City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas

Page created by Catherine Castro
City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
City of

City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
CITY OF CALABASAS                                                                                                                                                     CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

                                                                                                                               CITY OFFICIALS (as of print date)
 INDEX                                                                                                                         CITY COUNCIL
                                                                                                                               Mayor ........................................................................ James R. Bozajian
 City of Calabasas ....................................................................................................... 2   Mayor Pro Tem ...................................................... Mary Sue Maurer
 City Staff...............................................................................................................3    Councilmember.................................................... Peter Kraut
 Community News & Information ................................................................4                                Councilmember.................................................... David J. Shapiro
 Newsletter ...........................................................................................................5       Councilmember.................................................... Alicia Weintraub
 City Map ............................................................................................................ 32
 Registration Information ............................................................................ 33
                                                                                                                               PARKS, RECREATION & EDUCATION COMMISSION
                                                                                                                               Chair .......................................................................... Charlotte Meyer
                                                                                                                               Vice Chair ................................................................ Stephanie Williams
                                                                                                                               Commissioner ....................................................... Julie Elginer
 Dance ................................................................................................................. 10    Commissioner ....................................................... Laurel Ford
 Sports & Fitness .............................................................................................. 10            Commissioner ....................................................... Negin Ghaffari
                                                                                                                               Commissioner ....................................................... Heath Patton
 YOUTH                                                                                                                         Commissioner ....................................................... Brad Wiseman
                                                                                                                               Student Member .................................................. Anika Kolanu
 Dance ................................................................................................................. 11
 Specialty ........................................................................................................... 11      CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE
 Sports & Fitness .............................................................................................. 12            City Manager ......................................................... Kindon Meik
                                                                                                                               Management Analyst ......................................... Michael McConville
 TEEN                                                                                                                          Executive Assistant ............................................. Annie Krdilyan

 Teen Court........................................................................................................ 14         DIRECTORY
 ADULT                                                                                                                         CALABASAS CITY HALL
                                                                                                                               100 Civic Center Way
 Programs .......................................................................................................... 15        Calabasas, CA 91302
                                                                                                                               (818) 224–1600 FAX (818) 225–7324
 SENIORS                                                                                                                       Monday–Thursday 7:30am–5:30pm, Friday 7:30am–4:30pm
 Programs .......................................................................................................... 17

 TENNIS & SWIM CENTER                                                                                                          CALABASAS SENIOR CENTER
                                                                                                                               300 Civic Center Way
 Tennis & Swim................................................................................................. 30             Calabasas, CA 91302
                                                                                                                               (818) 224–1777 FAX (818) 591-6707
                                                                                                                               Monday 9:00am–9:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am–8:00pm
                                                                                                                               Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00am–5:00pm

                                                                                                                               CALABASAS CREEKSIDE PARK
                                                                                                                               CALABASAS KLUBHOUSE
                                                                                                                               3655 Old Topanga Canyon Road
                                                                                                                               Calabasas, CA 90290
                                                                                                                               (818) 222–9791 FAX (818) 222–9792
                                                                                                                               Monday–Friday 7:30am–5:30pm

                                                                                                                               JUAN BAUTISTA DE ANZA PARK
                                                                                                                               3701 Lost Hills Road
                                                                                                                               Calabasas, CA 91301
                                                                                                                               (818) 880–6461 FAX (818) 880–6457
                                                                                                                               Monday–Friday 8:00am–5:00pm

                                                                                                                               TENNIS & SWIM CENTER
                                                                                                                               23400 Park Sorrento
                                                                                                                               Calabasas, CA 91302
                                                                                                                               (818) 222–2782 FAX (818) 222–8602
                                                                                                                               Monday–Friday 6:00am–10:00pm
                                                                                                                               Saturday 7:00am–6:00pm, Sunday 7:00am–6:00pm
 CITY COUNCIL                                                       PLANNING COMMISSION
 2nd and 4th Wednesday                                              1st and 3rd Thursday
 7:00pm City Hall                                                   7:00pm City Hall

 Meets Quarterly / 5:30pm City Hall

City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
CITY STAFF                                                                          CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

John Bingham, Administrative Services Manager             Marty Hall, Acting Director of Community Services
Carolina Tijerino, Human Resources Specialist             Trish Shaheen, Executive Assistant I
Armando Rodriguez, Facility Maintenance Technician II
Jorge Rodriguez, Facility Maintenance Technician          JUAN BAUTISTA DE ANZA PARK DIVISION
Debbie Larson, Public Safety Coordinator                  Aimee Haber, Facility Supervisor
                                                          Lana Filice, Recreation Coordinator
CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT                                     Ray Agee, Facility Maintenance Technician
Maricela Hernandez, City Clerk                            Felipe Anaya, Maintenance Assistant
Analuz Mendoza, Assistant to the City Clerk
                                                          CREEKSIDE PARK/KLUBHOUSE
Robert Yalda, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Tatiana Holden, Deputy Public Works Director              TENNIS & SWIM CENTER DIVISION
Anna Ford, Executive Assistant II                         Raine Kishimoto, Recreation Supervisor
Alex Farassati, Environmental Services Supervisor         Kathy Milbrand, Recreation Coordinator
Alba Lemus, Associate Civil Engineer
Luis Hernandez, Senior Public Works Inspector             SENIOR CENTER DIVISION
Francisco Barbosa, Maintenance Technician                 Kimberly Post, Facility Supervisor
Kevin Estrada, Maintenance Technician                     Jennifer Hernandez, Recreation Coordinator

Heather Melton, Landscape District Maintenance Manager
Edgar Hernandez, Landscape Maintenance Inspector          COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT
                                                          Maureen Tamuri, Community Development Director
Ron Ahlers, Chief Financial Officer                       PLANNING DIVISION
                                                          Tom Bartlett, City Planner
Luisa Barancik, Senior Accounting Specialist
                                                          Michael Klein, Senior Planner
Cedric Henry, Grant/Contract Administrator
Jeff Estrada, Accounting Specialist                       Glenn Michitsch, Senior Planner
                                                          Brenda Magaña, Associate Planner
Sandy Smith, Accounting Specialist
                                                          Jacklyn Rackerby, Assistant Planner
Carson Lysik, Accounting Specialist
Yadira Zimmerman, Executive Assistant I                   Elizabeth Parker, Executive Assistant II

                                                          BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION
                                                          Sparky Cohen, Building Official
                                                          Ruben Flores, Senior Building Inspector
Michael Russo, Communications Director
                                                          Alex Savala, Building Inspector
Arvin Petros, Media and Information Services Supervisor
                                                          Gabriel Endreola, Building Inspector
Karlo Gorgin, Senior Media Specialist
                                                          Monica Shinder, Permit Center Supervisor
Jason Mier, Senior Media Specialist
                                                          Armando Saavedra, Code Enforcement Officer

Tony Yin, Information Systems Manager
Ryan Pasiliao, Information Systems Assistant
Jasen Robinson, Information Systems Assistant

Barbara Lockwood, City Librarian
Karilyn Steward, Senior Librarian
Suchandra Ghosh, Library Circulation Supervisor
Shanta Williams, Library Technical Services Coordinator
Jill Nevins, Library Technician
Sarah Abdali, Executive Assistant I

                                                                                           FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 3
City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
COMMUNITY INFORMATION                                                                                                                     CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

CITY OF CALABASAS                                                                                      CITY OF CALABASAS LIBRARY
ON-LINE REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE                                                                      HOURS OF OPERATION
                                                                                                       Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
To register on-line visit the City of Calabasas website at:                                            Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am–6:00pm                                                                               Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am–6:00pm
                                                                                                       Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am–6:00pm
                                                                                                       Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am–5:00pm
                                                                                                       Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am–5:00pm
                                                                                                       Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00pm–5:00pm

CALABASAS C.E.R.T                                                                                      RECREATION DIRECTORY
COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM                                                                      Calabasas Adult & Youth Basketball ....................... (818)880–6461
This team may help the City with community events or in times                                          Camp Calabasas–De Anza Park ................................ (818)880–6461
of emergency. Free CERT training is provided by the Los Angeles                                        Camp Calabasas–Lupin Hill After-School ............. (818) 878–0162
County Fire Department for community members. Check the City                                           Agoura Hills Senior Center ......................................... (818) 597–7361
website for future training dates.                                                                     Goebel Senior Center................................................... (805) 381–2744
                                                                                                       Calabasas Klubhouse Preschool .............................. (818) 222–9791
For more info:
                                                                                                       Malibu Creek State Park .............................................. (818)880–0367
Debbie Larson, Public Safety Coordinator 818.224.1620
                                                                                                       City of Agoura Hills ....................................................... (818) 597–7361
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY                                                                                    Conejo Recreation & Park District ........................... (805)495–6471
Area Agency on Aging ................................................ (800) 510–2020                   Woodland Hills Recreation Center .......................... (818) 883–9370
Calabasas City Hall ........................................................ (818) 224–1600            Oak Park Community Center..................................... (818) 865–9304
Calabasas Senior Center ............................................. (818) 224–1777                   Tri Valley Roller Hockey ............................................... (805) 501–2744
Calabasas Landfill.......................................................... (818) 889–0363            AYSO Soccer .................................................................... (818) 707–8557
Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center ............................. (818) 222–2782                            West Valley Soccer League......................................... (818) 634–9111
Chamber of Commerce ............................................... (818) 222–5680
Dial-A-Ride ....................................................................... (818) 632–6211
Library (City of Calabasas) .......................................... (818) 225–7616
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District. .................. (818) 251–2100
Las Virgenes Unified School District ...................... (818)880–4000
Manna................................................................................ (805) 497–4959
Meals on Wheels ............................................................ (818) 222–2844
Meals on Wheels ............................................................ (747) 282-4040
Post Office........................................................................ (800) 275–8777

City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
VOL. 14, NO. 1                            PUBLISHED BY THE CIT Y OF CALABASAS                                                   FALL 2021

        September 6, 2021
                                                   WATER BASED PAINT & USED OIL
     Labor Day (City Hall closed)
      September 11, 2021
  Water Based Paint and Used Oil                   Do you have leftover water based paint or oil? Bring it to the Roundup! Located at Calabasas
            Round Up                               City Hall (100 Civic Center Way), the Roundup is open to all residents of Calabasas, Agoura Hills,
                                                   Hidden Hills and Malibu. The Roundup recycling location at Calabasas City Hall takes place the
          October 13, 2021
                                                   second Saturday of September and November from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
         City Council Meeting
          October 27, 2021                         WHAT TO BRING: Motor oil, oil filters, anti-freeze, latex paint, car batteries. Waste from
         City Council Meeting                      businesses will NOT be accepted.
        November 7, 2021                           WHAT NOT TO BRING: Oil-based paint, stains, pool and garden chemicals, pesticides,
     Daylight Saving Time Ends                     fertilizers, unused pharmaceuticals, mercury thermometers, fluorescent light bulbs, batteries,
                                                   cleaning products.
       November 11, 2021
  Veterans' Day (City Hall closed)                 HOW TO PREPARE: In general the limit is 15 gallons or 125 pounds per vehicle. Do not mix
                                                   products together.
      November 13, 2021
  Water Based Paint and Used Oil                   PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS:
            Round Up                               •   Collect used oil, oil filters, anti-freeze, latex paint, and car batteries for FREE.
      November 25 & 26, 2021                       •   Maximum amount accepted is 15 gallons or 125 pounds total.
         Thanksgiving Holiday
                                                   •   Do not bring waste from business
           (City Hall closed)
                                                   •   Do not bring explosives, ammunition or radioactive materials.
          December 8, 2021
         City Council Meeting                      •   Keep waste in original containers. Make sure they are not leaking.
    December 23 & 24, 2021                         •   Do not mix products together.
Christmas Holiday (City Hall closed)
                                                   •   Collection will be canceled in the event of rain.
        December 31, 2021
            New Year's Eve
      (City Hall closes at Noon)
Details for events online at


               (as of print date)
       James R. Bozajian, Mayor
    Mary Sue Maurer, Mayor pro Tem
              Peter Kraut
           David J. Shapiro
           Alicia Weintraub
             CITY MANAGER
                Kindon Meik
                 CITY HALL
           100 Civic Center Way
           Calabasas, CA 91302
City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
     When dog owners neglect to pick up their pet’s waste, rainwater
     and irrigation runoff can carry bacteria from the unmanaged
     waste into local waterways such as lakes, rivers, estuaries, bays and
     the ocean. On land, as well in the water, the waste left behind can
     spread harmful diseases through numerous types of bacteria and
     parasites. Unmanaged dog waste can contribute to such things
     as beach closures (which results in a reduced revenue for coastal
     businesses) and can threaten the health of swimmers, surfers and
     tide pool explorers.
     Help Calabasas spread the word to new and old dog owners,
     alike: your dog’s “doody” is your duty. It’s more than etiquette;
     it’s about environmental health. Please immediately pick up after
     your dog – in your yard, on open lots, and along streets, creeks
     and trails.

 Young artists are invited to submit hand-created drawings
 to our annual drawing contest hosted by the Calabasas
 Environmental Commission. The contest is open to all                              2021 THEME:
 Calabasas elementary and middle-school students. Entries                            “I can reduce & recycle
 have a chance of being included in the 2022 Community                                   food waste by... ”
 Recycling Awareness Calendar. There will be fourteen                              PRIZE:
 winners and the first-place winner’s drawing will be on the                         14 Winners will receive $25 gift certificate and have
                                                                                    their drawing featured in the City of Calabasas’ 2022
 cover. All winners will receive a $25 gift certificate.                                 Community Recycling Awareness Calendar!

 This year’s theme is “I Can Reduce & Recycle Food Waste
 Entries are due at Calabasas City Hall November 24, 2021.
 Drawings must be done on 8 ½” x 11” format in landscape                                          x   Draw a picture about the recycling theme.
                                                                                                  x   Have your teacher or an adult check your spelling.
 orientation (please use cardstock). For additional                                               x   Make sure your drawing is on 8 1/2” X 11” paper in “landscape” format.
                                                                                                  x   No computer generated entries allowed.
 information, call the City of Calabasas Environmental                                            x   Do not write any name or personal information on the drawing.

 Services Division at (818) 224-1600.                                                                                                   ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE IN LANDSCAPE
                                                                                                                  Landscape                  FORMAT AS SEEN TO THE LEFT.
                                                                                                       8 1/2”      Format               ÍPlease use card stock. 


                                                                                                                RECYCLING DRAWING CONTEST
                                                                               6FKRRO 3OHDVH3ULQW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB*UDGHBBBBB                 &LW\RI&DODEDVDV
                                                                               7HDFKHU¶V)LUVW1DPH 3OHDVH3ULQW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB/DVW1DPHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                &LYLF&HQWHU:D\
                                                                               6WXGHQW¶V+RPH3KRQH1XPEHU BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
Drop, Cover and Hold during the Great California ShakeOut event on Thursday, October 21. Millions of people will participate in
this high-profile, disaster preparedness drill. It provides a perfect opportunity for Calabasas families and businesses to make sure
they are ready for potentially disruptive earthquakes.
The drill and other Shakeout activities are being organized to inspire people to prepare for future possible large and damaging
earthquakes and to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes. Anyone can register their participation on the official Great
California ShakeOut website at

Daylight saving time ends on November 7, 2021. This is a
great opportunity to test your smoke alarms and replace the
Fire experts recommend you replace your smoke alarm battery
twice a year. Be sure to mark the date you changed the battery
on the inside of your alarm and set yourself a calendar reminder
for the next scheduled battery change.
Every ten years, buy a new smoke detector or smoke alarm. You
can calculate the expiration date by looking on the back of the
device and locating the manufacture date.
Make sure you have smoke detectors installed in every
bedroom, right outside sleeping areas and on each level of
your home. A functioning smoke alarm can be the difference
between life and death.
You can find more information to protect your household
against a fire on the USFA website,

City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
City Hall & Library Closures
                                                                                    In addition to normally scheduled closure dates,
    CALABASAS LIBRARY                                                               City Hall will be closed on the following days:
                                                                                    September 6, 2021
    FALL EVENTS                                                                     November 11, 2021
                                                                                    November 25, 2021
                                                                                    November 26, 2021
    The Calabasas Library will continue regular events                              December 23, 2021
    throughout the fall. Adult programming each month                               December 24, 2021
    includes the Book Clubs and Film Fanatics. The Writers'                         December 30, 2021 (closes at noon)
                                                                                    December 31, 2021
    Club for school age children and run by our teen
    volunteers, meets one Saturday a month. The Library                             City Hall Hours
                                                                                    Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
    has regular story times available. For more information,                        Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    please visit the Library's social media and the website at
                                                                                    The Public Counter closes at 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.                                                The Planning Counter is by appointment only.
                                                                                    In addition to normally scheduled closure dates,
                                                                                    the Library will be closed on the following days:
                                                                                    September 4, 2021
                                                                                    September 5, 2021
                                                                                    November 11, 2021
                                                                                    November 25, 2021
                                                                                    November 26, 2021
                                                                                    December 24, 2021
                                                                                    December 26, 2021
                                                                                    The Calabasas Library Hours:
                                                                                    Tuesday–Thursday: 11:00am–6:00pm
                                                                                    Friday–Saturday: 11:00am–5:00pm
                                                                                    Sunday: 12:00pm–5:00pm
                                                                                    Closed on Mondays






    Perhaps the two most important things to remember during and after an emergency situation are to REMAIN CALM and STAY
    INFORMED. If you stay calm and informed, you are better able to assess the situation and make rational decisions. Take time to think –
    taking the proper action may save a life.
    The following are designated by the City of Calabasas as emergency broadcast sources:
    •   Visit the City of Calabasas website at
    •   Tune in to CTV, The Calabasas Channel (City Government Access Channel) on cable channel 3 in Calabasas. CTV is also streamed
        live on the web at
    •   Sign up for Blackboard Connect, a city to resident communication service using land lines, cell phones (voice & text), and e-mail.
        You can sign up at
    •   Tune in to AM 1630 on your car radio for City of Calabasas’ emergency broadcast information.

City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
CREEKSIDE PARK                                                                         CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

State Licensed Preschool Enrichment Program
curriculum and an academic approach in preparation for
Kindergarten. As early childhood educators, we recognize that
each child develops cognitively, emotionally, physically and
socially at his/her own pace. We are dedicated to meeting each
child’s individual needs and adapting our approach to support
this goal. We also assist the child in building self-confidence, self-
respect and caring for others. In addition to the daily curriculum,
several enrichment programs are offered.
Our program is State-Licensed for ages 18 months to 5 years.
The school is located on 11.8 acres and is security gated to
maintain a protected environment. Please visit our website at: for more information.
Facility #197405810

SCHOOL HOURS OF OPERATION:                                               PUBLIC PARK HOURS
                                                                         Fall/Winter (Non Daylight Savings)
Limited space available.
                                                                         Sat/Sun: 9:00am–5:00pm
Call (818) 222–9791 for more information.
                                                                         Spring/Summer (Daylight Savings)
                                                                         Sat/Sun: 9:00am–5:00pm

                                                                                                FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 9
City of - WINTER 2021 - City of Calabasas
TOT CLASSES                                                                                                      CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

DANCE                                                                 SPECIALTY
TUTU BALLET & JAZZ                                                    SENSE-ABLE PLAY
                                                                      18 MONTHS–4 YEARS
Calling all butterflies & Dragonflies! Don’t miss this magical        Sense-Able Play encourages older toddlers and preschoolers to
dance class where children will learn the fundamentals of             learn and play using a multi-sensory approach. Each class will
ballet & Jazz in a fun & nurturing environment. Students will         feature a theme that is explored through music with singing,
perform a small recital at the end of our session.(Class is 8         dancing and playing instruments, story time, and a “Messy” art
weeks.) In person class provided that, LA County Public               activity using different materials to create each time. We are
Health Department protocols allow.                                    ABLE to do so much with our SENSES! (Class is 8 weeks.) No
                                                                      class 10/14, 11/11 & 11/25. In person class provided that,
Instructor: Gaylene Cascione Dance                                    LA County Public Health Department protocols allow.
CODE        TIME               DAY         DATE         FEE
                                                                      Instructor: Rachel McCauley, MS, CCC/SLP, MT-BC, Speech
1101.401    3:45–4:30pm        Th          9/16-11/4    $135.00
                                                                      Language Pathologist, Music Therapist, Board Certified
Location: Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center
                                                                      CODE          TIME                              DAY                     DATE          FEE
                                                                      5003.401      10:00–10:45am                     Th                      9/23-12/2     $125.00
                                                                      Location: De Anza Park
BEGINNING BASKETBALL                                                  SENSE-ABLE SIGNS
                                                                      2-18 MONTHS
Whether you’re new to the game of basketball or an                    Give your child the tools to communicate that much sooner
experienced veteran, Momentum Academies’ Basketball will              by incorporating ASL (American Sign Language) into your
help you work on your game. Our trainers have worked with             everyday life. Silly songs and fun rhymes will help you and your
all ages and skill levels, including the pros! Participants will      child remember each new sign! (8 classes) No class 10/14,
learn the game through drills, team play and games. Children          11/11 & 11/25. In person class provided that, LA County
will be challenged to their specific skill level, tracking progress   Public Health Department protocols allow.
along the way. Don’t miss this chance to take your game to            Instructor: Rachel McCauley, MS, CCC/SLP, MT-BC, Speech
new heights! (8 classes) In person class provided that, LA            Language Pathologist, Music Therapist, Board Certified
County Public Health Department protocols allow.                      CODE          TIME                              DAY                     DATE          FEE
                                                                      5004.401      11:00–11:45am                     Th                      9/23-12/2     $110.00
Instructor: Momentum Academies
                                                                      Location: De Anza Park
CODE        TIME               DAY         DATE         FEE
5101.401    5:00–5:45pm        M           9/13-11/1    $125.00
Location: De Anza Park

It is our goal to teach soccer in a fun, non-competitive,
educational environment. Our philosophy is to use soccer to
                                                                             Little Learners and Camp Calabasas
nurture, build self-confidence, and develop teamwork. We                          0RQWKO\3URJUDP3ULFLQJ
use positive reinforcement and a low child-to-coach ratio to
ensure that each child improves at his or her own rate. (10
Classes) No Class 10/16 & 11/27. In person class provided
that, LA County Public Health Department protocols allow.                             Journeys and Kindergarten Program
                                                                                            ^ĐŚŽŽůDismissal-3:00pm Dismissal -6:30pm
Instructor: Super Soccer Stars Staff                                                   dͬdŚ           $1ϵ0.ϬϬ           $ϰϲϱ.00
                                                                                       Dt&          $ϮϬ0.00             $ϱϬ0.00
CODE        TIME               DAY         DATE         FEE
                                                                                       ϱĂLJƐĂtĞĞŬ $2ϱ0.00              $ϲϱϬ.00
5102.401    9:00–9:40am        Sat         9/18-12/4    $210.00          Grades 1-5 from Schools Dismissal through 6:30pm
                                                                                           dͬdŚ                             $Ϯϳϱ.00 per month
5103.401    9:35–10:15am       Sat         9/18-12/4    $210.00
                                                                                           Dt&                              $ϯϬϬ.00 per month
                                                                                           5 Days a Week                    $ϰϬ0.00 per month
5104.401    9:00–9:45am        Sat         9/18-12/4    $210.00
5104.402    10:20–11:05am      Sat         9/18-12/4    $210.00
                                                                          Tuition is due the first of the month. Full payments are due September
4–5 YEARS                                                                  through May. August 20Ϯϭand June 20ϮϮ are half of your normal rate.
5105.401    9:50–10:40am       Sat         9/18-12/4    $210.00
5105.402    11:10am–12:00pm    Sat         9/18-12/4    $210.00
                                                                         For more informaƟon or to register please stop by our trailer or call us at 818-878-0162
Location: De Anza Park                                                                       Visit us online at

                                                                                                 Not Affiliated with Las Virgenes Unified School District

YOUTH CLASSES                                                                            CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

DANCE                                                                SPECIALTY                 (CONT.)

BALLET TAP COMBO                                                     PROUD TO BE POLITE
5–9 YEARS                                                            8–12 YEARS
A one-of-a-kind introduction to the world of tap! This fun,          Give your children the gift of good manners! Good
upbeat class allows children to become familiar with traditional     manners, like any skill, need practice. We make learning
dance through ballet, tap, rhythm, and creative movement.            “good manners” fun using games and activities to teach
Students will perform a small recital at the end of the session.     social and communication skills. Learn confidence, body
Tap shoes required. (8 classes). In person class provided that,      language, gracious host & guest skills, introductions,
LA County Public Health Department protocols allow.                  conversation skills, telephone etiquette, feeling, attitudes,
Instructor: Gaylene Cascione Dance                                   conflict resolution, getting ready in 10 minutes. (6 classes)
                                                                     No class 10/16. In person class provided that, LA County
CODE        TIME               DAY         DATE        FEE
                                                                     Public Health Department protocols allow.
1201.401    4:30–5:15pm        Th          9/16-11/4   $135.00
Location: Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center                             Instructor: Osler Bishop & Associates
                                                                     CODE        TIME                DAY        DATE        FEE
                                                                     5202.401    10:00–11:00am       Sat        9/25-11/6   $135.00
SPECIALTY                                                            Location: De Anza Park
ACTING FOR T.V. & FILM COMMERCIALS                                   FUN WITH P’S & Q’S
7–13 YEARS
                                                                     5–7 YEARS
Do your kids want to act? Then Frances’ on-camera acting
                                                                     Give your children the gift of good manners! Good manners,
classes are for them! Students have fun expressing themselves
                                                                     like any skill, need practice. We make learning “good
using their imaginations, building self-confidence and
                                                                     manners” fun using games and activities to teach social and
enhancing their natural talents. They will perform scenes from
                                                                     communication skills, gracious host/guest skills, telephone
their favorite TV shows, films and commercials and learn the
                                                                     etiquette, conflict resolution, getting ready in 10 minutes. (6
following basic skills: Acting/Audition Techniques, Creating a
                                                                     classes.) No class 10/16. In person class provided that, LA
Character, Commercial Techniques, Improvisation and Cold
                                                                     County Public Health Department protocols allow.
Reading Skills. After every class, parents have the opportunity
to watch videos of the children performing. (8 classes) No class     Instructor: Osler Bishop & Associates
on 11/2. In person class provided that, LA County Public             CODE        TIME                DAY        DATE        FEE
Health Department protocols allow.                                   5203.401    11:00am–12:00pm     Sat        9/25-11/6   $135.00

Instructor: Frances Welter, Veteran Actress and Talent Scout,        Location: De Anza Park
CODE        TIME               DAY         DATE        FEE
                                                                     YOU AND THE BLANK PAGE - A CREATIVE WRITING
1202.401    4:00–5:30pm        T           9/14-11/9   $110.00       WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN
Location: Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center                             9-12 YEARS
                                                                     In a fun, supportive, and encouraging atmosphere, your child
GIFT OF GOOD TABLE MANNERS                                           will learn expressive writing skills through confidence building
5–7 YEARS                                                            assignments and imaginative exercises. Experts agree that
It takes 1000 meals to learn table manners. Bad table manners        the ability to write well is essential to educational and future
are embarrassing. Learn the skills you need to handle social         success. During this course, students will receive personalized
events gracefully. Hosting and eating with others makes the          attention as they learn the power of words and how to clearly
class especially fun! Formal dining, gracious host and guest         express their unique point of view. This workshop will not only
skills, napkin niceties, chewing and table chat, seating, passing,   provide inspiration, but give your child practical and technical
serving, planning parties, gift, and thank you notes. (6 classes)    advice. Individualized instruction will also focus on improving
No class 10/16. In person class provided that, LA County             vocabulary, grammar, concentration, comprehension, and
Public Health Department protocols allow.                            critical thinking skills. (8 classes.)
Instructor: Osler Bishop & Associates                                Instructor: Donna Burke Esgro, a Montessori trained literature
CODE        TIME               DAY         DATE        FEE           teacher
5201.401    9:00–10:00am       Sat         9/25-11/6   $135.00       CODE        TIME                DAY        DATE        FEE
Location: De Anza Park                                               5204.401    4:00-5:00pm         F          9/17-11/5   $110.00
                                                                     Location: Virtual Class Via Zoom

                                                                                                    FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 11
YOUTH CLASSES (CONTINUED)                                                                   CITYCITY OF CALABASAS
                                                                                                                   OF CALABASAS FALLFALL

SPORTS                                                                SPORTS               (CONT.)
HOOPSTER BASKETBALL                                                   BEGINNER YOUTH SOCCER WORKSHOP
7–12 YEARS                                                            5–7 YEARS
Whether you’re new to the game of basketball or an                    Learn (or improve on) basic fundamentals of soccer including
experienced veteran, Momentum Academy Basketball will                 ball control, kicking, dribbling with your feet, kicking drills
help you work on your game. Our trainers have worked with all         around cones, trapping the ball, and using your head (optional),
ages and skill levels, including professionals! Participants will     then applying skills by practice games (Scrimmaging). Great
learn the game through drills, team play, and games. Children         class if you are thinking of joining a league, or to improve your
will be challenged to their specific skill level, tracking progress   existing skills, or just to have fun. Can wear tennis shoes or
along the way. Don’t miss the chance. (8 classes) In person           cleats. For more information visit: (Class
class provided that, LA County Public Health Department               is 8 weeks.) In person class provided that, LA County Public
protocols allow.                                                      Health Department protocols allow.
Instructor: Momentum Academy                                          Instructor: Coach Zacharatos (former semi-pro “All-Star” soccer
CODE       TIME                DAY         DATE         FEE           player & licensed soccer coach, over 25 yrs experience)
5206.401   5:00–6:00pm         Th          9/16-11/4    $125.00       CODE          TIME                DAY           DATE          FEE
Location: De Anza Park                                                1204.401      4:00-4:45pm         T             9/28-11/16    $105.00
                                                                      Location: A.C. Stelle Middle School lower field
6-12 YEARS                                                            SUPER SOCCER STARS
Learn basic kicks, punches and blocks while building                  5–10 YEARS
confidence, and improving focus and concentration. This class         It is our goal to teach soccer in a fun, non-competitive,
is a combination of karate and games to keep young children           educational environment. Our philosophy is to use soccer to
motivated and challenged. For more information visit: www.            nurture, build self-confidence, and develop teamwork. We No Class 10/11. In person class provided               use positive reinforcement and a low child-to-coach ratio to
that, LA County Public Health Department protocols allow.             ensure that each child improves at his or her own rate. (Class is
                                                                      10 weeks.) No Class 10/16 & 11/27. In person class provided
                                                                      that, LA County Public Health Department protocols allow.
7th degree blackbelt, pro- kickboxing/MMA judge for CSAC, over
25 yrs teaching experience)                                           Instructor: Super Soccer Stars Staff
CODE       TIME                DAY         DATE         FEE           CODE          TIME                DAY           DATE          FEE
1203.401   4:00–5:00pm         W           9/29-11/10   $85.00        5–7 YEARS
1203.402   4:00-5:00pm         M&W         9/27-11/8    $145.00       5106.401 10:45am–11:45pm          Sat           9/18-12/4     $210.00
                                                                      7–10 YEARS
Location: Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center                              5107.401 11:50am–12:50pm          Sat           9/18-12/4     $210.00
                                                                      Location: De Anza Park

                                                                        CAMP CALABASAS AFTER SCHOOL AT LUPIN HILL
                                                                        ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2021–2022 SCHOOL YEAR

                                                                        This program offers extended care for all children in grade K-5 who
                                                                        attend Lupin Hill Elementary School. In this program your child will
                                                                        have time to do their school district distance learning, homework
                                                                        and participate in many arts and crafts, such as cooking, science
                                                                        projects, and recreational games.

                                                                        FULL TIME (7:30AM–6:00PM)
                                                                        5 days a week         $300.00/week

                                                                        PART TIME
                                                                        M, W, F               $300.00/month
                                                                        T, Th                 $275.00/month

                                                                        *ALL CAMPERS MUST WEAR
                                                                        A FACE COVERING/MASK.

           CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

                                                                     CALABASAS WINTER
                                                                     YOUTH BASKETBALL
                                                                          LEAGUE 2022
                                                                          "Building Character One
                                                                                  Basket at a Time"


 Online registration starts August 16, 2021
 About the League
 The goal of the Calabasas Youth Basketball League is to have fun,
 learn and improve the fundamentals of basketball. We emphasize
 skill development and player participation.

 Boys & Girls (ALL DIVISIONS ARE COED) 5–15 Divisions
 Tiny Tots:     5 & 6 years (8 ft. baskets)
 Pee Wee:       7 & 8 years (8 ft. baskets)
 Hot Shots:     9 & 10 years
 NBA:           11 & 12 years
 Juniors:       13-15 years

13 | CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021                                               FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 13
TEEN PROGRAMS                                                         CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

            TEEN COURT
            While serving as a juror, teens demonstrate to adults the capacity for self-
            government and citizenship. Teen Court is designed to interrupt disruptive
            behavior in first time juvenile offenders. Peer jurors listen to the case; ask
            questions of the defendant in order to promote self-esteem, motivation for self-
            improvement, and to form a healthy attitude towards authority.

            Jurors must be enrolled in high school. To serve, arrive at Founders Hall
            between 4:00pm & 4:15pm on Court days (no advanced registration is
            required). Jurors will receive instructions before the case begins promptly
            at 4:30pm.
            For additional information, contact the Calabasas Teen Court Coordinator:
            Lana Filice at 818-880-6461 or email:

                                                             FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 14
ADULT CLASSES                                                                               CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

FITNESS                                                                 PERSONAL DEVEL.                       (CONT.)

BEGINNING REAL KICKBOXING / M.M.A.                                      THE BUTTERFLY BOOK CLUB: MOTHS
Learn realistic and basic fighting techniques including boxing          Reimagine what a book club can be. Our weekly discussions on
hands, punches, kicks, blocks, including basic Mixed Martial            Zoom are lively, thought provoking, and often deeply moving,
Arts (MMA). All while getting a great workout! (8 classes)              as our varied readings take us down unexpected avenues,
For more information visit: No class                 bring back memories, and inspire us to dream. Each week the
10/11. In person class provided that, LA County Public                  moderator, a lifetime teacher of literature, will email a new
Health Department protocols allow.                                      short story, essay, poem, scene from a play, or other articles
Instructor: Master Zacharatos                                           of interest to be discussed, analyzed, and enjoyed at the next
                                                                        meeting.        (8 classes.)
CODE       TIME                 DAY          DATE         FEE
1401.401   7:00–8:00pm          M            9/27-11/22   $105.00       Instructor: Donna Burke Esgro
Location: Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center                                CODE       TIME                DAY         DATE         FEE
                                                                        5402.401   10:00-11:00am       M           9/13-11/1    $96.00
ADULT DANCE                                                             Location: Virtual Class via Zoom
Dance is for Everyone! Come join the fun and take our adult
dance class where we will explore different genres of dance:            THE ART OF INTERACTIVE READING TO YOUR
Hip Hop, Fosse jazz, Latin and more. It will boost your energy,         CHILD OR GRANDCHILD
build stamina, and increase coordination and flexibility- all           We all know that reading to children is important in so many
while learning trendy choreography each week. Jazz shoes                ways, but how a child is read to is also of consequence. This class
suggested.(8 classes) In person class provided that, LA                 will teach the art of interactive reading and didactic reading. We
County Public Health Department protocols allow.                        will discuss techniques and guidelines for how to emphasize
Instructor: Gaylene Cascione Dance                                      details, make inferences, and when to ask comprehension
CODE       TIME                 DAY          DATE         FEE           questions. We will practice the art of making personal
1402.401   1:00–2:00pm          W            9/15-11/3    $135.00       connections as you read, and how to best reflect on the lessons
Location: Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center                                in the story. This individualized class will also cover what books
                                                                        are best at your particular child's age, and how to choose high
                                                                        quality reading materials that inspire imagination and critical
                                                                        thinking skills. (8 classes)
                                                                        Instructor: Donna Burke Esgro
WRITING YOUR STORY                                                      CODE       TIME                DAY         DATE         FEE
Join us for the most fun, supportive, and educational writing           5403.401   10:00–11:00am       F           9/17-11/5    $96.00
class! “Writing Your Story,” takes you on a spiritual writing
                                                                        Location: Virtual Class via Zoom
journey, to find your own unique writing voice. Whether you
want to write a memoir, screenplay, a children’s book, novel
or short story this class covers it all. Space is limited, sign up to
get a spot! (8 classes).
Instructor: Lisa Steinmetz
CODE       TIME                 DAY          DATE         FEE
5401.401   10:00–11:00am        W            9/15-11/3    $89.00
Location: Virtual Class via Zoom

                                                                                                      FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 15

Have some competitive fun while getting exercise!
Join the Adult Recreational Basketball League 5 on 5 play
(Ages 18 and up)
League runs every season – Winter, Spring/ Summer and Fall
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to follow LA County Department of Public
Health required protocols. At this time, we are hopeful to offer our Adult Basketball
League to the community in Fall 2021.
Please check website for current details about the league.


                                                                                   FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 16
SENIORS – 50+                                                                                                                                                        CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

For registration information please see page 33.
LECTURES/DEMONSTRATIONS ..................................... PG FITNESS CONT.
                                                                                                                             Savvy Senior Fitness ...............................................................................23
Aging Solo..................................................................................................18
                                                                                                                             Therapeutic Yoga .....................................................................................24
American Civics 101 ...............................................................................19
                                                                                                                             Tone & Balance .........................................................................................23
Arthritis and Your Joints ........................................................................18
                                                                                                                             Zumba Gold ..............................................................................................23
Birding for Beginners .............................................................................18
Caucasus - Eat, Drink and Be Merry!, The ........................................19                                          HOBBIES & INTERESTS
Decorative Arts and Interiors of the Italian Renaissance, The ......                                                         Acting for Fun-Intermediate................................................................24
........................................................................................................................20   Hot Topics / Current Events Discussion Group .............................24
Drinking with Jane Austen...................................................................19                               Knitting .......................................................................................................24
Family Conflicts & Mediation as We Age .........................................20                                           Laws, Litigation and COVID-19 ...........................................................25
Food, Drink, and Manners at Shakespeare's Table ......................18                                                     Sports Fans' Forum: Debating the Hot Topics of the Day .........24
Frets on Fire: The Guitar in Jazz ..........................................................19                               MIND & BODY
Hands Only CPR .......................................................................................19                     Beginning Tai Chi Short Form .............................................................25
Headache Prevention and Treatment ..............................................19                                           Meditation and Mindfulness ...............................................................25
History Of Hotels in America ...............................................................20                               Monthly Topics-Themed "Age Well" Roundtable Discussion
History of Surgery, The ..........................................................................18                         Groups .........................................................................................................25
Mobility Scooters.....................................................................................18                     Tai Chi & Qigong: Less Stress & More Energy ................................25
Paramount Ranch - A Historical Perspective .................................20
Reclaiming Your Health in a Nutritionally Confusing World ....20                                                             PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
Stroke Prevention ....................................................................................20                     Art of Interactive Reading, The ...........................................................26
Through Ernie's Eyes ..............................................................................19                        Bring Out Your Inner Writer .................................................................26
Why a Will Isn't Enough & The Importance of Advanced care                                                                    Butterfly Book Club: Moths, The.........................................................26
Planning......................................................................................................20             Conversational Spanish.........................................................................26
World's Oceans, The................................................................................18                        Fun in French ............................................................................................26
                                                                                                                             UCLA Memory Training Program .......................................................26
CLASSES                                                                                                                      Writing Your Story ...................................................................................26
ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                                                CREATIVE ARTS
American Songbook Composers Series ..........................................21                                              Acrylic Painting ........................................................................................28
"Free Fall" with Rick Jarrett ...................................................................21                          Colored Pencils Techniques .................................................................27
Life and Magic of the Great Houdini, The .......................................21                                           Creative Collage .......................................................................................27
To Life! Celebration & Learning with the Village Klezmer Band                                                                Oil Painting ................................................................................................27
........................................................................................................................21   Fascinating Watercolor Techniques ..................................................27
Tribute to the Ladies Of Swing ...........................................................21                                 Fluid Art Paint Pouring Advanced .....................................................28
Violin Artistry and Entertainment of Bob Ryman, A ...................21                                                      Fluid Art Paint Pouring Beginners .....................................................27
                                                                                                                             Intermediate & Advanced Watercolors ...........................................28
MOVIES & MUSIC                                                                                                               Mixed Water-Media.................................................................................27
American Musical Theater ....................................................................22                              Portrait Painting Adventures with Marilyn Weiner .....................27
Back to Live Opera ..................................................................................22
Live TV Comedy From The 1950's: Uncle Miltie, Sid Caesar, and                                                                ART HISTORY
Beyond! .......................................................................................................22            American Imperssionism: Painting with Color and Freedom .......
Songs of Bob Dylan: An 80th Birthday Celebration, The...........22                                                           ........................................................................................................................29
                                                                                                                             Art and Light: The Meaning of Illumination: Part One ...............28
CARDS & GAMES                                                                                                                Art of the Italian Renaissance, Part One: The Rise of Florence 28
Beginning Canasta ..................................................................................22                       Parlex-Vous French Design? ................................................................28
Canasta Strategy ......................................................................................23                    TECHNOLOGY
Mah Jongg: Intermediate Continuing .............................................22                                           Doing It...Online .......................................................................................29
Mah Jongg: Introduction ......................................................................22                             iPhone/iPad Basics ..................................................................................29
FITNESS                                                                                                                      Personal Cyber Security ........................................................................29
Country Line Dancing ............................................................................23
Dance Express...........................................................................................24
Gentle Yoga for Seniors .........................................................................23
                                                                                                                                                                                    FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 17
SENIORS – 50+ (CONTINUED)                                                                     CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

BIRDING FOR BEGINNERS                                                   MOBILITY SCOOTERS
Are you interested in joining over 20 million birders in the            Mobility scooters are a valuable asset for seniors as they age.
country and learning the basics of finding, identifying, and            It is very easy to start to restrict your participation in social,
enjoying the hundreds of species of birds in California? Birding        shopping, family, and most importantly, Grandchildren’s
offers an opportunity for us to immerse ourselves in nature             sporting events. There are several different types of mobility
and become more aware of the sights and sounds of our avian             scooters available over a broad range of prices. Over the
friends. We will discuss equipment, techniques, and resources           past year I have researched mobility scooter options and will
you need to get started in this fun and educational activity.           explain the different choices and associated costs currently
Presenter: Kerry Perkins, National Park Service Volunteer               available. I do not represent any scooter brand or retailer
                                                                        and will provide information only.
7000.401 1:30-3:00pm     M     9/13        $3.00            $4.00       Presenter: Bill Davis
Location: Virtual Class via Zoom                                        CODE     TIME           DAY   DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
                                                                        7003.401 1:30-3:00pm    Th    9/23        $3.00            $4.00

ARTHRITIS AND YOUR JOINTS                                               Location: Calabasas Senior Center Outdoor Shaded Area
Joint pain can cramp your style. Learn about ways to reduce
your pain and get back to the activities you enjoy.                     AGING SOLO
                                                                        Living alone means different things to all of us, and our life
Presenter: Nicolas Vardiabasis, DO/ West Hills Hospital &               experience often determines how we cope with “Aging Solo”.
Medical Center                                                          Whether you are single, divorced, lost your life-long partner, or
CODE     TIME            DAY   DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT   contemplating being alone in your later years, this is the class
7001.401 1:00-2:00pm     Th    9/16        $3.00            $4.00       for you. Join us for an interactive discussion about planning
Location: Virtual Class via Zoom                                        to live on your own, ways to remain active & connected, and
                                                                        strategies to reduce loneliness & isolation to sustain your
                                                                        overall well-being.
TABLE                                                                   Presenter: Professionals from Foundations for Senior Services/
Shakespeare and his contemporaries enjoyed a varied diet                Senior Specialist Group
by contemporary standards, enlivened by spices from Asia,               CODE     TIME           DAY   DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
vegetables from the Middle East and New World. A variety of             7014.401 2:00-3:30pm    W     11/3        $3.00            $4.00
pickling and preserving techniques made vivid flavors available         Location: Virtual Class via Zoom
all year. Everything was served according to the class of the
diners – common folk ate heartily but simply, while noble               THE HISTORY OF SURGERY
banquets featured edible sculptures designed to mystify guests
                                                                        Learn about the history of surgical services and how far
about what they were eating. This lecture covers food, drink,
                                                                        technology has come, including the latest robotic technology.
manners, and the daily life of a creative age.
                                                                        Presenter: David Z. Schreier, MD, FACS/ West Hills Hospital &
Presenter: Richard Foss
                                                                        Medical Center
                                                                        CODE     TIME           DAY   DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
7002.401 10:30–12:00pm   W     9/22       $10.00            $12.00
                                                                        7006.401 12:00-1:00pm   Th    10/14       $3.00            $4.00
Location: Virtual Class Via Zoom
                                                                        Location: Virtual Class via Zoom

                                                                        THE WORLDS OCEANS
                                                                        “The 5 world’s oceans with an average depth over 2 miles are
                                                                        critical to all life on Earth. In this 5th lecture I will emphasize
                                                                        two areas; first, the importance of modern technologies in
                                                                        our monitoring of the ocean. This is critical for both national
                                                                        security and climate change. Second, I will also present a first
                                                                        look at aquaculture the increasingly important area of farming
                                                                        of the oceans.
                                                                        Presenter: Dr. Steve Lubard
                                                                        CODE     TIME           DAY   DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
                                                                        7007.401 2:00-3:30pm    Th    10/14       $3.00            $4.00
                                                                        Location: Virtual Class via Zoom

SENIORS – 50+ (CONTINUED)                                                                   CITY OF CALABASAS FALL 2021

SINGLE SESSION LECTURES/DEMONSTRATIONS                                                            (CONT.)
DRINKING WITH JANE AUSTEN                                              AMERICAN CIVICS 101
Jane Austen's books include elaborate banquets and parties,            Just imagine if you now had to take a government civics
but the author provided few details on what was consumed               test every year, to remain a U.S. Citizen.... Would you be
there and some items she mentioned are unfamiliar to modern            able to pass? Could you identify the co-equal branches of
readers. This lecture supplies details Ms. Austen left out -           government and what their functions and responsibilities
what refreshments both alcoholic and non-intoxicating were             are? The electoral college? The U.S. Constitution and its Bill
enjoyed in England of 1800, and how Ms. Austen indicated the           of Rights? Your congressional representatives? American
character of her characters from the things they chose to drink        Civics 101 is a timely discussion that provides a simple
or serve.                                                              path to understanding what every person applying for U.S.
Presenter: Richard Foss                                                citizenship today and every citizen needs to know.... how
                                                                       our democracy works!
7008.401 10:30am-12:00pm W    10/20      $10.00         $12.00         Presenter: Alan Perper
Location: Virtual Class via Zoom                                       CODE     TIME          DAY    DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
                                                                       7011.401 1:00-2:30pm   Th     11/4        $3.00            $4.00
HEADACHE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT                                      Location: Virtual Class via Zoom
Board-certified neurologist, Dr. Emanuela Sofroni, will discuss
headaches in seniors, their causes, and latest treatment in            THROUGH ERNIE'S EYES
prevention                                                             Join actor, Arnold Weiss, for a dramatic reading of famed
Presenter: Dr. Emanuela Sofroni, MD/ West Hills Hospital &             war correspondent, Ernie Pyle. Tales of WWII, 1943 – Tunisia,
Medical Center                                                         the largest military conflict in human history. Ernie’s articles
                                                                       were written in a folksy style, much like a personal letter to
7009.401 1:30-2:30pm    Th    10/28       $3.00             $4.00      a friend.
Location: Virtual Class via Zoom                                       Presenter: Arnold Weiss
                                                                       CODE     TIME          DAY    DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
THE CAUCASUS - EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY!                                7012.401 2:00-3:30pm   M      11/8       $10.00            $12.00
The Republics of Georgia and Armenia are considered to be
                                                                       Location: Calabasas Senior Center Outdoor Shaded Area
the cradle of Western Civilization. After all, this is the place
where Noah had docked his Ark! The region boasts some
of the richest culture, history, ancient churches, turbulent           FRETS ON FIRE: THE GUITAR IN JAZZ
present, and winemaking dating back 5000 years. To me,                 Jazz reveals the guitar in one of its most beautiful and
however, these countries represent the most hospitable                 demanding contexts. History, music and anecdotes, from
people, amazing food, unusual wines, and beautiful traditions.         early banjo to modern performers. This "preview" class of the
And then, there are the Caucasus Mountains that beg to                 upcoming spring '22 course will highlight the life of Charlie
be conquered! As a bonus, we will talk about our trip to               Christian, whose brilliant playing not only bridged the gap
Azerbaijan, planned for October 2021. See it for yourself at our       between 1930s swing jazz and 1940s modern bebop, but
Savvy Senior presentation!                                             also created wide acceptance for Gibson's first commercially
                                                                       successful electric guitar. His influence is felt in every
Presenter: Igor Yasno                                                  generation of guitar players that followed.
CODE     TIME           DAY   DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT   Presenter: Bruce Henkin
7010.401 1:30-3:00pm    M     11/1        $3.00             $4.00
                                                                       CODE     TIME          DAY    DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
Location: Virtual Class via Zoom                                       7013.401 1:00-2:30pm   Tu     11/9       $12.00            $14.00
                                                                       Location: Virtual Class via Zoom

                                                                       HANDS ONLY CPR
                                                                       Learn how to save a life in 5 minutes with "Hands On - Hands
                                                                       Only" CPR demonstrations.
                                                                       Presenter: Michael Aquino/ West Hills Hospital & Medical
                                                                       CODE     TIME          DAY    DATE MEMBER OR RESIDENT   NON RESIDENT
                                                                       7004.401 1:30-2:30pm   Th     9/30        $3.00            $4.00
                                                                       Location: Virtual Class via Zoom

                                                                                                     FALL 2021 CITY OF CALABASAS | 19
You can also read