Page created by Linda Gibbs
                          SECTOR BEST


JULY 2021

                    Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 1
About Smart Prosperity Institute
Smart Prosperity Institute is a national research network and policy think tank based at the University of
Ottawa. We deliver world-class research and work with public and private partners – all to advance practical
policies and market solutions for a stronger, cleaner economy.

Contributors: Catherine Christofferson, Ghita Lkhoyaali, Natalie Sutt-Wiebe
Editors: Stephanie Cairns, Sonia Cyrus Patel

The authors would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for providing valuable feedback on
the report.

Any errors or omissions remain the sole responsibility of the authors.

       This publication series aims to provide a starting point in the journey towards a circular
       economy. These materials are intended to be used as a background resource and rich reference
       source for future efforts to engage Canadian firms and innovators in this transition, and to build
       sector-based roadmaps to a circular economy in Canada.

       Twelve core strategies for rethinking resource consumption and optimizing the use of resources to
       transition to a circular economy are detailed in the Introduction to the series. Real-world practices
       supporting these strategies are being catalogued for seven sectors, each profiled in its own

              1. Minerals and Metals
              2. Electronics
              3. Agri-food
              4. Construction
              5. Plastics
              6. Bioeconomy
              7. Automotive

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6.1 Introduction to Bioeconomy							2
6.2 Background									2
6.3 Overview of Circular Economy Practices in the Bioeconomy				                                 3
      Objectives, Strategies, and Practices						4
      Specific Examples: Objective 1, Reduced Resource Consumption			6
      Specific Examples: Objective 2, Intensified Product Use      			8
      Specific Examples: Objective 3, Extending Life of Products and Components		                8
      Specific Examples: Objective 4, Giving Resources New Life				9
6.4 Additional Resources								12
      Selected Global Public Policies Supporting Bioeconomy Circularity      		12
      Selected Documents on Circular Economy and Bioeconomy		                		12
6.5 Conclusion to Bioeconomy								13
References										14

                                                                 Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 1
6.1. Introduction to Bioeconomy                                        6.2. Background
The Circular Economy Global Sector Best Practices series aims to       The bioeconomy encompasses all industries that deal with
provide a starting point, background resource, and rich reference      biological materials at different stages of the value chain: for
source for future efforts to engage Canadian firms and innovators in   example, agriculture, forestry, and fishing at the primary stage;
the journey towards a circular economy, and to build sector-based      food processing, textile manufacturing, and biotechnology in
roadmaps to a circular economy in Canada.                              the processing stage; and retail and resource management in the
                                                                       consumption stage. Together they generate around 17% of global
This report profiles the bioeconomy. It begins with an outline of      GDP annually, a value of about C$16.7 trillion.1 The bioeconomy
the economic and environmental importance of the bioeconomy,           produces food, materials, and energy using renewable biological
including data on economic potential of waste resources where          resources – also called biomass. Sources of biomass typically
available. It then profiles identified circular practices, organized   include crops, forests, fish, animals, micro-organisms,2 and
according to a common framework for circular economy                   industrial and municipal waste.3 The world currently harvests
approaches and strategies developed in 2018 by L’Institut              around 13 billion tonnes of biomass for food, energy, and
EDDEC in collaboration with RECYC-QUÉBEC, and described                materials every year.4 Around 82% of the biomass extracted
in the Introduction to this report series. The profile begins with a   globally is used for food production, including for animal feed,
high-level summary of the circular practices found, followed by        followed by bioenergy (11%) and materials (7%).5 Further, the
a snapshot of these practices in application, and then moves on        volume of biomass flowing through the global economy is
to list applied, real world examples for each of these strategies      expected to grow, in large part due to the expected rise of 55%
and practices. It concludes with a list of additional resources for    in global food demand by 2050.6
researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers: selected global
public policies and an annotated bibliography of key reports
specific to the bioeconomy.

2 | Smart Prosperity Institute
The bioeconomy plays an important role in the circular economy.       The bioeconomy has the potential to deliver significant
Bio-based materials have the potential to replace fossil fuel-based   environmental and economic benefits. According to a survey
products and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For instance,           by Statistics Canada, in 2015 the Canadian bioeconomy
bio-based plastics, which are forecasted to comprise 40% of the       purchased C$2.3 billion worth of biomass inputs,
global plastics market by 2030,7 have the potential to be carbon-     predominantly forestry and agricultural biomass.20 The same
negative.8 Some have even been shown to have a negative global        year, bioproducts including biofuels, bioenergy, biochemicals,
warming potential of -2.2 kilogram CO2 equivalent per kilogram        and biomaterials, accounted for an estimated C$4.3 billion
of bio-based polyethylene produced (compared to 1.8 kilogram          worth of sales.21 Bioproduct co-products, like distillers’ dry
CO2e per kilogram of fossil-based polyethylene produced).9            grains, carbon dioxide, and glycerine, produced additional
The bioeconomy also finds value in what has traditionally been        sales of C$441.5 million.22
considered biological waste. For example, recovering renewable
bio-gas from urban solid waste—a waste stream expected to             Canada’s traditional bioeconomy, forestry and agriculture,
reach 2.2 billion tonnes per year globally by 202510—can offset       have more than 900 processing companies, employ 2 million
operational costs, generate revenue, and decrease greenhouse          people, and generate C$300 billion in sales per year.23 The
gas emissions.11 One study estimates that processing residual         estimated 190 firms operating in the Canadian bioproducts
organic waste in Amsterdam has the potential to create over           sector further employ over 5600 people.24
C$223 million in added value and reduce CO2e emissions by
600,000 tonnes per year.12

As the country with the most biomass per capita in the world,13
                                                                      6.3. Overview of Circular Economy
Canada is well-positioned to take advantage of opportunities          Practices in the Bioeconomy
created by the bioeconomy, across economic sectors. In 2015
forestry was the largest source of biomass in Canada, producing       Bioeconomy companies have been investing in research
12.3 million metric tonnes of biomass, of which 8.5 million metric    and implementation of various practices that can support a
tonnes came from processing residue from pulp-and-paper               circular economy. Figure 6-1 summarizes the specific practices
mills.14 With 9% of global forests, Canada’s forestry bioeconomy      employed in the bioeconomy, organized according to the four
has high-growth potential, in both urban and rural areas.15 The       objectives for a circular economy and twelve core supporting
agricultural sector was the second largest source of biomass,         strategies described in the Introduction to this publication
producing 8.8 million metric tonnes produced, primarily from          series. Some of these practices are highlighted below. This is
grains and oilseeds.16 Recognizing this economic opportunity,         followed by a listing of applied examples of these strategies
the Canadian federal government announced a C$22.1 million            and practices, with hyperlinks to additional information.
joint-investment, in collaboration with industry, in bioproducts      Canadian examples are denoted by a red superscript (CDN).
in the agricultural sector.17 Canada also represents 6.5% of
global bioenergy potential.18 Replacing just 5% of its gas supply
with renewable gases could reduce GHG emissions by 10-14
megatonnes per year.19

Figure 6-1. Circular economy objectives, strategies, and practices found in the bioeconomy

        Objectives                          Strategies                       Practices

                                                                                      Bio-sourced plastics              Bio-sourced
                                                      Ecodesign                       and material
          Reduced                                                                                                       products
                                                      Process                         Closed-loop water                 Reduced supply
                                                      optimization                    consumption                       chain waste

                                                                                      Responsible wood and
                                                      consumption and                 paper sourcing

                                                                          Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 3
Sharing              None found

         product use
                                                   Short-term           None found

                                                                        None found
                                                   and repair

                                                   Donating and                      Re-appropriation of food by-
                                                   reselling                         products, surplus, and waste
        Extending life
      of products and
                                                   Refurbishing                      Wood-based furniture

                                                   Performance          None found

                                                   Industrial ecology                  Valorization of organic
                   Giving                                                              by-products and waste
                  new life

                                                  Recycling and                       Paper recycling                Wood recycling

                                                  Energy                               Bioenergy
                                                  recovery                             production

Objectives, Strategies and Practices                                  products like coffee pods, paint resins, and feed additive for
                                                                      ruminants, as well as bio-based chemicals. Process optimization
In the bioeconomy, many circular practices focus on REDUCED           approaches include developing techniques to improve
resource consumption. Ecodesign applications in the bioeconomy        manufacturing processes of bio-based materials and products.
include bio-sourcing plastics and materials which substitute          Under responsible consumption and procurement, wood
petroleum-based products with plant-derived materials. These often    traceability programs ensure that timber is being used at the highest
perform better than the fossil fuel-based products they replace and   environmental and social standard.
can be recycled or composted if appropriate sorting and processing
facilities are available. Bio-based products are also increasingly    Due to the perishable nature of many of the products in the
being used in product packaging, thereby mitigating the use-cost      bioeconomy, there are limited ways to OPTIMIZE resource use.
of single-use packaging. Other applications include bio-based         This is, however, possible for a few products. Refurbishment

4 | Smart Prosperity Institute
is one strategy to extend the life of products and their
components. For example, Ikea’s takeback program allows                Sustana Group: Integrating circular
customers to return used furniture, which it then refurbishes and
resells.                                                               principles in pulp and paper
Finally, there are a number of strategies that that can give new
life to resources in the bioeconomy. Industrial ecology for
instance has a diversity of applications, including the valorization   Located in Wisconsin and Québec, the Sustana
of organic by-products and waste. Organizations like the French        Group is a North American pulp and paper company
company Veolia collect biowaste from food and beverage                 manufacturing sustainable fibers as well as recycled
companies, which can then be transformed into renewable gas,           paper. The group applies circular economy principles
organic fertilizer, or animal feed. Recycling and composting           in the manufacturing processes through the following
represent another avenue to give resources new life, as with the       processes: 29, 30
Sustana Group in the US, which collects 2.2 million pounds daily
                                                                           •    Responsible sourcing: In 1989, Sustana’s
of FSC Certified recycled fibre. There is also much being done in               Breakey Fibers mill began recycling
the realm of energy recovery in the bioeconomy. Research is                     wastepaper and producing recycled pulp for
underway to better understand how plant-based sources, such as                  paper production. To this date, Sustana Group
grass clippings, can be used to supplement or supplant fossil fuel-             focuses on using recycled paper as much as
based energy in uses such as an engine fuel source or fuel additive.            possible in its operations, as well as using and
                                                                                manufacturing post-consumer recycled fibers.
                                                                                Sustana’s facilities process 2.2 million pounds
                                                                                of wastepaper every day.
  The Bazancourt-Pomacle Biorefinery
                                                                           •    Energy efficiency: The main energy source in
                                                                                Sustana’s paper mill in Canada is biogas. It
  Located a few kilometers outside of the city of Reims in                      is transported in a dedicated 8-mile pipeline
  France, the Bazancourt-Pomacle biorefinery is a joint                         from a nearby landfill to fulfill 93% of the
  venture between the two municipalities of Bazancourt and                      mill’s needs, reducing annual carbon dioxide
  Pomace. The biorefinery is one of the largest in the world,                   emissions by 70,000 tons – equivalent to
  employing 1,200 people directly in the Reims region, and                      23,400 compact cars.
  another 1,000 indirectly.
                                                                           •    Water conservation and wastewater treatment
  The biorefinery creates environmentally-friendly economic                     technology: In the Fox River Fiber facility in
  development from the agricultural resources of the territory.                 Wisconsin, cold water is diverted from pipes
  Every year it transforms 4 million tonnes of biomass into                     near the end of the production line back to the
  sugar, glucose, starch, food, pharmaceutical alcohol, and                     beginning of the process and to the plant’s
                                                                                cold-water supply, reducing the use of both
  cosmetic active ingredients, generating 800 million euros
                                                                                water and gas.
  of value. 25, 26, 27, 28
                                                                           •    Product innovation: The group conducts a
                                                                                Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the
                                                                                life cycle potential environmental impacts
  LOOP: Creating new products from                                              of EnviroLife™ food-grade fiber and Rolland
                                                                                Enviro™ paper, from raw material extraction
  food waste                                                                    and processing to manufacturing, distribution,
                                                                                and end-of-life. The LCA relates information
  Loop is a food and beverage company founded on circular                       about the product’s contribution to climate
  economy strategies. It aims to reduce food waste by                           change, its water consumption, and its
  transforming rejected food into juice, alcoholic beverages,                   contribution to freshwater eutrophication.
  and soaps. The company collects food sector materials that               •    By-products recycling: Sustana Group diverts
  would otherwise be discarded, directly from food retailers                    process by-products from landfill. At Fox River
  and wholesalers. To generate further value, the by-product                    Fiber, 77% of process by-products are used
  pulp is then given to a start-up company that turns it into                   for animal bedding. And at Breakey Fibers,
  high-fiber dog treats.                                                        100% of process by-products are used for land
  To date LOOP has rescued 5,388 tons of fruits and
  vegetables, avoided 4,351 tons of GHG emissions and                  ●
  saved 415,138,995 of water. 31

                                                                           Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 5
Specific Examples: Objective 1, Reduced                               •   Corbion and Total41 42 partnered to produce Poly
Resource Consumption                                                      Lactic Acid (PLA) polymers, obtained through the
                                                                          conversion of lactic acid into lactide monomers.
                                                                          Biodegradable and industrially compostable,
                                                                          PLA is currently used in a broad range of markets,
          Ecodesign                                                       including food packaging, single-use tableware,
                                                                          textiles, oil and gas, electronics, automotive, and
          Bio-sourced plastics and material                               3D printing.

                                                                      •   Sulpac43,44 produces a material made of wood
        •     BASF      produces a certified compostable
                    32 33
                                                                          and plant-based binders. Sulapac® material is
              polymer, ecovio®, containing bio-based                      non-toxic, sustainably sourced, microplastic-free,
              content, for use in a variety of applications from          recyclable via industrial composting, and the wood
              organic waste bags to agricultural films. BASF’s            used is industry by-product. Sulapac® can be
              ecoflex® polymer is biodegradable and certified             used with existing plastic product manufacturing
              compostable.                                                machinery for applications such as cosmetics
                                                                          packaging, personal care items, and clothing
        •     Avantium34 is commercializing plant-based                   hangers, as well as mass-producible straws.
              polymers like PEF (polyethylene furanoate)
              packaging that can replace PET, glass, or               •   Stora Enso45 promotes the use of wood as a
              aluminum. The product is a 100% recyclable plastic          renewable resource in construction. Wood is a
              with better performance than petroleum-based                strong, high-quality, and light-weight material. The
              plastics.                                                   use of wood in construction achieves improved
                                                                          thermal insulation and acoustic performance. Stora
        •     Mitsubishi Chemical35 36 produces BioPBS™                   Enso produces massive wood products such as
              plastic, derived from renewable resources                   cross-laminated timber (CLT), laminated veneer
              like sugarcane, cassava, and corn. BioPBS™                  lumber (LVL), and glulam.
              can be composted in 30oC soil in open-air
              landfills. Mitsubishi Chemical’s bio-based plastic      •   Swerea46 helps companies to develop
              DURABIO™ is derived primarily from plant-based              functional fibers made of materials other than
              isosorbide.                                                 conventional thermoplastics. They work with
                                                                          fibers derived from bio-based raw materials, such
        •     Bosk Bioproducts Inc37 CDN is developing the                as cellulose and lignin from forestry products, in
              REGEN™ resins, a bioplastic made from paper                 developing new types of fibers, both for technical
              mill sludge and wood fiber residue, non-food                applications and textiles.
              carbon sources, and non-toxic ingredients. REGEN
              is compostable and is compatible with plastic
              manufacturers’ existing equipment. It is suitable        Bio-sourced products
              for multiple applications like injection molding,
              thermoforming, 3D printing, or extrusion blow
              molding.38                                              •   Sustana Group47 developed EnviroLife™ a food
                                                                          packaging product from 100% post-consumer
        •     Stora Enso39 developed DuraSense™, a wood-fiber             recycled fiber. EnviroLife is FDA-compliant for
              biocomposite offering the mouldability of plastics          direct food contact under all conditions of use.
              and the strength and sustainability of wood, and            EnviroLife eliminates the need for coating with
              an up to 80% reduced CO2 footprint. The material            polyethylene films, waxes, or foils. The impact of
              is suitable for a wide range of injection molded            EnviroLife on climate change is 26% lower than the
              products such as furniture, storage & logistics             average virgin fiber.
              items, packaging, consumer goods, industrial
              components, automotive details, and food contact        •   Stora Enso48 offers PE Green barrier coating
              plastics. DuraSense is used in the existing molds           for food packaging to replace the traditional
              with little or no change to production techniques.          polyethylene and still provide humidity protection.
                                                                          PE Green is made of renewable, and recyclable,
        •     Innventia40 is working on project LightFibre, a             plant-based raw material. It performs the same way
              carbon fiber based on raw materials harvested from          as polyethylene and can be used in products such
              the Swedish forests, as an alternative to the current       as drinking cups and packages for frozen food, ice
              carbon fiber that is primarily fossil-based and too         cream, and yogurt.
              expensive to be a viable alternative to steel.

6 | Smart Prosperity Institute
•   Stora Enso49 developed PureFiber based eco-               •       Terra Humana57 developed the 3R zero-emission
    products that are plastic-free, made of renewable                 and high-temperature pyrolysis technology to
    materials, recyclable, and biodegradable.                         recover Bio-Phosphate made from food-grade
    PureFiber can be used for single-use food                         animal bones. Such Bio-Phosphate contains
    packaging items such as plastic-free cups, bowls,                 around 30% of phosphorus pentoxide and
    and coffee cup lids, as well as for non-food items                works well as a controlled-release fertilizer.
    to replace plastic consumables in agriculture,                    This technology also fills a need for large-scale
    electronics, and cosmetics packaging.50                           bio-fertilizer production in the EU and contributes
                                                                      to securing demand for bio-based nutrients and
•   Good Natured51 CDN manufactures renewably-                        their flow between European regions.
    sourced, plant-based food packaging, bioplastic
    roll stock sheets, and organizational products for        •       Corbion58 produces biochemicals derived
    home and business following the ASTM D6400                        from lactic acid for several applications such
    composting standard that requires breakdown                       us: PURASOLV® that enhance solvency in
    within 180 days in a commercial compost facility.                 agrochemical formulation; PURALACT® lactide
                                                                      that boosts resin and coating performance in
•   Green Circle Dine Ware Ltd52 CDN manufactures                     areas like hardness, adhesion and gloss; and
    drinking straws for the restaurant industry                       PURASAL® S/HQ 60, a skin moisturizing agent,
    made with Canadian pulp and paper, as well as                     as well as other applications in home care, pharma
    biodegradable single-use dining ware.                             production, and animal health.

•   GCUP — Technology Corp53CDN is developing a               •       Solvay59,60 developed AgRho® S-Boost, a root
    completely plant-based and compostable single-                    booster based on a biodegradable formulation
    use coffee pod from bioplastic and wood fiber.                    that ensures rapid growth and healthy plants,
                                                                      and AgRho® N-Protect, eco-friendly nitrogen
•   DSM54 developed Bovaer®, a feed additive for                      stabilizers that increase crop yield while reducing
    cows and other ruminants such as sheep, goats,                    greenhouse gas emissions and improving water
    and deer. A quarter teaspoon of Bovaer per cow                    quality.
    per day suppresses the enzyme that triggers
    methane production in a cow’s rumen and
    consistently reduces enteric methane emission by       The Ideal
    approximately 30%.
                                                                  •      The development of more bio-based materials
•   DSM55 produces Decovery® plant-based paint                           and products which can replace fossil-fuel
    resin containing up to 50% bio-based content,                        counterparts wherever possible
    mainly from agricultural material that doesn’t
    interfere with the food chain, such us tree bark,
    seeds and other organic materials. Decovery
    has a carbon footprint up to one-third lower than
    traditional solvent-borne paint resins.                     Process optimization

•   West Fraser’s 56 CDN Hinton pulp mill operates
    Canada’s first commercial-scale lignin recovery             Closed-loop water consumption
    plant, which produces 30 tonnes of lignin per
    day. This biochemical can be used to displace
    petrochemical equivalents with biomass-based              •       Sustana Group61 CDN diverts cold water from pipes
    alternatives. As a natural, renewable green                       near the end of the production line of its Fox
    alternative, it is a bio-based alterative for fossil              River fiber plant (which prodocues a closed-loop
    fuel-based chemicals that are used in adhesives,                  fiber) back to the beginning of the process and
    resins, and composite materials.                                  to the plant’s coldwater supply, saving water and
                                                                      gas. Every drop of water at its de-inking facility is
                                                                      recirculated 17 times, and more than 30 times at
                                                                      its paper mill.

                                                             Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 7
Reduced supply chain waste
                                                                         Specific Examples: Objective 2, Intensified
                                                                         Product Use
        •       Atelier Extramuros62 a social enterprise
                specializing in upcycling in the furniture sector,
                using reclaimed material from discarded
                professional furniture. It customizes the furniture            Sharing economy is not significantly
                produced depending on the need and means of                    addressed
                their clients, thereby avoiding unsold inventory
                                                                               Short-term renting is not significantly
   The Ideal

            •      Bioeconomy industries develop optimized
                   processes for production that minimize environ-       Specific Examples: Objective 3, Extending
                   mental impacts like water consumption and waste       Life of Products and Components

                                                                               Maintenance and repair is not signifi-
                                                                               cantly addressed

          Responsible consumption and                                          Donating and reselling
                                                                               Re-appropriation of food by-products,
          Responsible wood and paper sourcing                                  surplus, and waste

        •       DS Smith Packaging63 uses 100% recycled papers                •   Wilder Harrier 66 CDN is a start-up that uses the
                and maintains 100% of sites holding a chain of                    residual pulp food produced by the beverage
                custody certification.                                            company LOOP for the manufacture of vegan dog
        •       Resolute Forest Products64 CDN ensures 100%
                of the timberlands managed by the company                     •   Oreka Solutions68 CDN collects pre-consumer
                and its fiber-tracking systems are third-party                    food waste and by-product streams from food
                certified to at least one internationally recognized              retailers and processors in the Wellington-
                forest management standard: Sustainable                           Waterloo region, and feeds black soldier flies
                Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) or Forest Stewardship                 with these nutrients. The larvae are converted
                Council® (FSC®). These standards aim to protect                   into three products: a solid fertilizer for soil-based
                biodiversity, water quality, wildlife habitat, species            farming that enhances the soil’s microbiome; a
                at risk, and forests with conservation value.                     liquid biofertilizer that can be used in aquaponic
                                                                                  growing solutions; and a feedstock for fish, pigs,
        •       Stora Enso’s65 wood supply chains are covered                     and chickens.
                by wood traceability systems that are certified
                according to PEFC™ or FSC® chain of custody                   •   Rothsay69 CDN turns old cooking oil, grease
                system or both. These ensure that the timber                      trap maintenance, and meat by-products from
                comes from a forest managed to the highest                        restaurants, retailers, processing facilities, and
                environmental and social standards.                               livestock raising into animal feed and biofuel.

                                                                              •   Loop70 is a Finnish restaurant that collects 600kg
The Ideal                                                                         of surplus food each day from six suppliers and
                                                                                  supermarkets. It uses this collected food to create
            •      All feedstock used in the bioeconomy industry are              high quality canteen food, gourmet meals, and
                   sourced responsibly                                            artisanal ice cream. Any remaining edible food is
                                                                                  directed to charities or composted.

8 | Smart Prosperity Institute
•       Boomerang71 CDN is a Canadian company that              Specific Examples: Objective 4, Giving
           produces flour from spent grain. In addition
                                                                   Resources New Life
           to reducing food waste, this product reduces
           the transportation, agricultural land, and water
           required for flour production, thus reducing
                                                                         Industrial ecology
           carbon and water footprints.
                                                                         Valorization of organic by-products
                                                                         and waste
The Ideal

       •      Surplus edible food and agri-food by-products             •       Favini73 74 recovers bran residues from the milling
              are recovered for human consumption                               of Barilla wheat, a by-product that no longer
       •      Food waste is reprocessed into new products,                      usable for human consumption. The company
              such as food products and animal feed                             processes this along with cellulose to produce
                                                                                CartaCrusca paper. Favini also produces Crush
                                                                                paper, which includes by-products from citrus
                                                                                fruits, grapes, cherries, lavender, corn, olives,
                                                                                coffee, kiwis, hazelnuts, and almonds. This
                                                                                lowers CO2 emissions by 20% compared to the
    Refurbishing                                                                production of standard Favini paper at the same

    Wood-based furniture refurbishment                                  •       Sustana Group76 provides 77% of process
                                                                                by-products of its Fox River Fiber plant for use
                                                                                as animal bedding, and 100% of process by-
   •       IKEA72 offers to take back their furniture when it is                products of its Breakey Fibers.
           no longer wanted, refurbishes it, and sells it at a
           reduced rate to new customers. Customers can
           exchange their unwanted furniture for a voucher
           to spend in store.                                       The Ideal

                                                                            •      The identification and development of new ways
The Ideal                                                                          for industries in the bioeconomy to repur-pose
                                                                                   each other’s waste
       •      Alll wood-based furniture is refurbished to extend
              it’s lifespan

                                                                         Recycling and composting

    Performance economy is not
    significantly addressed                                              Paper recycling

                                                                        •       Sustana Group’s77 main source of raw material
                                                                                is the “urban forest”—recycled fibers recovered
                                                                                from FSC Certified suppliers. It processes 2.2
                                                                                million pounds of wastepaper every day through
                                                                                its Sustana Fiber facilities, and recycles enough
                                                                                paper every year to save over 4 million trees and
                                                                                save over 1 million cubic yards of landfill space.

                                                                        •       DS Smith Packaging78 achieves 97 per cent
                                                                                recycled or chain of custody certified papers used
                                                                                in their operations. They seek to manufacture
                                                                                100% reusable or recyclable packaging by 2025.

                                                                      Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 9
Wood recycling                                               •   Cascades’83 CDN subsidiary Greenpac Mill, LLC
                                                                           burns Cascade pulping residues from the Niagara
                                                                           Falls and Greenpac containerboard plants to
        •       Valdelia79 is a French company which collects              generate the steam used for drying products,
                and recycles used furniture from the industrial,           in partnership with Covanta84, a company
                commercial and institutional sector. Financed              specializing in waste-to-energy solutions located
                by an eco-fee included in the sale price of all            close to Cascades’ sites.
                new professional furniture, Valdelia operates on
                behalf of 1200 members including manufacturers,        •   Farmers in France and Québec 85 86 CDN installed
                distributors, and importers of new professional            anaerobic digesters on their farms for the
                furniture. Furniture in good shape is donated              valorization of the farm waste. The anaerobic
                to social purpose non-profits, and the rest is             digesters allow the farmers to produce energy
                dismantled for material recycling or energy                (i.e. biogas, electricity, heat) as well as fertilizer.
                recovery.                                                  In France, the practice is subsidized by the
                                                                           government, and makes it possible to increase the
                                                                           farmers’ revenue and cut energy expenses (see
The Ideal                                                                  also MAPAQ report87).

            •      Continued development of recyclable and             •   Research Institute of Sweden (RISE)88 has
                   compostable bio-based material                          developed methods and technical solutions
            •      Continued use of recycled paper and fibers              for the manufacture of fuels from renewables.
                                                                           One example is aviation fuel from lignin, a
                                                                           waste product of chemical pulping and paper

                                                                       •   StoraEnso89 extracts the crude tall oil from
          Energy recovery                                                  softwood, refining it into biofuels which can
                                                                           replace fossil-based fuels and vegetable-based
          Bioenergy production                                             oils. It can also add value in products such as
                                                                           detergents and soaps, adhesives, lubricants,
                                                                           paints, and coatings.
        •       Cascades80 81 CDN generated 27% fewer emissions
                at the Cascades Containerboard Packaging plant         •   DSM’s Bio-based Products & Services
                in Cabano, in Québec, following the installation of        business90 91 developed eBOOST™, a yeast that
                residual bark-fuelled biomass steam boiler which           improves ethanol yield by increasing the energy
                allowed it to significantly decrease its heavy-fuel        generated from corn. Compared with existing
                oil consumption.                                           yeast products, eBOOST increases ethanol yields
                                                                           by up to 6% while reducing glycerol production
        •       West Fraser’s 82 CDN Slave Lake Pulp has built a           by as much as 75%. For producers, this is a game-
                unique energy plant that uses the mill’s effluent          changer: a 5% average increase in output allows
                (wastewater) to produce energy using biological            a typical ethanol plant to produce three million
                organisms. The installation relies on the collection       additional gallons of ethanol a year from the same
                of gases produced by the breakdown of organic              volume of corn. This is the equivalent of opening
                matter in the pulp mill’s effluent. Microorganisms         seven new production plants.
                digest waste products in the effluent and their
                digestion generates methane-rich biogas. It is is      •   INEOS Biorefinery92 in the Indian River Bioenergy
                expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by             Center was designed to produce cellulosic
                22,000 tonnes annually.                                    ethanol and generate renewable electricity. The
                                                                           Biorefinery converts biological matter, like wood
                                                                           scraps and grass clippings, into transportation
                                                                           fuels, heat, and power 93.

10 | Smart Prosperity Institute
•   Abengoa (Spain and Global) 94 creates facilities for
    the energy recovery from all types of waste and           The Ideal
    biomass, producing renewable and sustainable
    energy in the form of heat, cold, electricity, or fuel.            •    Continued increase in the production of
    Technologies include bioethanol production from                         bioenergy that can replace fossil fuel-based
    wheat and corn; electricity and steam generation                        energy sources
    from bagasse straw; renewable fuels (biodiesel)
    production from the transformation of vegetable
    oils; electricity generation from cereal straw; and
    electricity generation from poultry manure.

•   Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass of Kansas95 is a
    commercial-scale integrated biorefinery for
    the production of ethanol from lignocellulosic
    biomass with a capacity to produce approximately
    25 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol per year.
    It will reduce about 139,000t of carbon dioxide
    emissions a year, equivalent to removing 35,000
    cars from the road. The plant co-generates 21MW
    of electricity for captive consumption, while the
    excess power is supplied to the local community.
    Lignin and animal feed are produced as by-

•   Project LIBERTY96 POET-DSM’s biorefinery in
    Emmetsburg, Iowa, produces cellulosic ethanol
    from corn stover. The facility uses a biological
    process to convert post-harvest cobs, leaves,
    husks, and upper stalks into a biofuel. It has the
    capacity to produce up to 25 million gallons of
    cellulosic ethanol annually. It is one of the first
    generation of large-scale U.S. biorefineries to
    produce biofuel from agricultural waste. It is a
    joint venture of POET, a bio-ethanol producer,
    and DSM, a global science-based company that is
    active in health, nutrition and materials, as well as
    driving environmental progress97.

•   Biorefinery La Mède98 is a biorefinery operated
    by the oil company Total designed to produce
    biofuels from various types of oils. This includes
    vegetable oils certified sustainable according to
    E.U. criteria as well as used oils, residual oils and
    animal fats. La Mède’s feedstock will be made up
    of 60% to 70% crude vegetable oils (rapeseed,
    sunflower, soybean, oil palm, corn, or new plants
    such as carinata) and 30% to 40% treated waste
    (animal fats, cooking oil, residues, etc.).

                                                                 Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 11
Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2018). Renewable
6.4. Additional Resources                                                        Materials for a Low-Carbon and Circular Future.
                                                                                 Retrieved from https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.
The following are additional resources that researchers,                         org/assets/galleries/ce100/CE100-Renewables_
practitioners, and policymakers can draw on to further advance                   Co.Project_Report.pdf
awareness and understanding of opportunities for circularity for
Canada’s bioeconomy.                                                              A bioeconomy, based on renewable materials, has
                                                                                 the potential to drive innovation and create new
Selected Global Public Policies Supporting                                       economic opportunities, but these benefits require
Bioeconomy Circularity                                                           an understanding of renewables’ role in the circular
                                                                                 economy. This paper establishes key concepts relating
•    Europe’s new bioeconomy strategy: released by the EU                        to the bioeconomy and highlights opportunities and
     in 2012, this strategy aims to “improve and scale up the                    challenges in the use of renewable materials.
     sustainable use of renewable resources to address global
     and local challenges such as climate change and sustainable
     development”. The new strategy consists of establishing
     “a €100 million Circular Bioeconomy Thematic Investment                     Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2017). Urban Biocycles.
     Platform to bring bio-based innovations closer to the market”               Retrieved from https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.
     and “a pledge to build 300 new sustainable biorefineries                    org/publications/urban-biocyles
     across Europe by 2030—it also complements an EU directive
     to ensure that 20% of the EU’s total energy needs are met with               This paper highlights the potential to apply circular
     renewables by 2020”. 99,100                                                 economy principles to capture value in the high levels
•    Grenelle II Law: France requires all large producers of bio-                of organic waste in urban environments. Through global
     waste (in particular large retailers) to sort, collect, and recover         bioeconomy statistics and international examples, the
     their biowaste, as of January 2012. 101,102                                 paper demonstrates that urban organic waste, rather
•    Quebec’s residual materials management policy: includes an                  than being a costly economic and environmental
     Organic Materials Treatment Program for biomethane and                      problem, can be a source of revenue while helping to
     composting (PTMOBC)103. It aims to reduce the amount of                     restore natural capital.
     waste per capita and banning the landfilling of organic matter
     starting in 2022.104

                                                                           Understanding the bioeconomy in Canada
Selected Documents on Circular Economy
and Bioeconomy                                                                   Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC). (2017).
                                                                                 Innovation in Agriculture: Canadian Industrial
Understanding the role of the bioeconomy in the circular                         Bioproducts Industry Priorities & Recommendations.
economy                                                                          Retrieved from
         Carus, M. (2017). Bio-based economy and climate                         Canadian-Industrial-Bioproducts-Industry-Priorities-
         change – Important links, pitfalls and opportunities.                   Recommendations
         nova-Institut. Retrieved from
         download/?did=83344&file=0                                               This report identifies six priority areas for industry,
                                                                                 academia, and policymakers to advance Canada’s
         Written for the United Nations Food and Agriculture                     bioeconomy in the agricultural sector, recognizing
         Organization (FAO), this report provides a helpful                      Canada’s potential to be an agricultural bioeconomy
         overview of climate change implications for the                         leader. Recommending an action plan for each of the
         bioeconomy, along the value chain. It identifies strategies             priority areas, the report presents a framework for the
         adopted to help the bioeconomy reach its potential for                  sector to create jobs, leverage innovation, reduce
         reducing greenhouse gas emissions.                                      greenhouse gas emissions, and create new market

12 | Smart Prosperity Institute
Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC). (2019). Canada’s
Bioeconomy Strategy: Leveraging our Strengths for
a Sustainable Future. Retrieved from https://www.

Supported by cross-Canada consultations with
companies and industry associations, this strategy
highlights the need for a national bioeconomy strategy
and recommends actions based on bioeconomy priority
areas identified by the Advisory Council on Economic
Growth, the Economic Sector Strategy Tables, and
the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. This strategy
was developed by Bioindustrial Innovation Canada,
BIOTECanada, the Forest Products Association of
Canada, and FPInnovations.

Natural Resources Canada. (2017). A Forest Bioeconomy
Framework for Canada. Canadian Council of Forest
Ministers. Retrieved from

 This report presents a framework for a transition to a
low-carbon economy in the forest sector, envisioning
Canada as a forest bioeconomy world leader. Seeking
to increase the use of forest biomass throughout the
economy, the framework has four pillars, and examples
of policies for each, to increase community partnerships,
facilitating innovation, and generating and meeting
market demand.

                                                            Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 13
6.5. Conclusion to Bioeconomy
  This global scan of best circular economy practices in the
  bioeconomy reveals that selected firms and operations
  are already implementing a wide range of practices that
  support circular economy objectives and strategies,
  whether or not these practices are explicitly identified
  as circular. Bioeconomy practices that can contribute
  to the development of a circular economy include
  the creation of biofuels, bioenergy, and innovative
  bio-based products such as textiles, composites,
  pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. These offer substitutes
  for hydrocarbon-based products, reduced greenhouse
  gas emissions, and creation of value from what is today
  considered waste. As the country with the most biomass
  per capita in the world, Canada is well-positioned
  to take advantage of opportunities created by the
  bioeconomy, making this one of Canada’s strongest
  opportunities for a circular economy.

  In cataloging these examples, our intent is to
  demonstrate real-world strategies and practices that
  offer a starting point in the journey towards a circular
  economy. This information is offered as a background
  resource and reference source for future efforts to
  engage Canadian firms and innovators in the journey
  towards a circular economy, and –ideally– to begin
  building a Canadian bioeconomy roadmap
  to a circular economy.

14 | Smart Prosperity Institute
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2    Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2018). Renewable Materials for a Low-Carbon and Circular Future. Retrieved from
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54   DSM. (2019). More sustainable farming through lower methane emissions. Retrieved from
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56   Forest Products Association of Canada (n.d). Decarbonization Through Innovation and Displacement: One of the ways Canada’s Forest Sector is Helping Power the
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16 | Smart Prosperity Institute
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                                                                                              Bioeconomy: Part six of the Global Sector Best Practices Series | 17
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