CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District

Page created by Carl Cox
CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District


CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
Whether you’re here for the first time, or just the first time
in a long time, we welcome you to the neighborhood.                                                                            Table of Contents
Lights On! is a collaborative celebration led by the Cultural District’s member                                                About the Events
                                                                                                                               Cultural District Member Companies������������ 4
companies: the August Wilson African American Cultural Center, Pittsburgh Ballet
                                                                                                                               Regional Artists & Community Partners��������11
Theatre, Pittsburgh CLO, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh Opera, Pittsburgh
Public Theater, and Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Joined by treasured artistic                                                Daily Schedule & Map
organizations from throughout our community, as well as dozens of immensely-                                                   Daily Schedule Grids����������������������������������������� 15
                                                                                                                               Map (Lights On! & Gallery Crawl) �����������������18
talented artists from the region and beyond, we’ve prepared 50+ live music,
theater, dance, and visual arts events—all free and open to everyone.

We hope you enjoy this celebration of the Cultural District. With your ongoing
support, we know that we can turn the lights on, and leave them on, so that
                                                                                                                               Flip this book over for your essential
together we can enjoy the transformative power of the arts for years to come.                                                  guide through Friday night’s 19 Crawl Stops!

Lights On! is sponsored by UPMC and UPMC Health Plan and is the official kick-
off event
             Allegheny Regional
                       KICK OFF Asset
                                  TO District’s RADical Days. Additional support
is provided by The Heinz Endowments and Richard King Mellon Foundation.            The safest way to enjoy Lights On!, is to be vaccinated. Masks are welcome in the Cultural
                                                                                   District; guests should feel comfortable to wear a mask regardless of their vaccination
     LEAD SPONSOR                                                                  status and should plan to carry a mask with them to stay adaptable during these events.

                                                                                                                    LIGHTS ON!                                 INDEPENDENT VENUES
                                                                                   LIGHTS ON!                       INDOOR EVENTS                              During the Gallery
                                                                                   OUTDOOR EVENTS                   All guests are                             Crawl on September 10,
                                                                                   Vaccinated individuals           required to wear a                         independently-operated
                                                                                   are not required to              mask, regardless of                        Crawl Stops may put
                                                                                   wear a mask and non-             vaccination status,                        their own health and
                                                                                   vaccinated individuals           while inside a Pittsburgh                  safety protocols in place,
                       Please visit CulturalDistrict.org/Donate                    are required to mask up.         Cultural Trust gallery                     posted upon entry.
                                                                                                                    or indoor space.
                       to contribute to any Cultural District member
                       company. Thank you for your support!
                                                                                    To learn more about additional vaccination and mask policies for future events taking
                                                                                    effect in the Cultural District starting on Sept. 17, please visit TrustArts.org/Health.
CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
Excerpts from the
                                                                                              full-length ballet
    The Nth Power                                                                             Napoli & Three - 4,6,8
                                                                                                            9/9 | 6–7 pm
                                                                                                            8th Street Stage
                                                                                              Three - 4,6,8
                                                                                              Choreography by Helen Pickett
                                                                                              Music by Philip Glass: Einstein on the Beach: Knee Play 1
                                                                                              Corey Bourbonniere, Josiah Kauffman, Kurtis Sprowls
                                                                                              Award-winning choreographer Helen Pickett created
                                                                PBT Company Dancers
                                                                                              this world premiere for Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre.
                                                                Diana Yohe and Joseph Parr;   Three - 4,6,8 is a highly energized, architectural,
                                                                Photo Credit: Duane Rieder
                                                                                              and kinetic contemporary dance for three men.
                                                                                              Excerpts from the full-length ballet Napoli

        9/9 | 7–8 pm                                                                          Choreography by August Bournonville
                                                                                              Staged by Henning Albrechtsen
                                                                                              Music by Edvard Helsted and Holger Simon Paulli
        Allegheny Overlook Stage                                                              Featuring: Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Company Dancers
        The Nth Power delivers gospel-style vocals with
                                                                                              Napoli, or The Fisherman and His Bride, was
        soul, jazz, funk and world-beat riffs in nearly
                                                                                              choreographed in 1842 by August Bournonville for
        mathematical fashion. Formed during an impromptu
                                                                                              Denmark’s Royal Ballet. It tells the story of Gennaro,
        late-night jam at Jazz Fest 2012 in New Orleans,
                                                                                              a poor fisherman, and his beloved Teresina, as they
        the relentlessly funky and soulful band believes in
                                                                                              overcome forces that attempt to thwart their love.
        music as a higher power tapping into an energy that
        is simultaneously sexy and spiritual, with songs that                                 pbt.org
        will inspire audiences to dance, groove, make love,
        or just stand there with goose bumps.

4                                                                                                                                                         5
CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
                                                                                                                       9/9 | 9–10 pm
                                                                                                                       Overlook Stage
    9/9 | 8–9 pm
                Laugh, Sing!                                           Shemekia Copeland never holds back.
                                                                       Her instantly recognizable voice—
                                                                       capable of being sultry, assertive and
                                                                       roaring—delivers every song with
                                                                                                                   Americana roots and soul music
                                                                                                                   showcases the evolution of a passionate
                                                                                                                   artist with an up-to-the-minute musical
                                                                                                                   and lyrical approach.
                                                                       unparalleled honesty and passion.
    8th Street Stage                                                   Her wide-open vision of contemporary

    Join some of Pittsburgh’s favorite performers for a music filled
    hour of songs from Broadway and beyond – all designed with
    one goal in mind: to make you smile.

                                                                       Baby Rave with set from DJ RBNOUS
    Chris Laitta                                                       9/11 | 11 am–12 pm | Allegheny Overlook Stage
    Billy Mason                                                        Baby Rave is a child-friendly dance and     RBNOUS is Ryan Brown, a Pittsburgh-
    Caroline Nicolian                                                  music event featuring DJ RBNOUS that        based creative, curator, and Founder of
    Allan Snyder                                                       is sure to get you and your little one to   Make Sure You Have Fun™ & MSYH.FM.
    Drew Leigh Williams                                                bounce, bop, and boogie to the beat.
                                                                       All ages are welcomed (best suited for
                                                                       children ages 0-5 and families).

                                                                                                    In addition to Shemekia Copeland and the Baby Rave,
                                                                                                    the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is pleased to present five
                                                                                                    brand new gallery exhibitions as part of Gallery Crawl
                                                                                                    in the Cultural District. Flip this book over for your
                                                                                                    essential guide through Friday night’s 19 Crawl Stops!

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CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
    Divas                                                      9/10 | 2–4:30 pm
    9/11 | 2–3 pm                                              8th Street Stage
    8th Street Stage                                           BAREFOOT IN THE PARK...IN THE PARK
    Pittsburgh Opera’s award-winning Resident Artists
                                                               By Neil Simon
    celebrate the Cultural District’s re-opening with
                                                               Directed by Marya Sea Kaminski
    amazing selections of some of opera’s most popular
    arias, duets, and ensembles, as well as other surprises.   How long can the honeymoon last after a newlywed couple
    This is a wonderful, free opportunity for an informal      move into their first New York apartment? There are bound
    introduction to one of the world’s most beautiful          to be plenty of ups and downs since they live on the fifth
    and timeless artforms — opera.                             floor! Add to that, bride Corie is an impulsive free-spirit
                                                               while groom Paul is a buttoned-up lawyer. Barefoot was
                                                               Neil Simon’s first smash success, premiering on Broadway
                                                               in 1963 and running for nearly four years. Our pop-up
                                                               performance of this bubbly romantic comedy will prove
                                                               that young love never goes out of style.
                                                               Some adult content.

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CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
Regional Artists &
                                                                        Community Partners
                                                                        Listings are in alphabetical order. Please see page 15 to view by date and time.

                                                                        1Hood                                           Attack Theatre
                                                                        9/10 | 9-10 pm                                  Connect the Dots
                                                                        Trust Oasis Stage                               9/11 | 1 - 2 pm
                                                                        Check out this performance from artists         Allegheny Overlook Stage
                                                                        featured on 1Hood’s roster, which includes      Connect the Dots is a witty and interactive
                                                                        self-defined socially-conscious artists         program that demonstrates the awe-
                                                                        who have adopted the tagline “freeing           inspiring curiosity that drives this group
                                                                        minds one rhyme at a time,” shared by           of movement artists to heights of creative
                                                                        1Hood founder and CEO Jasiri X.                 exploration. This performance inspires
                                                                        1hood.org/music                                 audiences to literally Connect the Dots as
                                                                                                                        dancers harness the power of play. The
                                                                        Alumni Theater Company                          show will be followed by a Q&A session.
                                                                        9/11 | 7-8 pm                                   attacktheatre.com
                                                                        Allegheny Overlook Stage
                                                                        Join ATC as they present bold theatrical        Azúcar
                                                                        work that gives fresh voice to the              9/10 | 9-10 pm
                                                                        experience of young Black artists and           Allegheny Overlook Stage
                                                                        highlights their rich contribution to           Azúcar is the top Latin dance band in
                                                                        our community. ATC went digital in              Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania,
                                                                        this past season and is now excited to          performing regularly at many clubs in
                                                                        perform work in front of a live audience.       the Pittsburgh area. Expect original
                                                                        alumnitheatercompany.org                        salsas, merengues, and hit cover tunes.

     Pittsburgh Symphony                                                Arcade Comedy
                                                                        The Playlist: Live Music, Inspired

                                                                                                                        Balafon West African Dance Ensemble

     Orchestra: A Season Preview                                        Comedy
                                                                        9/9 | 5-6 pm
                                                                        Trust Oasis Stage
                                                                                                                        9/10 | 5-6 pm
                                                                                                                        Allegheny Overlook Stage
                                                                                                                        Balafon is a performing ensemble that

     9/10 | 8–9 pm                                                      Arcade Comedy Theater presents “The
                                                                        Playlist,” an improvised comedy show
                                                                                                                        offers immersive movement and musical
                                                                                                                        programs. Experience African culture up
     8th Street Stage                                                   inspired by live music from local artists.
                                                                        Musician, composer and songwriter Kevin
                                                                                                                        close. Explore rich Guinean traditions and
                                                                                                                        a taste of classical arts from other areas
     Experience the power of music   Enjoy audience favorites from      O’Brien will be playing brand new music         of West Africa and beyond. balafon.org
     together with a special sneak   Stravinsky’s brilliant Firebird,   that inspires a cast of improvisers to create
     peek from the upcoming BNY      Strauss’s Thunder and              comedy scenes. Come for the live music,         Bill Nunn Theatre Outreach Project
     Mellon Grand Classics, PNC      Lighting Polka, Duke Ellington     and stay for the one-of-a-kind comedy.          Black Voices: Celebrating August
     Pops, and Fiddlesticks Family   classics, beloved Looney           arcadecomedytheater.com                         Wilson Through Spoken Word
     Concerts seasons.               Tunes melodies and more!                                                           9/11 | 5-6 pm
                                                                                                                        Trust Oasis Stage
                                                                                                                        This live performance features finalists
                                                                                                                        from the Pittsburgh Regional August
                                                                                                                        Wilson Monologue Competition. These
                                                                                                                        multi-talented spoken word artists will
                                                                                                                        perform original work influenced by
                                                                                                                        August Wilson.

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CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
Regional Artists & Community Partners (continued)
     Byron Nash & Sierra Sellers                    Dreams of Hope                                House of Soul Band                                Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company
     9/10 | 6-7 pm                                  9/11 | 3 - 4 pm                               9/10 | 7-8 pm                                     Cyril by Mark Clayton Southers
     8th Street Stage                               Trust Oasis Stage                             Allegheny Overlook Stage                          9/11 | 6 - 7 pm
     Byron Nash and Sierra Sellers are a super      Dreams of Hope’s celebrated and               House of Soul was born out of love for            Harris Theater
     duo of sorts. Both of these talented artists   awarded theatre ensemble, theatriQ,           the funky sounds of the 70’s and 80’s.            In this world premiere full-length feature
     are well-known in Pittsburgh’s music           works with professional artists to create     The combination of Hendrix-like guitar            film, Forensic Science Channel interviews
     scene, have strong followings, and perform     original work addressing LGBTQA+              playing, pulsating rhythms, and smooth,           Forensic Pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht
     regularly with their own bands. Through        themes. They engage with audiences            devastating bass lines makes it sounds            and new information emerges regarding
     a chance connection this summer, they          through mainstage shows and short             like the band has more than 11 members.           infamous murders. The film is a first
     discovered incredible creative chemistry       traveling performances.                                                                         for Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre
     that really resonated with audiences.          dreamsofhope.org                              Howie Alexander Project                           Company, written by Mark Clayton
     byronnash.com                                                                                9/9 | 7-8 pm                                      Southers and directed by Andrew Paul.
     facebook.com/sierrasellersmusic                Dwayne Dolphin Quartet                        Trust Oasis Stage                                 pghplaywrights.org
                                                    9/11 | 4-5 pm                                 This performance features Howie
     DEMASKUS Theater Collective                    8th Street Stage                              Alexander on keys, John Hall on bass,             Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra
     Rhea the Great Detective and the               Local jazz standout Dwayne Dolphin is         and Chuck Anderson on drums playing               9/10 | 5-6 pm
     Case of the Missing Mrs. Bearington            a mainstay in the jazz scene, working         new, original music and influential               Trust Oasis Stage
     by Dominique Briggs                            with Pittsburgh greats such as Roger          classics by Ramsey Lewis, Robert                  Members of the Pittsburgh Youth
     9/11 | 12-1 pm                                 Humphries, Pete Henderson, and Carl           Glasper, George Duke, and others.                 Symphony Orchestra will perform musical
     Harris Theater                                 Arter. Throughout his career, Dolphin has                                                       selections by small groups, including
     Originally developed for the stage, this       had the opportunity to play and record        Hugo Cruz and Caminos                             duets and trios. PYSO is one of the city’s
     fun short film is for preschool age children   with a “who’s who” in the music industry.     9/11 | 1 -2 pm                                    cultural treasures. It is one of the oldest
     as they start to learn numbers, counting,      facebook.com/dolphinbass                      Trust Oasis Stage                                 youth orchestras in the country, and one
     colors, and shapes. Highlighting skills                                                      Hugo Alexander Cruz Machado                       of the most advanced. PYSO cultivates in
     in a fun and interactive way, children         The Flow Band                                 is a Cuban-born, award winning,                   its members discipline, fine musicianship
     will explore the underlying themes of          9/11 | 9-10 pm                                internationally-renowned drummer                  and an overall appreciation for excellence.
     teamwork, friendship, and persistence.         Allegheny Overlook Stage                      and composer who has performed in                 pyso.org
     Demaskus.com.                                  The Flow band has been performing for         South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Mexico,
                                                    over 25 years throughout Pennsylvania,        Venezuela, and the United States.                 Simone Davis
     The Deryck Tines Gospel Singers                Ohio, and West Virginia providing lively      Caminos fuse rhythms and melodies of              9/9 | 9-10 pm
     9/11 | 7-8 pm                                  reggae, calypso, reggae, and jazz music       Afro-Cuban, Cuban, and American music,            Trust Oasis Stage
     Trust Oasis Stage                              to listening audiences.                       in an original contemporary expression            Singer, songwriter, artist, and performer
     Pastor Deryck Tines brings high-energy,                                                      that honors traditional Cuban form.               Simone Davis, a Pittsburgh native,
     spiritually-energizing, and soul-stirring      Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council’s                                                               entwines R&B, soul, jazz, rock, trap—an
     music. Tines will lead a group of dynamic      Restart the Artsmobile                        Jack Swing Band                                   overall a genre-defying blend that has
     singers though a medley of gospel songs,       Restart the Arts is a vital, public service   9/10 | 7-8 pm                                     captured the attention of supporters and
     spirituals, and hymns celebrating Black        campaign to safely reengage patrons,          Trust Oasis Stage                                 critics alike. Davis is joined by her trio
     history, spirituality, and soul.               families, and businesses with Pittsburgh’s    Jack Swing is a Pittsburgh-based rock             band—aka “her guys.”
                                                    world-class arts and culture—to restart       band that has moved relentlessly during its
     Dixie Surewood and Friends Drag Show!          not only our economy, but the very            four years of playing together. The band’s        STAYCEE PEARL dance project & Soy Sos
     9/11 | 9-10 pm                                 drama of being alive. This month, GPAC’s      upcoming EP, Get What’s Mine For You,             FLOWERZ
     Trust Oasis Stage                              Restart the Artsmobile will delight           is undoubtedly its strongest release yet,         9/11 | 8 - 8:30 pm
     Dixie and Friends Drag Show is a fun           Pittsburgh communities with spontaneous       building on the band’s strong foundation          8th Street Stage
     way to end the evening. Expect fabulous        pop-up performances, complete with            while seeking new directions. It is safe to say   FLOWERZ is a dance and sound
     costumes, bellies full of laughter, and a      live entertainment and sweet treats.          the band has found its sound. jackswing.com       performance venturing back to when
     night you won’t forget.                        artsburgh.org                                                                                   both Staycee and Herman Pearl spent
     facebook.com/dixiesurewood1                                                                  JM the Poet                                       years involved in the New York house
                                                                                                  9/11 | 5-6 pm                                     music scene. Through exploration and
                                                                                                  Allegheny Overlook Stage                          celebration, SPdp&SS takes audiences
                                                                                                  Celebrating one year since the release of         through an evening-in-the-life of party
                                                                                                  JM the Poet’s album, “Deja Vu,” he will           goers experiencing an evening in music
                                                                                                  perform it for the first time in front of a       and movement. spdpandsoysos.com
                                                                                                  live audience at Lights On! jmthepoet.com

12                                                                                                                                                                                                13
CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
Regional Artists & Community Partners (continued)
     Texture Contemporary Ballet
     9/11 | 6 - 7 pm                           PARTNER EVENTS
     8th Street Stage

                                               For even more arts, entertainment,
     Texture Contemporary Ballet takes         and cultural activities, check out
     the stage to present original             these events from our partners.
     choreography and captivating
     contemporary dance. Texture’s

                                                                                              September 9
     passionate artists create memorable
     moments in time and space. This
     performance will feature highlights
     of past works which Texture has
     commissioned and premiered
     over the course of ten seasons.
     textureballet.org                          Allegheny Regional Asset District
                                                RADical Days
     Tubby Daniels Band
                                                9/9 - 10/10                                                              Allegheny                           Throughout
     9/11 | 3 - 4 pm                                                                               8th Street Stage                     Trust Oasis Stage
                                                Welcome back to RADical Days, with                                     Overlook Stage                        the District
     Allegheny Overlook Stage
                                                more than 60 free events and activities
     The Tubby Daniels Band consists of four                                                5 pm                        Opening
     members: Tubby Daniels on vibes, Dennis
                                                across Allegheny County! With free                                                        Arcade
                                                admission days at your favorite museums                                Celebration
     Gardner on drums, Ronnie Biggs on bass,                                                                                              Comedy
                                                and attractions, performances by our                                  Remarks & DJ
     and Victor Garzotto on piano. Daniels                                                                                                Theater
                                                world-class music, theater, and dance                                  HollyHood
     began his musical journey studying the                                                                                                 5-6 pm
                                                companies, tours of stadiums, outdoor                                     5-6 pm
     piano under Dr. James Johnson at the
                                                nature-themed events, art exhibitions and
     Afro-American Music Institute and is a                                                 6 pm
                                                hands-on activities, virtual events, and
     veteran performer of 30+ years.                                                               Pittsburgh
                                                more, there is something for everyone!                                                                        Gallery
     Yanlai Dance Academy                       RADworkshere.org                                                                                            Exhibitions
     9/11 | 12 - 1 pm                                                                                                                                          5-8 pm
                                                Pittsburgh City Theatre                                6-7 pm
     8th Street Stage
                                                The Rivers Don’t Know
     Yanlai Dance Academy will perform
                                                9/11 – 9/19                                 7 pm
     different styles of Chinese folk dance                                                                                                Howie
                                                Pittsburgh Playhouse
     and classical dance. Performances will                                                                             The Nth
                                                Written by James McManus                                                                 Alexander
     include colorful costumes and classic                                                                               Power
     Chinese melody. Performers, ranging
                                                Directed by Michael John Garcés                                                           Project
                                                                                                                          7-8 pm
                                                Inspired by stories from the community,                                                      7-8 pm
     from kids to adults, will give you
     a glimpse of ancient China and             The Rivers Don’t Know explores the
     many other ethnic groups.                  experiences of refugees and immigrants      8 pm    Pittsburgh
     yanlaidanceacademy.com                     in Pittsburgh. Through three interlocking              CLO:
                                                stories of a 1940s steel miller worker,            Love, Laugh,
                                                a Somali family, and a class of ESL
                                                students, the production explores what
                                                                                                       8-9 pm
                                                it means to call the steel city home.
                                                citytheatrecompany.org                      9 pm
                                                Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership                                        Shemekia            Simone
                                                In addition to the Allegheny Overlook                                  Copeland             Davis
                                                and Saturday Night Market featured                                        9-10 pm           9-10 pm
                                                as part of Lights On!, you can find a
                                                full schedule of downtown attractions,
                                                including Yoga in the Square, Market
                                                Square Farmers Market, and much more
                                                at downtownpittsburgh.com.

14                                                                                                                                                                          15
CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
Friday,                                                                        Saturday,
     September 10                                                                     September 11
                                  Allegheny                           Throughout                                       Allegheny                             Throughout
             8th Street Stage                    Trust Oasis Stage                             8th Street Stage                         Trust Oasis Stage
                                Overlook Stage                        the District                                   Overlook Stage                          the District
     2 pm                                                                             11 am                          Baby Rave
                                                                                                                        11-12 pm
             Public Theater
              Barefoot in                                                             Noon     Yanlai Dance
     3 pm
               the Park...                                             Gallery                  Academy
              in the Park                                            Exhibitions                   12-1 pm          Moment of Silence
                2-4:30 pm                                                             1 pm                                                 Hugo Cruz
     4 pm                                                               2-10 pm                                     Attack Theatre
                                                                                                                                          and Caminos
                                                                                                                         1-2 pm              1-2 pm

                                                                                      2 pm    Pittsburgh Opera:
     5 pm                       Balafon West      Pittsburgh                                  Downtown Divas
                                African Dance        Youth                                          2-3 pm
                                                  Symphony                                                            Tubby                                    Gallery
                                  Ensemble                                            3 pm                                              Dreams of Hope
                                                  Orchestra                                                         Daniels Band                             Exhibitions
                                   5-6 pm                                                                                                    3-4 pm
                                                     5-6 pm                                                             3-4 pm                               11 am - 8 pm
     6 pm    Byron Nash &                                                             4 pm    Dwayne Dolphin
             Sierra Sellers                                                                      Quartet
                 6-7 pm                                                                            4-5 pm
     7 pm                         House of                                            5 pm                           JM the Poet        Bill Nunn Theatre
                                                 Jack Swing                                                                             Outreach Project
                                 Soul Band                                                                              5-6 pm
                                                     8-9 pm                                                                                  5-6 pm
                                   8-9 pm
                                                                      19 Venues       6 pm         Texture
     8 pm     Pittsburgh                                                                      Contemporary Ballet
                                                                       5:30-10 pm
              Symphony                                                                             6-7 pm
                                                                                      7 pm                          Alumni Theatre      The Deryck Tines
                 8-9 pm
                                                                                                                       Company           Gospel Singers
     9 pm                                                                                                                7-8 pm              7-8 pm
                                  Azúcar            1Hood
                                                                                      8 pm    Staycee Pearl Dance
                                   9-10 pm           9-10 pm
                                                                                               Project & Soy Sos
                                                                                                  8-8:30 pm
     10 pm
                                                                     Crawl After
                                                                        Dark          9 pm                                              Dixie Surewood and
     11 pm                                                                                                           Flow Band          Friends Drag Show
                                                                     10 pm-Midnight
                                                                                                                        9-10 pm               9-10 pm

16                                                                                                                                                                          17
CELEBRATION GUIDE - Cultural District
ALLEGHENY     18                                                                                                                                                                              OUTDOOR STAGE
                                                 BYHAM                                                                                                                                         Information Tent
                          RENAISSANCE           THEATER
                        17 HOTEL                                                                                                                                                               Food Trucks
                                                                                  TRUST OASIS                                                                                                  Restrooms
                                                                 CABARET                                                                                                                       Public Art
      PENN                                                                                                                                                                                     TrustArts.org/PublicArt
     AVENUE                                O’REILLY              THEATER
      PLACE                                THEATER                                                                                                                                             Pedestrian Traffic Only
                                                                 THEATER AGNES R.
                             CON                                 SQUARE     KATZ                             707                    8TH STREET
                            ALMA                                                                             GALLERY
                                                                BOX OFFICE PLAZA                                                      STAGE
                                   16                                                                  15
                                        HALL                                                          BENEDUM                                   TRUST ARTS
                                                                                                       CENTER                           LOVE,
                                                                                                                                                EDUCATION CENTER

                                                                                                                                                                                                   GARRISON PLACE
                                                                                                                                  PITTSBURGH       HARRIS THEATER                                                   GALLERY                   BAE BAE’S CAFE

                                                                           EQT                                                                              LIBERTY
                                                                                                                                                                                EXCHANGE WAY
                                                                          PLAZA                     SOCIAL                                                                                                                     ARCADE

                                                                                                                       TITO WAY
                                                                                                    STATUS                                                                                                                     COMEDY                   BAE BAE’S KITCHEN
                                                                                                             14                         13 12 11 10                                     Only                          8                 7 6        5
                                                                                                WOOD STREET
                                                                                                                                                   2                  3                                                                                                     4
                                           PITTSBURGH BUREAU OF POLICE
                                           CULTURAL DISTRICT SUBSTATION                          GALLERIES                                             SPACE          820
                                                                                                                                                                      GALLERY                                                                                      AUGUST WILSON

                                                                                                                                                                                          Crawl Stops (1-19)

                                                                                                                                                                                          Silent Disco
                                                                                                                                                                                          Crawl After Dark

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
dark     Silent Disco featuring

         Selecta, DJ Nate da Barber,
         and DJ Femi
         10 pm-midnight
         Check-in at Ft. Duquesne Blvd & 6th St.
         Dance to the beat from three DJs at this one-of-a
         kind Silent Disco party! Silent Disco lets you choose
         who to jam to with a simple flick of a switch. The
         blue, red, or green light on each headset shows
         which DJ other party-goers are listening to. Sway
         along to the same song as your friends or tap into
         your own tune—the possibilities are endless.

         Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)

         10-11:15 pm

                                                                 Cultural District.
         Harris Theater
         809 Liberty Ave
         Virtually absent from theater screens since the
         1990s, this underground classic from Japan is
         now available in a brand new restoration! Testsuo:
         The Iron Man is filmmaker Shinya Tsukamoto’s
                                                                 Late night.
         unhinged hot take on humankind’s ongoing battle
         with technology; literally, as a man mutates into
         a walking, clanking man-machine that terrorizes
         himself and everyone around him. Unmissable.

         Live Jazz Music

         Con Alma
         613 Penn Ave
         Join Con Alma for “Crawl After Dark” featuring live
         jazz and jazz-inspired cocktails. There is a $10 per
         person “love music” charge.
All events 5:30 – 10 pm unless otherwise noted.
  Please review health and safety protocols on page 3.                                                                        Liberty Magic
                                                                                                                              811 Liberty Ave
  Wood Street Galleries                                      Bae Bae’s Kitchen                                              10 Liberty Magic:
                                                             951 Liberty Ave
  601 Wood St                                                                                                                  Behind the Curtains
1 New Work                                                 5 Artwork by Morgan Overton                                        Lights On, Curtains Opened, Step Inside
                                                                                                                                                                                            707 Gallery
  by Matthew Schreiber                                       5:30-9 pm: Enjoy work by Morgan Overton, a                       Celebrate Liberty Magic’s first opening to the public
                                                                                                                                                                                          15 Remnants by Philip Rostek
  Matthew Schreiber produces artwork in a variety of         nationally and internationally-recognized visual artist          since March of 2020. Experience mind-melting magic            After receiving his MFA at Carnegie Mellon University,
  media, including drawing, performance, sculpture,          and proud Pittsburgh native. Her work aims to amplify            throughout the venue—in the working magic storefront,         Philip Rostek has exhibited regionally, nationally, and
  video, and light. Explore three new installations that     the history, humanity, and future of Black culture. She          behind the curtains in the speakeasy-style theater,           internationally. In his latest show, the artist explores
  incorporate these media intertwined with physics,          works in all mediums to vibrantly reclaim narratives             and in the exclusive magician’s greenroom, which is           his body of work through the lens of a “post-medical
  technology, and the exploration of perception. Works       that history has attempted to command.                           normally reserved for VIP skeleton key holders.               miracle” – a heart transplant – which deepened his
  include a major new laser sculpture, Double Gemini;                                                                                                                                       belief that the relationship between art and life is best
                                                             Bae Bae’s Cafe                                                   Harris Theater                                                understood as a continuum that ties the iterations of
  a video installation, Summoner; and a dark space,
                                                             945 Liberty Ave                                                  809 Liberty Ave                                               his work together.
  Gift Shop.
  Through March 13, 2022                                   6 Poetry, Prose, and Short                                       11 Short Films About Art                                        Con Alma
                                                             Stories plus Artwork by                                          Stop in for an ongoing program of short films themed          613 Penn Ave
  SPACE                                                      Juliandra Jones                                                  around the subject of art—films about making art,
                                                                                                                                                                                          16 Live Jazz Trio
  820 Liberty Ave                                            5:30-9 pm: Check out artwork by Juliandra Jones,                 enjoying art, and even film as art will be shown in their
2 This Sacred Thing                                          also known as PBJ Customs from Las Vegas, NV.                    original 16mm format.                                         5:30-6:30 pm: Kick-off your Crawl with live music at
                                                                                                                                                                                            the recently-opened downtown location of Con Alma,
  Guest Curated                                              Jones uses acrylic, aerosol, wood-cutting, and various
  by Sam Smith, Ian Brill, and Keith Tassick                                                                                  Trust Arts Education Center                                   which was recently listed in Esquire Magazine’s 27
                                                             other mediums to tell a story. Plus enjoy live music
                                                                                                                              805/807 Liberty Ave                                           Best Bars in America (2021)!
  This show examines perspectives related to relics,         performances by Stephon Owens and a series of
  ranging from the divine to the obsolete. The exhibit       poetry, prose, and short stories by various local artists.       Peirce Studio – Lower Level
                                                                                                                                                                                            Renaissance Hotel
  features work from 37 local and international artists      Performances: 6-7 pm & 7:30-8:30 pm                            12 Drawn to Home                                                107 6th St
  and is curated by Pittsburgh-based artists. The show                                                                         Comic Book Release Party                                   17 The Claude Flowers Group
  questions how objects, possessions, rituals, and           Arcade Comedy Theater
                                                                                                                              Join the opening reception to celebrate this exciting         6-9 pm: Claude Flowers is a native of Pittsburgh with
  artwork are given or lose meaning.                         943 Liberty Ave
                                                                                                                              new comic book, Drawn to Home, which depicts                  strong roots in gospel music, but he is well versed in
  Through November 21                                      7 Improv Comedy at the Arcade                                      stories of nine individuals’ experiences with                 all genres of music. He has played for several different
                                                             6-6:20, 7-7:20, 8-8:20, 9-9:20 pm: Join an interactive           homelessness. View large scale depictions of the              musicals, orchestras, and jazz bands throughout the city.
  820 Gallery
                                                             and uniquely hilarious experience in the Cultural                stories in the gallery space, plus meet the comic
3 Antors                                               District’s home for comedy. Arcade Comedy Theater                artists and storytellers.                                     Allegheny Overlook
  The Coloured Section Black Artists’                        will be presenting mini improv shows featuring games                                                                           Ft. Duquesne Boulevard
                                                                                                                              7-9 pm: Live music by Denise Mosley
  Collective                                                 and scenes that are inspired by your suggestions!                                                                              between Stanwix St & 7th St
                                                                                                                              and Samantha Ransom
  The brain child of Crystal Noel Jalil, and curated         Every show is different and entirely made up. Shows
  by The Coloured Section’s Natiq & Zeal Eva,                are suitable for all ages.                                       4th Floor                                                   18 Activities at the AO
  Antors explores the concept of ancestor              Proof of vaccination required for entry.                         The Art Trap PGH | Trap & Paint                               Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership
  veneration and how we receive the lessons of those                                                                          Create your own masterpiece in a painting session             5:30-9:30 pm: Relax with friends and enjoy free
  who came before us.                                        937 Gallery                                                      with instruction by local artists from BOOM Concepts          outdoor games and activities including basketball,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Giant Connect Four, Giant Jenga, Ladder Toss, bocce,
  Through October 31                                       8 Among Women:                                                     or participate in painting a community canvas. Jam to
                                                                                                                                                                                            badminton, cornhole, and ping pong. You can also
  August Wilson African American
                                                             Contemporary Art from Serbia                                     the beats of your favorite rap, trap, and R&B hits.
                                                                                                                                                                                            enjoy a special area for children and young yinzers—the
                                                             Guest Curated by Rachel Klipa                                    6-7 pm & 8-9 pm: Painting sessions are offered on a           Tot Lot. Finally, check out “Pathway to Joy” by Janel
  Cultural Center                                                                                                             first come, first-served basis.
  980 Liberty Ave                                            Exhibited for the first time in Pittsburgh, Among                                                                              Young—a large-scale street mural that debuted during
                                                             Women: Contemporary Art from Serbia presents the                                                                               the 2021 Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival.
4 Minding My Business                                        work of eleven female artists who are either from,
                                                                                                                              love, Pittsburgh
  (i said what i said)                                       living, and/or working in Belgrade, Serbia.
                                                                                                                              805 Liberty Ave                                               Market Square
  Featuring Rabea Ballin, Krista Franklin,                   Artists: Šejma Fere, Bojana S. Kneževic, Marina
                                                                                                                            13 Local Artists                                                Forbes Ave & Market St
  Deun Ivory, Tonika Lewis Johnson, Pia Love,                Markovic, Tijana Radenkovic, Simonida Rajcevic,                  The love, Pittsburgh gift shop features work from more      19 Night Market
  Natalie Lauren Sims, and SHAN Wallace                      Vahida Ramujkic, Milica Ružicic, Maja Simic, Nina                than 100 local artists and makers. Stop in to see             A Special Edition of Pittsburgh Downtown
  The exhibition features seven women of color               Todorovic, Anica Vucetic, and Gordana Žikic.                     local talent that the shop is proud to feature.               Partnership’s Saturday Night Market
  exploring self-authorship as a means to liberated          Through January 9, 2022                                                                                                        The Night Market brings an awesome outdoor pop-up
  futures. Each work defines freedom in its own truth by                                                                      Social Status                                                 shopping market and festival to Downtown, featuring
  acts of service, community, ritual and spacemaking                                                                          717 Liberty Ave
                                                             Garrison Place                                                                                                                 Pittsburgh’s most creative independent vendors.
  through photography, video and works on paper.             Liberty Ave & Garrison Place                                   14 Hounds                                                       Clothing, furniture, candles, food, drinks, and more
                                                                                                                              Pop-up Shop and Artist Showcase
  Through September 12                                     9 Pittsburgh Art Bus                                                                                                             are exhibited in this weekly series which runs every
                                                             A Mobile Mural and Venue by Phil Seth, Shane                     7-10 pm: Stop by Social Status for a pop-up                   Saturday through October 30, 2021.
                                                             Pilsner, and Max Gonzales | Redfishbowl                          shop and art showcase with the Pittsburgh-based
                                                                                                                              collective, Hounds.
                                                             6-10 pm: Three renowned Pittsburgh artists will be painting
                                                             the side of the Pittsburgh Art Bus—a spectacle in the alley!
                                                             6-8 pm: Live set by DJ Big Phill
crawl after dark COVER CHARGES MAY APPLY

                        Friday, September 10, 2021
                                      5:30 – 10 pm
                                                PART OF


                      New Work by Matthew Schreiber at Wood Street Galleries

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