Scientific Visualization on the Cloud: the NEANIAS Services towards EOSC Integration - Springer
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Journal of Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Scientific Visualization on the Cloud: the NEANIAS Services towards EOSC Integration Eva Sciacca · Mel Krokos · Cristobal Bordiu · Carlos Brandt · Fabio Vitello · Filomena Bufano · Ugo Becciani · Mario Raciti · Giuseppe Tudisco · Simone Riggi · Eugenio Topa · Sami Azzi · Benjamin Kyd · Simone Mantovani · Laura Vettorello · Jiacheng Tan · Josep Quintana · Ricard Campos · Noela Pina Received: 7 July 2021 / Accepted: 11 January 2022 © The Author(s) 2022, corrected publication 2022 Abstract NEANIAS is a research and innovation We present the overall NEANIAS ecosystem archi- action project funded by the European Union under tecture, with an emphasis on its core visualization the Horizon 2020 program. The project addresses services, detailing their specifications and software the challenge of prototyping novel solutions for the development plan, and focusing on the underpinning underwater, atmospheric and space research commu- service-oriented architecture for their delivery. We nities, creating a collaborative research ecosystem, report on the underlying ideas and guiding princi- and contributing to the effective materialization of ples for designing such visualization services, out- the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). NEA- lining their current release status and future devel- NIAS drives the co-design, implementation, delivery, opment roadmaps towards Technological Readiness and integration into EOSC of innovative thematic Level (TRL) 8 maturity and EOSC integration. and core services, derived from state-of-the-art assets and practices in the target scientific communities. Keywords Scientific visualization · Cloud services · Service oriented architectures · Big data · European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 863448 (NEANIAS). E. Topa E. Sciacca () · C. Bordiu · F. Bufano · U. Becciani · M. ALTEC Spa, Marche 79, 10146 Torino, Italy Raciti · G. Tudisco · S. Riggi INAF, Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Via S Sofia 78, J. Tan 95123 Catania, Italy School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, e-mail: Buckingham Building, Portsmouth PO1 3HE, UK F. Vitello INAF, Institute of Radioastronomy, Via Gobetti 101, S. Mantovani · L. Vettorello 40129 Bologna, Italy MEEO S.r.l., Corso Ercole I d’Este 6/A - 44121 Ferrara, Italy M. Krokos · B. Kyd · S. Azzi School of Creative Technologies, University of Portsmouth, J. Quintana · R. Campos Eldon Building, Portsmouth PO1 2DJ, UK CORONIS Computing S.L., Carrer Pic de Peguera 11, 17003 Girona, Spain C. Brandt N. Pina Jacobs University Bremen, gGmbH Campus Ring 1, Ubiwhere Lda, Coimbra, Portugal 28759 Bremen, Germany
7 Page 2 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 1 Introduction are built upon a comprehensive collection of reusable core services, designed to tackle fundamental techni- The European Cloud initiative1 aims at providing sci- cal or market-oriented data life cycle tasks. Due to ence, industry and public authorities with world-class their agnostic nature, utilization of such core services infrastructures for big data storing, managing, trans- extends well beyond the initial scope of NEANIAS porting and processing, in the expectation of signifi- for exploitation by other research communities in cantly streamlining exploitation of open science prac- academia and industry, as well as public authority bo- tices.2 The initiative is built around two main pillars: dies. This article describes the overall architecture, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)3 which is specifications and software development plan of a virtual environment for handling the large volumes NEANIAS, describing thematic and core services and of information generated by the big data revolution; release status focusing on visualization. and the European Data Infrastructure (EDI),4 which The paper organisation is as follows. Section 2 out- underpins EOSC through the deployment of high- lines the main challenges of scientific visualization in bandwidth networks and supercomputing resources, the underwater, atmospheric and space research sec- enabling the access and processing of big data vol- tors. Section 3 refers to the related works. The overall umes in the Cloud. architecture of the NEANIAS ecosystem is described The EOSC roadmap5 foresees the seamless feder- in Section 4, where we discuss concepts relating to ation of existing and future research data infrastruc- the service-oriented architecture, REST10 (REpresen- tures, as well as other large-scale scientific networks tational State Transfer) paradigm, standards and inter- and initiatives. Its vision envisages the adoption of a operability, as well as logical architecture and generic common policy framework to enable FAIR6 (i.e. Find- service processing lifecycles. Section 5 focuses on able, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data to core visualization services, summarising the tech- be used and shared throughout the entire value chain nologies adopted and including possible dependencies for scientific, societal and industrial purposes. The with other core services. The service delivery model is NEANIAS7 project emerges in this context as an outlined in Section 6 discussing also services evalua- ambitious research and innovation action specifically tion. Section 7 outlines the current release status. We addressing the prototyping of new innovative ser- conclude with a summary of the work carried out so vices8 for underwater, atmospheric and space research far and brief insights into future developments. thematic sectors. Starting from TRL 6 software solu- tions, the project is developing, validating, delivering, and maturing into TRL 8 a portfolio of cutting-edge 2 Scientific Visualization Challenges thematic services9 for EOSC onboarding to fill current research gaps and needs, engaging user communities Visualization plays a fundamental role in almost every and identifying novel business cases and opportuni- scientific discipline facilitating qualitative and quan- ties. Although there are evident differences among titative data analysis, for new knowledge generation the NEANIAS scientific sectors, its thematic services and effective communication of end results. Suitable tools and approaches can boost scientific productivity significantly, e.g., by revealing hidden trends or intrin- 1 sic patterns in the data, leading to fresh insights and 2 eventually, new scientific discoveries. 3 The big data revolution is providing enormously 4 large, incredibly rich, and highly complex data vol- 5 strategic umes that impose extremely challenging demands on implementation roadmap short.pdf 6 fair into traditional visualization approaches (see e.g. [9, 14]). reality 0.pdf The demands to address are efficiency, i.e. the abil- 7 ity to handle rapidly the underlying data complexity, 8 innovative-services 9 10
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 3 of 18 7 and intuition, i.e. the ability to reach suitable inter- provide specific tools for generating large hierarchical pretation by domain experts. The cluster of core visu- tiled data structures for imaging and bathymetric maps alization services being developed in NEANIAS (see (see Section 5.1.3). We adapt state-of-the-art simpli- Section 5) is founded firmly on these guiding prin- fication approaches to efficiently work at tile level, ciples to underpin a portfolio of thematic services11 for highly parallelizable rendering paying attention on which are tailored to specific community challenges ensuring 3D tile continuity in their hierarchy within in the underwater, atmospheric and space research the same level of detail. sectors, as outlined below. 2.2 Atmospheric Services Technical Challenges 2.1 Underwater Services Technical Challenges The atmospheric community includes a multitude of The underwater community is multidisciplinary, stakeholders e.g., urban air quality authorities that encompassing among others archaeologists, environ- monitor the concentration of gases and small particles mental scientists, marine geologists, industrial energy in the air, geologists who track gas fluxes from active planners and engineers. The challenge is to deploy faults or volcanoes and meteorologists who monitor appropriately topographical and geological informa- the evolution of physical variables to provide weather tion of the seafloor for a variety of purposes e.g. as forecasts. Such stakeholders are facing diverse chal- diverse as marine habitat mapping, biodiversity stud- lenges, e.g. in visualising and forecasting spatial ies, tectonic plate analysis and fault detection, finding distribution of pollution concentrations within urban and protecting archaeological sites or even oil pipeline areas. Typically, such concentrations are monitored planning. The data context is underpinned by the through local air quality stations, however, the in-situ rapid growth of underwater mapping sensors which measurements can only give information of pollutants enables retrieving the shape of the Earth’s seafloor for specific areas of measurements. Air quality mod- at unprecedented levels of fidelity. Computationally- elling methodologies are then essential, albeit very efficient visualization of such datasets is needed for challenging as concentration levels of atmospheric underwater communities, by generating world-scale pollutants arise as a result of local contributions (i.e. multi-resolution triangulated irregular networks opti- from specific emission sources) and include additional mized for web-based visualization [6]. background pollutant concentrations transported from The idea is to transmit the data and defer visualiza- surrounding regions. The spatial distribution of the tion on the user’s end, where the graphical hardware emissions induced by local sources, especially road of the client can be used focusing on striking a bal- traffic, also depends on the wind conditions due to ance between the amount of data transfers and efforts buildings and urban canyon structures. required for rendering. Then, level of detail tech- The challenge is then to define spatial resolution niques, able to change the complexity of the displayed modelling approaches striking an appropriate bal- data based on the point of view desired by the end user, ance between the availability of input data with high are suitable for deployment to focus on rendering the detail and the ability to visualize pollutant concen- part of the world falling in the user’s frustum with a trations at a spatial resolution sufficient for urban complexity that adapts to the distance from viewers. air quality planning [7]. The underlying modelling Although bathymetry can be visualized as raster 2D system needs to take into account local emissions maps, it provides information about the 3D relief of modelling, weather predictions and urban air quality the seafloor, and as such it is better interpreted via rich modelling that includes local scale effects and trans- 3D visualizations. Transferring and visualizing 3D port of pollutants from long distances. To address data however is more involved since instead of images such challenges, NEANIAS provides to the atmo- triangle meshes are to be rendered. To cope with these spheric community cloud services for high resolution challenges, the NEANIAS visualization core services mapping of pollutant concentrations on specific areas (see Section 5.4). These services also provide weather forecasts, enabling to visualise within pollution maps several relevant parameters, e.g. temperatures and 11 precipitations.
7 Page 4 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 2.3 Space Services Technical Challenges survey of the European astrophysics community [4]. The demand for scalability arises from the contin- The space community includes astrophysicists and uously increasing size of datasets as efficient visu- planetary scientists, who are facing a data explosion alization mechanisms are impractical with standard revolution fuelled by an increasing number of plan- hardware, unless novel rendering strategies exploit- etary exploration missions (e.g., the Perseverance12 ing next generation infrastructures are designed and rover on Mars) and the upcoming deployment of new deployed. Recent developments, e.g. CARTA,18 rely state of the art observing facilities (e.g., the Square on client-server architectures, in an attempt to allevi- Kilometre Array - SKA,13 the Vera C. Rubin Observa- ate this performance bottleneck, paving the ground for tory,14 or the James Webb Space Telescope - JWST15 ). successfully handling large data volumes from SKA These instruments are expected to produce over- and its pathfinders. whelming amounts of data volumes, by mapping solar To cope with these challenges, the NEANIAS system bodies with an unprecedented detail, or per- visualization core services provide tailored and scal- forming new all-sky surveys with unparalleled sensi- able visual discovery workflows to be exploited by tivity and angular resolution [20]. Visual exploration the Space Thematic Services, in order to meet the and discovery mechanisms can be instrumental in demands of the astrophysics community for advanced dealing efficiently with this avalanche of large-scale visual analytic solutions [4]. Additionally, the Open datasets expected to be delivered from new instrumen- Science, FAIR-compliant approach followed is espe- tation and missions. cially convenient in underpinning the standardiza- The main technical challenges for the space com- tion and interoperability of astronomical archives and munity are centered around data accessibility, inter- databases. As an example, the ViaLactea Visual Ana- operability and scalability. While the use of standard lytics (VLVA19 ) service offers a complete visualiza- data formats is accepted widely, e.g. FITS [24], obser- tion solution with seamless access to multiple sur- vatories usually maintain their own archive interfaces, veys of the Milky Way (near-infrared to radio band) relying on custom made (i.e. not always standardized) including continuum maps and molecular data cubes, search keywords. Such an heterogeneity constitutes an that can be handled entirely by our Visual Discovery important obstacle that may slow down the generation framework (see Section 5.1). of scientific results, especially for multiwavelength astronomy –the study of astronomical objects com- bining information acquired at various wavelengths– 3 Related Works that requires simultaneous visualization of images typically obtained with different instruments (and in Despite the intrinsic differences among the underwa- very different conditions). The International Virtual ter, atmospheric and space research sectors, a series of Observatory Alliance (IVOA16 ) has made significant common requirements arise. Innovative visualization progress in this direction towards a true standard- tools and solutions must be able to (i) handle complex ization of astronomical data access, providing query and heterogeneous datasets, (ii) support multiple visu- interfaces for multiple catalogues and data archives, alization strategies (e.g., 2D and 3D renderings, pro- and developing protocols for data access and exchange jection techniques for higher dimensionality data) and (e.g. the Table Access Protocol, or TAP17 ). However, (iii) enable an intuitive and user-friendly data explo- challenges remain, e.g. use of IVOA tools is still far ration. Besides, the ever-growing size of the datasets from being a preferred option as evidenced in a recent underlines the need for moving from the traditional standalone model to novel distributed approaches, relying on cloud-based infrastructures able to meet 12 the increasing demand for resources. In this sense, 13 14 15 18 16 19 17 service
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 5 of 18 7 we have recently witnessed the blossoming of sev- terms of achieving high performances over high- eral solutions and frameworks that are steadily gaining latency connections. VisIVO Science Gateway [3] is prominence in diverse scientific visualization fields. wrapped around WS-PGRADE/gUSE [11] integrat- ParaView [1] is a large scale parallel visualiza- ing services for processing and visualizing large- tion software, designed for effective exploitation of scale multi-dimensional astrophysical datasets on Dis- high performance infrastructures. A web enabled ver- tributed Computing Infrastructures. sion ParaViewWeb,20 can act as a Web Application by Other cloud-based visualisation solutions are typ- allowing users to remotely connect via web browsers ically built upon bespoke frameworks which can be to a ParaView server. The connection is enabled via effective e.g. in the context of targeting single highly the custom library wslink21 that connects JavaScript focused applications but less useful in providing a rich web clients to a Python web server through ALP general purpose visualisation ecosystem. Core visu- WebSockets. Furthermore, the in-situ library Paraview alization services of NEANIAS offer such a visual Catalyst [2] allows users to instrument their applica- discovery platform based on JupyterHub26 allowing tion for in-situ analysis, visualization, and computa- users to write and execute code, to transform, analyse, tional steering purposes. and visualize datasets by supporting several high per- The Cactus computational framework [10] can sup- formance visualisation services integrating seamlessly port a web browser interface for insitu visualization with cloud based mechanisms for authorisation and and steering tasks. The user can instrument existing authentication, storage allocation and sharing, logging high performance applications with the Cactus API, and accounting and open publication of resulting data perform steering tasks and view visualization outputs products, thus making it ready for onboarding the through a web browser. The standard implementation emerging EOSC ecosystem. utilises an HTTPD22 web server, and forwards ports Many of the aforementioned solutions certainly to the user for remote access. represent a significant step forward for scientific visu- WebVis [27] is a multi-user, client-server, visual- alization, being widely adopted in several fields. Still, ization framework with a web-based client offering they constitute a somewhat dispersed, heterogeneous services in the cloud and is accessible via netbooks, toolbox rather than a unified solution. Aspects such smartphones, and other web-and JavaScript-enabled as data access and sharing, or interoperability and mobile devices. The client connects to a server via a integration with other services and tools, are out of back-end service built using the Google Web Toolkit23 the scope of existing visualization suites. NEANIAS, and a Java web server, which communicate via a with its visualization core services, intends to fill this web service that forwards events and images to and gap, by providing a set of easy-to-use, multipurpose from the underlying rendering infrastructure nodes. visualization frameworks built upon FAIR principles. Client GUI interactions are forwarded to the server, NEANIAS core visualization services represent a state and images returned, through an EventBus using the of the art solution for the visualization challenges HTTP server push paradigm. of the big data era, facilitating straightforward data Remote frameworks that support web such as access and sharing by taking advantage of the EOSC FastX24 are seeing some success in real-world deploy- cloud ecosystem and resources. Moreover, the core ments, e.g. for the web visualization portal at the visualization services are not just independent pieces Texas Advanced Computing Centre25 which supports of software, but can also be seamlessly integrated web-based usage of Paraview. FastX offers a cloud- with other tools by means of standard interfaces. This capable display solution that is fully optimized in ability allows for building complex visualization anal- ysis workflows from scratch. Last but not least, core visualization services, thanks to their domain-agnostic 20 ParaViewWeb: nature, can be easily exploited for purposes far beyond 21 wslink library: their original scope, i.e., in domains not related to 22 underwater, atmospheric or space research, such as 23 healthcare or communications. 24 25 26
7 Page 6 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 4 The Neanias Ecosystem stateless interactions, cacheable resources, layered systems and uniform interfaces. When applied to web The NEANIAS thematic services are being devel- services, these offer desirable properties, such as per- oped as totally independent software components to formance, scalability, and modifiability, that enable cater for specific community needs. Nevertheless, services to work on the Web optimally. We also sup- there is an evident number of commonalities that port FAIR principles through the employment of tech- connect them intrinsically, e.g., when considering end- nologies such as OpenAIRE’s Zenodo platform31 and user workflows. We are exploiting such underlying the eInfraCentral32 service catalogue, as well as adher- synergies to establish generic, cross-community core ing to standards and guidelines from international services to amplify the potential of thematic services, community bodies, e.g. the Open Geospatial Consor- pushing boundaries towards fully blown open science tium (OGC)33 and International Virtual Observatory practices [21] and facilitating migration to EOSC con- Alliance (IVOA).34 cepts [19]. The NEANIAS core services are being The overall architecture of the NEANIAS ecosys- developed under the umbrella of distinct and comple- tem follows a distributed and tiered approach (see mentary clusters of specific functionalities for open Fig. 1). The model is composed of logical architecture science lifecycles (C1 services27 ), EOSC integration blocks that cover specific functional or technolog- (C2 services28 ), artificial intelligence (C3 services29 ) ical requirements and are appropriately exposed to and finally, visualization (C4 services30 ). Abstracting other services (offered by NEANIAS or third-parties). from thematic services underpinning concepts, the C3 Services themselves are also composite multi-tier sys- and C4 clusters constitute the arrowhead of NEANIAS tems encapsulating loosely coupled microservices and generic service offerings. C4 services in particular lightweight communication protocols for their inter- provide support mechanisms for high performance nal operations. They provide appropriate abstractions multidimensional data visualization solutions appli- of physical resources regarding computing, storage, cable to a raft of diverse scientific scenarios (see and network capacity, e.g. virtual machines, con- Section 5). tainer platforms, or storage programming interfaces. The design principles of the NEANIAS ecosys- The NEANIAS thematic services encompass top-level tem are centred around the pillars of a) delivering offerings underpinned by core services to cater for a service-oriented architecture, while b) fully real- specific community needs in the underwater, atmo- izing the REST paradigm [8], and c) adhering to spheric, space and business sectors (tailored to energy FAIR principles [25] to manifest data compliant with and smart air quality) building use cases on top of findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable mech- thematic services. Core services include base and anisms. The service-oriented architecture is realized advanced offerings as follows: through the use of microservices to enforce single- – Base Core Services: This cluster of generic ser- responsibility principles, allowing for component sep- vices provides base tooling in the ecosystem to aration, reuse, discoverability, and interoperability. support open science lifecycles (C1) and integra- REST design patterns for application programming tion with EOSC and cloud resources (C2). interfaces are well-established web standards com- C1 services provide the tools for NEANIAS monly employed in existing EOSC services to sat- services to be discoverable, accessible and inte- isfy architectural constraints such as client-server grated with EOSC. The NEANIAS service cat- alogue portal and programming interfaces are based on the eInfraCentral catalogue and enable 27 NEANIAS C1 Services documentation: https://docs.neanias. eu/en/latest/c1-services.html#c1-services 28 NEANIAS C2 Services documentation: https://docs.neanias. eu/en/latest/c2-services.html#c2-services 31 29 NEANIAS C3 Services documentation: https://docs.neanias. 32 eu/en/latest/c3-services.html#c3-services 30 NEANIAS C4 Services documentation: 33 https://docs.neanias. eu/projects/c4-services/en/latest/ 34
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 7 of 18 7 Fig. 1 Overall architecture of the NEANIAS ecosystem service providers to register and present their ser- Keycloak.37 The configuration management38 vices in a single project’s catalogue, which is service provides key value storage for storing ser- compliant with EOSC guidelines. The NEANIAS vice configurations, allowing for integration at data catalogue is built on top of Zenodo and en- bootstrap and runtime. The instance registry39 ables providers to publish their data as well as as- service supplies dynamic registration and service sign persistent identifiers (PID) for digital assets, discovery, along with service location and health making them unambiguously cited and hence uni- status information. The log aggregation40 and vocally discoverable. Service providers are also accounting41 services provide seamless logging able to access common UI and UX elements for and accounting functionalities by taking advan- the presentation of their services and development tage of the ELK stack.42 Finally, cloud comput- of uniformly coordinated user experiences for all ing services (supporting both Virtual Machines services developed in the context of NEANIAS. through OpenStack43 and containers employing Finally, thematic service providers can also create Kubernetes44 ) and data services for data deposit- and maintain actionable data management plans ing, sharing and exploration are available. through Argos35 OpenAIRE service. – Advanced Core Services: This cluster is built C2 services encompass loosely coupled ele- upon base services for generic functionalities to ments that enable the assembly of virtual infras- be exploited by the NEANIAS specific domains tructures to serve other services, bringing them and beyond; these include support for artificial closer to EOSC resources and processes, as well as other research and cloud computing infrastruc- tures. The authentication and authorisation infra- 37 structure36 (AAI) service offers an horizontal so- 38 lution for authenticated access (across users and README.html services), a centralized user management, and an 39 authorization policy definition, as well as an latest/README.html 40 identity federation. It is backed by the open source identity and access management solution README.html 41 README.html 42 35 43 36 44
7 Page 8 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Fig. 2 Overview of NEANIAS C4 visualization services intelligence processing (C3) and advanced visual- accesses to the mechanisms exposed through the XR ization solutions (C4). C3 services represent the toolkit and the spatial data store services. elements of typical machine learning workflow C4 services identify underlying common needs and lifecycles, initially a model needs to be designed synergies across user communities and apply cross- and implemented. Whenever data loads exceed cutting glue and abstraction mechanisms to realize a the capabilities of single workstations, model robust, modular, cross-sector and open source core training is offloaded to distributed computational pool of methods and tools to support visualization clusters. Depending on the model, different paral- services, leveraging on the resources available from lelisation approaches can be followed and once a research infrastructures and EOSC-hub46 facilities. model is trained, serving and deployment requires C4 services underpin a diverse range of multi-faceted dedicated resources. Finally, the details of C4 visualization workflows, from 2D/3D spatio-temporal visualisation services currently delivered within to composite 2D/3D visuals for complex, high dimen- NEANIAS are discussed in the next section. sionality datasets, including computationally demand- ing cross-reality applications, e.g. supporting mecha- nisms for scalable visualization or production of assets 5 Core Visualization Services to enable advanced interaction mechanisms through game engines and VR headsets. The core visualization services in NEANIAS lie Handling of big data relies on offloading workflow within the upper layer of the core services cluster in computations to distributed computational clusters. the tiered system architecture described in Section 4. Depending on the tools deployed, different paralleliza- They provide functionalities supporting different sce- tion approaches can be exploited to harvest optimally narios when integrated with the higher-level thematic different types of underlying infrastructures, ranging services. Each service can be viewed as a fundamen- from small-scale clusters (with or without GPUs) to tal building block of a typical scientific visualization large-scale heterogeneous systems. Although the core workflow; the focus is on visual discovery frameworks services developed in C4 allow customization to meet (C4.1, VD - Section 5.1), science gateways (C4.2, NEANIAS specific community needs, they can be VG - Section 5.2), Cross-Reality (XR) frameworks to generalized sufficiently to extend to other EOSC end- support virtual reality (C4.3, XR - Section 5.3), and user communities far beyond their original scoping. spatial data stores (C4.4, DS - Section 5.4). The overall relationships and dependencies bet- 5.1 C4.1 - Framework for Visual Discovery (VD) ween the services are depicted in the schema in Fig. 2. The science gateway45 enables visualization work- C4.1 provides tools to support data-intensive comput- flows based on the visual discovery framework and ing for visual scientific discovery, including research, 45 46
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 9 of 18 7 Fig. 3 NEANIAS C4.1 Framework for Visual Discovery services and C4.2 Visualization Gateway diagram and integration with Base Core services (C1 and C2) and C3 AI Services training and outreach, on observational data, theoret- 5.1.2 VD-Splotch ical simulations, and 2D/3D tiles and maps. High- performance services are provided for: (1) visual ana- The VD-Splotch service makes available the suite of lytics from multidimensional data tables (VD-VisIVO) tools provided by Splotch [15] for data processing (see Section 5.1.1); (2) high-quality volume render- and visual discovery. Splotch supports very large-scale ing of particle-based datasets exploiting a variety datasets and an array of diverse parallelization models of parallel programming models (VD-Splotch) (see for fast, high-quality distributed volume rendering of Section 5.1.2); and (3) creation of interactive 2D/3D particles, coming from numerical simulations in many tilings and maps (VD-Maps) (see Section 5.1.3). file formats, e.g., smoothed particle hydrodynamics Figure 3 shows the interdependencies and relation- from astrophysical simulations. ships with the base core services in the NEANIAS ecosystem. The first two visual discovery services 5.1.3 VD-Maps VD-VisIVO and VD-Splotch are exposed to the end- users via the Visualization Gateway while the third The VD-Maps service consists of a set of tools one, VD-Maps is accessible through a specific web for visualization of large-scale, high-resolution maps, UI based on C1 common UI components. All VD ser- either 2D (images), 2.5D (elevation/bathymetric maps) vices are integrated with C2 services for AAI, logging, or 3D (3D meshes), provided in real-time through a accounting, data sharing and computing access. Par- web application. A conversion service is included to ticular details are summarized in the below sections. translate standard formats into OGC compliant hier- archical data structures through a web visualization 5.1.1 VD-VisIVO viewer based on CesiumJS.47 The VD-VisIVO service offers a framework for data- 5.2 C4.2 - Visualization Gateway (VG) intensive visual discovery and analysis through the suite of tools provided by VisIVO [18]. VisIVO The VG service provides a flexible test bed for is designed specifically for distributed computing designing, prototyping, realising and fully validating environments (e.g. Cloud infrastructures) and pro- complex visualization solutions for customised data vides mechanisms for exploration of large-scale data- exploration workflows. VG (see Fig. 3) is founded on sets through highly customized 3D views of multidi- mensional data tables from various sources. 47
7 Page 10 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Fig. 4 NEANIAS C4.3 Toolkit for Cross Realities services diagram and integration with base core services the popular Jupyter Hub48 project which is chosen for components support interactive data exploration and its ability to spawn notebook servers in the Cloud, thus navigation mechanisms, e.g., for advanced compar- streamlining the usage for end users by avoiding ma- isons in multidimensional and multi-frequency data- nual installation of software tools locally and eliminat- sets for research and public outreach. C4.3 services are ing the necessity for complex software dependencies built upon extending existing components with a focus and housekeeping mechanisms. The underlying phi- on providing services with enhanced realism, preci- losophy of the Visualization Gateway is to focus on sion and usability along a number of aspects relating usability and seamless embedding within the relevant to enriched user experience covering novel navigation end-user workflows and to interlink not only with C4.1 mechanisms and seamless integration of large-scale services but also with other NEANIAS core services, catalogues. e.g. C3 for visualization of AI-powered solutions, As shown in Fig. 4, C4.3 exploits the framework C4.3 to underpin powerful virtual reality solutions and for visual discovery developed in C4.1. C4.3 services C4.4 to facilitate end-user data accessibility. The Visu- are envisaged to be interconnected seamlessly with alization Gateway is deployed in a way that can be C4.2 to furnish complex visualization workflows and fully embedded within the relevant workflows of end- C4.4 to underpin advanced data access. The compo- user community activities, while exploiting a range nents implemented so far consist of a Data Connector of diverse parallelisation models and infrastructure Service (DCS) for retrieving, in a generic way, data accelerator capabilities for optimal performances. coming from different sources (individual files or databases) and a Positioning Manager Service (PMS) 5.3 C4.3-Toolkit for Cross Reality (XR) providing the capability to retrieve specific data about the position/rotation of particular objects at specific C4.3 provides a toolkit underpinning an environment temporal instants. The latter uses Spice kernels.50 and for designing, implementing and validating complex is tailored to astrophysics environments. However, the visualization solutions exposed to end-users via Cross system will eventually support visualization of 3D Reality (XR) mechanisms, particularly those based on data from other NEANIAS community sectors too, Virtual Reality. To serve as a universal core service such as underwater or atmospheric. for multiple users, popular software frameworks and technologies have been selected based on a set of com- 5.4 C4.4 - Spatial Data Stores (DS) ponents used by an existing TLR6 software solution called Astra Data Navigator (ADN), e.g. the frame- C4.4 services provide a set of reference systems and works provided by the game engine Unity.49 Such data structures to facilitate data referencing, access, 48 49 50
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 11 of 18 7 Fig. 5 NEANIAS C4.4 Spatial Data Stores services diagram and integration with base core services and retrieval by other services, in a standardized man- high-level or temporary user products. PostGIS pro- ner based on positional/location criteria, e.g. the planet vides support for geographic objects allowing location Earth or other planetary bodies (see Fig. 5). queries to be run in plain SQL, following the OGC’s Earth observational data, such as Copernicus guidelines. PostGIS enjoys further wide support from datasets and products, are referenced in the ADAM51 various third-party open source and proprietary tools, Data Access System (DAS), a software module that such as QGIS.56 The Spatial Data Store is a com- manages a large variety of geospatial information sup- position of physical resources (i.e. NAS, S3 buck- porting multiple data formats and different geogra- ets57 ) and tools (MongoDB, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, phic, geometric and time resolutions. The DAS mod- and GeoServer) organized to provide OGC features ule allows for accessing, visualizing, subsetting, com- and raster data through C2 data exploration, provided bining, processing, and downloading multiple data by the ADAM platform, as well as low-level REST sources at once. DAS also exposes OGC Open Search based programming interface mechanisms. and Web Coverage Service (WCS 2.x) interfaces that allow for discovering available datasets and subdivid- ing them in any dimension with a single query. 6 Service Delivery and Evaluation C4.4 services take advantage of Geoserver,52 Mon- goDB,53 PostgresSQL54 and PostGIS55 systems A NEANIAS service represents one or more soft- designed to handle spatial data storage and operations ware components that define a set of active resources to query/retrieve such data sets from ADAM. ADAM i.e. resources that answer user requests [17]. Services provides seamless full data cycle management func- follow the single responsibility principle, i.e. being tionalities to explore the spatial distribution and tem- specialized in their role and responsible for a single poral evolution of various geophysical and geospatial and typically complex task, often requested through information, as well as to integrate and execute data a simple interface by the end-users. The software processing functionalities at scale. MongoDB, on the underpinning a service is abstracted from users to other hand, is designed to work with unstructured data, experience its functionality in a high-level interaction text, numbers and vectors; it has applicability on spa- setting. In the context of a distributed architecture, tial vector data - data representing polygons are used as it is typically used with cloud computing, inter- to e.g. define observation footprints. Geoserver comes faces are often provided by URLs. Documentation as a good alternative for small size, heterogeneous provides users with information and training about data sets, as a volatile data storage system to publish service capabilities and its usage. In NEANIAS, ser- vices are built on top of TRL6 software solutions – i.e. software fully functional in its original domain – 51 intended to evolve towards TRL8, in our context, fully 52 operational in a cloud setting. 53 54 56 55 57
7 Page 12 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Fig. 6 NEANIAS service inter-operability scheme, showing the underpinning of thematic services by core services 6.1 Thematic Services Underpinning catalogues, such as Gaia;58 and the Atmospheric Fore- cast (ATMO-4CAST) service makes extensive use of As described in Section 4, NEANIAS core services the Spatial Data Store to generate accurate meteoro- underpin the thematic services that enable specific logical forecasts. domain tasks. Therefore, core services are generally not delivered directly to the end users (except for 6.2 Releases and Deployment Management the AI and visualization gateway), but instead, they are consumed by the thematic services for multi- The development of NEANIAS services follows ple purposes. To ensure the compatibility and inter- the Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery operability of the different services that compose (CI/CD) philosophy, in order to deliver updates and the NEANIAS ecosystem, inter-service communica- new features to end users in a more frequent and effi- tion is handled thorugh service contracts, in which cient way. Figure 7 depicts the typical lifecycle of a each service defines its interface, resources and inter- NEANIAS service, from the development of new fea- action patterns. In NEANIAS, service contracts (i) tures to the final release of a new version. This process are, whenever possible, REST compliant, (ii) enforce can be divided into three major phases: backwards compatibility among versions unless noted otherwise, and (iii) follow widely adopted standards. – development: in this phase, code changes are Such a standardization applies not only to the def- implemented, including new features –that extend inition of service operations –e.g., endpoint naming the functionality of the service–, refactorings and conventions–, but also data models and schemas, to bug fixes. New features are planned regularly, ensure reusability and interoperability. according to the original design requirements of Figure 6 shows a concrete example of the ser- the service, and the user feedback received. vice interoperability scheme, in which three thematic – validation: in this phase, the service is exhaus- services make use of some of the visualization core tively evaluated to ensure that it works as expected services described in Section 5. From left to right, the and the design requirements are met. Validation Seafloor Mosaicing from Optical Data (UW-MOS) comprises two aspects: testing and end-user ass- service relies on the core service VD-maps to generate esment. Testing can be performed automatically 2D/3D tilings from seafloor imagery; the Astra Data to reduce bug finding costs. The employed CI/CD Navigator (SPACE-ADN) seamlessly exploits the 58 XR-toolkit to provide interactive navigation of stellar
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 13 of 18 7 Fig. 7 NEANIAS Services Release process steps pipelines include unit and integration testing endpoint, i.e. the point through which it can be stages, as provided by the NEANIAS Gitlab. On accessed. The way a service is provided – in other the other hand, end-user assessment is performed words its interface to prospective users – varies; some prior to release by groups of expert domain users, services collect information from others (e.g., for log and involves: a) verifying of the correct imple- aggregation), others answer to queries (e.g. spatial mentation, functionality and performance of each data stores), while others are less dynamic, openly service component; b) verifying that communica- providing data content or guidelines (e.g. the web tions among components are performed correctly; toolkit). Regardless of the nature of a particular ser- and, finally, c) end-to-end testing to simulate vice or its interface, its documentation is nevertheless end-user and administrator behaviours on the plat- fundamental, even for base core services. The idea is form. Finally, at this stage, comprehensive doc- at all times to state clearly and persistently how to umentation is produced in order to facilitate the properly use the service, and list comprehensively all usage of the service. necessary dependencies required for its operation. – publishing: this phase starts with the effective deployment of the service. For deployment, NEA- 6.3 Service Evaluation NIAS services follow the development, staging and production model. First, newly implemented We are following a robust technical evaluation code and features are deployed to a development protocol for all thematic services (and their under- server, where basic testing takes place to spot lying core services) in NEANIAS, and in partic- bugs, application misbehaviours and other poten- ular those providing visualization capabilities. This tial issues. The most intensive testing occurs in involves an evaluation cycle for each service release the staging server, by running comprehensive test (see Section 7) manifested in real-world production suites to detect any remaining bugs, gathering per- environments, and carried out by cohorts of expert formance metrics and finding whatever needs to community users from the different science domains: be polished prior to final deployment to the pro- space, see [16]; underwater, see [26]; and atmospheric, duction server, where the service is made avail- see [23]. able for real-world end users. Before this final Starting from thematic activities NEANIAS is now stage, it is customary for the service provider to embarking on a larger scale service validation by run a smoke test, covering the minimal set of func- external users from other community bodies for devel- tionalities required for the application to work at oping further improvements and new functionalities in a minimum, thus assessing its stability and allow- preparing the ground for EOSC onboarding on top of ing for a quick rollback if necessary. After a first the core visualisation services while always ensuring production deployment, NEANIAS services are their generic flavour. published on the NEANIAS service catalogue,59 and consequently may be onboarded in the EOSC marketplace.60 7 Service Release Status A released service is defined chiefly by two The first release made services available under the aspects: its documentation and interface, and its access NEANIAS development infrastructure [17]. Currently all services are in their second release iteration with a 59 final delivery expected by the end of NEANIAS - see 60 below for further details.
7 Page 14 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Fig. 8 NEANIAS VD-Maps Service to process and visualize imagery for terrain-based hierarchical tiled maps VD-VisIVO is released as a Docker container61 Quantized Mesh Generator68 libraries are hosted sep- managed through GitLab62 and delivered via the arately in their respective repositories. NEANIAS container image registry. The source code The visualization gateway69 is based on Jupyter of VisIVO is freely available on GitHub,63 licensed Hub70 - its novelty is on showcasing a FAIR plat- under GNU, and includes demos and user manu- form integrating distinct visualization approaches into als. Similarly, VD-Splotch64 is also released as a an ecosystem allowing realization of complex sce- Docker container with software implementation man- narios through seamless integration mechanisms with aged through GitLab65 and delivery to end-users via common scientific workflows. The gateway was pro- the NEANIAS container image registry. totyped using KinD,71 originally in a local setting and Finally VD-Maps (see Fig. 8) is released as a prior to releasing within the GARR Container Plat- Docker container providing additional containers for form.72 The web interfaces are accessible via NEA- serving and visualizing the generated maps. The code NIAS AAI and offer separate notebook spawners for and instructions to build these containers are available each of the Visual Discovery Framework components through NEANIAS GitLab,66 the docker images are - these can be accessed on the notebook through inter- available in the registry while external dependencies active python demonstrations (see Fig. 9). Prior to such as the Cesium Terrain Builder67 and EMODnet spawning a notebook, the system offers the option 61 62 63 68 qmgc 64 69 65 70 66 71 67 72
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 15 of 18 7 Fig. 9 The NEANIAS Visualization Gateway main page (top left) showing sample notebooks integrating VD-Splotch (bottom left) and Spatial DS (bottom right) to mount the notebook to a Nextcloud73 store via users can specify credentials for a different Nextcloud WebDAV.74 For the purposes of demonstrating the store, or make use of the file uploading capability basic functionality of the tools, a notebook mounts of the notebook web interface to manually upload by default to the NEANIAS Nextcloud store which their own datasets. The authentication service based contains read-only reference datasets. Alternatively, on Keycloak75 allows notebook access to authorized users via the Jupyter Hub login page. Integration with 73 74 75
7 Page 16 of 18 J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Fig. 10 NEANIAS ADAM-Space platform exploring data from Mars underpinned by the Spatial Data Store service C4.4 NEANIAS accounting and logging services, using their long term maintenance and sustainability. The filebeat76 to pass on Kubernetes logs, is currently PMS module offers a simplified utilization of the underway. This will allow increasing reliability of the Spice toolkit81 to retrieve the correct positions for all system as well as accounting for global usage of celestial objects present in rendered catalogue scenes resources thus optimizing the current setup. Also link- - this is acheived by exploiting appropriate request ages with Zenodo, toward Open Science integration parallelization mechanisms for optimizing overall per- [12, 22], is being tested for ensuring results repro- formances. ducibility. The spatial data store service is provided by The XR toolkit has released the PMS77 and DCS78 the MEEO Cloud storage resources82 to host atmo- modules enabling ADN to extend navigation mech- spheric and planetary science data. An OpenNebula83 anisms within the Hipparcos catalogue [13] (∼110K instance manages the MEEO Data Center virtualiza- celestial objects) with the ultimate goal of provid- tion resources. Kubernetes is used for serving discov- ing an interactive exploration solution for catalogues ery and access requests. The datasets and products such as Gaia[5] (∼1.8 billion objects) and beyond. metadata are archived in a catalogue, and original The novelty of our solution is in stark contrast to products are archived in physical volumes. The DS existing VR solutions, (e.g. CosmoScout VR79 or service is accessed through the space service ADAM- SpaceEngine80 ) which allow representation of stel- Space84 for exploration of data related to Mars (see lar catalogues of limited sizes only, and are devel- Fig. 10) and from the ADAM-Platform85 for explo- oped entirely from scratch (i.e. not based on robust ration of environmental data of the Earth. game engine platforms), thus making cumbersome 76 filebeat-overview.html 81 77 82 78 83 79 84 80 85
J Grid Computing (2022) 20: 7 Page 17 of 18 7 8 Conclusions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Com- mons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any The NEANIAS project addresses the prototyping of medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to new innovative solutions in EOSC, driving the co- the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Cre- design, delivery, and integration of thematic and core ative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The services, derived from state-of-the-art research assets images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated oth- and practices in three major sectors: underwater, atmo- erwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included spheric and space research. The underlying ambition in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is to create a collaborative research ecosystem promot- is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permit- ing Open Science principles and practices, injecting ted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http:// add-on value to the data and contributing to the effec- tive materialization of the EOSC landscape services. As a cornerstone of scientific discovery, data visu- alization is crucial for unlocking new discoveries References and generating knowledge. The big data paradigm sweeping in almost every scientific discipline requires 1. Ahrens, J., Geveci, B., Law, C.: Paraview: An end-user tool innovative and efficient data visualization solutions. for large data visualization. The Visualization Handbook 717(8) (2005) We have delved in this paper into the details of 2. 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