Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...

Page created by Lester Lawrence
Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
Welcome to our vibrant
Junior School in 2021
Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
Heads of School
                                              Particularly helpful is her intimate
                                              knowledge of the International
                                              Baccalaureate Primary Years
                                              Programme, which is widely
                                              regarded as international best
                                              practice in primary education. Although
                                              we have not formally adopted the
                                              program, its insights have been weaved
                                              into the educational framework of
                                              St Andrew’s. Her people skills and
                                              insight based on her training and
                                              experience as a psychologist, and her
                                              extensive track record in gifted
                                              education have set her up to be a
                                              transformative leader.
                                              Mrs Robson has an advanced
                                              understanding of integration of Christian
Head of School,                               faith through the whole school and
                                                                                          Head of Junior School,
Dr John Collier                               worked extensively with the Anglican        Mrs Rhonda Robson
                                              Education Commission to that very
St Andrew’s Cathedral School is a             effect at Broughton Anglican College        If you are looking for a primary school
unique learning community in the heart        and here at St Andrew’s.                    that takes the time to discover exactly
of Sydney’s CBD. We strive to develop the                                                 what your child needs in order to thrive,
                                              Since Mrs Robson’s arrival ten years
                                                                                          look no further than St Andrew’s
whole child – their heart, mind and life.     ago, the Junior School has more
                                                                                          Cathedral School.
We develop their character through our        than doubled in size and is much
wellbeing program, which nurtures             in demand. She has transformed              At St Andrew’s, each student is valued
specific character strengths based upon       the teaching and learning practices,        and encouraged to reach their full
our foundational Christian values.            successfully improving the levels of        potential. Just as each student is an
                                              Literacy and Numeracy in particular.        individual with their own character and
Our Junior School offers an incredible                                                    needs, so too their educational growth
                                              The impact of this strategy is visible
breadth of opportunities, all within a        in quality teaching methodologies,          is unique. The teachers are high quality,
nurturing culture of care with highly         and impressive NAPLAN results.              committed to nurturing and developing
experienced and specialist teachers.                                                      the ability of each student through
                                              The Junior School is a happy,
                                                                                          carefully planned and innovative
Our Junior School students utilise            vibrant and thriving part of
                                                                                          teaching programs.
secondary school facilities, including        St Andrew’s Cathedral School.
performance spaces, science laboratories                                                  We have enjoyed outstanding NAPLAN
and outstanding sports facilities.                                                        and ICAS results, being recognised as
This, along with specialist teachers in                                                   the school with the greatest academic
                                                                                          improvement in the region. We also
music, languages, science, sport, drama
                                                                                          have a highly reputable outdoor
and Theatresports, art, library, technology
                                                                                          education program and co-curriculum,
and Christian Development, ensures
                                                                                          including stellar music programs and
students have every opportunity to reach
                                                                                          sport opportunities.
their potential.
                                                                                          Please come and visit us, meet our
Since the beginning of 2011, Deputy Head                                                  students and discover our unique school
of School K-6 and Head of Junior School                                                   and beautiful learning environment.
has been Mrs Rhonda Robson, formerly
Head of Junior School and Deputy
Principal at Broughton Anglican College
in Menangle. Prior to Broughton,
Mrs Robson was the School Counsellor
and Gifted and Talented Coordinator
at St Paul’s Grammar School.

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Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
In the light of Christ,                                               Character strengths sit at the
                                                                                centre of our student wellbeing
          we strive for students
                                                                                framework, with all students from
          to have:                                                              Kindergarten through to Year 12
          • Hearts that love,                                                   being involved in age-specific
                                                                                wellbeing programs. Our school’s
          • Minds that grow and                                                 overarching theme is to develop
          • Lives that give.                                                    in our students hearts that love,
                                                                                minds that grow and lives
                                                                                that give.
                                                                                Below are the key attributes and
                                                                                virtues of learners at St Andrew’s
                                                                                Cathedral School.


                                              Servant                                     Open
          Courageous                          Hearted                                    Minded

                                                                       Reflective                    Knowledgeable

                 Principled              Caring
                                                                              Thinking            Inquiring





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Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...

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Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...

Programs and
initiatives to help
students thrive
The growth and nurturing of each student’s     and connect with our parents as we
sense of wellbeing has always been a vital     work together. As part of this we have
element of who we are at St Andrew’s           introduced the SchoolTV online
Cathedral School. We are intentional about     resource which provides parents with
providing students with opportunities across   current, evidence-based information
the Junior School to develop hearts that       about mental health and wellbeing
love, minds that grow and lives that give.     issues in children. We also run a
There are many ways in which we approach       number of parent sessions, and
this including weekly classroom Social and     regularly provide parenting resources
Emotional Wellbeing (SEW) lessons. These       through our newsletter.
lessons focus on the development of            We look forward to journeying with
Character Strengths, emotional regulation,     you and your child and our hope is
attention and awareness, positive              throughout all that we do we recognise
relationships, coping and resilience, habits   the importance of nurturing the whole
and goals. The content and concepts of         child; with hearts that love, minds that
these lessons are reinforced and integrated    grow, and lives that give.
into the broader curriculum and across our
wide range of Junior School activities. Our
wellbeing program integrates a wide range
of evidence-based programs such as
Bounce Back, Zones of Regulation, Social
Thinking, Grow Your Mind, Peacewise kids
and URstrong.
In addition, our SACS character strengths
come to life with visual icons which you
see displayed across our classrooms and
open spaces, and perhaps you may even
notice “strength spotter” stickers stuck on
our students and staff as we spot them
living out our character strengths through
everyday school life.
Individual care and student support
continue to be primarily embraced by the
classroom teachers who seek to have
strong and nurturing relationships with
their students. However, if additional         Bronwyn Wake
support is required, we do have a              Wellbeing
wonderful network of pastoral care and
counselling support available through our
                                               Coordinator K – 6
grade leaders, specialised and executive
staff, as well as our school psychologists.
We are so mindful in the Junior School and
Gawura that our work is a partnership with
parents and so we seek ways to support

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Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
Junior School
Academic                                        SACS Junior School
curriculum                                      Learning Framework
St Andrew’s works to the guidelines             Our mission is to provide quality Christian
of the NSW Education Standards                  education that stands apart from other
Authority (NESA) and is fully accredited        schools and other systems. We strive to
and registered. The school teaches from         be authentic and the best we can be as a
a Christian perspective in accordance           relational Christian community that seeks
with our vision for teaching and learning.      to develop the Heart, Mind and Life of our
Subjects taught are English, Mathematics,       students and staff in the heart of Sydney.
Science and Technology, Human Society
                                                In the Junior School, we recognise that
and its Environment, Mandarin, Christian
                                                effective student learning and wellbeing
Development, Music, Drama, social and
                                                are interrelated and that we need to
emotional wellbeing, Wiradjuri language
                                                focus upon promoting each student’s
(Years 3–6) and Personal Development,
                                                engagement in their own wellbeing and
Health and Physical Education.
                                                their own learning process, making both
High quality teaching                           visible. Teachers construct teaching and
                                                learning opportunities that are purpose
and learning                                    driven, based on clear evidence of student
Our approach at St Andrew’s is to balance       progress, to devise a clear understanding
explicit teaching of necessary and              of what will work best for improving
important skills such as phonics, spelling,     student accomplishment.
handwriting, number knowledge, research         The framework draws on the school’s
and information skills, with inquiry and rich   culture and current educational research,
tasks. Students then learn skills that equip    promoting best practice by encapsulating
them to access problem solving and design       the best of explicit teaching, inquiry-based
tasks. This allows students to apply their      learning, cognitive science, all combined
surface learning of skills to a deeper          with the aim of achieving mastery
learning involving understanding and            teaching practices and fostering
application of their knowledge and              deep learning.
skills. We teach our students to work
collaboratively with each other and their
teachers to ensure they are equipped
                                                Small class sizes
to work in a world that demands                 On average, we have 19 students in each
collaboration, creativity and respect           class, which allows teachers to better
for ideas and people.                           understand and cater for each student’s
                                                learning needs.
City links and excursions
We use our unique location to assist
learning through first-hand experiences
of our city environment. Learning spaces
extend beyond the school’s buildings to
institutions and facilities in the city,
including Darling Harbour, various
museums, libraries and art galleries, with
most of these being ‘no cost’ excursions.
We are also in close proximity to outdoor
learning spaces such as Cook and Philip
Pool, Darling Harbour playgrounds, Queen’s
Park, Wentworth Park and the grounds at
the University of Sydney.

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Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
Junior School
                                    Specialised                                     Gifted education
                                    Learning                                        We endeavour to meet student needs
                                                                                    through the process of differentiated
                                    As a Christian school we have a
                                                                                    instruction. Gifted and talented students
                                    responsibility to recognise a wide range of
                                                                                    are recognised as having unique educational
                                    student abilities, and to provide challenging
                                                                                    needs and need to be catered for in order
                                    educational experiences for all students,
                                                                                    that their learning outcomes are optimised.
                                    helping them to achieve their God-given
                                    potential. This includes students of high       Developmentally appropriate programs
                                    academic potential, or gifted and talented      for gifted and talented students incorporate
                                    students, along with those who need             a combination of grouping strategies,
                                    additional support.                             enrichment, counselling interventions
                                                                                    and acceleration.
                                    Specialised Learning in the Junior School
                                    is led by the Primary Coordinator,              Each year a Parent Information Evening
                                    Mrs Cathy Dangar and supported by               is held, outlining the school’s policy
                                    a team of teachers and aides.                   and procedures and directions in
                                                                                    gifted education.
                                    It is the role of Specialised Learning to
                                    work closely with teachers, students, parents
                                    and outside professionals to cater for the      Chapel and Christian
                                    individual needs of students. We also work      Development
                                    closely with our school psychologists.
                                                                                    Chapel is a weekly event attended by
                                    Services provided by the Specialised            all students. It provides a communal
                                    Learning team in the Junior School              expression of the school’s Christian basis
                                    may include:                                    and commitment, and goes hand-in-hand
                                    • In-class support                              with the Christian Development course.

                                    •	Diagnostic assessment                        The Christian Development course aims
                                                                                    to introduce students to the Christian
                                    •	The development of Student Learning
                                                                                    faith as it is revealed in The Bible and
                                                                                    provides them with the opportunity to
                                    •	1:1 or small group academic                  engage in healthy discussion on both its
                                       organisational support where appropriate     theory and practice. Chapel sees students
                                    •	Parent information sessions                  participating as they provide the music,
                                                                                    lead the singing, read The Bible, offer prayer,
                                    •	Professional development sessions to         and occasionally speak of their own
                                       enhance teacher skills and understanding     experience of the Christian life.
                                    •	Assistance with the modification of          In addition to weekly Chapel services,
                                       curriculum and assessment                    the chaplaincy team coordinates a range
                                    • Transition programs                           of voluntary lunchtime groups for Bible
                                                                                    study, prayer, fun and encouragement.
                                    •	Collaborative planning with teachers,
                                       students, parents and outside
                                       professionals.                               The Mandarin program
                                    •	Determining appropriate adjustments          The Mandarin program is an integral part
                                       for students with a disability               of the Junior School curriculum. It aims to
                                                                                    enable students to develop communication
                                    •	Collection of data to access                 skills, focus on languages as systems
                                       Commonwealth funding (NCCDSWD)               and gain insights into the relationship
                                                                                    between language and culture, leading
                                                                                    to lifelong personal, educational and
                                                                                    vocational benefits.

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Welcome to our vibrant Junior School in 2021 - St Andrew's ...
Music                                          The focus in the primary ages is to have
                                               fun and give these young students a taste
St Andrew’s started out more than              of the Australian bush, with time away
130 years ago as a choir school and has        from the normal comforts and security of
carried on that tradition, with the learning   home, together with some small outdoor
of music being very much a part of general     recreation skill development.
school activities. Students receive an hour
                                               The camp is run by the school’s own
of classroom music per week by Orff and
                                               outdoor education staff.
Kodaly-trained specialists who hold
qualifications in music education.
Most Kindergarten to Year 6 students
                                               Our Kindergarten to Year 6 sport
also undertake private tuition with one
                                               program focuses on the development of
or more of the numerous quality vocal
                                               fundamental movement skills. It aims to
or instrumental tutors employed by
                                               build on the programs offered in previous
the school.                                    years, utilising various facilities in the
Students who are learning a string, wind       school and city. K-2 students participate
or brass instrument are also encouraged        in gymnastics and swimming programs to
to join an ensemble, which supplements         provide foundational skills.
and extends the work that is covered in        Students in Years 3 – 6 focus on
private lessons.                               developing a range of skills in a different
Ensembles and individuals are provided with    sport each term. Sports included are
a range of performance opportunities during    Auskick, gymnastics, tennis, AFL, touch
the school year, including weekly concerts     football, netball, Tee-ball, cricket,
and our annual Showcase concert at             volleyball and athletics.
Sydney Town Hall.                              Students in Years 4 – 6 are invited to
SACS also has a Registered Music Therapist     participate in seasonal weekly inter-school
on site who is available for one-on-one        competitions provided by ASISSA (an
sessions. Students who might benefit from      inter-school sporting association).
these weekly sessions include those with       All Years 3-6 students participate in the
ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder,             school’s three major carnivals for
Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Hearing         swimming, cross country and athletics.
Impairment or other health diagnoses.          There are opportunities for students to
Music Therapy is a part of the Allied          represent St Andrew’s at ASISSA carnivals
Health Professions. For more information,      and at NSW Combined Independent
please email ason@sacs.nsw.edu.au.             School level.
We are fortunate to be able to offer this
service at SACS.                               Co-curricular education
                                               At the beginning of each term, students
Outdoor education                              are invited to enrol in one of more of the
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6           many extra curricular activities offered.
attend an outdoor education program            Along with the various music ensembles,
once each year. Each program has the           these activities include: philosophy club,
primary aim of enabling students to            homework club, Lego masters, maths
challenge themselves mentally and              club, fitness fundamentals, chess club,
physically and to build strong, lasting        book club, code camp, Theatresports,
friendships. Students in Years 3–6 attend      Chinese Eisteddfod, Christian fellowship
multiple-day camps at the school’s own         and a variety of training afternoons
Outdoor Education Centre in the Southern       for students involved in Saturday
Highlands south-west of Sydney.                sport competitions.

                                                                                             SACS - Junior School 2021   |   7
Online canteen                                  Before School Care operates each
                                                morning from 6.30am and After School
The school canteen, located on Level 9          Care operates each afternoon from 3.10pm
of St Andrew’s House, uses QuickCliq,           until 6pm in the rooftop classroom and is
an online ordering system that offers           available to all Junior School students.
a fast and intuitive way to order healthy
meal options that are delivered to
classrooms at recess and lunch.
                                                School uniform
                                                The St Andrew’s School Uniform includes
Learning technology                             winter and summer options and a separate
                                                sports uniform for sport and PE. Students
Technology is an important part of every        are expected to abide by the uniform code
child’s learning experience at St Andrew’s in   and wear their uniform with pride while
all years. We aim for learning technologies     travelling to and from school and while
to be used authentically and appropriately      at school.
to enrich, enhance and extend learning. In
the Junior School, students in Years 5 and
6 are issued with a school laptop computer.
Kindergarten to Year 2 students have
access to class sets of iPads and Years 3–4
students have access to laptop computers
in order to develop the skills necessary for
future learning.

Child progress reports
The task of educating young people is
shared between the home, the school
and the individual student. For this reason,
the provision of clear communication
channels is vital.
Parents are kept informed about their
child’s progress through end of semester
reports and parent-teacher interviews.
We also encourage parents and teachers
to make direct contact with one another
through phone calls, emails and meetings
as needed.
Detailed information about your child’s
class and activities are available on the
Junior School Portal.

Before and after school
care and vacation care
Our before school and after school care
and vacation care is run at St Andrew’s
Cathedral School by TheirCare, a nationally
operated and fully approved provider of
after-school care which offers ongoing
professional training, supervision and
quality resources.

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SACS - Junior School 2021   |   9
St Andrew’s Cathedral School:
St Andrew’s is a coeducational K-12 Anglican school,
located in the heart of Sydney’s CBD.

St Andrew’s Cathedral School
Sydney Square, Sydney NSW 2000
ABN 34 429 367 893
phone +61 2 9286 9500
email info@sacs.nsw.edu.au
CRICOS Registration: The Council of
St Andrew’s Cathedral School 02276M

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