CHANTICLEER DECEMBER 2021 - December 17, 2021 | St. Vincent's Church, Petaluma, CA

Page created by Marie Hodges
CHANTICLEER DECEMBER 2021 - December 17, 2021 | St. Vincent's Church, Petaluma, CA

           DECEMBER 2021

December 17, 2021 | St.Vincent's Church, Petaluma, CA
December 22, 2021 | Mission Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
   December 23, 2021 | Carmel Mission, Carmel, CA
CHANTICLEER DECEMBER 2021 - December 17, 2021 | St. Vincent's Church, Petaluma, CA
We lcom e

D     ear friends and family,

Here we are, as in olden day! Back with carols and candles, back with Biebl and baubles, and back
in front of an audience after much too long. “A Chanticleer Christmas” seems almost as immutable
as the seasons. It’s a holiday tradition for so many of us, and we are so thankful that we get to
celebrate that tradition again this year.

But we would be fools to pretend like we aren’t different people now than we were two years ago.
Behind all the Santa hats and smiles, we have each got a story to tell. I don’t necessarily mean a
story about Covid, although it could be that. I mean simply that a lot happens in two years. Some
good things, some bad things.

In Chanticleer, I believe our best singing happens when we are honest and open with each other.
When we feel comfortable being vulnerable. When our individual stories, with all their ups and
downs, combine into a small, ephemeral bit of sonic beauty.

Tonight, let us create a place of warmth and closeness. Let us create a room of connection and
respect, of understanding and compassion, where all of our stories from the past two years can
mingle and mix. Gather those dear to you (with an arm or with a memory) and hold them tight. And
the stranger sitting next to you? Extend to them the same grace.

It’s nice, isn’t it? Knowing that everyone in here feels compassion for your story – whether they
have heard it or not, whether they understand it or not. Oh, that we could always see such spirit
through the year!

Merry Christmas!


Th e Prog ram

                                  Cortez Mitchell, Gerrod Pagenkopf*, Kory Reid,
                            Bradley Sharpe, Logan Shields, Adam Ward – countertenor
                          Brian Hinman*, Matthew Mazzola, Andrew Van Allsburg – tenor
                       Andy Berry*, Zachary Burgess, Matthew Knickman – baritone and bass
                                            Tim Keeler – Music Director

         Our Christmas concerts are dedicated to Peggy Skornia, whose love and generosity knew no bounds.

  Ave, generosa                                           Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
  O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf                          Hugo Distler (1908-1942), Johannes Brahms
			                                                       (1833-1897), Jonathan Woody (b. 1983)

 Rorate coeli         Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
 Resonet in laudibus  Johannes Eccard (1553-1611)
 Psallite, unigenito† Praetorius

  A Spotless Rose                          Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
		     Andy Berry, solo
  Maria Wanders Through the Thorn –        Trad. German and English,
		     What Child is This?†		                       arr. Joseph H. Jennings
  Rose of Roses                            Fredrik Sixten (b. 1962)
		     Commissioned by Chanticleer in 2014
		     Adam Ward, solo
  Carol of the Bells†                      Trad. Ukrainian, arr. Joseph Joubert and Buryl Red

Ave, spes nostra                                Vicente Lusitano (d. after 1561)
             Ave Maria†                                      Franz Biebl (1906-2001)

  Deck the Hall                                 Trad. Welsh, arr. Gene Puerling
		     Brian Hinman, Matthew Knickman, solos
  Walking in the Air                            Howard Blake (b. 1938), arr. Adam Ward
		     Logan Shields, Adam Ward, solos
  Christmas Spiritual Medley†                   Trad. Spirituals, arr. Joseph H. Jennings
   Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
   (Everywhere I Go) Somebody Talkin’ ‘Bout Jesus
   Go Tell it on the Mountain

                                   †These pieces have been recorded by Chanticleer.

       *Andy Berry occupies The Eric Alatorre Chair given by Peggy Skornia. Brian Hinman occupies the Tenor Chair,
         given by an Anonymous Donor. Gerrod Pagenkopf occupies The Ning G. Mercer Chair for the Preservation
                             of the Chanticleer Legacy, given by Ning and Stephen Mercer.

Prog ram Notes

                                                           Renaissance and Baroque influences feature in the
                                                           work of all three composers. Distler’s music, for
          e begin in darkness with a Medieval chant        instance, features long and imitative, but melodically
written by the 12th century Benedictine abbess             independent lines. He was influenced by early music
Hildegard of Bingen. In addition to 77 original chants     from a young age: while studying at the Leipzig
with original texts, Hildegard’s extant output includes    conservatory, he often attended performances at
religious writings, dramatic poetry, medical and           the Thomaskirche where he would hear the music
scientific works, as well as recorded visions and          of J.S. Bach and Heinrich Schütz. He also worked for
letters. The amount of surviving works by Hildegard        an extended period of time at the St. Jakobikirche in
is staggering and demonstrates not only her genius         Lübeck, a church with two Gothic organs perfect for
but also the regard with which she was held by her         performing early music. Distler joined the National
contemporaries. She founded her own convent, took          Socialist German Workers Party in 1933 as a condition
extended preaching tours throughout Germany, and           of his continued employment. But even then, his
corresponded directly with popes and emperors. As          compositions were labeled as “degenerate art” by the
one would expect from such a luminary, Hildegard’s         Nazi Party. The deaths of friends and disillusionment
music is completely unique. While sonically similar to     with his country eventually led him to take his own life
Gregorian chant, it is not derived from it. Her melodies   in his Berlin apartment in 1942.
are personal reflections on personal visions. The text
and the music of “Ave, generosa” exist together; they      While often grouped with other Romantics, Johannes
comment on one another.                                    Brahms had a keen fondness and reverence for music
                                                           of the Renaissance and Baroque. As a conductor, he
The 17th century Advent hymn “O Heiland, reiß die          regularly programmed music by J.S. Bach, Handel,
Himmel auf” is a desperate plea for the Savior to          and even Palestrina and Lassus. The influence of
“tear open the heavens” and bring salvation down to        these masters is evident in Brahms’s meticulous
Earth. The familiar chorale tune has been interpreted      part-writing and voice leading. Carefully wrought
by many different composers over the years. Our            fugues and perfect counterpoint are hallmarks of
program features three different versions: for the         Brahms as much as they are of Bach. Nowhere is this
first and fourth verse, we sing a setting by the 20th      similarity more evident than in the two a cappella
century German composer, Hugo Distler. For the             motets of Opus 74, “Warum ist das Licht gegeben
second and fifth verses, we sing an arrangement by         dem Mühseligen?” and “O Heiland, reiß die Himmel
Johannes Brahms. And for the third and sixth verses,       auf.” “Warum” often gets touted as Brahms’s pinnacle
we perform a new arrangement by the contemporary           achievement in unaccompanied vocal writing,
composer Jonathan Woody.                                   usually with direct comparisons to the music of J.S.
                                                           Bach. But “O Heiland, reiß” displays equal amounts

Prog ram Notes

of ingenuity and craftsmanship. The two verses we            We follow that with two German carols, one set by
sing in this program are uniquely Brahms: Baroque            Praetorius, and the other set by his contemporary, the
craftsmanship paired with Romantic harmonies.                Berlin-based Johannes Eccard. “Resonet in laudibus”
                                                             is the Latin-texted version of the familiar German
Melding Distler and Brahms together are settings             carol “Joseph lieber, Joseph mein,” and “Psallite” is
by Jonathan Woody. A “charismatic” and “riveting”            a macaronic text, featuring both Latin and German
(New York Times) bass-baritone and composer                  depictions of the birth of Christ.
living in New York City, his compositions have been
performed by the Handel and Haydn Society and Les            “Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming” is the familiar 1894
Délices, and as a soloist he has performed with, among       English translation of Praetorius’s most popular
others, the Boston Early Music Festival, Tafelmusik          Christmas song, “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen.”
Baroque Orchestra, Apollo’s Fire, and the Choir of           However, there is another common English
Trinity Wall Street. Equally at home in early music and      translation, which Catherine Winkworth created in
contemporary music, Woody’s compositions display             1869. Herbert Howells chose this version for his 1919
his familiarity with the old and his fondness for the new.   composition, “A spotless rose.” Already at this early
                                                             stage in his career, Howells’s distinctive writing style
This year marks the 450th anniversary of the birth           is clear. He combines ancient modal lines with lush
of the German Renaissance composer Michael                   20th century harmonies to create works that are both
Praetorius. His compositional output is extensive,           modern and timeless.
with the vast majority – over 1000 pieces – being
settings of Protestant hymn tunes or Latin texts             We continue to explore the symbolism of the rose
from the Lutheran service of his time. While always          with two compositions written specifically for
rooted in a German style, his later works showcase           Chanticleer. The first is an arrangement done by
hallmarks of Italian influence, which came from his          our music director emeritus, Joseph H. Jennings, of
time in Dresden where he was exposed to the music            the traditional German Advent song “Maria durch
of Heinrich Schütz (who himself studied in Venice            ein Dornwald ging“ – here translated as “Maria
with none other than Giovanni Gabrieli). These later         wanders through the thorn” – paired with “What
compositions feature both polychoral and chamber             child is this?” Throughout the two songs, Jennings
styles, with textures and forces changing throughout         manages to capture both the majesty and the mystery
a single work. We begin our exploration of this              of Christ’s birth. The second composition, “Rose
repertoire with Praetorius’s setting of the advent text,     of Roses,” is a 2014 commission by the Swedish
“Rorate caeli.”                                              composer and organist Fredrik Sixten. The rose in this
                                                             text represents Mary. While often worshipped for

Prog ram Notes

her generosity, sweetness, and mercy, Sixten uses a        Every Christmas season we look forward to sharing
rumbling intensity to instead illustrate Mary’s nobility   this gem with our audiences around the country.
as the “Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.”                    Biebl’s setting is actually a version of the “Angelus,” a
                                                           Catholic devotional prayer, which tells the story of the
“Carol of the Bells,” arranged by Joseph Joubert and       annunciation and incarnation. The TTBB arrangement
Buryl Red, rings in the joy of Christmas morning with      we sing, as well as two other editions for mixed
jazz-infused harmonies and virtuosic vocal lines.          chorus, are published by Hinshaw Music under the
Joubert and Red are two powerhouses of cross-              Chanticleer Choral Series label.
genre musical mastery. Before his death in 2013,
Red directed the male chorus The CenturyMen with           Program notes by Tim Keeler
Joubert as his associate director and accompanist.
They both have many compositions, arrangements,
and orchestrations to their names. Joubert continues
to perform as an accompanist and director, with choirs
and soloists, both in churches and on Broadway.

A Portuguese composer of African descent, Vicente
Lusitano’s name appears most often in music history
textbooks in connection with an esoteric debate
about musical scales. But in addition to his theorizing,
Lusitano also composed many pieces of exquisite
Renaissance polyphony, and many of these works are
just beginning to be rediscovered. “Ave, spes nostra,”
Lusitano’s homage to the Virgin Mary, existed only
in original, 16th century partbooks until we created
a performance edition for this program – which we
have made freely available online at the Choral Public
Domain Library.

The reverential, meditative tone of “Ave, spes nostra”
pairs perfectly with Franz Biebl’s “Ave Maria,” a piece
that has become synonymous with Chanticleer.

Texts and Translations

Ave, generosa – Hildegard von Bingen
		                  Ave, generosa gloriosa et intacta       Hail, nobly born, honored and inviolate,
		                        puella, tu pupilla castitatis,    you, Maiden are the piercing gaze of chastity,
		                             tu materia sanctitatis,      you the material of holiness –
		                                   que Deo placuit.       the one who pleased God.

		              Nunc omnis ecclesia in gaudio rutilet       So now in joy gleams all the Church like dawn,
		                           ac in symphonia sonet          resounds in symphony
		                    propter dulcissimam Virginem          because of you, the Virgin sweet
		                            et laudabilem Mariam,         and worthy of all praise, Maria,
		                            Dei Genitricem. Amen.         God’s mother. Amen.

		                      Text by Hildegard von Bingen        Translation by Nathaniel M. Campbell

O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf – Hugo Distler (vv. 1 & 4), Johannes Brahms (vv. 2 & 5),
       Jonathan Woody (vv. 3 & 6)
		                   O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf, O Savior, tear open the heavens,
		                    herab, herab, vom Himmel lauf!        flow down to us from heaven above;
		                  Reiß ab vom Himmel Tor und Tür,         tear off heaven’s gate and door,
		                 reiß ab, wo Schloß und Riegel für!       tear off every lock and bar!

		                 O Gott, ein’ Tau vom Himmel gieß;        O God, a dew from heaven pour;
		                      im Tau herab, o Heiland, fließ.     in the dew, O Savior, downward flow.
		                 Ihr Wolken, brecht und regnet aus        Break, you clouds, and rain down
		                       den König über Jakobs Haus.        the king of Jacob’s house.

		               O Erd’, schlag aus, schlag aus, o Erd’,    O earth, burst forth, burst forth, O earth,
		                 daß Berg und Tal grün alles werd’.       so that mountain and valley all become green;
		                 O Erd’, herfür dies Blümlein bring,      O earth, bring forth this little flower;
		                   o Heiland, aus der Erden spring.       O Savior, spring forth out of the earth.

                      O klare Sonn’, du schöner Stern,      O brightest Sun, you beautiful star
                     dich wollten wir anschauen gern.       We desire greatly to behold you.
                  O Sonn’, geh auf, ohn' deinen Schein      O sun, rise, for without your light
                             in Finsternis wir alle sein.   We are all in darkness.

                        Hie leiden wir die größte Not,      Here we suffer the greatest distress;
                       vor Augen steht der bittre Tod.      before our eyes stands bitter death.
                 Ach komm, führ uns mit starker Hand        Ah, come lead us with your powerful hand
                        vom Elend zu dem Vaterland.         from this misery to our Father’s land.

Texts and Translations

		                      Da wollen wir all’ danken dir,    Therefore we all want to thank you,
		                        unserm Erlöser, für und für.    our Redeemer, for ever and ever.
		                      Da wollen wir all’ loben dich     Therefore we also want to praise you
		                  zu aller Zeit und ewiglich. Amen.     for all times and forever. ßAmen.

                                     Text by Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld

Rorate coeli – Praetorius
		                               Rorate coeli desuper     Drop down, ye heavens, from above,
		                            et nubes pluant justum.     and let clouds rain down justice
		                                     Aperiatur terra    let the earth open,
		                            et germinet salvatorem.     and let it sprout forth a Savior.

                Coeli enarrant gloriam Dei: et opera      The heavens declare the glory of God:
		             manuum ejus annuntiat firmamentum.         and the firmament showeth his handiwork.

		     Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto:          Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
			                                                       and to the Holy Spirit:
		 sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper,             as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be forever,
		             et in secula seculorum, Amen.              world without end, Amen.

                                               Isaiah 45, Psalm 19

Resonet in laudibus – Eccard
		                                Resonet in laudibus      Let praises resound
		                            cum iucundis plausibus       with joyous acclaim:
		                                  Sion cum fidelibus:    to Sion’s faithful
		                       apparuit quem genuit Maria.       the child born of Mary has appeared.
		                Sunt impleta quae predixit Gabriel.      What Gabriel foretold has been fulfilled.
		                        Eia, eia, Virgo Deum genuit      Hail, A Virgin bore God,
		                      quem divina voluit clementia.      whom divine mercy willed.
		                           Hodie apparuit in Israel:     Today He has appeared in Israel:
		                    Ex Maria Virgine est natus Rex.      From the Virgin Mary is born a King.
		                Magnum nomen Domini Emmanuel             Great is the name of the Lord Emmanuel
		                 quod annuntiatum est per Gabriel.       as was announced by Gabriel.

Texts and Translations

Psallite, unigenito – Praetorius
                   Psallite, unigenito, Christo Dei Filio,   Sing your psalms to Christ, the only begotten Son of God,

                                 Redemptori Domino,          sing your psalms to the Redeemer,
                          puerulo jacenti in praesepio.      the little boy lying in a manger.

          Ein kleines Kindelein liegt in dem Krippelein;     A small Child lies in the manger.
             Alle liebe Engelein dienen dem Kindelein,       All the blessed angels serve Him
                                   und singen ihm fein.      and sing to Him.

A Spotless Rose – Herbert Howells
                                             A spotless rose is growing,
                                             sprung from a tender root,
                                           Of ancient seers’ foreshowing,
                                               Of Jesse promised fruit;
                                           Its fairest bud unfolds to light
                                             Amid the cold, cold winter,
                                             And in the dark midnight.

                                            The Rose which I am singing,
                                                  Whereof Isaiah said,
                                           Is from its sweet root springing
                                                 In Mary, purest Maid:
                                    For through our God’s great love and might,
                                            The Blessed Babe she bare us
                                             In a cold, cold winter’s night.

                                        Translation by Catherine Winkworth

Maria Wanders Through the Thorn – What Child is This? – Traditional, arr. Joseph H. Jennings
                                         Maria wanders through the thorn,
                                          Kyrie eleison [Lord, have mercy],
                                          Maria wanders through the thorn
                                        that seven years no bloom has born,
                                                    Jesu et Maria.

                                         And as with child she passes near,
                                                    Kyrie eleison,
                                         And as with child she passes near
                                        red roses ‘mongst the thorns appear,
                                                    Jesu et Maria.

Texts and Translations

                                   What child is this who, laid to rest,
                                       on Mary’s lap is sleeping?
                                 Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
                                  while shepherds watch are keeping?

                                      This, this is Christ the King,
                                 whom shepherds guard and angels sing.
                                    Haste, haste to bring him laud,
                                      the babe, the Son of Mary.

                                  So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh.
                                     Come peasant, king to own him.
                                    The king of kings salvation brings,
                                      let every heart enthrone him.

                                       Raise, raise the song on high,
                                         the virgin sings a lullaby.
                                         Joy, joy for Christ is born,
                                        the babe, the Son of Mary.

Rose of Roses – Fredrik Sixten
                                               Rose of roses,
                                             Flower of flowers,
                                               Lady of ladies,
                                                Lord of lords.

                                   Rose of beauty and fine appearance
                                  and Flower of happiness and pleasure,
                                      Lady of most merciful bearing,
                                 and Lord for revealing all woes and cares.

                                   We should love and serve her loyally,
                                    for She can guard us from falling.
                                     She makes us repent the errors
                                   that we have committed as sinners.

Texts and Translations

Carol of the Bells – Trad. Ukrainian, arr. Joseph Joubert and Buryl Red
                                            Bells are in the air,
                                          Sounding everywhere,
                                             Merrily we sing,
                                           Happiness to bring,
                                          Christmastime is here!

                                  Hark, how the bells, sweet silver bells,
                                   all seem to say, “throw cares away.”
                                 Christmas is here, bringing good cheer
                                  to young and old, meek and the bold,
                                 Ding dong, ding dong, that is their song,
                                         with joyful ring, all caroling,
                                 One seems to hear words of good cheer
                                       from everywhere filling the air.
                                 Oh, how they pound, raising the sound
                                    o’er hill and dale telling their tale.
                                    Gaily they ring while people sing
                                 songs of good cheer, Christmas is here.
                                  Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!
                                    On, on they send, on without end,
                                      their joyful tone to every home.

Ave, spes nostra – Vicente Lusitano
        Ave, spes nostra, Dei Genetrix intacta;        Hail, our hope, untouched Virgin Mother of God;
        ave, illud Ave per angelum concipiens;         hail, who accepted that Hail from the angel;
ave, concipiens Patris splendorem benedicta;           hail, blessed one, who conceived the splendor
		                                                     of the Father;
 Ave, virgo sanctissima et mater sola intacta,         hail, most saintly Virgin and only chaste mother,
  te glorificat omnis creatura Matrem luminis.         every creature glorifies you, the Mother of light.
                                      Alleluia.        Alleluia.

                                  Antiphon for the Assumption of Mary

Texts and Translations

Ave Maria – Franz Biebl
		                  Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae       The angel of the Lord made his annunciation to Mary
		                     et concepit de Spiritu sancto.     and she conceived by the Holy Spirit.

		           Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum;      Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
		                         benedicta tu in mulieribus,    blessed are you among women,
		             et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus.   and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

		                    Maria dixit: Ecce ancilla Domini;   Mary said, “Behold the servant of the Lord;
		                  fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.       let it be unto me according to Your word.”

		                         Et verbum caro factum est      And the Word was made flesh
		                               et habitavit in nobis.   and dwelt among us.

		                            Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,    Holy Mary, Mother of God,
		                         ora pro nobis peccatoribus.    pray for us sinners.
		                        Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis     Holy Mary, pray for us
		              nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.     now and at the hour or our death. Amen.

Deck the Hall – Traditional Welsh, arr. Gene Puerling
                                         Merry, merry merry Christmas!
                                        Have yourself a merry Christmas!

                                       Deck the hall with boughs of holly!
                                               Fa la la la la la la la la
                                           ‘Tis the season to be jolly!
                                         Don we now our gay apparel!
                                        Troll the ancient yule-tide carol!

                                         See the blazing yule before us!
                                       Strike the harp and join the chorus!
                                          Follow me in merry measure,
                                        While I tell of yule-tide treasure!

                                         Fast away the old year passes!
                                        Hail the new, ye lads and lasses!
                                          Sing we joyous all together,
                                       Headless of the wind and weather!

                                            Text by Thomas Oliphant

Texts and Translations

Walking in the Air – Howard Blake, arr. Adam Ward
                                       We’re walking in the air,
                                   we’re floating in the moonlit sky;
                              The people far below are sleeping as we fly.

                                          I’m holding very tight,
                                     I’m riding in the midnight blue,
                              I’m finding I can fly so high above with you.

                                          On across the world
                                     the villages go by like dreams,
                                         the rivers and the hills,
                                      the forest and the streams...

                                   Children gaze open-mouthed,
                                         taken by surprise;
                               nobody down below believes their eyes!

                                          We’re surfing in the air,
                                   we’re swimming in the frozen sky,
                              we’re drifting over icy mountains floating by.

                                       Suddenly swooping low
                                          on an ocean deep,
                             rousing up a mighty monster from its sleep...

                                       We’re walking in the air,
                                  we’re dancing in the midnight sky,
                             and everyone who sees us greets us as we fly.
                                         Text by Howard Blake

Texts and Translations

Christmas Spiritual Medley – Traditional Spirituals, arr. Joseph H. Jennings
                               There’s a star in the East on Christmas morn.
                                         Rise up, shepherd and follow.
                               It’ll lead to the place where Christ was born.
                                         Rise up, shepherd and follow.
                                  Leave your sheep and leave your lambs.
                                         Rise up, shepherd and follow.
                                    Leave your ewes and leave your rams.
                                         Rise up, shepherd and follow.
                                      There was no room found in the inn.
                                           It is the star of Bethlehem.
                                     For Him who was born free from sin.
                                           It is the star of Bethlehem.

                                 Everywhere I go, everywhere I go, my Lord
                               Everywhere I go, somebody talkin’ ‘bout Jesus.

                              They turned away Mary and Joseph from the inn.
                                       Born in a stable in Bethlehem.

                                       Born, born of the Virgin Mary,
                                    Born, born on a Christmas morning,

                                        Hark the herald angels sing.
                                        Glory to the newborn King.

                                        Go tell it on the mountain.
                                       Over the hills and ev’rywhere,
                                        Go tell it on the mountain,
                                        That Jesus Christ is born!

About Chanticleer

The GRAMMY® Award-winning vocal ensemble Chanticleer has been hailed as “the world’s reigning male chorus” by
The New Yorker, and is known around the world as “an orchestra of voices” for its wide-ranging repertoire and dazzling
virtuosity. Founded in San Francisco in 1978 by singer and musicologist Louis Botto, Chanticleer quickly took its place as
one of the most prolific recording and touring ensembles in the world, selling over one million recordings and performing
thousands of live concerts to audiences around the world.
Chanticleer’s repertoire is rooted in the renaissance and has continued to expand to include a wide range of classical,
gospel, jazz, popular music, and a deep commitment to the commissioning of new compositions and arrangements. The
ensemble has committed much of its vast recording catalogue to these commissions, garnering GRAMMY® Awards for
its recording of Sir John Tavener’s “Lamentations & Praises”, and the ambitious collection of commissioned works entitled
“Colors of Love”. Chanticleer is the recipient of the Dale Warland/Chorus America Commissioning Award and the
ASCAP/Chorus America Award for Adventurous Programming, and its Music Director Emeritus Joseph H. Jennings
received the Brazeal Wayne Dennard Award for his contribution to the African-American choral tradition during his
tenure with Chanticleer.
Named for the “clear-singing” rooster in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Chanticleer continues to maintain ambitious
programming in its hometown of San Francisco, including a large education and outreach program that recently reached
over 8,000 people, and an annual concert series that includes its legendary holiday tradition “A Chanticleer Christmas”.

Chanticleer is a non-profit organization, governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees, administered by a professional
staff with a full-time professional ensemble. In addition to the many individual contributors to Chanticleer, the Board of
Trustees thanks the following Foundations, Corporations and Government Agencies for their exceptional support:

                                        The National Endowment for the Arts
                                   Grants for the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund
                                      The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
                                       The Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
                                            The Bernard Osher Foundation
                                               The Bob Ross Foundation
                                  CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program
                                          U.S. Small Business Administration
                                           Shuttered Venue Operators Grant


              BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                    CHANTICLEER STAFF
         Keith Jantzen - Chair, Palo Alto, CA             Philip Wilder,, President & General Director
     Parker Monroe - Vice Chair, Oakland, CA               Murrey Nelson, Director of Development
   Ann Yvonne Walker - Vice Chair, Atherton, CA        Curt Hancock, Director of Operations and Touring
Kathleen G. Henschel – Treasurer, Walnut Creek, CA    Brian Bauman, Senior Accountant/Budget Manager
    Philip Wilder – Secretary, San Francisco, CA     Barbara Bock, Development and Marketing Associate
           Dr. Susan Carlyle, Houston, TX
             Mary Deissler, Boston, MA                           Tim Keeler, Music Director
          Mathea Falco, San Francisco, CA                Gerrod Pagenkopf, Assistant Music Director
          Zachary Gustafson, Danville, CA
          Sandy Macfarlane, Piedmont, CA                       Brian Hinman, Road Manager
           Winnie Nip, San Francisco, CA                 Matthew Knickman, Merchandise Manager
       Alexander Taussig, San Francisco, CA
            Zach Talyor, Jr., New York, NY                 Artist Management: Opus 3 Artists, Ltd.
             You Jia Zhu, San Francisco
                                                             Founder: Louis Botto (1951 – 1997)
        NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD                          Music Director Emeritus: Joseph H. Jennings
          Barbara Barclay, Ann Arbor, MI
    Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Bodman, Cambridge, MA             
        John H. Gnuse, San Francisco, CA
           John D. Golenski, Boston, MA
          Stephen L. Griffith, Portland, OR
             Tom Gronow, Denver, CO
          Stephen K. Mack, New York, NY
           Gayle Ober, Minneapolis, MN
         James R. Shay, San Francisco, CA
          Mary C. Slawson, St. Helena, CA
        Andreas Tischhauser, Durango, CO

Artists Profiles

                     ANDY BERRY, bass, believes that vocal                                   BRIAN HINMAN has been a part of
                     music is vital because it testifies to the                              Chanticleer for nearly sixteen years
                     power of collaboration, the importance of                               as both Tenor and Road Manager. In
                     the present moment, and the beauty of                                   addition to performing on eight studio
                     our shared humanity. He has performed                                   and twelve live recordings since joining
                     as a soloist with the Santa Fe Opera,                                   in 2006, Brian has been involved in the
                     the Pittsburgh Opera, the Vietnam                                       production end of Chanticleer Records.
                     National Ballet and Opera Orchestra,                                    He has recorded, edited, and/or mixed a
                     and Singapore’s Metropolitan Festival                                   number of Chanticleer’s live recordings
                     Orchestra. His favorite past roles include                              and most notably was Co-Producer on
                     the title character in Massenet's Don                                   Chanticleer’s pop/jazz album Someone
Quichotte, Isacio in the second U.S. performance of Handel’s           New with Leslie Ann Jones and former Chanticleer member
Riccardo Primo, and Kōbun Otogawa (cover) in the GRAMMY-               Jace Wittig. Brian is also thrilled to have written several pop,
winning world premiere of Mason Bates’ The (R)evolution of             gospel, and jazz arrangements for the group in recent years,
Steve Jobs. Andy earned his M.M. in voice/opera from the               and he enjoys spending his rare non-Chanticleer hours
Yale School of Music and a B.S. in psychology/neuroscience             working as a mixing engineer for other recording artists in
cum laude from Yale College. In 2016, he won second place              the Bay Area. No stranger to committees and conference
in the Metropolitan Opera National Council's Northeast                 rooms, Brian has also served as Vice-President of the Board
Regional Final. As an undergraduate, Andy directed the Yale            of Governors for the San Francisco Chapter of the Recording
Whiffenpoofs and served as an assistant conductor to the Yale          Academy, the organization that presents the GRAMMY Awards,
Glee Club. He was born and raised in Cabin John, MD, just              and served as the Chair of their Advocacy Committee. Before
outside of Washington, D.C., and he now celebrates his (half)          joining Chanticleer, Brian built a background in theater, studied
Japanese heritage living in Japantown, San Francisco. Andy             Vocal Performance at the University of Tennessee and studied
is proud to return to Chanticleer for his fourth season. Andy          jazz and acting in New York City.
Berry occupies The Eric Alatorre Chair given by Peggy Skornia.
                                                                                               MATTHEW KNICKMAN,              baritone, is
                       ZACHARY BURGESS, bass-baritone, is                                      proud to be in his eleventh season with
                       a native of Washington D.C. Recently he                                 Chanticleer. Born in Korea, he started
                       received First Prize in the Vocal Arts DC                               singing as a boy soprano at St. Stephen’s
                       Art Song Discovery Competition, and as a                                Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys in
                       result was invited to present solo recitals                             Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He holds degrees
                       at the Phillips Collection and Kennedy                                  in vocal performance and pedagogy from
                       Center for the Performing Arts. Additionally,                           Westminster Choir College. As a member
                       Mr. Burgess was invited to be featured                                  of the critically acclaimed Westminster
                       in Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem by                                     Choir and Westminster Kantorei, he
                       the Alexandria Choral Society. Previous                                 performed with the New York Philharmonic,
                       engagements include three appearances           Dresden Philharmonic, and New Jersey Symphony, and was led
with D.C. Public Opera, where he portrayed Guglielmo from              by celebrated conductors, including Alan Gilbert, Lorin Maazel,
Mozart's Così fan tutte; Masetto from Mozart’s Don Giovanni;           Kurt Masur, Harry Bicket, Charles Dutoit, Rafael Frühbeck de
and was featured in recital at the Embassy of Austria featuring        Burgos, Richard Hickox, Neeme Järvi, Bernard Labadie, Nicholas
the works of Franz Schubert. He has performed as bass soloist          McGegan, Julius Rudel, Bruno Weil, Stefan Parkman, Joseph
in Haydn’s The Creation with the Alexandria Choral Society; J.S.       Flummerfelt, and Andrew Megill. He has also performed with
Bach's Magnificat in D-major with the Boston Conservatory              Les Violons du Roy et La Chapelle de Québec, Early Music New
Chorale; Handel’s Messiah with the Genesee Valley Orchestra and        York, Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Saint Thomas Choir of Men and
Chorus; Schumann’s Szenen aus Goethes Faust with the Eastman           Boys, The Clarion Choir, Opera Company of Philadelphia, Opera
Rochester Chorus; Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis with the Eastman          Theatre of Weston, and Spoleto Festival U.S.A. He has been a
Rochester Chorus; J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with the             soloist in numerous oratorios and Bach cantatas, including the
Eastman Chorale. While at Eastman School of Music he performed         St. John and St. Matthew Passions with early music organizations
the roles of Frank Maurrant in Street Scene, Zoroastro in Orlando,     such as Fuma Sacra, Philadelphia Bach Festival, and Carmel
Collatinus in The Rape of Lucretia and Keçal in The Bartered Bride.    Bach Festival. He has also been a Finalist in the Sixth Biennial
He has also performed Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte at Opera del         Bach Vocal Competition for American Singers. In the Bay Area he
West and the title role in The Mikado and Crébillon in La Rondine      has performed as a soloist with Santa Clara Chorale, San Jose
at The Boston Conservatory. Mr. Burgess is an alumnus of the           Chamber Orchestra, and Symphony Silicon Valley. Matthew also
CoOPERAtive Program, SongFest, Green Mountain Opera, as                serves on the board of Sing Aphasia, whose mission includes
well as the Crescendo Summer Institute where his portrayal of          helping people with aphasia and their families build confidence,
Leporello in Mozart’s Don Giovanni was recorded and broadcast          make connections, and find their voice through song. When not
on regional Hungarian TV. Zachary holds his Bachelor of Music          singing, Matthew enjoys strawberry ice cream, is an exercise and
from the Boston Conservatory and his Master of Music from the          nutritional science enthusiast, and revels in eating comfort foods
Eastman School of Music. This is his fifth season with Chanticleer.    around the world. Buen Camino!
Artists Profiles

                     MATTHEW MAZZOLA, tenor, is thrilled to                                KORY REID, countertenor, is excited to
                     be a part of Chanticleer for his fifth season.                        begin his tenth season with Chanticleer.
                     Matthew received his Bachelor in Music                                Mr. Reid studied Music Education at
                     Education from the University of Houston.                             Pepperdine University and completed a
                     During his undergraduate tenure, he sang                              Master’s Degree in Choral Conducting
                     with the Moores School of Music’s Concert                             from the University of Southern California.
                     Chorale under the direction of Betsy Cook                             Kory is a sought-after countertenor soloist
                     Weber. He participated with the select                                who has sung for Los Angeles Zimriyah
                     group that won first prize ex aequo at the                            Chorale, Los Robles Master Chorale,
                     2013 Marktoberdorf International Chamber                              Catgut Trio, USC Chamber Singers,
                     Choir Competition, and received three                                 Pepperdine University Concert Choir
gold medals at the 2015 Grand Prix of Nations competition             and Collegium Musicum, and for many diverse choral recitals
in Magdeburg, Germany. After finishing his degree, Matthew            and church music programs across the country. Barbershop
taught elementary music, and sang professionally with Cantare         music is a salient component of his personality; he earned a
Houston, Houston Bach Society and Houston Chamber Choir. In           barbershop chorus gold medal with the Westminster Chorus
his free time, Matthew is an avid gamer, foodie and sports fan.       in the 2010 International Barbershop Chorus Contest, and
                                                                      can often be found singing tags on street corners. Mr. Reid
                        CORTEZ MITCHELL, countertenor, is a           teaches private voice and stays active as a music educator,
                        native of Detroit, MI. He graduated from      clinician, and ensemble coach for all types of vocal ensembles .
                        Morgan State University with a B.A. in
                        music and a B.S. in mathematics and                                 BRADLEY          SHARPE,     countertenor,
                        holds an M.M. in voice from the University                          is delighted to be joining Chanticleer
                        of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of                             for his first season, driven by his deep
                        Music. As Minnesota Opera's first resident                          passion for eclectic musical genres,
                        artist countertenor he performed the role                           collaborative projects and travel. As
                        of Cherubino in Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro                         a native of Southern California, he is
                        and covered Nicklausse in Offenbach's Les                           proud to be employed in his home state.
                        Contes d’Hoffman. With Urban Opera he                               Mr. Sharpe earned an M.M. in Oratorio,
performed the role of 1st Witch in Purcell’s Dido and Aneas. He                             Chamber Music and Art Song from
has been featured in solo performances of J.S Bach's Cantata                                the Yale Institute of Sacred Music and
#147 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben with the Dayton                                        a B.M. in vocal performance from the
Philharmonic, R. Nathaniels Dett's The Ordering of Moses and          California State University, Fullerton School of Music. Several of
Adolphus Hailstork's Done Made My Vow with the Baltimore              his most memorable musical experiences took place while he
Symphony Orchestra, Rachmaninov's Vespers in St. Petersburg           sang internationally with Yale's Schola Cantorum and Voxtet,
Russia, and Wynton Marsalis's All Rise with the Lincoln Center        including performances at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, across
Jazz Ensemble. Cortez has received awards from the National           India and along the Camino de Santiago. Mr. Sharpe also enjoys
Opera Association, The Washington International competition           working as a church musician, most recently being employed
and the Houston Grand Opera Eleanor McCollum competition.             at St. Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood. In his free time, Bradley
Mr. Mitchell is in his fifteenth season with Chanticleer.             enjoys taking food and wine adventures, camping and spending
                                                                      time with loved ones.
                     GERROD PAGENKOPF, countertenor
                     and assistant music director, returns for                             LOGAN S. SHIELDS, countertenor,
                     a seventh season with Chanticleer. A                                  is elated to begin his sixth season
                     native of Northeast Wisconsin, Gerrod                                 with Chanticleer. A peculiarly proud
                     received his Bachelors of music education                             Michigander, Mr. Shields has studied
                     from the University of Wisconsin-Madison                              vocal performance at Western Michigan
                     and also holds a Masters degree in vocal                              University and Grand Valley State
                     performance from the University of                                    University. While living in Grand Rapids,
                     Houston where he was a graduate fellow                                he performed with St. Mark's Episcopal,
                     under Katherine Ciesinski. A specialist in                            Schola Choir of the Diocese, and OperaGR.
                     early music, Gerrod has performed with                                Most recently, he worked with an array of
many early music ensembles throughout Boston and Houston                                   singers from many of America's top choirs
including Ars Lyrica Houston, the Handel and Haydn Society,           in the professional ensemble Audivi, based in Ann Arbor, under
Blue Heron Renaissance Choir, Exsultemus, and the prestigious         the direction of Noah Horn. Outside of the classical realm he
Church of the Advent in Boston's Beacon Hill. In his spare time,      has been featured in DownBeat Magazine's Student Music
Gerrod enjoys exploring the San Francisco Bay Area, geeking           Awards, winning "Best Blues/Pop/Rock Group of 2014" for his
out over Handel operas, and discovering local coffee shops            contributions on the Aaron Garcia Band's album, Glass Girl.
while on tour. Gerrod holds The Ning G. Mercer Chair for the          Other passions include craft beer, absurdism, freestyle rap,
Preservation of the Chanticleer Legacy.                               pugs, and spending time with his partner, Gabrielle.
Artists Profiles

                    ANDREW VAN ALLSBURG, tenor, is                                      ADAM WARD, countertenor, is originally
                    thrilled to begin his sixth season with                             from Tecumseh, Oklahoma. At an early
                    Chanticleer. Originally from Holland,                               age Adam became fascinated with the
                    Michigan, Andrew received his Bachelors                             voice of Patsy Cline. As a child he made a
                    of Music Education from Western Michigan                            number of television appearances singing
                    University in Kalamazoo, MI. During his                             Cline’s songs. Mr. Ward began singing
                    undergraduate tenure, Andrew performed                              countertenor while studying French horn
                    with the University Chorale directed by Dr.                         performance at Yale University. There he
                    James Bass, and recorded and released                               was also a founding member of the Yale
                    an album of Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610                            Schola Cantorum under the direction of
                    with the Miami-based professional choir                             Simon Carrington. He has since performed
Seraphic Fire directed by Patrick Dupré Quigley. In addition,     as soloist with the International Contemporary Ensemble and
Andrew conducted the choir of the early music ensemble            was a member of the Choir of St. Mary the Virgin at the famed
Collegium Musicum, and won a Downbeat Award with the              “Smoky Mary’s” in midtown Manhattan. As a horn player, Adam
vocal jazz ensemble, Gold Company, under the direction            was a member of the Verbier Festival Orchestra, winner of the
of the late Dr. Steve Zegree. A versatile performer, Andrew       concerto competitions at Yale and Stony Brook Universities,
has performed globally for various cruise lines, production       and was a top prizewinner at the Coleman, Fischoff and Yellow
companies, contemporary a cappella groups, musicals, and          Springs national chamber music competitions. As a composer
has made TV appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show and             his works have been heard around the world for nearly two
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. While living in New York      decades. He was recently composer-in-residence for the New
City, Andrew sang with Schola Dominicana at the Church of         York City based Choral Chameleon directed by Vince Peterson
Saint Catherine of Siena directed by James Wetzel, and was        and the Sacramento based Vox Musica directed by Daniel
a featured singer in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular         Paulson. He is also an avid singer-songwriter. Adam holds a
featuring the Rockettes, under the musical direction of Kevin     B.M. from Manhattan School of Music, M.M. from Yale School of
Stites. Andrew enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and   Music and additional years of study at the Hartt School, Royal
family, and can throw a mean Frisbee.                             College of Music (London) and Stony Brook University. Adam is
                                                                  overjoyed to be in his sixtheenth season with Chanticleer.


                       TIM KEELER, Music Director, sang as a                                 PHILIP WILDER, President and General
                       countertenor in Chanticleer in the 2017-18                            Director, returns to Chanticleer with a
                       season. In Chanticleer’s history he will be                           career spanning 30 years as an artistic
                       the fourth of its six Music Directors to have                         programmer,       educator,     fundraiser,
                       been a member of the ensemble. Prior to                               musician, promoter, and recording
                       moving to San Francisco, Tim forged a                                 and film producer. A graduate of the
                       career as an active conductor, singer, and                            Interlochen Arts Academy, the Eastman
                       educator. He performed with New York                                  School of Music and the DeVos Institute
                       Polyphony, The Clarion Choir, and the Choir                           for Arts Management, Mr. Wilder began
                       of Trinity Wall Street. He also performed                             his professional career as a countertenor
frequently as a soloist, appearing regularly in the Bach Vespers       in Chanticleer in 1990. He also served as Chanticleer’s Assistant
series at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New York City, as well       Music Director and Founding Director of Education.
as with TENET, New York's preeminent early music ensemble.             After leaving Chanticleer in 2003, Wilder served as Associate
An avid proponent of new and challenging repertoire, Tim               Director of the capital campaign for the Harman Center for the
remains a core member of Ekmeles, a vocal ensemble based               Arts in Washington, D.C., and was awarded a fellowship at the
in New York City and dedicated to contemporary, avant-garde,           John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts' DeVos Institute
and infrequently-performed vocal repertoire.                           for Arts Management. In 2005, Wilder joined 21C Media Group,
While transitioning to his role as music director of Chanticleer,      the New York-based independent public relations, marketing,
Tim is in the midst of completing his DMA in Choral Conducting         and consulting firm specializing in classical music and the
at the University of Maryland where he studies with Dr. Edward         performing arts.
Maclary. As an educator, Tim directed the Men’s Chorus at              During his tenure at 21C Media Group, Mr. Wilder developed an
the University of Maryland, served as director of choirs at the        impressive roster of clients, including Grammy Award-winners
Special Music School High School in Manhattan, and worked              Yefim Bronfman, Susan Graham, and Joyce DiDonato; Pulitzer
closely with the Young People's Chorus of New York City as a           Prize-winning composer Steven Stucky; and MacArthur
vocal coach and satellite school conductor. He was also the            “genius” grant recipient Jeremy Denk. He also advised
choral conductor for Juilliard's new Summer Performing Arts            organizations, including the Dallas Opera, the Grand Teton
program - a two-week intensive summer course in Geneva,                Music Festival and Google’s YouTube Symphony Orchestra. In
Switzerland.                                                           2009, founder Albert Imperato named Wilder vice president of
Tim holds a BA in Music from Princeton University with                 21C Media Group.
certificates in Vocal Performance and Computer Science, an             Mr. Wilder recently served as executive director of the
MPhil in Music and Science from Cambridge University, and              New Century Chamber Orchestra (NCCO), leading the
an MM in Choral Conducting from the University of Michigan.            organization’s strategic planning and day-to-day business.
While studying with Dr. Jerry Blackstone at the University of          Wilder also worked closely with NCCO’s music directors Nadja
Michigan, Tim served as assistant conductor of the Grammy              Salerno-Sonnenberg and Daniel Hope to guide the orchestra’s
award-winning UMS Choral Union, preparing the choir for                ambitious artistic programming, including its acclaimed
performances with Leonard Slatkin and the Detroit Symphony             Featured Composer Program, which commissioned major
Orchestra. His dissertation at Cambridge explored statistical          string orchestra works from some of today’s most prominent
methods used in natural language processing and unsupervised           composers, including Derek Bermel, William Bolcom, Philip
machine learning as applied to musical phrase detection and            Glass, and Jennifer Higdon.
                                                                       Wilder is a passionate advocate for classical music and music
                                                                       education, and has teamed up with documentary filmmaker
                                                                       Owsley Brown III on film projects that share stories of the
                                                                       profound impact of music on people and their communities. He
                                                                       served as series producer of the PBS web series Music Makes
                                                                       a City Now, and music consultant for the documentary film
                                                                       Serenade for Haiti, which received its world premiere at HBO’s
                                                                       Doc NYC Festival in November of 2016.

Individual Gifts

                 Chanticleer extends its deepest gratitude to the following individuals for their generous support.
   The gifts listed below were received between August 13, 2020 and November 12, 2021. We cannot thank you enough for
           sustaining us while we could not sing for you, and we are deeply grateful that you are here with us today.

Angels Circle ($50,000 & Up)              William Browning in honor of              Mary Idso
Alan Benaroya                                 Christine Bullin                      Tamara and Greg Jackson
Drs. Susan and Dennis Carlyle             Jayne De Lawter and Kenneth Koppelman     Jon I. Jay and Scott J. Miller
Wendy E. Jordan                           Ellen and Allen Fisher                    Betsy Koester
Christie and John J. Mack                 William Ginchereau                        Ann Kough
                                          Ambassador James C. Hormel                Michael Kuranoff
Virtuoso Circle ($25,000 - $49,999)           and Mr. Michael P. Nguyen             Jeremy Liew
Willa and Taylor Bodman                   Charles Hostetter                         Stephen K. Mack
Mathea Falco and Peter Tarnoff            Ruth Miller                               Gina Maya
Kathleen G. Henschel and John W. Dewes    Shawna Pickett-Gordon                     Curtis McCosh
Keith Jantzen and Scott Beth                  and Andrew Wilson                     Marietta McPike
Christiana Geffen Macfarlane and          Jonathan Riley and David Parsons          Sean Meehan in honor of
     Charles N. Macfarlane                Lynne and Daniel Russell includes match       Suzanne T. Meehan
Bill and Ursula Moffett                       by Google                             Murrey E. Nelson in memory of
Parker Monroe and Teresa Darragh          Carolyn Spitz                                 John M. Nelson
Amy Rao and Harry Plant                   Lisa R. Taylor                            Katherine Ness and John James
Milbrey and Zach Taylor                                                                 in loving memory of Peggy Skornia
                                          Choir Master ($1,000 - $2,499)            Winnie Nip and Dr. Jin Ge includes match
Founders Circle ($10,000 - $24,999)       David A. Anderson and Nancy Kaible            by the Deutsch Bank American
Doug Grigg                                Linda E. Anderson                             Foundation
Karen and Zachary Gustafson               Paul Angelo                               Michael Ownbey and Steve Lochte
Edith Mendez                              Paul Bennett                              John Pence
Stephen and Ning Mercer                   Roberta Brokaw                            Karen Hinman Powell
Estate of Carl Noelke                     Christine Bullin                          Lori Prince and Robert Hum
Elizabeth Shattuck in memory              Grant Burger                              Jonathan M. Riley and David Parsons
    of Russ Walton                        Christopher R. Campo includes match by    Charlie and Barbara Robinson
Ann Yvonne Walker and David M. Jones          The PepsiCo Foundation                Dr. David Robinson in memory of
Pamela and Sedgwick Ward                  Ann Sursa Carney                              Russ Walton
Anonymous                                 Cecily Cassel                             Mary C. and Paul Slawson
                                          Stephen K. Cassidy and                    Cherida Collins Smith
Festival Circle ($5,000 - $9,999)             Rebecca L. Powlan                     Alexander Taussig includes match by
Judith and David Beech                    Janet Cluff                                   Lightspeed Venture Partners
Dennis Buckley                            George Cogan and Fannie Allen             Samuel Test
Charles A. Cramer                         Joseph Conklin and Rita Kilduff           William and Judy Thorpe
Ken Grant                                     in memory of Julie Conklin            Lynn Upchurch
Thomas Gronow                             Jane A. Cook                              Jeffrey and Meredith Watts in memory of
Karen and Zachary Gustafson               Kip Cranna                                    Louis Botto
Mary Hargrave                             Tim Dattels and Kristine Johnson          Philip Wilder
Lynn and Mark Humphrey                        in honor of Robert Frear              Shariq Yosufzai and Brian James
James R. Meehan                           George Deabill, Ph.D.                     Anna Maria Zara and Robert M. English
Gayle and Timothy Ober, Allegro Fund      Mary Deissler                             Anonymous
   of The Saint Paul Foundation           Jean and Chuck Desmond                    Anonymous in memory of Russ Walton
Victor C. Rowley and Stanley K. Yarnell   Judith and Harold Dittmer
Howard and Sarah Solomon                  Leigh Emery                               Patron ($500 - $999)
You Jia Zhu                               Nancy and Kenneth Evans                   Bruce and Sue Adams
Anonymous                                 Dr. Stephen Follansbee and                Alatorre Family
                                              Dr. Richard Wolitz                    Carole F. Alexander
Maestro Circle ($2,500 - $4,999)          Jefferson Todd Frazier                    Carolyn Alexander
Linda E. Anderson                         Robert Frear and Tim Kennedy              Stephen and Patricia Ashley
Barbara C. Bock in memory of              Jeanne Gnuse                              Barbara Barclay
   Dr. Walter E. Bock and Keith NcNabb    Linda Henderson                           Carole Barnes
Wally and Kassy Brohaugh                  Doug Hezlep                               Wendy Bartlett

Individual Gifts

Frederick Baumer                           Karen Smith-McCune                            Patricia and Philip M. Jelley in memory of
Rob Bell                                   Sharon Snyder in memory of                        Louis Botto
Andrew Berry                                  Clinton D. Snyder, includes match by IBM   Roy and Leigh Johnson
Victor P. Bonfilio                         Jane Standing                                 Robert D. Kaswen
Jane Cook                                  Cecilia Stewart                               Carol D. Loden in memory of
Ann Cummings                               Einar and Cameron Sunde                           William A. Loden
Susan Delgado                              Susan A. Thomas                               Patricia and Wolfgang Lusse
Lynn Dombrowski                            C.D. and Naomi R. Thorpe                      Nancy Lynch
David and Barbara Dobrinen in honor of     Andreas Tischhauser                           Elizabeth MacGregor
    Joseph Jennings and Christine Bullin   Bertrand Vandeville and Ruel Walker           Thomas and Shirley Manning
Barbara Eaton in memory of Richard Eaton   Edward Wight                                  Jennifer Martinez and William McArthur
Richard Fabian                             Michael Wilder                                Pamela Marvel
Edward Fernandez                           Katharine and Peter Winograd                  Tony Mauro
Sheridan Foster                            Carol and John Woodhouse                      Cindy Mazzola
John Furse and Susanne Nitter              Kent R. Wright, M.D.                          Kevin G. McHenry includes match by
John and Paula Gambs                       Wyatt-Stone Family includes match                 Union Bank Foundation
Catherine Gudvangen                           by Microsoft                               Eileen McPeake
Linda and Simon Haines                                                                   David Miller and Norman Proctor
Linda and Al Herbert                       Benefactor ($250 - $499)                      Enrique Monsanto
Linda Hobson                               Sue E. Alvarez                                Chip and Janice Morningstar
Richard and Terry Horrigan                 Arthur and Elaine Aron                        Clare Murphy
Bob Hostetter                              Lee Aurich and Helen Hutchison                Betty and Clifford Nakamoto in memory of
Todd B. Jolly                              Elizabeth Avakian                                 Peggy Skornia
Sharon Keeler                              Charles Beaudrot                              Chris Nichols
Tim Keeler                                 Donald and Sandra Berry                       Richard W. North
Alfred and Diane Knoll                     Sandra Bessieres                              Kimberly Olson
Mark and Rita Knudsen                      Thomas Bosserman                              Christine Owen
Martin Kooi                                Katie Brookes                                 Ann and Gerald Pagenkopf
Nancy and Don La Bash includes match       Lilla and Christopher Burgess                 Barbara Panowitz
    by PG&E                                Roy Castro                                    Mary Beth Patterson
Steven and Mary Ann Langer                 Sally and Andrew Cedarblade                   Nathan Patton
Jane Leatham                               Keith and Christine Cosbey                    Rebekah and Nathan Rabiroff
Susan and Denis McGinty                    Patricia and James Davis                      Ahna Rao
Chris McKillop                             Ed and Sandra Dolber-Smith                    Ellen Rashbaum and John Wallace
Jana Messerschmidt                         Linda Fawx                                        in memory of Mayer Rashbaum and
Monika Miethke in honor of Robert Frear    Deborah Fried                                     Robert Wallace
    and Tim Kennedy                        Christopher Fritzsche                         Rita Reining and John Creighton
Christina Miller                           Renata Gasperi and Donald Frediani            William Reller
Katherine and Bridger Mitchell             Larry and Kathy Glasmire                      Rebecca Rishell
Kathryn and Peter Muhs                     Ewald and Kathleen Goldbach                   Molly Roth
Ronald O’Connor                            May T. Goodreau                               Paul and Pat Sackett
Gerrod Pagenkopf and                       Lynne and Eugene A. Graber                    Mark Salkind
    Cole Thomason-Redus                    John Graham                                   Ruth Sandberg
Berniece Patterson                         Timothy Guzman                                Cindy Schlaefer
Jim Payne                                  Blanca Haendler and Robert Cook               Nancy and Stephen Schwalen
Loretta Poveromo                           Priscilla Hanford                             Lisa Seischab
Gloria Principe                            Beverly Hansberry                             Kathleen Jo Simanek
Mona Radice                                Yinliang He                                   Carol Sox
Denise Reeves                              Robert and Karen Holtermann                   Linda and James Stanley
Jeff and Julie Reilly                      Margaret Hope                                 Ian Stockdale and Ruth Leibig
Charles M. Ryan includes match by IBM      Fred and Ruth Horiuchi                        Christopher Stribling
Robert and Virginia Salley                 Cleda Houmes                                  Toby Symington
Stephen and Margaret Cook Schulte          Mark How and Toshioki Kawaguchi               James Tibbs
Chris Shipley and Nancy Latta              Jessica Huard                                 Beverly Treuille
Daniel Slaughter                           Nancy Hug                                     Martha and Gerald Uelman
Dr. Anne W. Smith in honor of              F.W. Irion                                    Deborah Voytovich
    Joseph Jennings                        Rick Jaffe and Kim Voss                       John and Katy Wharton

Individual Gifts

Susan and Tom Willoughby         Samuel Dixon                   Ronna and Robert Love
Jennie Woo                       F. Anne Drozd                  Diane Jones Lowrey
Norman Young                     Burdett and Kathleen Dunbar    Stephen Luppino
Anonymous                        Vic Dvorak                     Judy Mackie
Anonymous in honor of            Dr. Sarah E. Eeles             Jonathan MacQuitty and Laurie Hunter
   Nancy Montgomery              Elizabeth and Martin Evans         in honor of Ann Walker and David Jones
                                 Heather Evans                  Rene Mandel in honor of Kathy Henschel
Sustainer ($100 - $249)          Kristina Fayyad                    and John Dewes
David Aguilera                   Marsha Downing Felton          Michael Marion
Barbara Ahlquist                 Leslie Field                   Tom and Deborah Martin
Lisa Ahorner                     Carol Flickinger               Chris McCrum
Gail Allison                     Patrick Floyd                  Tim McDonald
Molly and Alexander Ashford      Peggy Forbes                   Anne and Matthew McGrath
Helen and Jose Barrios           Rosemary Foster                Lorraine Monick
Brian Bauman                     Larry Franz                    Rebecca Monroe
Wayne and Dodie Bauman           Jim and Virginia Fruchterman   Kathleen Montgomery
Carl W. Becker                   Robert Galluzzo                Sarah Moore
Martin Bednarek                  Christine Gandel               Elizabeth Moss
George and Ann Beers             Erik Gann                      Julie Morgan and David Osborn
Elizabeth and William Benjes     Marilyn and Paul Gardner       Kay and Stanley Muther
Mercedes Bent                    James Gatt                     Kimie Nebrig
Sally Berry                      Donald Girodano                Michael Nickel
Grant Best                       Kathryn Goff                   Stephanie Oana
Ardith Betts                     Marian Gray                    Dennis and Lucy O’Connor
Nanette Bishopric                Tina Greene                    Sarah O’Gara
Louis D. Bocchetto               Alan and Janell Haag           Kent Olson and Donna Foliart
Linda Bogardus                   Claudia Hamm                   Avani Parikh
Geoffrey Braun                   Anne Heinrich                  Margaret Perchert
Cara Brown                       David Hinman                   Michael Perkins
Peggy Bruggman                   Greg Hoenes                    Penny Phillips
Amy Bryan                        Anne Hollingsworth             Donald Potter
Susan C. Bryan                   Diane and Philip Hooker        Jan Raissle and Susanne Mulcahy
Alida Buchanan                   Judith and Wayne Hooper        Kathy and Bill Reardon
Sharon Budd                      Kyle Hovatter                  Gregory and Valerie Reisinger
Allen Burke                      Desiree Hunerberg              Douglas Ridder
Alison Campbell                  Jeanne and Dirk Huybrechts     Phyllis M. Rideout
Melody and Tom Carrato           Albert Imperato                Scott Robinson
James Carrington                 Corey Jamason                  David Sacarelos
Robert and Kay Cheatham          Patricia Jennerjohn            Cynthia Sauln
Natalie Churchill                Stuart and Jean Johnston       Jaclyne Scardova
Courtney Coile and Henry Roman   Paula Katavolos                Valerie Schreiber
Michael Coleman                  Sally Katter                   Sue Schroeder
Heather Collins                  Susan Kelton                   Berta Schweinberger
Barbara Colton                   Ayse Manyas Kenmore            William Fred Scott
Karen Commons                    Kelly Kennaly                  Linda and Ed Selden
Dr. Michael Condie               Michael Kowalok                Janet Silva
James Conmy                      Lisa Posey Krakowsky           Tal Skloot
James Coughlin and Joan Libman   Janet and Art Kuller           Mary and John Smaligo in honor of their
Karen Craig                      Mary Landis                        daughter Beth
Nick and Eleanor Crump           Rita Leard                     Stephen Smith
Karen Currier                    Jeanne Leemon                  Elaine Snyder in memory of
John E. Davis                    Jefferson Lilly                    Father Paul Minnihan
Linda Davis and Serge Rudaz      Baird W. Lloyd                 Debra Sorensen
Mike Davis                       David Long                     Cherrill M. Spencer
Eddy De Croock                   David and Carolyn Long         Sidney A. Stetson
Ann de Peyster                   Rachel Lopatin                 Glenn Stover

Mary Jo Stowe
Daniel Struble
Raymond Tabar
Elayne and Tom Techentin
Lisa Tedesco
Lucene Thomason
Loran Thompson
Hailey Trivella
Lee and Winifred Tyler
Jon and Susan Van Allsburg
Paul van Houten
Leon Van Steen
Dwayne Vanderberg
Robert Walker
Matthew Walsh
James Weaver
Judith Wierzba
William Witcher
Robert Wolz
Mitch Woodbury
David Wright and Susan Jones
Paul and Joanne Wurschmidt
Michael Young
Andee Zetterbaum
Stephen Zilles
Anonymous (5)
Anonymous in honor of Christine Bullin

                                         A Chanticleer Christmas:
                                         From Darkness to Light
                                         Available now in High Definition on Blu-Ray DVD,
                                         Chanticleer’s acclaimed 2020 film, A Chanticleer
                                         Christmas: From Darkness to Light, features works
                                         by Antoine Brumel, Josquin Dez Prez, and some of
                                         our most beloved holiday repertoire, including Franz
                                         Biebl’s Ave Maria, and Oh Jerusalem in the Morning by
                                         our Music Director Emeritus Joseph H. Jennings.

                                         Available at tonight's concert or at

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