CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest

Page created by Ken Lane
CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest
                                                                    with Women of the Midwest!

W   M
                                                                             June 7-16, 2022
       Travel Solo Together
       CO | IA | KS | MN | MO | NE

Dear Women of the Midwest,
Magical and mystical Ireland awaits you. Just join Women of the Midwest on this fabulous adventure to the land of
Leprechaun lore, castles, and a lush green as far as the eye can see.
We will discover Dublin and all it has to offer and still have time for a relaxing cup of Irish Coffee. While here, we will visit
one of the oldest European universities, Trinity College, where we will view the world’s most famous medieval manuscript,
The Book of Kells, a priceless cultural treasure.
The spirit of St. Patrick is alive in most places we will visit while on our adventure to Ireland. From Cork to Galway, we will
make our way to the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher, on the west coast of Ireland, on the famous Wild Atlantic Way. Tales and
folklore abound in the area, enough that it made the perfect location for movies such as Harry Potter, The Princess Bride,
Leap Year, and more. Come and be enchanted!
The many gardens beckon us to slow down and just stroll through all the beauty of the island. Castles captivate us in their
beguiling beauty. We will walk amongst the Celtic ruins, participate in a woodland Hawk Walk, and kayak on the Liffey River
if you so choose. There is something for everyone.
The smell of Irish cheeses and the making of Guinness Beer wet our appetite. We will enjoy Irish food and an Irish jig or
two in a favorite 16th-century tavern.
And, of course, you will have plenty of time for shopping. Irish woolens, pottery, chocolates, whatever
your heart desires can be had. With a little “luck of the Irish”, you will be able to fit all the goodies in
your suitcase for your return trip home!
I look forward to being your Ambassador to this beautiful land “across the pond”. You will be so glad
you signed up for this Irish venture …and that’s no blarney! You will fall in love with the country, the
people, and make so many new friends with your fellow Women of the Midwest travelers!
Sign up now for this amazing trip - our small groups are filling fast.

Sincerely yours,
Lora Black, Women of the Midwest Ambassador

                    Call Executive Travel’s Group Department today at 402-435-8888. Space is limited.
CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest
June 7, 2022, Tuesday                           College, Dublin will bring us back to the       June 11, 2022, Saturday -
Our charming adventure begins as we             18th century, when the magnificent Old          Cork to Galway
take an overnight flight to Dublin. Enjoy in-   Library building was constructed and            After a hearty breakfast, we are off to
flight entertainment and meal service as        which displays the Book of Kells, Ireland’s     one of Cork’s most beloved spots. The
you start your Irish dream vacation.            greatest cultural treasure and the world’s      English Market, an indoor food market in
                                                most famous medieval manuscript. The            the city center, is considered one of the
June 8, 2022, Wednesday -                       9th-century book is a richly decorated copy     best-covered markets in the entire UK and
Dublin                                          of the four Gospels of the life of Jesus        Ireland. The origins of the English Market
Welcome to Dublin! Upon arrival, we meet        Christ. Later we will make a stop at a local    trace back to the times of King James I in
our private tour guide and take a short         cheese shop to taste the wonderful Irish        1610, some four hundred years previously
drive to the center to enjoy a panoramic                                                        and has been officially trading since 1788.
                                                cheeses. The afternoon and evening is at
tour of the city. For such a small city,                                                        A mix of traditional Cork fare and exciting
                                                leisure for shopping and to enjoy more of
Dublin’s got a big past. The iconic city
                                                the charming capital. B | T                     new foods from afar, combined with long-
has survived Viking attacks, a devastating
                                                                                                standing family-run stalls, contribute to the
fire, and even the plague. It is also the
                                                June 10, 2022, Friday -                         unique appeal and atmosphere. It is time to
founder of one of the oldest universities
                                                Gardens, Wools & Abbeys                         leave Cork and head north towards Galway,
in Europe, Trinity College, and is home to
                                                We are getting ready to depart Dublin and       with a stop for lunch on our way. Next in
Ireland’s legendary brew, Guinness. We
                                                discover the breathtaking Powerscourt           our itinerary is Ireland’s iconic Bunratty
will swing by the Docklands, which are rich
                                                Gardens - voted No. 3 Garden in the World       Castle, named after the river Raite which
in maritime history, engineering triumphs,
and landmark architecture. We will also         by National Geographic! The Gardens             runs alongside this strategic battlement.
                                                stretch over 47 acres and offer a sublime       The spot on which this castle stands has
visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Built in honor
                                                blend of formal gardens, sweeping terraces,     been occupied for over 1,000 years by the
of Ireland’s patron saint, Saint Patrick’s
                                                statues and ornamental lakes, secret            Vikings to the Normans, great Irish Earls
Cathedral stands adjacent to the famous
                                                hollows and rambling walks. Next, visit         and noble Lords and Ladies. Graciously
well where tradition has it Saint Patrick
                                                Avoca for a unique shopping experience of       restored in the 1960s and furnished by
baptized converts on his visit to Dublin.       the best Ireland has to offer! Our next stop
Check in to our centrally located hotel and                                                     Lord Gort’s magnificent collection of
                                                is at Jerpoint Park to enjoy a guided tour
the afternoon and evening are yours to                                                          medieval furniture and furnishings, this is
                                                of the footprints of a deserted medieval
explore more of Dublin, or simply sit in a                                                      your chance to experience a window on
                                                town dating back to 1200AD. Tradition in
cafe with a cup of Irish coffee and enjoy a     these parts tells that the earthly remains of   Ireland’s past and explore the acclaimed
couple of hours of people-watching! S           St. Nicholas were secretly removed from         15th-century Bunratty Castle. Arrival to
                                                Bari by returning crusader knights, who         Galway for a relaxing evening. B | L
June 9, 2022, Thursday -                        brought them back to Newtown Jerpoint for
Dublin                                          safe keeping. The story gets even better        June 12, 2022, Sunday -
After a rich breakfast, we will visit Trinity   when told by Joe, and Maeve will serve her      Cliffs of Moher
College and admire the Book of Kells.           homemade scones and tea in the barn! A          We head out to the famous Cliffs of Moher,
Located in the heart of Dublin city, a walk     visit to remember! We arrive in Cork for a      scenic cliffs stretching 700 feet over the
through the cobbled stones of Trinity           good night’s rest. B | T | L                    rugged Atlantic coast. The cliffs are
CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest
Ireland’s most visited natural attraction       industry and the process of how sheep’s           St. Fiachra’s Garden as well as the Irish
with a magical vista that will capture your     fleece is made into cloth. Next, we will          Horse Museum and Living Legends. It
heart - their beauty is incomparable! We        discover the rich history of Ashford Castle,      is also home to some of Ireland’s most
make a stop for lunch at our favorite           extending back to 1228 and once home              famous racehorses. We arrive in Dublin
smokehouse to sample the silky, smoky           to the famous Guinness family. We will            for a relaxed evening. B | L
texture of smoked Irish organic salmon.         enjoy lunch at the castle, followed by a
We will discover the mystery of salmon          private Hawk Walk. This will give you the         June 15, 2022, Wednesday -
smoking and the secret of how smoked            incredible opportunity to fly your very own       Dublin
salmon is handcrafted. Enjoy mosaics that       Harris Hawks under the guidance of your           Today is our last full day in Ireland and
tell the story of the “Salmon of Knowledge”,    instructor. After you have been introduced        we will spend it at leisure. You will have
marvel at the nostalgic atmosphere and          to your hawks you’ll set off into the             time to explore Dublin at your own pace,
smell the oak smoke as soon as you come         magnificent woodlands to fly your hawks,          go shopping, enjoy more museums or,
through the door. Enjoy an afternoon in         as they follow you from tree to tree through      why not, challenge your kayak skills at
Galway among the quaint shops and               the woods before swooping down to land            the Liffey River! We meet in the evening
                                                on your gloved fist. You will learn about the     to enjoy an Irish dinner and show at our
cafés. Join us for an optional dinner in one
                                                Hawks’ exceptional eyesight, their speed,         handpicked and favorite 16th-century
of Galway’s finest eateries. B | L
                                                and agility. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime   tavern, one of the oldest in Ireland, located
                                                experience. Galway is at your leisure             in the charming and quaint fishing village
June      13,     2022,      Monday        -    tonight. B | L                                    of Howth. The exceptional food served in a
                                                                                                  truly unique and atmospheric setting along
Today we will visit one of the most beautiful
                                                June 14, 2022, Tuesday -                          with the musicians and dancers in a lively
places in the region: Kylemore Abbey and
                                                Return to Dublin                                  performance of music, song and the very
its Victorian Walled Garden. Both a castle      We leave Galway and make our way back             best of Irish dancing, will finish our Irish
and a Benedictine abbey, the majestic           to Dublin with a couple of very exciting          journey in the best possible way. B | D
Kylemore was a gift of love from a romantic     stops on the way. Clonmacnoise is our
Irishman to his beloved wife, woven with        first stop, an ancient monastic site near         June 16, 2022, Thursday -
tales of tragedy and romance. Today             Shannonbridge. A walk amongst the                 Traveling home
Kylemore Abbey is owned and run by the          peaceful stone ruins of this famous area          All too soon, your vacation has ended.
Benedictine community who have been in          will conjure images of the saints and             Transfer to Dublin airport in plenty of time to
residence here since 1920. Indulge in the       scholars of Ireland’s renowned Golden             check in for our flight and to clear security.
unique craft shop, admire the Kylemore          Age of learning and the two complete High         You may do some last minute shopping at
Abbey Pottery and taste the award-winning       Crosses will simply take your breath away.        the duty-free stores before boarding and
chocolates handmade by the Benedictine          We make a stop for lunch in a picturesque         flying west across the Atlantic Ocean back
nuns. Ireland, for centuries, has been          town along our route. Last stop is the            to the United States. B
famous for its woolens and we will stop to      fantastic Irish National Stud & Gardens.
get an insight into the importance of sheep     This state-owned commercial stud farm                     Itinerary subject to change.
and wool in Connemara’s past. Learn the         also incorporates the world-famous                        B = Breakfast S = Snack
history of sheep farming, local woolen          Japanese Gardens and wild Irish                       L = Lunch T = Tasting D = Dinner
CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest
To register contact:

                                                                                                        1212 O Street • Lincoln, NE 68508
                                                                                                  Phone: 402-435-8888 (ask for Group Department)
                                                                                                               Fax: 402-435-2735

                                                                                                            ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK:

 Package Price:                                                                             Tour Activity Level: LEVEL 1 2 3 4
 Per person in shared double room:                                  $3,595
                                                                                            Involves a considerable amount of activity such as substantial
 Per person in single room: 				                                    $4,595                  walking, some steps, longer periods of standing (museums,
 (limited number of single rooms)                                                           churches, parks, and gardens) and some steep areas within the
 Remember our “Pair & Share” service for solo travelers. Ask us to                          towns and sites visited. This tour is not recommended for guests
 assist in finding your roommate!                                                           with walking difficulties.

 Triple rooms on request.                                                                   Travel Insurance:
 A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required upon                               We recommend travel insurance to help protect you and your trip
 signing up for the tour. Deposit can be paid by cash, check or credit                      investment against the unexpected. For your convenience, we offer
 card. Balance is due on February 7, 2022, and is non-refundable.                           a plan provided by Travelex Insurance Services. For full pricing grid
 Balance can be paid by cash or check. Credit card payment(s) (any                          and highlights, please contact us. Travelex Insurance Services, Inc CA
 payment applied to the tour after the deposit) will access a 3.5%                          Agency License #0D10209. Travel Insurance is underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway
 processing fee.                                                                            Specialty Insurance Company, NAIC #22276.

 The price of this tour is based on a minimum of 15 travelers. We refer                     Visa/Passport requirements (per 9/29/2020):
 to our general Tems and Conditions found at
 eti-home/vacation/escorted-tours.                                                          U.S. citizens must have a valid passport to enter Ireland and can
                                                                                            enter visa-free for tourism stays of up to 90 days. It is the traveler’s
 Group Air:                                                                                 responsibility to make sure all documentation needed to enter
 We offer group airfare. Pricing and specific itinerary will be available                   Ireland is as per current regulations. We recommend you check
 by the end of July 2021. All registered travelers will be notified.               at least 90 days prior to your departure.
 Estimate $1,300-$1,400 for your roundtrip ticket, economy class,
 including taxes and fees.

- Included                                                                                  Not Included:
 •   8 nights accommodation (local 4-star hotels)                                           •     Airfare
 •   8 x full Irish breakfast                                                               •     Additional baggage fees (first checked bag FREE, 50 lbs)
 •   Snack box at arrival to Dublin airport on June 8, 2022                                 •     Travel insurance
 •   5 x lunch                                                                              •     Gratuities to the local tour manager and driver (estimate $5
 •   1 x farewell dinner and show                                                                 per person per day)
 •   Local cheese tasting                                                                   •     Personal expenses
 •   All transportation as per tour program with private deluxe motor                       •     Meals other than mentioned in the tour program
     coach                                                                                  •     Beverages at meals
 •   Porterage at hotels                                                                    •     Entrances to monuments and/or museums other than
 •   Professional tour guide during all days in Ireland                                           mentioned
 •   Entrance fee to all mentioned sites                                                    •     Professional fee, $75 per person, due at the time of
 •   Women of the Midwest Ambassador from day 1 through day 10                                    registration
 •   All local taxes as per September 24, 2020                                              •     Anything not mentioned in the inclusions

 Final accommodations will be confirmed 90 days prior to departure.                                                         W   M
                                                                                                                                    Travel Solo Together
 The price quoted is based on a USD/EURO exchange rate of 1.20. We reserve the
                                                                                                                                     CO | IA | KS | MN | MO | NE
 right to adjust the price at final payment if the exchange rate increases.
                                                                                                                           W   M
                                                                                                                            A wholly-owned division of Executive Travel Inc.

                                                                                                                                     Travel Solo Together
             Forwarding registration and deposit signifies that you agree to the terms and conditions found at
                                                                                                                                      CO | IA | KS | MN | MO | NE

                             Call Executive Travel’s Group Department today at 402-435-8888. Space     is limited.
                                                                                             A wholly owned division of Executive Travel Inc.                                  7/22/2021
CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest

We offer group airfare with United Airlines:

June 7, 2022         Omaha* - Chicago 				                     3:23 PM - 5:03 PM
June 7, 2022         Chicago - Dublin		  		                    9:10 PM - 10:45 AM (June 8, 2022)
June 16, 2022        Dublin - Chicago			                       12:15 PM - 2:35 PM
June 16, 2022        Chicago - Omaha* 				                     9:05 PM - 10:39 PM

$1,350 per person including taxes and fees, economy class.

*We are happy to assist with airfare from a different airport than Omaha.
Please reach out to us to assist you. A small supplement may occur.

Group airfare comes with seat assignments 30 days prior to departure. Premium seating (upgrades) can
be purchased and confirmed at this time. Executive Travel and Women of the Midwest cannot confirm
precise seat numbers earlier than 30 days prior to your departure and therefore cannot guarantee the
availability of specific seating on the aircraft or availability for upgrades.
Mileage credit for individuals on group air contracts is not guaranteed and is subject to the rules of the
airline under contract.

All taxes, fuel charges and security fees are subject to change. Air schedule is subject to change
at the discretion of the airline.

                          RESERVE YOUR AIRFARE WHEN SIGNING UP!

CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest CHARMING IRELAND - Women of the Midwest
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