Page created by Jonathan Scott
     MANIFESTO 2016-2020



                                                           Fellow     Citizens,         island in the past few
                                                                                        years, issues of a lack
                                                                               I am     of transparency in gov-
                                                           honored to address you       ernment and govern-
                                                           as the president of the      ment owned companies
                                                           One St. Maarten People       with no one being held
                                                           Party; a party to which      accountable. You the
                                                           I entrust my future and      people of St. Maarten
                                                           my family’s future and       are our most important
                                                           St. Maarten’s future.        resource and we want to
                                                           Thank you for this op-       work for you, we want
                                                           portunity to be able to      to bring St. Maarten
                                                           serve this party and the     back to the days when
                                                           people of St. Maarten.       it was the envy of the
                                                           We have been listening       entire Caribbean; to the
                                                           to the people and we         days when no one could
                                                           know we have our work        label us as a banana re-
                                                           cut out for us. The task     public; we want to work
                                                           ahead is gigantic but to-    with you to help you
                                                           gether we will make St.      achieve your dreams
                                                           Maarten a better place       of home ownership, of
                                                           for all. There have been     running a successful
       OSPP PRESIDENT LLOYD BEATON                         so many issues with          business on your island
                                                           integrity plaguing this
through hard work and       tic increase in crime it       able to meet their finan-    party who looks after
dedication and we want      coincides directly with        cial obligations through     your problems for the
to make St. Maarten safe    a drop in people’s stan-       providing them equal         election 2016, we want
for our children. My fel-   dard of living. The OSPP       opportunities, will play a   to be the party who al-
low citizens we have all    will work for you and          significant role in reduc-   ways work with you and
noted the drastic spike     with you to provide op-        ing the crime rate. We       empower you to solve
in crime that has become    portunities not just to        also believe in making       your own problems with
the norm on our island      a select few but to all.       the punishment fit the       a helping hand from us.
throughout the years:       We believe in providing        crime and we will take       We believe that if you
murders, rapes, burglary,   every opportunity to do        steps to institute tougher   give a man a fish he will
aggravated bodily harm      better, in getting every-      penalties for particularly   eat for that day but if you
and the like. We know       one including our youth,       heinous crimes.Most of       teach him to fish he will
the answer to this is not   involved in what is tak-       all we promise to lead       eat as much as he wants.
to build more jail cells.   ing place on their island      by example for how can       Let us be that party who
We know that in order       and thus instill a sense       we ask you to respect the    works with you and for
to address these ills we    of pride and a sense of        laws of the land if we the   you to secure your fu-
must first address the      belonging to the com-          leaders don’t? An OSPP       ture.
socio-economic factor       munity. If you feel part       lead administration will
because although no         of something you are           mean an end to class jus-    One St. Maarten People
one seems to be taking      less likely to attack it. We   tice; the same rules and     Party
note, it is a well-known    anticipate that this ap-       penalties will be applied
                                                                                        Lloyd Beaton
fact that when a coun-      proach coupled with en-        to all across the board.
try experiences a dras-     suring that persons are        We don’t want to be the      President

People of St. Maarten     I choose to lead this par-
                          ty into the election of
In this 2016 election the 2016 because I believe
One St. Maarten People deeply that we cannot
Party will continue the solve the challenges of
long march of those who our time unless we solve
came before us, a march them together and work
for a more just, more jointly towards a better
equal, more free, more future for our children
caring and more pros- and our grandchildren.
perous St. Maarten.
                          You the people of St.
 A St. Maarten in which Maarten are a part of me
class justice and nepo- and I of you. We love this
tism are not rampant, country and I will always
but instead a St. Maarten be with you. Through my
where everybody is equal unyielding faith in the
and rewarded based on decency and generosity
their merits and not as a of the St. Maarten peo-
political favor.          ple I know we

can work as one and lift      Increase economic activ-    All citizens should be     er we can move beyond
those dark clouds of an       ity to provide jobs year    able to live comfortable   some of our old wounds,
alleged lack of transpar-     round and that off sea-     in the St. Maarten that    and that in fact we have
ency and lack of integrity    son will be something of    we envision over the       no choice if we are to
with which St. Maarten        the past.                   next four years and be-    continue on the path of a
has been tarred because                                   yond, a very ambitious     better St. Maarten.
of the actions of some        We will make agriculture    plan but attainable with
of our leaders. The OSPP      a fundamental part of       your help.
hopes to capture suffi-       our 2016 – 2020 agen-
cient seats in parliament     da and all other agendas    There are many issues Respectfully yours,
to be in the government       thereafter. Our social      affecting our community
                                                                                      Leader of the
to govern for the next        programs will be next to    today, many people here
four years and by so do-      none from introducing       live below                  One St. Maarten People
ing make positive chang-      an Unemployment Bene-                                   Party (OSPP)
                              fit Plan; General Pension   the poverty line and this
es in the lives of our peo-
                              and Health Insurance        should not happen in an Leonard F. Priest,
ple and their standard of
                              plans for all. Education    island like St. Maarten.
                              will be free.               It is time that the efforts B.Sc. M.Sc. MBA
I don’t expect it to be an                                and the monies of the
easy task but with your-       The minimum wage and       people are returned to
support we can make it        old age pension will in-    the people as the right-
happen. Our vision is to      crease to Naf 1800.00 a     ful beneficiaries. I have
allow the people of this      month and the eradica-      a firm conviction - a con-
island nation to partici-     tion of poverty will take   viction rooted in my faith
pate for the first time in    center stage over the       in God and my faith in
the economic and social       next couple of years.       the St. Maarten people
growth of this country.                                   - that working togeth-
                                                                                         Economic Summit.
                                                                                         An Economic Summit will
                                                                                         be organized within the first
                                                                                         year to determine where the
                                                                                         country is at now economical-
                                                                                         ly and where we want to be
                                                                                         in the years to come. Tour-
                                                                                         ism will continue to be our
                                                                                         main source of income. We
                                                                                         will be focusing on opening
                                                                                         many other markets to fill
                                                                                         the void experienced during
                                                                                         the off season. These markets

will include tapping into     and sisters. Expanded and      including hotel, car rental,   provide this island nation
South American countries      affordable air lift will be    restaurants and various ex-    with all year round visitors.
such as Brazil, Columbia      attracted to ensure con-       cursions.                      The off season months
and others. St. Maarten       tinued service from South                                     should be something of the
Tourism Authority will be     America. Our Small Ho-         South American market:         past.
empowered to, in collabo-     tel Association will play a
ration with the French side   very important role in the     Air lift out of the various    Music Festival.
and other stakeholders to     marketing to attract those     South American markets
promote the island as one     guests to their properties.    at affordable prices during     Every island in the Carib-
people, two countries, one                                   our off season will be or-     bean enjoys a musical fes-
destination.                  Cruise Tourism.                ganized. We will increase      tival. It is our goal to en-
                                                             the marketing budget for       courage private promoters
Caribbean Tourism.            A conversion program will      that area by at least one      to organize such a festival
                              be established to entice       and a half million Unit-       and the government of St.
More emphasis will be         our cruise passengers to       ed States Dollars (Nafls       Maarten will make a sub-
placed on promoting the       come back to St. Maarten       2,700,000.00) the first year   stantial contribution to this
country as a safe and eco-    during the summer months       with increment increases       event. We will encourage
nomical shoppers paradise     of the following year to en-   of at least 15% every year     organizing a gospel festival.
for our Caribbean brothers    joy a discounted package       thereafter. Our aim is to

                              Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Hortica and Fishery
                                            We will revive the Department           motivate land owners to invest in
                                            of Agriculture & Fishery with ad-       agricultural developments. We will
                                            equate funding to assist those in-      also offer scholarships in the field
                                            terested in setting up back yard        of agriculture, fishery and animal
                                            gardens and those who want to           husbandry. We will organize work-
                                            venture into commercial aspects of      shops and seminars at the NIPA to
                                            production. We intend to encour-        better prepare those that are inter-
                                            age many private land owners to         ested in this field.
                                            enter into partnerships with per-
                                            sons interested in agriculture, aqua-   We will make it mandatory for agri-
                                            culture and hydroponics . An agri-      culture classes be introduced in our
                                            culture station will be established     secondary schools. We support
                                            to provide persons with technical       the aggressive establishments of
                                            assistance and to provide them          fishery on St. Maarten by first pro-
                                            with seeds and other material to be     tecting our territorial and inland
                                            successful. We will establish a cen-    waters. We will work on cleaning
                                            tral market place in the Philipsburg    our ponds and research the possi-
                                            area where farmers, fishermen and       bility of establishing them as breed-
                                            butchers can sell their produce. Tax    ing grounds for fish and shrimps.
                                            incentives would be introduced to
                                                                      This program will allow    requirements are met.
                                                                      potential entrepre-
                                                                      neurs to borrow from       We will introduce legis-
                                                                      our lending institutions   lation to provide these
                                                                      utilizing                  small businesses with a
                                                                                                 tax holiday.
                                                                      the funds from the
                                                                      loan guarantee pro-        We will also work
                                                                      gram as collateral for     closely with the Small
                                                                      the loans.                 Business Development
                                                                                                 Foundation to train
                                                                      The services of some       those potential entre-
                                                                      of our retired entrepre-   preneurs.
                                                                      neurs will be used to
                                                                      work as mentors and         In order for them to
                                                                      trainers of these per-     qualify for the loan
                                                                      sons.                      guarantee program
                                                                                                 they must have gone
                                                                      Many retired entrepre-     through a certain
                                                                      neurs from different       amount of training at
                                                                      countries also offer       the SBDF unless they
                                                                      their services in this     can prove that they
                                                                      area. Some of them         have aquired at least
                                                                      only require free ac-      an associates degree in
                                                                      commodation and            business.
                                                                                                 We will create light
                                                                      The issuing of licens-     industries such as a
                                                                      es or permits will be      soap factory, a sewing
These businesses are the back      We will allocate million of
                                                                      issued once reviewed       factory and much more
bone of every economy and          guilders annually on the
                                                                      within a two weeks         as part of our efforts to
we will encourage and sup-         budget for a loan guarantee
                                                                      period providing all       stimulate the economy.
port these establishments.         program.


Members will be appointed to       ty of bus and taxi permit hold-
the Transportation Committee       ers being able to incorporate
post haste to regulate public      their permits.
                                   This would allow them to em-
Public transportation will be      ploy drivers to service their
reorganized setting routes for     client’s 24/7and there would
the buses to provide better        be no need for help drivers.
service to users in the vari-
ous districts throughout the       It is also our intention to host
island, such as Sucker Garden      semi-annual meetings with
and Middle Region.                 the various transportation
                                   organizations with the aim of
A bus terminal will be con-        hearing from these service
structed in the Philipsburg        providers their ideas for im-
area to alleviate the traffic      provements to our system as
congestion that we are en-         well as their grieviances. This
countering now.                    time will also be used as an
                                   opportunity to evaluate the
We will look into the possibili-   effectiveness of introduced

TELEM N.V                               the order of the day, more emphasis       the government. Bureau Telecom-
                                        should be placed on repairing and         munication will continue to inspect
We will find the best strategic         installing the land based lines. With-    and control the telecommunication
partner to merge with Telem NV          in short after taking office the search   industry.
thus creating more possibilities for    for a CEO will take place. Telem N.V.
growth. This merger will never be       owns a building 100% on Pond Island       UTS
at the cost of job reductions but to    that to the best of our knowledge it
the contrary it will be towards jobs    is underutilized. We will engage the
creation and gaining a larger share     government in renting some of those       We will negotiate with the govern-
of the market. Much focus must          spaces that are empty to generate         ment of Curacao for our shares in
be placed on land based lines. Even     income for Telem N.V. but at the          UTS to be transfered to the govern-
though mobile phones have become        same time reduce the rental cost to       ment of St. Maarten.


We will develop in conjunction with     vironment by completing a corpo-          further threat to our environment.
social and corporate partners eco-      rate-wide inventory of their green-       We will periodically clean our Fresh
logically sustainable business growth   house gas emissions based on a            and salt water ponds as part of pro-
by involving the top management         quality management system, setting              tecting the environment.
of companies and seeking voluntary      aggressive reduction goals, and an-
commitments towards reducing the        nually reporting their progress. It is
specific consumption of energy, wa-     our aim to preserve our environment
ter and other natural resources and      for generations to come to enjoy it.
promote ecologically sustainable
     growth in these companies.         We will maintain a good working re-
                                        lationship with all the environmental
Participating companies will commit     Foundations and our inspectors will
to reduce their impact on the en-       continue to monitor and control any

                                                            Proper accountability       ment will be a priority.
                                                            with balance budgets        The role of the CFT will
                                                            would continue to be        continue to be one of
                                                            our norms in order for      high importance never-
                                                            St. Maarten to have a       theless we will continue
                                                            strong financial house.     to evaluate the function-
                                                            Our aim is also to in-      ing of this committee
                                                            crease the compliance       according to the agree-
                                                            rate to at least 30% by     ment signed with the
                                                            comparing the data base     Dutch government. This
                                                            of the Inspectorate of      role within short must
                                                            Taxes with the Chamber      be carried out by an in-
                                                            of Commerce as well as      dependent (Financial
                                                            that of NV GEBE.            Oversight Committee)
                                                             Invest in a modern tax     body to be appointed
                                                            administration that in-     by the parliament of St.
                                                            cludes the purchasing of    Maarten. Our plans are
                                                            a modern tax program        to cut spending to en-
                                                            and equipment.              sure fiscal discipline and
                                                               Employing qualified      we have identified sever-
                                                            staff and the training of   al areas that will be tack-
                                                            those already in employ-    led immediately.
Parliament will be en-        carried out in order to      as our currency to be able    determine which social
couraged to establish a       determine how best to        to better determine our       programs or projects to
ways and means com-           proceed with the change      monetary policy. This is      execute based on their
mittee to supervise and       from direct to indirect      our currency and it is a      set of requirements and
scrutinize revenue and        taxes. We will maintain      way of our people restor-     rules for awarding con-
expenditure to secure         the Central Bank of Cu-      ing confidence into some-     tracts. Citizens of this na-
the integrity of the years    racao and St. Maarten. It    thing that is theirs. We      tion will have the oppor-
budget. We support in-        is our aim for the Central   will continue to generate     tunity to purchase shares
direct taxes which will       Bank of Curacao and St.      foreign exchange income       from the government
allow the tax payers to       Maarten to employ many       utilizing our own curren-     owned companies in or-
have more money in            persons from St. Maarten     cy. All products will be      der to raise capital for fu-
their pockets and they        with Degrees in Finance      priced in guilders only.      ture expansion plans. We
will determine how it         and Economics to better      A dividend policy will        will provide legislation to
will be spent. No lon-        prepare us to manage the     be established for all the    stimulate our economy,
ger will the government       Central Bank and have        government own com-           generate more income,
decide on how the hard        an input in determining      panies. Dividend from         cut expenses and provide
earned tax payers’ guil-      the monetary policy of       these companies will be       much needed financial
ders are spent. However,      the two countries. We        paid to the government        relief to our people.
an in depth study will be     will maintain the guilder    and the government will

                                              Convention center
We will encourage and         This center would be mar-    organize conventions,        also play an effective role
facilitate the construction   keted to encourage large     trade shows and special      in business tourism within
of a convention center        international companies      events in St. Maarten. A     the region during the off-
through private initiative.   throughout the world to      convention center would      season.

                                                        Education is a life time in-       comprehend documents in
                                                        vestment and it will be free.      Dutch and to prepare those
                                                        Our government will ensure         who are interested in applying
                                                        that primary and secondary         for the Dutch nationality.
                                                        schools are free of charge. It
                                                        will be mandatory that all pri-    Compulsory Education.
                                                        mary schools have a breakfast
                                                        program. A child that is hun-      We strongly support compul-
                                                        gry cannot learn and will al-      sory education but it should
                                                        way lag behind the others. All     never be at the expense of the
                                                        the stakeholders must play a       state. We can’t continue to ed-
                                                        vital role in raising our educa-   ucate the entire region at the
                                                        tional bars; parents, teachers     expense of our tax payers. We
                                                        and most of all the students.      must enforce strict border con-
                                                        Our students and their par-        trols.
                                                        ents must continue to have
                                                        choices when determining the
                                                                                           Scholarship policy.
                                                        direction they want to study        This policy will be based on
                                                        as it pertains to the language     the needs of St. Maarten. But
                                                        of instructions. Milton Peters     our job doesn’t stop at the is-
                                                        College must be maintained         suance of the scholarship, we
                                                        to provide a sound base in uti-    must be able to keep track
                                                        lizing Dutch as the language       of our students at the USM
                                                        of instruction. We will offer      and those students studying
                                                        all citizens free courses in the   abroad. This policy will also in-
                                                        Dutch Language to better pre-      dicate the needs of the
                                                        pare our people to read and

government of St. Maarten.      leaving primary schools at      at the NIPA. The funds to       diplomas. They can’t find
For our students studying       the age of twelve years find    finance this free education     suitable employment and
abroad, especially those in     themselves amongst stu-         will come from the savings      neither can they obtain a
the Netherlands, we will        dents at the age of 18 and      derived from installing so-     scholarship. We will work
approach the various mu-        20 years. This is not condu-    lar panels on all the schools   hard on establishing a lev-
nicipalities to allow our       cive to the learning of these   based on an investment          el 3 and 4 at the NIPA that
students to gain the neces-     children. We are therefore      from NV GEBE and other          they can continue their
sary experience.                proponents of the establish-    government owned compa-         studies and become pro-
                                ment of Middle Schools for      nies.                           fessionals. All the schools
Once they have acquired
the education and the ex-       students between the ages       Under the watch of the          and community centers
perience they are prepared      of twelve to fourteen.          OSPP a rate equivalent or       will be equipped with state
to return to St. Maarten and                                    lower than the residential      of the art computers and
take up positions now held      These schools will allow our    rate will be charged to our     internet service for those
by expatriates and those go-    young students to gradu-        schools for electricity and     who can’t afford it at home.
ing on pension. The issuing     ally move from elementa-        water consumption.              We will privatize public
of work permits will also tie   ry to middle school and at      These savings from the in-      schools to make sure that
into our scholarship policy     the age of 13 to 14 move to     stallation of the solar pan-    these schools are operating
and must go hand in hand.       High School. We will re-        els and a reduced rate will     optimal. This privatization
Our students will also have     ceive better results at the     be used to offset the loss of   entails the establishment of
the opportunities to study      end of the high school and      income generated from the       a school board but that all
in the region by attending      the peer pressure that the      school fees. Many of our        teachers will remain civil
some of the top universities    young students leaving pri-     students attending some         servants with all rights and
in the Caribbean.               mary schools will diminish.     of the schools are gradu-       privileges bestowed unto
                                Primary and secondary ed-       ating at the age of sixteen     them by law. All elementa-
Middle School.                  ucation will be free on St.     but their diplomas are not      ry students will be equipped
                                Maarten including tuition       recognized as High School       with a lab top.
Many of our young students

Young athletes making use of the local sports facilities.

We will facilitate the es-      sports and in the Olympics       We will establish the St.        vate partnership.
tablishment of sporting         in the very near future. We      Maarten National Sports
clubs within the various        must upgrade our                 Lotto. The income gener-         The construction of a race
communities to develop                                           ated from this lotto will be     track is very attractive as it
our young talent.               sporting facilities and to       used towards the devel-          would boost our tourism
                                utilize all of them 100%         opment of sports, youth          product. However, an in
Sport Tourism will be vig-      with proper management,          programs and the upkeep          depth study would have
orously pursued to attract      programs and equipment.          of the various sports facili-    to be carried out to deter-
major sporting clubs to         We will install air con-         ties. We                         mine the impact it would
train and give clinics to       ditions in the L.B. Scot                                          have on our environment
our youngsters. Our aim         Sports Auditorium and            support the construction         and the noise level that
is to have our youngsters       the Melford Hazel Sports         of a major cricket field         would be tolerable by our
participate in professional     Complex.                         through a public and pri-        residents.


In order for a people to go     tition and shows. Proper         Carnival.                        ers at reasonable rates. A
forward they must know          documentation and re-                                             new board will be elected
where they came from. We        search will be established       We will continue to fund         to include business people
will place strong emphasis      to better determine our          carnival and emphasize the       to have this center operate
in our cultural heritage. We    culture and to promote it        importance of growing our        like a business and fully uti-
pledge to upgrade the vari-     amongst our residents and        children carnival and            lize as it must be self-suffi-
ous community centers for       tourist alike. It is important                                    cient.
the performing of the arts      to start identifying our lo-     calypso by involving our
that will allow our young       cal heroes and making our        primary schools and pro-         Exchange Programs
people to perform in their      people aware of who they         viding financial assistance
communities in front their      are and what they stand          that will be derived from        We will focus on exchange
families and friends.           for.                             the St. Maarten Sports lot-      programs in culture and
                                                                 to.                              sports with many coun-
After reaching a certain lev-   We would attempt to                                               tries within the region. Not
el they will have meets at      identify our most talented       Festival Village.                all activities must be com-
the upgraded Philipsburg        young people for the per-                                         petitive in our cultural and
                                                                 We will organize various         sports programs.
Community Center to de-         forming of the arts. Our
                                                                 activities at this venue and
termine our best perform-       aim is to preserve the little
                                                                 to make sure that it is avail-
ers who may represent us        that we have left of our cul-
                                                                 able to the many promot-
in International compe-         ture.

Unemployment        Regis-    Welfare and Education De-       General Pension Plan.          larly for the students at the
tration                       partments. All welfare re-                                     trade school to allow them
                              cipients must be registered     Every employee in the pri-     to gain the necessary expe-
        All     unemployed    at the labour department.       vate sector must be part of    rience while perfecting the
persons would be required     Work permits will be issued     a General Pension Plan. Old    skills they will need to be
to register but would not     and it will be stated on the    age pension shall also be      successful in these fields.
have to submit a police       permit that in the event a      increased to One Thousand
record to the Labour De-      Dutch National becomes          Eight Hundred Guilders         We will encourage the var-
partment. Business work-      available that permit will      (Nafls 1,800.00) to guar-      ious businesses to visit the
ing programs will be estab-   not be renewed. We will         antee our seniors a better     schools and work with the
lished to provide our young   introduce a program pre-        living. Tax legislation will   teachers to identify stu-
graduates from secondary      senting a law that was ap-      be introduce to prevent in-    dents in their field who
schools with immediate        proved in the parliament        come tax being applied to      they believe may prove
employment in particular      of the former Netherlands       the income received from       to be a good apprentice
in the construction field.    in 1989, commonly re-           old age pension. An Un-        based on the trade and
We must generate our fu-      ferred to as the Lei di Bi on   employment Fund will be        skills needed. These types
ture carpenters, masons,      This will provide business-     established to provide as-     of programs create em-
plumbers and electricians     es with an incentive in the     sistance for three months      ployment while helping
for the future.               form of a tax credit for all    to those workers who lost      set our young people on
                              young people employed           their jobs and are seeking     a path to financial indepen-
Work Permits.                 for one year or more be-        employment.                    dence and productivity.
                              tween the ages of 18 – 29
We will cut back the time     years of age. We will sub-      School and Government
that it takes to issue work   mit legislation to increase     partnership
permits to one month.         the living (minimum) wage
Work permits would only       within our first 100 days       We will encourage part-
be issued after taking up     in office to One Thousand       nership projects between
contact with the Social       Eight Hundred Guilders.         the schools and the private
                                                              and public sectors, particu-

The New Hospital                tourist alike. This will cre-   surance that will cover all     to talk about certain be-
                                ate jobs and opportuni-         citizens that are not cov-      haviors that you noticed
We support the construc-        ties for our people. There      ered by another health          that are not normal and to
tion of a new Medical Cen-      must be a better working        insurance. We will submit       contact the Mental Health
ter including state of the      relationship with the St.       legislation for materni-        Foundation to monitor the
art machines and equip-         Maarten Medical Center          ty leave to become three        situation.
ment. We will also provide      and the Louie Fleming Hos-      (3) months after the birth
the staff of the Medical        pital on the Northern side      for the stabilization of the    It is better to have the sit-
Center with proper training     of the island.                  working mothers. Paternity      uation monitor by experts
to meet the health needs                                        legislation will also be sub-   than to allow it to reach a
of our people. We support       Our Medical Center to be        mitted for fathers to spend     point of no return. In most
bringing more specialists       built must include a wing       two weeks with their new-       cases if these persons are
to the new Medical Cen-         for specialists visiting our    born and the mother.            helped at an early stage
ter. This would eliminate us    island. The services to be                                      and take whatever medi-
having to fly many of our       provided by the specialists     Mental Health.                  cation that is prescribed to
patients to Columbia, San-      to our residents must be at                                     them, they can live a very
to Domingo or elsewhere.        the prices of the SZV and       There must be a better co-      normal life.
                                not the medical tourism         operation between the St.
It will result in better        prices. Our residents will      Maarten Medical Center,         We support the construc-
health care for our patients    be able to benefit from         The Turning Point Founda-       tion of a modern facility
here in St. Maarten with        having these specailists on     tion and the Mental             and the use of the exist-
the families and friends;       this island without having                                      ing facility for persons who
plus it would be a major        to pay the same rate as the     Health Foundation to bet-       suffer from some type of
savings to the coffers of the   persons who will be visit-      ter serve the clients. Our      mental illness but who can
government.                     ing the island for the pur-     population will be better       live a normal life in a guid-
                                pose of seeing these same       served with a blitzkrieg        ed living facility.
Medical Tourism                 specialists. Legislation will   campaign by the Mental
                                be established for the SZV      Health Foundation to make
Medical Tourism will be                                         them aware of some of the
                                Cards to cover 100% cost
pursued to provide good                                         symptoms and indications
                                for dental and eye glasses.
health care to our resi-                                        of mental illnesses.
dents, people from the          Establishment of a man-
neighboring islands and         datory General Health In-       There is nothing wrong

                                                  SOCIAL WELFARE

We will speed up the pro-       their pension; providing        councils and where they         ing centers to make uni-
cess for welfare applica-       them with relief from NV        are dormant or non-exis-        forms here on St. Maarten
tions. We will introduce a      GEBE, that their health         tence we will encourage         for our schools and civil
program from Welfare to         plan is excellent; provide      to create these councils.       servants as well as private
Workfare. Those welfare         them with affordable            The school facilities will be   companies.
recipients will be trained      housing and                     used where there aren’t
to find employment. We                                          community centers.              These centers will be
will also increase the wel-     exempt them from taxes                                          subsidized for a period of
fare per month during the       on their pension income.        The various community           two years and then they
training process to the                                         centers will be up              must be self-sufficient with
maximum of the minimum          Community Development.                                          proper budgets, admin-
wage.                                                           graded and used for the         istration and functioning
                                We will focus on the de-        performance of the arts.        programs beneficial to the
We must improve the Liv-        velopment of the commu-         These same centers will be      communities.
ing conditions of our se-       nities by working together      used to offer courses and
nior citizens by increasing     with the community              will be used to set up sew-

Police                         take over the lead of man-     Our Border Control and         facility and a holding cen-
                               aging our police, immigra-     Immigration will follow up     ter for illegals has our im-
We will continue to pursue     tion and customs.              very swiftly on persons en-    mediate attention.
the upgrading of our police                                   tering the island on vaca-
force by first making sure     A greater portion of the       tion but over staying. These   We will continue to
that each of our officer’s     RST must come from within      individual pictures and oth-   strengthen the coast guard,
legal status in the force      our local police force.        er pertinent information       the customs and our feder-
is regulated as regards                                       will be broadcasted via the    al detectives. We will mod-
earned promotions and re-      We will focus on preventive    local and social media.        ernize our present laws and
munerations. We will also      measures such as making                                       enforce them also.
strive to ensure that these    sure all areas are well lit.   We will continue to hold
officers are paid rightfully   There will be more officers    border control with our        We will introduce legisla-
for a job well done.           on the streets and less in     counter part of French St.     tion for a “Citizen Initiative
                               the stations. They will be     Maarten. We will initiate      Law” allowing our citizens
We will identify those offi-   patrolling all the districts   closer working relationship    to submit proposals to par-
cers within our force with     including the drive ways       with our neighboring police    liament that must be put
the necessary education        and not only the main road.    forces. We will establish      on an agenda within thirty
and make it possible for                                      policies to take the guns      days for debate. We will
them to be able to travel      Immigration:                   of the streets and our cus-    also introduce legislation
to the police academy in                                      tom officers together will     forbidding the establish-
the Netherlands to receive     All of our waters will be                                     ment of gangs.
                                                              immigration will conduct
more training.                 control and better coop-
                                                              vigorous control for drugs,
                               eration must exist with
                                                              weapons and any illegal
Upon their return on suc-      the justice officials on the
                                                              substance on all ships and
cessfully completing the       Northern side.
                                                              boats entering St. Maarten,
course, they will be as-                                      including the mega yachts.
signed the earned rank and     There must be a better
their salaries adjusted ac-    working relationship with
                                                              The physical upgrading of
cordingly. We must prepare     the Dutch consulate in the
                                                              our prison is a must and
for a younger generation to    countries where visas are
                                                              the construction of a youth

                                                                                              Building Inspection and
                                                                                              Domain Land
                                                                                              We will continue to investi-
                                                                                              gate government land that is
                                                                                              in the possession of several
                                                                                              persons but not being used
                                                                                              and has exceeded the six
                                                                                              months period to build..We
                                                                                              will strengthen our inspec-
                                                                                              torate department and insist
                                                                                              that they continue to carry
                                                                                              out inspections as required
                                                                                              by law and the follow up of
                                                                                              the same These inspections
                                                                                              will take place before the
                                                                                              construction begins and
                                                                                              while it is ongoing. We shall
                                                                                              also work towards a reduc-
                                                                                              tion of the time to acquire
                                                                                              a building permit to thirty
                              Domain land over the Bank                                       days.

HOUSING                         land Over the Bank recent-    assist land owners with           We will build 100 afford-
                                ly acquired by Country St.    succession proper ty to           able two and three bed-
House rent and mortgage         Maarten will be transfer to   sort out and divide their         rooms homes for sale over
takes up approximately          the St. Maarten Housing       inheritance. Our young            a four year period. We
40% of the salary of a          Development Founda-           professional first time           will also build low income
family and is part of the       tion to build low income      land or home buyers will          apartments for rent for all
high cost of living on St.      houses. We will establish     be exempted from the 4%           including our seniors. We
Maarten. We are commit-         controls of homes that are    transfer tax, an incentive        will sell or transfer owner-
ted to purchase land in or-     built without permits and     to encourage them to in-          ship of the 200 emergency
der to build social homes       do not meet our building      vest in purchasing a prop-        homes to the tenants oc-
for rent and for sale at        codes. Funds will be allo-    erty based on legislation         cupying them for a mini-
affordable prices. The          cated on the budgets to       that we will submit.              mal amount of Fls 1.00.

NV GEBE has a monopoly          and installation of a waste   NV GEBE at a reasonable           ment with the NIPA and
and is owned 100% by the        to energy plant in the Cay    price but not for a high          St. Maarten Vocational
government of St. Maarten       Bay area. We will negoti-     price that will be passed         Schools for the students
de facto by the people of       ate with the landowners       on to the consumers. The          to do job training and with
St. Maarten. Therefore it       in the vicinity of NV GEBE    land generated after the          the possibility to acquire
should not be the mission       to purchase their lands in    clean up by the dump we           full time employment
of NV GEBE to generate          order to create a properly    will use it to create a light     upon completion of their
excessive profits on the        managed landfill area in      industrial park.                  studies. The loan guaran-
backs of their clients, the     Cay Bay.                                                        tee program will also kick
owners of the company.                                        Many small businesses             in at this park.
                                 A solar park will also be    will be created in the area
NV GEBE rates will be re-       established in the vicinity   of refrigeration, recycling,      Eco-commerce.
duced. We will establish        of NV GEBE and the energy     auto and mechanic shop,
an energy policy that will      generated from this park      block plant, carpenter            The further development
take into account solar         will be sold to NV GEBE.      shop etc. etc. These busi-        of “clean technologies”
energy and windmills. We        The energy generated by       nesses would have to es-          such as wind and solar
support the construction        this plant will be sold to    tablish a working arrange-        power.

February 28, 2016

The Parliament of St. Maarten

Wilhelmina Street

Philipsburg, St. Maarten

Attention: Mrs. Sarah Wescott-Williams

          President of Parliament

Dear Mrs. Sarah Wescott-Williams,

We are hereby submitting to you copies of some draft motions that we consider of utmost importance to be de-
bated during the handling of the 2016 Budget of St. Maarten, commencing of Monday, February 29, 2016.

We do hope that even if not in their present forms, your office will table these issues on the floor of the Parlia-
ment of St. Maarten as they are very important for the further development of our people.

In those motions we have addressed issues such as:

Pensionable income generated in St. Maarten or in the former Netherlands Antilles being exempted from having
to pay income tax.

The establishment of a General Pension Plan for all workers.

NV GEBE to charge the school boards a residential rate or lower for utility services and for the company to invest
in the installation of solar panels on all the schools. These savings to be pass on to the parents of our students
hereby reducing the school fees. Education should be free.

The setting up of the St. Maarten Sports Lottery to further enchance sports on the island.

Revenue generating measures such as: Import tax on alcohol and tobacco; temporary drivers license fee; gar-
bage tax and an environmental tax.

Increasing the minimum wage and old age pension to a living wage of Nafls. 1,800.00 a month without any fur-
ther studies.

 Many of our people are having a hard time making ends meet and if those issues mentioned in the draft mo-
tions are carried they would certainly take them a far way in the near future.

We want to thank you in advance and we look forward to a very constructive debate of the 2016 budget of St.

Yours truly,

One St. Maarten People Party

Lenny F. Priest

Leader of the OSPP

July 25, 2016

Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning,

Environment and Infrastructure

The Government Administration Building

Clem Labega Square

Philipsburg, St. Maarten

Attention: Mr. Angel Meyers

         Minister of Vromi

Dear Minister Mr. Angel Meyers,

     In a previous letter we informed you about the importance of moving the present dump from the middle of
Philipsburg and establishing a proper manage landfill in another area. We have suggested establishing this land fill
in the area of Cay Bay in the vicinity of NV GEBE. We have also identified three parcels of land totaling 10101m2 in
close proximity of our utility company that can be used for this land fill. One of those parcels of land is already in
possession of NV GEBE and the other two parcels the government would have to negotiate with the land owners.
The government can also use a portion of the land acquired Over the Bank/Vineyard to swap with the land owners
in Cay Bay if they want to maintain land in their name for their children and grandchildren and are not necessarily
interested in money

    It is of utmost important that we deal with the situation of the dump post haste. This site is a bomb waiting to
explore at any time and no one can predict when, including having no preventative measures and escape plan in
place. If and when this happens, can anyone imagine what this will mean for the people in the area? What emergen-
cy strategies are in place? How will this be handled? This would be a major catastrophe in the history of St. Maarten
that would be beyond our imagination. The impact of it and the after effect we would not be able to measure. This
matter is one of St. Maarten most serious issue and requires the government attention now more than ever.

   From media report we have learnt that dating back to May 2016 you visited a Renewable Energy Facility in West
Palm Beach and a Waste to Energy Plant in New York. And that It is also the intention of the government to construct
the Waste to energy plant on Pond Island and that all indications are on the same dump site. The report also men-
tioned that the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the New York Company was in the works. Can you
inform the general public how far have you reached in finalizing the memorandum of understanding with the New
York Company as you have indicated it would take three years before the plant is up and running? What are your
immediate plans for the dump at this moment? In case of an explosion what remedies are in place? Do you have any
ideas what kinds of contaminants are we to be exposed to? What exit and evacuation plans are in place for the com-
munity especially those people living in the area?

What will happen to the waste that’s buried all those years since it would remain a hazard? Where will this new fa-
cility be built? Do you agree that a new temporary location has to be identified, set up properly and manage to facili-
tate the waste to energy plant when it is built?

   As mentioned before we have identified three parcels of land in Cay Bay in close proximity of NV GEBE and that
the landfill should be moved to that area to be properly managed and to meet all international environmental rules
and regulations. We also recommend that the Waste to Energy Plant should be built in that area also which makes it
much easier for the electricity produced by the plant to be transferred to the grid of NV GEBE. It is also understood
that the emission produced by the Waste to Energy Plant will be less than the emission that is coming from NV GEBE
at the moment and would therefore cause no harm to the residents of Cay Bay. The much needed solar park must
also be built in that area to be able to better feed the electricity generated into the grid of NV GEBE.

   The OSPP is also recommending to educate the communities in Philipsburg on actual conditions of the dump, in-
troduce an escape plan and to host town hall meetings outlining the various solutions that are being tabled. By the
government indicating in press releases that an MOU is being considered and not informing the people what will
happen in the interim is equally or more irresponsible on their side. The residents and land owners of Cay Bay must
also be informed and educated as to what to expect in their community and not to feel that the government is mov-
ing a bomb to be exploded in Philipsburg to their area.

   We can’t wait for a disaster to happen and then to act. The government has a responsibility to act now and to
consider the proposed landfill in Cay Bay and or start negotiating with Verde Environment SXM on the Northern side
of the island to come to a temporary solution to use their facility while we construct a properly managed landfill. The
OSPP has visited this landfill on the Northern side of the island and it could be a temporary solution to our garbage

  We hope to have informed you and we look forward to some temporary and permanent decisions to reduce the
possibility of a major catastrophe hitting St. Maarten in the area of the dump in the heart of our capital, Philipsburg.

Yours truly,

One St. Maarten People Party

Lenny F. Priest


cc: Council of Ministers

   Parliament of St. Maarten

Good day fellow voters,

As we go to the poles on September 26th let us remember that the power to move St. Maarten towards rev-
olutionary change is in the hands of we the voters and we must remember that together we can reject the
status quo and fight for the greater good like our lives depend on it— because they do.
Here’s the bottom line: Democracy doesn’t need silence and fear. It needs voices and values, and a moral
compass. We must all be that moral compass. The clock is ticking – This is the time to stand up with the cour-
age of our convictions, while we still can. The outside world will not fix this for us because we are the ones
we’ve been waiting for and the time is now for all of us to put country before self and realize that we are St.
Maarten. St. Maarten is not just the sea, land and air, it is the people of the island that form St. Maarten. You
are St. Maarten, Your children are St. Maarten and I am St. Maarten, We are St. Maarten.
At this historic moment, when voters have began to reject the incumbent parties campaigns with record high
levels of dislike and mistrust, I ask that you put your faith in the One St. Maarten People Party as we build
with you an historic grassroots movement and a political vehicle to carry it forward.
We invite you to partner with the OSPP on September 26th by voting for this party—You will be voting for a
party not poisoned by corporate money, and voting for the policy solutions we urgently need. Don’t doubt
for a minute your ability to transform this election. As voters our greatest impact comes from choosing who
we believe will be the best leader for our country. We must set aside our personal biases. If we do otherwise,
we are no different from the lobbyists who are focused on their personal narrow agenda rather than a Big
Agenda for the country. As you select your candidates to represent you in Parliament I would like you take
a step back and evaluate candidates from the perspective of hiring someone for a job, someone you believe
will be the best steward for the organization. Prepare the report cards of those who are currently in Parlia-
ment, particularly those that have been there for some time and ask yourself “Did he/she fight to secure my
future?” “Am I better off now than before?”
The OSPP vows to always be honest with you and we will endeavor in every way to be worthy of your loyalty.
we promise above all else to live in truth with you and to communicate fully and fearlessly. With our body
and soul we will work and fight for you and with our hearts we will keep you with us. On September 26th,
exercise your hard fought for democratic right to vote and vote for integrity, financial stability and reliability;
vote for Parliamentarians you can trust and depend on. Vote OSPP. We vow to never stop fighting for you.

Sincerely OSPP Candidates.

Leonard “Lenny” Priest OSPP#1 ………………………………………..

Leroy Vlaun OSPP #2 ………………………………………..

Elton Jones OSPP #3 ………………………………………..

Pablo Hanson OSPP #4 ………………………………………..

Denissen Philips OSPP #5 ………………………………………...

Rudolph Rogers OSPP #6 ………………………………………..

Maurits Joslyn Richardson OSPP #7 ………………………………………..
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