Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...

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Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
Chemicals Regulation in Latin
 America: The Existing and
    Future Patchwork

Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond

Russell Fraker, Of Counsel, Beveridge & Diamond
Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...

• International Drivers                                    Your takeaways

• Commonalities
• Types of Existing Laws
• Future Directions

Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
International   Drivers


                                               Assume
                                                adoption of
                                                major treaties –
                                                but with

                                               Awareness and
                                                dialogue about
                                                chemicals issues                          3
Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
International Commitments
                                                                                            ARGENTINA   BRAZIL   CHILE   COLOMBIA   COSTA RICA   ECUADOR   MEXICO   PERU

Basel Convention                                 Hazardous Wastes
                                                                                               X         X        X         X          X           X        X       X
Climate Change Convention & Paris                GHGs
Agreement                                                                                      X         X        X                    X           X        X       X
Stockholm Convention                             Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
                                                                                               X         X        X         X          X           X        X       X
Rotterdam Convention                             Prior informed consent procedure
                                                 hazardous chemicals and pesticides            X         X        X         X          X           X        X       X
Minamata Convention                              Mercury
                                                                                               X         X                             X           X        X       X
Montreal Protocol                                Ozone depleting substances
                                                                                               X          X       X         X          X           X        X       X
Chemical Weapons Convention                      Chemicals used to make chemical
                                                 weapons                                       X         X        X         X          X           X        X       X
Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic   Narcotics and Precursor Chemicals
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances                                                              X         X        X         X          X           X        X       X
GHS Adoption                                     Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
                                                                                               X         X                  X          X           X        X
OECD Members                                     Organization for Economic Co-operation                                     IN       IN
                                                 and Development
                                                                                                                  X      PROGRESS PROGRESS                  X
MERCOSUR Members (Also Paraguay,                 Southern Common Market: Customs
Uruguay, Venezuela (suspended)                   union and trading bloc                        X         X
Andean Community Members (Also Bolivia)          Customs union and trading bloc
                                                                                                                            X                      X                X
Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
             Administrative Commonalities
Agency Commonalities

                                                                         Your takeaways
  •    Chemicals regulated by several agencies                      Assume
                                                                     regulated by several
        ◦   Primary Agencies: Health, Agriculture, Environment,      government agencies
            Customs, Labor, Transportation, Security
                                                                    Assume little
        ◦   Lack coordination/jurisdictional issues/overlap          meaningful
                                                                     opportunity for
        ◦   Role for states/provinces in some jurisdictions          administrative appeals;
                                                                     need for know-how
  •    Little opportunity for judicial review                        and know-who is key

Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
Administrative Complexities: Mexico
                                                         Substance                                                     Semarnat   Secretary of Environment

  Lifecycle                                              Minerals
   Phase                                    Toxic                                         Food                              Ssa   Secretary of Health
               Fertilizers   Pesticides                    and        Pharmaceuticals               Explosives
                                          Substances                                    Additives
                                                                                                                        Sagarpa   Secretary of Agriculture
Import and     Semarnat,     Sagarpa,     Semarnat,         SE,           Ssa, SE        Ssa, SE      Sedena,
  Export        Sagarpa,       Ssa,        Ssa, SE,       SHCP,            SHCP           SHCP        SE, SHCP
                                                                                                                             SE   Secretary of Economy
                 Ssa, SE,    Semarnat       SHCP          SENER
                  SHCP       SE,SHCP
                                                                                                                          SHCP    Secretary of Finance and
  Registry        Ssa           Ssa          Ssa          Secofi,           Ssa           Ssa           Ssa                       Public Credit
                                                                                                                           SCT    Transport Secretary
  Process      Semarnat,     Semarnat,     Ssa, SCT         SE,            Ssa,           Ssa,        Sedena,
  and Use         Ssa,          Ssa,         STPS         STPS,            STPS           STPS         STPS             Sedena    Defense Secretary
                Sagarpa,      Sagarpa,                    SENER
                  STPS          STPS
                                                                                                                          STPS    Secretary of Labor
  Storage       Ssa, SCT     Ssa, SCT,     Ssa, SCT       SE, SCT,       Ssa, SCT       Ssa, SCT      Sedena,
                 STPS          STPS          STPS        STPS, CRE         STPS          STPS           STPS
                                                                                                                         Secofi   Secretary of Commerce and
                                                                                                                                  Industrial Development
 Transport     Ssa, SCT,     Ssa, SCT,     Ssa, SCT       SE, SCT          SCT            SCT         Sedena,
                 STPS          STPS          STPS          STPS,                                        SCT,             SENER    Secretary of Energy
                                                        Secofi, CRE                                    STPS

    Sale       Sagarpa,      Sagarpa,       SE, Ssa       SE, CRE           SE           SE, Ssa       Sedena             ASEA    The National Agency for
                SE, Ssa       SE, Ssa                                                                                             Industrial Safety and
                                                                                                                                  Environmental Protection in
                                                                                                                                  the Hydrocarbons Sector
Occupational   Ssa, STPS     Ssa, STPS     Ssa, STPS     Ssa, ASEA         Ssa,           Ssa,        Ssa, STPS
   Health                                                                  STPS           STPS                             CRE    Energy Regulatory

                                                                                                    Source: COFEPRIS
Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
Legal Commonalities
Legal Commonalties

 •    Numerous laws and regulations                                      TAKEAWAYS
                                                                       Your takeaways
       ◦   Determining applicability challenging                   Build in additional time
                                                                    for determining
       ◦   Variety of registrations/authorizations
                                                                   Be prepared for unique
                                                                    regulations, even where
       ◦   Range of liability sources                               there are governing
                                                                    international standards
 •    Inconsistent treatment of chemicals—highly
                                                                   Just because a product is
      regulated/not regulated                                       on the market does not
                                                                    mean it is fully compliant
 •    Country-specific regimes (not always based on an
      international/US/EU law) or unique hybrids

Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
Toxic Release Inventories

Toxic Release Inventories
(“TRI”)                                                               TAKEAWAYS
  • Mexico, Chile, Brazil                                          Some countries will
                                                                   Your takeaways
                                                                    have TRI and other
  • Others reportedly underway                                      reporting
  • Unique features                                                 requirements

                                                                   Potential for
                                                                    expansion to include
                                                                    products that will
                                                                    become or emit
                                  TRI Data Can Be
                                  Indicator for:                   Area to watch for
                                     • Regulations/policy focus     precursor to
                                     • Publicly available: NGO      inventories
                                       activity/citizens’ suits

Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
Chemical Inventories
Typically no comprehensive inventory
•Mexico, Brazil, Colombia in process of developing
•Use of inventories likely to expand throughout region                     Your takeaways
•New/new-use chemicals largely unregulated                                 No
                                                                             like TSCA/REACH
Default chemicals import/export lists; GHS lists                           Use and scope of
                                                                            chemicals lists
•Lists still have ambiguity
                                                                            can be
•E.g., chemical + compounds, precursors, derivatives, mixtures
•Import authorization ++
                                                                           Watch for
Not typically harmonized with any international standards                   developments
•Harmonization and data acceptance will be key

Chemicals Regulation in Latin America: The Existing and Future Patchwork - Maddie Kadas, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond Russell Fraker, Of ...
Chemical and Sector Specific

Often underlying international driver

                                                                  Highly
Easy to legislate (single focus)                                   hazardous and
                                                                   PBT chemicals
                                                                   likely to be
 Highly regulated substances and products                         Certain
 PBTs, pesticides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,        products likely
 food additives, batteries, electronics                            to be

HazCom / GHS

                • Most based on old OSHA
                  model adopted through
   Existing       technical standards
  HazCom &      • Derived from labor law                                               Your takeaways
labeling laws     requirements, but can apply to                                        here
                  manufacturers and importers

                                                       Regional shift to GHS
                                                       •   Brazil & Uruguay, 2009
  Can raise     • Spanish / Portuguese required
                                                       •   Ecuador & Honduras, 2013
   import,      • In-country emergency phone
                  number                                   Argentina & Mexico, 2015
marketability                                          •
                • Country-specific nuances re
& compliance      formats, applicability,              •   Costa Rica, 2017
    issues        enforcement                          •   Colombia, proposed 2017

                                                       •   Chile, in development

GHS Hazard Classification
     Most countries adopt all GHS hazard classes:
           physical, health, environmental
Health hazard classification issues                                                Your takeaways
                                                                                   Health hazard
                                                                                    classification is
♦ Mixture rule: constituent of >0.1% (or >1.0%) confers its hazard class on the
mixture                                                                              uniquely
♦ Substance classifications drawn from international sources: e.g., IARC
♦ May not adopt flexibility of UN Purple Book                                      Beware the
                                                                                    mixture rule

Scope variations                                                                   Applicability of
                                                                                    GHS is not
♦ Industrial chemicals                                                              harmonized
♦ Chemical products not marketed to individual consumers
♦ Chemical products used in a workplace
♦ All chemical products
♦ All products, ill-defined scope

GHS Hybrid Regulations
                                          Costa Rica Hazardous
   Chile Hazardous Product
                                        Chemical Product Labeling
    Import Control (2016)                                                  TAKEAWAYS
                                                                        Your takeaways
•Amended version of pesticide        •Amended version of pesticide      GHS is “going
 import control                       labeling rule                      viral”
•Covers substances &                 •Covers all chemical products      So, is everything
 mixtures, including “finished        marketed to individual             hazardous now?
 products”                            consumers
•Uses GHS health hazard              •Uses all GHS hazard classes       Agencies may
 classification                                                          not understand
                                     •Several country-specific label     their own
•Requires Health Ministry             elements                           regulations
 authorization to transport          •Requires registration as a
•Applied by Customs at point          hazardous chemical product
 of import

Chemicals in Products

Emerging priority
• Inspired by SAICM, EU directives                                   Your takeaways
                                                                     Hazardous
• Consumer safety regulations: e.g., children’s products, paints,     here
                                                                      classification may
  inks                                                                 be hazardous to
• May implicate strong consumer protection statutes                    your product
                                                                     Product safety:
Regulation of chemicals over product life-cycle                       potential back-
                                                                      door to
• Product   design (“DfE”) “hazardous substance” restrictions         restrictions on
• Product   testing & certification                                   “hazardous
• Product   labeling (disclosure of “hazardous substances”)
• Product   end-of-life producer responsibility

Proposed Chemical Registries
Brazil bill re: National Registry of Industrial
Chemical Substances
• Drafted by agency-led, multi-stakeholder working group              Your takeaways
• Would require registration of production & imports >1 ton/year      Broad-based
• Multi-agency committees would assess risks & impose risk
                                                                        initiatives show
  management measures                                                   momentum
                                                                        toward chemical
• Public consultation in 2016; revision in progress                     registry laws
Colombia draft decree re: Integral Management of                      Expect burdens
Chemical Substances for Industrial Use                                 of classification
                                                                       & assessment
• Joint proposal of four ministries                                    on industry
• Would require registration of all substances for industrial use
• Would require company self-assessments & risk management plans
• Public consultation in 2017

Gap Analysis
Overreliance                                  Assumption
   on GHS                                   that “stricter is
                       Mix-&-match                                     TAKEAWAYS
classification                                  better”
                         drafting                                    Your takeaways
                                                                     Hybridization of
        High                                                          standards with
                                                    Unclear scope     local law
    aspirations /               Closed
    low capacity              rulemaking             definitions     Stringency bias
                                                                     Implementation
                                                                      gaps leave “real”
Interagency                                                           law unclear
                                             National pride 
                     Enforcement             country-specific
                    via HTS codes              approaches

Looking Ahead
Increasing focus on “hazardous substances”
Seepage of GHS classification into other areas of law
                                                                 Your takeaways
                                                                 Watch
                                                                  here    for the
National chemical inventories & registries                         expansion of
Regional spread of regulatory models                             Latin America –
                                                                  the next
Ongoing pursuit of “harmonization”                                laboratory of
                                                                  chemical laws
SAICM 2020 inflection point

Opportunities to shape emerging regimes – now is the time

Thank you!
Maddie Kadas                                        Russell Fraker
Principal                                           Of Counsel
Austin, Texas                                       Washington, DC                          
                                                                      Your takeaways

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