Welcome to Kindergarten - Guilford Public Schools

Page created by Kevin Pierce
Welcome to Kindergarten - Guilford Public Schools
Guilford Public Schools

          Welcome to Kindergarten

 The vision of Guilford Public Schools is a professional learning community where
instruction invites effort and supports academic rigor for all students and educators.
Welcome to Kindergarten - Guilford Public Schools
Dear Kindergarten Families,

During the 2020-2021 school year, Guilford Public Schools established extensive
protocols and procedures in our schools to keep our students and staff healthy
and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As our schools have been able to open more fully this spring, and with the
expectation of wide-spread availability of the COVID-19 vaccines this spring, we
are hopeful that we will be able to welcome all students back to school full time for
in-person learning this fall 2021.

All necessary health and safety protocols and procedures for the new school year
will be shared with our students’ families and GPS staff this summer.

If you have questions, please reach out to your school’s principal.
Welcome to Kindergarten - Guilford Public Schools
Message from the Superintendent of Schools
                                                                           We are excited to
                                                                           welcome you and your
                                                                           child into Guilford Public
                                                                           Schools. Everyone in our
                                                                           school community is
                                                                           committed to providing
                                                                           caring and safe
                                                                           environments for

                                                                        As your child’s
                                                                        educational journey
                                                                        through our schools
                                                                        begins, we look forward
                                                                        to partnering with you to
                                                                        ensure that their
                                                                        educational needs are
                                                                        met at the highest levels.
Like you, we have the highest expectations for your child and look forward to fostering the love of
learning that you have begun at home.

Our goal in kindergarten is to make the first year of formal schooling inspirational and meaningful
for your child. Our full day program provides teachers the flexibility and time in their day for
one-on-one instruction with your child as well as larger group lessons. And children have the time
they need for active exploration and learning.

We look forward to collaborating and communicating closely with you. You are joining an
exemplary educational community and we are extremely proud of the many accomplishments of
our students and staff.

We look forward to taking this journey together with you and your child.


Paul Freeman, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Welcome to Kindergarten - Guilford Public Schools
An Introduction To Kindergarten
Children in kindergarten must master important developmental learning skills to be ready for the
more advanced learning required of them in the primary grades. Oral language and social
interactions are strong influences on children of this age. They need to learn in a social context
and be allowed to explore with support from responsive adults.

Kindergartners enjoy repetition of games and stories. They seek adult approval and learn best
through exploration of concrete materials and dramatic play. Engagement with others encourages
children to be active learners and problem solvers, and lays a foundation for internal motivation.
Consistent guidelines help them feel safe as they are learning.

As students grow throughout the kindergarten year, they become ready for more independence
and may display different behaviors at school than at home. They need time to experiment with
their own way of doing things. It is a time of reasoning, logic, and understanding cause and effect.

A Day In The Life Of A Kindergartner
                                                                  Morning Meeting - This is the
                                                                  time of day when the children
                                                                  come together to help build a
                                                                  class community. The students
                                                                  begin the day by greeting each
                                                                  other and sharing, followed by
                                                                  an activity that enhances
                                                                  working together cooperatively.
                                                                  This is also a time when
                                                                  students practice their listening
                                                                  and questioning skills.

                                                             Writers’ Workshop - Students
                                                             begin to understand that their
                                                             drawings, letters, and words
                                                             convey meaning. They learn to
                                                             write about their own
experiences, what they read and know about, and develop opinions about what they read.

Math - One of the most important skills is the ability for kindergartners to add and subtract small
numbers and use addition and subtraction to solve problems. This will rely on gaining some
fundamentals early in the year, such as counting objects to tell how many there are, comparing
numbers, and breaking numbers into smaller parts. Students will also begin to identify, describe,
compare, and measure shapes based on their features. Math skills are also integrated throughout
the day.
Welcome to Kindergarten - Guilford Public Schools
Readers’ Workshop - Students
                                                                   spend time exploring and reading
                                                                   print materials that interest them
                                                                   and provide opportunities to talk
                                                                   about their reading. It provides a
                                                                   supportive environment to help
                                                                   children develop a foundation of
                                                                   reading skills through direct
                                                                   instruction, modeling, shared
                                                                   reading, read-alouds,
                                                                   conferencing, independent
                                                                   reading, paired reading, and
                                                                   literature responses.

                                                                  Social Studies / Science - In
                                                                  social studies, students learn a
                                                                  sense of self, family, and of
                                                                  diverse communities including
holidays and traditions. Students will focus on what it means to be a citizen of a “school
community.” In science, they will study properties of objects, characteristics of living things, daily
and seasonal weather, and the difference between man-made and natural materials.

Related Arts - Every day students participate in either art, music, library media, or physical
education classes with certified specialists. The related arts may also be integrated with other
subject areas during class instructional time.

Social and Emotional Development - Learning social skills is an important aspect of a
kindergartner’s day - how they learn is as important as what they learn. Throughout their day,
children will learn routines and how to develop relationships with adults and peers at school. They
will also begin to understand their emotions and how to regulate them. In the Guilford Public
Schools, students will demonstrate the characteristics of kindness, respect, and community
responsibility through school-wide positive behavior programs.

Media/Internet/Schoolwork Privacy Forms
Students and their accomplishments may be publicized in the media and on our school websites.
If you do not want your child to be photographed or videotaped or have their name and/or photo
published, you must sign a Media/Internet form annually.

Student work is sometimes displayed at venues outside of the classroom - the Office of the
Superintendent and the Guilford Free Library, for example. If you do not want your child’s school
work displayed outside of their classroom, you must sign a Schoolwork Privacy form. These
forms are distributed annually at the beginning of each school year.
Kindergarten Hours & School Closing Information
Kindergarten students are in school for a full elementary schedule day, from 9:05 AM to 3:30 PM.

Scheduled Early Dismissal Days
   ● Students will be dismissed at 1:52 PM on regular early dismissal days. Breakfast and lunch
     will be served on these days.
   ●   On parent/teacher conference days in the fall and spring, students will be dismissed at
       12:05 PM. Breakfast will be served and a grab and go lunch may be offered.

School Cancellation, Distance Learning, Delayed Opening, and Early Dismissal Days
On days when there is inclement weather, the Superintendent of Schools may decide to cancel
school for the day, hold classes remotely from home, delay the opening of school, or dismiss
school early. In most cases this decision will be made in the early morning to ensure that we have
the best and most recent data available including the weather forecast and the condition of our
town’s roads.
   ●   Cancelled - When the decision is made to cancel school for the day, there will be no
       remote learning and school buildings and campuses will be closed. This decision may be
       made when there is an extreme weather event making travel difficult and the potential for
       power outages and lack of internet accessibility likely.
   ●   Distance Learning - The superintendent may decide that weather conditions overnight or
       forecasted for that school day may make travel difficult, but students and teachers can
       access the internet for a day of learning from home.
   ●   Delayed Opening - School may be delayed in the morning, depending on the timing of a
       weather event, to provide time for crews, both school and town, to clear roads, parking lots,
       and sidewalks. The district may implement a 2 hour delay or a 3 hour delay depending on
       the time needed to make travel safe. In the event of a 2 hour delay, school will begin at
       11:05 AM. In the event of a 3 hour delay, school will begin at 12:05 PM. School will be
       dismissed at the regular time of 3:30 PM. Breakfast and lunch will be available on these
   ●   Early Dismissal - An early dismissal decision may be made before the start of the school
       day, or once the school day has begun should weather conditions deteriorate after school
       begins. The time of a weather-related early dismissal may vary from the time of a
       scheduled early dismissal.

Closings, delays, and early dismissals will be communicated via the following outlets:
   ●   Parent/guardian email via our SchoolMessenger notification system
   ●   District website: www.guilfordschools.org
   ●   Local TV stations 3, 6, 8, and 30
   ●   Voice message available at (203) 453-8200, prompt 6
   ●   Radio stations 99.1 FM and 1420 AM
   ●   Text message sign up is also available
   ●   Parent/guardian phone call when the school schedule is changed the evening before or
       during the school day.
Registration Procedures
New student registrations for Kindergarten are accepted online at
www.guilfordschools.org/k_registration_fall_2021. If you are unsure of the correct school,
please call (203) 453-8200, ext. 2. During the summer, new student registrations are processed
at the Office of the Superintendent at 55 Park Street.

Proof of Residency - In order to register for school, the student must physically reside in
Guilford. Acceptable proof of residency documents and all registration information is available at

Parent/Teacher Communications
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Conferences are scheduled as needed throughout the year.
Appointments may be scheduled at the request of the parent or teacher. Please notify the teacher
any time you have questions or concerns. There will be scheduled conference days in the fall and
the spring.
Progress Reports - Progress reports for kindergarten students are issued twice a year, in
January and June. These reports are intended to be as informative as possible within the limits of
a formal progress report.
Absences - It is important to notify the school for all absences. Please call the school attendance
line by 9:00 AM if your child will be absent from school.
Field Trips - Occasionally, trips related to classroom learning are arranged. If your child is to
participate, you must sign the formal permission slip and return it to school prior to the day of the

Ways Parents & Guardians Can Help
   ●   Teach your child their first name, address and telephone number, as well as your name.
   ●   Help your child learn to dress themself. Select comfortable clothing to make school
   ●   Inform the teacher of any special needs or food allergies your child may have.
   ●   See that your child’s name is in all of their jackets, caps, boots, mittens, and backpack;
       please mark all other personal items.
   ●   Make sure your child has enough rest. Most kindergarten children need 10 to 12 hours of
       sleep each night.
   ●   Make sure your child is ready early enough so that they have plenty of time to eat a good
   ●   Inform the teacher and the school nurse of any special needs or allergies.
   ●   Provide your child with a book bag or backpack that opens easily.
   ●   Read stories to your kindergartner and let them tell you stories. Bedtime is an excellent
       time for good stories and poetry.
Transportation and Bus Safety
                                                            Student bus assignments including bus
                                                            number, bus stop, and times for both
                                                            morning pick up and afternoon drop off
                                                            will be available in mid-August via the
                                                            district’s Infofinder bus scheduling
                                                            program accessible at
                                                            Transportation. You will receive a
                                                            notification when this information has
                                                            been posted.

                                                            The safety of each child is a primary
                                                            concern in scheduling bus stops.
                                                            Kindergarten children ride the regular
                                                            bus to and from school each day with
                                                            their other elementary peers.

                                                           If you have concerns regarding your
child’s transportation, please contact the Transportation Coordinator at (203) 458-0001, ext. 5.

Parents should impress on their children these rules for bus safety:
   ●   Stay in the seat at all times when the bus is moving.
   ●   Enter or leave the bus only at designated stops.
   ●   Cross the street (if necessary) as directed by the bus driver.
   ●   Look both ways before crossing the street.
   ●   Always do exactly as the driver asks.
   ●   Please report any problems to the driver or the school principal.
   ●   Eating is not allowed on the bus.

For safety’s sake, your child should arrive and leave school at the scheduled times unless prior
arrangements are made with the teacher. If the child is to leave school with someone other than
you, you must write a note. If your child is riding on a bus other than their assigned bus, you must
write a note.

Important: When an adult is not present at the bus drop-off site, the driver will radio the bus yard
and the dispatcher will then telephone the home. If no one is available to take the child from the
bus, the driver will return the child to the school. If such a decision is made, the dispatcher will
notify the school that the student is returning.

Teachers have other tasks and responsibilities before and after the scheduled times for the
children’s arrival and dismissal. Your promptness helps establish your child’s school habits and
alleviates insecurities about separation from you.

In August, kindergarten children and their parents are invited to a one-hour bus orientation and
safety program at the respective school the child will attend. At that time, students will experience
a short bus ride.
Emergency Contact Information
Student contact information, including telephone numbers, email addresses and home address, is
required at the start of each school year. Notify the school of any changes to your contact
information during the school year so school personnel can reach you promptly. It is important
that this information is current. Change of address forms are available on the Registration page of
the district website at www.guilfordschools.org/registration.

In accordance with State Law, it is the policy of the Guilford Board of Education that any form of
bullying behavior, whether in the classroom, on school property or at school sponsored events, is
expressly forbidden. Kindergarten students will participate in social skills activities including
making friends, accepting feedback from others, conflict resolution, appropriate assertiveness,
and problem solving to prevent bullying behavior.

Pupil Services
The Guilford Public Schools Department of Pupil Services provides a continuum of services and
programs for children with disabilities based on student’s identified needs. Parents are involved in
all phases of the process and their consent is necessary before any child can be evaluated to
determine the need for special education services.

Programs and support may include psychological and social work services, instruction for
children with speech and hearing problems and specialized instruction from certified special
education teachers. The extent of a special education teacher’s involvement with a student will
vary depending upon the student’s individualized needs. The special education teacher and
classroom teacher collaborate to ensure that appropriate accommodations and modifications are
in place for student success in the classroom.

Notice to Parents and Guardians
Public Act 98-243, an Act Concerning Early Reading Success, contains a provision which changes school
districts’ obligations concerning compulsory school attendance. This provision lowers the compulsory
education age from age seven to age five. It also permits parents to withhold their child from a formal
education program at age five for one year and then again at age six for one year. At age seven, the child
must be enrolled in an education program as described in Section 10-184 of the CT General Statutes and
no additional delays permitted.

The ‘opt-out’ process described in the Statute imposes three conditions:
The parent or person having control of the child must personally appear at the elementary school in their
district; the school district shall provide the parent or person with information on the educational
opportunities in the school system; the parent or person having control of the child must sign an option form
exempting their child from attendance at the public school.

Parents opting to exempt their child may pick-up the required form at their local elementary school where
educational opportunities will be explained to them.
Message from Health Services
A completed State Health Assessment Record (HAR-3) and your child’s complete
immunization record should be scanned and uploaded during the online registration
process for Kindergarten Fall 2021. The school nurse at your child’s school will review the
forms and may reach out to you with any questions. You are also welcome to reach out to
the school nurse with any questions you may have. If you are unable to submit the State
Health Assessment Record (HAR-3) by April 30, 2021, please contact the school nurse at your
child’s school. Submitting the medical information by these dates allows the nurses to review the
information and confirm that all mandated areas are completed. Students may not attend the first
day of school unless all required health information is on file in the Health Office. Please keep a
copy of this form if you will need it for other programs.

For pre-k and kindergarten student enrollment, physicals and immunization records must
be approved by the school nurse before your child may attend school. Physicals for
students completed within 12 to 15 months of the start of the school year are acceptable. In
accordance with Connecticut state law, all mandated information (indicated with a *) must be
documented by the health care provider for the assessment to be considered complete.

The information submitted on the State Health Assessment Record (HAR-3) will begin the basis
for your child’s cumulative health record. Your sharing of important health and developmental
background about your child will enable both health and education staff to better understand and
meet your child’s early school needs.

Injured or Sick in School - A child who is ill or injured at school will be directed to the health
office where the school nurse will evaluate the problem and give assistance or arrange for
follow-up care. You, as parent/guardian, are notified if your child requires dismissal from school
due to illness or injury, and you, as parent/guardian, are responsible for arranging transportation
of your ill or injured child to home or their physician’s office.

Medicine - Do not send medicine or medicinal preparation, prescription or over the counter to
school with your child. This includes cough drops. If your child must have medication at school,
for any reason, you must contact the school nurse for the current procedure to follow as required
by Connecticut State Law.

The Health Services Program conducts vision, hearing and postural screening according to State
regulations. The parent/guardian is notified if a possible problem is identified.

The Health Services Department looks forward to supporting a healthy and safe school
experience for your child. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Pam Neleber, BSN, RN, NCSN
Health Services Coordinator
Guilford Public Schools
                                                   P.O. Box 367
                                           Guilford, Connecticut 06437
                                         Office of the Superintendent of Schools
                                                              55 Park Street
                                                             (203) 453-8200

                                       Paul Freeman, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
               Annine Crystal, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
                                 Jason Beaudin, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
                                           Jason Sconziano, Director of Pupil Services

                                                              A.W. Cox School
                                                          143 Three Mile Course
                                                               (203) 453-5291
                                                          William Grimm, Principal
                                                         Gayle Golia, School Nurse

                                                           Calvin Leete School
                                                          280 South Union Street
                                                             (203) 453-2726
                                                        Kenneasha Sloley, Principal
                                                            TBA, School Nurse

                                                         Guilford Lakes School
                                                           40 Maupas Road
                                                            (203) 453-5201
                                                       Mandy Ryan, Principal
                                                   Michelle Inahuazo, School Nurse

                                                         Melissa Jones School
                                                           181 Ledge Hill Road
                                                              (203) 457-0773
                                                          Michele Han, Principal
                                                        Colleen Wall, School Nurse

   The Guilford Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information or disability in its programs, activities, and employment practices and provides equal
   access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries related to sex discrimination or harassment should be directed to Jason J.
 Beaudin, Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Superintendent, 701 New England Road, Guilford, CT 06437 or at 203-458-0001, ext. 6; inquiries related to
     disabilities should be directed to Jason Sconziano, Director of Pupil Services, 701 New England Road, Guilford, CT 06437 or at 203-458-0001.
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