Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD

Page created by Kathryn Watkins
Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD
Winter 2021

                                  out for your
                                  elderly friends
FOR YOUR CHILD                    and family
Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD

            ell, another year over and what a year it has been. Thank you to all the
            schools and teachers for making the year as normal as possible for our
            children. Not an easy task. It has been much appreciated.

 In our final magazine of the year, you will find some advice on the importance of teaching
our children to swim. It’s incredible that 25% of children cannot swim more that 25 metres
when they leave Primary School! You will also find some good parent safety advice on the
dreaded social media platforms. The harm some are doing to our children will have lasting
effects into adulthood, we really are turning into the guinea pig generation!

 There is also some great advice from the Fire Brigade to keep us safe during the Christmas
period plus how we as parents can help our children with their dreaded homework, plus our
usual reviews of some fantastic new books.

 I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a very happy
and SAFE New Year. Here’s looking to a brighter 2022!

Andy Forster

(If anyone has any editorial ideas please let us know. More than happy to chat further.
It’s you on the front line after all)


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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD
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Andy Forster                                  p14
Ofsted, Lois Wignall, Kerry Mawdsley,
Ethan Barker, NSPCC, National Fire
Chiefs Council
All About Family,
Shakespeare House,
37-39 Shakespeare Street,
Southport, PR8 5AB
Tel: 01704 531888
Stacey Potter at Spott Creative
Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure
that the information in this publication is accurate,
neither the publisher or the editorial contributors can
accept any liability to any party for loss or damage
caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence,
accident or any other cause. The content of this
publication, in part or as a whole, may not be reproduced
in any form without prior permission from the publisher,           p20
All About Family. © Copyright All About Family 2020 All
rights reserved.

                                                                  P04 DISCOVER A GREAT READ
                                                                       FOR YOUR CHILD
For up-to-date events
on-the-go, download                                               P06 OFSTED
   our mobile app                                                 P10 STAY SAFE THIS WINTER
                                                                  P14 NSPCC - THE POWER
           Search for                                                  OF PANTS
      ‘All About Family’                                          P16 EDUCATION: HOMEWORK
                                                                  P18 SWIMMING - ARE WE
            AVAILABLE ON                                               DOING ENOUGH?
                                                                  P22 MOTOR DEVELOPMENT
                                                                       IN CHILDREN
                                                                  P28 EVENTS

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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD

Discover a great read
for your child…
The Twelve                                          The Christmas
Green Days of                                       Carrolls
                                                    By Mel Taylor-
Christmas                                           Bessent, Illustrated
By Barry Timms,         OUT                         by Selom Sunu              OUT
Illustrated by          NOW                                                    NOW
Sian Roberts                                        Reading age: 8+

Reading age: 3-6                                    Wish it could be Christmas
                                                    every day?
A fun-filled eco picture book based on the          Well, for nine-year-old Holly Carroll and her
classic Christmas song! On the first day of         family, it is! Living her merriest life in a house
Christmas, what did Santa see? A star that had      with year-round fairy lights and Christmas trees,
broken in three! Christmas spirit is in the air     a carol-singing toilet and a diva donkey who
and all the animals are feeling the cheer. But      thinks he’s a reindeer, home-schooled Holly
in the excitement, what has happened to the         tries to spread cheer wherever she goes. The
forest? There is litter EVERYWHERE! Appalled        Christmas Carrolls is a heartwarming, hilarious
by what he sees, Santa writes a letter to his       and inclusive tale about the power of spreading
animal friends asking them to clear up. And         cheer, the magic of friendship and what really
over the course of twelve fun-filled days, they     matters at this most wonderful time of the year.
work together to do just that! Based on the
sing-along festive rhyme The Twelve Days of
Christmas – and the perfect introduction to         The Naughtiest
recycling and reusing for a new generation.         Unicorn in
                                                    a Winter       OUT
                                                    Wonderland     NOW
                                                    (The Naughtiest
Beano Dennis                                        Unicorn series, Book 9)
& Gnasher: The                                      By Pip Bird, Illustrated
Abominable                                          by David O’Connell
By I.P Daley            OUT
Illustrator: Nigel      NOW                         Reading age: 6+
                                                    It’s time for wintry fun with Mira and Dave
                                                    the Naughtiest Unicorn! And this time they
Reading age: 7+                                     are going on a very special quest to see the
                                                    magical winter lights! (Although Dave is more
Dennis and Gnasher are back for another             interested in the hot chocolate and chips.) But
BOOMIC adventure. More words than a comic,          what lies behind the snowy mountain peaks –
more funny pictures than a book, BOOMIC’s           could there really be a terrifying YETI lurking
are pages of pure entertainment. When               there …? Pip Bird is the pseudonym for a small
mysterious smelly footprints lead the gang to       group of brilliant and funny children’s book
the school kitchen, they find themselves in a       writers. They all believe in magic and dream of
race against time to save their best new friend…    having a Unicorn Best Friend Forever.

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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD
Once There Was
a Bear (The Official
95th Anniversary
Prequel): Tales of           OUT
Before it all Began…         NOW
By Jane Riordan
                                                      Feeling Good
Reading age: 5+                                       About Me                 OUT
                                                      Ellen Bailey and
These brand-new stories are decorated with
beautiful illustrations of Winnie-the-Pooh and        Lesley Pemberton
friends created by Mark Burgess in the style of
E.H.Shepard. He is uniquely suited to this having     Reading age: 7-9
also illustrated The Return to the Hundred Acre
Wood and The Best Bear in All the World. Jane         This fun book is packed
Riordan has a strong pedigree in writing in the       with mindful activities
style of A.A.Milne, having also created Winnie-       and prompts to encourage young readers to
the-Pooh Meets the Queen and the re-issue             express their emotions, including breathing
edition Winnie-the-Pooh Goes to London.               techniques, thoughtful questions, and areas to
This timeless story collection is a real tribute to   draw. It is a safe space for children to explore
the world’s most famous bear and the perfect          feelings such as low self-esteem and anxiety,
opportunity for everyone to revisit these             with practical tips and information presented in
favourite friends and find out how they become        a supportive and affirmative way. A wonderful
the larger than life characters that we all know      resource for any mindfulness activities teachers
and love.                                             and parents are planning, this book has been
                                                      developed in consultation with a children’s
                                                      mental health charity, Blue Smile, and a royalty
Monster                                               of UK sales will be donated to the charity.
Hunting for
By Ian Mark                                           Raven Winter
Illustrator: Louis                                    By Susanna Bailey         OUT
Ghibault                                                                        NOW
                         NOW                          Reading age: 8+
Reading age: 8+
                                                      A brand new novel from
Monster hunting isn’t as easy as it looks. And        Susannah Bailey – the
Jack should know. Because an ogre has just            bestselling author of Snow
appeared in his garden and tried to eat his Aunt!     Foal. Raven winter is a story
After (sort of accidentally) defeating the ogre,      of friendship, family and
Jack finds himself apprenticed to a grumpy,           the belief in a very special
200 year old monster hunter called Stoop and          relationship with a young raven set against
heading off to Cornwall, where more ogres are         the beautiful and the wintery backdrop of the
causing havoc!                                        Yorkshire Dales.

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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD

       Christmas Eve
    tips for a quiet night

           s special as         your little one is finding the
                                                                     Keeping stockings
           Christmas Eve        day to be a challenge,
                                                                  out of the bedroom will
           is, watching the     remember that this is a
                                                                    ensure that children
little ones get excited         time of huge upheaval               are left to a peaceful
for Santa’s arrival, most       for them and they may              slumber and won’t be
parents have a tricky           be feeling displaced               disturbed by rustling
time getting their              and a little uneasy                as you try to creep in
adrenaline-filled children      underneath all that                        quietly.
to the land of nod at           hyperactive excitement. Try
bedtime.                        to stay calm and confident,
Stick to your usual             and acknowledge your                              atmosphere
bedtime routine                 child’s feelings instead.                  as afternoon hits.
Stick to your usual pre-                                            Christmas films are often
bedtime routine, whether        Keep the stockings out              on the agenda too, so plan
it’s a story or a warm bubble   of the bedroom                      these in for the afternoon
bath to get them in the         Keeping stockings out of            and save the evening for
mood for a good night’s         the bedroom will ensure             enjoying relaxing activities
sleep. The same goes for        that children are left to a         like reading Christmas
nap times on Christmas          peaceful slumber and won’t          books.
Eve, and Christmas Day          be disturbed by rustling as         Get Some Fresh Air
too. Keeping toddlers or        you try to creep in quietly.        Exploring nature provides
young children awake can        What’s more, the thought of         endless opportunities for
cause over-tiredness which      a stranger coming into their        creative learning, plus
will lead to a more fraught     bedroom in the middle of            helping youngsters to burn
bedtime for all involved.       the night might actually be a       off some physical energy
Don’t threaten a no-show        little frightening for younger      throughout the day can
Threatening that the big man    children.                           really work wonders when it
won’t come might seem like      Plan Your Day Well                  comes to bedtime. “
a good idea at the time but     Keep any high octane                  Many thanks to Munchkin
it can often create chaos       escapades for earlier in the        products, for supplying
and unnecessary upset. If       day and settle into a calm          these tips. n

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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD
         Parent / Carer Advice

               What is Instagram?                                          Reasons for concern
                                                                    Privacy settings
              Instagram is a social media platform
                                                                    A key concern regarding children’s use of Instagram
              which focuses on the creation and
                                                             is the fact that the default privacy setting for accounts is
              sharing of images, providing users
                                                             ‘public’. As such, unless a child actively alters their privacy
              with a range of filters and special
                                                             settings, all of the pictures they post to Instagram will be
              effects popular among younger
                                                             available to anybody. This could result in their images
                                                             being seen by inappropriate individuals and might lead to
              Despite requiring users to be 13 or            receiving unwanted communication.
              older, a study in January 2017
              indicated that 43% of 8-11 year olds                  Follower lists
              in Britain are using Instagram.                       In a world where celebrity success is measured by
                                                              numbers of social media followers, it is understandable
                                                              that children might want to grow their own list of
                                                              followers. A child’s non-private account can quickly grow
            Safety Tips                                       with followers, some of whom might not have entirely
As with all Internet activity, talk to your child             innocent motives.
about how they use Instagram, the importance of
                                                                   Terms and conditions
not ‘oversharing, and any issues they have faced.
                                                                   Instagram’s 5,000-word terms and conditions
It is safest to change the default privacy settings          states that users agree that Instagram can use and sell
in your child’s account from public to private. If           their sell images for others to use (without paying or
your child is older and you agree for them to                further consent). Instagram also retains the right to store,
have a public account, you should discuss                    use and share the personal information and direct
strategies for coping with negative feedback and             messages of their users.
for blocking users. You should also monitor
messages they receive.                                             Grooming
Given Instagram’s reported impact on young                         In 2019 the NSPCC reported that Instagram was
people’s mental health, keep an eye out for early            involved in more online grooming cases than any other
warning signs of such issues with your child. Seek           online platform. Where the police recorded the method
professional support or consult online services              of communication, Instagram was used in 32% of cases,
                    such as Shout at the earliest            in contrast to Facebook at 23% and Snapchat at 14%.
                     point of concern.
                                                                   Mental health issues
Regularly spring-clean your child’s Instagram                      A report by the Royal Society for Public Health
account with them by removing any posts and                  found that Instagram rated as the worst social media
images you agree are inappropriate and blocking              platform when it comes to its impact on young people's
any concerning contacts. If you have any concerns            mental health. Being image-centred the RSPH claimed
that somebody might be trying to groom your                  that Instagram (along with Snapchat) appears to be
                     child you should immediately            driving feelings of inadequacy and anxiety in young
                     contact CEOP.                           people.

                                          Online safety education for school staff, pupils and parents

                                                             © Online Safety Alliance, 2020
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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD

                                                                                  “I think
                                                                               everyone loves
                                                                               a pantomime.
                                                                                They’re just

                                                                              - Chantelle Nolan
         here’s something
         really special
         about attending
a pantomime with loved
ones and attending one
as a family can really get
the festive excitement
  It’s a Christmas experience
for individuals wanting to
immerse themselves in
mayhem and mischief.
  Pantomimes are famous
for captivating audiences of
all ages. Whether
  young or old, there is
something for everyone to
enjoy when revelling in the     colourful with larger than          Halls explained that, “Panto
extravagance of the yuletide    life characters, great songs,       is a really fun thing to be a
festive favourite.              lots of jokes and plenty of         part of... Whether you’re in
  “I think everyone loves       audience participation.”            the audience, on stage or
a pantomime. They’re               Panto is a tradition that        even behind the curtain, it’s
just magical! They bring        seems to be maintaining             something really special.
everyone’s favourite fairy-     (and gaining) popularity            Seeing the audience
tale characters to life on      year-upon-year and there            getting fully involved in the
stage”, states Chantelle        is a whole host of choice           performance is one of the
Nolan, Theatre Manager          in Merseyside this year to          many reasons that I love
at St. Helens Theatre           satisfy your panto cravings!        being a part of the festive
Royal. “They’re loud and           Liz Gatrick from Albert          shows at Albert Halls.” n

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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD
What is WhatsApp?                                           Reasons for concern
            WhatsApp is a free messaging app. It                   Group administrators can invite people your child
            allows you to send text and multimedia                 does not know into group chats. Some of these
            messages (video, images and voice                 people may not have innocent intentions or may be older
            recordings) to people in the contact list         and post age-inappropriate messages.
            on your phone. It also allows users to set
                                                                   Some WhatsApp groups can contain images and
            up group chats where the administrators
                                                                   messages which can cause distress to children.
            can invite up to 256 people to share
                                                              These might include violent images or videos, abusive
            messages and images publicly within the
                                                              messages and sexual content.
            group. Although the age limit for
            WhatsApp was recently raised to 16 it is                Chain messages are often shared through
            popular with primary age children and                   WhatsApp. These pressure children to post them on
            above. So what are the risks?                     to their contacts, e.g. by claiming that failure to do so can
                                                              result in the child or a family
            Safety Tips                                       member dying. Many children
                                                              find such messages distressing
As with all Internet activity, talk to your child             but also feel they must share
about how they use WhatsApp and any issues they               them with others due to fear of
have encountered.                                             the threat.

With your child, look through the groups they are                  WhatsApp does not allow users to decide whether
members of and discuss any areas of concern you                    to join a group. Your child will be automatically
have. You may agree that it would be best to                  added to any groups that their contacts add them to. If
leave the group.                                              your child leaves the group the administrator can add
                                                              them straight back in.
Go to the settings (by pressing the three dots in
the top right of the screen) and ensure your                       Your child may be in WhatsApp groups in which
child’s profile is set to ‘contacts only’.                         huge numbers of posts are made. The alerts this
                                                              generates can be an unnecessary distraction and can
To leave a group: Open the group in WhatsApp.                 disrupt sleep.
Press the three dots in the top right of the screen
and select ‘Group Info’. Scroll down to ‘Exit group’.              WhatsApp‘s default privacy settings are that
                                                                   anybody can see your child’s profile photo and
If an admin adds your child back into a group they            when they were last online.
have left, your child can ask them not to do this. If
                                                                    WhatsApp ‘dare games’ have become popular
they keep adding them then you can prevent it by
                                                                    with children. These involve the child making a quiz
blocking the admin. To do this, WhatsApp provide
                                                              about themselves to share with others and this can lead
the following guidance:
                                                              to oversharing of personal information which can be
                                                              publicly available.
                                                                   Children can add and then remove other children
                                                                   from groups as a form of exclusion and bullying.

                                           Online safety education for school staff, pupils and parents

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Looking out for your elderly friends and family - FOR YOUR CHILD

      Stay safe this Winter
        he days are              to give you some handy             equipment.
        shorter, the             pointers on how to keep              We know many of you
        temperature is           you and your family safe this      will be looking forward to a
dropping and the frost is        winter.                            ‘normal’ Christmas after the
starting to form and that          Firefighters were called         difficulties we have faced
means winter is here. At         to 329 accidental fires in         over the last 18 months, but
this time of year, we tend       the home in the home               it’s really important that fire
to take steps to make our        between October 2020 and           safety remains a priority – a
homes warm and cosy, but         the end of February 2021,          fire in the home is the last
in doing so we can open          with cooking-related fires,        thing anybody needs right
ourselves up to dangers and      smoking-related fires and          now.
greater risk of fire.            domestic appliances the              Follow these top tips
  That’s why we’ve teamed        most common causes. A              to make sure your home
up with Merseyside Fire          number of these fires were         heating methods don’t risk
& Rescue Service (MFRS)          also caused by heating             a fire. n

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Looking out for your elderly
            friends and family

            e should be           as a cheaper option.            fire can be the difference
            looking out             You can play your part by     between life and death.
            for our elderly       making sure your elderly          If you hear a smoke
relatives, friends and            relatives, friends and          alarm, either as a resident
neighbours all year               neighbours have working         or a neighbour, take action
round but it’s particularly       smoke alarms. Many              immediately and call 999. If
important that we do so           Merseyside residents will       you suspect a fire, get out,
at this time of year.             be eligible for free smoke      stay out and call 999. n
  Older residents can be          alarms, particularly those
                                                                    Make sure you follow these
particularly at risk of fire in   over 65. You can look
                                                                    smoke alarm top tips:
their homes, especially as        after your elderly friends,        Install at least one smoke
they may still be using old       neighbours and relatives by          alarm on every level of your
appliances or may not be          calling 0800 731 5958 to
                                                                     The ideal position is on the
able to check their smoke         arrange a free Home Fire             ceiling, in the middle of a
alarms on a weekly basis.         Safety Check and to ask for          room or on a hallway or
  The cold is not kind to         fire safety advice.                Consider fitting additional
elderly relatives who can           Don’t ignore your                  alarms in other rooms where
struggle to keep their homes      neighbours’ smoke alarms!            there are electrical appliances
                                                                       and near sleeping areas
warm – check they are cosy          It’s really important that       Don’t put alarms in or near
through the winter months         you take action if you hear          kitchens and bathrooms
                                                                       where smoke or steam can
and that their windows and        a neighbour’s smoke alarm
                                                                       set them off by accident
doors don’t let in the draft.     and call 999 if you suspect        Test your smoke alarms every
Also, make sure that they         a fire in a nearby property          week
                                                                     Replace your smoke alarms
are not using unsafe heating      – a delay in alerting the
                                                                       every ten years.
methods which may be used         emergency services to a

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    Don’t let fire ruin the festivities
             hether the           important throughout the             safety markings. If the
             highlight of         year, the extra distractions of      certification mark is only
             the festive          Christmas make it especially         on the packaging and not
season is spending time           important to be vigilant.            on the product, there’s a
with loved ones, the                Most house fires start in          good chance it’s fake. And
exchanging of gifts,              the kitchen – take extra care        remember, do not use
decorating your home              when cooking the Christmas           foreign appliances in UK
both inside and out               dinner and preparing food            sockets if they haven’t been
or tucking into that              over the festive period.             converted for UK use.
delicious Christmas                 Decorations and heating              You can protect
dinner, this really is the        can also be fire hazards over        yourselves, as well as
most wonderful time of            Christmas and the general            your family and friends,
the year.                         winter period so please take         by following some simple
  There is so much to think       extra care.                          safety advice.
about as we edge closer             If you’re turning to online          The most important thing
to the main event, but one        marketplaces for electrical          of all though is to make
thing Merseyside Fire &           items this year – whether it         sure you have at least one
Rescue Service is urging          be for gifts or for electrical       working smoke alarm on
Merseyside residents to put       Christmas decorations –              each level of your home
at the top of their Christmas     make sure what you are               – these should be tested
lists this year is fire safety.   buying is legitimate and             weekly! n
  While fire safety is            safe. Check products for

                                                                                    everyone at

                                                                                  Fire & Rescue
                                                                                    Service, we
                                                                                   wish you all
                                                                                  a very happy,
                                                                                     and safe

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        Parent / Carer Advice

                  What is TikTok?                                        Reasons for concern
           TikTok is a social media app where users                TikTok has a minimum age rating of 13 and anybody
           share short video clips of 15 seconds                   under 18 should have parental permission to use
           duration. It started out as an app named         the app. However, new users simply enter a date of birth
           ‘Musically’ and was used to share videos         to indicate their age and there are no verification steps. As
           of dancing and lip-syncing to music. Much        such, children of any age can create an account by using a
           of the content on TikTok still reflects          false date of birth.
           these origins, but popular videos now also
           include pets, makeup, magic tricks,                   New users will be shown a range of video clips the
           fashion, art, people reacting to situations,          app feels may be of interest. Many of these will
           etc. According to OSA research, TikTok is        quickly expose users to offensive language which will be
           now as widely used by 11-14 year olds as         inappropriate for children.
           SnapChat and Instagram.
                                                                  The clothing worn and the type of dancing in some
                                                                  videos could be deemed sexualised and therefore
            Safety Tips                                     something that might be inappropriate for younger users
As with all Internet activity, talk to your child           to be exposed to.
about how they use TikTok and any issues they
have encountered.                                                 The default privacy settings in the app are
Discuss whether it would be best to change your                   concerning. Although only friends can send users
child’s account to private to avoid interactions            direct messages, the videos posted by users can be seen
with non-friends. If you agree to keep the account          by anybody and anybody can like / comment on the
public you should discuss strategies for coping             videos. New users are also available for anybody to
with negative feedback and for blocking users.              perform a musical duet with. Such default settings can
                                                            leave children vulnerable to unwanted communication
Help your child to spring clean their account from          from others.
time to time by removing videos you agree to be
inappropriate.                                                    Many children in the UK are posting videos to
Ensure your child knows not to                                     TikTok where they are wearing their school
post videos in their school                                 uniform, making it possible for strangers to identify their
uniform. Also discuss how                                   location.
recording videos at school might
break school rules and what the                                   The nature of videos children are posting to TikTok
consequences could be.                                            (singing, dancing, etc) can leave them vulnerable to
                                                            receiving negative comments which can have an impact
The TikTok settings allow you to                            on mental health.
set a time limit for how long
each day you want your child to                                   The company that owns TikTok is facing legal issues
be able to use the app. This can                                  and stands accused of illegally collecting data on
be password protected to ensure                             children (when it was Musically) and the app has been
they stick to the limit.                                    deemed a ‘potential security risk by the FBI’.

                                         Online safety education for school staff, pupils and parents

                                                            © Online Safety Alliance, 2020
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   The Power of PANTS

         he NSPCC’s first                                           donated for their support.
         ever children’s                                            Their efforts will help to
         book, Pantosaurus                                          change children’s lives for
and the Power of                                                    the better. Our Talk PANTS
PANTS, has hit the                                                  messaging, resources such
shelves and will support                                            as the new book and existing
families to have simple                                             online music video help
conversations with their                                            support parents to explain to
children, to help keep                                              children how they can speak
them safe from sexual                                               out about anything that
abuse. This very special                                            makes them uncomfortable,
book has been designed for                                          and give them the
children aged 5 to 9 years of                                       confidence to do that.
age with vital safeguarding     made possible following a              The new book, written
messages at its heart. It is    crowdfunding campaign               by Rebecca Girlings and
all the more extraordinary      that took place last                illustrated by Fhiona
because our journey to this     year which saw NSPCC                Galloway and Jamie Nash
point has been a real joint     supporters raise £46,440            features the NSPCC’s yellow
effort.                         for the project. I can’t thank      cuddly dinosaur Pantosaurus
  The book was only             enough all those who                who is celebrating his

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5th birthday this year. In
the book, Pantosaurus is
getting a new pair of pants
and Dinodad tells him that
they will give him special
powers. Pantosaurus then
experiences a problem at
school and just as Dinodad
told him, his super pants give
him the power to speak up.
  The book will help children
learn about the PANTS rules,
from P through to S, each
letter of PANTS provides a
simple but valuable rule -
that their private parts are
private, their body belongs
to them, and that they           
should tell an adult they              The PANTS rules: PANTS stands for...
trust if they’re worried or
                                       ● Privates are Private
upset. We’ve actually been
talking PANTS since 2013,              ● Always remember your body belongs to you
to ensure children are
                                       ● No means no
given this vital information,
which is shared using                  ● Talk about secrets that upset you
age-appropriate language
                                       ● Speak up, someone can help
and a catchy music video
by our dinosaur mascot,
Pantosaurus. The video is
available on our YouTube
page and online at
www.nspcc.org.uk As well
as being fun, it has a serious
message to give children
essential information and
confidence. Since Talk
PANTS was launched, the
video has been viewed
more than 2.3 million times,     the new book from selected        NSPCC shop and all profits
sparking more than 1.5           Matalan stores or at Matalan.     from the sale of this book
million conversations. You       co.uk, selected Blakemore         will support the NSPCC’s
can pick up your copy of         Retail SPAR stores or our         vital work. n

                    @family_allabout |       All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 15


         oes nagging,
         stress and arguing          Homework is also a good way to enforce
         seem like an                 self-discipline, time management and
all-too familiar routine          organisation – skills which are learnt and built
when trying to get your          upon when physically practiced, and homework
children to complete                   proves itself as an excellent medium.
homework? It isn’t as
simple as casting a spell,      reinforce information learnt       times for homework to be
or waving a magic wand,         throughout the day and             completed after the school
but getting your children       allows more practice for           day with your child. Do
to complete their               information to lodge itself        not enforce and set a time
homework can be made            firmly in our grey matter.         yourself (although, do set
easier.                         Homework is also a good            an agreed cut-off point!), let
  Although we may class         way to enforce self-               them choose – it allows for
it as a burden especially       discipline, time management        the practice of organisation
when searching the house        and organisation – skills          and time management,
top-to-bottom for an ‘I         which are learnt and built         and also sets a basis of
think I completed it’ piece     upon when physically               independence of which to
of work when in a rush          practiced, and homework            complete homework upon.
to leave, there is a reason     proves itself as an excellent      Allow time for fun and
behind homework – it            medium.                            rewarding activities once
wasn’t intended to cast           Create a homework                homework is completed.
misery upon all in its          routine which children will        A homework routine
wake. It is a great tool to     follow. Discuss possible           will lead into habit once

   16 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |    All About Family |       @family_allabout
work – it’ll only lead to a
                                                                 shouting match! Remind
                                                                 your child of what was
                                                                 agreed and remind them of
                                                                 the good work they have
                                                                 done in the past and what
                                                                 they can do to do better
                                                                 next time. Ask them if they
                                                                 are struggling with any
                                                                 aspects of the homework
                                                                 set – homework highlights
practiced – don’t slip out       assignment!                     what our children are doing
of it! Remove distractions         Encourage your child to       well at, and what they may
from an agreed place to          let you know about their        be doing not so great at, in
complete homework,               progress. No doubt they         and out of the classroom.
such as the kitchen table        will inform you when they       They may need more
or somewhere else quiet          have completed a task to        hands-on help, whether it
and comfortable. Replace         a high standard and have        is from you, or guidance
homework responsibility          received praise for it from     from a teacher on a more
from yourself to your child.     a teacher. This will show       thorough basis. Get to the
It may seem hard, but it is      that homework and their         bottom of the problem,
crucial that your child learns   progress is something you       but never complete the
that the consequences for        are interested in, yet also     homework yourself; give
not completing homework          maintaining a sense of          guidance, as eliminating
are determined by their own      independence. Praise your       your child from their own
actions. This is a conscious     children for completing         learning path can be more
approach for teaching your       tasks, but do not scald poor    damaging than helpful. n
child how to be responsible.
Providing that you are
creating a positive and
structured environment to
complete homework and
a defined plan of action,
homework incomplete is a
child’s responsibility; as are
the consequences! Teachers
are usually unimpressed
with incomplete tasks and
upon seeing their teacher’s
reaction; your child will
most probably complete
their next homework

                    @family_allabout |     All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 17

                e w e d o ing eno                                                        ugh?
Swimmin g – A r

        wimming as we           parents taking them enough            fitness especially in babies,
        all know is a life      and are we teaching them              enabling then to move and
        skill that everyone     properly? Swimming is great           breathe better resulting in
should have, but nearly         for child development.                significant improvement
half of all children              It is a unique sensory              in overall language and
cannot swim the length          experience, which accesses            communication skills. With
of a pool by the time they      all five senses: sight, hearing,      improved coordination
leave primary school.           smell, touch and taste.               children can pick up other
Why is this? Budget cuts?         Swimming even                         activities quicker like riding
Maybe. Fewer swimming           encourages a baby to                  a bike, horse riding or even
pools? Could be? That           meet physical milestones              skateboarding.
doesn’t stop us parents         more quickly e.g. sitting               Research has also found
from taking our children        up, crawling, and walking.            that swimming encourages
swimming ourselves.             As well as being fun,                 a connection between the
  1 in 3 children say           swimming can aide in                  mind and body, stimulating
swimming is their favourite     mobility and cardiovascular           brain development and
family activity but are we as   functions, increasing                 increasing intelligence. I

   18 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |     All About Family |         @family_allabout
should go more myself!
                                  Swimming is great for child development.
   It’s a great way for
improving fitness without
                                   It is a unique sensory experience, which
putting stress on the skeletal      accesses all five senses: sight, hearing,
form as it works the large                    smell, touch and taste.
muscles of the body, honing
in on gross motor skills and     survival skills that will stay   amongst children in the UK,
building coordination.           with children forever. Most      we as parents should be
   In babies, swimming           importantly, swimming            doing our best to give our
has also been accredited         lessons are lots of fun!         children this life skill. You
with improved eating               With drowning now the          never know when they will
and sleeping behaviour           third highest cause of death     need it! n
immediately after a lesson.
   It’s never too early to
start swimming lessons
as swimming from a very
early age encourages a
lifetime of physical activity
and wellbeing, providing an
early introduction into other
sports and activities whilst
also highly benefiting baby
development. A child who
has swimming lessons from
an early age will develop
a lifelong confidence
and enjoyment of water.
Swimming lessons teach
life saving water safety and

                    @family_allabout |     All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 19

 Healthier Family
Eating Habits
for New Year

    t is an annual             and each member can               and making small steps can
    right-of-passage to        support one another. Take         be extremely beneficial.
    make diet related          a look at our (manageable)          Try packing a piece of fruit
resolutions. A new year        New Year’s resolutions            into your child’s lunch box,
marks a time to get rid        which may help guide your         offer your child a handful
of the past and to turn        family to achieving healthier     of blueberries as a snack
over a new leaf – a great      eating habits in 2022.            or maybe serve some extra
excuse for trying to           One more serving of fruit/        vegetables alongside an
incorporate healthier          veg per day                       evening meal. Get creative.
habits into your family’s      According to Diabetes UK,         Prepare healthy meals
lifestyle.                     66% of adults eat three           together
  Sharing a New Year’s         or fewer portions of fruit        Preparing healthy meals
resolution as a family         and/or vegetables a day.          as a family can encourage
can make goals more            Incorporating fresh fruit and     children to be interested
achievable, as there is a      veggies into your family’s        in healthy food – children
common ambition shared         diet is extremely important       are much more likely to

  20 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |     All About Family |      @family_allabout
Eating together can help encourage fussy eaters
                                  to try new foods without bribery and coercion
                                 – seeing other members of the family enjoying
enjoy something which                  their food can be enough persuasion.
they are proud of making
themselves. Preparing meals
together can also encourage     Make changes                   a big difference to everyday
long-term healthier habits.     Making small changes to        health:
  Preparing meals               your family’s diet can make     Swap sugary drinks for
together gives families the                                       water or milk
opportunity to spend quality                                    Swap chips for some
time with one another.                                            vegetables or homemade
Eat together                                                      sweet potato wedges
Eating together can help                                          during your evening meal
encourage fussy eaters                                          Swap unhealthy snacks for
to try new foods without                                          healthy alternatives such
bribery and coercion –                                            as fruit and nuts. We like
seeing other members                                              to swap crisps with celery
of the family enjoying                                            sticks with a tzatziki or
their food can be enough                                          hummus.
persuasion.                                                      These aren’t massive
  Eating together as a family                                  changes, but if we can all do
is a great way of bonding                                      a little to change a child’s
and can allow families to                                      diet then their health will
reflect on each other’s day.                                   improve immeasurably. n

                   @family_allabout |    All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 21

                                     e l o p m e nt
                                 Dev             n
                                  in Childre

         y understanding       hopping, skipping & jumping
         Motor Development     will improve. Improved
         we can help our       Upper body mobility will
children to develop            lead to speed and accuracy
physically to create a solid   of their throwing and
foundation of movement.        catching. Hitting a ball
This will stand them in        with a bat from the floor is
good stead for sport,          possible now, as is kicking a
activity and life in general   large ball.
What is Motor                  Reception
Development?                   By now children will be
According to Wikipedia         walking up the stairs like
“Motor development refers      adults. Running becomes
to the development of a        faster and smother. Hops            is their ability to ride a bike.
child's bones, muscles and     become Skips. They also             Agility is improving, they
ability to move around         have more control when              can move sideways. Now
and manipulate his or her      riding their tricycles              you’ll see your child using
environment.”                  (or bicycles), and can              the swing and see-saw
Through The Years              drive them faster. Most             themselves. They often
Nursery age                    movement will be in one             start jumping rope, skating,
By now children can climb      direction: Forwards.                hitting balls with bats, and
up stairs using a method of    Year 1                              so on. Many children of this
bringing both feet together    By now children are refining        age enjoy learning to play
on each step before            all their skills. Their running     organized activity such as
proceeding to the next step.   speed and accuracy of               football, swimming, karate,
  As their legs strengthen     movement is improving as            gymnastics, or dance.

   22 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |    All About Family |        @family_allabout
Year 2 and beyond
Up to 5 are the formative
years and are so very
important. From now its
continued refining and
honing of those skills
How can we Help?
Here are some helpful                                                            Many children
                                                                                of this age enjoy
principles we can use
                                                                                learning to play
to help our children to                                                        organized activity
develop.                                                                        such as football,
                                                                               swimming, karate,
Keep it varied. Practice
                                                                                 gymnastics, or
makes permanent is a                                                                 dance.
phrase I like to use a lot with
my athletes. That means
if you practice something
well you’ll become good           and on their terms, and         always better and more
at it, equally if you practice    they’ll be happy to do it       beneficial for your child
a move regularly but badly        again another time, time and    and you when it’s fun. Keep
you’ll be moving badly!           time again.                     the game or activity really
This applies to the types         KISS. “Keep it Super Simple”.   simple, add silly tasks, use
of movement too. If you           Whenever you’re explaining      animals or their favourite
practice one movement a           an activity, helping them       characters and only add
lot then you’ll master that       learn a movement or             rules when they hit the later
one movement but to the           advising them on how to         years. Perhaps allow them to
detriment of another. So          correct a movement, it          decide the goal of the game,
keeping activity varied to        is best to be as simple as      keep that goal simple, be
include as many different         possible. Be to the point.      patient and enjoy it. If you’re
focuses as possible will help     Don’t use double negatives,     not enjoying it chances are
your child develop into an        sarcasm, obscure terms and      your child isn’t either.
all round physically capable      check they understand.            In the end your child
little person.                      When giving feed back         will develop according to
Keep it Short. Our children       stick to the focus chosen       both their DNA and their
are sponges for knowledge         and avoid overloading your      environmental stimulus,
and learning. They also have      child with extra information.   so as parents it’s our job to
a short attention span. There     This will only lead to          expose them to as many
is no better way to put a         confusion and a negative        movements as we can, keep
child off doing something by      experience. Stay on task        it fun, simple and to enjoy
making it tedious and long        until it is well practiced      the time we get to spend
winded. They’ll get bored,        before moving to the next       together.
dislike it, and not make any      task.                           Written by Coach George
progress. Keep it short, fun      Have Fun. Learning is           from Crossfit ASG

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                                           All About Family
                                                     Family || www.allabout-family.co.uk    27
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                                    all                           enges of going
 o w p a re nts c a n handle the ch
     ‘back to school’ after a year away due to covid

     know we are half way       toilet often, clinging             and thumb sucking. Being
     through the school         (being unwilling to let an         aware of some of the signs
     year but with new          adult out of sight), anger,        will mean that the parent
variant of Covid about,         crying, whining, aggressive        can respond quicker to any
some children will be           behaviour, stubborn                distress the child may be
feeling the pressure of         behaviour, going back              experiencing.
going back to school            to behaviours from a               Comfort zone VS
after the Christmas             younger age, beginning             stretch zone
break.                          to lie, beginning to bully,        Take some time to notice
Symptoms of stress and          overreacting to minor              your child’s common stress
anxiety in children             problems, skin picking,            factors. Being in tune with
Stress manifests differently    pulling hair out, nail biting,     this can help you spot
within children compared                                           stressful situations early
to adults and so it's useful                                       and reduce the stress more
to become familiar with                                            quickly. School can be
the signs. Symptoms can                                            stressful for children (and
include an upset stomach                                           parents) because there are
or vague stomach pain,                                             lots of new stretches all
other physical symptoms                                            at once. What stretches
with no obvious illness, new                                       do you expect your child
or recurrent bedwetting,                                           to experience? Think
nightmares, using the                                              about places, people, and

   24 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |     All About Family |       @family_allabout
activities. Because your
child will be very stretched
at school, you can help
them to rest and relax by
encouraging them to do
comfort zone activities
when they get home.
Communication is key
The way that you
communicate with your
child is critical for their
own communication skills,
ability to self-express and
the development of the
bond between you. When             Take some time to notice your child’s common
speaking about sources              stress factors. Being in tune with this can help
of challenge, stress, and            you spot stressful situations early and reduce
anxiety you have an                the stress more quickly. School can be stressful
excellent opportunity              for children (and parents) because there are lots
to help your child into                       of new stretches all at once
a confident problem
solver. Active listening,          As children are also          Other activities and
learning to label emotions,      exposed to concerning news      techniques
acknowledging your child’s       stories and conversations       Exercise, laughter, affection,
emotions, encouraging            regarding Covid, it can be      and mindfulness are great
realistic expectations, and      useful to have set questions,   stress-busting tools.
praising progress are all key    responses or statements         Techniques such as body
to enable a helpful adult        ready to discuss with a         scanning (taking time to
response. It is important to     worried child. For example,     notice how each part of
pay attention to the good        sentences reinforcing how       the body is feeling), belly
stuff, whilst also challenging   germs are a normal part         breathing (breathe in through
the worry itself, before         of life and that we can do      their nose and out through
planning on how you can          things to stay healthy are      their mouth, focusing on
move forward. When you           very useful. Showing children   how their belly moves up
are discussing serious           basic hygiene practices         and down), and object
topics with your child, try      before starting school such     focusing (get your child to
to frame it in the positive      as how to wash their hands      sit for a minute or two and
– this means focusing on         and use sanitiser can also      stare at an object – focusing
the good outcome that you        help. This can be made into a   on one thing) can also help
want rather than the bad         fun activity by having a song   children to find their calm.
outcome you are trying to        / rhyme to support good         Written by Youssef Darwich,
avoid.                           hand washing.                   Co-Founder at Hapi Plan

                    @family_allabout |    All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 25

                                                                                        you  ’ll nee
                                                                                       opsicle        d:
                                                                               • PVA           sticks

     ollow these simple instructions to make a fun Christmas                  • Sequ
     tree decoration using lollipop sticks. You can make lots of             • Strin
     different shapes and use lots of bright colours. You can
make them just for fun, or make them into special Christmas
decorations for your family and friends.
                                             By Lauren and Aqulia

                                                                         Step 3: Continue until you
                                                                         have created this star shape
                                 Step 2: Glue another                    using all 5 popsicle sticks
Step 1: Glue two popsicle        stick as shown above
                                                        to begin
                                                                         and leave to dry.
sticks together at one end       to create your star sha
to make a triangle shape.

                                      Step 4: Once dry,
                                      you can decorate
                                      your star with glitter
                                      and sequins (or any-
                                      thing else you like)

 Step 5: Tie a piece of string
 through the top point of
 the star, and hang on your
 Christmas tree, or anywhere
 you’d like to spread some
 Christmas cheer.
                                                                   For more fun crafts follow Aqulia
                                                                   on    @aquilaexplores

   26 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |          All About Family |     @family_allabout
        Parent / Carer Advice

               What is Snapchat?                                       Reasons for concern
              Snapchat is one of the image-based                Abuse and bullying
              social media platforms which is                   As messages disappear shortly after being read,
              incredibly popular with children.           Snapchat has become a popular tool for abuse such as
              One of the key features of Snapchat         online bullying as abusers feel they will not be held to
              is that, by default, messages sent          account for messages posted once they are deleted. This
              through      Snapchat        disappear      is supported by the fact that if somebody takes a
              seconds after they are viewed by the        screenshot of a message posted on Snapchat then the
              recipient. The minimum age to use           person who posted it is informed that this has happened,
              Snapchat is 13 but it is a popular and      making it more uncomfortable for people to take evidence
              widely used platform among                  of abuse they have suffered or witnessed.
              children younger than this.                        The Snap Map
                                                                 The Snap Map allows users to
                                                           see the live location of their friends
            Safety Tips                                    on a map. Cartoon-style avatars are
As with all Internet activity, talk to your child          used to represent people in a move
about how they use Snapchat, the importance of             that was clearly designed to be
not ‘oversharing, and any issues they have faced.          popular with younger users. This
                                                           feature can result in children sharing
The default privacy setting of ‘My Friends’
                                                           their location (including effectively
prevents children from sharing ‘snaps’ with users
                                                           their home address) with individuals.
unknown to them. However, children may change
this setting and make their posts public. Ensure                Addiction-inducing features
your child is aware of the importance of                        Children are naturally more prone to addictive
maintaining strong privacy settings and check the          behaviour than adults. As such, the inclusion of features
settings your child has selected.                          such as ‘Snap Streaks’ (where two users share pictures with
                                                           each other on consecutive days) encourages addictive
In the settings options, ensure your child has
                                                                            behaviour. Snapchat rewards longer
Snapmap set to ‘ghost mode’. This will ensure
                                                                            streaks with special emojis. This can
that nobody can see their current location.
                                                                            result in children increasing their
Ask your child if they know how to report or                                daily usage of the app.
block a user who sends them anything that
upsets them. This can be done by going to the                   Risk of secondary apps
friends list, selecting the person creating the                 Snapchat allows users to link to
issue and then selecting the gear icon.                   secondary apps that can be used inside
                                                          Snapchat. A recent concerning example
Remind your child that although Snapchat                  is YOLO which allows users to offer
automatically deletes images once seen,                   people the opportunity to anonymously
somebody can copy the image and share it with             ask them questions. Such apps have led
others.                                                   to online bullying and hate crime.

                                         Online safety education for school staff, pupils and parents

                                                          © Online Safety Alliance, 2020
                   @family_allabout |             All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 27
What’s                                                             ter where you are in the UK
    on                                    Never miss an event, no mat
                                                  this Summer.. we’ve got you

                                                                                                    Times and events
                                                                                                     may vary, please
                                                                                                    check with venue
                                                                                                    for confirmation

HACKNEY EMPIRE’S                           Christmas. Santa’s arrived early to         BEATRIX POTTER:
JACK AND THE BEANSTALK                     London Zoo to do some research              DRAWN TO NATURE
Co-directed by Clive Rowe                  on what the animals would like for          V&A Museum
and Tony Whittle                           Christmas. But he’ll need your help,        12 Feb 2022 - 8 Jan- 2023
Till 2 Jan 2022                            because with over 20,000 animals            Tickets on sale now
When happy-go-lucky Jack is tempted        there’s far too much for just him and       Realised through a major partnership
into selling his family’s beloved cow      his elves to manage. Head out across        between the V&A and the National
for a fistful of magic beans, he finds     the Zoo gathering information along         Trust, the exhibition will celebrate
himself tangled in an adventure of epic    the way, before reporting back to Mrs       the life and work of one of the
proportions! Join Jack on his journey      Claus in the polar post room, sending       best loved children’s authors of
up an enchanted beanstalk as he tries      off your trail card to Santa and            the 20th century. Using playful
to outwit a rampaging giant, all with      helping to make sure all the animals        staging and immersive design, it will
the help of his larger-than-life mum.      get the perfect present this Christmas!     showcase original watercolours,
Jack and the Beanstalk will get the        www.zsl.org/zsl-london-zoo                  drawings and manuscripts as well as
festive season underway once more,                                                     personal artefacts including letters,
with all the fun, magic, mischievous                                                   photographs, furniture and decorative
mayhem and razzle dazzle that              WIZARDING WORLD
                                           – FANTASTIC BEASTS                          art. It will take visitors of all ages
Hackney audiences love and sadly                                                       on a journey to discover Potter’s
missed last Christmas.                     – THE WONDER OF NATURE
                                           Natural History Museum                      extraordinary and multifaceted life
www.hackneyempire.co.uk                                                                as a natural scientist, farmer and
                                           Now till 3 Jan 2022
                                           Discover where the real world and the       conservationist in the Lake District,
THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE                                                               bringing to light the places, people
FROZEN – THE MUSICAL                       Wizarding World intertwine, and how
                                           the wonders of the natural world have       and animals that inspired some of
On Now till Mid 2022                                                                   Potter’s most beloved characters,
Prepare to fall in love with Disney’s      inspired myths, legends and magical
                                           creatures for generations. Embark on        from Jemima Puddle-duck to
FROZEN all over again, as a brand-                                                     Benjamin Bunny and Peter Rabbit
new theatrical experience arrives in       a journey where not all is as it seems,
                                           where magical beasts and fantastic          and inviting visitors to celebrate her
London’s Theatre Royal Drury Lane.                                                     legacy and impact in both literature
Incredible special effects, stunning       animals share abilities and behaviours
                                           that allow them to dazzle, attract and      and the natural sciences. Supported
costumes and jaw-dropping scenery                                                      by Kathryn Uhde
bring Elsa and Anna’s journey to life      escape. www.nhm.ac.uk
in a whole new way. And with all
the beloved songs from the movie           DOCTOR WHO: TIME FRACTURE
– as well as a few surprises from the      UNIT HQ, MAYFAIR
writers behind Let it Go – you’ll be       2 Jan 2022 - Choice of two entry
transported to Arendelle from the          times 12noon /12.45pm
moment the curtain rises.                  Why not start the year with an
www.lwtheatres.co.uk                       adventure? Doctor Who: Time
                                           Fracture puts fans at the heart of the
LONDON ZOO                                 story, plunged into a journey across
Experience the Magic of Christmas at       space and time. Featuring amazingly
London Zoo this December.                  realistic worlds – audiences will
27 Nov - 3 Jan 2022                        discover that it’s time to step up, be
We've got everything you need for a        the hero and save the universe!
jam-packed fun family day out this         www.immersivedoctorwho.com

    28 | www.allabout-family.co.uk |                  All About Family |             @family_allabout
South East
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST                     The Fairy Godmother and the             THE SMEDS AND THE SMOOS
The Hexagon Reading                      legendary Richard Cadell & Sooty in     Theatre Royal Winchester
4 Dec - 3 Jan 2022                       Mayflower Theatre’s pantomime for       22 - 23 Jan 2022
Come and join us for The Hexagon’s       2021 - Cinderella.                      Based on the book by Julia
spectacular family pantomime, Beauty     www.mayflower.org.uk                    Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
and the Beast with children’s                                                    Soar into space with this exciting
television megastar Justin Fletcher as   CINDERELLA                              adaptation of the award-winning
Billy Pastry alongside Reading’s         New Theatre Royal Portsmouth            book by Julia Donaldson and Axel
favourite Dame - Paul Morse as           15 - 31 Dec                             Scheffler. On a far-off planet, Smeds
Nanny Pastry. Familiar faces also        Join New Theatre Royal and Jordan       and Smoos can’t be friends. So when
return with Karl Loxley as The Beast/    Productions this Christmas for the      a young Smed and Smoo fall in love
Prince and Sarah Giorgina as Beauty      most magical pantomime of them          and zoom off into space together,
along with David J Higgins as Mr         all – Cinderella! Left at home by the   how will their families get them back?
Crust. Rachel Delooze as The             ugliest of sisters, Cinders cannot go   Music, laughs and interplanetary
Entrantress. Ryan Alexander Full as      to the ball. However, with the help     adventures for everyone aged 3
Bear Botemme.                            of her Fairy Godmother and brilliant    and up, from Tall Stories – the
www.whatsonreading.com                   buffoonery from Buttons, the most       company that brought you The
                                         exciting night of her life can begin.   Gruffalo and Room on the Broom live
HOME IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS               www.newtheatreroyal.com                 on stage.
An Oxford Playhouse production                                                   www.theatreroyalwinchester.co.uk
Oxford Playhouse                         SING-A-LONG-A THE GREATEST
9 - 31 Dec                               SHOWMAN                                 RATTON SCHOOL: BUGSY MALONE
Kayla’s mum is away a lot, but Kayla     Theatre Royal Brighton                  Royal Hippodrome Eastbourne
doesn’t mind. She’s got Snowy, her       8 Jan 2022                              26 - 28 JAN 2022
teddy and Grandpa - plus Mum             Sing-a-Long-a Productions,              Ratton’s splurgetastic production of
always sends postcards. But on           producers of Sing-a-Long-a              Bugsy Malone shoots into The Royal
Christmas Eve, Kayla decides to go       Sound of Music and Sing-a-Long-a        Hippodrome Theatre. Let the cast
on her own adventure. Join Kayla and     Grease brings you their newest          transport you to 1920s New York
Snowy as they journey around the         show, the smash hit film musical        – A world of gangsters, speakeasies,
world, making new friends with the       that everyone can’t stop singing        hopes and dreams. Including hit
animals they meet along the way! But     - The Greatest Showman! Look out        numbers such as ‘Fat Sam’s Grand
what about Grandpa left behind? Will     ‘cause here it comes…. The live host    Slam’, ‘My Name is Tallulah’ and
Kayla and Snowy get back home in         will teach everyone a unique set of     ‘Tomorrow’, anybody who is anybody
time for Christmas? Take a starlight     dance moves, show you how to use        is sure to be there!
adventure with amazing puppets           our interactive prop bags, and also     www.royalhippodrome.com
made by theatre company Smoking          get you to practice your cheers, your
Apples. www.oxfordplayhouse.com          boos and even a few wolf whistles.
                                         Fancy dress is strongly encouraged
CINDERELLA                               and full audience participation
Mayflower Theatre Southampton            essential.
10 Dec - 2 Jan 2022                      www.atgtickets.com/venues/
A strictly magical star cast has         theatre-royal-brighton
been announced with Craig
Revel Horwood as The Wicked
Stepmother, Debbie McGee as

                         @family_allabout |           All About Family | www.allabout-family.co.uk | 29
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