Student Handbook - Academies Australasia

Page created by Terrance Pratt
Student Handbook - Academies Australasia
Student Handbook

                                                PERTH CAMPUS

                                  Academies Australasia Institute Pty Limited
                                                 ACN 101 363 688
                       RTO Provider Number: 90806 CRICOS Provider Number: 02398A
                      Head office: Level 6, 505 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
                     Perth Campus Address: Level 1, 120 Roe Street, Northbridge, WA 6003
                                    Tel: (+61 2) 9224 5500 (+61 8) 9328 1266
                       Email: Website:

     This Handbook is classified “Confidential” and remains the property of Academies Australasia Institute Pty Limited.

DLR – 17 May 2021
Student Handbook - Academies Australasia

Welcome to Academies Australasia Institute. We are glad that you have chosen us for your
studies and hope that your time with us will be an enjoyable experience.

We strive to provide quality vocational education and training, knowledgeable and
experienced trainers, and an environment which is culturally diverse, friendly and non-

Over the years, our students have noted that there are three key ingredients to their success:
       - regular attendance
       - consistent effort and attention
       - willingness to seek help.

Please familiarise yourself with the contents of this handbook, the purpose of which is to
provide you with the information you need to settle quickly into College life. The handbook
should be retained for future reference. If you are unsure about anything in this handbook or
if you believe that important information has been omitted, please raise this with the Student
Services staff.

We hope that you will participate actively in College life, and are confident that you will make
many new friends. We look forward to your academic success.

Christopher Campbell
Group Managing Director

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CODE OF PRACTICE AND STUDENT SERVICE POLICY ........................................................................ 1
       QUALITY MANAGEMENT POLICY ........................................................................................................................................1
       STUDENT RIGHTS.................................................................................................................................................................1
       STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................................................................1
       ADMISSION ............................................................................................................................................................................2
       INDUCTION/ORIENTATION ..................................................................................................................................................2
       DEFERRING, SUSPENDING OR CANCELLING STUDENT ENROLMENT ..........................................................................2
       CHANGING COURSES ..........................................................................................................................................................3
       NEW STUDENT ......................................................................................................................................................................3
       CURRENT STUDENT.............................................................................................................................................................3
       TRANSFER BETWEEN REGISTERED PROVIDERS ............................................................................................................3
       ENROLMENT .........................................................................................................................................................................5
       MONITORING COURSE PROGRESS ...................................................................................................................................5
       COMPLAINTS PROCESS ......................................................................................................................................................9
       APPEALS PROCESS ...........................................................................................................................................................10
       COLLEGE / LOCAL FACILITIES ..........................................................................................................................................12
       STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................12

PAYMENT OF FEES AND REFUND POLICY ............................................................................................. 13
       PROTECTION OF STUDENT FEES PAID IN ADVANCE.....................................................................................................13
       REFUND POLICY AND PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................13
       PAYMENT OF FEES.............................................................................................................................................................14

TRAINING DELIVERY .................................................................................................................................... 16
       THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................................................16
       ACADEMIC YEAR ................................................................................................................................................................16
       THE COURSES ....................................................................................................................................................................16
       THE TRAINERS ....................................................................................................................................................................16
       COURSE DELIVERY METHODS .........................................................................................................................................16
       ATTENDANCE AT LESSONS ..............................................................................................................................................16
       CLASSROOM CONDUCT ....................................................................................................................................................16
       SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS ..............................................................................................................................................16
       HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS ....................................................................................................................................17
       TEXTBOOKS ........................................................................................................................................................................17
       REFERENCE LIBRARY........................................................................................................................................................17

ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS ...................................................................................... 18
       SPECIAL NEEDS..................................................................................................................................................................18
       ASSIGNMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................18
       PLAGIARISM ........................................................................................................................................................................18
       ASSESSMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................18
       LANGUAGE, LITERACY AND NUMERACY (LLN) ...............................................................................................................18

CONDUCT OF ASSESSMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 20
       GENERAL RULES ................................................................................................................................................................20
       WHAT STUDENTS SHOULD DO .........................................................................................................................................20
       ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT ..................................................................................................................................................20
       FAILURE TO ATTEMPT AN ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................20
       ASSESSMENT AND GRADING ...........................................................................................................................................20
       COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT ..............................................................................................................................21
       LATE ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION ....................................................................................................................................21
       RE-ENROLMENT .................................................................................................................................................................21
       DEFERRED ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................................................21
       REASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................................................21
       APPEALS AGAINST ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES ..............................................................................................................22

ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS ...................................................................................................................... 22
       CHANGE OF PERSONAL DETAILS ....................................................................................................................................22
       USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................22
       TRANSCRIPTS AND CERTIFICATES .................................................................................................................................22
       STUDENT ID CARDS ...........................................................................................................................................................22
       EMAIL ...................................................................................................................................................................................22

ACCESS AND EQUITY POLICY .................................................................................................................... 23
       GENERAL GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................................................................23
       WOMEN’S STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................................................23
       DISABILITIES STRATEGY ...................................................................................................................................................23
       STUDENTS FROM NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING BACKGROUNDS .....................................................................................23
       EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LEGISLATION ..............................................................................................................................23
       EQUALITY IN STUDENT SELECTION .................................................................................................................................23
       EQUALITY IN STUDENT ENROLMENT ..............................................................................................................................24

PRIVACY POLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 26
       HOW INFORMATION IS COLLECTED ................................................................................................................................26
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HOW WE HOLD INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................26
     HOW INFORMATION IS USED ............................................................................................................................................26
     STUDENT IDENTIFIER ........................................................................................................................................................26
     ASSESSMENT TASK SUBMISSION AND EXAMINATION ..................................................................................................26
     DISCLOSURE (SHARING) ...................................................................................................................................................27
     HOW THE NCVER AND OTHER BODIES HANDLE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION ..................................................27
     SURVEYS .............................................................................................................................................................................27
     CONTACT INFORMATION...................................................................................................................................................27
     ACCESS AND REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION CORRECTION .......................................................................................27
     PROTECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................28
     WEBSITE ..............................................................................................................................................................................28
     DIRECT MARKETING ..........................................................................................................................................................28
     DATA BREACHES ................................................................................................................................................................28

WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION....................................................................................... 29
     GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ......................................................................................................................................29
     HAZARD CONTROL AND REPORTING ..............................................................................................................................29
     INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING ...................................................................................................................................29
     FIRST AID .............................................................................................................................................................................29
     EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.............................................................................................................................................29

LAWS THAT ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF SHOULD KNOW ................................................................ 32
IMPORTANT NUMBERS AND CONTACT DETAILS ................................................................................ 34

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RTO Provider No. 90806,
CRICOS Provider No. 02398A

QUALITY MANAGEMENT POLICY                                    -   recognition of their prior learning and current
Academies Australasia Institute (“the College”)              -   counselling on academic matters;
adopts a quality management policy with the aim to           -   information about each subject they study and
achieve quality through focusing on customers and                its assessment procedure; and
continuously improving all processes in its core             -   the opportunity to access welfare related
business of vocational education. The College is                 support services to assist with issues that may
committed to compliance with the National                        arise during their study at no additional cost.
Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act
2011.                                                        STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES

Quality  through   Customer            Focus     and         Students are required to:
Continuous Improvement                                       -   be aware of safety, follow Work Health and
                                                                 Safety (WHS) and emergency procedures and
The College has deliberately emphasised the                      to report dangerous incidents, accidents and
principles of customer focus and continuous                      injuries;
improvement because we believe they are:                     -   have their Student ID cards while on College
-   core to the requirements of the various                  -   refrain from participating in, condoning or
    accreditation authorities;                                   approving conduct which is harassing,
-   fundamental to the quality management                        discriminatory or unfair;
    process; and                                             -   treat all other students and staff with courtesy,
-   helpful, if correctly followed, to achieving our             fairness and respect;
    other goals.                                             -   comply with laws of Western Australia and
                                                                 Australia including laws about crimes,
Customer Focus is a goal or objective and a                      harassment, discrimination and copyright;
touchstone for analysing each decision, process or           -   comply with College assessment procedures
plan. In every case, we must consider how a                      and refrain from plagiarism, collusion and
decision or process will improve or enhance our                  cheating in assessment tasks;
service to customers. The emphasis on Customer               -   be punctual and regular in attendance;
Focus sends a strong message to our customers                -   comply with the student visa and ESOS Act
and to all staff about the fundamental importance of             requirements;
our customers.
                                                                 ESOS Framework Link:
Continuous Improvement provides an ongoing             
strategy for achieving this goal. This also signals to           -Information/Pages/Regulatoryinformation.aspx
all staff and customers that the College has an
ongoing process of planning, implementation and
review.                                                      -   enrol scheduled subjects on the Student
                                                                 Management System (Paradigm) and E-
With these core principles in mind, the College                  learning by the end of the second week of each
appreciates the feedback that it receives. Students              term;
are encouraged to provide feedback on all aspects            -   inform the College of any changes to their
of its operations to enhance the quality of service it           personal details, emergency contact details
provides. Students may convey their feedback in the              visa status or enrolment status;
following ways:                                              -   obtain textbooks as required by the teachers;
                                                             -   move quietly and briskly between classrooms,
-    by speaking with any member of Student                      in corridors and generally in the College
     Services; or                                                premises, and when entering and leaving the
-    by e-mail.                                                  College premises, and not raise their voice or
                                                                 participate in any activity which may disrupt
                                                                 teaching in other classrooms;
STUDENT RIGHTS                                               -   dress in an appropriate standard for a
                                                                 commercial office environment;
Students are entitled to:                                    -   pay fees as required by College guidelines; and
-   a safe and healthy working environment;                  -   provide the College with the Unique Student
-   a culturally diverse, friendly and non-                      Identifier details within two weeks of
    discriminatory      working    and     learning              commencement of the course.
    environment free of harassment;
-   courteous, fair and respectful personal                  Students are not allowed to (and may be penalised
    treatment;                                               if they do):
-   confidential    treatment   of   their   private         -     smoke in the building, including the foyer and
    information;                                                   near the entrance, and in fire escapes;
-   advice about complaints and appeals                      -     loiter anywhere within the College premises,
    procedures;                                                    entrances to the College premises or on the

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pedestrian thoroughfares within the vicinity of         USI (UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTIFIER)
    the College premises;
-   engage in dishonesty or misconduct in                   A USI is a reference number made up of numbers
    examinations or assessments, such as                    and letters that gives students access to their USI
    plagiarism, collusion or cheating;                      account. A USI will allow an individual’s USI account
-   swear or act in an offensive manner;                    to be linked to the National Vocational Education
-   take food or drink into the classrooms;                 and Training (VET) Data Collection, allowing an
-   litter the College premises, the entrances to the       individual to see all of their training results from all
    College premises or on the pedestrian                   providers including all completed training units and
    thoroughfares within the vicinity of the College        qualifications. The USI will make it easier for
    premises;                                               students to find and collect their VET achievements
-   harass other students or staff;                         into a single authenticated transcript. It will also
-   damage, steal, modify or misuse College                 ensure that students’ VET records are not lost.
-   be under the influence of alcohol or drugs on           Students will need a USI to obtain their certificate or
    College premises;                                       qualification    from  their   registered      training
-   engage in behaviour which could offend,                 organisation, when studying nationally recognised
    embarrass or threaten others;                           training in Australia.
-   promote any religious or political ideology while
    on College premises;                                    Students without a USI are required to create their
-   breach copyright laws including those relating          USI     account      from  the     USI     website
    to software;                                            ( To create a USI, students must
-   use the College computers (or data/telephone            provide details of one form of identification
    points or wifi) to send, broadcast, search for or       document listed below:
    download inappropriate, offensive, defamatory           -   Driver’s Licence
    or illegal material;                                    -   Visa (with Non-Australian Passport) for
-   be dressed inappropriately; and                             international students
-   use or leave chewing gum on College
    premises.                                               The USI details must be provided to the College
                                                            within two weeks of commencement of the course.
Students must abide by the college rules at all times       USI details are entered and verified in the Student
on college premises, in class and in accommodation          Management System. Students must provide
arranged by the College. The College reserves the           verified USI details before the College issues
right to discipline or expel students whose conduct         Qualifications or Statement of Attainment.
is unsatisfactory. No refund will be made in the case
of expulsion from the College.
                                                            DEFERRING, SUSPENDING OR CANCELLING
                                                            STUDENT ENROLMENT
                                                            The College may allow students to defer (before
Admission to the College is open to any person              study commencement), or to temporarily suspend
who:                                                        their studies (after study commencement) including
-   can attend timetabled lessons at the College            granting Leave Of Absence (LOA) on grounds of
    premises;                                               compassionate or compelling circumstances such
-   meets the course entry requirements, including          as serious illness (e.g. illness where a medical
    for English;                                            certificate states that the student is unable to attend
-   pays the current course fees;                           classes), death in the family or for other reasons
-   agrees to abide by the College rules and                acceptable to the College, or to cancel their course
    procedures;                                             by withdrawing from the College.
-   agrees to comply with the laws of Western
    Australia; and                                          Students who wish to defer studies before
-   for overseas students, meets the requirements           commencement need to inform their Marketing
    of the Department of Home Affairs and is                Manager as soon as possible.
    granted a student visa to study at the College.
                                                            Students who wish to apply for LOA should do so by
                                                            completing the Leave of Absence Form at least 2
INDUCTION/ORIENTATION                                       weeks in advance, where possible, and submit it to
                                                            Student Services. In their application, they should
Prior to the commencement of the course, students           state clearly their reasons for leave and provide
are invited to attend an induction/orientation              copies of any documents that will help support their
programme. This programme usually occurs on                 application. The Student Support Officer will advise
Monday of the first week of the course. This                the student of any missing documentation. All
programme introduces students to the College                required documents must be provided within 7
environment and allows them to complete the                 working days of the advice. Failure to do so may
necessary administrative processes before they              result in the LOA being disapproved. Students must
begin their studies.                                        report to Student Services with their passport (if
                                                            applicable) once they return from their approved
                                                            leave of absence. They must also contact the
                                                            Course Coordinator to discuss their subjects. Prior
                                                            to applying to suspend their course, students must

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ensure that they have paid their tuition fees.                ARTICULATION
Students who fail to return to the College within 5
working days after the end of their LOA will be               Since 1998, Australian educational institutions have
considered to have been withdrawn from the                    agreed to recognise studies completed in
course.                                                       accordance with the Australian Qualifications
                                                              Framework (AQF). An important part of this
Students who wish to withdraw from the College                agreement is that students are able to obtain
must give at least one full term’s notice in writing to       exemptions or credits for study already completed.
a Student Support Officer. If less than one term’s
notice is given, in addition to the student receiving         Credit points, usually up to the equivalent of one
no refund of the course fees they have already paid,          year’s (some courses earn more than one year of
the student has an obligation to pay the following            credit) study at University, may be obtained by
term’s fees in lieu of the required notice. No final          students who wish to continue their course to
documents will be issued until all outstanding fees           degree level.
are settled.
                                                              Universities assess the applicants individually and
                                                              credits allowed may be based on the pass level
The college will initiate cancellation of student             achieved by the student.
enrolment if:
-   the student does not start the course on the              It must also be remembered that from time to time,
    commencement date (non-commencement);                     places may be at a premium and the universities
-   the student fails to pay fees (non-payment of             offer no guarantee of admission.
-   the student breaches a condition of their                 Please visit for further
    student visa;                                             details on the College’s articulations arrangements.
-   the student misbehaves (when student has
    committed a serious misbehaviour such as
    criminal activity or non-serious misbehaviour             CHANGING COURSES
    repeatedly after suspension); or
-   the student does not return after the term                NEW STUDENT
                                                              Students wishing to apply to change their course
Upon approval from the Executive Director, when               (within the same College) after commencement of
the cancellation is due to a student’s failure to pay         their enrolment must complete the Application to
fees, breaching of a condition of their student visa or       Change Course form outlining the reasons for this
student misbehaviour, the student is notified in              change and submit it to Student Services within the
writing of the decision. The notification refers to:          first week of the term. Students must also pay the
-     the fact that the cancellation may have an              change-of-course fee of $150 in addition to the
      impact on their student visa;                           difference in fees between the old and the new
-     20 working days in which to access the                  course.
      internal appeals process; and
-     the external appeals process (Overseas                  CURRENT STUDENT
      Student Ombudsman).
                                                              Students wishing to change their course (within the
Students may appeal against the decision to cancel            same College) must complete the Application to
their enrolment. The cancellation will not take effect        Change Course form outlining the reasons for this
until the internal and external appeals processes are         change and submit it to the Course Coordinator
completed, unless extenuating circumstances                   within the first week of the term. Students must also
relating to student welfare apply.                            pay the change-of-course fee of $150 in addition to
                                                              the difference in fees between the old and the new
The College must advise the Department of                     course.
Education, Skills and Employment and the
Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS,                        Students must satisfy the minimum course progress
particulars of any breach by an accepted student of           requirements of the course or have demonstrated
a prescribed condition of a student visa as soon as           an active attempt at resolving course progress
practicable after the breach occurs.                          issues prior to applying to change their course.

The College must give particulars of a breach by a            TRANSFER           BETWEEN            REGISTERED
student even if the student has ceased to be an               PROVIDERS
accepted student of the provider.
                                                              Under the National Code 2018, the college will not
                                                              knowingly enrol a student wishing to transfer from
                                                              another registered provider’s course prior to the
                                                              student completing 6 months of the principal course
                                                              of study except where:

                                                              -        the original registered provider has ceased
                                                                       to be registered or the course in which the
                                                                       student is enrolled has ceased to be

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-            the original registered provider has granted       -   statement of reasons why the student is
             the student’s release;                                 seeking release or other documentation
-            the original registered provider has had a             explaining reasons for release request;
             sanction imposed on its registration by the        -   for a student who is under 18 years of age,
             Australian government or state or territory            written evidence that the student’s parent or
             government that prevents the student from              legal guardian supports the transfer and written
             continuing the principal course; or                    confirmation from the proposed provider that
-            any government sponsor of the student                  they accept responsibility for approving the
             considers the change to be in the student’s            student accommodation, support and general
             best interest and has provided written                 welfare arrangements; and
             support for that change.                           -   any evidence to support the information
Students wishing to transfer to another college must
complete and submit the Application to Transfer to              All documentation will be held in confidence and will
Another Registered Provider form to a Student                   be stored to ensure privacy.
Support Officer.

Students must complete 6 months of their principal              General Guidelines
course. This is the highest qualification course,
therefore where a student is enrolled at one of the             Applying to Transfer to Another Registered Provider
Colleges as a pathway to a university, the College              does not preclude students from the requirement to
should not allow the student to transfer out of the             enrol on time. Non-enrolment will not automatically
College     unless    there    are     ‘exceptional             result in approval of transfer. It will however result
circumstances’ (defined below) and after liaising               in the student being reported to the Department of
with the relevant university. Students need to                  Education, Skills and Employment and the
complete their pathway course with the College, and             Department of Home Affairs for failing to enrol.
continue their degree studies at the relevant
university.                                                     Circumstances for Granting or Refusing a
Exceptional Circumstances include:
                                                                To apply to transfer to another provider within the
-        educational progression (academic) problems            first 6 months of the Student's Principal Course, the
         that cannot be addressed by the provider’s             student must apply for a release letter from the
         resources;                                             College.
-        student has to move their residence to another
         city/state; or                                         Granting a Transfer
-        a medical circumstance that affects the
         student’s performance in their current course          Students may be granted a release based on the
         and where the student can demonstrate it will          following range of factors:
         not affect his performance in the intended new
         enrolment.                                             •   if the course the student wishes to transfer to:
                                                                          -   better meets the study capabilities of
Subject to the above, an application for transfer on                          the student, or
the grounds of exceptional circumstances may be                           -   better meets the long-term goals of the
demonstrated by providing sufficient detailed                                 student, whether these relate to future
information with relevant supporting documentation                            work,     education     or    personal
to support the application, such as:                                          aspirations;

i.   a medical certification stating in reasonable
                                                                •   if the student wishes to change course in order
     detail the dates of any relevant consultations or
                                                                    to get access to greater support (may be
                                                                    through the services offered by another
                                                                    provider, commercial or non-for-profit services
     -     if relevant, the nature of the complaint and
                                                                    or through access to family, friends or a cultural
           the treatment;
                                                                    support network);
     -     a specific statement that in the health care
                                                                •   if the student claims or can provide evidence
           professional’s opinion (not the student’s
                                                                    that their reasonable expectations about the
           opinion) affirms that, as a result of the
                                                                    current course are not being met;
           complaint or treatment, the student should be
           transferred.                                         •   if the student is to be reported to the
                                                                    Department      of   Education,      Skills   and
ii. a police report or statutory declaration.                       Employment and the Department of Home
iii. other relevant supporting documentation.                       Affairs because they are unable to achieve
                                                                    satisfactory course progress at the level they
Supporting Documentation includes:                                  are studying, even after engaging with the
                                                                    College’s intervention strategies*; or
-        Application to Transfer to Another Registered          •   the College fails to deliver the course as
         Provider;                                                  outlined in the Offer Letter and Student
-        offer letter from the new registered provider;             Agreement.

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*Remarks:                                                     fee in order to re-enrol in their course. All tuition
   a. The College reserves the right to refuse                fees must also be up to date in order to re-enrol.
   transfer requests from students who are not
   genuinely engaging with an intervention strategy           Subject enrolment schedule and notification
   with the intention of failing and being released.
   b. The College will report on the student’s                -   Students are notified by public notices of the
   course progress even if the transfer request is                key dates for enrolling in subjects.
   granted.                                                   -   Any student who may be unable to attend the
                                                                  enrolment must apply for approval for late
A release should also be granted for a student                    enrolment.
where:                                                        -   One week prior to enrolment/re-enrolment,
                                                                  students are reminded of the key dates for
•   a student can provide evidence that they were                 enrolment via email and SMS.
    misled by the provider or an education or                 -   No student is allowed to enrol in a subject that
    migration agent regarding the provider or its                 does not belong to their current course.
    course, which constitutes a breach of the ESOS
    Act; or                                                   Requirements for Enrolment/re-enrolment
•   an appeal (internal or external) on a matter that
    may reasonably result in the student wishing to           At enrolment/re-enrolment, the following information
    seek a transfer supports the student.                     must be verified by the student on the Student
                                                              Management System.

Refusing a Transfer:                                          -   the student’s current residential address;
                                                              -   the student’s mobile phone number (if any);
The College may refuse to grant a release letter              -   the student’s email address (if any);
based on the following range of factors:                      -   emergency contact details; and
                                                              -   any other details prescribed by the regulations
•   if the transfer may jeopardise the student’s
    progression through a package of courses;                 The College will also confirm with the student, via
•   if the student has recently started studying the          Paradigm at least every 3 months that those details
    course and the full range of support services             are still correct and records are updated
    are yet to be provided or offered to the student          accordingly.
    (it is good practice to revisit the issue within a
    timeframe negotiated with the student); and
•   if the student is trying to avoid being reported to       MONITORING COURSE PROGRESS
    the Department of Education, Skills and
    Employment and the Department of Home                     The College divides its vocational courses into four
    Affairs for failure to meet the provider's                study periods per academic year. These study
    attendance         or      academic       progress        periods are named terms. Each term comprises of
    requirements.                                             9-weeks. Within these terms, specific subjects are
                                                              allocated to the student to make up a full-time study
Exception for Obtaining a Release from the                    workload of twenty (20) contact hours per week.
College                                                       The student’s allocated subjects, detailed in the
                                                              timetable, must be followed. A student wishing not
No release is required where:                                 to undertake the required study in a certain subject,
                                                              must obtain approval from the Course Coordinator
-   the student has completed at least 6 calendar             within the first two weeks of the term.
    months' study in his or her principal course;
-   the student is government sponsored and that              For all qualifications, including nested qualifications
    government sponsor provides written support               (packaged courses), a study period consists of 1
    for the change as it considers the change to be           college term which is equivalent to 9 weeks of
    in the student's best interests;                          studies.
-   the College has ceased to be registered or the
    program in which the student is enrolled has              If the student is in their last term of study, the full-
    ceased to be registered; or                               time study workload of twenty (20) contact hours per
-   the College has a sanction imposed on it that             week will be adjusted to reflect the remaining
    prevents the student from continuing their                number of subjects/units of competency/modules
    principal course.                                         that the student is required to complete in order to
                                                              satisfy their course requirements.

ENROLMENT                                                     To check that the student’s course progress is
                                                              satisfactory, the College will monitor academic
Students must enrol in subjects as specified in their         performance in each subject of enrolment. Progress
timetables on the Student Management System                   will be assessed throughout each subject and
(Paradigm) within the first two (2) weeks of each             results will be collated at the end of every term. At
term. Students who fail to do so may have their               the same time, the College will also check the
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) cancelled.                    student’s progress towards completion of the course
Students may appeal this decision by the end of               within the specified duration. The student will be
week 4 of the term. If the appeal is successful,              able to access the End of Term Results within the
students are required to pay a $300 re-enrolment
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first week of the following term through the Student        be enrolled into subjects by the Course Coordinator
Management        System     (Paradigm).    A   final       after paying for reassessment (if applicable) or
assessment of the student’s overall achievements            agreeing to any other intervention strategy. If the
will occur at the end of every term.                        student does not contact the Course Coordinator by
                                                            Friday of the first week of the term, the student will
Students returning from LOA are expected to meet            be issued with an Intention to Report* (ITR) letter
course progress requirements. When a student                within 14 days (after the end of the first week of the
returns from LOA they are expected to meet course           term) via email.
progress and catch up on his/her studies in the
following term, failing to do so would trigger the          Students who have not successfully completed or
reporting process, and any previous warning letters         demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study
would also be counted towards the reporting cycle.          hours of allocated subjects at the end of the third
                                                            term will be issued a Continued Non-Compliant
Satisfactory Course Progress                                Rate of Course Progress letter (CPL3) via email
                                                            before commencement of the following term. The
To meet the requirement for satisfactory course             letter will indicate that they are at risk of not
progress, students enrolled in any course                   achieving satisfactory course progress and that they
regardless of the duration must pass a minimum of           have been kept on probation for the following term.
50% of the full-time study hours in a term. For             Students will also be advised to arrange a one-on-
example, out of 180 hours of allocated subjects in a        one meeting with their Course Coordinator by Friday
term, students must pass a minimum of 90 hours.             of the first week of the term, as per the Non-
                                                            Compliant Rate of Course Progress Letter (CPL3),
Course progress is monitored based on the duration          to implement intervention strategies. Students are
of the course a student is enrolled in.                     enrolled into subjects by the Course Coordinator
                                                            once outstanding assessments are submitted or at
Warning letters such as Risk of Unsatisfactory              the Course Coordinator’s discretion if they have
Course Progress and Non-Compliant Rate of                   demonstrated an active attempt at resolving course
Course Progress are sent to students by email.              progress issues. If students do not contact the
Intention to Report letters are also sent to students       Course Coordinator by Friday of the first week of the
by email.                                                   term, they will be issued with an ITR* letter within 14
                                                            days (after the end of the first week of the term) via
Course duration: 8 terms which is equivalent to             email.
8 study periods
                                                            Students who do not show improvement after
– This is for students who enrol in 1 or more               contacting the Course Coordinator by failing to
qualification(s) with duration of 8 terms OR                abide by the agreed intervention strategies and
packaged eCoEs with a total duration of 8 terms.            satisfactorily completing the reassessment (if
[Note: For qualifications with course durations of 5,       applicable) and, as a consequence, fail to complete
6 or 7 terms, the course progress monitoring                or demonstrate competency in 50% of the course
procedure for 8-term course duration will apply].           requirements, they will be issued with an ITR letter
                                                            via email. The ITR letter informs them of the
Students whose end of term result indicates that            College’s intention to report their breach to the
they have not successfully completed or                     Department of Education, Skills and Employment
demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study           and the Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS.
hours of allocated subjects, will receive a Risk of         This letter will also inform the student of their right to
Unsatisfactory Course Progress letter (CPL1), via           appeal this decision within 20 working.
email, before commencement of the following term.
The letter will indicate that they are at risk of not       Course duration: 4 terms which is equivalent to
achieving satisfactory course progress and that they        4 study periods
must arrange a one-on-one meeting with their
Course Coordinator by Friday of the first week of the       – Thisis for students who enrol in a qualification with
term. The Course Coordinator will implement                 a duration of 4 terms.
intervention strategies to assist the student and
record comments in the Student Management                   Students whose end of term result indicates that
System (Paradigm).                                          they have not successfully completed or
                                                            demonstrated competence in 50% of full time study
Students who have not successfully completed or             hours of allocated subjects, will receive a Risk of
demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study           Unsatisfactory Course Progress letter (CPL1) via
hours of allocated subjects at the end of the second        email before commencement of the following term.
term will be issued a Non-Compliant Rate of Course          The letter will indicate that they are at risk of not
Progress letter (CPL2), via email, before                   achieving satisfactory course progress and that they
commencement of the following term. The letter will         have been placed on probation for the following
indicate that they are at risk of not achieving             term. Students will also be advised to arrange a
satisfactory course progress and that they have             one-on-one meeting with their Course Coordinator
been placed on probation for the following term.            by Friday of the first week of the term. The Course
Students will also be advised to arrange a one-on-          Coordinator will implement intervention strategies to
one meeting with their Course Coordinator by Friday         assist the student. Students will be enrolled into
of the first week of the term, as per the Non-              subjects by the Course Coordinator only after
Compliant Rate of Course Progress Letter (CPL2),            paying for reassessment (if applicable) or agreeing
to implement intervention strategies. Students will         to any other intervention strategy. If students do not

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contact the Course Coordinator by Friday of the first         Course duration: 3 terms which is equivalent to
week of the term, they will be issued with an ITR*            3 study periods
letter within 14 days (after the end of the first week
of the term) via email.                                       – This is for students who only enrol in 1
                                                              qualification with a duration of 3 terms OR packaged
Students who have not successfully completed or               eCoEs with a total duration of 3 terms.
demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study
hours of allocated subjects at the end of the second          Students whose end of term result indicates that
term, will be issued a Non-Compliant Rate of                  they have not successfully completed or
Course Progress letter (CPL2), via email, before              demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study
commencement of the following term. The letter will           hours of allocated subjects, will receive a Risk of
indicate that they are at risk of not achieving               Unsatisfactory Course Progress letter (CPL1) via
satisfactory course progress and that they have               email before the commencement of the following
been kept on probation for the following term.                term. The letter will indicate that they are at risk of
Students will also be advised to arrange a one-on-            not achieving satisfactory course progress and that
one meeting with their Course Coordinator by Friday           they have been placed on probation for the following
of the first week of the term, as per the Non-                term. Students will also be advised to arrange a
Compliant Rate of Course Progress Letter (CPL2),              one-on-one meeting by Friday of the first week of
to implement intervention strategies. Students will           the term with their Course Coordinator. The Course
be enrolled into subjects by the Course Coordinator           Coordinator will implement intervention strategies to
once outstanding assessments are submitted or at              assist the student. Students will be enrolled into
the Course Coordinator’s discretion if they have              subjects by the Course Coordinator after paying for
demonstrated an active attempt at resolving course            reassessment (if applicable) or agreeing to any
progress issues. If students do not contact the               other intervention strategy. If students do not
Course Coordinator by Friday of the first week of the         contact the Course Coordinator by Friday of the first
term, they will be issued with an ITR* letter within 14       week of the term, they will be issued with an ITR*
days (after the end of the first week of the term) via        letter within 14 days (after the end of the first week
email.                                                        of the term) via email .

Students who have not successfully completed or               Students who have not successfully completed or
demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study             demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study
hours of allocated subjects at the end of the third           hours of allocated subjects at the end of the second
term will be issued a Continued Non-Compliant                 term will be issued a Non-Compliant Rate of Course
Rate of Course Progress letter (CPL3), via email,             Progress letter (CPL2), via email, before
before the commencement of the following term.                commencement of the following term. The letter will
The letter will indicate that they are at risk of not         indicate that they are at risk of not achieving
achieving satisfactory course progress and that they          satisfactory course progress and that they have
have been kept on probation for the following term.           been kept on probation for the following term.
Students will also be advised to arrange a one-on-            Students will also be advised to arrange a one-on-
one meeting by Friday of the first week of the term,          one meeting by Friday of the first week of the term,
as per the Non-Compliant Rate of Course Progress              as per the Non-Compliant Rate of Course Progress
Letter (CPL3), to implement intervention strategies.          Letter (CPL2), to implement intervention strategies.
Students will be enrolled into subjects by the Course         Students will be enrolled into subjects by the Course
Coordinator once outstanding assessments are                  Coordinator once outstanding assessments are
submitted or at the Course Coordinator’s discretion           submitted or at the Course Coordinator’s discretion
if they have demonstrated an active attempt at                if they have demonstrated an active attempt at
resolving course progress issues. If students do not          resolving course progress issues. If students do not
contact the Course Coordinator by Friday of the first         contact the Course Coordinator by Friday of the first
week of the term, they will be issued with an ITR*            week of the term, they will be issued with an ITR*
letter within 14 days (after the end of the first week        letter within 14 days (after the end of the first week
of the term) via email.                                       of the term) via email.

Students who do not show improvement after                    Students who do not show improvement after
contacting the Course Coordinator by failing to               contacting the Course Coordinator by failing to
abide by the agreed intervention strategies and               abide by the agreed intervention strategies and
satisfactorily completing the reassessment (if                satisfactorily completing the reassessment (if
applicable) and, as a consequence, fail to complete           applicable) and, as a consequence, fail to complete
or demonstrate competency in 50% of the course                or demonstrate competency in 50% of the course
requirements, will be issued with an ITR letter via           requirements, will be issued with an ITR letter via
email. The ITR letter informs them of the College’s           email. The ITR letter informs them of the College’s
intention to report their breach to the Department of         intention to report their breach to the Department of
Education, Skills and Employment and the                      Education, Skills and Employment and the
Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS. This letter            Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS. This letter
will also inform students of their right to appeal this       will also inform students of their right to appeal this
decision within 20 working days.                              decision within 20 working days.

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Course duration: 2 terms which is equivalent to               Students who do not show improvement after
2 study periods                                               contacting the Course Coordinator by failing to
                                                              abide by the agreed intervention strategies and
– This is for students who only enrol in 1 or 2               satisfactorily complete the reassessment (if
qualification(s) with a duration of 2 terms.                  applicable) and, as a consequence, fail to complete
                                                              or demonstrate competency in 50% of the course
Students whose end of term result indicates that              requirements, will be issued with an ITR letter via
they have not successfully completed or                       email. The letter will inform them of the College’s
demonstrated competence in 50% of full-time study             intention to report their breach to the Department of
hours of allocated subjects, will receive a Non-              Education, Skills and Employment and Department
Compliant Rate of Course Progress letter (CPL1),              of Home Affairs via PRISMS. This letter will also
via email, before commencement of the following               inform students of their right to appeal this decision
term. The letter will indicate that they are at risk of       within 20 working days.
not achieving satisfactory course progress and that
they must arrange a one-on-one meeting by Friday
of the first week of the term with their Course               *Non-contact ITR will not be issued if:
Coordinator. The Course Coordinator will implement             •  the student has notified a Student Support
intervention strategies to assist the student.                    Officer of their request to withdraw from the
Students are enrolled into new subjects by the                    College, including a request to transfer to
Course Coordinator after paying for reassessment                  another provider and does not require a
(if applicable) or agreeing to any other intervention             release from the College; or
strategy. Students are also placed on probation for            •  the student has contacted the College
the following term. If students do not contact the                indicating that they have no intention of
Course Coordinator by Friday of the first week of the             attending course progress counselling to meet
term, they will be issued with an ITR* letter within 14           course progress requirements.
days (after the end of the first week of the term) via
email.                                                        General Guidelines for Younger Students
Students who do not show improvement after                        • For students under 18 years of age, the College
contacting the Course Coordinator by failing to                     must notify the Department of Education, Skills
abide by the agreed intervention strategies and                     and Employment and Department of Home
satisfactorily complete the reassessment (if                        Affairs through PRISMS of the student not
applicable) and, as a consequence, fail to complete                 achieving satisfactory course progress within 14
or demonstrate competency in 50% of the course                      days of finalising the decision to report in
requirements, will be issued with an ITR letter via                 accordance with Section 19 of the ESOS Act.
email. The ITR letter informs them of the College’s
intention to report their breach to the Department of
                                                                  • All the correspondence is also sent to guardians.
Education, Skills and Employment and the
Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS. This letter
                                                              Intervention Strategies
will also inform students of their right to appeal this
decision, within 20 working days.
                                                              For students identified as being at risk of not
                                                              meeting, or have not met, course progress
Students failing to meet satisfactory course
                                                              requirements the following support / intervention
progress for 2 consecutive terms will issued with an
                                                              strategies may be implemented to assist the
ITR letter via email informing them of the College’s
intention to report their breach to the Department of
Education, Skills and Employment and the
                                                              -      an English language course to support oral and
Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS. This letter
                                                                     written comprehension;
will also inform students of their right to appeal this
                                                              -      assistance with academic skills such as essay
decision within 20 working days.
                                                                     and report writing, meeting assessment
                                                                     requirements and research skills provided by
                                                                     the supervising trainer and assessor;
Course duration: 1 term which is equivalent to 1
                                                              -      counseling with a Student Support Officer for
study period)
                                                                     assistance with personal issues affecting
– This is for students who only enrol in 1                           course progress;
qualification with a course duration of 1 term.               -      an opportunity for reassessment;
                                                              -      changing courses;
Students whose mid-term result indicates that they            -      mentoring by the supervising trainer;
are at risk of not achieving satisfactory course              -      a referral to external organisations for
progress, will receive, by Monday of week 7 of the                   assistance (by Student Support Officer);
term, a Mid-term Non-Compliant Rate of Course                 -      a reduction in course load approved by the
Progress letter (MT-CPL1) via email. The letter will                 Course Coordinator;
advise them to arrange an appointment with the                -      extension of course; or
Course Coordinator by Friday of week 7 of the term.           -      a combination of the above.
The one-on-one meeting will address issues related
to the student’s course progress and to discuss               When an intervention strategy is implemented the
strategies for achieving satisfactory course                  student will be required to meet the relevant Course
progress.                                                     Coordinator on a regular basis for follow up. This is
                                                              to be determined as part of the intervention strategy.
                                                              The student will be reminded that unsatisfactory
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