Strategy 2020-2022 - Charities Institute Ireland

Page created by Ruth Robertson
STRATEGY                         STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

     Who We Are
     Charities are an integral part of the fabric of Irish society, most of us have some
     connection to a charity be it as a volunteer, donor, advocate or employee. At
     Charities Institute Ireland (Cii), we believe that they have a profound impact on our
     lives, improving welfare, enhancing the quality of lives and communities, fighting
     injustice, offering a place to go, call, share, or call home. Some of our children need
     them, others volunteer with them, thousands work with them, delivering hope, vital
     services, critical support and much more.

     Cii exists to support and enable charities to create positive social change. Working
     with our members, we help them professionalise, sustain, grow, maximise their
     impact and improve the welfare of others.

     Cii was formed in 2016 following the merger of Irish Charities Tax Research (ICTR)
     and Fundraising Ireland. These two key sector bodies agreed there was a need to
     create a strong voice to represent their combined members; charities who depend
     on significant public support, and charities who wish to develop and advance the
     wider not-for-profit sector. Cii is focused on raising standards, promoting greater
     transparency, openness and integrity across the sector.

     Core Purpose
     Cii’s purpose is to influence stakeholders and support the charitable sector in
     demonstrating and delivering societal impact. We want to promote the contribution
     of the sector and help rebuild trust. As an organisation, we highlight the positive role
     which charities play in Ireland’s society and work with policy makers to create a more
     favourable environment. We want to develop a greater appreciation of charitable
     engagement in its many guises.

     The Vision for Charities Institute Ireland is:
     A society that trusts and values charities for the positive contribution they make to
     solving challenges in our society.

     The Mission for Charities Institute Ireland is:
     To provide leadership in the sector by empowering charities to maximise their
     impact, particularly through best practice in governance, finance and sustainable
     fundraising management.

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

Our Values

    •   Leadership
			We are a confident, ambitious and dynamic voice for the charity sector
     highlighting the significant positive social impact created by charities and
     the transparency and accountability upheld by the sector.


			We work with partners in the sector to deliver for the sector. We are
     respectful, open and responsive to the needs and work of key stakeholders
     in the charity sector, ensuring that the best interests of the public are served.


			We encourage, enable and foster standards of excellence in management
     by acting as a knowledge centre for charities; providing resources, thought
     leadership, skills development and qualifications to empower them to be
     the best they can be and to have a greater impact on those they serve.

Our Stakeholders

    •	Members (including trustees)

      Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA)

    •	Government departments and officials, particularly, our Government
        partner, the Department of Rural and Community Development. Cii also
        engages with the Department of Finance, the Department of Justice &
        Equality and the Office of the Revenue Commissioners.
    •	Sector partners – including The Wheel, Dóchas, Disability Federation of
        Ireland, Carmichael, Boardmatch, Volunteer Ireland, Philanthropy Ireland,
        Social Innovation Fund and MyLegacy
      TDs, Senators, Councillors

      Corporate partners

      The public


    •	Academia and educators

      Sector influencers

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

    Our Funders and Supporters
    Cii is very grateful for the continued support of the Department of Rural and
    Community Development. Cii shares the Government’s vision to create a more
    favourable environment for philanthropy both at an individual and corporate level and
    to increase awareness and understanding of giving and its associated positive impact
    on Irish society.

    We are also grateful to PwC and Mason Hayes and Curran for their continued
    professional support and guidance.

    Our corporate supporters who enable much of our external engagement, lead by
    example in supporting the broader sector and provide us with resources, research and
    expertise across a variety of different areas.

    Member Insights
    In late 2018 and early 2019, Cii’s executive team and Board consulted with a wide
    range of stakeholders and asked them what future role Cii should play in delivering on
    the ambition for the sector.

    A collaborative and partnership focused approach was endorsed by respondents. An
    area which stood out during the consultation process was the requirement for Cii to
    be the credible voice for the sector, a voice that recognises and promotes excellence
    while at the same time is unafraid to call out bad practice. Members spoke about the
    importance of proactive and relevant engagement with members, the sector and the
    wider community. Respondents were clear on the importance of avoiding duplication
    and Cii is committed to collaborate and partner where possible.

    Our Members
    Cii works with charities who aspire to the highest levels of professionalism in relation
    to governance, financial reporting and fundraising. Our members are generally
    larger organisations that have turnover in excess of €1,000,000 and have a significant
    dependence on public support for funding. Cii engages with this cohort of members
    as they represent the majority of public fundraising donated to charities.

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

Membership Ambition for 2020 – 22
Cii works with members and the broader community to generate greater trust,
challenge perceptions and highlight the impact and vibrancy within the sector.

Our ambition is to grow our membership base significantly over the next three years
which will further empower Cii as a champion and advocate for both our members
and the sector. As a united, influential voice, we will be stronger together.

Cii Membership Growth 2019 – 2022

                                                       184              Members

                                                       215              Members

                                                       234              Members

                                                       270              Members

                                                      47%               Growth

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

    Cii’s achievements to date
       •   Championing the VAT Compensation Scheme

       •	Charitable Donation Scheme review

       •	Successful merging of two organisations

       •	Strong membership growth which has led to a community of like-minded

         Launch of Cii Charity Excellence Awards

       •   Triple Lock recognised as a mark of best practice

         Introduction of Cii Forum Networks

         Publication of the Cii Fundraising Codes of Good Practice and the provision of
           GDPR and SORP training

       •	Creating a thought leadership environment through key influencers

         Collaboration with Charities Regulator – on the delivery of the Charities
           Governance Code and the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on
           Fundraising from the Public

         Commitment to board renewal and the highest governance standards

         Delivery of industry-specific research – Charities 2037, Trust, Young People,
           Recruitment and Retention

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

Our Ambition
Our ambition is to grow the organisation through sustainable member growth. Cii’s
members will be among the most influential charities in terms of size and scope and
together we will work with our members to achieve our strategic priorities. Cii will be
regarded as a positive enabler and partner to the sector. By changing the conversation
about the charity sector, Cii will play a significant role in building levels of trust.

In three years’ time, our members will know we are successful because:

      There will be increased awareness and recognition for best practice charities
        and the positive difference and contribution they make to society;

      Cii will continue to provide effective representation and advocate in the
        sector’s best interest supporting the sector in maximising their impact;

    •    overnment Departments and Regulatory Bodies will proactively engage with
        Cii to influence and support the sector;

      There will be a greater understanding of the value and importance of
        philanthropy and fundraising and how it delivers public benefit;

      Career pathways will be clear and in demand;

      Cii will be the enabler and collaborator for charity focused learning, delivered
        through and recognised by, higher level academic institutions;

      The Cii Triple Lock Standard will be recognised by stakeholders as the
        preferred framework for best practice and impact;

      There will be natural collaboration between the public, private and third sector
        to create greater impact, build capacity and avoid duplication of effort.


      1. Communicate
                    Impact and
         Champion the Charity Sector

      Cii has and will continue to challenge perceptions and change the narrative about
      charities and their impact. We will support and empower our members to ensure that
      their voice is heard.

      Critical Success Factor
      We will collaborate with our members and partners to develop a programme that
      will demonstrate the value that charities – sector wide but with a focus on members –
      bring to all parts of society. The professionalism of the sector will be recognised and
      respected by the public.

      This key initiative will be supported by core activity which includes:

            Public affairs strategy to address key issues through advocacy – e.g.
              professionalism, recruitment and retention, CEO salaries, administrative
              burden, funding models, tax relief, garda vetting, innovation, the overheads
              issue, and philanthropic culture;

            Promoting the sector’s public benefit contribution through stakeholder
              engagement with regulators, Government Departments and agencies like
              the CRA and the Office of the Revenue Commissioners;

            Commissioning timely and relevant research which supports Cii’s ambitions;

            Public relations strategy to educate the public about the impact of the sector
              and to change the conversation to one of openness and positivity;

            Demonstrating excellence in the sector through Charity Excellence Awards
              and other initiatives;

            Development of impact programme in partnership with members -
              this initiative is dependent on additional grant funding.

      Desired Outcome
      Increased pride, trust and positivity in the charity sector

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

Aligned activity

   •   Engagement and advocacy with key stakeholders;

     Research programmes – areas of interest include talent, innovation,
       perception v. reality, consider sector wide research project on priority

   •   Profile building media campaign for Cii and our members;

     Review corporate supporters and sponsors to ensure that they align
       with our future ambition;

   •   Events programme to demonstrate impact of sector;

     Establish Member Advisory Committee to support key initiatives;

     National charity conference with dedicated fundraising stream;

     Increase awareness and impact of philanthropy as a powerful enabler
       in the sector.

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

     2. D
         evelop and Nurture the
        Community of Cii Charity Members

     Cii will work with our members to build a supportive network of like-minded charities
     whose goal is to demonstrate best practice in everything that they do. We will provide
     forums for peer to peer engagement, we will educate, support and advocate on behalf
     of our members.

     Critical Success Factor
     Members will recognise and promote the value of Cii membership. They will be
     engaged and committed and will work collaboratively to enhance the profile and
     contribution of the sector.

     This key initiative will be supported by core activity which includes

          •    The enhancement of peer networks, driven by member feedback;

          •    A series of events to inform, educate and inspire;

            Supporting members to uphold the highest levels of standards by complying
               or aspiring to achieve Cii’s Triple Lock award.

     Desired Outcome
     To be a best in class member driven organisation. Our success will be determined by
     90% plus member renewal, positive NPS1 scores and 15% member growth annually.

     Aligned Activity
            Refreshed membership model;

          •    Expansion of member forums;
            Member dedicated special interest groups based on evidence and
            Digital communications review to include website, newsletters, podcasts and
               social media strategy;
            Member engagement action plan;

            Mentoring and nurturing initiatives to support the sector.

     1 Net Promoter Score is a tool that measures the loyalty of a firm’s client relationships. The key measure
     examines the likelihood of the client recommending the company/product/service to others. This survey will
     take place in October each year.

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

3. Empower the Sector by Building
   Capability and Recognise Best Practice

Cii and its partners will be recognised as providing the principal fundraising, innovation
and leadership career pathways and channels to enable excellence in the charity sector.

Critical Success Factor
Working with partners to deliver undergraduate and professional development
programmes to support and grow the sector.

This key initiative will be supported by core activity which includes:

      Developing a long-term strategy for Triple Lock which aligns to the work of the CRA;

      Creating a pathway and talent framework for those wishing to join and progress
        their careers in the sector – this initiative is dependent on additional funding;
    •	Expanding Cii’s regional footprint in major charity centres;

      Exploring collaborative and partner led models with charity and corporate
    •	Developing a digital resource to empower and educate members throughout
        Ireland – this initiative is dependent on additional grant funding;
    •	Industry led education development council to guide, inform and support Cii.

Desired Outcome
There will be a 300% increase in associate members successfully completing Cii’s
certificate in best practice and each charity members’ fundraising team (income in excess
of €1m) will employ at least one team member who has completed the certificate or
diploma in fundraising.

Aligned Activity
      Comprehensive review and feasibility study of education offering;

    •	Identify education partnership opportunities to facilitate charity sector career
      Digital strategy to support a blended approach to training, development and
    •	Connect the business community with the charity sector to learn, network, share and
        maximise income potential through industry linked networking and engagement.

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

     Operational Outcomes
     Cii’s ambition is to operate to the highest standards in all that it does and ensure that
     it communicates with all stakeholders in a clear, inclusive and collaborative manner.
     We will lead by example.

     Financial Security
     Cii’s goal is to ensure its financial sustainability through a blended revenue model.
     We will work to identify new sustainable income streams in the public and private
     sectors. Membership growth will enable new investment in additional services.

     Cii is committed to demonstrating best in practice governance standards and has
     invested considerably in developing and renewing its Board to ensure diversity of
     expertise, background and experience.

     Cii is committed to delivering on our organisational values of leadership,
     collaboration and excellence, we strive to lead by example. While small in scale, we
     work on creating an environment where innovation, learning, diversity and change
     are supported. Development opportunities are identified where possible and we are
     grateful to our Board and members in supporting our people development agenda.
     We are outcome and performance focused.

STRATEGY 2020 - 2022

Operational Excellence
A continuous improvement approach to HR and IT practices is in place.
Cii’s office aligns with our growth ambition and provides a more open and
creative environment.

Aligned Activity
      Adoption of new in technology solutions – CRM tool to streamline
        and enhance member experience and engagement;

      HR and performance managements processes;

    •	Professional development programme to identify skills gap to deliver

It is recognised that the sector is particularly vulnerable to a number of
external threats, many of which are outside the control of Cii and the sector,
these include but are not limited to:

    •	Financial crash – reduction in Government and donor funding and the
        potential impact on member organisations

    •	Ability to access new grant funding to enable the delivery of
        strategic goals

      Governance scandal – a further eroding of public confidence and trust

      Change in political landscape/policy

      EU regulation changes

    •	Post-Brexit recession

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