Page created by Eddie Patel

                     WE EMBRACED
                     THE STARHUB
                     SPIRIT AND
                     PRESSED ON WITH
                     THE RELENTLESS
                     EXECUTION OF OUR
                     D.A.R.E. STRATEGY.

                     Steven Terrell Clontz


FY2020 was a year like no other. We embraced       50-50 joint venture company to secure one of
the StarHub challenger spirit and pressed on       Singapore’s 5G licences and spectrum rights.

                                                                                                                              BUSINESS REVIEW
with the relentless execution of our D.A.R.E.      Subsequently, StarHub was the first to bring
strategy, despite the extraordinary events and     5G non-standalone services to Singapore
unprecedented COVID-19 related challenges          with the widest nationwide coverage1. Our
that unfolded over the past 12 months,             integrated, experiential 5G Mobile+ plans
remaining focused on our core values and           continue to gain traction with consumers
objectives.                                        seeking greater speed and lower latency,
                                                   exceeding internal targets.
We achieved significant corporate milestones to
strengthen our competitive edge. We bolstered      The introduction of StarHub TV+ marked
our service and product offering and diversified   a significant leap forward for our Pay
our geographical presence with the acquisition     TV content transformation, combining
of Strateq. We made good progress on our IT        traditional linear TV and over-the-top (“OTT”)
and Pay TV transformation initiatives to better    services onto a single hybrid platform,

serve the needs of our customers across            providing customers with a breadth of
our digital platforms. We also intensified our     entertainment options. Our efforts continue
support extended to customers, stakeholders        to gain positive traction in the market, and
and the community during this period, enabling     we will look to bring on more OTT partners
us to surmount the challenging period together.    to our platform in 2021.

UNRELENTING COMMITMENT TO                          Our heightened focus on Accelerating value
TRANSFORMATION                                     creation from core businesses through
                                                   digitalisation and simplification of processes
In FY2019, we launched our D.A.R.E.                elevated operational efficiencies across the
Transformation programme, identifying over         Group, reaped greater procurement savings,
$210 million in cost optimisation initiatives      and made further inroads to convert our Pay

over a three-year period. Capital unlocked         TV content providers from a fixed-fee model
through strategic initiatives was redeployed       to a variable per-user fee model, affording
into digitalisation strategies and growth          greater flexibility and scalability.
opportunities to ensure StarHub’s future
competitiveness and relevance.                     Realising growth from new opportunities
                                                   continues to be an area of focus. In July
As at 31 December 2020, we have executed           2020, we completed the acquisition of
82% of this cost optimisation programme.           Strateq, a leading data-driven IT solutions
We continue to identify other areas of growth      provider, strengthening our portfolio to
opportunities and cost efficiencies, and we        ensure our competitiveness and relevance
remain confident of exceeding our $210 million     for long-term sustainable growth in
target announced when we first commenced our       Singapore and the region. Meanwhile, our
                                                   Cybersecurity business that was a product

D.A.R.E. transformation in late 2018. We have
seen these results through a 11.8% year-on-        of several Mergers and Acquisitions (“M&A”)
year (“YoY”) reduction of operating expenses in    has sustained its strong growth momentum
FY2020 as we transform our operating models.       to record a 51.4% YoY revenue growth in
                                                   FY2020. We will continue to seek growth and
We made headway in Delivering market-leading       diversification opportunities through M&A,
customer experiences during the year. In an        as we pursue more strategic partnerships
industry first, we collaborated with another       and trials to develop the Enterprise 5G
Mobile Network Operation (“MNO”) to form a         ecosystem.

1   As at September 2020.

                                                                                                    Annual Report 2020   13

In Enhancing our efforts to transform     era, and secure our position as the        Although competition continues to be
digitally, we continue to pursue a more   preferred provider of communications,      intense, we are able to differentiate our
automated and seamless product            entertainment, and digital solutions.      service and product offering with our
and customer journey, which will be                                                  superior network quality, customer
empowered by the IT Transformation        To this end, we had in 3Q2020              experience and innovation that drives
programme. The use of digital             commenced the multi-year IT                greater value to customers.
channels to engage customers has          Transformation programme that will
allowed us to not only lower our          optimise StarHub’s IT operations,          Apart from being the first to offer
operating costs but to deepen and         lower costs and accelerate our digital     customers access to 5G, we have taken
personalise our engagement with           transformation. These digital strategies   a different approach in introducing
customers. Our digital fighter brand,     running on streamlined IT architecture     this new technology to the market.
giga!, has maintained the highest Net     will transform StarHub into a customer-    To allow customers an early glimpse
Promoter Score (“NPS”) in the market      driven performance engine powered          into the 5G experience that offers high
and grown its subscriber base by about    by data analytics; empowering us to        speed and low latency, our Mobile+
five times over the past year.            deepen our engagement with customers       plans integrated entertainment and
                                          at every touchpoint and provide us with    gaming offerings. This demonstrates
TRANSFORMING FOR A                        greater agility to respond to changes      StarHub’s commitment to customer-
NEW GENERATION                            in a dynamic and competitive market.       focused innovations, beyond selling pure
                                          We continue to implement lean and          connectivity services, as we continue
FY2021 marks the final year of the        automated processes, as well as            to seek more of such content and
D.A.R.E transformation programme.         agile operating and delivery models,       gaming partnerships to differentiate
As we forge ahead to complete             to accelerate our transformation to a      our 5G services. We are heartened by
the programme, we are confident           leaner, faster and smarter organisation.   the encouraging take-up of our Mobile+
that StarHub now has the right                                                       plans, the migration of which was
building blocks to embark on further      BUSINESS REVIEW & OUTLOOK                  accelerated by the launch of several
transformation to safeguard our                                                      popular 5G-enabled handsets in
competitiveness and sustainable           Consumer – Creating Value Through          2H2020.
growth.                                   Innovation
                                                                                     The Pay TV business has made
We are cognisant of evolving customer     Over the course of the year, our Mobile    big strides in its cost and content
needs in an increasingly digital world,   business was impacted by the loss of       transformation journey. Most of our
expedited by the effects of COVID-19      roaming, IDD and Prepaid revenues due      content providers have been converted
that have influenced the way we work,     to COVID-19 related travel restrictions.   to a variable per-user cost model, and
live and play. This has reinforced the    Looking ahead, we expect a gradual         the new StarHub TV+ hybrid platform
need for a digital transformation of      recovery as borders re-open, albeit        integrates customers’ favourite StarHub
our business models and processes         uncertain in time frame.                   programmes with popular OTT options
to ensure our leadership in the new                                                  on an intuitive interface powered by a

       Network Quality:                                            Customer Experience:

       Fastest 4G and 3G Network                                   Gold – Innovation in Customer Service
       Infocomm Media Development Authority -                      Management, Planning & Practice
       IMconnected H1 2020 report                                  (Telecommunications)
                                                                   2020 Asia Pacific Stevie Awards
       Winner – Download Speed Experience
       Opensignal Singapore - Mobile Network                       Highest-ever Customer Satisfaction
       Experience Report (November 2020)                           Scores for Mobile & TV Services
                                                                   Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore
       Highest Score – Excellent Consistent Quality                (CSISG) - 2020 Q1 Info-Communications Sector
       and Core Consistent Quality
       Tutela Singapore - Singapore Mobile Experience
       Snapshot Report (January 2021)

                                                                                                                                  BUSINESS REVIEW
plug-and-play android box. The Pay        Our key strategies for the Enterprise    and create meaningful applications for
TV segment has evolved tremendously       group include increasing our share       enterprise customers seeking focused
over the last two years; and while the    of wallet from enterprise customers      solutions for specific verticals.
industry continues to face headwinds      in high-spend and/or fast growing
from disruption, we are confident that    industries such as Government,           The onset of the pandemic resulted in
the business is now operating on a more   Financial Services, Hospitality, IT      numerous deferments of enterprise
margin-efficient model that will allow    and Manufacturing, Healthcare,           IT-related projects and tenders
us to compete more effectively.           Information & Media, Life Sciences       into FY2021. We believe that while
                                          and Manufacturing. We will tap into      customers are more careful with
                                          the underserved SME and mid-market       their spending, they continue to be
Our Broadband business remained
                                          space, augmenting our product            committed to digitalise their business
stable during the year as we cast our

                                                                                   and operations. Capitalising on our core
sights on the higher-value gaming         offering with digital touchpoints and
                                                                                   competencies in communications and
segment with our differentiated           providing an enhanced customer
                                                                                   seeing growth in adjacent verticals,
broadband technology and leveraged        experience.
                                                                                   StarHub remains well-placed to
the use of new technologies, such as                                               capitalise on this digitalisation wave in a
WiFi mesh solutions, to enhance our       In the 5G space, we have seen            post-COVID-19 world.
customers’ broadband experience.          encouraging take-up of the Biz+ plans
We will consider the viability of new     that enables enterprise customers to     Our Cybersecurity business continues
technologies such as WiFi 6 and 5G        take their office with them, wherever    to deliver strong growth, and it has
Fixed Wireless Access, which when         they go, by combining 5G connectivity,   contributed an operating profit of $7.1
deployed will enhance our product         SmartUC softphone capabilities and       million, a vast improvement from the
offering.                                 popular productivity applications in a   loss recorded in the previous year.
                                          single Mobile Office bundle.             Ensign seeks to further expand its

Enterprise – Drive The Core,                                                       topline by deepening existing customer
Accelerate Our Growth                     Concurrently, we are actively building   relationships, pursuing larger and
                                          a 5G ecosystem, engaging with            more complex projects, diversifying
Our Enterprise business continued to      customers who are early adopters of      its customer base, and exploring new
deliver growth in FY2020 as we looked     5G solution trials, and collaborating    opportunities in regional markets.
to pivot and serve new customer needs     with partners to explore the rich        Meanwhile, it will strengthen its suite of
arising from distributed working,         possibilities the new technology will    capabilities and partner collaborations,
consumption and engagement in the         unlock. We will focus on providing       as it confidently rides on the 5G wave
                                          advanced 5G solutions and Next-          that will give rise to an increased need
new normal.
                                          Generation Network that complement       for cybersecurity services.
                                          distributed working arrangements,

                                                                                                        Annual Report 2020   15

During the year, our income streams         Subsequent to FY2020, StarHub                 youths and families, and people with
were broadened with the addition of         received honour for being Asia’s most         disabilities with digital, employability
Regional ICT Services following the         sustainable telecommunications                and essential life skills. Surmounting
completion of the Strateq acquisition       company and achieving 80th position           COVID-19 restrictions, two of our charity
in July 2020, which contributed             globally in the latest 2021 Corporate         partners Nurture and Care Corner Youth
$33.2 million of revenue in FY2020.         Knights Global 100, placing us in the top     Services had gone digital to bring their
Strateq is pursuing growth in four key      1% of the over 8,000 large corporations       activities online, maintaining outreach
pillars – capturing greater market share    that were rigorously evaluated. We had        and engagement with their service
for Petrol Retail Solutions; expanding      also achieved an A- leadership score          users. Our donations were recognised
its Healthcare Solutions presence;          for the CDP Climate Change 2020 – our         at the annual Community Chest Awards
bolstering its cloud and data centre
                                            best performance since 2012, scoring          with Community Spirit Gold and Charity
capabilities and reach; and focusing on
                                            higher than the Asia regional average         Gold awards.
data analytics and software engineering
                                            of D, and higher than the media,
for its Enterprise Business Solutions.
                                            telecommunications and data centre            During the year, our subsidiary, Malaren
                                            services sector average of C.                 International Sdn. Bhd., entered into
ALIGNED INTERESTS WITH                                                                    a RM270 million sustainability-linked
SHAREHOLDERS                                Our unwavering dedication to                  term loan facility agreement with CIMB
                                            sustainable practices drives us to            Bank Berhad, marking StarHub’s
The Board of Directors has proposed a       formulate strategies and initiatives          maiden loan linked to sustainability
final dividend of 2.5 cents, in line with   that maintain a harmonious balance            performance targets. We will actively
prior guidance declared in August 2020.     between our economic, social and              participate in sustainability-linked
Together with the interim dividend of       environmental imperatives, and this           financing to proactively drive a
2.5 cents, total dividend for FY2020 is     commitment permeates across                   sustainable business and enhance
5.0 cents, representing a dividend payout   the organisation.                             the performance of the company.
of 80%, consistent with our dividend
policy to distribute at least 80% of net    To support our stakeholders during the        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
profit attributable to shareholders         challenging COVID-19 period, we have
(adjusted for one-off, non-recurring        raised and disbursed over $1 million          On behalf of the board, I am delighted
items) on a semi-annual basis.              from the newly created StarHub Cares          to welcome Nikhil Eapen who takes
                                            COVID-19 Fund to finance community            over as Chief Executive with effect from
While we remain committed to enhance        support programmes to help cushion            1 January 2021. Nikhil comes with 20
shareholder value, we continue to           the impact on vulnerable groups in            years of experience in the global ICT
exercise prudence and maintain a            society. StarHub Cares COVID-19               sector working with senior executive
balanced and sustainable approach to        Fund comprises contributions from             teams to drive growth and make
dividends. In determining the dividend      across the company – with the StarHub         synergistic investments in infrastructure
levels for FY2021, we will take into        Board of Directors giving up to 10%           and enterprise communications and
consideration the ongoing effects           of FY2019 director fees, the StarHub          technology, most recently building and
of COVID-19, as well as our ongoing         Senior Leadership Team injecting up           acquiring cloud-centric platforms in IT,
investments in, and returns from            to one month of salary, and voluntary         cybersecurity and enterprise software.
transformation initiatives.                 donations from StarHub employees.
                                            StarHub matched all contributions             I would also like to thank Peter
A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO                      dollar-for-dollar. We also launched a         Kaliaropoulos, who retired as Chief
SUSTAINABILITY                              whole host of initiatives to support both     Executive on 31 October 2020, for his
                                            Consumer and enterprise customers,            invaluable contributions to the Group.
Sustainability is an integral part of       and ensured the safety and well-being         He initiated a sweeping strategic
our strategy and operations. As an          of our employees. (Please refer to page       transformation programme to
info-communications company, we             136 of the Annual Report for full details.)   accelerate StarHub’s digital evolution,
are in a unique position to leverage                                                      improve customers’ experience,
technology to drive positive change.        Although the pandemic put distances           optimise efficiencies, redefine and ignite
Our commitment and transformation           between people, StarHub remained              a cultural transformation for staff, and
to become a more responsible and            active in its community outreach              identify growth opportunities. We wish
sustainable business began in 2008          programmes. In 2020, we supported             Peter well in his future endeavours.
and it continues today.                     organisations that equip underprivileged

The Board and I would also like to
extend our appreciation to Dr Nasser
Marafih who will not be offering himself    KEY GROWTH LEVERS & PRIORITIES:
for re-election. Over the last 13 years,
we have benefited from Dr Nasser’s
service; his global experience and input

                                                                                                                        BUSINESS REVIEW
have been invaluable to StarHub.

I would also like to thank our employees
for their dedication and invaluable         Optimise value from        5G:
contributions during this challenging       core assets, continually   Efficient SA rollout; Encourage
period, adapting to a new way of            review operating and       migration to 5G plans; Harness
working and virtual collaboration.          cost models                5G Enterprise for innovative
Their continued focus on delivering                                    use cases
our strategic transformation whilst
maintaining a high level of product and
service satisfaction will be paramount to
the Group’s future competitiveness and
creation of shareholder value.

The Board would like to extend our
sincere gratitude to the Group’s
                                            ENTERPRISE:                REGIONAL ICT SERVICES:
customers, business partners
                                            Deepen market              Seek synergistic growth;
and suppliers for their continued
                                            penetration;               Pursue new opportunities
support and loyalty. Finally, to our
                                            Capture greater market     in adjacent verticals
faithful shareholders, the Board and
management would like to extend our
heartfelt thanks for your continued trust
and support.

In closing, I would like to assure our

stakeholders of our firm commitment
to transform for a new generation.
Fuelled by our relentless Challenger
Spirit which is today synonymous with
the StarHub brand, we continue to           CYBERSECURITY:                M&A for
transform and innovate to strengthen        Maintain strong               diversification &
our position as the preferred provider of   growth trajectory             new growth
communications, entertainment,                                            opportunities
and digital solutions.


                                                                                              Annual Report 2020   17
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