire doors are operational. Fire drills should continue to be held as normal.
                    Kitchen equipment that holds water, for example dishwashers and combination ovens
                    ▪ Run through at least a full cleaning cycle per week, to remove scale build up and standing water build up, to pre-empt possible
                        bacteria growth.
                    ▪ All areas of the school should be kept secure.
                    ▪ Check that access control and lockdown systems are operational.
                    ▪ Where possible, occupied room windows and doors should be open.
                    Other points to consider
                    ▪ Core building-related electrical systems, including internal and external lighting, small power, CCTV, access control and alarm
                        systems (fire, intruder, panic and accessible toilets) to remain in use/energised in normal operating mode.
                    ▪ Update your keyholder information.
                    ▪ Intruder alarm / lift/ fire alarm companies often have remote monitoring stations (response centres) – follow advice from these
Toilet facilities   ▪ Staff to limit numbers in toilets at any one time (3 to 4 max)                                                                                     H
                    ▪ Different classroom bubble pupils do not mix in the toilets where possible
                    ▪ Adults to remind and supervise pupils re: hand washing where necessary.
                    ▪ Door wedges to keep the doors semi open to ensure privacy but keep ventilation.
                    ▪ Caretaker and cleaner to check soap / paper towels supply is adequate
Washing             ▪ All members of school strictly adhere to washing hands guidance
Hands               ▪ Staff to demonstrate to children how to wash hands effectively. Remind children to include wrists and use running water and soap. It
                        is important that the children rinse their hands thoroughly to avoid soap drying on hands and becoming an irritant. Dry thoroughly.
                    ▪ Posters and signage displayed in class, corridors and toilets to remind children about hand washing.
                    ▪ Use the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

First Aid           ▪ PPE should be worn (gloves and masks) when dealing with a first aid incident.                                                                      H
                    ▪ Individual teachers / middays (with first aid online training) should administer basic first aid in the first instance.
                    ▪ Serious injuries should be seen by a fully trained first aider.
                    ▪ Vomit is required to be cleaned up as soon after incident as possible (PPE to be worn). Children to wait in Deputy Heads office.
Cleaning            Cleaning                                                                                                                                  COSHH      H
                    ▪ Toilets will be cleaned throughout the day and at the end of each day.                                                                  rules
                    ▪ Toilets will be sanitised by a member of staff at set times throughout the day (on the hour) with suitable cleaning detergent.          regardin
                    ▪ Tables and contact points must be cleaned regularly.                                                                                    g bleach
                    ▪ Equipment that has been used (and that can be cleaned) should be identified by the teacher at the end of the day to the cleaner
                       (message on whiteboard) so that those objects can be disinfected.
                    ▪ No toys can be brought from home.
▪   Tablets should be wiped over at the end of the day
                 ▪   Contact points should be frequently cleaned throughout the day by each class TA, including taps, toilet flushes, toilet seats, table
                     surfaces, door handles, handrails, armrests, light switches etc. However, will also repeat this at the end of the day when undertaking
                     a deep clean.
                 ▪   Bins must be emptied before they are full and at least once daily.
                 ▪   Cleaner to wear full PPE when cleaning toilets. Gloves worn at all times.
                 ▪   Communication from teacher to cleaner should be left on the whiteboard in the classroom area at the end of each day.
                 ▪   If you are running low on supplies, inform SLT and leave a note on your board at the end of the day.
                 ▪   After using the photocopying machines, laminator etc wipe them over using the antibacterial wipes provided.

                 ▪ Reception: Malleable resources, such as play dough, should not be shared between bubbles and consideration should be given to
                    their safe use, depending on circumstances. Playdough to be disposed of if a child displays symptoms. Staff to monitor area to
                    ensure children do not put playdough in their mouth.
                 ▪  Reception: Resources for activities such as painting, sticking, cutting, small world play, indoor and outdoor construction activities
                    should be washed before and after use (more detailed guidance on this will be included in the guide for early years providers) and
                    where possible, children should be discouraged from sharing these.
                 ▪ Reception: Children should be taught to wash their hands frequently, but particularly after using wheeled bikes, trikes and other
                    large, movable toys. Children should be encouraged where possible not to touch their faces or to put objects in their mouths.
                    Sharing stories, singing and playing outdoor games will help all children to socialise and resettle into familiar everyday classroom
                 ▪ Infants and Juniors: Desks should be wiped regularly including contact points (door handles, handrails, armrests, light switches
                    etc). However, will also repeat this at the end of the day when undertaking a deep clean. Classes should have a spray bottle and
                    clothe (disposable). Shared items should be cleaned at the end of the day (ipads etc). All staff should support the cleaning of classes
                    before they go home. Children should have their own pencil/ruler which should be placed in their tray at the end of the day.
                 ▪ Class equipment/resources: Classroom based resources, such as books and games, can be used and shared within the bubble;
                    these should be cleaned regularly, along with all frequently touched surfaces. Resources that are shared between classes or bubbles,
                    such as sports, art and science equipment should be cleaned frequently and meticulously and always between bubbles, or rotated to
                    allow them to be left unused and out of reach for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) between use by different bubbles.
Communicatio     ▪ Essential correspondence sent out via letter on parent’s app, facebook and latest news on school website.                                  M
n to and from    ▪ Any forms or messages from parents should be emailed to the school office.
Parents          ▪ Communicate methods of entry and exit to the school grounds.
Procedures for   ▪ Staff, parents/carers and pupils are made aware of the virus symptoms;                                                                     H
medical care,    ▪ Staff, other adults and pupils are instructed not to come into school if they or members of their household have coronavirus (COVID-
isolation and       19) symptoms, or have tested positive in at least the last 10 days in-line with the guidance for households with possible coronavirus
confirmed           infection;
cases            ▪ Staff, other adults or pupils showing COVID-19 symptoms are sent home, to self-isolate for 10 days and instructed to arrange a test
                    to see if they have COVID-19;
                 ▪ Staff and parents are advised that other members of their household (including any siblings) must self-isolate for 10 days from date
                    of onset of symptoms;
                 ▪ Staff, parents/carers and pupils are required to provide the school with details of anyone they or their child have been in close
                    contact with if they test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) or if asked by NHS Test and Trace;
▪  Staff and parents have been instructed to inform school immediately of the results of a test so that an assessment can be made of
   the potential impact on school;
▪ If someone with symptoms tests negative and have not been told by the Test & Trace Team to self-isolate, if they feel well and have
   been without a fever for 48 hours they can stop self-isolating;
▪ If a child displays Covid symptoms, they must be isolated in the office of the deputy head. Follow the Covid response flowchart to
   support school procedures.
▪ Parents to be called and children to be sent home as soon as possible if they develop symptoms and then will need to isolate with
   their household members for 10 days.
▪ PPE is only needed when dealing with anyone with suspected Covid or Covid like symptoms and a distance of 2 metres should be
   adhered too if possible.
•   If someone tests positive, they are instructed to follow the ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed
    coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’ self-isolating for at least 10 days from the onset of their symptoms, or from their test day if they
    are asymptomatic, and will only be allowed to return to school when they have been without a fever for at least 48 hours.
•   They can return to school after 10 days even if they still have a cough or loss of sense of smell/taste as these symptoms can last for
    several weeks after the infection has gone;
•   They will be advised that other members of their household must continue self-isolating for the full 10 days;
•   Where the staff member or pupil has been in school during the infectious period for COVID-19 i.e. 48 hours before the onset of their
    symptoms, the school will undertake a rapid risk assessment to identify the bubble to which the pupil or staff member is allocated
    and/or any other staff or pupils who have been in close contact with them during the 48 hours prior to the onset of their symptoms;
    if the staff member / pupil has not been in school the 48 hours before the onset of their symptoms the school do not
    need to take any further action;
•   Based on the outcome from the rapid risk assessment, school will send home those people who have been in close contact with the
    person who has tested positive, advising them to self-isolate for 10 days since they were last in close contact with that person when
    they were infectious. Close contact means:
        o   direct close contact - face to face contact with an infected individual for any length of time, within 1 metre, including being
            coughed on, a face to face conversation, or unprotected physical contact (skin-to-skin);
        o   proximity contacts - extended close contact (within 1 to 2 metres for more than 15 minutes) with an infected individual;
        o   travelling in a small vehicle, i.e. a car, with an infected person;
•   School will follow the guidance in the latest PHE (Lancashire) Schools Resource Pack (circulated to schools via the Schools Bulletin)
    which provides advice on managing positive cases and who to contact for help;
•   School will keep a record of pupils and staff in each group (bubble) and any close contact that takes place between children and staff
    in different groups. School will not share the names or details of people with coronavirus (COVID-19) unless essential to protect
•   Household members of those contacts who are sent home do not need to self-isolate themselves unless the pupil or staff member
    who is self-isolating subsequently develops symptoms;
•   If someone in a class or group that has been asked to self-isolate develops symptoms themselves within their 10-day isolation period
    they are instructed to follow the ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’
    and instructed to get a test;
•   If the test is negative they are instructed to remain in isolation for the remainder of the 10-day isolation period as they could still
                      develop the coronavirus (COVID-19) within the remaining days;
                  •   If the test result is positive, they are instructed to inform school immediately, and must isolate for at least 10 days from the onset of
                      their symptoms (which could mean the self-isolation ends before or after the original 10-day isolation period);
                  •   They are advised that their household should self-isolate for at least 10 days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms;
                  •   In the event that a parent or guardian insists on a child attending school, the Headteacher will take the decision to refuse the child if
                      in their reasonable judgement it is necessary to protect their pupils and staff from possible infection with coronavirus (COVID-19).
                      Any such decision will be carefully considered in light of all the circumstances and current public health advice
Vulnerable &      ▪   Staff who are identified as clinically extremely vulnerable through a current letter from the NHS or specialist doctor are advised to       M
extremely             follow current government guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19. The
vulnerable            government will write to people if they are required to follow more restrictive formal shielding measures due to an increase in risk in
staff or pupils       the worst affected areas;
with pre-
                  ▪   Most children originally identified as clinically extremely vulnerable no longer need to follow original shielding advice. Parents are
                      advised to speak to their child’s Doctor to clarify whether their child should still be classed as clinically extremely vulnerable;
conditions        ▪   Children whose Doctor has recently confirmed they are clinically extremely vulnerable are advised to follow current government
                      guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 or the specific advice of their
                  ▪   Pupils who are no longer required to shield but who generally remain under the care of a specialist health professional may need to
                      discuss their care with their health professional. The school works closely with parents of children who are extremely vulnerable to
                      support a return to school, carrying out an individual risk assessment as necessary;
                  ▪   School applies the measures set out in the government Guidance for full opening: schools as far as is reasonably practicable to
                      reduce the risk to all staff, visitors and pupils including those who are extremely clinically vulnerable and clinically vulnerable;
                  ▪   The Headteacher will take steps to discuss the concerns of parents of pupils with possible risk factors and provide reassurance of the
                      measures they are putting in place to reduce the risk in school.
                  ▪   Staff members who are in these categories are reminded to take particular care;
                  ▪   Where an employee expresses concerns or is identified as being in the clinically vulnerable categories an individual risk assessment
                      will be completed to assess the risks to that individual and identify ways to reduce these risk to an acceptable level including where
                      possible the need for any reasonable adjustments such as temporarily working from home or temporary deployment to a role where
                      it is possible to maintain social distancing. This will be done in consultation with the member of staff and will be reviewed on a
                      regular basis or in the event of any significant changes;
                  ▪   Pregnant women are categorised as ‘clinically vulnerable’ as a precautionary measure. As per the Management of Health and Safety
                      at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW) a new & expectant mother risk assessment and individual Covid-19 concerns risk assessment will
                      be completed for all pregnant staff;
                  ▪   People who live with those who are clinically extremely vulnerable or clinically vulnerable attend the workplace as normal;
                  ▪   Some people with particular characteristics may be at comparatively increased risk from coronavirus (COVID-19), as set out in
                      the COVID-19: review of disparities in risks and outcomes report. If people with significant risk factors express concerns an individual
                      risk assessment will be completed to assess the risks to that individual and identify ways to reduce them to an acceptable level;
                  ▪   People who live with those who have comparatively increased risk from coronavirus (COVID-19) attend the workplace as normal;
Attendance        Pupils:
School attendance will be mandatory. This means from that point, the usual rules on school attendance will apply, including:
                 ▪ parents’ duty to secure that their child attends regularly at school where the child is a registered pupil at school and they are of
                    compulsory school age;
                 ▪   schools’ responsibilities to record attendance and follow up absence
                 ▪   the availability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct
Transmission     ▪   Any visitors who are not critical to teaching individual class groups should not enter the school building.                             L
of Covid-19      ▪   Specialists, therapists, clinicians and other support staff for pupils with SEND will provide interventions as usual
through          ▪   If possible, service contractors (alarm checks, water monitoring etc) should be encouraged to come to school when pupils are not on
airborne             the premises
particles from   ▪   Contractors must obtain permission before attending site
customers,       ▪   Contractors will wear appropriate PPE as determined by their employer, however they may be asked to wear additional PPE
visitors and         (provided by the school) upon arrival e.g. gloves, mask, coveralls, shoe covers, etc. where this is considered necessary. Contractors
contractors          will comply with any additional PPE or hygiene requirements made by the school prior to entry
accessing the    ▪   A procedure is in place to wipe down deliveries with sanitiser on entering the school premises where possible
building         ▪   Staff handling deliveries will observe good hand hygiene, washing hands using warm, running water and soap for a minimum of 20
                     seconds or using hand sanitiser after handling new deliveries that have not been sanitised.
                 ▪   Office staff are aware of and explain additional hygiene and social distancing rules required by contractors and visitors on arrival
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