Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus

Page created by Terrence Barber
Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
 2016 Prospectus
Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus


Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Welcome from the Principal
Tēnā koutou katoa                                   to effectively collaborate with each other
                                                    and with the wider community.
I am delighted to welcome you to our school
through the 2016 Prospectus.                        You will be joining Paraparaumu
                                                    College at an exciting time of
Paraparaumu College is a place where                change. There are several
relationships of care and connectedness are         exciting new initiatives and in
fundamental to everything that we do.               the past three years we have
                                                    be joined by a large group of
Our “Good Learner” profile is our shared            new teachers, who alongside
vision which guides our learning, teaching and      established staff are having a
interactions with each other. Paraparaumu           significant and positive impact
College’s “Good Learners” (both students and        on student learning. During that
staff) have integrity - a strong moral compass      time, four individual teachers and
which enables us to make positive decisions.        one Department have also been
We have curiosity and an independence               recognised through national and
which sparks our critical thinking. The             international awards for their work and
emphasis of learning at Paraparaumu College         leadership at Paraparaumu College.
is on collaboration to develop ideas, create
knowledge and solve problems rather than            Our NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship               and away the most of any school on the Kapiti
individuals simply recalling facts. We are          results indicate that there has been significant   Coast and with over half of our 2014 Year 11
self-managing learners who show resilience          improvement in the achievement of                  and 12 students gaining their NCEA Level
when facing challenging problems or issues.         Paraparaumu College students over the last         Certificates endorsed with either ‘Excellence’
In class and through sporting, cultural and         two years. The 14 New Zealand scholarship          or ‘Merit’, we are confident that our culture
leadership activities, we learn the skills needed   awards won by our students in 2014 was far         of excellence is being enhanced through the
                                                                                                       work of students and their teachers.

                                                                                                       Throughout this Prospectus you will see
                                                                                                       the passion and the positivity that exists at
                                                                                                       Paraparaumu College from both the staff
                                                                                                       and students, coupled with a wide ranging
                                                                                                       curriculum and an extensive extra-curricular
                                                                                                       programme that cater for all needs present
                                                                                                       and future.

                                                                                                       I am proud to be Principal of this College. If I
                                                                                                       haven’t done so already, I greatly look forward
                                                                                                       to meeting you.

                                                                                                       Nāku noa, nā

                                                                                                       Gregor Fountain
Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Teachers & Students Aiming For Excellence
“Paraparaumu College demonstrates
the powerful contribution that quality
schools and teachers make to lifting
overall student achievement.”
Education Minister Hekia Parata 2014

Our focus is to provide innovative learning that   “I have enjoyed the way English has enabled me to         ‘Outstanding ‘ level and four Scholarships
challenges and supports all students to excel,     look deeper into texts. This is useful because it helps   were earned by Year 12 students. This is a
developing the skills and values they need to      analyse information in everyday life.” - Liam             major focus for the College with regular
succeed now and to become contributing and                                                                   mentoring sessions held outside of the
successful members of their community. We          Scholarship Opportunities                                 normal timetable by dedicated staff and ‘trial
provide the opportunities for students to be       In 2014, 14 students won Scholarships                     scholarship exams’ are held in Term 3. We are
engaged and successful in various sporting,        across the broad curriculum areas of                      very proud of our success in this field.
cultural, leadership and service activities.       English, International Languages, Sciences,
                                                   Mathematics, The Arts, Commerce and                       PC4Me and BYOD
Enrichment Classes                                 Physical Education. Four of these were at                 We believe that digital technology is a
Junior (Year 9/10) enrichment classes operate                                                                powerful tool in providing students with a
in English, Mathematics, Science and Social                                                                  curriculum which meets their personal needs,
Studies. Placement in the Year 9 classes is                                                                  develops their critical thinking and encourages
initially based on previous primary school                                                                   them to collaborate with others. We have a
testing and movement in and out of these                                                                     robust infrastructure which allows students to
classes may occur. Year 10 classes are selected                                                              bring their own tablets, laptops and chrome-
on Year 9 performance. Senior (Years 11, 12,                                                                 books to Paraparaumu College to access
13) classes are based on students’ results                                                                   online resources. As part of the Wellington
and interests. Students are encouraged to                                                                    Loop learning community, our teachers are
undertake subjects and programmes that                                                                       constantly developing their digital expertise
extend them.                                                                                                 in order to support students in their learning.
                                                                                                             PC4Me is our online learning community
                                                                                                             through which teachers and students share
                                                                                                             resources and ideas anytime from any place.

Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Paraparaumu College strives to offer a             Kapa Haka
multitude of leadership opportunities which        Te Waiata Rangatahi is the College Kapa Haka
develops skills, grows confidence and extends      roopu, where students and staff can enjoy
responsibility, within both the College            learning waiata and haka, as a whānau.
environment and the wider community.
•• BOT Representative                              House System
                                                   2015 saw the second year of the four House
•• College Council Representatives                 System – Te Ake Tārewa, Te Pae o Whaitiri,
•• Facilitators                                    Mangakōtukutuku and Te Wai o Rongomai.
                                                   The additional leadership tier of House
•• House Captains and Co-ordinators                Captains liaise with the Arts and Sports
                                                   Captains plus the Senior Leadership Team
•• Librarians
                                                   to organise events throughout the year and
•• Peer Mediators                                  channel student voice. House co-ordinator
                                                   roles allow another valuable tier of leadership
•• Peer Support
                                                   positions and encourage the younger students
•• Prefects (Year 12 & 13)                         of the College to involve themselves in the
                                                   school community whilst growing their self-
•• Safe Schools Ambassadors
                                                   confidence and organisational skills.
•• Senior Leadership Camp
•• Service Committee                               Year 10 Sports Ambassadors
                                                   This is a strong initiative, now into its fourth
•• Year 10 Sports Ambassadors                      year, to grow confident and capable young
                                                   leaders through sport. These students have
•• Year 11 Mentors
                                                   been one of the driving forces behind primary
                                                   school sport this year - coaching, refereeing
Prefects/Facilitators                              and mentoring primary school teams. In
In 2015 the PB4L (Positive Behaviour for           addition, they have assisted in primary school
Learning) initiative, where Prefects focus on      swimming, triathlon, cross country and
positive behaviour during break times, has         orienteering events to name a few.
been very successful. Having these Year 13
interacting in break times not only gives the Y9   “These students have been a huge help to me and are        “Students are offered a range
students an added sense of security but also       so useful they have almost taken over the running of        of opportunities to become
reinforces to all students that there is support   some events” Mr Peter Ellis – Kapiti Sports Facilitator
                                                                                                              involved in leadership roles.”
and positive role modelling available from
                                                                                                             Education Review Office Report.
these Senior students.                             Senior Leadership Camp
                                                   For 2015, all interested students applied and
Facilitators are allocated to each Year 9 Form     were short listed for interviews for the Head
Class to support students and teachers alike       Student positions. In addition, Facilitator/
to make the transition as easy as possible for     Prefect and House Captains were selected to
those new to our school community.                 attend a 2 day camp focussing on leadership
A new student led initiative is the introduction   roles, expectations, organising events, and
of the Service Committee who organise,             planning for the following year.
oversee and provide support for community
                                                   “Leadership Camp was a great opportunity to get
groups and those in need.
                                                   to know all the people who we’d be working with in
                                                   2015.” – Harriet
Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Year 9                                                                                                    Communication
                                                                                                          Next Steps
                                                                                                          Orientation days for Year 8 students will be
                                                                                                          held in late June. Parents and students are also
                                                                                                          invited to an additional evening session on
                                                                                                          Tuesday 30 June 2015 @ 6.30pm.

                                                                                                          Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
                                                                                                          These occur twice a year and emails will be
                                                                                                          sent with dates and instructions for booking
                                                                                                          times on

                                                                                                          Parent Portal
                                                                                                          Access to the Parent Portal is through the
                                                                                                          College Website allowing you access to your
                                                                                                          students’ information in addition to daily
                                                                                                          notices and College newsletters. You will
                                                                                                          receive an email from the College with your
                                                                                                          Parent Portal password.
Good Learner Week                                 Economics students who catered for nearly
In 2015, Paraparaumu College launched a           400 people on the night.
new “learning to learn” programme for Year                                                                Live Reporting 2015
9 students. This intensive programme during       Year 9 Mathematics                                      Communication between teachers, students
Term One provided students with the skills        All year 9 students will be able to access              and parents is a vital component of academic
and approaches they needed to be successful       MyiMaths (a computer program that can be                success. This new initiative in 2015 has been
learners at Paraparaumu College. Planning for     accessed from anywhere, worldwide) This                 well received. Rather than relying on paper
our 2016 Good Learner Week is underway.           program, will allow students to consolidate             reports, live reporting utilises our Parent
                                                  what has been learnt in class through                   Portal so that parents can log on at any time
Enrolment Interviews                              homework tasks and online tutorials, play               to access up-to-date information about the
The transition to College can be daunting.        maths games and extend the able thinkers in             achievement of their son or daughter in each
As part of our commitment to personalising        areas of mathematics that isn’t necessarily             class. In addition, Form Teachers, subject
learning, all new students and their parents      part of the curriculum.                                 Teachers and Deans are always available to
are invited to attend a short interview with                                                              discuss any matter.
the Principal, Gregor Fountain. This discussion   Year 9 English                                          “I would like to thank you for making the live reporting
allows us to endeavour to place each student      In Term 4 Year 9’s get to elect an English              system easy to access and use. It is really helpful to
in a class with other students who will support   course of their choice to take part in. Last            have up to date information about my child across the
their learning and that all students get          year students could choose from Debating,               curriculum. This means that I can help him with his
involved in the activities which they enjoy as    Short Plays, Speaking Skills, Creative Writing,         next steps when completing homework or preparing
soon as they start at Paraparaumu College.        Creating a Fantasy World, Journalism, Comic             for his next assessments.”
                                                  Strips and Rap Battles.
Year 9 Family Dinner                              “I really liked that I got to choose what I wanted to
This, once again, was a very successful           learn about. I did something I wanted to know more
event giving families the opportunity to          about.”
meet with staff, senior students and other
families in a relaxed and informal setting.       “I worked with my friends who were interested in the
This event will be repeated in early February     same things. The teacher was really enthusiastic.”
2016. Congratulations to the Year 13 Home
Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Courses 2016: The learning programme is structured around the NZ Curriculum’s eight learning areas. In Year
9, each student chooses 4 options (one from each of Group 1, 2 and 3 plus another from any of the Groups)
We encourage all Year 9 students to study a broad curriculum including Languages, Technology and The Arts.

             Year 9                        Year 10                         Year 11                        Year 12                         Year 13
Compulsory Subjects are Highlighted - Non-compulsory subjects are subject to student demand       Option Subjects
  5 Compulsory + 4 Options           5 Compulsory + 2 Options          3 Compulsory + 3 Options      1 Compulsory + 5 Options                 5 Options
English                          English                          English                         English                         English
Film Making                      Media Studies                    Media Studies                   Media Studies                   Media Studies
Mathematics                      Mathematics                      Mathematics                     Mathematics and/or Statistics   Calculus
Science                          Science                          Science                         Science
                                                                  Health Science Academy          Biology                         Biology
                                                                                                  Chemistry                       Chemistry
                                                                                                  Physics                         Physics
Horticulture                     Horticulture                     Horticulture                    Horticulture                    Horticulture
                                                                                                  Environmental Science           Environmental Science
Social Studies                   Social Studies                   History                         History                         History
                                                                  Geography                       Geography                       Geography
                                                                                                  General Studies                 Social Studies
                                                                                                  Travel & Tourism                Travel & Tourism
Classical Studies                Classical Studies                Classical Studies (from 2016)   Classical Studies (from 2017)   Classical Studies (from 2018)
Financial Literacy               Business Studies                 Economics                       Economics                       Economics
                                                                  Accounting                      Accounting                      Accounting
Physical Education               Physical Education               Physical Education              Physical Education              Physical Education
                                                                  Outdoor & Physical Education    Outdoor Education               Outdoor Education
                                                                                                  Sports Management               Sports Management
Health                           Health                           Health                          Health                          Health
THE ARTS (Group 1)
Visual Art                       Visual Art                       Visual Art                      Visual Art                      Painting
                                                                                                  Mãori Performing Arts           Design
                                                                                                  Art History                     Art History
Music                            Music                            Music                           Music                           Music
Performing Arts                  Performing Arts                  Drama                           Drama                           Drama
                                                                  Dance                           Dance                           Dance
French                           French                           French                          French                          French
Te Reo Mãori                     Te Reo Mãori                     Te Reo Mãori                    Te Reo Mãori                    Te Reo Mãori
Japanese                         Japanese                         Japanese                        Japanese                        Japanese
Spanish                          Spanish                          Spanish (from 2016)             Spanish (from 2017)             Spanish (from 2018)
Mandarin (from 2016)             Mandarin (from 2017)             Mandarin (from 2018)            Mandarin (from 2019)            Mandarin (from 2020)
Digital Technology               Digital Technology               Digital Technology              Digital Technology              Information Technology
                                                                                                                                  Information Science
                                                                                                                                  Information Management
Food & Nutrition                 Food & Nutrition                 Food & Nutrition                Food & Nutrition                Food & Nutrition
                                                                  Catering & Hospitality          Catering & Hospitality          Catering & Hospitality
Design & Visual Communication    Design & Visual Communication    Design & Visual Communication   Design & Visual Communication   Design & Visual Communication
Technology Textiles              Technology Textiles              Technology Textiles             Technology Textiles             Technology Textiles
Technology Hard Materials        Technology Hard Materials        Technology Hard Materials       Technology Hard Materials       Technology Hard Materials
Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Year 9 Options (Group 1)

Visual Art                                                  Music                                        Performing Arts
The Art Department is                                       The aim of this course is to learn and       Performing Arts is a programme offered in
always delighted with                                       develop music through active involvement     Years 9 and 10 which covers the fundamental
the creative talent that                                    in performance, composition, music           concepts of both Dance and Drama in a fun,
emerges from both                                           fundamentals and listening skills.           safe and energetic environment. NCEA Levels
our junior and senior school. Students are                  Students will study:                         1-3 Dance and Drama are taught in the senior
encouraged to express themselves in a variety                                                            school.
of art media (drawing, painting, printmaking,               •• Performance: regular monthly
design and 3D to name a few!) to develop                       performances for both solos and group     Dance: an exciting, multicultural fusion
creativity and independent thinking. The                       divisions                                 programme is offered featuring choreography,
department has three naturally lit spacious                                                              history, theatre, technique and conditioning in
art rooms and a computer suite running                      •• Composition – one major piece             a purpose built facility. The dance programme
Photoshop allowing for the growing and                                                                   includes workshops by guest tutors and visits
exciting medium of digital art.                             •• Music Knowledge – rudiments, score        to Wellington performances. Previous dance
                                                               reading, set works and aural perception   experience is not necessary.
“Art is a very creative outlet to express yourself and is
my favourite subject by far; it’s quite calming during a                                                 Drama: looks at all aspects of performance,
busy College day .” - Lauren                                                                             from individual dramatic techniques to
                                                                                                         understanding how performance makes
                                                                                                         meaning to an audience. The programme
                                                                                                         offers both performance and theory based
                                                                                                         standards and learning.
                                                                                                         “Performing Arts challenges you to be creative” – Jack

                                                                                                         “Performing Arts is always really positive” - Tilly

Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Language Options (Group 2)
Learning a language is a fun, multi-
sensory, interactive experience which
improves people’s understanding of
other cultures. Speaking, listening,
reading and writing skills are
developed through activities such
as singing, games and role play.
Students have the opportunity
to taste authentic foreign foods,
correspond with native speakers and
even travel overseas. What better way
to equip young people with the skills
to succeed in our global economy by
learning French, Japanese, Te Reo,
Spanish or Mandarin?

French                                                      Japanese
Students gain an understanding of French                    Students have fun learning to read and write
culture and learn to greet, count, introduce                hiragana and kanji script and communicate
themselves and describe aspects of daily life.              with each other in a new and exciting
Linked with a school in France, students have               language.
the opportunity to communicate with young
                                                            “Japanese is a great language to learn, not only          Te Rēo Māori
French teenagers throughout the year using a                                                                          Students gain an understanding of the Māori
                                                            because of the language itself, but because Sensei
range of media.                                                                                                       language, culture and pronunciation.
                                                            turns the whole thing into a big giant game. Instead of
“I am learning French because I want to travel to           hours of book work, you sing songs, learn stories and     “Before coming to College, I had no knowledge of
experience other cultures. The lessons are fun because      play lots of weird puzzle games to remember all the       Te Reo Maori. I learnt Maori in a fun, simple and
they are so collaborative and you get to communicate        different symbols. It’s great fun.”                       interesting way alongside friends and whanau. I see it
with others. In the future I would love to live in France                                                             as a great opportunity to help me with future studies.
to improve my language and become fluent.”                                                                            Te Reo is easy to grasp and you learn a lot about
                                                            Mandarin                                                  tikanga.”
                                                            For the first time in 2016 we             Initiative
                                                            will be offering Mandarin as an             2016
                                                            extra Language option.                                    Spanish
                                                                                                                      Students learn Spanish through a range of
                                                                                                                      activities and by the end of the course will
                                                                                                                      be able to hold a simple conversation with a
                                                                                                                      native speaker. Linked to Monserrat School in
                                                                                                                      Argentina, the students have the opportunity
                                                                                                                      to develop real friendships with young people
                                                                                                                      of their age.
                                                                                                                      “I chose Spanish because it was fun, I learnt it at
                                                                                                                      primary school and it’s an easy language to pick up. “

                                                                                                                      “Learning Spanish is a great opportunity to do
                                                                                                                      something different and it’s pretty cool!”

Paraparaumu College 2016 Prospectus
Year 9 Options (Group 3)
Technology Textiles
The textiles room is buzzing with design ideas
and activity. The students are involved in
fashion drawing, clothing construction, textile
art and sculpture, and wearable arts. We
have excellent resources for design drawing,
printing, embroidery and construction with
a range of sewing machines in a well set up
“I love Technology Textiles because it is fun and you
learn new things that you never thought you could
do.” - Britney

“I enjoy doing Textiles because it is a fun way to learn
how to sew and design clothes. It is a relaxing class to
be in and you design what you want your garment to
look like and I recommend it to everyone.” – Lisa

“I love Technology Textiles because it is a fun
and interesting class. You get to learn some cool
techniques to design clothes.” – Teah

                                                                                                           “I have really enjoyed Hard Tech/Materials for this
Design & Visual Communications
                                                                                                           year as we have been able to do heaps of hands on
(Graphics)                                                                                                 practical work and have learnt lots of new skills that I
An exciting and creative subject where                                                                     can put to use later in life.” – Hamish
students have the opportunity to extend both
their understanding of digital media and their
hand rendered drawing skills. The classroom
offers a computer for each student, technical
drawing boards and a wide range of drawing
media to experiment with. The tasks are
diverse and invite an innovative approach
with each project being a balance of technical
drawing and dynamic visual communication.

                                                           Technology - Hard Materials
                                                           In Technology, students work through
                                                           the Design Process to design, develop,
                                                           manufacture and evaluate their own products.
                                                           They develop confidence and skills in the
                                                           use of a variety of materials including wood,
                                                           metal, plastics and composites. Students also
                                                           learn computer aided design methods, using
                                                           3D printer and laser cutter.

Digital Technology
Learn to design your own websites,
investigate how to make animation and
programming games, build a computer and
service it. Bring your own laptops and devices
to add to the resources available to you. We
have all the latest software and share your
work with others on our Virtual Learning
website. Come and learn!
“Digital Technology is a interactive, fun learning
experience especially with the teachers, you will
learn lots of new skills and information to do with
computing and more.” – Bailey

Food & Nutrition
In Home Economics students evaluate current
issues of nutrition, identify and reflect on the
factors that influence people’s choices and use
this to make informed choice. Through the
processes of selecting, preparing, cooking and
serving food, students develop creativity and a
sense of accomplishment.
“I really like home economics; it has taught me vital
things in the kitchen. It teaches you cooking skills
which you use later in life and I strongly urge you to
take this subject!” - Jaden

Other Year 9 Options

Classical Studies                                   Film making                                               Financial Literacy
What are heroes and why do we have them?            We look at how films work and how they                    The aim of this course is to develop students’
What makes a person fight for freedom? Why          affect audiences. Students learn the skills of            money management skills, show them how to
do people believe in religions and myths?           photography, film-making, editing and film                make “their money work for them” and help
Do we have to lead the life we are born into?       analysis. A ‘hands-on course’ with a dedicated            them make smart financial choices. Leads to
In this course students explore some of the         computer suite helps students to understand               Year 10 Business Studies, senior Economics
answers to these questions (and more!) by           and navigate their media-rich environment.                and Accounting.
linking the ancient world to our own and
                                                    “In Film Making you can bring your own ideas to the
studying ancient stories, great historical
military leaders, scientific discoveries, ancient
                                                    work you do.”                                             Horticulture
Greek and Roman religion, art and philosophy.       “Film Making is fun, exciting and practical. You get to   Enhances the student’s appreciation of
                                                    use your own initiative.”                                 plants and their growth requirements and
“Classics is fun, you learn new things and it’s                                                               also teaches them how to grow their own
really interesting.”                                                                                          vegetables.

“Classics has educated me on many aspects                                                                     “In Horticulture you learn how to plant seeds, how to
of ancient Greece and Rome which I otherwise                                                                  keep plants healthy and what tools to use and how to
wouldn’t have learned about.”                                                                                 care for them. If you think this is the career you would
                                                                                                              like then come and have a go!”
“Classics is an exciting class and the work is
more interesting than some other classes.”                                                                     “Horticulture is a great subject if you like being
                                                                                                              outside. You get to grow your own plants and veggies
                                                                                                              and look after your garden. It is one of my favourite

Learning Support
“Extensive avenues of support provide for students who
are identified as at risk of underachievement. The recently
developed learning centre provides a positive environment
for students with differing needs, including additional
support in literacy and numeracy.” Education Review
Office Report

The Learning Centre
We cater for a variety of students in a variety     reader/ writer
of ways. It is a place where selected students      support for tests and
can have extra support in all sorts of identified   assessments at all
areas of need. Students utilise the Learning        levels of the school.
Centre for independent or supervised study.         All staff, through
Specific subject help is also provided as well      their professional
as ESOL (English speakers of other languages)       learning programme, are aware of dyslexic        Supported Learning
classes. It is also a place that caters for         learners and use strategies to support           We cater for students who need on-going
students who need particular behavioural or         their learning. In 2015, a Year 9 and Year 10    supported learning in one or more subject
social interventions, often involving liaison       mainstream Form Class with a key focus to        areas with customised programmes and a
between subject departments, deans, senior          support dyslexic learners is up and running.     team of teacher aides. Our centre has great
staff, whānau and agencies. Selected specialist                                                      facilities, three classroom spaces, quiet areas,
staff work in the centre to provide a vibrant       Gateway Programme                                adapted toilet area, kitchen, courtyard and
and essential part of the school environment.       Gateway provides functional employment           computers. Students are supported in this
                                                    and transition to work skills. The focus is to   environment and in classes in the rest of
Dyslexia and SPELD programmes                       ensure the students gain suitable NCEA Level     the school, focussing on gaining academic
Selected (through Primary School, parent,           1-3 credits plus meet literacy and numeracy      qualifications in NCEA Level 1 and the
teacher or student referral) junior students        requirements to open up opportunities for        National Certificate in Work and Community
work through a programme to support                 future training and employment.                  Skills to assist them in their transition after
reading and writing. Dyslexic students have                                                          College.

                                                Captains, are a team of highly enthused
                                                seniors who are proactive in organising
                                                Athletics day and Interhouse sports events.

                                                Our relationship with The
                                                Ricki Herbert Football
                                                Academy is proving to
                                                be very successful. The
                                                Academy offers an opportunity to any
                                                young Footballer to improve their overall
                                                game during the school term, in holiday
Sports                                          programmes and also take a selection
We believe that sport of any type, in any       squad overseas. The Academy is involved
form is of huge benefit to students mentally,   with all our teams including trainings after
socially and physically.                        College and on Thursday mornings before
When our young people are engaged in sport,     College starts. This is seen as a long term
we know that the values and disciplines         initiative to give our students excellent
transfer to their learning. Coaches need to
                                                coaching by professional sports coaches.
be aware of current practice and techniques
of working with young people. Many of our
students compete in representative teams at     The College encourages international sports
provincial, regional and international level.   exchanges. We have enjoyed hosting teams
Sports stories and results are able to be       from Japan, Australia and the U.K. over the
viewed on the College sport website.            past five years.
Our Sports Committee, led by the Sports

                                                                       12   1st XI Hockey Team
        BMX Racing
        Canoe Polo
      Cross Country             An extensive number of
             Cycling         extracurricular activities and
         Equestrian           curricular competitions are
                            available. How much you get
            Football        involved is entirely up to you.
                Golf        Debating, Rock Climbing Club,
             Hockey                   WOW Factor,
             Karate              Music ‘n’ Motion, Major
        Martial Arts         Production, Voice, Language
         Motocross                    Perfect World
                                 Championships, Mural
  Mountain Biking
                             painting group, ‘Masterchef’
Multisport/Triathlon                   competition,
             Netball             Sheilah Winn Festival of
   Round the Bays               Shakespeare, Nga Manu
            Rowing                   Korero Speech
              Rugby         competition, Dance Collective,
     Skateboarding              Stage Challenge, Chess,
                                 Amnesty, Wearable Arts
                             competition, ICAS/Australian
                            English, Mathematics, Science,
            Squash            Economics and Computing
         Swimming           competitions, Creative Writing,
   Ten Pin Bowling            Unitec International Student
          Volleyball          Film Festival, RAPS ( Rhythm
          Wrestling               and poetry systems)
                                   … to name a few.
Performing Arts
                                           MUSIC                                            those students who learn an instrument and
                                           The College is well known for its outstanding    want to contribute to a professional Orchestral
                                           musical performances and encourages              setting.
                                           students to pursue excellence in many musical
                                                                                            ‘Music n Motion’ is a student led performance
                                           directions. The talent for College Music is
                                                                                            which continues to showcase the student
                                           often identified at the hugely popular Year 9
                                                                                            talent across the year levels. RAPS (Rhythm
                                           ‘Stars in their eyes’ Talent Show competition.
                                                                                            and Poetry) is a new student led English
                                           Students are also chosen to be part of the
                                                                                            Department incentive that allows students to
                                           ‘WOW Factor’ which showcases our students’
                                                                                            explore the power of the written word. There
                                           enormous talent in an interactive performance
                                                                                            are also a number of itinerant music classes
                                           to Kapiti primary schools.
                                                                                            that cater for students wanting to learn an
                                           The Amadeus Orchestra provides an outlet for     individual instrument or specialise in vocals.

The College provides a plethora of
opportunities for those students who
enjoy Dance or Drama performance. Our
students always perform to a high level
in a varied number of local and regional
events. The Sheilah Winn Shakespeare in
Schools Festival is always popular, with
our senior students often being selected
for the National Shakespeare in Schools
Production Week.
The Wearable Arts Show ‘That’s
Artstanding’ was a highlight of the 2015
Arts Calendar and is sure to be repeated
in 2016 as interest within the College
and community grows. The House
Performances of Local Maori History
Names is yet another school wide
opportunity for students to make their
mark in Dance or Drama.
Stage Challenge is a hugely reputable
organisation that in 2015 offered over
70 students the opportunity to shine on
a national stage. We look forward to a
repeat of this in 2016.
Other notable groups and events include:
Hip hop crews attending regional
competitions, a Term 3 Drama Production
and the inaugural ‘ARTS SUPPER’ that
celebrates student successes in the Arts
from throughout the year.
Programmes within the College which support    Reader / Writers                                          School Council
students in a number of important areas are:   “I like having a Reader Writer because it lets me focus   Funded only by mufti money, the School
•   Year 12 Mentors                            on what I want to write rather than how it’s spelt. I     Council donates to students/groups that are
                                               can get the ideas and thoughts that are in my head        travelling to represent the College at regional,
•   Travellers                                 into my work which gets me better grades.” - Ryan         national or international level for sporting
•   Mana Wahine                                                                                          or cultural events. Funds also are annually
                                               Services Committee                                        donated to external charities, to support a
•   Peer Support                               The Services Committee is a new student-led               young boy in Borneo and contribute towards
                                               committee (across all year levels), overseen              College environment improvements.
•   Shave for a cure
                                               by the Principal. Students volunteer with
Safe School Leaders                            collecting for charities, assisting with school           Sports Management
                                               events, welcoming new students to the school              “ I do sports management because I find it develops
This programme reinforces Paraparaumu
                                               and volunteering and helping with many                    my leadership skills and these leadership skills will
College’s zero tolerance towards bullying.
                                               events in and out of the school environment.              help me in the future as they are vital for the career I
Senior students teach Year 9 and 10 Health
                                                                                                         intend on doing.” Logan

Successful Learners - Active Citizens
     The opportunities
     for students to be
     involved in College life
     inside and outside the
     classroom are endless.

Year 9 Activity Day                                           Year 10 OPC (Sir Edmund Hilary                         48 Hour Film Competition
“I loved everything because I really like the outdoors        Outdoor Pursuit Centre)                                “Best weekend I have had this year - fun and
and being active. Best day so far!” Florence                  “OPC was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had.    productive” - Samuel

“I really enjoyed all the different activities. I also like   You make endless friendships with people as well as    “It was a blast. Keeping to the script and keeping up
the fact that we could bond with our class.” Aleena           you learn more about yourself and your capabilities.   with changes to the idea was a challenge - especially
 “The whole day was amazing. It was a great way to            This experience helped me find my fears and limits,    with the writer on set making changes on the day.”
get out there and do something fun.” Kent                     but not only that, it helped me overcome them and      - Jade
                                                              push further. OPC is a lifetime experience and I
                                                              encourage everyone to go.” - Callum                    “Stressful but worth it, the payoff is incredible.”
World Challenge Fundraising                                                                                          - Jack
& International Travel
In 2016 students will once again be given
the opportunity to travel to Vietnam and
Cambodia to experience this amazing

Relay for Life
“It felt incredible to see so many teachers and
students out in the community supporting such an
important cause. Our Relay for Life team is going
from strength to strength every year.”
- Brittany and Kendra

VLN (Virtual Learning Network)
2015 saw the first student from Paraparaumu College enrolled in the VLN programme. VLN
allows students to participate (through videoconferencing sessions) in online e-learning in
various subjects. During the video conference, students will be seen by their teacher and other
students in their class, who could be logging in from anywhere in NZ.

Also… Year 9 Visit to Whakarongotai Marae . Year 12 Geography Trips
International Visits & Exchanges . Interhouse Sport . That’s Artstanding . WOW Factor
Kapiti Island Visit . Debating Group . RAPS ( Rhythm and poetry systems)
Our Students are expected to:
                                                                                                                               College Life
    •      Exercise common sense,
           courtesy, co-operation and

    •      Achieve to the best of their

    •      Take pride in wearing their
           uniform correctly

    •      Be punctual at all times

    •      Complete all homework set

    •      Maintain a safe physical and
           emotional environment

All students will receive the College Student       Uniform                                           College Canteen
Handbook which is filled with important              The College has a modern uniform for juniors      “The Canteen has great service and a huge range of
information for the year ahead.                     and seniors. Year 13 students are allowed         fresh food with lots of choices (salads, sushi, wraps
A copy of this handbook will also be available      to wear mufti unless they are representing        and soups) and they are always kind and friendly”
on the College website.                             the College (when they will wear full senior
                                                    uniform). Students are expected to wear their
Start Dates for 2016                                uniform to and from College and during the
These dates will be published in the local          day, with pride and we appreciate our parents
newspaper and will also be on the College           working with the College to ensure all students
website. Please note there are differing             are tidy and in correct uniform. All items of
starting days and times for each year level.        uniform, other than shoes, can be purchased
                                                    from the uniform shop onsite. Please refer to
Daily Timetable & Attendance                        the website for opening hours.
The College day starts at 8.45am (when all
students must attend Form Time) and finishes         Spread the cost…
at 3.15pm. On Thursdays, College starts at          The College encourages parents to set up
9.45am to allow the staff to undertake their         regular Automatic Payments to help with
                                                                                                      Quote from past students……
                                                                                                      “I always enjoyed working with plants and was able to
professional teaching programme. Thursday           the expense of students beginning College.
                                                                                                      study Horticulture from Yr 9 to Yr 13. I was introduced
has amended bell times due to this but the          These payments can begin whilst your student
                                                                                                      to biotechnology and genetics which helped me with
school day still finishes at 3.15pm. The school      is still in Year 8 and continue through their
                                                                                                      my degree at Otago University. At College there were
day can be viewed on the website and your           entire time they are attending College. For
                                                                                                      many opportunities to pursue my passions in sport
students’ individual timetable will be visible on   more information check out the ‘information’
                                                                                                      & music.” Vincent Borgers (Data Systems Analyst -
the parental portal.                                tab on the College website or contact the
                                                                                                      Kiwifruit Breeding Team @ NZ Plant Food Research &
                                                    Finance Manager, Mrs Newall x843 or email
                                                                                                      member of Kiwifruit Future Leaders Group)
Photographs courtesy of the Paraparaumu   
College community & Jack Penman Photography
Design & Print -

Paraparaumu College welcomes
all students from throughout the
Kapiti, Otaki and Porirua area as
the College is no longer zoned.

04 902 5170
Mazengarb Road . PO Box 288
Paraparaumu . 5254 . New Zealand
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