Page created by Eddie Hernandez






    Verbum Novum!
    „Verbum Novum“ is Latin and it means „the          The full immersion programs (Learning &
    new word“or „the new expression“. This al-         Living at Teacher´s Home) are offered both for     OUR LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN MAINZ
    ready reveals our activity and intention: we       adults and juniors in different cities of Germa-   IS AN AUTHORIZED TELC (THE EU-
    offer German Courses in Germany for juniors,       ny and considerably increase the opportunity       ROPEAN LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE)
    adults and families from all over the world. The   for learning German faster and more effective      EXAMINATION CENTER. YOU CAN
    German language schools in Mainz, Augsburg,        in its natural environment. Apart from German      PASS THE TELC DEUTSCH A1, A2,
    Munich, Nuremberg and Berlin are located in        Courses, we offer also academic services as        B1, B2, C1 HOCHSCHULE EXAMS
    the cities, where our students can both enjoy      university placement assistance. This service      IN OUR SCHOOL IN MAINZ!
    the language training and discover Germany         can be very interesting for course participants
    by visiting its nice historical places. This is    willing to study at a German University.
    also important for developing a feeling for the
    language. To get acquainted with a culture, tra-   As the language schools are located in uni-
    ditions and mentality of the people makes the      versity cities, the crossover from the course
    learning much easier. In all-day situations the    patricipant to the university student in the
    students learn new expressions and practice        city already familiar builds a bridge between
    new words learned during the classes. The          two stages and makes the way much easier.
    excursions and free activities in summer pro-
    grams help to extend the vocabulary; especi-
    ally our vacational programs both for juniors      NEW in 2021!
    and adults allow them to combine the useful
    and the pleasant! Experience the summer pro-       German Courses for doctors in Mainz: Medi-
    grams for adults and juniors, for ex.: summer      cal German B2/C1 and preparation course for
    and winter camps in Mainz/Wiesbaden, Berlin        medical language exam at the medical cham-
    Augsburg and Munich and the summer cour-           ber!
    ses for adults in Berlin! But also year-round
    schools in Mainz, Nuremberg and Munich can         So please enjoy leafing through our catalogue
    organize the excursions for students.              and get acquainted with our programs.

                                                             WE HOPE TO WELCOME YOU SOON AS
                                                                 OUR STUDENT IN GERMANY!
TABLE OF CONTENT                                                            3

                               TABLE OF

                               TYPICALLY GERMAN                        4
                               GERMAN COURSES
                               AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                 4

                               MAINZ – WIESBADEN                       6
                               Language School Mainz                    7
                               German Courses and Programs              8

                               LANGUAGE SCHOOL MUNICH                  10
                               German Courses and Programs

                               LANGUAGE SCHOOL NUREMBERG               12
                               German Courses and Programs             13

                               LANGUAGE SCHOOL BERLIN                  14
                               Summer Program for adults               15

                               GERMAN COURSES
                               AND PROGRAMS FOR JUNIORS
                               Winter Camp in Berlin-Wannsee           16
                               Summer Camp in Mainz-Wiesbaden          18
                               Summer Camp in Berlin                   20
                               Summer Camp in Munich                   22
                               Summer Camp in Augsburg                 24

                               FULL IMMERSION PROGRAM                  26
                               Living and Learning at teacher´s home

                               FAMILY LANGUAGE PROGRAMS                27
                               GROUP TOURS                             28

                               ACADEMIC SERVICES AND PROGRAMS          29
                               Language Levels and University
                               Admission Qualification                 29
                               Studienkolleg Placement Assistance      30
                               University Placement Assistance         31

                               PROGRAMS OVERVIEW                       32

                               BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS            33
                               REGISTRATION FORM                       35
                               CONTACT INFORMATION                     36
4   T YPICALLY GERMAN                                                                                                               T YPICALLY     GERMAN

    Germany has many attractions and offers the Neuschwanstein Castle, Roman Mainz To build a true image of Germany, you should
    more than beer, cuckoo clocks and the Neu- and Cologne on the Father Rhine River, Hei- come and see it by yourself, because seeing
    schwanstein Castle.                        delberg etc.                                is believing!

    Many people abroad associate Germany with                 German efficiency and reliability is highly ARE THE GERMANS SUPERSTITIOUS?
    big cars, sauerkraut, beer andalso with clas-             appreciated all over the world. It is said that Black cats, chimney sweepers, lucky pigs....
    sic music, poets and thinkers like Goethe and             Germans are reliable and punctual, but also the faith in lucky charms and the fatal har-
    Schiller. Besides, keywords like „The Second              friendly and helpful.                           binger are becoming ever more popular in
    War“, „The Berlin Wall“ cross the mind of                                                                 Germany. Every other German believes in
    the foreigners, when they think about Germa-              Germans have a specially passion for foot- the positive effect of a four-leaf clover. One
    ny. The label „Made in Germany“ stands for                ball too, 2006 gave them a special bonus of in four Germans associates the number
    high quality and reliability. Germany enjoys              sympathy. German films attract world-wide 13 with bad luck. Here are some examples for
    a good reputation worldwide. The favourite                attention.                                      typical German lucky charms, have you heard
    travel destinations of tourists are Munich and                                                            of them before?

    „Falsche Freunde“ is one pair or one word in              the mother language, but differs in meaning.           ning in English and German. These words are
    a foreign language, which is similar in pronun-           Below, you can find some words which are the           very often mixed up. It should help you to un-
    ciation and writing with a pair or a word in              same in pronunciation and different in mea-            derstand the Germans better.

       GERMAN WORD ENGLISH WORD ENGLISH TRANSLATION                                            GERMAN TRANSLATION
       		FOR GERMAN WORD                                                                       FOR ENGLISH WORD

       aktuell                  actual                   topical, current                      wirklich, tatsächlich
       arm                      arm                      poor                                  der Arm
       Art                      art                      way, sort, kind                       Kunst
       (Sitz-)Bank              bank                     bench                                 Bank (Geldinstitut)
       City                     city                     centre, center                        Großstadt
       Dessert                  desert                   dessert                               Wüste
       fast                     fast                     almost                                schnell
       Gift                     gift                     poison                                Geschenk
       Handy                    handy                    mobile phone, cellphone               griffbereit, brauchbar, praktisch, nützlich
       Hochschule               high-school              college, university                   weiterführende Bildungseinrichtung, (Sekundarstufe)
       Marmelade                marmalade                jam                                   spezielle Marmelade (Zitrusfrüchte)
       Pension (Hotel)          pension                  guest house                           Rente

    If you discoaver some german words, which are false friends comparing with your mother language, please let us
    know about it. It would be very interesting for us!

                                                                              LUCKY PENNY
                                                                              The lucky penny or the Glückspfennig, as it is
                                                                              called in German, is the symbol of richness. Gi-
                                                                              ving it away – physically, as well as symbolical-
TYPICAL GERMAN LUCKY CHARMS                                                   ly, means you wish that this person will never
                                                                                      run out of money. The historical back-
                                                                                           ground: the lucky penny is seen
LUCKY PIG                                                                                    as a small disbursement of the
Already for the Germanic peoples, the boar                                                     golden Thaler, which you must
was a holy animal. A pig is therefore the sign                                                 always have with you. It is sup-
of wealth and richness, as it was always seen                                                   posed to bring good luck and
as a symbol of fertility and power. Besides,                                                   to protect its owners from evil.
the Greeks and the Romans believed those
people as privileged, if they had many pigs,
so ...much nutrition. It is very popular to give
away marzipan pigs, especially for New Ye-
ar´s Eve. In the middle ages a pig was always
a consolation gift. You may hear the German
saying „Schwein haben“, it means „one is lu-

                                                                   FOUR-LEAF CLOVER
                                                                     As four-leaf clovers are very rare in the nature, you
                                                                        need to have a little bit of luck, to find one. It is im-
                                                                         portant that four-leaf clovers had been found by
                                                                         pure chance. During travels it should protect the
                                                                        traveler from evil. There is a biblical connotation to
                                 HORSE SHOE                            it: Eve Bible has taken the four-leaf clover in memory
                                 As a horse was always a             of the paradise. So if you happen to be the holder of a
                                 symbol of strength and           four-leaf clover, you can consider yourself the holder of a
                                power, but also a noble and      small part of paradise.
                               precious animal, the hor-
                           se shoe, which protected the
                        animal, was also seen as a lucky
               charm. As shoeing a horse was found by the
Romans, the horse shoe in all nations became a symbol
of lucky charm, because it also protected the precious ani-                   CHIMNEY SWEEPER
mal. Especially for farmers it was said to bring much luck,                   In the past it was a disaster for a household, if
to find a horse shoe.                                                           the chimney was plugged up or drew badly,
                                                                                   as it was impossible to make a meal and it
In the past the horse shoe was clamped on ships, to assure                          was cold. In this case the only salvation
a save voyage. If you clamp it on the door, it shall protect                         was a chimney sweeper. With him, the
your home from evil, especially in the position similar to the                        luck returned back home. Nowadays it
letter „C“ as in „Christ“.                                                           shall bring luck, if you touch the golden
                                                                                     button on his jacket.
6                                                                                    COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                     MAINZ

     Mainz is the capital of the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate
     (Rheinland–Pfalz) and in the same time the biggest city in the
     state with about 200.000 inhabitants. Mainz is located across
     from Wiesbaden on the river Rhine, which is lovely named by the
     Germans “Father Rhine”. Mainz and Wiesbaden – two capitals
     of two federals states – Mainz of Rhineland-Palatine and Wiesba-         CITY AND SIGHTSEEING WIESBADEN
     den of Hessen – are divided only by the Theodor-Heuss bridge;
     in the western part of the Mainz is situated Frankfurt and builds        Wiesbaden is the capital of the federal state of Hesse, and with its
     Rhine-Main Region. Mainz is a city with over two thousand years          15 thermal mineral springs one of the oldest spas in Europe. Others
     of history.                                                              refer to Wiesbaden as the Nice of the North, with many majestic
                                                                              villas. For e.g. in the Villa Clementine, the film „The Buddenbrooks“
     The first European books printed using movable type were ma-             was filmed in 1882.
     nufactured in Mainz by Jonannes Gutenberg in the early 1450s.
     Not in vain Mainz is named the city of Media. The “Old Town” in          In the second-largest city nearly 287,000 people live. Wiesbaden
     Mainz with the half-timbered houses is the historical part of city       forms together with the Rhineland-Palatinate state capital Mainz
     with its famous sightseeing as Cathedral of St. Martin (Mainzer          a transnational double center. The Wiesbaden city was destroyed
     Dom), which is over 1.000 years old, the Churches of St. Augus-          during the Second World War, far less than other cities.
     tin (Augustinerkirche) in Rococo Style, St. Stephan Church with
     Mystic light of Chagall, Christ Church and many other churches.          Wiesbaden is famous among others for its many salt-rich thermal
     About 35.000 students are enrolled in the Johannes Gutenberg             sources, which are used for various cures. Daily 2 million liters of
     University in Mainz.                                                     hot water gushing from the Wiesbaden-based mineral springs in
                                                                              part from 2000 m depth. The Brunnenkolonnade is with its 129
     As Mainz is a city of Media, there is a close connection between the     meters the longest columned hall in Europe.
     faculty of journalism and the TV broadcast ZDF in Mainz. But also
     life beside the studies is very diversified: disco- and night clubs as   The millions of tourists visit Wiesbaden. In the past century such
     „50°“ and „Euro Palace“ are the nice places to be and the best           celebrities as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fyodor Dostoevsky,
     choice in the area. The terraces and the Rhine-beach are nice op-        Richard Wagner, Johannes Brahms and Alexej von Jawlensky,
     portunities to relax. The summer festival like „Open-Ohr-Festival“       because the sources and the Casino have made in Wiesbaden a
     with known bands and singers takes place here and gather people          stop. Moreover, Elvis Presley have learned his future wife Priscilla
     from Mainz, Wiesbaden and other surrounding cities every year.           in Wiesbaden.
MAINZ          COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                                                                        7

Verbum Novum Language School in Mainz is
a specialized German Language School and is
only focused on teaching German as a foreign
language. We are an official TELC examinati-
on center in Mainz. All students can pass the
TELC exams and get the certificates for A1,
A2, B1, B2, C1 Level directly in our school.

Verbum Novum language school in Mainz has
nice and bright class-rooms, which builds a
perfect atmosphere for German learning. Our
teachers are qualified in teaching German as       GERMAN COURSES
a Foreign Language and are passionate about        Verbum Novum School in Mainz offers follo- to advanced level. On the first school day you
their profession. They hold the lessons creati-    wing german courses for all levels from abso- will pass the placement test, in order you can
vely, which keeps you enthusiastic about lear-     lute beginners to advanced learners:           be placed in the group of the appropriate level.
ning German at Verbum Novum and help the                                                          Our groups have max. 12 students per class.
students to get over the language barrier.         • German Intensive Courses from A1 to C2      The german course can be booked with or wi-
                                                      Levels                                      thout an accommodation.
Our language school in Mainz/Wiesbaden is          • German Evening Courses
situated close to main station and the city cen-   • German for Doctors (C1.1 + Medical German) TELC EXAMS IN MAINZ
ter with the nice historical places. The school    • Individual Courses                           In Mainz there is a possibility to get an official
can be easily reached by the public transport      • Exam Preparation Courses for Studienkolleg, telc language certificate for any level from A1
(bus or tram) from different city districts and       TELC                                        to C1 Hochschule. Also 2 weeks prior to exam
near cities.                                       • Preparation Course for medical language     date we offer exam preparation courses, which
                                                      exam for doctors                            help our students to get familiar to the exam
All students, who attend german courses in         • Live Online-lessons                          formats and skills, which will be under exami-
Mainz have the advantage of having the op-                                                        nation. The dates for each exam can be found
portunity to visit at least two cities Mainz and   The German courses can be started as a rule on our website: www.verbumnovum.de
Wiesbaden, situated of parallel sides of Rhine     each Monday, except total beginners. The Ger-
River. Also Frankfurt and Darmstadt are about      man courses are scheduled for the learners
30 min. away from Mainz.                           with any language level - from total beginners

8                                                                                         COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                      MAINZ


    The German intensive course with 20 lessons
    per week for levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 is
    perfect for those, who would like to combine
    the learning of the language with the learning
    of the German culture.

    The intensive course contains the training of
    such skills as speaking, writing, reading and     EXAM PREPARATION
    listening comprehension. Our teachers pre-        COURSES                                             GERMAN FOR DOCTORS
    pare the different topics for discussion accor-
    ding to the language level, which encourage       TELC – EXAMS PREPARATION COURSES                    The intensive german course for doctors are
    students to take an active part in the lessons    German language school in Mainz is a authori-       aimed to foreigh doctors, who wish to practice
    and help them to get over the language barri-     zed TELC examination center. The students can       theis profession in Germany, especially in Rhi-
    er. The students learn not only the grammar       pass different language tests in our school in      neland-Palatinate. As a requirement for the par-
    structure and the sentence constructions, but     Mainz, for ex. TELC C1 Hochschule – for uni-        ticipation at the course is german knowledge at
    also some interesting facts about the country     versity admission, TELC A1, A2, B1, B2. The         level B2. The total duration of the course is 9
    and people.                                       exam registration must be done at least 30 days     weeks, including 20 lessons per week.
                                                      before the exam date. The TELC exams consist
    Duration of each level in the intensive course:   on written and oral parts. The TELC Exam Pre-       German for Doctors consists of the General
    A1 – 5 weeks – 100 lessons                        paration courses last from 1 to 2 weeks and         German on the level C1.1., which lasts 4 weeks
    A2 – 5 weeks – 100 lessons                        contains 10 or 12 lessons per week.                 and in which you can learn appropriate gram-
    B1 – 6 weeks – 120 lessons                                                                            mar, vocabulary, which will be needed to write
    B2 – 8 weeks – 160 lessons                                                                            the essays for doctors, speak grammatically
    C1 – 9 weeks – 180 lessons                                                                            correct etc.
    C2 – 10 weeks – 200 lessons
                                                      STUDIENKOLLEG ADMISSION EXAM                          The second part of the course is a Medical
    The starting dates for each level can be found    PREPARATION COURSE                                    German Course, which lasts 5 weeks and de-
    on our website: www.verbumnovum.de                The students, whose school leaving certificate is dicated to the professional language, everyday
                                                      not equal to the German Abitur or the students, situations in the hospital, official letters etc.
    EVENING GERMAN COURSE IN                          who have not got the direct admission to studies,
    MINI-GROUPS                                       have to study for one year at Studienkolleg (study Afterwards we recommend the participation
    For those, who do not have time to attend the     preparatory college). To get the admission for it, into the preparation course for medical langu-
    intensive courses in the morning or afternoon,    you have to pass the entrance exam. The required age exam at the Medical Chamber in Mainz.
    we offer also evening courses with 4 lessons      German language level is B2. We offer the prepa-
    per week, 2 lessons per evening. The German       ration courses for this exam, which train you all the PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE
    Courses in the evening contains the training of   skills, which will be under examination. The course DOCTOR´S LANGUAGE EXAMINATION
    such skills as speaking, writing, reading and     is offered two times per year. The course contains (FSP) AT THE MEDICAL CHAMBER
    listening comprehension. The evening courses      12 lessons per week and lasts 4 weeks.                The Language school Verbum Novum offers
    are offered for levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and                                                           special exam preparation courses for exami-
    C2 and last a bit longer than intensive cour-     DSH EXAM PREPARATION COURSE                           nations in front of the medical associations, in
    ses.                                              DSH means „Deutsche Sprachprüfung für which the course participants are familiarized
                                                      den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studi- with the format of the specialized language
    Duration of each level in evening course:         enbewerber“ (German language university exam and are specifically prepared for this
    A1 – 12 weeks – 48 lessons                        entrance exam for foreign students). This exam.
    A2 – 12 weeks – 48 lessons                        exam is mandatory for foreign students, who
    B1 – 16 weeks – 64 lessons                        intend to study at German University. The These preparatory courses are aimed at for-
    B2 – 20 weeks – 80 lessons                        DSH-Exam Preparation Course lasts 4 weeks eign doctors who wish to practice this profes-
    C1 – 20 weeks – 80 lessons                        and is offered two times per year (before win- sion in Germany and have to take a special
    C2 – 20 weeks – 80 lessons                        ter and summer term). The course contains language examination in front of the medical
                                                      12 lessons per week. Our teachers prepare associations for their approval (for example in
                                                      you intensively for the exam. In this course Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, etc.).
                                                      the participants will be trained the skills,
                                                      which will be under examination. The cour- The course contains of 20 lessons a 45 Min.
                                                      se is recommended for the students with the per week and lasts 3 weeks.
                                                      level C1/C2.
MAINZ           COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                                                                                                           9

HOST FAMILY                                            PACKAGE PRICES ADULTS 2021
Our selected host families are very friendly and       MAINZ
are eager to become acquainted with students
from the other country and culture. They are            INTENSIVE COURSE +ACCOMMODATION
glad to show you the everyday life of a German          SEASONAL SURCHARGE 25 EUR/WEEK 13.06.2021 - 14.08.2021
family, but also to learn something interesting                                                          2 WEEKS             3 WEEKS           4 WEEKS           ADD. WEEK         EXTRA
from you and your country. This accommodati-                                                                                                                                       DAY
on option is a good choice for those, who want          Host Family Single Room, No Board                690 €               1.020 €           1.320 €           300 €             35 €
to have a home feeling being abroad and to be           Host Family Double Room, No Board                650 €               960 €             1.240 €           290 €             30 €
a german family´s member for a while.                   Host Family Single, Room Breakfast               790 €               1.155 €           1.480 €           340 €             40 €
                                                        Host Family Double Room, Breakfast               750 €               1.080 €           1.360 €           310 €             35 €
Some families live in the flat and some of them
                                                        Shared Apartment Single Room, No Board           600 €               900 €             1.150 €           250 €             35 €
live in the house in Mainz-Wiesbaden area and
                                                        Shared Apartment Double Room, No Board           550 €               800 €             1.000 €           200 €             30 €
can be quickly reached by the public trans-
                                                        Apartment Single Room, No Board                  950 €               1.420 €           1.850 €           450 €             55 €
port. There is a possibility to book a single and
double room with no board, breakfast or half-           Apartment Double Room, No Board                  890 €               1.300 €           1.650 €           400 €             45 €
                                                       * Double Rooms in apartments are available for 2 students travelling together. At extra-nights the course is not incl.
board (breakfast and dinner).
                                                        Airport Transfer                            60 € one way      120 € both ways
                                                        (Frankfurt Intern. Airport FRA)
If you need more privacy and want to live on
your own, you can choose the student apart-             EXAM PREPARATION COURSES
ments. In some apartments you can have a                 COURSE TYPE                                                 1 WEEK            2 WEEKS           3 WEEKS           4 WEEKS
small kitchenette, where you can cook by your-           telc Deutsch A1, telc Deutsch A2 (10 lessons per week) 120 €
self. All the rooms are fresh renovated and              telc Deutsch B1 (12 lessons per week)                       130 €             220 €
modern. Here you can feel the hotel flair, as            telc Deutsch B2 (12 lessons per week)                       130 €             220 €
all the rooms are en-suite. There is also a Wi-Fi
                                                         telc C1 Hochschule (12 lessons per week)                    140 €             250 €
connection in the house.
                                                         Studienkolleg Preparation (12 lessons per week)             120 €             220 €             320 €             395 €

The apartments can be easily reached by bus              Mathematics for Studienkolleg admission test                75 €              140 €             210 €             260 €
                                                         (4 lessons per week)
and it is not far from the school and the city
                                                         Medical Language Exam Preparation Course for doc-           280 €             550 €             775 €
center. The apartment house is situated in the           tors, dentists and pharmacists (20 lessons per week)
quiet city district of Mainz, but still not far from
the center.
                                                        LEVEL PRICES / INTENSIVE COURSE PLAN FOR EACH LEVEL
SHARED APARTMENT                                        School Holidays: 20.12.2021- 02.01.2022
If you are a student in Mainz, you have for sure         LEVEL                                                   DURATION               COURSE FEE                COURSE TYPE
heard the word “WG”, which means in Ger-                 A1 Level (A1.1. + A1.2.)                                5 weeks                550 €                     20 lessons per week
man “Wohngemeinschaft” (engl. Shared living              A2 Level (A2.1. + A2.2.)                                5 weeks                550 €                     20 lessons per week
community, or shared apartment). For course              B1 Level (B1.1. + B1.2.)                                6 weeks                670 €                     20 lessons per week
participants, who wants to have student atmo-
                                                         B2 Level (B2.1. + B2.2.)                                8 weeks                870 €                     20 lessons per week
sphere, to meet new friends quickly and also
                                                         C1 Level (C1.1. - C1.2.)                                9 weeks                980 €                     20 lessons per week
speak German not only in the course it might
                                                         Gerrman for Doctors (C1.1. + Medical German)            9 weeks                990 €                     20 lessons per week
be the best choice.
10                                                                                     COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                      MUNICH

                                                      LANGUAGE SCHOOL                                       TESTDAF, DSH AND
     CITY AND SIGHTSEEING                             The school in Munich is situated in the heart
                                                      of the city between two universities of Munich
     Munich is the capital city of Bavaria. It is     (Technical University and Ludwig Maximilians          EXAM PREPARATION COURSES
     located near the river Isar north of the Bava-   University), in one of the most beautiful city dis-   The course participants from abroad, who in-
     rian Alps. Munich is the third largest city in   tricts with all sightseeing places within spitting    tend to study at a German university, are obli-
     Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg. There         distance. Here you can feel the student atmo-         ged to pass the TestDaF or DSH exam, to verify
     are about 1,5 mln. people living here.           sphere, which makes Munich more attractive.           their knowledge of German. Both exams are
                                                                                                            accredited by the university. The course par-
     The city offers many historic places with the    The school can be easily reached by the public        ticipants, who must study at the Studienkolleg
     most magical and impressive architecture.        transport (bus or tram).                              for one year before they study at a university
                                                                                                            should pass the „Feststellungsprüfung“ for the
     Munich is also a green city with numerous        Only a few tram stations from the school there        purpose of studying at the Studienkolleg. For
     parks. The most popular one is „The Eng-         are the famous Englischer Garten, bars and ca-        all these purposes you can get the exam pre-
     lischer Garten“, which is one of the largest     fes and also the shopping area, which is one of       paration courses in Munich.
     public parks in the world and close to the       the biggest in Germany.
     city center. The Oktoberfest is one of Mu-                                                             The preparation courses are only focused on
     nich‘s most famous attractions for millions      STANDARD COURSE 20                                    the tasks and skills, which will be under exami-
     of people every year. It took place for the      The standard course with 20 lessons per week          nation. The preparation courses are running all
     first time on 12 October 1810 in honor of        is perfect for those, who would like to combi-        the year and last within 4 weeks.
     the marriage of crown prince Ludwig and          ne learning of the language with the learning
     Princess Therese. Despite its name, most         of culture. The students have 4 lessons from
     of the Oktoberfest takes place in September      Monday to Friday and have enough time to
     and finishes on the first Sunday of October.     spend it outside and discover nice places in the
     The traditional costume in Munich during         city. The course contains the training of such
     the Oktoberfest for women is the Dirndl. For     skills as speaking, writing, reading and listening
     men, there are the Lederhosen.                   comprehension. Our teachers prepare different
                                                      topics for discussion adjusted to the language
                                                      level. This encourages students to actively
                                                      take part in the lessons and helps them
                                                      to get over the language barrier. Students
                                                      do not only learn the grammar structure
                                                      and sentence constructions, but also
                                                      some interesting facts about the country
                                                      and the people.

                                                      The course is scheduled for students with
                                                      the minimum language level of A1.

                                                      Course Starting dates: every Monday
MUNICH               COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                                                                                   11

HOST FAMILY                                              STUDENT APARTMENT STANDARD
Our selected host families are very friendly and         The student apartment standard in Munich is                   enjoy the wonderful panorama; by the nice we-
eager to get to know students from another cul-          situated near the event park, where different                 ather you can even see the Alps.
ture. They are happy to show you the everyday-life       festivals and concerts take place during the
of a German family, are also interested in learning      year. Lovely lakes are not far from the residen-              The WC and shower are located on the floor.
something fascinating from you and your country.         ce. The rooms of the apartments are spaci-                    For relaxing you can use not only the balcony,
Living in a host family gives a good opportunity         ous and have a small kitchenette. Some of the                 but also the common terrasse connected with
for those, who want to be a member of a German           rooms have a balcony, from where you can                      the recreation room with the table-tennis.
family for a while.

Some families live in a flat, some of them – in the      PACKAGE PRICES ADULTS 2021
house. The students get their own room with a            MUNICH
single or double bed (as booked). In the host fa-
milies the students can book breakfast, half board       STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK YEAR-ROUND
(breakfast and dinner), or there is a possibility to     Seasonal Surcharge 25 EUR/week 13.06.2021 - 14.08.2021
live in the host family with self-catering (no board).                                      2 WEEKS          3 WEEKS        4 WEEKS         ADD. WEEK   EXTRA NIGHT
                                                         Host Family Single Room            875 €            1.245 €        1.605 €         340 €       40 €
YOUTH HOTEL                                              No Board
The youth hotel is centrally located in the heart of     Host Family Double Room            835 €            1.180 €        1.520 €         330 €       30 €
Munich, in Schwabing district, which is close to         No Board
city center and has a very good public transport         Host Family Single Room            985 €            1.405 €        1.815 €         390 €       40 €
connection. The youth hotel has en-suite single and
                                                         Host Family Double Room            945 €            1.340 €        1.730 €         375 €       35 €
double rooms. The rooms are bright, equipped with        Breakfast
bed, table with chairs and lockable wardrobe with a                                         1.095 €          1.565 €        2.025 €         440 €       50 €
                                                         Host Family Single Room
room safe and flat-screen TV.                            Half Board
                                                         Host Family Double Room            1.055 €          1.495 €        1.930 €         420 €       45 €
The access in the room is comfortable and safe           Half Board
through the electronic locking system.                   Stud. Residence Standard Single    920 €            1.325 €        1.725 €         380 €       45 €
                                                         Room, No Board
By booking a room in the youth hotel, the breakfast      Stud. Residence Standard Double 735 €               1.035 €        1.330 €         285 €       40 €
is in the price included. The breakfast is offered as    Room, No Board
“all you can eat” buffet.                                Youth Hotel Single Room            1.195 €          1.725 €        2.250 €         515 €       65 €
                                                          Youth Hotel Double Room        1.005 €         1.445 €          1.875 €           420 €       60 €
The use of the internal Wi-Fi in the room is free of      Breakfast
charge after the registration at the front desk.         * Double Rooms in all accommodation types are available for 2 students travelling together.

                                                         Airport Transfer                           75 € one way   150 € both ways
                                                         (Munich Intern. Airport MUC)

Youth Hotel Room Sample                                                                    Student Residence Standard Room Sample
                                                       COURSES ADULTS
                                                                  PROGRAMS                              FOR ADULTS   NUREMBERG


     Nuremberg in Middle Franconia has about 500,000 inhabitants, the second largest city
     in Bavaria and is becoming popular more and more as holiday destination. The unique
     location provides not only culturally but also naturally with a wide spectrum of recreational

     For many people Nuremberg is associated with its traditional gingerbread (Lebkuchen) pro-
     ducts and handmade toys. In the 19th century Nuremberg became the „industrial heart“ of
     Bavaria with companies such as Siemens and MAN based here.

     Nuremberg is also famous for its Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas market) with handmade
     ornaments and delicacies.

     Many sights, such as Nuremberg Castle, Heilig-Geist-Spital, the Gothic Schöner Brunnen
     (Beautiful Fountain) and countless churches are the important attractions of the city.

     For superstitious people the Nuremberg Ring (now welded within an iron fence) should be
     very interesting: it’s said to bring good luck to those who touch it

     Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürn- straße. The Kaiser Street is mostly for the rich,
     berg is a university, which is situated not farothers have to limit themselves to window-shop-
     from Nuremberg with more than 20.000 stu-      ping. Also the night owls will not get bored in
     dents. The practice-orientated study program inNuremberg. This is because of the variety of
     economics has a very good reputation.          the night clubs such as „Mach 1“, „Rockfab-
                                                    rik“, „Star-Gate“, „Soundexpress“, „City-Point“
     Nuremberg has one of the biggest shopping and many others. Apart from that, one of the
     miles in Germany, the main shopping streets big rock festivals in Germany named „Rock im
     are: Breite Gasse, Karolinenstraße and Kaiser- Park“ takes place here every year on Whitsun.
NUREMBERG                    COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                                                                              13

LANGUAGE SCHOOL                                       GERMAN COURSE
Our language school in Nuremberg is situated
not far from the main station and close to the        STANDARD COURSE
city center with its important historical sights-     The German course with 20 lessons per week                    Attending the standard course, the students have
eeing. The language school can be easily rea-         from Monday till Friday is perfect for those, who             enough time to spend it outside and discover the
ched by the public transport (bus or tram) as         would like to combine learning of the language                nice places in the city. In particular, the Nurem-
the stations are some steps away. The magic           with the learning of the fantastic city Nuremberg.            berg city center has to offer a veritable explosion
„Old Town“ with the famous churches attracts                                                                        of sights and buildings of different styles and eras.
all our students and is close to the school.          The standard course contains the training of such             From Romanesque through Gothic and Renais-
                                                      skills as speaking, writing, reading and listening            sance to the Baroque the Old Town is a true ar-
The language school in Nuremberg has spa-             comprehension. Our teachers prepare different                 chitectural eye candy. See it for yourself! And the
cious and bright class-rooms, which builds a          topics for discussion adjusted to the language le-            Indian summer time is the best period for it!
perfect atmosphere for the German learning.           vel. This encourages students to take the active
Our teachers are qualified in teaching German         part in the lessons and helps them to get over the
as a Foreign Language and hold the classes            language barrier. The courses are scheduled for
creatively with passion which helps the stu-          all language levels.
dents learn German easy und unforced. This
keeps them motivated about learning German
at Verbum Novum in Nuremberg.

ACCOMMODATION                                         PACKAGE PRICES | ADULTS 2021
This accommodation type is offered the perfect        STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK | YEAR-ROUND
choice for our students. The participants can         SEASONAL SURCHARGE 25 EUR/WEEK 13.06.2021 - 14.08.2021
choose between single and double rooms. The                                              2 WEEKS          3 WEEKS           4 WEEKS       ADD. WEEK EXTRA-NIGHT
WC and shower are located on the corridor. All        Served Apartment Single Room       970 €            1.440 €           1.900 €       460 €         55 €
our course participants in the year-round school      No Board
will be placed in one building. As the apartment      Served Apartment Double Room       850 €            1.260 €           1.660 €       400 €         45 €
                                                      No Board
building has a common kitchen with the possi-
                                                      Stud. Residence Single Room         875 €           1.285 €           1.675 €        390 €        40 €
bility of self-catering. The supermarket is located   No Board
about 5 min. within walking distance. The student     Stud. Residence Double Room         710 €           1.040 €           1.360 €        310 €        30 €
residence is situated near the city park and the      No Board
Nuremberg Fair.                                       *Double Rooms in all accommodation types are available for 2 students travelling together.

                                                      Airport Transfer                   50 € one way     100 € both ways
The residence has a free of charge Internet Termi-    Nuremberg Airport (NUE)
nal. With the booking of the room the key deposit
                                                      Airport Transfer                   140 € one way    280 € both ways
has to be paid.                                       Munich Intern. Airport (MUC)

For more comfortable stay in Nuremberg our
course participants can book also another ac-
commodation option: served apartment. There
are single and double rooms apartments. The
domestic atmosphere makes your stay pleasant.
The apartments are spacious with a equiped kit-
chenette and own WC/Shower. The WiFi Internet
is available in the room for free. The apartments
are situated near to bus and metro station and are
easy to reach from many places.
                                                      COURSES                                          AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                BERLIN


     The old and new capital of Germany with
     its 3.5 million inhabitants is the biggest city
     in the country.

     Many consider city of Berlin as the most
     exciting city for the entire Federal Repub-
     lic, perhaps because the metropolis on the
     Spree river never stops, because old and
     new here exist side by side, because Berlin
     is living on the pulse of time.

     Berlin has always been the scene of gre-
     at historical moments, Berlin is home to
     renowned universities, research institutes,
     orchestras, museums, and celebrities, as          STUDENT LIFE
     well as host of many sporting events. The
     Reichstag (Platz der Republik), is one of the     The Berlin-Brandenburg capital region is one         Berlin‘s nightlife is one of the most diverse and
     most famous and important sightseeing in          of the most prolific centers of higher educati-      vibrant of its kind in Europe. To celebrate, the-
     Berlin. From the glass dome you can enjo          on and research in the European Union. The           re are infinitely many possibilities. For example
     a wonderful view over Berlin. The city land-      city has many state and private universities,        a bar district is Oranienburger Strasse in Ber-
     mark, the Brandenburg Gate represents a           professional and technical colleges, offering a      lin-Mitte. Very good for shopping are the variety
     symbol of German unity.                           wide range of disciplines. They are the Hum-         of shopping malls, as for example, on Potsda-
                                                       boldt Universität zu Berlin, the Freie Universität   mer Platz or Friedrichstrasse. It worth both for
     The Fernsehturm (TV tower) at Alexander-          Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin.        seeing and shopping is the Hackescher Markt.
     platz in Mitte is among the tallest structu-      These are the biggest universities in Berlin. Be-    You should definitely visit the KaDeWe. The
     res in the European Union at 368 meters.          sides these three major universities there are       store of the West is more than 100 years old
     Berlin is noted for its numerous cultural         numerous universities with different faculties       and the largest store in Europe.
     institutions, many of which enjoy interna-        here.
     tional reputation. Berlin is an important
     center in the European and German film
     industry. Berlinale - Berlin Film Festival,
     founded in 1951, celebrated annually in
     February since 1978 is the largest publicly
     attended film festival in the world.
BERLIN                 COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                                                                         15

SUMMER COLLEGE                                            ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS
                                                          SUMMER COLLEGE RESIDENCE                                   HOST FAMILY
Our Summer College is an ideal choice for all             If the students would like to like on campus,    For those students, who do not want to miss
students, who would like both to learn German             it means to get the German Classes and to        the home feeling and also see the everydaylife
in the nicest season of the year and also to see          be accommodated in same building, they can       of Germans, we offer host family accommoda-
the highlights of Berlin.                                 choose the college residence.                    tion. Our carefully selected host families live in
                                                                                                           the different parts of Berlin, but the city center
The course participants will have the German              The college residence is centrally located in and the school are still easy to reach. In Host
Classes in the morning from Monday till Friday.           the trendy district Friedrichshain and the high- family you can book single or double room in-
The cultural program with different guided ex-            light in the residence is a big, green backyard cluding breakfast.
cursions is organzed after the German Course              with a beer garden, barbecue, table tennis and
twice per week.                                           comfortable sitting places. Here you will feel
                                                          the centennial history of the lovingly restored
Participating in this program our students get            old building. Here you can get acquainted with INCLUDED IN THE PRICE
the uniqie opportunity to get all the advantages          other young people, feel the student atmosphe- Placement test
from the language stay abroad: learning and               re in the residence and experience the spirit • German Summer Course
sightseeing, so connect usefull with pleasant!            of the city full of contrasts. Our course par-      (20 Lessons per week)
                                                          ticipants can book double shared room with • Accommodation in College Residence |
EXCURSION PROGRAM                                         breakfast included. For lunch or dinner you do      Double Room | Breakfast
Our college students won‘t be bored coming to             not need going far, as you can have meals also • Accommodation in Host Family | Double
the trendy metropole Berlin. With our guide you           in the restaurant of College Residence.             Room | Breakfast
will discover the important historical places of                                                           • 2 afternoon excursions/activities per week
Berlin. Apart from the local sightseeings, we                                                                 (travel and admission fees incl.)
also organize the trips to Potsdam and other                                                               • 1 Full-day excursion per 2 weeks stay
worldwide famous attractions outside of Berlin.                                                               (travel and admission fees incl.)
                                                                                                           • Summer Course Certificate
We hope you‘ll be able to join us this summer
and become a part of our summer college


                                       1 WEEK              2 WEEKS            3 WEEKS             EXTRA-NIGHT
College Residence 2-bed. Room          750 €               1.450 €            2.100 €             55 €
Host Family Double Room                630 €               1.220 €            1.800 €             45 €

Airport Transfer                       65 € one way        130 € both ways
Berlin International Airports

The price includes:
German Course with 20 Lessons per week, Accommodation (as booked) with breakfast, 2 afternoon activities per week,
1 Full day excursion per 2 week stay
16   BERLIN             WINTER CAMP IN BERLIN WANNSEE                                    WINTER CAMP IN BERLIN WANNSEE                 BERLIN



     The old and new capital of Germany with
     its 3.5 million inhabitants is the biggest
     city in the country. Located in northeas-
     tern Germany, it is the center of the Ber-
     lin/Brandenburg Metropolitan Region.
     Berlin has always been the scene of gre-
     at historical moments. Berlin is home to
     renowned universities, research institutes,
     orchestras, museums, and celebrities, as
     well as host of many sporting events. The
     Fernsehturm (TV tower) at Alexanderplatz
     in Mitte is among the tallest structures in
     the European Union at 368 meters. The
     Reichstag (Platz der Republik), is one of the
     most famous and important sightseeing in
                                                     WINTER RESIDENCE
     Berlin. From the glass dome you can enjoy       For those who love the winter, ice skating and     south of Berlin. From here, you need only 15
     a wonderful view over Berlin. The city land-    other winter sports, we offer a winter camp        minutes to the exciting city of Berlin. From
     mark, the Brandenburg Gate represents a         with the German lessons in the trendy Berlin.      the windows of the residence you can enjoy
     symbol of German unity.                         The fresh winter air and the visit of the exi-     a magnificant view of Lake Wannsee.
                                                     ting excursions and taking part in the different
                                                     sport activities make your stay unforgettable.     The juniors will be accommodated in mul-
                                                                                                        tibedded rooms with full board (breakfast,
                                                     Our staff have prepared an interesting pro-        lunch and dinner). The check-in takes place
                                                     gram. Persuade yourself! The youth residence,      on Sunday afternoon, check-out on Saturday
                                                     where students are housed, is beautifully situ-    morning (after breakfast). Program period:
                                                     ated right on the shore of Lake Wannsee in the     14.02.2021 – 27.02.2021
BERLIN          WINTER CAMP IN BERLIN WANNSEE                                                                                                                                17

FOR TEENAGERS                                    LEISURE PROGRAM SAMPLE                                            IN THE PROGRAM INCLUDED
                                                   • Berlin – City Tour                                            •G  erman course with 20 lessons per week
The German classes for juniors run from • Brandenburg Gates, Reichstag                                                with teaching Material
Monday to Friday from 9 o´clock. The students • Potsdam – City Tour                                                • Accommodation in youth residence (multi-
get daily 4 German lessons a 45 Min. The Ger- • Ice-Skating and other indoor/outdoor                                 bedded room) with full board
man course is scheduled for participants with         activities                                                   • Daily indoor/outdoor afternoon activities
min. German level A1. On the first course day • Visit of different museums                                            (sports and cultural programs)
will be a placement test / interview to deter- • Chocolate factory                                                 • 1 Full day excursion
mine the actual level of German knowledge of • Legoland Discovery Centre                                           • 24h supervision
students.                                          • Madame Tussauds Museum                                        • Placement test on the first course day
During the German classes the young learners                                                                       • Certificate of participation at the end of the
will train such a skill as speaking, writing, rea- In addition to the program, you can book air-                      course
ding and listening comprehension.                  port transfer on arrival/departure and medical                  • Local Transportation Card
The German classes are held by qualified tea- insurance.
chers.                                                                                                             Please bring the towels with you!

                                                 PACKAGE PRICES | JUNIORS 2021
                                                 WINTER LANGUAGE CAMP BERLIN
                                                  STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK
                                                  14.02.2021 – 27.02.2021
                                                                                                                    1 WEEK            2 WEEKS              EXTRA-NIGHT
                                                  Junior Residence Multi-bed Room, Full Board                       700 €             1.400 €              65 €
                                                  Security Deposit on arrival day                                   50 €

                                                  Airport Transfer                                                  70 € one way      140 € both ways
                                                  Berlin International Airports (TXL, SXF)
                                                 The price includes:
                                                 German course with 20 lessons per week, Accommodation in the residence in the multi- bedded rooms with the full
                                                 board, Daily afternoon activities(admission and fare incl.), Full-day excursions (admissions and fare incl.), Supervision,
                                                 local transportation card, Placement test on the first school day, School Certificate at the end of the course

                                                  GERMAN COURSE + ACTIVITY PROGRAM JUNIORS 2021
                                                  STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK
                                                  15.02.2021 - 26.02.2021
                                                                                                                                    1 WEEK              2 WEEKS
                                                  Daily afternoon, full day activities, excursions, supervision Lunch, travel and   550 €               1.000 €
                                                  admission fees
                                 COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS MAINZ


     INTERESTING                                          Mainz is a city with over two thousand
     ABOUT MAINZ                                          years of history. The first European books
                                                          printed using movable type were manu-
     Mainz is the capital of the federal state            factured in Mainz by Jonannes Gutenberg
     Rhineland-Palatinate (Rhein- land–Pfalz) and         in the early 1450s. Not in vain Mainz is
     in the same time the biggest city in the state       named the city of Media. The “Old Town”
     with about 200.000 inhabitants. Mainz is             in Mainz with the half-timbered houses is
     located across from Wiesbaden on the river           the historical part of city with its famous
     Rhine, which is lovely named by the Germ-            sightseeing as Cathedral of St. Martin
     ans “Father Rhine”. Mainz and Wiesbaden              (Mainzer Dom), which is over 1.000 years
     are divided only by the Theo-dor-Heuss               old, the Churches of St. Augustin (Augusti-
     bridge; in the western part of the Mainz is          nerkirche) in Rococo Style, St. Stephan
     situated Frank-furt and builds Rhine-Main            Church with Mystic light of Chagall, Christ
     Region.                                              Church and many other churches.

     Our summer residence is situated close to the        PROGRAM SAMPLE
     city park surrounded by greeneries with the cle-     •   Mainz – City Tour
     an air in the southern part of the city. You can     •   Visiting of the Gutenberg -Museum
     quickly get to the main train station and the city   •   Wiesbaden – City Tour
     center by the public transport. In the park there    •   Visiting of the Carneval-Museum
     is a possibility to play the basket ball, the tab-   •   Visiting of the Gutenberg University in
     le-tennis or just relax on our summer terasse in          Mainz
     the residence. Here our juniors will be accommo-     •    Frankfurt – City Tour
     dated in the multi-bedded rooms with full-board.     •    Sport activities outside/inside (swimming,
                                                                mini-golf etc.)
     The rooms are equipped with the own WC/ •                  Visiting of German-Roman Museum Mainz
     shower, which will be shared with the other •              Idar Oberstein – City Tour with Visiting of
     room-mates. Please bring the towels with you!               the Jewel-Museum
     Distance to the city center and the main train •            Visiting of the Football Stadion (Opel Arena
     station is about 15 min. by bus.                             Mainz 05) etc.
MAINZ          COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                                                                                 19

In the residence our juniors (13-16 y.o.) will     IN THE PROGRAM INCLUDED
get the german course with 20 lessons per        • S tandard course with 20 lessons per week
week. They will have 4 lessons per day in the       with teaching material
morning from Monday till Friday. After lunch     • Accommodation in the residence in the 3
the students have enough to discover the inte-      or 4 bedded rooms
resting places in Mainz. During the classes the  • Full-board (packed lunch during the full-day
juniors train such skills as speaking, writing,     excursions)
reading and listening comprehension. Our tea-    • daily afternoon activities
chers prepare the interesting topics for discus- • 1 full-day excursion (per 2 weeks stay)
sion, which encourage young learns to use the    • Supervision
language and make them take an active part       • Placement test/Interview on the first
in the lessons.                                     school day
                                                 • Certificate at the end of the course
On the first school day a placement test will • Local Transportation Card
be written and according to the results the stu-
dents will be placed into the appropriate group.

The course can be started every Monday du-
ring the summer program.
                                                   PACKAGE PRICES | JUNIORS 2021
Duration of the program: 3 weeks, from             SUMMER LANGUAGE CAMP MAINZ-WIESBADEN
04.07.2021 – 24.07.2021
                                                   STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK
Arrival day – Sunday;                              04.07.21 - 24.07.21
departure day – Saturday.                                                                              1 WEEK         2 WEEKS           3 WEEKS   EXTRA-NIGHT
                                                   Junior Residence Multi-bed Room, Full Board         680 €          1.350 €           2.000 €   65 €
The course is scheduled for students with the
                                                   Security Deposit on arrival day                     50 €
min. language level A1.

FREE ACTIVITY AND EXCURSIONS                       Airport Transfer                                    75 € one way   150 € both ways
Our free activity program in the afternoon in-     Frankfurt International Airport (FRA)
cludes sport activities, short excursions etc.
One full-day excursion to the one of the pla-
ces: Frankfurt, Idar-Oberstein, Rüdesheim or       GERMAN COURSE + ACTIVITY PROGRAM JUNIORS 2021
                                                   05.07.21 - 23.07.21
Saarbrücken etc. is a part of our rich leisure
program. Our staff prepares every week a new                                                           1 WEEK         2 WEEKS           3 WEEKS   ADD. DAY
program, with which our juniors cannot get         Daily afternoon, full day activities, excursions,   420 €          800 €             1.180 €   60 €
bored!                                             supervision Lunch, travel and admission fees
 20                                                                                                     SUMMERCAMP IN BERLIN             BERLIN


      The old and new capital of Germany with
      its 3.5 million inhabitants is the biggest
      city in the country. Located in northeastern
      Germany, it is the center of the Berlin/
      Brandenburg Metropolitan Region. Ber-
      lin has always been the scene of great
      historical moments. Berlin is home to
      renowned universities, research institutes,
      orchestras, museums, and celebrities, as
      well as host of many sporting events. The
      Fernsehturm (TV tower) at Alexanderplatz
      in Mitte is among the tallest structures in
      the European Union at 368 meters. The
      Reichstag (Platz der Republik), is one of
      the most famous and important sightse-
      eing in Berlin. From the glass dome you
      can enjoy a wonderful view over Berlin.        SUMMER RESIDENCE
      The city landmark, the Brandenburg Gate
      represents a symbol of German unity.           For teenagers (14-17 y.o.), who adore big cities   The summer camp residence is located in
                                                     and want to connect learning German in sum-        the quiet residential area of Berlin-Grunewald
                                                     mer and see the famous metropolis, we offer        amid a large park directly on the Hertha Lake.
                                                     summer camp in Berlin. Here you can both           Core of the house is built in an English country
                                                     meet new friends and spend your holidays in        house style former palace of the Mendelssohn
                                                     one of the most visited city!                      family, which has been integrated harmoni-
                                                                                                        ously into the new building. The architecturally
                                                                                                        interesting multibedded rooms are bright and
                                                                                                        spacious. Showers and toilets are located in
                                                                                                        common areas on each floor of the youth re-
                                                                                                        sidence. The full board (breakfast, lunch and
                                                                                                        dinner) is included in the program.The check-
                                                                                                        in takes place on Sunday afternoon, check-out
                                                                                                        on Saturday morning (after breakfast).
BERLIN            SUMMERCAMP IN BERLIN                                                                                                                                    21

GERMAN SUMMER COURSE                                 IN THE PROGRAM INCLUDED
The courses run from Monday to Friday from           •G  erman course with 20 lessons per week,                      In addition to the program, you can book the
9 o´clock. The students get daily 4 German              school certificate at the end of the course                   airport transfer on arival/departure and medi-
lessons. The German course is scheduled for          • Placement test on the first school day                         cal insurance.
participants with min. German level A1. On the       • Accommodation in the residence in the
first course day will be a placement test / inter-      multi- bedded rooms with the full board                       Program period: 18.07.2021 – 31.07.2021
view to determine the actual level of German         • Daily afternoon activities (admission and
knowledge. During the German classes the                fare incl.)                                                   Please bring the towels with you!
young learners will train such a skills as spe-      • Full-day excursions (admissions and fare
aking, writing, reading and listening compre-           incl.)
hension. The German classes are conducted            • Supervision, local transportation card
by qualified teachers.

LEISURE PROGRAM SAMPLE                               PACKAGE PRICES | JUNIORS 2021
•   Berlin – City Tour                               SUMMER LANGUAGE BERLIN
•   Brandenburg Gates, Reichstag
•   Potsdam City Tour
•   Steamer Ride on Spree River                      STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK
•   Various indoor/outdoor activities (swim-        18.07.21 – 31.07.21
     ming, minigolf etc.)                                                                                                   1 WEEK         2 WEEKS           EXTRA-NIGHT
•    Visit of different museums                      Junior Residence Multi-bed Room, Full Board                            700 €          1.380 €           75 €
•    Zoo                                             Security Deposit on arrival day                                        50 €
•    Chocolate factory
•    Legoland Discovery Centre etc.
                                                     Airport Transfer                                                       70 € one way   140 € both ways
                                                     Berlin International Airport (SXF/TXL)

                                                     GERMAN COURSE + ACTIVITY PROGRAM JUNIORS 2021
                                                     19.07.21 - 30.07.21

                                                                                                                                           1 WEEK            2 WEEKS
                                                     Daily afternoon, full day activities, excursions, supervision Lunch,                  490 €             970 €
                                                     travel and admission fees
                                SUMMER CAMP FOR JUNIORS IN MUNICH MUNICH


     Munich is the capital city of Bavaria. It
     is located near the river Isar north of the
     Bavarian Alps. Munich is the third largest
     city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg.     GERMAN SUMMER COURSE
     There are about 1,5 mln. people living
     here.                                          In the residence, our juniors (14-17 y.o.) will   On your first day you will write a placement
                                                    get the german course with 20 lessons per         test and according to the results you will be
     The city offers many historic places with      week. They will have 4 lessons per day in the     placed in an appropriate group. The course
     the most magical and impressive architec-      morning from Monday to Friday. It is enough       can be started every Monday during the sum-
     ture. Such places like the Marienplatz—a
                                                    time both for the learning of German and dis-     mer program.
     large open square and the Stachus - a
     grand square. The Peterskirche near to the     covering of interesting things and places in
     Marienplatz is the oldest church and the       Munich.                                           Duration of the program:
     first one built during the Romanesque peri-                                                      18.07.2021 – 31.07.2021
     od; the Viktualienmarkt is the most popular    The standard course contains the training of
     market in Munich.                              such skills as speaking, writing, reading and     Arrival day – Sunday; departure day – Sa-
                                                    listening comprehension. Our teachers prepa-      turday.
     Munich is a green city with numerous           re interesting topics for discussion, which en-
     parks. The most popular one is „The Eng-       courage our juniors and make them take an         The course is scheduled for students with the
     lischer Garten“, which is one of the largest   active part in the lessons.                       min. language level A1.
     public parks in the world and close to the
     city centre.
     Despite its name, most of the Oktoberfest
     takes place in September and finishes on
     the first Sunday of October.
MUNICH           SUMMER CAMP FOR JUNIORS IN MUNICH                                                                                                                      23

Our free activity program in the afternoon in-     •M unich - City Orientation Tour (The Viktuali-
cludes sport activities, short excursions etc.       enmarkt/The Englischer Garten)
Full-day excursions to one of the places: Augs-    • Churches and Castles in Munich
burg, Salzburg or Newschwanstein Castle etc.       • Visit of the LMU (University in Munich)
are the part of our interesting leisure program.   • Visit of the BMW-Museum
Our staff prepares a new program every week,       • Augsburg – City Tour
with which our juniors cannot get bored!           • Visit of the Munich Zoo Garden
                                                   • Rosenheim – City Tour
                                                   • Sport activities outside/inside
INCLUDED IN THE PROGRAM                            • Newschwanstein Castle
• S tandard course with 20 lessons per week       • Old Town Tour/Souvenirs and Shopping
   with teaching material
• Accommodation in the residence in 3 or 4
   bedded rooms (shared)
• Full-board (packed lunch during the full-day
                                                   PACKAGE PRICES | JUNIORS 2021
   excursions)                                     SUMMER CAMP MUNICH
• Daily afternoon activities
• Full-day excursions                              STANDARD COURSE | 20 LESSONS PER WEEK
• Supervision                                      18.07.21 - 31.07.21
• Placement test on the first school day                                                                                  1 WEEK         2 WEEKS           EXTRA-NIGHT
• Certificate at the end of the course             Junior Residence Multi-bed Room, Full Board                            700 €          1.400 €           65 €
• Local Transportation Card                        Security Deposit on arrival day                                        50 €

                                                   Airport Transfer                                                       75 € one way   150 € both ways
                                                   Munich International Airport (MUC)

                                                   GERMAN COURSE + ACTIVITY PROGRAM JUNIORS 2021
                                                   19.07.21 - 30.07.21

                                                                                                                          1 WEEK         2 WEEKS           EXTRA DAY
                                                   Daily afternoon, full day activities, excursions, supervision Lunch,   550 €          1.100 €           55 €
                                                   travel and admission fees
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