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SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika Nr. 29/2021 SWP-Informationsservices Jürgen Rogalski, 30.04.2021 Der SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika ist ein unentgeltliches, kompaktes Informations- produkt mit ausgewählten Hinweisen auf aktuelle Stellungnahmen, Dokumente und Analy- sen zu allen (außen-) politisch relevanten Fragen und Entwicklungen der Region. Bei allen Titeln gibt es einen Link, meistens direkt zum Volltext. Grundlage der Erstellung ist ein über- wiegend festgelegtes Set an Quellen: Webseiten, Blogs, Zeitschriften etc. Der Auswahl-Fokus liegt neben Dokumenten auf wissenschaftlichen bzw. wissenschaftlich basierten Beiträgen. Neben Titeln mit konkretem Länder- bzw. Regionalbezug werden auch solche berücksichtigt, deren Thematik relevant ist für die Region. Der WebMonitor wird i.d.R. ein- bis zweimal wö- chentlich erstellt, nicht aber bei Abwesenheit des Bearbeiters. Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel / Palästina > Palästina > Israel > Libanon > Syrien > Irak > Kurdistan / Kurden (länderübergreifend) > Jordanien > Golftstaaten / GKR > Kuwait > Saudi-Arabien > Jemen > Iran > Indischer Ozean: Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) > Ägypten > Ägypten / Nilanrainer (GERD) > Libyen > Tunesien > Algerien > Marokko
> EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge > EU: Demokratieförderung (allg.) > USA - MENA-Region > VR China / Russland - MENA-Region > Machtkonkurrenz externer Akteure (MENA-Region) > UN: Peacebuilding (allg./global) > Schutz von Zivilbevölkerung/ziviler Infrastruktur in bewaffneten Konflikten (allg./global) > Regionalpolitik / regionale Sicherheit (MENA-Region) > Umbruch in der arabischen Welt / Ideologien / Revolutionen > Diaspora (Araber:innen) > Bildung / Bildungssysteme (MENA-Region) > Islam > Islamismus / Islamisten > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (MENA-Region) > Israel / Palästina Palestine: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell on the postponement of the elec- tions EEAS, 30.04.2021 representative-josep-borrell-postponement-elections_en Palestinian Rights Committee Calls upon Security Council to Ensure Elections Take Place in Occu- pied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem UNGA, 29.04.2021 New EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process appointed EU, 29.04.2021 sentative-for-the-middle-east-peace-process-appointed/ أﺑﻮ اﻟﻐﯿﻂ ﯾﺴﺘﻘﺒﻞ اﻟﻤﺒﻌﻮث اﻷﻣﻤﻲ ﻟﻌﻤﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﺴﻼم وﯾﺤﺬر ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘﻄﺮف اﻟﯿﻤﯿﻨﻲ ﺿﺪ اﻟﻔﻠﺴﻄﯿﻨﯿﯿﻦ AL, 28.04.2021 Gaza Strip: Snapshot | March 2021 UN-OCHA, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. + Infografiken Seite 2 von 29
>>> Say Israel is Committing Apartheid? It’s Not a Decision We Reached Lightly. Eric Goldstein HRW, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. reached-lightly Q&A: A Threshold Crossed - Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution HRW, 27.04.2021, ca. 3 S Settlement & Annexation Report Inhalt u.a.: - Resources for Understanding Recent Protests and Violence in Jerusalem - Jewish National Fund Delays Decision on Formalizing Policy on West Bank Land Purchases - Roundup of Settler Violence This Week FMEP, 29.04.2021, ca. 20 S. Israel's 'fierce' targeting of human rights groups exposed in new report MEMO, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. exposed-in-new-report/ Vgl. Target Locked: The Unrelenting Israeli Smear Campaigns to Discredit Human Rights Groups in Israel, Palestine, and the Syrian Golan FIDH/OMCT, 04.2021, 64 S. @WAO >>> Damascus Gate: The symbolic flashpoint of Jerusalem’s latest tensions Aseel Jundi "Many Palestinians see recent Israeli aggressions around the Old City as part of a long-standing plan to erase Palestinian identity from Jerusalem. ..." MEE, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. sions News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (April 20-27, 2021) ITIC, 29.04.2021, 22 S. Seite 3 von 29
Tensions peak during Ramadan, including confrontations in Jerusalem and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip targeting Israel’s south ITIC, 25.04.2021, 16 S. >>> Approaching Peace: Centering Rights in Israel-Palestine Conflict Resolution Zaha Hassan, Yousef Munayyer "Centering rights and human security will not only help create the conditions needed to achieve a durable political solution but also promote U.S. interests abroad. ..." CEIP, 29.04.2021, ca. 5 S. tine-conflict-resolution-pub-84397 Vgl. Breaking the Israel-Palestine Status Quo: A Rights-Based Approach Zaha Hassan, Daniel Levy, Hallaamal Keir, Marwan Muasher CEIP, 04.2021, 20 S. @WAO After the Two-State Solution - New Israel-Palestine Peace Efforts Must Focus on Equality Marwan Muasher FA (online), 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: ‘God’s most beautiful name is peace’: Rabbi Menachem Froman’s vision of inter-religious peace between Israelis and Palestinians Nesya Shemer In: Israel Affairs (online first), 04.2021, 24 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: >>> Buchhinweis: Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine Noura Eraka Stanford University Press, 04.2019, 352 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Buchhinweis: Israel's Armor: The Israel Lobby and the First Generation of the Palestine Conflict Seite 4 von 29
Walter L. Hixson Cambridge University Press, 04.2019, 324 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: tory/israels-armor-israel-lobby-and-first-generation-palestine-conflict Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Palästina Palestine: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell on the postponement of the elec- tions EEAS, 30.04.2021 representative-josep-borrell-postponement-elections_en Deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit der palästinensischen Organisation Addameer - Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der AfD BT, 27.04.2021 Vorgang und Download (in Kürze): >>> THE RIGHT OF PALESTINIAN RESIDENTS OF EAST JERUSALEM TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2021 PALESTINIAN ELECTIONS - ANALYSIS PAPER Ir Amin, 04.2021, 11 S. 0to%20Participate%20in%20the%202021%20Elections.pdf >>> Webinar: The Political Implications of the 2021 Elections for Palestinian National Aspira- tions Adnan Abu Amer, Tahreer Araj, Salem Barahmeh, Ayah Omran Randall, Leila Farsakh ACW, 05.05.2021, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT Übersicht und Registrierung: Webcast: national-aspirations/ Online Panel Discussion: PALESTINIAN ELECTORAL LIMBO - WHAT'S NEXT? Seite 5 von 29
Inès Abdel Razek, Leila Farsakh, Hugh Lovatt, Omar H. Rahman, Ugo Tramballi ISPI, 03.05.2021, 03:00 PM in Rom Übersicht, Registrierung und Livestream: The high cost of delaying Palestinian elections Daoud Kuttab Al Monitor, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. To Vote or Not to Vote: Implications of Postponing Palestinian Elections Ghaith al-Omari WINEP, 28.04.2021, ca. 3 S. palestinian-elections Hamas braces for delay of Palestinian elections Adnan Abu Amer Al Monitor, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. How Israeli hurdle in Palestinian elections may benefit Abbas Ben Caspit Al Monitor, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. benefit-abbas The Palestinian Elections: Process, Mechanics, and Importance Hanna Nasir ACW, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. "Drei Fragen an ..." Khouloud Daibes, Botschafterin Palästinas in Deutschland In: IP, Mai-Juni 2021, S. 6. deutschland >>> Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report 74 UNISPAL/WHO, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. port-74/ Seite 6 von 29
New Strategy: Protecting Lives and Creating Durable Opportunities for the Palestinian Peo- ple The World Bank, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. and-creating-durable-opportunities-for-the-palestinian-people Vgl. ASSISTANCE STRATEGY FOR THE WEST BANK AND GAZA FOR THE PERIOD FY22-25 The World Bank, 04.2021, 55 S. Country-Assistance-Strategy-for-the-Period-FY22-25.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel Readout of Jake Sullivan’s Bilateral Meeting with Israeli NSA Meir Ben-Shabbat The White House, 27.04.2021 sullivans-bilateral-meeting-with-israeli-nsa-meir-ben-shabbat/ Excerpts from PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting "Israel is an example to the world in exiting from the coronavirus. ..." MFA Israel, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. start-of-the-Cabinet-meeting-27-April-2021.aspx >>> Could Bloc for Change really replace Netanyahu? Mazal Mualem Al Monitor, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Arab Palestinian Voting Patterns in Israel’s Latest Elections Doha Institute, 07.04.2021, ca. 5 S. Patterns-and-their-Ramifications-in-the-24th-Knesset-Elections.pdf >>> UAE Wealth Fund to Buy Share of Israeli Gas Field Simon Henderson WINEP, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Seite 7 von 29
>>> Online Policy Forum: An Expanded Agenda for U.S.-Israel Partnership - New Technologies, New Op- portunities Henry "Trey" Obering III, Samantha Ravich, Michael Eisenstadt, David Pollock WINEP, 05.05.2021, 2:00 p.m. EDT Webcast: new-technologies-new-opportunities “But He Was Good for Israel, Wasn’t He?” A Reassessment of the Jewish State’s Embrace of Donald Trump Gideon Remez In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs (online first), 04.2021, 19 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Israel and American Jewry: New Israeli Perspectives Theodore Sasson In: Israel Studies, Volume 26, Number 2, (Summer 2021), S. 198-209. Preview und Bestellung: >>> Public Purposes at Cross-Purposes: Can Segregation Lead to Integration? What We Can Learn from Israel Jan Feldman "... Israel faces a looming economic crisis constituted by the growing population of Haredim (Ultra- Orthodox Jews) living under the poverty line. ..." In: Israel Studies, Volume 26, Number 2, (Summer 2021), S. 29-56. Abstract und Bestellung: Orthodoxy, Post-Orthodoxy and religious feminism: the case of the ‘Shirat Rivka’ prayer group Michal Neubauer-Shani In: Israel Affairs (online first), 04.2021, 18 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: >>> Strategic Ambiguity “Comes Out of the Closet” Seite 8 von 29
Doron Matza "Misguided political discourse on the question of the value of strategic ambiguity endangers Israel’s effort to craft its regional image as much as does the loss of such ambiguity. ..." BESA, 29.04.2021, 3 S. Matza-English-final.pdf The Use of Helicopters against Guerrillas: The Israeli Model Tal Tovy In: Journal of European, MiddleEastern, & African Affairs, VOL. 2 NO. 3 (FALL 2020), S. 36-19. 1/1/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libanon Lebanon Financing Facility Approves $55 million Recovery Program Targeting Vulnerable House- holds and Small Businesses to Respond to the Port of Beirut Explosion The World Bank, 30.04.2021 proves-55-million-recovery-program-targeting-vulnerable-households-and-small-businesses-to- Vgl. Lebanon Financing Facility for Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction (LFF)- Questions and Answers The World Bank, 29.04.2021, ca. 3 S. covery-and-reconstruction-questions-and-answers >>> Saudi And Lebanese Accusations: Hizbullah Is Operating A Network For Smuggling Drugs To Saudi Arabia And The Region; It Has Turned Lebanon Into A Base For Exporting Drugs And Terrorism Z. Harel and H. Varulkar MEMRI, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. smuggling-drugs-saudi-arabia-and Former Lebanese Minister Of The Interior Ahmad Fatfat Reacts To Saudi Ban On Produce Import From Lebanon Due To Drug Smuggling: Nasrallah Has Become The Pablo Escobar Of Lebanon; 'Real Action' Must Be Taken To Rid The Region Of The Plague Of Hizbullah MEMRI, 24.04.2021, 1 S. + Video smuggling-drugs-ksa-hizbullah Seite 9 von 29
>>> The unfolding struggle for political survival in Lebanon Christophe Abi-Nassif "Lebanon’s political leaders are getting deeper into trouble, and they know it. This does not make them any less dangerous. ..." MEI, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Crise politique: Liban. Le bateau coule, les querelles continuent Jim Muir Orient XXI, 29.04.2021, ca. 3 S.,4717 Liban, la santé mentale bouleversée Victoire Radenne Orient XXI, 29.04.2021, ca. 3 S.,4649 Why Beirut Beckons Michael Young "Might the Arab states hand Lebanon over to Syria as compensation for distancing itself from Iran? ..." Diwan, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Whose Responsibility Is It? Challenges to UN Responsibility-Sharing Models in Lebanon during COVID-19 Jasmin Lilian Diab LSE Blog, 26.04.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links sharing-models-in-lebanon-during-covid-19/ Enhanced Russian Involvement in Lebanon? Daniel Rakov, Orna Mizrahi "Following its extensive involvement in a divided Syria, Russia is now looking westward and sees a state in crisis and in desperate need of foreign aid. What are the implications of the ties being forged between the Kremlin and the Land of the Cedars, and are they a matter of concern to Israel? ..." INSS, 28.04.2021, 4 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 10 von 29
> Syrien With Violence Flaring across Syria, Chief United Nations Mediator Calls for ‘New Means’ of International Discussion, as Security Council Explores Options - Emergency Relief Coordinator Warns that Halting Cross-Border Deliveries in North-West Will Sever ‘Lifeline to Millions’ UNSC, 28.04.2021, ca. 5 S. Zum Hintergrund: manitarian-developments-5.php Vgl. Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018), 2504 (2020)and 2533(2020) - Report of the Secretary-General UNSC, 22.04.2021, 19 S. @WAO Syria: Disruption to Alouk Water Station - Flash update #01 UN-OCHA, 28.04.2021, 2 S. 01_Alouk_28%20April%202021%20.pdf Eingeschränkter Zahlungsverkehr christlicher Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien - Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der AfD BT, 10.03.2021 Vorgang und Download (jetzt inkl. Antwort der BR): Kurzinformation: >>> Kurdish authorities refuse to take part in Syrian presidential elections Mohammed Hardan Al Monitor, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. presidential-elections Quamishli Clashes Bring Arab-Kurd Tensions to the Surface COAR, 26.04.2021, 11 S. Syrian Kurdish Concerns over Russian-Turkish Compromise in Syria John Saleh Seite 11 von 29
Fikra Forum, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. ish-compromise-syria >>> The Syrian Economy at War: Captagon, Hashish, and the Syrian Narco-State COAR, 27.04.2021, 19 S. ian-narco-state/ The Syrian Regime’s Oil and Gas Crisis Suhail al-Ghazi ORSAM, 04.2021, 10 S. The State of Housing, Property, and Land Rights in Syria The Day After, 04.2021, 143 S. اﻟﺘﻨﺎﻓﺲ اﻻﻗﺘﺼﺎدي اﻹﯾﺮاﻧﻲ اﻟﺮوﺳﻲ ﻓﻲ ﺳﻮرﯾﺔ ﺧﺎﻟﺪ ﺗﺮﻛﺎوي Jusoor, 22.04.2021, 32 S. ISRAELI ATTACKS IN SYRIA SINCE 2020 Jusoor, 16.04.2021, 2 S. اﻟﺨﻄﻮة اﻟﺘﺎﻟﯿﺔ اﻟﻮاﺟﺒﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻤﻌﺎرﺿﺔ اﻟﺴﻮرﯾﺔ أﺣﻤﺪ ﺣﺬﯾﻔﺔ NoonPost, 18.03.2021, ca. 3 S. The Revolution in Drone Warfare: The Lessons from the Idlib De-Escalation Zone Ridvan Bari Urcosta In: Journal of European, MiddleEastern, & African Affairs, VOL. 2 NO. 3 (FALL 2020), S. 50-65. 1/1/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 12 von 29
> Irak طﻔﺮة اﻟﻤﺠﻤﻮﻋﺎت ﺷﺒﮫ اﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﺮاق ﺗﺎﻣﺮ ﺑﺪوي Sada, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. The United States Ends its Combat Role in Iraq Gregory Aftandilian ACW, 26.04.2021, ca. 3 S. Profile: Imam Hussein Scouts Association Crispin Smith, Hamdi Malik, Michael Knights WINEP, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Profile: Sharia Youth Gathering Crispin Smith, Hamdi Malik, Michael Knights WINEP, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Why is Reconciliation so Important in Iraqi Kurdistan? The Case of Anfal Nahwi Saeed LSE Blog, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. the-case-of-anfal/ Protest Vote: Why Iraq’s Next Elections are Unlikely to be Game-Changers Sajad Jiyad LSE, 04.2021, 20 S. @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Kurdistan / Kurden (länderübergreifend) Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: A Modern History of the Kurds David McDowall London: I.B. Tauris, 04.2021, 728 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Seite 13 von 29
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Einleitung: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Jordanien The Cost of Food Security in Jordan Hadi Fathallah, Timothy Robertson Sada, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Arab. Version: Jordanians warned to expect summer water shortages Osama Al Sharif Al Monitor, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. shortages Prince Hamzah’s Crisis and the Governing Impasse in Jordan Doha Institute, 08.04.2021, ca. 3 S. Crisis-and-the-Governing-Impasse-in-Jordan.pdf ﺣﺎﻟﺔ اﻟﺘﺸﻨﺞ اﻟﺴﯿﺎﺳﻲ ﻓﻲ اﻷردن Khaled Natour Jadaliyya, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%86%D8%AC- %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A- %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%86 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Golftstaaten / GKR The GCC versus Iran: Low Intensity War, High Intensity Conflict Ross Harrison Doha Institute, 04.04.2021, 13 S. Intensity-War-High-Intensity-Conflict.pdf Seite 14 von 29
Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Kuwait Beach Clean-Ups and Other Civic Engagement for the Protection of the Environment in Kuwait Nele Lenze LSE, 04.2021, 20 S. per_10.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Saudi-Arabien Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud: We Agree With Biden Administration On 90% Of Issues; China, Russia, India Are Strategic Partners Of Saudi Arabia; We Will Not Accept Interfer- ence In Our Internal Affairs MEMRI, 27.04.2021, 1 S. + Video china-russia-india-strategic-partners-not-accept-intervention Siehe auch: crown-prince >>> Fact Sheet — Double Vision: Promises vs. Reality in Mohammed bin Salman’s Saudi Arabia POMED, 27.04.2021, 3 S. arabia/ Internal and external barriers to entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia Nadia A. Abdulghaffar, Ghadeer Siraj Akkad In: Digest of Middle East Studies, Volume 30, Issue 2 (Spring 2021), S. 116-134. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Jemen U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Lenderking’s Travel to Saudi Arabia and Oman US DoS, 28.04.2021 Seite 15 von 29 oman/ >>> What Next for Yemen? Marcus Montgomery "This week the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism held a hearing to examine Washington’s policy toward Yemen, as did the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee ..." ACW, 26.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Iran Rouhani defends Zarif, Soleimani as Iran roils over leaked audio Al Monitor, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. leaked-audio Zarif faces fury from Iranian hard-liners after leaked tape Al Monitor, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. tape The Zarif Tape: Revelations on Russia, the Qods Force, and Iran’s Election Mehdi Khalaji WINEP, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. and-irans-election >>> Virtual Panel Discussion: Engaging Iran - European and Transatlantic Perspectives on the JCPOA and Security in the Gulf Sayed Kazem Sajjadpour, Barbara Slavin, Joost Hiltermann ISPI, 06.05.2021, 4.55pm CEST Übersicht und Registrierung: jcpoa-and-security-in-the-gulf Why is Iran producing 60 per cent-enriched uranium? Seite 16 von 29
Robert E. Kelley SIPRI, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Can Biden Revive the Iran Nuclear Deal? George Perkovich, Megan DuBois CEIP, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links Will the Natanz Incident Produce Maximum Diplomacy? Daniel Brumberg ACW, 23.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Iran Nuclear Talks Open a Window for Broader Middle East Security Hesham Youssef USIP, 29.04.2021, ca. 3 S. east-security >>> Iran’s pre-election social media buzz: Toward avoiding a repeat of 2020 - The looming specter of another low turnout election Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Amin Naeni MEI, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. 2020 Das „alte Spiel“ ist aus Ali Fathollah-Nejad "Der Machtkampf zwischen Reformern und Hardlinern hat sich überholt. Bei den iranischen Präsi- dentschaftwahlen könnte erstmals ein Revolutionsgardist ins Amt kommen. ..." In: IP, Mai-Juni 2021, S. 79-83. Preview: Volltext für SWP ggf. via Bibliothek! >>> The Iranian-Chinese Strategic Partnership: Why Now and What it Means - A Conversation with Nader Habibi and Hadi Kahalzadeh Crown Center, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Seite 17 von 29
The GCC versus Iran: Low Intensity War, High Intensity Conflict Ross Harrison Doha Institute, 04.04.2021, 13 S. Intensity-War-High-Intensity-Conflict.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Indischer Ozean: Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) The Indian Ocean Rim Association: Lessons from this regional cooperation model Moses Onyango Ogutu In: South African Journal of International Affairs, Volume 28, Issue 1 (03.2021), S. 71-92. Abstract und Download für SWP: IORA-Webseite: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ägypten Egypt promotes economic ties with Sudan Hani Sameer Al Monitor, 26.04.2021, ca. 2 S. اﻷﺳﺒﺎب واﻟﺘﺪاﻋﯿﺎت:ﺣﻮادث اﻟﻘﻄﺎرات ﻓﻲ ﻣﺼﺮ أﺣﻤﺪ ﻓﺆاد EPC, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Failures of Authoritarian Governance in Egypt Khalil al-Anani ACW, 28.04.2021, ca. 3 S. >>> Why is Female Labor Force Participation Low and Stagnant in MENA? Experimental Evidence from Egypt The World Bank, 04.2021, 14 S. Seite 18 von 29 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ägypten / Nilanrainer (GERD) Egypt explores water alternatives with Nile dam set to fill Al Monitor, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. fill Is latest Ethiopian proposal on Nile dam talks a play for time? Ahmed Gomaa Al Monitor, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. time The AU should persevere on the GERD issue The AU should bring all three parties together to de- escalate tensions around the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. ISSAfrica, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. New Dimensions in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Negotiations: Ontological Security in Egypt and Ethiopia Fana Gebresenbet & Dawit Yohannes Wondemagegnehu In: African Security (online first), 04.2021, 27 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libyen Libya: Informal Interactive Dialogue [28.04.2021] What's In Blue/SCR, 28.04.2021 logue.php OCHA Libya l Humanitarian Bulletin (March 2021) UN-OCHA, 04.2021, 5 S. >>> Seite 19 von 29
Libya: Military courts sentence hundreds of civilians in sham, torture-tainted trials "Military courts have convicted hundreds of civilians in eastern Libya in secret and grossly unfair military trials, aimed at punishing real or perceived opponents and critics of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF) and affiliated armed groups ..." ai, 26.04.2021, ca. 2 S. civilians-in-sham-torture-tainted-trials/ >>> Libyan prime minister visits Ankara Mustafa Fetouri Al Monitor, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Deutschlands Libyen-Politik ist ein Desaster Omid Nouripour In: IP, Mai-Juni 2021, S. 53-55. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Tunesien Tunisia Has Asked IMF for Finance Programme -Letter US News/Reuters, 25.04.2021 nance-programme-letter >>> Tunisia Jails Repatriated Women With Suspected ISIS Ties - Ensure Humane Treatment, Due Pro- cess, Medical Care HRW, 29.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Torture and Detention: A Radicalisation Machine Christophe Cotteret Inkyfada, 23.04.2021, ca. 3 S. + Audios >>> Seite 20 von 29
ﺣﯿﺜﯿﺎﺗﮭﺎ وآﻓﺎﻗﮭﺎ: اﻟﺪﺳﺘﻮرﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺗﻮﻧﺲ/اﻷزﻣﺔ اﻟﺴﯿﺎﺳﯿﺔ Doha Institute, 27.04.2021, 8 S. Constitutional-crisis-in-Tunisia-Context-and-Prospects.pdf TUNISIA CONFLICT INSIGHTS IPSS, 04.2021, 18 S. @WAO >>> Environmentalism After Decentralization: The Local Politics of Solid Waste Management in Tunisia Lana Salman ARI, 29.04.2021, 9 S. content/uploads/pdf/Arab_Reform_Initiative_en_environmentalism-after-decentralization-the- local-politics-of-solid-waste-management-in-tunisia_18253.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Algerien Secretary Blinken’s Call with Algerian Foreign Minister Boukadoum US DoS, 29.04.2021 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Marokko Umsetzungsstand des GIZ-Projekts „Beschäftigungsförderung durch Energieeffizienz und erneuer- bare Energien in Moscheen“ in Marokko II (Nachfrage zur Antwort der Bundesregierung auf Bun- destagsdrucksache 19/21800) - Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der AfD BT, 20.04.2021 Vorgang und Download: Kurzinformation: >>> Seite 21 von 29
Exploring the Voices of the Rif Hirak activism: The struggle for democracy in Morocco Azz Eddine Diouani In: Mediterranean Politics (online first), 04.2021, 26 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: وﺗﺤﻮﻟﮭﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺮادﯾﻜﺎﻟﯿﺔ إﻟﻰ اﻻﻋﺘﺪال ﱡ اﻷﺻﻮل اﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﯿﺔ واﻟﻔﻜﺮﯾﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺮﻛﺔ اﻹﺳﻼﻣﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﻐﺮﺑﯿﺔ ﻋﺒﺪ اﻹﻟﮫ ﺳﻄﻲ Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, 03.2021, 302 S. Übersicht und Download: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge Mediterranean Situation UNHCR-Themenseite mit ständig aktualisierten Informationen: Migration management: New EU Strategy on voluntary return and reintegration EU, 27.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Vgl. The EU strategy on voluntary return and reintegration - COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL EU, 27.04.2021, 20 S. turn-reintegration-com-2021-120_en.pdf >>> Ghana as the EU’s Migration Partner: Actors, Interests, and Recommendations for European Policymakers Kwaku Arhin-Sam DGAP, 04.2021, 21 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > EU: Demokratieförderung (allg.) EU democracy projection: Does the EU practice what it preaches? - Conclusion Seite 22 von 29
Tanja A. Börzel In: Mediterranean Politics (online first), 04.2021, 10 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > USA - MENA-Region Hearing: Human Rights and U.S. Policy in the MENA Region Ten Years After the Arab Spring Philippe Nassif, Sarah Holewinski, Samuel Tadros, Sarah Leah Whitson, Stephen McInerney TLHRC, 29.04.2021 Übersicht und Webcast (03:12h): region-ten-years-after-arab-spring Statement McInerney (3 S.): Testimony_April2021.pdf Full Committee Hearing: “National Security Challenges and U.S. Military Activities in the Greater Middle East and Africa” Amanda Dory, Kenneth McKenzie Jr., Stephen Townsend US House, 20.04.2021 Übersicht und Webcast (02:27h): and-u-s-military-activities-in-the-greater-middle-east-and-africa >>> The Biden administration and the Middle East: Reflecting on the first 100 days Paul Salem, Alex Vatanka, Mick Mulroy, Fatima Abo Alasrar, Gerald M. Feierstein, Charles W. Dunne, Gönül Tol, Michael K. Nagata, Robert S. Ford, Dalal Yassine, Jonathan M. Winer, Charles Lister, Mirette F. Mabrouk MEI, 28.04.2021, ca. 10 S. days What do Middle Eastern Countries Expect from the Biden Administration? Máté Szalai (ed.) Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Budapest), 03.2021, 9 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 23 von 29
> VR China / Russland - MENA-Region Moscow, Beijing, and the Crescent: Russian and Chinese religious soft power in the Middle East Jonathan Hoffman In: Digest of Middle East Studies, Volume 30, Issue 2 (Spring 2021), S. 76-86. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Machtkonkurrenz externer Akteure (MENA-Region) Major Power Rivalry in the Middle East Steven A. Cook Inhalt: - Introduction - Russia - China - India - The European Union - Major Power Rivalries and Regional Conflicts - Conclusion CFR, 03.2021, 41 S. @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > UN: Peacebuilding (allg./global) Transitions from UN Special Political Missions to UN Country Teams Agathe Sarfati IPI, 04.2021, 12 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 24 von 29
> Schutz von Zivilbevölkerung/ziviler Infrastruktur in bewaffneten Konflikten (allg./global) Security Council Strongly Condemns Attacks against Critical Civilian Infrastructure, Unani- mously Adopting Resolution 2573 (2021) UNSC, 27.04.2021, ca. 5 S. Resolution: Vgl. Concept note for the Security Council open debate on the theme “Protection of objects indispensa- ble to the survival of the civilian population”, to be held on 27 April 2021 UNSC, 07.04.2021, 5 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Regionalpolitik / regionale Sicherheit (MENA-Region) Regional dynamics and the future of Middle East strategic alliance Lacin Idil Oztig "... When US President Donald Trump visited Saudi Arabia in 2017, he recommended the establish- ment of the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA) that would act as a bulwark against Iran's re- gional ambitions. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, and Egypt were designated as prospective MESA member states. This article discusses MESA by evaluating the dynamics that create a permissive environment for its establishment and numerous hurdles to the formation of a new security organization in the region. ..." In: Digest of Middle East Studies, Volume 30, Issue 2 (Spring 2021), S. 102-115. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Umbruch in der arabischen Welt / Ideologien / Revolutionen Revolutionary Utopia in the Middle East as steely romanticism: the case of the al-Baʿth party Christian Thuselt "The failure of the Arab Spring has frequently been explained by the inability of the rebels not only to formulate their grievances in a language other than their own but also to take over a political sys- tem and its institutions. This is usually contrasted with earlier revolutionary movements. However, this essay, contrary to this assumption, states that two of the most powerful revolutionary ideolo- gies of the 20th century, Marxism and Baʿthism, did not have any precise ideas about these very in- stitutions. Using the al-Baʿth-party as an example, it is demonstrated that this lack of institutions is Seite 25 von 29
to be understood as an expression of a romantic longing to charge a political entity with deeper contents of human search for meaning. This overburdening with meaning reflects institutions inad- equately and is thus to be understood as an essential basis of authoritarian self-privilege with power. ..." In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 04.2021, 17 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Diaspora (Araber:innen) ¡Viva los Arabes!: Underreported stories of the Arabs of the Americas Joze Pelayo Atlantic Council, 28.04.2021, ca. 3 S. the-arabs-of-the-americas/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Bildung / Bildungssysteme (MENA-Region) Webinar/Buchvorstellung: Political Economy of Education in the MENA Region Chatham House, 04.05.2021, 03:00 PM in London Übersicht und Registrierung: Vgl. The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World Hicham Alaoui, Robert Springborg (eds.) Inhalt: - 1. The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World / Hicham Alaoui and Robert Springborg - 2. Democracy and Education / Ishac Diwan - 3. Citizenship in Egyptian, Tunisian, and Moroccan History Textbooks / Roel Meijer - 4. University Reforms in Egypt and Morocco / Florian Kohstall - 5. Educational Policy in Sisi’s Egypt / Robert Springborg - 6. The Impact of Poverty and Corruption on Educational Quality in Tunisia / Lindsay J. Benstead - 7. US University Campuses in the Gulf Monarchies / Christopher M. Davidson - 8. Foreign Scholarship Programs in Algeria and Saudi Arabia / Adel Hamaizia and Andrew Leber - 9. Lessons from Latin America / Merilee S. Grindle - 10. Lessons from East Asia / Alisa Jones - 11. The Challenges of Educational Reform in the Arab World / Hicham Alaoui and Robert Spring- borg Boulder (Lynne Rienner), 04.2021, 297 S. Seite 26 von 29
Übersicht und Bestellung: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Islam A Concise History of Sunnis and Shi'is John McHugo Georgetown University Presse, 04.2018, 347 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Review: history-of-sunnis-shiis/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Islamismus / Islamisten How Iran’s 1979 Revolution Affected Sunni Islamists in the Middle East Mohammad Ataie, Raphaël Lefèvre, Toby Matthiesen "... introduces the project, ‘Whose Revolution? Re-assessing the Impact of the 1979 Iranian Revolu- tion on Sunni Islamism‘ ..." LSE Blog, 26.04.2021, ca. 2 S. the-middle-east/ Weitere Informationen zum Projekt: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung Africa File: Political crises rock Chad and Somalia; Islamic State insurgency robs Mozambique of bil- lions CT/AEI, 29.04.2021, ca. 3 S. lia-islamic-state-insurgency-robs-mozambique-of-billions 'From Baghdad to Africa': Editorial in Islamic State's al-Naba' Newsletter Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi's Blog, 25.04.2021, ca. 3 S. Seite 27 von 29 Terrorist Activity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Main Actors and International Dynamics Göktuğ Sönmez ORSAM, 02.2021, 24 S. national-dynamics-.pdf Islamic Radicalization in Belgium Vinayak Dalmia In: Journal of European, MiddleEastern, & African Affairs, VOL. 2 NO. 3 (FALL 2020), S. 78-83. 1/1/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF Violent Islamism and Shame-Inducing Narratives Gaetano Joe Ilardi "... Utilizing concepts contained in Benford and Snow’s notion of experiential commensurability, this article will examine how VI organizations seek to induce shame among their targets of mobilization by facilitating comparison and instilling a sense of accountability. ..." In: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (online first), 04.2021, 26 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Listening to the “Voice of Islam”: The Turkestan Islamic Party’s Online Propaganda Strategy Miron Lakomy In: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (online first), 04.2021, 26 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (MENA-Region) Webinar: MENA Economies Emerging from the Pandemic - A Conversation with Jihad Azour Brookings/IMF, 05.05.2021, 2:00-2:45 pm Doha Time Übersicht und Registrierung: Vgl. Middle East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook - Arising from the Pandemic: Build- ing Forward Better IMF, 04.2021, 33 S. Übersicht und Downloads: outlook-middle-east-central-asia Seite 28 von 29
Four Questions About Debt and Financing Risks from COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa Jeta Menkulasi, Cesar Serra, and Suchanan Tambunlertchai IMF, 28.04.2021, ca. 2 S. nancing-risks-from-covid-19-in-mena >>> One year of COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa: The fate of the ‘best performers’ Yasmina Abouzzohour MIPA, 01.04.2021, ca. 2 S. Shaping Africa’s Post-Covid Recovery Rabah Arezki, Simeon Djankov, Ugo Panizza (eds.) Inhalt u.a.: - How did Egypt soften the impact of Covid-19? CEPR, 02.2021, 226 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Dieser WebMonitor wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Pelican Mourad erstellt. -- Jürgen Rogalski M.A. Informationsservices Fachreferent Afrika und Mittlerer Osten Tel. +49 30 88007-318 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4, 10719 Berlin Seite 29 von 29
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