Chapter Advocacy Roundtable Leaders FY 2021-2022

Page created by Christopher Schroeder
Chapter Advocacy Roundtable Leaders FY 2021-2022
Chapter Advocacy Roundtable Leaders FY 2021-2022

                    Ian Slade – Chair; Southern California Chapter
                    i an.
                        Ian Sl ade started his healthcare j ourney as a t rauma nurse when he was
                        19 y/ o . He w ent o n to st udy MA P sychology and MBA. In t he past 20
                        years Ian has served as a HIT consultant i n more t han 30 hospitals i n t he
                        US, C anada and t he UK . Hi s passion to hel p t he underserved and
underprivileged l ed him t o help standardized Anesthesia care for VA pati ents t hroughout
t he co untry. He j o ined HIMSS Southern C alifornia Advocacy group i n 2013 and has been
o n t he C hapter' s Executive Bo ard si nce 2014. He was selected to serve as t he HIMSS
N at ional W estern Vice C hair fo r Advocacy i n 2015. In 2017 he was el ected C hapter
P resi dent. As chapter P resi dent, he promoted female and minority board members. He
al so paved t he w ay for t hree co nsecutive female presidents t o succeed him. He grew t he
chapter from 2k t o 3k+ m embers and unified N orthern and So uthern California Advocacy
effo rts. Throughout t he years, Ian has advocated for patients, healthcare t echnology and
ho spitals i n t he hall s o f Sacramento and t he corridors o f C apitol Hi ll. He advocated heavily
fo r i mproved C ybersecurity and Interoperabil ity l egislation. He has l ectured nationally and
i nt ernationally i n t he areas o f Healthcare project management and Healthcare
adv ocacy. Last year, he w as sel ected by t he International Fo rum on Advancement i n
Heal thcare (IFAH) as o ne o f t he To p Gl obal Healthcare Leaders. This year hi s co nsulting
co m pany, ITCG, was v oted top 10 i n healthcare IT i n t he US by Healthcare Tech Outlook
Magazi ne. He resides i n Irvine C alifornia.

                      Amanda Bergamo – Vice Chair, Western Region; New
                      Mexico Chapter

                       Am anda Bergamo l eads t he UnityBPO patient and provider
                       experi ence and engagement program to create frictionless pathways
                       and o ptimal experiences. She also oversees t he consultative and
st rategic support services for t he acute v ertical portfolio i nclusive o f hospitals and
i nt egrated health systems. Before j oining UnityBPO i n 2019, Am anda w as a m ember o f t he
C hi ef Experience Office at P resbyterian Healthcare Services, a $3 bil lion i ntegrative health
syst em i n N ew Mexi co. Am anda was i nstrumental i n t he maturation o f t he Experience and

Chapter Advocacy Roundtable Leaders FY 2021-2022
Qual ity/Safety P rograms, l eading i nitiatives and projects across t he system t o l everage
di gital t echnology and i mprove processes for patients, providers, cl inici ans and o ther
w o rkforce m embers.

P ri or to t his, Am anda hel d senior positions i n both healthcare v enture phil anthropy and
t echnology focused o rgani zations as Executive D irector, C ystic Fi brosis Foundation, and
P resi dent, Beehive Technology, l everaging t he use o f t echnology i n business t o improve
perfo rmance. Mo st recentl y Amanda has been t he Bo ard C hairman o f TED xABQ, founder
and co -curator of t he TEDxABQ “ Future o f Healthcare” salon series, Advocacy C hai r o f t he
N M C hapter o f Healthcare Information Management Syst ems So ciety, as wel l founder and
m entor o f Global Shapers N ew Mexico for t he World Economic Fo rum.

                    Ed Grogan – Vice Chair, Eastern Region; Maryland Chapter

                     Ed Gro gan serves as Senior D irector o f Information Technology for Si bley
                     Mem o ri al Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medi cine, i n W ashington D .C. In t his
                     ro l e, he has o versight of Si bley’s t echnology portfolio and services,
i nt eracts with v arious Innovation C enters t hroughout t he Jo hns Hopkins enterprise, and
co l l aborates with col leagues o n enterprise i nitiatives. Ed has been i nvolved with HIMMS for
t w enty years and currently serves on t he Board o f t he Maryl and C hapter o f HIMSS and as
C hair o f t he Advocacy C ommittee. Hi s i nterest i s engaging i n public policy advocacy at
t he st ate and federal l evels for t he adoption o f health i nformation technology t o drive
care t ransformation to i mprove quality, patient safety and engagement, and value. He
al so currently serves o n t he Technical Advisory Bo ard for t he C hesapeake Regional
Info rmation Syst em for our P atients (CRISP), t he health i nformation exchange serving
Maryl and, D .C., and surrounding j urisdictions. He previously helped t o establish Maryl and
eC are for t he provision o f t elemedicine services i n t he st ate.

                    Jim Kamp - Vice Chair, Midwestern Region; Michigan
                    Ji m

                     Ji m K amp i s a Manager o f C lient Relationships and Business
                     D ev elopment at Al tarum Institute, a Mi chigan-based nonprofit fo cused
o n i m proving t he health o f vulnerabl e populations. In hi s ro le, Jim assists Al tarum’s C enter
fo r C onnected Health i n helpi ng cl ients pl an for and i mplement i nteroperability go als
based o n policy and l egislative updates. Prior t o j oining Al tarum i n 2018, Ji m spent si x
years i n o perations and business development positions helping a small healthcare
anal ytics company grow i ts mil itary health portfolio. Befo re moving i nto healthcare, Jim
spent o ver twenty years i n reference database publishing i n a v ariety o f editorial and
t echnology program m anagement ro les, i ncluding servi ng as Vice P resident o f P rogram

Chapter Advocacy Roundtable Leaders FY 2021-2022
Management for Gale Research and C engage Learning until 2011. Ji m i s a recovering
Engl ish major who earned degrees from Oakland University and Wayne St ate University
befo re wi sing up and getting his MBA from Ross School o f Busi ness at t he University o f
Mi chi gan i n 2002.

                   Nasim Rezanejad – Vice Chair, Southern Region; Houston,
                   Texas Chapter


                     Dr. Rezanejad is currently working with the University of Texas Health
                     Science Center at Houston as the Physician Engagement Analyst utilizing
her medical and technical background as a liaison between the physicians and the Epic
group in developing milestones, mapping and delivering information for the Epic
implementation in 153 ambulatory clinics and the Harris County Psychiatric Center. She is
involved in evaluating, diagnosing, supporting and resolving of problems reported by
physicians during implementations, upgrades and optimizations. Since 2017 Dr. Rezanejad
has been certified in EpicCare Ambulatory through the Houston Methodist Hospital, where
she worked as an Application Analyst on Epic Go-Live projects for the ambulatory clinics;
through documentation, implementation, end user training and optimizations with the
Physician Initiative team. She has worked with several startup companies as a Clinical Data
Analyst consultant in medical informatics, data analysis, developing data modeling, data
analytics in research, creating clinical data sets for different specialties and writing

Dr. Rezanejad has been a member of Houston HIMSS since 2013. Her core focus has been
creating state health policy roadmaps to support health information technology initiatives
and communicating with her colleagues and other leaders in advocacy to influence state
legislation, policies and regulatory issues. Dr. Rezanejad was chosen to represent “Calling All
the Changemakers - Be Part of What’s Next for Health” for HIMSS20 Global Health

Chapter Advocacy Roundtable Leaders FY 2021-2022
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