CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

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CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
                             The rise of urban farming and
                             community gardens

                             BUILDING A FOUNDATION
                             FOR DIVERSITY
                             Women leading the way in

                             GETTING THE STORY OUT
                             The role of the media at Show time

OCTOBER 2021 | VOLUME 19-2

IN ON 200
The countdown to our
bicentenary continues
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

                              “We drink to you in silence now as

                                   Christmas comes again,
                              To you who fought the wilderness
                               through rough unsettled years”
                               ANDREW BARTON (BANJO) PATERSON (1864 - 1941)
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

                                                                            Contents                OCTOBER 2021 | VOLUME 19-2



 That’s today’s
 fresh food people.                 Publisher: Royal Agricultural Society of NSW                    Features
                                    ISSN: 1836-6724. 1 Showground Road, Sydney                      15 Getting closer to 200
                                    Olympic Park, NSW 2127                                             The bicentenary countdown
                                    T: 02 9704 1111                                                 17 Building a foundation for diversity
                                    Email:                                        Women leading the way
                                                                                                    26 Hands in the soil
 As Today’s Fresh Food People,
                                    Editor: Meredyth Hayes Bell                                        The rise of urban farming and

 celebrating Australian fresh is    Art Director: Pete Bunce,
                                    Contributors: Olivia Gee, Jane Hammond,
                                                                                                        community gardens
                                                                                                    32 Getting the story out
 still at the heart of everything   Vicki Hastrich
                                    Photography: Monde Photo: Paul K Robbins,
                                                                                                       The role of the media at Show time

 we do. Our goal is to inspire      Elliott Housego, Steven Markham & Nigel Owen
                                    Cover: Wingen NSW by Laura Smith
 everybody to eat seasonal          Print: Brightset Printing

 fresh food, grown right here
 in Australia.
                                    Environment Management. RAS Times is printed on PEFC
                                    certified paper. PEFC certified wood and paper products
                                    come from environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial
                                    and economically viable management of forests. PEFC is an
                                    international certification programme promoting responsible
                                    forestry which assures consumers that a forest product can
                                    be tracked from a certified, managed forest through all steps
                                    of processing and production in the supply chain by a Chain
                                    of Custody process.                                                                                      Regulars
                                                                                                                                             6    President’s letter

                                                                                                                                             7    The vine
                                                                                                                                             12   Chief Executive’s column
                                                                                                                                             13   Flavours
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
6    President’s letter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7

                                                             place, some Sydney Royal
                                                                                            EDUCATION NEWS
                                                                                            Continuing the work carried out
                                                                                            by our founders, the RAS remains
                                                                                            a strong force in agricultural
                                                                                            education in New South Wales.
                                                                                                                                                                                         The vine                         NEWS | UPDATES | EVENTS
                                                             competitions were held,        Although the pandemic forced
                                                             we worked in tandem            the cancellation of the highly
                                                             with state and federal         anticipated education excursion
                                                             government departments         AgVision this year, we are still
                                                             to ensure our livelihood       committed to educating the next
                                                             and longevity and we           generation of farmers, primary
                                                             explored new avenues to        producers, and agricultural
                                                             continue to inform and         innovators and leaders. As
                                                             entertain. There is no         we launch our bicentenary
                                                             doubt we will face difficult   celebrations early in 2022 we
                                                             times again, Covid will        will also be launching ourselves
                                                             not be eradicated, and our     into the ag-education space in a
                                                             events may be impacted         big way - with a full calendar of
                                                             by attendance limits and       Farm Days excursions, teacher
                                                             a reduction in hands-on        professional development
                                                             activities, but I believe we   workshops, and an outstanding
                                                             have learnt how to quickly     new program of resources for
                                                             shift our focus, adapt and     teachers and students in both
                                                             maintain the integrity of      primary and secondary schools.
                                                             all that we do.                Hands-on curriculum based

                                                                 Over the next 12           excursions are the most effective
                                                             months we will be              way to get young minds turning
                                                             honouring our founders,        towards ‘knowing & growing’ and
               t is said that success doesn’t   reflecting on milestone events from         understanding not only ‘paddock
               come from what you do            our past, celebrating all that we have      to plate’ but also ‘field to fibre’. Our
               occasionally, it comes from      achieved, and looking to our future.        education teams are constantly
               what you do consistently,        We are launching our definitive             evolving and look forward to a

               and this year more than any      history book in February, an incredible     2022 full of new opportunities to
               other I believe this applies     look back over the 200 years as well as     enhance agricultural learning both
    to the RAS. The RAS commits and             a Collector’s Medallion - both will be      inside and outside the classroom.
    follows a clear path and has done for       made available to Members before a
    close to 200 years. The RAS makes           wider release during the 2022 Show.

    decisions based on our Mission and              The 2022 Show will be the               COUNCIL NEWS
    Vision – the same Mission established       main public-facing event of our             Elected to Council in 2009, onto
    on 5 July 1822 – to forge a future for      celebrations, taking a look back with       the Board in 2015 and as Vice-
    sustainable agriculture and to leave        historic photographs around the             President in 2016 Alison Kirk
    a legacy for the next generation.           grounds, old farming equipment on           gave the RAS the benefit of her
    This year we have been tested by the        display, heritage theming in many           leadership experience gained
    ongoing pandemic, but we committed          pavilions, and entertainment offerings      through senior management roles
    and found ways to move forward.             that may remind many Showgoers of           in both the public and corporate
        The original prospectus of the          their first visits.                         sectors. Alison sat on the Audit
    RAS referred to the need for the                As we look forward to all that          and Cattle Committees and was
    spirit of agricultural improvement          2022 means for our organisation             a fiercely driven Chair of the             Agricultural Shows are an integral         Hopes were high 2021 would see     one by one most regional Shows and
    to be in all of us, the colony would        I’d also like to look ahead and wish        Woodchop Committee. Alison                 piece of our identity, held in each    all Show societies back in business    interstate Royals cancelled. The
    only flourish when all had access           all Members, staff and Councillors          worked hard to increase the                state and territory of Australia       and the country coming to the city     disappointment and despair of two
    to the same valuable information            a Merry Christmas. Your ongoing             profile of one of our most beloved         dating back almost 200 years (the      all across the land. Unfortunately,    years without a Show is impossible
    and advice. I am pleased to lead an         support and commitment to the RAS           competitions. With Alison’s                exceptions being a rather fresh 71     Canberra was not in a position to      to imagine, but we believe each
    organisation still driven by this very      ensures we will continue to play a          guidance, woodchopping grew in             years for Darwin and 94 for            hold a Show this year, but the         interstate and regional Show can and
    message. Consistently, in everything        vital role for many years to come.          popularity and professionalism and         Canberra). The Shows are an            support of our state government,       will come back. Rural and regional
    we do the RAS is planting the seed                                                      Sydney Royal was never in fear of          opportunity to educate, celebrate      staff, competitors, exhibitors and a   communities rely on the business
    for agricultural improvement through                                                    losing its title as the Wimbledon of       and promote livestock, produce and     grateful public enabled the Sydney     and social aspects of a Show along
    competitions and sharing advice                                                         Woodchop.                                  the Australian way of life. It was a   Royal Easter Show to take place. The   with the emotional support such
    through our education programs and                                                          As she is now stepping back            devastating blow in 2020 when          other Royals watched closely and       gatherings can provide, and we hope
    events.                                                                                 from her roles the RAS would               each capital city Show – except        took valuable lessons from our         to be sharing stories of comebacks
        Despite the conditions the world                                                    like to thank Alison for her fierce        Canberra - fell victim to the global   CovidSafe event and began to plan      and success with Show societies
    has been facing our showcase event,         Michael Millner, President                  determination and the immense              pandemic, along with hundreds of       their own Shows in earnest. And        from all around Australia next year
    the Sydney Royal Easter Show took           Royal Agricultural Society of NSW           pride she took in everything she did.      regional Shows across the country.     then Delta landed on our shores and    and well into the future. •
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
8    The vine                                                                                                              The vine   9

                                                                                  OF THE
                                                                                  Sydney Showground is in very safe
                                                                                  hands with Darryl Jeffrey stepping
                                                                                  into the role of General Manager
                                                                                  following the retirement of Peter
                                                                                  Thorpe. Joining the RAS and
                                                                                  Showground team in 2012, Darryl

                                                                                  quickly moved up the command
                                                                                  chain, from Procurement Manager
                                                                                  to Chief Operating Officer before
                                                                                  his well-deserved promotion taking
                                                                                  on overall management and
    Beginning his RAS career as an         pavilions full of livestock,           responsibility of Sydney
    apprentice locksmith at Sydney         international conventions, record-     Showground.
    Showground, Moore Park in 1979         breaking exhibitions, friendships to      Darryl’s expertise in logistics and
    Peter Thorpe is the rare example       last a lifetime and nurturing an       venue management was showcased
    of a man who truly worked his          incredibly loyal and dedicated         by his strong leadership guiding the
    way up the ladder, gaining a           team running the company’s multi-      Covid-19 response through the AFL
    remarkable understanding of every      million-dollar event organisation,     season, safe reintroduction of
    aspect of the day-to-day               Sydney Showground.                     events and the Sydney Royal Easter
    operations of the business along          Peter Thorpe brought the            Show.
    the way. But it wasn’t just a          events arm of the RAS to the new          Acknowledging the changes the
    business to the man better known       millennium and brought to life for     events business will face over the
    as Thorpey, it was a way of life for   every client the slogan of Big         coming months Darryl has
    himself and his family.                Experiences. His passion and           tremendous vision for this arm of
       From locksmith to caretaker,        dedication in always delivering        the RAS organisation,
    Business Development Manager to        the best for the customer relied           “With a great team by my side,
    General Manager, Thorpey took his      on old school values and will be       we will continue to navigate the
    final bow at the RAS on 9 July,        sorely missed. The RAS may feel        challenges in front of us and be
    bringing to an end a career that       the loss, but Thorpey’s family are     back to delivering the innovative
    included speedway nights, sleaze       well overdue for the gain, having      events and customer service the
    ball concerts, temperamental           him full-time and sharing their        venue has become known for as
    artists, award-winning events,         own big experiences. •                 soon as it is safe to do so.”•
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
10    The vine

                                                                               THE RAS
                                                                               Is all that separates the country
                                                                               from the city the ground between
                                                                               us? The RAS podcast series, The
                                                                               Ground Between Us, is a
                                                                               conversation between Murray
                                                                               Wilton, General Manager -
                                                                               Agriculture and Sydney Royal Easter
                                                                               Show, and a selection of individuals
                                                                               in the agricultural industry.
                                                                               Discussing everything from access
                                                                               to medicine to the future of
                                                                               agriculture in Australia, this is an

                                                                               insiders look behind the scenes of
                                                                               the industry nurturing our nation.
                                                                               And you may just hear a few insider
                                                                               secrets of the Sydney Royal Easter
                                                                               Show too.
     The theme of the Wine, Dairy and     competitions are for producers,          To date, the series includes Youth
     Fine Food competitions in 2021       suppliers and consumers so           in Agriculture - with Tobie Payne,
     seems to be ‘postponed’. With a      although the dates may be a          The Show is Back - with Michael
     full calendar of judging for wine,   moving feast, the integrity and      Millner RAS President, Being a Rural
     beer & cider, specialty foods,       absolute professionalism of our      Achiever - with Dione Howard, The
     branded meat, olives & olive oil,    competitions will not change.        2021 Class of Rural Scholars - with
     smallgoods, charcuterie, pasta          Whether judging is held in        Sally Judson, Brad Chapman and
     and professional bakery we have      November/December or early in        Chris Mills.
     needed a veritable smorgasbord       the new year, our competitions          The Ground Between Us is
     of new dates and locations.          will once again raise the            available on Spotify, Apple
        We have run competitions and      benchmark in product superiority     Podcasts, Google Play, Anchor,
     judged produce and wine and          across a range of diverse classes    Overcast and Pocket Cast and can
     food offerings for close to 200      and uncover a new class of           be listened to via your phone,
     years, we have been through ups,     Australia’s Best Producers rasnsw.   desktop, iPad, or smart systems.
     downs and global pandemics          Or access via the Royal
     before so we know the wine, dairy       Please keep an eye on our         Agricultural Society of NSW website
     and fine food shows will go on.      Facebook page for further  
     We know how important these          updates. •                           thegroundbetweenus. •
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
12    Chief Executive’s column                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Flavours               13

                                                                                              TIME TO RENEW
                                                                                              If ever there was a year to make
                                                                                              sure your renewal is completed
                                                                                              quickly, this is it. Your Membership
                                                                                              ensures your place in our incredibly
                                                              Cheese & Dairy Produce          rich and fascinating history, and                                                                                            Sugar Plum Bakery –
                                                              judges believe we easily sit    helps us continue in our role                                                                                                Spitfire Bread
                                                              in first place when it          safeguarding agriculture in New                                                                                              VAUCLUSE, NSW
                                                              comes to flavour, aroma,        South Wales.                                                                                                                 GOLD WINNER, SYDNEY ROYAL FINE
                                                              texture, and body.                  The Royal Agricultural Society                                                                                           FOOD SHOW PROFESSIONAL BAKERY
                                                                  The Sydney Royal            of NSW (RAS) marks 200 years on                                                                                              Incredibly nourishing, spitfire bread is
                                                              Aquaculture Competition         5 July 2022, making us one of the                                                                                            high in protein with a savoury flavour
                                                              judges cast the net wide        oldest organisations in not only the                                                                                         and fine flakes of bran, the ideal healthy
                                                              and assessed entries from a     state but Australia as well.                                                                                                 loaf for any time of the day.
                                                              variety of Australian           Pre-dating the New South Wales                                                                                               VISIT
                                                              fisheries and seafood           Parliament and the office of
                                                              suppliers, with many of         Premier by three decades, the RAS

                                                                                                                                         Field of
                                                              those awarded coveted           led the way in shaping the success
                                                              gold medals and Champion        of our state.
                                                              status readily available in         Your Membership allows the                                                                                               German Butchery –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Natural Ham

                                                              the suburbs, and even by        RAS to support the sustainable
                                                              mail order. Our                 development of agriculture in NSW                                                                                            MONA VALE, NSW

                                                              aquaculture competition is      through educational programs,                                                                                                GOLD WINNER, SYDNEY ROYAL FINE FOOD
                                                              playing a role in               exhibitions, and competitions that                                                                                           SHOW, SMALLGOODS & CHARCUTERIE
                                                              establishing Australia as       reward agricultural excellence.                                                                                              Cured and cooked with all natural
                                  hen I wrote    one of the world’s most dynamic                  If you have not received your          When only the best will do, indulge in one of                                     ingredients, this boneless ham is perfect
                                  this column    seafood industries.                          renewal notice in the post or by           these past medal winners from the Sydney Royal                                    for homemade glazing and baking and is
                                  last year, I      Unfortunately, the Covid surge in         email by late October, contact the                                                                                           perfect for the festive season.
                                  was hopeful    the second half of this year hurt our        Membership Team.                           Fine Food, Beer & Wine Shows.                                                     VISIT
                                  of the 2021    Wine, Beer & Cider competitions,                 Don’t delay, the largest
                                  Sydney Royal   along with Fine Food, and they had to        celebration to mark the bicentenary
     Easter Show taking place, and our           move a few times. At this stage, we are      will be the 2022 Sydney Royal
     Sydney Royal Wine, Dairy, and Fine          planning for November. This also             Easter Show - running from 8-19
     Food competitions being run. Under          meant the cancellation of our Grape,         April - guarantee your access and
     Covid conditions, I was leaning more        Grain & Graze Festival, but I can assure     advantages as a Member so you
     towards the Sydney Royal                    our vast wine audience that it will be       don’t miss a minute of the fun and
     competitions because they are closed        back and worth waiting for in 2022.          festivities.
     to the public. I’ve probably never been        All eyes are on 2022 now and our          To renew or become a new
     more pleased to have been wrong, and        bicentenary, plans are well underway         Member, or for any information
     professionally it was one of the finest     for celebrations, commemorative              regarding Membership please
     days in my time at the RAS when I was       memorabilia, and of course the Sydney        call 02 9704 1144.
     able to tell all staff the Show was on.     Royal Easter Show. We have 200 years
         We came from behind, with a slow        of history to honour, and the Show
     start, but every single person involved     will be the focal point. There is a lot to   200 YEARS MEMORABILIA
     hit the ground running for a Show I am      look forward to, so I’m urging all           As we get closer to our bicentenary
     incredibly proud of. Once again, the        Members to make sure to renew their          we will be releasing a small range
     RAS hosted the largest annual ticketed      Membership and come along to help            of carefully selected limited edition
     event in Australia, and what would turn     us celebrate.                                items including a collector’s
     out to be the only large agricultural          I’d also like to thank all Members,       medallion and the book Sydney
     Show in the country for 2021.               Council and staff for your support this      Royal. Members will receive             Hope Brewery –                            Pasta Emilia –                             Jacob’s Creek Wines –
         Some Sydney Royal competitions          year, and to wish you all a happy and        advance notice of all bicentenary       Pineapple Sour                            Duck & Truffle Tortelli                    Jacob’s Creek Le Petit Rosé
     did take place as well. Despite             safe Christmas and New Year.                 items and events via the RAS            ABERGLASSLYN, NSW                         RILEY, NSW                                 ROWLAND FLAT, SA
     drought, bushfires, floods, and a global                                                 Times and Members Newsletters.          GOLD WINNER, SYDNEY ROYAL BEER            GOLD WINNER, SYDNEY ROYAL FINE             GOLD WINNER, SYDNEY ROYAL
     pandemic the quality of entries in the                                                   Some items may also be available        & CIDER SHOW                              FOOD SHOW PASTA                            WINE SHOW
     Sydney Royal Cheese & Dairy Produce                                                      at the 2022 Sydney Royal Easter         A delightful combination of sour beer     The hero of this homemade authentic        A fresh and delicate Rosé showcasing
     Show were high and were described                                                        Show, including a limited edition       and pineapples that is super refreshing   Italian pasta is the magnificent black     a modern Australian approach and
     by the Chair of Judges as outstanding.                                                   bicentenary tea towel.                  and strangely satisfying. This lighter    truffle sourced from Terra Preta outside   premium fruit from selected blocks of
     Per capita, Australia sits in third place                                                To pre-order the Sydney Royal           style sour packs intense flavours with    Braidwood. Best served with a melted       Pinot Noir, Grenache and Mataro.
     globally when it comes to milk              Brock Gilmour, Chief Executive,              book please go to page 15 of this       pleasant tropical aromas.                 butter and sage sauce.                     VISIT
     consumption, but the Sydney Royal           Royal Agricultural Society of NSW            magazine.                               VISIT                   VISIT
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
14    Membership                                                                                                                                                                                Member Offer         15

                      Messages from
                                                                                                                                In commemoration of the bicentenary of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW,
                                                                                                                            in conjunction with Beagle Press and noted historian Gavin Fry, the definitive history
     Thank you for your continued             competitions and entertainment         currently exploring reciprocal
     support of the Royal Agricultural        planned, and be a part of the most     benefits with partner organisations                        of the RAS will be released in February 2022.
     Society of NSW (RAS). Again we           significant Show in our history.       and ask for your patience as we, and
                                                                                                                               Available for pre-order as a Members only exclusive, this is your first opportunity
     find ourselves saying that it has           We are starting to get heavily      many other organisations, navigate
     been a year like no other and we are     into Show mode, and there are          our way through such arrangements      to secure a copy of Sydney Royal, Celebrating 200 Years of the Royal Agricultural
     relieved and thankful that so many       some things to make note of – your     in the current environment. We can                                 Society of New South Wales.
     of our Members and supporters            Show Bookings Form came with           confirm reciprocal privileges to
     have stayed with us.                     this magazine – Parking and the        selected games at Stadium Australia        A celebration of the history and milestones of the RAS and the people of NSW
        We could not have one without         Tyrrell’s Members Preview Night –      (previously ANZ Stadium) will be             who affectionately embrace the RAS and the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
     the other, Members are the reason        complete the form and return it        available to our Members in 2022.
     for everything we do, so thank you       before 11 March 2022. Remember,           We will keep updating you             This outstanding publication is comprehensive in its coverage of the RAS and the
     for the role you have played in our      you have to be a current Member        throughout the year on RAS news          Sydney Royal Easter Show, the full-colour hard cover book features many never-
     remarkable history. We are moving        for your order form to be accepted     and events, as well as exclusive                           before-seen photographs and anecdotes.
     closer and closer to our bicentenary,    so make sure your renewal has been     deals and discounts, in this
     to be officially marked on 5 July        completed.                             magazine and online                  Pre-order now for delivery in March –
     2022 but our biggest celebrations           Charley Restaurant will be taking   au/members
     will take place throughout the 12        bookings early for dining during the      We’d like to wish all Members and        The perfect Christmas gift – pre-order before 7 December and receive a gift
     days of the Sydney Royal Easter          Show, call Membership on 02 9704       their families a Merry Christmas and                             voucher reserving your copy.
     Show from 8-19 April 2022.               1144 from 3 January 2022 to reserve    extend our warmest wishes for a
        As you know, your membership          your table.                            safe and happy new year. The                                   Member’s Offer $50 + $16.85 postage
     provides you with Sydney Royal              Your membership also comes          Membership office will remain open
     Easter Show benefits so that you         with year-round discounts and          over the Christmas and New Year
     can come along on as many days as        offers to events outside of the        period, closing for the public
     you like and see the displays, special   Sydney Royal Easter Show. We are       holidays only. •
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
RASF             17

  NEXT                                                 Building a
  Elders are proud supporters of our
local communities and the sustainable                foundation for
    future of Australian agriculture.
                                        Established in 2007 to provide a financial helping hand, the RAS
                                        Foundation is also working hard to support equal opportunities

                                                    hallenging the status quo is     made for the role. Growing up on a           current chair of the RAS Foundation and
                                                    something Robyn Clubb AM         grazing property near Cooma in the           is also a director of Elders Ltd.
                                                    is familiar with. As the first   southeast of New South Wales, she has            "I've always loved agriculture, but my
                                                    woman elected to the Council     always had sheep and cattle in the blood.    parents were adamant that my sister and
                                                    of the Royal Agricultural        She's also no stranger to operating at the   I achieve strong tertiary qualifications
                                                    Society of New South Wales       upper echelons of some of Australia's        first, and then if we wanted, we could
                                        in 1993, she has seen first-hand how the     historically male-dominated industries.      come back to the farm.
                                        industry has evolved. Her inclusion was         Beyond the role of farmer, she has            "I took their advice and completed an
                                        the beginning of greater diversification     held various positions as a non-             economics degree with a major in
                                        for the Council and the RAS.                 executive company director, and as chair     accounting. Then from accounting, I
                                            And it would seem Robyn was tailor-      of multiple organisations, including the     entered into a career in finance and

                                                                     WORDS JANE HAMMOND
CLOSING IN ON 200 The countdown to our bicentenary continues - Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
18    RASF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RASF         19

                                                                                              regional communities by providing
                                                                                              grants and scholarships for education
                                                                                              and community development.
                                                                                                   The Foundation provides in excess of
                                                                                              $100 000 in community grants annually
                                                                                              to various groups for projects such as
                                                                                              rebuilding after a bush fire, renovating a
                                                                                              community hall, or upgrading a rural
                                                                                              showground. It partners with like-
                                                                                              minded organisations to administer and                                                                                                                 THIS PAGE: SCHOLARSHIP
                                                                                              organise initiatives that benefit rural,                                                                                                               PRESENTATION EVENING
                                                                                              regional and remote NSW people. This
                                                                                              work leverages the RAS's vast networks
                                                                                              through various show societies and
                                                                                              other community events whilst                 the Sydney Royal Easter Show and                well and truly begun.
                                                                                              connecting rural people and matching          talking to amazing people."                         "Of course, being a boilermaker, I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A FORCE TO BE
        RASF SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT                                                            up to their specific needs.                       Christie has been involved in the           work in a male-dominated field. But           RECKONED WITH
                                                                                                   Robyn concludes that the Foundation      alpaca industry since she was 12 and            workplaces are seeing more and more
                                                                                              is undoubtedly one of the best things the     attended local agricultural shows with          females in these fields, which is             The RASF is supporting young
     Not only is the assistance financial, the Foundation                                     RAS does.
                                                                                                   "Apart from providing excellence in
                                                                                                                                            her prize alpacas.
                                                                                                                                                "It's a highlight of the year when I get
                                                                                                                                                                                                "To attract more women into male-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          men and women in career
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          choices that resist the urge
     also provides networking opportunities to meet                                           agriculture, the Foundation helps fulfil      to take them to the biggest show, the           dominated fields, like agriculture and        to follow traditional gender
                                                                                              its goal by actually providing more           Sydney Royal Easter Show. I show my             STEM, the workplace needs to create an        paths. 2021 Rural Scholarship
     with mentors and leaders in their fields                                                 opportunities for many people who             alpacas in the halter classes, and I            environment and culture that is               recipients include:
                                                                                              wouldn't otherwise get them.                  compete in the Young Judge competitions         supportive of women in the workplace.         Brad Chapman Secondary
                                                                                                   "And we match up donors with             and the Alpaca Youth Paraders.                  An environment that recognises the value      Education (Humanities) – only
     worked in financial services for over 20     impacts on peoples' lives and their         scholars, and that's fantastic because            "The Royal Agricultural Society             and benefits of having women and              39% of secondary school
     years."                                      communities. It was established just        they get to know and understand each          always does an amazing job. This year,          promotes that cause. Additionally,            teachers are male
         While it took her a while to migrate     over thirteen years ago and has achieved    other, and everybody gets a buzz out of       when the RASF Vocational Education              encouraging women to try these                Maddison Tebbet Certificate
     back to agriculture, when opportunities      an enormous amount in that period.          it, from the donors to the recipients.        Training scholarship applications               occupations is just as important, and I       III in Agricultural Production –
     arose for non-executive directorship            "We are in a unique position where            "A lot of country kids are at a          opened, I applied. I have used the money        believe schools and the exposure to           women make up just 34% of all
     roles, her genuine interest always leant     we can help young people who want to        disadvantage because of distance from         I received to buy tools of the trade and        different subject opportunities are a great   agricultural employees
     towards agriculture and the RAS.             pursue careers, whether it's in             educational hubs and that absolute            assist with living out of home expenses."       way to bring across this point of view."      Matthew Mannes Bachelor
         "I've attended the Sydney Royal          agriculture or medicine, or whatever, but   apprehension about going to a big city to         To be a trade qualified boilermaker,            It's a sentiment Robyn Clubb shares.      of Social Work – only 22% of
     Easter Show since I was a little girl with   who have a strong interest in rural and     study or leaving their home towns or          Christie is completing a Certificate III in         "Women do need to feel welcomed,          social workers are male
     my family. We'd show cattle and merino       regional New South Wales. We have also      graduating from their high school, and        Engineering- Heavy Fabrication. It              they need to feel safe, they need to be       Rohan Cowley Bachelor
     fleeces with quite some success, and         assisted many communities in                taking up apprenticeships."                   involves a mixture of practical and             encouraged, and it's our responsibility at    of Teaching (K-6) –males
     meet so many interesting people, so I        establishing or rebuilding their                 One of the 2021 RAS Foundation           theory-based learning. As a hands-on            the RAS Foundation to work harder and         comprise only 18% of primary
     always loved it. I've had a long-standing    gathering points, whether it be halls,      recipients is Christie Hayward, an            learner, in years 9 and 10 at school, she       continually seek out and identify the         school teachers
     affiliation with the RAS, and when I was     gardens or Showgrounds."                    18-year-old currently studying at TAFE        specifically chose metalwork.                   best new talent.                              Rubey Williams Bachelor
     appointed to the RAS Council I was              The Foundation has focused to date       while completing an apprenticeship                "I fell in love with welding. My parents,       "I am an advocate for equality and I      of Agricultural Business
     honoured but also found it a daunting        predominately on scholarships and           with WesTrac as a Boilermaker. She says       who are both engineers themselves,              urge men and women to apply for the           Management – women fill
     challenge."                                  community grants, and this last year, it    that receiving a scholarship is a great       thought I would be interested in making a       Foundation's scholarship program.             28% of management roles in
         Robyn's current role as Chair of the     gave out over 70 scholarships. Created in   privilege, and those in a position to apply   trade as a boilermaker. After completing        If you want to pursue a career in a rural,    agriculture
     RAS Foundation is her most fulfilling        2007, the RAS Foundation is the             should go for it.                             the higher school certificate in 2020, I got    regional space, not just agriculture, then    Tara Grey Certificate IV in
     position at the organisation to date.        charitable arm of the RAS, which helps            "You get offered some amazing           the apprenticeship with WesTrac, and my         you will find the Foundation's                Agriculture – women are 29%
         "The Foundation is having powerful       to build strong, vibrant rural and          opportunities, including volunteering at      journey of becoming a boilermaker has           scholarship program remarkable" •             of the farming workforce
RAS Heritage                     21

                               We are part of the
                               history of the state
                               of New South
                               Wales, and we
                               proudly tell our
                               story as we launch
                               our bicentenary

                                          ydney in the 1920s was a time
                                          of change and opportunity,
                                          the population had hit one
                                          million and they were ready
                                          to start living the good life.
                                          The RAS was reinvigorated in
                               the 1920s following the effects of war
                               and the Spanish Flu enforced
                               cancellation of the 1919 Show. The 1920s
                               was a launchpad for new competitions
                               and innovations.

                               Saturday Night Speedway was
                               introduced and held until 1982.
                               Promoted as the fastest speedway in the
                               world, although also recognised as one
                               of the narrowest as it had barely room
                               for two cars rather than the more
                               accepted three-wide racing.
                               Affectionately known as The Royale, the
                               speedway played host to solos, side cars,

                               stock cars, demolition derbies, and
                               motorcycles. The late great dual Rugby
                               international and part-time announcer
                               at the speedway Rex Mossop once
                               described the pits at the Royale as being

  ON 200
                               like "Dante’s Inferno".

                               The Duke and Duchess of York visited
                               Australia and came to the Show, missing
                               the first birthday of their daughter
                               Princess Elizabeth (who came to Sydney
                               Showground as Queen Elizabeth II in
                               1954 and addressed 100,000

22    RAS Heritage                                                                                                                                                                                                                         RAS Heritage                     23

                                                                                                           THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF          1962 SHOWGIRLS READY TO
                                                                                                           YORK ARRIVE AT THE               ACT AS AMBASSADORS FOR
                                                                                                           SHOWGROUND, 1927                 RURAL NSW

     1932                                         extravaganza. The State Government          established the RAS Axemen’s               The competition was never a beauty pageant, its                                         alcohol by both performers and
     The opening of the Sydney Harbour            assisted with the construction of two       Association, an amalgamation of the                                                                                                spectators, discouraged punch-drunk
     Bridge in 1932 meant many big public         new pavilions, each with an area of         RAS Woodchopping Committee and the         aim was to strengthen ties between the city and                                         fighters and opposed colour
     celebrations were planned. To help
     organise them, authorities turned to staff
                                                  45,000 square feet. They were named
                                                  the 150th Anniversary Commemorative
                                                                                              NSW Axemen’s Association, resulting in
                                                                                              uniform rules, handicapping, records
                                                                                                                                         country show societies, and create ambassadors for                                      discrimination. When regulations in 1971
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 decreed boxers could only fight once a
     at the RAS. Nine RAS Councillors and         Pavilion and the Australian                 and log sizes.                             the show movement and rural New South Wales                                             week it was the end of the famous
     staff members served on the committees       Manufacturers' Hall. To accommodate                                                                                                                                            Troupe. •
     established for the bridge opening, but      these buildings the Society spent           1962
     the biggest surprise of all was at the       £75,000 rearranging the cattle section of   Described in Bourke’s Western Herald       the instigation of Gilbert Mant (RAS        American actress Jane Russell. First
     Show a few days after the bridge opened      the Showground. New cattle, pig and         as ‘ten pretty country girls’ the young    Public Relations Manager 1956-1969).        prize was £250, a sash and a silver tray.
     - a Grand Parade of cattle in the shape of   dog pavilions were erected, with open       ladies who entered the first Miss          Conducted with the official assistance of                                                 SHARE YOUR STORY
     the bridge. The arch was formed by           space reserved for public recreation. A     Showgirl Competition probably had no       the Agricultural Societies Council of       1971
     Herefords, the roadway by Shorthorns         new wood chopping stadium was also          idea the competition would still be        NSW, it appealed at a grassroots level      First coming to the Show in 1911, Jimmy       Over the years the Show has
     and Devons, and the decking by               completed.                                  opening up opportunities and               and rapidly increased in popularity. The    Sharman’s Boxing Troupe packed away           become our greatest memory
     Aberdeen Angus cattle. Ayrshires                                                         encouraging women to become                1962 winner of the inaugural                the tent for the final time in 1971. The      maker, the site from which
     formed the pylons, Jerseys and               1949                                        community and business leaders. The        Competition was horse exhibitor             Troupe followed the Show circuit              tales are told and stories are
     Guernseys made up the approaches,            A time of new organisations and             contest was suggested by management        Margaret Mackay, daughter of                through four states, working 11 months        shared, and so as the RAS
     while the champion bull of the Show          associations, this was the year the RAS     consultants and was introduced partly at   ringmaster and Horse Committee              of the year. Sharman’s young indigenous       edges nearer to its 200 years
     linked the arches.                                                                                                                  chairman Ken Mackay. In common with         boxers ‘taught’ eager locals at each Show     your stories are being sought.
                                                                                                                                         later prize winners, Margaret acted as an   how to fight, in front of an enthusiastic     It’s possible everyone who
     1938                                         The collective know-how of the RAS Council and                                         emissary for agricultural societies and     crowd of spectators happy to pay the          grew up in Sydney has a Show
     When Australia commemorated the                                                                                                     played a valuable role in advancing their   two-bob entry fee. A member of the            story, and almost guaranteed
     150th anniversary of European                staff was called upon by the State Government                                          objectives. The judges of that first        Showmen's Guild of Australasia,               that everyone from regional
     settlement, the RAS joined in the
     celebrations. The special 'Anniversary
                                                  for assistance with many celebrations and often                                        competition were Mrs Playfair (wife of
                                                                                                                                         then RAS President), Jim MacDougall
                                                                                                                                                                                     Sharman took pride in the discipline of
                                                                                                                                                                                     his troupe. He insisted on tight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NSW has a Show story too.
     Show' put on by the RAS was an               resulted in a financial helping-hand for the RAS                                       ( journalist from the Daily Mirror), and    contracts, prohibited consumption of          au/200years to share your story
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chrismas Table                25

                                   A Royal
                                                                                                                                       medal winning Lavosh Crackers from              Puddings were awarded a Champion
                                                                                                                                       Kurrajong Kitchen.                              title for their Spiced Brandy Sauce which    THE BEST OF
                                                                                                                                           Can you seafood – the plates should
                                                                                                                                       be piled high with Tathra Oysters Nelson
                                                                                                                                                                                       pours deliciously over Stephen’s Fine
                                                                                                                                                                                       Foods Traditional Rich Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE BEST
                                                                                                                                       Lake Jewel Grade, a Champion oyster             Pudding (Silver, 2019) and for the
                                                                                                                                       product from President’s Medal winners,         younger household members there’s            Of course, it's easy to plan a
                                                                                                                                       but make sure there’s room for Gold             Lactalis Australia’s Brooklea Vanilla        Presidential Christmas too –
                                                                                                                                       Coast Marine’s Gold Coast Tiger Prawns          Custard (Silver, 2020). And to finish on a   the President’s Medal Alumni
       We've put together a Sydney Royal menu to help you serve                                                                        – a Christmas lunch plate can never hold        sweeter note, add some of Myriam’s           is a who’s who of Australia’s
                                                                                                                                       too many Sydney Royal Champions.                Creations Zimtsterne – to your table –       finest food and beverage
     award-winning produce to family and friends this festive season                                                                       Feeling thirsty again – if it is time for   these Gold medal winning cinnamon            producers:

                                                                                                                                       lunch, it is time for a Staves Brewery Pale     stars are traditional German Christmas          Tathra Oysters, Hardys for
                                                                                                                                       Ale, the Gold medal winning Best NSW            biscuits. Speaking of tradition, it isn’t    wine, Country Valley for milk,
                raditionally at Christmas         glass of Chateau Yaldara Vintage          All Gold winners at the 2021 Sydney        Beer or a glass of Two Rivers Stones            Christmas without bonbons and the best       cream and yoghurt, Paringa
                many of us gather around the      Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir, a        Royal Cheese & Dairy Produce Show, our     Throw Semillon – a multi-award winner           are the ones you eat – Bibelot’s Spiced      Estate wine, Holy Goat Cheese,
                table with family, friends and    Gold medal winner at the 2019 KPMG        judges highly recommend Bega Cheese        in the KPMG Sydney Royal Wine Show.             Chocolate Bonbon won Gold from the           Yalumba wine, Milly Hill Lamb,
                the occasional blow-in… but       Sydney Royal Wine Show, and perfect       Vintage Cheddar and the Strong & Bitey,        Is it Christmas without ham – Treat         Sydney Royal Chocolate Show judges.          Tahbilk Winery, Bulla Dairy
                this year could be very           with Christmas morning brunch, or         alongside Berrys Creek Gourmet Cheese      the family with Zammit Ham & Bacon                                                           Foods, Pacific Reef Fisheries,
                different. Border closures,       maybe a Small Acres Cyder is more to      Tarwin Blue and Woombye Cheese             Curers Bone in Leg Ham, or Sunshine                                                          Cobram Estate for olive oil, NH
     lockdowns and travel restrictions may        your liking. The Cat’s Pyjamas is their   Company’s Woombye Ash Brie. Some of        Meats Double Smoked Boneless Leg                Visit                     Foods for beef, Staple Bread
     keep some families and friends apart,        Gold medal winner, 2019 Sydney Royal      Julianne’s Kitchen 2019 Champion Duck      Ham - both Gold medal winners at                australiasbestproducers/ for                 & Necessities, Brasserie Bread,
     but we still owe it to ourselves to put on   Beer & Cider Competition, and is a        & Shiraz Pate would make an excellent      Sydney Royal. If you want some crackle          more information regarding the               Two Rivers Wines, House
     the best Christmas spread we can             traditional sparkling apple cider.        addition, with some Hill Farm Piccalilli   with your meal CM Farms Berkshire               producers listed above and to                of Arras for sparkling wine,
     manage and to, perhaps, seek comfort            Some nibbles with your tipple –        relish (2019 Silver) and Newman’s          Premium Pork is a Champion and always           discover more award winning beer,            Meredith Dairy, and Gumnut
     and pleasure in good food.                   before you get carried away by the        Horseradish & Beetroot Relish (2019        roasts with picture-perfect crackling.          wine, cider and fine food to help            Patisserie.
        Need a drink – say cheers with a          bubbles a cheese platter might be nice.   Silver) – to be enjoyed on 2019 Silver         Save room for dessert – Silver Penny        you enjoy the festive season.

                                                     WORDS MEREDYTH HAYES BELL
Feature               27

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THIS PAGE: SYDNEY CITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FARM CROPPING AREA -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           COURTESY SYDNEY CITY FARM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           OPP PAGE: YERRABINGIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ROOFTOP GARDEN -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           COURTESY YERRABINGIN

                                                                                                                                  start-up, Yerrabingin                         Welcoming the broader community, concepts
                                                                                                                                  A sprawling rooftop garden perched above
                                                                                                                                  the central Sydney suburb of Eveleigh was     like Yerrabingin and Sydney City Farm provide
                                                                                                                                  one of the first major projects created by
                                                                                                                                  Yerrabingin. The 500m2 planting box is
                                                                                                                                                                                inexperienced growers and eager volunteers with
                                                                                                                                                                                connections, education and shared experiences

     Hands in the soil
                                                                                                                                  still open to the public (when restrictions
                                                                                                                                  allow) and features dozens of edible native
                                                                                                                                  species, including sea figs, finger limes,
                                                                                                                                  warrigal greens, saltbush, river mint and     Hampson says is in high demand from         international groups are beginning to
                                                                                                                                  native raspberries.                           the group’s retail and hospitality          recognise Indigenous perspectives and
                                                                                                                                      Woiwurrung and Maneroo man                partners in the region.                     connections to land around the world
                                                                                                                                  Christian Hampson is one of the founders         “Then there’s also the opportunity to    and how this knowledge should be
                                                                                                                                  of Yerrabingin and says the garden was a      turn the farm into a space for workshops    incorporated into discussions about
Indigenous designers and city-based green thumbs are breaking                                                                     wonderfully successful prototype.
                                                                                                                                      “It was proof of concept to show native
                                                                                                                                                                                and cultural tourism,” Hampson says.
                                                                                                                                                                                “The idea is to grow into a multifaceted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            climate resilience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Our approach is one that’s natural
   new ground in the world of urban farming and small-scale                                                                       urban agriculture can be adapted to the       approach and be something we can show       and led by ecology. This means you don’t
                                                                                                                                  CBD and urban environment. And that           other communities they can do as well.”     need pesticides, it’s low water use and in
   agriculture, despite facing a year of lockdown challenges.                                                                     can be a great opportunity because there         Hampson’s experience working in          many cases we grow species that suit our

                                                                                                                                  are acres and acres of rooftops in a city.”   national parks, cultural heritage and       environment but also are high in
                                                                                                                                      While he says he’d loved to create ten    conservation in NSW has helped inform       nutritional value. So, there’s a lot to be
           he last 18 months have felt like   many have picked up trowels and begun     ways city residents are contributing to   more gardens just like the original,          this approach that welcomes the broader     learnt.”
           a long, troublesome dream.         growing their own indoor or backyard      green spaces around built-up              Hampson and Yerrabingin are focused           community while allowing Indigenous            There are also clear benefits for
           Even during respites from          jungles. Others have joined forces with   environments, we spoke with four bright   on upscaling what they learnt about           voices to lead conversations and actions.   communities when diverse agricultural
           lockdowns and restrictions,        community gardens and urban farms or      minds getting their hands in the soil.    native food production at the Eveleigh           “I saw an opportunity that First         experiences are available to people who
           the presence of the pandemic       turned to First Nations growers and                                                 project. The Yerrabingin Native Farm in       Nations’ knowledge could be                 otherwise might not have access to this
           has loomed in the background.      designers to support a sustainable        NATIVE URBAN                              Bargo, just an hour outside Sydney, is set    incorporated in a more meaningful way       kind of cultural learning.
For city dwellers, this has often meant       farming and food future.                  AGRICULTURE                               to open in early 2022.                        than a consultation approach,” he says.        “There’s this fantastic opportunity
less time spent in the great outdoors.           For a glimpse into the innovative      Christian Hampson: CEO & co-                  Initially it will be used for native         A key part of this is sustainable        for connection between multiple
   To combat this nature deficiency,          work happening in this field and the      founder of Indigenous design              agricultural production, which                agriculture. Hampson points out that        cultures, whether it be about food or

                                                        WORDS OLIVIA GEE
28    Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Feature               29

                                                                                                                                                 Despite recent lockdowns, Zuill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                THIS PAGE: SYDNEY CITY
                                                                                                                                             is confident the farm will be up and                                                                               FARM - COURTESY
                                                                                                                                             running as soon as volunteers can return                                                                           SYDNEY CITY FARM
                                                                                                                                             safely to work.
                                                                                                                                                 “In a way we’re lucky the lockdown
                                                                                                                                             has been in winter during more of a
                                                                                                                                             dormant period, and we did a lot of
                                                                                                                                             planting beforehand. We had started our
                                                                                                                                             orchard, so when we get back, we’ll be
                                                                                                                                             focusing on that.”
                                                                                                                                                 Visitors to the farm will be able to
                                                                                                                                             stroll through a spring blossom walk to
                                                                                                                                             more than 150 fruiting trees, shrubs and
                                                                                                                                             vines, a dedicated citrus grove and an
                                                                                                                                             Australian native collection. And while
                                                                                                                                             the first harvest may be a way down the
                                                                                                                                             road, Zuill is keen to assess the grapes.
                                                                                                                                                 “We’ll be able to make our own wine
                                                                                                                                             if we’re lucky!”

                                                                                                                                             SMALL-SCALE AGRICULTURE
                                                                                                                                             James Allen and Lauren Beresh:
                                                                                                                                             Prospective small-scale South
                                                                                                                                             Coast farmers
                                                                                                                                             Lauren Beresh and James Allen are
                                                                                                                                             laying out plans for a market garden in
                                                                                                                                             the South Coast town of Jamberoo, but it
                                                                                                                                             all started with asparagus.
                                                                                                                                                 While they’re both determined to
                                                                                                                                             make a living out of small-scale farming,
                                                                                                                                             the pair followed different routes to arrive
                                                                                                                                             at this career path. Formerly an electrical    Sustainable farming and organic principles may
                                                                                                                                             engineer, Allen had a self-described
                                                                                                                                             “quarter-life crisis” and swapped a fast-
                                                                                                                                                                                            be changing the face of farming, but the sense of
                                                                                                                                             paced career for volunteering at market        community and collaboration remain the same
                                                                                                                                             farms around his South Coast home and
                                                                                                                                             the Upper Hawkesbury. This purpose
     YERRABINGIN, LAUREN BERESH WITH THE FRUITS OF HER TOIL                                      the whole lifecycle.”                       quickly turned into passion.                   growing food, it’s very disconnected and        resources and networking opportunities
                                                                                                    The Sydney City farm plot sits on a          Sydney local Beresh moved into             you need lots of land,” Allen says. “But        for up-and-coming farmers.
                                                                                                 sunny hillock in Sydney Park, bordered      the space more gradually, studying             if you have lots of small growers around            “Everyone we’ve talked to has been
     plants. The social interaction of these         talks and growing methods. It’s a place     by the busy suburbs of Alexandria and St    geography and geoscience at university,        a community, it means everyone knows            ecstatic. I think that’s one of the good
     community spaces is just as important as        where people can come to learn home         Peters. The area would originally have      getting involved in permaculture groups        where their food is coming from, they           things changing now – farmers are a lot
     food production and biodiversity,”              gardening and recycling techniques, as      encompassed a forest of turpentine and      focused on regenerative and sustainable        talk to the farmer and understand what          more willing to collaborate,” Allen says.
     Hampson says.                                   well as broader horticultural and food      ironbark trees as well as marshes and       agriculture, and then volunteering at          goes into things.”                                  The main barrier many young
        “You end up with an environmentally,         production knowledge.                       grasslands where the original landowners,   farms in Europe and New Zealand. When              The team is particularly keen to see        farmers face is accruing the capital
     culturally and socially sustainable project.”      Zuill says volunteering here ticked      the Gadigal and Wangal people would         she came across an Instagram post from         more young growers like themselves              to acquire land, which becomes
                                                     the boxes of learning basic growing         camp, hunt kangaroo and fish.               Allen about growing asparagus, she went        get involved in sustainable agriculture.        increasingly imbalanced when growers
     URBAN FARMING                                   skills and working with her hands in the       Zuill appreciates the efforts of         hunting for advice and the partnership         According to the Australian Bureau of           face the buying power of developers.
     Catherine Zuill: Sydney City Farm               sunshine, but it’s the entire environment   the council in recreating some of this      flourished from there.                         Statistics (ABS), the average age of a          Allen and Beresh are negotiating a
     volunteer                                       that’s had a regenerative effect for the    original habitat which, until the 1990s,        “After volunteering and doing a heap       farmer in Australia is 58.                      leasing arrangement for their Jamberoo
     For Catherine Zuill, finding a greater sense    Newtown local.                              had been used as a brickworks and           of research, we were spitballing ideas             “Part of our reason for doing this          plot, but these kinds of set-ups vary
     of community among a diverse group is              “We’re surrounded by bricks and          waste depot. She also points to the         and just said, ‘we should start our own        project is to show that it is a viable career   and often come down to a landowners’
     one of the greatest outcomes of her             concrete, so there’s something that         importance of the other community-          farm’. And that’s where we’re at right         path for young people, even though              financial situation and personal interest.
     volunteer work with Sydney City Farm.           speaks to the soul when you’ve got your     building arm of the farm: all harvested     now,” Allen says.                              there’s a huge learning curve, purely for           Looking forward, the pair hope to
         I’ve really enjoyed meeting new             hands in the soil. You watch something      produce is donated to the Newtown               The plan is to use organic principles      the fact that we need to have more people       see more land sharing and collaboration
     people, younger or older than myself,           grow, you harvest the seeds and then        Asylum Seekers Centre and food rescue       to grow seasonable vegetables for the          producing food locally,” Beresh says.           that allows for increased local growing
     people that have only just come to              grow something again in a year’s time –     and relief service, OzHarvest.              local community to purchase. The idea              Happily, it seems there’s plenty of         across the country. With this, the ideal
     Australia or others who’ve lived in                                                                                                     isn’t to create a massive production line,     support in the farming community                would be to see a shift in thinking about
     Sydney all their life wanting to learn                                                                                                  but rather encourage more people to            for young growers and those new to              healthy food grown in a way that’s good
     about agriculture,” Zuill says.                 The rewards from community gardens are shared,                                          pick up the tools and create a network of      the industry. Allen and Beresh point            for the environment and the community,
         This inner-city farm has a keen focus
     on sustainable and organic processes in
                                                     with local charities and food rescue services the                                       similar market gardens.
                                                                                                                                                 “Once you scale-up to industrial
                                                                                                                                                                                            to social media groups and other
                                                                                                                                                                                            organisations like Young Farmers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            even if it comes with a higher price tag.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Because, they say, “if we value food and
     all its hands-on workshops, educational         recipients of organically grown produce                                                 sizes, you lose a lot of the personality of    Connect which provide advice,                   its true cost, then everyone wins.” •
RASF Update                        31

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     OPP PAGE: RASF BOARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MEMBERS JOCELLIN JANSSON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AND BRUCE PAYNTER WITH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RAS PRESIDENT MICHAEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MILLNER AND RASF MANAGER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CECILIA LOGAN

                 RASF Year in
                                                                                                                                following approval in the 2020 Federal     "A donation to the RASF is a gift for all of New
                                                                                                                                Budget and received Royal Assent in
                                                                                                                                June 2021. The new DGR status means        South Wales and an investment in the future
                                                                                                                                                                           of New South Wales" - Brock Gilmour, Chief

                                                                                                                                all donations made to the RASF are now
                                                                                                                                tax deductible, a status that encourages
                                                                                                                                more generosity from donors and            Executive, Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
                                                                                                                                potential donors.
                                                                                                                                    “Whilst we celebrate this as good      – Chief Executive, RAS.                    of objects, marks the beginning of a new
                                                                                                                                news for the RASF we know it is in fact        This year saw 74 RASF Rural            growth phase for us. It presents a great
                                                                                                                                a tremendous boost for the rural and       Scholarships awarded to the value of       opportunity to extend and expand the
                                                                                                                                regional communities we support. The       $395k and six RASF Community Future        giving and support of the Foundation to
  With a focus on people, the RASF has worked hard this year to                                                                 COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted          Grants awarded to a value of just over     rural, regional and remote areas. Leading
                                                                                                                                more than ever the importance of           $100k. The proceeds from the Sydney        on from receiving DGR status, we will be
        help build strong and resilient rural communities                                                                       looking out for each other and we          Royal Ribbon rugs were distributed         launching a major giving campaign for

                                                                                                                                know regional communities have been        evenly amongst seven regional hospitals.   the Foundation in early 2022 to coincide
                                                                                                                                impacted by the loss of tourism dollars,       The year ended with the RASF           with the celebrations of the 200 year
          he year began with the          program during her time as Executive        presence felt at the Sydney Royal         cancellation of agricultural Shows,        officially re-branding as a new entity     history of the RAS. The RAS of NSW
          appointment of two new          Office of the RASF.                         Easter Show Ag Bag stand – helping        and a sense of isolation. Whether it is    – taking on the name RAS Foundation        and the RAS Foundation are extremely
          Independent Directors for the      A cabinet maker and teacher by           the RASF once again sell out of bags      funding for a community hall or kitchen,   Limited, or Royal Agricultural Society     grateful to Mr John Fairfax AO for
          RASF, Jocellin Jansson and      trade, Bruce is a firm advocate for rural   and raising much-needed funds for         or assisting rural students with higher    Foundation (RASF) – previously known       providing a significant boost to the start
          Bruce Paynter. Jocellin is a    families and a driving force for higher     rural and regional communities. In        education costs, every program the RASF    as the Royal Agricultural Society of       of our campaign by committing to a
          seasoned Board Member and       education opportunities for rural           total the RASF raised $135,000 at the     offers regional NSW will benefit from      NSW Foundation. The new entity             $2million donation to the Corpus of the
Statutory/Executive Director with a       students. His involvement with the          Show through the combination of raffle    the broader range of objects offered by    allows the RASF to operate Australia-      RAS Foundation. The funds raised will
strong background in fundraising,         Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association    tickets, Ag Bags, including $42,000       this new specific listing.                 wide and, combined with the new DGR        enable us to build a stronger resource base
philanthropy, and program delivery.       and his years as Rural Liaison Officer      from the overwhelmingly successful            With only a handful of charities       status, will broaden the reach and         to increase the reach of existing programs
She has strong ties to her regional       with one of Sydney’s leading boarding       sale of the Sydney Royal Ribbon Rugs.     receiving a Specific Listing for DGR       profile of the RASF and the number of      and initiate new ones and building a
community and an impressive network       schools, have Bruce perfectly placed to        In June the RASF at long last          status each year in Australia, it is a     communities and individuals who can        sustainable organisation in the long term.
of government, industry, education, and   work closely with the Rural Scholarship     received a Specific Listing for           testament to the good work carried         be positively impacted.                    We look forward to sharing more on our
community contacts. Jocellin was          program and communication plans for         Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.   out by the RASF and the ongoing                ‘The granting of the new DGR status    plans for growth with our RAS Members
involved with the establishment of the    regional communities.                       After first applying in 2014 and then     importance of supporting our rural and     to the RAS Foundation, enabling tax        in the months to come.” Robyn Clubb AM
Ag Bag and the Community Kitchen             Jocellin and Bruce both made their       again in 2019, the status was conferred   regional communities.” Brock Gilmour       deductible donations for a broader set     – Chair, RASF •

                                             WORDS MEREDYTH HAYES BELL
RAS Heritage                        33

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SHELL JOURNALISTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOUR 1980
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      OPP PAGE: SHELL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JOURNALISTS TOUR 1965

                       Getting the
                                                                                                                                     prepare entries. Today, the Society’s ‘old’    Established in 1958, the RAS Shell Journalists
                                                                                                                                     news can be experienced freshly by
                                                                                                                                     anyone who cares to browse the National        Tour took reporters to all corners of the
                                                                                                                                     Library’s Trove website. In chronological
                                                                                                                                     order, the whole tale unfolds.
                                                                                                                                                                                    state, introducing them to exhibitors for a

                       Story Out
                                                                                                                                         We have so many communication              behind-the-scenes look at Show preparation
                                                                                                                                     platforms available to us now that it’s
                                                                                                                                     hard to believe that print remained the        and the realities of rural life.
                                                                                                                                     only option for nearly a hundred years.
                                                                                                                                     But in the late 1850s a new technology
                                                                                                                                     arrived that at least changed the speed at     Exhibition (as the Show was then styled),    day. Every aspect, speech and event, every
                                                                                                                                     which news could travel. It was the            from items headlined ‘Latest Intelligence’   result was reported. And the word-
                                                                                                                                     telegraph, and the Agricultural Society        and ‘Telegraphic Despatches’. A poles        pictures conjured by journalists were
  From earliest days the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW has                                                                       was quick to take it up as soon as a big
                                                                                                                                     enough network was built. In 1872 the
                                                                                                                                                                                    and wires display in the pavilion helped
                                                                                                                                                                                    visitors understand the technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 often more evocative than accompanying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 photos. Small details brought big stories
  enjoyed a close working relationship with media outlets to get                                                                     last major piece of the puzzle was                                                          to life: in a Grand Parade watched by
                                                                                                                                     completed when the Overland Telegraph          PHOTOGRAPHS                                  40,000 people and featuring a thousand
     the message out about activities and events at the Show.                                                                        was finished and an undersea cable was         When the Show moved to its new site at       animals, it was a little girl leading a goat

                                                                                                                                     laid from Darwin to Java, connecting           Moore Park amenities were spartan at         and losing her shoes in the mud that
                                                                                                                                     Australia to the world.                        first. But in 1888 the Society received a    caught one reporter’s attention, the
          s we have changed over our         In 1822 when a group of gentlemen         South Wales Advertiser as a forum and             That same year, in time for the Show       funding boost from the Government and        incident bringing a point of focus to the
          200-year history, so has the    decided to form an Agricultural Society in   noticeboard. Reports on progress and          at Prince Alfred Park, the Society had a       as a priority a new pressroom and post       larger spectacle and beautifully
          media and the means to          New South Wales, they had few means of       proceedings, dates for dinners and            telegraph office installed in the pavilion’s   and telegraph office was built close to      demonstrating the trying weather
          transmit our news. From         contacting each other or encouraging         meetings, and requests for members to         main gallery. The new facility, which          the ring. At about this time the first       conditions experienced by all.
          notices in Australia’s first    others to join. A regular postal service     pay subscription fees all appeared in the     offered ‘Telegraphic Communications to         photographs began appearing in
          newspaper to tweets and         was still several years away and wouldn’t    pages of the Gazette. Notices listing         all parts of the colony’, was a boon to        newspapers and the thrills and spills of     MOVING PICTURES AND
Instagram posts, the RAS has used every   be efficient in country areas for decades.   classes for judging were advertised           journalists. Readers of country                the ring made for great pictures.            SOUND
tool of communication the minute it has   The answer was to use the colony’s first     months before the ‘annual Shew of stock',     newspapers could get up-to-date news of            In major newspapers, pages and pages     In the early twentieth century new
come along.                               newspaper The Sydney Gazette and New         giving interested parties plenty of time to   the Metropolitan Intercolonial                 were given over to Show coverage each        technologies arrived. Around 1910 the

                                                  WORDS VICKI HASTRICH
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