Challenge 2019 Finalists - purmundus challenge is a registered trademark of cirp GmbH - Formnext

Page created by Ernest Medina
Challenge 2019 Finalists - purmundus challenge is a registered trademark of cirp GmbH - Formnext

challenge 2019
            purmundus challenge
    is a registered trademark of
                       cirp GmbH
challenge 2019
The theme for this year’s “purmundus challenge” international competition
for 3D and 4D printing is Beyond 3D printing.
The purmundus challenge will award the winners for the most forward-
thinking concepts. Inspect these exhibits yourself on the show f loor and join
the award ceremony on Thursday, 21 November 2019 at AM4U Area of
hall 11.1-D29 at 5:00 p.m.
AA: Studio Ludovico I Alves                                                                                                          AB: Kathrin Breitenbach Studio
                                             AA                                           AB
Ludovico, Finland.                                                                                                                   Scenography, Interior Architecture &
                       is a functional 3D                                                                                            Design | Kathrin Breitenbach |
printing clock made of Sugar. It shows                                                                                               Vincent Fischer | Ilhan Kahraman,
the relationship of sugar and a diabetic.                                                                                            Germany.
AC: Philipp Hainke | Paula Cano                                                                                                                          is a modern 3D
Gutierrez, Germany.                                                                                                                  printed lamp, consists an organic
                is a menstrual cup that                                                                                              Avocadoseed-Thermoplast. The core
replaces the conventional tampon. The                                                                                                of the fruit counts 1/3 of the fruit’s
shape adapts to the morphology of                                                                                                    weight and has been used as
any woman, with the utmost comfor t.                                                                                                 production waste.

                                                                                         AD: BMW Group | Mar tin Friedrich,
 AC                                          AD                                                                                       AE
                                                                                         The purpose of the
                                                                                                        is to give people with
                                                                                         visual impairments the ability to experi-
                                                                                         ence space through sound and touch.
                                                                                         AE: Tamara Trusova, Russia.
                                                                                                      transmits communication
                                                                                         of past humanity, when the first tools
                                                                                         originated intellectual progress based
                                                                                         on the nature principles.

                                            AF: 3D Music Instruments | Ricardo
 AF                                                                                       AG                                          AH
                                            Simian, Switzerland.
                                                          is a fully functional
                                            musical instrument with a distinctive
                                            sound and personality of its own.
                                            AG: ViolinoDigitale | Harris
                                            Matzaridis, Greece.
                                                                           is a
                                            accurate replica of a famous violin,
                                            made with proprietary 3D printing
                                            filament that simulates real tonewood.

                                            AI: CRÈME / Jun Aizaki Architecture &                                                    AH: Sandvik | Drewman Guitars,
  AI                                                                                       AJ
                                            Design | Jun Aizaki, United States.                                                      Sweden.
                                                                  shows a way to
                                            bypass the waste cycle through a
                                            biodegradable molded gourd.                                                                                       is a all-metal,
                                            AJ: Lumi Industries S.r.l. | Davide Marin,                                               unbreakable guitar. Complex internal
                                            Italy.                                                                                   lattice structures are built in to make
                                                        is a compact 3D printer                                                      them lighter, stronger and more
                                            that can be printed to 95% with a FFM                                                    flexible. Guitar vir tuoso Yngwie
                                            printer. A mobile phone screen is                                                        Malmsteen letting unleash his
                                            used to polymerize the liquid resin.                                                     smashing skills on it.
BA: Diehl Aviation Laupheim GmbH |                                                    BB: EDAG Engineering GmbH |
 BA                                                                                  BB
                                        Andreas Henneberg, Germany.                                                           Fabian Baum | Sebastian Flügel |
                                                                                                                              Mar tin Rüde, Germany.
                                        as a par t of the cabin interior                                                                    is a bionic active rear
                                        suppor ts and covers the cur tain rails                                               wing system produced by laser beam
                                        to secure a light and noise restrictive                                               melting. The system combines
                                        class deviation. The integration of                                                   lightweight construction, active
                                        functionalities into the printed par ts,                                              aerodynamics, function integration
                                        e.g. wiring canals, brackets, exit sign                                               and a visually appealing design with
                                        plates, offers a huge potential for cost                                              the aid of additive manufacturing.

                                        BC: Harro Höfliger                                                                    BD: Viktoria Frank, Austria.
 BC                                                                                  BD
                                        Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH |
                                        Nico Hjordt, Germany.                                                                                                        is
                                                                             is                                               a 3D printed or thosis to counteract
                                        designed to replace the many                                                          the drop-foot problem in the future.
                                        individual par ts in conventionally                                                   BE: KUPOL INC. | Gabriel Boutin,
                                        manufactured expanding heads. The                                                     Canada.
                                        concept allows the movement of                                                                                             is
                                        transparent, uneven and par ticularly                                                 an innovative motorcycle helmet
                                        small objects, e.g. contact lens blister.                                             concept that achieves an improved user
                                                                                                                              experience, comfor t and protection.

BF: UrbanAlps AG | Dr. Alejandro                                                    BG: Sandvik | Anna Nordstrand,
                                         BG                                                                                    BE
Ojeda, Switzerland.                                                                 Sweden.
               is the world’s 1st 3D
metal printed key. Stealth Technology                                                                        is the hardest
employs state of the ar t 3D metal                                                  natural material on the planet. The
printing technology to produce                                                      diamond composite has extremely
physical superalloy keys where the                                                  high hardness, exceptional heat
codes are completely concealed                                                      conductivity, while also possessing low
ensuring maximum protection from                                                    density, very good thermal expansion
duplication.                                                                        and fantastic corrosion resistance.

                                                                                    BH: Gero Grabow, Germany.
 BF                                      BH                                                                                     BI
                                                                                                                       is a
                                                                                    multi-material throttle valve. It
                                                                                    ensures a significant weight reduction
                                                                                    and reduces costs to a fraction.
                                                                                    BI: Leonie Fensterle, Germany.
                                                                                                        is a personalized
                                                                                    eyebrow stamp that is created by a
                                                                                    surface scan of the eyebrows.
CA: Victoria University of Wellington |          CC: EAP® Produktions- und
                                            CA                                                  CC
Nicole Hone, New Zealand.                        Patentverwer tungs- GmbH |
                               are               Prof. Dr. Mario Kern, Austria.
futuristic aquatic plants which shows                                  is an implant
an innovative approach to designing              system independent, more biocom-
organic movement with multi-                     patible, better cell adherent, easy to
material 4D printing.                            handle, highly esthetic, scientifically
CB: Victor Olsson, Sweden.                       documented, problem solving and
                              is the             retrofittable hybrid abutment for
world’s first biathlon rifle stock 3D            dental implants.
printed in the alloy Ti6AI4V.

                                                 CD: Sandhelden | Ardoma Design |
 CB                                         CD                                                  CE
                                                 Dror Kaspi, Germany.
                                                           is a 3D printed wall lamp
                                                 made of quar tz sand with a beautiful
                                                 grainy texture.
                                                 CE: Sandhelden | Minimaforms |
                                                 Theodore Spyropoulos | Stephan
                                                 Spyropoulos, Germany.
                                                                  is a chair that shows a
                                                 workflow for high-resolution par ticle
                                                 simulations and meshing files for printing.

CF: HP INC. | Siemens | Samuel                                                                 CH: Technische Universität Dresden |
                                            CF    CH
Jeong, Spain.                                                                                  Dustin Ahrendt | Ar turo Romero |
                                                                                               Emese Papp | Felix Schmitt, Germany.
                        reinvents fluid                                                                      is a customer-specific
management design, by optimizing                                                               aid for postoperative care in the event
the flow efficiency of the intake duct.                                                        of a rupture of the anterior cruciate
CG: Z-zero | Claire Dumont |                                                                   ligament. The material combination of
Etienne Axelos, France.                                                                        a textile bandage and stiffening,
                              consists of                                                      additive or thotic elements, which are
a flat printed grid that can be deformed,                                                      printed directly onto the knitted
transformed, melted and shaped.                                                                bandage with the aid of 3D printing.

                                                 CI: Taktilesdesign GmbH | Sylvia
 CG                                         CI                                                   CJ
                                                 Goldbach, Germany.

                                                 are additive manufactured stainless
                                                 steel graters with individual functional
                                                 grating surfaces for different foods.
                                                 CJ: NMU ECO-CAR | Byron
                                                 Blakey-Milner, South Africa.
                                                 printed seamlessly in two par ts, the
                                                 swing-arm and the main frame.
DA: Vestas (manufactured with Avid                                                                                                DB: Institut für Technische Optik,
                                            DA                                          DB
Product Development) | Jeremy                                                                                                     Universität Stuttgar t | Andrea
Haight, United States.                                                                                                            Toulouse, Germany.
                     serves as a safety
aid to mount and protect wind                                                                                                     for keyhole surgery with a maximum
turbine blades during handling. The                                                                                               diameter of just 500µm. An imaging
elements have high-strength and                                                                                                   objective is printed directly on the tip
rigidity in the required areas, but also                                                                                          of an optical multicore fiber. This
in areas that can deform. The required                                                                                            miniature endoscope is so tiny, that it
mechanical advantages couldn’t be                                                                                                 fits through an eye of a stiching
manufactured in any other process.                                                                                                needle or even a cannula.

                                           DC: Ganit Goldstein, Israel.
 DC                                                                                     DD                                         DE
                                                           are multi-color
                                           printed shoes with directly print on
                                           leather using PolyJet technology.
                                           DD: Ganit Goldstein, Israel.
                                                             is a collection of
                                           smar t textiles fashion garments
                                           including 3D printing and 3D scanning
                                           techniques. It’s enable to produce fit
                                           to measure garments without waste
                                           materials and waste-production.

                                           DF: Ganit Goldstein, Israel.                                                           DE: Technische Universität Hamburg,
 DF                                                                                     DG
                                                                    are 3D                                                        Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik |
                                           printed shoes with fabric-like textures                                                Prof. Dr. Hoc Khiem Trieu | Jana von
                                           using PolyJet technology.                                                              Poblotzki, Germany.
                                           DG: Danny Giebitz | Jasper Precht |                                                                    is an implant for the
                                           trinckle 3D GmbH, Germany.                                                             regeneration of injured spinal cord.
                                                     is a user-specific bicycle                                                   The function has been proven in
                                           component based on the example of a                                                    long-term studies in a rodent model.
                                           bicycle saddle. The result is a digitally                                              Towards a potential human use the
                                           integrated action routine for products                                                 method is currently transferred to a
                                           with high standards of customisability.                                                minipig model.

                                           DH: CellCore GmbH | Dr. Paul                DI: DEEPTIME s.r.o | Ondrej
 DH                                                                                                                                 DI
                                           Schüler | Andreas Krüger, Germany.          Chotovinsky, Czechia.
                                                                            is a                                is the first
                                           highly complex rocket engine demon-         audio system 3D printed from sand.
                                           strator that demonstrates the potential     It is a 2.1 set of unique speakers,
                                           and benefits of metallic powder-bed         consisting of two spirula satellites and
                                           3D printing for space applications.         an active Thunderstone subwoofer.
                                           The core element is the functionally        The handcrafted speakers inspired by
                                           optimized grid structure integrated in      natural forms is designed to be both
                                           the engine wall, which offers load-         a superb sounding audio solution and
                                           bearing capacity and cooling.               a sculptural object.
Save the date
The next international competition of ideas for 3D and 4D printing will star t in June 2020.
    The possibilities of additive manufacturing are more varied than they have ever been
during the last three decades. The purmundus challenge addresses itself to creative minds
     that like to meet the challenge of 3D and 4D printing. The annual design competition
 for 3D and 4D printing is accompanied by internationally renowned specialists from the
                                                            additive manufacturing sector.

                                                                      purmundus challenge
                                                                            Römerstraße 8
                                                                          71296 Heimsheim

                                                                    T +49 .7033 .30 987-33
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