Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

Page created by Bobby Juarez
Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate
August 22, 2012

          Claremont Graduate University
Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

Claremont Graduate University
150 E 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711

For further information regarding this document contact:
Ryan LeClaire
Senior Enterprise Sales Executive │ HE

As part of Desire2Learn Incorporated’s family of companies, D2L Ltd., the proposing entity, draws upon the experience, values
and expertise of its parent company and shares this with clients throughout the United States. For consistency and clarity
throughout this proposal, the collective of both Desire2Learn Incorporated and D2L Ltd. is referred to as “Desire2Learn.”
Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University
August 21, 2012
Dr. Carleen Shaffer
Director of Academic Computing
Office of Information Technology
Claremont Graduate University
150 E. Tenth Street, Claremont, CA 91711

Re: D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

Dear CGU Learning Management System Evaluation Committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to present Desire2Learn‘s solution to your university. We are confident
that you will find our Learning Environment to have been designed with higher education teaching and
learning in mind. Our solution is powerful and configurable to meet individual needs, yet we‘ve made it
extremely easy for faculty to use.
Desire2Learn is the LMS of choice at some premier education institutions in California, such as:
•        Long Beach State University (CSU)
•        Ventura County Community College District
•        Pacifica Graduate Institute
•        San Jose State University (CSU)
•        Contra Costa Community College District
With approximately 45% of our staff focused on research and development, we‘ve been able to keep our
LMS nimble – responding to our partner clients‘ needs. That‘s what has kept our clients happy and has
resulted in a 98% client retention rate over our history.
In this document, you will find Desire2Learn‘s responses to your scoring rubric items. We look forward to
further engagement with you around these items, but also welcome further exploration of our solution.
Warm regards,

Ryan LeClaire, M.Ed.
Sr. Enterprise Sales Executive
D2L Ltd.
Tel. 1.888.772.0325 ext. 477

D2L Ltd.                                                                        Toll Free: 1 888.772.0325
715 Saint Paul Street                                                           Telephone: 1 519.772.0325
Baltimore, MD 21202                                                             Fax:       1 519.772.0324
Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

USABILITY ....................................................................................................................................................................1
CAPACITY TO INTEGRATE WITH OTHER SYSTEMS ...............................................................................................7
SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................11
COURSE DESIGN .......................................................................................................................................................20
ASSESSMENT/MONITORING ....................................................................................................................................32
ONLINE COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................................................43
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS .....................................................................................................................................52

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Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

   Expertise required
    Novice users can easily jump in and start using Desire2Learn Learning Suite. The user interface and
    system navigation is designed with three key objectives: accessibility, intuitiveness, and customizability.
    Software functions can be accessed easily through intuitive user interfaces which are aligned with web
    accessibility standards such as ADA 508 and W3C®. Desire2Learn Learning Environment v10.0 is newer,
    fresher, and more modern. We have demonstrated the ability to change and adapt our interface in step
    with the open web.
    Each user sees their unique items according to the level of access they are afforded via permissions. In
    addition, any user with the appropriate assigned permissions associated with their role can change the
    look and feel of the system by editing navigation bar templates, activating and deactivating tools,
    customizing link names, changing site colors, adding graphics and functional widgets, and more. Create
    groups of links that reflect your learning paradigms. Users have the option to group links in dropdown
    menus to simplify and organize the links available.
    Users can even set preferences for viewing the system that the system will remember between logins from
    any computer.

                                                    Sample Course Navigation Bar

    Desire2Learn employs a team of interaction designers and usability experts that work closely with clients
    and industry experts to constantly revise and improve our User Interface standards. Desire2Learn
    usability experts run dozens of tests involving users taking courses, faculty leading courses, and course
    administrators for each release in order to ensure that the Desire2Learn interface is as intuitive and
    visually pleasing as possible. The ultimate goal is to produce an application where the user is focused on
    teaching and learning, and not on the learning application itself.

    Desire2Learn allows you to set up custom portals/homepages for any course or department in the system.
    Modify the navigation bar, page layout, widgets (tools) and colors used on the homepage. The homepage
    can look different for different roles and can be modified based on individual user preferences.
    The homepage management tool allows you to pick from a variety of layouts for widget placement. The
    placement of widgets on homepages in the 960 pixel grid system provides further branding opportunities
    to the left and right of the centered 960 pixel layout.
    Desire2Learn believes an eLearning platform should not dictate CGU‘s approach to teaching and learning.
    It should be tailored to your needs, desired look and feel, philosophy, vision, brand, and pedagogical
    approach at the organization, school, department and course level.

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   1
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
Claremont Graduate University - D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

                                                      Sample Course Homepage

   Time to set up a course
    Desire2Learn provides time-saving course content creation techniques and tools that are designed with
    ease of use in mind. The following tools are available to course designers for content creation:

             Course Builder
             HTML Editor

             SCORM import

             Copy Course Components

    Course Builder
    Course Builder utilizes drag-and-drop course design and setup to organize and manage the development
    of a course, its lessons, and its materials. Its integration with Desire2Learn Learning Environment tools
    allows a seamless experience for creating items and associating them with one another. Build your course
    structure by adding modules and placeholders to the canvas via drag-and-drop in the consolidated view of
    a course provided in Course Builder.
    Whether starting fresh or updating existing courses, Course Builder is an excellent tool for planning and
    organizing course materials. Course Builder also retains the hierarchy and associations between modules,
    placeholders, links, HTML files, discussions, Dropboxes, quizzes, graded items, and learning objectives.
    Course Builder interacts with the following Desire2Learn Learning Environment tools:
             Competencies                                                      Dropbox
             Content                                                           Grades

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   2
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
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D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

         Desire2Learn Learning Repository                                  Manage Files
          (optional product)                                                Quizzes
         Discussions

Another tool Desire2Learn provides for content creation is the Instructional Design Wizard which can be
used to provide a course blueprint on which the Course Builder can build. As course designers progress
through the IDW, it creates a course structure using placeholders in the Course Builder and reviews
instructional design strategies. The Instructional Design Wizard goes through four main stages:
         Defining your course‘s learning objectives.
         Choosing activities that enable you to measure when students accomplish objectives
         Organizing your course‘s grade book to measure students‘ accomplishments
         Providing you an opportunity to review the course‘s design
Your course‘s blueprint is generated for your review based on the input you provide in the steps
mentioned above.

HTML Editor
The HTML Editor is available throughout Desire2Learn Learning Environment integrating with tools that
have HTML content creating capabilities without requiring knowledge of HTML since it can be utilized as
a WYSIWYG editor.
Access the HTML Editor by clicking on any applicable text field, clicking the Edit icon beside a text field,
or some tools such as Content and Widget Management activate the HTML Editor automatically. The
HTML Editor enables course designers to insert multimedia such as Adobe® Flash®, audio files,
YouTube™, Flickr®, links, etc.

SCORM import
SCORM packages can be used and shared in any course. SCORM 1.2 and 1.3 (2004) packages can be
directly imported into Desire2Learn Learning Environment using the Import/Export utility. The SCORM
package includes all the Sharable Content Objects and associated Sharable Content Assets.

Our solution also supports the import of IMS or SCORM-compliant ePacks or course cartridges from most
textbook publishers

Copy Course Components
The copy course components utility enables course designers to copy quizzes, content, grade items,
discussions forums, Dropbox folders, and nearly every other type of component from another course
offering or a course offering‘s parent template. Copying elements saves you from having to recreate course
resources and can significantly reduce the amount of work required to create or reoffer a course. You can
use the copy components features to:
         reuse components created in a previous course offering
         add components created by your peers into your own course offering
         set up standard components inside a course template and copy them into a new offering each time
          a course is reoffered

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D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

    Course designers can select any subset of the course (e.g., content, quizzes, file) to back up by exporting
    them in IMS compliant format. Components are exported to an IMS CP compliant zip file which is a
    standard file format based on the IMS Content Packaging Specification. The following are some of the
    Desire2Learn components that can be exported:
             Checklists                                                        News
             Content                                                           Question libraries
             Course files                                                      Quizzes
             Discussions                                                       Release Conditions
             Dropbox Content                                                   Schedules
             External links                                                    Self-assessments
             Grade books

   Ease of making changes
    Desire2Learn offers several ways in which users can manage their content with the LMS, Desire2Learn
    Learning Environment, and Desire2Learn Learning Repository.
    One element that simplifies the need to make changes is the Content tool, which is native to Desire2Learn
    Learning Environment. The features and functionality of this tool are described below.

    Content Tool
    Within Desire2Learn Learning Environment is the Content tool which is used to organize course
    materials such as syllabi, lecture notes, readings, etc.
    The Content tool enables the creation, editing, organization, and deletion of modules and topics in
    courses. Using the Content tool instructors can:
             Create and edit the modules and topics that make up the course curriculum
             Bring course content in from existing sources and export it for reuse later
             Change the way Desire2Learn Learning Environment displays course content
             Link course topics to existing discussion topics

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   4
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
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D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

                                                            Manage Content

   Amount/type of content
    There are no limitations on the amount or type of content that users can create within the Desire2Learn
    platform. The table below presents some of the more commonly used file types that are supported by
    Desire2Learn Learning Environment:

    File type                Extension

    Web                      ASP, HTM, HTML, XHTML, etc.

    Text                     DOC(X), RTF, PDF, TXT, WPD, etc.

    Data                     CSV, PPT(X), XLS(X), XML, etc.

    Image                    BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, PSD, TIF, etc.

    Audio                    MP3, MPA, RA, WAV, WMA, etc.

    Video                    AVI, FLV, MOV, MP4, MPG, RM, SWF, WMV

    Developer                C, CPP, CS, JAVA, PL, PY, etc.

    Other                    ZIP, RAR, KDW, etc.

    Desire2Learn also features a complete integration with Google Docs. Once submitted to the
    Dropbox, these documents are converted to PDF, and allow other tools like Turnitin® to perform

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   5
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
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    document analysis. Upon submitting these documents, users can no longer edit them. Being able to
    submit these documents to the Dropbox allows customers to use Google‘s office productivity and
    collaboration tools more effectively.

   Other:
    Desire2Learn is dedicated to making our products accessible to all. Desire2Learn's approach to
    accessibility is through both standards adherence and functional accessibility assessment. Our
    accessibility program is well-integrated within our engineering lifecycle. Therefore, you can rest assured
    that the system will evolve in an accessible manner.
    International standards form an important basis for interoperability with
    current and future assistive technologies. The Desire2Learn team designs
    and tests web applications against the World Wide Web Consortium‘s (W3C)
    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2 level AA and Section
    508 1194.22. In the Fall of 2011, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB),
    one of the world's leading advocates for Internet access by blind Americans,
    recertified Desire2Learn with the Gold Level NFB-NVA Certification for its

    Desire2Learn follows accessibility standards development to be able to offer the latest advantages that
    these standards present to our end-users. Examples of standards adherence within the Desire2Learn
    platform include the following:
             For ease of navigation, skip navigation links are included.
             Descriptive alt text is included for all links. This text may be understood out of context. Adherence
              to this standard is mandatory for all Desire2Learn products.
             The system supports grace periods on any time limits as well as ability to allow for special time
              limits for particular users.
             To allow for assistive technology to describe the meaning of form field elements, labels are
              matched to input IDs.
             Table headers and scope are used consistently. Adherence to this requirement is enforced by the
             Descriptive table summaries are provided.
             All frames are properly titled with text to allow for frame navigation and identification.
             Desire2Learn Learning Environment prompts users for alternative text for images.
             The HTML Editor allows designers to markup table headers.
             The HTML Editor is keyboard accessible.
             All system documentation is available in accessible PDF format.
    For more information about Desire2Learn's commitment to accessibility, please visit

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   6
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

   Transfer content (i.e., Sakai)
    Yes, our solution can transfer content from Sakai at no cost. Desire2Learn understands that course
    migration is one of the biggest concerns of an institution selecting a new eLearning system. As such we
    offer a flexible range of conversion options. Exported packages from Sakai that are IMS CP based can be
    imported in isolation or in bulk into designated courses in the Desire2Learn Learning Environment with
    minimal modifications. The main components supported by IMS CP are Course Material (Content),
    Quizzing, Discussions, and Grade items. Support for additional tools to custom Sakai-specific settings
    may be added using a custom Course Package Converter tool, assuming Desire2Learn has an equivalent
    tool or setting.

   Use PeopleSoft information
    Yes, the PeopleSoft Student Information System can be automatically interfaced with Desire2Learn via
    Holding Tank or Web Services. Desire2Learn also supports semi-automatic importing users and courses
    using Bulk User Management and Bulk Course Creation.

    Desire2Learn Holding Tank
    The Desire2Learn Holding Tank is used to automatically import courses, users, and enrollments from
    Student Information System using either a differential or snap-shot based batch integration, or real-time
    transactional integration.
    The Holding Tank is a highly configurable integration tool that enables automated importing and
    updating (creating, editing, and deleting) of course sections, users, and enrollments.
    Additionally, many institutions leverage a Course Mappings Interface to allow administrators to cross-list
    course sections from PeopleSoft. This supports official cross-lists, where students are in the same room at
    the same time but get different degree credits, as well as the cross-lists of convenience that occur in an
    LMS because the same instructor is teaching multiple sections. Section association is maintained in the
    LMS, so instructors don't lose sight of the original student section associations.
    The diagram below demonstrates the batch integration workflow; the real-time workflow is identical
    except Web Services messages are used as the integration point rather than XML files.

    REST Based Web Services
    Desire2Learn also makes available REST based Web Services to allow developers to perform a complete
    integration with PeopleSoft or to supplement one of the other integration methods. This approach is not
    specific to PeopleSoft and offers the highest degree of flexibility to clients that wish to have complete
    control of every portion of the solution. Web Services can perform the following functionalities:

          Create/edit/delete user                    Get user information                     Get roles
          Create/delete enrollments                  Get enrollments

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   7
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

          Create/edit/delete org                      Get org unit information                    Create/delete org unit
           units                                                                                     relationships
          Get org unit relationships

          Create/delete grade items                   Recalculate final grades                    Set specific user grade
          Get specific user grade                     Get all of a user‘s grade                   Get all user‘s grades for a
           values                                       values                                       course
          Get grade values for a user
           in course

    Bulk User Management and Bulk Course Creation
    Using a standard CSV file, Bulk User Management can create, update, and delete users and course
    enrollments. Bulk Course Create can create courses and populate courses with content. The courses and
    content packages are also described with a CSV file.

   Browser requirements
    The Desire2Learn Learning Suite is compatible with Firefox®, Internet Explorer® and Safari® in a fixed
    line web browsing environment. In a wireless environment, our mobile offering Desire2Learn Mobile Web
    supports iOS (i.e. Safari® on iPad®, iPhone®, and iPod touch® devices), Android™ and BlackBerry® web

           Browser                          Status

    Internet Explorer 10       Investigation

    Internet Explorer 9        Supported (recommended)

    Internet Explorer 8        Maintenance

    Firefox (newest)           Supported (recommended)

    Firefox 10.0               Maintenance

    Chrome (newest)            Supported

    Mac OS X
          Browser                        Status

    Safari 5.1              Supported

    Safari 5.0              Maintenance

    Safari 4.0              Maintenance

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective       8
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

Firefox (newest)        Supported (recommended)

Firefox 10.0            Maintenance

Chrome (newest)         Supported

Mobile Web
     Operating System/Browser                     Status

iOS (Newest)                                  Supported

iOS 5 (Safari 5.1)                            Supported

iOS 4 (Safari 5.0)                            Maintenance

iOS 3 (Safari 4)                              Maintenance

Android (Newest)                              Supported

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)              Supported

Android 3.2 (Honeycomb)                       Supported

Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)                     Supported

Android 2.2 (Froyo)                           Supported

Android 2.1 (Eclair)                          Maintenance

Android 1.6 (Donut)                           Maintenance

Android 1.5 (Cupcake)                         Maintenance

Blackberry 6                                  Supported

The above mentioned products and/or services retain their trademarks and copyrights where applicable.
Below are definitions for the level of support provided for web browsers:
         Investigation: The browser is recognized and under consideration by Desire2Learn, but has not
          been tested against any versions of Desire2Learn products and may never be fully supported. This
          category is mainly used for new browsers that have a significant user base, good vendor support,
          and are generally considered as candidates for future Desire2Learn support.
         Supported: The browser and operating system combination has been fully tested by
         Maintenance: The browser is not tested against new versions of Desire2Learn products, but
          customers can still report problems and receive support for previous versions. A browser goes
          into maintenance either when a vendor officially ends support for it or Desire2Learn decides to
          end support for it. A maintenance browser becomes officially unsupported after one year.
         Unsupported (-): The browser is not tested and no fixes are performed for unsupported browsers.
          Desire2Learn does not guarantee any product functionality and offers no support for reported
          problems. Generally, Desire2Learn ends support for a browser one year after the associated
          vendor ends their official support for it.

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   Operating System Notes
    From a client desktop perspective, operating systems are as follows:
                              Required                                          Recommended

    Operating System          Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7                      Windows 7
                              Mac OS X                                          Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion)

    The requirements differ from the perspective of the network operating system for a self-hosted solution.
    For an overview of these requirements, please refer to the Hardware Sizing Guideline, found in the
    supporting documents section.

   Open Source
    As a commercial software provider, Desire2Learn creates a well-structured foundation upon which other
    developers can extend functionality by building applications that seamlessly integrate with our platform
    through our Web Services and open APIs. In certain circumstances, we can also offer source code in an
    escrow agreement and can explore opportunities for joint projects or partner integration.
    Unlike most open source solutions, Desire2Learn provides warranties through its master agreement for
    the functionality of its software and that our professional services team have the appropriate skill set and
    knowledge to fulfill the contract. In addition, our product development group makes up approximately
    45% of the headcount at Desire2Learn; and just like all Desire2Learn employees, these are talented and
    dedicated individuals that wake up each morning thinking about how to help our clients make even better
    use of their LMS investment. In fact, each year we provide ‗free time‘ to our developers, designers, testers
    to encourage them to try new things and invent new ways of further improving our user experience.
    We consistently deliver software feature enhancements annually, which are the result of close client
    collaboration. When building our products, our designers and developers uniformly subscribe to the
    common philosophies of scalability, reliability, usability, accessibility, and extensibility which ensures a
    uniform, pedagogically sound, and secure teaching and learning experience.
    Our QA and Support staff have direct access to developers, architects, and engineers who designed our
    software products and can troubleshoot complex issues. These, among many others, serve as some key
    differentiators of Desire2Learn when compared open source LMS platforms.

   Other:
    Desire2Learn can integrate with a variety of enterprise systems. For more information about common
    integrations and customizations, please refer to our Supporting Documents section.

    © 2012 D2L Ltd. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective   10
    owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized
D2L Ltd. Response to Claremont Graduate University

   Available online/web/tutorials
    Once training has been delivered, we offer a wide variety of orientation tools as well as opportunities for
    learning and collaboration to support your users. These training resources are highlighted briefly below:

    Desire2Learn Help is a one-stop source for Desire2Learn documentation and resources. It can be
    accessed in one of two ways: either through the navigation bar throughout Desire2Learn Learning
    Environment or via the Desire2Learn Community website.

                                        Access Desire2Learn Help from your Navigation Bar

    The Desire2Learn Help search engine aids users to find relevant topics and resources. You can also use
    the index to view an organized list of key terms, concepts, tasks, products, and tools. To view the most
    popular topics or get information on recent updates, you can browse the resource pages and product help
    pages as well as visit the FAQ page to view a list of commonly asked questions and answers. Users can also
    use the Quick Help section on all product pages to get shortcuts to useful topics and information.

    Documentation is offered in downloadable packages that are targeted to three audiences: one for system
    administrators, one for instructors and course designers, and lastly one for students. These packages are
    downloaded from the Desire2Learn Community. All clients access to electronic versions of the latest and
    archived versions of technical documentation, user guides, instructional manuals and learner aids are free
    of charge. Printed copies can also be provided at a nominal per manual fee. Sample documentation is
    listed below for your convenience:

             Desire2Learn Organization Management Environment (DOME) Reference Guide
             Roles and User Security Settings Guide (includes Self-Registration)
             Creating Courses: Options and Approaches (Batch Course Import)
             Desire2Learn Learning Repository (LR) Guide
             Official Supported Browsers/OS List and Support Lifecycle
             Offsite Installation checklist
             Server Requirements
             Win2003 Server Setup

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         Recommended (User) System Settings

         Site Management Guide                       WebDav and                                  Importing a SCO

         Teaching with                               Strategies for Creating                     Learning with
          Desire2Learn                                 Content                                      Desire2Learn: Student
         Using Regular                               Importing a                                 Creating Arithmetic
          Expressions in the                           Respondus® 2.0 Quiz                          Questions
          Quizzing Tool                                into Desire2Learn

The Community site provides users with just-in-time training tips, quick refreshers on how to effectively
use tools, additional resources and learning aids. The Desire2Learn Community of over 6,000 users is a
tremendous resource for training, support, and information on best practices. Clients can share their
knowledge with each other using our discussion boards and build partnerships for collaboration, content
sharing, and pedagogy. The Desire2Learn Community site was created to support all Desire2Learn users
by providing information, training, discussion forums, and other timely and applicable resources. All
clients are invited to participate in our online community where they can access valuable information as
well as interact with each other.

                                            Desire2Learn Community Splash Page

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Desire2Learn hosts an annual User Conference for all clients. The summer of 2012 saw our ninth annual
user conference –FUSION 2012 – in San Diego, California. The plans are underway for FUSION 2012
which will take place from July 16 - 18 in San Diego at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. For more information
on FUSION please visit

There are a variety of Desire2Learn user groups. The following is not a comprehensive list, but
demonstrates some of the groups that we have formed to assist us in determining the direction of our
products and services:
          LISA-B Advisory Board - Client led group made up of Higher Ed clients to provide us direction
           and input
          FUSION Steering Committee - Group to provide us direction and help with our Annual Users
          Accessibility Interest Group - The Desire2Learn Accessibility Interest Group was formed in June
           2006 to collaborate toward making the Learning Management System usable for all. The group is
           a partnership between Desire2Learn usability, creative and technical staff and IT and Disability
           Services staff and end-users from more than a dozen campuses in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.
          Desire2Learn ePortfolio Users Group - Client led group to promote the sharing of knowledge, use
           cases and best practices
          Design Activity Groups
          Desire2Learn Learning Repository Users Group - To promote the sharing of knowledge, uses
           cases and best practices

The Horizon publication offers subscribers a quarterly look at the latest news and events from
Desire2Learn. You can stay up to date as Desire2Learn empowers organizations world-wide to build and
deliver award-winning Desire2Learn Learning Environments. For example, this month‘s issue includes
the following articles:
         10 Reasons Why You Are Going to Love Desire2Learn® Learning Suite 10
         Giddy About Usabil"ity" in Desire2Learn Learning Suite 10
         Get Cooking with Desire2Learn® Learning Suite Recipes
         Leveraging Services to Enable Success with your Corporate Learning Initiative
         Strategic Partnership with Adobe to Provide Easier Management of Online Rooms
         EDGE Challenge Update: Pitch Night Recap
         New to Desire2Learn
         Q2 Conferences
         Q2 Webinars
         Be Our Guest
         Learning Insights Blog
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    Desire2Learn participates in many industry and educational events throughout the year. For more
    information on event participation please visit

    We offer a wide variety of topics targeted to different types of users and different market sectors. An
    example of an upcoming webinar includes:

    For more information please visit

   Response time

     The following information is marked confidential, and is not intended for public release. In the event of
     a public records request, this information is to be redacted to the maximum extent provided by law.
    Since response times are dependent on the level of Support that CGU elects to purchase, and whether or
    not there is an established Service Level Agreement, Desire2Learn cannot offer guarantees in terms of
    response times within this proposal, we can offer insight into how we determine priorities
    The following tables outline how Desire2Learn determines its service level objectives as well as sets
    guidelines for responding to and resolving incidents.

     Severity Levels                                        Scope

     Severity 1 – Emergency

     Desire2Learn application is down or unable to          System is not accessible to any users
     restart the system; critical software problem          Critical tools needed for normal operation are not usable
     with a high impact on day-to-day use.
                                                            Critical data is not accessible
                                                            Data is being lost due to a problem with the D2L application or
                                                            The security of the application is being compromised

     Severity 2 – High

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     Use of the System is significantly impaired,           Servers are up and running, but users are unable to access
     making it very difficult to use in the manner          entire components of the System
     intended                                               Presence of the problem prevents a particular tool or function
                                                            from working and there are no alternatives to achieve the
                                                            desired end result
                                                            A problem that is causing significant impact to portions of the
                                                            System, the client is exposed to an interruption of service. For
                                                            example, a high number of users in a class having difficulty
                                                            posting information in a discussion area, or users cannot access
                                                            a specific course.

     Severity 3 – Moderate

     All major sections are working and, obviously,         Problem is not serious by nature
     the installation is up and running, but there          Overall system has not failed
     seems to be several small issues within some
     sections that make the software difficult to           Unexpected results within routine tool or function
     use, minimal impact on the production server           An issue limited to a small number of users, courses, or
     as a whole.                                            resources

                                                            A fault triggered by uncommon or unlikely user behavior

     Severity 4 – Low (default)

     End user needs instructions, minor issues              No effect on production system
     with little to no impact on the production             Minor questions on usability, informational requests about the
     system as a whole. Informational requests              platform or feature requests
     about the system, feature requests and
     general inquiries are considered low in                Isolated unexpected behavior that cannot be reproduced and
     severity.                                              has little to no impact on the system or the users at large
     All tickets default to “Low Severity” initially.

   Training offered
    Yes, our solution includes training. Desire2Learn‘s training team provides comprehensive instruction for
    individuals who plan to use Desire2Learn Learning Suite. Desire2Learn takes a consultative approach to
    training services and tailors training sessions to meet the client‘s needs.
    Training is typically delivered in one of the following five formats, although custom training delivery
    methods can definitely be tailored to suit CGU‘s specific needs:
       1. Face-to-Face | Many of our clients choose this option. Our trainers deliver hands-on workshops
          onsite at our clients' locations and share best practices on teaching and learning. Training typically
          takes place in a lab setting with each participant working from their own training course.
       2. Virtual | Virtual training conducted by our expert trainers through online web sessions are a cost
          effective alternative to face-to-face training.
       3. Self-Directed | The Self-Directed option is an activity-based online course which includes tutorials
          and a wealth of learning materials and options to support the range of learning preferences and
          pre-dispositions. Access to the course will be available through an individual subscription or an
          institution will be able to offer their faculty an annual subscription.

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   4. Blended | Our clients often require blended training solutions, so we configure their sessions to
      suit their needs through unique combinations of face-to-face, self-directed, virtual and technology-
      based interaction. A typical session may involve intensive onsite training, followed by virtual
      sessions with participants.
   5. Train the Trainer | This model‘s primary goal is to thoroughly familiarize the trainer with the
      software and how it is applicable to the specific audience being trained. The ―train-the-trainer‖
      model can also address recommendations for local training strategies, provide training material for
      local use, and provide a brief review of basic training techniques and logistics issues (e.g. how to
      access the content, how to set up courses for training).
Requirements for training can be one time or repetitive. Options are available for post-implementation
including scheduling of any training paths previously described. Training may be scheduled at any time
after implementation.
Prior to training sessions, trainers collaborate with clients through consultation sessions to determine
training requirements and develop customized workshops that deliver client-specific training. Trainers
become engaged to understand the specific needs of each organization and provide training services based
on best-practices.

Training Programs Offered by Desire2Learn
Desire2Learn has designed its training programs with two main focuses in mind for Desire2Learn
Learning Suite, the focuses and the relevant sessions offered by each focus is described in detail below:

Below is a description of the sessions that are offered as a part of the teaching program:
         Primary Session | Teaching with Desire2Learn: Teaching with Desire2Learn is geared towards
          instructors, instructional designers and any other individuals working with the Desire2Learn
          Learning Environment. Administrators, Service Desk and technical support staff are encouraged
          to attend to gain a better understanding of how courses will be created and managed.
         Optional Focused Session | Building Content in Desire2Learn: This informative session is geared
          towards instructors, instructional designers and any other individuals building content in
          Desire2Learn Learning Environment.
         Optional Focused Session | Online Facilitation: Online facilitation is geared towards instructors
          who will be facilitating collaborative activities within Desire2Learn. This session will explore
          innovative facilitation techniques used in Desire2Learn‘s discussion and chat/canvas tools. It will
          also provide participants with time management tips, best practices and creative collaborative
          activities to use in course offerings.

Likewise, below is a list of sessions offered as a part of the admin and support program:
         Primary Session | System Administration with Desire2Learn: The site administration session is
          geared towards site administrators, Service Desk and technical support staff and other individuals
          who will be involved with the management of the Desire2Learn Learning Suite. Administrators,
          Service Desk and technical support staff are strongly advised to attend this session.
         Optional Focused Session | Desire2Learn Learning Repository: Desire2Learn Learning
          Repository is geared towards instructors, instructional designers and any other individuals
          working with Desire2Learn Learning Repository. Administrators are encouraged to attend to gain
          knowledge on how to create, manage and effectively utilize Desire2Learn Learning Repository.

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             Optional Focused Session | The DOME Session: This informative session is geared towards high-
              level administrators who will be responsible for managing the DOME (Desire2Learn‘s
              Organization Management Environment).

   Time to ramp up
    If CGU ends up selecting our solution, Desire2Learn will work with you to establish clear timelines to map
    out the implementation process. This will include project planning discussions and with an outcome
    articulated in an agreed statement of work.
    Desire2Learn Learning Platform has a number of built-in components and middleware that allow for
    expeditious integration with external enterprise systems. The complexity of implementation deliverables
    (and other project dependencies) will dictate project duration which could span weeks, months, or over a
    Core product installation and initial training are generally first phase deliverables which will occur within
    four to six weeks contingent on successful contracting and resource availability.

   Support for faculty/students
    Yes, our solution includes support for users. We take pride in building lasting relationships with our
    clients and strive to ensure that every possible measure is taken to exceed expectations. Our highly trained
    and friendly team of Service Desk professionals ensures that client inquiries and needs are dealt with in a
    fast and efficient manner. We also apply strategic problem management practices by reviewing our
    client's incidents and identifying areas for improvement.
    When it comes to Support, we offer flexible options that we believe will meet all of CGU‘s requirements.
    CGU will select the level of Support that is appropriate for your needs.
    Within our range of Support services, our data-rich reports show trends of tickets, as well as peak periods
    of service. We also include recommendations on how to maximize efficiency going forward.
    Desire2Learn Support services works for our clients and acts as their voice. The Support Services team
    provides help in escalating issues to Delivery Services, Account Managers, and/or Product Managers
    when required.
    Below is a brief description of the three tiers of Support which we offer:

    1. Standard
             Email, telephone, and web-based support during core hours for a number of named contacts
              (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm in client's time zone)
             Access to 24x7 after hours emergency support service
             Access to a growing knowledge base and FAQs

    2. Premium
             Email, telephone, and web-based support 24x7 for a number of named contacts
             Access to 24x7 after hours emergency support service

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             Access to a growing knowledge base and FAQs
             Available performance reports
             Available periodical reviews of services

    3. Premium Plus
             Priority queuing
             Email, telephone, and web-based support 24x7 for a number of named contacts
             Access to 24x7 after hours emergency support service
             Access to a growing knowledge base and FAQs
             Support for all end-users
             Available performance reports
             Available periodical reviews of services
             Available Service Desk branding

                                  "Truly, you guys are the best. I don't know if you just hire the most customer-
                                  oriented people at the support desk, or whether you train them to be so... but I,
                                  for one, am very grateful for the responsiveness and follow-up that your
                                  Support people provide."
                                                                                                            Sharon McCarragher
                                                                      eLearning Specialist | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

    For more information, please visit

   Research and development
    We interpret this question as your interest in Desire2Learn‘s Research and Development.
      The following information is marked confidential, and is not intended for public release. In the event of a
          public records request, this information is to be redacted to the maximum extent provided by law.
    Aside from its own practices, Desire2Learn relies on its users for assistance in research and development.
    Rather than try to predict how users will apply the new technologies, Desire2Learn focuses on listening to
    its users. The Desire2Learn Community (user website for knowledge sharing and forum discussions that
    is available at no additional charge to CGU) of over 6,000 users is a tremendous resource providing a
    forum for clients to access valuable information, as well as interact with us and with each other.
    In addition to being a forum for providing feedback, the Community site also offers training, support and
    best practices information. Desire2Learn clients from all over the globe share their knowledge and build
    partnerships for collaboration, content sharing and pedagogy. The Desire2Learn Community site has
    been created to support all Desire2Learn users by providing information, training, discussion forums and
    much more.
    Our philosophy is to encourage client participation in our development through a community source
    model. We provide all updates to our software at no additional cost to ensure that all our users have the
    latest technology available. The benefit to this model is that more new ideas are generated by our users
    with each release of software updates.
    We look forward to building a special relationship with CGU for collaboration on current and future R&D

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projects (and potentially other relationships). We are very proud that our history of partnering with our
clients in product development efforts is one of many key differentiators that sets Desire2Learn apart
from our competition.

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   Template
    CGU has the ability to develop, edit and share course templates and have changes reflected through all
    associated courses. Course templates form the basis of course development; all courses require a
    template. This way, from one template, CGU can develop hundreds of courses.
    Course templates allow you to configure, store and reuse components and settings of a course, such as
    quizzes, Dropbox folders, surveys, etc., and then use the components in individual course offerings. For
    example, if you teach the same course every Fall and Winter, it makes sense to create course components
    that you use every time you teach the course in a template.
    When you use a template to store components, it allows you to customize individual course offerings
    based on class interest or current events, without worrying about affecting the configuration of future
    offerings of the same course since changes you make in an individual course offering don't affect the
    template. If you like a change you make in an individual course offering you can copy the component into
    the template so it can be used in future course offerings.

                                               Create and manage templates with ease

    Course designers may store almost any component that can be added to a course offering inside a course
    template so that it may be reused for multiple offerings of the same course.
    The following components may be created, modified and stored inside a course template:
             Checklists                      Competencies                       Content                        Course files
             Discussions                     Dropbox                            External Links                 FAQs

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             Glossary                        Grades                             Groups                         Homepages
             Navigation bars                 News                               Question                       Quizzes
             Registration                    Rubrics                            Schedule                       Self-
              forms                                                                                                assessments
             Surveys                         Widgets                            Tool display names

   Multimedia
    Yes, our solution enables the inclusion of multimedia through the use of the HTML Editor and the Insert
    Stuff feature.

    HTML Editor
    Desire2Learn Learning Environment can accommodate a full range of content via the HTML Editor. The
    HTML Editor integrates with all Desire2Learn Learning Environment tools that enable you to create
    HTML content. Using the HTML Editor, users can edit discussions topics, create custom instructions for
    Dropbox folders, or create Desire2Leearn ePortfolio artifacts, to name a few examples.

    Rich text can be integrated into Desire2Learn Learning Environment from the HTML Editor. The option
    to turn off the rich text editor is provided in Account Settings.
    The screenshot below is an example of rich text that was created using the features and functionality of
    the HTML Editor:

                                    Rich text inserted into learning objects with the HTML Editor

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    Insert Stuff™
    Media files (such as Flash objects, video, audio, etc.) can be integrated into Desire2Learn Learning
    Environment with ease using the Desire2Learn® Insert Stuff™ feature that is available in the HTML
    Editor. Additionally, the Insert Stuff™ button has oEmbed support—an open format designed to allow
    embedding content from a website into another page—for Flickr, YouTube, and Vimeo items. Depending
    upon your needs, you can upload and insert a media file in the following ways:
             Upload a media file from your computer.
             Insert a media file from within your current organizational unit (e.g. course or department) file
             Insert a media file from within your current organization file path.
             Insert a media file from within your shared files root path.
             Search for videos on YouTube, as well as pictures on Flickr.
             Insert a media file from Desire2Learn Learning Repository.

    The YouTube option lets you search for video straight from the Insert Stuff™ feature. When you search for
    a subject, the top 20 results will be displayed for you in the same search window. Furthermore, users can
    play the YouTube video in the small thumbnail display to make sure that this is the video they are looking

    The Flickr search functions in the same way as YouTube. Users are able to search for "Everyone's Images"
    or choose to search "The Commons", which are items that have no known copyright restrictions. You can
    see the Creative Commons licensing icons in the Flickr search results.

    The Kaltura Insert Stuff plugin enables clients to search their Kaltura media management solution, select,
    preview, and embed audio/video resources into their HTML content. An appropriate video player is
    automatically embedded to ensure support for video playback on all Desire2Learn supported browsers
    and mobile platforms.
    With Desire2Learn Digital Media Services and an appropriate Kaltura media management solution, CGU
    can leverage the Kaltura Insert Stuff functionality.

    In addition to the new integrations, the Insert Stuff™ feature supports directly adding items from
    Desire2Learn Learning Repository. Search Desire2Learn Learning Repository and Insert images or links
    into your HTML page.

   Instructional design tools
    Yes, our solution includes instructional design tools. These are the Instructional Design Wizard and the
    Course Builder.

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Instructional Design Wizard
By leveraging an instructional design framework and building on competencies and other system tools,
the Instructional Design Wizard (IDW) walks users through the creation of pedagogically-sound courses
containing a variety of learning experiences focused on appropriate learning levels.

 The following information is marked confidential, and is not intended for public release. In the event of
  a public records request, this information is to be redacted to the maximum extent provided by law.

 It promotes an effective course
 structure, and ensures the alignment
 of content and assessment with
 instructional strategies and course
 Instructional Design Wizard allows
 organizations to save time and
 increase the quality of courses by
 simplifying and streamlining the
 course development process over an
 instructional design framework. It
 structures the Analysis and Design
 Section of the ADDIE model providing
 a sound blueprint on which to build
 your course.
 The ADDIE model is the generic
 process traditionally used by
 instructional designers and training
 developers. The five phases—
 Analysis, Design, Development,
 Implementation, and Evaluation—
 represent a dynamic, flexible
 guideline for building effective
 training and performance support
 By building on competencies and
 other system tools, IDW walks users
 through the creation of
 pedagogically-sound courses
 organized by modules containing a
 variety of learning experiences
 focused on appropriate learning

                                                             Let IDW take you through sound design of your courses

It promotes an effective course structure, and ensures the alignment of assessment and instructional
strategies with course objectives classified using Bloom‘s Taxonomy. It leverages the Desire2Learn
Competencies tool, and the range of assessment and content delivery tools in Desire2Learn Learning
Environment to power its steps and outputs.
The Instructional Design Wizard is useful for new course development by individuals or teams, and also
for redesigning courses to incorporate an analysis and design process.

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