Global trends that affect the industry - Electrolux Group

Page created by Alfredo Jimenez
Global trends that
                   affect the industry
                   The increasing pace of change in the global market for household appliances stems
                   from a number of trends such as increased consumer power, digitalization, sustainability,
                   consolidation and a growing middle class. These changes are placing demands on
                   investments and economies of scale, but also open up major opportunities.


                                              growing                                             Digitalization

                                                      Consolidation                   Sustainability

                   For simplification purposes, the global market for household         - Consumer power is growing as increasingly well-­
                   appliances can be split into two parts. In the mature markets     informed customers easily can access information about
                   (Western Europe, North America, Japan and Australia/New           prices, offers and product characteristics. This means that
                   Zealand), population growth is low and sales are dominated        Electrolux, as well as other brands, need to offer transparent
                   by replacement products. However, growth markets (Africa,         information about how the products and offers are differenti-
                   the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Southeast         ated to meet customer needs.
                   Asia and China) are characterized by rapidly rising living           - Digitalization plays an important role in increasing
                   standards and a large number of new households being              consumer power. Mobile solutions and access to the Internet
                   able to invest in appliances and other household products.        place demands on Electrolux and increase opportunities
                       During 2016, demand for appliances increased in mature        to interact with consumers in new ways. Digitalization also
                   markets such as North America, Europe and Australia as well       provides substantial opportunities to develop increasingly
                   as in growth markets in Southeast Asia and China. Although        advanced products, such as connected products, as well
                   demand continued to decrease in Latin America a general           as making the Group’s operations more efficient.
                   increase in global demand for appliances was noted.                  - Sustainability is becoming more important for
                       Growth markets have increased their global share of         ­customers and consumers as well as authorities, who
                   demand. In 2016, the demand in growth markets repre-             demand that manufacturers develop and offer sustainable
                   sented about 70% of the total market volume compared             products. This trend has been apparent for a number of
                   with 50% in the year of 2000. Growth markets accounted for       years but development is now accelerating at varying paces
                   about 30% of Electrolux sales for the year, and the objective    in the different regions.
                   is to increase this share.                                           - A global middle class is expanding as a result of
                                                                                    strong economic growth in emerging economies. This trend
                   Trends                                                           has been visible for many years and will continue.
                   The increasing pace of change in the global market stems             - Consolidation in the sector is, to a large extent,
                   from a number of trends that influence volumes and the           driven by the above trends as they result in challenges
                   types of products that are in demand.                            that require major investments and economies of scale.
                                                                                    ­Manufacturers and retailers of household appliances
                                                                                     are becoming fewer, larger and more international.

18   Strategic priorities                                                                                                              ELECTROLUX ANNUAL REPORT 2016
global population

                                        360                                                         450

                                                                                                        1,500                                                   160


                                                              Population in
                                                         Electrolux core markets
                                                                                                                         Population in
                                                                                                                  Electrolux growth markets

                                                                Western Europe,                                        Africa, Middle East,
                                                             North America, Australia,                            Eastern Europe, Latin America,
                                                              New Zealand, Japan                                      Southeast Asia, China

                                                              the pace of digital growth continues to accelerate
                                                                                         Worldwide Digital Indicators

                                +21%                                        +23%                                   +38%                                  +126%
                                       4.0                                                                                2.9
                                3.3                                                 2.7                                                                         4.3
                                                                            2.2                                    2.1

                             2016 2020                                     2016 2020                              2016 2020                              2016 2020

                        internet users                             social media users                        smartphone users                      b2c sales world wide,

                      + 700 million                                + 500 million                             + 800 million                           + 2.4 trillion
               Source: Emarketer and Electrolux estimates.

ELECTROLUX ANNUAL REPORT 2016                                                                                                                                         Strategic priorities    19
Market overview

                  Core markets
                  Western Europe                                                               North America                                                                   Australia, New Zealand and Japan

                  The European appliances market is frag-                                      A mature, homogenous market with high                                           Japan is the world’s third-largest single
                  mented and characterized by widely varying                                   product penetration that is dominated by                                        ­market and is dominated by major domes-
                  consumer patterns between countries and a                                    replacement products. Large homes allow                                          tic manufacturers and retailers. Small living
                  large number of manufacturers, brands and                                    space for many household appliances,                                             spaces have led to consumers demanding
                  retailers. Structural overcapacity and price                                 including large appliances. The market is                                        compact products, such as hand-held vac-
                  pressure has led to ongoing industry consol-                                 comprised of several domestic and global                                         uum cleaners. While market pene­tration is
                  idation with players aiming to achieve econ-                                 manu­facturers. Four major retailers sell 70%                                    high in Australia and New Zealand, demand
                  omies of scale. During 2016, markets showed                                  of the appliances on the market. The recov-                                      is primarily driven by design and innovations
                  continued postive demand enabling growth                                     ery in the housing sector generates oppor-                                       as well as water and energy efficiency. Com-
                  in areas such as compact, energy-efficient                                   tunities for growth in the coming years. In                                      petition between manufacturers from Asia
                  and built-in kitchen products.                                               2016, market demand remained positive.                                           and Europe is intense in the region.

                  Market demand for major appliances                                           Market demand for major appliances                                              Market demand for major appliances
                  MILLION UNITS                                                                                                                                                MILLION UNITS
                                                                                               MILLION UNITS
                  80                                                                                                                                                           25
                                                                                               70                                                                              23
                  50                                                                                                                                                           20
                         90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16                                                                                                                     02       04       06      08       10         12       14       16
                                                                                                         02      04       06       08       10         12         14      16

                  Market value                                                                 Market value                                                                    Market value
                  USD BILLION                                                                  USD BILLION                                                                     USD BILLION
                  50                                                                           50                                                                              20
                  40                                                                           40                                                                              15
                  30                                                                           30
                  20                                                                           20
                                                                                               10                                                                               5
                   0                                                                            0                                                                               0
                                      Major                                Small                                   Major                                 Small                                  Major                                 Small
                                    appliances                           appliances                              appliances                            appliances                             appliances                            appliances

                  Product penetration                                                          Product penetration                                                             Product penetration
                  % OF HOUSEHOLDS                                                              % OF HOUSEHOLDS                                                                 % OF HOUSEHOLDS
                  100                                                                          100                                                                             100
                   80                                                                           80                                                                              80
                   60                                                                           60                                                                              60
                   40                                                                           40                                                                              40
                   20                                                                           20                                                                              20
                    0                                                                               0                                                                            0
                            rs          s        s        ns       ers       ers          rs             rs        tor
                                                                                                                               s        ns       ers        ers           rs          rs        tor
                                                                                                                                                                                                            s        ns       ers        ers          rs
                         oke         tor      ine      ove                              ne            oke                            ove      ash        Dry
                                                                                                                                                                        ne         oke                            ove      ash        Dry
                       Co         era      ach                  ash       Dry       itio            Co         era       ach      ve                                itio         Co         era       ach      ve                               itio
                              frig       gm        ave        hw                  nd                       frig        gm       wa       Dis
                                                                                                                                                                  nd                    frig        gm       wa       Dis
                           Re        shin      row         Dis                 -co                      Re        shin     icro                             Air
                                                                                                                                                                                     Re        shin     icro                            Air
                                  Wa        Mic                             Air                                W a        M                                                                 W a        M

                        Electrolux major competitors                                             Electrolux major competitors                                                    Electrolux major competitors
                        Miele • B/S/H • Whirlpool • Samsung                                      Whirlpool • Haier • LG Electronics                                              Haier • Samsung • LG Electronics
                        • LG Electronics • Arcelik                                               • Samsung                                                                       • Panasonic

                        Euro Area                                                                North America                                                                   Australia, New Zealand and Japan
                        Population:                                      445 million             Population:                                      360 million                    Population:              155 million
                        Average number of                                                        Average number of                                                               Average number of
                        persons per ­household:                          2.3                     persons per h
                                                                                                             ­ ousehold:                          2.6                            persons per h
                                                                                                                                                                                             ­ ousehold:  2.5
                        Urban population:                                78%                     Urban population:                                83%                            Urban population:        93%
                        Estimated GDP                                                            Estimated GDP                                                                   Estimated GDP
                        growth 2017:                                     1.5%                    growth 2017:                                     2.2%                           growth 2017:             1.4%

42   Markets and business areas                                                                                                                                                                                                             ELECTROLUX ANNUAL REPORT 2016
Growth markets
               Africa, Middle East and                                                     Latin America                                                               Southeast Asia and China
               Eastern Europe

               The level of market development varies sub-                                 Brazil is the largest appliance market in the                               The region is characterized by emerg-
               stantially between countries. The geographic                                region where the two largest manufactur-                                    ing economies, rapid urbanization, small
               spread plays its part in hindering manufac-                                 ers accounts for a large share of the mar-                                  living spaces and an expanding middle
               turers and retailers from capturing substan-                                ket. Despite the economic slowdown in the                                   class. China is the world’s largest market for
               tial market shares. Eastern Europe is domi-                                 region, there exists considerable growth                                    household appliances and the domestic
               nated by Western manufacturers and a large                                  potential for appliances in the longer term,                                manufacturers dominate in China. Similar to
               market for replacement products is emerging.                                especially in low-penetrated categories.                                    other emerging markets, consumers prior-
               Penetration in Africa is low, but growth is high                            The growing middle class is expected to                                     itize refrigerators, washing machines and
               and in line with increasing household pur-                                  drive demand for basic cookers, refrigera-                                  air-conditioners as prosperity rises. Energy-­
               chasing power. The Middle East offers a base                                tors and washing machines. Growing inter-                                   efficient products and foreign premium
               for regional manufacturing but is impacted                                  est for energy and water efficiency may also                                brands are growing in popularity.
               by political uncertainty.                                                   drive demand.

               Market demand for major appliances*                                         Market demand for major appliances                                          Market demand for major appliances
               MILLION UNITS                                         * Eastern Europe      MILLION UNITS                                                               MILLION UNITS
               40                                                                          80                                                                          250
               35                                                                          70
                                                                                           50                                                                          150
               20                                                                                                                                                      100
               15                                                                          20                                                                           50
                       02       04      06       08       10         12       14      16           02       04       06      08       10         12       14      16            02       04      06       08       10         12         14        16

               Market value                                                                Market value                                                                Market value
               USD BILLION                                                                 USD BILLION                                                                 USD BILLION
               20                                                                          20                                                                          80

                15                                                                         15                                                                          60

                10                                                                         10                                                                          40

                 5                                                                          5                                                                          20

                 0                                                                          0                                                                           0
                                 Major                                Small                                 Major                                 Small                                 Major                                 Small
                               appliances                           appliances                            appliances                            appliances                            appliances                            appliances

               Product penetration                                                         Product penetration                                                         Product penetration
               % OF HOUSEHOLDS                                                             % OF HOUSEHOLDS                                                             % OF HOUSEHOLDS
               100                                                                         100                                                                         100
                80                                                                          80                                                                          80
                60                                                                          60                                                                          60
                40                                                                          40                                                                          40
                20                                                                          20                                                                          20
                 0                                                                           0                                                                           0
                      rs        tor
                                            s        ns       ers       ers          rs           rs        tor
                                                                                                                        s        ns       ers       ers          rs           ps        tor
                                                                                                                                                                                                    s        ns       ers        ers          rs
                   oke      era       ach         ove      ash       Dry       itio
                                                                                   ne          oke      era       ach         ove      ash       Dry       itio
                                                                                                                                                               ne         okto      era       ach         ove      ash        Dry       itio
                 Co                            ve        hw                  nd              Co                            ve        hw                  nd             Co                             ve        hw                   nd
                        frig        gm       wa       Dis                 -co                       frig        gm       wa       Dis                 -co                       frig        gm       wa       Dis                  -co
                     Re        shin     icro                                                     Re        shin     icro                                                      Re       shin     icro
                            W a        M                               Air                              W a        M                               Air                              W a        M                                Air

                     Electrolux major competitors                                            Electrolux major competitors                                                Electrolux major competitors
                     B/S/H • Whirlpool • Samsung                                             Whirlpool • LG Electronics • Samsung                                        LG Electronics • Panasonic • Haier • B/S/H
                     • LG Electronics • Arcelik                                              • Daewoo                                                                    • Whirlpool • Midea • Samsung • Gree

                     Africa and Middle East                                                  Latin America                                                               Southeast Asia and China
                     Population:                                    1,480 million            Population:                                    640 million                  Population:              4,050 million
                     Average number of                                                       Average number of                                                           Average number of
                     persons per ­household:                        4.8                      ­persons per ­household:                       2.8                          ­persons per ­household: 3.8
                     Urban population:                              46%                       Urban population:                             79%                           Urban population:       44%
                     Estimated GDP                                                            Estimated GDP                                                               Estimated GDP
                     growth 2017:                                   3.1%                      growth 2017:                                  1.2%                          growth 2017:            6.7%

                                                                                                                                                                             Sources: World Bank, OECD and Electrolux estimates.

ELECTROLUX ANNUAL REPORT 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                       Markets and business areas    43
Electrolux market data
                  Core markets
                  Western Europe                                         North America                                         Australia, New Zealand and Japan

                  Electrolux priorities                                  Electrolux priorities                                 Electrolux priorities
                  Increased focus on the strongest and most              Launch of new innovative premium products             Further strengthening of positions in Austra-
                  profitable product categories and brands,              within core appliances. Focus is on streng-           lia and New Zealand through the launch of
                  Electrolux and AEG. Emphasis on innovation,            hening and investing in the Frigidaire brand          new, innovative products such as the new
                  often drawing inspiration from the Group’s             and growth in new channels such as the                Westinghouse cooking range but also prod-
                  professional expertise but also increased              builder-channel and online. Key focus areas           ucts with features such as high energy and
                  focus on smart appliances. Examples of                 are broadening the range of professional              water efficiency. Prioritization of compact,
                  growing segments are built-in kitchen appli-           products as well as the offering for global           user-friendly and quiet household appli-
                  ances and energy-efficient products. Prior-            food chains.                                          ances in Japan and South Korea continues.
                  ity is also given to strengthening the small
                  domestic appliances offering.

                    share oF group          share oF sales in             share oF group         share oF sales in              share oF group          share oF sales in
                       sales 2016            the region 2016                 sales 2016           the region 2016                  sales 2016            the region 2016

                            30%                                                   38%                                                    3%

                                            Major appliances, 80%                                Major appliances, 95%                                 Major appliances, 85%
                                            Small appliances, 8%                                 Small appliances, 3%                                  Small appliances, 8%
                                            Professional food-service                            Professional food-service                             Professional food-service
                                            and laundry equipment, 12%                            and laundry equipment, 2%                              and laundry equipment, 7%

                    Consumer brands                                      Consumer brands                                       Consumer brands

                    Electrolux market shares                             Electrolux market shares                              Electrolux market shares in Australia
                    16% core appliances                                  18% core appliances                                   39% core appliances
                    11% floor care                                       5% floor care                                         7% floor care
                    Professional: Leadership position with a             Professional: Historically strong presence            Professional: Historically strong position in
                    stronger recognition in the institutional/           in laundry equipment and a growing pres-              both laundry equipment and food-service
                    hotel segments for professional products.            ence in the food service industry and in the          equipment for professional use.
                                                                         chain business for professional products.

                    net sales                                            net sales                                             net sales
                   SEKM                                                  SEKM                                                   SEKM
                   40,000                                                40,000                                                 8,000

                   30,000                                                30,000                                                 6,000

                   20,000                                                20,000                                                 4,000

                   10,000                                                10,000                                                 2,000

                       0                                                     0                                                     0
                            12     13      14        15        16                 12     13      14         15         16               12     13      14         15         16

                    Market demand in Western Europe has                  Net sales in North America have been                  Australia is the Group’s main market in the
                    improved during several years, and                   impacted by growth in the market,                     region. In Japan, Electrolux is a relatively
                    Electrolux sales have increased. The Group           launches of new products and new distri-              small player but has, in recent years, estab-
                    has strong market positions with a particu-          bution channels.                                      lished a growing business in small, compact
                    larly strong position in kitchen appliances                                                                vacuum cleaners.
                    both for consumers and professional users.

44   MARKETS AND BUSINESS AREAS                                                                                                                                        ELECTROLUX ANNUAL REPORT 2016
Growth markets
                Africa, Middle East and                                 Latin America                                      Southeast Asia and China
                Eastern Europe

                Electrolux priorities                                   Electrolux priorities                              Electrolux priorities
                Increased focus on the strongest brands                 Although parts of the region have experi-          By targeting new markets, channels and
                and product categories in Eastern Europe.               enced tough market conditions recently,            segments and marketing a broad range of
                The aim is to grow profitably in all prod-              there are considerable growth opportunities        appliances, the Group aims to increase its
                uct categories in parallel with economic                in the longer term. By monitoring the devel-       presence in Asia. A growing middle class
                recovery but also growing prosperity, espe-             opment in Brazil and Argentina closely, and        means higher demand for premium prod-
                cially in Africa. The Electrolux production             focusing on cost control and efficiency, the       ucts. Focus on products for professional
                setup in Egypt will enable growth in the Mid-           Group can capitalize on opportunities when         users in the laundry and food-service seg-
                dle East and North African markets. Prod-               the purchasing power of households recov-          ments is also prioritized as well as launches
                uct launches in the air-conditioner segment             ers and consumer demand turns positive             of compact vacuum cleaners and small
                and small appliances will also yield further            again.                                             domestic appliances.
                growth opportunities in the region.

                  share oF group         share oF sales in               share oF group         share oF sales in            share oF group         share oF sales in
                     sales 2016           the region 2016                   sales 2016           the region 2016                sales 2016           the region 2016

                         11%                                                     13%                                                5%

                                           Major appliances, 84%                                 Major appliances, 94%                              Major appliances, 69%
                                           Small appliances, 9%                                  Small appliances, 6%                               Small appliances, 22%
                                           Professional food-service                                                                                 Professional food-service
                                           and laundry equipment, 7%                                                                                  and laundry equipment, 9%

                 Consumer brands                                        Consumer brands                                    Consumer brands

                 Electrolux market shares                               Electrolux market shares                           Electrolux market shares in
                 15% core appliances, Eastern Europe                    Leading positions in major appliances in           Southeast Asia
                 3% core appliances, Middle East and Africa             Brazil, Chile and Argentina.                       5% core appliances
                 10% floor care, Eastern Europe                         38% floor care                                     24% floor care
                 Professional: Leadership position with a               Professional: Growing presence of                  Professional: Reference player with
                 stronger recognition in the institutional/             Professional Products in the region.               stronger recognition in the hotel segments.
                 hotel segments.

                 net sales                                              net sales                                          net sales
                SEKM                                                    SEKM                                                SEKM
                15,000                                                  25,000                                              7,500
                12,000                                                  20,000                                              6,000
                 9,000                                                  15,000                                              4,500
                 6,000                                                  10,000                                              3,000
                 3,000                                                   5,000                                              1,500
                    0                                                       0                                                  0
                         12      13      14       15         16                  12     13      14       15        16               12      13      14       15         16

                 Electrolux has a potential for growth                  Weak market conditions primarily in                Electrolux sales in Southeast Asia is
                 in parallell with growing markets in Eastern           Brazil impacted sales negatively in 2015           growing. The Group’s strong position in
                 Europe, the Middle East and Africa.                    and 2016. Net sales in Latin America have          front-load washing machines has been
                                                                        previously increased organically over the          leveraged to also expand the business to
                                                                        years due to a strong product offering,            kitchen appliances.
                                                                        market growth and acquisitions.

ELECTROLUX ANNUAL REPORT 2016                                                                                                                                     MARKETS AND BUSINESS AREAS   45
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