Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools

Page created by Karl Espinoza
Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Collegiate
       Course Selection Guide 2020-2021
                               Paul Humbert
                               Marnie Ross
                              VICE PRINCIPAL
                        Kristy Soper
                       Shane Wingert
                   GUIDANCE COUNSELLORS

                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
Introduction                                              2
Level Changes                                             2
Extra-Curricular Programs                                 4
Grade 9 Program                                           5
Secondary Course Offerings                                8
Core Requirement Graduation Plan                          9

Secondary Level Subject Areas
Collective Voice                                           7
English                                                   10
Fine Arts                                                 14
Mathematics                                               18
Physical Education                                        22
Practical and Applied Arts                                24
Science                                                   30
Second Languages                                          34
Social Sciences                                           38
Visual Arts                                               42
Online Learning                                           46
Unique Programs are Offered in Saskatoon Public Schools   48
Post Secondary Information                                49
Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Collegiate
                               Introduction                                     A positive relationship between school and
                               This booklet provides information on the         home fosters the academic, social, and
                               curricular program at Aden Bowman                emotional growth of students. Counsellors
                               Collegiate for the 2020-2021 school year. The    invite parents to meet with them
                               courses listed are those that the school is      concerning their children.
                               prepared to offer at the time of printing. Our
                               actual 2020-2021 schedule of courses will be     School Counsellors
                               determined by student enrolment numbers          •   Involve parents
                               and available resources. Courses with low        •   Inform parents or guardians of
                               enrolment may be cancelled. Certain                  situations or behaviours that may
 A SCHOOL WITH A               programs may have restrictions in terms of           harm their child or others
                               enrolment if resources are limited.              • Obtain parenting skills information

MISSION                        Student Services
                                                                                •   Provide referral information about
                                                                                    community resources
                                                                                • Protect the privacy of information
                               The Student Services program is designed to
Aden Bowman Collegiate         promote academic, educational, personal,
                                                                                    shared by parents and students
has a tradition that           social, and career development. As an
encourages students and        integral part of the secondary program,          Level Changes
staff to pursue excellence     counselling and guidance builds a foundation     Level changes from regular to modified
                               for learning based on:                           programing will be done in consultation
in all things.                                                                  with families based on a series of data
                               •     Positive attitude toward school and
The academic, athletic,              learning                                   points and observations.
                               •     Personal responsibility
and performing arts                                                             Students identified by Student Services/
                               •     Respect for self and others                Resource as requiring additional academic
programs are recognized        •     Knowledge and skills for employment        support to be successful in core subjects
in our city and province                                                        may be offered modified credit options in
for outstanding                Research indicates that counselling and          English, History, Math, and/or
performances on the part       guidance programs:                               Science. Modified courses are locally
                               •    Improve academic achievement                developed and have their own unique
of Aden Bowman                 •    Enhance educational and career planning
Collegiate students.                                                            curricula. Credits are identified by 11, 21
                                    and school-to-work transition               and 31 course codes (e.g. English 10 is
                               •    Foster positive attitudes toward school,    regular, English 11 is modified).
The achievements of our             learning, and work
students range from            •    Increase acquisition and application of     Course levels are determined separately for
awards such as the Rhodes           conflict resolution skills                  each subject and based on the student’s
Scholarship for academic       •    Decrease dropouts                           ability and needs. For example, a student
                                                                                may take regular English and modified
excellence, to numerous                                                         Math. If there are insufficient registrations
                               School counsellors:
provincial championships       •   Help resolve problems that interfere         to schedule an entire section of a modified
in athletics and award             with learning                                course, teachers will meet the instructional
winning performances in        •   Counsel individuals and groups               and assessment requirements of the
music and drama. In order      • Conduct guidance learning activities           modified curricula in the regular classroom
                               •   Facilitate educational planning              setting.
to meet the needs of such      •   Provide career planning and vocational
a talented and diverse             educational opportunities
                                                                                Many post-secondary courses accept
student body, the school’s     • Make available information on financial        modified credits for entry. Consulting with
program is enriched each           aid and college planning                     a school counselor is recommended to
year through the ideas and     • Support students with special needs            confirm which programs accept these
energy of our professional     • Offer crisis intervention and prevention       credits as pre-requisites.
staff. The curricular and      • Make referrals to community agencies
                                   and professionals as needed
extra-curricular programs,
as well as the teachers        A teacher, parent, administrator, friend or
who lead them, assist all      agency may refer students to a counsellor, or
Aden Bowman Collegiate         a student may self-refer.
students in their pursuit of
Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Collegiate
Fine Arts
                                                   All Aden Bowman students may audition for

Aden Bowman has a tradition of excellence in
the arts. This excellence is the result of many    roles in our very extensive extra-curricular
factors including the opportunity to enrol in      program, or apply to work backstage in
full courses in Art, Band, Choir, and Drama in     production and business. Our shows in-
grade 10, 11 and 12. Our students have the         clude a senior production each fall of a pop-
opportunity to use excellent facilities. Hor-      ular full-length play. Often staged in spring,
dern Hall is the center of our music activities,   our one act play festival allows select senior   English as an Additional
while Robert Hinitt Castle Theatre is home to      students to design, cast, and direct plays of
                                                   their own choice, working with students
                                                                                                    Language Program
our Dance and Drama Department. All stu-                                                            Aden Bowman offers support to
dent performances are held in Robert Hinitt        from any grade. Our third production each
                                                                                                    students who are learning
Castle Theatre – one of the finest high school     school year is either a major musical or a
                                                                                                    English. The goal of supporting
theatre facilities in Western Canada. The most     play for children (Youth Theatre). Both
                                                                                                    English language learners is to
important contributing factor to our tradition     projects involve large numbers of students
                                                                                                    enable them to succeed
of excellence is our students, many of whom        from all grades and play to large audiences.
                                                                                                    academically and complete
are actively involved in performing arts groups    Bowman students are encouraged to get
                                                                                                    graduation requirements.
throughout the community.                          involved on stage, backstage (or both), and
                                                                                                    Support to learn English may be
                                                   to attend all of our productions.
                                                                                                    provided through: direct
Many fine musicians have graduated from                                                             instruction classes and EAL
Aden Bowman. The reputation of excellence          Visual Arts is also offered in every grade.
                                                                                                    support classes. Specific course
established by the music program should be         All three major disciplines are covered at
                                                                                                    offerings will depend on
seen as both an ongoing commitment to serve        each grade level: drawing, painting, and
                                                                                                    enrolment and student need at
students and a reflection of the spirit and        sculpting. At different grade levels Visual
                                                                                                    each collegiate.
enthusiasm of the many talented young musi-        Arts students will also have the chance to
cians in curricular and extra-curricular music.    broaden their art experience through vari-
                                                                                                    Direct instruction classes are
                                                   ous field trips to different art galleries
                                                                                                    focused on language proficiency:
We expect music students to develop their          throughout the city. Along with the regular
                                                                                                    the ability to speak, read, write
potential through effort and perseverance.         programs, we offer an Art Club for those
                                                                                                    and listen with comprehension.
Courses challenge students to learn in differ-     students who wish to design and create
                                                                                                    The direct instruction class may
ent ways, to develop their skills and intellect,   artwork beyond the regular curriculum.
                                                                                                    take these from content classes
and to become keen observers and careful                                                            such as social studies, math,
listeners. They should develop musical litera-     Some Art Club projects may include school
                                                                                                    science or English language arts
cy, sensitivity, judgement, and creativity.        murals and sculptures, the BRIT mural, and
                                                                                                    in an effort to build the
                                                   community painting projects. As well, some
                                                                                                    vocabulary and academic skills
The study of drama allows a very thorough          current students are highlighted at the
                                                                                                    necessary for students to be
development of students’ skills and                Mendel Art Gallery in the COOL ART Show
                                                                                                    fully integrated into the regular
knowledge, as well as a broad base of varied       every year.
                                                                                                    classroom. Some direct
experiences. Besides the obvious presenta-                                                          instruction classes may provide
tion skills and background, students develop                                                        an elective credit. They may be
social and personal values. Much of their                                                           offered at all levels of language
work requires large and small group effort,                                                         proficiency and for all grades.
developing interpersonal relationship skills.
Students must listen, empathize, compromise,                                                        An EAL support class is a period
and collaborate. The scripts and other materi-                                                      in which a student can receive
als that they create themselves, or that they                                                       additional time and assistance to
discover in already published literature, help                                                      complete course work from his/
them to develop greater acceptance and un-                                                          her classes. There is no credit
derstanding of themselves and others and                                                            for this class.
encourages them to explore challenging issues
with open and responsible minds.                                                                    Language learning is a process
                                                                                                    that takes a lot of time and hard
                                                                                                    work. The speed at which a
                                                                                                    student learns the language is
                                                                                                    affected by many factors.
                                                                                                    Students should consult with the
                                                                                                    guidance counsellor and/or EAL
                                                                                                    teacher to choose their classes.

Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Collegiate
INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE                                           Extra-Curricular Activities
                                                                      Active participation in appropriate extra-
DIPLOMA PROGRAMME                                                     curricular activities is important in the
                                                                      development of mature, participating
at Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute                                   members of society. Students are
                                                                      encouraged to carefully consider not only
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a two       their academic choices for next year, but also
year program that starts in grade 11 for students who are             their extra-curricular activities.
academically motivated, service oriented, and who desire the
                                                                      Participating in school activities outside of the
rigorous international curriculum that focuses on our role as         classroom gives students opportunities to
citizens in a global society. The International Baccalaureate         meet other students and enhance the
Organization’s goal is to provide students with the values and        enjoyment of their high school years. Clubs
opportunities that will enable them to develop sound judgment,        that are open to all students at Aden Bowman
think creatively and critically, and respect others in our global     includes: Bear Ambassadors, Jazz Ensemble,
community.                                                            Drama, Book Club, Outdoor Education,
                                                                      Environment, Fitness Club, Yearbook Club,
Over a two year period, IB Diploma students study six academic        Games Club, Visual Art Club, Knitting Club,
subjects, one from each group on the model, although a second         TOK Movie Club and G.S.A. (Gender Sexuality
group 2-4 subject may supplant group 6. Students must also fulfill    Alliance) as well as many others.
the Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) and      Students in Aden Bowman’s Creative Writing
the Extended Essay. Three subjects must be studied at the higher      courses provide most of the material for the
level (HL) and three at the standard level (SL). IB philosophy        Collegiate’s acclaimed annual publication,
promotes the development of a well-rounded, service orientated        Inkslinger.
citizen of the world.                                                 Extra-curricular athletic programs have
                                                                      resulted in several City and Provincial
Most universities around the world recognize/recruit the IB           Championships over the years. Athletic
graduate—at the University of Saskatchewan, students can receive      programs are available in soccer, football,
transfer credit for some of their IB courses (includes EE and ToK)    golf, volleyball, curling, cross country,
each with an IB mark of at least 5 (on a scale of 1-7). See http://   basketball, wrestling, badminton, track and for more information on IB      field, and cheerleading.
Recognition at the University of Saskatchewan. Student who
complete the IB Diploma Programme will also achieve a
Saskatchewan high school diploma.

                              More information can also be
                              accessed at Any
                              questions about this exciting
                              educational opportunity in
                              Saskatoon can be directed to
                              Student Services, Mrs. Soper
                              (, school
                              administration, Mr. P. Humbert,
                              Principal ( or
                              Mr. J. Speir (
                                                                      Other educational opportunities involve:
                                                                      Student Representative Council, Math
                                                                      Contests, Mathletes, Peer Tutoring, French
                                                                      Exchange, German Exchange, and Japanese
Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Grade 9 Program
English Language Arts A09 and B09
The English 9 courses focus on three
                                               Social Studies 09
                                               Grade 9 students will explore worldviews
learning goals: Compose and Create;            of past societies and connections be-         STUDENTS ENTERING GRADE 09
Comprehend and Respond; and Assess             tween the past and the present. Students
and Reflect. These courses offer a bal-        will consider how worldviews are shaped       Check your choices clearly on
ance among the various language strands        and how they are expressed by people          the course selection sheet.
of reading, writing, speaking, listening,      living in particular times and places. Stu-   Be sure that you and your
viewing, and representing. The language-       dents will explore diverse sources of his-    parents read the information
based courses are organized using a the-       torical information, including oral histo-    about courses carefully
matic framework. The A09 themes in-            ries, images, literature, and the arts.       before making selections.
clude The Search for Self, Indigenous and      Through this inquiry into past societies,     Grade 9 students must have
Norse Narratives, and Doing the Right          students will reflect upon their own          full timetables (no spares)
Thing. The B09 themes include Exploring        worldviews, assess the influences of the      with English counting as two
Love, Loyalty and Relationships, Surviving     past on the present, and further develop      subjects and mathematics
and Conquering, and Looking Beyond.            their historical consciousness.               counting as two. Note which
                                                                                             courses are compulsory.
                                                                                             Verification forms will be
                                                                                             sent home in May.

                                                                                             COMPULSORY SUBJECTS:
                                                                                             English 09
                                                                                             Mathematics 09
                                                                                             Science 09
                                                                                             Social Studies 09
                                                                                             Physical Education 09
                                                                                             Health 09
                                                                                             Career 09
                                                                                             Practical Applied Arts 09
                                                                                             Arts Education 09

                                                                                             Students must choose 1
                                                                                             additional classes from the
Mathematics 09                                 Science 09
Mathematics 09 is divided into four            This course uses the scientific process to
themes: Number; Pattern; Shape & Space         investigate everyday phenomena. It is
                                                                                             Industrial Arts 09
and Statistics. Also Integrated into the       activity centered, focusing on experi-
                                                                                             Independent Living 9
math 9 program is a Practical and Applied      mental work, problem solving, discus-
                                                                                             French 09
Arts component which focusses on Infor-        sion, projects, and the application of
                                                                                             **Choral 09
mation Processing, Design Studies and          mathematics to science. Topics include
                                                                                             ** If Choral 9 is chosen,
Entrepreneurship.                              chemistry, electricity, space science and
                                                                                             choose 1 additional elective.
Math 09 PLUS                                                                                 RESOURCE ROOM
Math 09 Plus is designed to be a skills                                                      (By Teacher Recommendation)
strengthening class for students who
experience difficulty in Math. It will focus
on enhancing math skills, such as opera-
tions with integers and fractions, equa-
tion solving, as well as the key concepts
within the Math 09 curriculum. Students
will be able to move into the appropriate
Gr. 10 Math Pathway upon completion.

Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Grade 9 Program
Health, Career, and Physical               Arts Education 9                                Visual Arts – Arts Education9
Education 9                                The grade nine Arts Education                   through the lens of visual arts
This full year, every day course           Curriculum incorporates all four strands        Is drawing, painting, sketching, or
integrates three areas of learning and     of drama, art, music and                        sculpting your thing? Then Arts Ed
is an opportunity to engage our grade      movement. Grade nine students will              9 – Visual Arts is the class for
9’s in action planning for physical,       have the opportunity to explore a               you. In this course, we will explore
mental and emotional health and            number of strands throughout their              the four strands of the arts
wellbeing.                                 grade 9 experience. Students will               (Drama, Visual Art, Music, and
                                           complete all outcomes of the Grade 9            Dance) as they relate to visual art
Physical Education is based on the         Arts Education Curriculum through the           practices. Creative projects might
following outcomes and goals.              lens of Band, Drama, Visual Arts, and           include drawing, painting,
                                           Dance. Grade 9 students must choose             character construction, stop-
Students will:                             one of the following Arts Education 9           motion animation, ceramics,
• Enjoy and engage in healthy              classes. Students wanting to take band,         movement performance,
    levels of participation in             must take Arts Education through the            drumming, and street art.
    movement activities to support         lens of band.
                                                                                           Dance– Arts Education9 through
    lifelong active living in the             Band – Arts Education 9 through the          the lens of dance
    context of self, family, and              lens of band. In this course students        Do you love to dance? Arts Ed 9 –
    community (Active Living).                will explore the Arts Education              Dance explores the four art
• Enhance quality of movement by              outcomes with a focus on music and           strands (Drama, Visual Art, Music
    understanding, developing, and            band. This is a non-semester                 and Dance) as they relate to the
    transferring movement concepts,           performance based class taking place         aspects of dance. In this class, you
    skills, tactics, and strategies to a      every 2nd day all year long. Band            will explore a variety of dance
    wide variety of movement                  Arts Ed. 9 is a traditional band format      styles, showcase your dance
    activities (Skillful Movement)            with all of the band instruments             routines, creating own
• balance self through safe and               included and expanding on the                choreography and developing self-
    respectful personal, social,              learning concepts brought in by              expression through dance.
    cultural, and environmental               the Arts Education Curriculum.
    interactions in a wide variety of                                                   Choral 09
    movement activities                       Drama – Arts Education9 through           Students registered in choral class
    (Relationships)                           the lens of drama/theatre                 should have a keen interest in singing.
                                              Are you interested in the theatre         Both males and females are invited to
Health Education, as part of a                arts? Arts Ed. 9 – Drama explores         register. Group instruction is given in
comprehensive school health                   four art strands (Drama, Visual Art,      vocal technique, listening, music
program, will support students in             Music, and Dance) as they relate to       theory, solfege, diction, ear training
developing a solid foundation for             the creation of a theatre                 and part singing. A broad range of
attaining and maintaining a balanced          production. In this class, you will       popular , folk and traditional music
life.                                         explore script writing, character         will be studied. Students in this class
                                              construction, guitar, composition, set    are members of the Aden Bowman
Career Education is designed to               and backdrop construction as well as      Choir and participate in all rehearsals,
develop the competencies required             movement as you create your own           performances, and special projects of
by all people to successfully manage          dramatic pieces.                          the choir. Students are required to
their work and life. This renewed                                                       obtain an Aden Bowman music shirt
curriculum reflects the latest career                                                   as part of the uniform.
development research, updated
technology, and recent resources. All                                                   The choir class operates outside of the
students will explore the connection                                                    regular timetable. Students will be
between learning and work pathways                                                      required to attend class before school
and their connection to community.                                                      starts and/or during the noon hour.
                                                                                        There are three rehearsals/classes
                                                                                        each week. Students may take choir
                                                                                        as an eleventh class.
Aden Bowman Collegiate - Course Selection Guide 2020-2021 - Saskatoon Public Schools
Grade 9 Program
French 9                                    Industrial Arts 9                         Collective Voice 9
Come join the fun as you develop your       This course focuses on two areas:         Collective Voice is an integrated
French language skills by participating     design and woods fabrication.             program offered to Grade nine
in activities that focus on developing,     The course is a (PAAS) Practical &        students at Aden Bowman Collegiate
understanding, and speaking French.         Applied Arts Survey that introduces       that combines Social Studies, English
Written activities are integrated to        the student to toy design. Projects in    and Arts Education around a central
reinforce your communication skills.        the 50 hour course will be selected       theme of social and environmental
Students build and utilize vocabulary       from four top designs, while projects     justice. This focus allows us to
through activities that reflect real life   in the 100 hour course are selected       seamlessly incorporate indigenous
experiences.                                from over 40 classic toy designs.         perspectives as we seek to understand
                                            These include planes, cars, trucks,       the effects of colonization on people
The units studied in grade nine are
                                            trains, excavators, and many other        and land. The goal of the program is to
Back at It (Getting back into French);
                                            toys. As each student will build a toy    help students find their voice and share
The Movies; and World of Work (Part-
                                            of their choice; imagination and          it! The primary ways that students
Time Jobs).
                                            creative skill are encouraged.            share their learning is through our
Notes:                                                                                weekly radio shows on CFCR 90.5 and
Students with a French immersion            The finishing process is extensive for    our weekly columns in The Star
background must identify themselves         the 100 hour course, while finishing      Phoenix.
when registering. Recommendations           work for the 50 hour project will only
                                            include staining. If time permits,        The students learn to become
will then be made for an appropriate
                                            students in the 100 hour course can       independent and responsible as they
grade placement in secondary school
                                            attempt a second project of their own     make and implement plans for moving
                                            choosing, provided they cover any         about the city. Through the use of
Students who have no previous               additional material costs. The            google classroom, students gather
background in Core French are               standard course fee of $35.00 covers      evidence of learning through team
encouraged to see the guidance              materials for the basic projects in       work, research, reflection and
counsellors for more information.           both the 50 and 100 hour courses.         discussion.
                                                                                      The classroom environment for
                                            Independent Living 9                      Collective Voice is also a unique
                                            The course assists both male and          learning experience for Grade 9
LEARNING ASSISTANCE                         female students to develop basic skills   students. Our program features a
RESOURCE CLASS                              for family and independent living.        relaxed and collaborative atmosphere
                                            Students develop skills in the areas of   that invites students to engage with the
This program is designed to assist
                                            food and nutrition, clothing              subject matter in a democratic
students who have significant
learning difficulties and who require       management and construction,              community. The program runs for a
                                            learning the elements and principles      half day for the full year, allowing
support with the regular curriculum.
                                            of design, and consumer education.        students to build strong relationships
The resource teacher and classroom
teachers will collaborate in                The course includes time in the food      and develop the skills and habits
developing strategies to assist these       and clothing labs. Additional sewing      necessary to become lifelong learners
                                            project costs will be paid by the         and engaged citizens.
students with their academic classes.
Support with curriculum will be                                                       “My year in CV has been the most eye
provided in conjunction with                                                          opening experience, adventure filled,
teaching learning strategies so that                                                  and best year of my life.”
students will become independent
learners.                                                                              “A once in a lifetime experience that
                                                                                      exceeded my expectations and
For more information we invite you                                                    changed my world view almost
to contact Student Services at Aden                                                   entirely.”
Bowman Collegiate, 683-7606.                                                          “Phenomenal. Honestly, this program
                                                                                      gave me a voice and a way to share my
                                                                                      opinion with the world.”

Course Offerings
GRADE 10 OFFERINGS                    GRADE 11 OFFERINGS                      GRADE 12 OFFERINGS (Cont.)
Accounting 10                         Active Living 20                        Earth Science 30
Band 10                               Advanced Art 20/30                      English A30
Choral 10                             Band 20                                 English B30
Construction & Carpentry 10           Choral 20                               English B30: Language through Philosophy
Dance 10                              Creative Writing 20                     Entrepreneurship 30
Drama 10                              Computer Science 20                     Food Studies 30
English A10 or English A11 (one of)   Construction & Carpentry 20             Financial Literary 30
English B10 or English B11 (one of)   Dance 20                                French 30
PAB10 Cooking/Sewing                  Digital Media 20                        German 30
French 10                             Drafting 20                             History 30
German 10                             Drama 20                                History 30/ELA 30
History 10                            English 20                              Indigenous Studies 30
Information Processing 10             Environmental Science 20                Interior Design 30
Japanese 10                           French 20
                                                                              Information Processing 30
Jazz 10                               German 20
                                                                              Integrated History 30/English A30
Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 10    Health Science 20
                                                                              Japanese 30
Math Foundations & Precalculus 10     History 20
                                                                              Law 30
Math 11                               Indigenous Studies 20
                                                                              Leadership 30
Music/Guitar 10                       Information Processing 20
                                                                              Life Transitions 30
Photo 10                              Japanese 20
Robotics and Automation 10            Jazz 20                                 Math Foundations 30
Science 10 or Science 11 (one of)     Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 20      Math Apprenticeship 30
Visual Arts 10                        Math Foundations 20                     Math Pre-Calculus 30
Wellness 10                           Math Pre-Calculus 20                    Music/Guitar 30
                                      Math 21                                 Photography 30
                                      Media Studies 20                        Physical Education 30
                                      Music/Guitar 20                         Physics 30
                                      Physical Education 20                   Psychology 30
                                      Physical Science 20                     World Religions 30
                                      Photography 20                          Arts Education *
                                      Robotics and Automation 20              Band 10, 20, 30
                                      Visual Arts 20                          Choral 10, 20, 30
                                                                              Dance 10, 20, 30
                                      GRADE 12 OFFERINGS                      Drama 10, 20, 30
                                      Academic Research / Work Placement 30   Guitar 10, 20, 30
                                      Active Living Fitness 30                Jazz 10, 20, 30
                                      Band 30                                 Visual Art 10, 20, 30
                                      Biology 30                              Practical & Applied Arts **
                                      Calculus 30                             Accounting 10, 20, 30
                                      Career Work Education A30/B30
                                                                              Career Work Education A30/B30
                                      Chemistry 30
                                                                              Computer Science 20, 30
                                      Choral 30
                                      Clothing 30                             Construction & Carpentry 10, 20, 30
                                      Computer Science 30                     Digital Media Production 30
                                      Construction & Carpentry 30             Drafting 10, 20, 30
                                      Creative Writing 30                     Entrepreneurship 30
                                      Dance 30                                Food Studies 30
                                      Digital Media 30                        Information Processing 10, 20, 30
                                      Drafting 30                             Life Transitions 30
                                      Drama 30                                Photography 10, 20, 30
                                                                              Robotics and Automation 30


ABCI English Pathway
  Grade 9
         ELA09 & ELB09

 Grade 10
      ELA10/11 & ELB10/11

                             GRADE 11 ELECTIVES:

  Grade 11                     Creative Writing 20
                                Media Studies 20
                                 Journalism 20

                            It is highly recommended that students
                            take at least one of the above electives
                            before taking Creative Writing 30.

                             GRADE 12 ELECTIVES:
  Grade 12                     Creative Writing 30
      ELA30/31 & ELB30/31

English Course Offerings
English                                         Grade 10 English A/B                     Media Studies 20
In the English Language Arts Program            (ELA10/ELB10 - ABCI Pre-IB)              Prerequisite: ELA10 A or ELA10B
(ELA), students develop their language          This course offers a balance among       You are the creators and consumers
abilities directly and indirectly through       the various language strands of ELA.     of mass communication and pop
speaking, writing, listening, reading,          A more in-depth analysis of              culture. Skills learned through
viewing, and representing. Each level of        literature and media is a focal point    Media Studies will include
English is developed around the goals of        of this course. It is intended for       analysing, appreciating, and
Compose and Create; Comprehend and              students who have good reading and       critiquing the influences of the
Respond; and Assess and Reflect. English        writing skills and have a desire to      media through the lens of film. You
Language Arts at the 20 level also offers       work with abstract ideas and             will become a more critical and
students the opportunity to explore             concepts. Pre-IB/Enriched ELA will       informed producer, and consumer
some specific interest classes in the areas     meet provincial curriculum               of our media-dominated culture.
of Creative Writing, Journalism, and            outcomes while fostering the             You will be visually literate!
Media Studies.                                  principles of an IB learner. Students    1 Credit
                                                who are interested in the IB program
                                                should take this course.                 Creative Writing 20 (EL20W)
Grade 10 English A (ELA10)                      1 Credit each                            Prerequisite: ELA10 A or ELA10B
This course will explore two main                                                        Creative writing fosters the
themes: the challenges of life; and the                                                  excitement of writing in a relaxed
mysteries of life. Students will explore a      Grade 11 English (ELA20)                 atmosphere, where students have
variety of texts, including novels, stories,    Prerequisite: ELA and ELB10              numerous opportunities to write
plays, poems, non-fiction, and visual and       The English Language Arts 20 course      from experience regarding what
oral media, in order to become better           focuses on the themes of: Starting       interests them. They will acquire
readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and      Out: Beginning and Becoming, and         the expertise to generate ideas,
representers.                                   Moving Forward: Establishing and         develop language precision, edit
1 Credit                                        Realizing. This course is often          with understanding, and confidently
                                                referred to as the “nostalgic” English   deliver a published work to an
                                                course, where we will look back on       audience. Creative writing is a one-
Grade 10 English B (ELB10)                      our own, and others’, childhood          of-a-kind English Language Arts
This course will explore two main               through a number of text forms.          program that will develop such
themes: Equity and Ethics and The World         1 Credit                                 important skills as communication,
Around and Within Us. These courses                                                      time management, self-expression,
build on the content of grade 9 ELA             This course is also available online     and critical and creative thinking.
courses, and continue to challenge the          through the Online Learning Centre       1 Credit
skills and critical thinking of the students.   (see page #46).
1 Credit                                                                                 This course is also available online
                                                                                         through the Online Learning Centre
                                                                                         (see page #46).
This course is also available online            Grade 11 English Modified
through the Online Learning Centre (see         (ELA21)
page #46).                                      Prerequisite: ELA10 and ELB10
                                                The grade 11 modified English
                                                courses focus on the three goals
Grade 10 English Modified                       stated in the English Language Arts
(ELA11/ELB11)                                   description above, but the content,
The grade 10 modified English courses           delivery, and expectations are
focus on the three goals stated in the ELA      modified to suit the learning needs
description above, but the content,             of students who may struggle in
delivery, and expectations are modified         traditional courses.
to suit the learning needs of students          1 Credit
who may struggle in traditional courses.
1 Credit each

English Course Offerings
Grade 12 English A (ELA30)               Grade 12 English B Through the              Creative Writing 30 (CRW30)
Prerequisite: ELA20                      lens of Philosophy (ELB30)                  Prerequisite: ELA 20
English Language Arts A30 addresses      Prerequisite: ELA 20                        This course is similar to Creative
national issues as reflected in the      “ELA B30: Language through                  Writing 20. Students who have
traditional and contemporary             Philosophy” explores some of life’s         already taken the 20 level course
literature of Canada and its regions.    most fundamental questions. What is         will be encouraged to further
Keeping with the three primary goals     distinctive about philosophy is its         develop their writing skills and
of English Language Arts students will   effort to address these questions           experiment with form. Senior
examine the two major themes of the      through the human capacity to reason:       students may take this course
course: Canadian Perspectives and        philosophical answers are based on          without taking Creative Writing
Canadian Landscapes. 1 Credit            reasoned arguments, which analyze           20. They will be expected to
                                         and seek to justify beliefs. Thus,          explore a range of genres. A
This course is also available online     philosophy is a kind of self-               student may take this course once
through the Online Learning Centre       examination, in which you discover          in grade 11 or 12. 1 Credit
(see page #46).                          what you think, and then reflect on
                                         whether your opinions are really            This course is also available online
                                         worth holding. This is the essence of       through the Online Learning
Grade 12 English B (ELB30)               the life of reason: to look critically at   Centre (see page #46).
Prerequisite: ELA 20                     your own ideas.
English Language Arts B30 allows
                                         This course will cover the following
students an opportunity to examine
traditional and contemporary world
literature as they explore global        1) Epistemology (perception/
issues. The two major themes for this       sensation/mind/self)
course are: The Search for Self and
                                         2) Logic and Argumentation (rational
The Social Experience. 1 Credit
                                            proofs, probability, rhetoric,
This course is also available online
through the Online Learning Centre       3) Metaphysics (the nature of reality
(see page #46).                             beyond the physical world)
                                         4) Ethics (the nature of human well-
Grade 12 English Modified A/B
(ELA31/ELB31)                            5) Aesthetics (the nature of beauty)
Prerequisite: ELA 20                     6) Existentialism (the nature of
A modified course is available at the       existence).
grade 12 level which focuses on the
same three goals as the regular          Students who take this course must
course. Themes discussed and             not only demonstrate a genuine
assignments given will be based on       interest in writing and thinking, but
the modified curriculum. 1 Credit        must also be self-disciplined,
                                         motivated, and ready to discuss lofty
                                         issues. Students who take this course
                                         will study philosophy integrated with
                                         English Language Arts and will earn an
                                         ELB 30 credit. 1 Credit


Fine Arts Course Offerings
Band 10 (BAN10)                         part diction, ear training, and part   composition and performance
Highly Recommended: Band 9              singing. A broad range of popular,     skills. Through practical, visual,
                                        folk, and traditional music will be    and written study, the students
If you missed an opportunity to         studied. Students in this class are    will examine the historical,
take Band 09 it is not too late to      members of the Aden Bowman             cultural, and social aspects of
join Band 10. Please see one of the     Choir and participate in all           dance. During this course,
band teachers for admittance into       rehearsal, performances and            students are encouraged to
this class.                             special projects of the choir.         consider how dance is
This course is an extension of skills   Students are required to obtain an     influenced by meaning,
learned in Band 9. Students are         Aden Bowman music shirt as part        geography, and culture. The
expected to perform scales, studies,    of the uniform.                        students will perform their
solo, band pieces, and to complete                                             work at the end of the semester
                                        The choir class operates outside of
written work. Home practice is                                                 in our Aden Bowman Dance
                                        the regular timetable. Students
required. Students in this class will                                          Showcase.
                                        will be required to attend class
participate in all rehearsals,
                                        before school starts. There are        The modules covered in Dance
performances and special projects
                                        three rehearsals/classes each week     20 include: Celebration and
of the band. Students are required
                                        outside regular school hours: One      Ceremony and Dance Manias.
to obtain a special concert shirt.
                                        lunch hour and two weekday             1 Credit
1 Credit
                                        mornings from 7:45—8:30 am.
                                        Students may take choir as an
                                                                               Dance 30 (DAN30)
Band 20/30 (BAN20/BAN30)                eleventh class. 1 Credit
                                                                               Highly Recommended: Dance 20
Highly Recommended: Band 10                                                    Dance 30 requires students to
Students in this class are members                                             not only improve upon their
                                        Dance 10 (DAN10)                       technique, composition, and
of the Senior Band and study a          Students will be introduced to a
broad repertoire of quality music.                                             performance, but also to think
                                        variety of dance forms from
Evaluation is based upon the                                                   critically about the meaning of
                                        various peoples and time periods.
performance of solos, studies,                                                 the dances they see and create.
                                        This appreciation for diversity
scales, and band repertoire, as well                                           Students will focus on dance
                                        permeates all levels of Dance at
as assignments and tests in listening                                          choreography, and will finish
                                        Aden Bowman. Dance 10 involves
music theory, and ear training.                                                the course by performing
                                        further study of a variety of dance
Students should have a keen                                                    student-choreographed pieces
                                        forms, with a greater focus on
interest in playing well and be                                                for the Aden Bowman
                                        technique, choreography, and
prepared to practice regularly.                                                community at our Aden
                                        performance. Through practical,
Students in this class participate in                                          Bowman Dance Showcase.
                                        visual, and written study, the
all rehearsals, performances, and       students will also examine the         The modules covered in Dance
special projects of the band.           historical, cultural, and social       30 include: Dance as a Part of
1 Credit                                aspects of dance. The students will    Life and Messengers and
                                        perform their work at the end of       Commentators. Students may
Choral 10/20/30                         the semester in our Aden Bowman        also have the opportunity to
(CHO10/CHO20/CHO30)                     Dance Showcase.                        work on an Independent Study
Highly Recommended: Successful                                                 module at this level. 1 Credit
                                        The modes covered in Dance 10
completion of choral classes in
                                        include: Introduction to Dance
previous years.
                                        Techniques and Dance Expressions
Students registered in choral class     - Cultural Stories. 1 Credit
should have a keen interest in
singing. Both males and females         Dance 20 (DAN20)
are invited to register. Group          Highly Recommended: Dance 10
instruction is given in vocal           In Dance 20 students will explore
technique, listening, music theory,     knowledge of different dance
solfege, diction, ear training, and     styles, and work to improve their

Fine Arts Course Offerings
Drama 10 (DRA10)                         Jazz Studies 10 (JAZ10)              Music 10/ Guitar (MUS10)
                                         Co-requisite: You must have tak-     Prerequisite: None
Drama 10 continues the students’
                                         en Band 09 and/or currently be       This course is open to students in
development of movement, speech,
                                         taking Band 10. No prior jazz        grade 10, 11, or 12 who have little
and other acting skills. Assignments
                                         experience required.                 or no musical background ‐ all skill
include performance of a
                                                                              levels are welcome! The primary
monologue and stage combat.              Jazz class time is Tuesday’s from    focus is using the music curriculum
Drama 10 places greater emphasis         3:30 - 5:00 pm and Thursday          with the focus on guitar. There is an
on physical movement,                    mornings from 7:50 - 8:45 am.        emphasis on pop, rock, blues, and
interpretation, characterization, and
                                         Jazz 10 is a new course offering     classical music. In addition, this
scene work.
                                         and is an extension of the extra-    course approaches music history,
The expectation is that drama            curricular senior jazz currently     theory, ethnomusicology, pop
students are committed to                offered. This new provincial cur-    music, music appreciation, and
enthusiasm in participation and          riculum is set up to promote and     composition. Guitars and materials
excellence in performance.               to understand the elements of        are provided in class. 1 Credit
Activities and performances are not      music and to develop the con-
optional. Students are also expected     cepts that will lead to the under-   Music 20/Guitar (MUS20)
to display courtesy to others at all     standing of organization and         Prerequisite: Music 10 (Guitar) or
times. Due to the collaborative          structure in jazz music and its      permission of the instructor.
nature of Drama, regular attendance      expressions. Students will have      This course will continue to develop
is an expectation in this class. All     the opportunity to form small jazz   skills and concepts from Music
students who enroll in these courses     ensembles and learn the begin-       (guitar) 10 with a greater focus on
must attend at least one live play       ning elements of improvisation.      individual performance and
performance during the semester          The students in this class will be   intermediate‐advanced playing
and must write a critique of one of      combined with the Jazz 20 stu-       techniques. Although the primary
those productions. Transportation        dents. 1 Credit                      focus is performance on the guitar
and tickets are the responsibility of                                         with an emphasis on pop, rock,
the student. 1 Credit                                                         blues, and classical music, this
                                                                              course also approaches music
Drama 20/30 (DRA20/DRA30)                                                     history, theory, ethnomusicology,
Highly Recommended: Drama 10                                                  pop music studies, music
Drama 20 and 30 have been                                                     appreciation, and composition.
combined to allow greater flexibility                                         Tablature and traditional notation
of scheduling, thus allowing more                                             will be used. Guitars and materials
students to enroll in these courses.                                          are provided in class. 1 Credit
Students will build upon processes
and techniques introduced in Drama                                            Music 30 /Guitar (MUS30)
10 and will add to their repertoire of                                        Prerequisite: Music 20 (Guitar) or
theatre skills and knowledge. The                                             permission of the instructor.
course allows the potential for                                               A variety of music styles and
exploring various theatre genres,                                             specific topics will be researched, at
acting styles, philosophical views,                                           an advanced level. Students will be
and technical aspects of production.                                          expected to work independently
                                                                              and design some of their own
Students are encouraged to                                                    learning goals in cooperation with
challenge themselves with difficult                                           the instructor. This course has a
material. The expectations of Drama                                           greater focus on performance,
20/30, regarding commitment,                                                  composition and using
attendance, participation, courtesy,                                          technology. Tablature and
and live performance attendance, is                                           traditional notation will be used.
the same as in Drama 10. 1 Credit                                             Guitars and materials are provided
                                                                              in class. 1 Credit

ABCI Math Pathway
                                                      Math 9

 Workplace and                                   Foundations and
                                                                              Math 11
Apprenticeship 10                                 Pre-Calculus 10

 Workplace and
                                 Foundations 20             Pre-Calculus 20    Math 21
Apprenticeship 20

 Workplace and
                                  Foundations 30            Pre-Calculus 30
Apprenticeship 30

The Ministry of Education recommends that students
take both grade 10 courses so they have exposure to
both pathways of mathematics. This will also ease
transitions for those students who wish to change             Calculus 30
pathways during their high school years.

Math Course Offerings
Foundations of Mathematics                trigonometry, algebra, statistics and     Mathematics 11 (MTH11)
and Pre-Calculus 10 (MFP10)               probability. 1 Credit                     This course is designed for theme-
This pathway is designed to provide                                                 based instruction, applying
                                          This course is also available online      mathematics to aspects of day-to-
students with the mathematical
                                          through the Online Learning Centre        day living. Emphasis is placed on
understandings and critical thinking
                                          (see page #46).                           making informed decisions within
skills identified for entry into post-
secondary programs. Topics                                                          the themes: Earning and Spending
include: measurement,                     Foundations of Mathematics 20             Money, Home, Recreation and
trigonometry, exponents,                  (MAF20E—ABCI Pre-IB )                     Wellness, and Travel &
polynomials, factoring, irrational        Prerequisite: Foundations of              Transportation. Topics include:
numbers, and relations and                Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10             arithmetic operations, logic &
functions. 1 Credit                       This course is intended for students      reasoning, data collection and
                                          who enjoy mathematics, who are            analysis, measurement, angles,
This course is also available online      disciplined in mathematics, and who       Pythagorean Theorem, proportional
through the Online Learning Centre        want more challenges. Pre-IB/             reasoning, and income & spending.
(see page # 46).                          Enriched math will meet provincial        1 Credit
                                          curriculum outcomes while fostering
Foundations of Mathematics                the principles of an IB learner.          Mathematics 21 (MTH21)
and Pre-Calculus 10                       Students who are interested in the IB     Prerequisite: Mathematics 11
(MFP10E—ABCI Pre-IB)                      program should take this course.          This course is designed for theme-
This course is intended for students      Students will look at mathematical        based instruction, applying
who enjoy mathematics, who are            concepts in detail, exploring difficult   mathematics to aspects of day-to-
disciplined in mathematics, and who       questions within each concept, as well    day living. Emphasis is placed on
want more challenges. Pre-IB/             as different applications of the          making informed decisions within
Enriched math will meet provincial        concept. Students should be able to       the themes: Earning and Spending
curriculum outcomes while fostering       grasp mathematical concepts and be        Money, Home, Recreation and
the principles of an IB learner.          mature, responsible learners. 1 Credit    Wellness, and Travel &
Students who are interested in the                                                  Transportation. Topics include:
IB program should take this course.       Foundations of Mathematics 30             preservation of equality, numerical
Students will look at mathematical        (MAF 30)                                  and proportional reasoning, angles,
concepts in detail, exploring difficult   Prerequisite: Foundations of              trigonometric ratios, and financial
questions within each concept, as         Mathematics 20                            decision making including budgets,
well as different applications of the     This pathway is designed to provide       interests and financial services.
concept. Students should be able to       students with the mathematical            1 Credit
grasp mathematical concepts and           understandings and critical-thinking
be mature, responsible learners.          skills identified for post-secondary
1 Credit                                  studies in programs that do not
                                          require the study of theoretical
Foundations of Mathematics                calculus. Topics include: financial
20 (MAF20)                                decision making, logical reasoning,
Prerequisite: Foundations of              counting principles, probability,
Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10             polynomial functions, periodic
This pathway is designed to provide       functions, logarithmic and exponential
students with the mathematical            functions. 1 Credit
understandings and critical-thinking      This course is also available online
skills identified for post-secondary      through the Online Learning Centre
studies in programs that do not           (see page #46).
require the study of theoretical
calculus. Topics include: logical and
proportional reasoning, geometry,

Math Course Offerings
Pre-Calculus 20 (MPC20)                   on limits, differentiation and its        Workplace and Apprenticeship
Prerequisite: Foundations of              application to curve sketching and        Mathematics 30 (MWA30)
Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10             problem solving, as well as an            Prerequisite: Workplace and
                                          introduction to integration and           Apprenticeship Mathematics 20
It is highly recommended that                                                       This pathway is designed to provide
                                          calculating the area under curves.
Foundations of Mathematics 20 be                                                    students with the mathematical
                                          1 Credit
taken before this class.                                                            understandings and critical-thinking
                                          This course is also available online      skills identified for entry into the
This pathway is designed to provide
                                          through the Online Learning Centre        majority of trades and for direct
students with the mathematical
                                          (see page #46).                           entry into the work force. Topics
understandings and critical-thinking
skills identified for entry into post-                                              include: trigonometry and
secondary programs that require the
                                          Workplace and                             measurement, transformations,
study of theoretical calculus. Topics     Apprenticeship Mathematics                logical reasoning, measures of
include: absolute value, radicals,        10 (MWA10)                                central tendency, linear relations,
trigonometry, rational expressions        This pathway is designed to               probability, business and financial
and equations, factoring, quadratic       provide students with the                 mathematics. 1 Credit
functions, quadratic equations,           mathematical       understandings         This course is also available online
inequalities, reciprocal functions,       and critical thinking skills identified   through the Online Learning Centre
sequences and series. 1 Credit            for entry into post-secondary             (see page #46).
                                          programs in trades and technology,
This course is also available online      and for direct entry into the work
through the Online Learning Centre        force. Topics include:
(see page #46).                           measurement, trigonometry,
                                          geometry, consumer math, and
Pre-Calculus 30 (MPC30)                   proportional reasoning. 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 20
This pathway is designed to provide       This course is also available online
students with the mathematical            through the Online Learning Centre
understandings and critical-thinking      (see page #46).
skills identified for entry into post-
secondary programs that require the       Workplace and
study of theoretical calculus. Topics     Apprenticeship Mathematics
include: the unit circle, trigonometric   20 (MWA20)
functions, trigonometric equations        Prerequisite: Workplace and
and identities, logarithmic and           Apprenticeship Mathematics 10
exponential functions and equations,      This pathway is designed to
counting principles, transformations      provide students with the
and composition of functions, radical     mathematical understandings
functions, rational function and          and critical-thinking skills identified
polynomial functions. 1 Credit            for entry into the majority of
This course is also available online      trades and for direct entry into the
through the Online Learning Centre        work force. Topics include:
(see page #46).                           financial mathematics, logical
                                          reasoning, geometry, and number
                                          sense. 1 Credit
Calculus 30 (CAL30)
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 30             This course is also available online
This course is an advanced class for      through the Online Learning Centre
very capable math students who are        (see page #46).
planning to continue in
mathematics at the university level.
The course includes topics


Phys. Ed Course Offerings
Active Living & Fitness 20 (ALF20)           Physical Education 20 (PED20)             Driver Education or Work
This course allows students to learn         The grade 11 program emphasizes           Education must take P.E. 20 and/or
more about and to focus on their own         recreational activities that will give    30 in the opposite semester of
health and wellness, as well as provid-      participants the basic skills and         Driver Education or Work
ing an opportunity to promote and en-        knowledge in a wide variety of            Education. Due to the availability
courage lifelong healthy, active life-       activities that they may pursue as        of facilities we will hold some
styles. This course will give the students   adults. The class is co-ed and            sessions over the noon hour.
the knowledge to design, implement,          features activities such as: tennis,      1 Credit
measure and modify a personal fitness        golf, bowling, archery, curling,
plan throughout the semester. Stu-           broomball, ice games, racquetball,        Wellness 10 (WLF10/WLM10)
dents will have the opportunity to par-      cross-country skiing, badminton,          In Wellness 10, students acquire
ticipate in a number of fitness classes      fencing, social dance, aquatics, and      the knowledge, skills, and
offered by a variety of fitness facilities   slow pitch. Minor officiating and         confidence needed to take action
around the city. Fitness theory and ac-      scorekeeping skills are also taught.      toward a healthy, active lifestyle.
tivities related to concepts being taught    Since most activities are away from       Wellness 10 combines the goals of
are the focus. Join us and learn to live a   the school, transportation will be        health and physical education and
healthy, active lifestyle! 1 Credit          provided when possible. A student         uses the best instruction from each
                                             fee of $75 is required to help cover      - both in the gym and the
Active Living Fitness 30 (ALF30)             the rental cost of facilities.            classroom - to prepare students to
Prerequisite: ALF 20                                                                   enjoy and engage in physical
                                             Assessment is based on
Active Living Fitness 30 is a locally de-                                              activity and to make informed
                                             participation, work ethic, community
veloped course designed for and                                                        decisions to improve personal
                                             and leadership hours, activity hours,
offered to students who wish to push                                                   health. 1 Credit
                                             and a comprehensive final exam.
themselves further in the area of health
and wellness that was studied in Active      Physical Education 30 (PED30)
Living Fitness 20.                           The grade 12 program continues to
The class will focus on 3 key areas:         emphasize recreational activities
                                             that will give the participants the
1.   Personal Fitness: Students will con-    basic skill and knowledge in a wide
     tinue with program planning con-        variety of activities that they may
     cepts learned in Active Living 20       pursue as adults. The class is co-ed
     and design a personal workout plan      and features activities such as tennis,
     they will implement throughout the      golf, bowling, weight training,
     semester.                               aerobics, badminton, fitness and
2.   Personal Trainer: Students will         anatomy, broomball, squash and
     partner with another student and        racquetball, curling, social dance,
     design, implement and monitor a         down-hill skiing, aquatics, scuba, wall
     fitness program for them for an         climbing, beach volleyball,
     eight week period.                      horseshoes, tae-kwon-do, and slow-
3.   Group Fitness Instructor: Students      pitch. Since most activities are away
     will also have the opportunity to       from the school, transportation will
     experience, gain knowledge of and       be provided when possible. A fee of
     instruct a group fitness class of       $75 is required to help cover the
     their choice to the remainder of the    rental cost of facilities. Assessment
     class.                                  is based on a major project, practical
                                             game play, work ethic, community
Cost for this class will be $60.00 with      and leadership hours and
much of the money going towards              participation. PE 20 & 30 require
attending fitness facilities in order to     some noon hour and break time for
expose them to the various types of          travelling to/from off campus
fitness classes offered around the city.     venues. Students planning to take
1 Credit


Practical and Applied Arts Course Offerings
Accounting 10, 20, 30                  Career & Work Exploration                Construction & Carpentry 10
This course is only available online   (CWA30G/CWB30G)                          (CAC10)
through the Online Learning Centre     Prerequisite: None                       Students are taught how to estimate
(see page 46). 1 Credit each           Career and Work Exploration 30 is a      costs of projects, identification of
                                       non-prerequisite course open to          different types of woods, and
Academic Research/Work                 grade 11 and 12 students. Offered        various fabrication techniques.
Placement Program (CWE 30)             during the afternoon, the course         Students will learn how to safely
Are you planning to attend             consists of two components:              operate hand tools, power tools,
university but aren’t quite sure       classroom learning, and work             and larger shop equipment.
which career path to choose? Do        exploration. The classroom               Students select a second project of
you want to explore some career        component includes the study of such     their choice in relation to their skill
possibilities through an amazing       topics as personal awareness, career     level. The second project will
research/work experience on the U      planning/exploration, job search and     involve all of the above, as well as
of S campus while you are still in     preparation, employer-employee           layout, assembly, and finishing
high school? The Academic              relations, employment standards, and     techniques. Cost of materials is paid
Research/Work Placement                financial planning. The work             by individual students. 1 Credit
Program is a single-credit course      exploration component requires
available to Grade 11 and 12           students to attend work sites for        Construction & Carpentry 20
students from an academic stream,      practical experience under the           (CAC20)
particularly in science and math,      guidance of industry professionals. No   Prerequisite: Construction &
and/or those with a specialized        remuneration is provided for the         Carpentry10
skill. Preference is given to Grade    hours worked, and the student is         This course is intended to extend
12 students. The instructional in-     required to provide his/her own          the student’s knowledge of practical
school component includes such         transportation to job sites. These       and artistic wood working and
concepts as Occupational Health        credits may not be used for university   further develop the skills introduced
and Safety training, employment        entrance, but provide students with      in Construction and Carpentry 10.
standards, resume development,         an excellent opportunity to delve into   Other areas of focus will include:
career research, and the               the world of work and gain valuable
development of a professional          employment skills and experience         •   Safely develop life-long
career portfolio. This is              that will help build an effective            carpentry skills in a supportive
complemented by a rewarding ten-       resume. 2 Credits                            environment.
week Academic Research/Work                                                     •   Utilize a variety of hand tools,
Placement, which is practical          Clothing 30 (CLO30)                          portable power tools and
experience in an academic or           Prerequisite: None                           stationary power tools.
professional setting. Students may     This class stresses experience in
choose from a number of exciting       garment construction using regular       •   Investigate and demonstrate
placement sites in the community       and electronic sewing machines and           the construction techniques
or within various departments at       the serger. Students will research the       required in a typical residential
the University of Saskatchewan in      fashion industry, marketing                  dwelling.
the College of Medicine, Vet. Med.,    strategies, consumer responsibilities,   •   Construct projects indicative of
Engineering, Pharmacy & Nutrition,     and modern creative design. They             personal skills levels.
Kinesiology, Arts & Sciences, Law,     will have the opportunity to create
Edwards School of Business, as well    many projects of their choice            •   Become aware of the many
as VIDO, Ag Canada, the CLS            throughout the course. Additional            different occupations required
Synchrotron and many others.           costs will come from supplies needed         to bring a house to completion.
Students must go through an initial    for projects. 1 Credit                   Materials are paid for by the
application, interview and selection                                            individual students. 1 Credit
process prior to acceptance into
this unique program. Apply early
through Student Services or speak
with your Career Facilitator.
1 Credit
You can also read