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Chicago Shady Dealer Volume 15 Issue 3 December 9, 2018 Climate Change PSA: Reindeer Can Fly, But They Sure as Hell Can't Swim UN IPCC report By Breck Radulovic estimates rough- Baby, it’s cold out- ly one third of all side! But not for greenhouse gases much longer. Cli- come from San- mate change is ta-provided coal. reaching the North And of course, the Pole, and it’s not consumption-de- looking good for pendent culture of Santa’s reindeer. the global West is You’ve likely read epitomized by the about rising global legend of Santa temperatures melt- himself. All-in-all, ing the polar ice the report estimates caps. While Dash- that approximately er and Dancer and to ‘Goner’ unless humanity gets its act two degrees worth Prancer and Vixen together. By our most conservative calcu- of global temperature increase can be di- are total aces in the sky, they sure as hell lations, it looks like we have ten years to rectly attributed to Ole Saint Nick. can’t swim. Looks like we better start re- turn this all around, or Comet and Cupid Walking in a winter wonderland? More writing that song: “Rudolph the Red- should start looking at pool floaties and like slowly drowning in the melted re- Nosed Reindeer, you’ll go drown in his- swimming lessons.” mains of your arctic home! With sea lev- tory! (Like the Lusitania!)" You can check your list, you can check it els expected to rise multiple feet by 2050, Do you hear what I hear? It’s the UN twice! But we already know who’s been it ain’t looking good for Santa’s work- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate naughty, not nice. Perhaps Santa him- shop. But hey kids, enjoy it while it lasts! Change (IPCC) calling, and they have this to say: “Donner better change his name self should share some of the blame. The How to Spend the Winter Alone: A How-To Guide on Planning a Snowball Fight for One By Audrey Fromson winter activities so that you wouldn’t son might be friends-free, but nobody Maybe you were late to cuffing season. have to create one alone. said anything about writing off Cof- Or maybe you’ve been banned from par- 1. Start a small business. fee-Mate. ticipating in your friend group’s Secret Two words: snow cones. People love fla- 3. Make a Tinder profile. Santa after spending $0.07 over the limit vored ice, and what makes no sense but Then promptly delete it. for Janet last year. Pretty messed up that works well for an entrepreneur like you 4. Move out. everyone flipped out over an extra piece is that they’ll pay for it too. By next year, If you’ve found yourself estranged from of bubble gum, I know. If you’re won- you could graduate to a snow cone truck, your roommates and really, truly alone, dering why this scenario sounds oddly and you might even be able to join the big consider this a perfect opportunity to specific, take your hypotheses back to players out on South Ellis Avenue. Move save on rent and move into an igloo. Tiny your lab reports where they belong. over, Mediterranean Express. homes are sooooo in! For whatever reason, you’ve found your- 2. Pamper yourself. If you have any questions or feedback self riding solo this winter, and you ha- Lucky for you, a whole host of small about this extensive guide, don’t bother ven’t found the Jason Derulo flow quite kitchen appliance brands have created reaching out to me. My phone’s been on yet. I’ve created a list of the best solitary single-cup beverage brewers. This sea- “Do Not Disturb” since last week.
#Mood CHICAGO SHADY DEALER I’m Interested in Going, Maybe: A How-To EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Guide on Actually Attending the Facebook Breck Radulovic Nik Varley Events You Say You’re Interested In MANAGING EDITOR By Audrey Fromson fuck out of you (I am NOT projecting), Ella Hester It’s 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday. Do you recruit a friend. If they’re reluctant to LAYOUT EDITOR know that about one million events are check out the “Interior Designers for Deblina Mukherjee happening around the world and that a More Just America Collective,” pay you’ve said “interested” on Facebook to them with guest meal swipes or trick COPY EDITORS every single one? them into thinking that the IOP got Jus- Claire Holland David North Being flaky can be empowering, but tin Trudeau to come again. playing hard-to-get with event hosts 4. The City is Your Classroom PHOTO EDITOR isn’t cool. Read this how-to guide to Eager tour guides, shiny pamphlets, and Aubrey Christofersen learn how you can actually start follow- your state’s UChicago rep have all said SECRETARY ing through on your digital commit- it. If you need a translation, it means: Sarah de Vegvar ments. GTFO of Hyde Park, baby! There’s a 1. Know Yourself rad author in town and she’s reading at FEATURED WRITERS If you’ve said “interested” to 7:00 a.m. a restored warehouse in Wicker Park? Nico Aldape John Buterbaugh free yoga class for two weeks in a row I know it’s a Tuesday and you’ve got a Sylvia Ebenbach but you know that before 9:00 a.m. you midterm next quarter that needs your Sammy Elmasri act like a Pilates instructor before she attention yesterday, but this is a once-in- Emily Feigenbaum drinks her green juice, it might be time a-lifetime opportunity! By the time you Audrey Fromson to reassess. I know the event is at a cool finally warm up to the idea of hitting up Rahul Gupta Will Jaffe hotel in West Loop, but let’s be realistic. the Red Line on a weeknight beyond the Sam Nitkin 2. Stay Organized Cermak stop, the warehouse will have Christian Villanueva Google Calendar saved my life. Ox- become new residential lofts. Harry Weinstein ygen is neat, but nothing sustains me 5. Find Social Currency Other Ways more than a color-coded, remind- Saying you’re “interested” in an intellec- MEETINGS er-filled,holding-me-accountable digital tually-engaging event is the equivalent Sundays at 7 p.m. in Harper 145 planner. Plus, it’s paperless! We can stay of reading New York Times headlines WEBSITE on top of our events and end climate as your news intake. Ultimately, if all change! Awesome! you know about the 61st Street Farmers SUBMISSIONS 3. Go With a Friend Market is that it happens, you’re missing If walking into a Harper classroom out on some really good baked goods. where you don’t know anyone scares the Now click forth and see the world! DISCLAIMER Did we hurt your feelings, or say something that “rings untrue” in your soft ears? Well Help President Zimmer Navigate his way you’re paying too much attention to what back to Brown University! we said, and not enough attention to what we meant. Any complaints can be emailed to META-DISCLAIMER Okay, but seriously, we’re all just trying to cut to the core of what’s wrong with society, and specifically, our weird school. We’re gen- uinely sorry we spelled everything so terribly wrong. META-META-DISCLAIMER To be clear, we still stand by our original comments; God is God, the river is swift, and we don’t give a fuck. Volume 3, Issue 6 - February 2007 2
Home for the Holidays How To Tell Your Parents You're a Philosophy Major Now By Jean-Jacques Buterbaugh parents have when they find out their risky call, but it could help you get out You got home for winter break the other child is a philosophy major is that you’re of an especially sticky situation. Your day but you can feel a lingering tension not the same person they raised oh-so- dad will chuckle, “Oh, so this philos- in the air. This winter break, you're fi- long ago. Try to dispel this notion by ophy thing is just like a hobby then, nally going to tell your parents, “Mom, explaining how you’ve always been a thank God,” and your mom will start dad, I'm a philosophy major.” philosophy major. Bring up how you telling her girlfriends all about how They may relentlessly question who you pondered on the state of the half-full (or you’re going to work for an investment are: “Are you sure this isn't just a phase?” is it half-empty?) juice box in first grade. bank one day. Just be sure that you men- Or they may try to pressure you into See? You were always cut out for philos- tion “a clerical mix-up” which caused returning to “the cave” by asking what ophy since the beginning! all your Economics credit to magically dear old Granny would think. Luckily, 3. Be ready for the fire and brimstone “vanish” right before graduation. That’s the Shady Dealer is here to help you argument: Sadly, this argument is a too bad, but at least you still have your get through this difficult time with this common one, and it’s one that’s difficult handy philosophy major! short guide to coming out to your par- to counter, especially in the heat of the 5. Prepare yourself for rejection: In the ents as a philosophy major. moment. When your dad starts yelling end, no matter how much you prepare, 1. Focus on how you feel: Generally about such nebulous and insignificant there’s no telling exactly what could speaking, it’s better for you to focus on concepts like “student loans,” “paying happen when you tell your parents that “I feel” statements to avoid sounding for our retirement,” or “bankrupting you’re a philosophy major. So treat this accusatory or overly emotional. Try “I the family for a fucking useless degree,” like you treat every Wednesday and Fri- feel like this is what I’m supposed to you just need to take it. You know those day night of the year and prepare your- do” or “I feel like this is the only sub- bigots are below your intellect and their self for rejection. ject I don’t suck at.” It’s no use talking ideas belong firmly in the past. Your first Now you’re ready to come out to your in broad statements or bringing the quarter living the “Life of the Mind”™ parents this holiday season! And we at outside world into the conversation, so has taught you that philosophy doesn’t the Shady Dealer would like to person- focus on how you feel! Talking about care about material possessions. After ally commend you for taking this diffi- your feelings is basically all your major all, it’s not like Socrates or Aristotle were cult but extremely brave step towards is preparing you to do, so you better get only able to philosophize because they being your authentic self. We, as com- started now. were bougie as fuck. You’ll be fine! edy writers, would also like to inquire 2. Let them know you're still the same 4. Tell them you're double majoring in about any jobs you may know about. person: One of the biggest concerns Economics, even if it's a lie: This one is a I Look Bad in My Family's Holiday Card and Other Shit I Hate About Winter By Audrey Fromson is prepared for the in flux of “return to the only thing I’ll be shopping for are Apple’s portrait mode has made my sender” envelopes coming their way. tissues, ChapStick, and a new sense of mom into a monster. When my sisters Not only will my family’s visually-of- personal self-worth. and I are together, she whips out her fensive cardstock photo be added to the But now that I’m staying away from phone and proceeds to take photos “for National Banned Holiday Card Data- digital shopping carts, I’ll finally have the holiday card.” Every time, I so bad- base (NBHCD), but that’s just the tip the time to heal my drying hands that ly want to yell, “We’re Jewish, so pick of the climate-change-melted iceberg. crack and bleed after lightly brushing a side and just call it a Hanukkah card, Winter is the Mondays of seasons: air! During the snowy season, my nose and by the fucking way, your thumb dreaded and long. becomes an actual avalanche. Further- is covering half of the lens!” and then Winter’s only redeeming quality is more, by December, my skin will be- faint into my sisters’ arms. that the holiday season allows society come snake-like and I will actually start In a few weeks, a photo of my sisters to embrace its materialistic side. The to slither around to stay in character (I and me in front of blurred UChicago snowy months allow me to be my true am a sucker for getting in acting prac- foliage will grace the mailboxes of sad self, a crazed consumer, without shame. tice whenever I can). I’ll probably need suburban households and obscure rela- However, Zuckerberg’s algorithms have a new coat for that though, and I feel tives. I look objectively horrible in the over-exposed me to mini documenta- like there’s one from Patagonia that is photo, like I’ve just woken up from a ries about things like dumps in the mid- just hissing my name. 'Tis the season of nap but also haven’t slept in four days, dle of oceans, exploitation of labor, and self care. 3 and I don’t think the U.S. postal service shitty Black Friday sales. So this year,
Hottest Takes Campus Casualties Escalate in War on Christmas By Rahul Gupta they were being distracted from the se- as if it were a manifestation of godly Dozens of students were sent to the rious work of their licentious debauch- power. University of Chicago hospital after a ery. Police were dispatched and found We spoke to another student involved heated debate over the holiday season several young men and women furious- in the melee, Tricia McMillan, who exploded into yet another battle in the ly swinging broadswords at each other. told us, “I don’t get why this happened global War on Christmas. Twenty-three We are still investigating what caused at all. I just said that ‘Christmas didn’t students suffered serious sword wounds the incident.” start as a Christian holiday’ and sud- and burns, while another twenty stu- We spoke to one student who was in- denly these people try to pile-drive me? dents received at least minor cuts and jured in the battle, Andrew Mannen- What on earth happened to me?” abrasions. heim, as he was walking out of the hos- Several minutes later, McMilan still A spokesperson for the University of pital with Christmas-colored bandages didn’t have a coherent explanation, but Chicago Police Department provided a on his arms. then again, we don’t either. statement to the Shady Dealer. “I was prepared to engage in rational The University administration has not “Students were heard arguing about the discourse,” said Mannenheim, “but commented on these developments, designs on Starbucks cups at approx- when I heard someone wish me ‘Happy maintaining a studied silence. Howev- imately 1:32 in the morning on the Holidays,’ I just couldn’t take it. A patri- er, the Scav committee has offered extra Midway. Loud shouting about 'erasing otic American patriot of patriotism like Scav points to anyone who can cause a Christian values,' 'political correctness,' me shouldn’t have to tolerate this vile similar conflict as a result of the Lat- and 'separation of church and state' idolatry.” ke-Hamantashen debate. were reported to police by residents of Mannenheim then walked off down the fraternity houses, who complained that street, caressing his Santa hat lovingly Administration Finally Addresses Dental Health Stigma With Dental Health Awareness Week By Harry Weinstein riod of time can strip off years of enamel sell Haneman says, “I think it’s really Last Thursday, Dean John Boyer un- and, in fact, lead to more cavities down good they’re finally addressing it. Dental veiled a new wellness initiative: Dental the line. Instead, for the sake of your health has always carried stigma around Health Awareness Week. Dean Boyer dental health, the administration advis- campus. It’s really not something you said the campaign was put in place to en- es students to bring a toothbrush to the see students willing to talk about, even sure no student forgets the importance A-level so you can brush at midnight. with close friends.” of dental hygiene amid the stress of Fi- Give your teeth the imagined feeling Student organization Active Mouths nals Week. you actually are sleeping while you founder and president, third-year Ra- Posters are now up all over the Quad pummel cups of cold, but free, midnight chel Wilson, says students often fail to with helpful tips and resources, re- Harper coffee and Clif Builder’s bars in demonstrate sensitivity towards dental minding students to brush their teeth your mouth to stay awake.” health issues. four times daily. In extreme situations, Boyer recommends taking dvantage of “Dental health has become a joke— students can now schedule one-on-one their all-nighters for dental hygiene. even though it’s not at all something appointments with dental health coun- “If you’re going to be up all night in a you joke about," says Wilson. "A lot of selors through decreased state of productivity working times you’ll see students making jokes In an school-wide email, Boyer wrote: on a list of things no human being can about their poor hygiene during finals, “We’ve all been there: camped out in ever accomplish, you can at least use it at the cost of students who actually have the B-level in the dark from the hours to the advantage of your dental health!” really shitty teeth they never brush. I of two to six in preparation for midterm The administration now tells students hope for starters this will make students exams and papers, waiting for a securi- to brush their teeth four times a day, more aware of the harmful impact even ty guard to kick you out. While it can on an evenly paced schedule every six self-deprecating, dental-health related be tempting to wait to brush your teeth hours, the first one at 10:00 a.m. and last jokes can have on the community." until you get home at 7:00 a.m., this at 4:00 a.m. with an iPhone flashlight Boyer added that as a student body, we schedule can actually be detrimental to on, as you hide in the pitch-black of the often overlook the implications of den- your hygiene. Waiting so long and then fourth-floor stacks. tal health on our overall well-being and vigorously brushing twice in a short pe- First-year dental-health advocate Rus- academic performance. 4
Tips for Firsties Every HUMA Class Ranked by How Badly You Have to Shit During it By Christian Villanueva be a problem. cause you have to poop pretty bad. 8. Readings in World Literature 5. Poetry and the Human You’re almost sweating. How can a class make you need to poop? Let’s face it. Poetry is kind of shitty 2. Language and the Human You don’t have to poop at all! You’re and the only thing it makes you want Oh my God, did you have Taco Bell having a blast reading The Odyssey and to do is shit. You could risk it and wait for lunch? It moved through you like definitely won’t have to shit for a while. for class to end, but you definitely ar- the Germans through France, and 7. Greece and Rome: Texts, Tradi- en’t making it any further than that. now instead of debating Plato with tions, Transformations 4. Media Aesthetics your classmates, you’re internally Admit it, you might be intrigued by Media Aesthetics? More like Media debating whether or not you’ll shit Homer’s Iliad, but you feel it. Barring Athletics. Anyway, you’ll probably yourself if you try to get up and run the poor soul who got Stony their have to poop soon because you’re to the single-user down the hall. first year, you should be fine to make starting to fiddle and squirm in your 1. Reading Cultures it back to your dorm before it’s too chair. You literally already shit yourself. You late. 3. Human Being and Citizen confidently shit yourself as soon as you 6. Philosophical Perspectives You were into the great discussion walked into class and now everyone is You’ve been holding it in for a while, your class had going, but you hav- too afraid to ask you to leave. but if you keep clenching it shouldn’t en’t participated in a few minutes be- Clueless First-Year Finds Himself in Rural Kentucky After Wrong Boarding Shuttle Bus By Sammy Elmasri and Will Jaffe I tried to get back on the bus, but it the raccoon had killed me,” he whined. First-year Danny Fenton anticipated had already veered away by the time I For lazy “people” like Danny, here an expedited trip when he boarded the turned around. I tried to run after it, is a list of stops on the South Shuttle South Shuttle, but disaster struck as but the bus driver was Bus Route: Reynolds Club; North; he mistakenly got off at its Kentucky laughing maniacally, making unbroken Cathey; International House; Goose Stop, which as every seasoned student eye contact with me as she disappeared Creek, Kentucky; and then back to knows, is the last stop before the shuttle over the horizon.” Reynolds Club. returns to the Reynolds Club. As every Transloc user knows, the Additionally, recent changes have been “I was wondering why it was taking me South Shuttle makes regular stops at made to the North Campus Shuttle so long to get to Cathey,” Danny told Goose Creek, Kentucky in four hour Route. The revised version is as fol- the Dealer. “After two hours of driv- intervals. Danny, foolishly, did not lows: Reynolds Club; Max P; 54th ing, I decided to get off and walk the have Transloc. and Greenwood; Lake Park; The Reg; rest of the way. Who knew the South “I thought that if I walked back, maybe Murry, Wisconsin; the Quadrangle; Shuttle actually goes to Kentucky?” I could make it back in time for fourth Lake Wales, Florida; and then back to We do. In fact, everybody knows, meal,” Danny admitted. “I made it Reynolds Club. But if you had Trans- Danny. All UChicago shuttle routes back for lunch five days later.” loc, you would know that already. were clearly outlined in Dean Boy- Danny barely survived. UCPD found We hope our coverage of the well-de- er’s O-Week Welcoming Speech. You Danny limping back to campus covered served fate of Danny Fenton has taught should have listened, Danny. Everyone in raccoon bites. He survived several any directionally-challenged students else did. gunshot wounds. to pay more attention to the great shut- Danny continued, “Once a guy on the Unfortunately, Danny has made a full tles that serve our own University of road introduced himself as Colonel recovery. He is now struggling to make Chicago. Sanders, I knew something was wrong. up for all the work he missed. “I wish You didn't hear it from us, but Dean Ellison washes his socks by hand! 5
Wonk Alert DC & NYC to Restrict Immigration of Public Policy Majors By Nico Aldape only come to one of these the pubpol-as-econ-sellout reputation “Y’all young, broke twenty-somethings two cities. It’s a little ridiculous,” con- of the major came from. are coming into our town and stealing tinued Pulisic. “D.C. is as controlled “We’re not all econ sellouts! Some of us the jobs from all us older broke twen- by UChi pubpol grads as Seattle is by try to change things, but then run into ty-somethings," said District of Colum- Booth grads working at Amazon. A Sil- the numerous obstacles intentionally in bia resident Sydney Pulisic. "Fuck all of icon Forest to compliment the Silicon place to stop that change and sell out you.” Valley, right?” later,” Mond added. “I mean, I wish the Pulisic added that she has “been here Recent public policy grads and current major spent as much time on how to fix long enough that all the marble statues majors, however, had a different opin- broken politics from outside the system and museums got old, which took all of ion. as it did on random irrelevant game the- 10 days.” “Telling a pubpol major to avoid D.C. ory bullshit, but hey, that’s just me. I Pulisic was among many citizens against or NYC is like telling an English major lowkey hate this major!” the influx of University of Chicago to go to Cheyenne, Wyoming,” chimed Mond later emailed the Shady Dealer Public Policy majors. As Washington, in third-year Amelia Mond. “It’s not saying that, despite her objections, she D.C. and New York City each prepare that other cities don’t have political ma- would apply to the Harris School of to enact measures specifically targeting chines (or publishing houses), other cit- Public Policy before moving with her them, tensions have run high. ies just have, you know, bigger and bet- girlfriend to the Upper East Side to be a “It’s like those ex-econ major cop-outs ter ones.” political consultant. and poli sci people who don’t like theory Mond added that she is unsure where Is He Flirting with You or Just Promoting an IOP Event? By Emily Feigenbaum Campaign Act of 1971 limited the abil- week’s seminar is about the controver- Dating at UChicago can be difficult. ity of political parties to use soft-money sial nature of Citizens United v. FEC? Sometimes it’s not so clear whether to fund advertisements, but you know Uh, it’s obvious he’s trying to unite that special person is demonstrating an what’s limitless? Love. Will you take his with YOU! This dashing IOP Casanova interest in you or if he’s drumming up hand and embark on the great odyssey is positively spellbound and “lobbying” attention for an event at the Institute of romance? for your affection. Be sure to RSVP us- of Politics in order to ignite a passion 2. After forwarding you links to sign up ing the Eventbrite link and to arrive ap- for public service amongst college stu- for seminars and office hours, he adds proximately 10 minutes early to claim a dents. Ugh, don’t you just hate mixed that this Thursday’s seminar will have good seat. signals? pizza. 4. You receive the same message again, If you’re having trouble navigating the If Domino’s be the food of love, play this time in an email forwarded by an uncertainty of campus romance, here on! In adherence with the University’s RSO list host from which you meant to are some easy ways to determine that commitment to diversity of thought unsubscribe. he’s flirting with you and not just pro- and free speech, the IOP is hosting this Many advocates of campaign finance moting an upcoming IOP event. event to allow students to learn about reform are saying no to money in the 1. You haven’t spoken to him in at least politics and policy from different per- political system, but will you say yes to a year, but he messages out of the blue spectives. You should go to this piz- love? This lovesick Fellows Ambassa- to inform you that former Washington za-catered event. By reaching across the dor is not just promoting an IOP event Post columnist and veteran political aisle in sizzling political debate, you’ll through various avenues—he’s clearly operative Francesco Myers-Jones will soon enough be walking down the aisle flirting with you! Now that you know be hosting a 7-week-long seminar se- to marry the Fellows Ambassador on he’s into you, the ball is in your court. ries about the importance of campaign whom you were brave enough to take a Just always remember that it all began finance reform in a post-Trump era at chance. Please remember, however, that at a nonpartisan institution where you the Institute of Politics. this event is off the record. had the opportunity to engage with a Well, well, well. All great love stories 3. He posts the same message verbatim diverse cohort of elected political offi- have great beginnings, and so begins on the Facebook pages for the Classes of cials, diplomats, policymakers, activists, yours! Falling in love is never easy, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. and journalists who come to campus but neither is a round-table discussion All of these posts about the influence of each academic quarter to engage with about the implications and legacy of super PACs in recent presidential elec- students through weekly seminars and the McCain-Feingold Act. This 2002 tions just goes to show how “super” office hours. 6 amendment to the Federal Election into you he is! And the fact that next
Sexy Secrets Review: Eating an Entire Jar of Nutella in One Sitting By Calpernia Higginbotham release. You hear and feel a pop at the lips, and you lose control. The world You’ve done it. Everyone’s gone for the same time, and the tiniest rush of en- narrows down to the jar in front of you, day—for classes, whatever that means. dorphins washes over you. You feel the and you are only conscious of move- No one around, no one to bother you. urge to yank off the lid and shove your ment, back and forth, back and forth, as You’ve got the apartment all to your- fist through the seal to the sweet nectar your hand repeatedly, seemingly end- self. Your eyes lock on the cupboard beneath, but you resist—only the best lessly transports the orgasmic flavor to door, a once unremarkable object for those who wait. You give the lid a your mouth, both becoming coated in turned titillating at the thought of what few turns and carefully lift it off so as sticky brown goo. As you reach the bot- lies behind it. You pull on the handle, not to disturb the gold foil beneath it. tom, you swipe up as much as you can swing it open, and there, sitting on the You take a moment to admire the virgin at once, one last hurrah, and shove the shelf, it is: a 13-ounce jar of Nutella. surface, the undisturbed mirror that you whole affair deep in your throat, your Unopened, and almost glowing with wouldn’t dare to mar with your own vis- tongue swirling around your finger in allure. age, hideous in comparison to the beau- mindless bliss. You reach out for the jar, body full of ty in your hand. With a fingernail, you As you scrape the sides of the jar for awe. A tingle rushes down your arm as scrape along the edges, the slight grating any remaining traces, you start to come you make contact with the cold glass. vibrating deep within your core. The down from your high, and you become It’s so… hard. You shudder, as the thrill edges of the foil now lifted, you begin conscious of the delightfully filthy smile of what you’re about to do courses to remove it, going slowly so as to keep splitting your face in two. You lick what through you. it intact. For now, you want to keep it you can out of the jar, off your hand, You turn from the cupboard, mind so clean—the mess will come later. off your own face, before giving the jar absorbed with what’s in your hand that As the foil peels off bone-achingly slow- one last glance before casting it away in you forget to close the door behind ly, you experience a slight shudder as the recycling bin. You can’t bear to look you. It’s weighty, oh so weighty in your the last bit of it lifts off. There’s nothing again, not wanting to be reminded of clammy palm. Your mouth waters, and now between you and the Nutella, and what you once had, gone too soon. you lick your lips without blinking. you take a moment to breathe. No need You wash your face, hands, and body in No need to rush. With slow, deliberate to rush, no need to rush, you repeat to the kitchen sink, flipping on the light movements, you clasp the pure white yourself as a mantra as you slowly, ag- switch as you head back to your bed- lid: the perfect size, like you were meant onizingly slowly, lower your grubby room. You collapse on your bed, sated to be together. At the store, when you human finger into the food of the gods. and wistful, reflecting on your day, on were just checking it out, it seemed a lit- A big scoop, a smear on your tongue, life, on youth and pleasure. And then, tle too big, but now, you’re surprised at and you are in ecstasy. No one has ever as the feeling of what you have just how ready you are for what’s about to made you feel this way—not when you done really hits you, you literally have come. lost your virginity, not after a long rela- no other choice but run to the bath- You apply the gentlest pressure to the tionship built on love and trust. This is room and vomit. lid, pushing slowly, teasing the jar to something else. A soft moan escapes your Trump Dodges Battle for House, Blames Bone Spur By John Buterbaugh to others within his party and CNN. It would’ve been tremendous.” Donald Trump managed to dodge re- Trump said he hoped he could’ve been Following the press conference, Mr. sponsibility for yet another conflict: this more active during the midterm elec- Trump was seen running (as best he can, time, the battle for the U.S. House of tion season, which he claims is “totally, at least) into the arms of an unknown Representatives. At a press conference 100% not my fault, believe me,” but that shirtless man on a horse. The President’s held Saturday, the President called the a "bad bone spur” sidelined him from ac- “noble gait" seemed to be in peak form, midterm elections which swept Demo- tion. raising doubts about his claimed bone crats into control of the House “a tre- Trump managed to dodge the battle for spur. The Shady Dealer has yet to con- mendous, Vietnam-level victory.” control of Congress, but assured the firm or deny the validity of Mr. Trump’s When questioned by the press about the press that if he were there “it would’ve injuries, but we have received word that loss of a projected 40 seats, Trump shift- been the biggest win you’d have ever campus health services can see him in ed blame for “any setbacks or errors” seen, trust me, even bigger than Saigon. five weeks. 7
News in Brief KIM AND KANYE MOVE TO cert later this year if the school will "I DON'T LIVE IN A BUB- HYDE PARK let him rename North Campus after BLE!" STUDENT TWEETS By Sylvia Ebenbach his daughter North West. FROM MANSUETO Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Speaking of the kids, North and By Sam Nitkin have already begun their move to Saint have been seen running around At 12:38 p.m. on Wednesday, No- the cold, dreary city of Chicago and the dining hall and crawling under vember 27, first-year student Kath- have chosen an optimal location that tables with the other children. Do erine Blake tweeted to her 891 fol- fully embodies the weather: the Uni- not be surprised when you see them lowers, “I don’t live in a bubble!” versity of Chicago. They decided to playing hide and seek under the from the interior of the Joe and Rika trade the internalized sadness of Cal- chairs! As for their baby, Chicago, Mansueto Library Reading Room. ifornians for the outward displeasure we will have to wait on her opinion Katherine, originally from Los An- of UChicago students. of living at a university named after geles, California, was using Twitter The power couple has been spotted herself. to procrastinate on doing her "Earth around campus, but it’s hard to tell Echoing the feelings of many first- as a Planet" problem set. Katherine the difference between them and the years, the transition has been hard had chosen Mansueto because the other students because they never for Kardashian. She has no clue glass dome provided warmth and smile either. After Kanye dropped what to wear as the weather gets protection from the thirty-five-de- President Trump as his best friend colder, and after having exhausted gree weather outside. (maybe long distance was too hard the photo shoot opportunities pro- Katherine, who has never been south after all), it's a waiting game to see vided by a pile of fall leaves, she has of 61st Street, followed up by tweet- which old white male he will ally been lacking ideas for her Instagram ing, “Things get real on the south with next. Dean Boyer is always a feed. She tried to go out to bar night side of Chicago. Don’t @ me.” strong choice, but Presiden on a Wednesday but left confused When asked to clarify, Katherine told Zimmer is supposedly on the short about why instead of being paid to the Shady Dealer, “I saw a homeless list. be there, the only money exchanged man walking along the Midway yes- West is allegedly a huge fan of the was to pay for the drinks. terday. I just feel that I’m getting an "free expression" message from the Kardashian was heard saying, “Is experience that my friends who go administration but doesn't seem to this how frat parties are supposed to to UCLA don’t. I’m growing as a fully understand it in practice. He work?” person by being here.” keeps interrupting people in the However, she was proud to hear her Katherine then asked the Dealer if middle of their argument with his husband’s latest hit "I Love It" played the interview could be continued go-to “Imma let you finish, but” and at least 43 times over the course of indoors, as she had lost her Canada ranting long enough that they forget an hour. Goose jacket at a frat party the night their point anyway. Needless to say, Kim misses her sis- before and had never experienced It is also rumored that a new album is ters greatly. For that reason, she this kind of cold. in the works. Possible album names plans to rush a sorority next fall. It is Upon further investigation, the include "(I Can’t Wait Until) Grad- predicted she will join Kappa Alpha Dealer can confidently report that uation," "The Life of Boyer," and Theta - that way she can continue the homeless man Katherine report- "College Dropout 2: the Remix." with the "K" theme. Stay tuned to ed seeing was actually a Cobb Coffee West also plans to replace all the see the drama unfold on a future ep- shop employee. The employee, who UChicago gear in the bookstore isode of Keeping up with the Kappa. wishes to remain anonymous, told with Yeezy merch. However, there the Dealer he was “honored by the are concerns that the holes in many ambiguity in his outfit.” of the collection’s pieces might cause Katherine describes herself as a problems for students during the “woke bae” in her Twitter bio. The winter. tweet currently has four likes and Additionally, West says he will even one retweet. perform at the Summer Breeze con- 8
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