CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds

Page created by Julian Curtis
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds
CH Outlaws Sure Hit “Jonah”
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds
CH Outlaws Sure Hit “Jonah”

            Jennifer & Mirko Walter
Kreuzbergstr.44 | 47800 Krefeld | NRW | Germany

CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds
CH Outlaws Sure Hit “Jonah”
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds
Hip / Ellbow (HD & ED)
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds

OUTLAWS SURE HIT                                                           DN34605901
 re g is te re d nam e                                                     re g is tra tio n no.

 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD                                                       M

                                                                           date o f birth

 981020013491908                                                           33
 tatto o /m ic ro c h ip /D N A p ro file                                  age a t e valuation in m onths

 1689411                                                                   AS-31845E33M-VP!
 a p p lic a tio n n u m b e r                                             O.F.A. NUMBER

 12/9/2014                                                                 This n u m b e r is s u e d w ith the rig h t to c o rre c t o r
 date o f re p o rt                                                       i re vo ke b y the OrthopecUc F o u ndation fo r Anim ais.

 Based upon the radiograph submitted, the Consensus was that no evidence of hip dysplasia was
 recognized. The hip joint conformation was evaluated as:


 631 WEST MIDLAND AVE                                                                                G.G.KELLER. D.V.M., M.S., DACVR
 WOODLAND PARK, CO 80863                                                                             CHIEF OF VETERINARY SERVICES

CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds

     OUTLAWS SURE HIT                                                     DN34605901
      re g iste re d nam e                                                re g istra tio n no.


                                                                          date o f birth

      981020013491908                                                     33
      tattoo/m icro chip /D N A p ro file                                 age at evaluation in m onths                           A Not-For-Profit Organization

      1689411                                                             AS-EL7532M33-VPI
      a pp lica tio n n u m b e r                                         O.F.A. NUMBER
      12/9/2014                                                           This nu m b e r is s u e d w ith the rig h t to corre ct o r
      date o f ro p o rt                                                  revoke b y the O rthop ed ic Foundation fo r Anim ais.                                 I
      Based upon the radiograph submitted, the consensus was that no evidence of elbow dysplasia was
      recognized.                                                                                                                                                I-

      631 WEST MIDLAND AVE                                                                       G.G.KELLER. D.V.M., M.S., DACVR
      WOODLAND PARK, CO 80863                                                                    CHIEF OF VETERINARY SERVICES

CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds

                           presents to the    A USTRALIAN SHEPHERD
                                              OUTLA WS SURE HIT DNA - VP
Established 1957

                                        Registration No.       E l93891

                                             THE AWARD OF DNA-VP
                                  hos been verified and recorded in the DNA Database.
                                  having fully completed the requirements of this club
                                      On this date         April 12, 2015

                                                     SHEREE SANCHEZ

                   March 21, 2016
                   Issued this date                                   ASCa President
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds

Canine DNA ISAG2006 certificate

Name:                     OUTLAWS SURE HIT
NHSB number:              N.H.S.B. 3014396
Breed                     DE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD
Date of birth:            28/02/2012
Microchipnumber:          981020013491908
Sex:                      MALE
VHL-id:                   H l14931

Printdate:                6 Oktober 2015 at the Raad van Beheer in Amsterdam

The DNA profile is in compliance with the International Standard ISAG2006:

   AHT121             100/108                           INU030          144/150
   AHT137             137/137                           INU055          210/210
   AHTH171            221/233                           REN162C04       202/202
   AHTH260            238/240                           REN169D01       210/212
   AHTK211            87/89                             REN169018       164/166
   AHTK253            288/292                           REN247M23       268/268
   CXX279             120/124                           REN54P11        222/226
   FH2054             152/152                           AHTH130         125/125
   FH2848             238/244                           AMELOGENIN      182/217
   INRA21             99/101                            REN64E19        147/153
   INU005             124/124                           REN105L03       241/241

This DNA test is available at Certagen GmbH (part of Van Haeringen Group- VHL), and
commissioned by the Dutch Kennel Club 'Raad van Beheer'. VHL exercises the utmost care in
performing and/or registering each DNA test. No party other than the dient may derive any rights
from the results of this DNA test. The General Terms of Delivery of the Dutch Kennel Club 'Raad
van Beheer' apply to this DNA test.

This certificate is an integral part of the pedigree issued by the Dutch Kennel Club 'Raad van

In Cooperation with Van Haeringen Group.
CH Outlaws Sure Hit "Jonah" - Yellowstone Australian Shepherds
         'N ^   oeo
                        KENNEL CLUB

         May 11,2016

         9591 TK ONSTWEDDE

         Letter of DNA Analysis
         Bfeed: Australian Shepherd                                                                       DNA Profile #GV784949^
         Sex: Male
         Date o f Birth: 28-FEB-2012
         ID # : 981020013491908
         Date o f Analysis: 21-APR-2016
         AKC #: DN34605901
         AKC Name: Outlaws Sure Hit
         Owner(s): Ragterberg Mennes

         The following genotype uniquely represents the Neogen Corporation genetic identity of the dog named herein:

         N eogen#: C0928410

         D D          A G     A A     C F      A D     F F      D D      B D        B B         A C       F G D D           C F      X Y
         PEZ 1        PEZ 3   PEZ 5   PEZ 6    PEZ 8   PEZ 12   PEZ 20   UCB 2010   UCB 2054   UCB 2079   PEZ 16   PEZ 17   PEZ 21   GEN

         Mark Dünn, AVP, Registration Development                                              Stewart Bauck, General Manager GeneSeek
         American Kennel Club                                                                  Neogen Corporation

         AKC #: DN34605901      DNA Profile #: V784949
         Owner(s): Ragterberg Mennes

                                              Number o f DNA certificates _______@ $10 each = $__                     _________ total amount
         Mail Order form to                                                                                                      included
                                              Check or money Order □           MasterCard □               Visa □       AmEx □
         AKC DNA Operations
         PO Box 900065                        Account Number:_________________________________                         Exp. Date:__________
         Raleigh NC 27675-9065
                                              Name on Card:___________________________________

                      8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27617-3390 Tel 919-816-3600
Augen / Eyes
RAPPORT-OOG-ONDERZOEK                                                                                                     Registration for
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Netherlands

      ★       E < * v o >                                                                                                                                                                                      Raad van Beheer                                         O -N L
  ★                                                                                 Certificate of eye examination                                                                                             PO Box 75901
                                                                                                                                                                                                               1070 AX Amsterdam
      ★                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ECVO examiner
              * *                                                                   European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists                                                                            Tel.:+31.20.6644471
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fax: +31.20.6710846
  D ie f      a n im a l



  Stamboek no.
  registration no.

  Microchip no.
  microchip no.
                                                      -m a a n d — ^ - j a a r -                                            Vrouwelijk femaie Eerder onderzoek                          I     I Nee            I Ja     yes:   I         I Vrij unaffected                                             Onbeslist undetermined
  Geb.datum                                                                                                                                   previous examination
  date of birth                                                                                                  'l       l Mannelijk maie                                                                                     l         l Voorlopig niet vrij                   suspicious [          Niet vrij atfected
                                                      - month           A- y e a r -
                                                                                                                                                       Indien abnormaal: datum, cert. no. - onderz........................................
  E ig e n a a r/h o u d e r              o w n e r/a g e n t                                                                                                                           date, examin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        DNA-Tests                           Ja yes                  Type+datum.
  name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nee no                  Vpe + date

  Ad res
                                                         postcode -
  Land, PC                                                                                                                       Woonpl
  country, Zip                     -country                                                         town       l
                                  Ondergetekende gaat akkoord met de regels van het nationale programma ter bestrijding van erfelijke oogafwijkingen en verklaart dat het ter keurina
                                  aangeboden dier het hierboven beschreven dier is. Hij/zij gaat akkoord met de onderzoeksvoorwaarden zoals deze zijn vastgelegd in hei
                                  Onderzoeksreglement en tevens met openbaarmaking van de gegevens en resultaten van het onderzoek en/of beschikbaarstelling voor door de
                                  E CV O goedgekeurd gebruik. Een aantal bepalingen, zoals de voorwaarden waaronder de uitslagen worden doorgegeven aan de rasvereniging is
                                  opgenomen op de achterzijde van dit formulier.

                                  The undersigned agrees to the rules of the national scheme and confirms that the animal submitted for examination is the one
                                  described above. Signature also means that the results are available for official publication and other ECVO approved use.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Handtekening eigenaar/houder                                       signature owner/agent ■
 Onderzoek              examination                                                                                                                                         Identificatie          identification

                                  7 - dag----------v"
                     Datum                                                                                                                                                  Controle tatoeage I                   I Correct                       Deels /Niet leeshaarl                         l Afwijkenril              l Afwezig
                     date         ^-dav—-—
                                   -d a y —- —           rrronth—           yeär
                                                                              a r ----------                                                                                check tattoo                            correct                      partly /unreadable                               incorrect                absent

  Methode minimaal: Mydriaticum, ophthalmoscopie indirect en spleetlamp biomicroscopie ^10x                                                                                 Controle microchip l              . l Correct                                                                         Afwijkendl               I Afwezig
  method minimal:                 Mydriatic, Indirect ophthalmoscopy and binocular biomicroscopy ^dOx                                                                       check microchip                         correct                                                                       incorrect                absent
  p .                             Il___l IOnderzocht
                                          Onderzochtvöör   vöörpupilverwijding
                                                                    pupilverwijding                                          i      i   Tonometrie     (zonder mydryaticum)
                                           Fxaminarl before
                                                     hafnrp dilatation
                                                            riilatatinn                                                                 Tonometry (without mydriatic)
                                  l       l Ophthalmoscopie, direct                                                                     Anders:
                                             Direct Ophthalmoscopy                                                                      Other:
                                          IG o n io s c o p ie (zonder mydriaticum)                                          Indien een andere methode is toegepast, heeft deze verklaring alleen waarde indien vergezeld van een specificerend certificaat.
                                            Gonioscopy (without mydriatic)                                                    If another method is used, this form only has value with a specifying certificate.

  descriptive comments

  Oogziekte n o .:........................................................ :                          Jgering l            lmiddelmatig I              I ernstig
  eye disease no.:                                                                                        mild              moderate                    severe

              Resultaat voor de (als) erfelijk(e) (beschouwde) oogziekten (E-EBOZ):                                                                   results for the    k p -h e d :       Resultaten geldig voor 12 maanden                                                     results valid for     12 month
                                                                                               VRIJ              O NB ESLIST        NIET                                                                                                                              VRIJ        VO O RLO PIG          NIET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NIET VRIJ            VRIJ
                                                                                                                                    I------ liris                    I      Icornea
  1. Membrana Pupillaris Persistens                                       (PPM)                l   ~l                 CH                             I lens         l       llamina
                                                                                                                                                                                            11. Entropion/Trichiasis                                                  □ Z I           □ Z               □ z

  2. Persisterende Hyperpl.Tunica Vasculosa                                                           ,                             ------ Igraad 1
                                                                                                                      HD            ------ ^ — I    laraad 2-6                              12. Ectropion/Macroblepharon                                              C H I           C H               H D
     Lentis/Primair Vitreum (p h t v l / p h p v )                                             —

  3. Cataract (congenitaal)                                                                    HD                     CH            HD                                                      13. Distichiasis /Ectopische cilie                                        H D             H D               H D
                                                                                                                                             X 1 Z Z (multi)focaal
  4. Retina Dysplasie                  (RD)                                                    HD                     □             I      \   I    I geografisch                           14. Cornea dystrophie                                                     H D             CH                CH            /C    I corticaal
                                                                                                                                                        | totaal                                                                                                                                                            I post. pol.
  5. Hypoplasie-/Micropapilla                                                                  l~~i                   HD            HD                                                      15. Cataract (niet-congenitaal)                                           C H             H D ----------                        I ant.sut. I.
                                                                                                                                               XI       Ichoroid. hypoplasie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I punctata
  6. Collie Eye Anomaly                      (CEA)                                             CH]                    HD            l      \     I      Icoloboma
                                                                                                                                                                                            16.   Lensluxatie (primair)                                               H D             C H
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        h     d   V
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I nucleus
                                                                                                                                               \ |      I anders:                                                                                                                                                      ___| anders
  7. Anders:           other:     .........................................................                           HD            HD              „__ ,                                   17. Retina degeneratie (PRA)                                              C H             C H               CH
                                                                                                                                               XI       Ifibrae latae
  8. L.pectinatum abn.                   (PLA; only after gonioscopy)                          CH                     CH -------- —I      f     I      llaminae
                                                                                                                                               \J       locclusio                           18. Anders:       oth er:      ......................................                     IC H              C C
                                                                                                                 UNDETERMINED     AFFECTED                                                                                                                          UNAFFECTED      SUSP1CICXJS        AFFECTED
  Interpretatie             Interpretation
    * “Vrij": Het dier ve rto o n t geen verschijnselen van deze, erfe lijke oogziekte(s). "N iet vrij": Het dier ve rto o n t de klinisch e Sym ptom en van de (als) erfelijk(e) (beschou w de) oog ziekte (E-EBO Z).
      "U n affected" sig nifies that there is no clinical evidence o f the know n o r presum ed hereditary eye diseases (K P -H E D ) specified, w h ere as "affected" sig nifies that there is such evidence.
  * * Z e e r gerin ge afw ijkingen, die m ogelijk passen bij het klinische beeid van deze, als E-EBO Z; deze zijn echter o nvo ldoen de specifiek.
      T he anim al displays clinical featu res that could possibly fit the know n or presum ed heredita ry eye diseases (K P -H E D ) m entioned, but the changes are inconclusive.
* * * G eringe afw ijkingen passend in het klinisch beeid van deze, als E-EB O Z. V o ortschrijden van het proces m oet dit bevestigen. H e rkeuring o v e r ........ m aanden.
      The animal displays minor, but specific clinical signs o f the known or presumed hereditary eye diseases (KP-HED) mentioned. Further developm ent will confirm the diagnosis. Reexamination i n ......months.

  VOOR VERDERE INFORMATIE: Z.O.Z.                                              further info: P.T.O.                        O n d e rzo e ke r examiner
                                                                                                                           Ondergetekende heeft bovenstaand dier onderzocht in                                             Naam
                                                                                                                           het kader van het bestrijdingsprogramma van erfelijke
                                                                                                                           oogziekten, met het bovengenoemde resultaat,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Plaats               ....................................................................................
                                                                                                                           T h e undersigned has today examined the above mentioned animal for                                                                                                  25-05-’16 © e c v o
                                                                                                                           the hereditary eye disease schem e with the results a s shown.

                                                                                                                          kleur / distributie                                   coiour / distribution
                                                                                                                          wit     RvB                                           white       national registry
                                                                                                                          geel rasvereniging                                    yellow      national breed club
                                                                                                                          roze onderzoeker                                       Pink       examiner
                                                                                                                          wit     eigenaar/houder                               white       owner/agent                        handtekening dierenarts, geautoriseerd door de ECVO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               signature examiner, authorized by E CV O                                                              -
         M O L E K U L A R N A D IA G N O S T IK A
                                                                                                                                              tel: +38640566273

REFERENCE NO.: 2015-04539                                                                  NAME/LABEL:
OWNER:                                                                                     JONAH
RENATE AGTERBERG-MENNES                                                                    SPECIES: DOG
VLEDDERHUIZEN 3                                                                            BREED: AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD
NL-9591 ONSTWEDDE                                                                          SEX: M ALE
NETHERLANDS                                                                                MICROCHIP NO.: 981020013491908
                                                                                           TATOO NO.: NOT PROVIDED
                                                                                           PEDIGREE NO.: NOT PROVIDED

                                                          GENETIC REPORT

SAMPLE:                               B U CCA LSW A B

SAMPLE TAKEN BY:                      O W N ER

REQUESTEDTEST:                        M U LT I D R U G R ESISTA N C E (IV E R M EC T IN SEN S IT IV IT Y , M D R 1 )

RESULT:                               C L E A R (W T / W T )


Regarding to the presence of tested m utation anim als are classified in th ree groups:

          Affected (m ut/m ut) - both alleles carry m utations, disease is clinically m anifested
           C arrier (m ut/w t) - one o f tw o alleles carries a m utation, disease is not clinically m anifested
           Clear (w t/w t) - m utation is not present, normal genotype

For each group differen t breeding strategies should be follow ed. Breeding o f affected and carrie r anim als should be avoided.
If particularly valuable anim al is classified as affected it should be bred only w ith clear anim al. In such a case all first
Generation siblings w ill be carriers. If a carrie r is bred w ith clear anim al, 50% of siblings are expected to be clear. In case tw o
carriers are bred, 25% o f siblings are expected to be clear and 50% are expected to be carriers. H ow ever, 25% o f siblings are
expected to be affected, th ere fo re such breeding practice is discouraged. G enetic te st should be done fo r all anim als w here
genotype cannot be inferred from parent genotypes or if certificate of G enetic Status is required.

For additional information we are available on our phone during working days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. or e-mail.

A U TH O R IZ ED S IG N A T U R E :                                                                                                 M ARIBO R, 2 2 .0 5 .2 0 1 5

Results are valid fo r laboratory analysed samples only. Accuracy of the data about animal identity is the sole responsibility of the customer/owner. Laboratory is
not responsible fo r false results which arise due to inaccurate animal identity data, false sample labels etc. To the extent the law allows, the maximal compensation
fo r potential false result is limited to the invoiced amount. With the test itis not possibie torule out the presence o f other genetic changes which mightaffect the
development o f the disease. Testing is performed according to the tatest scientific knowledge.

                          EVG molekularna diagnostika d.o.o. • Grajski trg 1 • SI-2000 Maribor • Slovenia
Sr&vcs   M O L E K U L A R N A D IA G N O S T IK A
                                                                                                                                               tel: +38640566273

REFERENCE NO.: 2015 - 04539                                                                 NAME/LABEL:
OWNER:                                                                                      JONAH
RENATE AGTERBERG-MENNES                                                                     SPECIES: DOG
VLEDDERHUIZEN 3                                                                             BREED: AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD
NL-9591 ONSTWEDDE                                                                           SEX: MALE
NETHERLANDS                                                                                 MICROCHIP NO.: 981020013491908
                                                                                            TATOO NO.: NOT PROVIDED
                                                                                            PEDIGREE NO.: NOT PROVIDED

                                                           GENETIC REPORT
SAMPLE:                               BU C C A LSW A B

SAMPLE TAKEN BY:                      O W N ER

REQUESTED TEST:                       H E R E D IT A R Y C A T A R A C T (H C )

RESULT:                               C L E A R (W T / W T )


The test exam ines presence or absence o f HSF4 gene m utation described as the cause o f prim ary h ereditary cataract in
Australian Shepherds. Regarding to the presence o f tested m utation anim als are classified in th ree groups:

           Affected (m ut/m ut) - both alleles carry m utations, disease is clinically m anifested
           C arrier (m ut/w t) - one of tw o alleles carries a m utation, high probability of clinical m anifestation
           C lear (w t/w t) - m utation is not present, norm al genotype

H ereditary cataract in Australian Shepherds has autosom al dom inant mode o f inheritance w ith incom plete penetrance. That
m eans it is not developed in every heterozygous anim al carrying deleterious m utation. O ther genetic or environm ental
factors cannot be excluded in developm ent o f the disease. According to the scientific literature the probability of developing
the disease is 17 tim es higher in heterozygous anim al com paring to clear anim al. C arriers pass the m utation to th eir siblings
therefo re mating of tw o carrie r anim als should be avoided as 25% of puppies w ill be affected. The test cannot exclude other
genetic defects w hich m ay be involved in developm ent of h ereditary cataract in Australian Shepherds.

For additional inform ation w e are available on our phone during w orking days betw een 9 a.m . and 3 p.m . or e-mail.

A U TH O R IZ ED SIG N A T U R E :                                                                                                        M arib or, 22 .0 5 .2 0 1 5

               lgOj)EKULARN/f DIAGNOSTIKA
Result&VB vplifkf.pQa^Mtay^plh'aißbd;sdmples only. Accuracy ofthe data about animal identity is the sole responsibility ofthe customer/owner. Laboratory is
not responsibleforfolse results which arise due to inaccurate animal identity data, false sample labels etc. To the extent the law allows, the maximal compensation
fo r potential fatse result is limited to the invoiced amount. With the test it is not possibte to rule out the presence of other genetic changes which might affect the
development o f the disease. Testing is performed according to the latest scientific knowledge.

                          EVG molekularna diagnostika d.o.o. • Grajski trg 1 • SI-2000 Maribor • Slovenia
tel: +38640566273

REFERENCE NO.: 2015-04539                                                                   NAME/LABEL:
OWNER:                                                                                     JONAH
RENATE AGTERBERG-M ENNES                                                                   SPECIES: DOG
VLEDDERHUIZEN 3                                                                            BREED: AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD
NL-9591 ONSTWEDDE                                                                          SEX: MALE
NETFIERLANDS                                                                               MICROCHIP NO.: 981020013491908
                                                                                           TATOO NO.: NOT PROVIDED
                                                                                           PEDIGREE NO.: NOT PROVIDED

                                                          GENETIC REPORT

SAMPLE:                               BU C C A LSW A B

SAMPLE TAKEN BY:                      O W N ER

REQUESTED TEST:                       C O LLIE EY E A N O M A L Y (C EA )

RESULT:                               C L E A R (W T / W T )


Regarding to the presence of tested m utation anim als are classified in th ree groups:

          Affected (m ut/m ut) - both alleles carry m utations, disease is clinically m anifested
           C arrier (m ut/w t) - one o f tw o alleles carries a m utation, disease is not clinically m anifested
           C lear (w t/w t) - m utation is not present, norm al genotype

For each group differen t breeding strategies should be follow ed. Breeding of affected and carrie r anim als should be avoided.
If particularly valuable anim al is classified as affected it should be bred only w ith clear anim al. In such a case all first
G eneration siblings w ill be carriers. If a carrie r is bred w ith clear anim al, 50% of siblings are expected to be clear. In case tw o
carriers are bred, 25% o f siblings are expected to be clear and 50% are expected to be carriers. H ow ever, 25% of siblings are
expected to be affected, th ere fo re such breeding practice is discouraged. G enetic test should be done for all anim als w here
genotype cannot be inferred from parent genotypes or if certificate of G enetic Status is required.

For additional Information we are available on our phone during working days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. or e-mail.

A U TH O R IZ ED S IG N A T U R E :                                                                                                  M ARIBO R, 22 .0 5 .2 0 1 5

Resu/fPorevote                / änalys^cifa'fiiples only. Accuracy ofthe data about animal identity is the sole responsibility ofthe customer/owner. Laboratoryis
not responsible forfalse results which arise due to inaccurate animal identity dataJ false sample labels etc. To the extent the law allows, the maximal compensation
for potential false result is limited to the invoiced amount. With the test it is not possible to rule out the presence of other genetic changes which might affect the
development ofthe disease. Testing is performed according to the latest scientific knowledge.

                          EVG molekulama diagnostika d.o.o. • Grajski trg 1 • SI-2000 Maribor • Slovenia
tel: +38640566273

REFERENCE NO.: 2015-04539                                                                   NAME/LABEL:
OWNER:                                                                                      JONAH
RENATE AGTERBERG-M ENNES                                                                    SPECIES: DOG
VLEDDERHUIZEN 3                                                                             BREED: AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD
NL-9591 ONSTWEDDE                                                                           SEX: MALE
NETHERLANDS                                                                                 MICROCHIP NO.: 981020013491908
                                                                                            TATOO NO.: NOT PROVIDED
                                                                                            PEDIGREE NO.: NOT PROVIDED

                                                          GENETIC REPORT
SAMPLE:                               BU C C A LSW A B

SAMPLE TAKEN BY:                      O W N ER

REQUESTED TEST:                      P R O G R E S S IV E R ETIN A L A T R O P H Y (PR A -PR CD )

RESULT:                              C L E A R (W T / W T )


Regarding to the presence of tested m utation anim als are classified in th ree groups:

          Affected (m ut/m ut) - both alleles carry m utations, disease is clinically m anifested
          C arrier (m ut/w t) - one o f tw o alleles carries a m utation, disease is not clinically m anifested
          Clear (w t/w t) - m utation is not present, norm al genotype

For each group d ifferent breeding strategies should be follow ed. Breeding of affected and carrie r anim als should be avoided.
If particularly valuable anim al is classified as affected it should be bred only w ith clear anim al. In such a case all first
Generation siblings w ill be carriers. If a carrie r is bred w ith clear anim al, 50% o f siblings are expected to be clear. In case two
carriers are bred, 25% of siblings are expected to be clear and 50% are expected to be carriers. H ow ever, 25% of siblings are
expected to be affected, th erefo re such breeding practice is discouraged. G enetic test should be done for all anim als w here
genotype cannot be inferred from parent genotypes or if certificate of G enetic Status is required.

For additional information we are available on our phone during working days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. or e-mail.

A U TH O R IZ ED SIG N A T U R E:                                                                                                      M ARIBO R, 2 2 .05 .2 015

                                k se m ä t
               MOL£KÜtÄRN>j DIAGNOSTIK*
Resulfsffie                    fihalys^d stMifdids only. Accuracy of the data about animal identity is the sole responsibility o f the customer/owner. Laboratory is
not responsible forfalse results which arise due to inaccurate animal identity data, faise sample labels etc. To the extent the law allows, the maximal compensation
for potential false result is limited to the invoiced amount. With the test it is not possible to rule out the presence ofother genetic changes which might affect the
development of the disease. Testing is performed according to the latest scientific knowledge.

                          EVG molekularna diagnostika d.o.o. • Grajski trg 1 • SI-2000 Maribor • Slovenia
Slovgen s.r.o. , Diagnostické laboratórium, Ilkovičova 8,
              841 04 Bratislava 4, tel: +421 905 550 916, Reg. No. (ICO): 35700629, VAT: SK2020906151,
            accounts: SK5511000000002626252786 (TATRSKBX); CZ8855000000006107902001 (RZBCCZPP); Paypal FS5LN9AAC848S

                              Protocol No. D2002004190
Customer: Jennifer WALTER               Sample type: buccal brush Date of sampling: 30.01.2020
          Kreuzbergstr. 44              Date of birth: 23.02.2012 Date of receipt:  05.02.2020
          47800 Krefeld, DE             Sex: M                    Date of analysis: 10.02.2020
Identity of the animal has not been verified.

            Breed/Name                    Tattoo or RFID id         Laboratory code Type of analysis                                    Result
                                           Pedigree number
Australian Shepherd / Ch Outlaw's         981020013491908                              DM-SG: SOD1                                    N/N (G/G)
             Sure Hit                              .                                exon2 - partner lab                                 Clear
     The results of analysis are stored in a database under the lab code 200205/U0214.
       DM – Degenerative myelopathy, mutation SOD1:c.118G>A (exon 2), autosomal recesive
       Performed by partner laboratory under Slovgen supervision
       WT/WT (G/G) – CLEAR - homozygous individual carrying two G alleles – non – affected (clear)
       DM/WT (A/G) – CARRIER - heterozygous carrier carrying one allele G and one A
       DM/DM (A/A) – AFFECTED - homozygous at risk/affected individual – both alleles are A
       Notice:This protocol applies exclusively to the sample and the data that were supplied by the submitter. DNA analysis concerns only the above-
       mentioned disease. No information regarding the customer as well as the purpose and results of the analysis will be provided to third parties.

                                                                                      In Bratislava 10.02.2020
                                                                                      Ing. Marcela Bieliková, PhD.
Sonstiges / Miscellaneous
United Kennel Club, Inc.

                                             Certificate ofHonet
             This certifies that the United Kennel Club, Inc., has on this day awarded the Degree of

                                                      Show Champion

                       CH OUTLAWS SURE HIT

                                                     Breed: 4 USTRALIAN SHEPHERD
                                                    U.K.C. Registration Number: P716-642

                                                           Degree Earned: May 18, 2013

                            Owner on record: SHEREE SANCHEZ

                Witness our signature and seal this Tenth day o f June, 2013

                                                                                                              United Kennel Club, Inc.
" 1 OKT.
                                                                                                      3 0 ly 39, d,                                   HONDO OF BLACK WATCH LASROCOSA
                                                                                            NHSB                                                      DL47407001 (03-94) RD MRL WH MKGS TAN PTS
                                                                                                         SILVER BIRCH THE REAL MCCOY
                                                                                                         DL56950402 (03-96) RD WH MKGS TAN PTS
                                                                                                         AKC DNA #V237184                             LAS ROCOSA SHARE THE GLORY
                                                                                                                                                      DL46906703 (05-95) RD WH MKGS TAN PTS
      Certffielt Pedigree                                    NATIVE DRUM OF TOUCHSTONE
                                                             DL73933703 (10-00) OFA28G RD MRL
                                                             WH MKGS TAN PTS AKC DNA #V149250                                                         CH PEARTREE BLUE MOON DETV AGENCY
                                                                                                                                                      DL42206601 (04-93) OFA48G BL MRL WH MKGS
                                                                                                                                                      TAN PTS
                                                                                                         TOUCHSTONE THIRD DEGREE
                                                                                                         DL49296103 (07-98) OFA47G BL MRL WH
                                                                                                         MKGS TAN PTS                                 TOUCHSTONE SHOT THE RAVEN
                                                                                                                                                      DL46947101 (12-93) OFA33G BLK WH MKGS TAN
               STORMY LEE'S KING PISTOL                                                                                                               PTS
               DN04437901 (04-09) OFA25G OFEL25 RD
               MRL WH MKGS TAN PTS AKC DNA                                                                                                            CH MCKAYS BOOT SCOOTN' BOOGIE CD
               #V694331                                                                                                                               DL45199002 (08-94) OFA57G RD MRL WH MKGS
                                                                                                         WRENWOODS WAITIN' ON SUNDOWN                 TAN PTS AKC DNA #V104542
                                                                                                         DL59079802 (11-98) OFA43G RD MRL WH
                                                                                                         MKGS TAN PTS AKC DNA #V104543                CH WRENWOOD'S KATCHINA DANCER
                                                                                                                                                      DL50799701 (09-95) OFA24G BL MRL WH MKGS
                                                                                                                                                      TAN PTS
                                                             KHAOS' SUNNYSIDE UP
                                                             DL75590504 (02-02) RD WH MKGS TAN
                                                             PTS                                                                                      KING'S RANSOM OF LOS CHICOS
                                                                                                                                                      DL48515801 (11-93) OFA26E BLK WH MKGS TAN
                                                                                                         SOUTHERN CROSS EUREKA
      OUTLAWS SURE HIT                                                                                   DL51101103 (11 -98) OFA24E BLK               SOUTHERN CROSS DAKODA
       DN34605901 OFA33E OFEL33                                                                                                                       DL45694301 (03-94) OFA28G BL MRL WH MKGS
                                                                                                                                                      TAN PTS
       TAN PTS                                                                                                                                        CH KIJI COWBOY UP                    „ „
                                                                                                                                                      DN03967901 OFA24E BL MRL WH MKGS TAN PTS
       Date Whelped: 02/28/2012                                                                                                                       (CAN)
                                                                                                         CH SHEEP'S KIN COWBOY POETRY
       Breeder: SHEREE!                                                                                  DN23946201 (01-10) BL MRL WH MKGS TAN
                                                                                                         PTS (CAN) AKC DNA #V580074                   SHEEP'S KIN OVATION
                                                                                                                                                      CKC NG891031

              MET.Aus           676/H/19.                   SHEEP'S KIN TURN EWE ON
                                                            DN25607801 (02-10) BL MRL WH MK
                                                            TAN PTS (GAN) AKC DNA#V585635                                                             BOOTEZ ELMDEN PRYZ SHEEP'S KIN
                                                                                                                                                      DL75357401 RD WH MKGS TAN PTS (CAN)
                                                                                                         SHEEP'S KIN QUILL TERRA
                                                                                                         CKC MS834242
                                                                                                                                                      SHEEP'S KIN TAPESTRY
                                                                                                                                                      CKC KE648087

       Dam     OUTLAWS 2HOT4 EWE
               DN34325501 (12-12) RD WH MKGS TAN PTS                                                                                                  CH BLUESTEMS MAN-O-FIRETHORNE
                                                                                                                                                      DL67905507 (09-98) OFA24G BL MRL WH MKGS
                                                                                                         CH RAINYDAY'S l'M ON FIRE HT                 TAN PTS AKC DNA #V85653
                                                                                                         DL78928602 (09-01) OFA24E RD MRL WH
                                                                                                         MKGS TAN PTS AKC DNA #V177894                COBBERCREST PROPWASH OBLA-DE
                                                                                                                                                      DL55456101 (02-96) BLK WH MKGS TAN PTS
                                                            CH OUTLAWS TOTALLY DIVINE
                                                            DN04646306 (01-08) OFA45E OFEL45
                                                            BLK WH MKGS TAN PTS                                                                        CH HEARTFIRE SMOKN GUNOFOLDWEST
                                                                                                                                                       DL59679905 (03-97) RD WH MKGS TAN PTS
                                                                                                         OUTLAW S PROMISE OF GLORY
                                                                                                         DL75855607 (10-01) OFA24E BLK WH MKGS
         «JJWde O                                                                                        TAN PTS                                       OUTLAWS BLAZE OF GLORY
a m      "■— ~ ~                                                                                                                                       DL46398106 (03-97) OFA41E BL MRL

ff American                            The Seal of The American Kennel Club affixed hereto certifies that this pedigree was compiled from official Stud Book records on April 16, 2015.
fs Kennel C lub®                                                                                                                                                                                  jjfe f


Registered Name      OUTLAWS SURE HIT

Sex               MALE                ASCA Litter# 97011
Body Color        RED MERLE           Trim Color   WHITE/COPPER
Eye Color         LEFT- BROWN   RIGHT- BLUE                                              Established 1957
Sire              CH STORMY LEE'S KING PISTOL DNA-VP    E131146                 ASCA CERTIFIES THAT IT
                                                                                ACCURATELY MAINTAINS THE
Dam               OUTLAWS 2HOT4 EWE DNA-VP    E190093                           GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION
Litter Owner(s)   SHEREE SANCHEZ                                                WHICH IS FURNISHED TO IT BY
                                                                                BREEDERS. THE LINEAGE OF
                                                                                A REGISTERED DOG CAN BE
                                                                                DETERMINED WITH
                                                                                CERTAINTY BY DNA TESTING
                                                                                SPONSORED BY ASCA.
                                                                                THIS C ER T IFIC A T E ISSU ED
w     SHEREE SANCHEZ                                                            WITH TH E RIGHT TO
n     P.O. BOX 935                                                              C O R R E C T OR REVO KE BY
e     DIVIDE, CO 80814                                                                AUSTRALIAN
r     UNITED STATES                                                             SH EPH ER D CLUB OF
s                                                                 CERTIFICATE   AMERICA, INC

                                          REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE
A merican                                                                                8051 Arco Corporate Drive
                     Kennel C lub®                                                                            Suite 100
                                                                                                              Raleigh, NC 27617-3390
                                                                                                                                                   June 18,2015

™     Congratulations on your new Australian Shepherd and welcome to the world of purebred dogs. Your AKC registration
^^5   dollars Support numerous AKC efforts to benefit dogs and dog owners. By registering your dog with the AKC, you
■     supported valuable programs such as Canine Search-and-Rescue, the AKC Canine Health Foundation, the AKC Kennel
      Inspection Program, public education, canine legislation, and DNA parentage verification.

      AKC registration provides wonderful opportunities for every purebred dog lover. The AKC Canine Good Citizen®
      program is an outstanding way to train your dog in basic obedience, valuable for every family. In addition, many dog
      owners enjoy the thrill of participating in AKC activities, shows and trials throughout the country. I invite you and your
      dog to get involved with the AKC!

      Please note, if you ordered multiple items at the time of registration, they will be mailed separately and should arrive
      shortly. These include the AKC Certified Pedigree, the Dog Care and Training Video, Family Dog magazine, and the
      AKC collar tag. If you did not order a Pedigree, you still have the opportunity to do so. An order form is provided on the
      back of this letter.

      All of us want to be responsible dog owners. To help, the AKC öfters a wealth of information at Our site lists
      national and local dog clubs and AKC Canine Good Citizen® evaluators. Please visit us online and on Facebook and Twitter. If
      we can be of further Service to, please contact us by phone at 919-233-9767 or by email at


      Dennis B. Sprung
      President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                    Please separate below and keep for your records.

                                               AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB
           NAME                                                                               NUMBER                               PRO UDLY B R E D BY A N
              OUTLAWS SURE HIT OFA33E OFEL33                                                        DN34605901

                                                                                                                                  AKC BR E ED E R . O F M ER IT
           BREED                                                                              SEX                                       PARTICIPANT
              AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD                                                                                                                     KEMy\
           COLOR                                                                              DATE OF BIRTH
              RED MERLE, WHITE MARKINGS, TAN POINTS                                                 FEBRUARY 28, 2012
               DN04437901 04-09 OFA25G OFEL25             AKC DNA#V694331
              OUTLAWS 2HOT4 EWE                                                                                                        A merican
               DN34325501 12-12
                                                                                                                                       Kennel C lub"
                                                                                                                                   CERTIFICATE ISSUED
              SHEREE SANCHEZ
                                                                                                                                   JUNE 18,2015
           OWNER                                                                                                 This certificate invalidates all previous certificates issued.
                                                                                                               If a date appears after the name and number of the
                                                                                                               sire and dam, it indicates the issue of the Stud Book
                                                                                                               Register in which the sire or dam is published.
                                                                                                               For Transfer Instructions, see back of Certificate.
              ULEDDERHUIZEN 3
                                                                                                                 This Certificate issued with the right to correct or
              G5G1 TK ONSTWEDDE                                                                                       revoke by the American Kennel Club.

                                              REGISTRATION                       CERTIFICATE
Australian Shepherd Association
                      Officiele rasvereniging Raad van Beheer ( FCI)

This Document declares that the male dog :

Outlaws Sure Hit

NHSB: 3014396

Chip: 981020013491908

Born: 28-02-2012

From the owner R. Agterberg-Mennes is qualified for breeding following allrulesfrom

the Austalian Shepherd Association and the Dutcb kenne! club de Raad yan Beheer member of the

This document is given by the presidpnfxSt the Australian Shepherd Association.

Mr.M. Agterberg
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