Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

Page created by Marie Acosta
Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

                         JULY/AUGUST 2022

                              AN RVers
Animal ally                   PARADISE

Jan Youngblood creates         RURAL
a haven for horses            RETREATS
Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

                                                          America’s Rural
     Rural Connections
        NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association
     Any room can                                           Providers
     be a classroom
     Broadband opens a world of
     new educational opportunities
        Soon, students will end summer break and
     return to classrooms and, in communities
     fortunate enough to be served by a member of
     NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association, they
     will have advantages once thought impossible in
     rural areas.
        While fast, reliable broadband service creates
     opportunity for everyone, our students benefit
     significantly. Resources that were simply unavail-
     able before are now only a few clicks away.
        Once, learning about great art meant gazing at
     photos in a book. Now, students can take virtual             Educating
                                                                  tomorrow’ s
     tours through the greatest museums on Earth
     and, hopefully, find inspiration in the masters of
     the art world. Resources like Project Gutenberg

     make classic books a click and download away.
        Digital resources also go far beyond virtual
     libraries and museums. Thanks to distance
     learning — real-time sessions connected through
     video — students in the most remote communi-
     ties can tap into advanced or specialized classes
     otherwise unavailable in their area.
        One key focus, and an acronym, you may have
     heard a lot about is STEM — science, technol-
     ogy, engineering and math. The skills learned in
     classes such as these are foundational. They can
     open the door to a range of jobs, higher education
     opportunities and more.
        At the NTCA, we hear stories of these suc-
     cesses daily, because our members, including
     your communications provider, make a tangible
     difference in the lives of those they serve. The
     more tools we provide our students — the people
     who will become our future leaders and innova-
     tors — the richer our communities will become.
        Every day, our NTCA members work to make
     that future a reality. 

2 | July/August 2022
Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -
Digital storage
the day

              hether sharing work files, snapping photos with your     your data, cloud services keep multiple copies on many machines
              phone or dozens of other actions, your digital data      to create as reliable a system as possible.
              most likely doesn’t remain solely on your device.           Many businesses use cloud storage to offload the responsibil-
Instead, those files were probably shared through a cloud-based        ity of managing physical servers or running complex software.
service. Similarly, most phones default to backing up your pho-        Another benefit of using the cloud is that you can increase or
tos to the cloud.                                                      decrease storage based on how much you need, matching the
   In fact, the cloud is one critical presence in our digital lives,   price of the service to your requirements.
an experience often so seamless you might not even realize it’s
there.                                                                 EXAMPLES
   But, exactly what is the cloud, and how does it work? Think of         Apple’s iCloud, Microsoft’s OneDrive and Google Drive are
it as a collection of computers designed not only to store critical    popular cloud storage options for individuals. Cloud storage
data, but also to back it up securely and deliver it on demand to      is also used by social media and entertainment companies to
whatever device you choose. That’s how you‘re able to work on          provide services to the public. For example, Facebook man-
the same file at home as you would at school, at an office or just     ages its own private cloud services and data centers. Instagram
on the go with a mobile device.                                        and Pinterest are also cloud-based. If you’ve ever used Netflix
                                                                       to watch movies, then you were also using a cloud computing
HOW IT WORKS                                                           service.
   When you subscribe to a cloud provider such as Apple,                  Popular personal use of cloud storage includes family photos
Dropbox, Google, Microsoft or many others, you can upload              and important financial documents such as tax returns. Businesses
files to a data server managed by that company. In some cases,         might use cloud storage for employee files, financial data such as
the files are both on your device and in the cloud. Or, they may       payroll and to store customer data.
strictly be in the cloud, saving room on your device. These files
can be photos, videos, documents with text, emails or more.            BACK UP THE CRITICAL FILES
As long as your device is connected to the internet and you are          Cloud storage provides a range of benefits, but with vital
logged into the service, you can access this digital library. The      information — anything from wills to family photos, digital art
cloud providers work hard to make it all as seamless as possible.      and beyond — consider the cloud as just one part good digital
                                                                       housekeeping. Consider creating three versions of these files: one
CLOUD ADVANTAGES                                                       in the cloud, a second on a computer hard drive and a third on
 Cloud storage saves space on your devices. It’s also a good           an external drive. Rely on the cloud for convenience, but keep
way to preserve files as a backup. Rather than keep one copy of        backup for, well, a rainy day. 

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Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

    Balancing act                                                                                          JULY/AUGUST 2022

                                                                                                           The HCTC Connection is a bimonthly
                                                                                                           magazine published by Hill Country
                                                                                                                                                VOL. 6, NO. 4

    Virtual and real-world connections build communities                                                   Telephone Cooperative © 2022. It is

                                                                                                           distributed without charge to all member/
                                                                                                           owners of the cooperative.
             onnections make our lives richer. Whether through a friend,
             family member or just a person offering a helping hand or a                                                            SM

             smile while you’re out running errands, positive interactions can
    lift our spirits and enhance our sense of community.                                                   HCTC is more than a provider of state-
                                                                                                           of-the-art telecommunications products
                                                                                                           and services. We are a member-owned
                                   But it’s also possible to build meaningful relationships virtually      cooperative with an elected board of
                                — through social media, video calls or shared experiences like             directors who govern our organization using
                                streaming the same music or movies as your friends and sharing             our bylaws, member input and business and
                                your thoughts about it. For example, gamers build rich, interactive        industry conditions to guide their decisions.
                                                                                                           We are proud residents of the communities
                                communities. Online dating services are responsible for thousands          we serve, and we’re dedicated to not only
                                of solid relationships. Career-focused sites promote networking            providing the best services possible, but doing
                                among professionals. The potential can seem limitless.                     so in a way that is ethical, safe and productive
                                                                                                           for our friends and neighbors. This institution
                                   While there are many ways to make those critical human con-             is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
                                nections online, balance is still important. After all, there really can
    CRAIG COOK                  be too much of a good thing.                                               Mission Statement: To be the premier
    Chief Executive Officer        Nielsen, a company that tracks how Americans watch TV and               provider of modern telecommunications and
                                                                                                           broadband services throughout our region.
                                consume other media, recently released a report with some striking
                                numbers. Between February 2021 and February 2022, the average              Send address corrections to:
                                time spent streaming television in the U.S. increased by 18%. That         HCTC
    translates into an average of just less than 170 billion minutes of weekly video viewing.              P.O. Box 768 • 220 Carolyn
                                                                                                           Ingram, TX 78025
       As a company that works hard to provide high-quality internet service to make that viewing
                                                                                                           Telephone: 830-367-5333
    experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible, those numbers reflect a clear success for
    our industry. But there was an interesting twist — 46% of people responding to the survey              BOARD OF DIRECTORS
    found it hard to find the content they want. Have you ever had a friend raving about a show            Robert (Bob) Trees – District 1A Ingram
    you’ve never heard of because you don’t have access to that platform? You’re not alone.                Kari Short – District 1B Ingram
       What do streaming TV and personal connections have in common? To me, that study shows               Willard R. (Randy) Bass – District 2 Hunt
    that more is not always better, and there may well be a need to take a mindful approach in             James E. (Jim) Haynie – District 3
                                                                                                           Mountain Home/Garven Store
    accessing all the online resources. In fact, consider how you strike a balance between the             Vice President
    virtual world and the physical world.                                                                  Stephen (Steve) Stengel – District 4 Doss
       Streaming movies and TV, particularly on a steamy summer day when it’s too hot outside,             Dorrie Cooper – District 5 Fredonia, Katemcy,
                                                                                                           Pontotoc and Streeter
    can be a perfect pastime. But too many options can lead to decision paralysis. Boredom might
                                                                                                           Kathleen (Kathy) Bohn – District 6A
    not be too far behind.                                                                                 Comfort/Sisterdale
       The same idea applies to many online destinations. At their best, social media sites can be         Jane Perilloux – District 6B Comfort/Sisterdale
    informative, engaging and create real ties to those who might otherwise be lost to the passing         Kari Potter – District 7 Center Point
    of time or long distances. But social media can also be a platform for people to simply draw           President
                                                                                                           Tracy Castillo – District 8 Medina/Tarpley
    attention to themselves, and not always with the best motives or positive results. Also, thanks
                                                                                                           Linda Reagor – District 9 Frio Canyon (includes
    to digital tools, work can become ever-present, even during hours meant for rest or family.            Concan, Leakey, Reagan Wells & Rio Frio)
       The McClean Hospital, an expert mental health organization affiliated with Harvard Med-             Secretary-Treasurer
    ical School, addresses this digital burnout. They suggest occasionally taking time to power
    down. Don’t respond immediately to all messages. Unplug completely from work during off-               Produced for HCTC by:
    hours. Cull your online accounts and keep the only ones that add true value. Most importantly,
    when you can, opt for face-to-face interactions.
       Our community is rich and vital, because of the people who live and work around us. If
    we’re thoughtful, the wealth of digital tools that are only a click away will make us even              On the Cover:
    stronger and allow us to build and maintain the connections that matter.                                                      Kerrville resident
                                                                                                                                   Jan Youngblood
                                                                                                                                   dedicated years
                                                                                                                                   of her life to Last
                                                                                                                                   Dance Ranch,
                                                                                                                                   the horse rescue
                                                                                                                                   organization she
                                                                                                                                   See story Page 12.

4 | July/August 2022
Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

                                                                                YOUTH TOUR
                                                                                Two area high school students —
                                                                                Wesley Vinson, of Fredonia, and
                                                                                Annslie Shoemaker, of Frio Canyon
                                                                                — were selected to represent HCTC
                                                                                during the Foundation for Rural
                                                                                Service Youth Tour of Washington, D.C.,
                                                                                in June.

                                            2022                                The tour brings students together

                                            SCHOLARSHIP                         from across rural America to visit
                                                                                the nation’s capital and offers

                                            WINNERS!                            participants a chance to learn about
                                                                                rural telecommunications and to
                                                                                observe legislative and governmental
   Every year, HCTC awards $1,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from       processes.
   local high schools. The long-running scholarship program is another
   example of HCTC’s dedication to the towns it serves and its investment in
   the future of those communities.

   This year’s scholarship recipients are:
   CENTER POINT                      Annabelle St. Clair    MEDINA
   Logan Burley                      Krisanne Perez         Maci Morrison
                                                            Loren De La Garza
   COMFORT                           HUNT                   Addison Derry
   Nathan Wilson                     Riley Griffin
   FRIO CANYON                       INGRAM                 Blixen Hofmann
   Sidney Hunter                     Schylar Smith
   Caden Martinez                    Stefano Sirianni
   Lauren Satterwhite                Kindal Brown

   SEEKING                                           Wishing everyone a
   REELECTION                                            safe and happy                          HCTC offices will be
   The following incumbents will be                                                              closed on Monday,
   running for board of directors                                                                July 4, to allow our
   positions:                                                                                    employees to spend
                                                                                                 the holiday with
   ƒ Bob Trees, District 1A — Ingram                                                             their families.
   ƒ Dorrie Cooper, District 5 —
     Fredonia, Katemcy, Pontotoc and
   ƒ Jane Perilloux, District 6B —
     Comfort and Sisterdale

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Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

    find time to
    Recharging at Texas retreats
    Story by ANNE BRALY
                                                                                                     “From quiet, rural escapes to chic,
                                                                                                  modern wellness retreats, Texas offers
                                                                                                  a variety of options for those seeking to
                                                                                                  refresh their physical and mental well-
                                                                                                  being,” says Tim Fennell, director of Travel
                                                                                                  Texas Tourism. “Relaxation getaways and

                                                                                                  retreats in Texas have always been popular
             etting away from it all in the wide-   or internet can be liberating – or just       types of leisure travel for travelers seeking
             open expanse of the Lone Star          anxiety-inducing.                             to recharge, reconnect and reset.”
             State is a time-honored tradition         A good retreat is often a well-marked         Whether it’s waking up to the views
    that Texans, long known for their sense of      path. You should know where you’re going      of the water or hearing the birds as they
    adventure, hold dear.                           and what lies ahead. Prepare and take nec-    begin their day, take a step outside the
       Here are some tips from Mary Bemis,          essary precautions.                           city and you’ll find retreats in the Lone
    founder of American Spa magazine, on               Busy amusement parks and crowded           Star State that offer just what you may
    making the most of your retreat.                white sand beaches have their charms,         need to get away from the busyness of life
       Extreme experiences – Check your good        but when you really want to relax and         and the mental quagmire brought on by
    sense at the door, and if it doesn’t feel       recharge, nothing beats a rural getaway and   fist-bumping, social distancing and other
    right, speak up and don’t do it.                relaxing retreat to secluded locales with     pandemic protocols.
       The setting – Think about what kind of       attentive staff and a whole lot of pamper-       Here are some excellent examples of
    environment makes you feel safe. Going to       ing. And in Texas, there’s a lot from which   what’s in store as you step off of life’s
    a place without cell service, phone service     to choose.                                    beaten path.

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Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -
At Rancho Cortez, barrel racing brings excitement.

                                                                       RANCHO CORTEZ
                                                                         If there’s one retreat that screams “TEXAS!” it’s Rancho
                                                                       Cortex. Visitors can restore their wellness the Western way at
                                                                       Rancho Cortez’s Cowboy Wellness Program.
                                                                         Ready for the roundup? The retreat’s wellness program offers
                                                                       guests traditional wellness retreat experiences like hiking,
                                                                       outdoor workouts, nutrition classes and conditioned yoga and
          Left: Enjoy a glass of wine at The Vineyard at Florence.     strength training, along with opportunities to explore the ranch
          Above and inset: Visitors can enjoy the views and relaxing
          evenings by the fire at Lakeway Resort and Spa.
                                                                       by horseback. You can also feed the longhorns, relax by the
                                                                       campfire, soak in the hot tub or take a dip in the pool.
                                                                         The dude ranch is open to day trips and also offers a two-
         LAKEWAY RESORT AND SPA                                        week fitness program with strength training, pilates, yoga and
          Lakeway                                                      more. Or, if you can commit, there’s a 60-day program that will
             As the only resort nestled on the banks of Lake           totally change your life. However, if you simply need a night or
          Travis in the Texas Hill Country, the 168-room Lakeway       two to get away, the ranch offers a variety of overnight experi-
          Resort and Spa offers a distinct getaway with a hint of      ences, including a bunk house that sleeps up to 15 people.
          the urban allure of nearby Austin. Whether it’s wrap-          All activities and meals are part of an overnight stay, and
          ping your body in nourishing oils or massaging that          there’s no sleeping in, cowboy. Breakfast is served at 8 a.m.
          tension in your back, a visit to the spa is a must. The      To book, visit
          spa’s position on the shore of Lake Travis, as well as
          its floor-to-ceiling windows, offer dramatic views that      THE VINEYARD AT FLORENCE
          tease the senses.                                            Florence
             Two pools offer a choice. Want a break from the              It’s a pleasure to wake up to the view of vineyards and luxuri-
          kids? They have their own pool where they can play on        ate in comfortable linens. The Vineyard at Florence is like having
the waterslide and splash pad as you enjoy quiet moments of            your own small piece of Tuscany in Texas Hill Country.
your own or a cooling drink at the swim-up bar.                           The Vineyard at Florence is a retreat for the senses with its
  There are options for all ages in one of several restaurants,        old-world Italian architecture and a spa offering facials and
from casual poolside dining to a more indulgent dinner at TR           massages. Enjoy the farm-to-fork menu at its signature restau-
Restaurant Bar and Lounge serving comfort food and cocktails.          rant, Farmer’s Commons, with its local honey, goat cheese from
Visit for more information.                  a nearby farm, a menu driven by what’s in season and, naturally,
                                                                       a lovely wine list.
HOTEL RITUAL AND WELLNESS CENTER                                          Each of the rooms and suites has either a patio or balcony,
Jacksonville                                                           as well as a coffee bar, flat-screen television, refrigerator
   RITUAL is a retreat that will become a habit if you’re in need      and walk-in, tiled shower. Suites also have a fireplace. The
of a magical experience. Bring a book and escape to wherever           Winemakers Villa sleeps up to 10 people and is the perfect
its pages take you. Soak in the heated pool and hot tub with a         setting for a family retreat with its five bedrooms, three baths,
bartender at the ready. Then, go for some detox in the sauna,          living room with fireplace and fully stocked kitchen. Best of all,
mineral water provided.                                                it overlooks the vineyard and has the best view on the property.
   Gourmet breakfast is available at RITUAL, and there’s a lively         Florence is less than an hour from Austin, but there’s plenty
luncheonette where you can order salads, sandwiches or a               to keep you busy on-site with great places for picnicking, a
beautiful bowl of warm peach pudding.                                  swimming pool, biking and hiking. Or, arrange for a wine tasting.
For bookings and information, visit                 At night, sit back, look up and enjoy the night sky deep in the
                                                                       heart of Texas.
                                                                       For bookings or information, visit 

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Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -

                                   Speedy                                                            Conveniently copy
                                                                                                     any document

                                                                                                       PHYSICAL SCANNER
    Check out our                                                                                             If you have to scan
    podcasts!                                                                                                multiple pages and images
                                                                                                             or smaller text, even a
    Want to hear more from
    the folks you read about
                                                                                                             high-quality app such

    in Connection? Then                                                                                     as Adobe Scan can feel
    head over to                     ith all-in-one printers that come       underpowered — and try holding a smartphone
    resources/podcast for                      equipped with scanning capability       steady for more than a few minutes. The best
    “Inside the Connection”                    and the smartphone in your pocket       way to choose what kind of physical scanner
    and “10 Minute Tech Tips,”
                                   getting better and better at capturing images       you should buy is to consider your needs.
    our podcasts hosted by
    Kerry Sutton.                  and documents, fewer people need a dedicated           Think of what kind of documents you’ll
                                   scanner. Of course, there are tradeoffs with each   be scanning and how many. Flatbed scanners

                                   option and as with any device, it’s important to
                                   choose what’s right for you.
                                                                                       are great for photos and unbound documents
                                                                                       — basically anything that can lay flat on the
                                     Before you spend money on a scanner you           scanner glass and should be handled with care.
                                   don’t need or find out too late that an app on      Some flatbed scanners even have a lid that
                                   your phone isn’t enough, consider the following     allows for easier scanning of bound books or
                                   before deciding.                                    magazines.
                                                                                          If you regularly scan multiple documents,
                                   SMARTPHONE APPS                                     you should opt for a scanner with a sheet feeder.
                                      There are more than a dozen apps available       Much like having to hold the phone steady,
    The Fujitsu                    for your scanning needs, and the ever-improv-       having to manually place page after page in a
    ScanSnap iX1600                ing camera on most smartphones means that           flatbed scanner can be difficult. For large jobs,
    The Fujitsu ScanSnap           results can rival a physical scanner. However,      you will want a scanner equipped with an auto-
    iX1600 is for those who        if you need anything more than the occasional       matic document feeder that can handle stacks of
    are looking for a home         copy of a document or photo, you should con-        pages at a time.
    office scanner with plenty     sider looking beyond an app.                           One other consideration is whether you’ll be
    of bells and whistles.            If your scanning is of the once-in-a-while       scanning double-sided documents. In that case,
    The duplex scanner can
                                   variety, then you can’t go wrong with a free        look for a device that offers duplex scanning.
    process up to 40 double-
    sided sheets per minute        app like Adobe Scan. The same folks behind          The fastest options scan a document on both
    and features automatic         Photoshop made it, and the app offers a simple      sides at the same time, but they are also usually
    image rotation and color       interface and produces high-quality scans of        a more expensive choice.
    cleanup. While it is Mac       documents, images, business cards and forms.           As for resolution, you don’t need to worry too
    and PC compatible, it
                                   It can export documents as PDFs and save them       much. For most documents and photos, 300 dpi
    can also scan directly
    to any mobile device, a        to the Adobe Document Cloud, or it can save         — or dots per inch — is enough. You may want
    printer or a variety of        them as a JPEG image file on your phone. It         to scan images at 600 dpi to capture smaller
    cloud platforms, including     also offers good optical character recognition,     details but anything beyond that — unless it’s
    Dropbox and Google Drive.      or OCR, and allows you to copy and edit text        for a very specific use — is overkill. Modern
    MSRP $495, but available       taken from an image. It’s available for iOS and     scanners have no trouble with any of these
    for a lower price at several
                                   Android devices.                                    levels of resolution. 

8 | July/August 2022                                                                                                                   HCTC
Animal ally - CONNECTIONJULY/AUGUST 2022 - Jan Youngblood creates a haven for horses -
One big, happy family
                                                                                                  Thankfully, Jennifer says, since RVers
                                                                                                are the nicest group of people you could
                                                                                                hope to meet, they take disappointments

   Buckhorn Lake Resort offers guests                                                           in stride. “If you’re going to work with
                                                                                                the public, you should be in a RV park,”

   a warm and friendly oasis                                                                    she says. “I think they’re just easier and
                                                                                                happier and not stressed.”

   Story by LUIS CARRASCO                                                                         Besides, family usually understands. 
            uckhorn Lake Resort is all about      and they’re all concrete and level,” Jenni-
            family.                               fer says. “It’s very easy to navigate here,
               The Kerrville RV resort, which     especially if you’re in a bigger rig.”
   Jennifer Christiansen runs, along with her
   parents, her son and daughter-in-law, has      CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY
   been welcoming travelers for more than            Although there are some technical
   20 years. In that time, it feels as if their   challenges that come with being in the
   family has grown. “We’ve been fortunate        middle of large metal RVs and trees, the
   enough to have some of the same people         resort uses its HCTC high-speed internet
   come back year after year after year,” Jen-    service to offer free Wi-Fi to guests. It’s
   nifer says. “We kind of now have a giant,      a key amenity since “everybody lives on

                                                                                                                                             Photos by Gabe Herrera.
   extended family.”                              the internet now,” Jennifer says. DSL
      Many returning guests have formed           modems are available for rent for guests
   friendships among themselves, too, build-      who require a dedicated connection.
   ing a real community at the resort. “It’s a       As other businesses slowed down during
   small-town feel, which I think people love.    the pandemic, the number of visitors to
   Then, we go out of our way to make them        the resort increased. Early on, when store
   feel like they’re at home,” Jennifer says.     shelves were going bare, the resort stepped
                                                  up to take care of its visitors and long-
   AMENITIES AND ACTIVITIES ABOUND                term residents. “When supplies were hard
      Fun activities are an important part of     to get, we cooked meals in our kitchen
        that community experience. A recent       and delivered them to people’s homes,”
          week included a Sunday potluck,         Jennifer says. “When you couldn’t buy at
           a trivia night and even goodbye        the stores, we would go into the restau-
           margaritas for departing “winter       rant supply and package up potatoes and
           Texans,” as seasonal visitors headed   deliver them to people.”
          back north to Wisconsin, Michigan          The increase in visitors has not let up,
       or Canada.                                 and there’s little indication that it will.    Colton Morris’ family owns
      The resort hosts regular movie nights       “We have people making reservations            Buckhorn Lake Resort.
   and special holiday events. Amenities at       clear into 2025,” Jennifer says. More
   Buckhorn Lake include basketball, pick-        business is always welcome, but it means
                                                                                                         Buckhorn Lake Resort
   leball and tennis courts, a fitness center,    that sometimes she must deliver bad
                                                                                                     2885 Goat Creek Road, Kerrville
   swimming pools and whirlpool spas, a           news. “Somebody came in today and they
                                                                                                      830-895-0007 • 800-568-6458
   nine-hole putting green, an enclosed dog       said, ‘We want to stay for a year.’ And I
   park and stocked ponds for catch-and-re-       went, ‘Oh, gosh, well, we’re already sold
   lease fishing. “Our spaces are also a little   out for Fourth of July and New Year’s
    farther apart than the traditional RV parks   and Thanksgiving,’” she says. “It’s hard
     have. They have a little bit more room,      to say no.”

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Make  sure you have adequate
                                                internet speeds for students
                                                    studying at home

                                                            any schools now         to keep download and upload
                                                            offer more options      speeds close to the same, which
                                                            for virtual days and    is important when it comes
                                                online learning, whether it’s for   to online meeting platforms,
                        Story by LISA SAVAGE
                                                severe weather outbreaks, sick      which require higher upload
                                                days or a family that has discov-   speeds. Some national providers
                                                ered that online learning works     offer deals to get new custom-
                                                best for their child.               ers, advertising high speeds. In
                                                  As a result, a reliable home      reality, they may be referring
                                                internet service is more import-    only to download speed.
                                                ant than ever, whether it’s for
                                                students who need to access         TROUBLESHOOTING
                                                online assignments, parents            In most homes, internet
                                                working remotely or for stream-     service comes to the house and
                                                ing movies and shows.               then operates through a wireless
                                                  The Federal Communications        signal called Wi-Fi, which dis-
                                                Commission offers some tips         tributes the broadband through-
                                                to optimize your home network       out the home on a device called
                                                performance:                        a router. Using multiple wireless
                                                                                    devices on the same Wi-Fi net-
                                                CHECK YOUR INTERNET PLAN            work can impact performance.
                                                   Check with your internet            Sometimes, rebooting the
                                                provider to find out the speed in   router — turning it off and
                                                your plan. Make sure it’s enough    then turning it back on — can
                                                to handle all the devices that      resolve the problem.
                                                might be connected at the same         If your internet provider
                                                time, as well as any additional     doesn’t supply the router, make
                                                devices that could be added,        sure it isn’t outdated. Check the
                                                such as televisions for stream-     model number on the router to
                                                ing, laptops and more. FCC con-     see if it’s capable of providing
                                                sumer guides provide informa-       the speed you’re paying for.
                                                tion about household broadband      If your internet speed seems
                                                use and broadband speeds.           slower than it should be, contact
                                                                                    your provider for troubleshoot-
                                                TEST YOUR SPEED                     ing tips, or ask if there are any
                                                  In many cases, your internet      outages or disruptions that could
                                                provider has a speed test on        impact speed.
                                                the company website, or you            Whether they’re in the
                                                can download broadband speed        classroom or learning virtually,
                                                test apps or visit speed test       almost all students need access
                                                websites, to check your current     to the internet to reach their
                                                broadband download and              potential. Making sure your
                                                upload speeds. Many providers,      broadband network provides the
                                                especially rural telecommu-         speeds they need is a big step in
                                                nications cooperatives, strive      the right direction. 

10 | July/August 2022

               Teachers maximize

               communication with
               students and parents

               Story by LISA SAVAGE


          ow many times has this happened,        Apps like Remind
          parents?                             allow teachers and

                                                                                                                                        images by bl
            You’re running late as you get     coaches to send out
ready to leave home and drop the kids off      information about

                                                                                                                                     Adobe Stock
at school as you rush to work.                 class assignments
   As you go through your mental check-        or practice schedules.
list, you think you’re doing OK, and then      Messages can be sent to a group or to
your child says, “I forgot to study for my     individuals. About 80% of schools in the         Talking Points also features translation
spelling test.” The teacher sent the list      United States use Remind to connect stu-      and options to communicate with families
of spelling words home on a note that’s        dents, teachers and families. It’s designed   in their home languages to build strong
shoved deep into your child’s backpack.        for grades K-12 to communicate with           partnerships during the school year.
   Now, the educational world is chang-        everyone at once, and it has 20 million          Many school systems utilize platforms
ing, using apps for classroom reminders,       monthly active users across the United        like Google Classroom, which also has
school activities and even payment in          States.                                       access to such options as Google Voice
advance for athletic and other school             Parents like the app because they          for communication with students and their
events.                                        receive early closing notifications instan-   parents. For extracurricular activities like
   While many teachers still send notes        taneously. All parents don’t always see       athletic events or stage performances,
and schedules home on paper, they also         reminders that go out on social media.        some school systems utilize GoFan, an
communicate the same information                  The app reminds parents of homework        app that offers online ticket purchases.
through apps.                                  assignments, dress up days and more.             More and more schools are opting for
                                                  It can lead to more participation in       the app purchase to avoid cash transac-
                                               the classroom when parents get remind-        tions. Some schools no longer even accept
                                               ers because not all students show notes       cash payments at the gate for events.
                                               to their parents, and not all parents go         Since 2001, GoFan and its parent
                                               through their children’s backpacks to find    company, Huddle Tickets, have worked
                                               them.                                         with over 10,000 schools selling over 20
                                                  ClassDojo has typically been used for      million tickets — more digital high school
                                               younger students and has group messaging      tickets than any other company.
                                               and individual options, so the group may         Other companies offer similar purchase
                                               not necessarily see responses.                availabilities through an app.
                                                  The app has messaging for group story         Parents, as another school year is about
                                               posts, as well as individual student port-    to begin, make sure you have the tools
                                               folios where teachers can assign work and     necessary to make meaningful connec-
                     From classroom            students can turn in assignments. It also     tions with your child’s teachers and school
                     reminders to athletic     translates into over 35 languages.            system. 
                     tickets, apps are
                     increasingly essential.
                                                                                                                          July/August 2022 | 11
A lifelong love
                                                        Kerrville’s Jan Youngblood is devoted
                                                        to finding safe homes for horses
                                                        Story by ANNE BRALY

                                                                                                                                      Jan Youngblood’s
                                                                                                                                         love of horses
                                                                                                                                      dates back to her

                                                        stalls at a stable. After a few days of      three decades, including Windy, a feisty
                                                        shoveling, she was paid for her labor        blue roan that was Jan’s first horse. She

                                                        with a one-hour ride. “It was a good bar-    spent countless hours galloping around
                 here was a connection the first        gain to me,” Jan, now 70, says. “I was       the North Guilford countryside. After
                 time Jan Youngblood came eye           able to ride, and I was in heaven again!”    John’s death, Jan purchased a 150-acre
                 to eye with a horse when she was          Those days spent in the saddle in the     property in Mountain Home and left the
        growing up in Arizona. “My best friend,         shadow of Tuscon’s Catalina Mountains        Northeast behind for a new life in Texas.
        Christine, asked me if I wanted to go           cemented Jan’s love for horses and laid         One day, while scrolling through
        with her to ride horses,” Jan recalls. “We      the foundation for Last Dance Ranch,         Facebook from her home in Kerr
        went to a local stable, and I fell in love. I   the horse rescue she started decades later   County, Jan came across a post that
        was in heaven then, and I’ve never been         in Texas.                                    spurred her into action. She read about
        the same since.”                                                                             kill pens — where large numbers of
           As she rode, young Jan reveled in the        A CHILDHOOD DREAM BECOMES                    horses stay in often inhumane conditions
        freedom she experienced while racing            REALITY                                      until they can be sold for slaughter in
        through pastures, untethered by the               Jan and her husband, John, settled         other countries. “Until that moment,
        world around her. “There’s just nothing         down in North Guilford, Connecticut,         I had been unaware of that horrible
        like it,” she says.                             where, by the time she was 30 years old,     practice,” Jan says. “When I first saw
           Although her parents wouldn’t allow          she was finally able to have horses of       the post, I was brokenhearted. Then,
        her to have a horse of her own, Jan             her own like she’d always wanted. The        as I learned more about the situation, I
        found a way to ride by mucking out              couple kept two Appaloosas for nearly        became furious.”

12 | July/August 2022                                                                                                                            HCTC
She decided to do something       terhouse in Canada before Jan                                             Jennifer Rawls volunteers
   productive with her anger. She       intervened and purchased her.                                                 at Last Dance Ranch.
   joined a group of women who          After 15 years at Last Dance
   posted photographs and descrip-      Ranch, Mocha’s health is declin-
   tions of endangered horses online    ing. She has Cushing’s disease,
   in hopes of finding buyers willing   which causes weight loss and
   to take the animals in and prop-     abscesses in her front hooves.
   erly care for them.                  For the time being, treatments
                                        are keeping Mocha comfortable,
   TO THE RESCUE                        but Jan knows those solutions are
      But she didn’t stop there. Jan    temporary, at best. Eventually,
   established a nonprofit horse        Mocha will have to be put down.
   rescue she named the Last Dance      “I will have no other choice,” Jan
   Ranch, saving more than 100          says.
   horses herself. She often bought        Jan is proud to be a part of a
   animals from “kill buyers,”          large network of like-minded
   people who purchase horses at        people who use the internet as a
   auction with the intention of        powerful tool to spread the word.
   reselling them for slaughter.        “The internet provides us with
   Sometimes owners who could no        what we need to help place these
   longer care for a horse surren-      animals,” she says.
   dered the animal to Jan, with the       Since her own cancer diagno-
   peace of mind of knowing the
   animal will be allowed to live out
                                        sis, Jan has had to stop taking
                                        in horses herself and is working
                                                                              How you can help - - - - - -
   its days peacefully.                 harder than ever to find new          The cost for rescuing horses has been a steep one
      Last Dance Ranch began            permanent homes for her remain-       for Jan Youngblood, whose only source of income
   at Jan’s property in Mountain        ing animals. But her devotion to      for the past five years has been her monthly Social
   Home. When she was diagnosed         equines is steadfast.                 Security check.
   with cancer a year ago and              She does much of the work
   relocated to a smaller ranch in      around her new Kerrville ranch        To keep Last Dance Ranch running, Jan depends
   Kerrville, her horses made the       herself, welcoming a helping          on charitable donations to cover expenses like
   move with her.                       hand from a small team of friends     food, farrier and veterinarian bills. If you’d like to
      One of those horses is Mocha,     and volunteers whenever they’re       donate, checks may be sent to: Jan Youngblood, P.O.
   a beautiful, 25-year-old Appa-       available. “These wonderful           Box 293220, Kerrville, TX 78029. Jan also accepts
   loosa, chocolate with a striking     creatures deserve to live out their   donations by Paypal and Venmo. Or, contact her
   white “blanket” across her back.     lives in a safe, loving environ-      directly at Jan will
   Mocha was bound for a slaugh-        ment,” Jan says. “We all do.”        provide tax letters, if needed.

HCTC                                                                                                                  July/August 2022 | 13

       Relishing                                                                                   PICKLED PEACHES
                                                                                                          cups sugar
                                                                                                          cups distilled white vinegar
                                                                                                          cinnamon sticks, divided
                                                                                                          whole cloves, divided

                                                                                                     18   soft peaches

       something new for                                                                           In a large stainless steel stockpot
                                                                                                   over medium heat, bring 1 cup
                                                                                                   water, sugar, vinegar, 6 cinnamon
                                                                                                   sticks and 18 cloves to a boil,
                                                                                                   stirring to dissolve sugar. Reduce
                                                                                                   heat to medium-low and add
                                                                                                   peaches. Gently simmer, without
                                                                                                   boiling, until peaches are heated
                                                                                                   through and a fork pierces the fruit
                                                                                                   with no resistance, 10 to 15 minutes.

       Extending shelf life may leave you in a pickle                                              Using a slotted spoon, divide
                                                                                                   peaches among six sterilized, 1-pint
          For thousands of years, we’ve relied on pickling as a means of food preservation         canning jars, placing peaches pit-
       and storage. Since then, it’s evolved into a culinary trend that extends well beyond the    side down. Add 1 of the remaining
                                                                                                   cinnamon sticks and 3 of the
       standard spears and slices that make up dill or bread-and-butter pickles. You can pickle
                                                                                                   remaining cloves to each jar. Ladle
       almost any fruit or veggie to create briny snacks, colorful relishes and tasty garnishes.
                                                                                                   cooking liquid into jars, filling each
          We all know cucumbers can become delicious pickles. But watermelon rind is won-          to within 1/2 inch of rim. Wipe the
       derfully sweet pickled. Turnips, asparagus, beets, bell peppers, parsnips, peaches and      lip of each jar rim with a clean, wet
       peppers can taste great after the process, too.                                             cloth to remove any syrup or bits
          Pickling extends the harvest season well into winter when we long for the flavors of     of fruit. Then, top each jar with a
       the summer garden. So, don’t throw away the watermelon rinds from your summer pic-          flat lid and screw on a threaded
       nic, and when you pick that peck of peppers, don’t forget to pickle a few.                 ring band without tightening
                                                                                                   completely. Roll jars on their sides
                                                                                                   to release any air bubbles that
                                                                                                   might be trapped in the peach
                                                                                                   cavities. Turn upright. Remove
                                                                                                   ring bands and lids, and add more
                                                                                                   cooking liquid, if needed because of
                                                                                                   settling, to fill jars to within 1/2 inch
                                                                                                   of rim. Replace lids and threaded
                                                                                                   ring bands, tightening completely
                                                                                                   to seal. Store pickled peaches in
                                                                                                   refrigerator for up to eight weeks.

©ckellyphoto/Adobe Stock
14 | July/August 2022
WATERMELON RIND PICKLES                                 REFRIGERATOR PICKLES                           PICKLED BRUSSELS
    2   pounds watermelon rind                          5 1/2 cups, about 1 1/2 pounds, thinly         SPROUTS
  1/4   cup pickling salt                               		 sliced (about 1/2-1/4-inch) pickling            1     pound Brussels sprouts
    4   cups water, divided, plus more for boiling      		cucumbers                                    1 1/2     cups apple cider vinegar
    2   cups granulated sugar                           1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt                      1     cup water
    1   cup white vinegar                                   1 cup thinly sliced sweet onion                1     tablespoon pickling salt
    1   tablespoon broken-up cinnamon stick                 1 cup granulated sugar                        20     peppercorns, divided
1 1/2   teaspoons whole cloves                              1 cup white vinegar                          1/4     teaspoon yellow mustard
  1/2   lemon, thinly sliced                              1/2 cup apple cider vinegar                  		        seeds, divided
    5   maraschino cherries, halved — optional            1/4 cup light brown sugar                        2     garlic cloves
                                                        1 1/2 teaspoons mustard seeds                      2     bay leaves
   Trim the dark green and pink parts from the            1/2 teaspoon celery seeds
watermelon rind and discard. Cut rind into                1/8 teaspoon ground turmeric                     Trim the sprouts and cut them
1-inch cubes and measure out 7 cups.                                                                   in half. Set aside. Combine vinegar,
                                                           Combine cucumbers and salt in a
   Put the watermelon rind in a large container                                                        water and salt in a stainless steel
                                                        large, shallow bowl. Cover and chill 1½
with the pickling salt and 3 cups of the                                                               pot and bring to a boil.
                                                        hours. Move cucumbers into a colander
water. Add more water to cover the rinds, if            and rinse thoroughly under cold water.             Divide the peppercorns, mustard

                                                                                                                                                                         © kolesnikovserg/Adobe Stock
                                                                                                       seeds, garlic cloves and bay leaves
necessary. Soak overnight.                              Drain well and return cucumbers to bowl.
                                                                                                       between two prepared pint jars.
   Drain and rinse watermelon rind.                     Add onion to bowl and toss with the
                                                                                                       Pack sprouts into jars and pour
   Cover the rind with cold water in a large            cucumbers.
                                                                                                       brine over the sprouts. Use a
saucepan. Simmer just until tender, about 10               Combine the granulated sugar, white
                                                        vinegar, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar,     wooden chopstick to remove air
minutes.                                                                                               bubbles from jars.
                                                        mustard seeds, celery seeds and ground
   Meanwhile, in a nonreactive 6- to 8-quart                                                               Wipe rims, apply lids and rings
                                                        turmeric in a medium saucepan. Bring to
kettle, combine the sugar, vinegar, cinnamon,                                                          and process in a boiling water bath
                                                        a simmer over medium heat, stirring until
whole cloves and remaining 1 cup water.                 the sugar dissolves.                           for 10 minutes.
Simmer the mixture for 10 minutes. Strain and                                                              When time is up, remove jars from
                                                           Pour the hot vinegar mixture over
discard the solids.                                                                                    canner and let cool on a folded
                                                        cucumber mixture. Let stand at room
   Pour the strained liquid back into the pan.                                                         towel. When jars are cool, test seals.
                                                        temperature 1 hour. Cover and refrigerate
Add the drained watermelon rind, lemon slices                                                          If seals are good, jars can be stored
                                                        24 hours. Store in an airtight container in
                                                                                                       in the pantry (any unsealed jars
and maraschino cherries. Simmer the mixture             refrigerator up to one month.
                                                                                                       should be refrigerated). Give pickles
until the watermelon rind is translucent, about
                                                                                                          at least 48 hours before you
30 minutes.                                                                                               eat them, so that the brine fully
   Fill half-pint jars with the hot watermelon                                                            penetrates the sprouts. Sealed
rind and syrup mixture, leaving 1/2 inch of                                                               jars will keep up to one year on
headspace. Add the lids. Process in a boiling                                                             the pantry shelf.
water bath for 5 minutes, and remove jars. ​
Let the jars cool on a rack. Serve and enjoy.
Properly canned, watermelon pickles will keep                                                                                            FOOD EDITOR
                                                                                                                                         ANNE P. BRALY
in a cool, dark, dry place for at least a year.                                                                                          IS A NATIVE OF
Note: If your jars didn't seal properly or you don't                                                                                     TENNESSEE.
want to process them in boiling water, they will keep
for about a month in the refrigerator.
                                                                                                      Photography by MARK GILLILAND | Food Styling by RHONDA GILLILAND

                                                                                                                                        July/August 2022 | 15

P.O. Box 768
Ingram, TX 78025


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