Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations: An overview of two decades of research - Peter Lang Publishing

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Tiphaine Caudrelier, Amélie Rochet-Capellan

 Changes in speech production in response to
 formant perturbations: An overview of two
             decades of research

Abstract: One way to investigate speech motor learning is to create artificial
adaptation situations by perturbing speakers’ auditory feedback in real time.
Formant perturbations were introduced by Houde and Jordan (1998), providing
the first evidence that speakers adapt their pronunciation to compensate for these
perturbations. Twenty years later, this chapter provides an overview of the general
impact of Houde and Jordan’s work in speech research and beyond, as well as a
more detailed review of studies that involve formant perturbations. The impact of
Houde and Jordan’s work appears to be cross-disciplinary. Although mainly related
to speech production and perception, it has also been cited in the limb movement
and even animal research, mainly as evidence of adaptive sensorimotor control.
Formant perturbations research has expanded rapidly since 2006, spreading across
the world and many research teams. We identified 77 experimental studies focused
on formant perturbations which we then analyzed with regard to technical and the-
oretical issues. This analysis showed that various apparatuses and procedures were
used to address important topics of speech research. A primary interest has been in
feedback and feedforward control mechanisms in speech. These mechanisms were
addressed in different populations, including adults and children with typical vs.
atypical development, with behavioral or neurophysiological approaches, or both.
Some formant perturbations studies more specifically focused on the integration of
auditory and somatosensory feedback in speech production, while others explored
the interaction between speech production and perception of phonemic contrasts.
Some research questioned the processes and the nature of speech representations by
investigating generalization of adaptation to formant perturbations. Finally, a few
studies were interested in the effect of extraneous variables such as surface effects
or speakers’ general cognitive abilities. Altogether, these studies provide insights
into speech motor control in general and into the understanding of sensorimotor
interactions in particular. The field has developed recently and may still expand in
the future, as it allows us to address fundamental topics in speech research such
as perception-production links or abstract vs. exemplar representations. Future

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research with formant perturbations may also further connect sensorimotor adap-
tation to linguistic and cognitive factors and in particular to working and long-term

Keywords: perturbation, real-time auditory feedback, formants, speech units,

1. Introduction
As an “extraordinary feat of motor control” (Kelso, Tuller, Vatikiotis-
Bateson, & Fowler, 1984, p. 812), speech production is a challenging
research topic, highly influenced by movement sciences (Grimme, Fuchs,
Perrier, & Schöner, 2011; Maas et al., 2008). Speech motor control indeed
shares numerous features with other sensorimotor systems and in partic-
ular with limb motor control. Among these features, sensorimotor adapt-
ability of speech is of particular interest to speech science as the basis
of speech rehabilitation (Maas et al., 2008), and since it is ubiquitous in
daily life. Common examples include, among others, changes in the way
we speak according to our interlocutor or to the surroundings, such as
speaking louder when talking with someone with a hearing impairment or
in a noisy environment (Garnier, Henrich, & Dubois, 2010); or spontane-
ously imitating our interlocutor’s speech sounds (Pardo, 2006). Speech
motor control also adapts throughout the lifespan to natural or accidental
alterations of our sensory systems or vocal tract geometry, temporarily
or more permanently (Jones & Munhall, 2003; Lane et al., 2007). These
adaptations allow maintenance of some level of intelligibility despite vocal
tract growth, hearing loss, orofacial surgery, or when wearing a dental
apparatus, losing teeth, speaking while eating etc. Being essential to speech
production, sensorimotor adaptation of speech is the topic of numerous
studies. For the purpose of this chapter, we will focus on studies that
involved specific perturbation of formants. Formants are frequencies cor-
responding to peaks of acoustical energy, the relative values of which char-
acterize vowels. Research in this field, and especially Houde and Jordan’s
work, was inspired by the study of visuomotor adaptation in the limb
movement literature (Houde & Jordan, 1998).
   Pioneering work on adaptation of different visuomotor activities
appeared at the end of the 19th century (Held, 1965; Stratton, 1897). This
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 17

work introduced a now common approach to assessing visuomotor adap-
tation that consists of investigating changes in movement in response to a
systematic distortion of visual feedback, such as prism adaptation. As an
illustration, Stratton (1897) reported his own and extreme everyday life
experience while wearing an apparatus for eight days that reversed the ret-
inal image upside down and left to right. On the first day, “the entire scene
appeared upside down”. He felt nauseous. His movements were “labo-
rious”, “embarrassed”, “inappropriate” (p. 344), required a lot of atten-
tion and were “extremely fatiguing” (p. 344). By the start of the third day
things were much better, with no sign of “nervous distress” (p. 349). At
the end of the fourth day, he “preferred to keep the glasses on rather than
sit blindfolded” (p. 351/352). When the apparatus was removed on day
eight, it took him some time to go back to normal feelings and motions.
    Later work on visuomotor adaptation focused on more specific activi-
ties, less dramatic and more local and short-term changes, with a focus on
reaching movements performed with rotations of the visual field. In this
context, it has been repetitively demonstrated that when movements are
achieved while the visual field is shifted by a specific angle (α), participants
first miss the target by the same angle α. However, with repetition, they
progressively learn to adapt their movements to the new feedback and
reach the target accurately again. When they return to normal vision,
after-effects and transfer effects are observed: participants miss the training
target (after-effects) and/or a new target (transfer) by an angle more or
less close to –α. These effects vary as a function of the angular distance
between the training and the testing targets (Krakauer, Pine, Ghilardi, &
Ghez, 2000; Shadmehr & Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994). Sensorimotor adaptation
has been attributed early on to feedforward control (i.e. predictive control
based on learnt sensorimotor mappings) in contrast to forward closed-
loop control (i.e. online processing of sensory inputs), visible in correction
to unexpected perturbations (Golfinopoulos, Tourville, & Guenther, 2010;
Houde & Chang, 2015). These notions are defined later in this chapter.
    Twenty years ago, Houde and Jordan (1998) introduced an analogous
procedure of visuomotor rotation adaptation to question feedforward
control in speech, which used real-time alterations of formant frequencies
in vowels. By altering the frequencies of the first and/or second formants
(F1 and F2 respectively) it is possible to make a vowel sound like another
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vowel. For example, by decreasing F1 and increasing F2, the vowel /ε/
would sound closer to the vowel /ɪ/, as illustrated in Figure 1. This alter-
ation displaces the auditory feedback, in the same way as prism vision
displaces the visual position of the target. For example, the speaker says
“head”, speaking into a microphone and wearing headphones (Figure 1.A).
The signal is processed in real time so that F1 and F2 formants are moved
towards “hid” (Figure 1.B), and played-back into the headphones. The
consequence for the speaker is a discrepancy between the auditory target
expected from the planned movements (“head”) and the auditory target
they actually got (~“hid”). In other words, similar to visuomotor adap-
tation, the speaker first misses the auditory target (Figure 1.C, “Training
start”). With practice – repetition of shifted utterance(s) with the same per-
turbation – the speaker adapts to the perturbation (Figure 1.C, “Training
end”): To reach the auditory target “head” again in the presence of the
perturbation, they produce formants in the opposite direction to the per-
turbation. In our example, this corresponds to the production of an utter-
ance closer to “had”. When the feedback is returned to normal or masked
with a noise, for the same vs. different utterance(s) than the training one(s),
after-effects vs. transfer effects are observed (Figure 1.C, column “After-
effect” and “Transfer”). This suggests that the compensation is not only an
online feedback control change but also affects auditory-motor mappings
supporting feedforward control, in a more or less utterance or segment-
specific way. The procedure was later adapted to address feedback control
by investigating online compensation to unexpected perturbations (Purcell
& Munhall, 2006b).
   Adaptation to formant perturbations has been investigated per se, or
used as a paradigm to address more general issues in speech science. The
current chapter reviews research in formant perturbations by analyzing
Houde and Jordan’s seminal study (Houde & Jordan, 1998, 2002) and the
scientific literature that has referred to it. Using this approach (detailed in
the first section of the chapter) we can see the cross-disciplinary impact of
Houde and Jordan’s work and in particular, identify the main topics of the
scientific literature that have cited this work (reported in the second part of
the chapter). Among the collected papers, only a subsection corresponded
to empirical studies involving formant perturbations. Based on the analysis
of these studies, including review of their reference lists, the latter parts
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 19

Figure 1: The auditory prism adaptation. (A) The speaker speaks into a
microphone; his feedback is altered such as when he produces “head” he is
hearing a signal closer to “hid”; (B) To do so, F1 and F2 are changed in real time;
(C) Before the introduction of the perturbation (Baseline) the auditory feedback
is consistent with the target. The first exposure to the perturbation (Training
start) induces a discrepancy (or an error) between the auditory feedback and the
planed target. With repetitive exposure to the perturbation, the talker changes
his production to compensate for the perturbation (Training end). When the
perturbation is removed after-effects and/or transfer effects are observed.

of the chapter provide: (1) a description of the main apparatuses and
paradigms used in formant perturbations studies; (2) an overview of the
research topics addressed using these perturbations and the main reported
results; and (3) some perspectives for future research.

2. Paper collection and analysis
As we were interested in the impact of Houde and Jordan’s work and also
wanted to provide an analytical review of formant perturbations studies,
we first analyzed the published work that referred to Houde and Jordan
(1998 and/or 2002) from 1999 to 2018 (last update on July 6th 2018).
This was performed using the “Cited by” function in Google Scholar.
We choose this approach rather than keyword research, as we wanted
to collect various sorts of publications, and because it appeared to be the
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Table 1: Number of references in each category of the first level of selection (see
text for details)

Formant shift                       No formant shift      Not in    Error   Total
Rejected Kept                       Rejected  Kept        English   ref.
26       72 (+ 2, Houde &           140       287         35        22      584
         Jordan 1998 and 2002)

most systematic way to collect publications in the field. To compensate for
potential errors and omissions by Google Scholar, the results were then
analyzed very closely.
   An analysis by year of Google Scholar output resulted in a total of 584
references (including the two papers by Houde and Jordan, see Table 1).
As a first step, we excluded documents that were not written in English
or that corresponded to reference errors (57 in total, see Table 1). Among
the 527 remaining references, we distinguished between those without vs.
with an empirical study that included formant perturbations. In the former
category (n=427, without formant perturbation), we kept only journal pa-
pers for a thematic analysis of Houde and Jordan’s broad impact (n=287).
In the latter category (n=100, with formant perturbations), we first kept
all the documents except PhD or Master theses, posters or abstracts to
conferences (74 references kept, 26 rejected). Note that there were 11
PhD theses; most of them were associated with journal publications. For
consistency in criteria, we did not include Frank (2011)’s PhD thesis,
even though it is often cited by studies investigating linguistic effects on
formants adaptation. Its results were never published in peer-reviewed
   Three more papers were added that included formant perturbations.
One paper that did not cite Houde and Jordan was found in the refer-
ence list of the selected papers (Niziolek & Guenther, 2013); and two pa-
pers in course of publication at the time of writing that we were aware of
(Caudrelier, Perrier, Schwartz, & Rochet-Capellan, 2018; Klein, Brunner,
& Hoole, in this book). The general characteristics of the documents
including formants perturbations are described in Table 2. Technical

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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 21

Table 2: Number of papers considered for the analysis of formant perturbations
according to source and type. Houde & Jordan (1998, 2002) are included.

                 Journal papers    Proceedings papers Reports/ chapters     Total
Google Scholar   55                17                  2                    74
Other sources     1                 1                  1                     3

papers as well as papers investigating compensation to unexpected for-
mant perturbations were included.
   The full list of analyzed papers related to formant perturbation is avail-
able in Table 4, with their main related research topic indicated. As the
paper collection is based mainly on the “cited by” function of Google
Scholar some papers may be missing despite our careful attention.
However, we believe our analysis provides an accurate picture of the field
at the time it was run.

3. Overall impact of Houde and Jordan’s seminal work
The overall impact of Houde and Jordan (1998, 2002) is illustrated in
Figure 2. We distinguished seven broad categories of research: (1) for-
mant perturbations studies (n=77); (2) studies that investigated speech
compensation and/or adaptation to other auditory perturbations or equiv-
alent situations (n=91) or (3) to an alteration of the vocal tract (n=16);
(4) empirical or theoretical papers on speech production (n=61) or (5) on
speech perception (n=46); (6) studies involving non-speech actions (n=25);
and (7) experimental or theoretical papers involving animals (n=43). Five
papers were not considered, as they were difficult to classify in these cate-
gories. We first analyzed the journal papers that did not empirically test for-
mant perturbations. As described above, this involved 286 articles. Broad
research topics were identified mainly from abstract reading. A subset of
papers was selected and read in more detail to illustrate the different topics.
The articles on formant perturbations will be reviewed in detail in the next
sections. We will now briefly overview the research topics in the six other
categories. References in the following section are illustrative.

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     Compensation/adaptation of speech production
     to various auditory perturbations
Speech compensation and adaptation were investigated prior to the devel-
opment of formant perturbation studies and used various methods. These
methods continued to be used in some of the later work that cited Houde
and Jordan. About half of the papers in this first category investigated
speech modifications in reaction to either an unexpected or a predictable
modification of F0 in different populations and conditions. A number of
papers in this topic were published by Jones et al. (Jones & Munhall,
2000); Larson et al. (Burnett & Larson, 2002); or Hanjun et al. (Li et al.,
2016). The other half of the studies investigated speech modifications in
reaction to other types of auditory perturbations such as delayed auditory
feedback (Chon, Kraft, Zhang, Loucks, & Ambrose, 2013); changes in
intensity or noise level (Maas, Mailend, & Guenther, 2015); hearing loss
(Palethorpe, Watson, & Barker, 2003); real or simulated use of cochlear
implants (Casserly, 2015; Lane et al., 2007); or replacement of the audi-
tory feedback by a stranger’s voice (Hubl et al., 2014). Other work
modified consonant features such as frication (Shiller, Sato, Gracco, &
Baum, 2009) or voicing (Mitsuya, MacDonald, & Munhall, 2014). Self-
regulation in adaptation to formant perturbations was also linked with
interpersonal auditory-motor regularizations in speech such as phonetic
convergence (Pardo, 2006).

     Compensation/adaptation of speech production to
     perturbations of the vocal tract dynamics or geometry
Research on compensation and adaptation to perturbations affecting the
somatosensory feedback is another field closely connected to adaptation
to formant perturbations. Houde and Jordan’s work was thus cited by
studies involving an alteration of the vocal tract geometry or dynamics.
This includes dental prostheses (Jones & Munhall, 2003); lip tubes in chil-
dren and adults (Ménard, Perrier, & Aubin, 2016); false palates (Thibeault,
Ménard, Baum, Richard, & McFarland, 2011); mechanical forces applied
to the jaw with a robot (Tremblay, Shiller, & Ostry, 2003); or more per-
manent changes such as those induced by oropharyngeal cancer treatments
(de Bruijn et al. 2012).
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 23

Figure 2: Overall impact: number of analyzed papers by year and categories.

     Empirical or theoretical papers on speech production
Houde and Jordan’s work is cited by empirical and theoretical research
on speech production. For example, adaptation to formant perturbations
is mentioned by studies providing further evidence of the role of auditory
feedback in speech motor control, such as work linking auditory acuity
to the production of speech contrasts (Perkell et al., 2004); auditory per-
ceptual learning with improvement in production (Shiller, Rvachew, &
Brosseau-Lapré, 2010); comparing overt and covert speech (Brumberg
et al., 2016) or analyzing the neurophysiological activities of the auditory
cortex during speech production (Curio, Neuloh, Numminen, Jousmäki,
& Hari, 2000). Adaptation to formant perturbations provides support for
neurocomputational models of speech production such as the Directions
Into Velocity of Articulators model (DIVA, Golfinopoulos et al., 2010) or
the State Feedback Control model (SFC, Houde & Chang, 2015), both
models assuming a feedback and a feedforward control mechanism.
Further information about these control mechanisms will be provided in
the section describing formant perturbation studies related to this topic.
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     Empirical or theoretical papers on speech perception
Adaptation to formant perturbations is also taken as evidence of sensori-
motor integration in speech. As such, it is relevant for papers probing or
discussing the role of the motor system in speech perception (Sato, Troille,
Ménard, Cathiard, & Gracco, 2013) or in theoretical papers related to the
dual-stream model of language processing. Basically, this model proposes
a cortical ventral stream that maps speech sounds to concepts, and a dorsal
stream for auditory-motor mapping. Adaptation to formant perturbations
is then cited as an evidence that a dorsal auditory-motor integration path
is still functional in adulthood (Hickok & Poeppel, 2004).

     Non-speech movement studies
Various non-speech studies cited Houde and Jordan’s work to illustrate
sensorimotor adaptation in humans. These studies focused on activities
involving auditory feedback such as piano playing (Pfordresher & Palmer,
2006); or the learning of artificial auditory-arm movement maps (van
Vugt & Ostry, 2018). Some papers were also interested in other kinds
of sensorimotor adaptations such as swallowing (Wong, Domangue, Fels,
& Ludlow, 2017), or visuomotor adaptation of limb movements (Wei
et al., 2014). Note that as formant perturbations studies were inspired
by visuomotor adaptation, they often referred to limb movement litera-
ture. The converse seems not necessarily true as our research suggests that
few works on limb adaptation have cited Houde and Jordan’s work. This
result should be taken cautiously as limb movement research could cite
other studies using formant perturbations to illustrate the adaptability of
speech motor control, and we only collected papers that reference Houde
and Jordan using “cited by” functionality of Google Scholar.

     Animal studies
Finally, animal studies have early, and regularly, cited Houde and Jordan’s
work (Figure 2), with a main focus on the role of auditory feedback in
action control. Over half of these papers were dedicated to birdsong and
published by Brainard et al. and/or Doupe et al. and/or Sober et al. Many of
these papers include studies of birdsong production or learning using audi-
tory perturbations with behavioral and/or neurophysiologic recordings, as
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 25

well as interspecies comparative reviews about the processing of auditory
feedback of self-produced sounds (Brainard & Doupe, 2000; Doupe &
Kuhl, 1999; Sober & Brainard, 2009). Analogous works were done in
bats (Smotherman, Zhang, & Metzner, 2003) and primates (Eliades &
Miller, 2017).
   To summarize, this non-exhaustive analysis of the overall impact of
Houde and Jordan’s seminal work suggests that it is (as expected) cited by
papers investigating speech compensation and adaptation to other types
of sensory perturbations. Most of the scientific questions in this first set of
papers overlap with the research topics we will review based on the more
detailed analysis of formant perturbations studies in the related section
of this chapter. In a broad context, adaptation to formant perturbations
is often interpreted as evidence for sensorimotor integration and sensori-
motor plasticity in speech production and perception. It is cited to illustrate
auditory feedback and feedforward control mechanisms in speech produc-
tion, as explained below, and taken as an example of such mechanisms
(and their plasticity) in studies investigating animal vocalizations, singing,
music playing, but also inter-personal convergence or coordination of
   Note that more research topics related to formant perturbation studies
may be found by including “2nd order” connections to Houde and Jordan’s
work (i.e. references that cite any of the studies on formant perturbations).

4. Methods in formant perturbation studies
In this section, we provide an overview of the apparatuses used to apply
real-time formant perturbation and a description of the main procedures
identified in the collected papers.

     Real-time formant perturbation
The systems used to shift formants in the collected papers are summarized
in Table 3. Paper details can be found in Table 4. With regards to formant
perturbation, it is important to emphasize that in order to preserve the
best quality of self-perception, the real-time modification of formants in
speakers’ auditory feedback should meet some requirements, specifically:

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(1) The signal should be processed and played back fast enough for the
    speaker not to perceive any delay (less than 30ms, see Yates, 1963).
    Specific digital signal processing boards (DSP), including systems from the
    music industry were used, especially in earlier work. Nowadays, this can
    be achieved at a software level, on a PC with appropriate sound card and
    software to analyze and change formants. For the same code, the achieved
    delay can vary depending on the operating system and hardware.
(2) The parameters of the signal processor should be adapted to the
    speaker and/or to the vowel. This parameterization improves the for-
    mant detection and the reliability of the perturbation.
(3) Perception of unperturbed feedback (bone conduction and air conduc-
    tion outside the headphones) should be reduced as much as possible.
    Different approaches were used to achieve this aim, such as:
    • Using whispered speech (Houde & Jordan, 1998, 2002) although
       subsequent studies were run with normal speech;
    • Using closed headphones or insert earphones to reduce the percep-
       tion of the air-conducted signal. The occlusion effect of the head-
       phones on adaptation was recently investigated with no significant
       difference in the magnitude of F1 adaptation between the use of the
       closed Sennheiser “HD 265” and the insert Etymotic Research ER2
       (Mitsuya & Purcell, 2016);
    • Increasing the level of the feedback in the headphones, up to 87dB
       SPL (Villacorta et al., 2007);
    • And/or using a masking noise mixed with the played back signal to
       mask bone-conducted speech.
(4) The shifted vowel should have clearly distinguishable F1 and/or F2
    values, and the shift should be consistent with these values. For this
    reason, the vowel /ε/ is chosen in most of the studies as shifting more
    extreme front or back vowels could be limited by overlap in F1–F2 or
    F0–F1 frequencies (Mitsuya, MacDonald, Munhall, & Purcell, 2015),
    and this vowel allows upward and downward perturbations.
Different research groups have developed their own formant perturba-
tion systems (Table 3) with four main categories: (1) The two systems
developed by Houde described with more details in Houde’s PhD (Houde,
1997) for whispered speech (1.a), and then in Katseff, Houde, & Johnson
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(2012) for voiced speech (1.b); (2) The system developed and used by
Munhall, Purcell and collaborators that used a specific hardware; (3) The
system used by Perkell and Guenther’s teams that first included specific
hardware (Villacorta et al., 2007) and was then adapted as a free software
for Matlab. It supports various auditory perturbations, including changes
in F1 and/or F2, but also more complex ones such as formant trajectory
perturbations (Cai, Boucek, Ghosh, Guenther, & Perkell, 2008; Tourville,
Cai, & Guenther, 2013). The last version is called “Audapter” and can
be download on (
matlab, this link was retrieved July, 6, 2018); (4) The last system was
developed in parallel by three teams: Max et al., Ostry et al., and Shiller
et al. It uses a device from the music industry (VoiceOne, TC Helicon) that
by default allows shifting of all the formants while preserving F0. This
system was used as a way to alter all formants in the same direction (Max
& Maffett, 2015) or, with supplementary signal processing steps, including
filtering and mixing, as a way to perturb F1 only (Rochet-Capellan &
Ostry, 2011). A few papers were dedicated to the presentation and first

Table 3: Main signal processing systems used in the literature to perturb formants
in real time (references indicate the publication describing the system) and number
of papers using the system.

           System 1              System 2   System 3               System 4
References Houde (1997);          Purcell & Villacorta et al.      Feng et al.   Others
           Katseff et al. (2012) Munhall    (2007); Cai et al.     (2011);
                                 (2006ab) (2008); Tourville        Rochet-
                                            & al. (2013)           Capellan &
                                                                   Ostry (2011);
                                                                   Shum et al.
Signal    1.a. Whispered         National      Texas Instruments   Electronic       Other
processingspeech: Analysis-      Instruments   C6701 Evaluation    speech           software
          synthesis              PXI-8176      Module DSP          processor from   or
          process, DSP- 96       embedded      board then          music industry   hardware
          board, Ariel,          controller    C-extension         VoiceOne;        solutions –
          Inc. 1.b.Voiced                      Mex for             TC Helicon +
          speech: “Feedback                    Matlab, opened      filters
          Alteration Device” –                 access – Audapter
          Sinewave synthesis
Number of 10                     23            2 then 20           19               3
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evaluation of these different perturbation systems. This was the case with
Cai et al. (2008) and Tourville et al. (2013) and with the preliminary work
by Shih, Suemitsu, & Akagi (2011). Two papers also presented a method
to perturb formants in populations in which speech acoustics have deteri-
orated, by coupling articulatory synthesis with Audapter (Berry, North, &
Johnson, 2014; Berry, North, Meyers, & Johnson, 2013).
   As displayed in Table 4, most of the studies involved native speakers of
English, mainly from North America. Other languages were investigated
in a few comparative studies or in relation to other research questions as
described in the next section. Potential generalization of these findings to
other languages and populations should therefore be taken with caution.

     Main procedures in formant perturbation
     studies and related concepts
The main procedures identified in the collected papers about formant
perturbations are summarized in Figure 3. These procedures will be
referred to in relation to the research topics detailed in the next section.
Two main approaches can be distinguished:
(1) Unexpected formant perturbation during the production of prolonged
    utterances: This first approach was used in only a few of the collected
    papers (n=11, ~14 % of the papers with formant perturbations, see
    Table 4). The perturbation is only applied to a small proportion of
    utterances so that talkers cannot anticipate the perturbation. Moreover,
    the utterances are produced with long vowel duration (steady-state
    vowels) so that corrective answers result from online processing of
    the auditory feedback (cf. Figure 3, procedure P4). This correction is
    called compensation.
(2) Systematic and constant perturbation over a number of
    utterances: This second approach was used in the majority of the
    papers (n=66, ~86 %, Table 4). The basic procedure is represented
    in Figure 3, procedure P1. It involves the production of utterances
    with “natural” duration, in general. After a baseline with unaltered
    auditory feedback, the perturbation is introduced either gradually
    or abruptly, and then systematically applied at a constant level.
    Depending on the research group, changes in formant production
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 29

Figure 3: Overview of procedures used in formant perturbations studies.
Duration of experimental phases and perturbations were variable across studies.
P1 is the basic procedure to study auditory-motor adaptation, used in Munhall
et al.’s studies. It was adapted to investigate the transfer of adaptation (P1t)
(MacDonald, Pile, Dajani, & Munhall, 2008; Rochet-Capellan, Richer, & Ostry,
2012) and the effect of auditory motor adaptation on perception (P1p) (Lametti,
Rochet-Capellan, Neufeld, Shiller, & Ostry, 2014) or the effect of perceptual
training on sensorimotor adaptation (Lametti, Krol, Shiller, & Ostry, 2014).
P2 is the procedure used in Houde & Jordan (1998) and then by Perkell et al.
(Villacorta, Perkell, & Guenther, 2007). It is structured in epochs with training
words produced with feedback followed by training words and generalization
words produced with a masking noise. P3 is the multiple perturbation procedure
developed in Rochet-Capellan & Ostry (2011), during which words are produced
in random order with specific perturbation associated with each word. P4 is
the compensation procedure to unpredictable perturbations. In this last case,
long steady-state vowels are produced and the perturbation is introduced
randomly for a small proportion of utterances to assess online correction (Purcell
& Munhall, 2006b). Grey scale gradient in the ramp phase represents the
progressive introduction of the shift.

    at the end of the training phase are referred to as compensation (cf.
    Houde & Jordan, 1998; Purcell & Munhall, 2006b) or adaptation
    (cf. Rochet-Capellan, Richer & Ostry, 2012, Martin et al., 2018),
    and residual changes when the feedback is returned to normal after
    training are referred to as adaptation or after-effect, respectively.
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30                      Caudrelier and Rochet-Capellan

     This procedure was also used to assess generalization (or transfer) of
     adaptation to untrained utterances, either in the course of the training
     phase (Figure 3, procedure P2) or after the training (Figure 3, proce-
     dure P1t), as presented in the next section.
Hereafter, adaptation will refer to changes observed at the end of the
training phase in response to a systematic perturbation. Compensation
will mainly refer to changes in response to unpredictable perturbations but
will also be used to qualify the direction of adaptive responses (by contrast
with following responses that go in the same direction as the perturbation).

5. Research topics tackled with formant perturbations
In this section, we provide a thematic review of the collected papers that
included an empirical study of formant perturbation. As much as possible,
we chose to associate each paper with a main topic but obviously a paper
could be related to more than one topic. Table 4 provides a list of all the
cited references and their main associated research topics.

     Properties of feedback and feedforward control
Many studies involving formant perturbations are related to the role
of auditory feedback in speech motor control and distinguish between
feedback and feedforward control mechanisms. Feedback control is a
closed-loop system that involves the sensory consequences of the current
motion. It is regarded as too slow to account for rapid control and rapid
adjustments observed in fast coordinated actions. Rapidity and adapt-
ability of motion were identified early on as evidence of a feedforward
control mechanism by researchers in visuomotor adaptation. The core
idea is that the brain makes predictions of the sensory consequences of
its actions based on an efference copy of the motor command (Houde &
Jordan, 2002). These predictions involve mappings between motor and
sensory representations also called internal models (Purcell & Munhall,
2006a) or sensorimotor memories (see Perrier, 2012, for a discussion of
the nature of internal models in speech). The DIVA (Golfinopoulos et al.,
2010) or the SFC (Houde & Chang, 2015) neurocomputational models of
speech production assume the existence of both feedback and feedforward
control networks that involve auditory and somatosensory systems. When
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 31

the prediction based on internal models does not match the actual sensory
input, the internal representations are changed to reduce this prediction
“error” so that future movements performed in similar conditions will be
accurate. This mechanism is claimed to underlie sensorimotor adaptation.
   In this context, a first subset of studies with formant perturbations was
designed to “Investigate the nature, level of details, and use of internal
models in speech production” (Max, Wallace, & Vincent, 2003, p. 1053)
and to “begin to parameterize the formant feedback system” (MacDonald,
Goldberg, & Munhall, 2010 p. 1060). The main contribution of these
studies is to describe the role of auditory feedback in the control of for-
mant production, and the adaptability of this control. In these papers,
adaptability is mainly explained or taken as an evidence for feedforward
internal models.
   To address the properties of adaptation to formant perturbations,
Houde and Jordan (2002) analyzed in more detail the adaptation phenom-
enon introduced in Houde and Jordan (1998). The results highlight some
properties of feedback and feedforward control that were subsequently
discussed and investigated in later work, involving various types of for-
mant perturbations and procedures.
   The first observation of Houde and Jordan was that the changes in F1
and F2 production in talkers’ speech were compensatory responses, in the
opposite direction to the perturbation. This result has been reproduced
consistently in later work when between-speaker data are aggregated.
Individual data suggests that some speakers follow the shift, however.
For example, in a meta-analysis of their own studies of adaptation to for-
mant perturbations, MacDonald et al. (2011) found that 26 out of 116
female speakers followed F1 or F2 shifts when their production of “head”
was perturbed toward “had”. A possible explanation is that non-adapted
speakers may not be able to dissociate their own production from the
auditory feedback (Vaughn & Nasir, 2015). Following the formant shift
rather than compensating for it was actually the most frequent behaviour
observed in a preliminary study investigating compensation in Japanese
speakers to unexpected perturbations of F1, F2 and F3 (Shih et al., 2011).
Aside from this study, all other published work on formant perturbations
observed significant compensatory adaptation in acoustic analyses,
whereas preliminary analyses of articulatory correlates of adaptation are
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32                            Caudrelier and Rochet-Capellan

Table 4: List of all the studies related to formant perturbation included in the pre-
sent review. The first column provides the reference of the article. The 2nd column
gives the language of participants (Du: Dutch, En: English, Fr: French, Ge: German,
Ja: Japanese, Ko: Korean, Ma: Mandarin, Ru: Russian, Sp: Spanish). Column 3
is related to the perturbation systems, which are described in Table 3 (briefly,
1.a: Houde & Jordan (1998), 1.b. Katseff et al. (2012); 2: Purcell & Munhall,
(2006a); 3: Audapter and its previous versions; 4: VoiceOne, TC Helicon, 5: Others)
and column 4 indicates whether an article is mainly dedicated to the description of
a perturbation system. Each study has been classified into either compensation (to
unpredictable perturbations, column 5) or adaptation (to sustained perturbations).
Columns 7 to 14 show whether the article is related to each of the main research
topics presented in the present review. A cross indicates that the article is cited in
the corresponding subsection, while a (X) indicates it is not although it is related
to the topic.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Surface effects & speakers’ characteristics
                                                                                                                    Perception acuity and sensory integration
                                                                                                                    Properties of feedback and feedforward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pathology affecting speech production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Neural basis of speech motor learning
                                                                                                                                                                Perceptual & phonological categories

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Transfer/Specificity and speech units
                                             Perturbation System

                                                                   System description





Alsius, Mitsuya, Latif, &         En 2                                                                  X                                        (X)                                                                                                                                                                                             X
Munhall, 2017
Berry, Jaeger, Wiedenhoeft,       En 3                                                                  X            X                                                                                    X
Bernal, & Johnson, 2014
Berry, North, & Johnson, 2014     En 3                              X
Berry, North, Meyers, &           En 3                              X
Johnson, 2013
Bourguignon, Baum, & Shiller,     En 4                                                                  X                                                          X
Bourguignon, Baum, & Shiller,     En 4                                                                  X                                                          X
Bourguignon, Baum, & Shiller,     En 4                                                                  X                                                          X
Cai, Beal, Ghosh, Tiede,          En 3                                                                  X                                        (X)                                                                                              X
Guenther, & Perkell, 2012

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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 33

Table 4: Continued

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Surface effects & speakers’ characteristics
                                                                                                                     Perception acuity and sensory integration
                                                                                                                     Properties of feedback and feedforward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pathology affecting speech production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Neural basis of speech motor learning
                                                                                                                                                                 Perceptual & phonological categories

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Transfer/Specificity and speech units
                                              Perturbation System

                                                                    System description




Cai, Boucek, Ghosh, Guenther,      Ma 3                              X                                   X
& Perkell, 2008
Cai, Ghosh, Guenther, &            Ma 3                                                                  X            X                                                                                    X
Perkell, 2010
Cai, Ghosh, Guenther, &            En 3                                                   X                           X
Perkell, 2011
Caudrelier, Perrier, Schwartz, &   Fr          3                                                         X                                                          (X) X
Rochet-Capellan, 2016
Caudrelier, Perrier, Schwartz, &   Fr          3                                                         X                                                                                                 (X)                                                                                                                                    X
Rochet-Capellan, 2018
Caudrelier, Schwartz, Perrier,     Fr          3                                                         X                                                          (X) X
Gerber, & Rochet-Capellan,
Daliri, Wieland, Cai, Guenther,    En 3                                                                  X                                        (X)                                                                                              X
& Chang, 2018
Lametti, Krol, Shiller, & Ostry,   En 4                                                                  X                                                          X
Lametti, Nasir, & Ostry, 2012      En 4                                                                  X                                        X
Lametti, Smith, Freidin, &         En 4                                                                  X                                                                                                                                                                                 X
Watkins, 2018
Demopoulos et al., 2018            En 1b                                                  X              X                                                                                                                                         X                                                                             (X)
Deroche, Nguyen, & Gracco,         En 4                                                                  X                                        (X)                                                                                                                                      X
Dimov, Katseff, & Johnson,         En 1b                                                                 X                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        X
Eckey & MacDonald, 2015            Ge 5                                                   X                                                       X
Feng, Gracco, & Max, 2011          En 4                                                                  X                                        X
Houde & Jordan, 1998               En 1a                                                                 X            X                                                                                    X
                                                                                                                                                                 (continued on next page)
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34                            Caudrelier and Rochet-Capellan

Table 4: Continued

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Surface effects & speakers’ characteristics
                                                                                                                    Perception acuity and sensory integration
                                                                                                                    Properties of feedback and feedforward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pathology affecting speech production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Neural basis of speech motor learning
                                                                                                                                                                Perceptual & phonological categories

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Transfer/Specificity and speech units
                                             Perturbation System

                                                                   System description




Houde & Jordan, 2002              En          1a                                                        X            X
Ito, Coppola, & Ostry, 2016       En          4                                                         X                                        (X)                                                                                                                                      X
Katseff & Houde, 2008             En          1b                                                        X                                        (X)
Katseff, Houde, & Johnson,        En          1b                                                        X                                        X
Klein, Eugen; Brunner, Jana;      Ru 3                                                                  X                                                                                                 X                                                                                                                                      (X)
Hoole, Phil (sous press)
Lametti, Rochet-Capellan,         En 4                                                                  X                                                          X
Neufeld, Shiller, & Ostry, 2014
MacDonald & Munhall, 2012         En 2                                                                  X                                        X
MacDonald, Goldberg, &            En 2                                                                  X            X                           X
Munhall, 2010
MacDonald, Johnson, Forsythe,     En 2                                                                  X                                                                                                                                                                                                                       X
Plante, & Munhall, 2012
MacDonald, Pile, Dajani, &        En 2                                                                  X                                                                                                 X
Munhall, 2008
MacDonald, Purcell, &             En 2                                                   X                           X
Munhall, 2011
Martin et al., 2018               Sp          1b                                                        X                                        X
Max & Maffett, 2015               En          4                                                         X            X
Max, Wallace, & Vincent, 2003     En          5                                                         X            X
Mitsuya & Purcell, 2016           En          2                                                         X            X
Mitsuya, MacDonald, Munhall,      En          2                                                         X                                        X
& Purcell, 2015
Mitsuya, MacDonald, Purcell,      En 2                                                                  X                                                          X
& Munhall, 2011
Mitsuya, Munhall, & Purcell,      En 2                                                                               X

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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 35

Table 4: Continued

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Surface effects & speakers’ characteristics
                                                                                                                     Perception acuity and sensory integration
                                                                                                                     Properties of feedback and feedforward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pathology affecting speech production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Neural basis of speech motor learning
                                                                                                                                                                 Perceptual & phonological categories

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Transfer/Specificity and speech units
                                              Perturbation System

                                                                    System description




Mitsuya, Samson, Ménard, &         Fr          2                                                         X                                                          X
Munhall, 2013
Mollaei, Shiller, & Gracco, 2013   En 4                                                                  X                                                                                                                                         X
Mollaei, Shiller, Baum, &          En 4                                                   X                                                       (X)                                                                                              X
Gracco, 2016
Munhall, MacDonald, Byrne,         En 2                                                                  X            X                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (X)
& Johnsrude, 2009
Neufeld, Purcell, & Van            Ko 2                                                                  X            X
Lieshout, 2013
Niziolek & Guenther, 2013          En 3                                                   X                                                                         X
Parrell, Agnew, Nagarajan,         En 1b                                                  X              X                                                                                                                                         X
Houde, & Ivry, 2017
Pile, Dajani, Purcell, &           En 2                                                                  X                                                                                                 X
Munhall, 2007
Purcell & Munhall, 2006a           En          2                                                         X            X
Purcell & Munhall, 2006b           En          2                                          X                           X
Purcell & Munhall, 2008            En          2                                                         X            X                           X
Reilly & Dougherty, 2013           En          3                                          X                                                       X                 (X)
Reilly & Pettibone, 2017           En          3                                                         X                                                                                                 X
Rochet-Capellan & Ostry, 2011      En          4                                                         X                                                                                                 X
Rochet-Capellan, Richer, &         En          4                                                         X                                                                                                 X
Ostry, 2012
Sato & Shiller, 2018               Fr 3                                                                  X                                        (X)                                                                                                                                      X                                                      X
Schuerman, Nagarajan, &            En 1b                                                                 X                                                          X
Houde, 2015
Schuerman, Nagarajan,              En 1b                                                                 X                                                          X
McQueen, & Houde, 2017
                                                                                                                                                                 (continued on next page)
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36                            Caudrelier and Rochet-Capellan

Table 4: Continued

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Surface effects & speakers’ characteristics
                                                                                                                     Perception acuity and sensory integration
                                                                                                                     Properties of feedback and feedforward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pathology affecting speech production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Neural basis of speech motor learning
                                                                                                                                                                 Perceptual & phonological categories

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Transfer/Specificity and speech units
                                              Perturbation System

                                                                    System description




Schuerman, Meyer, &                Du 3                                                                  X                                                          X                                                                                                                      (X)
McQueen, 2017
Sengupta & Nasir, 2015             En 2                                                                  X                                                                                                                                                                                 X
Sengupta & Nasir, 2016             En 2                                                                  X                                                                                                                                                                                 X
Sengupta, Shah, Gore, Loucks,      En 2                                                                  X                                                                                                                                         X                                       (X)
& Nasir, 2016
Shih, Suemitsu, & Akagi, 2011      Ja          5                                          X                           X
Shiller & Rochon, 2014             En          4                                                         X                                                          X                                                                                                                                                            (X)
Shiller, Lametti, & Ostry, 2013    En          4                                                         X                                                          X
Shum, Shiller, Baum, & Gracco,     En          4                                                         X                                                                                                                                                                                 X
Terband & Van Brenk, 2015          Du 3                                                                  X                                                                                                                                                                                                                       X
Terband, Van Brenk, & van          Du 3                                                                  X                                                          (X)                                                                            X                                                                             (X)
Doornik-van der Zee, 2014
Tourville, Cai, & Guenther, 2013      3                              X
Tourville, Reilly, & Guenther,     En 3                                                   X                                                                                                                                                                                                X
Trudeau-Fisette, Tiede, &          Fr          2                                                         X                                        X                                                                                                (X)
Ménard, 2017
van den Bunt, Groen, Ito,          Du 4                                                                  X                                                          (X)                                                                            X
Francisco, Gracco, Pugh, &
Verhoeven, 2017
Vaughn & Nasir, 2015               En 2                                                                  X            X
Villacorta, Perkell, & Guenther,   En 3                                                                  X            X                           X                                                        X
Zheng, Vicente-Grabovetsky,        En 2                                                   X                                                                                                                                                                                                X
MacDonald, Munhall, Cusack,
& Johnsrude, 2013

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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 37

less clear. Max et al. (2003) analyzed acoustic changes to perturbation of
all formants in the same direction in relation to jaw and tongue movement
during adaptation. No consistent behaviour were observed in articulatory
kinematics. Similar results were obtained in a pilot study in one Korean
speaker with an F2 shift (Neufeld, Purcell, & Van Lieshout, 2013), while
clearer tongue compensation movements were reported in speakers with
blindness (Trudeau-Fisette, Tiede, & Ménard, 2017). On the other hand,
while the majority of studies on adaptation to formant perturbations
found significant compensatory responses, it was also shown that adap-
tation vanishes when perturbed feedback is delayed by more than 100ms
(Max & Maffett, 2015), or is at least largely reduced (Mitsuya, Munhall,
& Purcell, 2017).
   Houde and Jordan also reported that maximal changes at the end of
training did not fully compensate for the perturbation. This result was
systematically reproduced in later studies. As an illustration, in Purcell
& Munhall (2006a), the maximal adaptation to a 200Hz upward vs.
downward shift of F1 compensated for about 30 % of the perturbation,
regardless of the number of repetitions during the hold phase. This also
suggests that adaptation is a fast process, in agreement with Max et al.
(2003)’s observation that compensatory responses occurred after only a
few repetitions. However, a F1 perturbation of at least 60Hz (80Hz on
average across conditions) was required in Purcell & Munhall (2006a) to
initiate the compensatory response. Similar thresholds were reported in
later work, regardless of the delay in the auditory feedback (Mitsuya et al.,
2017) and the occlusion of the headphones (Mitsuya & Purcell, 2016).
Furthermore, MacDonald et al. (2010) highlighted a linear relationship
between the magnitude of the perturbation and the magnitude of changes
in speakers’ utterances for perturbation magnitudes up to +200Hz in F1
and -250Hz in F2, compensating for 25 % of the perturbation in F1 and
30 % in F2. With larger perturbations, there was no improvement, and a
decrease even appeared in response to perturbations larger than 300Hz in
F1 and larger than 400Hz in F2. Similar limits were observed by Katseff
and colleagues (Katseff & Houde, 2008; Katseff et al., 2012), as discussed
in the next section. Comparable adaptations were reported in the meta-
analysis provided by MacDonald et al. (2011), with an average of 26.5 %
for F1 and 23.2 % for F2. Moreover, in this last analysis, changes in F1 in
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38                      Caudrelier and Rochet-Capellan

speakers’ production weakly correlated with changes in F2, suggesting a
specific control of the two parameters and the existence of speaker-specific
strategies. The magnitude of the response was also found to vary according
to the vowel in pet, bus and law utterances in Max et al. (2003). Further
work addressing this last point with regard to more specific research topics
is presented in the next section.
   Houde and Jordan also noticed that inter-speaker variability was not
related to a speaker’s awareness of the auditory shift. When interviewed
after the study, talkers reported they were unaware of the perturbation or
of any change in their production. By contrast, Purcell & Munhall (2006a)
reported that 40 % of their participants indicated awareness of “some kind
of change in the auditory feedback over the course of the experiment”,
with only 8 % noticing that the perturbation transformed the vowel into
a different one. However, the magnitude of adaptation did not seem to be
related to the responses in this interview. This difference to Houde and
Jordan might be related to the abrupt suppression of the perturbation after
training in Purcell & Munhall (2006a) (Procedure P1, Figure 3) that was
probably perceived by the speakers, while Houde and Jordan assessed how
adaptation was sustained using catch trials with masking noise (Procedure
P2, Figure 3). Munhall, MacDonald, Byrne, & Johnsrude (2009) then con-
firmed that the awareness of the perturbation does not influence adaptive
behavior, as discussed later in the “Surface effects & speakers’ character-
istics” subsection.
   Another important result in Houde and Jordan was that changes for
perturbed utterances were larger than changes for utterances produced
with a masking noise. The authors discussed this result as evidence that
“vowel production could be partly under immediate auditory feedback
control” (Houde & Jordan, 2002, p. 307). By contrast, in their prelimi-
nary study of adaptation to a shift of all formants in the same direction,
Max et al., (2003) argued that the modifications in talkers’ production
should be considered as adaptive responses rather than reactive changes,
as they already occur at vowel onset, and have been observed for sustained
vowels as well as vowels with shorter duration. The variability of changes
in formants according to the vowel’s parts were not systematically investi-
gated in adaptation studies as most of the studies used a single steady-state
value, often around the middle of the vowel. However, in their preliminary
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Changes in speech production in response to formant perturbations 39

work, Berry, Jaeger, Wiedenhoeft, Bernal, & Johnson (2014) suggested
that this single value might not be the most appropriate, depending on
consonant context and coarticulatory effects. Vaughn and Nasir (2015)
also provided evidence that full trajectory analysis might better capture
adaptation phenomena. The relationship between formant values in con-
secutive trials (as measured with one-lag cross correlation analyses), in the
absence of any perturbation, may also be predictive of adaptation mag-
nitude (Purcell & Munhall, 2006a). Altogether, these results suggest that
changes observed over the course of adaptation to a perturbation result
probably from a mix of feedback and feedforward control.
   Houde and Jordan (2002) suggested investigating compensation to
formant perturbations in steady-state vowels to determine the role of
online feedback in formant control. Studies focusing on compensation
to an unexpected formant perturbation in sustained vowels usually ana-
lyzed changes at different points of the vowel. For instance, in Purcell and
Munhall (2006b) upward vs. downward perturbations of F1 were applied
randomly in five utterances of “head” over 100 utterances of different
CVC words. Results show partial compensation, with on average, 16.3 %
vs. 10.6 % of the upward vs. downward shifts, but with high variability
for the same talker between utterances and between talkers. However, this
study was not designed to measure the delay in compensatory response.
This delay was found in later studies to be around 160ms, at least when
F1 is shifted upward (e.g. Tourville, Reilly, & Guenther, 2008), and when
more complex spatial or temporal perturbations of formants trajecto-
ries are applied during the production of short sentences (Cai, Ghosh,
Guenther, & Perkell, 2011). The smaller compensation of perturbation
observed in studies involving unexpected perturbation compared to studies
involving systematic perturbation, as well as the delay required to observe
a compensatory response, confirm the idea that responses produced in the
presence of the perturbation in adaptation studies are at least partially
   One of the most intriguing outcomes of Houde and Jordan (2002) was
that the modification in formants was still present when talkers came
back a month later to run a control study evaluating changes in produc-
tion without perturbation. This long-term effect was attributed by the
authors to implicit memory of the task or specific control mechanisms for
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